Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Preventing the Leading Killer of Children: The Role of the School Psychologist in Injury Prevention,1988,17,4,593-600,Peterson The Preventing Relational Aggression in Schools Everyday program: a preliminary evaluation of acceptability and impact,2010,39,4,569-587,Gullan Psychological skill training and the aggressive adolescent,1984,13,3,311-323,Goldstein Planning for safer and better schools: School violence prevention and intervention strategies,1994,23,2,204-215,Stephens The role of school crisis intervention teams to prevent and reduce school violence and trauma,1994,23,2,175-189,Poland Bullies and their victims: Understanding a pervasive problem in the schools,1994,23,2,165-174,Batsche School violence and the law: The search for suitable tools,1994,23,2,190-203,James Introduction to miniseries: School violence and safety in perspective,1994,23,2,139-150,Furlong School violence among culturally diverse populations: Sociocultural and institutional considerations,1994,23,2,216-235,Soriano School violence miniseries: Impressions and implications,1994,23,2,257-261,Miller School violence to school safety: Reframing the issue for school psychologists,1994,23,2,236-256,Furlong Differential Benefits of Skills Training With Antisocial Youth Based On Group Composition: A Meta-Analytic Investigation,2002,31,2,164-185,Ang Psychological Maltreatment: The Unifying Construct in Child Abuse and Neglect,1987,16,2,127-136,Brassard Teachers' and education support professionals' perspectives on bullying and prevention: findings from a National Education Association study,2013,42,3,280-297,Bradshaw African American children at-risk of increasingly conflicted teacher-student relationships in elementary school,2015,44,3,246-261,Hughes Closing the racial discipline gap in classrooms by changing teacher practice,2016,45,2,171-191,Allen The role of assessment in a prevention science framework,2012,41,3,306-314,Herman A review of existing relational aggression programs: strengths limitations and future directions,2010,39,4,508-535,Crick Interventions for relational aggression: innovative programming and next steps in research and practice,2010,39,4,504-507,Crick Double jeopardy: child and school characteristics that predict aggressive-disruptive behavior in first grade,2008,37,4,516-532,Bierman Ethnicity and language contributions to dimensions of parent involvement,2006,35,4,645-662,Hughes Training the next generation of school psychologists to deliver evidence-based mental health practices: current challenges and future directions,2017,46,2,219-232,Kratochwill Social emotional and cognitive factors associated with bullying,2017,46,1,,Demaray Cyber victimization in high school: measurement overlap with face-to-face victimization and associations with social-emotional outcomes,2017,46,3,288-303,Demaray Teacher self-efficacy and intentions to use antibullying practices as predictors of children's peer victimization,2017,46,3,304-319,Cavell The toxicity of bullying by teachers and other school staff,2017,46,4,335-348,Cornell Generalizability of universal screening measures for behavioral and emotional risk,2018,47,1,3-17,Johnson Examining variation in adolescent bystanders' responses to bullying,2018,47,1,18-33,Bradshaw What makes a defender? A multilevel study of individual correlates and classroom norms in explaining defending behaviors,2018,47,1,34-44,Perez-Albeniz Homophobic bullying in schools: the role of homophobic attitudes and exposure to homophobic aggression,2018,47,1,95-105,Calvete Escape-to-attention as a potential variable for maintaining problem behavior in the school setting,2011,40,1,57-71,Sterling Race is not neutral: a national investigation of African American and Latino disproportionality in school discipline,2011,40,1,85-107,Skiba The influence of multiple ecological assets on substance use patterns of diverse adolescents,2011,40,3,386-404,Shekhtmeyster Outcomes from a school-randomized controlled trial of steps to respect: a bullying prevention program,2011,40,3,423-443,Haggerty Going to scale: experiences implementing a school-based trauma intervention,2011,40,4,549-568,Stein Racial/ethnic parity in disciplinary consequences using student threat assessment,2018,47,2,183-195,Konold Closing in on discipline disproportionality: we need more theoretical methodological and procedural clarity,2018,47,2,196-198,Sprague Cultivating positive teacher-student relationships: preliminary evaluation of the establish-maintain-restore (EMR) method,2018,47,3,226-243,Long Developmental links between externalizing behavior and student-teacher interactions in male adolescents with psychiatric disabilities,2019,48,1,68-80,Verhulst Peer sympathy for bullied youth: individual and classroom considerations,2019,48,3,193-206,Leff Internalizing problems of youth involved in bullying via different participant role combinations and gender,2019,48,3,222-236,Tennant Transfer of school crisis prevention and intervention training knowledge and skills: training trainee and work environment predictors,2019,48,3,237-250,Nickerson Teacher-home communication and bullying victimization: do parents' perceptions of fairness of rules matter?,2019,48,3,251-266,Sharkey Links between peer victimization perceived school safety and internalizing symptoms in middle childhood,2019,48,4,309-319,Fite Increasing opportunities to respond to intensify academic and behavioral interventions: a meta-analysis,2020,49,1,31-46,Sutherland Memories of positive and negative student-teacher relationships in students with and without disruptive behavior,2020,49,2,178-194,Bergen Racial fairness school engagement and discipline outcomes in African American high school students: the important role of gender,2020,49,3,222-238,Halliday-Boykins Investigating the longitudinal association between fidelity to a large-scale comprehensive school mental health prevention and intervention model and student outcomes,2021,50,1,17-29,Herman Evaluation of a social media campaign on youth mental health stigma and help-seeking,2021,50,1,36-41,Herman Randomized trial of Show Me FIRST: a brief school-based intervention for internalizing concerns,2021,50,1,52-61,Hawley School psychology unified call for deeper understanding solidarity and action to eradicate anti-AAAPI racism and violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jimerson Preventing school violence and promoting school safety: contemporary scholarship advancing science practice and policy,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mayer History and future of school safety research,2021,50,2-3,143-157,Cornell Safe places to learn: advances in school safety research and practice,2021,50,2-3,158-171,Nickerson A call for the conceptual integration of opportunity structures within school safety research,2021,50,2-3,172-190,Benbenishty Addressing school safety through comprehensive school climate approaches,2021,50,2-3,221-236,Espelage Guns school shooters and school safety: what we know and directions for change,2021,50,2-3,237-253,Mulvey Centering race to move towards an intersectional ecological framework for defining school safety for Black students,2021,50,2-3,254-273,Edwards Unequally safe: association between bullying and perceived school safety and the moderating effects of race/ethnicity gender and grade level,2021,50,2-3,274-287,Yang An intersectional examination of the effects of race/ethnicity and immigrant status on school victimization in predominantly Hispanic/Latinx high schools,2021,50,2-3,303-315,Yang School connectedness and bystander intervention: the moderating role of perceived exclusion and privilege among African American students,2021,50,2-3,316-329,Gibson School resource officers' roles differ in the prediction of nonviolent and serious violent incidents,2021,50,2-3,330-343,Barnard-Brak Trauma-informed care in schools: perspectives from school resource officers and school security professionals during professional development training,2021,50,2-3,344-359,Espelage The influence of school resource officer presence on teacher perceptions of school safety and security,2021,50,2-3,360-370,Wood Teacher support for zero tolerance is associated with higher suspension rates and lower feelings of safety,2021,50,2-3,388-405,Cornell Patterns and pathways of peer victimization across the transition to middle school,2021,50,2-3,420-440,Weist Perceptions of emotional and physical safety among boarding students and associations with school bullying,2021,50,2-3,441-453,Fredrick Scaling and disseminating brief bullying prevention programming: strengths challenges and considerations,2021,50,2-3,454-468,Leff School securitization and its alternatives: the social political and contextual drivers of school safety policy and practice,2021,50,2-3,191-205,Addington Good intentions are not enough: centering equity in school discipline reform,2021,50,2-3,206-220,Osher Usability of social emotional and behavioral assessments in schools: a systematic review from 2009 to 2019,2022,51,1,6-24,Chafouleas Universal social emotional and behavioral strength and risk screening: relative predictive validity for students' subjective well-being in schools,2022,51,1,40-54,Kim Toward a more comprehensive evaluation of interventions: a dose-response curve analysis of an explicit timing intervention,2022,51,1,84-94,Duhon COVID-19 stress and coping and associations with internalizing problems in 4th through 12th grade students,2022,51,2,150-169,Malecki Addressing youth suicide through school-based prevention and postvention: contemporary scholarship advancing science practice and policy [Editorial],2022,51,3,257-265,Espelage School risk and protective factors of suicide: a cultural model of suicide risk and protective factors in schools,2022,51,3,266-289,Marraccini Understanding protective factors for suicidality and depression among U.S. sexual and gender minority adolescents: implications for school psychologists,2022,51,3,290-303,Espelage Suicidality and exposure to school-based violence among a nationally representative sample of Asian American and Pacific Islander adolescents,2022,51,3,304-314,Verdeli Patterns of warning signs among adolescents who contemplate suicide: a latent profile analysis,2022,51,3,315-328,Bertuccio Do parental involvement and adult support matter for students' suicidal thoughts and behavior in high school?,2022,51,3,329-342,Wang An initial evaluation of the helping students at risk for suicide professional development workshop,2022,51,3,343-353,Nickerson Evaluating the Signs of Suicide Program: middle school students at risk and staff acceptability,2022,51,3,354-369,Ogg Returning to school following hospitalization for suicide-related behaviors: recognizing student voices for improving practice,2022,51,3,370-385,Marraccini Universal screening to detect emotional and behavioral risk among English language learners,2022,51,4,441-453,Eklund Disciplinary and nondisciplinary outcomes of school-based threat assessment in Colorado schools,2022,51,5,609-618,Crepeau-Hobson Overcoming disaster through critical consciousness and ideological change,2022,51,6,676-691,Sullivan Analysis of 48 hours of television news coverage following the Columbine high school shooting,2023,52,1,57-71,Ridge A meta-analysis of school-based cyberbullying prevention programs' impact on cyber-bystander behavior,2023,52,2,95-109,Espelage The role of affective teacher-student relationships in bullying and peer victimization: a multilevel meta-analysis,2023,52,2,110-129,Verschueren The impact of Islamophobia on Muslim students: a systematic review of the literature,2023,52,2,206-223,Espelage A trauma- and justice equity diversity and inclusion (JEDI)-informed approach to suicide prevention in school: Black Boys' Lives Matter,2023,52,3,292-315,Marraccini A qualitative study of school psychologists' perceptions of social justice,2023,52,4,464-477,Shriberg Racial microaggressions and anti-racism: a review of the literature with implications for school-based interventions and school psychologists,2024,53,1,1-16,Leff Combining MTSS and community-based mentoring programs,2024,53,2,185-199,McQuillin School-based suicide prevention programs: Are they effective?,1997,26,3,382-396,Mazza Adolescent suicide prevention: School psychologists' acceptability of school-based programs,2003,32,1,57-76,Eckert Homophobic teasing psychological outcomes and sexual orientation among high school students: What influence do parents and schools have?,2008,37,2,202-216,Espelage Well-being among same-sex- and opposite-sex-attracted youth at school,2008,37,2,174-187,Noret Getting the best return on your screening investment: An analysis of the suicidal ideation questionnaire and reynolds adolescent depression scale,2009,38,2,200-217,Osman School-based suicide prevention: Research advances and practice implications,2009,38,2,233-238,Berman Suicide prevention programs in the schools: A review and public health perspective,2009,38,2,168-188,Mazza School and community violence and victimization as predictors of adolescent suicidal behavior,2009,38,2,218-232,Nickerson Suicide prevention in schools as viewed through the interpersonal- psychological theory of suicidal behavior,2009,38,2,244-248,Joiner The sustained reduction of youth suicidal behavior in an urban multicultural School district,2009,38,2,189-199,Lazarus Youth suicidal behavior: An introduction and overview,2009,38,2,153-167,Eckert Adolescent suicide: Social competence and problem behavior of youth at high risk and low risk for suicide,1990,19,1,83-95,Ritter Suicidal behavior in school aged youth,1990,19,2,186-195,Smith