Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player,2006,59,5,E1152,Viano Birth and evolution of the football helmet,2004,55,3,656-661,Levy Neurological injury and death in all-terrain vehicle crashes in West Virginia: a 10-year retrospective review,2004,54,4,861-866,Helmkamp Determinants of head injury mortality,1990,27,2,334-335,Kraus Head protection in England before the First World War,2001,49,2,478-479,Boylston Head protection in England before the first World War,2000,47,6,1261-85; discussion 1285-6,Blackburn Concussion in professional football: reconstruction of game impacts and injuries,2004,55,1,260; author reply 260,Kundra The development of a method to measure head acceleration and motion in high-impact crashes,2004,54,3,672-7; discussion 677,Olvey Concussion in professional football: epidemiological features of game injuries and review of the literature--part 3,2004,54,1,81-94; discussion 94-6,Waeckerle Concussion in professional football: location and direction of helmet impacts-Part 2,2003,53,6,1328-40; discussion 1340-1,Viano Concussion in professional football: reconstruction of game impacts and injuries,2003,53,4,799-812,Waeckerle Catastrophic spine injuries in American football 1977-2001,2003,53,2,358-62; discussion 362-3,Cantu Brain injury-related fatalities in American football 1945-1999,2003,52,4,846-52; discussion 852-3,Cantu Lawrence of Arabia Sir Hugh Cairns and the origin of motorcycle helmets,2002,50,1,176-9; discussion 179-80,Adams Intracranial penetration due to BB air rifle injuries,1986,19,6,952-954,Miner Evaluation of a program to prevent head and spinal cord injuries: a comparison between middle school and high school,1992,31,3,557-61; discussion 561-2,Avolio The science and design of head protection in sport,2004,55,4,956-967,Hoshizaki Concussion in professional (American) football: repeat injuries - Part 4,2004,55,4,860-876,Waeckerle Concussion in professional (American) football: Injuries involving 7 or more days out -- Part 5,2004,55,5,1100-1119,Viano Concussion in professional (American) football: Players returning to the same game - Part 7,2005,56,1,79-92,Viano Analysis and evolution of head injury in football,2004,55,3,649-655,Levy The epidemiology of urban pediatric neurological trauma: evaluation of and implications for injury prevention programs,1998,42,2,300-310,Barlow Ballistic helmets and aspects of their design,2000,47,3,678-88; discussion 688-9,Carey Lost productive work time after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury with and without hospitalization,2005,56,5,994-1003,Brundage Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player,2005,57,1,128-134,Wecht Oregon Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program and evaluation,1989,24,3,453-458,Avolio Concussion in Professional Football: Comparison with Boxing Head Impacts-Part 10,2005,57,6,1154-1172,Viano Air bags: reducing the toll of brain trauma,1987,20,5,815-817,Jagger Examining concussion rates and return to play in high school football players wearing newer helmet technology: a three-year prospective cohort study,2006,58,2,275-86; discussion 275-86,Lovell Concussion in professional [American] football: recovery of NFL and high school athletes assessed by computerized neuropsychological testing-part 12,2006,58,2,263-74; discussion 263-74,Viano Cervical spine injuries in ocean bathers: wave-related accidents,2006,58,5,920-3; discussion 920-3,Robles Catastrophic football injuries: 1977-1998,2000,47,3,673-5; discussion 675-7,Cantu Brachial plexus injury: a survey of 100 consecutive cases from a single service,2002,51,3,673-82; discussion 682-3,Kline Epidemiology of brachial plexus injuries in a multitrauma population,1997,40,6,1182-8; discussion 1188-9,Midha Penetrating craniocerebral injury resultant from gunshot wounds: gang-related injury in children and adolescents,1993,33,6,1018-1024,Levy Objectifying when to halt a boxing match: a video analysis of fatalities,2007,60,2,307-15; discussion 315-6,Bailes Craniocerebral injuries from dog bite in an infant,1981,9,4,426-428,Wilberger The effect of wearing a restrictive neck brace on driver performance,2003,53,1,98-101; discussion 102,Smith Concussion in professional football: performance of newer helmets in reconstructed game impacts--Part 13,2006,59,3,591-606; discussion 591-606,Viano Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player,2006,58,5,E1003; author reply E1003; discussion E1003,Viano Concussion in professional football: helmet testing to assess impact performance--part 11,2006,58,1,78-96; discussion 78-96,Viano Concussion in professional football: brain responses by finite element analysis: part 9,2005,57,5,891-916; discussion 891-916,Viano Concussion in professional football: biomechanics of the striking player--part 8,2005,56,2,266-80; discussion 266-80,Viano Concussion in professional football: neuropsychological testing--part 6,2004,55,6,1290-303; discussion 1303-5,Viano Concussion in professional football: biomechanics of the struck player--part 14,2007,61,2,313-27; discussion 327-8,Viano Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1993,33,6,1117-1118,Lipron Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1993,32,6,962-4; discussion 964,Kaufman Measurement of head impacts in collegiate football players: relationship between head impact biomechanics and acute clinical outcome after concussion,2007,61,6,1244-52; discussion 1252-3,Guskiewicz Measurement of head impacts in collegiate football players: clinical measures of concussion after high- and low-magnitude impacts,2007,61,6,1236-43; discussion 1243,Guskiewicz Measurement of head impacts in collegiate football players: an investigation of positional and event-type differences,2007,61,6,1229-35; discussion 1235,Guskiewicz Head impact severity measures for evaluating mild traumatic brain injury risk exposure,2008,62,4,789-98; discussion 798,Greenwald Injury prevention: neurosurgery and public health,2008,62,6,1395, Do minor head impacts in soccer cause concussive injury? A prospective case-control study,2009,64,4,719-25; discussion 725,Dvorak Consensus statement on concussion in sport: The 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich November 2008,2009,64,5,786-787,Cantu Concussion in professional [American] football: morphology of brain injuries in the NFL concussion model--part 16,2009,64,6,1174-82; discussion 1182,Viano Concussion in professional football: animal model of brain injury--part 15,2009,64,6,1162-73; discussion 1173,Viano Disappearance of self-aggressive behavior in a brain-injured patient after deep brain stimulation of the hypothalamus: technical case report,2008,62,5,E1182; discussion E1182,Lenartz Gunshot wounds to the head: a perspective,1986,18,6,689-695,Kaufman Bilateral upper extremity paralysis (Bell's cruciate paralysis) from a gunshot wound to the cervicomedullary junction,1986,18,5,642-644,Sonntag Civilian gunshot wounds to the brain: prognosis and management,1986,18,5,533-537,Nagib Subdural hematomas in abused children: report of six cases from Japan,1986,18,4,475-477,Aoki The Beirut terrorist bombing,1986,18,1,107-110,Harris Intracranial sewing needles,1987,20,4,666,Rahimizadeh Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1991,28,5,780,Rogers Outcome in 200 consecutive cases of severe head injury treated in San Diego County: a prospective analysis,1980,6,3,237-242,Marshall Compression injuries of the cervical spine: a biomechanical analysis,1983,13,3,254-260,Maiman Moderate head injury: completing the clinical spectrum of brain trauma,1982,11,3,344-351,Jane Intracranial pressure monitoring in severe pediatric near-drowning,1981,9,6,627-630,McComb Disability caused by minor head injury,1981,9,3,221-228,Jane Long-term observations of intracranial pressure after severe head injury. The phenomenon of secondary rise of intracranial pressure,1993,32,1,17-23; discussion 23-4,Kiening Spontaneous movement of bullets in the brain,1993,32,1,140-143,Johnson The "subdural" space: a new look at an outdated concept,1993,32,1,111-120,Harkey Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1993,33,4,770,Stone Relationship between Glasgow Outcome Scale and neuropsychological measures after brain injury,1993,33,1,34-8; discussion 38-9,Jane Accidental head trauma and retinal hemorrhage,1993,33,2,231-4; discussion 234-5,Johnson Accidental head trauma and retinal hemorrhage,1994,34,4,771,Aoki Gunshot wounds to the head in civilian practice,1995,37,6,1104-10; discussion 1110-2,Stone Stab injuries to the spinal cord: a retrospective study on clinical findings and magnetic resonance imaging changes,2007,61,6,1262-6; discussion 1266-7,Dunn Athletic concussion: current understanding as of 2007,2007,61,6,E1340; author reply E1340,Ropper The death of Leon Trotsky,2010,67,2,417-423,Soto-Pérez-de-Celis Mortality resulting from head injury in professional boxing: case report,2010,67,2,E519-20,Levy Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1994,34,5,943,Hardy Injuries involving the transverse atlantal ligament: classification and treatment guidelines based upon experience with 39 injuries,1996,38,1,44-50,Greene Clinicopathological heterogeneity in the classification of mild head injury,1996,38,2,245-250,Culotta Sewing Needles in the Brain: Infanticide Attempts or Accidental Insertion?,2010,67,4,E1170-9; discussion E1179,Sturiale A Population-Based Study of All-Terrain Vehicle-Related Head and Spinal Injuries,2010,67,4,993-7; discussion 997,Finn Postconcussive symptoms are associated with compensatory cortical recruitment during a working memory task,2010,67,4,1020-1028,Lovell Temporal window of metabolic brain vulnerability to concussions: oxidative and nitrosative stresses--part II,2007,61,2,390-5; discussion 395-6,Tavazzi The Death of Casagemas: early Picasso the Blue Period mortality and redemption,2007,61,2,404-17; discussion 417,Chalif Temporal window of metabolic brain vulnerability to concussions: mitochondrial-related impairment--part I,2007,61,2,379-88; discussion 388-9,Tavazzi Functional brain abnormalities are related to clinical recovery and time to return-to-play in athletes,2007,61,2,352-9; discussion 359-60,Lovell Sex differences in neuropsychological function and post-concussion symptoms of concussed collegiate athletes,2007,61,2,345-50; discussion 350-1,Schatz Differential rate of recovery in athletes after first and second concussion episodes,2007,61,2,338-44; discussion 344,Sebastianelli Long-term and cumulative effects of sports concussion on motor cortex inhibition,2007,61,2,329-36; discussion 336-7,Lassonde Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in the National Football League,2007,61,2,223-225,Cantu Mortality resulting from head injury in professional boxing: case report: errata-retraction,2010,67,5,1459, Mortality resulting from head injury in professional boxing,2010,67,5,1444-50; discussion 1450,Levy The localizing value of asymmetry in pupillary size in severe head injury: relation to lesion type and location,1994,34,5,840-5; discussion 845-6,Marshall Pediatric spinal cord and vertebral column injury,1992,30,3,385-390,Osenbach Embolism of cerebral tissue to lungs: report of two cases and review of the literature,1988,23,4,511-516,Donnelly Preliminary experiences with brachial plexus exploration in children: birth injury and vehicular trauma,1988,22,4,715-723,Hudson Nonaccidental pediatric head injury: diffusion-weighted imaging findings,2001,49,2,309-18; discussion 318-20,Fajman Traumatic paraplegia in children without contiguous spinal fracture or dislocation,1983,12,4,439-445,Stevens Mortality in Children With Severe Head Trauma: Predictive Factors and Proposal for a New Predictive Scale,2010,67,6,1542-1547,Blanot Subgroup analysis and covariate adjustment in randomized clinical trials of traumatic brain injury: a systematic review,2005,57,6,1244-1253; discussion 1244-1253,Steyerberg Early Indicators of Enduring Symptoms in High School Athletes with Multiple Previous Concussions,2011,68,6,1562-7; discussion 1567,Schatz The results of treatment of gunshot wounds to the brain in children,1990,26,1,20-4; discussion 24-5,Miner Neuropsychological outcome after severe pediatric near-drowning,1985,17,4,604-608,McComb Benjamin Winslow Dudley and early American trephination for posttraumatic epilepsy,1997,41,1,263-268,Stone Crush injuries to the head in children,1995,37,3,401-6; discussion 407,Duhaime Intentional cranial deformation: a disappearing form of self-mutilation,1995,37,3,374-81; discussion 381-2,Gerszten Delayed Presentation of Traumatic Cerebral and Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae after a BB Gun Accident in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report,2011,68,6,E1750-4; discussion E1754-5,Theodore Lower cervical posterior element fractures in the National Football League: a report of two cases and a review of the literature,2011,68,6,E1743-8; discussion E1748-9,Warren Neurosurgical emergency transfers to academic centers in Cook County: a prospective multicenter study,2008,62,3,709-16; discussion 709-16,Byrne Incidence of skull fractures in Olmsted County Minnesota,1984,15,3,318-324,Offord Traumatic aneurysm from shaken baby syndrome: case report,1996,39,6,1252-1255,O'Gorman Early hypodensity on computed tomographic scan of the brain in an accidental pediatric head injury,2007,60,4,689-94; discussion 694-5,Steinbok Gunshot wounds to the brain in children and adolescents: age and neurobehavioral development,1994,35,2,225-33; discussion 233,Miner Insights into pediatric concussions from a novel repeat traumatic brain injury mouse model,2011,68,2,N17-18,Jandial The neuropathology of South American mummies,1995,36,4,756-761,Gerszten Gunshot wounds to the head in civilian practice,1996,39,1,210-211,Greene Neuropsychological functioning and recovery after mild head injury in collegiate athletes,1996,39,3,510-514,Jane Disappearance of arachnoid cysts after head injury,1995,36,5,938-41; discussion 941-2,Shin Continuous regional cerebral cortical blood flow monitoring in head-injured patients,1995,36,5,943-9; discussion 949-50,Sioutos Crush injuries to the head,1996,39,4,877-878,Gonzalez Tortosa The history of spinal biomechanics,1996,39,4,657-68; discussion 668-9,Rengachary Incidence of unsuspected blunt carotid artery injury,1998,43,5,1257-1258,Johnson Concussion Management at the NFL College High School and Youth Sports Levels,2011,69,Suppl,51-56,Maroon Cut-off Scores in neurocognitive testing and symptom clusters that predict protracted recovery from concussions in high school athletes,2012,70,2,371-9; discussion 379,Lovell Traumatic intracranial aneurysms caused by missiles: their presentation and management,1991,28,1,1-7,Haddad Normal computed tomograms in acute head injury: correlation of intracranial pressure ventricular size and outcome,1982,10,1,25-28,Holliday Letter to the Editor-The Awesome Power of a $30 Seat Belt: An Early Recollection of M Gazi Yasargil,2011,69,6,E1343-4,Albin Brain Hypoxia Is Associated With Short-term Outcome After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Independently of Intracranial Hypertension and Low Cerebral Perfusion Pressure,2011,69,5,1037-1045,Oddo Neurocritical care monitoring correlates with neuropathology in a Swine model of pediatric traumatic brain injury,2011,69,5,1139-1147,Margulies Central nervous system infections after military missile head wounds,1998,42,3,500-7; discussion 507-9,Aarabi Incidence of unsuspected blunt carotid artery injury,1998,42,3,495-8; discussion 498-9,Prall Regional cerebral blood volume after severe head injury in patients with regional cerebral ischemia,1998,42,6,1276-80; discussion 1280-1,Choi Craniocerebral trauma: protection and retrieval of the neuronal population after injury,1998,43,4,723-37; discussion 737-8,Teasdale Acute posttraumatic subdural hematomas: "intradural" computed tomographic appearance as a favorable prognostic factor,1998,43,3,649-650,Kanat Intracerebral inflammation after human brain contusion,1998,43,3,648,Smith A prospective population-based study of pediatric trauma patients with mild alterations in consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13-14),2000,46,5,1093-1099,McComb Head injury in athletes,2001,48,1,26-45; discussion 45-6,Cantu Diseases of the spine in South American mummies,2001,48,1,208-213,Allison A flask full of jelly: the first in vitro model of concussive head injury--1830,2002,50,2,386-391,Feinsod Morbidity and Mortality of C2 Fractures in the Elderly: Surgery and Conservative Treatment,2011,70,5,1055-1059,Carragee Traumatic brain damage in minor head injury: relation of serum S-100 protein measurements to magnetic resonance imaging and neurobehavioral outcome,1999,45,3,468-75; discussion 475-6,Romner The neurosurgeon in sport: awareness of the risks of heatstroke and dietary supplements,2003,52,1,252-5; author reply 255-7,Volek The influence of hyperglycemia on neurological outcome in patients with severe head injury,2000,46,2,335-42; discussion 342-3,Rovlias Chronic subdural hematoma complicating arachnoid cyst secondary to soccer-related head injury: case report,2002,50,1,195-7; discussion 197-8,Bailes Somatosensory and auditory brain stem conduction after head injury: a comparison with clinical features in prediction of outcome,1990,26,2,278-285,Lindsay The diagnosis and treatment of pediatric lumbar spine injuries caused by rear seat lap belts,1990,26,3,434-441,Johnson Increasing recovery time between injuries improves cognitive outcome after repetitive mild concussive brain injuries in mice,2012,71,4,885-891,Meehan Pain syndromes after missile-caused peripheral nerve lesions: part 2--treatment,2006,59,6,1238-49; discussion 1249-51,Mandić-Gajić Pain syndromes after missile-caused peripheral nerve lesions: part 1--clinical characteristics,2006,59,6,1226-36; discussion 1236-7,Mandić-Gajić Wartime traumatic cerebral vasospasm: recent review of combat casualties,2006,59,6,1215-25; discussion 1225,Vo Are we underestimating the burden of TBI: surveillance of severe TBI using CDC ICD-9-CM traumatic brain injury codes,2012,71,6,1064-70; discussion 1070,Guse Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player: Part II,2006,59,5,1086-92; discussion 1092-3,Wecht Attempting homicide by inserting sewing needle into the brain,2013,72,1,E143-4,Amirjamshidi Head injury and pulmonary embolism: a retrospective report based on the Pennsylvania Trauma Outcomes study,2004,54,1,143-8; discussion 148-9,Chinchilli Objectifying when to halt a boxing match: a video analysis of fatalities,2008,62,6,E1384; author reply E1384,Mendel Duration of cognitive impairment after sports concussion,2004,54,5,1073-78; discussion 1078-80,Sun Disaster management in the era of lean healthcare,2013,72,2,N11-N14,Zusman Head injuries in the 18th century: the management of the damaged brain,2013,73,1,167-75; discussion 176,Ganz The epidemiology of outpatient visits for minor head injury 2005-2009,2013,73,1,129-34; discussion 134,Meehan Phase II clinical trial of moderate hypothermia after severe traumatic brain injury in children,2005,56,4,740-54; discussion 740-54,Cassidy Pediatric head injury during operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom,2013,60,Suppl 1,183-184,Armonda Trajectories and risk factors for pediatric postconcussive symptom recovery,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Respiratory problems associated with head trauma,1977,1,3,300-306,Frost Elucidating the severity of preclinical traumatic brain injury models: A role for functional assessment?,2014,74,4,382-94; discussion 394,Bailes The effects of multiple mild traumatic brain injuries on acute injury presentation and neuropsychological recovery in children,2014,75,1,31-36,Kirkwood Mechanical Tissue Resuscitation at the Site of Traumatic Brain Injuries Reduces the Volume of Injury and Hemorrhage in a Swine Model,2014,75,2,152-62; discussion 161-2,Zheng Bow hunter's stroke,1978,2,3,259-261,Sorensen Head trauma and subsequent brain tumors,1979,4,3,203-206,Grabow Statistical methods for determining prognosis in severe head injury,1980,6,3,243-248,Becker Carotid injury due to intraoral trauma: case report and review of the literature,1980,6,5,559-563,Robertson Trauma television movies and misinformation,1981,8,6,756-758,Mosberg The sinking bullet,1992,30,2,291-4; discussion 294-5,Rengachary Delayed brain injury after head trauma: significance of coagulopathy,1992,30,2,160-165,Stein Computerized tomographic scan and gunshot wounds of the head: indications and radiographic findings,1979,4,5,373-380,Cone Cranioplasty: a review of 1030 cases of penetrating head injury,1979,4,5,381-385,Caveness Acute central cervical spinal cord syndrome caused by missile injury,1980,6,6,729-730,Rand Toxic substances in spinal cord injury,1980,6,6,728,Levitt Basic biomechanics of the spine,1980,7,1,76-93,Panjabi Trauma and brain tumors: an experimental study,1978,3,2,181-186,Morantz Concussion: comparison of humans and rats,1978,3,2,176-180,West Papilledema after acute head injury,1985,16,3,357-363,Becker Establishing standard performance measures in adult traumatic brain injury patients: a nationwide inpatient sample database study,2014,61,Suppl 1,199,Hooten Acute head injury: pressure-volume relations and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics,1986,18,1,17-24,Kosteljanetz Neuroleptic malignant syndrome complicating closed head injury,1986,18,2,190-193,Zimmerman Pathophysiology of cerebrospinal fluid in head injury: Part 1. Pathological changes in cerebrospinal fluid solute composition after traumatic injury,1986,18,2,234-243,Wood Civilian gunshot wounds to the spinal cord and cauda equina,1987,20,2,281-285,Hadden Machete wounds to the head: report of three cases,1987,20,2,270-272,Martin General metabolism in head injury,1987,20,2,254-265,Rowlands Evidence-based assessment of well-established interventions: the parachute and the epidural hematoma,2014,75,5,552-9; discussion 559,Nelson Development of a multinational traumatic coma data bank,1980,7,4,433-434,Marshall Flaccidity after head injury: diagnosis management and outcome,1981,9,3,242-248,Miller Prospective study of patients hospitalized with head injury in San Diego County 1978,1981,9,3,236-241,Barrett-Connor Analysis of brain abscess after penetrating craniocerebral injuries in Vietnam,1981,9,5,535-541,Caveness Pulmonary effects of head trauma,1981,9,6,729-740,O'Brien Carotid-cavernous fistula caused by BB air rifle,1988,22,1 Pt 1,160,Rahimizadeh Emergent treatment of athletes with brain injury,2014,75,Suppl 4,S96-S105,Proctor Sideline assessment tools for the evaluation of concussion in athletes: a review,2014,75,Suppl 4,S82-S95,Maroon Establishing a clinical service for the management of sports-related concussions,2014,75,Suppl 4,S71-S81,Collins Current concepts in the treatment of sports concussions,2014,75,Suppl 4,S64-S70,Putukian Models of mild traumatic brain injury: translation of physiological and anatomic injury,2014,75,Suppl 4,S34-S49,Bailes The history of neurosurgical treatment of sports concussion,2014,75,Suppl 4,S3-S23,Bailes The new neurometabolic cascade of concussion,2014,75,Suppl 4,S24-S33,Hovda The long-term effects of repetitive mild head injuries in sports,2014,75,Suppl 4,S149-S155,Berger Current and future concepts in helmet and sports injury prevention,2014,75,Suppl 4,S136-S148,Brien Concussion 101: the current state of concussion education programs,2014,75,Suppl 4,S131-S135,Theodore Concussion advocacy and legislation: a neurological surgeon's view from the epicenter,2014,75,Suppl 4,S122-S130,Ellenbogen Accelerating progress on the road to safer sports: based on remarks of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in the Neurosurgical Society of America (NSA) Medal Lecture,2014,75,Suppl 4,S119-S121,Ellenbogen Concussion: key stakeholders and multidisciplinary participation in making sports safe,2014,75,Suppl 4,S113-S118,McCrea The postconcussion syndrome in sports and recreation: clinical features and demography in 138 athletes,2014,75,Suppl 4,S106-S112,Tator Sports concussions take center field,2014,75,Suppl 4,S1-S2,Rosseau The infant whiplash-shake injury syndrome: a clinical and pathological study,1989,24,4,536-540,Rekate The incidence and significance of hemostatic abnormalities in patients with head injuries,1989,24,6,825-832,Brown Barbed spear injury to the skull base: case report,1991,28,3,428-430,Mezue Cervical spine fractures with major associated trauma,1986,18,3,327-330,Shields Civilian gunshot wounds to the head,1987,20,3,503,Wilkinson Emerging histomorphologic phenotypes of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in American athletes,2011,69,1,173-83; discussion 183,Omalu The effectiveness of interventions to reduce neurological injuries in rugby union: a systematic review,2010,67,5,1404-18; discussion 1418,Cusimano Synopsis of the National Football League Player Health and Safety Meeting: Chicago Illinois June 19 2007,2008,62,1,204-9; discussion 209-10,Viano The National Football League: cerebral concussion peer-review and the oath of Hippocrates: keynote address--NFL concussion summit Chicago 2007,2008,62,1,202-203,Apuzzo In vivo study of head impacts in football: a comparison of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I versus high school impacts,2007,60,3,490-5; discussion 495-6,Gwin Association between recurrent concussion and late-life cognitive impairment in retired professional football players,2005,57,4,719-26; discussion 719-26,Guskiewicz Concussion in professional football: reconstruction of game impacts and injuries,2004,55,1,260-3; author reply 263,Gordon Background on the National Football League's research on concussion in professional football,2003,53,4,797-798,Pellman Tackling concussions in sports,2003,53,4,796,Tagliabue Galen 2003: critical analysis of brain injury in sport,2003,53,4,795,Apuzzo Immediate neurocognitive effects of concussion,2002,50,5,1032-40; discussion 1040-2,Kelly The neurosurgeon in sport: awareness of the risks of heatstroke and dietary supplements,2002,51,2,283-6; discussion 286-8,Bailes Lower cognitive performance of older football players possessing apolipoprotein E epsilon4,2001,48,5,1196-1197,Cox Cerebral concussion in athletes: evaluation and neuropsychological testing,2000,47,3,659-69; discussion 669-72,Maroon Lower cognitive performance of older football players possessing apolipoprotein E epsilon4,2000,47,3,651-7; discussion 657-8,Tsai Traumatic brain injuries: the influence of the direction of impact,2015,76,1,81-91,Hoshizaki Establishing standard performance measures in adult traumatic brain injury patients,2015,77,1,44-50,Hooten Severe pediatric head injury during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts,2015,77,1,1-7,Klimo Commentary: severe pediatric head injury during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts,2015,77,1,8,Ellenbogen Comprehensive study of posttraumatic cerebral energy metabolism: alterations in oxygen glucose and lactate metabolism and their time course in 74 patients compared with normal controls,2015,62,Suppl 1,226,Vespa Descriptive epidemiology mechanisms and symptom resolution of concussion sustained by National Collegiate Athletic Association student athletes 2009/10 to 2013/14 academic years,2015,62,Suppl 1,223-224,Zuckerman The risk of acute spinal cord injury after minor trauma in patients with preexisting cervical stenosis,2015,77,4,561-565,Chang Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury after small-wheeled vehicle trauma in Utah,2015,77,6,927-930,Stevens The aging of the global population: the changing epidemiology of disease and spinal disorders,2015,77,Suppl 4,S1-S5,Fehlings Examining recovery trajectories after sport-related concussion with a multimodal clinical assessment approach,2015,78,2,232-241,Collins Improved function after deep brain stimulation for chronic severe traumatic brain injury,2015,79,2,204-211,Corrigan Surviving penetrating brainstem injury by bamboo sticks: rare case reports and a brief review of literature,2016,78,5,E753-60,Liu Commentary: Disability rating scale in the first few weeks after a severe traumatic brain injury as a predictor of 6-month functional outcome,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steyerberg Surfer's myelopathy: a rare form of spinal cord infarction in novice surfers: a systematic review,2016,78,5,602-611,Freedman Anterior cingulate implant for alcohol dependence,2016,78,6,E883-93,Langguth Interrelationships among neuroimaging biomarkers neuropsychological test data and symptom reporting in a cohort of retired National Football League players,2016,63,Suppl 1,173,Zuckerman A clinical risk score for managing children with Glasgow Coma Scale 13 to 15 head injuries and intracranial injury,2016,63,Suppl 1,172-173,Brownson Mechanisms of injury as a diagnostic predictor of sport-related concussion severity in football basketball and soccer: results from a regional concussion registry,2016,63,Suppl 1,169,Zuckerman Multiple concussions in young athletes: identifying patients at risk for repeat injury,2016,63,Suppl 1,e178,McCutcheon Mechanisms of injury as a diagnostic predictor of sport-related concussion severity in football basketball and soccer: results from a regional concussion registry,2016,63,CN_suppl_1,102-112,Solomon Understanding hospital volume-outcome relationship in severe traumatic brain injury,2017,80,4,534-542,Nathens Comprehensive review of the ThinkFirst injury prevention programs: a 30-year success story for organized neurosurgery,2017,81,3,416-421,Proctor A political case of penetrating cranial trauma: the injury of James Scott Brady,2017,81,3,545-551,Nanda A neglected cause of iatrogenic brachial plexus injuries in psychiatric patients,2018,82,3,307-311,Guedes-Corrêa Factors associated with playing through a sport-related concussion,2017,64,CN_suppl_1,211-216,Kerr Organization of head injury service in Beijing,1982,11,2,321-324,Cheng Letter: management of penetrating cerebrovascular injuries in pediatric trauma: a retrospective multicenter study,2017,81,6,E75,Ling-Yu The subarachnoid hemorrhage early brain edema score predicts delayed cerebral ischemia and clinical outcomes,2018,83,1,137-145,Day Heading in soccer: dangerous play?,2012,70,1,1-11; discussion 11,Bartsch Minor head trauma in soccer and serum levels of S100B,2008,62,6,1297-305; discussion 1305-6,Dvorak Chronic subdural hematoma complicating arachnoid cyst secondary to soccer-related head injury: case report,2003,53,1,242-3; author reply 243,Tsuzuki The Berlin International Consensus Meeting on Concussion in Sport,2018,82,2,232-236,Ellenbogen Severe traumatic brain injury,2018,82,1,N9-N10,Proctor Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score in children: a validity study,2019,84,6,E362-E367,Tubbs Regionalization of spine trauma care in an urban trauma system in the United States: decreased time to surgery and hospital length of stay,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Claridge Pediatric abusive head trauma: return to hospital system in the first year post injury,2019,85,1,E66-E74,Klimo Twenty-five years of intracranial pressure monitoring after severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective single-center analysis,2019,85,1,E75-E82,Menon Neurotrauma from border wall jumping: 6 years at the Mexican-American border wall,2019,85,3,E502-E508,Dumont Secondary overtriage in patients with complicated mild traumatic brain injury: an observational study and socioeconomic analysis of 1447 hospitalizations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muir In reply: Subaxial cervical spine injury classification systems,2019,85,2,E404,Hadley Letter: Subaxial cervical spine injury classification systems,2019,85,2,E403,Chen Commentary: The Florida youth concussion law: a survey-based observational study of physician practices and their legislative awareness,2019,85,3,E592-E598,Field Commentary: Multicenter validation of the survival after acute civilian penetrating brain injuries (SPIN)-score,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Commentary: Reliability of the new AOSpine Classification System for upper cervical traumatic injuries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fehlings Concussion clinical profiles screening (CP screen) tool: preliminary evidence to inform a multidisciplinary approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kontos Is youth football safe? An analysis of youth football head impact data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Majmundar Sideline concussion assessment: the current state of the art,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manley Predictive and discriminative power of pressure reactivity indices in traumatic brain injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smielewski What variables correlate with different clinical outcomes of abusive head injury?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klimo Sensitivity and specificity of on-field visible signs of concussion in the National Football League,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lessley Concussion symptom characteristics and resolution in 20 United States high school sports 2013/14-2017/18 academic years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerr Commentary: Sensitivity and specificity of on-field visible signs of concussion in the National Football League,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Makdissi Commentary: Concussion guidelines in national and international professional and elite sports,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maddocks Commentary: what variables correlate with different clinical 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after amygdala surgery for intractable aggressive behavior: clinical imaging genetics and deformation-based morphometry study-a case series,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins Disability rating scale in the first few weeks after a severe traumatic brain injury as a predictor of 6-month functional outcome,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robertson Sport-related structural brain injury and return to play: systematic review and expert insight,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellenbogen In reply: A scoping review of registered clinical studies on mild traumatic brain injury and concussion (2000-2019),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tator Letter: A scoping review of registered clinical studies on mild traumatic brain injury and concussion (2000-2019),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ganau The impact of age and severity on dementia after traumatic brain injury: a comparison study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zafonte The morbidity and mortality of surgery for traumatic brain injury in geriatric patients: a study of over 100 000 patient 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to follow commands in severe traumatic brain injury survivors with favorable recovery at 2 years,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beers Prognostic significance of baseline frailty status in traumatic spinal cord injury,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kazim Prognostic models for traumatic brain injury have good discrimination but poor overall model performance for predicting mortality and unfavorable outcomes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Okonkwo Commentary: The impact of frailty on traumatic brain injury outcomes: an analysis of 691 821 nationwide cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,DiGiorgio Letter: Characteristics and outcomes of discharge against medical advice and 30-day readmissions after concussion: analysis of the Nationwide Readmissions Database,2023,92,1,e11,Zaazoue Comparing impact and concussion risk in leatherhead and modern football and hockey helmets,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yamamoto Firearm-related traumatic brain injury homicides in the United States 2000-2019,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klevens Letter: Prognostic models for 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