Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effects of violence and internal displacement on rural‐agrarian change in Turkey,2008,73,3,370-413,Sonmez Stability and Change in Female and Male Violence across Rural and Urban Counties 1981–2006,2010,75,3,388-425,Schwartz "Doing gender" ensuring survival: mexican migration and economic crisis in the rural mountain west (U.S.A.),2011,76,4,441-460,Schmalzbauer "White men are this nation:" right‐wing militias and the restoration of rural American masculinity,2000,65,4,582-604,Kimmel An empirical examination of characteristics of Mexican migrants to metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas of the United States,2009,74,2,220-240,Farmer Are rural schools inferior to urban schools? A multilevel analysis of school accountability trends in Kentucky,2005,70,3,360-386,Reeves Barriers to women's advancement in underground coal mining,2000,65,2,234-252,Tallichet Calvin Beale's legacy for rural demography,2011,76,1,24-30,Elo Community wildfire events as a source of social conflict,2006,71,2,261-280,Carroll Community family and race/ethnic differences in health status in rural areas,1998,63,2,235-252,Albrecht Continuities in size of place preferences in the United States 1972-1992,1997,62,4,408-428,Brown Evidence of a housing decision chain in rural community vitality,2009,74,1,113-137,Shelley Farm boys and wild men: rurality masculinity and homosexuality,2000,65,4,547-561,Bell Farm parents' attitudes towards farm safety experts,2004,69,4,532-551,Neufeld Global economic integration and local community resilience: road paving and rural demographic change in the southwestern Amazon,2010,75,2,300-325,Perz Highways and population change,2006,71,1,33-58,Chi Hunting and rural socialization: contingent effects of the rural setting on hunting participation,2001,66,4,599-617,Stedman In search of housing: urban families in rural contexts,2012,77,1,110-134,Clark Inequality and educational investment in Thai children,2005,70,4,561-583,Pattaravanich Linking community context to quality of parenting: a study of rural families,1997,62,2,207-230,Conger Making men: the construction and representation of agriculture‐based masculinities in Australia and New Zealand,2000,65,4,605-620,Liepins Marriage form and son preference in rural China: an investigation in three counties,2007,72,4,511-536,Feldman Masculinity gender and rural policy,2000,65,4,621-639,Little Mediated knowledge: reexamining six classic community studies from a woman's point of view,2011,76,2,141-166,Zimmerman Migration of retirement‐age blacks to nonmetropolitan areas in the 1990s,2011,76,1,31-43,Fuguitt Municipal underbounding: annexation and racial exclusion in small southern towns,2007,72,1,47-68,Parisi Nonmetropolitan sex‐role ideologies: a longitudinal study,1999,64,1,44-65,Johnson Nonstandard employment in the nonmetropolitan United States,2008,73,4,631-659,McLaughlin Opportunity theory and agricultural crime victimization,2007,72,2,151-184,Mears Paradoxes of providing rural social services: the case of homeless youth,2009,74,3,330-355,Edwards Perceived community cohesion and the stress process in youth,2011,76,3,293-318,Rebellon Place of origin types of ties and support networks in Mexico-U.S. migration,2011,76,4,481-510,Flores‐Yeffal Political socialization and reactions to immigration‐related diversity in rural America,2008,73,2,180-204,Gimpel Race and gender inequality in homeownership: does place make a difference?,2002,67,4,603-621,Allen Religious communities immigration and social cohesion in rural areas: evidence from England,2011,76,4,535-561,Andrews Residence and income inequality: effects on mortality among U.S. counties,2001,66,4,579-598,Stokes Residential preferences: what's terrorism got to do with it?,2010,75,3,426-454,Kay Rural migration rapid growth and fear of crime,2002,67,1,71-89,Smith Social capital and human mortality: explaining the rural paradox with county‐level mortality data,2011,76,3,347-374,Yang Social capital and participation in community improvement activities by elderly residents in small towns and rural communities,2003,68,3,343-365,Liu Social disorganization in new Latino destinations?,2009,74,4,573-604,Lichter Social disorganization theory and the contextual nature of crime in nonmetropolitan counties,2002,67,3,372-393,Mencken Social guardianship and social isolation: an application and extension of lifestyle/routine activities theory to rural adolescents,2005,70,3,414-437,Spano Social isolation and lethal violence across the metro/nonmetro divide: the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage and poverty concentration on homicide,2003,68,1,107-131,Lee Spatial variations in church burnings: the social ecology of victimized communities in the South,2002,67,4,578-602,Bartkowski Stress social resources and depression among never‐married and divorced rural mothers,2006,71,3,479-504,Turner Strong ties weak ties and human capital: Latino immigrant employment outside the enclave,2009,74,2,241-269,Pfeffer Sundown town to "Little Mexico": old‐timers and newcomers in an American small town,2009,74,4,605-629,McConnell The changing spatial concentration of America's rural poor population,2007,72,3,331-358,Lichter The continuing incidence of natural decrease in American counties,2011,76,1,74-100,Johnson The glass phallus: pub(lic) masculinity and drinking in rural New Zealand,2000,65,4,562-581,Campbell The Impact of Migration on Poverty Concentrations in the United States 1995-2000,2010,75,1,90-110,Foulkes The Impacts of Highway Expansion on Population Change: An Integrated Spatial Approach,2010,75,1,58-89,Chi The question of rural masculinities,2000,65,4,532-546,Campbell University‐industry relationships in colleges of agriculture and life sciences: the role of women faculty,2009,74,4,498-524,Crowe Village context women's status and son preference among rural Chinese women,2003,68,1,87-106,Li Volatility and Growth in Populations of Rural Associations,2010,75,1,144-166,Wollebæk Warrior heroes and little green men: soldiers military training and the construction of rural masculinities,2000,65,4,640-657,Woodward When bad things happen in good places: pastoralism in big‐city newspaper coverage of small‐town violence,2003,68,2,207-230,Frank Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? young people's responses to the conflicts over large carnivores in eastern Norway,2001,66,2,203-226,Skogen Wildfire perception and community change,2010,75,3,455-477,Stedman Working poverty across the metro‐nonmetro divide: a quarter century in perspective 1979-2003,2010,75,3,363-387,Slack Gender region of socialization and ownership of protective firearms,1986,51,2,169-182,Young What explains divorced women's poorer health? The mediating role of health insurance and access to health care in a rural Iowan sample,2012,77,4,601-625,Lorenz Gaining access to economically marginalized rural populations: Lessons learned from nonprobability sampling,2012,77,3,462-482,Sano Receptivity toward immigrants in rural Pennsylvania: Perceptions of adult english as second language providers,2012,77,3,435-461,Prins Rurality and patterns of social disruption,1984,49,1,23-36,Wilkinson Unpacking heat: dueling identities and complex views on gun control among rural police,2017,82,3,444-472,Woldoff Are population and land use changes perceived as threats to sense of place in the New West? A multilevel modeling approach,2017,82,2,263-290,Cross Psychological and behavioral predictors of rural in-migration,2018,83,1,24-50,Nakagawa "People will bury their guns before they surrender them": implementing domestic violence gun control in rural Appalachian versus urban communities,2018,83,2,315-346,Logan Rural conservatism or anarchism? The pro-state stateless and anti-state positions,2018,83,4,717-748,Ashwood Remembering the future: natural disaster place and symbolic survival,2019,84,1,123-147,Shtob Governing resilience through power: explaining community adaptations to extreme events in coastal Louisiana,2019,84,3,489-515,May Sustainability and disaster planning: what are the connections?,2019,84,3,516-540,Homsy Rural depopulation: growth and decline processes over the past century,2019,84,1,3-27,Lichter Rural and urban differences in gender-sentencing patterns of Pennsylvania,2018,83,2,402-430,Lu Intimate partner violence in small towns dispersed rural areas and other locations: estimates using a reconception of settlement type,2019,84,4,826-852,DeKeseredy Hardship in the heartland: associations between rurality income and material hardship,2022,87,3,936-959,Conrad Development and Social Problems: The Impact of the Offshore Oil Industry on Suicide and Homicide Rates,1993,58,1,93-110,Laska Suicide in Rural Areas: The Case of Japan 1960-1980,1991,56,4,603-618,Kurosu