Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Counter-terrorism across the Policing Continuum,2006,7,5,449-465,Palmer Implementation Issues in a Community and Police Partnership in Law Enforcement Space: Lessons from a Case Study of a Community Policing Approach to Domestic Violence,2002,3,3,231-246,Wells The Trafficking of Women for Sexual Exploitation: The Situation from the Republic of Moldova to Western Europe,2006,7,2,135-147,Tavcer Police Training for Democracy,2004,5,2,107-123,Marenin Policing Paradise: Law and Disorder in Belize,2004,5,3,241-257,Hanson The MJTF as a Type of Coordination Compatible with both the Police Consolidation and Community Policing Movements,2004,5,1,67-85,Shernock Beyond Mandatory Arrest: Developing a Comprehensive Response to Domestic Violence,2005,6,3,261-278,Campbell Trends in Police Research: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the 2004 Literature,2007,8,5,461-485,Gibbs Trends in police research: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2006 literature,2009,10,4,383-407,Ahlin Trends in police research: a cross‐sectional analysis of the 2003 literature,2006,7,4,337-361,Gibbs The hotspot matrix: a framework for the spatio‐temporal targeting of crime reduction,2004,5,1,5-23,Ratcliffe Fear of crime and home security systems,2012,13,1,4-14,Vilalta Investigators using the Internet to apprehend sex offenders: findings from the Second National Juvenile Online Victimization Study,2012,13,3,267-281,Wolak Mission-based policing: rethinking the relationship of police to crime,2012,13,2,103-120,Crank Procedural justice in contacts with the police: the perspective of victims of crime,2012,13,5,437-449,Thomas The readiness of local law enforcement to engage in US anti-trafficking efforts: an assessment of human trafficking training and awareness of local county and state law enforcement agencies in the State of Georgia,2012,13,6,487-500,Bennett The role of police in public schools: a comparison of principal and police reports of activities in schools,2012,13,1,15-30,Travis Use of force in minority communities is related to police education age experience and ethnicity,2012,13,5,421-436,Chapman Using a restraining order as a protective risk management strategy to prevent intimate partner violence,2012,13,3,254-266,Strand Officers' perspectives of policing alcohol-related incidents in and around licensed premises,2013,14,3,193-204,Davey Victims' perceptions of a new model of sexual assault investigation adopted by Victoria Police,2013,14,3,228-241,Powell Use of force and police reform in Brazil: A national survey of police officers,2013,14,4,319-329,Skogan Curb the Danger: a police-community collaboration to 'curb' impaired driving,2013,14,5,402-414,Grekul Law enforcement as politics by other means: Lessons from countering revolutionary terrorism,2013,14,5,428-441,van Dongen Spread too thin: Analyzing the effectiveness of the Chicago camera network on crime,2013,14,5,415-427,Shah Correlates of criminal victimisation among police cell detainees in Victoria Australia,2012,14,6,522-534,Thomas The impact of community policing on crime rates: Does the effect of community policing differ in large and small law enforcement agencies?,2013,14,6,506-521,Merlo Getting away with murder: a thematic approach to solved and unsolved sexual homicides using crime scene factors,2014,15,3,221-233,Beauregard Lessons from empirical research on policing in Israel: policing terrorism and police-community relationships,2014,15,2,173-187,Perry Policing terrorism and police-community relations: views of the Arab minority in Israel,2014,15,2,158-172,Hasisi The law of concentrations of crime at place: the case of Tel Aviv-Jaffa,2014,15,2,101-114,Weisburd Trends in Israeli policing: terrorism community victimization and crime control,2014,15,2,97-100,Hasisi Adolescent girls exploited in the sex trade: informativeness and evasiveness in investigative interviews,2015,16,3,197-210,Cederborg Aligning policing and public health promotion: insights from the world of foot patrol,2015,16,3,211-223,Groff An exploration of crime by policewomen,2015,16,1,79-93,Stinson Police officers' perceptions of interviews in cases of sexual offences and murder involving children and adult victims,2015,16,1,36-50,Ost The development and role of peacekeeping operations in security platform police missions in West Africa,2012,13,2,167-183,Mays Who cares who protects us? The relationship between type of police coverage and citizen satisfaction with the police,2014,15,6,461-475,Lockwood A qualitative examination of police officers' perception of football supporters,2015,16,1,65-78,Joern Police recruit attitudes toward the use of unnecessary force,2015,16,1,51-64,Phillips Tunnel vision on tunnel vision? A preliminary examination of the tension between precaution and efficacy in major criminal investigations in the Netherlands,2015,16,3,224-238,Helsloot Challenges in serial murder investigations involving missing persons,2015,16,4,328-340,Rossmo A criminological assessment of police brutality and criminality against women in custody in South Africa,2015,16,4,316-327,Hesselink Police reaction to the male victim of domestic violence in South Africa: case study analysis,2015,16,4,291-302,Barkhuizen An international study on public confidence in police,2015,16,5,416-430,Morris Examining the neighborhood effects on police performance to assault calls,2015,16,5,391-401,Cihan Expansive learning in Firearms training: the HE/professional learning interface,2015,16,5,378-390,Beighton High policing and access to information,2015,16,6,485-498,Walby Correlates of hopelessness in the high suicide risk police occupation,2015,17,5,408-419,Violanti Police officer involved shootings - retrospective study of situational characteristics,2017,18,3,306-321,Magnusson A 'double edged sword': discretion and compulsion in policing domestic violence,2017,18,4,339-351,Ross The malleability of attitudes toward the police: immediate effects of the viewing of police use of force videos,2017,18,4,366-375,Boivin Use of pepper spray in policing: retrospective study of situational characteristics and implications for violent situations,2017,18,4,391-406,Magnusson Using typologies of victimization worry to create strategies for reducing fear of crime,2017,18,4,407-419,Hart The effect of community policing on fear and crime reduction police legitimacy and job satisfaction: an empirical review of the evidence,2017,18,5,449-462,Crowl The effects of occupational stress on cognitive performance in police officers,2017,18,5,463-477,Gutshall College students' perceptions of police use of force: do suspect race and ethnicity matter?,2017,18,5,492-506,Girgenti-Malone Ensuring the validity of police use of force training,2017,18,5,507-521,Rajakaruna Youth perceptions of police in rural Atlantic Canada,2017,18,6,556-569,Adorjan Policing image-based sexual abuse: stakeholder perspectives,2018,19,6,565-581,Powell Trends in police research: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2010-2014 literature,2018,19,6,609-616,Wooditch Crisis (hostage) negotiators weigh in: the skills behaviors and qualities that characterize an expert crisis negotiator,2018,19,5,472-489,Hall The influence of job assignment on community engagement: bicycle patrol and community-oriented policing,2018,19,4,347-364,Piza Me myself and I: the sociology of policing male rape the gaze of the 'Other',2018,19,4,380-397,Javaid Terrorist attacks targeting the police: the connection to foreign military presence,2018,19,3,222-240,Gibbs The enforcement of anti-human trafficking law in South Africa: a case of an aircraft without a pilot,2018,19,3,270-283,Bello The effects of procedural injustice on the use of violence against police by Occupy Wall Street protesters,2018,19,2,138-152,Wells Dull compulsion or perceived legitimacy? Assessing why people comply with the law in Nigeria,2018,19,2,186-201,Murphy The role of religious coping on problematic alcohol consumption by police officers,2018,19,1,31-45,Curry Exploring the use of juju in Nigerian human trafficking networks: considerations for criminal investigators,2018,19,1,83-100,Dunkerley Placing police shootings in context and implications for evidence based policy: an exploration and descriptive analysis of these incidents in the Hampton Roads region of Virginia from 1990-2010,2019,20,5,444-459,Monk-Turner Modifying the 'how' of an arrest: reducing the interacting effects of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and parental arrest,2019,20,5,479-493,Cohen The self-perceived successful hostage and crisis negotiator profile: a qualitative assessment of negotiator competencies,2019,20,4,321-342,Bowen Police perceptions of young people: a qualitative analysis,2019,20,4,360-375,Richards A comparative analysis of male and female police officers feloniously killed,2019,20,4,394-404,Lichtenberg Police abuse of sex workers in Nigeria: evidence from a qualitative study,2019,20,4,405-419,Aborisade A descriptive model of the relationship between police CCTV systems and crime. Evidence from Mexico City,2019,20,2,105-121,Vilalta Public servants or police soldiers? An analysis of opinions on the militarization of policing from police executives law enforcement and members of the 114th congress U.S. house of representatives,2019,20,2,122-138,Fox Police use of body worn cameras,2019,20,2,201-216,Laming Confidence in the police by race: taking stock and charting new directions,2019,20,1,3-17,Cao Correlates of law enforcement suicide in the United States: a comparison with Army and Firefighter suicides using data from the National Violent Death Reporting System,2019,20,1,64-76,Roberts Translational criminology and its importance in policing: a review,2019,20,6,537-551,Wu Present but not prevalent: identifying the organizational correlates of researcher-practitioner partnerships in U.S. Law Enforcement,2019,20,6,552-566,Alpert A four-phase process for translating research into police practice,2019,20,6,585-602,Santos Alternative dispute resolution and mediation of complaints against police in Australia and New Zealand,2020,21,1,3-17,McKillop Exploring officer views of community policing in counterterrorism,2020,21,1,18-32,Kearns 'Looking back I wouldn't join up again': the lived experiences of police officers as victims of bias and prejudice perpetrated by fellow staff within an English police force,2020,21,1,33-48,Zempi The 'us vs them' mentality: a comparison of police cadets at different stages of their training,2020,21,1,49-61,Boivin Tolerance for domestic violence: do legislation and organizational support affect police view on family violence?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun 'Bread and butter' policing: first-year constables and domestic violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miles-Johnson Gender and police response to domestic violence,2021,22,1,90-108,Fagerlund Mapping the landscape of male-on-male rape in London: an analysis of cases involving male victims reported between 2005 and 2012,2021,22,1,109-126,Yesberg Policing repeat and high-risk family violence: police and service-sector perceptions of a coordinated model,2021,22,1,141-156,Powell Risk scores and reliability of the SARA SARA-V3 B-SAFER and ODARA among Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) cases referred for threat assessment,2021,22,1,157-172,Hilton Sex offender registry system: a challenging task for Thai's police policy and practice,2021,22,1,173-189,Nakpong Towards a maturity model for intelligence-led policing: a case study research on the investigation of drugs crime and on football and safety in the Dutch police,2021,22,1,190-207,den Hengst A systematic review of mental health symptoms in police officers following extreme traumatic exposures,2021,22,1,225-239,Corneil Does low self-control contribute to police officers' procedurally unjust treatment of citizens? A unique test of Gottfredson and Hirschi's generality hypothesis,2021,22,1,240-256,Donner Police officers' perceptions of specialist training skills and qualities needed to investigate sexual crime,2021,22,1,475-490,Tidmarsh Disaster experiences and terrorism news exposure: effects on perceptions of police and trust in local government in the United States,2021,22,1,542-556,Wallace Discussions about child witness interviews during Australian trials of child sexual abuse,2021,22,1,938-952,Sharman From deployment to debriefing: introducing the D.I.A.M.O.N.D. model of hostage and crisis negotiation,2021,22,1,953-976,Bowen Policing mental health: the composition and perceived challenges of Co-response Teams and Crisis Intervention Teams in the Canadian context,2021,22,1,977-995,Frederick An analysis of law enforcement cooperation in child sex tourism cases involving Thailand and Canada,2021,22,2,1117-1129,de Vries An analysis of the quality of investigative interviews with children in France: age of the witness does matter,2021,22,2,1130-1154,Milne Punitive attitudes and victimization among police officers in Switzerland: an empirical exploration,2021,22,2,1191-1208,Markwalder Training and safety: potentially lethal blue-on-blue encounters,2021,22,2,1209-1228,Lewinski Total recall?: A quasi-experimental study of officer's recollection in shoot - don't shoot simulators,2021,22,3,1229-1240,Phillips The truth does not always speak for itself: subject Behavior-Officer Response reporting of police use of force,2021,22,3,1241-1258,Davies A scientific examination of the 21-foot rule,2021,22,3,1314-1329,Blair Police killings of unarmed black Americans: a reassessment of community mental health spillover effects,2021,22,3,1330-1339,Nix Crime distortion within the NYPD: a potential method for estimating crime misclassification within CompStat statistics,2021,22,4,1390-1407,Thomas Effective communication during major crises: a systematic literature review to identify best practices for police,2021,22,5,1492-1507,Hine The impact of a hot spot policing program in Montevideo Uruguay: an evaluation using a quasi-experimental difference-in-difference negative binomial approach,2021,22,5,1541-1556,Chainey Racial profiling and CT motor vehicle stops: an observational study in three towns,2021,22,6,1567-1584,Kaminski Explaining public support for body-worn cameras in law enforcement,2021,22,6,1603-1617,Williams Use of vascular neck restraints in law enforcement: A case-study of Spokane WA,2021,22,6,1668-1678,Worrall Citizen attitudes towards the public release of police body-worn camera video footage,2021,22,7,1760-1776,James Investigating fatal police shootings using the human factors analysis and classification framework (HFACS),2021,22,7,1777-1791,McFarlane Police staff and mental health: barriers and recommendations for improving help-seeking,2022,23,1,111-124,Martin Data-informed crime prevention at convenience stores in Atlantic City,2022,23,2,125-142,Kennedy Gendered perceptions of procedural (in)justice in police encounters,2022,23,2,143-158,Mrozla On the relationship between police force presence and crime in Mexico: a spatial analysis,2022,23,2,159-173,Vilalta Recognizing and responding to traumatized youth: preliminary results and implications for police trainings,2022,23,2,174-194,Riccardi The role of demographic diversification of the police force in curbing hate crimes: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses,2022,23,3,255-272,Perliger The Achilles' Heel of crisis management in the Norwegian police,2022,23,3,273-289,Hoel Adverse outcomes in non-fatal use of force encounters involving excited delirium syndrome,2022,23,3,322-336,Bennell Training and experience influence the consequences of anxiety during performance: a study of two groups of British firearms officers during bi-annual testing,2022,23,3,355-369,Barrett Potential for police investigator bias: the impact of child sexual abuse victims' background characteristics on perceived statement credibility case outcome and quality of interview questions,2022,23,3,370-387,De Ruiter A national analysis of trauma care proximity and firearm assault survival among U.S. police,2022,23,3,388-396,Nix A robbery is a robbery is a robbery? Exploring crime specificity in official police incident data,2022,23,4,429-443,Haberman Comparing measurements of violent crime in local communities: a case study in Islington London,2022,23,4,489-506,Pina-Sánchez Evaluating the 4th Circuit's decision to limit officer use of Tasers: a descriptive and time-series approach,2022,23,5,523-538,Kaminski To charge or not to charge? Police decisions in Canadian sexual assault cases and the relevance of rape myths,2022,23,5,539-552,Jung Operation provide: a multi-agency response to increasing police engagement in cases of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,23,5,600-613,Smith A comparative interrupted time-series assessing the impact of the Armstrong decision on officer-involved shootings,2022,23,5,614-622,Kaminski Registering a proposed business reduces police stops of innocent people? Reconsidering the effects of strip clubs on sex crimes found in Ciacci & Sviatschi's study of New York City,2024,25,3,376-385,Hall Return home interviews with children who have been missing: an exploratory analysis,2023,24,1,1-16,Sidebottom Race class and gender identity: implications for transgender people's police help seeking,2023,24,1,17-31,Lee 'We handle it I guess you'd say the East Texas way': place-based effects on the police decision-making process and non-arrest outcomes,2023,24,1,53-71,Peterson Community policing social capital and residents' feelings of safety in Taiwan,2023,24,1,90-108,Wolff 'Curb sitting': an evidence-based policing practice or an officer safety myth?,2023,24,1,109-121,Blake Crucial considerations when using 1033 Program data as a measure of police militarization,2023,24,1,122-128,Koslicki 'Me' versus 'We': exploring the personal and professional identity-threatening experiences of police officers and the factors that contribute to them,2023,24,2,147-163,Workman-Stark Exploring the effects of different workplace trust variables on the work attitudes of police officers,2023,24,2,164-176,Frank Evaluation of physical health mental wellbeing and injury in a UK Police Firearms unit,2023,24,2,232-244,Bradley Police ride-along programs: exploring student perceptions,2023,24,3,287-305,Mathna Microaggression within the patrol service - a barrier against ethnic representation?,2023,24,3,306-321,Leirvik Insights from law enforcement personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic: a focus on violence reduction and prevention initiatives and firearm violence,2023,24,3,322-345,McGarrell Effective reassurance policing after collective trauma events: perceptions of Australian police,2023,24,3,368-383,Harms Evaluating implementation of the EPIC peer bystander intervention program in basic law enforcement training (BLET),2023,24,3,384-396,Raines Suspect resistance police use of force and officer injuries in a post-Floyd era: an analysis of two large police departments,2023,24,3,397-405,Kaminski The adoption of a crime harm index: a scoping literature review,2023,24,4,423-445,Ruiter The true cost of policing football in England & Wales: freedom of information data from 2015-2019,2023,24,4,461-474,Hester 'Poisoned Chalice?': the challenges of forensic science and technology for homicide investigations,2023,24,4,475-492,Gibbs Van Brunschot Towards gender equality reform in police organisations: the utility of a social justice approach,2023,24,4,493-508,Keddie A two-step process to increase successful geocoding in publicly available police stop data,2023,24,4,509-515,Wei A street segment analysis of crime in a township: evidence from South Africa,2023,24,5,539-557,Edelstein Examining the effects of the killing of George Floyd by police in the United States on attitudes of Black Londoners: a replication,2023,24,5,575-596,Gilbert How generalizable are findings from police surveys? A review of multi-agency studies,2023,24,5,597-611,Nix The Lethality Assessment Program: police coordinators' experiences and perceptions,2023,24,6,613-630,Dutton Experiencing VOICES: police and public reactions to an intergroup communication intervention,2023,24,6,631-645,Maguire Police officer perspectives on the challenges of investigating sexual assault,2023,24,6,677-693,Chambers The relation between the individual assessment of victims by Dutch police and repeat victimization,2023,24,6,694-709,Geurts An empirical analysis of depolicing behavior,2024,25,1,53-70,Foster Police lethal force errors and stress physiology during video and live evaluation simulations,2024,25,1,90-100,Andersen Evaluation of tactical movement and firearm draw performance during charging knife attacks,2024,25,1,101-109,Reiner Cumulative exposure to citizens' trauma and secondary traumatic stress among police officers: the role of specialization in domestic violence prevention,2024,25,2,113-132,Lu Understanding disproportionate female completion rates at police academies,2024,25,2,133-149,Semukhina Reviewing the 3C's of blended learning for police education: assessing capacity building capability and conquering challenges,2024,25,2,168-188,Belur Perspectives on geographical profiling in the United Kingdom,2024,25,2,207-229,Halford 1033 Program data for studying Policing and militarization: an open-source database in response to the recommendations of Koslicki (2023),2024,25,2,244-250,Connealy Policing rape and serious sexual offences in Nigeria: officers' experiences and appraisal of police investigative approaches,2024,25,3,251-268,Aborisade The pandemic and police use of force: an analysis of disaggregated metrics concentrated disadvantage and COVID-19 mitigation efforts in Chicago,2024,25,3,269-285,Moreno The impact of critical incidents work stress and organizational support on PTSD symptoms among law enforcement officers: a moderated moderation model,2024,25,3,308-323,Salami Did De-policing contribute to the 2020 homicide spikes?,2024,25,3,343-357,Kim From sorcery to stun guns and suicide: The eclectic and global challenges of policing and the mentally ill,2010,11,4,289-300,Chappell Police officer suicide within the New South Wales Police force from 1999 to 2008,2010,11,4,371-382,Barron Emotional intelligence and occupational stress: A study of Indian Border Security Force personnel,2013,14,5,355-370,Chhabra An exploration of attitudes and support needs of police officer negotiators involved in suicide negotiation,2016,17,1,5-21,Spence