Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Is it rational to have reasons for not committing suicide?,1995,81,1,94,Lester Effects of a stress-management program on injury and stress of competitive gymnasts,2004,99,1,195-207,Kolt Seasonality of suicide in Eastern Europe: a rejoinder to Lester and Moksony,2004,99,1,17-18,Voracek Firearm deaths and the density of firearms dealers in America,1993,76,3,978,Lester Firearm availability and the use of firearms for suicide and homicide,2000,91,3,998,Lester Driving-induced stress in urban college students,2000,90,2,437-443,Rasmussen Perceptions of causes of performance-related injuries by music health experts and injured violinists,2004,99,2,669-678,Ackermann Derivation of a proxy measure of suicidal ideation from the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire,2004,99,3,1046,Lester Suicide rate and blood groups: an ecological study of 39 nations,2004,99,3,896-898,Voracek Variation in European suicide rates is better accounted for by latitude and longitude than by national percentage of Finno-Ugrians and Type O blood: a rebuttal of Lester and Kondrichin (2004),2004,99,3,1243-1250,Voracek How effective are brakes on infant walkers?,1997,84,3,1051-1057,Ridenour Ages of young children who fall down stairs,1999,88,2,669-675,Ridenour Influence of an infant walker on onset and quality of walking pattern of locomotion:an electromyographic investigation,1977,45,3,1323-1329,Kauffman Gait performance with wheeled and standard walkers,1997,85,3,1185-1186,Bohannon Golf clubs: hidden home hazard for children,1998,86,3,747-753,Ridenour How child-resistant are stroller belt buckles?,1997,84,2,611-616,Ridenour Age appropriateness and safety of electric outlet protectors for children,1997,84,2,387-392,Ridenour Will safety release cords on children's cameras prevent strangulation?,2003,97,3,1003-1006,Ridenour Knowledge of results and explicit instruction: efficiency of learning the crawl stroke in swimming,2002,95,3,895-896,Rouhana Drink-driving research in New Zealand,1982,54,1,87-90,Stacey Effects of practice and alcohol on selected skills: implications for an automobile alcohol ignition interlock,1973,37,1,267-274,Sturgis Seriousness of traffic accidents during work and commuting,2003,97,1,147-150,Salminen Age and gender distributions of pedestrian accidents across the life-span,1994,79,3,1680-1682,Kingma Inhibitory function in the stimulus-response compatibility task,2005,100,1,249-257,Tsuchida Relationship between mental toughness and physical endurance,2005,100,1,192-194,Crust Coping responses and problem appraisal in Spanish adolescents,2005,100,1,153-166,Zanini Assessing whether black uniforms affect the decisions of Turkish soccer referees: is finding of Frank and Gilovich's study valid for Turkish culture?,2005,100,1,51-57,Tiryaki Italian version of the task and ego orientation in sport questionnaire,2005,100,1,43-50,Bortoli Psychophysical judgment of curvatures,2005,100,1,38-42,Salvadori Plaudits and pitfalls in studying elite athletes,2005,100,1,22-24,Sands Effects of pedestrians' visibility and signs on motorists' yielding,1994,78,2,355-362,Harrell Left turning traffic procrastinators: another look,2000,90,3,961-962,Trinkaus Visual operational feedback and design of vehicle front-end illumination for night driving performance,1969,28,1,243-246,Kao Short-latency electrodermal reaction and traffic accidents,1967,25,3,913-916,Levonian Deterioration of the high-mounted brake light,1995,81,2,418,Cameron Correlations of f10.7-cm flux and temperature with male traffic-accident mortality for the years 1980-1999,2003,96,3,1013-1014,Chinami Acute effects of a single bout of resistance exercise on postural control in elderly persons,2005,100,3,725-733,Moore National character suicide and homicide,2005,100,3,760,Lester Suicide by jumping from bridges,2005,100,3,628,Lester Mountaineers' risk perception in outdoor-adventure sports: a study of sex and sports experience,2005,100,3,1155-1160,Demirhan Seasonal changes in suicide in the United States 1971 to 2000,2005,100,3,920-924,Bridges Health locus of control and voluntary use of seat belts among high school students,1985,61,1,315-319,Desmond Causality between drivers' successive eye fixations,1979,48,3,974,Cohen Comparison of headlamp visibility distance and stopping distance,1983,57,3,1177-1178,Sivak Driving with a CRT display,1967,25,3,899-900,Mortimer Automotive headlighting: effect of foreground illumination,1983,57,3,1036-1038,Sivak Toward a taxonomy of automobile driving. I tracking,1966,22,3,759-762,Ehrlich Birth month and suicide among major league baseball players,2005,101,1,21-24,Abel Use of rest breaks and accidents by professional drivers,2005,101,2,665-668,Perttula The "birthday blues" in a sample of major league baseball players' suicides,2005,101,2,382,Lester Relation of rifle stock length and weight to military rifle marksmanship performance by men and women,2001,93,2,479-485,Kemnitz Gun availability and use of guns for suicide homicide and murder in Canada,2004,98,2,594-598,Bridges Expertise and peripheral autonomic activity during the preparation phase in shooting events,2004,98,2,371-381,Collet Suicide attacks in Israel and suicide rates,2006,102,1,104,Lester Relations of moderate physical exercise to scores on hostility aggression and aggression and trait-anxiety,1989,68,3,1191-1194,Beer Geophysical variables and behavior: lxviii. distal and lunar variables and traffic accidents in Saskatchewan 1984-1989,1992,74,2,483-488,Rotton Perception of risk and curb standing at street corners by older pedestrians,1990,70,3,1363-1366,Harrell Note on risk-homeostasis and night-time pedestrian casualties,1991,73,1,50,Reinhardt-Rutland Perceptual development and early childhood injuries: a prospective pilot study,1993,76,1,125-126,Ginsburg Selected visual abilities of college football players,1976,43,3,904-906,Deshaies Age differences in perception of risk,1992,74,2,587-594,Leonard Factors influencing involvement in farm accidents,1995,81,2,592-594,Harrell Suicide rate and national scores on the Big Five personality factors,2006,102,2,609-610,Voracek Correlations for number of sunspots unemployment rate and suicide mortality in Japan,2006,102,2,603-608,Chinami The economy and suicide in Japan 1985-2000,2006,102,2,338,Lester Cyclical calendar and lunar patterns in automobile property accidents and injury accidents,1998,86,1,299-302,Laverty Perceptions of high risk sports,1997,85,2,756-758,Pedersen Skin temperature and motorcyclists' braking performance,1982,54,3,1291-1296,Parry Effects of marijuana on human reaction time and motor control,1977,45,3,935-939,Kvålseth Effect of marihuana on the visual autokinetic phenomenon,1972,35,3,891-894,Moskowitz Exponential fitting of suicide rate and national intelligence estimates,2006,102,3,896-898,Voracek Suicide rate and skin color,2006,102,3,836-838,Voracek Social ecology of intelligence and suicide in the United States,2006,102,3,767-775,Voracek Perpetrators and Servers Responsibility and Punishment for Drunk-Driving Outcomes,1987,64,2,455-460,DeJoy Drink Driving Research in New Zealand,1982,54,1,87-90,Stacey Color-specificity to enhance identification of rear lights,1995,80,3,755-769,Cameron Suicidal and drug-related behaviors of rural seventh and eighth grade students,2002,94,3,1196-1198,Light Suicide notes of Chinese youth,2001,93,1,317-318,Lester Youth cohort size and suicide rates,1996,83,1,306,Lester The temporal distribution of suicides in Baton Rouge,1996,83,1,14,Lester The sex ratio of juvenile suicide,1998,87,2,610,Lester Life satisfaction suicide and homicide,1998,87,1,126,Lester Judging the sex and age of suicide note writers,1998,86,3,1218,Lester Neuropsychological correlates of violence and aggression: an extension to suicidal behavior,1999,89,2,389-392,Lester Correlates of suicide rates calculated in different ways: Denmark 1950-1985,1999,89,1,172,Lester Suicidality and risk-taking behaviors: an ecological study of youth behaviors in 29 states,1999,88,3,1299-1300,Lester Unemployment and suicide over nine regions in England and Wales,2000,91,3,782,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: The influence of weather on suicide in Hong Kong,2000,91,2,571-577,Yan Further evidence of associations of type A personality scores and driving-related attitudes and behaviors,2000,91,1,147-154,Perry Relationship of laboratory and on-road tests for driving-school students and experienced drivers,2000,90,1,227-235,Heikkila An investigation of tactile and visual stimuli in the roadway environment,1998,87,2,387-394,Jacko An illusion of reversed direction in hyperopes,1987,65,2,615-618,Money Use and misuse of smoke detectors in residential areas,1996,82,3,1211-1222,Lehto Regional intelligence and suicide rate in Germany,2006,103,2,639-642,Voracek Ancestry genes and suicide: a test of the Finno-Ugrian Suicide Hypothesis in the United States,2006,103,2,543-550,Voracek Screening people with disturbed sleep for depression,2006,103,3,765-766,Brasic An analysis of U.S. parachuting fatalities: 2000-2004,2006,103,3,896-900,Hart Perceived aggression in sports and its relation to willingness to participate and perceived risk of injury,2007,104,1,201-211,Pedersen Traffic-entry behavior and crash risk for older drivers with impairment of selective attention,2006,102,3,632-644,Lee Typology of violence derived from ratings of severity and provocation,2007,104,2,637-653,Waters The young male peak in different categories of trauma victims,1994,79,2,920-922,Kingma Are test materials toys? A reply to Ridenour and Reid,1983,57,3,1270,Bayley Nonveridical factors of visual perception and close following on the road,1985,61,1,255-258,Reinhardt-Rutland Verbal and cognitive distractors in driving performance while using hands-free phones,2006,103,3,803-810,Lin Yielding behavior of Israeli drivers: interaction of age and sex,2006,103,2,387-390,Nemrodov Young adult drivers' sensitivity to changes in speed and driving mode in a simple vehicle simulator,2006,103,1,197-209,Lee Development of a portable psychometric testing device for use in the field: an alcohol investigation,2005,101,2,383-392,Hindmarch Effect on truck drivers' alertness of a 30-minute exposure to bright light: A field study,2004,98,3,770-776,Akerstedt Identification of sounds from traffic,2003,97,3,675-688,Nilsson Cell phone use and visual attention,2003,97,2,385-389,Golden Effects of slow-release caffeine and a nap on driving simulator performance after partial sleep deprivation,2003,96,1,67-78,De Valck Use of temperature variations to combat drivers' drowsiness,2002,95,2,497-506,Englund Application of hidden Markov models on residuals: an example using Canadian traffic accident data,2002,94,3,1151-1156,Laverty Age and distraction by telephone conversation in task performance: implications for use of cellular telephones while driving,2002,94,2,391-394,Coleman Effects of manual versus voice-activated dialing during simulated driving,2002,94,2,363-379,O'Toole Prediction of drivers' recognition of posted signs in five Arab countries,2001,92,1,72-82,Al-Madani Relation of useful field of view and other screening tests to on-road driving performance,2000,91,1,279-290,Ball Effect of the intensity of wireless telephone conversations on reaction time in a braking response,2000,90,3,1130-1134,Berg Laboratory studies on the effects of temperature variations on drowsiness,1999,89,3,1217-1229,Englund Relationship between home and school adjustment: children's experiences at ages 10 and 14,2007,104,3,965-974,Bjorkqvist Effects of September 11th terrorism stress on estimated duration,2007,104,3,799-802,Anderson Testing the Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis: replication and refinement with regional suicide data from eastern Europe,2007,104,3,985-994,Voracek Time headway in car following and operational performance during unexpected braking,1997,84,3,1247-1257,Brouwer Shopping center fire zone parking violators: an informal look,2002,95,3,1215-1216,Trinkaus Risk taking and risk perception in road safety: comparative study of young sportsmen and nonsportsmen in southeastern France,2007,104,3,1243-1250,Griffet Preliminary study of self-reported experience of physical aggression and bullying of boys who stutter: relation to increased anxiety,2007,104,3,1060-1066,Blood Personalities of women reporting incestuous abuse during childhood,1995,81,3,955-965,Karp Effects of videotaped violence on hypermnesia for imaginally encoded concrete and abstract words,1995,80,2,467-477,Shaw Subway suicide rates and national suicide rates,1995,80,3,954,Lester The aetiology of bicycle accidents,1994,79,3,1193-1194,Kingma Illegal blood alcohol levels and traffic death rates,1994,79,1,82,Watson Consistency between death rates of immigrants and death rates in their home nations,1992,75,3,1154,Lester Confirmation of Tabachnick and Klugman's hypothesis that the death instinct is constant,1992,74,3,1065-1066,Saucer Sex differences in methods for suicide,1994,79,1,418,Lester Choice of violent vs nonviolent methods for suicide by immigrants,1994,79,2,718,Lester Scholastic aptitude and rates of personal violence in the USA,1994,79,2,738,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: IXXII. Barometric pressure lunar cycle and traffic accidents,1993,77,2,371-376,Alonso Karate for self-defense: an analysis of Goju-ryu and Kyokushinkai kata,1993,77,3,829-830,Layton A subjective index of American social economic and political threat war and personal violence,1993,77,3,994,Lester Violence in novels and military build-ups in the USA,1993,76,3,810,Lester Class differences and traffic deaths,1996,83,3,1005-1006,Nelsen Hypoglycemia as a mitigating factor in vehicular accidents,1997,84,3,1241-1242,Piotrowski Speed and acceleration as measures of driving style in young male drivers,1997,85,1,3-16,Lajunen Development of a short test for accident proneness,1997,85,3,903-906,Matsuoka The aetiology and long-term effects of injuries due to bicycle accidents in persons aged fifty years and older,1997,85,3,1035-1041,ten Duis Native Americans and the constant death instinct hypothesis,1991,72,3,814,Young Knowledge about suicide and local suicide prevalence: comparison of Estonia and Austria,2007,105,1,3-7,Voracek State IQ and suicide rates in the United States,2007,105,1,102-106,Voracek Driving Anger Scale French adaptation: further evidence of reliability and validity,2007,104,3,947-957,Delhomme National differences in intelligence and population rates of suicidal ideation suicide plans and attempted suicide,2007,105,2,355-361,Voracek Undergraduate education majors' knowledge about suicide,2007,105,2,373-378,MacDonald Evidence for a positive ecological correlation of regional intelligence and suicide mortality in the United States during the early 20th century,2007,105,2,391-402,Voracek The irrationality of the catharsis theory of aggression as justification for educators' support of interscholastic football,1991,72,2,415-418,Bennett The irrationality of interscholastic football as a means of preparing adolescents for adulthood,1990,71,3,802,Bennett Community violence and aggression in dreams: an observation,1969,29,1,41-42,Robbins Neuro-ethics of 'walking' in the newborn,1973,37,1,235,Pontius The seasonality of suicide in Hungary in the 1930s,2007,105,3,714,Lester Children's perceptions of dangerous substances,2004,98,2,700-710,Wilson A further test of the Finno-Ugrian Suicide Hypothesis: correspondence of county suicide rates in Romania and population proportion of ethnic Hungarians,2007,105,3,1209-1222,Voracek The nexus of suicide prevalence helping behavior pace of life affluence and intelligence: contrary results from comparisons across nations and within the United States,2007,105,3,1119-1126,Voracek Aggressor and victim perspective-related differences in perceived legitimacy of aggression in soccer,2008,106,1,234-240,Coulomb-Cabagno Body Mass Index suicide and homicide among inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands,2008,106,2,650-652,Bridges Effect of physical fatigue on motor control at different skill levels,2008,106,2,371-386,Aune Cross-national social ecology of intelligence and suicide prevalence: integration refinement and update of studies,2008,106,2,550-556,Voracek Sensitive and tolerant raters differ in their magnitude estimates of extremely violent behaviors,2008,106,3,759-762,Collyer Performance on a dual driving simulation and subtraction task following sleep restriction,2004,99,3,739-753,Arnedt Effects of acute sleep restriction on behavior sustained attention and response inhibition in children,2001,93,1,213-229,Arnedt Influences of long- and short-distance driving on alpha waves and natural killer cell activity,1998,87,3,1419-1423,Iwata Influence of looking at hazard lights on car driving performance,1994,78,3,1059-1065,Matsunaga Effects of operator mood on performance in a simulated driving task,1967,25,3,729-735,Ellingstad Ego strength skin conductance sleep deprivation and performance,1970,31,2,671-677,Roessler Changes in depth perception during a non-stop walk of 302 1/4 miles,1975,40,3,762,Todor Physiological responses to violence reported in the news,2008,107,2,383-395,Ragonesi Infant walkers: Developmental tool or inherent danger,1982,55,3,1201,Ridenour Injury and burnout in Australian athletes,2008,107,3,873-880,Grylls Propulsion and braking in the study of asymmetry in able-bodied men's gaits,2008,107,3,849-861,Potdevin Attention and impulse control in children with borderline intelligence with or without conduct disorder,2008,107,3,676-682,Van der Meere Sensation seeking aggression and reckless behavior in high school students college students and adults,2006,103,3,801-802,George Generation and sex differences in sensation seeking: results of the family study,2003,97,3,965-970,Butković Sensation seeking and subjective unpleasantness ratings of stimulus intensity,2002,95,3,706-712,Lundstrom Sensation seeking and self-reported criminality among student-athletes,1990,70,3,959-962,Young Sensation seeking among skydivers,1974,38,1,118,Hymbaugh Effects of aquatic training on swimming skill development of preschool children,1986,62,2,439-446,Erbaugh Crossing the midline: a study of four-year-old children,1998,86,1,201-203,Surburg Car ownership and suicide by car exhaust in nations of the world,1994,79,2,898,Lester Comment on short-term variation in subjective sleepiness,2005,101,3,943-948,Kecklund Hands-free versus hand-held cell phone conversation on a braking response by young drivers,2007,105,2,514-522,Hendrick Effects of field-of-view restrictions on speed and accuracy of manoeuvring,2007,105,3,1245-1256,Delleman A relative age effect in NASCAR,2007,105,3,1151-1152,Abel Are hook turns a major obstacle to safe skydiving? A study of skydiving fatalities in the United States from 1992 to 2005,2007,105,3,795-802,Vidovic Regional intelligence and suicide rate: new data for Australia and a synthesis of research,2007,105,1,191-196,Voracek Aesthetic properties of everyday objects,2007,104,3,1139-1168,Stich Brief commentary on "perceived verbal aggressiveness of coaches in volleyball and basketball: a preliminary study",2007,104,3,879-880,McKelvie Investigating a computerised test of the Stroop effect extended by inclusion of a third more difficult task,2007,104,2,445-458,Goldsmith Source confusion as an explanation of cultivation: a test of the mechanisms underlying confusion of fiction with reality on television,2007,104,1,102-110,Koolstra Infant walkers: developmental tool or inherent danger,1982,55,3,1201-1202,Ridenour Assessing effectiveness of various auditory warning signals in maintaining drivers' attention in virtual reality-based driving environments,2009,108,3,825-835,Hsu Some factors in sanctions for unsportsmanlike behavior of players and coaches in youth soccer,2009,108,3,764-774,Olmedilla Driving record of medical and surgical patients,1969,29,2,427-434,Thomson Measuring violence in children's cartoons,1968,27,3,901-902,Zusne Locus of control as a personality and situational variable,1968,27,1,135-141,Mc Donald Some effects of display symbol variation upon operator performance in aircraft interception,1968,26,3,Suppl:1215+,Munns Temporal relationship between automobile accidents and psychiatric hospitalization,1967,24,3,1327-1332,Buttiglieri Light sensitivity as related to age and sex,1967,24,3,1279-1288,Burg Feasibility of measuring eye movements in real-world and simulated driving situations,1966,23,1,329-330,Barrett Electrocardiogram changes in prolonged automobile driving,1966,23,1,210,Baker Suicide research and non-rejection of the null hypothesis,1966,22,1,115-118,Neuringer Body-size perception body-esteem and parenting history in college women reporting a history of child abuse,2006,102,2,485-497,Eubanks Sex differences in reasons for living,2006,102,2,321-322,Lester Temporal orientation in suicidal patients,1971,33,3,1020,Greaves Need for affiliation in suicide notes,1971,33,2,550,Lester Surface colouration lettering and referential dimension of traffic marker perception,1972,35,3,867-873,Nelson Suicide homicide and color-shading response on the Rorschach,1972,35,2,562,Lester Fear of death in parachute jumpers,1972,34,1,338,Lester Suicide and attempted suicide: study of perceived sex differences,1973,37,1,31-34,Linehan Differential velocity and time prediction of motion,1973,36,3,935-945,Kimball Temporal perspective and completed suicide,1973,36,3,760,Lester External restraints suicide and homicide: comparison of Norway and France,1973,36,2,646,Lester Variation in homicide rate with latitude and longitude in the United States,1973,36,2,532,Lester Reactions to a speedometer under two driving conditions,1973,36,2,409-410,Diespecker Effects of angular acceleration on man: choice reaction time using visual and rotary motion information,1974,38,3,735-743,Clark On the study of personality factors in research on driving behavior,1974,38,3,1067-1076,Signori Distinguishing murderers from suicides with the Rorschach,1974,39,1,474,Lester A signal-detection evaluation of flat vs curved marker performance,1974,39,1,355-358,Nelson Relationship between age and hazard perception in automobile drivers,1974,39,1,335-338,Soliday Social psychophysics: measurement of attitudes toward violence,1974,38,1,135-145,Dercole Effect of speed adaptation on performance in a self-paced tracking task,1975,40,1,167-170,Miller Homicidal and suicidal impulses in the Nazi leaders,1976,43,3,1316,Lester Eye color and responsiveness to arousing stimuli,1976,43,1,127-133,Markle Comments on the "cattle-prod controversy",1976,42,1,146,Cohen SAM Complex Coordinator and Multidimensional Pursuit Test: annotated bibliographies,1976,42,1,327-338,Benel Laboratory apparatus for studying visual space perception of the pilot in simulated night approaches to landing,1977,45,3,1331-1336,Mertens Is the duration of an eye fixation a sufficient criterion referring to information input?,1977,45,3,766,Cohen Relationship between violence and catecholamines,1977,45,3,702,O'neill Evaluation of a media campaign's effect on reporting patterns of child abuse,1977,45,1,161-162,Friedrich Childhood depression: an explanation of a behavior disorder of children,1977,44,3,911-916,Brumback Movements while driving cars around curves,1977,44,3,683-689,Cohen Self-esteem of prisoners committing directly versus indirectly destructive crimes,1977,44,2,375-380,Yelsma Predictive head-movements during automobile mirror-sampling,1977,44,1,283-286,Mourant Prediction of homicide and suicide: a test in a healthy risk-taking group,1977,44,1,222,Lester Effects of experience and short-term practice on drivers' eye movements and errors in simulated dangerous situations,1978,47,3,767-776,Schroeder Temporal patterns of the use of non-prescribed drugs: some behavioral correlates,1978,47,1,332-334,Sinnett Violence in the mass media: a case of modelling,1979,48,3,1081-1082,Simon Visual-motor problems of adolescents who attempt suicide,1979,48,2,599-602,Heald Participant evaluation of two alcohol education courses,1979,48,2,577-578,Brown Variation in suicide and homicide by latitude and longitude,1980,51,3,1346,Lester Immunizing children against possible antisocial effects of viewing television violence: a curricular intervention,1980,51,2,498,Doolittle Effect of increased noise levels by supersonic aircraft on annoyance levels and time estimations,1980,50,2,563-569,Allen Effects of aircraft motion on passengers' comfort ratings and response times,1980,50,1,91-97,Rinalducci Automobile color as a predictor of driving behavior,1982,55,2,383-386,Salter Protection from light-rays by cold-weather goggles,1983,57,2,515-524,Kinney Specific stimulus-evoked violent action in psychotic trigger reaction: a seizure-like imbalance between frontal lobe and limbic systems?,1984,59,1,299-333,Pontius Use of the NCA-modified assessment with a population of intoxicated drivers,1984,59,1,287-298,Gurnack Alternative self-destruction,1985,61,3,1065-1066,Lee Geophysical variables and behavior: XXIX. Impact of atmospheric conditions on occurrences of individual violence among Canadian penitentiary populations,1985,61,1,259-275,Schell Geophysical variables and behavior: XXVI. A response to Rutkowski's critique of the tectonic strain hypothesis for UFO phenomena,1985,60,2,575-582,Persinger Geophysical variables and behavior: XXI. Geomagnetic variation as possible enhancement stimuli for UFO reports preceding earthtremors,1985,60,1,37-38,Persinger Geophysical variables and behavior: XXIII. Relations between UFO reports within the Uinta Basin and local seismicity,1985,60,1,143-152,Persinger The self-deception of the self-destructive,1987,65,3,975-989,Lee When are babies perceived as male or female? Evidence from murder rates,1987,65,3,698,Lester Violence and prospect-refuge values,1987,65,2,343-352,Swartz Geophysical variables and behavior: XLII. Lack of relationship between moon phase and incidents of disruptive behavior in inmates with psychiatric problems,1987,64,3,1212,Little Factors in perception of earthquake hazard,1987,64,3,815-820,Simpson-Housley Geophysical variables and behavior: XLI. Regional variation of suicide and homicide rates by different methods,1987,64,3,1074,Lester Physical and emotional abuse and motor development: a preliminary investigation,1987,64,2,469-470,Hughes Geophysical variables and behavior: XXXVI. Regional variation in suicide and homicide: controls for weather and southern culture,1987,64,2,430,Lester Occupational prestige and rates of suicide and homicide,1987,64,2,398,Lester Quality of life and rates of suicide and homicide,1987,64,1,94,Lester Ectomorphy ratios of completed suicides,1987,64,1,86,Lester Wife abuse and psychogenic motives in nonliterate societies,1987,64,1,154,Lester Suicide rates by region of death and place of birth,1988,67,3,942,Lester Suicide in the major leagues,1988,67,3,934,Lester What does "touch" mean to young children? An empirical study,1988,67,3,683-690,Barton Geophysical variables and behavior: LI. Temporal variation of suicide in teens and young adults,1988,67,2,586,Lester Locus of control and suicidal ideation,1988,67,2,576,Lester The perception of different methods for suicide,1988,67,2,530,Lester Can caffeine antagonize alcohol-induced performance decrements in humans?,1988,67,2,375-391,Fudin Effect of protective eyewear on reaction time in the horizontal field of vision,1988,67,1,115-120,Dawson Expressed motives in elected Presidents' addresses and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide) in USA election years,1988,66,3,770,Lester Effect of method of suicide on perception of the suicidal person,1988,66,2,578,Lester Born under a bad sign? Astrological sign and suicide ideation,1988,66,2,461-462,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: XLVIII. Climate and personal violence (suicide and homicide): a cross-cultural study,1988,66,2,602,Lester Excitor-inhibitor scales of the MMPI and choice of method for suicide: a pilot study,1988,66,1,218,Lester Stress and suicidal ideation,1988,66,1,182,Lester Chronic suicide attempters who switch methods and those who do not,1989,69,3,1390,Lester Psychological abuse among college women in dating relationships,1989,69,3,1283-1297,Raymond Locus of control depression and suicidal ideation,1989,69,3,1158,Lester Belief in life after death and suicide rates by region,1989,69,3,1090,Lester Tryptophan intake and national character,1989,69,3,930,Lester Are those who choose guns for suicide more intent on dying?,1989,69,3,922,Lester Media violence and suicide and homicide rates,1989,69,3,894,Lester Menninger's motives for suicide in genuine and simulated suicide notes,1989,69,3,850,Lester Is the amount of death instinct constant from region to region?,1989,69,3,810,Lester Sex differences in the motives expressed in suicide notes,1989,69,2,642,Lester The self-image of teenagers and suicide rates,1989,69,2,590,Lester Barbiturate sales and their use for suicide,1989,69,2,442,Lester The suicide rate by drowning and the presence of oceans,1989,69,1,338,Lester Taxonomy of 130 cases of youth suicide,1989,69,1,318,Bagley Major league baseball performances of players who were later suicides or homicide victims,1989,69,1,272,Lester Visual superiority effect in televised prevention of victimization programs for preschool children,1989,68,3,1179-1182,Jenkins Mother-blaming among college students,1989,68,2,453-454,Der-Karabetian Suicide by car exhaust: sex differences in response to reduced toxicity,1989,68,2,442,Lester Knowledge about suicide as a function of experience,1989,68,1,26,Balance Measurements of gaze movements while driving,1989,68,1,19-25,Funatsu Anthropometric design criteria: correction variables for military aircraft,1989,68,1,175-178,Dahl Application of Piotrowski's dark shading hypothesis to Sylvia Plath's poems written before her suicide,1989,68,1,122,Lester Accidental death rates as a measure of the availability of a method for suicide,1989,68,1,66,Lester Restricting methods for suicide as a means of preventing suicide: the case of drugs,1989,68,1,273-274,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: LVI. The spatial autocorrelation of states suicide and homicide rates,1989,68,1,218,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: LIV. Zeitoun (Egypt) apparitions of the Virgin Mary as tectonic strain-induced luminosities,1989,68,1,123-128,Persinger Suicide and homicide on St. Valentine's Day,1990,71,3,994,Lester Type A personality and poor driving habits,1990,71,3,1352,Lester Association between whirling responses on psychological tests and suicidal preoccupation,1990,71,3,1105,Lester Suicide in Mainland China by sex urban/rural location and age: preliminary data,1990,71,3,1090,Lester Judgments about suicide: morality versus rationality and personal versus impersonal,1990,71,2,402,Lester Overcrowding in prisons and rates of suicide and homicide,1990,71,1,274,Lester Menninger's motives for suicide in genuine simulated and hoax suicide notes,1990,71,1,248,Lester Mortality from suicide in follow-up studies of psychiatric patients,1990,71,1,230,Lester Sex differences in severity of injury in attempted suicides who jump,1990,71,1,176,Lester A classification of acts of attempted suicide,1990,70,3,1245-1246,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: LIX. The seasonal variation in suicide rates: three studies,1990,70,1,57-58,Lester Is a spate of suicides a cluster?,1990,70,1,46,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: LX. Lonquimay and Alhué Chile: tension from volcanic and earthquake hazard,1990,70,1,296-298,Simpson-Housley Effect of alcohol on visual constancy values and possible relation to driving performance,1990,70,1,291-295,Farrimond Reliability of naive judges of genuine suicide notes,1991,73,3,942,Lester Social integration and suicide in the Caribbean Islands,1991,73,3,742,Lester Differences in interpersonal distance among nonoffenders as a function of perceived violence of offenders,1991,73,2,659-662,Skorjanc Size of youth cohort and suicide rate in Japan,1991,73,2,508,Lester Effect of numbers vs pictures on perceived effectiveness of a public safety awareness advertisement,1991,73,1,77-78,Bochniak Depression suicidal ideation and autonomic reactivity,1991,73,1,294,Lester Social correlates of suicide and homicide in urban and rural regions,1991,73,1,274,Lester Validation of two devices for evaluation of human psychomotor performance,1991,73,1,255-264,Manno Suicide among alcoholics,1991,73,1,242,Lester The seasonal variation of suicide in Zimbabwe,1991,73,1,18,Lester Premature mortality associated with alcoholism and suicide in American writers,1991,73,1,162,Lester Locus of control and alcohol placebo effects on performance in a driving simulator,1991,72,3,751-756,Breckenridge Alexithymia depression and suicidal preoccupation,1991,72,3,1058,Lester Mortality from suicide in attempted suicides,1991,72,3,1030,Lester Preferred sound intensity increase for sensation of half distance,1991,72,3,1019-1029,Begault Accurate knowledge about suicide and judgments about suicide,1991,72,3,1018,Lester Coping with a major stressor: differences between habitual short- and longer-sleepers,1991,72,2,631-636,Hicks Rescue expectations and hopelessness in adolescent parasuicides,1991,72,2,363-366,Pillay Psychology of computer use: XX. Sexual abuse recalled: evaluation of a computerized questionnaire in a population of young adult males,1991,72,1,287-288,Bagley Have national suicide rates increased and converged over the last 100 years?,1992,75,3,1262,Lester Medical resources and suicide prevention,1992,75,3,1254,Lester The threat of nuclear war and rates of suicide and homicide,1992,75,3,1186,Lester Suicide among Asian Americans and social deviancy,1992,75,3,1134,Lester Arousing patriotic feelings in men and women,1992,75,3,914,Lester Effect of using age-adjusted suicide rates on time-series studies of the American suicide rate,1992,75,3,778,Lester Neuropsychological performance and suicidal behavior in adult psychiatric inpatients,1992,75,2,639-647,Ellis The stability and variability of suicide rates in the states of the USA,1992,75,2,494,Lester Effect of using age-adjusted suicide rates on the results of time-series analyses of the suicide rate,1992,75,1,310,Lester Neuropsychological profiles of adults who report "sudden remembering" of early childhood memories: implications for claims of sex abuse and alien visitation/abduction experiences,1992,75,1,259-266,Persinger Knowledge and motor performance,1992,74,3,1195-1202,Kerr Locus of control and perceptions of human aggression,1992,74,3,1016-1018,Young Headache symptoms depression and suicidal preoccupation,1992,74,1,90,Lester Suicide notes from Canada and the United States,1992,74,1,278,Leenaars Understanding the relationship between perceived development of the competition plan and sport performance: mediating effects of self-efficacy and state depression,2009,109,1,304-314,Arruza A cross-national analysis of mental toughness and hardiness in elite university rugby league teams,2009,109,1,213-223,Sheard Big five personality factors and suicide rates in the United States: a state-level analysis,2009,109,1,208-212,Voracek Relationships among visual awareness reaction time and lateralized readiness potential in a simple reaction time task under the backward masking paradigm,2009,109,1,187-207,Suzuki Driving error and anxiety related to iPod MP3 player use in a simulated driving experience,2009,109,1,159-167,Harvey Variable practice versus constant practice in the acquisition of wheelchair propulsive speeds,2009,109,1,133-139,Yao Ontogenesis of laterality in 3- to 10-yr.-old children: increased unimanual independence grounded on improved bimanual motor function,2009,109,1,3-29,van Grunsven No evidence for relationship between biorhythms and industrial accidents,1978,46,2,423-426,Persinger Personality traits and their relationship to traffic violations,1976,42,2,467-470,Brown Domestic integration and suicide in England and Wales 1901-1975,1993,77,3,922,Lester Intensity of amnesia during hypnosis is positively correlated with estimated prevalence of sexual abuse and alien abductions: implications for the false memory syndrome,1993,77,3,895-898,Persinger Reliability of judging genuine and simulated suicide notes,1993,77,3,882,Lester Age distribution among suicides in nations of the world,1993,77,3,1386,Lester Household structure and suicide in elderly Japanese women,1993,77,3,1282,Lester Economic status of African-Americans and suicide rates,1993,77,3,1150,Lester Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXV. Possible increased incidence of brain tumors following an episode of luminous phenomena,1993,77,3,1088-1090,Persinger Recognizing suicides from photographs,1993,77,2,506,Lester The quality of life in urban areas and suicide,1993,77,2,482,Lester The sex ratio in samples of attempted and completed suicides over time,1993,77,2,402,Lester The stability of national suicide rates over time,1993,77,1,42,Lester Rates of mental illness and suicide by state,1993,77,1,330,Lester Using age-adjusted rates in ecological studies of suicide and homicide,1993,77,1,270,Lester Mortality from suicide in follow-up studies of schizophrenics,1993,77,1,114,Lester Seasonality in suicide and economic growth,1993,77,1,10,Lester Depression suicidal ideation and locus of control,1993,76,3,1282,Lester Perceived risk of occupational injury: control over pace of work and blue-collar versus white-collar work,1990,70,3,1351-1359,Harrell Juvenile delinquency and child pedestrian accidents: an ecological analysis,1989,69,3,1281-1282,Bagley Implementation of the NCA modified assessment instrument with a population of intoxicated drivers in two Wisconsin counties 1982-1985,1989,69,1,83-90,Gurnack Sex differences in perception of threat from the Chernobyl accident,1987,65,1,228,Mardberg Perpetrators' and servers' responsibility and punishment for drunk-driving outcomes,1987,64,2,455-460,De Joy Type A behavior pattern and motor vehicle drivers' behavior,1986,63,2,875-878,Perry Note on nonveridical visual perception and pedestrian accidents at night,1986,63,2,371-374,Reinhardt-Rutland Development and validation of the safety locus of control scale,1985,61,1,151-161,Jones Geophysical variables and behavior: XIII. Comment on "Lunar phase and accident injuries": the dark side of the moon and lunar research,1983,57,3,919-921,Rotton How do accidents happen: a deadline-type experiment on maintaining safety margins,1983,56,3,755-758,Summala Daylight saving-time changes increase traffic accidents,1983,56,1,64-66,Hawkins Geophysical variables and behavior: VI. Lunar phase and accident injuries: a difference between night and day,1982,55,1,280-282,Templer Effects of control-display relationship on tracking in a dual-task setting,1963,17,3,954,Smith Effects of aspirin on shock induced deterioration of hand steadiness,1963,17,3,943-946,Dinnerstein Visual motor proficiency of long and short term planners,1963,17,3,908,Wolfson Apparatus for measuring neuro-muscular control during rotary tracking,1963,17,3,823-830,White Bilateral transfer of warm-up in rotary pursuit,1963,17,3,723-726,Barch A critical period in maturation of performance with space-displaced vision,1963,17,2,627-639,Smith Further comments on "performance on a motor task as related to MAS scores",1963,17,2,564,Spence Intertrial interval delay of knowledge of results and motor performance,1963,17,2,559-563,Persons A comment on "Performance on a motor learning task as related to MAS scores",1963,17,2,409-410,Spence Effect of low blood-alcohol concentrations in simulated day and night driving,1963,17,2,399-408,Mortimer An attempt to find a locus of temporary work decrement in pursuit rotor performance,1963,17,2,397-398,McIntyre Reminiscence drive and personality theory: replication,1963,17,2,377-378,Star Effects of specific training on frame dependence,1963,17,2,363-367,Elliott Effect of interpolated monocular and binocular visual pursuit reaction time activity on reminiscence in pursuit rotor performance,1963,17,2,333-334,McIntyre Effect of the weight-contrast illusion on rotary pursuit performance,1963,17,1,87-90,Lordahl Some laboratory measures of extraversion-introversion,1963,17,1,55-60,Howarth Effect of motivating instructions on simple reaction time,1963,17,1,321-322,Kushner Frustration and perceptual-motor performance,1963,17,1,282,Solkoff Psychomotor assessment of the effects of haloperidol,1963,17,1,168-170,Court A background interference procedure for graphomotor tests in the study of deficit,1963,16,3,914,Canter Performance of a motor learning task as related to MAS scores,1963,16,2,368,Battig Tracking the neutralization of seen rotary movement,1963,16,2,513-519,Taylor Prediction of visual tracking proficiency on an A-scope presentation from the measured effects of noise and time,1963,16,2,357-360,Siegel A method for measuring some components of the pursuit rotor skill,1963,16,2,318-320,Jahnke Fatigue impairment and psychomotor learning,1963,16,2,369-375,Nunney Motor activity and verbal behavior,1963,16,2,585-587,Lockert Vigilance under highway driving conditions,1963,16,1,38,Dobbins Comparison of expressed self-concepts of highly skilled males and females concerning motor performance,1963,16,1,199-201,Clifton The projection: an instrument for facilitating studies in human movement,1963,16,1,55-58,Clifton Paced and self-pacing performance on a simple motor task,1963,16,1,247-254,Suddon Response separability,1963,16,1,255-261,Shelly Some measures of continuous behavior,1963,16,1,239-245,Shelly Number of alternatives and sequence length in acquisition of a step-function tracking task,1965,21,2,563-569,Noble The visual response component of rotary pursuit tracking,1965,21,2,555-560,Rosenquist Prediction of drive state and output from frequency distribution shape,1965,21,2,505-506,Thompson Effect of age sex and speed of rotation on rotary pursuit performance by young children,1965,21,2,351-357,Klein Spatial perceptions and play activities of nursery school children,1965,21,1,260,Smith Motor development of retarded children,1965,21,1,223-226,Edwards Individual differences in maximal speed of muscular contraction and reaction time,1965,21,1,19-22,Smith Dependency and brain damage in alcoholics,1965,21,1,135-150,Goldstein The dogmatism scale and flexibility in maze performance,1965,21,3,914,Riley Need for approval and simple motor performance,1965,21,3,879-884,Willington Analog computer methods for scoring continuous performance records,1965,21,3,707-714,Noble Unidimensional compensatory tracking with a vibrotactile display,1965,21,3,699-702,Hahn Proprioception among intellectually typical and differentially diagnosed educable mentally retarded boys,1965,21,3,751-756,Auxter Error correlations in a two-dimensional compensatory tracking task,1965,21,2,653-654,Lathrop Response bias in SAET responses of persons with organic brain damage,1965,21,2,647-652,Elliott Component and total task relations at different stages of learning a complex tracking task,1965,20,Suppl,1305-1311,Fleishman Sex differences and relationships among neuroticism extraversion and expressed fears,1965,20,Suppl,1214-1216,Hannah Threshold perception of the motor skilled,1965,20,Suppl,1182,Rosentswieg Visual recognition threshold and concurrent motor activity,1965,20,Suppl,1141-1146,Dowling Relationship between vertical orientation in the rod and frame test and in a compensatory tracking task,1965,20,Suppl,1073-1080,Benfari Directional characteristics of behavioral change,1965,20,Suppl,1029-1032,Liu Aggression as a function of similarity between aggressor and victim,1965,20,Suppl,1013-1020,Kaufmann A factor influencing motor overflow,1965,20,3,967-968,Yensen Use of adult responses to codify children's behavior in a play situation,1965,20,1,614-616,Silverberg Probability of response repetition in serial motor performance as a function of number of previous occurrences,1965,20,2,609-613,Miller A re-examination of kinesthetic figural aftereffects in the brain-injured,1965,20,2,518-520,Greenhouse Some principles for development of new measures of human continuous performance,1965,20,2,453-458,Lathrop Sex differences and motor task performance,1965,20,2,430,Karlins Patterns of perceptual-motor dysfunction in children: a factor analytic study,1965,20,2,335-368,Ayres Motor ability and creativity,1965,20,1,76-78,Stroup Pacing and anxiety level on the pursuit rotor,1965,20,1,325-326,Nance Skill and motivation as separable components of performance,1965,20,1,239-246,Greenwald Auditory distraction and compensatory tracking,1965,20,1,228-230,Lathrop Research note on high school spectator sports preferences of high school students,1965,20,1,166,Blumenfeld Motion element synthesis--an assessment,1965,20,1,103-106,Schappe Age and sex parameters in psychomotor learning,1964,19,3,935-945,Jones Age and perceptual-motor transfer of training,1964,19,3,849-850,Cooper Effects of intermittent visual input disruption flicker-rate and work time on tracking performance and activation level,1964,19,3,831-848,White Intelligence motor disabilities and reaction time in the mentally retarded [Retracted? Withdrawn?],1964,19,3,791-794,Dingman Visual-motor coordination in underachieving and "normal" school boys,1964,19,3,731-734,Vanderiet Relation of motor performance to perceived movement in Rorschach inkblots,1964,19,3,675-684,Willner Simple motor performance under positive and negative approval motivation,1964,19,2,599-605,Strickland Directional set in serial perceptual-motor tasks,1964,19,2,579-586,Cropley Psychological effects of hypoxia: review of certain literature from the period 1950 to 1963,1964,19,2,551-562,Tune A sex difference in time estimation,1964,19,1,42,Singer An attempt that failed to reproduce a study of disarranged eye-hand coordination,1964,19,1,301,Held Startle as a paradigm of malposture,1964,19,1,21-22,Jones Measurement of attentive motor performance after alcohol,1964,19,1,151-154,Forney Measurement of motor styles,1964,19,1,139-146,Fahrion Safety devices or motor skills?,1964,18,3,952,Schlosberg Speed and steering efficiency,1964,18,3,944,Suhr Influence of hospitalization on simple reaction time,1964,18,3,865-868,Ross Apparatus for the study of work,1964,18,3,804,McCormack Stimulus categorization and response time,1964,18,3,785-793,Nickerson Reaction time and serial response efficiency on arousal from sleep,1964,18,3,783-784,Webb Learned responses to targets at subceptual levels,1964,18,3,773-782,Aderman Autonomic levels and lability and performance time on a perceptual task and a sensory-motor task,1964,18,3,753-762,Wood An attempt to replicate a study of disarranged eye-hand coordination,1964,18,2,629-632,Weinstein The dynamometer as a human response manipulandum,1964,18,2,509-512,Mostofsky Comparison of impulse ego and superego functions in better adjusted and more poorly adjusted delinquent adolescent girls,1964,18,2,485-488,Sampson Retention of a skill following training with and without instruction to retain,1964,18,1,275-281,Lavery Short-term retention of a simple motor task as a function of interpolated activity,1964,18,1,227-230,Bilodeau Steadiness handedness and hand preference,1964,18,1,203-206,Simon What and where are the primary affects? Some evidence for a theory,1964,18,1,119-158,Tomkins Manifest anxiety and perceptual-motor steadiness,1962,15,3,759-762,Heckel Evaluation of mathematically equivalent tracking systems,1962,15,3,683-716,Notterman Influence of neuromotor program alteration on the speed of a standard arm movement,1962,15,2,327-330,Smith Are motor response elements additive?,1962,15,2,433-434,Bass Interaction of information displays with control system dynamics and course frequency in continuous tracking,1962,15,1,199-215,OBERMAYER Predictions of success of Danish attack divers by the defense mechanism test (DMT),1962,15,1,103-106,Kragh Dream data on the relation of perception and motility,1962,14,3,427-430,Roth Cognitive complexity and personality,2009,109,2,605-606,Lester A Taoist orientation and fears of death and dying,2009,108,1,81-82,Lester A Taoist orientation and mental health in Kuwaiti and American students,2007,105,3,921-922,Lester On the nature of the plural self,2007,105,1,27-28,Lester Correlates of a Taoist orientation among Korean students,2007,104,3,1042,Lester Construct validity of the helplessness/hopelessness/haplessness scale: correlations with perfectionism and depression,2007,104,1,152,Lester Correlates of a Taoist orientation,2006,103,3,846,Lester Death anxiety and a Taoist orientation in two cultures,2006,103,3,778,Lester Authoritarian attitudes and the expression of aggression in Kuwaiti and U.S. students,2006,103,3,767-770,Lester A paper-and-pencil measure of prefrontal subcortical dysfunction,2006,103,3,676,Lester Absolutism in the diary of a suicide,2005,101,2,498,Lester National character and sexual behavior,2005,101,2,434,Lester The domestic behavior of northerners and southerners,2005,101,2,408,Lester A short computer anxiety scale,2005,100,3,964-968,Lester Birth order and personality,2005,100,3,882,Lester Subself theory and reincarnation/possession,2004,99,3,1136-1138,Lester Mormon and Jewish views of the afterlife,2004,99,3,1097-1098,Lester The fragmented self,2004,98,3,1326,Lester The Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis: variation in European suicide rates by latitude and longitude,2003,97,2,401-406,Voracek Suicide by jumping from a bridge,2003,97,1,338,Lester Derivation of a proxy measure of death anxiety from the suicide opinion questionnaire,2003,97,1,120,Lester Suicide notes from Australia and the United States,2003,96,3,1281-1282,Lester Reliability of a scale to measure existential insecurity,2003,96,3,1152,Lester Murder in England and Wales: 1857-1988,2003,96,3,962,Lester Do male and female suicides jump from different heights?,2003,96,3,798,Lester Suicide in murderers in England and Wales,2003,96,3,772,Lester Seasonality of suicide in eastern Europe: a comment on "Evidence for lack of change in seasonality of suicide from Timis County Romania",2003,96,2,421-422,Lester The plural self,2003,96,2,370,Lester Depth of near-death experiences and confounding factors,2003,96,1,18,Lester Blood type and bipolar disorder,2002,95,3,988,Lester Regional variation of divorce in Germany,2002,95,3,886,Lester Correlates of state homicide rates,2002,95,2,636,Lester Sex ratio in Chinese suicide,2002,95,2,620,Lester Predicting the Italian suicide rate for 1864-1962,2001,93,3,704,Lester Regional variation of divorce in Poland,2001,93,2,574,Lester Correlates of regional suicide and cancer mortality rates,2001,93,2,338,Lester Suicide as an indicator of quality of life: apparent conflict between microeconomic and macroeconomic approaches,2001,93,1,95-96,Lester Regional variations in male and female unemployment,2001,93,1,310,Lester Cancer and suicide,2001,92,2,468,Lester Does residential segregation in cities predict African-American suicide rates?,2000,91,3,870,Lester Suicide and birth order,2000,91,3,836,Lester Individualism and suicide,2000,91,3,826,Lester Contacting the dead and national character,2000,91,3,800,Lester Comparing correlations over time and space,2000,91,3,758,Lester The pace of life and suicide,2000,91,3,748,Lester Executions as a deterrent to homicide,2000,91,2,696,Lester Correlates of rates of suicide and homicide committed by different methods,2000,91,2,616,Lester Predicting anxiety in competitive sports,2000,90,3,847-850,Lester Locus of control and suicidality,1999,89,3,1042,Lester Climatic data and national suicide and homicide rates,1999,89,3,1036,Lester What is the Chinese suicide rate?,1999,89,3,898,Lester Physique and personality in kindergarten children,1999,89,2,458,Lester Age and intelligence as mediators of anger in black suicide attempters,1999,89,1,338,Lester Implications of the sex ratio for suicide and homicide,1999,89,1,222,Lester Obesity and suicide in Native Americans,1999,89,1,218,Lester Predicting the time-series suicide and homicide rates in Hong Kong,1999,89,1,204,Lester Regional variation of suicide in Austria,1999,89,1,194,Lester Seasonal variation in suicide and the methods used,1999,89,1,160,Lester Body mass index suicide and homicide,1999,89,1,126,Lester Suicide and homicide in Caribbean nations,1999,88,3,1350,Lester Variation in national suicide rates over time,1999,88,3,1126,Lester Pace of life and suicide,1999,88,3,1094,Lester "I'm all right Jack" in Russia too,1999,88,3,892,Lester Autonomic nervous system balance and introversion,1998,87,3,882,Lester The content of suicide notes written by those using different methods for suicide,1998,87,2,722,Lester Attitudes about suicide in Zambian and Nigerian students,1998,87,2,690,Lester Suicide and heart disease,1998,87,2,594,Lester Differences in content of suicide notes by age and method,1998,87,2,530,Lester Predicting suicidality,1998,87,2,498,Lester Voting conservative and mortality,1998,87,2,466,Lester Steven Stack's ecological studies of national suicide rates,1998,87,1,374,Lester Joseph Richman's signs for distinguishing genuine from simulated suicide notes,1998,87,1,242,Lester Variation of suicide and homicide rates by longitude and latitude,1998,87,1,186,Lester The use of long guns for murder,1998,87,1,162,Lester Suicide in eminent persons,1998,87,1,90,Lester The sex ratio suicide and homicide in nations of the world,1998,87,1,50,Lester An examination of Shneidman's application of Henry Murray's classification of needs to suicidal individuals,1998,87,1,42,Lester The monthly distribution of suicides and urbanization,1998,86,3,1458,Lester Ethnicity religion and suicide in Swiss cantons,1998,86,3,1210,Lester Time-series studies of the French suicide rate using age-adjusted rates,1998,86,1,126,Lester Social correlates of murder rates by each method,1997,85,3,1314,Lester Time-series analysis of suicidal and undetermined deaths,1997,85,3,1242,Lester Menninger's motives for suicide in suicide notes from America and Germany,1997,85,3,1194,Lester The birthday blues,1997,85,3,1090,Lester Spring peak in suicides,1997,85,3,1058,Lester Paranormal beliefs and personality scores of high school students,1997,85,3,938,Lester Brain hemisphere dominance and personality,1997,85,3,786,Lester Social characteristics of states which do not prohibit assisted-suicide,1997,85,2,654,Lester Welfare and suicide in 18 affluent capitalist democracies,1997,85,2,642,Lester Finno-Ugrians and suicide,1997,85,2,514,Lester Determinants of choice of method for suicide and the person/situation debate in psychology,1997,85,2,497-498,Lester Economic development suicide and homicide,1997,85,2,458,Lester Anxiety economic growth and suicide and homicide,1997,85,1,382,Lester Seasonal depression and conception,1997,85,1,286,Lester Homicide-suicide rates and homicide rates,1997,85,1,178,Lester Eating disorder and body image,1997,85,1,58,Lester Job satisfaction in casino employees,1997,84,3,1258,Lester Seasonal variation in American Indian suicide,1997,84,1,46,Lester Correlates of suicide in Italian regions in 1864-1876,1997,84,1,106,Lester Aboriginal suicide in British Columbia,1996,83,3,1202,Lester Social correlates of suicide in the British Isles,1996,83,3,1194,Lester Height gross domestic product and suicide and homicide,1996,83,3,1182,Lester American Indian suicide and homicide rates and unemployment,1996,83,3,1170,Lester The mortality of attempted suicides in follow-up studies of male suicide attempters,1996,83,2,530,Lester The geographic variation of suicide rates by solid and liquid substances,1996,83,1,98,Lester The quality of life and suicide in Great Britain,1996,82,3,1386,Lester A hazardous environment and city suicide rates,1996,82,3,1330,Lester How do nonalcoholics view alcoholics?,1996,82,3,1202,Lester Gender differences in methods for suicide,1996,82,3,1154,Lester Suicide rates in Canadian aboriginals and size of population,1995,81,3,1282,Lester Suicide rates in Canadian prisons,1995,81,3,1230,Lester Suicide rates in birth cohorts in England and wales,1995,81,3,1146,Lester The moral acceptability of suicide,1995,81,3,1106,Lester Exercise depression and self-esteem,1995,81,3,890,Lester Distinguishing suicide notes from completed and attempted suicides,1995,81,3,802,Lester Measures of status integration in theory of suicide,1995,81,3,1042,Lester Blue questionnaires and blue mood,1995,81,2,514,Lester The ecology of alcohol consumption,1995,81,2,462,Lester Is the gender of a suicide note writer associated with judgments made about the suicide?,1995,81,1,50,Lester Personality correlates of correctly identifying genuine suicide notes,1995,80,3,890,Lester Suicide and parasuicide in Scotland,1995,80,3,862,Lester Suicide rates among Native Americans in 1890,1995,80,3,830,Lester Estimating the true economic cost of suicide,1995,80,3,746,Lester Secular trends in suicide: the problem of generality and causation,1995,80,3,1041-1042,Lester Handedness and personality,1995,80,3,1290,Lester Suicide in Hong Kong 1971-1990,1995,80,3,1230,Lester An examination of Leenaars' theory of suicide,1995,80,2,578,Lester Predicting the time series suicide and murder rates in India,1995,80,2,570,Lester The Holinger/Easterlin cohort hypothesis about youth suicide and homicide rates,1994,79,3,1545-1546,Lester Can suicidologists distinguish between suicide notes from completers and attempters?,1994,79,3,1498,Lester Suicide in immigrant groups as a function of their proportion in the country,1994,79,2,994,Lester Suicide rates in cohorts over time in Denmark,1994,79,2,974,Lester Use of firearms for suicide in Canada,1994,79,2,962,Lester Time-series studies of the murder and homicide rates in the USA,1994,79,2,862,Lester Experience of loss and subsequent suicide,1994,79,2,730,Lester Suicide by jumping in Singapore as a function of high-rise apartment availability,1994,79,1,74,Lester The critical mass hypothesis of suicide in adolescents,1994,79,1,306,Lester Social correlates of the percentage of suicides and homicides employing firearms,1994,79,1,254,Lester Do how-to-commit-suicide manuals increase the suicide rate?,1994,79,1,10,Lester Suicide by region of birth and region of residence,1994,79,1,698,Lester Suicide in wide-open spaces,1994,79,1,650,Lester Correlates of accuracy in judging genuine versus simulated suicide notes,1994,79,1,642,Lester An alternative measure of the frequency of suicide and homicide and its social correlates,1994,79,1,606,Lester Suicide rates in Native Americans by state and size of population,1994,78,3,954,Lester Astrological cuspal days and births and deaths of suicides,1994,78,3,898,Lester Measuring anxiety on the Lüscher Color Test,1994,78,3,1106,Lester Handedness and personality,1994,78,3,1066,Lester Suicide in writers,1994,78,2,698,Lester Sheldon's theory of personality in young children,1993,77,3,1330,Lester Suicide by drowning and the extent of the nation's coastline,1993,77,3,1118,Lester Suicide from bridges in Washington DC,1993,77,2,534,Lester The deterrent effect of the death penalty in Canada,1993,77,1,186,Lester Availability of methods for suicide and suicide rates,1993,76,3,1358,Lester Rates of prescribing medications and adverse effects,1993,76,3,894,Lester The Emotions Profile Index and locus of control,1992,75,2,530,Lester Emission controls on cars and accidental deaths from car exhaust,1991,73,1,306,Lester An exploratory test of Sheldon's theory of personality in neonates,1990,71,3,1282,Lester Locus of control and mathematics anxiety as predictors of performance in a psychological statistics course,1989,69,2,504,Lester 'Dark shading' of words in the diary of a suicide,2002,95,3,1006,Lester The deterrent effect of executions on murder: effect of different ways of measuring execution rates,1988,67,3,878,Lester Body-cathexis and self-esteem,1988,67,2,538,Lester Sex differences in fear of the consequences of death,1988,66,2,550,Lester An exploratory study of the validity of administering the hand test in a group format,1987,65,2,430,Lester Attitudes toward risk taking in disadvantaged and academically excellent students,1987,64,1,26,Lester Judgments about sexual harassment: effects of the power of the harasser,1986,63,2,990,Lester Ectomorphy in American adults: analyses by sex race and age,1985,60,2,676,Lester Differences in handwriting as a function of age,1983,57,3,738,Lester Graphoanalytic differences by sex and handedness,1982,55,3,1190,Lester Subjective stress and internal-external locus of control,1981,53,2,590,Lester Type A personality stress and job satisfaction in police officers,1980,51,3,890,Lester Extraversion and simple reaction time,1977,45,3,1236,Lester Sex-deviant handwriting femininity and homosexuality,1977,45,3,1156,Lester Eye color extraversion and neuroticism,1977,44,3,1162,Lester Graphological signs for extraversion,1977,44,1,137-138,Lester Sex-deviant handwriting and neuroticism,1976,43,3,770,Lester Racial differences in the personality of murderers,1974,38,3,726,Lester Movement responses of murderers to Rorschach stimuli,1973,37,2,668,Lester Those who murder kin: a Rorschach study,1973,36,2,606,Lester Personality characteristics of rapists,1972,35,2,514,Lester A modest proposal for control of prejudice and group aggression,1971,33,1,70,Lester The Shaw test: simultaneous measures of intelligence originality and rigidity,1967,24,3,1106,Lester Consistency and validity of the Shaw blocks test: a preliminary study,1966,22,1,134,Lester Performance of children on the Shaw blocks test,1964,19,3,740,Lester Performance on psychomotor tasks following two yoga-based relaxation techniques,2009,109,2,563-576,Telles Sport fan identification in obituaries,2009,109,2,551-554,End Economic and cultural correlates of road-traffic accident fatality rates in OECD countries,2009,109,2,531-545,Gaygisiz Whole and part practice: a meta-analysis,2009,109,2,517-530,Fontana Preparatory EMG activity reveals a rapid adaptation pattern in humans performing landing movements in blindfolded condition,2009,109,2,500-516,Magalhães School violence: evaluation and proposal of teaching staff,2009,109,2,401-406,Domínguez Alonso Amount of mental practice and performance of a simple motor task,2009,109,2,347-356,Spittle Hitchhiking women's hair color,2009,109,3,941-948,Gueguen Analysis of kinematics of the lower limb during step exercise,2009,109,3,851-869,Santos-Rocha Performance measures of alcohol-induced impairment: towards a practical ignition-interlock system for motor vehicles,2009,109,3,841-850,Yamakoshi Relative frequency of knowledge of results and task complexity in the motor skill acquisition,2009,109,3,831-840,de Oliveira Differences by sex and handedness in right and left femur bone mineral densities,2009,109,3,824-830,Yildirim Effects of goal difficulty and temporality in motor skill acquisition using the Bachman ladder,2009,109,3,817-823,Corrêa Effectiveness of auditory and visual sensory feedback for children when learning a continuous motor task,2009,109,3,804-816,Liu Suicide rates national intelligence estimates and differential K theory,2009,109,3,733-736,Voracek National intelligence suicide rate and subjective well-being,2009,109,3,718-720,Voracek Effect of a small dose of alcohol on driving-related behavior of Japanese who self-reported facial flush and nonflushing,2009,109,3,651-663,Fujita Attitudes of police toward suicide: east coast versus west coast,2009,109,3,649-650,Lester Ontogeny of two-point discrimination for fingers and toes in children (ages 7 through 15 years),1998,86,3,1259-1262,Persinger Prediction of criminal behavior in young Swedish women using a group administration of the Hand Test,1996,82,3,975-978,Wagner Evidence for lack of change in seasonality of suicide from Timiş County Romania,2002,94,3,1071-1078,Voracek Suicide and occupation in Hong Kong,2000,91,1,105-106,Yan Increased risk of work-related violence during weekend nights,1998,87,3,984-986,Salminen Differential functioning of Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test items,2010,110,1,313-322,Sisto Seniors' perceived driving skill in a postlicense training program: comparison of instructors' assessments and self-assessments by seniors' age and sex,2010,110,1,117-128,Delhomme Helping a man with multiple disabilities to use single vs repeated performance of simple motor schemes as different responses,2010,110,1,105-113,O'Reilly Sensitivity to violence measured by ratings of severity increases after nonviolence training,2010,110,1,48-60,Jordan Effects of consumption of snacks on simulated driving,1998,87,3,817-818,Rich Perceptual characteristics of delinquent girls,1967,24,2,596-598,Compton Effects of visual distortions on motor execution as measured in a drawing test,1967,24,2,455-464,Choban Specificity in somatic responses to anxiety,1967,24,3,1183-1190,Fenz Stimulus rotation and visual scanning in Ss with copying disability,1967,24,3,1015-1024,Garron Sex differences in perceptual motor development,1966,22,3,987-992,Sapir Comparison of delinquents and nondelinquents on the IES test,1966,22,3,817-818,Mangold Comparison of visual and auditory perceptual functions of brain-injured and normal children,1966,22,1,303-309,Deutsch On the dual function of consolidation,1966,22,1,273-274,Eysenck Passively generated adaptation to prismatic distortion,1966,22,1,140-142,Templeton Persistence of ocular rotation following compensation for displaced vision,1966,22,1,135-139,Freedman Intermanual transfer of compensation for displaced vision,1966,22,1,123-126,Kalil The Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised: normative developmental data in Italy,2010,110,2,625-646,Lis Performance on the portable rod and frame test predicts variation in learning the kayak roll,2010,110,2,479-487,McMorris Dysfunctional workplace behavior among municipal employees in Spanish and Finnish cities: a cross-national comparison,2010,110,2,463-468,Varhama Sport team identification and social fear,2010,110,2,353-354,Wann Human performance and basal skin conductance in a vigilance-type task with and without knowledge of results,1966,23,3,1295-1302,Coules Discrimination reaction performance as a function of anxiety and sex parameters,1966,23,3,1267-1278,Hays Exercise and sleep patterns in college athletes,1966,23,3,1203-1207,Baekeland Repetitive psychometric measures: handedness and performance,1967,25,1,209-212,Mefferd Semantics of victory and defeat,1967,25,1,17-22,Henley Social perception and social desirability,1967,25,1,169-172,Mehryar Visuo-motor ability for school prediction: a seven-year study,1967,25,1,101-110,Smith Perceptual-motor performance related to impulsiveness and anxiety,1967,25,2,485-492,Barratt An analysis of bilateral and unilateral reminiscence,1968,26,1,95-98,Spatz Some effects of amount of verbal pretraining and availability of verbal labels upon performance in a discriminative motor task,1968,26,1,27-39,Marshall Difference in curiosity levels of blind and sighted subjects,1968,26,1,189-190,Bottrill Form reproduction as a function of angularity orientation of brightness contrast and hue,1968,26,1,235-243,Beery Form reproduction as a function of complexity,1968,26,1,219-222,Beery Normative data on the motor steadiness battery for children,1968,26,2,643-650,Knights Psychomotor performance and prognosis of chronic mental patients: an extension of the work of Brooks and Weaver,1968,26,2,491-498,Mitchell Sex differences in rotary pursuit performance of young children: a follow-up,1968,26,3,Suppl:1199+,Davol Nonintellective components in the school performance of juvenile delinquents,1968,26,3,Suppl:1185-6,Lefkowitz Marijuana and perceptual style: a theoretical note,1968,26,3,Suppl:1016-8,Dinnerstein Intermodal perception of temporal order and motor skills: effects of age,1968,26,3,987-1000,Dinnerstein GSR and motor reactions to aversive stimuli as a function of sex and extroversion,1968,26,3,983-986,Jordan Cognitive style and performance under distraction: a partial replication,1968,26,3,863-867,Bee A factor-analytic study of daydreaming and conceptually-related cognitive and personality variables,1963,17,1,187-209,Singer A direct scale of attitude toward the church,1965,20,1,319-324,Jones Note on the categorization recall and preference of KTSA objects by "aggressive" and "non-aggressive" prisoners,1968,27,1,26,Levy Differences in dynamic visual acuity between athletes and nonathletes,1993,77,3,835-839,Miyao Personal values in sport of visually impaired and sighted wrestlers,1993,77,3,816-818,Barnett The EEG in the determination of fitness to fly,1993,77,3,716-718,Murdoch Functional hemispheric asymmetry and belief in ESP: towards a "neuropsychology of belief",1993,77,3,1299-1308,Gamma Colour and spatial performance,1993,77,3,1249-1250,Widdel Visual integration during saccadic and pursuit eye movements: the importance of spatial framework,1993,77,3,1219-1234,Watanabe Physical exertion and immediate mental performance of sixth-grade children,1993,77,3,1155-1159,Gabbard Eye colour: an unconsidered variable in cognitive research?,1993,77,3,1123-1127,Fallone Handedness and accidents with injury,1993,77,3,1119-1122,Johnson Venturesomeness impulsiveness and risky behavior among older adolescents,1993,76,1,98,Moore Age-related decline of psychomotor speed: effects of age brain health sex and education,1993,76,1,195-211,Jolles Preschool children's motor development and self-concept,1993,76,1,11-17,Boucher Asymmetries of manual motor response in relation to age sex handedness and occupational activities,1993,77,2,691-700,Vasconcelos Children's and adults' learning of a visuomanual coordination: role of ongoing visual feedback and of spatial errors as a function of age,1993,77,2,659-669,Fayt Intelligence and motor skill acquisition by discrimination learning,1993,77,2,651-658,Sparrow Young children's divergent movement ability,1993,77,2,535-544,Gallahue Effects of cognitive foveal load on a peripheral single-target detection task,1993,77,2,515-533,Chan Right-sided bias in traditional Kyokushinkai karate kata,1993,77,2,514,Layton Proprioceptive responses under rising and falling BACs: a test of the Mellanby effect,1993,77,1,83-88,Mahoney Blink activity and task difficulty,1993,77,1,55-66,Tanaka The horizontal-vertical illusion: transfer of illusion decrement,1993,77,1,339-347,Kubi Effects of elevating blood alcohol levels on tasks related to dart throwing,1993,77,1,25-26,Scott Including neither-type in the morningness-eveningness dimension decreases the robustness of the model,1993,77,1,243-254,Almirall Effects of predictable and unpredictable auditory stimuli on selective attention,1993,77,1,155-162,Kiger Depressed mood and social perception: a cross-cultural replication,1993,77,1,154,Bernieri An anatomical analysis of Aikido's second teaching: an investigation of Nikyo,1993,77,1,123-131,Olson Read and react: the football formula,1993,76,3,1383-1386,Bjurwill Relations for children in grades 2 3 and 4 between balance skills and academic achievement,1993,76,3,1296-1298,Knight Gender differences in sexualized perceptions of others,1993,76,3,1168-1170,Hewitt Incidence of left- to right-handedness in British Shotokan karate masters,1993,76,3,969-970,Layton Victim resistance and judgments of victim "consensuality" in rape,1993,76,3,952-954,Hewitt Restricted environmental stimulation technique improves human performance: rifle marksmanship,1993,76,3,867-873,Barabasz Differences in neuropsychological correlates between normals and those experiencing "Old Hag Attacks",1993,76,3,839-45; discussion 846,Evans Speed of technique and age in Shotokan karateka,1993,76,3,1001-1002,Layton What role does depression play on the performance of the Ruff 2 and 7 Selective Attention Test?,1994,78,1,63-66,Ruff Effect of substance abuse on visuographic function,1994,78,1,235-241,Amir Effect of exercise on simple reaction times of recreational athletes,1994,78,1,123-130,McMorris Dissociative experience in a group of adolescents with history of abuse,1994,78,1,121-122,Atlas An illusion of velocity in motion perception,1994,78,1,112-114,Noguchi Effect of hashish on vigilance performance,1994,78,1,11-16,Amir Elicitation of "childhood memories" in hypnosis-like settings is associated with complex partial epileptic-like signs for women but not for men: implications for the false memory syndrome,1994,78,2,643-651,Persinger Scores on profile of mood states of college football players from nonscholarship and scholarship programs,1994,78,2,635-640,Simpson Age cognitive style and traffic signs,1994,78,2,611-624,Fleury An oculomotor test to measure alcohol impairment,1994,78,2,603-610,Freivalds Sinistrality and reduced longevity: reply to Coren and Halpern's replay,1994,78,2,579-582,Fudin An auditory attention task: a note on the processing of verbal information,1994,78,2,563-570,Linde Sustained attention and grade retention,1994,78,2,555-560,Irwin Test-retest reliability of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory and Global Handedness preference measurements and their correlation,1994,79,3,1355-1372,Ransil Differentiated responses to different human conditions by chimpanzees,1994,79,3,1288-1290,Itakura Adaptation to effects of an audience during acquisition of rotary pursuit skill,1994,79,3,1151-1159,Butki Perception of potential nuclear disaster: the relation of likelihood and consequence estimates of risk,1994,79,3,1119-1122,Simpson-Housley Intersensory integration: a kinesthetic bias,1994,79,3,1068-1070,Kerr Empathy and adolescent male sex-offenders,1994,79,3,1598,Harris Motor skill acquisition auditory distractors and the encoding specificity hypothesis,1994,79,3,1579-1584,Singer Time estimation and juvenile delinquency,1994,79,3,1559-1565,Luengo Superiority of clear-visor safety hat to opaque-visor hat: an evaluation of upper visual-field obstruction,1994,79,3,1535-1538,Reddon Motivational effects of anxiety on psychomotor performance,1994,79,3,1507-1521,Payne Timing of coincidence anticipation by NCAA division I softball athletes,1994,79,3,1491-1497,Molstad Visuospatial attentional shifts and choice responses of adults and ADHD and non-ADHD children,1994,79,3,1479-1490,Tomporowski Imitative suicide in a cohesive organization: observations from a case study,1994,79,3,1475-1478,Malcolm Markers of cerebral lateralization and alcoholism,1994,79,3,1435-1440,Blum Studying complex decision making in natural settings: using a head-mounted video camera to study competitive orienteering,1994,79,3,1411-1425,Omodei An experimental test of "the mozart effect": does listening to his music improve spatial ability?,1995,81,3,1379-1387,Newman A preliminary investigation of the relationship between language and gross motor skills in preschool children,1995,81,3,1211-1216,Barnett Youth sport participation and associated sex differences on a measure of spatial ability,1995,81,3,1099-1105,Glamser Relations between attentional and intentional neural systems,1995,81,3,947-951,Basso Mental activity health and life-satisfaction,1995,81,3,944-946,Delin Possible lateralization of peripheral nerve conduction associated with gender,1995,81,3,939-943,Tan Effects of a walking program on attributional style depression and self-esteem in women,1995,81,3,891-898,Palmer Occlusion rate of ball texture as a source of velocity information,1995,81,3,871-880,Laurent Simple reaction times and timing of serial reactions of adolescents with mental retardation autism and Down syndrome,1995,81,3,739-745,Inui Effect of complexity of a physical task on estimation of time to complete,1995,81,3,707-722,Druyan Practice-related effects in a Go-Nogo task,2007,105,3,1275-1288,Marks Do undergraduate students' ratings of perceived aggression in sport reflect athletes' self-reported aggression? Comments on Pedersen (2007),2007,105,3,1136-1138,Maxwell Effect of coffee ingestion on physiological responses and ratings of perceived exertion during submaximal endurance exercise,2007,105,3,1109-1116,Yamada Indices of choking under pressure among athletes during competition,2007,105,3,1093-1098,Adegbesan Biomechanics and motor control of normal young adults performing a wheelchair wheelie balance task,2010,110,3,825-839,Yamazaki Effects of report order identification method and stimulus characteristics on multidimensional stimulus identification,1996,82,1,99-111,Ellingstad The horizontal vertical illusion: evidence for strategic factors in feedback-induced illusion decrement,1996,82,1,79-87,Harris Visuomotor performance in children with infantile nephropathic cystinosis,1996,82,1,67-75,Scarvie College students' perception of men as victims of women's assaultive behavior,1996,82,1,49-50,Fiebert Morphologic and anthropometric characteristics of high level Dutch korfball players,1996,82,1,35-42,Godinho Relationships between leisure time physical activity and perceived stress,1996,82,1,315-321,Jacobson Anticipation of coincidence gender and sports classification,1996,82,1,227-239,Brady Motivation to participate exercise affect and outcome behaviors toward physical activity,1996,82,2,691-701,Morrison Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXX. Periodicities and energetic characteristics of a strobe-light luminosity during a geomagnetic storm,1996,82,2,683-688,Persinger Scores on sensation seeking as a predictor of sexual activities among homosexuals,1996,82,2,657-658,Schroth On-line control of a speeded motor response,1996,82,2,636-638,Franks Improvements in horizontality performance as a function of type of training,1996,82,2,595-603,Parameswaran An initial evaluation of work fatigue and circadian changes as assessed by multiplate posturography,1996,82,2,547-557,Kohen-Raz Influences of aging gender and handedness on motor performance of upper and lower extremities,1996,82,2,515-525,Vanharanta Augmented feedback for enhanced skill acquisition in individuals with traumatic brain injury,1996,82,2,507-514,Horvat Association of prelesion sports participation and involvement in wheelchair sports following spinal cord injury,1996,82,2,481-482,Foreman Visuospatial/vocabulary differences in boys and girls and a potential age-dependent drift in vocabulary proficiency,1996,82,2,472-474,Persinger Walking patterns and finger rhythm of older adults,1996,82,2,435-447,Itoh EEG correlates of enhanced spatial performance following exposure to music,1996,82,2,427-432,Rideout Behavior modification with brain-injured children: a brief note on directions for research,1996,82,2,425-426,Horton Effects of caffeine- and sugar-free beverages on psychomotor performance,1996,82,3,912-914,Meliska Reaction time crossover with an interfering task,1996,82,3,867-871,Buenaventura Left-handedness increases injury risk in adolescent girls,1996,82,3,855-858,Beattie Transfer to changed serial position in a task of tracking a sequence of light stimuli,1996,82,3,799-802,Inui Simple reaction time and perception of temporal order: dissociations and hypotheses,1996,82,3,707-730,Jaskowski Does brief Aikido training reduce aggression of youth?,1995,80,1,297-298,Delva-Tauiliili Readability analysis of health physical education recreation and dance journal articles,1995,80,1,255-258,Cardinal Severity of injuries in trauma patients,1995,80,1,105-106,Kingma Blocking and countering in traditional Shotokan karate kata,1993,76,2,641-642,Layton Time perception: effects of task speed and delay,1993,76,2,599-608,Hesketh Failure to uncover the effects of unconscious symbiotic fantasies on heart rate and fine motor performance,1997,85,3,1231-1241,Malik Forward-facing motion biases for rigid and nonrigid biologically likely transformations,1997,85,3,1187-1193,McBeath Psychophysiological aspects of motion sickness,1997,85,3,1163-1167,Murray Language of sport fans: sportugese revisited,1997,85,3,1107-1110,Wann Speed and accuracy in the learning of a complex motor skill,1997,85,3,1011-1017,Engelhorn Personality structure of elderly drivers,1997,85,2,747-755,Strahan Verbal-to-manual and manual-to-verbal dual-task interference in left-handed and right-handed adults,1997,85,2,739-746,Van Hoof Scores on emotional self-control of elementary school children after a five-week running program,1997,85,2,694,Pargman Age side height and spindle shape of the crib in climbing over the side,1997,85,2,667-674,Ridenour Implicit and explicit tests: evidence for dissociable motor skills in probable Alzheimer's dementia,1997,85,2,631-634,Poe Relative importance of success in sport and schoolwork,1997,85,2,599-606,Lee Veering in women: inconsistency of forward and backward progression,1997,85,2,587-596,Day Evidence for psychological refractory effect in motor inhibition for a dual-response Go/No-Go task,1997,85,2,563-568,Muroi Factors associated with inadequate fine motor skills in Brazilian students of different socioeconomic status,2007,105,3,1187-1195,Bobbio Judo--the gentle way: a replication of studies on martial arts and aggression,1999,88,3,992-996,Nosanchuk Aggressive behavior as a function of Taekwondo ranking,1991,72,1,179-182,Skelton Perceived autonomy support personal goal content and emotional well-being among elite athletes: mediating effects of reasons for goals,2009,108,3,721-743,Solberg Alterations in selected measures of mood with a single bout of dynamic Taekwondo exercise in college-age students,2001,92,3,1031-1038,Toskovic Intellectually disabled rape survivors' perceptions of morality and consequences of the crime,2010,110,3,1119-1124,Pillay Lack of degradation in visuospatial perception of line orientation after one night of sleep loss,2007,105,1,276-286,Killgore Self-perception of health and fitness among French and Tunisian men and women,2007,105,1,227-235,Maâmouri Comparing children with and without dyslexia on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children and the Test of Gross Motor Development,2007,105,1,207-214,Getchell On-task distractors associated with totball baseball games: a preliminary study,2007,105,1,204-206,Cooley Contextual interference effects with two tasks,2007,105,1,177-183,Simon Specification of variables predictive of victories in the sport of boxing,2007,105,1,153-158,Warnick A preliminary note: campus subgroup membership and football game day attire,2007,105,1,115-116,Kim Responses in a manual tracking and visual detection task,2009,109,3,899-910,Lai Effects of dichotically enhanced electronic communication on crash risk and performance during simulated driving,2009,108,2,449-464,Kalkhoff A brief commentary and a preliminary literature search concerning the role of warning signs in the treatment and prevention of intimate partners' violence,2003,96,3,812-816,Bjørkly Sex differences in suicide notes,1992,75,2,582,Lester Left-handed wrestlers are more successful,2010,111,1,65-70,Dane The reliability of three visual perception tests used to assess adults,2010,111,1,45-59,Brown Preferred time headway in car-following and individual differences in perceptual-motor skills,1998,87,3,863-873,van Winsum Test-retest scores for patients who display neuropsychological impairment following "mild head injuries" from mechanical impacts,1998,86,3,1240-1242,Persinger Fatal alcohol-related traffic crashes increase subsequent to changes to and from daylight savings time,1998,86,3,879-882,Davis Laboratory studies of a sound system that maintains wakefulness,1998,86,1,147-161,Landstrom Rehabilitation of visuomotor skills in poststroke patients using the Dynavision apparatus,1998,86,1,23-30,Warren Instantaneous change in sleep stage with noise of a passing truck,1995,80,3,1031-1040,Suzuki Field sobriety tests: are they designed for failure?,1994,79,1,99-104,Cole Monitoring radio programs and time of day affect simulated car-driving performance,1994,79,1,484-486,Vogt Posttraumatic stress disorder and mild head trauma: follow-up of a case study,1993,76,1,243-246,Horton Sprain of the neck in clinically treated patients in The Netherlands: an inventory of different categories of car accidents,2001,92,3,655-658,ten Duis Personality and pain tolerance measures,1969,28,3,787-790,Davidson Relationship of Piaget measures to standard intelligence and motor scales,1969,28,2,351-362,Lester Effect of removing acceleration cues on sensing vehicular velocity,1969,28,2,615-622,Salvatore Identification with the aggressor through figure drawings,1969,28,2,547-550,Craddick Stimulus sensitivity and stimulus intensity control,1969,28,1,71-78,Silverman Effect of turbidity on judgments of distance underwater,1969,28,1,331-333,Kinney Hearing impairment and aggressiveness in mentally retarded,1969,28,1,303-306,Talkington Visual reaction time in normal and handicapped children,1969,28,1,157-158,Ross Mental ability reaction time perceptual motor and motor abilities in handicapped children,1969,28,1,27-30,Groden Relationship between perception (input) and execution (output),1969,29,3,923-934,Friedrich Male drug addiction and the Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement,1969,29,3,875-880,Mann Factor analysis of neuropsychological tests,1969,29,3,791-802,Klonoff Choices of colored blocks in the play of preschool children,1969,29,3,783-787,Witt Components of creativity verbal conditioning and risk taking,1969,29,3,687-700,Eisenman Beliefs in internal-external control of reinforcement and participation in group and individual sports,1969,29,2,551-553,Phelan Effects of perceived novelty on approach-avoidance behavior of young children,1969,29,2,491-494,Jeanrenaud Overload and sensory deprivation: time estimation in novice divers,1969,29,2,481-482,Deppe An empirical tautology,1969,29,1,50,Allen An objective test of speed of fine motor function,1969,29,1,243-255,Schulman Expression of aggression toward the physically handicapped,1969,29,1,51-56,Titley Motiveless firesetting: implicating partial limbic seizure kindling by revived memories of fires in "Limbic Psychotic Trigger Reaction",1999,88,3,970-982,Pontius National income life satisfaction and male-female suicide ratio in industrialised countries,2010,111,2,433-436,Gaygisiz Turkish adolescents' attitudes toward physical education,2010,111,2,324-332,Demirhan Comparison of hiking stick use on lateral stability while balancing with and without a load,1997,85,1,347-350,Jacobson A preliminary comparison of stimulus presentation methods with the Bassin Anticipation Timing Task,1997,85,1,344-346,Reeve Simple reaction time as a function of number and similarity of sequenced elements in rapid force production,1997,85,1,307-320,Ito Italian version of the Perceived Physical Ability Scale,1997,85,1,187-192,Robazza Sex and handedness in development of visuomotor skills,1997,85,1,137-140,Karapetsas Self-recognition of alcohol and cigarette dependency among high school seniors,1997,85,1,115-120,Daughton Enhanced spatial performance following 10 minutes exposure to music: a replication,1997,85,1,112-114,Rideout Test of visual-motor integration:: construct validity in a comparison with the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration,1997,84,3,1439-1443,Preda Experience with perceptual and motor skills in rhythmic gymnastics,1997,84,3,1363-1372,Kioumourtzoglou Depression following brain trauma is enhanced in patients with mild discrepancies between intelligence and impairment on neuropsychological scores,1997,84,3,1284-1286,Persinger Psychomotor and cognitive performance in nonapneic snorers: preliminary findings,1997,84,3,1211-1222,Verstraeten Aging and executive function skills: an examination of a community-dwelling older adult population,1997,84,3,1187-1197,Brennan Physical performance in relation to age sex social class and sports activities in kindergarten and elementary school,1997,84,3,1168-1170,Krombholz State-dependent psychiatric phenomena on the Rorschach: two case studies of acutely unstable suicidal mental status,1997,84,3,1155-1162,Hart How should the Stroop interference effect be measured? Further evidence from alternative versions of the Stroop task,1997,84,3,1123-1133,Chen Effects of aging and reduced relative frequency of knowledge of results on learning a motor skill,1997,84,3,1107-1122,Lee Fundamental gross motor skill performance by girls and boys with learning disabilities,1997,84,3,867-870,Surburg Dissociated contextual interference effects in children and adults,1997,84,3,851-858,Lee Test-retest reliability of a battery of sensory motor and physiological measures of aging,1997,84,3,831-834,Anstey Effects of cue validity upon performance in the attention cueing paradigm,1997,84,3,787-798,Bachorowski Effect of numerical representations of risk on perception,1997,84,3,714,Simpson-Housley Sleep complaints in chronic postconcussion syndrome,1997,84,2,595-599,Perlis Depression and suicide in the dark months,1997,84,2,537-538,Kunz Induced mood and selective attention,1997,84,2,455-463,Brand Head injury and malingering: current research,1997,84,2,426,Piotrowski Spatial coordination in a bimanual task related to regular switching of movement vectors,1997,84,2,371-384,Gutnik Attention and the contextual interference effect for a continuous task,1997,84,1,83-92,Smith Is the contextual interference effect generalizable to computer games?,1997,84,1,3-15,Shewokis Simple reaction times and timing of serial reactions of middle-aged and old men,1997,84,1,219-225,Inui Effects of the similarity of required responses on fractionated reaction time,1997,84,1,159-168,Ito Comparison of aggressive behavior between men and women in sport,1997,84,1,139-145,Castrogiovanni Accident history and perceived risk of injury as factors influencing fatalism about occupational accidents,1995,81,2,665-666,Harrell Association between intermale social aggression and cellular density within the central amygdaloid nucleus in rats with lithium/pilocarpine-induced seizures,1995,81,2,635-641,Desjardins Subject-controlled performance feedback and learning of a closed motor skill,1995,81,2,627-634,Singer Can we judge the strength of a drink?,1995,81,2,365-366,Standing Visual inspection alone produces a decrement in the horizontal-vertical illusion,1995,81,1,323-330,Slotnick On the focal distance of the eye during sighting in pistol shooting,1995,81,1,191-194,Miyao Validity of the Draw-a-Person test as a measure of body image,1969,29,1,119-122,Maloney Differential effects of shock arousal on motor performance,1969,29,2,443-447,Marteniuk Psychological dimensions of cerebrovascular insufficiency,1969,29,2,555-563,Vitale Motor performance size and the dyadic system,1969,29,2,531-534,Murray Effect of stress on perceptual-motor functioning of adolescents with learning difficulties,1969,29,3,883-886,Mordock Relationships among the Quick Test two measures of psychomotor functioning and age,1969,29,3,824-826,Quattlebaum Effects of selected physical activities upon motor performance perceptual performance and academic achievement of first graders,1969,29,3,703-709,O'Connor Recovery of motor performance following startle,1970,30,1,279-292,Thackray Rhythm in motor performance,1970,30,1,122,Jordan Handedness: proficiency versus stated preference,1970,30,2,343-362,Barnsley Note on some personality differences between heavy and light drinkers,1970,30,3,762,Reiter Effect of a low dose of alcohol on dynamic visual acuity,1994,78,3,963-967,Ishikawa Effects of speaking speed on cerebral lateralization of speech assessed by a dual-task interference paradigm,1994,78,3,947-953,Clarici SHOWICD: a computer program to display ICD-9CM coded injury diagnoses and their corresponding injury severity scores for a particular patient,1994,78,3,939-946,Kingma A Turbo Pascal program to convert ICD-9CM coded injury diagnoses into injury severity scores: ICDTOAIS,1994,78,3,915-936,ten Duis The "noble" sports fan: the relationships between team identification self-esteem and aggression,1994,78,3,864-866,Wann Influence of an added perceptual motor task on perceived exertion: a test of the dissociation effect,1994,78,3,855-858,Brisswalter Accident locus of control and risk taking among forestry and construction workers,1994,78,3,852-854,Klen Visual-motor coordination and intelligence as predictors of reading mathematics and written language ability,1994,78,3,819-823,Goldstein Attentional style in ratings of perceived exertion during physical exercise,1994,78,3,779-783,Russell Rapid-fire pistol shooting as a dynamic problem,1994,78,3,1019-1024,Walmsley Reports of satanic ritual abuse: further implications about pseudomemories,1994,78,3,1376-1378,Coons Functional asymmetry in the motor performances of women: neuropsychological effects of depression,1994,78,3,1315-1322,Harrison Do right-handers live longer? An updated assessment of baseball player data,1994,78,3,1243-1247,Hicks Relationship of dysfunctional sport fandom with dislike for rivals in a sample of college students,2006,102,3,719-720,Smith Psychometric evaluation of the Greek version of the Aggression Questionnaire,2006,102,3,703-718,Tsorbatzoudis English soccer teams' aggressive behavior when playing away from home,2006,102,2,317-320,Thomas Perceived verbal aggressiveness of coaches in volleyball and basketball: a preliminary study,2006,103,2,526-530,Bekiari Differences in handedness and scores of aggressiveness and interpersonal relations of soccer players,2005,100,3,743-746,Dane Israelis' attitudes toward the disengagement plan perceived risk and knowledge of Biblical events,2005,101,1,42,Birnbaum Relationship of personalized jerseys and aggression in women's ice hockey,2005,101,2,499-504,Waldron Family status preference for sport aggressiveness and sport fan motivation,1998,86,3,1419-1422,Wann Physical appearance and judgment of status as battered women,1998,87,2,459-465,Yarmey Interrater reliability of the Report Form for Aggressive Episodes in group ratings,1998,87,3,1405-1406,Bjørkly Attitude towards aggression and creative functioning in patients with breast cancer,1998,87,1,291-303,Smith Effects of playing video games on pain response during a cold pressor task,2009,108,2,439-448,Raudenbush Melancholia: a Defense Mechanism Test study,1994,79,1,487-498,Rubino Fighting behavior and winning National Hockey League games: a paradox,1995,80,2,416-418,Engelhardt National Hockey League players from North America are more violent than those from Europe,1996,83,2,589-590,Grossman Report form for aggressive episodes: preliminary report,1996,83,3,1139-1152,Bjørkly An analysis of students' reasons for studying martial arts,1996,83,1,99-103,Twemlow Family motivation and a more accurate classification of preferences for aggressive sports,2001,92,2,603-605,Wann Attitudes toward violent conflict resolution among male and female karateka in comparison with practitioners of other sports,2001,92,2,586-588,Björkqvist Patterns of adaptation and directions of aggression,2001,92,2,477-478,Rubino Evaluation of the offensive behavior of elite soccer teams,2001,93,2,405-415,Derri Do competitive martial arts attract aggressive children?,2001,93,2,382-386,Reynes Competitive martial arts and aggressiveness: a 2-yr. longitudinal study among young boys,2004,98,1,103-115,Reynes The stroop strategy test: investigation of a computerised version of the Stroop test for classifying Swedish military servicemen,2004,98,3,1371-1386,Bäckström Conflicts burnout and bullying in a Finnish and a Polish company: a cross-national comparison,2004,98,3,1234-1240,Varhama Effect of traditional judo training on aggressiveness among young boys,2002,94,1,21-25,Reynes Judo training and aggression: comment on Reynes and Lorant,2002,94,3,1057-1058,Nosanchuk Karate and aggressiveness among eight-year-old boys,2002,94,3,1041-1042,Reynes Relationship between team identification and trait aggression: a replication,2002,94,2,595-598,Wann Psychometric properties of an adolescent version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 for a sample of Italian high school students,2002,95,2,621-635,Barratt Juvenile offenders and accurate perception of time,2000,91,3,1011-1019,Fox Aggression: destructive and constructive aspects,2000,90,2,609-623,Smith Perceptions of violent crimes in relation to sex of perpetrator,2000,90,2,485-488,Hendree Direction of human motor responses by men and women to aversive stimulation,2000,90,2,415-422,Duda Verbal aggression among Japanese and American students,1990,70,3,1130,Ishii Conceptual tempo and resolution of social conflict by children,1990,70,1,225-226,Boyer Sexual aggression: perceptions of its likelihood of occurring and some correlates of self-admitted perpetration,1991,73,2,499-507,Cornett Effect of the full moon on a sample of developmentally delayed institutionalized women,1991,72,3,1375-1380,Hicks-Caskey Aggression of youth as related to parental divorce and eye color,1992,75,3,1066,Beer Multiple drug use and dietary restraint in a Mr. Universe competitor: psychobiological effects,1999,88,2,579-580,Parrott Wars and increased solar-geomagnetic activity: aggression or change in intraspecies dominance?,1999,88,3,1351-1355,Persinger Relationship between identification with the role of sport fan and trait aggression,1999,88,3,1296-1298,Wann Dysfunction in smooth pursuit eye movements and history of childhood trauma,1999,89,3,1230-1236,Irwin Relationship between aesthetic motivation and preferences for aggressive and nonaggressive sports,1999,89,3,931-934,Wann Acute nonhypothermic exposure to cold impedes motor skill performance in video gaming compared to thermo-neutral and hot conditions,2011,112,1,217-227,Edwards Birth month is not related to suicide among Major League Baseball players,2011,112,1,55-60,Smith Gambling and delaying rewards as a function of frontal system dysfunction: a study in neuroeconomics,2004,99,3,993-994,Lester Finno-Ugrians blood types and suicide: Comment on Voracek Fisher and Marusic,2004,98,3,814,Lester Response velocity range of movement and timing accuracy,1994,79,1,216-218,Siegel Lateralized visual-field inattention in schizophrenia,1994,79,1,699-702,Lobel On the relationship between handedness and season of birth for men,1994,79,1,499-506,Rogerson A study of cognitive loading in dual-coding theory,1994,79,1,458,Yamauchi Rasch partial credit analysis of gross motor competence,1994,79,2,947-961,Zhu Causes of occupational injuries,1994,79,2,1025-1026,Kingma Motor performance in aphasia and ideomotor apraxia,1994,79,2,719-722,Motomura Selected designs: note on further research,1970,31,1,317-318,Siskind Prediction of motor performance from childhood history,1970,31,1,10,Reich Visual-motor tasks at 3 and 4 years of age,1970,31,2,560,Eckert Stimulus-response compatibility and videogame performance,1995,80,2,691-698,Reid Test-retest reliability of three Dynavision tasks,1995,80,2,607-610,Klavora Edwards inventory of emotions: assessing emotions in athletes and nonathletes,1995,80,2,444-446,Edwards Effects of mellow and frenetic music and stimulating and relaxing scents on walking by seniors,1995,80,2,411-415,Marsh Age ethnic and gender differences in physical fitness of middle-school children in east Texas,1995,80,2,387-393,Finkenberg Anhedonia depression and suicidal ideation,1995,80,3,978,Loas Perceived vulnerability and control of martial arts and physical fitness students,1995,80,3,899-910,Madden Temporal coupling between external auditory information and the phases of walking,1995,80,3,851-861,Adrian Effects of auditory radio interference on a fine continuous open motor skill,1995,80,3,739-745,Lazar Re-examining the home disadvantage in professional ice hockey,2011,112,2,600-602,Gayton Environmental risk perception activism and world-mindedness among samples of British and U.S. college students],1996,83,2,541-562,Der-Karabetian Event-related brain potentials and attention during simultaneous performance of two tasks,1996,83,2,651-657,Sullivan Computer games and information-processing skills,1996,83,2,643-647,Yuji Weak but complex pulsed magnetic fields may reduce depression following traumatic brain injury,1996,83,2,491-498,Persinger Cognitive performance after strenuous physical exercise,1996,83,2,479-488,Jolles Incidence of head injury: lasting effects among college students and working adults in the general population,1996,83,3,1344-1346,Templer Effect of framing on adolescents' decision making,1996,83,3,811-819,Chien Effects on eye movements of requiring an immediate reporting response during human vigilance,1996,83,3,803-810,Takahashi African-American perceptions of leisure racial discrimination and life satisfaction,1998,87,3,1418,Philipp Effects of alcohol on perceptual speed,1998,87,3,1247-1255,Kennedy Motor development and sleep problems among 9-month-olds,1998,87,3,1218,Scher Consistency of hand use and accidents with injury,1998,87,3,851-854,Hicks Incidence of injuries due to accidental fall: a life span study for the period 1971-1995,1998,87,3,760-762,Kingma Body posture and thinking,1971,32,1,27-33,Shontz Simple reaction time for good and poor readers in grades two and six,1971,32,1,270,Katz Effects of rigidity and anxiety on pursuit rotor performance,1971,32,1,227-232,Jones Activity motor coordination and attention: individual differences in twins,1971,32,1,151-158,Brown Video feedback in learning beginning trampoline,1971,32,2,669-670,James Factor analysis of a neuropsychological battery for children aged 9 to 15,1971,32,2,603-616,Klonoff Cognition and movement: theoretical pedagogical and measurement considerations,1971,32,2,523-532,Fowler Location of injury and Wechsler indices of mental deterioration,1971,32,2,407-411,Woo-Sam Manifest anxiety field dependency and task performance,1971,32,2,383-393,Dargel Heart rate and performance in manual missile guidance,1971,32,2,352-354,Arnberg Another note to Santa Claus,1971,32,2,510,Zusne Long-term retention of a pursuitmeter skill,1971,32,3,773-774,Smith Development of the manual accuracy and speed test (MAST),1971,32,3,923-943,Tellegen Use of video-tape feedback in swimming instruction with emotionally disturbed children,1972,35,3,992,Neufeld Effects of four noise conditions on arithmetic performance,1972,35,3,928-930,Wolf Visual counting in different directions,1972,35,3,914,Davidoff Individual differences in eye-movement patterns,1972,35,3,895-901,Buchsbaum Perceptual-motor abilities of disadvantaged and advantaged kindergarten children,1972,35,3,887-890,Lietz Visual attention and distraction in aphasic and non-aphasic children,1972,35,3,863-866,Wiig Cognitive styles in children and performance on Piagetian conservation tasks,1972,35,3,747-756,Fleck Effects of noise and response complexity upon vigilance performance,1972,35,3,735-741,Halcomb Pattern meaningfulness and discrimination latency for repeated task administrations,1972,35,3,713-714,Mavrides Deaf and hearing children's performance on a tactual perception battery,1972,35,3,683-706,Schiff Sex differences in time estimation,1972,35,3,859-862,Roeckelein Oscillation of human performance as a personality measure,1972,35,2,677-678,Tainsh Effect of intermittent and continuous noise on serial search performance,1972,35,2,627-634,Harris Effect of stimulus preview and supplemental visual cues on children's spatial representation and perceptual-motor anticipation in a discrete tracking task,1972,35,2,599-610,Davol Relationship between reaction time and number of choice alternatives in an overlearned task,1972,35,2,579-585,Moskowitz Correlations between motor learning and visual and arm adaptation under conditions of computer-stimulated visual distortion,1972,35,2,551-561,Gyr Impaired visual-motor ability of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,1972,35,2,504-506,Marsh Cautionary note on measurement of field independence,1972,35,2,479-488,Arbuthnot Investigation of the Shape-O Ball Test as a perceptual-motor task for pre-schoolers,1972,35,2,447-450,Thomas Negro-white differences in children's movement,1972,35,2,435-436,Guttentag Short-term memory for shape information processed intra- and intermodally at three ages,1972,35,2,419-425,Abravanel Neuropsychological function of normal boys delinquent boys and boys with learning problems,1972,35,2,387-394,Wolff Digit symbol performance and self-report of anxiety,1972,35,2,382,Walker Cognitive tempo and discrimination skill on color-form sorting tasks,1972,35,2,359-362,Katz Achievement prediction of 'high-risk' children,1972,35,2,347-354,Serwer Aphasic performance on visual tracking program,1972,35,2,343-346,Smith Effects of increasing intensity levels of intermittent and continuous 1000-Hz tones on human equilibrium,1972,35,2,395-405,Harris Auditory perceptual tasks as predictors of first grade reading success,1972,35,1,7-13,Richmond Differential aspects of attention in brain-damaged persons,1972,35,1,71-81,Diller Amplitude position timing and velocity as cues in reproduction of movement,1972,35,1,51-58,Campbell Conceptual structure and conceptual tempo,1972,35,1,331-337,Powers Effect of extraneous "background" on visual-perceptual performance of readers and non-readers,1972,35,1,323-328,Sabatino Cross-cultural developmental performance of Navajo children on the Bender-Gestalt test,1972,35,1,307-309,Taylor Improvement of absolute distance estimation underwater,1972,35,1,299-305,Ferris Characteristic motor development of children with learning disabilities,1972,35,1,291-296,Carlson Visual-tactile and tactile-tactile paired-associate learning by normal and poor readers,1972,35,1,263-266,Steger Social reinforcement effects on motor performance as a function of socio-economic status,1972,35,1,215-218,Martens Effects of manifest anxiety and auditory distraction on a Motor Steadiness Battery,1972,35,1,203-209,Adams Field dependence and psychological differentiation: reexamination,1972,35,1,179-189,Wachtel Structural models and embedded-figure difficulty for normal and retarded children,1972,35,1,155-164,Reed Lateral preference and ability to conserve multiple spatial relations by mentally retarded children,1972,35,1,151-152,Kershner Motor performance tests of handedness and motivation,1972,35,1,143-150,Provins Effects of field-dependency on weight comparisons,1972,35,1,111-114,Hébert Bender-Gestalt protocols of adult Negro male offenders: normative data,1972,35,1,101-102,Matranga Differing "creativities" in the wit and the clown,1972,35,1,3-6,Berkowitz Feasibility of perceptual-motor training for Headstart children: an empirical test,1972,34,3,909-910,Rice Visual matching as a function of stimulus complexity in normal and brain-injured persons,1972,34,3,859-866,Mandleberg Relationship of field independence and dogmatism with an hierarchically arranged concept learning task,1972,34,3,983-986,Ohnmacht Behavior of young blind children in a controlled play session,1972,34,3,963-969,Tait Concurrent task practice conditions and transfer,1972,34,3,941-942,Rivenes Backward visual masking with homogeneous and patterned stimuli: comparison of retarded and nonretarded subjects,1972,34,3,903-908,Galbraith Diversion and orientation in the vertical-horizontal illusion,1972,34,3,899-902,Becker Self-paced ergometer performance: effects of pedal resistance motivational contingency and inspired oxygen concentration,1972,34,3,875-881,Gerben Preliminary investigation of the visuo-motor recall test,1972,34,3,867-872,Barclay Life-span age differences in visual perception,1972,34,3,857-858,Eisner Task definition and immediate knowledge of results in monitoring performance,1972,34,3,825-826,Strang Stress and motor performance and learning by Ss of low and high initial ability,1972,34,3,819-824,Garvie WISC and Nebraska performance of deaf and hearing children,1972,34,3,783-788,Wolfe Recognition memory for faces by retardates and normals,1972,34,3,755-758,Harris Conceptual organization of recall in an object arrangement task with deaf and hearing children,1972,34,3,742,Chovan Synthesis and analysis of visually perceived forms by young children,1972,34,3,735-741,Greenberg Age familiarity and complexity as recognition variables,1972,34,3,732-734,Howell Structured vs unstructured visual-motor tests for educable retarded children,1972,34,3,691-694,Krauft Development of motor impulse control and reflectivity,1972,34,3,813-814,Bucky Sleep disturbance in children with visual-motor deficits,1972,34,3,695-700,Schroeder Psychomotor performance as a function of white noise and personality variables,1971,33,1,82,Discipio Aniseikonic perception of injured areas of one's own body,1971,33,1,47-50,Fisher Immediate effects of cigarette smoking on simple reaction time of college male smokers,1971,33,1,336,Stewart Effects of task complexity and practice on performance during acute alcohol intoxication,1971,33,1,307-318,Tarter Visual-motor skills and reading ability of deaf children,1971,33,1,263-268,Clarke Sensorimotor functions in brain-damaged and normal children of early school age,1971,33,2,655-664,Reitan Effect of ability level upon retention of a balance skill after two years,1971,33,2,527-529,Carron Visual imagery in brain-injured children,1971,33,2,507-514,Symmes Spatial perception of highly skilled and poorly skilled females,1971,33,3,1309-1310,Meek Accounting for sex differences on the rod-and-frame test,1971,33,3,1114,Vaught Symptomatology subscales for the measurement of acute mountain sickness,1971,33,3,735-742,Stamper Social anxiety model of alcoholism,1971,33,3,797-798,Kraft Perceptual-motor attributes of mental retardates: a factor analytic study,1971,33,3,927-934,Neeman Autonomic arousal and performance during sixty hours of sleep deprivation,1972,34,2,543-553,Fenz Perceptual-motor attributes of normal school children: a factor analytic study,1972,34,2,471-474,Neeman Vigilance effects for duration judgments with two levels of task demand,1972,34,2,351-356,Sherman Significance of sign in an S-R separation problem,1972,34,2,671-676,Sayner Effects of pressure suits on seven psychomotor skills,1972,34,1,87-92,Huchingson 20-channel drinkometer,1972,34,1,316-318,Reus Assessment of motor ability of selected deaf children in Kansas,1972,34,1,303-305,Carlson Incident light velocimetry,1972,34,1,263-268,Roberts Intermittent viewing in a study of visual prediction,1972,34,1,223-226,Foot Preschool children's performance on measures of spatial organization lateral preference and lateral usage,1972,34,1,299-302,Keogh Sex role status and perceived competence among first-graders,1972,34,1,235-238,Pollis Human response to whole-body vibration,1972,34,1,127-160,Shoenberger Accuracy demands environmental structure and viewing conditions in interception tasks,1998,87,2,715-721,Bootsma Confirming false memories: social construction of "useful" meanings,1998,87,2,536-538,Fourie Mood states and sleepiness in college students: influences of age sex habitual sleep and substance use,1998,87,2,507-512,von Gizycki Authorship and sampling practice in selected biomechanics and sports science journals,2011,112,3,838-844,Knudson Reaction time and effect of Ritalin on children with learning problems,1973,36,1,75-82,Scott Subject-task interaction in selective attention research,1973,36,1,259-262,Gross Acute Mountain Sickness: within-day symptomatology effects,1973,36,1,159-164,Stamper Reaction time and motor speed in chronic alcoholics,1973,36,1,136-138,Goldstein Age sex and body composition as predictors of children's performance on basic motor abilities and health-related fitness items,1983,56,1,71-77,Moore Misattribution in a fearful situation following different modes of arousal,1983,56,1,45-46,Barrios Brain laterality: differences in cognitive style or motor function?,1983,56,1,3-9,Galluscio Sex differences in neuropsychological performance,1983,56,1,126,O'Dell Reliability of perceptual-motor laterality tasks,1973,36,2,599-605,Berman Left-handedness and alcoholism,1973,36,2,514,Bakan Relationship of reaction time and movement time in a gross motor skill,1973,36,2,453-454,Groves Lateral eye movement as related to verbal and perceptual-motor skills and values,1973,36,2,423-428,Weiten Control of rough physical behavior using novel contingencies and directive teaching,1973,36,3,1225-1226,Kauffman Improving distance estimation underwater: long-term effectiveness of training,1973,36,3,1089-1090,Ferris Relationship of attitudes and locus of control to exercise and physical fitness,1973,36,3,1031-1034,Sonstroem Alpha and problem solving: a demonstration,1973,36,3,905-906,Andreassi Some characteristics of wilderness backpackers,1973,36,3,876-878,Wiesner Behavioral changes in children participating in a physical developmental clinic,1973,36,3,855-862,Fretz Effect of alcohol on the visual autokinetic phenomenon,1973,36,3,801-802,Moskowitz Acquisition and retention of a motor skill by normal and retarded students,1973,36,3,791-799,Simensen Factor analysis of the Motor Steadiness Battery,1973,36,3,779-783,Meikle Improving absolute distance estimation in clear and in turbid water,1973,36,3,771-776,Ferris Performance profiles of hospitalized psychiatric patients,1973,36,3,739-744,Neale Negative and positive mental practice in motor skill acquisition,1973,37,1,312,Powell Effects of environmental color on two psychomotor tasks,1973,37,1,296-298,Goodfellow Information load and response consistency in sequential short-term motor memory,1973,37,1,23-29,Wilberg Practice and inter-individual variance in movement,1973,37,1,222,Hoffman Perceptual-motor ability and intellectual ability of kindergarten age children,1973,37,2,583-586,Herndon Level of motivation in social facilitation of a simple task,1973,37,2,567-572,Sorce Absolute judgment method in categorical response-production tasks,1973,37,2,535-538,Hupet Comparison of high- and low-impulse groups on two tests of motor inhibition,1973,37,2,435-441,O'Keefe Fitts' law for manipulative temporal motor responses with and without path constraints,1973,37,2,427-431,Kvalseth Distance and location cues in short-term motor memory,1973,37,2,403-406,Stelmach Performance Evaluation Tests for Environmental Research (PETER): critical tracking test,1984,58,2,567-573,Kennedy Perceptual-motor functioning and school achievement in lower-class black children,1974,38,1,60-62,Greenberg Development of right-left concept in children,1974,38,1,111-117,Lacoursiére-Paige Psychomotor test scores and rated functional impairment of mental retardates,1974,38,2,487-490,Ravaris Interactions between alcohol task difficulty and compatibility in a choice-reaction task,1974,38,2,459-466,Robinson Assessment of introversion-extraversion in children: brief report,1974,38,2,429-430,McManis Perceptual-motor performance on the Vane and Bender tests as related to two socio-economic classes and ages,1974,38,3,883-890,Pishkin Personality characteristics of women in intercollegiate competition,1974,38,3,861-862,Wendt Effects of N2O on responses of divers to personality tests,1974,38,3,1091-1097,Biersner Reversal of expected transfer as a function of increased age,1974,38,3,1139-1145,Goldstein Personality and apparent operator capacity,1974,38,3,1189-1190,Huddleston Simple reaction time as a function of alertness and prior mental activity,1974,38,3,1263-1268,Appelle Repressors' and sensitizers' affective change during free association,1974,38,3,1172-1174,Haney Determination of handedness using hand-efficiency tests,1974,39,1,253-254,Rigal "In vivo" emotive imagery: a preliminary test,1974,39,1,359-362,Horan Transcendental meditation and psychological health,1974,39,1,623-628,Hjelle Effects of incentive on rotary pursuit performance by normals and retardates,1974,39,1,491-494,Friedrich Proprioceptive facilitation of open-loop visual pointing,1974,39,1,263-265,Lackner Stereotypes of athletes,1974,39,2,705-706,Ramsey Relation of visual perception and visual-motor integration for clumsy children,1998,86,1,291-295,Cohen Caffeine ingestion and performance,1998,86,1,66,Jacobson Redundancy gain in discrimination of colored lights: effects of complexity and eccentricity,1998,86,2,691-697,Nakajima Sports members' participation in assessment of incidence rate of injuries in five sports from records of hospital-based clinical treatment,1998,86,2,675-686,ten Duis Economic growth and suicide and homicide rates revisited,1998,86,2,561-562,Sharma Individual differences in the performance of highly learned skill,1998,86,3,985-986,McBride Benefits of providing cognitive performance strategies to novice performers learning a complex motor skill,1998,86,3,976-978,Meeuwsen Some aspects of self-reported hand preference,1998,86,3,953-954,Reiss Handedness as a function of test complexity,1975,40,1,263-266,Steingrueber Integrational deficits in children with visual-perceptual-motor disabilities,1975,40,1,51-57,Rosenfield Relationship of objective score perceptual trace and practice method in learning to balance,1975,40,1,331-337,Bole Field dependence--independence social--non-social play and sex differences in preschool children,1975,40,1,195-202,Coates Alpha feedback and relaxation: a cautionary note,1975,40,1,58,Grynol Model-facilitated cooperative behavior in regressed schizophrenics,1975,40,3,894,Bergman Perceptions of emotionally disturbed male adolescents on the Thematic Apperception Test,1975,40,3,867-871,Bachtold Effects of manipulation of augmented knowledge of results and work surface angle on performance of a serial positioning task,1975,41,1,327-333,Less Alcohol effects on information processing time with an overlearned task,1973,37,3,835-839,Moskowitz Role of verbal mediation in performance of motor tasks by Korsakoff patients,1973,37,1,259-262,Lewis Comparison of discrimination and reproduction tests of children's perception,1973,37,1,163-166,Hirshoren Effects of overlearning on retention and relearning of gross-motor skill by mentally retarded males,1973,36,2,503-509,Knowles Forced guidance and distribution of practice in sequential information processing,1973,36,2,415-419,Decker Effect of three levels of work intensity on performance of a fine motor skill,1976,42,1,63-66,Burke Training and performance of rhesus monkeys as operators in a compensatory manual control system,1976,42,3,695-705,Bachman Visual disembedding and injury in college football players,1976,42,3,762,Pargman Relation of low and moderate intensity exercise with acute mood change in college joggers,1998,87,2,611-621,Berger Self-esteem and injury in competitive field hockey players,1998,87,1,353-354,Kolt Spiral maze performance in dementia,1998,87,1,328-330,Taylor Selective effects of physical exercise on choice reaction processes,1998,87,1,175-185,Brisswalter Sport-specific decision-making in a Go/NoGo reaction task: difference among nonathletes and baseball and basketball players,2008,106,1,163-170,Nakamoto Icon flickering flicker rate and color combinations of an icon's symbol/background in visual search performance,2008,106,1,117-127,Huang The role of feedback in manual tracking of visual targets,2000,90,3,1235-1248,Levy Tempo of background sound and performance speed,2000,90,3,1122,Nakajima Motor dimension of visual mental image transformation processes,2000,90,3,1008-1026,Olivier Influence of age sex and balance on mature skipping by children in grades K-8,2000,90,3,974-978,Loovis At what age do children learn to discriminate between act and actor?,2001,92,1,171-176,Osterman Physical activity and sport involvement in French high school students,2001,92,1,107-120,Lorant Amount of newspaper coverage of high school athletics for boys and girls on sports page and newspaper circulation,2002,94,1,323-326,Pedersen Neuropsychological sequelae of chronic recreational gasoline inhalation,2003,96,1,339-342,Gouvier Diminished performance on response-selection tasks in Type 2 diabetes,2003,96,1,257-266,Adam Sex differences in perception of temporal order,2003,96,1,105-112,Wittmann Influence of the Poggendorff illusion on manual pointing,2004,98,1,47-52,Predebon Concurrent validity of the wide range assessment of visual motor abilities in typically developing children ages 4 to 11 years,2011,113,2,377-385,Obler Self-reported experience of bullying of students who stutter: relations with life satisfaction life orientation and self-esteem,2011,113,2,353-364,Blood Perceptuomotor functioning in preschool children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,2006,102,1,175-186,Parush Evaluation of some tasks used for specifying handedness and footedness,2006,102,1,163-164,Hebbal Goal orientation motivational climate and dispositional flow of high school students engaged in extracurricular physical activity,2006,102,1,87-92,Cervelló Influence of concurrent tasks on gait: a dual-task approach,1995,81,1,107-113,Poewe Further validation of the economic subscale of the Sport Fan Motivation Scale,1999,88,2,659-660,Wann When does imagery practice enhance performance on a motor task?,1999,88,2,651-658,Stokes Functional roles of the proprioceptive system in the control of goal-directed movement,1999,88,2,631-647,Lee Relation of repetition effect and response programming in a speeded choice task,1999,88,2,503-514,Ito Procedure to extract a weekly pattern of performance of human reaction time,1999,88,2,469-483,Perez-Diaz Sensorimotor performance as a function of eye dominance and handedness,1999,88,2,424-426,Coren Personality and performance on a frustrating cognitive task,1999,88,3,1384,Taylor Performance stability in simultaneous tasks of pedalling and reaction time,1999,88,3,1193-1199,Brisswalter Consistency of hand use and frequent falls,1999,88,3,1107-1110,Hicks Preliminary investigation of the confidence of sport spectators: importance of time difficulty of the game and team identification,1999,89,1,305-310,Wann Perception of nonverbal facial cues in chronic phencyclidine abusers,1999,89,1,72-78,Giannini Effect of "group spell" upon Shotokan black-belt performance of Heian kata,1999,89,2,493-494,Moran The relationship between collective efficacy and precompetitive affect in rugby players: testing Bandura's model of collective efficacy,1999,89,2,431-440,Greenlees Sustained attention and related perceptuomotor functions,1999,89,2,387-388,Turnbull Synchronization anticipation and consistency in motor timing of children with dimensionally defined attention deficit hyperactivity behaviour,1999,89,3,1237-1258,Taylor Perception of time: delay of estimation under auditory and visual tasks with type-A measures,1999,89,3,1209-1210,Vitulli Time taken as a determinant of advancement in Shotokan karate black-belt Heian kata performance,1999,89,3,1110,Layton Changes in Shotokan karate black-belt Heian kata performance times: a longitudinal study,1999,89,3,1093-1094,Moran Re-examining the temporal locus of knowledge of results (KR): a self-paced approach to learning,1999,89,3,1073-1087,Travlos Allocation of attention and practice in the production of time intervals,1999,89,3,1047-1051,Sawyer Sport injuries in right- and left-handers,1999,89,3,846-848,Dane Sports spectator behavior: a test of the theory of planned behavior,2011,113,3,1017-1026,Lu Memory instructions vocalization mock crimes and concealed information tests with a polygraph,2011,113,3,840-858,Bradley Retroactive interference and mental practice effects on motor performance: a pilot study,2011,113,3,805-814,Spittle Physiological profile of fighters influences training organisation in combat sports: response to Del Vecchio Hirata and Franchini (2011),2011,113,3,803-804,Paillard Individual differences in sensitivity to violence,2011,113,3,703-714,Collyer Motor assessment of the developmentally handicapped,1973,36,1,139-146,McKerracher Perceptual-motor dysfunction in children with sickle cell trait,1973,36,1,234,Duncan Handedness: evaluation of binomial distribution hypothesis in children and adults,1973,36,3,1343-1346,Taylor An audiovisual test of divided attention,1976,43,1,51-57,Bruce Sport-related attitudes and the-Philosophies of Human Nature Scale,1976,43,1,15-18,Phillips Sex cues in estimating and performing a simple motor task,1976,43,2,547-552,Ryan Distribution of movement time in a target-aiming task,1976,43,2,507-513,Kvalseth Prolonged practice of a simple motor task by preferred and nonpreffered hands,1976,43,2,447-450,Peters Effects of transcendental meditation on fine motor skill,1976,43,2,607-613,Williams Injuries due to school sports accidents in 4 to 13-yr.-old children,2000,90,1,319-325,ten Duis Local muscular fatigue and attentional processes in a fencing task,2000,90,1,315-318,Stein Evidence for a third factor on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule in a college student sample,2000,90,1,147-152,Killgore Severity of injuries due to accidental fall across the life span: a retrospective hospital-based study,2000,90,1,62-72,ten Duis The role of object violation in the development of visual analysis,2000,90,1,3-24,Lange-Küttner A correlational exploration into perceptual and motivational phenomena,1962,14,1,63-69,Rosen A device for research in human information processing capacity,1962,15,2,343-350,Chambers A duplex rotator for experimental control of vestibular stimulation,1960,11,3,337-340,Rhodes A general feedback theory of human behavior: part i,1960,11,1,71-88,Powers A general feedback theory of human behavior: part ii,1960,11,3,309-323,Powers A perceptual flexibility battery,1961,12,1,3-9,Ittelson A pilot experiment on the effects of meprobamate and of prochlorperazine on tests ofcognition and perception,1960,11,1,90,Uhr A red-green color vision test employing transparencies,1960,11,2,229-230,Brooks A repetition of asch's 'effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgment',1957,7,3,245,Whittaker A target-changing device for rotary pursuit,1951,3,3,34-36,Spiegel A test of stimulus-seeking behavior,1961,13,3,416,Howard Ability and performance on a complex perceptual-motor task,1960,11,1,55-56,Abbey Ability vs. Practice in two-hand coordination,1958,8,2,226,Noble Absolute judgment of distance as a function of anxiety and exposure time,1962,14,3,411-418,Pylyshyn Activity and passivity as correlates of field-independence,1961,12,3,291-298,League Age and training in the development of a perceptual-motor skill,1959,9,1,3-11,Humphries Analysis of patterns of response of anxious and non-anxious subjects to a flickering light,1956,6,2,167-170,Wagoner Anthropology and skills research: a tentative statement,1951,3,2,73-76,Birdwhistell Anxiety and visual acuity,1962,14,1,18,Scofield Achievement motivation anxiety and perceptual control,1963,17,1,287-292,Carney Automatic signal selection for airborne direction finders,1960,11,2,138,Delit Bi-directional generalization to auditory stimuli,1958,8,3,306,Essman Bilateral transfer of work decrement effects as a function of length of rest,1959,9,3,181,Bell Bodily position and auditory thresholds,1962,14,3,499-507,Corso Body orientation and perceptual-motor performance,1959,9,2,271-280,Shephard Changes in the self-percept with age,1961,13,1,88,Dodge Comment on an interpretation of recent studies of habit variables for motor behavior,1958,8,2,194,Adams Comparison of fine psychomotor movement by hypertensive and hypotensive subjects,1956,6,2,199-204,King Confidence and correctness in comparative judgment,1958,8,2,227-230,Willingham Definition and uses of the concept "isomorphism",1959,9,1,12-14,Johnson Determination of a representative score for simple reaction and movement time,1959,9,3,107-110,Pierson Distance judgments of threat-related and neutral words,1957,7,3,316,Gordon Draw-a-person characteristics of psychopathic prisoners and college students,1962,15,1,11-13,Craddick Drivers' gsrs in traffic,1957,7,3,305-315,Hulbert Dynamic visual acuity and other measures of vision,1959,9,2,334,Hulbert EEG correlates of perceptual vigilance and defence,1962,14,2,197-198,Mangan Effect of a stimulant drug on extent of motor responses,1961,12,2,186,Rachman Effect of age and brain damage on depth perception,1959,9,2,283-286,Hoffman Effect of aging on the formation of sequential and spatial concepts,1961,13,2,210,Talland Effect of asymmetrical retinal stimulation on the perception of the median plane,1955,5,2,133-139,Bruell Effect of high intensity intermittent sound on compensatory tracking and mirror tracing,1961,12,2,187-194,Plutchik Effect of lsd on pace of performing a variety of tasks,1962,14,2,255-259,Wapner Effect of meprobamate on auditory vigilance,1961,12,1,26,Bakan Effect of meprobamate on catecholamine excretion during mental stress,1962,15,3,571-577,Frankenhaeuser Effect of past experience upon induced movement,1960,11,3,281-288,Jensen Effect of position upon warning light effectiveness,1956,6,3,69-72,Elliott Effect of sensory deprivation on some perceptual and motor skills,1959,9,3,91-97,Vernon Effect of visual imagery on tactual and kinesthetic space perception,1955,5,3,177-184,Bartley Effects of alcohol on apparent duration,1962,14,2,318,Kirkham Effects of alcohol on the graphomotor performances of normals and chronic alcoholics,1959,9,2,227-236,Tripp Effects of brain damage on a psychomotor problem-solving task,1959,9,2,211-215,Reitan Effects of intelligence on vigilance: a replication,1961,13,3,398,Sipowicz Effects of sampling on dimensionality: a discussion of "perceptual and motor speed in an extended age group: a factor analysis",1960,11,2,189-190,Guertin Effects of size and shape differences in stimuli on disjunctive reaction time,1957,7,3,93-96,Wilson Effects of stimulant and depressant drugs on physical persistence,1962,14,2,270,Singh Effects of sustained performance on human motion,1955,5,1,23-29,Smith Embedded-figures and personality,1959,9,3,99-102,Dana Emotional variables and human motion,1958,8,2,195-198,Smith Estimation of movement as a function of the distance of movement perception and target distance,1955,5,3,201-204,Slater-Hammel Factor analysis of some tests of disposition rigidity,1958,8,1,35-36,Dingman Generalisation of perceptual vigilance and defence,1962,14,2,171-178,Mangan Generality of a speed factor in simple reaction and movement time,1960,11,2,123-128,Pierson Handedness body orientation and performance on a complex perceptual-motor task,1959,9,3,165-166,Suddon Hostility and perception of the horizontal,1960,11,1,28,Fisher Human heart rate during anxiety,1958,8,3,103-106,Deane Individual differences in making perceptual inferences,1961,13,1,3-6,Kiesler Individual vs. Social performance on two perceptual-motor tasks,1958,8,3,131-134,Noble Influence of brief noise on rotary pursuit performance,1951,3,1,10-15,Ammons Influence of form on judgment of apparent area,1955,5,1,7-10,Warren Inhibition as a determinant of perceptual defense,1960,11,1,59-66,Perloe Instrument reading errors under startle conditions,1960,11,3,276,Culbert Interrelations of steering skill measures in neurotic and other patients,1961,12,3,289-290,Kottenhoff Intersensory and visual field forces in size estimation,1956,6,1,37-41,Holzman Kinesthetic figural aftereffect under a drowsy state induced by hypnosis,1960,11,1,58,Barthol Landing strip markings and the 'expansion pattern': i. Program preliminary analysis and apparatus,1955,5,3,81-92,Hochberg Latency of ocular fixation upon the second of two successive stimuli,1961,13,3,259-268,Bartlett Laterality and a phenomenon of localization,1959,9,2,282,Crovitz Learning perceptual skills,1958,8,2,214,Allan Length judgment in psychotic and control populations,1961,13,3,335-341,Dillon Light in decibels,1955,5,3,199-200,Hartley Linear acceleration and apparent distance,1959,9,2,267-269,Goldstein Male and female sensitivity to electric current,1961,13,2,201-202,Sidowski Manifest anxiety and perceptual sensitization to threat objects,1961,13,2,200,Smock Manifest anxiety and performance on a complex perceptual-motor task,1958,8,3,327-330,Abbey Manifest anxiety as related to some perceptual modes,1955,5,2,127-131,May Measurement of moral judgment: a comparison of scaling methods,1962,15,1,3-9,Ekman Meteorological influence on reaction time flicker fusion frequency job accidents and use of medical treatment,1961,12,2,163-168,Muecher Motor learning and retention in normals and defectives,1960,10,2,83-91,Ellis Motor performance under stress as a function of the amount of practice,1961,13,1,103-106,Ryan Motor proficiency in mental defectives,1958,8,2,231-234,Ellis Accurate distance judgments in children,1963,17,3,941-942,Harway A theory of the binocular cyclopean field: on the possibility of simulated stereopsis,1964,19,3,685,Hochberg Negative transfer as a function of manifest anxiety,1956,6,3,73-75,Denny Note on age and intertrial variability for perceptual and motor speed tests,1960,11,2,206,King Note on depth perception in defectives,1958,8,3,130,Barnett Note on operant motor performance and physiological responsiveness in acute schizophrenics,1959,9,2,225,King Note on the relation between autokinesis and psychiatric diagnosis,1960,11,3,253-257,Schwartz On conditionability personality and perception,1962,15,3,578,Farrow On fatigue and/or motivation,1958,8,3,121-122,Wendt Optical and mechanical devices for testing susceptibility to motion sickness,1957,7,2,221-222,Kottenhoff Perception of homosexual words in paranoid schizophrenia,1956,6,1,45-55,Daston Perception of mathematical properties of interpersonal relations,1958,8,3,279-286,De Soto PERCEPTION OF SLANTED SURFACES: Monograph Supplement 2,1956,6,3,97-106,Gruber Perception speed and behavior: a theoretical note,1962,15,3,717-718,Dinnerstein 'perception' and wundt's d-reaction,1952,4,3,82-87,Riche. Perceptual and conceptual processes in a case of left-sided spatial inattention,1962,14,3,419-423,Apfeldorf Perceptual and motor speed in an extended age group: a factor analysis,1960,11,2,99-102,King Perceptual completion behavior in juvenile delinquents,1955,5,2,141-146,Jones 'perceptual defense' as an interference phenomenon,1955,5,1,15-17,Hochberg Perceptual differences between negro and white adolescents of similar symbolic brightness,1960,11,2,191-194,Pierce-Jones Performance decrement following failure,1958,8,2,199-202,Willingham Performance in complex coordination as a function of response duration,1958,8,1,39-46,Noble Persistence personality and motivation,1961,12,2,169-170,Eysenck Personal space and laterality in perception,1960,10,1,70,Mcnamara Personality and driving efficiency,1961,12,1,34,Suhr Personality and the estimation of time,1959,9,3,405-406,Eysenck Pessimism reaffirmed: a reply to witkin,1960,11,3,243-244,Dana Physical disability and interpersonal perception,1958,8,2,241-242,Fiedler Post-experimental discussion and attitude toward psychology,1952,4,3,145-150,Lowe Precision of rhythmic responses of the oculomotor system,1957,7,3,247-250,Polidora Prediction-span speed of response smoothness and accuracy in tracking,1956,6,2,171-181,Gottsdanker Preference for human or animal drawings among normal and addicted males,1960,10,1,43-45,Wisotsky Preliminary report of a research program on the effects of low-frequency vibration on human performance,1962,14,1,62,Snyder Preliminary study of endurance and perceptual change in sleep deprivation,1960,10,2,99-104,Cappon Present science planning in the united states: highway to disaster?,1958,8,3,107-110,Ammons Primitive color perception,1960,11,2,220,Kuttner Psychophysiological relations in habituation to gravitational stress,1962,15,1,63-72,Frankenhajeuser Psychosocial characteristics of adults with functional hearing losses,1960,11,1,23-27,Kodman Reaction time as a function of induced muscular tension,1961,13,2,183-189,Elliott Reaction time-movement time correlations,1961,12,1,63-66,Henry Reaction-time and regularity of inter-stimulus interval,1961,13,1,15-18,Mccormack Recall and organization of aggressive words under varied conditions of emphasis,1956,6,3,273-284,Riggs Relation between the brunswick and thouless ratios and functional relations in experimental investigations of perceived shape size and brightness,1956,6,3,65-68,Leibowitz Relationship between muscular tension and performance during rotary pursuit,1960,10,3,199-210,Eason Reliability and intercorrelation of individual differences on visual and kinestheticfigural aftereffects,1960,10,3,159-166,Spitz Reliability of time estimates,1957,7,1,23-24,Bakan Response to the Pierson and Rasch comments on RT-MT correlations [doi: 10.2466/pms.1961.12.3.246],1961,12,3,258,Henry Responses to colored and conflict-inducing stimuli in a psychiatric population,1960,11,3,245-252,Schwartz Responses to projective material by pre- and post-menarcheal subjects,1956,6,2,155-158,Powell Rise and decay time in vigilance for weak auditory and cutaneous stimuli,1961,13,2,235-242,Loeb Rotary pursuit performance as a function of mental age,1957,7,3,267-270,Ellis Rt-mt correlations and the generality of a "speed factor",1961,12,3,246,Pierson Sensation perception and symptom formation,1961,12,1,42,Friedman Sensory deprivation and perceptual lag,1960,11,3,277-280,Freedman Sex differences in expressed self-concepts concerning the performance of selected motor skills,1962,14,1,71-73,Smith Sex differences in spatial visualization as evidence of sex-linked inheritance,1961,13,3,428,Stafford Skill = speed x accuracy x form x adaptability,1961,13,2,163-170,Johnson Sleep loss tremor and the conceptual reticular formation,1959,9,2,237-238,Lubin Some aspects of the relationship between psychology and philosophy,1962,14,2,260-262,Bakan Some deterrents to interdisciplinary research,1952,4,1,19-25,Birdwhistell Some effects of influence on the perception of an illusion in small groups,1957,7,2,212,Hopkin Some methodological considerations in measuring visual thresholds for velocity,1960,11,2,111-122,Brown Specification of required crew performance,1961,13,1,33-34,Bamford Speed accuracy or speed and accuracy as an initial directive in motor learning,1951,3,2,76-77,Solley Strength and speed,1962,14,1,144,Pierson Students' acceptance of maoris: a structured picture test,1961,13,2,190,Vaughan Summation of conflict states,1960,11,2,103-110,Greenfeld Technique for studying adaptation to disarranged hand-eye coordination,1958,8,3,83-86,Held Temporal effects of complex discriminations,1961,13,1,107-109,Urmer Tendency to obtain new percepts as a function of the level of unassimilated percepts,1956,6,2,183-186,McREYNOLDS The airplane control test: a compensatory pursuit task,1956,6,3,77-80,Farr The apperceptive study of psychological aspects of pain,1960,11,1,57,Petrovich The effect of a rest pause on driving efficiency,1959,9,3,363-371,Suhr The effect of experimentally induced changes in metabolism on perceptual measures of metabolic efficiency,1955,5,3,173-176,Wertheimer The effect of music and rhythm on rotary pursuit performance,1955,5,1,3-6,Denny The effects of practice upon different component movements in visual tracking,1952,4,2,123-131,Lincoln The frame of reference in perceptual and motor skill. I. The effect of changing frames of reference,1952,4,2,115-121,Worchel The general and the aggregate: a methodological distinction,1955,5,3,211-212,Bakan The influence of standards on psychophysical judgments,1955,5,3,193-197,Engen The relationship between "tension" and efficiency,1959,9,3,395-397,Schlosberg The science of psychology and the psychology of science,1961,13,3,319-325,Landfield The time sense: a normative genetic study of the development of time perception,1957,7,1,49-59,Goldstone The vestibular organs in space orientation,1955,5,2,164,Worchel Time estimation and psychopathology,1962,15,1,28,Goldstone Time-space pattern in a gross body movement,1961,12,1,35-41,Jones Tolerance for pain extra version and neuroticism,1961,12,2,161-162,Eysenck Transfer of skill and decremental factors along the speed dimension in rotary pursuit,1956,6,1,43,Ammons Verbal context and perceptual recognition time,1957,7,2,215-218,Cofer Vigilance in prolonged and repeated sessions,1960,10,2,111-114,Webb Visual and emotional factors in motion sickness: preliminary communication,1958,8,2,173-174,Kottenhoff Visual perception of orientation,1961,13,1,91-98,Edmonds Weber fraction analogues in social perception,1960,11,3,233-242,Levy When is "uh-huh" reinforcing?,1958,8,3,277,Solley Workers' perceptual stereotypes of age differences,1960,11,1,89,Meltzer Activity during rest and learning a gross movement task,1963,17,1,250,Cratty Adult perception of the horizontal,1964,19,2,371-374,Rebelsky Aesthetic preferences of schizophrenics,1965,20,2,601-604,Eisenman An eye movement phenomenon relating to attention thought and anxiety,1964,19,2,443-446,Day Asymmetry of aftereffects in the upper and lower visual fields,1963,17,3,795-798,Cohen Auditory dimensions and irrelevant information in concept identification of males and females,1965,20,3,673-683,Pishkin Authoritarianism and the closure phenomenon,1964,19,2,663-666,Signori Changes in distance judgments as a function of corrected and noncorrected practice,1964,19,2,403-413,Wohlwill Children people's troubles and the image of psychologists,1965,20,2,498-500,Clark Cognition of expected and unexpected relations,1963,17,2,396,Rommetveit Color experiments with modern sources of illumination,1965,20,2,555-556,Fieandt Comment on Suddon's "paced and self-pacing performance on a simple motor task",1963,16,3,672,Nance Conditioning of the human vestibular sway response,1965,20,2,593-600,Moore Confidence correctness and difficulty with non-psychophysical comparative judgments,1963,17,1,159-167,Nickerson Correlations among verbal response hostility measures,1965,20,1,258,Kaufmann Detection and cognition without awareness,1963,17,3,711-717,Betke Differences in attribution of impulse (id) ego and superego functions to male and female photographs,1963,17,3,663-665,Sampson Disjunctive reaction times within and between sense modes,1964,18,2,405-408,Rubinstein Dogmatism authoritarianism and contrast effects in judgment,1965,20,1,99-102,White Drug-induced fatigue decrement in air traffic control,1965,20,3,952,Haward Effect of arousal and intelligence on binocular rivalry rate,1965,20,1,71-75,Hodges Effect of brain damage on perceptual performance,1963,17,3,662,Vegas Effect of high and low motivation on two aspects of attention,1964,19,2,571-578,Fisch Effect of increasing signal load on detection performance in a vigilance task,1964,18,1,105-106,Baker Effect of three kinds of knowledge-of-results information on three measures of vigilanceperformance,1964,18,3,901-912,Alluisi Effective difference in influence of relative size on perceived relative distance,1964,18,2,383-384,Epstein Effects of differential instructions on value and cost as determiners of decision,1964,18,1,321-324,Smith Effects of noise on discrimination reaction time,1963,17,2,418,Reiter Effects of signal-to-noise ratio and target acceleration upon three measures of range tracking performance,1963,17,1,151-156,Siegel Eye movements during vigilance,1964,18,2,397-402,MACKWORTH Factors in perception and rigidity,1964,19,2,563-570,Baer Hospitalization and simple reaction time,1965,20,1,175-180,Resnick Influences of respiratory cycle on simple reaction time,1965,20,3,961-966,Buchsbaum Interstimulus and inter-response time variables in reaction times to regularly recurring visual stimuli,1964,19,2,339-342,Aiken Meaningfulness and visual recognition threshold,1964,19,1,207-210,Spielberger Monitoring readily detected auditory signals and detection of obscure visual signals,1963,17,3,735-746,Loeb Negro american perception of the irradiation illusion,1963,17,1,98,Pettigrew Note on short term storage of information in vision,1964,19,1,93-94,Eden On changing the way people see,1964,19,1,235-253,Alexander Order among different perceptions of the same behavior,1963,17,2,341-342,Foa Pain sensitivity as a measure of perceptual deprivation tolerance,1963,17,2,641-642,Zubek Paroxysmal psychological events and certain phases of sleep,1963,17,2,362,Gastaut Pattern complexity and affective arousal,1963,17,2,387-395,Terwilliger Perception as a function of severity of disturbance in psychotics,1965,20,3,953-958,Fuller Perception of others self perception and response sets in high and low authoritarians,1963,17,3,694,Bookbinder Perception of role of the president,1964,19,3,863-866,Merenda Perceptual speed and behavioral proficiency,1964,18,1,59-62,Dinnerstein Perceptual vertigo: a dimensional study,1964,18,2,633-639,Benfari Performance and physiological indicants of activation in a vigilance situation,1965,20,1,3-13,Eason Performance heart rate and respiration rate on the day-night continuum,1964,18,2,409-412,Adkins Power orientation and concept of self height in men: preliminary note,1964,18,3,732,Fisher Prejudice and aggression: a study of specific social schemata,1964,18,1,107-115,Kuethe Premorbid adjustment and the perception of meaning,1963,17,3,762,Webb Proprioceptive involvement psychophysical method and temporal judgment,1963,17,1,286,Goldstone Psychophysical power law exponent value for sucrose intensity,1965,20,1,294,Gregson Recognition in the dominant and non-dominant visual hemifields,1963,17,2,558,Mangan Relation of certain personality variables to decision making in perception,1964,18,2,353-359,Strickland Relative strengths of impulse ego and superego in female college students,1963,17,2,340,Pinckney Religious belief and judgment of brief duration,1965,20,1,33-34,Brown Reminiscence in pursuit rotor reaction time,1964,18,1,39-42,Humphries Response times for "same"-"different" judgments,1965,20,1,15-18,Nickerson Right-handedness as a function of maternal heartbeat,1965,20,2,443-444,Margoshes Schizophrenics' stereotypes about somatotypes,1964,18,1,21-22,Wynne School subject preference and the structure of value systems,1964,18,3,741-747,Bortner Searching for ten targets simultaneously,1963,17,3,955-961,Neisser Sex differences in spatial localization of the self,1964,19,1,317,Himelstein Sinusoidal electrical stimulation of the human vestibular apparatus,1963,17,1,171-185,Dzendolet Social differences in auditory perception,1965,20,3,861-870,Birch Some attributive characteristics of binocular rivalry,1964,19,2,511-514,Meredith Some correlates of reaction to loss of authority figure,1965,20,3,684,Teahan Some personality correlates of attributive projection,1963,17,3,947-953,Silverman Space perception in chronic schizophrenia and brain-damage,1964,18,1,183-190,Daston The ies arrow dot performance of delinquents and nondelinquents,1964,18,1,207-210,Rankin The null hypothesis vs the differential hypothesis,1965,20,1,114,Bradley The tattoo as an exoskeletal defense,1964,19,2,500,Hawkins Use of adult responses to codify children's behavior in a play situation,1965,20,2,614-616,Guerney Variables of surface texture and accuracy of space perceptions,1964,19,1,327-334,Flock Viewing distance and the aftereffects of fixation,1963,17,3,863-866,Pollack Vigilance as a function of signal frequency and flash rate,1964,18,2,333-338,Bowen Visual constancy during movement: 1. Effects of 5's forward and backward movement on size constancy,1964,18,1,3-8,Gregory Visual constancy during movement: 2 size constancy using one or both eyes or proprioceptive information,1964,18,1,23-26,Gregory Age and sex differences in object control skills by children ages 5 to 14,2012,114,1,261-274,Mason Head movements while steering around bends,2012,114,1,85-95,van Erp Restricting the field of view: perceptual and performance effects,1990,70,1,35-45,Alfano Attention of hyperactive preschool children--electrodermal activity during auditory stimulation,1990,70,1,235-242,Shibagaki Attention of preschool children: electrodermal activity during auditory stimulation,1990,70,1,207-215,Shibagaki Relation between speed of reaction and psychometric tests of mental ability in musculoskeletal injury-prone subjects,1990,70,1,155-161,Taimela Development of psychological and physiological sensitivity indices to stress based on state anxiety and heart rate,1990,70,2,611-614,Nagane Monocular and binocular measurements of smooth eye-pursuit by rural children in kindergarten and grade two,1990,70,2,608-610,Palmer Circadian rhythm and performance during a 24-hour relay race,1990,70,2,603-607,Krombholz Detection of simultaneous visual stimuli by school-children,1990,70,2,601-602,Radilová Influence of age sex hearing loss and balance on development of sidearm striking by deaf children,1990,70,2,361-362,Butterfield The martial arts and mental health: the challenge of managing energy,1990,70,2,459-464,Seitz Source journals of articles on psychomotor performance: a list compiled from Index Medicus,1990,70,2,401-402,Bohannon Symbolic significance of initials on longevity,2007,104,1,179-182,Abel Role of age in relation between two kinds of abilities and performance in acquisition of new motor skill,2007,104,1,91-101,Bertsch Spectators' identification with French sports teams: a French adaptation of the sport spectator identification scale,2007,104,1,83-90,Bernache-Assollant Use of electronic games by young children and fundamental movement skills?,2012,114,3,1023-1034,Salmon Androstadienone in motor reactions of men and women toward angry faces,2012,114,3,807-825,Mühlberger Trait-anger enhances effects of caffeine on psychomotor vigilance performance,2006,103,3,883-886,Kamimori Visual search strategies of experienced and nonexperienced swimming coaches,2006,103,3,861-872,Reina Survey of system of attacks by judoka in regional and interregional matches,2006,103,3,835-840,Calmet Perceptions of instructor's verbal aggressiveness and physical education students' affective learning,2012,115,1,325-335,Bekiari Peer-victimization during physical education and enjoyment of physical activity,2012,115,1,319-324,Scarpa Sex differences in electromechanical delay during a punch movement,2012,115,1,228-240,Ferreira Cognitive and somatic state anxiety and self-confidence in cheerleading competition,1992,75,3,835-839,Finkenberg Transfer effects of manipulating temporal constraints on learning a two-choice reaction time task with low stimulus-response compatibility,2012,115,2,415-426,Chen The response patterns of young bicyclists to a right-turning motorcycle: a simulator study,2012,115,2,385-402,Lai Sport injuries: relations to sex sport injured body region,2004,98,2,519-524,Ezirmik Learning and context of use for small-screen leading displays on visual performance in a Chinese sample,2009,108,2,505-512,Chien Voluntary visual attention and phenomenal line length,2008,107,1,273-287,Masin Acquisition and retention of skill on a sensory-motor task and sensory tolerance to distracting stimuli by skilled workers,1985,61,3,763-774,Satow Appropriateness of the motor-free visual perception test when used with the trainable mentally retarded,1976,43,3,1346,Johnson Hand Test characteristics of marijuana-experienced and multiple-drug-using college students,1976,43,3,1303-1306,Wagner Competitive trait anxiety success-failure and sex as determinants of motor performance,1976,43,3,1199-1208,Martens Changes in peer verbalizations accompanying individual and group contingencies to modify on-task behavior,1976,43,3,1155-1162,Shores Effects of ethanol and tobacco on time judgment,1976,43,3,899-903,Leigh Temporal patterns of drug use - a pilot study,1976,43,3,793-794,Sinnett Personality hardiness at different levels of competitive motorcycling,2013,116,1,315-321,Thomas Trends and topics in sports research in the Social Science Citation Index from 1993 to 2008,2013,116,1,305-314,Gau Describing force patterns: a method for classifying sit-to-stand movement in elderly people,2013,116,1,163-174,Chang Motor and cognitive performance of overweight preschool children,2013,116,1,40-57,Krombholz Preschool children's accumulated and sustained physical activity,2005,100,2,443-450,Benham-Deal Motion as input: a functional explanation of movement effects on cognitive processes,2005,100,2,333-348,Raab Short-term effect of physical exercise at lactate threshold on choice reaction time,2005,100,2,275-291,Kashihara Sex differences in perception of a provocation a survey,1977,44,1,113-114,Frodi Visual masking and carbon monoxide toxicity,1977,44,1,47-53,Luria Establishing a normal peer as a behavioral model for developmentally delayed toddlers,1977,44,1,231-241,Apolloni Dress posture and setting as additive factors in subjective probabilities of rape,1979,48,3,903-906,Terry Attentional processes and choking under pressure,2013,116,2,671-689,Hagemann Environmental factors influencing pedestrian walking speed,2013,116,3,992-1019,Franek Mental toughness of mixed martial arts athletes at different levels of competition,2013,116,3,905-917,Chen A directional congruency effect of amplified dilated time perception induced by looming stimuli with implied motion cues,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Tactile-perceptual functioning as a factor in general psychological abilities,1977,44,2,535-539,Boll Selective attention in a multiple-response reaction-time task,1977,44,3,889-890,Stratton Balance performance as related to task stress under varied conditions of sensory cues,1977,45,1,271-278,Shick Locus of interference on the Stroop test,1977,45,1,263-266,Wheeler Temporal patterns of alcohol use by alcoholics,1977,45,2,513-514,Sinnett Handedness classification: preference versus proficiency,1977,45,3,1041-1042,Todor Emotional impact of a task and its setting on work performance of screeners and nonscreeners,1977,45,3,895-909,West Pupillary responses as a measure of attitudes about alcoholic beverages,1977,45,3,751-756,Beall Acceptance of gamesmanship and cheating in young competitive athletes in relation to the motivational climate generated by parents and coaches,2013,117,1,1332-1345,Cruz Motor control as the control of perception,2013,117,1,1278-1289,Mansell Age task complexity and sex as potential moderators of attentional focus effects,2013,117,1,1172-1186,Smith Impairment of cognition risk-taking and self-perception by alcohol,1989,69,1,199-210,Mongrain Variability of prior practice in learning and retention of a novel motor response,1978,46,1,107-110,Magill Authoritarianism and social distance attitudes towards offenders released from prison,1978,46,2,493-494,Singh Sex differences in dimensions of impulsivity in a non-clinical sample,2013,117,2,601-607,Fuentes Tennis playing is related to psychomotor speed in older drivers,2013,117,2,457-469,Tlemcani Driving performance changes of middle-aged experienced taxi drivers due to distraction tasks during unexpected situations,2013,117,2,411-426,Lim Perceived dimensions for combinations of drug substances,1973,37,1,227-232,Sinnett Food drugs and alcohol--a common temporal pattern of use,1983,57,2,375-379,Sinnett Pilot study on infant swimming classes and early motor development,2013,117,3,950-955,Dias Development and use of an observation tool for active gaming and movement (OTAGM) to measure children's movement skill components during active video game play,2013,117,3,935-949,Barnett Specific and varied practice of motor skill,1978,46,2,395-401,Kerr Effects of family density and mothers' education on preschoolers' motor skills,1974,38,1,79-86,Shapiro Maturational changes in visual-motor perception: an item analysis of Bender-Gestalt errors from ages 6 to 11,1974,38,1,51-59,Snyder Rotary pursuit tracking following mental rehearsal as a function of voluntary control of visual imagery,1974,38,1,302,Rawlings Influences of alcohol interpersonal feedback and drinking experience upon performance and judgment,1979,48,1,95-104,Lubin Aerobic running as a treatment for moderate depression,1979,48,1,228,Blue Comparison of two tests of visual-motor skill,1979,48,1,156,Fineberg Perceptual-motor deficiency in autistic children,1980,50,1,331-336,Fulkerson Female intercollegiate athletes' trait-anxiety level and performance in a game,1980,50,1,18,Thirer Psychology of the scientist: XLI. continuous noise can degrade performance when using badly designed equipment: a case history,1980,50,1,319-330,Poulton Mediating factors in martial arts and combat sports: an analysis of the type of martial art characteristics and social background of young participants,2014,118,1,41-61,Pieter Influence of background patterns of coincidence-anticipation performance,1981,52,1,47-50,Ridenour Effects of ethanol and psychomotor tests on state anxiety: interaction with menstrual cycle in women,1981,52,2,643-648,Linnoila Running and depression,1981,52,2,442,Joesting Effects of noise frequency on performance and annoyance for women and men,1981,52,2,435-441,Key Trail Making scores as a prediction of aggressive behaviour in personality-disordered patients,1981,52,2,413-414,Gudjonsson Test-retest reliability of Developmental Tests of Visual-Motor Association,1981,52,3,716-718,Battle Comparison of two locus of control scales in predicting relapse in an alcoholic population,1991,72,1,43-50,Johnson Reaction time unchanged in older women following aerobic training,1991,72,1,251-256,Whitehurst Perceptual-motor behavior in sport: the double reaction,1991,72,1,137-138,Bjurwill Effects of aerobic and nonaerobic exercise on depression and self-concept,1992,74,1,79-89,Motta Effect of caffeine on motor performance by caffeine-naive and -familiar subjects,1992,74,1,151-157,Jacobson Skill performance on biorhythm theory's physically critical day,1979,48,2,373-374,Haywood Avoidance of Ontological Confrontation of Loneliness and some epidemilogical indices of social behavior and health,1979,48,3,1219-1224,Thauberger Instruction bias and simple reaction time,1979,48,3,774,Beck Locus of control and anxiety in college athletes and non-athletes,1980,50,3,819-822,McKelvie Impulsivity and risk taking in nondelinquent boys,1980,50,3,722,O'Keefe Geophysical variables and behavior: V. Human performance in ionized air,1982,54,2,403-412,Farmer Correlations among children's academic achievement strength motor skills and self-control,1978,47,1,86,Crow Sex video-taped feedback and modeling effects on motor performance,1978,47,1,323-331,Del Rey Anxiety levels of beginning Scuba students,1978,47,1,312-314,Vaccaro Human eye color and reaction time,1978,47,2,503-506,Hensley Influence of imposed metabolic fatigue on visual capacity components,1978,47,3,1283-1287,Bard Matching familiar figures test: a unidimensional measure of reflection-impulsivity?,1978,47,3,1247-1253,O'Donnell Psychological effects of jogging: a preliminary study,1978,47,3,1215-1218,Lion Correlation between Halstead Impairment Index and average impairment rating,1978,47,3,1030,Dye Effect of aging on acquisition and short-term retention of a motor skill,1978,47,3,993-994,Anshel Overt motor preparation in choice-reaction time task,1978,47,3,983-986,Hennemann Differing lateralized perceptual-motor patterns in schizophrenic and non-psychotic children,1979,49,2,603-610,Krynicki Perception and perceptual-motor integration: there is a difference,1979,49,3,917-918,Harber Long-term retention of a visually cued poison-based aversion in monkeys,1979,49,3,721-722,Mason Alcohol and velocity perception: II. Stimulus discrimination,1980,51,3,968-970,Tong Rational-emotive therapy and depression: a clinical case study,1980,51,3,853-854,Johnson Effects of alcohol on velocity perception: I. Stimulus velocity and change in performance over time,1980,51,3,779-785,McNamee REM sleep and EEG abnormalities in criminal psychopaths,1980,51,3,715-722,Khanna Spontaneous eyeblinks elicited by vertical eye movements,1985,60,1,191-200,Tada A follow-up study of cross-cultural validity of Developmental Test of Visual-motor Integration,1985,60,1,167-173,Webb Performance on the motor scale of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities as related to home environment and neonatal reflexes,1982,54,3,1265-1266,La Veck Comparison of two screening tests: Gesell Developmental Test and Meeting Street School Screening Test,1982,54,3,1177-1178,Dukes Lateralization of sensory and motor functions in human neonates,1982,54,3,1151-1158,Pellegrinetti Perception of an aggressive interaction as a function of the perceiver's aggression,1982,54,3,1123-1134,Driscoll Effect of viewing selected colors on the performance of gross and fine motor tasks,1982,54,3,778,Smith Visual-motor organization: differences between and within individuals,1982,54,3,723-750,Tufano Gross motor profiles of deaf children,1986,62,1,68-70,Butterfield Flight-skill decay and recurrent training,1986,62,1,235-242,Childs Effect of directional response variables on eye-hand reaction times and decision time,1986,62,1,195-208,Jacobson Effect of playing a video game on a measure of spatial visualization,1986,62,1,159-162,Dorval Stress as a state of anticipatory vigilance,1987,64,1,75-85,Arthur Handedness footedness and eyedness,1988,66,1,183-186,Taylor Twisting the night away: the effects of all night disco dancing on reaction time,1988,66,1,107-112,Tilley Learning disabled boys' performance and self-assessments on physical fitness tests,1983,56,2,443-450,Bryan Target location and visual feedback as variables determining accuracy of aiming movements,1983,56,2,355-358,Christina Effects of ball size ball color and preferred color on catching by young children,1980,51,2,583-586,Isaacs Visual-motor tracking by hyperkinetic children,1980,51,2,487-497,Conners Observation of OMNI scale of perceived exertion during fire suppression training,2014,119,1,183-190,Hostler Participation in sports teams and suicidal behavior: an analysis of the 1995 national college health risk behavior survey,2014,119,1,38-41,Lester Neuropsychological effects of abuse of inhalants,1981,53,2,547-553,Lovitt Behavioral treatment of the traumatically brain-injured: a case study,1981,53,2,349-350,Horton Use of a text of psychomotor ability in an expanded role,1981,53,2,659-662,Wardle Video-game and conventional tracking,1981,53,1,310,Kennedy Personality and injury in competitive runners,1981,53,1,251-253,Valliant Sex differences in time perception,1989,68,1,195-198,Rammsayer Decision time and movement time in depression: differential effects of practice before and after clinical improvement,1989,68,1,187-192,Widlöcher Effects of eye color on the accuracy of ball throwing of elementary school children,1989,68,1,163-166,Beer Relationship of eye color to winning horseshoe pitching contests,1989,68,1,136-138,Beer The wilderness novelty seeking scale,2014,119,2,577-590,Próchniak Capacity sharing and refractoriness in successive reactions,1977,44,1,327-335,Kafry Individual differences in attention and prediction of flight criteria,1971,33,3,1335-1342,Kahneman Processing speed in the aging process: Screening criteria for the spanish quick test of cognitive speed,2014,119,2,417-429,Subirana-Mirete Gait parameters affecting the perception threshold of locomotor symmetry: comment on Lauzière et al. (2014),2014,119,2,474-477,Duysens Physical self-concept of adolescents in western balkan countries: a pilot study,2014,119,2,629-649,Kovač On circadian variations in discrimination of duration,1989,68,2,618,Netter Reaction time and movement time after active and passive smoking,1989,68,2,513-514,Beh Psychomotor performance as a function of time of day,1989,68,2,455-461,Payne Depressive and elative mood inductions as a function of exaggerated versus contradictory facial expressions,1989,68,2,443-452,Riccelli Handedness affects emotional valence asymmetry,1989,68,2,435-441,McFarland Effect of starting position on reproduction of movement: further evidence of interference between location and distance information,1989,68,2,423-434,Imanaka Fixed set in the perception of size in relation to lightness,1989,68,2,415-422,Nakatani Time perception: effects of sensory modality ambient illumination and intervals,1989,68,2,373-374,Wilsoncroft Effects of time-compression on feature and frequency discrimination in aged listeners,1989,68,2,367-372,Watson Contribution to the history of psychology: LII. Purkinje phenomenon: the original and a later account,1989,68,2,566,Brozek Elementary counting of cardinal and ordinal numbers by persons with mental retardation,1989,68,3,1176-1178,Marx Auditory illusion analogous to Baldwin illusion redux,1989,68,3,1065-1066,Brigner Left-handedness and life expectancy,1989,68,3,1040-1042,London The aging war veteran and alcohol abuse: an emerging relationship?,1989,68,3,985-986,Parette Effects of noise on a simple visual attentional task,1989,68,3,875-878,Britton Correlation of two competence assessment methods in a geriatric population,1989,68,3,863-872,Gibbons Recognizing faces in bright and dim light,1989,68,3,836-838,DiNardo Social schemata and aggression,1989,68,3,820,Rabinowitz Neuropsychology of posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,1989,68,3,807-810,Everly The sleep duration and sleep satisfaction of college students: striking changes over the last decade (1978-1988),1989,68,3,806,Hicks Perceptual distortions and hallucinations reported during the course of sleep deprivation,1989,68,3,787-798,Thorne Lateral differences in schematic face encoding during dual-task performance with increasing levels of difficulty,1989,68,3,767-778,Wilcox Man's triune conscious mind,1989,68,3,747-754,Aurell Age and sex differences in representation of horizontality among children in India,1989,68,3,739-746,Parameswaran Defensive strategies in rugby union,2013,117,1,1107-1129,Hendricks Color of soccer goalkeepers' uniforms influences the outcome of penalty kicks,2013,117,1,1043-1052,Thelwell An analysis of home advantage in the top two Spanish professional football leagues,2009,108,3,789-797,Pollard Home advantage in the Six Nations Rugby Union tournament,2008,106,1,113-116,Thomas Football increases the risk for Lou Gehrig's disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,2007,104,3,1251-1254,Abel Contact sports moral functioning and planned behaviour theory,2006,103,1,131-144,Bebetsos An analysis of home advantage in the English Football Premiership,2004,99,3,1212-1216,Davies Coping skills: role of trait sport confidence and trait anxiety,2004,98,2,433-438,Hodge A cognitive-behavioural analysis of mental toughness in national rugby league football teams,2003,96,2,455-462,Sheard Variations in mood state as a function of a football season,2003,96,2,439-444,Newby Is defense or offense more important for professional football teams? 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