Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Epidemiology of violent injury in the workplace,1996,11,2,201-217,Kraus Workplace violence in municipal occupations,2001,16,1,109-123,Peek-Asa The impact of shift work on the risk and severity of injuries for hospital employees: an analysis using Oregon workers' compensation data,2004,,,,Horwitz Incidence of self-reported occupational injuries in seafaring--an international study,2004,,,,Sorensen Carbon monoxide poisoning in two workers using an LPG forklift truck within a coldstore,2004,,,,Gallagher Unusual job activities as a risk factor for occupational injuries,2005,55,1,66-68,McGwin Minor injuries cognitive failures and accidents at work: incidence and associated features,2005,55,2,99-108,Wadsworth The use of NHS accident and emergency services by commercial sea fishermen in the North East of Scotland,2005,55,2,96-98,Matheson Surveillance on self-report: a trial of health and safety monitoring in occupational settings,2000,50,3,182-184,Haque Pesticide sprayers' knowledge attitude and practice of pesticide use on agricultural farms of Ethiopia,2002,52,6,311-315,Mekonnen Work-related injuries and occupational health and safety factors in smaller enterprises--a prospective study,2002,52,2,70-74,Bull Mortality in the Polish small-scale fishing industry,2004,54,4,258-260,Kotulak How much did cold shock and swimming failure contribute to drowning deaths in the fishing industry in British Columbia 1976-2002?,2005,,,,Brooks Falls and fractures in women at work,2005,55,4,292-297,Cherry The construction flagperson: a target for injury,1998,48,3,199-202,Francescutti The prevalence of musculoskeletal troubles among car drivers,2002,52,1,4-12,Gyi Determinants of accident proneness: a case-control study in railway workers,2006,56,3,187-190,Gauchard Bullying in Turkish white-collar workers,2006,56,4,226-231,Bilgel Occupational fatalities among coal mine workers in Zonguldak Turkey 1994-2003,2006,56,2,144-146,Kucuker Injury in Australian veterinarians,2006,56,3,199-203,Day A descriptive study of workers' compensation claims in Washington State orchards,2006,56,4,251-257,Keifer Morbidity in expatriates--a prospective cohort study,2006,56,5,345-352,Patel Attacks on postmen in Northern Ireland. What features of the attacks are associated with prolonged absence from work?,1993,43,1,39-42,Jenkinson Musculoskeletal problems and driving in police officers,1998,48,3,153-160,Gyi Violence exposure and burn-out among Turkish nursing home staff,2006,56,7,501-503,Mandiracioglu Smoking and injury in Royal Marines' training,2007,57,3,214-216,Bridger Hearing loss accidents near misses and job losses in firefighters,2007,57,3,203-209,Ide Peer responses to perceived stress in the Royal Navy,2007,57,6,424-429,Henderson Audit in occupational medicine: an audit of fitness to drive among voluntary drivers in an NHS trust,2003,53,2,117-121,Smith Personality characteristics psychological symptoms and anxiety levels of drivers in charge of urban transportation in Istanbul,2002,52,6,297-303,Issever Variation in licensing authority standards for diabetic taxi drivers in the united kingdom. driving and employment working party of the british diabetic association,2000,50,1,19-21,O'Neill Reviewing car fleet performance after advanced driver training,1999,49,8,559-561,Boorman Acute symptoms following work with pesticides,2007,57,7,505-511,Solomon Receptionists' perceptions of violence in general practice,2007,57,7,492-498,Bayman Maritime health emergencies,2007,57,6,453-455,McKay Mandatory use of eye protection prevents eye injuries in the metal industry,2007,57,8,605-606,Bull Risk of physical assaults among student nurses,1995,45,5,256-258,MacDonald The suicide mortality of working physicians and dentists,2008,58,1,25-29,Burnett Violence risks in nursing--results from the European 'NEXT' Study,2008,58,2,107-114,Estryn-Behar Psychopathological features of a patient population of targets of workplace bullying,2008,58,2,122-128,Schmitt Epidemiology of occupational injury among cleaners in the healthcare sector,2008,58,6,393-399,Alamgir Occupational injury among full-time part-time and casual health care workers,2008,58,5,348-354,Alamgir Experience of workplace violence during medical speciality training in Turkey,2008,58,5,361-366,Gunes Factors associated with marine injuries during vertical chute evacuation training,2008,58,6,400-405,Harwood Medical assessment for licensing of taxi drivers by Scottish local authorities,1997,47,1,40-44,Frier Alcohol misuse in the Royal Navy,2009,59,1,25-31,Henderson Occupational injuries in a synthetic fibre factory in Iran,2009,59,1,62-65,Sanati Prevalence of fatigue among commercial pilots,2006,56,4,263-268,Jackson Occupational eye injuries: a continuing problem,2009,59,2,123-125,Thompson Relationship between job lifestyle age and occupational injuries,2009,59,2,114-119,Bhattacherjee Occupational injuries and fatalities in copper mining in Zambia,2009,59,3,191-194,Moen Are female health care workers at higher risk of occupational injury?,2009,59,3,149-152,Alamgir Significant injuries in Australian veterinarians and use of safety precautions,2009,59,5,327-333,Day Workplace violence: a survey of pediatric residents,2009,59,7,472-475,Judy The incidence of suicides among physicians and dentists: an unexplained story,2008,58,2,150-151,Das Fatal work-related accidents in UK merchant shipping from 1919 to 2005,2008,58,2,129-137,Roberts Fatigue and health in a seafaring population,2008,58,3,198-204,Wadsworth Advice given to patients about return to work and driving following surgery,2007,57,7,488-491,Clayton Factors associated with psychiatric morbidity in Spanish schoolteachers,2007,57,3,194-202,Lardelli-Claret Psychological impact upon London Ambulance Service of the 2005 bombings,2009,59,6,428-433,Greenberg Occupational injury in the United Arab Emirates: epidemiology and prevention,2009,59,7,493-498,Barss What constitutes effective manual handling training? A systematic review,2010,60,2,101-107,Haslam Work-related life events psychological well-being and cardiovascular risk factors in male Swedish automotive workers,2006,56,6,386-392,Rose Occupational health needs of commercial fishermen in South West England,2010,60,1,49-53,Harris Suicides among seafarers in UK merchant shipping 1919-2005,2010,60,1,54-61,Roberts Pre-employment colour vision testing,1992,42,1,19-22,McElearney Suicide in Australian pesticide-exposed workers,2011,61,4,259-264,Simpson Predictors and economic burden of serious workplace falls in health care,2011,61,4,234-240,Alamgir Obesity and risk of job disability in male firefighters,2008,58,4,245-250,Kales Exogenous lipoid pneumonia caused by paraffin in an amateur fire breather,2010,60,3,234-235,Weinberg Occupation and mortality related to alcohol drugs and sexual habits,2010,60,5,348-353,Harris The health safety and health promotion needs of older workers,2010,60,3,184-192,Crawford Risks and causes of musculoskeletal injuries among health care workers,2010,60,5,389-394,Alamgir Approach to risk reduction in manufacturing firms in Australia,1993,43,1,43-46,Low The role of alcohol in work-related fatal accidents in Australia 1982-1984,1993,43,1,13-17,Leigh Supply and demand factors in occupational health; determinants of self-reported compliance with the work place related requirements of the German Work Safety Law,1993,43,Suppl 1,S47-S49,Muller Accidental poisoning with detomidine and butorphanol,2010,60,6,494-495,Hannah Perceptions of occupational injury and illness costs by size of organization,2010,60,6,484-490,Haslam Are work-related injuries more common than disease in the workplace?,1993,43,3,164-166,Driscoll Eye injury and eye protection: a survey of the chemical industry,1994,44,1,37-40,Jones Development of observational methods for estimation of exposure to workplace postural stress,1994,44,5,262-266,Bridger Proposed protocol for a multi-centre study to compare clinical and trade tests of colour vision in firefighters,1994,44,5,253-256,Rees Occupational injuries among construction workers in Hong Kong,1994,44,5,247-252,Wong Two solutions to the problem of noise exposure for motorcyclists,1994,44,5,239-242,McCombe The use of anti-depressants and benzodiazepines in the perpetrators and victims of accidents,1995,45,6,323-325,Hindmarch Work-related anaphylaxis to wasp sting,2007,57,8,602-604,Pérez-Pimiento Transtympanic facial nerve injury in welders,1994,44,2,99-101,Panosian Colour vision requirements of firefighters,1996,46,2,114-124,Margrain Shoe concerns and foot problems of wearers of safety footwear,1993,43,2,73-77,Quine A descriptive study of a specialized worker's psychological trauma program,2010,60,8,654-657,Dewa Management of sex workers and other high-risk groups,2007,57,5,322-328,Spice Reduced health-related quality of life in former North Sea divers is associated with decompression sickness,2007,57,5,349-354,Nyland Band saw injury in a butcher,2007,57,5,383-385,Rubin Mortality of doctors in Taiwan,2011,61,1,29-32,Shang Effects of driving on low back pain,2006,56,7,494-496,Sakakibara Mesothelioma in vehicle mechanics: is the risk different for Australians?,2007,57,8,581-589,Kelsh Violence toward mental health staff and safety in the work environment,2005,55,6,480-486,Cerulli Chemical biological radiological and nuclear terrorism: an introduction for occupational physicians,2004,54,2,101-109,Scott Occupational health issues affecting the pharmaceutical sales force,2003,53,6,378-383,Harris Changes in neuropsychological symptoms and moods among tanker drivers exposed to gasoline during a work week,1997,47,6,344-348,Honkasalo Status and development of critical incident stress management services in the United Kingdom National Health Service and other emergency services combined: 1993-1996,1997,47,4,203-209,Avery Neuropsychological symptoms among tanker drivers exposed to gasoline,1996,46,2,125-130,Honkasalo Impact of the new European legislation regarding vocational driving on London Transport Medical Service: the doctor's role,1992,42,4,200-202,Malleson Work-related accidents and daylight saving time in Finland,2011,61,1,26-28,Partonen Tales of Kieran: The occupational physician's odyssey,2002,52,7,417,Hunter Occupational fitness standards for beach lifeguards. Phase 1: the physiological demands of beach lifeguarding,2006,56,1,6-11,Reilly An analysis of the causes of mortality among seafarers in the British merchant fleet (1986-1995) and recommendations for their reduction,2002,52,4,195-202,Hansen Occupational risk and toxicology evaluations of industrial water conditioning,1997,47,6,337-340,Broussard Circadian rhythms of arterial pressure heart rate and oral temperature in truck drivers,1997,47,3,151-154,Stoynev Risks associated with occupational glass injury in bar staff with special consideration of hepatitis B infection,1997,47,3,147-150,Shepherd Occupational safety and health: a method to test the collection of 'grey data' by line managers,1997,47,2,81-89,Hoel Ocular trauma in an iron forging industry in the eastern province Saudi Arabia,1997,47,2,77-80,Ballal Occupational injuries in Bahrain,1995,45,5,231-233,al-Arrayed Fatal occupational injuries in the Arkhangelsk region Northwest Russia,2010,60,6,470-475,Sannikov Factors associated with farmers joining occupational health services,2009,59,4,273-276,Kinnunen Occupational health in the Andalusian Fisheries Sector,2008,58,2,141-143,Novalbos Occupational safety risk management in Australian mining,2004,54,5,311-315,Joy Ergonomics in mining,2004,54,5,297-303,McPhee Occupational health hazards in mining: an overview,2004,54,5,283-289,Donoghue Medical emergencies at sea and injuries among Scottish fishermen,2003,53,3,159-164,Matheson Health and safety implications of injury in professional rugby league football,2003,53,8,512-517,Jennings Accidental injuries in agriculture in the UK,2002,52,8,461-466,Solomon The reported incidence of work-related musculoskeletal disease in the UK: MOSS 1997-2000,2001,51,7,450-455,McDonald The calculation of accident risks in fitness for work assessments: diseases that can cause sudden incapacity,2001,51,4,266-271,Donoghue The health of fishermen in the catching sector of the fishing industry: a gap analysis,2001,51,5,305-311,Lawrie A registry-based case-control study of risk factors for the development of multiple non-fatal injuries on the job,1999,49,5,331-334,Chen Work related injuries in Danish fishermen,1996,46,6,414-420,Jensen Salmon farming: occupational health in a new rural industry,1995,45,2,89-92,Douglas Importance of psychosocial work factors on general health outcomes in the national French SUMER survey,2008,58,1,15-24,Chastang Aggression in boat builders: a search for altered mood states in boat builders exposed to styrene,2000,50,3,185-192,Wright In this issue of Occupational Medicine,2008,58,5,313,Hobson Fatal hydrogen sulphide poisoning in unconfined spaces,2011,61,3,212-214,Nogué The RailCorp Lantern test,2011,61,3,171-177,Dain The epidemiology of occupational penetrating eye injuries in Ireland,1994,44,4,209-211,Kelleher Occupational injuries in Alberta: responding to recent trends,1995,45,2,81-88,Guidotti Reasons for rejection: why people fail to qualify as firefighters,1996,46,6,421-427,Ide Validation of the end-expired method for measuring carboxyhaemoglobin levels for the use in occupational and environmental exposure studies,1999,49,1,43-45,Wickramatillake Military parachuting injuries: a literature review,1999,49,1,17-26,Bricknell Post-traumatic epilepsy: its complications and impact on occupational rehabilitation--an epidemiological study from India,1998,48,8,487-495,Dasgupta Occupation and work-related ill-health in UK construction workers,2011,61,6,407-415,Turner High-pressure plastic injection injury of the hand: case report,2011,61,7,518-520,Kamrani Review of preventative behavioural interventions for dermal and respiratory hazards,2011,61,5,311-320,Sheffield Violence and psychological distress among police officers and security guards,2011,61,6,400-406,Summala A health and safety survey of Irish funeral industry workers,2011,61,8,570-575,Kelly Alcohol prevention in Swedish occupational health care,2011,61,7,472-479,Nilsen Major chemical incidents: bridging the occupational--public health gap,2000,50,4,221-225,Palmer The filling of drinking vessels at social events: courtesy versus ergonomics?,2000,50,1,59-60,Finnegan Occupational health of Turkish Aegean small-scale fishermen,2012,62,2,148-151,Davas Environmental factors and heatstroke,2001,51,1,45-49,Shanks Maxillofacial injuries related to work accidents: a new concept of a hospital-based full electronic occupational trauma surveillance system,2002,52,1,45-48,Eggli Health and safety of the older worker,2012,62,1,4-11,Reynolds Risk assessment of aggression toward emergency health care workers,2012,62,3,223-225,De Santis Self-perceived health and return to work following work-related hand injury,2012,62,4,295-297,Lin What is the risk associated with being a qualified military parachutist?,1999,49,3,139-145,Bricknell A study of decompression sickness after commercial air diving in the Northern Arabian Gulf: 1993-95,1999,49,5,279-283,Luby UK parachuting position caused less injuries,1999,49,7,474,Archibald Meta-analysis of studies examining long-term construction injury rates,2012,62,5,356-361,Tomei Only falls and horses: accidents and injuries in racehorse training,2012,62,5,343-349,Filby Occupational electrocutions in Jefferson County Alabama,2002,52,2,102-106,McGwin Does military service damage females? An analysis of medical discharge data in the British armed forces,2002,52,2,85-90,Croft The problem with material safety data sheets,2002,52,2,67-68,Beach Mental ill-health and second claims for work-related injury,2012,62,6,462-465,Cherry How physicians allocate causation: a scenario study with factorial design,2012,62,6,407-412,Chen Frequency and consequences of violence in community pharmacies in Ireland,2012,62,8,632-637,Fitzgerald The Australian National Standard for rail workers five years on,2012,62,8,642-647,Mina Alcohol use among firefighters in the Central United States,2012,62,8,661-664,Hyder Exposure to crises and resiliency of health care workers in Singapore,2013,63,2,141-144,Chan Economic benefit of the PHLAME wellness programme on firefighter injury,2013,63,3,203-209,Kuehl Stress in police officers,2004,54,2,133-134,Berg Underreporting of fatal occupational injuries in Catalonia (Spain),2004,54,2,110-114,Benavides Workplace injuries in Fiji: a population-based study (TRIP 7),2013,63,4,284-286,Ameratunga Disease reporting after the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (1995) (RIDDOR) is revised,2013,63,3,168-169,Waclawski Traumatic brain injuries from work accidents: a retrospective study,2013,63,5,358-360,Salem Self-harm in the UK military,2013,63,5,354-357,Fear Subjective assessments of safety exposure to chemicals and use of personal protection equipment in seafaring,2005,55,6,454-458,Jensen Noise exposure awareness attitudes and use of hearing protection in a steel rolling mill in Nigeria,2005,55,6,487-489,Ologe Mortality among professional divers in Norway,2013,63,8,537-543,Irgens Work-related chemical exposures presenting to an emergency department in Singapore,2014,64,2,113-119,Tan Slips trips and falls at a chemical manufacturing company,2014,64,2,120-125,Swaen Age-related injury and compensation claim rates in heavy industry,2014,64,2,95-103,Guest Systematic review of the prevalence of suicide in veterinary surgeons,2010,60,6,436-446,Mellanby Vestibular assessment: a practical approach,2014,64,2,78-86,Sealy Fatal accidents and injuries among merchant seafarers worldwide,2014,64,4,259-266,Nielsen Health and safety implications of recruitment payments in migrant construction workers,2014,64,5,331-336,Hassan Non-significance of plasma total cholesterol in the occurrence of occupational accidents,1992,42,1,33-35,Bursey Dysbaric osteonecrosis in a compressed air tunnelling project in Hong Kong,1992,42,1,23-29,Lam Epilepsy diabetes mellitus and accidental injury at work,2014,64,6,448-453,Harris Neurodegenerative disease and magnetic field exposure in UK electricity supply workers,2014,64,6,454-460,Sorahan Duty-related risk of sudden cardiac death among young US firefighters,2014,64,6,428-435,Kales Shipbuilding and ship repair,1992,42,4,203-212,Wollaston Age occupational demands and the risk of serious work injury,2014,64,8,571-576,Smith Physical and psychological determinants of injury in Ontario forest firefighters,2014,64,8,583-588,Gordon Cost and disability trends of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Ohio,2014,64,8,608-615,Davis Classic and emergent psychosocial work factors and mental health,2014,65,2,126-134,Chastang Post-traumatic stress disorder among bank employee victims of robbery,2014,65,4,283-289,Fichera Health complaints after a malodorous chemical explosion: a longitudinal study,2015,65,3,202-209,Moen Mental and psychosocial health among current and former professional footballers,2015,65,3,190-196,Frings-Dresen Ageing workers with work-related musculoskeletal injuries,2015,65,3,229-237,Senthilselvan Workplace injury data reported by occupational physicians and general practitioners,2015,65,4,296-302,Turner Distress and job satisfaction after robbery assaults: a longitudinal study,2015,65,4,290-295,Arcangeli Work patterns sleeping hours and excess weight in commercial drivers,2015,65,9,725-731,Lemke Risk-taking behaviours among UK military reservists,2015,65,5,413-416,Wessely Health risk factors associated with presenteeism in a Chinese enterprise,2015,65,9,732-738,Yu Economic evaluation of occupational health and safety programmes in health care,2015,65,7,590-597,Alamgir Impact of rail medical standard on obstructive sleep apnoea prevalence,2015,66,1,62-68,Casolin Depressive symptoms and psychosocial aspects of work in bank employees,2015,66,1,54-61,Menezes Seafarer deaths at sea: a German mortality study,2015,66,2,135-137,Herzog The relationship between burnout PTSD symptoms and injuries in firefighters,2015,66,1,32-37,Malliou Physical employment standards for UK fire and rescue service personnel,2015,66,1,38-45,Carter The prevalence and incidence of musculoskeletal symptoms experienced by flautists,2015,66,2,156-163,Stanhope Factors associated with occupational injuries in seasonal young workers,2015,66,2,164-167,Rohlman Australian insurance costs of jockeys injured in a race-day fall,2015,66,3,222-229,Palmer Some medical considerations in the occupation of driving road vehicles,1954,4,1,3-16,Norman The measurement of perceptual load and reserve capacity,1964,14,1,44-49,Brown Extraversion neuroticism and secondary trauma in Internet child abuse investigators,2016,66,5,403-407,Tehrani Customer-perpetrated work-related violence: prevalence and trends in Britain,2016,66,7,522-527,Buckley Post-traumatic stress among rescue workers after terror attacks in Norway,2016,66,7,528-535,Heir Workplace violence against medical staff in healthcare facilities in Barbados,2016,66,7,580-583,Morris Work stress poor recovery and burnout in teachers,2016,66,7,564-570,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Lifetime impact of injury on education employment and income for Australians of labour force participation age,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lloyd Sickness absence of LU train drivers after track incidents,2016,66,7,571-575,Chavda Promoting organizational well-being: a comprehensive review of Trauma Risk Management,2015,65,4,331-336,Jones Cause-specific mortality in Finnish ferrochromium and stainless steel production workers,2016,66,3,241-246,Huvinen Intergenerational differences in occupational injury and fatality rates among Canada's immigrants,2016,66,9,743-750,Tiagi Factors influencing improved attendance in the UK fire service,2016,66,9,731-736,Litchfield Examining age differences in duration of wage replacement by injury characteristics,2016,66,9,698-705,Smith Return to work after occupational injury and upper limb amputation,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adisesh Suicide in Scottish military veterans: a 30-year retrospective cohort study,2017,67,5,350-355,Smith Examining the sources of occupational stress in an emergency department,2016,66,9,737-742,Basu Farmer suicides: a qualitative study from Australia,2017,67,5,383-388,Kõlves Systematic review: lost-time injuries in the US mining industry,2017,67,6,442-447,Sharma Recruit fitness as a predictor of police academy graduation,2017,67,7,555-561,Kales The effect of age on fitness among female firefighters,2017,67,7,528-533,Parker Gender differences in limited duty time for lower limb injury,2018,68,1,18-25,Nelson The role of hardiness in the bullying-mental health relationship,2018,68,1,64-66,Harris Burdens on emergency responders after a terrorist attack in Berlin,2018,68,1,60-63,Zimmermann Takotsubo cardiomyopathy associated with work-place bullying,2018,68,1,67-69,Malik Alcohol use among Norwegian workers: associations with health and well-being,2018,68,2,96-98,Nielsen Farming characteristics and self-reported health outcomes of Irish farmers,2018,68,3,199-202,Storey Psychological well-being and workability in child abuse investigators,2018,68,3,165-170,Tehrani Contribution of mental and physical disorders to disability in military personnel,2018,68,5,332-339,Zamorski Obesity and health in the North American Fire Service: research points the way to positive culture change,2018,68,3,160-162,Kales Incidence of overwork-related mental disorders and suicide in Japan,2018,68,6,370-377,Yamauchi Injury rates and economic cycles in the Italian manufacturing sector,2018,68,7,459-463,Bena Work-place bullying reflects evolutionary selection of the fittest,2018,68,6,415,Finsterer Disaster risk reduction and sustainable development: the role for occupational health,2018,68,7,422-424,Murray Lifestyle behaviours and perceived well-being in different fire service roles,2018,68,8,537-543,Turner The psychological and physiological health effects of fatigue,2018,68,8,502-511,Lock Comparing fatal occupational accidents in Denmark and Sweden 1993-2012,2019,69,4,283-286,Hansen PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation in US female firefighters,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Noor Rates and occupational characteristics of international seafarers with mental illness,2019,69,4,279-282,Lefkowitz Near misses and presenteeism among paramedics,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kubo Excessive daytime sleepiness and alcohol consumption among commercial drivers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maruyama Workers' recovery from concussions presenting to the emergency department,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rowe Evaluation of a trauma therapy programme within emergency service organizations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tehrani Art therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury,2019,69,6,400-402,Nicholson Injury narratives in occupational safety and health prevention in Italy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marino Long-term participation of Dutch service members with combat-related injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Wurff ICU shift related effects on sleep fatigue and alertness levels,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prakash Alcohol use and mental health symptoms in female firefighter recruits,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knight A prospective study of pre-employment psychological testing amongst police recruits,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bryant Public safety personnel's interpretations of potentially traumatic events,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ricciardelli UK military women: mental health military service and occupational adjustment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phillips Mental disorders suicidal ideation plans and attempts among Canadian police,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson The value of lost productivity from workplace bullying in Ireland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pursell Factors associated with unsuccessful return-to-work following work-related upper extremity injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,von Schroeder Psychological and work-related factors predicting work engagement in Malaysian employees,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Influence of organizational stress on reported depressive symptoms among police,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Sources and severity of stress in a Southwestern police department,2020,70,2,131-134,Padilla Cannabis use and work-related injuries: a cross-sectional analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Common challenges in returning to work after brain injury,2020,70,8,550-552,Yeates Proportionate mortality study of unionized maintenance of way railroad workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldsmith Psychological distress and line-of-duty head injuries in firefighters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer Self-reported pain or injury from equipment used on military deployment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moss New psychoactive substances safety and mental health in prison officers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kinman Forgotten fatalities: British military mining and maritime accidents since 1900,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,John Developing a suicide postvention framework for staff in primary healthcare,2021,71,4-5,171-173,Kinman Problematic substance use: an assessment of workplace implications in midwifery,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bailey Risk of work-related violence in England and Wales,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buckley Sleepiness and safety at work among night shift NHS nurses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Mental health care utilization by first responders after Paris attacks,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vandentorren Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce accidents in bus drivers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCollum Ocular occupational injuries in the United States between 2011 and 2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hom Long working hours depression and suicidality among OB/GYNs in Japan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ishikawa Military service and alcohol use: a systematic narrative review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osborne Prison officers' experiences of aggression: implications for sleep and recovery,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kinman Work-related injuries and attendance at a Canadian regional emergency department,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,French Toxic inhalation of sodium metabisulphite by-products from a shipping container,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sack Safety incidents and obstructive sleep apnoea in railway workers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luscombe Mental health of diplomatic personnel: scoping review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenberg Occupational fall risk assessment tool for older workers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lord The impact of adolescent suicide on clinicians: a mixed-methods study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foster Duty-related trauma and PTSD symptoms in US urban firefighters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fan Comparing post-traumatic stress severity in professional and volunteer Australian firefighters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawrence Non-fatal injuries among police officers during use-of-force encounters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maguire Hydrogen cyanamide exposure: a case series from Pavia Poison Control Centre,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lonati Occupational injuries in workers of a Spanish bank,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reinoso-Barbero Workplace violence in radiology: results of a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu Hypoxaemia and risk of asphyxia during underground work in artisanal cobalt mines,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nemery Impacts of workplace verbal aggression classified via text mining on workers' mental health,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nishimura Agent host and environmental interactions,2008,58,8,e594,Noone Mortality in NHS greater glasgow and clyde employees: 2007-2009,2013,63,6,448-450,Freer Physician suicide and the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,70,7,e514,Gulati Mental health of staff working in intensive care during Covid-19,2021,71,2,62-67,Greenberg Mortality of urban transit workers: indications of an excess of deaths by suicide using gas,1992,42,3,125-128,Guidotti Failing firefighters: a survey of causes of death and ill-health retirement in serving firefighters in Strathclyde Scotland from 1985-94,1998,48,6,381-388,Ide The mental health of farmers,2002,52,8,471-476,Gregoire Psychiatric disorder and the role of occupational health,2004,54,3,143-144,Wynn Do stressful working conditions cause psychiatric disorders?,2010,60,2,86-87,Hotopf Personal protective equipment impacts firefighters' anaerobic fitness,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Papadakis Discrepancy between medical conditions self-reported by bus drivers and medical records,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCollum Pain inconvenience and blame: defining work-related injuries in the veterinary workplace,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson