Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Understanding and Preventing Gang Violence: Problem Analysis and Response Development in Lowell Massachusetts,2006,9,1,20-46,Braga Perceptions of Police and Safety in a Small Town,2005,8,2,248-270,Williams Community Policing: The Middle Manager's Perspective,2005,8,4,490-511,Vito Does Targeting Minor Offenses Reduce Serious Crime? A Provisional Affirmative Answer Based on an Analysis of County-Level Data,2006,9,1,47-72,Worrall The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Race Relations on Public Opinion Related to the Treatment of Blacks by the Police,2009,12,1,102-115,Gabbidon Exploring the Relationship Between Experience and Problem Behaviors,2009,12,2,192-213,Harris A Field Data Examination of Policy Constructs Related to Fatigue Conditions in Law Enforcement Personnel,2009,12,2,123-136,Senjo A Geographic Approach to Racial Profiling,2009,12,2,137-169,Roh Assessing the Impact of Oversight and Procedural Justice on the Attitudes of Individuals Who File Police Complaints,2009,12,2,214-236,De Angelis Measuring Homeland Security Innovation in Small Municipal Agencies,2009,12,3,263-288,Giblin Exploring the Use of DNA Evidence in Homicide Investigations,2009,12,3,319-342,Schroeder Examining Racial Disparity in the Police Discipline Process,2009,12,4,388-407,Decker Boom to Bust or Bust to Boom? Following the Effects of Weed and Seed Zoning in New Britain Connecticut from 1995 to 2000,2010,13,1,49-72,Costanza The Effect of Higher Education on Police Behavior,2010,13,1,92-120,Rydberg An Inquiry Into the Impact of Suspect Race on Police Use of Tasers,2010,13,1,27-48,Pratt Evidence in Context: Bayes’ Theorem and Investigations,2010,13,2,123-135,Rossmo Effective Police Interactions With Youth: A Program Evaluation,2010,13,2,161-179,LaMotte Policy and Training Recommendations Related to Police Use of CEDs: Overview of Findings From a Comprehensive National Study,2010,13,3,235-259,Alpert Injuries to officers and suspects in police use-of-force cases: a quasi-experimental evaluation,2010,13,3,260-289,Taylor Conducted energy device use in municipal policing: results of a national survey on policy and effectiveness assessments,2010,13,3,290-315,Lovrich The Impact of Emotional Labor and Value Dissonance on Burnout Among Police Officers,2010,13,3,316-341,Schaible Policing After 9/11: Community Policing in an Age of Homeland Security,2010,13,4,347-366,Vaughn Lee An Evaluation of Compstat’s Effect on Crime: The Fort Worth Experience,2010,13,4,387-412,Jang Exit Strategy: An Exploration of Late-Stage Police Crime,2010,13,4,413-435,Freiburger Understanding Community Policing and Legitimacy-Seeking Behavior in Virtual Reality: A National Study of Municipal Police Websites,2011,14,1,25-47,Schuck Municipal Contracting With County Sheriffs for Police Services in California: Comparison of Cost and Effectiveness,2011,14,1,70-95,Nelligan Citizen Willingness to Participate in Police-Community Partnerships: Exploring the Influence of Race and Neighborhood Context,2011,14,1,48-69,Wehrman Comparing Benchmark Methodologies for Police-Citizen Contacts: Traffic Stop Data Collection for the Pennsylvania State Police,2004,7,1,97-125,Engel Police Referrals of Crime Victims to Compensation Sources: An Empirical Analysis of Attitudinal and Structural Impediments,2004,7,3,372-393,Caeti Community Policing and Family Violence Against Women: Lessons Learned from a Multiagency Collaborative,2001,4,1,99-122,Smithey Factors Affecting the Decision of Police Recruits to "Drop Out" of Police Work,2005,8,4,431-453,Haarr Assessing the Need for Domestic Violence Victim Services in One Rural County,2006,9,4,448-462,Hochstein Police and Culture: A Comparison between China and the United States,2001,4,2,156-185,Jiao Training the Police in Ukraine,2002,5,4,470-492,Kenney Tearing Down the Wall: Problems with Consistency Validity and Adverse Impact of Physical Agility Testing in Police Selection,2003,6,3,237-277,Lonsway Policies on Police Officer Domestic Violence: Prevalence and Specific Provisions Within Large Police Agencies,2006,9,4,397-422,Lonsway Building a Global Police Studies Community,2005,8,1,99-136,Marenin Violence Against Police Officers,2007,10,4,411-428,Schuck Police and Victim Perspectives on Empowerment of Domestic Violence Victims,2006,9,4,375-396,Russell Decision Making in Traffic Stop Encounters: A Multivariate Analysis of Police Behavior,2006,9,2,184-209,Carter A Comparison Of Police Field Training Officers’ And Nontraining Officers’ Conflict Resolution Styles: Controlling Versus Supportive Strategies,2003,6,1,22-50,Sun Public safety concerns among law enforcement agencies in suburban and rural America,2007,10,4,429-454,Kuhns Police Responses to the Methamphetamine Problem: An analysis of the Organizational and Regulatory Context,2011,14,2,99-123,Drew The Relationship Between Career Pathways of Internal and Citizen Complaints,2011,14,2,142-165,Harris Measuring the Impact of Police Discretion on Official Crime Statistics: A Research Note,2011,14,2,186-203,Boivin Caught in Their Own Speed Trap: The Intersection of Speed Enforcement Policy Police Legitimacy and Decision Acceptance,2011,14,3,251-276,Levett Proactive Policing Effects on Repeat and Near-Repeat Shootings in Houston,2011,14,3,298-319,Wells Reasonableness and Reaction Time,2011,14,4,323-343,Blair Focal Concerns and Police Use of Force: Examining the Factors Associated with Taser Use,2011,14,4,366-387,Crow Factors Influencing the Responses of Crisis Intervention Team-Certified Law Enforcement Officers,2011,14,4,388-406,Lord When an arrest is not an arrest: exceptionally clearing cases of intimate partner violence,2012,15,4,358-385,Hirschel An integrated contextual model of confidence in local police,2012,15,4,414-445,Taylor Local limits to migration control: practices of selective migration policing in a restrictive national policy context,2012,15,4,446-475,Leerkes The influence of trust on senior investigating officers' decision making in high-profile critical incidents,2012,15,4,386-413,Wheatcroft What is known about the effectiveness of police practices in reducing crime and disorder?,2012,15,4,331-357,Weisburd An incident-level profile of TASER device deployments in arrest-related deaths,2013,16,1,85-112,Ho Disparity and racial profiling in traffic enforcement,2004,7,1,65-96,Novak The influence of driver's race on traffic stops in Missouri,2004,7,1,126-147,Rosenfeld An analysis of traffic stop data in Riverside California,2006,9,2,210-233,Gaines The effect of neighborhood characteristics on traffic citation practices of the police,2007,10,4,371-393,Ingram Officer race and citizen-reported traffic ticket decisions by police in 1999 and 2002,2008,11,2,202-219,Lundman Race-sensitive choices by police officers in traffic stop encounters,2010,13,2,180-208,Barnum Neighborhood variation in police stops and searches: a test of consensus and conflict perspectives,2012,15,3,219-240,Renauer Police perceptions of sexual assault victims: exploring the intra-female gender hostility thesis,2012,15,1,25-44,Wentz Operation LASER and the effectiveness of hotspot patrol: a panel analysis,2013,16,3,287-304,Swatt Policing convenience store crime: Lessons from the Glendale Arizona smart policing initiative,2013,16,3,305-322,Katz Law enforcement suicide discerning etiology through psychological autopsy,2015,18,1,79-108,López The influence of race/ethnicity social class and neighborhood context on residents' attitudes toward the police,2008,11,4,496-519,Schuck Police response time to in-progress burglary: a multilevel analysis,2012,15,3,308-327,Hoover Environmental and institutional influences on police agency responses to human trafficking,2014,17,1,3-29,Farrell A mixed-method analysis of fatal attacks on police by far-right extremists,2015,19,2,216-245,Freilich Delinquent subculture and juvenile offenders' attitudes toward the police in China,2016,19,1,87-110,Zhao Departmental professionalism and its impact on indicators of violence in police-citizen encounters,2016,19,1,32-62,White Citizen complaints against the police: an eight city examination,2016,19,2,150-179,Terrill Police use-of-force situations in Canada: analyzing the force or resistance ratio using a trichotomous dependent variable,2016,19,2,180-198,Boivin Evaluating a police-led community initiative to reduce gun violence in St. Louis,2016,19,2,115-149,Koper Testing the effects of people processes and technology on ballistic evidence processing productivity,2016,19,2,199-215,Maguire Assessing the impact of police body-worn cameras on arresting prosecuting and convicting suspects of intimate partner violence,2016,19,3,303-325,Katz The "gray zone" of police work during mental health encounters: findings from an observational study in Chicago,2017,20,1,81-105,Watson Domestic disturbances and fatal police shootings: an analysis of the Washington Post's data,2018,21,1,53-76,Pinchevsky Childhood adversities and resistant behaviors toward law enforcement officers in a national sample of state and federal inmates,2015,18,4,414-441,Marotta Recent police killings in the United States: a three-city comparison,2018,21,2,196-222,Weitzer Collaborating to reduce violence: the impact of focused deterrence in Kansas City,2018,21,3,283-308,Fox Public support for the punishment of police use of force errors: evidence of ideological divergence and convergence,2018,21,3,358-386,Patil Assessing the fairness and effectiveness of bicycle stops in Tampa,2018,21,4,461-485,Ridgeway A systematic social observation study of police de-escalation tactics,2018,21,4,509-543,James Police body-worn cameras: effects on officers' burnout and perceived organizational support,2019,22,1,5-30,Adams Marijuana legalization and crime clearance rates: testing proponent assertions in Colorado and Washington State,2019,22,1,31-55,Lovrich Agency correlates of police militarization: the case of MRAPs,2019,22,2,161-191,Burkhardt The impact of marijuana legalization on law enforcement in states surrounding Colorado,2019,22,2,217-242,Murphy The Dayton foot patrol program: an evaluation of hot spots foot patrols in a central business district,2019,22,3,247-277,Haberman Burnout in blue: an analysis of the extent and primary predictors of burnout among law enforcement officers in the United States,2019,22,3,278-304,McCarty A conceptualization of militarization in domestic policing,2019,22,4,511-538,Hajat Structural responses to gendered social problems: police agency adaptations to human trafficking,2020,23,1,25-54,King Suicide by cop: a new perspective on an old phenomenon,2020,23,1,82-105,Jordan Immigrants' confidence in the police in 34 countries: a multilevel analysis,2020,23,1,106-137,Piquero Using gunshot detection systems in police departments: the impact on police response times and officer workloads,1998,1,2,21-49,Frank Effectiveness of less than lethal force in suicide-by-cop incidents,2000,3,2,153-171,Homant Police Responses in Officer-Involved Violent Deaths: Comparison of Suicide by Cop and Non-Suicide by Cop Incidents,2014,17,1,79-100,Lord