Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Evaluation of alcohol outlet density and its relation with violence,2002,36,4,455-461,Laranjeira Epidemiological aspects of suicide in Rio Grande do Sul Brazil,2004,38,6,804-810,Victora Factors associated with drug use among adolescent students in southern Brazil,2004,38,6,787-796,Tavares Multidimensional aspects related to shiftworkers' health and well-being,2004,38,6 Suppl,86-91,Costa Diversity and equity: dealing with biological and social differences,2004,38,6 Suppl,80-85,Nachreiner Linking better shiftwork arrangements with safety and health management systems,2004,38,6 Suppl,72-79,Kogi Conflicts between employee preferences and ergonomic recommendations in shift scheduling: regulation based on consent is not sufficient,2004,38,6 Suppl,65-71,Gartner BASS 4: a software system for ergonomic design and evaluation of working hours,2004,38,6 Suppl,56-64,Nachreiner Shiftworking families: parents' working schedule and sleep patterns of adolescents attending school in two shifts,2004,38,6 Suppl,38-47,Rado Evic-Vidacek Effects of the length and timing of nighttime naps on task performance and physiological function,2004,38,6 Suppl,32-37,Murata The impact of night work on subjective reports of well-being: an exploratory study of health care workers from five nations,2004,38,6 Suppl,26-31,Tepas Working hours work-life conflict and health in precarious and "permanent" employment,2004,38,6 Suppl,19-25,Williamson Health and psychosocial effects of flexible working hours,2004,38,6 Suppl,11-18,Nachreiner Equity diversity and working hours: Challenges and solutions,2004,38,6 Suppl,1-2,Fischer The structure of self-rated health among older adults: the Bambui Health and Ageing Study (BHAS),2004,38,6,827-834,Lima-Costa Trends of homicide death in Brazil in the 90s: the role of firearms,2005,39,1,58-66,Peres Quality of life and depression in women abused by their partners,2005,39,1,108-113,Adeodato Methodological aspects of measuring injuries from traffic accidents at the site of occurrence,1997,31,1,100-104,Híjar-Medina Influence of socioeconomic factors on the pesticides poisoning Brazil,2001,35,2,130-135,Meyer Mortality among children enrolled in public day care centers in Brazil,2004,38,1,38-44,Vico Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil: IV--Report of an experiment related to traffic accident prevention: a model used by the Pan American Health Organization,1997,31,Suppl,47-50,Leitao Traumatic brain injury: differences among pedestrians and motor vehicle occupants,1999,33,1,85-94,de Sousa Characteristics of mortality in traffic accidents in an area of southern Brazil,1998,32,2,125-132,Scalassara Occupational noise as a risk factor for work-related injuries,2005,39,3,461-466,Cordeiro Linking of information from health and security databases on homicides,2005,39,4,627-633,Gawryszewski Intra-familial physical violence among Mexican and Egyptian youth,2005,39,5,709-715,Rivera-Rivera Scale of psychological violence against adolescents,2005,39,5,702-708,Avanci Profile of gender violence by intimate partners,2005,39,5,695-701,Meneghel Child and adolescent mortality due to external causes: trends from 1979 to 1995,2001,35,2,142-149,de Lima Homicide progression per geographical area in the state of Pernambuco Brazil 1980-1998,2002,36,4,462-469,de Lima Suicide mortality: gender and socioeconomic differences,2003,37,3,357-363,Marin-Leon Social inequality and homicide rates in Sao Paulo City Brazil,2005,39,2,191-197,Gawryszewski Spatial analysis of socioeconomic determinants of homicide in Brazil,2005,39,2,176-182,de Lima Lifetime prevalence and help seeking behavior in physical marital violence,2006,40,2,256-264,Bordin Risk factors for injuries caused by traffic accidents and the impact of an intervention on the road,1999,33,5,505-512,Híjar-Medina Precise measurement of acceleration forces in cables,1986,20,5,401-404,do Nascimento Impact of accidents and violence on health costs,2006,40,3,553-556, Characteristics of the victims of traffic accidents in a city of the southern region of Brazil,2000,34,2,149-156,de Andrade Road accidents in a city in southern Brazil,2001,35,3,318-320,de Andrade Health behavior among students of public and private schools in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo Brazil,2000,34,6,636-645,Gazal-Carvalho Injury patterns in motorcycle accident victims,1992,26,5,306-315,Koizumi Characteristics of people involved in accidents with two-wheel vehicles,1997,31,4,436-437,Gonçalves Prevalence of violence against women users of health services,2006,40,4,604-610,Marinheiro Violence and health: recent scientific studies,2006,40,spec iss,112-120,Schraiber Co-occurrence of physical violence against partners and their children in health services,2006,40,4,595-603,Moraes Domestic violence against Mexican teenagers,2006,40,4,611-609,Suárez Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil I: Analysis of mortality data,1997,31,Suppl,5-25,Gawryszewski Dog bite accidents in childhood,2000,34,4,411-412,Del Ciampo Occupational accidents: social insurance costs and work days lost,2006,40,6,1004-1012,Santana Reliability of cause of death due to violence from information systems in Belo Horizonte southern Brazil,2007,41,1,76-84,Matos Self-perceived health status: an approach of the elderly in Mexico,2006,40,5,792-801,Gallegos-Carrillo Situations related to drug misuse in public schools in the city of Sao Paulo Brazil,2006,40,5,810-817,Moreira Alcohol and amphetamines use among long-distance truck drivers,2007,41,2,290-293,Nascimento Partner violence against pregnant women in Mexico City,2007,41,4,582-590,Billings Alcohol and adolescents: study to implement municipal policies,2007,41,3,396-403,Ribeiro Knowledge and practices by adolescents in preventing occupational injuries: a qualitative study,2007,41,3,404-411,Fischer Responsibility of health providers in domestic violence reporting,2007,41,3,472-477,Garbin Violence against women attending public health services in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo Brazil,2007,41,3,359-367,Schraiber Mortality rate associated to traffic accidents and registered motor vehicles,2001,35,3,262-268,Kilsztajn Analysis of hospital morbidity by motor vehicle accidents in public hospitals in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2000,34,4,367-372,Deslandes Mortality due to violence: application of exploratory analysis techniques in a metropolitan area of southeastern Brazil 1979-1987,1994,28,3,178-186,de Souza Traffic accidents in a metropolitan area of southern Brazil--victim and lesion characterization,1993,27,5,350-356,Ott Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil II: Hospital morbidity from lesions and poisonings,1997,31,Suppl,26-37,Laurenti Prevalence of drinking and driving in a city of southeastern Brazil,2007,41,6,1058-1061,Laranjeira Prevalence of intimate partner violence against women in regions of Brazil,2007,41,5,797-807,Schraiber Sunshine and suicide at the tropic of Capricorn Sao Paulo Brazil 1996-2004,2007,41,6,1062-1064,Nejar Violence against women family cohesion and drugs,2007,41,6,970-978,Rabello Helmet use among motorcyclists: observational study in the city of Mar del Plata Argentina,2008,42,1,143-145,Ledesma Blood alcohol concentration in fatal traffic accidents in the federal district Brazil,2008,42,2,350-352,Modelli Risk perception attitudes and practices on pesticide use among farmers of a city in midwestern Brazil,2008,42,2,294-301,Caldas Mental health and violence among sixth grade students from a city in the state of Sao Paulo,2008,42,3,524-528,Bordin Comparative study of health behavior among college students at the start and end of their courses,2008,42,3,420-427,da Franca Violence against pregnant women: Prevalence and associated factors,2008,42,5,877-885,Audi Spatial analysis of urban violence based on emergency room data,2008,42,4,648-655,Singer Survival after motor vehicle crash: impact of clinical and prehospital variables,2008,42,4,639-647,Malvestio Physical violence and associated factors: A population-based study in southern Brazil,2008,42,4,622-629,Beria Intimate partner sexual violence among men and women in urban Brazil 2005,2008,42,1,127-137,Schraiber Prevalence of falls in institutionalized elderly in Rio Grande Southern Brazil,2008,42,5,938-945,Gonçalves Alcohol consumption among victims of external causes in a university general hospital,2008,42,5,813-821,de Freitas Young people's blood alcohol concentration and the alcohol consumption city law Brazil,2008,42,6,1101-1104,Pechansky Risk factors for falls in the elderly: systematic review,2008,42,5,946-956,Gama Gender-violence against the female nursing staff of a Brazilian hospital in Sao Paulo City,2008,42,5,868-876,d'Oliveira Physical violence against women from the perspective of health professionals,2008,42,6,1053-1059,Moreira Use of psychoactive substances and risky behavior,2009,43,1,196-7; author reply 197-8,Lima Quality of life in trauma victims six months after hospital discharge,2009,43,1,154-160,Scarpelini Ecological analysis of accidents and lethal violence in Vitoria Southeastern Brazil,2009,43,1,123-132,Bastos Exploring multiple trajectories of causality: collaboration between anthropology and epidemiology in the 1982 birth cohort Pelotas Southern Bazil,2008,42,2,115-123,Béhague Factors associated with intimate partner violence against Brazilian women,2009,43,2,299-311,Diniz Poisoning by pesticides among family fruit farmers bento gonCalves southern Brazil,2009,43,2,335-344,Facchini Land transport injuries among emergency department visits in the state of São Paulo in 2005,2009,43,2,275-282,Gawryszewski Quality of external-cause data in the Hospitalization Information System,2009,43,3,413-420,Soares Race/skin color differentials in potential years of life lost due to external causes,2009,43,3,405-412,Mota Gross violation of human rights and inequality in São Paulo Brazil,2009,43,3,533-540,Peres Factors for sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence in students of Morelos Mexico,2009,43,3,506-514,Rivera-Rivera Maternal care and breastfeeding experience of women suffering intimate partner violence,2008,42,4,615-621,Deslandes Repercussions of violence on the mental health of workers of the Family Health Program,2009,43,4,682-688,Lancman Alcohol-related public policies,2007,41,5,839-848,Laranjeira Prevalence of elder abuse: a systematic review,2007,41,2,301-306,Blay Hospital admissions due to external causes in the State of São Paulo in 2005,2007,41,1,163-166, Alcohol-related domestic violence: a household survey in Brazil,2009,43,5,743-749,Noto Drug-related toxic events in the state of São Paulo Brazil,2006,40,6,1056-1064,Andrade Translation and content validation of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire into Portuguese language,2006,40,2,249-255,Grassi-Oliveira Descriptive study of suicide in the county of São Paulo (Brazil) 1959-68,1974,8,1,1-14,Barbosa Epidemiologic aspects of fatal motor vehicle traffic accidents in the city of salvador (Bahia) Brazil,1975,9,3,271-283,Carvalho Accidents poisonings an violence as the cause of death in residents of São Paulo City (Brazil),1976,10,1,45-55,Gotlieb Factors correlated to attempted suicide,1978,12,2,138-146,Hesketh Medico-social study of factors contributing to accidents with conventional executive aircrafts registered between 1971 and 1975 in the State of São Paulo Brasil. I. Occurrence period and time and principal contributing factor,1978,12,2,129-137,Meira Mortality due to violent causes in the municipality of São Paulo. II. Accidental deaths,1980,14,4,475-508,de Mello Jorge Causes of violent deaths in the municipality of São Paulo Brazil. I--Violent deaths through the years,1980,14,3,343-357,Jorge Motor vehicle driving after binge drinking Brazil 2006 to 2009,2009,43,5,891-894,Malta Severity of occupational injuries treated in emergency services,2009,43,5,750-760,Santana Mortality from violent causes in the municipality of São Paulo Brazil. III - Intentional deaths,1981,15,2,165-193,Jorge Mortality due to violent causes in the municipality of São Paulo Brazil. IV - The situation in 1980,1982,16,1,19-41,Jorge Present situation of official statistics related to mortality from external causes,1990,24,3,217-223,de Mello Jorge The problem of chronic and degenerative diseases and accidents in the urban areas of Latin America,1975,9,2,239-248,Laurenti The role of the Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social in occupational accidents,1973,7,1,51-61,Pavésio Various epidemiological aspects of mortality from motor vehicle traffic accidents in the City of São Paulo Brazil,1972,6,4,329-341,Laurenti Mortality of adults 15 to 74 years of age in São Paulo Botucatu and São Manoel (Brazil) 1974/1975,1979,13,Suppl 2,1-73,Laurenti Incidence of fractures excluding the skull in the county of Riberão Preto SP (Brazil) during 1969-1970. Distribution according to external cause time and place of occurrence,1978,12,4,432-442,Xavier Importance of small industrial factories on the problem of industrial accidents in São Paulo,1976,10,4,315-325, Diastolic blood pressure associated with accumulated work time among drivers and collectors,1993,27,5,363-372,Fischer Epidemiology of fatal occupational accidents in a metropolitan area of the southeastern region of Brazil 1979-1989,1993,27,3,168-176,Mendes Evaluation of working conditions of municipal employees engaged in manual labor,1991,25,2,139-149,Mendes Homicide and impunity: an ecological analysis at state level in Brazil,2009,43,5,733-742,Daly Epidemiological surveillance system for occupational accidents: experience in the northern area of the municipality of São Paulo (Brazil),1990,24,4,286-293,Santos The impact of occupational effects on worker's health. II. Mortality,1988,22,5,441-457,Mendes The impact of occupational effects on workers' health. I. Morbidity,1988,22,4,311-326,Mendes Epidemiological characteristics of accidents in childhood,1987,21,3,234-245,Unglert Motorcycle accidents in the municipality of São Paulo SP Brazil. Mortality analysis,1985,19,6,543-555,Koizumi Motorcycle accidents in the municipality of São Paulo SP (Brazil). 1. Characterization of the accident and the victim,1985,19,5,475-489,Koizumi Mortality and occupational accidents in the electrical industry,1983,17,2,83-93,Blank Epidemiological aspects of fatal occupational accidents in Campinas S.P. (Brazil) 1972-1978,1981,15,3,251-262,Mendes Severe occupational accidents in the capital of the State of São Paulo (Brazil),1981,15,1,3-13,Nogueira Intimate partner violence against women in an economically vulnerable urban area Central-West Brazil,2009,43,6,944-953,Pratesi Sexual violence and its association with health self-perception among pregnant women,2009,43,6,954-960,Mattar Practice of physical activities and associated factors in adults Brazil 2006,2009,43,Suppl 2,65-73,Malta Intimate partner violence and alcohol consumption,2010,44,1,53-59,Caetano Experiences of nurses in health care for female victims of sexual violence,2010,44,2,325-331,Bedone Classification of risk micro-areas using data mining,2010,44,2,292-300,Malucelli Exploring multiple trajectories of causality: collaboration between Anthropology and Epidemiology in the 1982 birth cohort Pelotas Southern Brazil,2008,42,Suppl 2,115-123,Béhague Risk factors for early neonatal mortality,2007,41,6,1013-1022,Rodrigues Depression among women living in the outskirts of São Paulo Southeastern Brasil,2007,41,4,591-597,Martin Parental beliefs and child-rearing attitudes and mental health problems among schoolchildren,2005,39,5,716-724,Bordin Impact of exposure to intimate partner violence on children's behavior,2011,45,2,355-364,Schraiber Epidemiological profile of cocaine users on treatment in psychiatrics hospitals Brazil,2003,37,6,751-759,Laranjeira Scenarios of typical occupational injuries in lumber industry,2002,36,6,702-708,Blank Occupational accidents in an oil refinery in Brazil,2002,36,5,576-583,de Souza Dementia as risk factor for severe bone fractures among the elderly,2002,36,4,448-454,Carvalho Violence and social inequalities: mortality rates due to homicides and life conditions in Salvador Brazil,2001,35,6,515-522,Paim Physical aggression and social class,1999,33,2,180-186,Gianini Monitoring mortality in Pelotas birth cohort from 1982 to 2006 Southern Brazil,2008,42,2,108-114,Victora Homicide mortality trends in Belo Horizonte and Metropolitan Area: 1980- 2005,2010,44,3,486-495,Villela Impact of the Staying Alive Program on the reduction of homicides in a community in Belo Horizonte,2010,44,3,496-502,Assuncao Risk factors for osteoporotic fractures and low bone density in pre and postmenopausal women,2010,44,3,479-485,Yang Amplified chemical disasters: a challenge for public health,1995,29,6,503-514,de Freitas Iranian casualties during the eight years of Iraq-Iran conflict,2007,41,6,1065-1066,Khaji Suicide in elderly people: a literature review,2010,44,4,750-757,Minayo Physical intimate partner violence during gestation as a risk factor for low quality of prenatal care,2010,44,4,667-676,Moraes Validity of the WHO VAW study instrument for estimating gender-based violence against women,2010,44,4,658-666,Schraiber Mortality by homicide the fatal consequences of violence. The case of Mexico 1979-1992,1996,30,1,46-52,Híjar-Medina [Organophosphate-induced myotoxicity],1996,30,3,267-272,Perez Epidemiology of drug consumption in children of a urban center of the southern region of Brazil,1993,27,2,95-104,Victora A community intervention to prevent traffic accidents among bicycle commuters,2010,44,5,867-875,Barros Alcohol purchase survey by adolescents in two cities of State of São Paulo Southeastern Brazil,2007,41,4,495-501,Laranjeira Violent behavior in adolescents and parent-child cohabitation,2010,44,6,979-985,Pinheiro Child safety restraint use among children attending day care centers,2009,43,5,761-767,Carvalho Evaluation of the quality of mortality information by unspecified accidents and events of undetermined intent,1999,33,3,273-280,Drumond Analysis of agreement between coding of underlying cause of death by traffic accidents,1998,32,2,133-137,Ladeira Advanced life support: care provided to motor vehicle crash victims,2002,36,5,584-589,de Sousa Programme for reduction traffic accident morbimortality: mobilizing society and promoting health,2002,36,1,114-117, Minor psychiatric disorders and working conditions in truck drivers,2010,44,6,1130-1136,Fischer Mortality among patients with non-affective functional psychoses in a metropolitan area of south-eastern Brazil,1996,30,4,304-309,Menezes Mortality among Japanese migrants residing in the municipality of São Paulo Brazil 1990,1990,24,6,453-467,Gotlieb Spatial study of mortality in motorcycle accidents in the State of Pernambuco Northeastern Brazil,2011,45,2,409-415,Lima Association between intimate partner violence against women and HIV infection,2011,45,2,365-372,Schraiber Contributive factors to aviation accidents,2011,45,2,432-435,Fischer Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil: accidents and acts of violence/lesions and poisonings and the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases,1997,31,Suppl,55-58,Laurenti Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil: conclusion,1997,31,Suppl,51-54,Jorge Accidents and acts of violence in Brazil: III--Economic impact of external causes in Brazil: an attempt at measurement,1997,31,Suppl,38-46,Iunes The consumption of psychoactive substances by adolescents in schools in Ribeiräo Preto SP (Brazil). I--Prevalence of consumption by sex age and substance,1997,31,1,21-29,Muza A cross-sectional study about mental health of farm-workers from Serra Gaucha (Brazil),1999,33,4,391-400,Tomasi Parent's perspective on child rearing and corporal punishment,2009,43,1,78-84,Donoso Stigma and violence in dealing with madness: narratives from psychosocial care centers in Bahia and Sergipe Northeastern Brazil,2009,43,Suppl 1,101-108,Nunes Cognitive behavioral group therapy for sexually abused girls,2009,43,Suppl 1,70-78,Habigzang Youth mortality: analysis of the period from 1930 to 1991 (the epidemiological transition to violence),1996,30,4,319-331,Jorge Prevalence and severity of domestic violence among pregnant women Mexico,2004,38,1,62-70,Castro Violence against women: a study in a primary healthcare unit,2002,36,4,470-477,Schraiber Vulnerability to HIV among female injecting drug users,2007,41,Suppl 2,22-30,Silva Sexual violence and its prevalence among adolescents Brazil,2003,37,1,8-14,Zavaschi Data comparison on homicide deaths between two information systems Brazil,2003,37,2,168-176,de Castro Insecurity ethics and communication in public health,2003,37,2,161-167,Castiel Migration and ruralization of AIDS: reports on vulnerability of indigenous communities in Mexico,2008,42,1,131-138,Hernández-Rosete Ethical implications of domestic violence against child for the health care professionals,2000,34,6,659-665,Ferreira Semantic equivalence of the Portuguese version of the Abuse Assessment Screen tool used for the screening of violence against pregnant women,2000,34,6,610-616,Reichenheim Evaluating a support program for children victim of domestic violence,1999,33,6,547-553,Ferreira Association between alcohol advertising and beer drinking among adolescents,2011,45,3,441-447,Pinsky Prevalence of self-reported traffic accidents in Rio Branco Northern Brazil,2011,45,4,738-744,Koifman Femicides: Female homicide in Brazil,2011,45,3,564-574,Meneghel Mortality of motorcyclists in traffic accidents in the Brazilian Federal District from 1996 to 2007,2011,45,3,529-538,Duarte Factors associated with intimate partner physical violence among health service users,2011,45,4,730-737,Vieira Outbreak of vampire bat biting in a Venezuelan village,1996,30,5,483-484,Caraballo Epidemiological aspects of centipede (Scolopendromorphae: Chilopoda) bites registered in greater S. Paulo SP Brazil,1998,32,6,514-518,Knysak Homicide victimization according to racial characteristics in Brazil,2011,45,4,745-455,Soares Filho Measurement reliability in a study on family violence and severe acute malnutrition,1998,32,5,437-446,Reichenheim Occurrence of suicide and seasonal variation,1998,32,5,408-412,Retamal Evolution of drug use in a cohort of treated crack cocaine users,2011,45,5,938-948,Laranjeira Sleep stress and compensatory behaviors in Australian nurses and midwives,2011,45,5,922-930,Dawson Violence behavior and factors associated among students of Central-West Brazil,2011,45,6,1054-1061,Castro Traffic accidents in Brazil from 1998 to 2010: Many changes and few effects,2011,45,5,949-963,Barros The effects of automobile exhaust on man,1974,8,2,235-243,Colacioppo Systematic mass radiophotography: economic unviability and eventual danger of radiation exposure,1976,10,1,103-110,Nogueira Occupational accidents in Barcelona (Spain) from 1992 to 1993,1998,32,4,345-351,Martin Frequency and pattern of intimate partner violence before during and after pregnancy,2011,45,6,1044-1053,Ludermir Blood alcohol content prevalence among trauma patients seen at a level 1 trauma center,2002,36,1,47-54,Gazal-Carvalho Prevalence and risk factors associated with drug use among school students Brazil,2002,36,1,40-46,Kupek Psychoactive drug use in school age adolescents Brazil,2004,38,1,130-132,Guimarães Alcohol drinking patterns by gender ethnicity and social class in Bahia Brazil,2004,38,1,45-54,Kawachi Prevalence of falls and associated factors in elderly individuals,2011,46,1,138-146,Cruz Motor vehicle traffic and cardiovascular mortality in male adults,2012,46,1,26-33,Gouveia The characteristics and factors of emergency service visits for falls,2012,46,1,128-137,Gawryszewski Pesticide use and economic impacts on health,2012,46,2,209-217,Soares Preventable trauma deaths,2012,46,2,367-375,Nogueira Violence among female users of healthcare units: prevalence perspective and conduct of managers and professionals,2012,46,2,351-358,Faúndes Traumatic brain injury,1999,33,5,531-532,Barros Trends in suicide mortality among Brazilian adults and elderly 1980 - 2006,2012,46,2,300-309,Minayo Representations of workplace psychological harassment in print news media,2012,46,3,417-424,Fischer Use of the printed press for qualification of external causes of death,2012,46,4,730-736,Villela Opportunities in the home environment for motor development,2012,46,4,633-641,Ribeiro Cause-specific mortality and income inequality in São Paulo Brazil,2012,46,4,712-718,Kawachi Family environment and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,2012,46,4,624-632,Assis Tracking of physical activity from adolescence to adulthood: a population-based study,2007,41,1,69-75,Araújo Falls among older adults seen at a São Paulo State public hospital: causes and consequences,2004,38,1,93-99,Fabrício Facing violence by intimate partner: the experience of women in an urban area of Northeastern Brazil,2012,46,6,1014-1022,Ludermir Heavy alcohol consumption and associated factors: a population-based study,2004,38,2,284-291,Gigante Underreporting of non-fatal work-related injuries in Brazil,2005,39,2,254-260,Clemente External causes and maternal mortality: Proposal for classification,2013,47,2,283-291,Alves Prevalence of falls among frail elderly adults,2013,47,2,266-273,Rodrigues Motorcycle accidents: Comparison between the years 1998 and 2010 in Londrina Southern Brazil,2013,47,3,607-615,Liberatti Occupational pesticide poisoning mortality 2000-2009 Brazil,2013,47,3,598-606,Moura Violence and mental suffering among men in primary health care,2013,47,3,531-539,Schraiber Man road and vehicle: Risk factors associated with the severity of traffic accidents,2013,47,4,718-731,Braga Comparative study of methods for sampling mercury vapors for the evaluation of the risk of occupational poisoning,1977,11,3,389-394,Colacioppo Homicides and territorial struggles in Rio de Janeiro favelas,2014,48,1,94-102,Barcellos Health promotion: challenges revealed in successful practices,2014,48,1,76-85,Silva Exposure to alcohol among adolescent students and associated factors,2014,48,1,52-62,Malta Common mental disorders and intimate partner violence in pregnancy,2014,48,1,29-35,Ludermir Television and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages,1987,21,1,37-43,Lopez Spatial study of homicide rates in the state of Bahia Brazil 1996-2010,2014,48,3,468-477,Souza Consumption of alcoholic beverages driving vehicles a balance of dry law Brazil 2007-2013,2014,48,4,692-966,Malta Trends in public health policies addressing violence against women,2014,48,4,613-621,Loría Women with HIV: gender violence and suicidal ideation,2014,48,5,758-765,Meneghel Violence against metropolitan bus drivers and fare collectors in Brazil,2015,49,,1-10,Assunção Intimate partner violence after the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases,2015,49,,1-9,Vieira Public school teachers' perceptions about mental health,2014,48,6,940-948,Bressan Incidence and predicting factors of falls of older inpatients,2015,49,,13-20,Abreu Incidence and risk factors for intimate partner violence during the postpartum period,2015,49,,1-9,Ludermir Association between social capital and self-perception of health in Brazilian adults,2015,49,,1-9,Rodriguez-Artalejo Bullying among adolescents in a Brazilian urban center - "Health in Beagá" Study,2015,49,,1-10,Proietti Occupational conditions and the risk of the use of amphetamines by truck drivers,2015,49,,1-9,Muñoz Gender and other factors associated with the use of hearing protection devices at work,2015,49,,1-8,Santana Violence against metropolitan bus drivers and fare collectors in Brazil,2015,49,0,1-10,Medeiros Vulnerabilities in snakebites in Sao Paulo Brazil,2015,49,ePub,ePub,França Socioeconomic and regional differences in active transportation in Brazil,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Sá Mortality and potential years of life lost by road traffic injuries in Brazil 2013,2016,50,,e59,Mello-Jorge Revista de Saúde Pública in scientific publications on violence and health (1967-2015),2016,50,0,63,Peres Sexual aggression in the São Paulo nightlife scenarios: a public health concern,2016,50,,e84,Sanchez Intimate partner violence reported by female and male users of healthcare units,2017,51,,e7,Schraiber Mortality in traffic accidents with older adults in Colombia,2017,51,,e21,Cardona Safety and health of professional drivers who drive on Brazilian highways,2017,51,0,26,Narciso Intimate partner violence and incidence of common mental disorder,2017,51,,e32,Ludermir Intimate partner violence and maternal educational practice,2017,51,,e34,Ludermir Psychometric properties of the Vulnerability to Abuse Screening Scale for screening abuse of older adults,2017,51,,e31,Silveira Violence against women Espírito Santo Brazil,2017,51,,33,Gigante Frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more,2017,51,,e37,Mesas Depression and health behaviors in Brazilian adults - PNS 2013,2017,51,Suppl 1,8s,Malta Factors associated with access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents,2017,51,,e54,Sousa Institutional violence and quality of service in obstetrics are associated with postpartum depression,2017,51,,e69,Souza Binge drinking and illicit drug use among adolescent students,2017,51,,e83,Colares Previous experience of family violence and intimate partner violence in pregnancy,2017,51,,e85,Ludermir Urban violence is the biggest cause of fatal work-related accidents in Brazil,2017,51,,e123,Cordeiro Narratives of family members on the suicide of older adults in an Amazonian metropolis,2017,51,,e121,de Souza Violence in public transportation: an approach based on spatial analysis,2017,51,,e127,Pitombo Quality of the record of data on fatal workplace injuries in Brazil,2017,51,,e120,Santana Falls among older adults in the South of Brazil: prevalence and determinants,2018,52,,22,Tomasi Evidence of validity of the Stress-Producing Life Events (SPLE) instrument,2018,52,,19,Rizzini Suicide in Brazilian indigenous communities: clustering of cases in children and adolescents by household,2018,52,,e56,Croda Advances in Mexico in the middle of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020,2018,52,,67,Pérez-Núñez Challenges of health services related to the population displaced by violence in Mexico,2018,52,,e77,Arredondo Factors associated with frailty in older adults: a longitudinal study,2018,52,,e74,Diniz Sugarcane cutting work risks and health effects: a literature review,2018,52,,80,Leite Intrafamilial and extrafamilial sexual assault and its association with alcohol consumption,2018,52,,e86,Martins Implication of violence against women on not performing the cytopathologic test,2018,52,,e89,Gigante Socioeconomic status moderates the association between perceived environment and active commuting to school,2018,52,,93,Fermino Resilience and mental health problems in children and adolescents who have been victims of violence,2019,53,,e17,Morcillo Inflammatory markers and occurrence of falls: Bambuí Cohort Study of Aging,2019,53,,35,Lima-Costa Factors associated with environmental barriers of people with disabilities in Mexico,2019,53,,27,Agudelo-Botero Construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of care provided to people with suicidal behavior,2019,53,,e48,Tsuha Exploring the effect of time and sex in family and community violence from 2008 to 2014,2019,53,,e46,Alencar Prevalence of sexual violence among refugees: a systematic review,2019,53,,e78,Faerstein Mental disorders and suicide risk in emerging adulthood: the 1993 Pelotas birth cohort,2019,53,,e96,Gonçalves Suicidal ideation and associated factors among high school adolescents,2020,54,,e33,Mascarenhas Neighborhood environmental factors associated with leisure walking in adolescents,2020,54,,e61,Santos Incidence persistence and risk factors of fear of falling in older adults: cohort study (2008-2013) in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2020,54,,e56,Lourenço Prevalence and factors associated with active transportation to school for adolescents,2020,54,,e78,Mota Increase in fall-related hospitalization mortality and lethality among older adults in Brazil,2020,54,,e76,Tanaka Factors associated with self-reported exposure to chemical substances at work in Brazil: results from the National Health Survey 2013,2020,54,,e92,Assunção Sexually transmitted infections in women deprived of liberty in Roraima Brazil,2020,54,,e105,Benedetti Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: prevalence and associated factors,2020,54,,e97,Leite Frailty in community-dwelling older people: comparing screening instruments,2020,54,,e119,Caldeira Mortality by road traffic injuries in Brazil (2000-2016): capital cities versus non-capital cities,2020,54,,e122,Morais Neto Violence against pregnant women and associated factors in the city of Governador Valadares,2020,54,,e135,Ribeiro Homicide impunity in Brazil between 2006 and 2016,2020,54,,e144,Nadanovsky Accidental falls in middle-aged women,2020,54,,e141,Tanaka The effects of sexual violence experienced in childhood and adolescence on undergraduate students,2020,54,,e134,Silva Analysis of the AUDIT factor structure in adolescents between 18 and 19 years,2021,55,,27,Santos Sexual violence against women in the Western Amazon,2021,55,,92,Cargnin Deaths and hospitalizations resulting from poisoning by prescription and over-the-counter drugs in Brazil,2021,55,,e81,Duarte The invisible magnitude of the rape of girls in Brazil,2021,55,,e103,Taquette Occupational stressors and work accidents among health workers,2021,55,,e98,Araujo Sociodemographic and health profile of asylum-seekers in Rio de Janeiro 2016-2017,2022,56,,e31,Faerstein Factors related to healthcare costs of road traffic accidents in Bucaramanga Colombia,2022,56,,e47,Rivera-Carvajal Attitudes of health professionals towards suicidal behavior: an intervention study,2022,56,,e54,Espinosa My Exposure to Violence: translation and cultural adaptation to the BR Portuguese,2022,56,,e77,Macena My Exposure to Violence: translation and cultural adaptation to the BR Portuguese,2022,56,,e77,Macena Mortality in Brazilian federal highway police officers: time series from 2001 to 2020,2022,56,,e82,Marins Mortality inequalities measured by socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a scoping review,2022,56,,e85,Barreto Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Composite Abuse Scale into Brazilian Portuguese,2022,56,,e98,Signorelli Cross-cultural adaptation of discrimination and vigilance scales in ELSA-Brasil,2023,56,,e110,Chor Violence in Quilombola women living in rural communities in Brazil,2023,56,,e114,Miranda The habit of drinking and driving in Brazil: National Survey of Health 2013 and 2019,2023,56,,e115,Szwarcwald Risk and protective factors for suicide: a populational case-control study Brazil 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