Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevention of children's burns: legislation and fabric flammability,1986,99,812,804-807,Laing Firearm related deaths in New Zealand 1978-87,1993,106,967,463-465,Langley Firearm-related injury surveillance,1999,112,1098,412,Dallison Firearm-related injury surveillance,1999,112,1093,285,Langley Grease gun injuries,1960,59,,413-416,Milliken Christchurch traffic trauma survey: Part 2 victims and statistics,1975,81,542,543-546,Hart Cycle accidents,1984,97,768,832,Gunn Injuries to pedal cyclists resulting in death and hospitalisation,1993,106,969,514-516,Langley Motor vehicle road crashes during the fourteenth and fifteenth years of life,1992,105,932,150-151,Langley Bicycle road crashes during the fourteenth and fifteenth years of life,1991,104,906,60-61,Langley Cycle helmet ownership in a birth cohort of children,1990,103,898,456-457,Fergusson Circumstances and consequences of falls in residential care: the New Zealand story,2004,117,1202,U1076,Kerse Recognising and responding to partner abuse: challenging the key facts,2004,117,1202,U1074,Goodyear-Smith Head injury and associated maxillofacial injuries,2004,117,1201,U1045,Goodisson Co-morbidities in trauma patients: common and significant,2004,117,1201,U1044,Civil Dog bite injuries,2004,117,1201,U1043,Langley Epidemiology of attempted suicide in Canterbury Province New Zealand (1993-2002),2004,117,1205,U1141,Gibb Workplace bullying: the silent epidemic,2004,117,1204,U1125,Kelly Prevalence of intimate partner violence among women presenting to an urban adult and paediatric emergency care department,2004,117,1206,U1174,Koziol-McLain Violence against women in New Zealand: prevalence and health consequences,2004,117,1206,U1173,Robinson Accident and fatality characteristics in a population of mountain climbers in New Zealand,2005,118,1208,U1249,Monasterio Opioid poisoning deaths in New Zealand (2001-2002) and the UK's recent decision to withdraw the pain killer Coproxamol,2005,118,1209,U1294,Fountain Opioid poisoning deaths in New Zealand (2001-2002),2005,118,1209,U1293,Reith Accidental drownings in Auckland children,1985,98,783,579-582,Gardiner The exposure of pre-school children to water hazards and the incidence of potential drowning accidents,1984,97,753,223-226,Geddis Domestic swimming pool accidents to pre-school children,1983,96,740,725-727,Fergusson Skin diving fatalities in New Zealand,1979,89,638,472-475,Lewis Risks of drowning in fenced and unfenced domestic swimming pools,1984,97,767,777-779,Fergusson Swimming pool fencing at last,1987,100,833,637,Hassall Drownings in private swimming pools,1982,95,702,129-130,Hassall Pool drownings,1994,107,973,89,Hassall The New Zealand child work-related fatal injury study: 1985-1998,2004,117,1194,U891,Langley Drink and driving,1968,68,439,360-364,Scott Opioid poisoning deaths in New Zealand,2005,118,1211,U1363,Rix-Trott Aquatic injury: near drowning,2005,118,1211,U1360, Domestic fire injuries treated in New Zealand hospitals 1988-1995,2000,113,1112,245-247,Langley Analysis of injury and death from burning upholstered furniture,1992,105,944,429-432,Laing Deaths from electricity,1984,97,751,139-142,Smeeton Deaths to the elderly in residential institutions due to major fires,1989,102,873,419,Langley Documentation of family violence in New Zealand general practice,2005,118,1212,U1382,Miller The New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy consultation round: an open submission to the Ministry of Health,2005,118,1216,U1501,Collings New Zealand Pacific peoples' drinking style: too much or nothing at all?,2005,118,1216,U1491,Huakau Angry young men interpersonal violence alcohol and broken faces,2005,118,1217,U1534,Snape Maxillofacial fractures at Waikato Hospital New Zealand: 1989 to 2000,2005,118,1217,U1529,Evans Alcohol drinking guideline,2005,118,1218,U1579,Tasman-Jones Violence against women in New Zealand,2005,118,1221,U1648,Sims Trends in motorcyclist and occupant fatalities and serious injuries due to traffic crashes,1998,111,1070,267-268,Langley Editorial: Some protective measures in road traffic accidents,1974,79,507,623-624, Comparison of international data on motor vehicle accident victims,1981,94,698,469,Appleton Road safety,1967,66,419,445-446,Milliken Why our children are not as safe as we think they are,2002,115,1160,U150,Beasley Transport and public health,1993,106,949,26-27,Norton Prescription drugs detected in injured road users,1981,93,685,394-395,Missen Festina lente: the road to prevention of death by suicide,2003,116,1175,U453,Collings Parents and childrens attitudes to seat belt usage and knowledge of seat belt law,1988,101,841,119-121,Langley Fatal road accidents in Otago,1977,85,581,83-88,Gwynne The role of vehicle safety glass in eye injuries,1976,84,568,53-55,Hass The value of seat belts,1977,85,587,381, How children travel in cars in New Zealand,1982,95,718,740-742,Geddis Seat belts,1968,68,439,407,Praagh Seat belts,1985,98,782,557-558,Moore Seatbelts and child restraints survey,1983,96,736,586,Appleton How children travel in cars in New Zealand,1982,95,721,863,Riseley More on 'violence against women in New Zealand',2005,118,1224,U1717,Sims Deaths from poisoning in New Zealand: 2001-2002,2005,118,1225,U1725,Phillips Deaths from poisoning in New Zealand--new study helps identify and justify priorities for prevention,2005,118,1225,U1723,Reith Injuries to child cyclists in the Bay of Plenty,1990,103,894,343-345,Moyes Self-reported injury rates in New Zealand,2002,115,1161,U167,Coggan Acute mountain sickness and driving at high altitude: Caution is required due to the sudden onset of dysfunction,2005,118,1216,U1517,Seddon Family violence in New Zealand: we can do better,2006,119,1228,U1830,Fanslow Domestic violence as witnessed by New Zealand children,2006,119,1228,U1817,Langley Inhalant abuse in New Zealand,2006,119,1233,U1952,Fountain Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1076,415,Moore Auckland children's exposure to risk as pedestrians,1994,107,984,331-333,Norton A comparison of hospital admissions data and official government statistics of serious traffic accident injuries,1987,100,830,517-520,Morrison Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1072,326,Robertson Accidental injuries in the sixth and seventh years of life: a report from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Child Development Study,1981,93,684,344-347,Langley School playground climbing equipment--safe or unsafe?,1982,95,713,540-542,Langley Mountaineering fatalities in Mt Cook National Park,2001,114,1127,78-80,Malcolm Fatal injuries to bicycle riders in Auckland,1985,98,793,1073-1074,Smeeton The design of bicycles,1991,104,909,149,Crowley Aggressive acts by patients against general practitioners in New Zealand: one-year prevalence,2006,119,1237,U2050,Gale Road crash experiences during the fourteenth and fifteenth years of life: an overview,1990,103,888,174-176,Langley Attitudes to concussion in young New Zealand men,1980,92,671,359-361,Wrightson Drinking Driver - Blueprint for Some Further Action,1976,83,556,47-50,Anderson Suicide in New Zealand II: a review of risk factors and prevention,2003,116,1175,U461,Beautrais Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1066,194,Hassall Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1062,105-106,Hassall Psychiatric illness in a New Zealand sample of young people making serious suicide attempts,1998,111,1060,44-48,Beautrais Youth suicide,1999,112,1092,282,Durham Injury to Maori. I: Fatalities,2000,113,1123,508-510,Langley Changes in methods of male youth suicide: 1980-95,2000,113,1113,264-265,Langley Controlling dangerous dogs,1997,110,1056,427-428,Langley The incidence of dog bites in New Zealand,1992,105,927,33-35,Langley Hot water cylinders,1991,104,904,17,McLauchlan Hot water cylinders,1990,103,902,570,Munro Hot water temperature in Dunedin homes with preschool children,1990,103,898,452-454,Waller The pattern of burn injuries in childhood,1989,102,879,584-586,Heaton Scalds to preschool children,1981,93,677,84-87,Langley Injuries to New Zealanders participating in adventure tourism and adventure sports: an analysis of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) claims,2006,119,1247,U2359,Edwards Characteristics of general practitioner consultations prior to suicide: a nested case-control study in New Zealand,2006,119,1247,U2358,Reith Work-related bystander deaths in New Zealand: a significant hidden problem,2006,119,1247,U2357,Langley Screening and intervention for alcohol problems among patients admitted following unintentional injury: a missed opportunity?,2007,120,1249,U2417,Ameratunga The driniking driver: a blueprint for some further action,1976,83,556,47-50,Anderson Christchurch traffic trauma survey: Part 1 Blood alcohol analysis,1975,81,541,503-507,Hart Suicide at the wheel,1974,80,521,90-94,Grimmond Medical Association of New Zealand submission to Royal Commission on Liquor 15 March 1974,1974,79,516,986-988, Alcohol and the law,1974,79,507,607-611,Temm Alcohol and driving,1971,74,471,209-210,Cotter Death on the highway: an analysis of 100 road accidents in a rural area,1969,70,448,159-161,Tennent Suicide prevention in New Zealand,2007,120,1251,U2463,Mulder Effective strategies for suicide prevention in New Zealand: a review of the evidence,2007,120,1251,U2459,Coggan A course for alcohol offending drivers: a preliminary study,1988,101,849,457-459,Johns Primary school accidents,1981,94,695,336-339,Langley Accidental death in childhood,1978,88,616,61, Two safety aspects of public playground climbing equipment,1984,97,758,404-406,Langley Non-resident orthopaedic admissions to Dunedin Hospital New Zealand: 1997 to 2004,2005,118,1217,U1531,Gwynne Jones Salamol asthma inhaler fails roadside alcohol breath testing,2005,118,1214,U1441,Reti Motor vehicle traffic crashes involving Maori,2004,117,1188,U746,Begg Liver injury in children: causes patterns and outcomes,2003,116,1178,U515,Beasley Obstructive sleep apnoea and risk of motor vehicle accident: a perspective,2003,116,1176,U482,Gander The duty to report patients who are unfit to drive,2001,114,1141,453,Coates Injury to Maori. II: Serious injury,2000,113,1123,511-513,Langley Vocational driving diabetes and insulin use,2000,113,1114,317-318,Cundy New Zealand's ageing drivers,2000,113,1109,175-176,Jenkinson New Zealand's ageing drivers,2000,113,1109,175; author reply 175-6,Eastman Trauma form documentation in major trauma,2000,113,1108,146-148,Civil Another Y2K problem: New Zealand's ageing drivers,2000,113,1104,43-45,Pachana Risk-taking: behind the warrior gene story,2007,120,1250,U2440,Merriman Warrior genes and risk-taking science,2007,120,1250,U2439,Crampton Patterns of injury in motor vehicle trauma,1986,99,814,905-906,Civil The shaken infant syndrome,1995,108,1003,278,Wrightson Motor vehicle occupant injuries in New Zealand children 1981-90,1994,107,990,475-477,Norton Early intervention for alcohol misuse: encouraging doctors to take action,1994,107,989,454-456,Menkes Controlling for socioeconomic disadvantage in epidemiologic analyses,1994,107,985,350-351,Roberts Child passenger fatalities and restraint use in Auckland,1992,105,945,449-450,Norton Child pedestrian injury 1978-87,1992,105,928,51-52,Norton Violence against women: Priorities for public health research in New Zealand,1994,107,972,63-64,Norton Alcohol and violence against women,1994,107,975,140,Kent Is therapy for child sexual abuse effective?,1994,107,983,305-306,Clarkson Mandatory reporting of sexual abuse,1993,106,969,530,Goodyear-Smith Sexual abuse and mandatory reporting,1993,106,966,461,Fancourt Forensic psychiatry and the media: Homicide in Auckland 1990-2,1993,106,964,418,Albrecht Attitudes to reducing violence towards women: punishment or prevention?,1993,106,953,115-117,Martin Mandatory reporting of child abuse,1992,105,942,387,McArthur Reporting of child abuse and neglect,1992,105,945,460-461,McArthur Lap seat belt injuries,1996,109,1027,301-302,Hingston Epidemiology of spinal cord injury,1991,104,915,295-296,Caradoc-Davies Road deaths: a neglected public health problem,1991,104,908,113-114,Beaglehole Critical injuries in paediatric pedestrians,1991,104,914,247-248,Norton More on alcohol and youth. Has the NZMA demonstrated that it is not a credible source of advice to Parliament?,2006,119,1238,U2091,Langley The psychiatric aspects of violence,1980,91,655,181-184,Medlicott Non-fatal work-related motor vehicle traffic crash injuries in New Zealand: analysis of a national claims database,2007,120,1267,U2863,Ameratunga Punitive parenting practices of contemporary young parents,2007,120,1267,U2866,Woodward Smacking--are we being too heavy-handed? Findings from the Pacific Islands Families Study,2007,120,1267,U2860,Schluter Memory deficit after traumatic brain injury: how big is the problem in New Zealand and what management strategies are available?,2008,121,1268,U2903,Barker-Collo Role of alcohol in maxillofacial fractures,2008,121,1271,15-23,Snape The knock-on effects of unrestrained drinking,2008,121,1271,11-14,Connor "We must discuss suicide" and response by Dr Beautrais,2008,121,1272,106; discussion 107-8,Ridley-Smith More on suicide,2008,121,1273,88,Ridley-Smith Risk and severity of injury in a population of BASE jumpers,2008,121,1277,70-75,Monasterio Deaths from drowning,1984,97,749,65-67,Smeeton Partying on? Life after BZP-based party pills,2008,121,1283,35-42,Green A 12-year review of gunshot injuries: Auckland City Hospital experience,2008,121,1287,21-25,Civil Most New Zealand smokers support having fire-safe cigarettes: National survey data,2008,121,1286,134-135,Wilson Profile and cost of head injury patients admitted to the Waikato Hospital Intensive Care Unit,1998,111,1065,161-163,Marsh The safety standards of domestic swimming pools 1980-1982,1983,96,725,93-95,Fergusson A year of intentional self poisoning in Christchurch,1992,105,926,20,Davis Small children left alone in parked cars,1983,96,723,25,Hassall Parent education: its effect on the way children are transported in cars,1982,95,707,314-316,Geddis Children in cars. Results of an observational study in New Zealand,1979,90,649,468-471,Geddis The backward-facing safety seat for preschool children in cars,1979,90,646,338-341,Kjellstrom Punishment of children in relation to the new anti-smacking law in New Zealand,2007,120,1267,U2861,Hassall Monoamine oxidase addiction and the "warrior" gene hypothesis,2007,120,1250,U2441,Lea Medical student action and the "Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence 2009",2009,122,1297,98-99,Wilson Preventing winter falls: a randomised controlled trial of a novel intervention,2009,122,1298,31-38,Williams Pediatric driveway run-over injuries: time to redesign?,2009,122,1298,17-24,Hamill Ethnic differences in mental health and lifestyle issues: results from multi-item general practice screening,2005,118,1212,U1374,Goodyear-Smith The problem of violence,1970,72,458,1-5,Wild Shipwreck in harbour,1969,70,450,299-301,Glennie Iatrogenic contributions to suicide and a report on 37 suicide attempts,1969,69,443,207-211,Ironside Cruelty to children,1968,67,426,155-159,Gluckman Deafness and driving,1967,66,425,878-881,Roydhouse Alcohol and road traffic accidents,1967,66,425,847-852,Luke Alcohol and driving,1967,66,419,473-474, Safety factors in car design,1967,66,419,431-438,Abbott Research evidence on the nature and causes of road accidents with particular reference to car occupants,1967,66,419,427-431,Gissane The examination of drinking drivers,1967,66,416,235-237,MacCulloch Blood alcohol and driving,1966,65,409,626-628, The police surgeon looks at alcohol,1966,65,409,579-584,Wood Alcohol and the driver,1966,65,405,292-294,Pryor The drinking driver--Christ-Church,1965,64,,263-264,Maling 'Woman bites dog' article on domestic violence: author's reply to Dr Goodyear-Smith's letter,2006,119,1228,U1813,Giles On the receiving end: young adults describe their parents' use of physical punishment and other disciplinary measures during childhood,2006,119,1228,U1818,Langley Eye signs in drinking drivers,1971,74,473,278-279,Maling Eye signs in suspected drinking drivers: clinical examination and relation to blood alcohol,1971,74,471,92-96,Slater Reaction time in psychiatric patients: pilot study,1971,73,468,285-288,Savage Drug overdosages and poisonings in Christchurch during 1971,1972,76,487,402-404,Sharman Blood alcohol and Transport Amendment Act (No. 2) 1971,1972,75,480,311,Bruton Blood alcohol levels and alcoholism,1972,75,477,120,Burns Blood alcohol in motorists,1973,77,491,268,Fairgray Suicide in the Auckland area,1973,77,490,149-157,Lindsay Editorial: Breath tests for alcohol,1974,80,524,265, Alcoholism: the drug problem of the 1970's,1974,79,507,597-601,McLeod Poisoning and overdosage,1975,81,534,193-195,Wright-St Clair Non-accidental injury to preschool children in New Zealand,1975,81,531,12-15,Simpson Psychological treatment of self-injury,1976,84,578,484-486,Singh Safety glass on the road,1976,84,570,160, Editorial: The Declaration of Tokyo,1976,83,562,280, Self poisoning in Auckland,1976,83,560,183-187,Pedder Psychiatric aspects of murder and attempted murder,1976,83,555,5-9,Medicott Prevalence of self-injury in institutionalised retarded children,1977,86,597,325-327,Singh Seat belt injury of the colon,1977,86,592,92-93,Dempsey Drinking driver recidivism,1977,86,591,41-42,Stanley Correlates of impulsive suicidal behaviour,1977,85,586,323-325,Williams Concerning child abuse,1977,85,583,191-192, Personal factors in death under 50,1978,88,625,447, Self-poisoning in Auckland reconsidered,1978,88,620,240-243,Large Diazepam alcohol and drivers,1978,87,610,275-277,Missen Fatal accident during an epileptic automatism,1979,90,643,193-195,Nanda Child abuse revisited,1979,90,642,153, Fatal and non-fatal deliberate self-harm in the Wellington region 1978: a social analysis,1980,92,674,468-471,Howell Alcohol and the road,1980,91,662,461-462, The continuing problem of child abuse,1980,91,660,389-390, Self poisoning: who supplies the drugs? 100 examples,1980,91,656,218-221,Large Physically handicapped drivers,1981,94,696,395,Johnstone Psychological reactions and other problems in civil disasters,1981,94,695,348-349,Avery Failure of school health education: cultural neglect or political rigidity?,1981,94,693,268-270,Beaven Sudden death: bereavement sequelae and interventions,1981,94,693,265-267,Davidson Attempted suicide in Christchurch: three-year follow-up of 195 patients,1981,93,685,376-381,Streiner Death by volcano,1982,95,702,115-116, Deaths from drugs and poisons,1983,96,746,1045-1048,Smeeton Mortality and social class in New Zealand II: male mortality by major disease groupings,1983,96,740,711-716,Smith Torture and amnesty international,1983,96,736,584-585,Sullivan Leptospirosis and mental illness,1983,96,736,589,Avery Epilepsy and driving,1983,96,735,525-528,Johnson Prevention of nuclear war,1983,96,723,26-27,London Early aeronauts,1984,97,768,830-831,Gluckman Diabetes screening,1984,97,764,659,Beaven Child abuse and neglect,1984,97,761,543-544,Ney Child restraints in cars,1984,97,761,542-543,Appleton New developments concerning child abuse,1984,97,758,403-404,Geddis Child abuse and neglect--reform of the law,1984,97,757,367-370,Geddis Amnesty International--campaign against torture,1984,97,754,273-274,Miles Seatbelts and child restraints,1984,97,754,272,Appleton Changing patterns in child restraint use,1984,97,753,242,Moyes Diabetes screening for over 70 motor drivers,1985,98,793,1093,Ross Mandatory reporting of child abuse,1985,98,792,1058-1059,Hercus Can child abuse be prevented?,1985,98,791,1005-1006,Monaghan Reporting of child abuse,1985,98,788,871,Newman Child abuse: mandatory reporting,1985,98,785,703-705,Ney Driving and diabetes,1985,98,781,492-494,Smith The use of seat-belts,1985,98,779,399-400,Appleton Mianserin,1985,98,775,206-207,Cliff Medical privilege in the case of abused children,1985,98,772,55-57,Henaghan Tunnel vision and driving?,1987,100,827,430,Dodwell Deaths from trauma in Auckland: a one year study,1987,100,825,337-340,Judson Fatal colchicine overdose,1990,103,896,402,Judson Driving and dementia,1991,104,915,288-289,Oliver Acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1991,104,914,270,Davis The fear of the mentally ill: is this public attitude justified?,1991,104,907,90-92,Mullen Self inflicted deaths in Auckland: a study of 1057 cases,1991,104,907,88-89,Koelmeyer Delayed hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide intoxication--two case reports,1991,104,906,64-65,Gibson The nonrecognition of depressive disorders: a continuing public health concern!,1991,104,904,7-8,Joyce Cholesterol lowering--the sense and the sensationalism,1992,105,938,283-284,Mann New Zealand suicides 1984-8,1992,105,936,231-233,Mellsop Glyphosate herbicide poisoning experience in New Zealand,1992,105,933,173-174,Smith Wellington coroner autopsy cases 1970-89: acute deaths due to drugs alcohol and poisons,1992,105,927,25-27,Robinson Using Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS) variables to predict length of hospital stay following trauma in New Zealand,2009,122,1302,65-78,McClure Contemporary New Zealand coefficients for the Trauma Injury Severity Score: TRISS(NZ),2009,122,1302,54-64,McClure Time to definitive care for patients with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury--does a trauma system matter?,2009,122,1302,40-46,Civil Poisoning by strychnine; recovery of strychnine from exhumed body; adipocere formation; conviction for murder,1948,47,261,448-457,Lynch Late results of gunshot wounds of the head,1948,47,258,95-98,Cairns Poisoning by vegetable laxative pills,1949,48,264,166,Lynch Excess vitamin A as a cause of food poisoning,1950,49,274,680-685,Lonie Accidents in the home; a study of patients admitted to Auckland Hospital April 1948-March 1949,1950,49,271,229-235,Taylor The practical aspects of some current aero-medical problems,1950,49,270,134-139,Potter Blood alcohol and hospital patients,1969,70,451,421-422, The prevention of clothing fire accidents,1969,70,450,331-334,Talbot The Woodhouse Report,1969,69,445,394-395,Roxburgh Morbidity and medical care in a New Zealand rural general practice,1969,69,443,216-226,Spears Traffic management,1967,66,419,444-445,Thomas The testing of motor cyclists crash helmets and motor car safety belts,1967,66,419,442-444,Seldon The mechanism of traffic injuries,1967,66,419,438-442,Dawson Wringer washing machine accidents in New Zealand,1966,65,411,782-784,Teague Editorial: Accident compensation: the first year,1975,82,549,237, Chiropractic: not an alternative system of primary health care,1975,82,545,89-91, Accidental poisoning in children,1975,81,535,235-239,Allingham Industrial hand injuries in Pacific Island immigrants,1975,81,534,191-193,Bossley Accidents from fireworks,1974,79,514,918-920,Wakely Logic and illogic in sickness and social welfare matters: The Accident Compensation Act 1972,1974,79,511,785-792,Eyre A survey of the accident and emergency department of Waikato Hospital,1974,79,510,735-737,Gibberd Report of the Medical Association on Accident Compensation,1973,78,501,370-371, Flexion injuries of the pancreas,1973,79,500,302-303,Holmes Blood alcohol and Transport Amendment Act,1972,76,484,212-213,Fairgray Accidents to nursing staff in a psychiatric hospital,1972,75,481,347-350,Robinson Accidental burns and poisoning of children in the home,1972,75,480,280-282,Holdaway Phosgene poisoning,1972,75,477,121,Glass Poisoning burns and other accidents experienced by a thousand Dunedin three year olds: a report from the Dunedin multidisciplinary child development study,1978,87,609,242-244,Williams Accidents in general practice,1978,87,604,48-49, Child health revisited,1977,86,596,293-297,Geddis The safety of the herbicide 245-T,1977,86,591,35-36, Accidental poisoning in children: a psychosocial study,1977,85,585,269-272,Shaw Deafness annoyance and stress,1976,83,560,200-203,Hartley Tropical cyclone Prema,1993,106,966,456-457,Toes Maternal mortality,1993,106,965,438,Honeyman Strengthening the chain of survival,1993,106,965,425-426,Hay The cut off wheel,1993,106,963,390-391,Leith Maternal mortality in New Zealand,1993,106,963,375-376,Aickin Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1993,106,961,345-346,Carroll The cut off wheel: an occupational eye hazard,1993,106,959,292,Donoghue Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1993,106,959,292,Macdonald Suicide in New Zealand 1950-85,1993,106,952,111,Lester NZMA patient information pamphlet on child sexual abuse,1993,106,950,67,Fancourt Suicide in custody: occurrence in Maori and nonMaori New Zealanders,1993,106,948,1-3,Cox Alcohol and injury: a survey in primary care settings,2009,122,1303,21-28,Connor Alcohol-related harm to others: a survey of physical and sexual assault in New Zealand,2009,122,1303,10-20,Connor Falls fractures and drugs,1990,103,903,580-581,Campbell Domestic unintentional injuries presenting to the accident and emergency departments in the Wellington region,1990,103,901,528-531,Borman Spotting fad diets,1990,103,899,492,Gibbs Fractures following falls: a diagnostic dilemma in the elderly,1990,103,895,374,Sood Occupational injuries in Dunedin,1990,103,891,265-266,Herbison The rehabilitation of injured workers in New Zealand: a pilot study,1990,103,888,179-182,Caradoc-Davies Serious unintentional injuries associated with architectural glass,1990,103,886,117-119,Langley Accident compensation,1990,103,882,24-25,O'Sullivan Paediatric attendance at Waikato Hospital accident and emergency department 1980-86,1989,102,875,467-469,Sceats The prevention of modern plagues,1988,101,855,634-635,Mellsop Compensated back injury in New Zealand,1988,101,852,542-544,Burry Accident and emergency department utilisation: a consumer survey,1988,101,850,486-487,Lewis Accident consultations in one month in a semirural town,1988,101,847 Pt 1,373-374,Walls A review of work-related fatal injuries in New Zealand 1975-84--numbers rates and trends,1987,100,816,1-6,Cryer Childhood pedestrian deaths: experience of the Auckland coronial area 1977-1983,1986,99,806,541-543,Smeeton Whiplash--manmade disease?,1986,99,802,373-374,Horne Industrial injuries in a plant,1985,98,789,902-904,Chew Hydrogen sulphide poisoning: associated with pelt processing,1985,98,774,145-147,Audeau Serious illness in 204 New Zealand families during a 16 year period,1985,98,774,135-138,Hall Accident Compensation Corporation ongoing patient survey,1984,97,770,903,Brown Estimated cost of alcohol to the New Zealand public hospital system,1984,97,765,683-686,Casswell Pedal cycle accidents,1984,97,764,657-658,Borman Aviation medicine Part 3: Aerospace resuscitation and prevention of medical problems during and after flying,1984,97,764,640-642, Lost-time work accidents in an industry,1984,97,762,564-567,Chew Accident Compensation Corporation ongoing patient survey,1984,97,760,493,Brown Grease gun injuries,1984,97,749,89-90,Gray Accident compensation corporation and medical fees,1983,96,736,583,Azariah Accident compensation corporation,1983,96,734,495-496, Accidental salt poisoning,1982,95,721,864,Hey Hearing loss in minor head injury,1982,95,711,454-455,Dorman Accident compensation: a perspective of the accident compensation corporation,1982,95,702,119-20 121,Fahy Casualty attendances: one year's experience at Waikato Hospital,1982,95,699,12-14,McRae The safety standards of domestic swimming pools,1981,94,697,417-419,Fergusson Death from electrocution during auto-erotic procedures,1981,94,693,259-260,Cairns Accidents and injuries in child vehicle occupants in New Zealand,1981,93,686,431-433,Frith Head injuries in servicemen of the 1939-1945 war,1951,50,278,383-391,Willson The acute abdomen and trauma,1951,50,276,142-148,Karn Death from trichlorethylene in a dry-cleaning establishment,1951,50,276,119-126,Bell Variations of function in the hypothalamus and its neighborhood following head injury,1953,52,292,478-487,Allen Alcohol and road accidents,1953,52,292,456-464,Brown Hydrogen sulphide gas poisoning at Rotorua,1954,53,297,471-475,McDOUGALL The assessment of damages for personal injury,1956,55,309,371-375,Macdonald Swords and swallowing,1956,55,307,222,Dick Carbon monoxide asphyxia; suicide or accident,1957,56,316,654-658,Lynch The management of mass casualties,1959,58,,614-616,Hutter Sleep. Physiology pathology and groups of therapeutic agents,1959,58,,584-595,Burns Contact poisoning by organic phosphate insecticide. Report of a case,1959,58,,627-629,Abernethy Dieldrin poisoning: report of a case,1959,58,,393,Paul Grease gun finger,1959,58,324,177-178,Innes The mental deficiency services; an analysis of existing policy and the community's requirements,1959,58,323,83-109,Burns Human factors in space travel,1960,59,,410-412,Marsh Poisoning by organo-phosphorus insecticide (malathion). Report of a case,1960,59,,346-347,Paul Medical aspects of diving,1960,59,,201-204,Slark Dissociation of the conscious state and its content with special reference to cortical and total brain function,1960,59,,102-110,Allen Wounding by elephant fish,1961,60,,16-18,Hawes Toxic effects of phenothiazine tranquillizers,1963,62,,460-462,Mcqueen Toxic effects of antidepressants,1963,62,,407-409,Mcqueen The medical aspects of boxing,1963,62,,335-336,Moore Poisonous honey overseas and in New Zealand,1965,64,399,631-637,Palmer-Jones The air rifle--a potentially lethal weapon,1965,64,,327-329,Rawson The psychopathology of suicide and the individual patient,1964,63,,763-767,Ironside Aircraft accident investigation,1964,63,,721-724,Marsh The farmer and his poisons,1964,63,,655-659,Bailey Poisoning young new zealanders,1964,63,,640-641,Meade Kereopa: the psychodynamics of a 19th century murder,1964,63,,486-491,Gluckman More aspirin poisoning,1962,61,,550-551,Mcpherson Salicylate poisoning: a case in infancy treated by exchange transfusion,1962,61,,149-153,Caseley Maori and nonMaori youth suicide,1994,107,976,161,Lester Hazardous drinking: not just an issue for the minority of drinkers,2009,122,1306,9-12,Wells Protecting victims of domestic violence,2009,122,1307,119-120,Robertson A bizarre case of drowning as a result of pandemic influenza (1918 pandemic),2009,122,1302,92-94,Baker Bilateral inferior visual field defects from a childhood near-drowning,2009,122,1290,119-121,Memon Ciguatera poisoning: an increasing occurrence in New Zealand,2010,123,1308,100-102,Schep Maori work-related fatal injury 1985-1994,2001,114,1139,395-399,Langley The work-related fatal injury study: numbers rates and trends of work-related fatal injuries in New Zealand 1985-1994,2001,114,1124,6-10,Langley The hazards of driving to work,2005,118,1227,U1786,Connor Work-related fatal traffic crashes in New Zealand: 1985-1998,2005,118,1227,U1783,Langley Widening the lens on child health,2005,118,1227,U1785,Ameratunga The contribution of causes of death to socioeconomic inequalities in child mortality: New Zealand 1981-1999,2005,118,1227,U1779,Blakely ATV (quad bike) injuries in New Zealand children: their extent and severity,2009,122,1302,11-28,Segedin Suggestions for the provision of advice and research on toxicological problems in New Zealand,1966,65,402,122-127,Barnes Chemical food poisoning by potassium bromate. Report of an outbreak,1966,65,401,33-36,Paul Social drinking and blood alcohol levels,1966,65,410,689-690,Pryor A year of intentional self poisoning in Christchurch,1991,104,923,470-472,Buchanan Poisoning from a rose spray containing lindane and malathion,1968,67,432,533-537,Mcqueen The problems of winter sports injuries,1968,67,433,607-610,Chang Unusual erosive defects in the skull following trauma in children,1968,68,435,94-98,Moor Headbanging and rocking,1968,68,436,196-197,Parfoot The psychopathology of the adolescent,1968,68,438,295-297,Savage Death due to exposure to cold in the New Zealand mountains,1969,69,440,4-11,Strang Video game induced generalised epileptic convulsion,1993,106,951,88,Thompson Fluoridation and fractures,1993,106,963,392,Reid Medical profile of patients with fractured neck of femur,1993,106,963,389-390,Weatherall Asymptomatic low bone mineral density in otherwise healthy people: four year follow up,1993,106,963,377-378,Turner Attitudes to alcohol: regulating the market,1993,106,966,457-458,Howden-Chapman Cannabis use among New Zealand adolescents,1993,106,961,345,Feehan Tree nettle (Urtica ferox) poisoning,1993,106,957,234,Clark Injury: the medical and related costs in New Zealand 1990,1993,106,957,215-217,Langley Mandatory reporting,1994,107,972,67,Broadmore Screening for alcohol use disorder in a general practice,1994,107,972,55-57,McMenamin A survey of wasp sting injuries in urban Auckland from December to April in 1991/2 and 1992/3,1994,107,971,32-33,Dymock Sexual abuse in 15 year olds,1994,107,976,160,Fergusson Dangers of concentrated laundry washing powder,1994,107,975,141,Pringle Problems with herbal treatments,1994,107,991,515,Strack Child psychotherapy for sexual abuse,1994,107,991,515,Speirs Medical manslaughter,1994,107,991,511,Blair Capturing outcomes following injury: a New Zealand pilot study,2010,123,1316,66-74,Langley Ethnicity of severe trauma patients: results of a population-based study Auckland New Zealand 2004,2010,123,1316,26-32,Civil Preventability of pre-hospital trauma deaths in southern New Zealand,2010,123,1316,11-19,Falconer Eucalyptus oil ingestion,1994,107,977,185-186,Hindle Cot death and cot mattresses,1996,109,1014,19,Richardson Albumin levels and mortality in patients with hip fractures,1996,109,1016,56-57,Purdie Suicide and antidepressant medication,1996,109,1015,39,Moore Forearm and wrist fractures in mountain bike riders,1996,109,1020,147-148,Horne Cannabis dangerous minds and the prime minister,1996,109,1024,241,Albrecht Trauma data collection using a customised trauma registry: a New Zealand experience,1996,109,1023,207-209,Civil Diagnosis related groups based funding and medical care of the elderly: a form of elder abuse?,1995,108,994,63-65,Wilkinson Fatal smothering by a domestic cat,1995,108,994,62-63,Sage Health messages on alcohol advertising: a positive or a counterproductive measure?,1993,106,954,163-164,Scott Carbon monoxide as cardiotoxin,1993,106,955,187,Chew Spinal injuries in New Zealand rugby and rugby league--a twenty year survey,1997,110,1057,462-465,Wells Responding to partner abuse: understanding its consequences and recognising the global and historical context,2004,117,1202,U1073,Fanslow Physical assault in New Zealand,1998,111,1070,282-283,Goodyear-Smith Exploring knowledge and attitudes of taxi drivers with regard to obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome,2010,123,1321,24-33,Gander Societal costs of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome,2010,123,1321,13-23,Gander Fatal dog bites in New Zealand,2007,120,1259,U2659,Healey Very cheap drinking in New Zealand: Some alcohol is more affordable than bottled water and nearly as cheap as milk,2010,123,1324,103-107,Wilson Ethnicity acculturation and health: who's to judge?,2004,117,1188,U742,Blakely The New Zealand Government's energy policies need to consider public health benefits,2005,118,1216,U1513,Wilson The opinions of newly licensed drivers in New Zealand on the minimum car driver licensing age and reasons for getting a licence,2009,122,1306,63-77,Langley Driveway accidents in New Zealand,2009,122,1298,5-7,Beasley Response to the 'woman bites dog' article on domestic violence,2005,118,1226,U1767,Goodyear-Smith 'Woman bites dog'--making sense of media and research reports that claim women and men are equally violent,2005,118,1225,U1731,Giles Bioterrorism in the Northern Hemisphere and potential impact on New Zealand,2002,115,1154,247-251,Wilson "Elder abuse"--more common than reported,2000,113,1104,65,Green Intervening in partner abuse,1997,110,1038,62,Clark Road traffic practices among a cohort of young adults in New Zealand,1999,112,1080,9-12,Langley Of cars and classes,1994,107,988,440,Davis An area analysis of major causes of death among under 65 year olds in Auckland--1977-85,1989,102,862,67-70,Marshall Hypoglycaemia in insulin dependent diabetic patients attending an outpatients' clinic,1990,103,894,339-341,Stewart Alcohol in the breath,1978,88,626,495-496, Prescription drugs alcohol and road fatalities,1978,88,624,418-419,Missen Eye injuries produced by vehicle safety glass,1978,88,620,239,Chapman-Smith Epilepsy beginning in adult life,1979,90,648,433-436,Glasgow Tranquillisers and road accidents,1979,89,636,378, Children as active traffic accident participants,1980,92,669,286-289,Lennon Alcoholism and mortality in Otago,1980,92,667,209-210,Gwynne Bilateral femur fractures in a four year old,2001,114,1139,409-410,Smith Waikato Women's Hospital newborn transport service: the first years's experience,1982,95,717,683-685,Unter Medical research in a growing community,1973,78,494,1-7,Sinclair Letter: Heart disease and driving,1974,79,517,1035,Simpson Exposure fatalities,1969,69,442,177,Parton Arson and psychiatry: the candles are out--or are they?,1990,103,882,24,Albrecht Perverse tendencies and established victim-prone perversions,1985,98,774,147-150,Medlicott Gender inequality in New Zealand life expectancy: decomposition by age and cause,2009,122,1307,10-17,Sandiford Decades of disparity: widening ethnic mortality gaps from 1980 to 1999,2004,117,1199,U995,Tobias Suicide in New Zealand I: time trends and epidemiology,2003,116,1175,U460,Beautrais A health profile of New Zealand youth who attend secondary school,2003,116,1171,U380, The health of New Zealand youth,2003,116,1171,U378,McGee Limiting the use of gastrointestinal decontamination does not worsen the outcome from deliberate self-poisoning,2001,114,1140,423-425,Ardagh Improvements in the recognition and treatment of depression and decreasing suicide rates,2001,114,1145,535-536,Joyce Changing epidemiology and management of deliberate self poisoning in Christchurch,1994,107,987,396-399,Curry Recent general practice contacts of hospitalised suicide attempters,1989,102,864,130-131,Petrie Personality disorder: a challenge for the future,1975,81,532,59-61,Dobson 122 families,1974,80,524,258-263,Lindsay Youth aids youth,1974,80,519,5-10,Donnelly Unexplained fainting near drowning and unusual seizures in childhood: screening for long QT syndrome in New Zealand families,1999,112,1093,299-302,Bradley Acute renal failure following near drowning in salt water,1984,97,756,319-322,Dixon Near-drowning in an infant: case report,1978,88,625,443-445,Graham Hand and lower arm injuries among New Zealand meat workers and use of protective clothing,1997,110,1052,358-361,Laing Cannabis use in young New Zealanders,1997,110,1048,279,Poulton Low vitamin D status is common among elderly Dunedin women,1997,110,1048,275-277,Goulding Women with past history of bone fracture have low spinal bone density before menopause,1997,110,1046,232-233,Goulding Cannabis and violence,1997,110,1045,216,Hadorn Wooden foreign bodies in the hand,1997,110,1045,215,Pai Cannabis uses in young New Zealanders,1997,110,1043,174-175,Wells Regional variation in the incidence of hip fracture in New Zealand,1997,110,1039,78-80,Norton A survey of deliberate self harm services in New Zealand: shouldn't we be doing better?,1997,110,1039,74-75,Hatcher Prevalence and correlates of cannabis use and dependence in young New Zealanders,1997,110,1039,68-70,Moffitt Risk factors for adolescent pregnancy: how important is child sexual abuse? Otago Women's Health Study,1997,110,1037,30-33,Romans Intervening in partner abuse,1997,110,1036,18-19,Clark Cot death and cot mattresses,1995,108,1012,492,Dallas Seat belts and pregnancy,1995,108,1011,466,Insull Hip fracture incidence among older people in Auckland: a population-based study,1995,108,1010,426-428,Norton The incidence of hip fractures in Maori and non-Maori in New Zealand,1995,108,1007,367-368,Purdie Foreign body in the rectum,1969,70,448,174-175,Jansen Vascular trauma in New Zealand: an 11-year review of NZVASC the New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgeons' audit database,2004,117,1201,U1048,Gray Equestrian injuries in New Zealand 1993-2001: knowledge and experience,2003,116,1182,U601,Northey Health of farmers in southland: an overview,2001,114,1140,426-428,Feyer Elderly trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit are different from the younger population,1999,112,1098,402-404,Norton Development and evaluation of the Rural Trauma and Emergency Care Roadshow,1999,112,1086,144-147,Tracey Drug induced disease as a cause of admission to a country hospital,1987,100,832,592-594,Mackay The use of the MMPI in describing an inpatient population of merchant seamen,1970,71,452,26-29,Berman Injury surveillance in public hospital emergency departments,1994,107,979,222-223,Langley Australian paralysis tick bite,1994,107,980,252-253,Barber Swimming and grommets: a prospective survey,1994,107,980,244-245,Gilbert Paracetamol and children,1994,107,981,275-276,Botting Physical assault in New Zealand: the experience of 21 year old men and women in a community sample,1998,111,1065,158-160,Langley Parents and other relatives accused of sexual abuse on the basis of recovered memories: a New Zealand family survey,1998,111,1068,225-228,Large Professional help sought for emotional problems: coping with child sexual abuse in a Dunedin community sample of women,1998,111,1063,123-126,Romans Sexual abuse and recovered memories,1998,111,1075,393,Kljakovic Sexual abuse and recovered memories,1998,111,1076,415-416,Coney Possible idiosyncratic reaction to OC spray,1998,111,1072,327,Macdonald Predicting the past or risk management?,2009,122,1300,60-63,Mellsop Recovery from the effects of sexual abuse,1995,108,997,133-134,Goodyear-Smith Delays in the investigation of allegations of child sexual abuse in the Wellington city district 1995-1996: a retrospective study,2001,114,1125,33-35,Halsted Medical evaluations in cases of suspected child sexual abuse: referrals and perceptions,2001,114,1136,334-335,Davies Medical evaluation in cases of suspected child sexual abuse,2001,114,1143,505,Corkill Safety concerns about nuclear-powered vessels persist,2004,117,1196,U942,Wilson Recognising and responding to partner abuse: challenging the key facts,2004,117,1204,U1135,Goodyear-Smith Shaken baby syndrome: a medicolegal problem,2004,117,1205,U1160,Clemetson Alcohol and injury among attendees at a New Zealand emergency department,2003,116,1168,U298,Humphrey Safety of doctors undertaking domiciliary visits--policy of Occupation Safety and Health Service (OSH),2000,113,1117,385,Walls Psychotropic medications for elders in residential care,2008,121,1274,7-9,Croucher Media hype surrounding the 'bullying of junior doctors' article,2008,121,1284,104-105,Hanna Response from New Zealand injury prevention strategy head,2011,124,1328,125-126,Brown Serious ski and snowboard injuries in southern New Zealand requiring acute orthopaedic admission and treatment during winter 2009,2011,124,1328,89-97,Burgess The epidemiology of forestry work-related injuries in New Zealand 1975-88: fatalities and hospitalisations,1994,107,988,434-437,Cryer Herbal medicine and toxic hepatitis,1994,107,988,432-433,Pillans Firework related injury in New Zealand,1994,107,988,423-425,Langley Trauma system coordination in New Zealand: a year of progress,1995,108,996,93-94,Civil Death cap mushroom poisoning,1995,108,1001,234,Nicholls Accidental self inoculation with oil based veterinary vaccines,1996,109,1030,363-365,Jones Blunt popliteal artery injuries,1996,109,1030,362-363,Smith Public knowledge and attitudes towards the use of alcohol and drinking guidelines,1996,109,1029,337-339,Sellman Skin reactions and terfenadine,1995,108,1000,208,McClintock Cutaneous adverse drug reactions in a hospital setting,1995,108,999,165-166,Oakley Trends in gastrointestinal decontamination for deliberate self poisoning in Christchurch,1996,109,1035,462-463,Ardagh The characteristics and outcomes for patients presenting with unintentional domestic injuries to general practice,1996,109,1035,456-459,Bandaranayake General hospital psychiatry,1972,76,486,321-326,Lindsay Thin layer chromatography and the management of drug abuse,1972,76,485,258-261,Savage Burns in children,1972,76,484,215,Strang A peril of home-brewing,1971,74,475,392, Under-water diving oxygen poisoning and vitamin E,1972,75,476,34-35,Money Communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Solomon Islands villages during recovery from a massive earthquake in April 2007,2011,124,1333,17-28,Furusawa Better be prepared than sorry: What should the New Zealand healthcare system learn from the 2009 Pacific Tsunami?,2011,124,1333,7-16,Al-Shaqsi Handlebar accidents,1998,111,1077,440,Adams SIDS and the toxic gas theory,1998,111,1075,395,Mitchell Commotio cordis and atrial fibrillation,1998,111,1075,394,Ghose A qualitative investigation into the receptivity to hip protective underwear among staff and residents of residential institutions,1998,111,1075,383-385,Coggan Alcohol and the Maori in historic perspective,1974,79,506,553-555,Gluckman The biochemistry of alcohol,1974,79,506,556-560,Batt Alcohol and the nervous system,1974,79,507,602-607,Pollock The incidence of femoral neck fractures in New Zealand,1980,91,651,6-9,Stott Rape crisis centre,1980,91,652,68-69,Mills Indoor cricket finger injuries,1990,103,882,3-5,Horne Rugby injuries,1982,95,699,22-23,Rainey Self-reported use of alcohol cigarettes tranquillisers and sedatives in patients admitted to a general hospital,1983,96,724,56-58,Flight Pedestrian traffic in a paediatric ward,1983,96,725,91-93,Grant Not a cot death? And plastic,1983,96,727,182-183,Kibblewhite Mortality associated with alcoholism in New Zealand,1983,96,728,199-202,Johnson Medico-legal sequelae of head injuries,1973,77,490,178-179,Taylor The effects of the bite of a spider,1973,77,491,270-271,Watt Acute atropine poisoning from ingestion of Datura rosei,1973,77,491,245-248,Hudson Burns from enuresis alarm apparatus: case report,1973,79,499,258-259,Hursthouse The benefits and harms of alcohol use in New Zealand: What politicians might consider,2011,124,1336,85-89,Thomson Alcohol's harm to others: Self-reports from a representative sample of New Zealanders,2011,124,1336,75-84,Huckle Controlled intoxication: The self-monitoring of excessive alcohol use within a New Zealand tertiary student sample,2011,124,1336,68-74,McEwan How do intoxicated patients impact staff in the emergency department? An exploratory study,2011,124,1336,14-23,Imlach Gunasekara Mortality and social class in New Zealand. III: male mortality by ethnic group,1984,97,748,31-35,Pearce Alcohol abuse,1984,97,749,89,Caughey Scombroid food poisoning from fish,1984,97,750,127,Mitchell Alcoholism--the family disease. The sixth Leonard Ball Oration 1973,1974,79,510,748-755,Burns It's time to discard the 8 x 5 card,1974,79,510,726-730,Friedlander Letter: Re: bottle tops in the oesophagus,1974,79,518,1084,Borrie Can accident or occupation cause fibromyalgia,1998,111,1060,60,Wigley Mild head injury in New Zealand: incidence of injury and persisting symptoms,1998,111,1062,99-101,Wrightson The epidemiology of deliberate self poisoning presenting to Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department,1998,111,1063,127-129,Weir Acute mountain sickness in the Southern Alps of New Zealand,1998,111,1065,168-169,Curry Paediatric exploratory ingestions of paracetamol,1998,111,1066,186-188,Ardagh SIDS and the toxic gas theory revisited,1998,111,1068,219-221,Mitchell Jet-ski injuries in New Zealand,1998,111,1067,215-216,Eberhart-Phillips Suicide,1999,112,1098,412-413,Beautrais Editorial: New Zealand Poisons Centre: a decade,1975,81,536,303, An exploratory study of some behavioural consequences of insulin induced hypoglycaemia,1975,81,537,337-340,Russell Scombroid-type poisoning induced by the ingestion of smoked kahawai,1975,81,540,476-477,Foo Softball injury causing haemoperitoneum due to ruptured Meckel's mesodiverticular band,2011,124,1344,95-97,Woodfield The police and privacy of medical records,1975,82,548,206-207,Burnside The establishment of decentralised accident teams in Christchurch,1975,82,548,191-193,Fahey The impact of sports injuries in winter on medical services,1975,82,549,229-232,Lingard Letter: The proof of poison an open letter to pathologists,1975,82,551,320,Lewin Risk factors of sports injuries in winter,1976,83,557,69-73,Lingard Letter: Childhood poisoning: the failure of aluminium foil wrapping as a preventative,1976,83,564,378,Scott Binge drinking is patterned by demographic and socioeconomic position in New Zealand: Largest national survey to date,2011,124,1345,110-115,Wilson EEG prediction of post-traumatic epilepsy,1976,83,565,416,Cant Morbidity of therapeutic abortion in Auckland,1976,83,565,395-399,Baird Diagnosis of chemical poisoning,1998,111,1069,258-259,Walls Medicolegal aspects of managing deliberate self-harm in the emergency department,1998,111,1069,255-258,Hatcher Promethazine overdose: is it a "Goodnight" after all?,1998,111,1069,246-248,Bergman SIDS and the toxic gas theory,1998,111,1074,371,Fitzpatrick Medicolegal aspects of self-harm,1998,111,1073,349-350,McCleave Medicolegal aspects of self-harm,1998,111,1073,349 author reply 350,Bouchier Immediate onset of positional vertigo following head injury,1998,111,1073,349,Hornibrook Methanol poisoning,2000,113,1102,11-13,Meyer Youth suicide in New Zealand,1999,112,1093,304,McGee Suicide in Auckland 1989 to 1997,1999,112,1094,324-326,Rose Pseudoephedrine causing mania-like symptoms,2002,115,1148,86,Wilson Deaths and hospital admissions as a result of home injuries among young and middle-aged New Zealand adults,2011,124,1347,16-26,Robinson Aspiration pneumonia and challenges following the Samoa Tsunami in 2009,2012,125,1348,70-78,Jones Ocular trauma epidemiology: 10-year retrospective study,2012,125,1348,61-69,Pandita Hazardous patterns of alcohol use are relatively common in smokers: ITC Project (New Zealand),2012,125,1348,34-41,Kahler Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law,2012,125,1349,60-69,Clarke The prevalence of malnutrition in elderly hip fracture patients,1999,112,1084,88-90,Hanger Stingray injuries: a lesson in debridement,1999,112,1086,137-138,Flint Death from hyponatraemia-induced cerebral oedema associated with MDMA ("Ecstasy") use,1999,112,1091,255-256,Lawrence Ciguatera fish poisoning,1999,112,1092,282-283,Chambers Mortality after hip fracture: regional variations in New Zealand,1999,112,1092,269-271,Norton Youth suicide report 1997,1999,112,1087,167,Werry Occupational health practice in New Zealand,1999,112,1094,326-327,Quintner Methadone-related deaths in New Zealand,1999,112,1093,303,Sibley Determining clinically meaningful cognitive impairment following traumatic brain injury,1999,112,1093,295-297,Perkins Travel health advice for animal bites and rabies,1999,112,1096,367,Litch Blunt chest trauma and the heart,1999,112,1095,334-336,Kennedy Mouthguards in sport,1976,84,567,31,Nicholas Early complications after mild head injuries,1976,84,570,144-147,Jennett Digoxin poisoning: case report,1976,84,569,103-104,Sonti Changing the minimum legal drinking age--its effect on a central city emergency department,2002,115,1146,9-11,Jones Is routine alcohol screening and brief intervention feasible in a New Zealand primary care environment,2012,125,1354,17-25,Gifford Trends in child and adolescent discharges at a New Zealand psychiatric inpatient unit between 1998 and 2007,2012,125,1355,55-61,van Kessel Overdose of sustained release verapamil,1990,103,887,165,Rankin Concussion clinic referral demographics and recommendations: a retrospective analysis,2007,120,1249,U2420,Shelton Benzylpiperizine-based party pills' impact on the Auckland City Hospital Emergency Department Overdose Database (2002-2004) compared with ecstasy (MDMA or methylene dioxymethamphetamine) gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) amphetamines cocaine and alcohol,2007,120,1249,U2416,Theron Christchurch earthquakes: how did former refugees cope?,2012,125,1357,113-121,Osman Establishment of the New Zealand drivers study,2012,125,1357,98-112,Langley Mortality by ethnic group to 2006: is extending census-mortality linkage robust?,2012,125,1357,62-75,Blakely Adventure sports in New Zealand: dangerous and costly recklessness or valuable health-promoting activity? Be careful to judge,2006,119,1247,U2367,Monasterio What's in a cost? Comparing economic and public health measures of alcohol's social costs,2012,125,1360,66-73,Crampton One in three New Zealand drinkers reports being harmed by their own drinking in the past year,2012,125,1360,28-36,Kypri Alcohol-related harm to others in New Zealand: evidence of the burden and gaps in knowledge,2012,125,1360,11-27,Connor A decade of serious non-fatal assault in New Zealand,2012,125,1363,65-76,Langley Suicide by poisoning in New Zealand--a toxicological analysis,2012,125,1362,15-25,Gallagher Media reporting of suicide in New Zealand: "more matter with less art" (Hamlet Shakespeare),2012,125,1362,5-10,Beautrais White-tailed spider bites--arachnophobic fallout?,2004,117,1188,U748,Banks Where there's smoke there's fire--ear candling in a 4-year-old girl,2012,125,1367,138-140,Hornibrook Poisonous plants in New Zealand: a review of those that are most commonly enquired about to the National Poisons Centre,2012,125,1367,87-118,Schep Back so soon: rapid re-presentations to the emergency department following intentional self-harm,2012,125,1367,70-79,Collings Suicides among elderly men,2004,117,1192,U861, Colchicine poisoning: defusing the ticking time bomb,2013,126,1370,115-116,Schep Tutu toxicity: three case reports of Coriaria arborea ingestion review of literature and recommendations for management,2013,126,1370,103-109,Belcher Binge drinking among Maori secondary school students in New Zealand: associations with source exposure and perceptions of alcohol use,2013,126,1370,55-69,Robinson Digitalis intoxication: some practical considerations,1966,65,412,953-960,Mclachlan A case of self-induced digoxin poisoning: with His bundle studies of the site of heart block,1976,84,577,443-446,Chan Challenges of the New Zealand healthcare disaster preparedness prior to the Canterbury earthquakes: a qualitative analysis,2013,126,1371,9-18,Gauld Alcohol-related injuries requiring surgery,2013,126,1374,92-95,Celi Duck shooting injuries in Southland New Zealand,2013,126,1374,78-79,Watts Is it time to advocate for a vulnerable road user protection law in New Zealand?,2013,126,1374,67-77,Weiss A tale of two cities: paradoxical intensity of traffic calming around Auckland schools,2013,126,1374,22-28,Ameratunga Pay attention [to the road] or pay the price,2013,126,1374,7-9,Ameratunga The proof of the pudding is in the eating--health system preparedness for the February 2011 Canterbury Earthquake,2013,126,1371,6-8,Ardagh Drinking up rugby,2013,126,1372,6-8,Peckler Lessons from the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake for the training and preparation of Post Graduate Year 1 Doctors,2013,126,1373,93-94,Sheehan Epidemiology of cervical spinal cord injury in eastern India: an autopsy-based study,2013,126,1377,30-40,Das The burden of death disease and disability due to alcohol in New Zealand,2005,118,1213,U1412,Connor The aetiology of mental retardation,1977,85,581,103-105,Morrison Injury severity and 3-month outcomes among Maori: Results from a New Zealand prospective cohort study,2013,126,1379,39-49,Derrett Fatal injury epidemiology among the New Zealand military forces in the First World War,2013,126,1385,13-25,Thomson A retrospective analysis of calls to the New Zealand National Poisons Centre regarding Pacific patients,2021,134,1528,26-34,Richards Recognition of burns as a marker of child abuse in the paediatric emergency department,2013,126,1382,129-131,Geoghegan Beware of paracetamol use in alcohol abusers: A potential cause of acute liver injury,2013,126,1383,80-84,Manchanda Recreational drug use among Auckland high school students,1977,85,586,315-319,Casswell Alcohol alcoholism and society,1977,85,585,285-287,Burns Accidental paraquat poisonings,1977,85,590,512-514,Chin Helmet use by skiers and snowboarders in New Zealand,2013,126,1386,117-118,Gilbey Drowning terminology: Not what it used to be,2013,126,1386,114-116,Moran The Canterbury Charity Hospital: An update (2010-2012) and effects of the earthquakes,2013,126,1386,31-42,Bagshaw Rape,1977,86,593,152,Facer Rape and abortion,1977,86,596,301-302,Jackson Abortion and rape,1977,86,598,397,Barry-Martin Dunedin sports injuries 1974-1976,1977,86,599,423-427,Marshall Scuba diving and burst lung,1977,86,601,539,Hedley Barbecue burns,1977,86,601,524,Sinclair 'A child restraint for every child on every trip',2014,127,1388,61-65,Shepherd An assessment of an outcome of injury questionnaire using a Pacific model of health and wellbeing,2014,127,1388,32-39,Derrett Preventing death and injury to child motor vehicle passengers: Achieving best practice requires simplifying restraint choice for parents and setting best practice as the societal norm,2014,127,1388,9-12,Bilston Response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article,2014,127,1389,106-108,Olivier Datura intoxication,1978,87,604,61-62,Smidt Acute lead poisoning in children,1978,87,612,366,Greaves Acute selenium poisoning: case report,1978,87,612,354-356,Civil Foot injuries caused by power lawn mowers,1980,91,654,131-133,Thurston A prospective study of hip fracture patients,1980,91,655,165-169,Stott Sudden deafness and scuba divers,1981,93,678,131,Roydhouse Shotgun injuries in South Auckland,1981,93,681,220-222,Innes The outcome of severe head injuries,1981,93,682,267-269,Blyth Personal injury by accident and accident compensation,1991,104,905,49-50, Heat stroke in runners,1979,89,635,361,Roydhouse Diagnosis and drugs taken in self-poisoning,1979,89,636,388-390,Large Acute arsenical poisoning in Dunedin,1979,89,636,379-381,Taylor Hang gliding accidents,1979,89,638,481-482, Sudden death of a young man during a sponsored jogging event,1980,91,662,454-456,Woodhouse Butyl mercaptan poisoning in the Parnell civil defence emergency: fact or fiction,1982,95,706,277-278,Christophers Alcohol use in New Zealand: a review from a biopsychosocial perspective,1982,95,705,222-225,Spittle Head injuries from squash: a prospective study,1980,92,663,1-3,Clemett Eye injuries: a twelve-month survey,1979,90,640,47-49,Chapman-Smith Premature mortality in adults using New Zealand psychiatric services,2014,127,1394,31-41,Collings Patient aggression experienced by staff in a New Zealand public hospital setting,2014,127,1394,10-18,Swain Allowing violence in New Zealand hospitals is bad business,2014,127,1394,8-9,Kelly Intentional paraquat poisoning: case report,1978,88,615,12-13,Streat Consulting with parents about children's misbehaviour,1978,88,624,406-407,Small Alcohol and the young at school,1979,90,642,154, Prevention of eye accidents,1979,90,643,214-215,Powell Hazardous drinking,1979,90,643,199-201,Batt Datura poisoning,1979,90,647,399,Fama The victims of sexual assault,1979,90,647,398,Daniels Patient aggression overstated--with authors' reply,2014,127,1396,90-92,McLeod Trauma care in New Zealand,1985,98,773,113,Horne Rugby dental injuries,1982,95,710,437,Nicholas Can a paediatric department provide health care for vulnerable adolescents?,2014,127,1398,67-76,Rayner The impact of major earthquakes on the psychological functioning of medical students: a Christchurch New Zealand study,2014,127,1398,54-66,McKenzie Sexual assault kits,1981,94,695,358,Lawton Rugby injury survey 1979,1981,94,695,349-350,Inglis Patterns and sources of alcohol consumption preceding alcohol-affected attendances to a New Zealand hospital emergency department,2014,127,1401,40-55,Pearson The impact of alcohol-related presentations on a New Zealand hospital emergency department,2014,127,1401,23-39,Pearson Too many risky drinkers; too little alcohol law reform,2014,127,1401,6-9,Connor Reply to Wang et al response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article,2014,127,1402,113-116,Clarke Riding into the future: a snapshot of elderly mobility scooter riders and how they use their scooters,2014,127,1402,43-49,Schneiders Poisoning following exposure to chemicals stored in mislabelled or unlabelled containers: a recipe for potential disaster,2014,127,1403,17-23,Schep The diagnosis of sexual abuse of children,1989,102,863,99-100,Geddis Alcohol and local authorities,1989,102,866,200,Scott Three hundred admissions to the Waikato Hospital intensive therapy unit--survival costs and quality of life after two years,1989,102,866,179-181,Havill Child abuse in Christchurch,1989,102,868,259,Dobson Ipratropium and the eye,1989,102,872,386,Tuohy Ecstasy abuse,1989,102,871,358,Ellis Lifestyle behaviours during pregnancy,1991,104,908,111-112,Hopkins The ethics of informed consent in relation to prevention screening programmes,1991,104,908,121-123,O'Hagan An unusual diving injury,1986,99,798,205,McCall Fringe groups,1987,100,820,186-187,Dobson Culture traditional medicine and sports injury in Oceania,1987,100,820,183-185,Finau Arm wrestling and fracture humerus,1987,100,819,153,Kenyon-David Interest and participation in selected sports among New Zealand adolescents,2004,117,1195,U906,Reeder Acute thoracic disc prolapse with paraparesis following a rugby tackle: a case report,1994,107,973,86-87,Bartlett Sports injuries in New Zealand,1986,99,814,899-901,Borman The longevity of international rugby players,1983,96,735,513-515,Stewart Cervical spine injury and football,1979,89,638,493,Hooker Alcohol intake marijuana use and sleep deprivation on the risk of falls occurring at home among young and middleaged adults: a case-crossover study,2014,127,1406,32-38,Ameratunga The burden of disease and injury attributable to alcohol in New Zealanders under 80 years of age: marked disparities by ethnicity and sex,2015,128,1409,15-28,Connor Portrayal of violence weapons antisocial behaviour and alcohol: study of televised music videos in New Zealand,2015,128,1410,84-86,Stanley Traumatic brain injury within Pacific people of New Zealand,2015,128,1412,29-38,Ameratunga 7-year retrospective review of quad bike injuries admitted to Starship Children's Hospital,2015,128,1414,45-50,Miles 7-year retrospective review of quad bike injuries admitted to Starship Children's Hospital,2015,128,1414,44-50,Miles An ageing trauma population: the Auckland experience,2015,128,1414,36-43,Hsee Impact of the New Zealand 2011 Rugby World Cup on an urban emergency department,2015,128,1419,80-84,Jones Accident Compensation Corporation claim status and benefit type is associated with low back pain outcomes,2015,128,1422,75-77,Elfering Out of touch? The shortcoming of New Zealand's amended Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act (2012) for the Rugby World Cup (2015),2015,128,1422,73-74,Riordan Workplace bullying in hospitals: an unresolved problem,2015,128,1424,18-19,Kelly Bullying culture: valuing the teacher-student relationship,2015,128,1424,13-17,Berryman Bullying in health care settings: time for a whole-of-system response,2015,128,1424,10-13,Crampton Bullying in surgery,2015,128,1424,7-10,Ferguson Maxillofacial fractures at Waikato Hospital New Zealand: 2004 to 2013,2015,128,1426,96-102,Moore Late-life self-harm in the Waikato region,2015,128,1426,75-82,Cheung The effect of alcohol price on dependent drinkers' alcohol consumption,2015,128,1427,9-17,Christie Trialling a shaken baby syndrome prevention programme in the Auckland District Health Board,2016,129,1430,39-50,Kelly Predictors of psychological resilience amongst medical students following major earthquakes,2016,129,1434,17-22,Boden Trampoline-associated injuries are more common in children in spring,2016,129,1436,37-43,Hill Cannabis in New Zealand: smoking gun or medicalised smokescreen?,2016,129,1433,13-16,Newton-Howes Child abuse in Australian camps-whose business and who should speak out?,2016,129,1433,8-12,Hassall Care versus convenience: examining paracetamol overdose in New Zealand and harm reduction strategies through sale and supply,2015,128,1424,28-34,Quigley Ageing in spinal cord injuries,2016,129,1438,8-11,Acland Rebalancing health service use for older people: simulating policy-relevant scenarios under demographic ageing,2016,129,1442,25-35,Lay-Yee Ciguatera fish poisoning,2016,129,1444,111-114,Peckler Dog bites treatment and prevention in New Zealand,2014,127,1406,93-94,Oxley Reducing harm from falls,2016,129,1446,89-103,Jones Falls prevention as everyday heroism,2016,129,1446,14-16,Healey Alcohol sponsorship of a summer of sport: a frequency analysis of alcohol marketing during major sports events on New Zealand television,2017,130,1448,27-33,Signal Changes in the age pattern of New Zealand suicide rates,2017,130,1448,18-26,Snowdon Time for the New Zealand government to ban alcohol advertising and sponsorship in sport,2017,130,1448,6-8,Chikritzhs Suicide mortality among Pacific peoples in New Zealand 1996-2013,2017,130,1454,21-29,Lay-Yee Increased use of police and health-related services among those with heavy drinkers in their lives in New Zealand,2017,130,1455,102-110,Huckle Media accounts of unintentional child injury deaths in New Zealand: a teachable moment?,2017,130,1461,15-23,Kool Slavery in New Zealand: what is the role of the health sector?,2017,130,1463,63-69,Blaiklock Characteristics of older adults hospitalised following trauma in the Midland region of New Zealand,2017,130,1463,45-53,Christey The New Zealand Major Trauma Registry: the foundation for a data-driven approach in a contemporary trauma system,2017,130,1463,19-27,Christey Ten-year experience of splenic trauma in New Zealand: the rise of non-operative management,2017,130,1463,11-18,Frizelle Child morbidity as described by hospital admissions for primary school aged children in Tonga 2009-2013,2017,130,1465,29-43,Langridge Morbidity from intentional self-harm among Pacific peoples in New Zealand 1996-2015,2017,130,1467,23-31,Lay-Yee The effect of trampoline parks on presentations to the Christchurch Emergency Department,2018,131,1468,43-53,Pearson Monitoring pre-hospital transport of severely injured patients in the Midland Region of New Zealand,2018,131,1470,71-78,Christey An audit of risk assessments for suicide and attempted suicide in ED: a retrospective review of quality,2018,131,1470,14-21,Clark How comprehensive is suicide risk assessment in the emergency department?,2018,131,1470,11-13,Gale Health consequences of transport patterns in New Zealand's largest cities,2018,131,1472,64-72,Keall Poisoning due to tutin in honey-a report of an outbreak in New Zealand,2018,131,1473,59-71,Beasley Early onset dementia in New Zealand Pacific boxers: a case series,2018,131,1474,20-26,Payman Violence and aggression in the emergency department is under-reported and under-appreciated,2018,131,1476,50-58,Ardagh Changes in New Zealand's alcohol environment following implementation of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act (2012),2018,131,1476,14-23,Huckle Time to stop making things worse: an imperative focus for healthcare student bullying research,2018,131,1479,81-85,Wilkinson Counting the costs of major trauma in a provincial trauma centre,2018,131,1479,57-63,Harmston Equine-related injuries requiring hospitalisation in the Midland Region of New Zealand: a continuous five-year review,2018,131,1483,50-58,Smith Alcohol-related emergency department attendances after the introduction of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012,2018,131,1483,40-49,Pearson Livestock-related injuries in the Midland region of New Zealand,2018,131,1483,13-20,Smith Distress in informal carers of the elderly in New Zealand,2018,131,1485,60-66,Swain Sudden death in patients with serious mental illness,2018,131,1487,70-79,Mulder Self-harm in adults: a comparison between the middle-aged and the elderly,2019,132,1489,15-29,Cheung Cycling-related injuries and cycling promotion: a trauma service perspective,2019,132,1494,41-48,Smith Incidence and outcomes of major trauma in New Zealand: findings from a feasibility study of New Zealand's first national trauma registry,2019,132,1494,26-40,Kersten Improving patient experience and outcomes following serious injury,2019,132,1494,15-25,Christey The incidence and risk factors of dog bite injuries requiring hospitalisation in New Zealand,2019,132,1494,8-14,Mair Ethylene glycol poisoning: mind the gap,2019,132,1495,74-78,Gresham What we know and don't know about cannabis psychosis and violence,2019,132,1499,76-77,Boden Subsequent injuries experienced by Māori: results from a 24-month prospective study in New Zealand,2019,132,1499,23-35,Derrett Expediting cataract surgery in New Zealand is cost-effective for falls prevention and improving vision-so what might be the next steps?,2019,132,1501,73-78,Wilson The cost of electric-scooter related orthopaedic surgery,2019,132,1501,57-63,Campbell A six-year review of patients admitted to hospital with injuries related to quad bike use,2019,132,1501,33-40,Christey Factors influencing protective equipment use by mountain bikers: implications for injury prevention,2019,132,1502,25-39,Pratt The burden of alcohol-related presentations to a busy urban New Zealand hospital emergency department,2019,132,1504,56-66,Kool Electric scooter injuries at Auckland City Hospital,2019,132,1505,62-72,Brownson Epidemiology of major disasters in New Zealand as revealed by disaster memorials,2019,132,1507,104-107,Thomson "Beasts"-New Zealand's utility vehicles: their climate change emissions and macho marketing,2019,132,1507,90-99,Wilson Disasters policies and micronutrients: the intersect among ethics evidence and effective action,2020,133,1508,8-11,Mulder Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in New Zealand (2007-2016),2020,133,1509,47-57,Schouten Adolescent cannabis use continues its downward trend New Zealand 2012-2018,2020,133,1510,91-93,Martin Bullying and harassment in ophthalmology: a trainee survey,2020,133,1512,102-103,Watson Foveal laser pointer injury: are laser pointers safe enough for public possession?,2020,133,1513,119-121,Ngan Variation in volumes and characteristics of trauma patients admitted to a level one trauma centre during national level 4 lockdown for COVID-19 in New Zealand,2020,133,1513,81-88,Smith Ability of the Maze Navigation Test Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Trail Making Tests A & B to predict on-road driving performance in current drivers diagnosed with dementia,2020,133,1513,23-32,Cheung Attitudes towards cannabis and cannabis law change in a New Zealand birth cohort,2020,133,1515,79-88,Boden The government's proposal to legalise cannabis in New Zealand: 10 key questions,2020,133,1515,9-15,Wilkins Falls risk factor assessment and secondary prevention in the older old,2020,133,1519,24-31,Connolly New Zealand's 'Cannabis Legalisation and Regulation Bill': an evidence-based assessment and critique of essential regulatory components towards policy outcomes,2020,133,1519,103-111,Fischer The mule who took us for a ride,2020,133,1521,102-105,El-Abbassy The Cannabis Referendum: why a yes vote offers a net gain for public health,2020,133,1523,8-11,Baker Sexual assault experiences of university students and disclosure to health professionals and others,2020,133,1523,55-64,Beres The clinical toxicology of cannabis,2020,133,1523,96-103,Gee Shared electric scooter injuries admitted to Auckland City Hospital: a comparative review one year after their introduction,2021,134,1530,21-29,Bhagvan Exploring admissions for Māori presenting with major trauma at Christchurch Hospital,2021,134,1530,69-75,Wakeman Parental use of physical punishment in a birth cohort,2021,134,1534,17-30,Boden Dangers of a single pellet,2021,134,1537,148-149,Ha Cannabis legalisation: should doctors be concerned?,2021,134,1537,84-90,Kumar Dangers of a single pellet,2021,134,1538,148-149,Ha Mortality following severe liver trauma is declining at Auckland City Hospital: a 14-year experience 2006-2020,2021,134,1540,16-24,Fischer The societal cost of unintentional childhood injuries in Aotearoa,2021,134,1540,25-37,Shepherd Nail gun injuries: not just an occupational hazard,2021,134,1540,56-63,Civil A comparison of major trauma admissions to Christchurch Hospital during and after COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand,2021,134,1540,46-55,Wakeman The Spanish Flu pandemic and stable New Zealand suicide rates: historical lessons for COVID-19 [letter],2021,134,1541,134-137,Mulder Knowledge and management of sport-related concussion in primary care in New Zealand,2022,135,1548,31-41,Reid Epidemiology of major trauma in New Zealand: a systematic review,2022,135,1550,86-110,Kool Characteristics of patients hospitalised with traumatic brain injuries,2022,135,1550,111-120,Christey An evaluation of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation,2022,135,1550,140-146,Makam Some unusual cases of multiple-victim multiple-offender child sexual abuse (1980-2020),2022,135,1551,115-120,Webster An audit of dog-related injury notification practices in a New Zealand public hospital,2022,135,1553,99-106,Duncan-Sutherland Challenging the culture of emergency department violence and aggression,2022,135,1554,9-19,Richardson Epidemiology of dog-related injuries within New Zealand,2022,135,1554,111-128,Exeter Acute alcohol use and suicide deaths: an analysis of New Zealand coronial data from 2007-2020,2022,135,1558,65-78,Beautrais Face masks and falls,2022,135,1558,103-105,Thwaites Trauma teams in Aotearoa New Zealand-a national survey,2022,135,1560,77-88,Harmston Cannabis use and patterns of psychotic symptomatology in a longitudinal birth cohort,2022,135,1562,25-33,Boden Seeking of help and support after experiencing sexual harm: considerations for cisgender women cisgender men and gender-diverse people,2022,135,1562,56-62,Patterson Trauma team activation: improved care of major trauma patients,2022,135,1562,78-94,Wakeman Healthcare pathways for mild traumatic brain injury patients in New Zealand determined from Accident Compensation Corporation data,2022,135,1563,36-51,Hume Disability-adjusted life years and cost of health loss of hospitalised major trauma patients in New Zealand,2022,135,1563,62-69,Gabbe A rare case of penetrating intra-abdominal trauma by a fishing speargun,2022,135,1565,113-119,Civil Specialist medical toxicologist consultations provided by the New Zealand National Poisons Centre 2018-2020,2022,136,1569,60-71,Gee Alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments on Crate Day in Waikato New Zealand,2023,136,1572,26-35,Soysa Opportunities for preventing subsequent injuries: a qualitative study exploring perspectives of people who have experienced injuries,2023,136,1575,10-21,Derrett Corporate boxing matches for charity: a personal point of view,2023,136,1579,113-118,Benny Cannabis and methamphetamine in New Zealand: a Kaupapa Māori literature review,2023,136,1584,73-83,Wikaire Falls at home: hospital admissions in a health region of Aotearoa New Zealand,2024,137,1588,47-56,Christey ACC and treatment injuries: is it time to rethink injury causation?,2024,137,1589,67-72,Andrew Temporal trends of transport-related injuries on New Zealand roads,2024,137,1592,43-53,Beck Should menstrual cycle data be collected during suspected suicide autopsies?,2024,137,1592,113-115,Cooney The epidemiology of deliberate self poisoning presenting to Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department,1998,111,1063,126-129,Weir Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1072,e326,Robertson Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1066,e194,Hassall Youth suicide rates,1998,111,1076,e415,Moore Youth suicide in New Zealand,1999,112,1093,e304,McGee Youth suicide,1999,112,1092,e282,Durham Youth suicide report 1997,1999,112,1087,e167,Werry Injury to Maori I: Fatalities,2000,113,1123,508-510,Broughton Is there a treatment for testosterone?,2000,113,1123,e507,Mantell Decades of disparity: Widening ethnic mortality gaps from 1980 to 1999,2004,117,1199,,Tobias Depression and SSRI antidepressants in children and youth,2004,117,1206,, Epidemiology of attempted suicide in Canterbury Province New Zealand (1993-2002),2004,117,1205,,Beautrais Violence against women in New Zealand: Prevalence and health consequences,2004,117,1206,,Fanslow Antidepressant poisoning deaths in New Zealand for 2001,2003,116,1184,,Reith Suicide in New Zealand I: Time trends and epidemiology,2003,116,1175,,Beautrais Deaths from poisoning in New Zealand: 2001-2002,2005,118,1225,,McDowell Opioid poisoning deaths in New Zealand (2001-2002),2005,118,1209,,Tilyard The contribution of causes of death to socioeconomic inequalities in child mortality: New Zealand 1981-1999,2005,118,1227,,Shaw The New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy consultation round: An open submission to the Ministry of Health,2005,118,1216,,Collings Cardiac stab injury,2007,120,1267,,Civil Tramadol intoxication and tongue laceration,2013,126,1370,,Sanaei-Zadeh Suicide amongst doctors,2022,135,1564,7-9,Mulder The Treatment of Psychic Disorders,2022,135,1567,119-120, Mortality and fluctuations in macroeconomic activity in New Zealand,2021,134,1533,46-60,Greenaway-McGrevy Suicide among Asian young people aged under 25 years in Aotearoa New Zealand: different methods warrant different preventive initiatives,2021,134,1542,84-91,Fortune The Spanish Flu pandemic and stable New Zealand suicide rates: historical lessons for COVID-19,2021,134,1541,134-137,Mulder Amenable mortality within the New Zealand homeless population: we can do better!,2020,133,1527,26-38,Lawrenson Alcohol-related harm and Aotearoa New Zealand emergency departments [editorial],2024,137,1596,9-12,Crossin Medicolegal aspects of self-harm,1998,111,1075,e394,Fennessy Socio-economic factors and mortality among 25-64 year olds followed from 1991 to 1994: the New Zealand Census-Mortality Study,2002,115,1149,93-97,Pearce Antidepressant poisoning deaths in New Zealand for 2001,2003,116,1184,U646,Reith Nembutal,2009,122,1301,e72,Ridley-Smith The contribution of avoidable mortality to the life expectancy gap in Māori and Pacific populations in New Zealand-a decomposition analysis,2019,132,1492,46-60,Walsh The use of 'tie down' in New Zealand prisons​-what is the role of the health sector?,2019,132,1493,60-68,King Seven things you need to know about men's health,2017,130,1463,7-10,Nicholson Characteristics of low moderate and high severity trauma hospitalisations in a health region of Aotearoa New Zealand-10-year review,2024,137,1599,37-48,Smith Intentional physical self-injury in Auckland: patterns associations and clinical implications in a single-centre cross-sectional study,2024,137,1600,40-51,Civil A hard pilsner to swallow: a case series of bottle cap foreign bodies in Canterbury over a 3-month period in 2023,2024,137,1600,76-79,Abdulhamid