Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Professional shift-work drivers who adopt prophylactic naps can reduce the risk of car accidents during night work,2004,27,7,1295-1302,Garbarino Sleep and adolescent suicidal behavior,2004,27,7,1351-1358,Liu How much do crashes related to obstructive sleep apnea cost?,2004,27,3,369-370,Pack Sleep-related fatal vehicle accidents: characteristics of decisions made by multidisciplinary investigation teams,2004,27,2,224-227,Summala Low levels of alcohol impair driving simulator performance and reduce perception of crash risk in partially sleep deprived subjects,2004,27,6,1063-1067,Banks Reducing motor-vehicle collisions costs and fatalities by treating obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,2004,27,3,453-458,Sassani Sleep habits and accident risk among truck drivers: a cross-sectional study in Argentina,2005,28,9,1103-1108,Perez-Chada Sleep habits and accident risk among truck drivers: a cross-sectional study in Argentina,2005,28,9,1037-1038,Dawson Sleep and suicidality: do sleep disturbances predict suicide risk?,2005,28,9,1039-1040,Ağargün Fatigue sleepiness and performance in simulated versus real driving conditions,2005,28,12,1511-1516,Sagaspe The economic cost of sleep disorders,2006,29,3,299-305,Hillman Sleepy driver near-misses may predict accident risks,2007,30,3,331-342,Guilleminault Excessive daytime sleepiness and risk of occupational injuries in non-shift daytime workers,2002,25,3,315-322,Melamed Night driving season and the risk of highway accidents,2001,24,4,401-406,Kecklund Insomnia among Japanese adolescents: a nationwide representative survey,2006,29,12,1543-1550,Kaneita Nightmares and sleep disturbances in relation to suicidality in suicide attempters,2007,30,1,91-95,Waern Sleep deprivation elevates expectation of gains and attenuates response to losses following risky decisions,2007,30,5,603-609,Venkatraman Maintenance of wakefulness test as a predictor of driving performance in patients with untreated obstructive sleep apnea,2007,30,3,327-330,Sagaspe Sleepiness combined with low alcohol intake in women drivers: greater impairment but better perception than men?,2004,27,6,1057-1062,Barrett Fatigue sleep restriction and performance in automobile drivers: a controlled study in a natural environment,2003,26,3,277-280,Sagaspe Differential residual effects of Zaleplon and Zopiclone on actual driving: A comparison with a low dose of alcohol,2002,25,2,224-231,Patat Driver sleepiness--evaluation of reaction time measurement as a secondary task,2001,24,6,695-698,Horne Prevalence of driver sleepiness in a random population-based sample of car driving,2001,24,6,688-694,Robinson The contributing role of sleepiness in highway vehicle accidents,2001,24,2,203-206,Garbarino Effects of CPAP on vigilance and related functions in patients with the sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome,2000,23,Suppl 4,S147-9,Engleman Sleepiness at the wheel: symptom or behavior?,2000,23,Suppl 4,S119-S121,Philip Vigilance impairment: assessment by driving simulators,2000,23,Suppl 4,S115-S118,George Driving simulation with EEG monitoring in normal and obstructive sleep apnea patients,2000,23,3,393-398,Freeman Sleepiness-related accidents in sleep apnea patients,2000,23,3,383-389,Horstmann Sleepiness at work among commercial truck drivers,2000,23,1,49-57,Summala Disorders of arousal from sleep and violent behavior: The role of physical contact and proximity,2007,30,8,1039-1047,Pressman Homicidal behavior and sleep apnea: a case report and medicolegal discussion,1995,18,9,776-782,Nofzinger A polysomnographically documented case of adult somnambulism with long-distance automobile driving and frequent nocturnal violence: parasomnia with continuing danger as a noninsane automatism?,1995,18,9,765-772,Mahowald Forensic sleep medicine: nocturnal wandering and violence,1995,18,9,740-748,Guilleminault Sleep-related violence,1995,18,9,731-739,MacLean Sleep-related violence: a medical and forensic challenge,1995,18,9,727-730,Shimizu Complex motor behavior arising during the sleep period: Forensic science implications,1995,18,9,724-727,Mahowald Forensic sleep medicine and nocturnal wandering,1995,18,9,721-723,Guilleminault Review of regulations and guidelines for commercial and noncommercial drivers with sleep apnea and narcolepsy,1995,18,9,787-796,Pack The cost of sleep-related accidents: a reanalysis,1995,18,4,276-280,Webb The cost of sleepiness,1995,18,4,281-284,Leger Traffic accidents in commercial long-haul truck drivers: the influence of sleep-disordered breathing and obesity,1994,17,7,619-623,Dement Effect of sleep deprivation on driving safety in housestaff,1996,19,10,763-766,Marcus Comparison of simulated driving performance in narcolepsy and sleep apnea patients,1996,19,9,711-717,Smiley Sleep-disordered breathing and motor vehicle accidents in a population-based sample of employed adults,1997,20,8,608-613,Young The interactive effects of extended wakefulness and low-dose alcohol on simulated driving and vigilance,2007,30,10,1334-1340,Swann Aging and nocturnal driving: better with coffee or a nap? A randomized study,2007,30,12,1808-1813,Sagaspe Age-related changes in the time course of vigilant attention during 40 hours without sleep in men,2006,29,1,55-57,Adam Circadian patterns of sleep sleepiness and performance in older and younger adults,2005,28,11,1365-1376,Monk Risk-taking behavior: effects of ethanol caffeine and basal sleepiness,2004,27,5,887-893,Roth Association between short sleep and suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among adults in the general population,2008,31,8,1097-1101,Marusic Effects of moderate sleep deprivation and low-dose alcohol on driving simulator performance and perception in young men,2007,30,10,1327-1333,Anderson Long distance driving and self-induced sleep deprivation among automobile drivers,1999,22,4,475-480,Taillard The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation,2003,26,2,117-126,Dinges Systematic interindividual differences in neurobehavioral impairment from sleep loss: evidence of trait-like differential vulnerability,2004,27,3,423-433,Dinges The short-term benefits of brief and long naps following nocturnal sleep restriction,2001,24,3,293-300,Lack Effects of afternoon"siesta"naps on sleep alertness performance and circadian rhythms in the elderly,2001,24,6,680-687,Monk Interactive effects of sleep deprivation time of day and driving experience on a driving task,1998,21,1,38-44,Lenné Waking quantitative electroencephalogram and auditory event-related potentials following experimentally induced sleep fragmentation,2003,26,6,687-694,Cote Blink duration as an indicator of driver sleepiness in professional bus drivers,1999,22,6,798-802,Hakkanen Sleepiness enhances distraction during a monotonous task,2006,29,4,573-576,Horne A brief afternoon nap following nocturnal sleep restriction: which nap duration is most recuperative?,2006,29,6,831-840,Brooks Does sleep deprivation worsen mild obstructive sleep apnea?,2003,26,8,1038-1041,Grunstein Daytime exposure to bright light as compared to dim light decreases sleepiness and improves psychomotor vigilance performance,2003,26,6,695-700,Rajaratnam Impairment of error monitoring following sleep deprivation,2005,28,6,707-713,Lee Sleep and sleepiness in young individuals with high burnout scores,2004,27,7,1369-1377,Akerstedt Interindividual variation in sleep duration and its association with sleep debt in young adults,2005,28,10,1253-1259,Dijk A standard procedure enhances the correlation between subjective and objective measures of sleepiness,2004,27,2,329-332,Yang The clinical predictors of sleepiness correlated with the multiple sleep latency test in an Asian Singapore population,2003,26,7,878-881,Leng Subjective and objective measures of adaptation and readaptation to night work on an oil rig in the North Sea,2006,29,6,821-829,Holsten Age modulates the effects of sleep restriction in women,2005,28,10,1283-1288,Stenuit Consolidation of strictly episodic memories mainly requires rapid eye movement sleep,2004,27,3,395-401,Denise Evaluation"in-car"countermeasures to sleepiness: cold air and radio,1998,21,1,46-50,Horne Ethanol and sleep loss: a "dose" comparison of impairing effects,2003,26,8,981-985,Drake Practical consequences of fatigue-related performance failures,2007,30,11,1402-1403,Monk Circadian variation of sleep tendency in elderly and young adult subjects,1982,5,Suppl 2,S82-94,Orav Adolescent insomnia as a risk factor for early adult depression and substance abuse,2008,31,10,1351-1356,Roane The ability to self-monitor performance during a week of simulated night shifts,2003,26,7,871-877,Lamond Daytime sleepiness and driving performance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: comparison of the MSLT the MWT and a simulated driving task,2009,32,3,382-391,Contardi Season of birth gender and social-cultural effects on sleep timing preferences in humans,2009,32,3,423-426,Natale Modeling the effectiveness of naps as a countermeasure to driver sleepiness and accidents. Comment on Garbarino et al. Professional shift-work drivers adopting prophylactic naps can reduce the risk of car accidents during night work. Sleep 2004;27(7):1295,2004,27,8,1446-1448,Wright The effect of acute sleep deprivation on visual evoked potentials in professional drivers,2008,31,9,1261-1269,Croft Effects of night work sleep loss and time on task on simulated threat detection performance,2008,31,9,1251-1259,Dinges The relationship between nurse work schedules sleep duration and drowsy driving,2007,30,12,1801-1807,Dinges The case of "Judge Nodd" and other sleeping judges--media society and judicial sleepiness,2007,30,5,625-632,Grunstein Workplace bullying and sleep disturbances: findings from a large scale cross-sectional survey in the French working population,2009,32,9,1211-1219,Samson Sleep and aggression in substance-abusing adolescents: results from an integrative behavioral sleep-treatment pilot program,2006,29,4,512-520,Cameron Defining insomnia: the role of quantitative criteria,2006,29,4,424-425,Drake Disturbed sleep while being on-call: an EEG study of ships' engineers,1988,11,1,35-38,Akerstedt Münchausen syndrome by proxy and sleep disorders medicine,1989,12,2,178-183,Griffith The correlation of a computer simulated driving program with polysomnographic indices and neuropsychological tests in consecutively referred patients for assessment of sleep apnea,1993,16,8 Suppl,S71,Flemons Sleep apnea and hypertension in commercial truck drivers,1993,16,8 Suppl,S11-3; discussion 13-4,Dement Automobile accidents in patients with sleep disorders,1989,12,6,487-494,Aldrich Catastrophes sleep and public policy: consensus report,1988,11,1,100-109,Dement Incidence of sleep apnea in a presumably healthy working population: a significant relationship with excessive daytime sleepiness,1983,6,4,312-318,Lavie Dream-enacting behaviors in a normal population,2009,32,12,1629-1636,Nielsen Dreamlike mentations during sleepwalking and sleep terrors in adults,2009,32,12,1621-1627,Arnulf The prevalence of short sleep duration by industry and occupation in the National Health Interview Survey,2010,33,2,149-159,Calvert A case-crossover study of sleep and work hours and the risk of road traffic accidents,2010,33,3,349-354,Barbone The case-crossover study: a novel design in evaluating transient fatigue as a risk factor for road traffic accidents,2010,33,3,283-284,Lombardi Family conflict in childhood: a predictor of later insomnia,2006,29,8,1063-1067,Moffitt Laboratory and field studies of naps and caffeine as practical countermeasures for sleep-wake problems associated with night work,2006,29,1,39-50,Walsh Searching for the countermeasure of night-shift sleepiness,2006,29,1,19-20,Akerstedt Staying awake for safety sake: a dream not yet realized,2005,28,11,1360-1361,George The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test and driving simulator performance,2005,28,11,1381-1385,Catcheside Sleep problems and workplace injuries in Canada,2010,33,5,611-618,Koehoorn The 10-year risk of verified motor vehicle crashes in relation to physiologic sleepiness,2010,33,6,745-752,Drake Can the MSLT be a useful tool to assess motor vehicle crash risk in sleepy drivers?,2010,33,6,729-730,Philip Daytime sleepiness and cognitive functioning in sleep apnea,1993,16,8 Suppl,S68-70,Mitler Cognitive effects of sleep and sleep fragmentation,1993,16,8 Suppl,S65-7,Bonnet Cognitive function and snoring,1993,16,8 Suppl,S62-4,Hein Treatment of narcolepsy with methamphetamine,1993,16,4,306-317,Mitler The cost of sleep-related accidents: a report for the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research,1994,17,1,84-93,Léger A field study of sleep disturbance: effects of aircraft noise and other factors on 5742 nights of actimetrically monitored sleep in a large subject sample,1994,17,2,146-159,Horne Two- and 4-hour bright-light exposures differentially effect sleepiness and performance the subsequent night,1994,17,2,140-145,Thessing Homicidal somnambulism: a case report,1994,17,3,253-264,Ervin Sleep apnea and vigilance performance in a community-dwelling older sample,1994,17,3,248-252,Levin Sleep fragmentation in normals: a model for sleepiness associated with upper airway resistance syndrome,1994,17,3,242-247,Guilleminault Relations between performance and subjective ratings of sleepiness during a night awake,1994,17,3,236-241,Kecklund What does the multiple sleep latency test measure in a community sample?,1995,18,10,827-835,Partinen Adult psychophysiologic insomnia and positive history of childhood insomnia,1996,19,3 Suppl,S16-22,Guilleminault A population study on risk factors for insomnia among adult Japanese women: a possible effect of road traffic volume,1997,20,11,963-971,Takemoto Discrepancy between subjective symptomatology and objective neuropsychological performance in insomnia,2007,30,9,1205-1211,Orff Optimization of biomathematical model predictions for cognitive performance impairment in individuals: accounting for unknown traits and uncertain states in homeostatic and circadian processes,2007,30,9,1129-1143,Dinges Racial differences in self-reports of sleep duration in a population-based study,2007,30,9,1096-1103,Hale American time use survey: sleep time and its relationship to waking activities,2007,30,9,1085-1095,Banks Time-on-task decrements in "steer clear" performance of patients with sleep apnea and narcolepsy,1999,22,6,804-809,Findley Sleep apnea and automobile crashes,1999,22,6,790-795,Smiley Daytime consequences and correlates of insomnia in the United States: results of the 1991 National Sleep Foundation Survey. 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