Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Systemic Analysis of the Paddington Railway Accident,2006,220,2,121-151,Beard Fuzzy-Reasoning-Based Approach to Qualitative Railway Risk Assessment,2006,220,2,153-167,An Railway Risk Assessment -- The Fuzzy Reasoning Approach and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approaches: A Case Study of Shunting at Waterloo Depot,2007,221,3,365-383,Baker Modelling Wear and Crack Initiation in Rails,2007,221,1,23-33,Franklin Wheelset Skid in Railway Bogies,2007,221,2,237-245,Handoko A Model to Predict the Probability of Highway Rail Crossing Accidents,2007,221,3,321-329,No Author(s) Listed Assessment of train-overturning risk due to strong cross-winds,2004,218,3,213-223,Andersson On computational fluid dynamics modelling of crosswind effects for high-speed rolling stock,2003,217,3,203-226,Diedrichs Crosswind stability of a high-speed train on a high embankment,2007,221,2,205-225,Sima A numerical study of the influence of lateral geometry irregularities on mechanical deterioration of freight tracks,2012,226,6,575-586,Karttunen A reliability assessment of railway track buckling during an extreme heatwave,2012,226,5,513-517,Wang A wheel passing a crossing nose: Dynamic analysis under high axle loads using finite element modelling,2012,226,6,603-611,Pletz An investigation into the station capacities for personal rapid transit systems,2012,226,5,457-468,Sohn Friction management on a Chinese heavy haul coal line,2012,226,6,630-640,Lu Managing avalanches using cost-benefit-risk analysis,2012,226,6,641-649,Larsson-Kråik Railway axle failures and durability validation,2012,226,5,518-529,Grubisic Analysis of the structural characteristics of an intermediate-rail vehicle and their effect on vehicle crash performance,2007,221,3,339-352,Schmid An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems highway transport and the reform of China's railways,2002,216,3,165-174,Schmid The influence of track irregularities on the running behavior of high-speed trains,2013,227,1,94-102,Choi Identification of a wheel-rail adhesion coefficient from experimental data during braking tests,2013,227,2,128-139,Pugi Mitigating train-type heterogeneity on a single-track line,2013,227,2,140-147,Barkan Practical use of work analysis to support rail electrical control rooms: A case of alarm handling,2013,227,2,148-160,Wilson The modification of a slip resistance meter for measurement of railhead adhesion,2013,227,2,196-200,Zhu Wayside gauge face lubrication: How much do we really understand?,2013,227,3,245-253,Lu The effect of enhanced curving forces on the behaviour of canted ballasted track,2013,227,3,229-244,Priest Impact of superelevation deficiencies on the loading pattern of railway sleepers,2013,227,3,286-295,Sadeghi Network 21: impact on rail freight traffic,2001,215,1,37-44,Fricke Metro traffic regulation from the passenger perspective,2001,215,2,137-147,Goodman Problems caused by the motorway/railway freight traffic share in the Tyrol,2001,215,1,45-51,Knoflacher Predictive traffic regulation for metro loop lines based on quadratic programming,2006,220,2,79-89,Fernández A model to predict the probability of highway rail crossing accidents,2007,221,3,321-329,McCollister That train has already left the station! Improving the fidelity of a railway safety research simulator at post-deployment,2013,227,5,419-426,Naweed Analysis of coupler rotation angle in heavy haul locomotives,2013,228,8,835-844,Ma Change and safety: Decision-making from data,2013,227,6,704-714,Holloway A fault diagnosis method for the tuning area of jointless track circuits based on a neural network,2013,227,4,333-343,Zhao A reliability analysis of railway switches,2013,227,4,344-363,Rama Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of rail track geometry degradation,2013,227,4,364-375,Andrade Improving the dependability of DC point machines with a novel condition monitoring system,2013,227,4,322-332,Asada Link and effect model for performance improvement of railway infrastructure,2013,227,4,392-402,Kumar The effects of tamping on railway track geometry degradation,2013,227,4,376-391,Audley Detecting anomalous events at railway level crossings,2013,227,5,539-553,Rakotonirainy Development of a unified railway track stability management tool to enhance track safety,2013,227,5,493-516,Powell Estimating the robustness of long-haul train plans,2013,227,5,582-590,Pudney Improving level crossing safety through enhanced data recording and reporting: The CRC for rail innovation's baseline rail level crossing video project,2013,227,5,554-559,Wullems Integration of driving simulator and traffic simulation to analyse behaviour at railway crossings,2013,227,5,427-438,Wallis Investigation of locomotive multibody modelling issues and results assessment based on the locomotive model acceptance procedure,2013,227,5,453-468,Cole Keeping track workers safe: A socio-technical analysis of emerging systems and technology,2013,227,5,517-528,McClanachan Life cycle management for railway bridge assets,2013,227,5,570-581,Chattopadhyay Modelling risk at low-exposure railway level crossings: Supporting an argument for low-cost level crossing warning devices with lower levels of safety integrity,2013,227,5,560-569,Wullems New control room technologies: human factors analytical tools for railway safety,2013,227,5,529-538,Toft Rail squats: Progress in understanding the Australian experience,2013,227,5,481-492,Daniel Simulator integration in the rail industry: the Robocop problem,2013,227,5,407-418,Naweed Investigation of the impact of traffic composition on the economic profitability of a new railway corridor,2014,228,4,389-401,Pyrgidis Simulation of braking performance: the AnsaldoBreda EMU V250 application,2015,229,2,160-172,Pugi A two-dimensional computational parametric analysis of the sheltering effect of fences on a railway vehicle standing on a bridge and experiencing crosswinds,2015,229,2,186-200,Vinolas Markov-based model for the prediction of railway track irregularities,2015,229,2,150-159,Xu Design and analysis of a composite energy-absorbing structure for use on railway vehicles,2015,230,3,825-839,Xie Reconstruction of an informative railway wheel defect signal from wheel-rail contact signals measured by multiple wayside sensors,2019,233,1,49-62,Lodewijks Improving the reliability and availability of railway track switching by analysing historical failure data and introducing functionally redundant subsystems,2018,232,5,1407-1424,Ward Effect of wheel-rail interface parameters on contact stability in explicit finite element analysis,2018,232,6,1879-1894,Ma Experimental analysis of railway track settlement in transition zones,2018,232,6,1774-1789,Wang Improving the performance of finite element simulations on the wheel-rail interaction by using a coupling strategy,2018,232,6,1741-1757,Ma Behaviour of under sleeper pads at switches and crossings - Field measurements,2018,232,4,1049-1063,Hudson The effect of train composition on the running safety of low-flatcar wagons in braking and curving manoeuvres,2017,231,6,666-677,Braghin An automatic method for detecting sliding railway wheels and hot bearings using thermal imagery,2017,231,6,690-700,Davis Dynamic response of high-speed rails due to heavy braking,2017,231,6,701-716,Tran Use of measured accelerations from a passenger rail car to evaluate ride quality and track roughness - a case study,2022,236,6,733-742,Gul Behavioural and organisational interventions to prevent trespass and graffiti vandalism on railway property,2017,231,10,1078-1087,Havârneanu What do we know about rail suicide incidents? An analysis of 257 fatalities on the rail network in Great Britain,2017,231,10,1150-1173,Ryan Reducing the risk of suicide or trespass on railways: Developing better interventions through understanding behaviours of people,2013,227,6,715-723,Ryan