Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries in national karate competitions in Finland,1995,5,1,44-48,Tuominen Hamstring injury occurrence in elite soccer players after preseason strength training with eccentric overload,2005,15,1,65,Askling Knee surgery costs in football floor ball European team handball and ice hockey,2005,15,1,43-47,Forssblad Injury incidence and distribution in elite football-a prospective study of the Danish and the Swedish top divisions,2005,15,1,21-28,Hagglund A prospective study of injuries in licensed floorball players,1997,7,1,38-42,Wikstrom Comparison between in-line and rollerskating injury. a prospective study,2000,10,1,47-50,Houshian Injuries in Swedish elite football-a prospective study on injury definitions risk for injury and injury pattern during 2001,2005,15,2,118-125,Hagglund Injuries during physical activity in school children,2005,15,5,313-323,Sundblad Predictors of hamstring injury at the elite level of Australian football,2006,16,1,7-13,Finch Consensus statement on injury definitions and data collection procedures in studies of football (soccer) injuries,2006,16,2,83-92,Meeuwisse Injury risk factors in female European football. A prospective study of 123 players during one season,2000,10,5,279-285,Ostenberg Injuries in adolescent female players in European football: a prospective study over one outdoor soccer season,2001,11,5,299-304,Lorentzon Exposure and injury risk in Swedish elite football: a comparison between seasons 1982 and 2001,2003,13,6,364-370,Ekstrand Epidemiology and traumatology of injuries in elite soccer: a prospective study in Finland,1996,6,3,180-185,Nurmi Acute badminton injuries,1998,8,3,145-148,Lorentzon Knee injuries account for the sports-related increased risk of knee osteoarthritis,2006,16,5,329-333,Thelin Handball injuries during major international tournaments,2006,17,4,400 - 407,Dvorak Sports-related eye injuries: floorball endangers the eyes of young players,2006,17,5,556 - 563,Leivo Biological maturity and injury in elite youth football [soccer],2006,17,5,564 - 572,Le Gall Injury pattern in youth team handball: a comparison of two prospective registration methods,2006,16,6,426-432,Engebretsen Injuries and preventive actions in elite Swedish volleyball,2006,16,6,433-440,Augustsson Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences,2006,17,5,508-519,Engebretsen Injuries among Swedish female elite football players: a prospective population study,2007,17,1,84-91,Tegner Injury incidence in a men's elite bandy league: an epidemiological study of a full regular season,2007,17,6,636-640,Timpka Relationships between postural balance rifle stability and shooting accuracy among novice rifle shooters,2007,17,2,180-185,Era Injury incidence mechanism and diagnosis in top-level teamgym: a prospective study conducted over one season,2007,17,2,115-119,Harringe Injuries among judokas during competition,2007,17,3,205-210,Green Injury risk in female floorball: a prospective one-season follow-up,2007,18,1,49-54,Natri Prevalence and incidence of lower extremity injuries in male marathon runners,2007,18,2,140-144,Bierma-Zeinstra A comparison of pediatric freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling injuries sustained during a 2006 US national tournament,2007,18,4,491-497,Comstock Performance aspects of an injury prevention program: a ten-week intervention in adolescent female [soccer] football players,2008,18,5,596-604,Bahr Preventing injuries in female youth [soccer] football - a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2008,18,5,605-614,Holme Exploring the social image of anabolic steroids users through motivation sportspersonship orientations and aggression,2008,19,2,228-234,Chantal Risk factors for lower extremity injuries among male marathon runners,2008,18,6,691-697,Koes Muscular strength functional performances and injury risk in professional and junior elite soccer players,2008,19,2,243-251,Lehance Self-reported psychological characteristics as risk factors for injuries in female youth football [soccer],2009,19,3,442-451,Bahr Participation in sports clubs is a strong predictor of injury hospitalization: a prospective cohort study,2008,19,2,267-273,Parkkari Pilot study of female high school basketball players' anterior cruciate ligament injury knowledge attitudes and practices,2009,19,4,595-602,Iversen Injuries among male and female elite football players,2009,19,6,819-827,Hagglund Analysis of sex-specific injury patterns and risk factors in young high-level athletes,2009,19,6,834-841,Frisch Risk of overuse injuries--prevention and understanding of individual factors are the key,2008,18,6,677-678,Karlsson Physiology of alpine skiing,2009,19,2,146-155,Keogh The facilitative nature of avoidance coping within sports injury rehabilitation,2010,20,2,235-240,Polman The prevalence influential factors and mechanisms of relative age effects in UK Rugby League,2010,20,2,320-329,Cooke Type of sport is related to injury profile: A study on cross country skiers swimmers long-distance runners and soccer players. A retrospective 12-month study,2010,20,3,384-393,Kujala Cycling to work: influence on indexes of health in untrained men and women in Flanders. Coronary heart disease and quality of life,2008,18,4,498-510,de Geus Rock climbing injury rates and associated risk factors in a general climbing population,2009,19,6,850-856,Timpka Prevalence of injuries among young adults in sport centers: relation to the type and pattern of activity,2009,19,6,828-833,Katz-Leurer Effects of an anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention program on performance in adolescent female soccer players,2010,20,3,394-402,Vescovi Thermoregulatory demands of Elite Professional America's Cup Yacht Racing,2010,20,3,475-484,Neville Intrinsic risk factors for acute ankle injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study,2010,20,3,403-410,Engebretsen Vitamin D and Human Skeletal Muscle,2010,20,2,182-190,Hamilton Psychometric properties of the Belgian coach version of the coach-athlete relationship questionnaire (CART-Q),2010,20,5,779-786,Balduck Acute hamstring injuries in Danish elite football: a 12-month prospective registration study among 374 players,2010,20,4,588-592,Petersen Use of performance- and image-enhancing substances among recreational athletes: a quantitative analysis of inquiries submitted to the Danish anti-doping authorities,2010,20,6,861-867,Bojsen-Møller Injuries of football referees: a representative survey of Swiss referees officiating at all levels of play,2011,21,1,42-47,Dvorak The association between cycling to school and being overweight in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Kristiansand (Norway),2011,21,1,48-53,Brug Sport concussion assessment tool 2,2009,19,3,452,McCrory Skyscraper running: physiological and biomechanical profile of a novel sport activity,2011,21,2,293-301,Minetti Recording injuries among World Cup skiers and snowboarders: a methodological study,2011,21,2,196-205,Nordsletten To stretch or not to stretch: the role of stretching in injury prevention and performance,2010,20,2,169-181,McHugh Isolated hip and ankle fatigue are unlikely risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury,2011,21,3,359-368,Palmieri-Smith Psychological predictors of sport injuries among junior soccer players,2011,21,1,129-136,Ivarsson Mechanisms linking affective reactions to competition-related and competition-extraneous concerns in male martial artists,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerin Motor imagery: if you can't do it you won't think it,2010,20,5,711-715,Nyberg Prevalence of knee instability in relation to sports activity,2001,11,4,233-238,Foldspang Effects of physical exercise on bone mass balance skill and aerobic capacity in women and men with low bone mineral density after one year of training--a prospective study,1998,8,5 Pt 1,290-298,Moller Sports injuries in school-aged children. A study of traumatologic and socioeconomic outcome,1998,8,1,52-56,Rock Comparison of injuries sustained on artificial turf and grass by male and female elite football players,2011,21,6,824-832,Hagglund Parental socio and cultural factors associated with adolescents' sports participation in four Danish municipalities,2011,21,4,606-611,Andersen Injury risk factors in junior tennis players: a prospective 2-year study,2012,22,1,40-48,Werner Injuries among World Cup ski and snowboard athletes,2012,22,1,58-66,Nordsletten The effect of rest days on injury rates,2011,21,6,e64-71,Mittleman Sports physical exercise and use of alcohol,1995,5,6,364-368,Watten Load-specific differences in the structure of femoral neck and tibia between world-class moguls skiers and slalom skiers,2008,18,2,145-153,Kannus Cable wakeboarding a new trendy sport: analysis of injuries with regard to injury prevention,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schofer Injury prevention in professional sports: protecting your investments,2009,19,6,751-752,McHugh Soccer injuries in Iceland,1996,6,1,40-45,Arnason On-slope evaluation of release bindings for world-class alpine racers,1996,6,3,176-179,Ekeland Injuries in young female players in European team handball,1997,7,6,342-347,Wedderkopp Injury proneness in infantry conscripts undergoing a physical training programme: smokeless tobacco use higher age and low levels of physical fitness are risk factors,1997,7,5,304-311,Heir Injury risk on artificial turf and grass in youth tournament football,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bahr Injury incidence in hip hop dance,2012,22,3,347-355,Woo Stress fractures in elite male football players,2012,22,3,341-346,Ekstrand Stress-related hormonal and psychological changes to official youth Taekwondo competitions,2011,21,1,111-119,Tessitore Psychology and socioculture affect injury risk response and recovery in high-intensity athletes: a consensus statement,2010,20,Suppl 2,103-111,Wiese-Bjornstal Injury epidemiology in a national football team of the Middle East,2012,22,3,323-329,Hamilton Leisure-time physical activity of 13-year-old adolescents,2007,17,4,324-330,Sillanmaki Acute mortality during long-distance ski races (Vasaloppet),2007,17,4,356-361,Ahlbom The Enduro motorcyclist's wrist and other overuse injuries in competitive Enduro motorcyclists: a prospective study,2008,18,5,582-590,Sabeti-Aschraf The effects of exercise heat cooling and rehydration strategies on cognitive function in football players,2010,20,Suppl 3,148-160,Bandelow Hydration and sweating responses to hot-weather football competition,2010,20,Suppl 3,133-139,Ersöz Distance running in hot environments: a thermal challenge to the elite runner,2010,20,Suppl 3,95-102,Maughan A study of sports-related mandibular angle fracture: relation to the position of the third molars,1998,8,2,116-119,Sawaki Examining the effect of the injury definition on risk factor analysis in circus artists,2012,22,3,330-334,Emery The influence of sex and maturation on landing biomechanics: implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury,2012,22,4,502-509,Sigward High incidence and costs for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions performed in Australia from 2003-2004 to 2007-2008: time for an anterior cruciate ligament register by Scandinavian model?,2012,22,4,495-501,Orchard Twenty‐five year socioeconomic trends in leisure‐time and commuting physical activity among employed Finns,2009,19,2,188-197,Mäkinen Commuter cycling: effect on physical performance in untrained men and women in Flanders: minimum dose to improve indexes of fitness,2009,19,2,179-187,De Geus Physical fitness in relation to transport to school in adolescents: the Danish youth and sports study,2009,19,3,406-411,Andersen Pre‐performance psychological states and performance in an elite climbing competition,2010,20,2,356-363,Sánchez Secular trends in physical fitness in Danish adolescents,2010,20,5,757-763,Andersen Training and playing football in hot environments,2010,20,,iv-v,Dvorak Exercise in a hot environment: the skin circulation,2010,20,,29-39,Johnson Physiological strain and countermeasures with firefighting,2010,20,,103-116,Cheung Effect of a contusion injury on muscular force power work and fatigue,2012,22,4,488-494,Martin Incidence of acute volleyball injuries: a prospective cohort study of injury mechanisms and risk factors,1997,7,3,166-171,Bahr Mechanisms contributing to different joint moments observed during human walking,1997,7,1,1-13,Aagaard Injuries in windsurfing due to foot fixation,1995,5,5,311-312,Witt Crisis-related observations in competition: a case study in basketball,1996,6,5,313-321,Falk Impact of environmental factors on knee injuries in male and female recreational skiers,2012,22,2,185-189,Burtscher Acute sport‐related stressors coping and emotion among professional rugby union players during training and matches,2009,19,1,113-120,Nicholls Troublesome decimals: A hidden problem in the sports medicine literature,2011,21,3,335-336,Maffulli The knees are in danger in skiing,1995,5,2,61-63,Ekeland Changing injury pattern of acute anterior cruciate ligament tears treated at Tampere University Hospital in the 1980s,1995,5,2,100-104,Jarvinen Contraction of knee flexors and extensors in skiing related to the backward fall mechanism of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament,1995,5,3,165-169,Schaff Injuries in elite volleyball,1996,6,4,228-232,Aagaard Age body composition aerobic fitness and health condition as risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries in conscripts,1996,6,4,222-227,Heir Completion rates and injuries in alpine races during the 1994 Olympic Winter Games,1996,6,5,287-290,Ekeland The epidemiology of sports injuries in school-aged children,1996,6,5,281-286,Rock Neck injuries from skate blades in ice hockey: a report of three cases,1996,6,6,352-354,Rasanen Injuries in powder skiing,1996,6,6,337-340,Ekeland Eye injuries in sports,1999,9,1,53-56,Drolsum Prevention of injuries in young female players in European team handball. A prospective intervention study,1999,9,1,41-47,Wedderkopp Load-sensitive adhesion factor expression in the elderly with skiing: Relation to fiber type and muscle strength,2011,21,Suppl 1,29-38,Mueller Salzburg Skiing for the Elderly Study: Influence of alpine skiing on aerobic capacity strength power and balance,2011,21,Suppl 1,9-22,Kroll Salzburg Skiing for the Elderly Study: Study design and intervention -- health benefit of alpine skiing for elderly,2011,21,Suppl 1,1-8,Müller Potential safety issues with blood flow restriction training,2011,21,4,510-518,Loenneke Health benefits of cycling: a systematic review,2011,21,4,496-509,Bauman High injury incidence in TeamGym competition: a prospective cohort study,2011,21,6,e439-44,Lund Instrumental emotion regulation in sport: Relationships between beliefs about emotion and emotion regulation strategies used by athletes,2011,21,6,e445-51,Lane Poling force analysis in diagonal stride at different grades in cross country skiers,2011,21,4,589-597,Schena New understanding of the complex structure of knee menisci: Implications for injury risk and repair potential for athletes,2011,21,4,543-553,Rattner Parental socio and cultural factors associated with adolescents' sports participation in four Danish municipalities,2011,21,4,606-611,Andersen Salzburg Skiing for the Elderly Study: study design and intervention - health benefit of alpine skiing for elderly,2011,21,,1-8,Müller Salzburg Skiing for the Elderly Study: influence of alpine skiing on aerobic capacity strength power and balance,2011,21,,9-22,Kroll Skeletal muscle remodeling in response to alpine skiing training in older individuals,2011,21,,23-28,Mueller Does a skiing intervention influence the psycho‐social characteristics of the elderly?,2011,21,,69-75,Müller Injury surveillance in male professional football; is medical staff reporting complete and accurate?,2011,21,5,713-720,Flørenes Intrinsic risk factors for acute knee injuries among male football players: a prospective cohort study,2011,21,5,645-652,Bahr Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood,2011,21,5,663-669,Malina Rifle-balancing in precision shooting: behavioral aspects and psychophysiological implication,1998,8,2,78-83,Konttinen Association between preseason functional tests and injuries in youth football: a prospective follow-up,2011,21,6,e468-76,Croisier Prevention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: an intervention study,2008,18,1,40-48,Arnason Impact of skier actions on the gliding times in alpine skiing,2008,18,6,790-797,Müller Sudden cardiac death in young athletes: time for a Nordic approach in screening?,2008,18,2,132-139,Hernelahti Are social classes still relevant to analyse sports groupings in "postmodern" society? 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Bourdieu's theory,2000,10,3,146-155,Ohl Knee injuries related to sports in young adult males during military service - Incidence and risk factors,2013,23,3,281-287,Mattila Regional differences in injury incidence in European professional football,2013,23,4,424-430,Hagglund Accuracy of professional sports drafts in predicting career potential,2012,22,4,e64-9,Baker Female soccer knee injury: Observed knowledge gaps in injury prevention among players/parents/coaches and current evidence (the KNOW study),2013,23,3,271-280,Emery Effects of training on functional performance in 65 75 and 85 year-old women: experiences deriving from community based studies in Odense Denmark,2003,13,1,70-76,Puggaard Physical activity in an ageing population,2003,13,1,63-69,Schroll The influence of genetic factors on physical functioning and exercise in second half of life,2003,13,1,9-18,Frederiksen Physical activity and bone strength,2004,14,1,1,Schwarz Perceived parental beliefs about the causes of success in sport: relationship to athletes' achievement goals and personal beliefs,2004,14,1,57-66,Kavussanu Risk for injury when playing in a national football team,2004,14,1,34-38,Hägglund The human diving response its function and its control,2005,15,1,3-12,Foster Are sports related injuries expensive?,2005,15,1,1-2,Karlsson A psychophysiological comparison of on-sight lead and top rope ascents in advanced rock climbers,2013,23,5,645-650,Draper Evaluation of skiing injuries by Injury Severity Score,1999,9,2,110-113,Ekeland The machine body metaphor: From science and technology to physical education and sport in France (1825-1935),2013,23,6,758-765,Gleyse Effect of soccer footwear on landing mechanics,2014,24,1,129-135,Butler Text messaging as a new method for injury registration in sports: A methodological study in elite female football,2014,24,1,243-249,Bahr Substance use among elite adolescent athletes: Findings from the GOAL Study,2014,24,1,250-258,Mayer Gradual increase in the risk of match injury in Norwegian male professional football: A 6-year prospective study,2014,24,1,189-196,Bahr Risk factors for hamstring injuries in male soccer players: a systematic review of prospective studies,2013,23,3,253-262,van de Port Effect of resistance training on body composition self-efficacy depression and activity in postpartum women,2014,24,2,414-421,Lecheminant More sports injuries please!,2012,22,4,453,Harridge Traumatic cervical instability in martial arts,2007,17,1,92-93,Robinson Epidemiology of ankle and foot overuse injuries in sports: A systematic review,2013,23,6,669-686,Sobhani The impact of sport and active recreation injuries on physical activity levels at 12 months post-injury,2014,24,2,377-385,Cameron The influence of birth date and place of development on youth sport participation,2014,24,2,461-468,Turnnidge Injuries and illnesses during the 2011 Paris European Athletics Indoor Championships,2013,23,4,e213-8,Edouard A systematic video analysis of 69 injury cases in World Cup alpine skiing,2013,24,4,667-677,Flørenes Spine kinematics and trunk muscle activity during bipedal standing using unstable footwear,2013,23,3,e194-201,Müller Sports injuries in physical education teacher education students,2013,24,4,683-691,De Clercq A 10-year study of snowboard injuries in Lapland Sweden,2004,14,2,128-133,Made Motivational and social cognitive predictors of doping intentions in elite sports: An integrated approach,2013,23,5,e330-40,Barkoukis Benefits of early development of eye-hand coordination: Evidence from the LOOK longitudinal study,2013,23,5,e263-9,Telford Overuse and traumatic extremity injuries in schoolchildren surveyed with weekly text messages over 2.5 years,2013,24,5,807-813,Jespersen Adherence of backcountry winter recreationists to avalanche prevention and safety practices in northern Italy,2014,24,5,823-829,Procter Effects of caffeine ingestion on rating of perceived exertion during and after exercise: a meta-analysis,2005,15,2,69-78,Doherty Long term effects of recreational SCUBA diving on higher cognitive function,2014,24,6,928-934,Hemelryck Nonelite exercise-related injuries: Participant reported frequency management and perceptions of their consequences,2014,24,2,e86-92,Grice Increased mortality rate and suicide in Swedish former elite male athletes in power sports,2013,24,6,1000-1005,Lindqvist A 1-year prospective analysis of injuries in amateur and elite fistball,2014,24,3,e188-94,Resch Environmental factors and severe pediatric trauma following winter sliding sport injuries,2020,30,10,2013-2015,Bouzat Relationships between incidental physical activity exercise and sports with subsequent mood in adolescents,2020,30,11,2234-2250,Ebner-Priemer Are self-reported risk-taking behavior and helmet use associated with injury causes among skiers and snowboarders?,2013,25,1,125-130,Ruedl Relationship between jump landing kinematics and peak ACL force during a jump in downhill skiing: A simulation study,2014,24,3,e180-7,Heinrich The impact of playing in matches while injured on injury surveillance findings in professional football,2014,24,3,e195-200,Hammond Sports-related injuries in athletes with disabilities,2014,24,5,e320-31,Fagher Musculoskeletal extremity injuries in a cohort of schoolchildren aged 6-12: A 2.5-year prospective study,2014,25,2,251-258,Jespersen Is overweight a risk factor for sports injuries in children adolescents and young adults?,2014,25,2,259-264,Kemler Training distress and performance readiness: laboratory and field validation of a brief self-report measure,2014,24,6,e483-490,Russell Injury surveillance in community sport: can we obtain valid data from sports trainers?,2014,25,3,315-322,Gabbe Athletes confessions: The sports biography as an interaction ritual,2014,25,2,280-288,Thing Force-time course parameters and force fatigue model during an intermittent fatigue protocol in motorcycle race riders,2014,25,3,406-416,Rios Barriers to and facilitators of sports participation for people with physical disabilities: A systematic review,2014,24,6,871-881,Dekker Ankle injuries in the Netherlands: trends over 10-25 years,2014,25,3,331-337,Hoes Effect of football or strength training on functional ability and physical performance in untrained old men,2014,24,Suppl 1,76-85,Aagaard Validating the three-step return-to-play decision model,2014,25,2,e231-9,Boudier-Revéret The influences of sex and posture on joint energetics during drop landings,2014,25,2,e166-75,Norcross Motor abilities and anthropometrics in youth cross-country skiing,2014,25,1,e70-81,Müller Recreational football improves bone mineral density and bone turnover marker profile in elderly men,2014,24,Suppl 1,98-104,Bangsbo Football for health - prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases across the lifespan through football,2014,24,Suppl 1,147-150,Dvorak Increase in upper extremity fractures in young male soccer players in the Netherlands 1998-2009,2014,25,4,462-466,Burdorf Football Fitness - a new version of football? A concept for adult players in Danish football clubs,2014,24,Suppl 1,138-146,Bennike Epidemiology of Achilles tendon ruptures: increasing incidence over a 33-year period,2014,25,1,e133-8,Leppilahti A team fares well with a fair coach: predictors of social loafing in interactive female sport teams,2014,25,6,897-908,De Backer Safety assessment of jumps in ski racing,2014,25,6,797-805,Nachbauer King-Devick test normative reference values for professional male ice hockey players,2014,25,3,e327-30,Holm The relationship between collision metrics from micro-sensor technology and video-coded events in rugby union,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blake Overcoming the organization-practice barrier in sports injury prevention: a nonhierarchical organizational model,2014,25,4,e414-22,Timpka Young athletes' awareness and monitoring of anti-doping in daily life: does motivation matter?,2014,25,6,e655-63,Donovan The Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S): a psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version,2014,26,1,116-123,Carlsson Evaluation of the Coaches Educators training implementation of the PAPA project: a comparison between Norway and France,2014,25,5,e539-46,Wold The NLstart2run study: incidence and risk factors of running-related injuries in novice runners,2014,25,5,e515-23,Verhagen Community size and sport participation across 22 countries,2014,25,6,e576-81,Blanchard The effectiveness of the nationwide BokSmart rugby injury prevention program on catastrophic injury rates,2015,26,2,221-225,Verhagen The influence of an artificial playing surface on injury risk and perceptions of muscle soreness in elite Rugby Union,2015,26,1,101-108,Williams Risk factors for acute and overuse sport injuries in Swedish children 11 to 15 years old: what about resistance training with weights?,2015,26,3,317-323,Bostrom Risk factors for lower extremity injuries among half marathon and marathon runners of the Lage Landen Marathon Eindhoven 2012: a prospective cohort study in the Netherlands,2015,26,2,226-234,Verhagen A pilot study of active rehabilitation for adolescents who are slow to recover from sport-related concussion,2015,26,3,299-306,Friedman Impact-induced muscle damage and urinary pterins in professional rugby: 78-dihydroneopterin oxidation by myoglobin,2015,26,3,329-337,Gill Incidence and severity of reported acute sports injuries in 35 sports using insurance registry data,2015,26,4,451-462,Aman A one-season prospective study of injuries and illness in elite junior tennis,2015,26,5,564-571,Verhagen Consensus recommendations on training and competing in the heat,2015,25,Suppl 1,6-19,Mitchell Early death in active professional athletes: trends and causes,2015,26,5,544-549,Baker Risk factors of hand climbing-related injuries,2015,26,7,739-744,Perrin Emotional intelligence in sport and exercise: a systematic review,2015,26,8,862-874,Laborde Self-reported previous knee injury and low knee function increase knee injury risk in adolescent female football,2015,26,8,919-926,Holmich Changes from 1986 to 2006 in reasons for liking leisure-time physical activity among adolescents,2015,26,8,951-959,Wold Injuries in male professional football: a prospective comparison between individual and team-based exposure registration,2015,26,10,1225-1232,Hagglund Social background bullying and physical inactivity: national study of 11- to 15-year-olds,2015,26,10,1249-1255,Due The epidemiology of injuries in powerlifting at the London 2012 Paralympic Games: an analysis of 1411 athlete-days,2015,26,10,1233-1238,Webborn Factors associated with playing football after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in female football players,2015,26,11,1343-1352,Hagglund Stress-related growth following sport injury: examining the applicability of the organismic valuing theory,2015,26,10,1132-1139,Podlog Upper extremity injuries in Danish children aged 6-12 mechanisms and risk factors,2015,27,1,93-98,Verhagen Incidence and risk factors of injuries in Brazilian elite handball players: a prospective cohort study,2015,27,2,195-202,Lopes Head injury trends and helmet use in skiers and snowboarders in Western Canada 2008-2009 to 2012-2013: an ecological study,2015,27,2,236-244,Adams Narcissism and coach interpersonal style: a self-determination theory perspective,2015,27,2,254-261,Ntoumanis Safety of third-generation artificial turf in male elite professional soccer players in Italian major league,2016,27,4,435-439,Ferretti Floorball-related eye injuries: the impact of protective eyewear,2016,27,4,430-434,Ghosh Different visual stimuli affect body reorientation strategies during sidestepping,2016,27,5,492-500,Lloyd Slackline training and neuromuscular performance in seniors: a randomized controlled trial,2016,26,3,275-283,Roth Comment on article: King-Devick test reference values and associations with balance measures in high school American football players,2016,26,5,593-594,Devick Head impact in a snowboarding accident,2016,27,9,964-974,Llari Epidemiology of injury in male collegiate Gaelic footballers in one season,2016,27,10,1136-1142,O'Connor Running injuries in novice runners enrolled in different training interventions: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2017,27,11,1372-1383,Nigg Validity of a single question to assess habitual physical activity of community-dwelling older people,2017,27,11,1423-1430,Viljanen Health problems in former elite female football players: Prevalence and risk factors,2017,27,11,1404-1410,Dvorak Is motivation for marathon a protective factor or a risk factor of injury?,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chalabaev Does physical education influence eye-hand coordination? 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A systematic review,2018,28,4,1320-1338,Franklyn-Miller Ski and snowboard school programs: injury surveillance and risk factors for grade-specific injury,2018,28,5,1569-1577,Goulet The SMS Phone and medical Examination sports injury surveillance (SPEx) system is a feasible and valid approach to measuring handball exposure injury occurrence and consequences in elite youth sport,2018,28,4,1424-1434,Lind Investigating the influence of intra-individual changes in perceived stress symptoms on injury risk in soccer,2018,28,4,1461-1466,Clement Understanding successful and unsuccessful landings of aerial manoeuvre variations in professional surfing,2018,28,5,1615-1624,Steele Injuries in Dutch elite field hockey players: a prospective cohort study,2018,28,6,1708-1714,Nauta The end game: mortality outcomes in North American professional athletes,2018,28,6,1722-1730,Wattie Modelling the impact of players' workload on the injury-burden of English Premier League football clubs,2018,28,6,1715-1721,Fuller The prevalence of Achilles and patellar tendon injuries in Australian Football players beyond a time-loss definition,2018,28,9,2016-2022,Cook Trends in time-loss injuries during the 2011-2016 South African Rugby Youth weeks,2018,28,9,2066-2073,Van Mechelen When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside?,2018,28,8,1946-1955,Lovell No association between rate of torque development and onset of muscle activity with increased risk of hamstring injury in elite football,2018,28,10,2153-2163,Bahr Inflection points in longitudinal models: tracking recovery and return to play following concussion,2018,28,11,2436-2442,King Return to play performance and career duration after ACL rupture: a case-control study in in the five biggest football nations in Europe,2018,28,10,2226-2233,Vogt Longitudinal associations between weather season and mode of commuting to school amongst Spanish youths,2018,28,12,2677-2685,Jones Hamstring and other thigh injuries in children and young athletes,2018,28,12,2630-2637,Maffulli Accidental hypothermia in recreational activities in the mountains: a narrative review,2018,28,12,2464-2472,Brugger Spinal injury analysis for typical snowboarding backward falls,2019,29,3,450-459,Arnoux Training and match volume and injury in adolescents playing multiple contact team sports: a prospective cohort study,2019,29,3,469-475,Gabbett The role of pre-diagnostic data in injury epidemiology in pre-professional dancers,2019,29,4,606-614,Moita Shoe-mounted accelerometers should be used with caution in gait retraining,2019,29,6,835-842,Davis The effects of exercise interventions on health and fitness of firefighters: a meta-analysis,2019,29,6,780-790,Gallagher Involving research-invested clinicians in data collection affects injury incidence in youth football,2019,29,7,1031-1039,Bahr Epidemiology of physical activity-related injuries in Chinese university students,2019,29,9,1331-1339,Gao The association between physical fitness level and rate and severity of injury and illness in youth elite athletes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bahr Effect of 24 weeks strength training on unstable surfaces on mobility balance and concern about falling in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Behm Validity and reliability of the TargetScan ISSF Pistol & Rifle application for measuring shooting performance,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mon-López Rescheduling Part 2 of the 11+ reduces injury burden and increases compliance in semi-professional football,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steele Benzodiazepine abuse among athletes: pain relief or just a weapon against insomnia? 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