Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author How do individuals sleep around the world? Results from a single-day survey in ten countries,2005,6,1,5-13,Soldatos Article reviewed: Distribution of road accidents in policemen on shift-work on Italian highways: the contributing role of sleepiness,2001,2,6,561-563,Zucconi Clinical features of the patients with major depressive disorder co-occurring insomnia and hypersomnia symptoms: a report of NSSD study,2021,81,,375-381,Wang When is sleepiness a disease? How do we measure it?,2006,7,4,310-311,Sangal Effects of zolpidem and temazepam on driving ability,2004,5,6,609-10; author reply 611,Verster Effects of after-midnight intake of zolpidem and temazepam on driving ability in women with non-organic insomnia,2003,4,6,553-561,Partinen Awareness of sleepiness and ability to predict sleep onset: Can drivers avoid falling asleep at the wheel?,2007,9,1,71 - 79,Dement The association between sleep and injury among school-aged children in rural China: A case-control study,2007,9,2,142 - 148,Owens Risk factors and correlates of snoring and observed apnea,2008,9,3,290-296,Ekici Medico-legal implications of sleep apnoea syndrome: Driving license regulations in Europe,2007,9,4,362-375,Levy Sudden onset of sleep and dopaminergic therapy in patients with restless legs syndrome,2006,7,4,333-339,Meindorfner Road traffic accident risk related to prescriptions of the hypnotics zopiclone zolpidem flunitrazepam and nitrazepam,2008,9,8,818-822,Engeland Chronic fatigue unrefreshing sleep and nocturnal polysomnography,2006,7,6,513-520,Guilleminault Is usage of hypnotics associated with mortality?,2009,10,3,279-286,Hetta Do we really want more sleep? A population-based study evaluating the strength of desire for more sleep,2008,9,2,184-187,Horne Sleep duration and caffeine consumption in a French middle-aged working population,2005,6,3,247-251,Moore Partial sleep deprivation: impact on the architecture and quality of sleep,2008,9,8,840-850,Samel Childhood adversities and quality of sleep in adulthood: A population-based study of 26000 Finns,2010,11,1,17-22,Partinen Sleep quality and cognitive performance in 8-year-old children,2010,11,4,386-392,Lahti Effects of melatonin and bright light administration on motor and sensory symptoms of RLS,2010,11,4,351-355,Dumont A case of marital discord and secondary depression with attempted suicide resulting from REM sleep behavior disorder in a 35-year-old woman,2004,5,2,151-154,Schenck Insomnia severity is an indicator of suicidal ideation during a depression clinical trial,2010,11,9,822-827,McCall Sleepiness is not always perceived before falling asleep in healthy sleep-deprived subjects,2010,11,8,747-751,Roth Violent behavior during sleep: Prevalence comorbidity and consequences,2010,11,9,941-946,Schenck Altered cortical excitability in patients with untreated obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,2010,11,9,857-861,Kim Insomnia and the risk for suicide: Does sleep medicine have interventions that can make a difference?,2010,11,9,816-817,Caine Sleep-wake habits in Spanish primary school children,2010,11,9,917-921,Canet Injurious REM sleep behaviour disorder in narcolepsy with cataplexy contributing to criminal proceedings and divorce,2010,11,9,950-952,Schenck Nightmare and sleep paralysis among Japanese adolescents: A nationwide representative survey,2011,12,1,56-64,Kaneita Physically active elderly women sleep more and better than sedentary women,2008,9,5,488-493,de Castro Toledo Guimaraes Exploding head syndrome--more than "snapping of the brain"?,2008,9,5,589,Khatami Risk for sleep-disordered breathing and executive function in preschoolers,2008,9,4,418-424,Montgomery-Downs Sleep disorders and accidental risk in a large group of regular registered highway drivers,2010,11,10,973-979,Sagaspe Clinical significance and correlates of behaviorally induced insufficient sleep syndrome,2008,9,8,851-856,Komada Quantifying microsleep to help assess subjective sleepiness,2007,8,2,156-159,Blaivas Snoring men with daytime sleepiness drive more than others: A population-based study,2009,10,9,1012-1015,Valham Prevalence and correlates of insomnia in the Swedish population aged 19-75 years,2010,11,10,980-986,Ohayon Prevalence of different parasomnias in the general population,2010,11,10,1031-1034,Pallesen Sleep depression and suicide,2011,12,2,198; author reply 198-9,Lettau Response to L.A. Lettau's "Sleep Depression and Suicide",2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caine Is insomnia a marker for psychiatric disorders in general hospitals?,2005,6,6,549-553,Hara Daytime sleepiness in mild Alzheimer's disease with and without Parkinsonian features,2011,12,4,397-402,Fogg Association between sleep patterns and daytime functioning in children with insomnia: The contribution of parent-reported frequency of night waking and wake time after sleep onset,2010,11,3,281-288,Poets The relation between abnormal behaviors and REM sleep microstructure in patients with REM sleep behavior disorder,2009,10,2,174-181,Ulmer Short sleep in young adults: Insomnia or sleep debt? Prevalence and clinical description of short sleep in a representative sample of 1004 young adults from France,2011,12,5,454-462,Bayon Hallucinations in narcolepsy with and without cataplexy: Contrasts with Parkinson's disease,2011,12,5,497-504,Arnulf Aggressive behavior bullying snoring and sleepiness in schoolchildren,2011,12,7,652-658,Felt The validity reliability and utility of the iButton® for measurement of body temperature circadian rhythms in sleep/wake research,2013,14,1,5-11,Hasselberg Overnight distribution and motor characteristics of REM sleep behaviour disorder episodes in patients with narcolepsy-cataplexy,2011,12,7,635-640,Franceschini Narcolepsy and traumatic brain injury: Cause or consequence?,2011,12,8,811,Baumann Impairment of perceptual and motor abilities at the end of a night shift is greater in nurses working fast rotating shifts,2011,12,9,866-869,Chang Insomnia characteristics and clinical correlates in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury: An exploratory study,2011,12,9,850-859,Wallace Sleep of preschool children with night-time fears,2011,12,9,870-874,Sadeh Narcoleptic-like hypersomnia and inverted circadian rhythm of body core temperature after traumatic brain injury involving the hypothalamus,2011,12,10,1044-1045,Pizza Sleep deprivation and accidental fall risk in children,2012,13,1,88-95,Rodrigues Performance impairment during four days partial sleep deprivation compared with the acute effects of alcohol and hypoxia,2009,10,2,189-197,Maass Fatal accidents following changes in daylight savings time: the American experience,2001,2,1,31-36,Varughese Sleep-to-wake transition movement disorders,2011,12,Suppl 2,S11-6,Vetrugno Poor sleep as a potential causal factor in aggression and violence,2012,13,4,327-334,Koolhaas Sleepiness and fatigue following traumatic brain injury,2012,13,6,598-605,Morin Posttraumatic stress disorder in the spouse of a patient with sleep terrors,2003,4,1,73-75,Baran Challenging the myth of REM sleep behavior disorder: No evidence of heightened aggressiveness in dreams,2012,13,6,714-719,Manni The factors associated with preferences for napping and drinking coffee as countermeasures for sleepiness at the wheel among Japanese drivers,2012,13,4,354-361,Komada Sleep related violence - a case report of a NREM parasomnia triggered by fever,2011,12,Suppl 1,S39,Shapiro The association between the Framingham risk score and sleep: A São Paulo epidemiological sleep study,2012,13,6,577-582,Tufik REM sleep behavior disorder in 703 sleep-disorder patients: The importance of eliciting a comprehensive sleep history,2010,11,2,167-171,Ulmer Associations between Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index factors and health outcomes in women with posttraumatic stress disorder,2012,13,6,752-758,Resick Sleepiness and fatigue following traumatic brain injury: a clear relationship?,2012,13,6,559-560,Guilleminault Prevalence of sleep disturbances disorders and problems following traumatic brain injury: A meta-analysis,2012,13,7,898-905,Mathias Validation of the Japanese version of the REM sleep behavior disorder questionnaire (RBDQ-JP),2012,13,7,913-918,Inoue Prevalence of and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Brazilian railroad workers,2012,13,8,1028-1032,Tufik Development of scales for assessment of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD),2013,14,8,734-738,Zhang A longitudinal study of child sleep in high and low risk families: Relationship to early maternal settling strategies and child psychological functioning,2013,14,3,266-273,Halligan Morbidities in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorders,2013,14,8,782-787,Jennum The association between short sleep and obesity after controlling for demographic lifestyle work and health related factors,2013,14,4,319-323,Duncan Driving drowsy also worsens driver distraction,2013,14,5,466-468,Horne Fight or flight? Dream content during sleepwalking/sleep terrors vs rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,2013,14,5,391-398,Arnulf Alcohol consumption and sleep problems in Hong Kong adolescents,2013,14,9,877-882,Lam Sleep disturbances in a clinical forensic psychiatric population,2013,14,11,1164-1169,Kamphuis How we fall asleep: Regional and temporal differences in electroencephalographic synchronization at sleep onset,2013,14,11,1112-1122,Nobili Sleepwalking: Long-term home video monitoring,2013,14,11,1226-1228,Arnulf Psychopathologic correlates of adult sleepwalking,2013,14,12,1348-1355,Zadra Association between sleep disturbances and falls among the elderly: Results from the German Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg-Age study,2013,14,12,1356-1363,Ladwig Sleep disorders sleepiness and near-miss accidents among long-distance highway drivers in the summertime,2014,15,1,23-26,Philip Trying to fall asleep while catastrophising: What sleep-disordered adolescents think and feel,2014,15,1,96-103,Slater Assessment of multiple sleep latency testing in adults in Europe,2013,14,2,136-139,Riha Psychometric properties and population-based score distributions of the Japanese Sleep Questionnaire for Preschoolers,2014,15,4,451-458,Ohno Suicide risk among individuals with sleep disturbances in Japan: a case-control psychological autopsy study,2014,15,4,430-435,Katsumata Topographic electroencephalogram changes associated with psychomotor vigilance task performance after sleep deprivation,2014,15,9,1132-1139,De gennaro External validity of children's self-reported sleep functioning: associations with academic social and behavioral adjustment,2014,15,9,1094-1100,Becker Factors associated with injury in REM sleep behavior disorder,2014,15,11,1332-1338,Silber Impaired driving simulation in patients with Periodic Limb Movement Disorder and patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,2012,13,5,517-523,Brouwer Convergent validity of the Child Behavior Checklist sleep items with validated sleep measures and sleep disorder diagnoses in children and adolescents referred to a sleep disorders center,2014,16,1,79-86,Becker Daytime sleepiness associated with poor sustained attention in middle and late adulthood,2014,16,1,143-151,Au Actigraphic assessment of sleep/wake behavior in central disorders of hypersomnolence,2014,16,1,126-130,Pizza Perceived neighborhood safety and sleep quality: a global analysis of six countries,2014,18,,56-60,Hill Are NREM sleep characteristics associated to subjective sleep complaints after mild traumatic brain injury?,2015,16,4,534-539,Gosselin Adverse childhood experiences are associated with adult sleep disorders: a systematic review,2015,16,3,320-330,Williams Sleep duration associated with body mass index among Chinese adults,2015,16,5,612-616,Sun Sleep difficulties one year following mild traumatic brain injury in a population-based study,2015,16,8,926-932,Barker-Collo Choking during sleep: can it be expression of arousal disorder?,2015,16,11,1441-1447,Arnulf Insomnia in workers with delayed recovery from mild traumatic brain injury,2015,19,,153-161,Cassidy A commentary on the "Functioning of three attentional networks and vigilance in primary insomnia",2015,16,12,1567-1568,Perlis Functioning of the three attentional networks and vigilance in primary insomnia,2015,16,12,1569-1575,Bocca The relationship between insomnia and disability in workers with mild traumatic brain injury/concussion: insomnia and disability in chronic mild traumatic brain injury,2015,20,,157-166,Cassidy Zolpidem use and motor vehicle collisions in older drivers,2016,20,,98-102,McGwin Prevalence of insomnia and its risk factors in older individuals: a community-based study in four cities of Hebei Province China,2016,19,,116-122,Huang Sleep disturbance as a proximal predictor of suicidal intent in recently hospitalized attempters,2016,19,,1-7,Dikeos Napping and associated factors: a Japanese nationwide general population survey,2016,20,,72-79,Kaneita Prospective study of predictors and consequences of insomnia: personality lifestyle mental health and work-related stressors,2016,20,,51-58,Pallesen Childhood adversity and insomnia in adolescence,2016,21,,12-18,Wang Narcolepsy with cataplexy in patients aged over 60 years: a case-control study,2016,26,,79-84,Nevsimalova Screening diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep apnea in dangerous-goods truck drivers: to be aware or not?,2016,25,,98-104,Garbarino Self-reported sleepwalking in Australian senior secondary school students,2016,25,,1-3,Martin Late use of electronic media and its association with sleep depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents,2016,29,,76-80,Hong Protective and risk factors associated with adolescent sleep: findings from Australia Canada and The Netherlands,2016,26,,97-103,Gruber Effect of sleep extension on sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms and driving behavior in adolescents with chronic short sleep,2017,30,,93-96,Beebe A community-based study of risk factors for probable rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder,2017,30,,71-76,Liang Intrinsic and extrinsic predictors of video-gaming behaviour and adolescent bedtimes: the relationship between flow states self-perceived risk-taking device accessibility parental regulation of media and bedtime,2017,30,,64-70,King REM sleep behavior disorder causing subdural hematoma,2017,30,,43-44,Iranzo Driving home from the night shift: a bright light intervention study,2017,30,,171-179,Mistlberger Sleep disorders in spinal muscular atrophy,2017,30,,160-163,Romeo Excessive daytime sleepiness in adults with possible attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a web-based cross-sectional study,2017,32,,4-9,Okajima Insufficient sleep rather than the apnea-hypopnea index can be associated with sleepiness-related driving problems of Japanese obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients residing in metropolitan areas,2017,33,,19-22,Ishigooka Individuals with pain need more sleep in the early stage of mild traumatic brain injury,2017,33,,36-42,Gosselin Sleep stage distribution in persons with mild traumatic brain injury: a polysomnographic study according to American Academy of Sleep Medicine standards,2017,34,,179-192,Cassidy More sleep? An adaptive response to control pain after traumatic brain injury: Comments on article titled "Individuals with pain need more sleep in the early stage of mild traumatic brain injury",2017,37,,218,Tufik Relationship between stress coping and sleep disorders among the general Japanese population: a nationwide representative survey,2017,37,,38-45,Kaneita The increased risk of stroke in early insomnia following traumatic brain injury: a population-based cohort study,2017,37,,187-192,Kuo Back to sleep or not: the effect of the supine position on pediatric OSA: sleeping position in children with OSA,2017,37,,151-159,Nixon What predicts inattention in adolescents? An experience-sampling study comparing chronotype subjective and objective sleep parameters,2017,38,,58-63,Lincoln Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom severity and sleep problems in adult participants of the Netherlands sleep registry,2017,40,,94-102,Van someren Sleep characteristics associated with drowsy driving,2017,40,,4-10,Yun Gender differences in sleep symptoms after repeat concussions,2017,40,,110-115,Zecavati Association of sleep habits with behavior problems and resilience of 6- to 7-year-old children: results from the A-CHILD study,2018,45,,62-68,Fujiwara Prospective associations between sleep problems and subtypes of anxiety symptoms among disaster-exposed adolescents,2018,50,,7-13,Fan The relationships between improvements in daytime sleepiness fatigue and depression and psychomotor vigilance task testing with CPAP use in patients with obstructive sleep apnea,2018,49,,81-89,Gupta Sleep versus non-sleep-related fatal road accidents,2018,51,,148-152,Partinen Insufficient sleep and suicidal ideation: a survey of 12046 female adolescents,2018,53,,65-69,Park Evidence of actigraphic and subjective sleep disruption following mild traumatic brain injury,2018,54,,62-69,Killgore Suicidal thought and behavior in individuals with restless legs syndrome,2018,54,,1-7,Louis Sleep problems and interpersonal violence in youth in care under the Quebec Child Welfare Society,2019,56,,52-56,Hébert Gender-specific prevalence of poor sleep quality and related factors in a Chinese rural population: the Henan Rural Cohort Study,2018,54,,134-141,Zhang Maintenance of Wakefulness Test real and simulated driving in patients with narcolepsy/hypersomnia,2018,55,,1-5,Sagaspe Sleep architecture in adolescents hospitalized during a suicidal crisis,2019,56,,41-46,Ray Sleep and wakefulness processes in moderate to severe chronic traumatic brain injury are related to global trauma and intake of psychoactive medications,2019,59,,76-77,Mollayeva Demographic and nap-related variance of the MSLT: results from 2498 suspected hypersomnia patients: clinical MSLT variance,2018,55,,115-123,Trotti Insomnia and daytime sleepiness: risk factors for sports-related concussion,2019,58,,66-74,Killgore Sleep suicide behaviors and the protective role of sleep medicine,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lavigne Is there a role for sleep medicine in suicide prevention?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Littlewood Sleep resilience and suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Poor sleep quality at baseline is associated with increased aggression over one year in forensic psychiatric patients,2020,67,,1-6,Lancel Impaired neurobehavioral alertness quantified by the psychomotor vigilance task is associated with depression in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort study,2019,67,,66-70,Peppard Sleep patterns and sleep deprivation recorded by actigraphy in 4th-grade and 5th-grade students,2019,67,,191-199,Quan Concussion assessment tools - a possible measure of sleepiness?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adams Author response: concussion assessment tools - a possible measure of sleepiness?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Killgore Effects of sleep duration and weekend catch-up sleep on falling injury in adolescents: a population-based study,2019,68,,138-145,Kim Potential determinants during 'the first 1000 days of life' of sleep problems in school-aged children,2020,69,,135-144,Huss Bully victimization is a correlate of sleep loss over worry (SLOW) among adolescents in four South-East Asian countries,2020,69,,179-188,Wang COVID-19 anxiety sleep disturbances and suicide,2020,70,,124,Sher Sleep loss is related to unstable stationary balance in U.S. Army soldiers in an operationally-relevant context,2020,73,,130-134,Capaldi Comparison of commonly used screening tools for determining obstructive sleep apnea amongst aviation employees,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Houqani Falls caused by severe restless legs syndrome with persistent periodic limb movements during sleep and wakefulness,2020,74,,78-80,Krøigård The associations of insomnia symptoms and chronotype with daytime sleepiness mood symptoms and suicide risk in adolescents,2020,74,,124-131,Zhang Napping and weekend catchup sleep do not fully compensate for high rates of sleep debt and short sleep at a population level (in a representative nationwide sample of 12637 adults),2020,74,,278-288,Leger The relationship between nightmares depression and suicide,2020,77,,1-6,Akerstedt Depression as a mediator between frequent nightmares and non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents: a 3-wave longitudinal model,2020,77,,29-34,Tein Longitudinal effects of nocturnal insomnia symptom subtypes and nonrestorative sleep on the incidence of depression among community-dwelling older adults: results from the Health and Retirement Study,2021,79,,155-163,Saito Sleep quality and sleep disturbances among volunteer and professional French firefighters: FIRESLEEP study,2021,80,,228-235,Roche Effects of sleep disturbance on functional and physiological outcomes in collegiate athletes: a scoping review,2021,81,,8-19,Sebastianelli Impetuous suicidality with zolpidem use: a case report and minireview,2021,81,,154-157,Cunningham The persistence of sleep disturbance and its correlates in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal study,2021,81,,387-393,Brookes Association between change in sleep duration and posttraumatic stress symptoms in natural disaster victims: the mediating role of resilience,2021,82,,110-116,Kim Vigilance: discussion of related concepts and proposal for a definition,2021,83,,175-181,Fronczek Relationships between insomnia and alcohol and cocaine use frequency with aggression among veterans engaged in substance use treatment,2020,83,,182-187,Chermack The prevalence of sleep problems among children in mainland China: a meta-analysis and systemic-analysis,2021,83,,248-255,Chen Abuse in childhood and risk for sleep disruption in adulthood in the Black Women's Health Study,2021,83,,260-270,Boynton-Jarrett Nocturnal cognitive hyperarousal perinatal-focused rumination and insomnia are associated with suicidal ideation in perinatal women with mild to moderate depression,2021,81,,439-442,Gelaye Insomnia and suicide risk: a multi-study replication and extension among military and high-risk college student samples,2021,85,,94-104,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Disturbed sleep in children born extremely preterm is associated with behavioural and emotional symptoms,2021,85,,157-165,Wolke From burlesque to horror: a century of sleepwalking on the silver screen,2021,85,,172-183,Arnulf Obstructive sleep apnea and risk of motor vehicle accident,2021,85,,196-203,Eavey Sleep difficulties and related behavioral problems in Korean preschool children,2021,87,,119-126,Kim Geographical variations in the association between bullying victimization and sleep loss among adolescents: a population-based study of 91 countries,2021,90,,1-8,Mamun Diabetes and anxiety were associated with insomnia among Japanese male truck drivers,2022,90,,102-108,Nomura Bright light alone or combined with caffeine improves sleepiness in chronically sleep-restricted young drivers,2022,93,,15-25,Smith Sleep reactivity as a potential pathway from childhood abuse to adult insomnia,2022,94,,70-75,Jovanovic Obstructive sleep apnea and road traffic accidents: a Danish nationwide cohort study,2022,96,,64-69,Udholm Examining demographic work and sleep characteristics among older South Asian American yellow taxi drivers in New York City: A brief report,2022,96,,128-131,Quan Longitudinal associations throughout adolescence: suicidal ideation disturbing dreams and internalizing symptoms,2022,98,,89-97,Renaud Real-world association of self-reported sleep duration and quality with falls among older adults: a representative nationwide study of China,2022,100,,212-218,Jiang Reduction in fall risk markers following CPAP treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea in people over 65 years,2022,100,,448-453,Crotty Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with worse cognitive outcomes in acute moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a TBI Model Systems study,2022,100,,454-461,Dams-O'connor Longitudinal assessment of lifestyle factors associated with nonrestorative sleep in Japan,2022,101,,99-105,Kaneita Association between the experience of sexual violence and insomnia in a national sample of French adults,2022,101,,228-232,Vuillermoz A short-term follow-up study on the relationship between early adolescent proactive/reactive aggression and sleep quality,2022,101,,535-542,Hu Can cry tolerance be increased in mothers of infants with sleep problems and why does it matter? A quasi-experimental study,2023,107,,64-71,Gradisar Neighborhood environment and adolescent sleep: the role of family socioeconomic status,2023,109,,40-49,Hinnant Portrait of sleep in preschoolers involved with Child Protective Services and from the community,2023,110,,166-171,Touchette Nighttime sleep quality & daytime sleepiness across inpatient psychiatric treatment is associated with clinical outcomes,2023,110,,235-242,Patriquin Behavioral and psychological treatments for NREM parasomnias: a systematic review,2023,111,,36-53,Khorramdel Associations between insomnia medications and risk of death by suicide,2023,111,,199-206,Lavigne Objective and subjective sleep in patients with non-seasonal major depressive disorder and eveningness - results from a randomized controlled trial of bright light therapy,2023,112,,132-140,Zhang Insomnia medications and death by suicide: a risk assessment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kawada Factors contributing to U.S. parents' decisions to administer melatonin to children,2023,114,,49-54,Garrison Prevalence of insomnia and associations with depression anxiety among adults in guangdong China: a large-scale cross-sectional study,2024,115,,39-47,Shan Self-reported sleep tendency poorly predicts the presence of obstructive sleep apnea in commercial truck drivers,2024,115,,109-113,Tanigawa Childhood maltreatment emotion regulation difficulties/externalizing problems and sleep problems in adolescents: direct and indirect associations among developmental trajectories,2024,115,,114-121,Yang A 90- followed by a 30-min nap reduces fatigue whereas a 30- followed by a 90-min nap maintains cognitive performance in night work: a randomized crossover-pilot study,2024,117,,107-114,Oriyama Sex transition from female to male as a risk factor for sleep-disordered breathing,2023,102,,180-185,Prasko Assessment of sleep parameters in adults with persistent post-concussive symptoms,2024,119,,406-416,Debert The mediating effects of working hours sleep duration and depressive mood on the association between shift work and the risk of suicidal ideation in Korean workers,2022,93,,49-55,Kim Prevalence of and factors associated with nightmares in the elderly in a population based cohort study,2021,78,,15-23,Suh Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in young adults: prevalence and correlates from a national survey of Norwegian university students,2021,77,,184-191,Pallesen Associations of sleep duration on school nights with self-rated health overweight and depression symptoms in adolescents: problems and possible solutions,2019,60,,96-108,Gooley Depression and suicidal ideation in pregnancy: exploring relationships with insomnia short sleep and nocturnal rumination,2020,65,,62-73,Roth Late use of electronic media and its association with sleep depression and suicidality among Korean adolescents,2017,32,,275-276,Mortazavi The bidirectional relationship between sleep disturbance and anxiety: sleep disturbance is a stronger predictor of anxiety,2024,121,,63-68,Chen