Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Epidemiology of intoxications in Chile: ten years of registry,2004,132,4,493-499,Mena Mortality due to traffic accidents in Chile 1994: an epidemiological approach,1997,125,9,1097-1102,Bedregal Self esteem affectivity perception aims and risk behaviors among teenagers of both sexes,1995,122,5,587-593,Millán Attempted suicide in females: a prospective study,1998,126,8,924-929,Gómez Child battering and adult psychopathology: an empiric study,2004,132,12,1499-1504,Weil Tattooing and piercing in teenagers,2006,134,10,1322-1329,Pérez-Cotapos S Accidental ingestion of magnets in children: report of three cases,2006,134,10,1315-1319,Cortés A Relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder child sexual abuse and sexual re-victimization,2006,134,10,1302-1305,Vitriol G Social and familial determinants of anxiety and depressive symptoms in middle to low income women,2007,135,3,326-334,Illanes V Accidents in pediatrics: opportunities for prevention,2005,133,11,1389-1391,García-Huidobro M Sleepiness attacks while driving: adverse effects of new antiparkinson drugs,2001,129,5,585-586,Miranda Psychopathology and social functioning among offspring of depressed women,2007,135,5,602-612,Fritsch M Traffic accidents as a cause of death in Chile,1995,122,5,584-585,Fl Child physical punishment: opinions of the children from 2 schools,1994,122,8,958-963,Vargas Child abuse,1993,121,5,544-545,Novoa Physical punishment in children: Opinions and behaviors of adults,1993,121,5,567-573,Vargas Prevalence and epidemiology of loxosceles laeta bite: Analysis of consultations to a poison control center,2007,135,9,1160-1165,Bettini Do antidepressants really increase suicide rates in childhood and adolescence?,2007,135,9,1195-1201,Silva Effects of violence and crime on television,1979,107,10,971-974,Neghme Role of health professionals in the prevention of domestic violence against women,2008,136,3,394-400,Gracia Clinical characteristics of children and adolescent hospitalized in a university psychiatric clinic,2007,135,6,751-758,Pacheco P Perception of abuse among medical students of the University of Chile,2006,134,12,1516-1523,Maida S Familial risk factors for suicide among adolescents with depression,2009,137,2,226-233,Pavez Sexual violence in young men and women in Chile: Results from a 2005 survey of university students,2009,137,5,599-608,Lehrer Alcohol accidents and violence,1966,94,10,651-653,Medina Psychoanalytic notes on violence,1973,101,12,981-989,Davanzo Mortality due to suicide in Chile (1930-1971),1975,103,9,634-638,Trucco Acute thalium poisoning,1975,103,4,256-259,Ossa Suicides in Santiago city. I. Medico-legal aspects,1976,104,4,246-250,Trucco Causes of death in physicians of Santiago Chile,1977,105,11,792-801,France Suicides in Santiaco. II. Seasonal variation,1977,105,1,47-49,Trucco Contusion of the abdominal aorta and massive embolization from the use of a seat belt. A clinical case,1990,118,12,1376-1379,Espinoza Suicide attempt and hopelessness,1991,119,12,1381-1386,Suarez Paracetamol overdose: a new form of suicide in Chile and the value of N-acetylcysteine administration,1992,120,4,427-429,Silva The electrocardiogram in experimental acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1950,78,11,725-727,Forero Flail chest,1971,99,12,957-962,Gutiérrez Drinking habit in a working population,1980,108,12,1153-1160,Naveillan Industrial medicine: scope and problems in Chile,1980,108,11,1077-1086,Uribe An epidemiologic survey of accidents at work in Santiago Chile,1976,104,11,848-855,Naveillan The fall from height of king Ocozhyia of Israel,1991,119,7,841-845,Gonzalez Morbidity in the population of 12 Chilean cities,1988,116,5,476-481,Martinez Emotional factors in the incidence of accidents,1985,113,6,580-586,Moreno Infant mortality classed by groups of avoidable causes in 27 health services around the country (Chile 1979),1982,110,4,383-390,Solis Complete AV block caused by a closed heart injury,1981,109,8,746-751,Arriagada Long term consequences among children exposed to lead poisoning,2009,137,8,1037-1044,Perez Motor-scooters as a cause of cranio-cerebral injury,1960,88,,795-798,Valladares Traffic accidents,1962,90,,999-1007,Medina Prevalence and risk factors associated with postpartum depression in puerperal women consulting in primary care,2008,136,1,44-52,Póo F Assessment of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) to detect problem drinkers,2009,137,11,1463-1468,Alvarado Substance use and risk behaviors of out-of-treatment cocaine base paste and cocaine hydrochloride users,2007,135,1,45-53,Santis B Quality of life of women depressed in the post-partum period,2006,134,6,713-720,Araya Post traumatic stress disorder among assault victims,2004,132,7,839-844,Carvajal Child abuse in in the city Temuco. Prevalence study and associated factors,2001,129,12,1425-1432,Munoz Conjugal violence in the city Temuco. Prevalence studies and associated factors,2001,129,12,1405-1412,Munoz Jean-Paul Marat: physician scientist and revolutionary,2010,138,1,124-127,Cerda Lorca Domestic violence and sexuality,1999,127,11,1329-1338,Ritter Can I drive a car doctor? Car driving evaluation for people with disability and the importance in rehabilitation,2010,138,2,243-250,García P Clinical differences between suicide and non-suicide attempter hospitalized adolescents,2010,138,2,160-167,Pacheco P [Psychological support for disaster victims: An evidence-based care model.],2010,138,2,143-151,Gonzalez Prevalence of suicidal ideations and suicidal attempts among adolescents living in Metropolitan Santiago,2010,138,3,309-315,Carvajal Reflections and feelings from a team of volunteers from the Ministry of Health and the Chilean Medical Association after the recent earthquake,2010,138,3,270-273,O'Ryan G Characteristics and management of morbidity in Santiago 1993,1994,122,12,1421-1427,Hernandez Immunotherapy against hymenoptera venom: report of ten patients,2007,135,12,1566-1571,Guzmán M Cross sectional geriatric assessment of free living older subjects from Antofagasta Chile,2010,138,4,444-451,Tapia P What how much and when the university student drinks,1996,124,3,377-388,Repossi Alcohol consumption and family: a descriptive study in adolescents,1996,124,6,749-755,Bedregal Risk behavior in adolescent students in Santiago de Chile,1993,121,4,462-469,Florenzano Medical certification of deaths by trauma in the Chilean health services,1997,125,11,1389-1398,Gonzalez The medical history of Edgar Allan Poe,2007,135,9,1216-1220,Miranda C Psychological response after the earthquake in Chile on February 28 2010,2010,138,7,920-921,Figueroa Darwin's earthquake,2010,138,7,897-901,Lee The CRAMS system of quantitative evaluation in trauma,1988,116,3,238-241,Carvajal Application of the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) to adolescent drug abusers,2009,137,4,466-474,Vinet Chilean medicine immediately after the 1891 revolution,1995,123,3,384-389,Costa Casaretto Factitious gastrointestinal hemorrhage in 3 school-age girls,1995,123,7,874-879,Guiraldes Twelve-year trends of hip fracture rates in Chile. Is there a relationship between their increase and population aging?,1997,125,8,893-898,Pumarino Work absenteeism in a mining company: trends in 1985-1988,1993,121,7,827-836,Cornejo Parathion poisoning treated in a rural hospital,1989,117,9,1052-1053,Muñoz Munchausen syndrome by proxy an unusual presentation,2001,129,8,917-920,Maida Impact of domestic violence on reproductive and neonatal health,2001,129,12,1413-1424,Arcos The impact of domestic violence on children's health,2003,131,12,1454-1462,Arcos Effectiveness of a home visit program for adolescent mothers and their children,2011,139,1,60-65,Aracena Development and evaluation of a measure scale of risk of mother-newborn infant relations,1995,123,6,707-712,Nunez Epidemiology and clinical aspects of osteoporosis,1996,124,8 Suppl,61-68,Pumarino Paternity determination in cases of incest using multiallelic loci DNA polymorphisms,1996,124,11,1307-1313,Cifuentes Epidemiologic study of arsenic poisoning in the city of Antofagasta,1971,99,9,702-707,Borgoño Recent alcohol and drug consumption in victims of work related accidents,1998,126,10,1262-1267,Trucco High voltage electrical burns as a risk factor for mortality among burn patients,2011,139,2,177-181,Mangelsdorff G A self administered survey to assess bullying in schools,2011,139,4,474-479,Lecannelier Epidemiology of fractures in Chile,1991,119,1,92-98,Pumarino Nontraumatic deaths associated with a natural catastrophe. The experience of the earthquake in Chile 1985,1990,118,1,84-91,Gonzalez Abnormal drinking of workers in a mine of the Gran Minería del Cobre,1983,111,2,193-200,Medina Digitalis intoxication (author's transl),1974,102,7,511-517,Sepúlveda Vulnerability of pregnant women living in a community of Metropolitan Santiago,2011,139,6,739-747,Arcos Cross sectional geriatric assessment of Mexican older people,2011,139,6,725-731,Cortés N Sex education of children and adolescent,2000,128,6,571-573,Montenegro Mathematical simulation of mild brain injury in children heading soccer balls,2011,139,8,1089-1096,Perez Occupational exposure to ionizing radiations in Chile,1973,101,2,121-124,Donoso Analysis of the explicit guarantees of health inclusion criteria for elderly burned patients,2011,139,11,1465-1470,Albornoz Bioethics in catastrophe situations such as earthquakes,2012,140,1,108-112,León C Preparation of forensic reports of injuries,2012,140,3,386-389,Bórquez V Characterization of paracetamol overdose: Report of a poison information center in Chile,2012,140,3,313-318,Bettini Features of adolescents hospitalized for a suicide attempt in a general hospital,2012,140,6,751-762,Inzunza C Epidemiological profile of deaths after the 2010 earthquake in Chile,2012,140,6,732-739,Lastra T Alcohol zero tolerance law in Chile: strengths flaws and shortcomings that should not be overlooked,2012,140,7,939-945,González-Wilhelm Suicidal ideation self-directed violence and depression among Chilean school adolescents,2012,140,7,873-881,Araya Risk factors and behaviors among children and adolescents hospitalized for a suicidal attempt,2012,140,11,1417-1424,Bella Sociodemographic/clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients admitted to the National Burn Center of Chile,2013,141,2,181-186,Villegas Youth sexuality: behaviors attitudes and differences by sex and personality variables in Chilean university students,2013,141,2,160-166,Fernández Heat-related illness: an underdiagnosed cause of relapsing fever ,2005,133,2,261-262,Miranda Earthquake in Chile: acute stress and post traumatic stress disorder among women in treatment for severe depression,2013,141,3,338-344,Vitriol G Association of loneliness impulsivity and alcohol use with suicidal behavior in adolescents,2013,141,4,428-434,Salvo G Proposing a data mining scaffolding for preventing harmful alcohol consumption in Chilean adolescents,2013,141,5,644-651,Villalón C Alcohol intake in children of elementary schools of Santiago (author's transl),1977,105,8,548-552,Godoy Suicidal behavior and psychiatric disorders in Chile. A population-based study,2013,141,10,1275-1282,Vicente Testing the Latino paradox in Latin America: A population-based study of Intra-regional immigrants in Chile,2013,141,10,1255-1265,Cabieses Prognostic value of the lethal triad among patients with multiple trauma,2013,141,11,1420-1426,González Balverde Psychological component of human stress (author's transl),1981,109,5,441-451,Vargas Fernández Genetical heterogeneity of alcohol dependence (author's transl),1979,107,6,534-539,Cruz-Coke Acute mushroom poisoning,1980,108,7,671-672,Mayer Alcoholism and depression: epidemiologic correlations (author's transl),1979,107,9,799-806,Urzua Trends in suicide mortality in Chile from 1998 to 2011,2014,142,3,305-313,Sanhueza Domestic violence in Chile,2014,142,8,1014-1022,Torres Parental practices and pedestrian risk behaviors in Chilean adolescents,2014,142,8,975-981,Repetto Assessment of a distant collaborative program for the treatment of depression in primary care,2014,142,9,1142-1149,Fritsch Validation of a brief screening test to assess functional capacity in Chilean older people,2014,142,9,1128-1135,Herrera P Alcohol consumption among traveling Chilean older people,2014,142,12,1517-1522,Yu C Suicide attempts among Chilean adolescents,2015,143,3,320-328,Melipillan Suicide in hospitalized patients and medical liability,2015,143,4,506-511,Santander Influence of bullying on the quality of life perception of Chilean students,2015,143,6,716-723,Martínez Characterization of pesticide exposures reported between 2006 and 2013 to a poison information center in Chile,2015,143,10,1269-1276,Cerda The harm to others from drinking: a population study,2015,143,10,1242-1251,Florenzano Minimum legal drinking age in the Chilean context,2016,144,1,108-115,Ramirez Proposal to address the mental health problems detected after the February 27 2010 earthquake,2016,144,2,247-252,Figueroa Suicide attempts and self inflicted harm: a one year follow up of risk behaviors among out of treatment cocaine users,2016,144,4,526-533,Santis Smoking and alcohol use among Chilean teenagers aged 10 to 14 years,2016,144,4,465-475,Gaete The legal framework to prevent teenage pregnancies,2016,144,5,577-584,Molina Medicolegal considerations about rape as a reason to decriminalize abortion,2016,144,6,772-780,González-Wilhelm Suicide in lesbian gay bisexual and trans populations: systematic review of a decade of research (2004-2014),2016,144,6,723-733,Tomicic Mental health in Chile and Finland: challenges and lessons,2016,144,7,926-929,Retamal C Suicide risk after bariatric surgery,2016,144,9,1171-1176,Roizblatt Comorbidity in people with depression seeking help at primary health care centers in Santiago Chile,2017,145,1,25-32,Fritsch Association between adverse childhood experiences with depression in adults consulting in primary care,2017,145,9,1145-1153,Vitriol Cultural adaptation and translation of the Woman Abuse Screening Tool,2018,146,3,331-340,Binfa Workplace violence among health care workers,2018,146,2,213-222,Ansoleaga Verbal and physical abuse towards health care workers in emergency services,2018,146,6,727-736,Paravic-Klijn Risk of falls among patients admitted to a medical-surgical ward. Analysis of 376 medical records,2018,146,7,862-868,Espinoza Teaching medical students about domestic violence and sexual abuse: teachers' perception of barriers and facilitators,2018,146,8,927-932,Cuadra The duty to inform in the Chilean legislation,2018,146,8,909-912,Pizarro W Timely detection and intervention on falls among elderly adults,2019,147,2,261,Lázaro del Nogal Risk factors for suicide attempts in people with depressive disorders treated in secondary health care,2019,147,2,181-189,Salvo Factors associated with falls in older adults in Chile. Analysis of the National Health Survey 2009-2010,2019,147,7,877-886,Celis-Morales Depression and geriatric assessment in older people admitted for hip fracture,2019,147,8,1005-1012,Charles-Lozoya Features of patients with trauma admitted to an emergency room of a general hospital,2019,147,10,1256-1265,Vega Prolonged disorders of consciousness after an acute brain injury,2019,147,12,1621-1625,Vergara Accidental ingestion of magnets in children: report of three cases,2006,134,10,1315-1319,Cortés A. History of child abuse among patients with bipolar disorders,2020,148,2,204-210,Jiménez Validation of the childhood trauma questionnaire-short form in Chile,2020,148,3,336-343,Martínez Mortality in survivors of torture and prison during the Chilean dictatorship between 1973 and 1990,2020,148,12,1773-1780,Alvarado Prevalence and factors associated with partner violence among pregnant and puerperal women in Santiago Chile,2021,149,4,543-553,Binfa Suicide rates in the Araucania Region of Chile,2021,149,7,1004-1013,Sánchez-Alarcón Clinical dilemmas derived from the need to certify rape for voluntary pregnancy interruption,2021,149,5,758-764,Muñoz Initial assessment and management of the suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in primary care,2021,149,6,913-919,Salvo G Timed up and go values in older people with and without a history of falls,2021,149,9,1302-1310,Ugarte Ll Suicidal behavior among Chilean young people self-identified as cisgender lesbian gay and bisexual,2022,150,3,324-330,Inostroza Suicidal behavior psychoactive substances use and quality of life in Chilean adolescents,2022,150,8,1036-1045,Font-Mayolas Association between early onset of psychoactive drug use and health risk behaviors in Chilean adolescents,2022,150,5,584-596,Font-Mayolas Association of adolescent dating violence as victim or perpetrator with childhood maltreatment,2022,150,7,903-911,Varela Deliberate self-harm and psychoactive substance use in Colombian school adolescents,2022,150,6,736-743,Martínez-Torres The challenges faced after a major trauma at an expedition ship at a remote area. Report of one Case,2023,151,2,255-258,Martínez-Méndez Epidemiological characterization of benzodiazepine and antidepressant poisonings in Chile,2023,151,4,453-460,Müller-Ramírez Virginia Woolf as an example of a mental disorder and artistic creativity,2005,133,11,1381-1388,Figueroa C Mental health in Chile and Finland. Challenges and lessons,2016,144,7,930-935,Peña [Functional tests in older adults: a cross-sectional study comparing subjects with and without history of falls],2023,151,6,677-686,Ugarte Ll [Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Risk Factors & Protective Measures],2023,151,6,764-774,Retamal C Medidas de salud mental y bienestar subjetivo en una muestra de hombres gays y mujeres lesbianas en Chile,2017,145,9,1115-1121,Barrientos Características clínicas del trastorno depresivo mayor en tratamiento en el nivel secundario de atención,2017,145,3,335-343,Saldivia Adolescentes con trastorno por consumo de sustancias: Una caracterización de personalidad a través de las normas chilenas del MACI,2009,137,4,466-474,Vinet Apuntes sobre la eutanasia,2005,133,3,371-375,Goic G. Caracterización de la ingestión por sobredosis de paracetamol: Reporte de un centro de información toxicológica chileno,2012,140,3,313-318,Bettini Características clínicas de niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años hospitalizados en una clínica psiquiátrica universitaria,2007,135,6,751-758,Pacheco P. ¿Cómo es la salud mental de los hijos de madres deprimidas consultantes a servicios de atención primaria?,2007,135,5,602-612,Pilowsky Calidad de vida de mujeres deprimidas en el posparto,2006,134,6,713-720,Fritsch M. Certificación médica de las defunciones por traumatismos en los servicios de salud de Chile,1997,125,11,1389-98,Castillo Muñoz Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud en niños y adolescentes con intentos de suicidio y en sus familiares,2012,140,11,1417-1424,Bella Consentimiento informado en la nueva ley de derechos de los pacientes,2012,140,10,1347-1351,Figueroa G Conducta suicida en niños y adolescentes ingresados en un hospital general: Análisis descriptivo,2012,140,6,751-762,Inzunza C Consumo de sustancias y conductas de riesgo en consumidores de pasta base de cacaína no consultantes a servicios de rehabilitación,2007,135,1,45-53,Santis B. Desarrollos recientes en la jurisprudencia sobre el derecho a morir,2016,144,4,483-487,Bascuñán R Diferencias clínicas entre adolescentes hospitalizados por intento suicida y adolescentes hospitalizados por otra causa psiquiátrica,2010,138,2,160-167,Pacheco P Definiciones en medicina: ¿estamos en que el fin justifica los medios y actos médicos?,2000,128,7,807-8,Duclos Hertzer El diagnóstico diferencial entre la Depresión Bipolar y la Depresión Monopolar en la práctica clínica,2010,138,6,773-779,Leyton a Eutanasia en Chile: una discusión pendiente,2016,144,12,1598-1604,Carrasco M Eutanasia y acto médico,2011,139,5,642-654,Sociedad mÉdica de santiago ¿Es efectivo que los antidepresivos aumentan el riesgo de suicidio?,2007,135,9,1195-1201,Silva Eustanasia y derecho a morir a morir,2006,134,1,124-125,Lama T. Factores de riesgo familiares asociados a la conducta suicida en adolescentes con trastorno depresivo,2009,137,2,226-233,Pavez La muerte: un momento de paz y de confianza,2005,133,8,983-986,Duclos H. La conducta suicida en mujeres: un estudio prospectivo,1998,126,8,924-9,Lolas Stepke Matar dejar morir y eutanasia en el proyecto de ley sobre derechos de las personas y en la doctrina chilena,2011,139,5,655-659,Figueroa G Neurobiología del trastorno de personalidad límite,2014,142,2,204-210,Guendelman Prevalencia de ideación e intento suicida en adolescentes de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile,2010,138,3,309-315,Carvajal Relación entre ideación suicida y estilos parentales en un grupo de adolescentes chilenos,2011,139,12,1529-1533,Florenzano U Suicidio por interrupción de hemodiálisis en un paciente con nefropatía crónica: análisis de un caso,2012,140,6,771-774,Gomez Tatuajes y perforaciones en adolescentes,2006,134,10,1322-1329,Pérez-cotapos S. Virginia Woolf: enfermedad mental y creatividad artística,2005,133,11,1381-1388,Figueroa C. Argumentos éticos a favor y en contra de la participación del profesional médico en la muerte asistida,2020,148,10,,Ortiz Pommier Argumentos éticos a favor y en contra de la participación del profesional médico en la muerte asistida. Análisis del Departamento de Ética del Colegio Médico de Chile,2020,148,4,542-547,Misseroni Raddatz Aspectos éticos de la conducta del médico ante personas en huelga de hambre: opinión del Departamento de Ética del Colegio Médico de Chile,2018,146,9,1059-1063,Salas ¿Contradice la eutanasia o el suicidio asistido el ethos médico? Orientaciones para una ética médica moderna y pluralista,2021,149,9,1372-1376,Aurenque COVID-19: dejar morir a los pacientes adultos mayores atenta contra la dignidad humana y el derecho a la vida,2020,148,11,,Scheel S. Eutanasia: aclarando conceptos,2021,149,10,,Carvajal C. El impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental de los trabajadores de la salud en Chile: datos iniciales de The Health Care Workers Study,2021,149,8,1205-1214,Bedregal Fibrosis pulmonar aguda asociada a intoxicación por Paraquat: caso clínico,2018,146,7,938-941,Regueira Ideación e intento suicida en jóvenes lesbianas gays y bisexuales de Chile: estudio comunitario online,2022,150,3,,Inostroza Impacto social de la despenalización de la muerte médicamente asistida,2021,149,11,,Bellolio A. 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