Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Health-related quality of life in Icelandic school children,2006,20,2,209-215,Svavarsdottir Perceptions of elder abuse: voices of professionals and volunteers in Sweden - an exploratory study,2006,20,2,151-159,Erlingsson Shame reactions after suicide attempt,2003,17,3,293-300,Åsberg Prevalence of violence and its relation to caregivers' demographics and emotional reactions - an explorative study of caregivers working in group homes for persons with learning disabilities,2007,21,1,84-90,Eisemann Threats and violence in Swedish care and welfare--magnitude of the problem and impact on municipal personnel,2002,16,4,376-385,Menckel Attitude of medical staff towards victims of violence and assaults--a tentative explanation,1993,7,4,229-236,Renck Trauma PTSD and personality: the relationship between prolonged traumatization and personality impairments,2008,22,3,331-340,Rydelius Exposure to violence in relation to personality traits coping abilities and burnout among caregivers in nursing homes: a case-control study,2008,22,4,551 - 559,Richter Prevalence seriousness and reporting of work-related violence in the Danish elderly care,2008,22,4,574 - 581,Hogh Assaulted victims of nondomestic violence in Norway--injury crime characteristics and emotions during the assault,2008,22,3,445-454,Johansen Experiences of appearance-related teasing and bullying in skin diseases and their psychological sequelae: Results of a qualitative study,2008,22,3,430-436,Smith Vision and hearing impairments and their associations with falling and loss of instrumental activities in daily living in acute hospitalized older persons in five Nordic hospitals,2009,23,4,635-643,Schroll Falls in somatic and dementia wards at Community Care Units,2008,23,1,2 - 10,Winblad Families' perceptions of given information in relation to their child's head injury,2009,23,1,125 - 129,von Wendt Counselling young immigrant women worried about problems related to the protection of 'family honour'- from the perspective of midwives and counsellors at youth health clinics,2010,24,1,32-40,Alizadeh Cases of elder abuse intervention and hopes for the future as reported by home service personnel,1993,7,1,21-28,Saveman Hoists for locomotor disability--Properties of the person-carrying section and biomechanics of sitting positions,1993,7,4,221-227,Harms-Ringdahl Risk factors responsible for patients' falls,1992,6,2,113-118,Plati Individual evaluation of accident risks at nursing homes,1992,6,1,53-60,Svensson School children's experience of being bullied - and how they envisage their dream day,2010,24,4,791-798,Natvig The challenges experienced by Iranian war veterans living with chemical warfare poisoning: a descriptive exploratory study,2010,24,2,290-298,Mills Individual and organizational risk factors of work-related violence in the Danish elder care,2010,24,2,332-340,Hogh Witnessing and experiencing domestic violence: a descriptive study of adolescents,2011,25,1,70-80,Luukkaala Out of the wave: the meaning of suffering and relieved suffering for survivors of the tsunami catastrophe. An hermeneutic-phenomenological study of TV-interviews one year after the tsunami catastrophe 2004,2010,24,4,707-715,Burman The use of physical restraints in elder care in relation to fall risk,1997,11,4,238-242,Sandman Unintentional injuries among older adults in northern Sweden - a one-year population-based study,2011,25,1,185-193,Bjornstig Falls among institutionalized elderly--a prospective study in four institutions in Finland,1996,10,4,212-220,Luthje Medicate restrain or seclude? Strategies for dealing with violent and threatening behaviour in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital,2002,16,3,287-291,Wynn Staff's experience of and the management of violent incidents in elderly care,2004,18,4,410-416,Saveman The meaning of caring as described by nurses caring for a person who acts provokingly: an interview study,2004,18,1,3-11,Norberg Swedish general practitioners' awareness of elderly patients at risk of or actually suffering from elder abuse,2001,15,3,244-249,Saveman Identifying parents with risky alcohol consumption habits in a paediatric unit - are screening and brief intervention appropriate methods?,2011,25,2,383-393,Bjerregaard Could SF-36 be used as a screening instrument for depression in a Swedish youth population?,2011,25,2,262-268,Kristjánsdóttir The incomprehensible injury – interpretations of patients’ narratives concerning experiences with an acute and dramatic spinal cord injury,2009,23,1,67-75,Lohne Acute – an ambiguous concept in healthcare,2009,23,3,589-597,Nåden Prevalence of postpartum depression in two municipalities in Norway,2009,23,4,705-710,Glavin A Norwegian validity study of parenting stress measured by the Nijmegen Child‐Rearing Situation Questionnaire section one,2010,24,1,183-193,Solem Predictors of hostility among university students in Jordan,2010,24,1,125-130,Hamdan‐Mansour Detecting intimate partner abuse within clinical settings: self‐report or an interview,2010,24,2,224-232,Svavarsdottir Recovery from severe mental illness a gender perspective,2010,24,3,557-564,Schön Clarifying self‐harm through evolutionary concept analysis,2010,24,3,610-619,Tofthagen Identification of women exposed to acute physical intimate partner violence in an emergency department setting in Finland,2010,24,4,638-647,Paavilainen Pain in children and adolescents: prevalence impact on daily life and parents’ perception a school survey,2011,25,1,27-36,Natvig Nurses' attitudes to attempted suicide patients,1997,11,4,232-237,Åsberg The perception of aggression,1997,11,1,51-55,Dassen Well-being of 12-year-old children related to interpersonal relations health habits and mental distress,2006,20,3,274-281,Lindberg Violence in institutional care for elderly people from the perspective of involved care providers,2004,18,4,351-357,Saveman Incidence of violence towards staff caring for the elderly,2002,16,1,66-72,Saveman Functioning of child maltreating families: lack of resources for caring within the family,2003,17,2,139-147,Astedt-Kurki The long-term impact of torture on the mental health of war-wounded refugees: findings and implications for nursing programmes,2003,17,4,317-324,Timpka Psychological functioning and predictors of father-infant relationship in IVF fathers and controls,2008,22,1,72-78,Hjelmstedt Elderly people’s perceptions of how they want to be cared for: an interview study with healthy elderly couples in Northern Sweden,2009,23,2,353-360,Harrefors Lesbians’ and gay men’s narratives about attitudes in nursing,2009,23,1,146-152,Röndahl Establishing a new falls clinic – conflicting attitudes and inter‐sectoral competition affecting the outcome,2009,23,3,473-481,Evron Swedish general practitioners’ awareness of elderly patients at risk of or actually suffering from elder abuse,2001,15,3,244-249,Saveman Threats and violence in Swedish care and welfare – magnitude of the problem and impact on municipal personnel,2002,16,4,376-385,Menckel A change in life as experienced by first‐time fathers,2008,22,1,64-71,Fägerskiöld A systemic view of family health,2008,22,1,1-4,Åstedt‐Kurki Adaptation and resiliency in Swedish families,2007,21,3,329-337,Carson Adjusting to being a father to an infant born prematurely: experiences from Swedish fathers,2008,22,1,79-85,Axelsson Aspects of spirituality concerning illness,2007,21,4,482-489,René Existential caring in the family health experience: a proposed conceptualization,2008,22,1,110-117,Meiers Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Resilience Scale,2007,21,2,229-237,Brulin Ranked motives of long‐term care providing family caregivers,2008,22,1,29-39,Garretsen Self‐assessed occupational health and working environment of female nurses cabin crew and teachers,2007,21,2,262-273,Gunnarsdóttir Fear of falling from a daily life perspective: Narratives from later life,2012,26,1,38-44,Sarvimäki Could SF‐36 be used as a screening instrument for depression in a Swedish youth population?,2011,25,2,262-268,Kristjánsdóttir Staff's experiences with patients' assaults in a Norwegian psychiatric university hospital. A pilot study,1998,12,2,89-93,Wynn Fall injuries among elderly persons living at home,1998,12,2,67-72,Johansson Preventive psychosocietal support groups: parents' criteria for good quality,2009,23,2,211-221,Häggman‐Laitila ADL performance and dependency on nursing care in patients with hip fractures and acute confusion in a task allocation care system,1991,5,1,3-11,Winblad Finally it became too much - experiences and reflections in the aftermath of attempted suicide,2011,26,2,304-312,Nåden Physicians' stories about suicidal psychiatric inpatients,2000,14,4,275-283,Jacobsson 'The responsibility of someone else': a focus group study of collaboration between a university and a hospital regarding the integration of caring science in practice,2012,26,3,579-586,Lindberg Perceived injustice in injured workers: analysis of public responses to an injured worker who took Workers' Compensation Board employees hostage,2012,26,3,569-578,Gross Deep and almost unbearable suffering: consequences of childhood sexual abuse for men's health and well-being,2012,26,4,688-697,Halldorsdottir Early onset of sexual intercourse is an indicator for hazardous lifestyle and problematic life situation,2013,27,1,20-26,Larsson Troubled lives: chaos and trauma in the accounts of young people considered 'at risk' of diagnosis of personality disorder,2012,26,4,747-754,Gilbert Bullying or violence during training and the risk of dropout from the eldercare sector 2 years later,2012,26,4,730-737,Hannerz Evaluation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Hendrich II Fall Risk Model to Portuguese,2013,27,2,468-474,Caldevilla Repressed and silent suffering: consequences of childhood sexual abuse for women's health and well-being,2013,27,2,422-432,Halldorsdottir School health nurses and substance use among adolescents - towards individual identification and early intervention,2006,20,4,439-447,Laukkanen Women's experiences of important others in a pregnancy dominated by intimate partner violence,2013,27,3,643-650,Engnes Why abused women do not seek professional help: a qualitative study,2014,28,1,3-11,Lo Fo Wong High-frequency use of over-the-counter analgesics among adolescents: reflections of an emerging difficult life a cross-sectional study,2014,28,1,49-56,Rosvold Impact on life after a major bus crash - a qualitative study of survivors' experiences,2014,28,1,155-163,Saveman Perceived vision-related quality of life and risk of falling among community living elderly people,2013,27,2,433-439,Baigi Psychological distress and professional help-seeking: a prospective national study,2014,28,2,273-280,Vilhjalmsson 'I am stronger I'm no longer afraid…' An evaluation of a home-visiting mentor mother support programme for abused women in primary care,2013,28,4,724-731,Romkens Outdoor pedestrian fall-related injuries among Swedish senior citizens - injuries and preventive strategies,2014,29,2,225-233,Bjornstig Changes in physical functional capacity from 71 to 78 years of age for a population living at home. Data from a prospective study of an age cohort,1987,1,1,33-39,Ekdahl Significance of close relationships after the tsunami disaster in connection with existential health--a qualitative interpretive study,2012,26,3,537-544,Arman Social class variations in schoolchildren's self-reported outcome of the health dialogue with the school health nurse,2004,18,4,343-350,Holstein The multifaceted vigilance - nurses' experiences of caring encounters with patients suffering from substance use disorder,2015,30,2,303-311,Johansson Parents matter - but relations to parents do not explain gender differences in self-reported health in adolescents,2012,26,4,643-653,Janlert When the safe place does not protect: reports of victimisation and adverse experiences in psychiatric institutions,2016,30,4,741-748,da Costa Maia Navigating in an unpredictable daily life: a metasynthesis on children's experiences living with a parent with severe mental illness,2016,30,3,442-457,Dam The participant's perspective: learning from an aggression management training course for nurses. Insights from a qualitative interview study,2016,30,3,574-585,Hahn Psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of the Suicidal Ideation Scale in mentally ill patients living in the community,2016,31,1,210-216,Hong Patient participation: causing moral stress in psychiatric nursing?,2016,31,2,388-394,Jansen The significance of meaningful and enjoyable activities for nursing home resident's experiences of dignity,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Råholm Why do some older adults start drinking excessively late in life? Results from an interpretative phenomenological study,2017,31,4,974-983,Nielsen Challenges in interprofessional collaboration: experiences of care providers and policymakers in a newly set-up Dutch assault centre,2018,32,1,138-146,Lo Fo Wong Fall prevention by nursing assistants among community-living elderly people. A randomised controlled trial,2018,32,2,575-585,Kamwendo Impact of an educational intervention for district nurses about preparedness to encounter women exposed to intimate partner violence,2018,32,2,902-913,Törnkvist Mental ill-health among adult patients at healthcare centres in Sweden: district nurses experiences,2018,32,2,987-996,Clausson A cross-sectional descriptive study of the family functioning health and social support of hospital patients with family violence backgrounds,2018,32,3,1083-1092,Paavilainen Family violence and mental health in a sample of Finnish health care professionals: the mediating role of perceived sleep quality,2019,33,1,231-243,Siltala Workplace bullying among healthcare professionals in Sweden: a descriptive study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordström Experiences of family members supporting a relative with substance use problems: a qualitative study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lubman 'The self-destruction force is so strong': male survivors' experience of suicidal thoughts following sexual violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halldorsdottir Similar yet unique: the victim's journey after acute sexual assault and the importance of continuity of care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lo Fo Wong Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sallinen Parents' perspective on their responsibilities with regard to adolescents' use of alcohol,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietilä The 'difficult patient' phenomenon in home nursing and 'self-inflicted' illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Michaelsen 'We experienced lack of understanding in the healthcare system'. experiences of childhood sexual abuse survivors of the childbearing process health and motherhood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jonsdottir Association of daily hassles daily uplifts coping styles and stress-related symptoms among women exposed to sexual abuse-a cross-sectional study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lien More support knowledge and awareness are needed to prepare emergency department nurses to approach potential intimate partner violence victims,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ekwall Living with suicidal thoughts: a scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buus Assessing the use of clinical guidelines against domestic violence in southern Sweden: a mixed-methods study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ivert Health-related quality of life in women patients with borderline personality disorder,2006,20,3,302-307,Åsberg