Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries to boys and girls in Swedish schools: different activities different results?,2000,28,2,132-136,Laflamme Mortality from external causes in Lithuania: looking for critical points in time and place,2004,32,5,374-380,Kalediene Parasuicide in a low-income country: results from three-year hospital surveillance in Nicaragua,2004,32,5,349-355,Caldera Suicide trends in South Africa 1968--90,2004,32,6,411-418,Flisher A maternity hospital-based infant car-restraint loan scheme: public health and economic evaluation of an intervention for the reduction of road traffic injuries,2005,33,1,42-49,Dedoukou Do episodes of peer victimization trigger physical injury? A case-crossover study of Swedish school children,2005,33,1,19-25,Laflamme Prognosis of risk factors and trends in mortality from external causes among middle-aged men in Lithuania,2005,33,3,190-196,Tamosiunas Are cancer patients at higher suicide risk than the general population?,2005,33,3,208-214,Björkenstam Occurrence of violence and violence-related injuries among 12-18 year-old Finns,2005,33,4,307-313,Parkkari Health behaviour among adolescents in Denmark: Influence of school class and individual risk factors,2006,34,1,32-40,Johansen Road traffic injuries in India: A review of the literature,2006,34,1,100-109,Hyder Violence against women: A global public health crisis,2006,34,1,1-4,Ellsberg Intentional childhood injuries in Greece 1996-97--data from a population-based Emergency Department Injury Surveillance System (EDISS),2001,29,4,279-284,Trichopoulos Systematic medical data collection of intentional injuries during armed conflicts: a pilot study conducted in West Bank Palestine,2004,32,1,17-23,Abdel-Jabbar Al-Qadi Age- and sex-specific analysis of homicide mortality as a function of economic development: a cross-national comparison,2005,33,6,464-471,Andersson Mortality in relation to employment status during different levels of unemployment,2006,34,2,159-167,Ahs Consultations for injuries by frequent attenders are found to be medically appropriate from general practitioners' perspective,2005,33,3,228-232,Bergh Four indicators of socioeconomic position: relative ranking across causes of death,2005,33,3,215-221,Naess Fatigue in the general population: a translation and test of the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the fatigue severity scale,2005,33,2,123-130,Lerdal Prevention of hip fracture by external hip protectors: an intervention in 17 nursing homes in two municipalities in Norway,2003,31,4,261-266,Arstad The role of benzodiazepines in elderly suicides,2003,31,3,224-228,Allebeck Measuring social inequalities in health--politics or science?,2003,31,3,211-215,Rosén Violence against women and consequent health problems: A register-based study,2003,31,1,51-57,Kruse Sociodemographic determinants of multiple unhealthy behaviours,2003,31,1,37-43,Lahelma Incidence and characteristics of falls leading to hospital treatment: a one-year population surveillance study of the Danish population aged 45 years and over,2003,31,1,24-30,Schroll Falls among frail older people in residential care,2002,30,1,54-61,Gustafson A comparative analysis of different methods for obtaining estimates of alcohol consumption in a Danish population survey,2001,29,4,256-262,Sabroe Sleep problems: a predictor of long-term work disability? A four-year prospective study,2001,29,1,23-31,Eriksen Alcohol habits in a suburban male cohort,2000,28,4,275-282,Andersson Over-the-counter codeine use in Iceland: the impact of increased access,2000,28,4,270-274,Almarsdóttir Barriers within the health care system to dealing with sexualized violence: a literature review,2000,28,3,222-229,Hammarström Violence in an urban community: a population-based interview study,2000,28,3,209-213,Steen Risk of childhood injury: predictors of mothers' perceptions,2000,28,3,188-193,Bremberg Pregnancy-related violent deaths,1999,27,1,54-55,Gissler Drug-related mortality in Denmark 1970-93,1999,27,1,48-53,Juel Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among adult Danes,2000,28,1,54-61,Kjøller Stable and dynamic differences in injury mortality between the Nordic countries. What do they say about inherent national characteristics with regard to risk?,2000,28,1,16-22,Andersson Prevalence of sexualized violence among women. a population-based study in a primary healthcare district,1999,27,4,247-253,Westman Predicting the variation in suicide rates in Norwegian counties,1999,27,3,239-240,Lester Impairment and work disability due to whiplash injury following traffic collisions. an analysis of insurance material from the Swedish road traffic injury commission,1999,27,2,116-123,Cassidy Characteristics of injured skiers in Norway. a case-control study,1999,27,2,112-115,Ueland Functional status and need of help among people aged 90 or over: a mailed survey with a total home-dwelling population,1999,27,2,106-111,Jylhä Suicide mortality in Finland during an economic cycle 1985-1995,1999,27,2,85-88,Hintikka The significance of neighbourhood context to child and adolescent health and well-being: A systematic review of multilevel studies,2006,34,5,544-554,Bremberg Male suicide mortality in eastern Finland: Urban-rural changes during a 10-year period between 1988 and 1997,2001,29,3,189-193,Pesonen Indigenous health in the Arctic: an overview of the circumpolar Inuit population,2004,32,5,390-395,Bjerregaard Sex differences in mortality in Denmark during half a century 1943-92,2000,28,3,214-221,Juel Unintentional injury mortality in the European Union: How many more lives could be saved?,2007,35,3,278-287,Stone Long-term effects of community-based injury prevention on the island of Vaeroy in Norway: A 20-year follow up,2006,34,3,312-319,Ytterstad Sex-specific suicide mortality in the South African urban context: the role of age race and geographical location,2007,35,2,133-139,Burrows Escaping the triple trap: coping strategies of pregnant adolescent survivors of domestic violence in Mulago hospital Uganda,2007,35,2,180-186,Kaye Hip fractures among the elderly in a Swedish urban setting: different perspectives on the significance of country of birth,2007,35,1,11-16,Laflamme The impact of psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among western Canadian sawmill workers,2007,35,3,265-271,Maggi Validation of the Abuse Screening Inventory (ASI),2007,35,3,330-334,Swahnberg Socioeconomic differences in suicide mortality by sex in Finland in 1971-2000: a register-based study of trends levels and life expectancy differences,2007,35,4,387-395,Mäki Nature and risk factors of injury hospitalization in young adults: a follow-up of 135987 military conscripts,2007,35,4,418-423,Mattila Violence against women in intimate relationships: Explanations and suggestions for interventions as perceived by healthcare workers local leaders and trusted community members in a northern district of Vietnam,2007,35,6,640-647,Krantz Differences in child injury hospitalizations in Sweden: The use of time-trend analysis to compare various community injury-prevention approaches,2007,,,1-8,Schelp Addressing alcohol problems in primary care settings: A study of general medical practitioners in Cape Town South Africa,2008,36,3,298-302,Parry Monitoring the"tip of the iceberg'': Ambulance records as a source of injury surveillance,2008,36,3,250-257,Andersson Partner violence and health: results from the first national study on violence against women in Norway,2008,36,2,161-168,Schei Effects of residential changes and time patterns on external-cause mortality in migrants: Results of a German cohort study,2008,36,5,524-531,Kyobutungi Anger expression negative life events and violent behaviour among male college students in Ethiopia,2008,36,5,538-545,Williams Long-term effects of community-based injury prevention on the island of Vaeroy in Norway: a 20-year follow up,2006,34,3,312-319,Ytterstad Traffic accidents,2008,36,8 Suppl,187-192,No Author(s) Listed Home and leisure accidents,2008,36,8 Suppl,181-186,No Author(s) Listed Occupational accidents,2008,36,8 Suppl,152-157,No Author(s) Listed Alcohol,2008,36,8 Suppl,75-91, Clerics die doctors survive: A note on death risks among highly educated professionals,2009,37,3,227-231,Erikson Sex differences in child and adolescent mortality in the Nordic countries 1981-2000,2009,37,4,340-346,Gissler Parental attitudes and behaviour concerning adolescent alcohol consumption: do sociodemographic factors matter?,2009,37,5,509-517,Eriksson Unintentional injuries in children of Danish and foreign-born mothers,2009,37,6,577-583,Laursen Encouraging the installation of rollover protective structures in New York State: the design of a social marketing intervention,2008,36,8,859-869,Stenlund Incidence and recurrent work-related violence towards healthcare workers and subsequent health effects. A one-year follow-up study,2008,36,7,706-712,Hogh Violence: news on a public health problem,2008,36,6,561-563,Helweg-Larsen The National Public Health Report 2005,2006,34,67,11-18,Persson Working life work environment and health,2006,34,67,229-245,Persson Environment-related health — focus on children,2006,34,67,247-255,Thuvander Major public health problems — mental ill-health,2006,34,67,87-103,Stefansson Major public health problems — musculoskeletal disorders,2006,34,67,104-112,Vingård Children's and young people's health,2006,34,67,165-183,Hjern Old people's health,2006,34,67,185-198,Larsson Habits of life and health,2006,34,67,199-228,Boström Self-reported faintness or dizziness — comorbidity and use of medicines. An epidemiological study,2009,37,6,613-620,Tamber Cost-effectiveness in fall prevention for older women,2009,37,6,584-589,Hektoen Barriers to participation in a hospital-based falls assessment clinic programme: an interview study with older people,2009,37,7,728-735,Evron Prevalent musculoskeletal pain as a correlate of previous exposure to torture,2006,34,5,496-503,Montgomery Dating violence among school students in Tanzania and South Africa: prevalence and socio-demographic variations,2009,37,2,75-86,Flisher Drinking habits and sickness absence: The contribution of working conditions,2009,37,8,846-854,Lahelma The epidemiology of injury in the Republic of Llithuania,2010,38,4,386-394,Hyder Psychosocial characteristics of drunk drivers assessed by the Addiction Severity Index prediction of relapse,2010,38,1,71-77,Bergman Massive increase in injury deaths of undetermined intent in ex-USSR Baltic and Slavic countries: Hidden suicides?,2010,38,4,395-403,Wasserman The social context of drunkenness in mid-adolescence,2010,38,3,291-298,Meyrowitsch Factors associated with non-lethal violent victimization in Sweden in 2004-2007,2010,38,4,404-410,Stickley Emotional self-conceptual and relational characteristics of bullies and the bullied,2010,38,4,359-367,Meland All-cause and cause-specific mortality of social assistance recipients in Norway: a register-based follow-up study,2009,37,8,820-825,Naper The Nicaraguan Health and Demographic Surveillance Site HDSS-Leon: a platform for public health research,2008,36,3,318-325,Pena Socioeconomic aspects of fractures within universal public healthcare: a nationwide case-control study from Denmark,2006,34,4,371-377,Mosekilde Anxiety physical abuse and low birth weight,1999,27,4,296-300,Schei Do repeat victims of interpersonal violence have different demographic and socioeconomic characters from non-repeat victims of interpersonal violence and the general population? A population-based case-control study,2010,38,5,524-532,Mortensen The Danish Youth Cohort: Characteristics of participants and non-participants and determinants of attrition,2010,38,6,648-656,Curtis Can evidence-based medicine become counter-productive?,2010,38,5,553-554,Engstrom Kindergarten attendance may reduce developmental impairments in children: Results from the Bavarian Pre-School Morbidity Survey,2010,38,6,580-586,Baune Identifying victims of violence using register-based data,2010,38,6,611-617,Kruse Risk factors for violence exposure and attributable healthcare costs: Results from the Danish national health interview surveys,2011,39,1,10-16,Kruse High temperatures and health outcomes: A review of the literature,2010,38,8,826-837,Martiello Education and disability pension: A stronger association than previously found,2010,38,7,686-690,Claussen Disaster preparedness of families with young children in Hong Kong,2010,38,8,880-888,Fung Active commuting to school in children and adolescents: An opportunity to increase physical activity and fitness,2010,38,8,873-879,Sjostrom The effect of health socio-economic position and mode of data collection on non-response in health interview surveys,2010,38,7,699-706,Rasmussen Social capital political trust and health locus of control: A population-based study,2011,39,1,3-9,Lindstrom Deliberate self-harm and associated factors in 17-year-old Swedish students,2011,39,1,17-25,Gillander Gådin Perceptions of the use of khat among Somali immigrants living in Swedish society,2011,39,2,212-219,Osman Analysing the effect of area of residence over the life course in multilevel epidemiology,2010,38,5 Suppl,119-126,Naess Psychotropic drug use among women exposed to intimate partner violence: A population-based study,2010,38,5 Suppl,88-95,Schei The potential of the commonplace: A sociological study of emotions identity and therapeutic change,2010,38,5 Suppl,81-87,Skatvedt We need more focus on social inequality in rehabilitation,2010,38,8,785-787,Vinther Nielsen Psychosocial work environment and its association with socioeconomic status. A comparison of Spain and Denmark,2010,38,3 Suppl,137-148,Burr How music may promote healthy behaviour,2011,39,2,113-120,Batt-Rawden Mortality and causes of death among homeless women and men in Stockholm,2011,39,2,121-127,Andréasson Is participation in labour market programmes related to mental health? Results from a 14-year follow-up of the Northern Swedish Cohort,2011,39,1,26-34,Reine Would physician-assisted suicide jeopardize trust in the medical services? An empirical study of attitudes among the general public in Sweden,2009,37,3,260-264,Lynöe Self-rated health and mortality among young men: what is the relation and how may it be explained?,2002,30,4,259-266,Lundberg Useful tests of usefulness of new risk factors: Tools for assessing reclassification and discrimination,2011,39,4,439-441,Berglund Residents' perspectives on safety support needs in different types of housing areas,2011,39,6,590-597,Timpka Childhood social circumstances and body mass index in adult life: The Metropolit 1953 Danish male birth cohort,2011,39,3,296-302,Avlund Live long and prosper? Childhood living conditions marital status social class in adulthood and mortality during mid-life: A cohort study,2011,39,2,179-186,Fors The number of persons with alcohol problems in the Danish population,2011,39,2,128-136,Becker Psychological distress and quality of life in long-term social assistance recipients compared to the Norwegian population,2011,39,3,303-311,Miaskowski From health education to healthy learning: implementing salutogenesis in educational science,2011,39,Suppl,85-92,Lindström Developing health promotion education: mainstreaming or acknowledging tensions in an evolving discipline?,2011,39,6 Suppl,79-84,Hauge Pathways and mechanisms in adolescence contribute to adult health inequalities,2011,39,6 Suppl,62-78,Due The concept of ''equity'' in health-promotion articles by Nordic authors - a matter of some confusion and misconception,2011,39,6 Suppl,50-56,Povlsen Bring in the social context: towards an integrated approach to health promotion and prevention,2011,39,6 Suppl,19-25,Thorlindsson Utility of data from a national health survey: Do socioeconomic inequalities in morbidity exist in Serbia?,2011,39,3,230-238,Marinkovic An explorative population-based study of female disability pensioners: the role of childhood conditions and alcohol abuse/dependence,2002,30,3,191-199,Thundal "It's heavenly to be alone!'': A room of one's own as a health-promoting resource for women. Results from a qualitative study,2006,34,2,175-181,Forssén Trends in event rates of first and recurrent fatal and non-fatal acute myocardial infarction and 28-day case fatality in the Northern Sweden MONICA area 1985 - 98,2003,31,61 Suppl,51-59,Messner Getting by with a little help: The importance of various types of social support for health problems,2007,35,2,197-204,Ostberg Intentional childhood injuries in Greece 1996-97 - Data from a population-based Emergency Department Injury Surveillance System (EDISS),2001,29,4,279-284,Petridou What's new? Investigating risk factors for severe childhood malnutrition in a high HIV prevalence South African setting1,2007,35,69 Suppl,96-106,Garenne Correlates of intention to use condoms among Sub-Saharan African youth: The applicability of the theory of planned behaviour,2009,37,2 Suppl,87-91,Schaalma The social and economic determinants of smoking in Moscow Russia,2009,37,6,632-639,Stickley Globalization makes new demands on public health research,2007,35,5,449-453,Wall Can the Millennium Development Goals database be used to measure the effects of globalisation on women’s health in Sub-Saharan Africa? A critical analysis,2010,38,4 Suppl,18-28,Wamala Public health research in Norway: Selected topics. Introduction to the supplement,2010,38,5 Suppl,4-6,Wandel Adolescents' adverse experiences and mental health in a prospective perspective,2011,39,1,58-63,Haavet Precautions taken by mothers to prevent burn and scald injuries to young children at home: An intervention study,2011,39,5,471-478,Carlsson The relationship between gender segregation in the workplace and long-term sickness absence in Sweden,2011,39,6,618-626,Fritzell Women's health: do common symptoms in women mirror general distress or specific disease entities?,1999,27,4,311-317,Krantz The development of an empirical model for regional public health reporting. A descriptive study in two Dutch pilot regions,2011,39,6,608-617,van de Goor The effect of temperature on mortality in Stockholm 1998--2003: a study of lag structures and heatwave effects,2008,36,5,516-523,Rocklöv Occupational mortality,2011,39,7 Suppl,153-157,Lynge Occupation morbidity and hospital admission,2011,39,7 Suppl,141-146,Tuchsen The Danish National Cohort Study (DANCOS),2011,39,7 Suppl,131-135,Davidsen Childcare and health: A review of using linked national registers,2011,39,7 Suppl,126-130,Kamper-Jørgensen Danish registers on personal labour market affiliation,2011,39,7 Suppl,95-98,Thygesen Danish education registers,2011,39,7 Suppl,91-94,Jensen The Copenhagen school health records register,2011,39,7 Suppl,87-90,Baker The Danish injury register,2011,39,7 Suppl,65-67,Laursen The Danish register of causes of death,2011,39,7 Suppl,26-29,Helweg-Larsen The Danish civil registration system,2011,39,7 Suppl,22-25,Pedersen Agreement between medical expert assessments in social medicine,2011,39,7,766-772,Fonager Daily steps among Finnish adults: Variation by age sex and socioeconomic position,2011,39,7,669-677,Telama Introduction to Danish (nationwide) registers on health and social issues: Structure access legislation and archiving,2011,39,7 Suppl,12-16,Thygesen Will they stay fit and healthy? A three-year follow-up evaluation of a physical activity and health intervention in Polish youth,2011,39,7,704-713,Bronikowski Older people's perception of and coping with falling and their motivation for fall-prevention programmes,2011,39,7,742-748,Høst Type D personality depressive symptoms and work-related health outcomes,2012,40,1,35-42,Denollet Psychosocial problems in childhood and later alcohol consumption : A life course approach with historical information,2011,39,7,749-756,Kauhanen Why the concept ''lifestyle diseases'' should be avoided,2011,39,7,773-775,Vallgårda Physical activity patterns in Greenland : A country in transition,2011,39,7,678-686,Bjerregaard Increasing prevalence of depression from 2000 to 2006,2011,39,8,857-863,Diderichsen Psychosocial factors associated with suicidal ideation among young men exempted from compulsory military or civil service,2011,39,8,870-879,Parkkola Socioeconomic differences in outpatient healthcare utilisation are mainly seen for musculoskeletal problems in groups with poor self-rated health,2011,39,8,805-812,Kristensson Socioeconomic status labour market connection and self-rated psychological health: The role of social capital and economic stress,2012,40,1,51-60,Lindstrom Forearmbone mineral density and incidence of hip fractures in Swedish urban and rural men 1987-2002,2012,40,1,102-108,Daly Self-help and self-help groups for people with long-lasting health problems or mental health difficulties in a Nordic context: A review,2011,39,8,813-822,Aglen Men's experiences of emotional physical and sexual abuse and abuse in health care: A cross-sectional study of a Swedish random male population sample,2011,40,2,191-202,Swahnberg Violence a risk factor for poor mental health in adolescence : A Danish nationally representative youth survey,2011,39,8,849-856,Helweg-Larsen Interrelationships between education occupational social class and income as determinants of disability retirement,2012,40,2,157-166,Lahelma Risk factors among men who have repeated experience of being the partner of a woman who requests an induced abortion,2012,40,2,211-216,Tydén Women's alcohol dependence and abuse: the relation to social network and leisure time,1999,27,1,30-37,Allebeck Drinking problems load health centre hospitals in Finland,1999,27,2,143-147,Vehviläinen Comparative intervention study among Danish daycare children: the effect on illness of time spent outdoors,2003,31,6,439-443,Mygind Burnout and self-perceived health among Finnish psychiatrists and child psychiatrists: a national survey,2003,31,2,85-91,Kumpulainen Use of alcohol and illicit drugs among pregnant Danish women 1998,2003,31,1,5-11,Kesmodel Is there equity in use of healthcare services among immigrants their descendents and ethnic Danes?,2012,40,3,260-270,Krasnik Civil society and public health research in the European Union new member states,2012,40,3,253-259,McCarthy Experiences from a randomised controlled trial on cycling to school: Does cycling increase cardiorespiratory fitness?,2012,40,3,245-252,Andersen Risk behaviour parental background and wealth: A cluster analysis among Swedish boys and girls in the HBSC study,2012,40,4,368-376,Gadin Operative links: The importance of combining perspectives in municipal strategies aimed at children's and adolescents' health,2012,40,4,348-354,Wistoft Acute admissions to a community hospital: Experiences from Hallingdal sjukestugu,2012,40,4,309-315,Hjortdahl Neighbourhood satisfaction and happiness but not urbanization level affect self-rated health in adolescents,2012,40,5,498-500,Shiue Psychosocial risk assessment : French validation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ),2012,40,5,482-490,Pejtersen Weapons used in serious violence against a parent: Retrospective comparative register study,2012,40,6,563-570,Hakko Non-communicable diseases: Harnessing the current opportunities,2012,40,6,579-581,Nielsen Alcohol-related hospital admissions: Missed opportunities for follow up? A focus group study about general practitioners' experiences,2012,40,6,531-536,Pedersen Health-behaviour inequalities among Russian and ethnic majority school-aged children in the Baltic countries,2012,40,6,553-562,Zaborskis Hazardous drinking among restaurant workers,2012,40,7,591-595,Norström Social and diagnostic inequality in health,2012,40,7,656-662,Bringedal "No alcohol no party": An explorative study of young Danish moderate drinkers,2012,40,7,585-590,Frederiksen Parenting stress and emotional wellbeing in mothers and fathers of preschool children,2012,40,7,596-604,Malt Observed trends in mental health: A strategy to adjust for nonresponse bias and demographic changes in survey data,2012,40,7,681-688,Aarø Experience of violation during the past 3 months social capital and self-rated health: A population-based study,2012,40,8,753-760,Lindstrom DodaLab: An urban health and demographic surveillance site the first three years in Hanoi Vietnam,2012,40,8,765-772,Horby Absence from work due to occupational and non-occupational accidents,2013,41,1,18-24,Laursen Health-promoting educational interventions: A one-year follow-up study,2013,41,1,32-42,Gard Gender inequity needs to be regarded as a social determinant of depressive symptoms: Results from the Northern Swedish cohort,2012,40,8,746-752,Hammarström Violence- and alcohol-related acute healthcare visits in Greenland,2013,41,2,113-118,Lauritsen Violence: Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2012. Chapter 12,2012,40,9 Suppl,229-254,Swahnberg The health consequences of alcohol and drug abuse: Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2012. Chapter 11,2012,40,9 Suppl,211-228,Hensing Adolescent alcohol use psychological health and social integration,2004,32,5,361-367,Meland Variations in the risk of disability pension in Norway 1970-99. A gender-specific age-period-cohort analysis,2004,32,5,340-348,Gjesdal The validity of self-reported fractures among Danish female nurses: comparison with fractures registered in the Danish National Hospital Register,2004,32,2,136-143,Hundrup The relationship between job stress and dyslipidemia,2013,41,2,142-149,Catalina-Romero Case analyses of all children's drowning deaths occurring in Sweden 1998-2007,2013,41,2,174-179,Janson Experiences and preferences of users with major mental disorders regarding helpful care in situations of mental crisis,2013,41,2,185-190,Gudde Health disparities paradoxes: depression and chronic back pain in college alumnae and U.S. women 39-49,2013,41,3,230-232,Wyshak Diversity in causes and characteristics of drug-induced deaths in an urban setting,2013,41,2,119-125,Clausen Social differences in self-reported health among men and women in 31 countries in Europe,2013,41,1,51-57,Chastang Childhood suicide attempts with acetaminophen in Denmark: Characteristics social behaviour trends and risk factors,2013,41,3,240-246,Morthorst Drinking contexts and the legitimacy of alcohol use: Findings from a focus group study on alcohol use in Denmark,2013,41,3,221-229,Curtis Association between mothers' and fathers' depressive symptoms sense of coherence and perception of their child's temperament in early parenthood in Sweden,2013,41,3,233-239,Kerstis Sexual orientation and self-rated health: The role of social capital offence threat of violence and violence,2013,41,5,508-515,Lindstrom Socioeconomic differences in healthcare utilization with and without adjustment for need: An example from Stockholm Sweden,2013,41,3,318-325,Ponce de Leon Corrigendum,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asgeirsdottir Mortality from traumatic brain injury after reduction of alcohol prices: A population-based study from northern Finland,2013,41,5,524-530,Hillbom The role of psychosocial factors in socioeconomic differences in physical activity: A population-based study,2013,41,6,553-559,Jousilahti The Health Hazards of Marriage. A cohort study of work related disability within 12500 Norwegian couples - the HUNT Study,2013,41,5,500-507,Bjørngaard Prevention of falls in the elderly: A review,2013,41,5,442-454,Karlsson Utilization of child health services stress social support and child characteristics in primiparous and multiparous mothers of 18-month-old children,2013,41,4,374-383,Lagerberg Association of personality neighbourhood and civic participation with the level of perceived social support: The HUNT study a cross-sectional survey,2013,41,6,579-586,Stordal Unequal sexual health - Differences between detained youth and their same aged peers,2013,41,7,722-728,Lindroth Sick-leave after road traffic accidents,1976,4,1-3,103-107,Hansson Child traffic accidents: an investigation of accident factors,1979,7,3,143-149,Wallin Head injury in road traffic accidents: a prospective study in Trøndelag Norway 1979-80,1985,13,1,23-27,Edna The age-dependent incidence of injuries due to road traffic accidents in Odense Denmark from 1980 to 1992,1995,23,3,150-155,Larsen Social consequences of substance abuse: the impact of comorbid psychiatric disorders. A prospective study of a nation-wide sample of treatment-seeking patients,1998,26,1,63-70,Tomasson Risk and causes of death between 40 and 70 years of age in the Nordic countries 1951-2010,2013,41,6,644-651,Vollset Prevalence of adolescents who perceive their parents to have alcohol problems: a Swedish national survey using a web panel,2013,41,7,680-683,Leifman Attitude and flexibility are the most important work place factors for working parents' mental wellbeing stress and work engagement,2013,41,7,692-705,Eek Recent temporal trends in sleep duration domain-specific sedentary behaviour and physical activity. A survey among 25-79-year-old Danish adults,2013,41,7,706-711,Aadahl Sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes of men buying sex in Finland,2013,41,7,729-736,Hemminki Life course socioeconomic position and mortality: A population register-based study from Sweden,2013,41,8,785-791,Padyab Assessing public health intervention practices in a Danish municipality: Applying criteria based on the European Community Health Promotion Indicator Development (EUHPID) model,2013,41,8,778-784,Larsen All-cause mortality and suicide within 8 days after emergency department discharge,2013,41,8,832-838,Gunnarsdottir Association between neighbourhood green space and sedentary leisure time in a Danish population,2013,41,8,846-852,Aadahl The Symptom Checklist-core depression (SCL-CD6) scale: Psychometric properties of a brief six item scale for the assessment of depression,2014,42,1,82-88,Rugulies Contradictory discourses of health promotion and disease prevention in the educational curriculum of Norwegian public health nursing: A critical discourse analysis,2014,42,1,32-37,Dahl A socioeconomic deprivation index for small areas in Denmark,2013,41,6,560-569,Engholm How do experts define relevance criteria when initiating Health Impact Assessments of national policies?,2014,42,1,18-24,Gulis Psychological distress and perceived health in inmates in Norwegian prisons,2014,42,2,171-176,Iversen Higher education and psychological distress: A 27-year prospective cohort study in Sweden,2014,42,2,155-162,Hammarström A comparison of hip fracture incidence rates among elderly in Sweden by latitude and sunlight exposure,2014,42,2,201-206,Andersson Prevalence of alcohol and other drugs and the concentrations in blood of drivers killed in road traffic crashes in Sweden,2014,42,2,177-183,Jones Maternal childhood abuse predicts externalizing behaviour in toddlers: A prospective cohort study,2014,42,3,263-269,Wentzel-Larsen International and ethnic variability of falls in older men,2014,42,2,194-200,Barrett-Connor Friendship network characteristics and psychological well-being in late adolescence: exploring differences by gender and gender composition,2014,42,2,146-154,Ostberg A cross-sectional study of victimisation of bullying among schoolchildren in Sweden: Background factors and self-reported health complaints,2014,42,3,270-277,Annerbäck Consequences of childhood sexual abuse for health and well-being: Gender similarities and differences,2014,42,3,278-286,Halldorsdottir Falls and comorbidity: The pathway to fractures,2014,42,3,287-294,Gislason Evidence-based knowledge in the context of social practice,2014,42,13 Suppl,59-73,Mullen Why and for what are clinical trials the gold standard?,2014,42,13 Suppl,41-48,Hansson Evidence on public policy: Methodological issues political issues and examples,2014,42,13 Suppl,28-40,Attanasio Organisation of evidence-based knowledge production: Evidence hierarchies and evidence typologies,2014,42,13 Suppl,11-17,Hansen Evidence-based evaluation of information: The centrality and limitations of systematic reviews,2014,42,13 Suppl,3-10,Järvholm Alcohol use and early mortality in Swedish middle-aged women: Nine-year follow-up of the Women's Health in Lund Area study,2014,42,4,344-348,Ojehagen Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in 16 European cities,2014,42,3,245-254,Borrell Who are the young adult Danish pre-drinkers and why do they pre-drink before a night out?,2014,42,4,349-357,Ostergaard Bullying cyberbullying and mental health in young people,2014,42,4,393-399,Landstedt Cannabis use and violence: Is there a link?,2014,42,4,358-363,Rossow Long-term mortality and causes of death among hospitalized Swedish drug users,2014,42,4,364-369,Agren Psychosocial factors at work and the development of mobility limitations among adults in Denmark,2014,42,5,417-424,Hansen Do psychosocial work conditions predict risk of disability pensioning? An analysis of register-based outcomes using pooled data on 40554 observations,2014,42,4,377-384,Burr Relationship of SOC with sociodemographic variables mental disorders and mortality,2014,42,5,434-445,Mattisson Joint physical custody turning to parents for emotional support and subjective health: A study of adolescents in Stockholm Sweden,2014,42,5,456-462,Ostberg What characterizes persons with poor mental health? A nationwide study in Denmark,2014,42,5,446-455,Davidsen Health of Danish seafarers and fishermen 1970-2010: What have register-based studies found?,2014,42,6,534-545,Burr Child behaviour problems parenting behaviours and parental adjustment in mothers and fathers in Sweden,2014,42,7,547-553,Sarkadi How do prostitution customers value health and position health in their discussions? Qualitative analysis of online forums,2014,42,7,603-610,Regushevskaya Vitamin D deficiency and lifestyle risk factors in a Norwegian adolescent population,2014,42,7,593-602,Emaus Depressive symptoms postpartum among parents are associated with marital separation: a Swedish cohort study,2014,42,7,660-668,Kerstis Intersectoral action for health: The experience of a Danish municipality,2014,42,7,649-657,Larsen HOMED-Homicides Eastern Denmark: an introduction to a forensic medical homicide database,2014,42,7,683-686,Lynnerup A case of community-based fall prevention: Survey of organization and content of minor home help services in Swedish municipalities,2014,42,7,643-648,Bernfort The relationship of green space depressive symptoms and perceived general health in urban population,2014,42,7,669-676,Tamosiunas Decomposing the effect of social policies on population health and inequalities: an empirical example of unemployment benefits,2014,42,7,635-642,Ferrarini Social capital across the life course and functional somatic symptoms in mid-adulthood,2014,42,7,581-588,Gustafsson A case-control study of self-reported health quality-of-life and general functioning among recent immigrants and age- and sex-matched Swedish-born controls,2014,42,8,734-742,Leppert Gender difference in health expectancy trends in Greenland,2014,42,8,751-758,Bjerregaard Increased screening of alcohol habits among patients with depression is needed,2014,42,7,658-659,Forsell Socioeconomic differences in emotional symptoms among adolescents in the Nordic countries: Recommendations on how to present inequality,2014,43,1,83-90,Due Sleep and school attendance in adolescence: Results from a large population-based study,2014,43,1,2-9,Sivertsen Inequalities in health care use among older adults in Sweden 1992-2011: a repeated cross-sectional study of Swedes aged 77 years and older,2014,42,8,795-803,Fors Interpersonal violence and overweight in adolescents: the HUNT Study,2014,43,1,18-26,Wentzel-Larsen Factors associated with active commuting among parents-to-be in Karlskrona Sweden,2014,43,1,59-65,Stjernberg Trends and educational differences in non-communicable disease risk factors in Pitkäranta Russia from 1992 to 2007,2014,43,1,91-98,Laatikainen Decreased suicide rate after induced abortion after the Current Care Guidelines in Finland 1987 - 2012,2014,43,1,99-101,Gissler Parental perception of family functioning in everyday life with a child with ADHD,2014,43,1,10-17,Moen Health promotion by communities and in communities: Current issues for research and practice,2014,42,15 Suppl,82-87,South Is workplace health promotion research in the Nordic countries really on the right track?,2014,42,15 Suppl,74-81,Torp Development implementation and evaluation of a process to prevent and combat workplace bullying,2014,42,15 Suppl,66-73,Strandmark Student estimations of peer alcohol consumption: Links between the Social Norms Approach and the Health Promoting University concept,2014,42,15 Suppl,52-59,McAlaney Unintended effects in settings-based health promotion,2014,42,15 Suppl,17-24,Mittelmark Promoting health in everyday settings: Opportunities and challenges,2014,42,15 Suppl,3-6,Ringsberg How common is change of primary diagnosis during an episode of sickness benefit? A register study of medical sickness certificates issued 2010-2012 in Sweden,2014,43,1,44-51,Josephson Muscular strength and physical function in elderly adults 6-18 months after a 12-week resistance exercise program,2014,43,1,76-82,Jonsson Gender inequality at home is associated with poorer health for women,2014,43,2,176-182,Eek Socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality after disability retirement due to different diseases,2014,43,2,159-168,Martikainen Effort-reward imbalance in the school setting: Associations with somatic pain and self-rated health,2014,43,2,123-129,Ostberg Group exercise to improve quality of life among substance use disorder patients,2014,43,2,146-152,Clausen Gender differences in co-occurrence of depressive and anger symptoms among adolescents in five Nordic countries,2014,43,2,183-189,Sigfusdottir On peer review - the cornerstone of scientific publication,2015,43,1,1,Karlberg District nurses' preventive home visits to 75-year-olds: an opportunity to identify factors related to unsafe medication management,2014,42,8,786-794,Westman Characteristics of drug-abusing females with and without children seeking treatment in Helsinki Finland,2015,43,3,221-228,Tiihonen Self-reported sexual and psychosocial health among non-heterosexual Danes,2015,43,3,309-314,Davidsen Gender differences in development of mental well-being from adolescence to young adulthood: an eight-year follow-up study,2015,43,3,269-275,Sveinsson Neighbourhood environment and physical activity among young children: a cross-sectional study from Sweden,2015,43,3,283-293,Bergman Changes in alcohol consumption between 2009 and 2014 assessed with the AUDIT,2015,43,4,381-384,Wennberg Do postal health surveys capture morbidity and mortality in respondents aged 65 years and older? A register-based validation study,2015,43,4,348-355,Lennartsson Associations across spatial patterns of disease incidences socio-demographics and land use in Finland 1991-2010,2015,43,4,356-363,Hartikainen Danish nationwide registers for public health and health-related research,2015,43,4,333-339,Erlangsen How well do parental and peer relationships in adolescence predict health in adulthood?,2015,43,5,460-468,Hammarström Outcome after red trauma alarm at an urban Swedish hospital: implications for prevention,2015,43,5,506-513,Bagher Which substance is most dangerous? Perceived harm ratings among students in urban and rural Norway,2015,43,4,385-392,von Soest Work-related psychosocial risk factors and mental health problems amongst nurses at a university hospital in Estonia: a cross-sectional study,2015,43,5,447-452,Freimann Marital status labour force activity and mortality: a study in the USA and six European countries,2015,43,5,469-480,van Lenthe Do changes in the psychosocial school environment influence pupils' health development? Results from a three-year follow-up study,2003,31,3,169-177,Hammarstrom Children's health: Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2012,2012,40,9 Suppl,23-41,Hjern Translation of questionnaire increases the response rate in immigrants: filling the language gap or feeling of inclusion?,2010,38,8,889-892,Hallqvist Socioeconomic determinants of infant mortality: a worldwide study of 152 low- middle- and high-income countries,2007,35,3,288-297,Reilly Suicidal risk and sexual orientation in adolescence: a population-based study in Iceland,2015,43,5,497-505,Bjarnason Growing gaps: The importance of income and family for educational inequalities in mortality among Swedish men and women 1990-2009,2015,43,6,563-570,Östergren Drug-related causes of death: socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the deceased,2015,43,6,571-579,Amundsen Emotional physical and sexual violence among Sami and non-Sami populations in Norway: the SAMINOR 2 questionnaire study,2015,43,6,588-596,Schei Health in All Policies: a cross-sectional study of the public health coordinators' role in Norwegian municipalities,2015,43,6,597-605,Torp A prospective population-based study of health complaints in adolescence and use of social welfare benefits in young adulthood,2015,43,6,629-637,Rosvold Ethnic differences in youth well-being: the role of sociodemographic background and social support,2015,43,6,580-587,Vilhjalmsson Exploring trends in and determinants of educational inequalities in self-rated health,2015,43,7,677-686,Garvin Feasibility of a practical nurse administered risk assessment tool for drug-related problems in home care,2015,43,7,761-769,Kivelä Statistical method use in public health research,2015,43,7,776-782,Karran A population-level study of place of death and associated factors in Sweden,2015,43,7,744-751,Håkanson Quality in sickness certificates in a Swedish social security system perspective,2015,43,8,841-847,Sturesson Life course models of economic stress and poor mental health in mid-adulthood: results from the prospective northern Swedish cohort,2015,43,8,833-840,Gustafsson Disparities in mental health among adolescents with and without impairments,2015,43,7,728-735,Linden-Boström Why did life expectancy in Central and Eastern Europe suddenly improve in the 1990s? An analysis by cause of death,2015,43,8,796-801,McKee Prevalence of children whose parents have a substance use disorder: findings from a Swedish general population survey,2015,44,1,14-17,Ramstedt Municipal-level differences in depressive symptoms among adolescents in Norway: results from the cross-national Ungdata study,2015,44,1,47-54,von Soest Healthy life years in old age: Swedish development 1980-2010 according to different health indicators,2015,44,1,55-61,Danielsson Mental problems and their socio-demographic determinants in young schoolchildren in Sweden a country with high gender and income equality,2015,44,1,18-26,Ohman Socio-demographic and behavioral variation in barriers to leisure-time physical activity,2015,44,1,62-69,Rahkonen Armed conflicts migration and public health,2015,43,8,785,Karlberg Bully bullied and abused: associations between violence at home and bullying in childhood,2015,44,1,27-35,Janson Family residency and psychosomatic problems among adolescents in Sweden: the impact of child-parent relations,2015,44,1,36-46,Hagquist Comparing parent and teacher assessments of mental health in elementary school children,2015,44,2,168-176,Stafstrom Psychological complaints among children in joint physical custody and other family types: Considering parental factors,2015,44,2,177-183,Hjern Adverse lifestyle and health-related quality of life: gender differences in patients with and without chronic conditions,2015,44,2,209-216,Põlluste Development of an urban green space indicator and the public health rationale,2015,44,2,159-167,Staatsen Socio-economic status and major trauma in a Scandinavian urban city: a population-based case-control study,2015,44,2,217-223,Ottosson 'Make it another for me and my mates': Does social capital encourage risky drinking among the Danish general population?,2015,44,3,240-248,Hesse Mothers' and fathers' attendance in a community-based universally offered parenting program in Sweden,2015,44,3,274-280,Sarkadi Conflicts political leadership and public health,2015,44,1,1,Karlberg Aging fatherhood in Finland - first-time fathers in Finland from 1987 to 2009,2015,44,4,423-430,Gissler Moving on: how depressive symptoms social support and health behaviors predict residential mobility,2015,44,4,394-401,Elovainio Sickness absence and presence among employees in treatment for common mental disorders,2015,44,4,338-346,Ruud Mental health in adolescence and subsequent receipt of medical benefits in young adulthood: The mediating role of upper secondary school completion,2016,44,4,431-438,Wentzel-Larsen Self-reported psychological demands skill discretion and decision authority at work: A twin study,2016,44,4,354-360,Ullén Self-reported suicide attempts and exposure to different types of violence and neglect during childhood: Findings from a young adult population survey in Latvia,2016,44,4,411-417,Pudule Is occupational health part of public health?,2016,44,4,333-334,Karlberg How are social capital and sense of coherence associated with hazardous alcohol use? Findings from a large population-based Swedish sample of adults,2016,44,5,525-533,Aslund Dramatic 2015 excess mortality in Italy: a 9.1% increase that needs to be explained,2016,44,6,549-550,Signorelli Disease burden attributed to alcohol: how methodological advances in the Global Burden of Disease 2013 study have changed the estimates in Sweden,2016,44,6,604-610,Danielsson Teenage intimate partner violence: factors associated with victimization among Norwegian youths,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Øverlien Educational attainment labour market position and mental ill health as pathways from adversities in adolescence to disability pension in early adulthood: a Finnish cohort study using register data,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Virtanen Encounters with service professionals experienced by children from families with alcohol problems: a qualitative interview study,2016,44,7,663-670,Malterud Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife arena: an underused setting for risk-reducing interventions?,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordfjærn Decreasing adolescent drinking: is there evidence of a continuation into future adult cohorts? APC analysis of adolescent drinking in Finland 1983-2013,2016,44,7,654-662,Lintonen Are there gender differences in wellbeing related to work status among persons with severe impairments?,2016,44,8,772-783,Reine How unemployment and precarious employment affect the health of young people: a scoping study on social determinants,2016,45,1,73-84,Vancea Residential area and physical activity: a multi-level study of 68000 adults in Stockholm County,2016,45,1,25-32,Svensson Rethinking the relationship between socio-economic status and health: making the case for sociological theory in health inequality research,2017,45,2,103-112,Bambra Do predictors of return to work and recurrence of work disability due to mental disorders vary by age? A cohort study,2017,45,2,178-184,Oksanen Mortality rates in OECD countries converged during the period 1990-2010,2017,45,4,436-443,Bremberg Non-communicable diseases and the social determinants of health in the Nordic countries: findings from the European Social Survey (2014) special module on the social determinants of health,2017,45,2,90-102,Bambra Persistence of social inequalities in modern welfare states: explanation of a paradox,2017,45,2,113-120,Mackenbach Two Swedish screening instruments for exhaustion disorder: cross-sectional associations with burnout work stress private life stress and personality traits,2017,45,4,381-388,Persson Psychometric properties of the five-item version of the Mindful Awareness Attention Scale (MAAS) in Norwegian adolescents,2017,45,4,373-380,Samdal Prevalence of loneliness over ten years among the oldest old,2017,45,4,411-418,Nyqvist Towards a postponement of activities of daily living dependence and mobility limitations: trends in healthy life years in old age in sweden,2017,45,5,520-527,Danielsson The factor structure of the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL-25) in a student population: a cautionary tale,2017,45,4,357-365,Aarø Gender differences in subjective health complaints in adolescence: the roles of self-esteem stress from schoolwork and body dissatisfaction,2017,45,4,389-396,Torp Validation of a questionnaire to measure youth-friendliness of Swedish youth clinics,2017,45,4,366-372,Goicolea Associations between the workplace-effort in psychosocial risk management and the employee-rating of the psychosocial work environment - a multilevel study of 7565 employees in 1013 workplaces,2017,45,5,463-467,Hasle Examining the relationship between child maltreatment and school performance in public schools in Saudi Arabia: A pilot study,2017,45,5,536-542,Saleheen Socioeconomic status social capital and self-reported unmet health care needs: a population-based study,2017,45,3,212-221,Rosvall Sexual harassment and menstrual disorders among Italian university women: a cross-sectional observational study,2017,45,5,528-535,Romito Homicide in the western family and background factors of a perpetrator,2017,45,5,555-568,Paavilainen Organized leisure-time sport participation and academic achievement in preadolescents,2017,45,8,861-868,Sveinsson Social inequality in diabetes patients' morbidity patterns from diagnosis to death: a Danish register-based investigation,2018,46,1,92-101,Green Screening for PTSD symptoms in unaccompanied refugee minors: a test of the CRIES-8 questionnaire in routine care,2017,45,6,605-611,Sarkadi Psychological distress among Norwegian adolescents: changes between 2001 and 2009 and associations with leisure time physical activity and screen-based sedentary behaviour,2019,47,2,166-173,Thurston Gender differences in symptoms of depression among adolescents in Eastern Norway: results from a cross-sectional study,2019,47,2,157-165,Theander Gender and validity of self-rated health in nineteen European countries,2017,45,6,647-653,Baćak Nordic registry-based cohort studies: possibilities and pitfalls when combining Nordic registry data,2017,45,17 Suppl,14-19,Lagergren Assessment of educational misclassification in register-based data on Finnish immigrants in Sweden,2017,45,17 Suppl,20-24,Saarela Towards non-conventional methods of designing register-based epidemiological studies: an application to pediatric research,2017,45,17,30-35,Sjölander Estimating incidence and prevalence from population registers: example from myocardial infarction,2017,45,17,5-13,Ahlbom Using register data to estimate causal effects of interventions: an ex post synthetic control-group approach,2017,45,17,50-55,Bygren Using register data to deduce patterns of social exchange,2017,45,17,56-61,Jansson Impact of ancestry categorisations on residential segregation measures using Swedish register data,2017,45,17,62-65,Jarvis Subjective health complaints and exposure to peer victimization among disabled and non-disabled adolescents: a population-based study in Sweden,2018,46,2,262-271,Lindstrom Do health complaints in adolescence negatively predict the chance of entering tertiary education in young adulthood?,2017,45,8,878-885,Magnusson Chair rise capacity and associated factors in older home-care clients,2018,46,7,699-703,Hartikainen Time trends in absolute and relative socioeconomic inequalities in leisure time physical inactivity in northern Sweden,2018,46,1,112-123,Gustafsson Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale among hospital staff,2017,45,6,654-657,Willert Good work ability among unemployed individuals: association of sociodemographic work-related and well-being factors,2018,46,3,375-381,Pietilä Burnout among Danish prison personnel: a question of quantitative and emotional demands,2017,45,8,824-830,Andersen Designing and collecting data for a longitudinal study: the Sleman Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS),2018,46,7,704-710,Hakimi Potentially traumatic events as predictors of disability pension: A 10-year follow-up study in Norway,2018,46,3,340-346,Sandanger Mental health service utilization and its associated social factors among elderly people with a mental disability in China: a national population-based survey,2019,47,2,215-220,Li Prevalence and associated factors of domestic violence among pregnant women attending routine antenatal care in Nepal,2017,46,8,785-793,Campbell Parental stress and depressive symptoms increase the risk of separation among parents with children less than 11 years of age in Sweden,2019,47,2,207-214,Margareta Are perceptions of social norms regarding peer alcohol and other drug use associated with personal use in Danish adolescents?,2017,45,8,757-764,Stock Young people's attitudes towards illicit drugs: a population-based study,2017,45,8,765-772,Lasgaard Self-reported school demands and psychosomatic problems among adolescents - changes in the association between 1988 and 2011?,2019,47,2,174-181,Hagquist The prognosis following amphetamine poisoning,2017,45,8,773-781,Jürgens Occupational class inequalities in disability retirement after hospitalisation,2018,46,3,331-339,Lahelma Inequality in OECD countries,2017,45,18 Suppl,9-16,Thévenot Health and equity in all policies in local government: processes and outcomes in two Norwegian municipalities,2017,45,18 Suppl,68-76,Von Heimburg Interdisciplinary cooperation as a factor to reduce social inequality in health in Drammen,2017,45,18 Suppl,62-67,Engeseth The Danish National Youth Study 2014: study design population characteristics and non-response analysis,2017,ePub,ePub,1403494817729283,Tolstrup Distinctive role of income in the all-cause mortality among working age migrants and the settled population in Finland: a follow-up study from 2001 to 2014,2018,46,2,214-220,O'Reilly Helmet-induced headache among Danish military personnel,2017,45,8,818-823,Rahmani Child mortality and poverty in three world regions (the West Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa) 1988-2010: Evidence of relative intra-regional neglect?,2016,44,8,734-741,Pritchard Association between urban green space and self-reported lifestyle-related disorders in Oslo Norway,2018,46,6,589-596,Camilla Can social epidemiology contribute to a better world?,2017,45,7,683-685,Westin Technological innovations and the rise of social inequalities in health,2017,45,7,714-719,Weiss Extent and quality of drug use in community-dwelling people aged ≥75 years: a Swedish nationwide register-based study,2017,ePub,ePub,1403494817744101,Törnkvist Rethinking the relationship between socioeconomic status and health: challenging how socioeconomic status is currently used in health inequality research,2018,46,1,53-56,Gagné Contact with primary and mental health care prior to suicide: a systematic review of the literature from 2000 to 2017,2019,47,1,9-17,Stene-Larsen Drug-related deaths: statistics based on death certificates miss one-third of cases,2017,ePub,ePub,1403494817745187,Ramstedt Occupational gender composition and mild to severe depression in a Swedish cohort: the impact of psychosocial work factors,2018,46,3,425-432,Hammarström Evaluation of a school-based cognitive-behavioral depression prevention program,2019,47,2,182-189,Steen Carlsson Differences in participation rates between urban and rural areas are diminishing in Finland,2018,46,7,755-757,Borodulin Increasing prevalence of emotional symptoms in higher socioeconomic strata: trend study among Danish schoolchildren 1991-2014,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494817752520,Due Follow-up of an age-period-cohort analysis on alcohol-related mortality trends in Sweden 1970-2015 with predictions to 2025,2019,47,4,446-451,Rosén Impact of changes in welfare legislation on the incidence of disability pension. A cohort study of construction workers,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494818754747,Järvholm General self-efficacy in the Norwegian population: differences and similarities between sociodemographic groups,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494818756701,Lerdal Reducing social inequalities in health: moving from the 'causes of the causes' to the 'causes of the structures',2018,46,1,1-5,Eikemo Socioeconomic differences in the use of alcohol and drunkenness in adolescents: trends in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study in Finland 1990-2014,2018,46,1,102-111,Lintonen Mortality trends in external causes of death in people with mental health disorders in Sweden 1987-2010,2019,47,2,121-126,Gissler Queer narratives and minority stress: stories from lesbian gay and bisexual individuals in Norway,2019,47,2,105-114,Malterud Alcohol and drug use among staff at licensed premises in Norway,2019,47,4,393-399,Bye Explaining excess morbidity amongst homeless shelter users: a multivariate analysis for the Danish adult population,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494818759839,Benjaminsen Trusted and doubted: discourses of parenting training in two Swedish official inquiries 1947 and 2008,2018,46,20,59-65,Viitasara Leisure-time youth centres as health-promoting settings: experiences from multicultural neighbourhoods in Sweden,2018,46,20,72-79,Eriksson Loneliness and subjective health complaints among school-aged children,2018,46,20,87-93,Välimaa Icelandic inclusion German hesitation and American fear: a cross-cultural comparison of mental-health stigma and the media,2019,47,2,90-98,Pescosolido Longitudinal prospective associations between psychological symptoms and heavy episodic drinking from adolescence to midlife,2019,47,4,420-427,Lintonen Children with two homes: psychological problems in relation to living arrangements in Nordic 2- to 9-year-olds,2019,47,2,137-145,Hjern Evacuation of Swedish survivors after the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami: the survivors' perspective and symptoms of post-traumatic stress,2019,47,2,260-268,Valdimarsdóttir Psychometric properties of the Danish student well-being questionnaire assessed in >250000 student responders,2018,46,8,877-885,Obel Development and predictors of psychological outcomes following the 2008 earthquake in Iceland: a longitudinal cohort study,2019,47,2,269-279,Aspelund Peer relationships and quality of life in 11-12-year-old children: the Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP),2018,46,Suppl,74-81,Bekkhus Quality of life in primary school children: the Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP),2018,46,Suppl,68-73,Ringdal Access for all? Assessing vertical and horizontal inequities in healthcare utilization among young people in northern Sweden,2019,47,1,1-8,San Sebastian Associations between self-injury and involvement in cyberbullying among mentally distressed adolescents in Scania Sweden,2019,47,2,190-198,Lindstrom Enhancing public health outcomes in developing countries: from good policies and best practices to better implementation,2018,46,22 Suppl,10-18,Woolcock The relevance of public health research for practice: a 30-year perspective,2018,46,Suppl,58-66,Diderichsen How to apply the evidence-based recommendations for greater health equity into policymaking and action at the local level?,2018,46,22 Suppl,28-36,Van Vliet The next step towards more equity in health in Sweden: how can we close the gap in a generation?,2018,46,Suppl,19-27,Lundberg Mortality morbidity and follow-up after acute poisoning by substances of abuse: a prospective observational cohort study,2019,47,4,452-461,Vallersnes Dementia and road traffic accidents among non-institutionalized older people in Denmark: a Danish register-based nested case-control study,2019,47,2,221-228,Vass Achievement and participation in schools for young adolescents with self-reported neuropsychiatric disabilities: a cross-sectional study from the southern part of Sweden,2019,47,2,199-206,Granlund Area-level relative deprivation and alcohol use in Denmark: is there a relationship?,2019,47,4,428-438,Stock School- and class-level variation in self-harm suicide ideation and suicide attempts in Danish high schools,2019,47,2,146-156,Tolstrup Lolland-Falster Health Study: study protocol for a household-based prospective cohort study,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494818799613,Simonsen Heat wave-related mortality in Sweden: a case-crossover study investigating effect modification by neighbourhood deprivation,2018,ePub,ePub,1403494818801615,Sundquist Physical function tests predict incident falls: a prospective study of 2969 men in the Swedish Osteoporotic 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