Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Rapid assessment of cyclone damage using NPP-VIIRS DNB and ancillary data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarkar The Emerging Role of Satellite Rainfall Data in Improving the Hydro-Political Situation of Flood Monitoring in the Under-Developed Regions of the World,2007,43,2,199-210,Hong Relationships Among Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Precipitation and Landslide Events,2007,43,2,211-222,Ray Vulnerability Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Debris Flows in Taiwan,2007,43,2,223-244,Lu Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Data in the Mapping of Global Landslide Susceptibility,2007,43,2,245-256,Hong Development of a Parameterization for Simulating the Urban Temperature Hazard Using Satellite Observations in Climate Model,2007,43,2,257-271,Jin Flood and Landslide Applications of Near Real-Time Satellite Rainfall Products,2007,43,2,285-294,Hong Trends in Landslide Occurrence in Nepal,2007,43,1,23-44,Mitchell Volcanic Natural Dams: Identification Stability and Secondary Effects,2007,43,1,45-61,Capra Avalanche Hazards and Mitigation in Austria: a Review,2007,43,1,81-101,Holler A Deterministic Approach for Preparation of Seismic Hazard Maps in North East India,2007,43,1,129-146,Joshi Historical Tsunamis in South China,2007,43,1,147-164,Chan Limitations of Real-Time Models for Forecasting River Flooding From Monsoon Rainfall,2007,42,2,415-422,Perumal Preventive Disaster Management of Extreme Natural Events,2007,42,3,459-467,Ismail-Zadeh Megacities - Megarisks,2007,42,3,481-491,Sinha Tectonic Stress Seismicity and Seismic Hazard in the Southeastern Carpathians,2007,42,3,493-514,Ismail-Zadeh Sustainable Development Sustainable Decisions and the Precautionary Principle,2007,42,3,515-528,Paterson Increasing Public Awareness of Natural Hazards Via the Internet,2007,42,3,529-536,Dunbar Historic Records of Teletsunami in the Indian Ocean and Insights From Numerical Modelling,2007,42,1,1-17,Dominey-Howes A Study of the Human-Fatality Rate in Near-Fault Regions Using the Victim Attribute Database,2007,42,1,19-35,Pai Application of Bivariate Extreme Value Distribution to Flood Frequency Analysis: a Case Study of Northwestern Mexico,2007,42,1,37-46,Escalante-Sandoval Numerical Storm Surge Model for India and Pakistan,2007,42,1,67-73,Jain Landslide Hazard Mapping Using Logistic Regression Model in Mackenzie Valley Canada,2007,42,1,75-89,Wang The Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 26 2004: Observations in Sri Lanka and Thailand,2007,42,1,105-124,Pomonis Major Flood Disasters in Europe: 1950-2005,2007,42,1,125-148,Barredo Risk Degree of Debris Flow: Applying Neural Networks,2007,42,1,209-224,Chang Pairing Geotechnics and Fluvial Hydraulics for the Prediction of the Hazard Zones of an Exceptional Flooding,2007,42,1,225-236,Mahdi Time Independent Seismic Hazard Analysis in Alborz and Surrounding Area,2007,42,1,237-252,Jafari Impact of Sea Surface Temperature in Modulating Movement and Intensity of Tropical Cyclones,2007,41,3,413-427,Sinha Hurricane Track Forecasting With OMEGA,2007,41,3,457-470,Bacon People and Community As Constituent Parts of Hazards: the Significance of Societal Dimensions in Hazards Analysis,2007,41,2,271-282,Haque Understanding Uncertainty and Reducing Vulnerability: Lessons From Resilience Thinking,2007,41,2,283-295,Berkes Locating Social Capital in Resilient Community-Level Emergency Management,2007,41,2,297-315,Murphy Mountain Hazards and the Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems: Lessons Learned in India and Canada,2007,41,2,317-336,Gardner A Disaster Risk Management Performance Index,2007,41,1,1-20,Carreno Estimating the Inundation Area of a Massive Hypothetical Jokulhlaup From Northwest Vatnajokull Iceland,2007,41,1,21-42,Alho Analysis of a Spatial Distribution of Landslides Triggered by the 2004 Chuetsu Earthquakes of Niigata Prefecture Japan,2007,41,1,43-60,Wang Evaluation and Validation of Landslide-Susceptibility Maps Obtained by a GIS Matrix Method: Examples From the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain),2007,41,1,61-79,Irigaray Snow-Avalanche and Debris-Flow Hazards in the Fjords of North-Western Iceland Mitigation and Prevention,2007,41,1,81-98,Decaulne A GIS-Based Methodology for Hazard Mapping of Small Volume Pyroclastic Density Currents,2007,41,1,99-112,Marti Avalanche Hazard Mitigation Strategies Assessed by Cost Effectiveness Analyses and Cost Benefit Analyses - Evidence From Davos Switzerland,2007,41,1,113-129,Fuchs A Procedure for Making Objective Preliminary Assessments of Outburst Flood Hazard From Moraine-Dammed Lakes in Southwestern British Columbia,2007,41,1,131-157,McKillop Volcanic Hazards Zonation of the Nevado De Toluca Volcano Central Mexico,2007,41,1,159-180,Quesada WUIVAC: a Wildland-Urban Interface Evacuation Trigger Model Applied in Strategic Wildfire Scenarios,2007,41,1,181-199,Cova Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS and Digital Photogrammetric Techniques: a Case Study From Ardesen (NE-Turkey),2007,41,1,201-226,Yalcin Application of Weather Prediction Models for Hazard Mitigation Planning: a Case Study of Heavy Off-Season Rains in Senegal,2007,41,1,227-243,Kumar Remote Sensed Data for Automatic Detection of Land-Use Changes Due to Human Activity in Support to Landslide Studies,2007,41,1,245-267,Tarantino Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: Strong Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Cyprus and the Levantine Sea,2007,40,3,503-526,Fokaefs Evaluation of Ground Motion Characteristics Effects of Local Geology and Liquefaction Susceptibility: the Case of Itea Corinth Gulf (Greece),2007,40,3,537-552,Papadopoulos Time-Clustering of Natural Hazards,2007,40,3,593-601,Telesca Landslide Studies Along the National Highway (NH 39) in Manipur,2007,40,3,603-614,Kumar Surge Simulations for 1999 Orissa Super Cyclone Using a Finite Element Model,2007,40,3,615-625,Latha A Hurricane Evacuation Management Decision Support System (EMDSS),2007,40,3,627-634,Lindell Organisations in Disaster,2007,40,3,657-665,King Estimation of earthquake damage to buried pipelines caused by ground shaking,2007,40,1,1-24,Toprak Increase of Flood Risk Due to Urbanisation: A Canadian Example,2007,40,1,25-41,Nirupama Vulnerability of Hampton Roads Virginia to Storm-Surge Flooding and Sea-Level Rise,2007,40,1,43-70,Fisher Understanding risk perception from floods: a case study from China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ge September 2004 Flood Event in Southwestern Bangladesh: A Study of Its Nature Causes and Human Perception and Adjustments to a New Hazard,2007,40,1,89-111,Ali Validating a Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment Model (the PTVA Model) Using Field Data From the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami,2007,40,1,113-136,Dominey-Howes Urban Seismic Risk Evaluation: A Holistic Approach,2007,40,1,137-172,Carreno A New Hazard Zonation Methodology Applied to Residentially Developed Sea-Cliffs With Very Low Erosion Rates East Coast Bays Auckland New Zealand,2007,40,1,223-244,Jongens Seismic Response of the Mexico City Basin: A Review of Twenty Years of Research,2007,40,2,357-372,Flores-Estrella On the Bayesian Analysis of the Earthquake Hazard in the North-East Indian Peninsula,2007,40,2,397-412,Parvez Natural Hazard Impacts in Small Island Developing States: A Review of Current Knowledge and Future Research Needs,2007,40,2,429-446,Lloyd Improving Debris Flow Monitoring in Taiwan by Using High-Resolution Rainfall Products From QPESUMS,2007,40,2,447-461,Chen Local Housing Price Index Analysis in Wind-Disaster-Prone Areas,2007,40,2,463-483,Wang Freezing Rain Events: a Major Weather Hazard in the Conterminous US,2007,40,2,485-494,Houston Avalanche Defence Strategies and Monitoring of Two Sites in Mountain Permafrost Terrain Pontresina Eastern Swiss Alps,2006,39,3,353-379,Phillips Potential Flank-Collapse of Soufriere Volcano Guadeloupe Lesser Antilles? Numerical Simulation and Hazards,2006,39,3,381-393,Le Friant Application of the Spatially Smoothed Seismicity and Monte Carlo Methods to Estimate the Seismic Hazard of Eritrea and the Surrounding Region,2006,39,3,395-418,Roberts The Need for an Integrative Scientific and Societal Approach to Natural Hazards,2006,39,2,155-157,Haque Hydraulic and Numerical Study on the Generation of a Subaqueous Landslide-Induced Tsunami Along the Coast,2006,39,2,159-177,Kitamura Effect of a Submerged Bay-Mouth Breakwater on Tsunami Behavior Analyzed by 2D/3D Hybrid Model Simulation,2006,39,2,179-193,Fujima Damage Risk Assessment of Breakwaters Under Tsunami Attack,2006,39,2,231-243,Ergin Landslide Risk Assessment and Management by Decision Analytical Procedure for Derekoy Konya Turkey,2006,39,2,245-263,Duzgun A Method for Estimating Casualties Due to the Tsunami Inundation Flow,2006,39,2,265-274,Koshimura The Influence of Context on Lifeline Behavior: Local Policies Under Wind Storm and Earthquake Scenarios,2006,39,2,289-307,Reed Inter-Organizational Coordination in Extreme Events: The World Trade Center Attacks September 11 2001,2006,39,2,309-327,Kapucu Mitigation of Seismic and Meteorological Hazards to Marine Oil Terminals and Other Pier and Wharf Structures in California,2006,39,2,343-351,Eskijian The Earthquake Readiness Scale: The Development of a Valid and Reliable Unifactorial Measure,2006,39,1,15-29,Walkey A Bay-River Coupled Model for Storm Surge Prediction Along the Andhra Coast of India,2006,39,1,83-101,Jain Avalanche Risk During Backcountry Skiing - An Analysis of Risk Factors,2006,39,1,127-153,Grimsdottir Some Observations on the Use of Data From Historical Documents in Debris-Flow Studies,2006,38,3,301-320,Marchi Agent-Based Modeling and Analysis of Hurricane Evacuation Procedures for the Florida Keys,2006,38,3,321-338,Chen A Quantitative Assessment of the Human and Economic Hazard From Impact-Generated Tsunami,2006,38,3,355-374,Chesley Usoi Dam Wave Overtopping and Flood Routing in the Bartang and Panj Rivers Tajikistan,2006,38,3,375-390,Risley The mw 7.4 Colima Mexico earthquake of 21 January 2003: the observed damage matrix in Colima city and its comparison with the damage probability matrix,2006,38,3,391-410,Zobin Forecast of Tsunamis From the Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka Source Region,2006,38,3,411-435,Yamazaki Possibilities and Limitations of Interdisciplinary User-Oriented Research: Experiences From the German Research Network Natural Disasters,2006,38,1-2,3-20,Schwarz Comparative Risk Assessments for the City of Cologne - Storms Floods Earthquakes,2006,38,1-2,21-44,Schwarz A Probabilistic Modelling System for Assessing Flood Risks,2006,38,1-2,79-100,Merz Concept for a Web-Based Information System for Flood Management,2006,38,1-2,121-140,Hildebrandt Towards an Open Information Infrastructure for Disaster Research and Management: Data Management and Information Systems Inside DFNK,2006,38,1-2,141-157,Wachter Influence of Site and Source Dependent Ground Motion Scenarios on the Seismic Safety of Long-Span Bridges in Cologne Germany,2006,38,1-2,237-246,Richwalski Potential of High-Resolution Satellite Data in the Context of Vulnerability of Buildings,2006,38,1-2,247-258,Mueller Comparative Seismic Risk Studies for German Earthquake Regions on the Basis of the European Macroseismic Scle EMS-98,2006,38,1-2,259-282,Schwarz Long-Term Trends in Vegetation Dynamics and Forest Fires in Brandenburg (Germany) Under a Changing Climate,2006,38,1-2,283-300,Thonicke Towards Formulation of a Space-Borne System for Early Warning of Floods: Can Cost-Effectiveness Outweigh Prediction Uncertainty?,2006,37,3,263-276,Hossain Validation and Evaluation of Predictive Models in Hazard Assessment and Risk Management,2006,37,3,315-329,Begueria Predicting Lahar-Inundation Zones: Case Study in West Mount Pinatubo Philippines,2006,37,3,331-372,Carranza A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Damaging Snowstorms in the United States,2006,37,3,373-389,Changnon Development and Implementation of Disaster Reduction Technology in Taiwan,2006,37,1-2,3-21,Lee Overview of Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System,2006,37,1-2,23-37,Tsai Early Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan,2006,37,1-2,39-53,Loh Study on the Fragility of Building Structures in Taiwan,2006,37,1-2,55-69,Tsai Establishing the Database of Inundation Potential in Taiwan,2006,37,1-2,107-132,Hsu An Assessment of Structural Measures for Flood-Prone Lowlands With High Population Density Along the Keelung River in Taiwan,2006,37,1-2,133-152,Hsu Landslides and Rainfall Characteristics Analysis in Taipei City During the Typhoon Nari Event,2006,37,1-2,153-167,Chen Impact of Flood Disasters on Taiwan in the Last Quarter Century,2006,37,1-2,191-207,Wu Integrated Community-Based Disaster Management Program in Taiwan: A Case Study of Shang-An Village,2006,37,1-2,209-223,Liu The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Rainfall Triggering of Landslides Near Lisbon,2005,36,3,331-354,Trigo Estimates of Tsunami Risk Zones on the Coasts Adjacent to the East (Japan) Sea Based on the Synthetic Catalogue,2005,36,3,355-381,Lee Earthquake Hazard in Italy 2001-2030,2005,36,3,383-405,Romeo Effusive Activity at Mount Etna Volcano (Italy) During the 20th Century: A Contribution to Volcanic Hazard Assessment,2005,36,3,407-443,Andronico Flood Forecasting and Warning at the River Basin and at the European Scale,2005,36,1-2,25-42,Werner Estimating injury and loss of life in floods: a deterministic framework,2005,36,1-2,43-64,Penning-Rowsell Stochastic Modelling of the Impact of Flood Protection Measures Along the River Waal in the Netherlands,2005,36,1-2,81-102,Van Vuren National Floodplain Mapping: Datasets and Methods - 160000 Km in 12 Months,2005,36,1-2,103-123,Waller National-Scale Assessment of Current and Future Flood Risk in England and Wales,2005,36,1-2,147-164,Hall Dealing With Uncertainty in Flood Risk Assessment of Dike Rings in the Netherlands,2005,36,1-2,191-206,Van der Most The Development and Application of a Flood Risk Model for the Czech Republic,2005,36,1-2,207-220,Rodda An Integrated Approach for Realtime Floodmap Forecasting on the Belgian Meuse River,2005,36,1-2,237-256,Dal Cin Flood Forecasting and Flood Warning in the Firth of Clyde UK,2005,36,1-2,257-271,Stewart Estimation of Tsunami Risk for the Coasts of Peru and Northern Chile,2005,35,2,185-209,Kulikov How Accurate Are Disaster Loss Data? The Case of US Flood Damage,2005,35,2,211-228,Pielke Mapping Disastrous Natural Hazards Using Global Datasets,2005,35,2,265-289,Herold Monitoring Forest Fire Danger With Remote Sensing,2005,35,3,343-359,Leblon Active Fire Detection for Fire Emergency Management: Potential and Limitations for the Operational Use of Remote Sensing,2005,35,3,361-376,San-Miguel-Ayanz Global perspectives on loss of human life caused by floods,2005,34,2,151-175,Jonkman A Landslide Hazard Assessment and Vulnerability Appraisal Procedure: Vunguvungu/Banga Catchment Northern Malawi,2005,34,2,199-216,Holmes The US National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: A Successful State-Federal Partnership,2005,35,1,5-24,Bernard The NTHMP Tsunameter Network,2005,35,1,25-39,Mofjeld Real-Time Tsunami Forecasting: Challenges and Solutions,2005,35,1,41-58,Mofjeld The Seismic Project of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program,2005,35,1,59-72,Weaver Impact of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program on operations of the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center,2005,35,1,73-88,McCreery Progress in NTHMP Hazard Assessment,2005,35,1,89-110,Hansen Local Tsunami Warning in the Pacific Coastal United States,2005,35,1,111-119,Gibbs Planning for Tsunami-Resilient Communities,2005,35,1,121-139,Yanagi The Role of Education in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program,2005,35,1,141-153,Dengler Planning for Tsunami: Reducing Future Losses Through Mitigation,2005,35,1,155-162,Eisner NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) - A Coastal Solution to Tsunami Alert and Notification,2005,35,1,163-171,Crawford Measuring Tsunami Preparedness in Coastal Washington United States,2005,35,1,173-184,Johnston Human Losses Expected in Himalayan Earthquakes,2005,34,3,305-314,Wyss Proposal for a National Mitigation Strategy Against Earthquakes in Turkey,2004,33,3,405-425,Bakir Hierarchy of Factors of Seismic Danger in Four Towns of Colima State Mexico,2004,33,3,427-438,Zobin Risk From Lahars in the Northern Valleys of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador),2004,33,2,161-189,Aguilera Pyroclastic Flow Hazard at Volcan Citlaltepetl,2004,33,2,209-221,Sheridan Volcanic eruption induced floods. a rainfall-runoff model applied to the vesuvian region (italy),2004,33,2,223-245,Todesco Extreme Earthquake and Earthquake Perceptibility Study in Greece and Its Surrounding Area,2004,32,3,277-312,Burton Scenarios of Seismic Risk in the United Arab Emirates an Approximate Estimate,2004,32,3,375-393,Wyss Reliability-Based Delineation of Debris-Flow Deposition Areas,2004,32,3,395-412,Chen Effective Emergency Transportation for Saving Human Lives,2004,33,1,23-46,Kuwata Analyzing Hazard Potential of Typhoon Damage by Applying Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process,2004,33,1,77-103,Wang Maximising Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Government and Community Volcanic Hazard Management Programs; A Case Study From Savo Solomon Islands,2004,33,1,105-136,Cronin Storm Surges From Extra-Tropical Cyclones,2004,32,2,177-190,Chittibabu Maximum Storm Surge Curve Due to Global Warming for the European North Sea Region During the 20th-21st Century,2004,32,2,211-218,Gonnert Landslide Susceptibility Zoning North of Yenice (NW Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Techniques,2004,32,1,1-23,Ercanoglu Poverty and Disasters in the United States: A Review of Recent Sociological Findings,2004,32,1,89-110,Fothergill A Methodology for Assessing Landslide Hazard Using Deterministic Stability Models,2004,32,1,111-134,Moon Using historical documents for landslide debris flow and stream flood prevention. applications in northern italy,2004,31,3,663-679,Tropeano Disaster Mitigation Vis-a-Vis Time of Occurrence and Magnitude of Earthquakes in India,2004,31,2,343-356,Srivastava Prevention and Mitigation of Avalanche Disasters in Western Himalayan Region,2004,31,2,357-371,Ganju Natural Hazards Associated With Meteorological Extreme Events,2004,31,2,487-497,De A Numerical Study on Coastal Defence at Chennai and Related Management Strategies,2004,31,2,523-536,Mani On the Relevance of the Spatial Distribution of Events for Seismic Hazard Evaluation,2004,31,1,1-19,Holschneider Developing an Erosion Risk Map Using Soft Computing Methods (Case Study at Sifnos Island),2004,31,1,63-83,Gournellos Lahar-Triggering Mechanisms and Hazard at Ruapehu Volcano New Zealand,2004,31,1,85-109,Lecointre The Local Tsunami Alert System ["SLAT"]: A Computational Tool for the Integral Management of a Tsunami Emergency,2004,31,1,129-142,Ramirez Comparison of Two Empirical Models for Gully-Specific Debris Flow Hazard Assessment in Xiaojiang Valley of Southwestern China,2004,31,1,157-175,Zhang Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut West Greenland,2004,31,1,277-287,hl-Jensen Re: Building Damage and Casualties After an Earthquake (Vol 29 Pg 387 2003),2004,31,1,313-314,Tanaka Expansion of the Nishinomiya Built Environment Database (Vol 29 Pg 501 2003),2004,31,1,315-315,Tanaka Landslide susceptibility models utilising spatial data analysis techniques. a case study from the Lower Deba Valley Guipuzcoa (Spain),2003,30,3,267-279,Remondo Methodology for landslide susceptibility mapping by means of a GIS application to the Contraviesa area (Granada Spain),2003,30,3,297-308,Irigaray Hazard Zoning for Landslides Connected to Torrential Floods in the Jerte Valley (Spain) by Using GIS Techniques,2003,30,3,361-381,Carrasco Artificial Neural Networks and Grey Systems for the Prediction of Slope Stability,2003,30,3,383-398,Lu Use of Geomorphological Information in Indirect Landslide Susceptibility Assessment,2003,30,3,399-419,Van Westen Integrated Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Hazard Assessment in the Principality of Andorra,2003,30,3,421-435,Corominas Validation of Landslide Susceptibility Maps; Examples and Applications From a Case Study in Northern Spain,2003,30,3,437-449,Fabbri Validation of Spatial Prediction Models for Landslide Hazard Mapping,2003,30,3,451-472,Chung Stability Analysis of the Vallcebre Translational Slide Eastern Pyrenees (Spain) by Means of a GIS,2003,30,3,473-485,Corominas Is Prediction of Future Landslides Possible With a GIS?,2003,30,3,487-499,Remondo Cairns: A Community at Risk,2003,30,2,109-128,Granger The Tropical Cyclone Risk in Cairns,2003,30,2,129-153,Callaghan The Flood Risk in Cairns,2003,30,2,155-164,Baddiley Community Vulnerability to Tropical Cyclones: Cairns 1996-2000,2003,30,2,209-232,nderson-Berry Regional landslide risk to the Cairns community,2003,30,2,233-249,Scott Treating the Risks in Cairns,2003,30,2,251-261,Durham A New Damage Index,2003,30,1,1-23,Blong Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Tulbagh South Africa: Part II - Assessment of Seismic Risk,2003,30,1,25-41,Graham The Importance of Prehistoric Data and Variability of Hazard Regimes in Natural Hazard Risk Assessment - Examples From Australia,2003,30,1,43-58,Nott Appraisal of Seismic Hazard Parameters for the Seismic Regions of the East Circum-Pacific Belt Inferred From a Bayesian Approach,2003,30,1,59-78,Tsapanos The Aeroelastic Study of the Messina Straits Bridge,2003,30,1,79-106,Cheli Study on a Simplified Method of Tsunami Risk Assessment,2003,29,3,325-340,Sato Process of Housing Damage Assessment: The 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Case,2003,29,3,341-370,Tanaka A New Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for the Vrancea (Romania) Seismogenic Zone,2003,29,3,371-385,Kijko Building Damage and Casualties After an Earthquake - Relationship Between Building Damage Pattern and Casualty Determined Using Housing Damage Photographs in the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster,2003,29,3,387-403,Tanaka Far-Field Tsunami Potential and a Real-Time Forecast System for the Pacific Using the Inversion Method,2003,29,3,423-436,Imamura Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: Strong Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Corinth Gulf Central Greece,2003,29,3,437-464,Papadopoulos A Human Damage Prediction Method for Tsunami Disasters Incorporating Evacuation Activities,2003,29,3,585-600,Sugimoto Trends in Blizzards at Selected Locations on the Canadian Prairies,2003,29,2,123-138,Lawson Schumann Resonance and Sunspot Relations to Human Health Effects in Thailand,2003,29,1,1-11,Cherry A Review of Damage Intensity Scales,2003,29,1,57-76,Blong The Role of Data Processing and Uncertainty Management in Seismic Hazard Evaluations: Insights From Estimates in the Garfagnana-Lunigiana Area (Northern Italy),2003,29,1,77-95,D'Amico Editorial: Towards a Better Understanding of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada,2003,28,2-3,VII-VIII,Haque Disaster Management and Community Planning and Public Participation: How to Achieve Sustainable Hazard Mitigation,2003,28,2-3,211-228,Pearce The Contribution of Philosophy to Hazards Assessment and Decision Making,2003,28,2-3,229-247,Stefanovic Forecasting the Conditional Probabilities of Natural Disasters in Canada As a Guide for Disaster Preparedness,2003,28,2-3,249-269,Dore Hazards Risk Assessment Methodology for Emergency Managers: A Standardized Framework for Application,2003,28,2-3,271-290,Haque The Determinants of Disaster Vulnerability: Achieving Sustainable Mitigation Through Population Health,2003,28,2-3,291-304,Lindsay Weather As a Chronic Hazard for Road Transportation in Canadian Cities,2003,28,2-3,319-343,Andrey Tsunami Hazard and Risk in Canada,2003,28,2-3,433-461,Clague Heat Wave Hazards: An Overview of Heat Wave Impacts in Canada,2003,28,2-3,463-485,Smoyer-Tomic Snow Avalanche Hazard in Canada - a Review,2003,28,2-3,487-515,Walker Seismic Hazard Mitigation for Buildings,2003,28,2-3,517-535,Foo The Vulnerability of Canada to Volcanic Hazards,2003,28,2-3,563-589,Mulder Three Recent Extreme Floods in Bangladesh: A Hydro-Meteorological Analysis,2003,28,1,35-64,Mirza The Disastrous Flood of 1998 and Long Term Mitigation Strategies for Dhaka City,2003,28,1,85-99,Faisal Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Nepal Himalaya: A Manageable Hazard?,2003,28,1,145-154,Kattelmann Floods and Vulnerability: Need to Rethink Flood Management,2003,28,1,155-179,Dixit Fire Danger Monitoring Using ERS-1 SAR Images in the Case of Northern Boreal Forests,2002,27,3,231-255,Doyle Natural Gas Hazard (CO2 Rn-222) Within a Quiescent Volcanic Region and Its Relations With Tectonics: The Case of the Ciampino-Marino Area Alban Hills Volcano Italy,2002,27,3,257-287,Mancini The Mount Parnitha (Athens) Earthquake of September 7 1999: A Disaster Management Perspective,2002,27,1-2,171-199,Pomonis The Elements of Applied Avalanche Forecasting - Part I: The Human Issues,2002,26,2,111-129,McClung The Elements of Applied Avalanche Forecasting - Part II: The Physical Issues and the Rules of Applied Avalanche Forecasting,2002,26,2,131-146,McClung Volcanic Hazard in New Zealand: Scaling and Attenuation Relations for Tephra Fall Deposits From Taupo Volcano,2002,26,2,147-174,Rhoades Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Tulbagh South Africa: Part I - Assessment of Seismic Hazard,2002,26,2,175-201,Graham Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria),2002,26,3,227-243,Bouhadad The Earthquake Threat in Southwestern British Columbia: A Geologic Perspective,2002,26,1,7-34,Clague Snow Avalanche Hazards and Management in Canada: Challenges and Progress,2002,26,1,35-53,Jamieson An Overview of Some Significant Eastern Canadian Earthquakes and Their Impacts on the Geological Environment Buildings and the Public,2002,26,1,55-67,Lamontagne History and Goals of Canadian Debris Flow Research a Review,2002,26,1,69-82,VanDine Analysis of Post-Failure Slope Movements Within the Framework of Hazard and Risk Analysis,2002,26,1,83-109,Vaunat Effects of Release Conditions Uncertainty on Avalanche Hazard Mapping,2002,25,3,225-244,Barbolini A Study of Seismicity and Earthquake Hazard at the Proposed Kalabsha Dam Site Aswan Egypt,2002,25,2,117-133,Fat-Helbary Distribution Functions of Tsunami Wave Heights,2002,25,1,1-21,Choi The Role of Earthquake-Related Effects in Urban Complexes,2002,25,1,23-35,Lekkas Field Survey of the 1996 Irian Jaya Earthquake Tsunami in Biak Island,2001,24,3,199-212,Takahashi Characteristics of Tsunamis Propagating Over Oceanic Ridges: Numerical Simulation of the 1996 Irian Jaya Earthquake Tsunami,2001,24,3,213-229,Shuto Geological Indicators of Large Tsunami in Australia,2001,24,3,231-249,Nott Modelling of Tsunamis Generated by Pyroclastic Flows (Ignimbrites),2001,24,3,251-266,de Lange Tsunami Hazard for the Auckland Region and Hauraki Gulf New Zealand,2001,24,3,267-284,de Lange Spectral Characterisation of Tsunamis and Seiches Caused by Tectonism and Volcanism in Rabaul Papua New Guinea,2001,24,3,285-294,Sinadinovsk Potential Tsunami Hazard Associated With the Kerepehi Fault Firth of Thames New Zealand,2001,24,3,309-318,de Lange Uses and Limitations of Socioeconomic Indicators of Community Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Data and Disasters in Northern Australia,2001,24,2,147-156,King Community Resilience to Volcanic Hazard Consequences,2001,24,2,157-169,Johnston A Reliability Based Expert System for Assessment and Mitigation of Landslides Hazard Under Seismic Loading,2001,24,1,13-51,Al-Homoud Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Along the Southeastern Coast of Vietnam,2001,24,1,53-74,Phuong The Major Snow Avalanche Cycle of February 1986 in the Western United States,2001,24,1,75-95,Birkeland Earthquake hazard for the Czech Republic Poland and Slovakia contribution to the ILC/IASPEI global seismic hazard assessment program. (vol 21 pg 331 2000),2001,24,1,103-103,Schenk Kinematic Modeling of Pyroclastic Flows Produced by Gravitational Dom Collapse at Soufriere Hills Volcano Montserrat,2001,24,1,103-103,Hooper Geophysical Hazard for Human Health in the Circumpolar Auroral Belt: Evidence of a Relationship Between Heart Rate Variation and Electromagnetic Disturbances,2001,23,2-3,121-135,Chernouss Atmospheric and Climatic Hazards: Improved Monitoring and Prediction for Disaster Mitigation,2001,23,2-3,137-155,Nicholls Assessment and Modelling of Lava Flow Hazard on Lanzarote (Canary Islands),2001,23,2-3,247-257,Garcia Assessment of Debris-Flow Hazards of Alluvial Fans,2001,23,2-3,259-269,Okunishi Cause-Effect Models of Large Landslides,2001,23,2-3,291-314,Buckl Interpretive Pitfalls in Historical Hazards Data,2001,23,2-3,315-338,Hittelman Research on Correlation of Positions of Celestial Objects With Earthquakes,2001,23,2-3,339-348,Hu World Map of Natural Hazards - A Global View of the Distribution and Intensity of Significant Exposures,2001,23,2-3,443-465,Rauch Kinematic Modeling of Pyroclastic Flows Produced by Gravitational Dome Collapse at Soufriere Hills Volcano Montserrat,2001,23,1,65-86,Hooper Damage to Residential Fills in the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake,2001,23,1,87-97,Yoshida Seismic Hazard of Honduras,2000,22,1,49-69,Caceres Tsunamis and Tsunami Hazards in Central America,2000,22,2,91-116,Molina El Nino-Southern Oscillation: Related Probabilities of Fatalities From Natural Perils in Australia,2000,22,2,117-138,Kuhnel Factors Influencing the Incorporation of Hazard Mitigation During Recovery From Disaster,2000,22,2,185-201,Reddy Tsunamis Observed on and Near the Turkish Coast,2000,21,2-3,185-205,Altinok An Analysis of the Recent Severe Storm Surge Disaster Events in China,2000,21,2-3,215-223,Kentang Risk Assessment Emergency Preparedness and Response to Hazards: The Case of the 1997 Red River Valley Flood Canada,2000,21,2-3,225-245,Haque Earthquake Hazard for the Czech Republic Poland and Slovakia - Contribution to the ILC/IASPEI Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program,2000,21,2-3,331-345,Schenk Contribution of Geographical Information Systems to the Management of Volcanic Crises,2000,21,2-3,347-360,Gomez-Fernandez GIS and Volcanic Risk Management,2000,21,2-3,361-379,Pareschi Self-Organized Criticality Applied to Natural Hazards,1999,20,2-3,93-116,Malamud Use of GIS Technology in the Prediction and Monitoring of Landslide Hazard,1999,20,2-3,117-135,Carrara Comparing Landslide Hazard Maps,1999,20,2-3,137-158,Van Westen Landslide Activity Maps for Landslide Hazard Evaluation: Three Case Studies From Southern Italy,1999,20,2-3,159-183,Parise On the Use of Seismic Detectors As Monitoring and Warning Systems for Debris Flows,1999,20,2-3,197-213,Arattano Analysing Lava Risk for the Etnean Area: Simulation by Cellular Automata Methods,1999,20,2-3,215-229,Crisci On the Characteristics of Heavy Multiple-Day Snowfalls in the Eastern Alps,2000,21,1,35-53,Spreitzhofer The Importance of the Precipitation and the Susceptibility of the Slopes for the Triggering of Landslides Along the Roads,2000,21,1,65-81,Irigaray Slope Instability in Static and Dynamic Conditions for Urban Planning: The 'Oltre Po Pavese' Case History (Regione Lombardia-Italy),1999,20,1,57-82,Luzi Seismically Activated Swarm of Landslides Tension Cracks and a Rockfall After Heavy Rainfall in Bafaka Cameroon,1999,19,1,13-27,Ayonghe Mascali Mount Etna Region Sicily: An Example of Fascist Planning During the 1928 Eruption and Its Continuing Legacy,1999,19,1,29-46,Duncan Empirical Relationships for Debris Flows,1999,19,1,47-77,Rickenmann Seismic Hazard Assessment in Armenia,1998,18,3,227-236,Balassanian Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Area of Mystras-Sparta South Peloponnesus Greece Based on Local Seismotectonic Seismic Geologic Information and on Different Models of Rupture Propagation,1998,18,3,237-251,Papanastassiou Seismic Hazard Estimation in Northern Algeria,1998,18,2,119-144,Hamdache Rockfall-Dammed Lakes in the Baikal Region: Evidence From the Past and Prospects for the Future,1998,18,2,167-183,Ufimtsev Analysis of Meteorological and Terrain Features Leading to the Izmir Flash Flood 3-4 November 1995,1998,18,1,1-25,Komuscu Generation of Meteorological Tsunamis (Large Amplitude Seiches) Near the Balearic and Kuril Islands,1998,18,1,27-55,Rabinovich International Cooperation for Solving the Avalanche Problem in Turkey,1998,18,1,77-85,Gurer Environmental hazard of capable faults: the case of the Pernicana fault (Mt. Etna Sicily),1998,17,2,147-162,Azzaro Physical Modelling and Human Survival in Pyroclastic Flows,1998,17,2,163-176,Baxter Development of Seismic Risk Scenarios Based on a Hybrid Method of Vulnerability Assessment,1998,17,2,177-192,Kappos Volcanic Risk Assessment and Mapping in the Vesuvian Area Using GIS,1998,17,1,1-15,Lirer Numerical Simulation of the 1969 Portuguese Tsunami by a Finite Element Method,1998,17,1,31-46,Heinrich A New Categorization of Types of Slope Collapse in Mountain Areas,1998,17,1,69-76,Xu Slope Instability Zonation: A Comparison Between Certainty Factor and Fuzzy Dempster-Shafer Approaches,1998,17,1,77-97,Luzi Complexity Theory of Natural Disasters; Boundaries of Self-Structured Domains,1997,16,2-3,103-112,Scheidegger Problems for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis,1997,16,2-3,165-179,Speidel Atmospheric Hazards Preparedness in Bangladesh: A Study of Warning Adjustments and Recovery From the April 1991 Cyclone,1997,16,2-3,181-202,Haque Arias Intensity Assessment of Liquefaction Test Sites on the East Side of San Francisco Bay Affected by the Loma Prieta California Earthquake of 17 October 1989,1997,16,2-3,243-265,Mitchell A Step Towards Evaluation of the Seismic Response Reduction Factor in Multistorey Reinforced Concrete Frames,1997,16,1,65-80,Barakat Geotechnical Hazards Associated With Desert Environment,1997,16,1,81-95,Shehata Categorisation and Harmonisation of Probabilistic Earthquake Hazard Assessments With Respect to Statistic Representation of Input Data,1997,15,2-3,121-137,Schenk Recent Advances in Prediction and Processing of Strong Ground Motions,1997,15,2-3,199-215,Tumarkin Flood and Typhoon Disasters in Viet Nam in the Half Century Since 1950,1997,15,1,71-87,Imamura Bayesian Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Two Sites in Switzerland,1996,14,2-3,165-178,Ruttener Seismic Hazard Evaluation for Dams in Northern Colorado USA,1996,14,2-3,227-240,Vetter Assessment of Wind Speeds That Damage Buildings,1996,14,1,73-84,NateghiA Assessment of risk due to debris flow events: a case study in central Taiwan,2006,39,1,1-14,Lin Debris flow hazard assessment with numerical simulation,2009,49,1,137-161,Liu Debris-flow impact vulnerability and response,2011,56,1,371-402,Santi A novel data mining technique of analysis and classification for landslide problems,2010,52,1,211-230,Wan Enhancing the capacities of natural hazard mitigation: a study on a typhoon curriculum module in high school earth science,2010,55,2,423-440,Chang Tsunami Warnings: Understanding in Hawai'i,2007,40,1,71-87,Paton Disaster vulnerability and evacuation readiness: coastal mobile home residents in Florida,2010,52,1,79-95,Tobin Global mapping of storm surges and the assessment of coastal vulnerability,2013,66,3,1295-1312,Brakenridge Rip current misunderstandings,2010,55,2,161-162,Brewster Ability of beach users to identify rip currents at Pensacola Beach Florida,2013,68,2,1041-1056,Houser Changes in North Sea storm surge conditions for four transient future climate realizations,2013,66,3,1501-1518,Gaslikova An examination of rip current fatalities in the United States,2010,54,1,159-175,Ashley Reply to "Rip current misunderstandings",2010,55,2,163-165,Ashley Impact of wind gusts on sea surface height in storm surge modelling application to the North Sea,2013,66,3,1313-1326,van der Grinten Participatory modelling of vulnerability and adaptive capacity in flood risk management,2013,67,1,77-97,Haase Alongshore variation in the rip current hazard at Pensacola Beach Florida,2011,57,2,501-523,Houser Organizing social resilience in the context of natural hazards: a research note,2013,67,1,47-60,Hutter Natural hazards and resilience: exploring institutional and organizational dimensions of social resilience,2013,67,1,1-6,Glade Coasts: the high-risk areas of the world,2013,66,3,1363-1382,Kron Resilience: a capacity and a myth: findings from an in-depth case study in disaster management research,2013,67,1,61-76,Kuhlicke Ocean heat content for tropical cyclone intensity forecasting and its impact on storm surge,2013,66,3,1481-1500,Lin The diversity of resilience: contributions from a social science perspective,2013,67,1,7-24,Lorenz Potential impacts of extreme storm surges on a low-lying densely populated coastline: the case of Dunkirk area Northern France,2013,66,3,1327-1343,Maspataud Rip current escape strategies: lessons for swimmers and coastal rescue authorities,2011,59,2,823-832,Miloshis Typhoon and storm surge intensity changes in a warming climate around the Korean Peninsula,2013,66,3,1405-1429,Oh A threatened world city: the benefits of protecting London from the sea,2013,66,3,1383-1404,Penning-Rowsell Significance of nearshore wave parameters in identifying vulnerable zones during storm and normal conditions along Visakhapatnam coast India,2009,49,2,347-360,Prasad Simulation of water levels and extent of coastal inundation due to a cyclonic storm along the east coast of India,2013,66,3,1431-1441,Rao The effect of uncertainty on estimates of hurricane surge hazards,2013,66,3,1443-1459,Resio Coastal hazard mapping in the Cuddalore region South India,2013,66,3,1519-1536,Saxena Building with Nature: in search of resilient storm surge protection strategies,2013,66,3,1461-1480,Aarninkhof Storm surges in the Singapore Strait due to winds in the South China Sea,2013,66,3,1345-1362,Tkalich Evaluation of real-time flash flood forecasts for Haiti during the passage of Hurricane Tomas November 4-6 2010,2013,67,2,459-482,Spencer Seismic damage to urban areas due to failed buried fuel pipelines case study: fire following earthquake in the city of Kermanshah Iran,2013,67,2,169-192,Omidvar Spatially enabled emergency event analysis using a multi-level association rule mining method,2013,67,2,239-260,Fan Multi-level geospatial modeling of human exposure patterns and vulnerability indicators,2013,68,1,147-163,Aubrecht Rapid mapping in support of emergency response after earthquake events,2013,68,1,181-195,Wegscheider Tsunami risk reduction for densely populated Southeast Asian cities: Analysis of vehicular and pedestrian evacuation for the city of Padang Indonesia and assessment of interventions,2013,68,2,373-404,Mauro Advancing tsunami risk assessment by improving spatio-temporal population exposure and evacuation modeling,2013,68,3,1311-1324,Aubrecht Long-term spatio-temporal social vulnerability variation considering health-related climate change parameters particularly affecting elderly,2013,68,3,1371-1384,Aubrecht Livelihood resilience and strategies of rural residents of earthquake-threatened areas in Sichuan Province China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deng Causes and effects of the catastrophic flooding on the Siret River (Romania) in July-August 2008,2013,69,3,1351-1367,Romanescu Estimation of earthquake casualties using high-resolution remote sensing: A case study of Dujiangyan city in the May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,2013,69,3,1577-1595,Feng Identifying the optimal configuration of one-way and two-way streets for contraflow operation during an emergency evacuation,2013,69,3,1315-1334,Afandizadeh Population evacuation analysis: considering dynamic population vulnerability distribution and disaster information dissemination,2013,69,3,1629-1646,Zhang Qualitative hazard and risk assessment of landslides: A practical framework for a case study in China,2013,69,3,1281-1294,Wang Debris flows and their toll on human life: a global analysis of debris-flow fatalities from 1950 to 2011,2014,71,1,203-227,Dowling The role of coupling and embeddedness in risk evolution: rethinking the snow event in early 2008 China,2014,71,1,53-61,Miao Earthquake scenarios: a practical way to handle alternative solutions to historical earthquakes and to increase the transparency of seismic hazard assessment,2014,72,2,549-564,Tatevossian The catastrophic flood in Transbaikalia (Central Asia) in 1897: case study,2014,72,2,423-441,Kadetova The district of North Vancouver's landslide management strategy: role of public involvement for determining tolerable risk and increasing community resilience,2014,72,2,481-501,Tappenden Vulnerability of transportation to extreme weather and climate change,2014,72,1,1-4,Michaelides A short communication on school bus accidents: a review and analysis,2014,74,3,2305-2310,Nirupama Observations of meteorological tsunamis along the south-west Australian coast,2014,74,1,281-303,Pattiaratchi Simultaneous meteorological tsunamis and storm surges at Buenos Aires coast southeastern South America,2014,74,1,269-280,Dragani The Dwarskersbos South Africa local tsunami of August 27 1969: field survey and simulation as a meteorological event,2014,74,1,251-268,Okal Abiki oscillations in Sakitsu Bay west Kyushu Japan,2014,74,1,233-250,Tanaka Assessing meteotsunami potential of high-frequency air pressure oscillations observed in the middle Adriatic,2014,74,1,217-232,Vilibić Recent observations of meteotsunamis on the Finnish coast,2014,74,1,197-215,Pellikka Sea level surges of June 2011 in the NE Atlantic Ocean: observations and possible interpretation,2014,74,1,179-196,Frère The Lake Michigan meteotsunamis of 1954 revisited,2014,74,1,155-177,Bechle Tidal influence on high frequency harbor oscillations in a narrow entrance bay,2014,74,1,143-153,Monserrat A framework for the probabilistic analysis of meteotsunamis,2014,74,1,123-142,Geist High-frequency radar observations of the June 2013 US East Coast meteotsunami,2014,74,1,109-122,Lipa Meteotsunami in the Great Lakes and on the Atlantic coast of the United States generated by the "derecho" of June 29-30 2012,2014,74,1,75-107,Šepić Atmospheric mesoscale conditions during the Boothbay meteotsunami: a numerical sensitivity study using a high-resolution mesoscale model,2014,74,1,55-74,Vilibić Atmospheric processes responsible for generation of the 2008 Boothbay meteotsunami,2014,74,1,25-53,Monserrat Meteotsunami forecasting: sensitivities demonstrated by the 2008 Boothbay Maine event,2014,74,1,11-23,Knight Meteorological tsunamis on the US East Coast and in other regions of the World Ocean,2014,74,1,1-9,Vilibić Erratum to: Analysis of landslide causes and associated damages in the Kashmir Himalayas of Pakistan,2014,74,2,1307,Collins Qingdao pipeline explosion: introductions and reflections,2014,74,2,1299-1305,Zhao Urban impacts of ice storms: Toronto December 2013,2014,74,2,1291-1298,Nirupama A prototype system for space-time assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Italy,2014,74,2,1263-1290,Montrasio The 2012/2014 swarmquakes of Jaen Spain: a working hypothesis involving hydroseismicity associated with the hydrologic cycle and anthropogenic activity,2014,74,2,1223-1261,Doblas A multi-criteria evaluation model of earthquake vulnerability in Victoria British Columbia,2014,74,2,1209-1222,Schuurman A prediction model for debris flows triggered by a runoff-induced mechanism,2014,74,2,1141-1161,Wang Effects of fatigue on the physiological parameters of labor employees,2014,74,2,1127-1140,Nie Development of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for predicting the impact of storms on high-energy active-margin coasts,2014,74,2,1095-1125,Barnard Modeling the integrated roles of insurance and retrofit in managing natural disaster risk: a multi-stakeholder perspective,2014,74,2,1043-1068,Gao Implications of the 2011 Tuscaloosa EF4 tornado for shelter and refuge decisions,2014,74,2,1021-1041,Mason Prediction of long-term settlements of subway tunnel in the soft soil area,2014,74,2,1007-1020,Cui Large wood transport as significant influence on flood risk in a mountain village,2014,74,2,967-987,Díez-Herrero Integrated risk assessment of flood disaster based on improved set pair analysis and the variable fuzzy set theory in central Liaoning Province China,2014,74,2,947-965,Zhang Sudden surface collapse disasters caused by shallow partial mining in Datong coalfield China,2014,74,2,911-929,Cui Disaster risk assessment of ports based on the perspective of vulnerability,2014,74,2,851-864,Hsieh Using social media data to understand and assess disasters,2014,74,2,837-850,Chen The predictability of high-risk zones for heat-related mortality in seven US cities,2014,74,2,771-788,Hondula Applying image recording and identification for measuring water stages to prevent flood hazards,2014,74,2,737-754,Yang Risk assessment of earth dam overtopping and its application research,2014,74,2,717-736,Zhang Measuring the impact of mitigation activities on flood loss reduction at the parcel level: the case of the clear creek watershed on the upper Texas coast,2014,74,2,687-704,Brody Success factors of enhanced disaster resilience in urban community,2014,74,2,661-686,Chou Experimental investigation into rockfill dam failure initiation by overtopping,2014,74,2,623-637,Javadi Fine coal covering for preventing spontaneous combustion of coal pile,2014,74,2,603-622,Liu Socioeconomic development and the impact of natural disasters: some empirical evidences from China,2014,74,2,541-554,Li Extraction and application analysis of landslide influential factors based on LiDAR DEM: a case study in the Three Gorges area China,2014,74,2,509-526,Chen Simulation of flow slides in municipal solid waste dumps using a modified MPS method,2014,74,2,491-508,Huang Community resilience latent resources and resource scarcity after an earthquake: is society really three meals away from anarchy?,2014,74,2,477-490,Thomas Estimating magnitudes of prehistoric earthquakes and seismic capability of fault from landslide data in Noor valley (central Alborz Iran),2014,74,2,445-461,Zare The progress of emergency response and rescue in China: a comparative analysis of Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes,2014,74,2,421-444,Xu Mapping joint hurricane wind and surge hazards for Charleston South Carolina,2014,74,2,375-403,Pei Development of an empirical model for rainfall-induced hillside vulnerability assessment: a case study on Chen-Yu-Lan watershed Nantou Taiwan,2014,74,2,341-373,Lei Flood forecasts based on multi-model ensemble precipitation forecasting using a coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling system,2014,74,2,325-340,Wu Synthetic seismic intensity for historic earthquakes in the North China Plain: implications for the regional seismic hazard,2014,74,2,305-323,Shen Seismic hazard assessment for Guatemala City,1996,14,2-3,189-205,Lindholm Seismic hazard evaluation for dams in northern Colorado U.S.A,1996,14,2-3,227-240,Ake Hazard mapping based on macroseismic data considering the influence of geological conditions,1996,14,2-3,207-225,Oliveira Bayesian estimation of seismic hazard for two sites in Switzerland,1996,14,2-3,165-178,Rüttener Testing a new hybrid approach to seismic hazard assessment: an application to the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy),1996,14,2-3,113-126,Peruzza Seismic hazard assessment in the Ionian Islands based on observed macroseismic intensities,1996,14,2-3,179-187,Papoulia Seismic hazard maps for the U.K,1996,14,2-3,141-154,Musson Preliminary seismic hazard maps of Slovenia,1996,14,2-3,155-164,Lapajne Seismic hazard assessment for low-seismicity areas -- Case study: Northern Germany,1996,14,2-3,127-139,Grünthal Bayesian techniques for seismic hazard assessment using imprecise data,1996,14,2-3,91-112,Rüttener Preliminary analysis of the first digital recordings obtained in the Portuguese seismographic network -- Attenuation studies,1996,14,2-3,241-261,Oliveira Synthetic isoseismals of two Californian earthquakes,1996,14,1,23-37,Sirovich The extraregional seismotectonic method for the assessment of seismic potential,1996,14,1,3-10,Reisner Outline of the Great Hanshin earthquake Japan 1995,1996,14,1,39-71,Okimura Assessment of wind speeds that damage buildings,1996,14,1,73-84,Nateghi-A Seismic history and consistent seismicity: Evidence from southern Italy,1996,14,1,11-21,Marturano A methodology for drought preparedness,1996,13,3,229-252,Wilhite Geologic hazards assessment of Cairo and vicinity,1996,13,3,253-274,Kamel Evaluation of seismic hazard at Roermond The Netherlands: A comparison of results after the 13 April 1992 earthquake,1996,13,3,297-300,García-Fernández Automatic classification of volcanic earthquakes by using Multi-Layered neural networks,1996,13,3,205-228,Falsaperla A reappraisal of the seismicity of the Maghreb countries -- Algeria Morocco Tunisia,1996,13,3,275-296,Benouar The determination of the epicentre by a vectorial modelling of macroseismic intensity distribution,1996,13,2,101-117,Teramo Source parameters controlling the generation and propagation of potential local tsunamis along the Cascadia margin,1996,13,2,151-177,Geist Probabilistic macroseismic hazard assessment for Nicaragua (preliminary results),1996,13,2,179-202,Espinosa Distribution of the energy release b-values and seismic hazard in Egypt,1996,13,2,133-150,El-Sayed Seismic hazard evaluation at Algiers using Benouar's earthquake catalogue,1996,13,2,119-131,Benouar A numerical simulation of debris flow and its application,1996,13,1,39-54,Shieh Meteorological tsunamis near the Balearic and Kuril Islands: Descriptive and statistical analysis,1996,13,1,55-90,Monserrat Geotechnical study of landslides resulting from a highway construction in Jordan,1996,13,1,1-15,Malkawi Development and application of data collection forms for post-earthquake surveys of structural damage and human casualties,1996,13,1,17-38,Choudhury Documentary sources of the sea surges in Venice fromad 787 to 1867,1995,12,3,225-287,Enzi The pollina (northern Sicily Italy) earthquake of 26 June 1993: an application of the new European Macroseismic Scale 1992,1995,12,3,289-301,Azzaro Investigation on the geological and geotechnical factors leading to a major slope failure at a selected site on a Jordanian highway,1995,12,3,203-224,Al-homoud A smoothing algorithm to enhance finite-element tsunami modelling: An application to the 5 February 1783 Calabrian case Italy,1995,12,2,161-197,Tinti A database for worldwide seismicity quantification,1995,12,2,153-160,Schmid Landslides and stability of coastal cliffs of Cox's Bazar area Bangladesh,1995,12,2,101-118,Rahman Probabilistic seismic hazard zonation of Syria,1995,12,2,139-151,Malkawi Identification and prioritization of data for collection in post-earthquake surveys,1995,12,2,119-138,Choudhury Beyond the year 2000 more tornadoes in western Canada? Implications from the historical record,1995,12,1,19-27,Etkin Urban hailstorms: a view from Alberta,1995,12,1,29-75,Charlton Soil liquefaction potential induced by the andalusian earthquake of 25 December 1884,1995,12,1,1-17,Arango Landslide hazard of slopes of sewage treatment plant lagoons constructed in colluvium deposits,1995,12,1,77-94,Al-homoud On an anisotropic attenuation law of the macroseismic intensity,1995,11,3,203-221,Teramo Anisotropic characterization of macroseismic fields,1995,11,3,223-245,Teramo On macroseismic attenuation parameters in the comparison of theoretical seismic hazard maps for Southern Calabria and Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy),1995,11,3,259-282,Teramo Disasters in Bangladesh,1995,11,3,247-258,Karim Potential impacts of global warming on the frequency and magnitude of heavy precipitation,1995,11,3,283-303,Fowler An assessment of the risk from future eruptions of the Soufriere volcano of St. Vincent West Indies,1995,11,2,163-191,Robertson Storm surges in the northern part of the Sea of Japan,1995,11,2,99-110,Lyubitsky Assessment of seismic hazard near faults of uncertain type: Inter-plate versus intra-plate,1995,11,2,111-121,Leonard Marketable risk permits for natural disaster mitigation,1995,11,2,193-201,Dean Impact of the clouds of volcanic aerosols in Italy during the last 7 centuries,1995,11,2,135-161,Enzi Probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard of dam sites in Jordan,1995,11,2,123-134,Al-homoud Potential cauchy-poisson waves generated by submarine eruptions of kick 'em Jenny volcano,1995,11,1,75-94,Shepherd Long-term earthquake prediction along the seismic zone of the Solomon Islands and New Hebrides based on the time- and magnitude-predictable model,1995,11,1,17-43,Panagiotopoulos Seismic assessment of phreatic-explosion hazard at 'La Fossa' Volcano (Island of Vulcano Italy),1995,11,1,57-73,Montalto Tri-lateral workshop on natural hazards: towards a comprehensive assessment of risks due to natural hazards Canada - U.S.A. - Mexico,1995,11,1,95-96,Heginbottom Snow avalanche incidents in north-western Anatolia Turkey during December 1992,1995,11,1,1-16,Gürer Unplanned and unforeseen effects of instabilities,1995,11,1,45-56,Castaños Model parameter optimization for site-dependent simulation of ground motion by simulated annealing: Re-evaluation of the Ashigara Valley prediction experiment,1994,10,3,275-296,Palme On the use of NOAA's storm surge model SLOSH in managing coastal hazards -- the experience in Puerto Rico,1994,10,3,235-246,Mercado Volcanic hazards in the surroundings of Pico de Orizaba eastern Mexico,1994,10,3,197-219,Höskuldsson Seismic hazard of Egypt,1994,10,3,247-259,El-Sayed Observations from the 12 October 1992 Dahshour earthquake in Egypt,1994,10,3,261-274,Badawi Fractal geometry of faults in relation to the 12 October 1992 Cairo earthquake,1994,10,3,221-233,Arab Identification of a geological region for earthquakes using syntactic pattern recognition of seismograms,1994,10,1-2,139-147,Zhizhin Blind prediction of the site effects at Ashigara Valley Japan and its comparison with reality,1994,10,1-2,149-170,Zahradník Seismogeological and hydrological criteria for the New European Macroseismic Scale (MSK-92),1994,10,1-2,1-6,Vogt Analysis of macroseismic and instrumental data for the study of the 19 November 1923 earthquake in the Aran Valley (Central Pyrenees),1994,10,1-2,7-17,Roca Seismogeological acceptance criteria for geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel,1994,10,1-2,171-180,Schenk Features of geonomic prognostic functions for the maximum possible earthquake,1994,10,1-2,97-115,Schenk A different intensity recording for reducing the uncertainty in its assessment: An application to the completeness analysis of earthquake catalogues,1994,10,1-2,47-58,Rotondi Macroseismic intensity attenuation for crustal sources on romanian territory and adjacent areas,1994,10,1-2,65-72,Pantea Analysis of nonstationary properties of ground motion recorded during the Montenegro earthquake of 15 April 1979,1994,10,1-2,123-138,Manic Atlas of macroseismic maps for French earthquakes with their principal characteristics,1994,10,1-2,19-46,Levret Application of a probabilistic model to vrancea intermediate earthquakes,1994,10,1-2,73-77,Pantea Catastrophe chains: Hazard assessment,1994,10,1-2,117-121,Gitis Macroseismic practice in Slovenia,1994,10,1-2,59-64,Cecić Stochastic modeling of seismic surface rotations,1994,10,1-2,181-191,Castellani Seismic hazard assessment in Jordan and its vicinity,1994,10,1-2,79-96,Al-Tarazi Long-term earthquake prediction in the North Pacific seismic zone based on the time and magnitude predictable model,1994,9,3,303-321,Papadimitriou Analysis of seismic intensities observed in Israel,1994,9,3,287-301,Feldman The insurance industry and IDNDR: Common interests and tasks,1994,9,3,323-332,Berz Seismic hazard analysis with randomly located sources,1994,9,1-2,215-233,Yucemen Mass movements in hilly areas (with examples from Nigeria),1994,9,1-2,191-196,Scheidegger Characteristics and mitigation of the snow avalanche hazard in Kaghan Valley Pakistan Himalaya,1994,9,1-2,197-213,Scally Some characteristics of typhoons as revealed by the recent SSM/I microwave radiometry,1994,9,1-2,17-35,Rao Numerical simulation and prediction of storm surges and water levels in Shanghai harbour and its vicinity,1994,9,1-2,167-188,Qin Some aspects of seismic hazard assessment when comparing different approaches,1994,9,1-2,273,Slejko Seismic hazard of Bulgaria,1994,9,1-2,247-271,Slejko Meteorological factors associated with floods in the north-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula,1994,9,1-2,81-93,Llasat Structure of a prefrontal convective rainband in northern Taiwan determined from Dual-Doppler data,1994,9,1-2,37-61,Lin Storm waves in the Canadian Atlantic: A numerical simulation,1994,9,1-2,125-153,Khandekar Recent floods in Bangladesh: Possible causes and solutions,1994,9,1-2,65-80,Khalequzzaman Regional fracture analysis south Latitude 29° N of Egypt and their influence on earthquakes,1994,9,1-2,235-245,Kamel Simulation and modeling of rainfall radar measurements for hydrological applications,1994,9,1-2,109-122,Giuli Storm surge mitigation through vegetation canopies,1994,9,1-2,155-166,Murty Hydrological response to radar rainfall maps through a distributed model,1994,9,1-2,95-108,Becchi Synthetic uniform-hazard site specific response spectrum,1993,8,3,201-215,Shapira Comments on 'mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: A proposal' by Tad S. Murty and Mohammed I. El-Sabh,1993,8,3,283-285,Ryan A comprehensive approach to drought and desertification in Northern Nigeria,1993,8,3,235-261,Oladipo The catastrophic cyclone of April 1991: Its Impact on the economy of Bangladesh,1993,8,3,263-281,Khalil Lightning fatalities in Australia 1824-1991,1993,8,3,217-233,Blong Influence of attenuation models in seismic hazard evaluation for the North-Eastern Sicily area,1993,8,2,97-107,Teramo Areal extent of the 1988 flood in Bangladesh: How much did the satellite imagery show?,1993,8,2,189-200,Rasid Geologic and hydrologic hazards in glacierized basins in North America resulting from 19th and 20th century global warming,1993,8,2,121-140,O'Connor Environmental influences on landslide activity: Almora Bypass Kumaun Lesser Himalaya,1993,8,2,153-170,Haigh An approach to mass movements in the Jiuzhaigou catchment,1993,8,2,141-151,Daquan Rapid evaluation of an indicator of seismic vulnerability in small urban nuclei,1993,8,2,109-120,Corsanego Expected tsunami amplitudes and currents along the North American coast for Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes,1993,8,1,59-73,Whitmore Preventing flooding or regulating flood levels?: Case studies on perception of flood alleviation in Bangladesh,1993,8,1,39-57,Rasid Organizational response to the Mexico City earthquake of 1985: Characteristics and implications,1993,8,1,19-38,Quarantelli Regionalization of seismic hazard in Greece based on seismic sources,1993,8,1,1-18,Papazachos Nonlinear dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete frames,1993,7,3,279-290,Vasseva French Polynesia Tsunami Warning Center (CPPT),1993,7,3,237-256,Talandier Seismotectonic studies of the coastal areas of India Pakistan Bangladesh and Burma,1993,7,3,201-210,Sukhtankar Preliminary investigations of the tsunami hazard of Kick'em Jenny submarine volcano,1993,7,3,257-277,Smith Re-evaluation of minor events: The examples of the 1895 and 1909 Rome earthquakes,1993,7,3,219-235,Riguzzi Long-term prediction of intermediate depth earthquakes in the southern Aegean region based on a time-predictable model,1993,7,3,211-218,Papazachos Estimating the vulnerability and loss functions of residential buildings,1993,7,2,155-171,Tavakoli Some aspects of seismic hazard assessment when comparing different approaches,1993,7,2,133-153,Slejko On some problems about testing stochastic models of the earthquake time series,1993,7,2,99-108,Papadopoulos Mineralogical and chemical composition of some Bauchi soils and their relationship to passive Earth movement,1993,7,2,109-119,Orazulike Epicentre maps of the Mediterranean area (1901-1985),1993,7,2,173-185,Kárník Probabilistic seismic hazard evaluation in underground mines,1993,7,2,121-132,GłOwacka Aetiology of the Thera eruption and its effects,1993,7,2,187-189,Alexander A Comprehensive Approach to the Observation and Prevention of Debris Flows in China,1993,7,1,1-23,Zhang Statistical Comparison of Geophysical Parameters and Seismicity in Central Italy,1993,7,1,25-39,de Rubeis An Examination of Behavior and Hazards Faced by Physically Disabled People During the Loma Prieta Earthquake,1993,7,1,59-82,Rahimi Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Sweden,1993,7,1,41-57,Mäntyniemi Six comments on the Bangladesh Flood Action Plan,1992,6,3,287-298, Seismic hazard maps for Jordan and vicinity,1992,6,3,201-226,Yucemen Exact analytical solutions of nonlinear problems of tsunami wave run-up on slopes with different profiles,1992,6,3,227-249,Pelinovsky On the recurvature of tropical cyclones and the storm surge problem in Bangladesh,1992,6,3,275-279,Murty On the impossibility of the co-existence of monsoons and severe storm surges in the Bay of Bengal,1992,6,3,281-285,Murty Mitigating the effects of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones: A proposal,1992,6,3,251-273,Murty Natural hazards and disasters in Latin America,1992,6,2,131-159,Stillwell Climatological study of the main meteorological and marine disasters in Shanghai,1992,6,2,161-179,Qin Social differentiation and the long-term origin of disasters,1992,6,2,181-190,Clausen Storm catastrophes in the United States,1992,6,2,93-107,Changnon Seismic hazard monitoring in Kamchatka and its applications to the M = 6.6 earthquake of 6 October 1987,1992,6,1,51-70,Zobin Macroseismic study of the Potenza (southern Italy) earthquake of 5 May 1990,1992,6,1,25-38,Riguzzi Abnormal animal behaviour as a precursor of the 7 December 1988 Spitak Armenia earthquake,1992,6,1,1-10,Nikonov Cyclones and storm surges in Bangladesh: Some mitigative measures,1992,6,1,11-24,Khalil Numerical algorithm for the dynamic analysis of base-isolated structures with dry friction,1992,6,1,71-86,Georgiev Comparison of two methods for seismic hazard assessment in a low-seismicity area,1992,6,1,39-49,Egozcue On organizing a catalogue of storm surges for the Sea of Japan,1992,5,3,319-325,Rabinovich Seismotectonic regionalization of the Red Sea area and its application to seismic risk analysis,1992,5,3,233-247,Diamantidis Cautious neotectonic hypotheses for assessing the seismic hazard in northeastern Italy,1992,5,3,249-268,Papoulia Soil loss and sediment transport during the storms and landslides of May 1988 in Ruhengeri prefecture Rwanda,1992,5,3,279-292,Iii The historic and artistic heritage facing the earthquake risk: The Italian case,1992,5,3,269-278,Huber Using numerical modelling to evaluate tsunami hazard near the Kuril Island,1992,5,3,293-318,Chubarov Maximum snowfall at long-term stations in the U.S./Canadian Great Lakes,1992,5,3,221-232,Bolsenga The tsunami generated from the eruption of the volcano of Santorin in the Bronze Age,1992,5,2,115-123,Pararas-Carayannis A study of the gully phenomenon in Gombe Town Bauchi State: Bedrock geology and environmental implications,1992,5,2,199-203,Orazulike Tsunami threat to the Pacific coast of Canada due to local earthquakes,1992,5,2,205-210,Murty Using tornado climatology to help plan a Doppler radar network,1992,5,2,211-219,Newark Extreme rainfall events in Catalonia. The case of 12 November 1988,1992,5,2,133-151,Llasat Earthquake hazard assessment from the recent space and surface measurements of the Earth's gravity field,1992,5,2,125-132,Khan A method for the analysis of macroseismic questionnaires,1992,5,2,169-177,Tertulliani An integrated system for forecasting Arno River flash floods,1992,5,2,179-197,Carrara The great Minoan eruption of Thera volcano and the ensuing tsunami in the Greek Archipelago,1992,5,2,153-168,Antonopoulos Prairie dust storms -- A neglected hazard,1992,5,1,53-63,Wheaton The Tambora eruption in 1815 provides a test on possible global climatic and chemical perturbations in the past,1992,5,1,1-16,Vupputuri Using the DPFT approach to improve flash flood forecasting models,1992,5,1,17-41,Torres Canadian disasters: An historical survey,1992,5,1,43-51,Jones Sea-level rise and shoreline retreat of the Nile Delta promontories Egypt,1992,5,1,65-81,Frihy Losses in the range of US$ 50 billion and 50 000 people killed: Munich Re's list of major natural disasters in 1990,1992,5,1,95-102,Berz The tsunami of 426 BC in the Maliakos gulf eastern Greece,1992,5,1,83-93,Antonopoulos Kamchatka earthquake of 17 August 1983: A large intermediate event at the junction of the Aleutian and Kuril-Kamchatka arcs,1991,4,4,327-344,Zobin Studies of long-lived hailstorms in Saskatchewan Canada from crop insurance data,1991,4,4,345-352,Paul The changing atmosphere: A review,1991,4,4,353-372,McKay Seismic hazard in East Africa: An example of the application of incomplete and uncertain data,1991,4,4,421-430,Mäntyniemi Study of hydrological phenomena by extreme value theory,1991,4,4,373-388,Ashkar Reappraisal of major African earthquakes south of 20°N 1900-1930,1991,4,4,389-419,Adams Tsunami bore runup,1991,4,2-3,209-220,Yeh Tsunami ascending in rivers as an undular bore,1991,4,2-3,257-266,Tsuji Assessment of tsunami hazard in the Italian seas,1991,4,2-3,267-283,Tinti Tsunami runup on steep slopes: How good linear theory really is,1991,4,2-3,221-234,Synolakis Numerical simulation of tsunamis -- Its present and near future,1991,4,2-3,171-191,Shuto Use of tsunami waveforms for earthquake source study,1991,4,2-3,193-208,Kanamori Tsunamis in and near Greece and their relation to the earthquake focal mechanisms,1991,4,2-3,161-170,Papazachos A numerical model for far-field tsunamis and its application to predict damages done to aquaculture,1991,4,2-3,235-255,Shuto Integration of the THRUST project into the Chile Tsunami Warning System,1991,4,2-3,293-300,Lorca Investigation of long waves in the tsunami frequency band on the southwestern shelf of Kamchatka,1991,4,2-3,141-159,Rabinovich The 1987-88 Alaskan Bight tsunamis: Deep ocean data and model comparisons,1991,4,2-3,119-139,Bernard The tsunami threat on the Mexican west coast: A historical analysis and recommendations for hazard mitigation,1991,4,2-3,301-316,Farreras Assessment of project THRUST: Past present future,1991,4,2-3,285-292,Bernard Drought and famine in Ethiopia and Sudan: An ongoing tragedy,1991,4,1,85-86,Webb A tentative list of tsunamis in the marginal seas of the North Indian Ocean,1991,4,1,81-83,Murty Probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Panama,1991,4,1,1-6,Muñoz A method for estimating earthquake occurrence probability using first- and multiple-order Markov chain models,1991,4,1,7-22,Fujinawa Reappraisal of great historical earthquakes in the northern Chile and southern Peru seismic gaps,1991,4,1,23-44,Comte Applied geomorphology and the impact of natural hazards on the built environment,1991,4,1,57-80,Alexander Relevance of data dossiers for storm-surge prediction,1990,3,4,413-417, The effects of a large destructive local earthquake on earthquake preparedness as assessed by an earthquake preparedness scale,1990,3,4,357-371,Mulilis Reliability of inexpensive charcoal and alpha-track radon monitors,1990,3,4,341-355,Mose Nonseismic phenomena in the generation and augmentation of tsunamis,1990,3,4,403-412,Lockridge Floods in Bangladesh: A question of disciplining the rivers,1990,3,4,379-401,Khalil Fuzzy factorial analysis of snow avalanches,1990,3,4,329-340,Jaccard Studies on the contribution of some geological factors to seismic hazard,1990,3,3,261-264,Spânoche Estimation of seismic hazard with allowance for noncircular isoseismals of arbitrary orientation,1990,3,3,265-273,Seiduzova Some aspects of the seismic hazard in Panama City,1990,3,3,233-248,Muñoz Data concerning seismic risk evaluation in Romania,1990,3,3,249-259,Mandrescu A check-up on seismic hazard assessment: Tirana case study,1990,3,3,293-303,Kociaj Implications of palæo- and neotectonics in gully erosion-prone areas of southeastern Nigeria,1990,3,3,219-231,Egboka Pathways to seismic hazard evaluation: Extreme and characteristic earthquakes in areas of low and high seismicity,1990,3,3,275-291,Burton Amplitude domain analysis for the 30 August 1986 Vrancea intermediate earthquake,1990,3,3,305-314,Ardeleanu Tsunamigenic zones in the Mediterranean Sea,1990,3,2,183-202,Soloviev Relation between macroseismic intensity and instrumental parameters of strong motions -- A statistical approach,1990,3,2,111-124,Schenk Earthquake hazard of the northern parts of the Bohemian Massif and Western Carpathians,1990,3,2,173-181,Procházková On the reliability of different methods of seismic hazard assessment in Greece,1990,3,2,141-151,Papazachos Influence of local geological conditions on the macroseismic effects in the town of Strazhitza,1990,3,2,153-160,Michailov Input parameters for estimating seismic loading,1990,3,2,125-139,Langer Seismic hazard assessment using the theory of records,1990,3,2,161-171,Dargahi-Noubary Attenuation laws and seismic hazard assessment,1990,3,1,49-58,Papoulia Seismic hazard analysis in zones of time and space interdependence: An application to São Miguel Island Azores,1990,3,1,15-29,Oliveira Hazard reduction and everyday life: Opportunities for integration during the decade for natural disaster reduction,1990,3,1,87-89,Oaks Estimation of earthquake hazard parameters for incomplete and uncertain data files,1990,3,1,1-13,Kijko The injection of sulfuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere by the El Chichón volcano and its related hazards to the international air traffic,1990,3,1,59-67,Bernard An attempt to evaluate seismic hazard in Central-Southern Italy,1990,3,1,31-47,Scalera Different approaches to the seismic hazard of Sannio-Matese (Southern Italy),1989,2,3-4,329-348,Slejko Seismic hazard assessments for two test areas -- 'Southern Italy' and 'Belgium--The Netherlands--Germany',1989,2,3-4,267-287,Schenk Critical parameter investigation for earthquake hazard assessment in the Sannio-Matese area of Southern Italy,1989,2,3-4,237-247,Mayer-Rosa Seismic hazard in the Sannio-Matese area of Italy,1989,2,3-4,363-385,Lapajne Estimation of seismic hazard parameters in TERESA test areas,1989,2,3-4,289-306,García-Fernández Seismic hazard assessment in TERESA test areas based on a Bayesian technique,1989,2,3-4,249-265,García-Fernández Tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and CO2 warming,1989,2,3-4,387-390,Murty Seismic hazard computations for regions with low earthquake activity -- A case study for the Belgium The Netherlands and NW Germany area,1989,2,3-4,229-236,Colombo Analysis of input data and seismic hazard assessment for the low seismicity area 'Belgium The Netherlands and NW Germany',1989,2,3-4,349-362,de Crook Assessment of seismic hazard for the Sannio-Matese area of Southern Italy -- A summary,1989,2,3-4,217-228,Slejko Preliminary results of seismic hazard assessment in the Sannio-Matese area of Southern Italy,1989,2,3-4,307-328,Colombo Investigation of insured earthquake damage,1989,2,2,173-184,Porro The Aegean Sea (Greece) earthquake sequence of 25 March 1986: An application of the ν-value method for earthquake prediction,1989,2,2,105-114,Papanastassiou Stability analysis of a slip-debris flow in the Ogbajala Hills of Benue State Nigeria,1989,2,2,143-151,Okagbue Predicting landslips caused by rainstorms in residual/colluvial soils of Nigerian hillside slopes,1989,2,2,133-141,Okagbue Assessment of earthquake hazard in Panama based on seismotectonic regionalization,1989,2,2,115-131,Muñoz Inclusion of ice cover in a storm surge model for the Beaufort Sea,1989,2,2,153-171,Venkatesh Observations on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction,1989,2,1,77-82, An International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction: 1990-2000,1989,2,1,45-75, State of tide and tsunami threat to the Pacific coast of Canada,1989,2,1,83-86,Murty A review of storm-surge research in China,1989,2,1,17-29,Fengshu Radon in soil anomaly observed at Los Azufres geothermal field Michoacan: a possible precursor of the 1985 Mexico earthquake (Ms = 8.1),1989,1,4,319-329,Mena Reducing hazards during the 1990s,1989,1,4,387-389,Riebsame On some future tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean,1989,1,4,349-369,Murty Seismic intensity zoning and earthquake risk mapping in Iraq,1989,1,4,331-340,Fahmi Storm surges in the Arabian Gulf,1989,1,4,371-385,Murty Estimation of tsunami hazard from volcanic activity -- Suggested methodology with Augustine volcano Alaska as an example,1989,1,4,341-348,Acharya Source mechanism of the tsunamis of 19 and 21 September 1985 in Mexico,1988,1,3,285-294,Pararas-Carayannis Estimation of underwater eruption energy based on tsunami wave data,1988,1,3,277-283,Pelinovsky Earthquake hazard in Jordan,1988,1,3,245-254,Kovach A widespread simultaneous increase of the microearthquake seismicity and minor crustal movements in and around the assumed rupture zone of the Tokai earthquake,1988,1,3,255-276,Fujinawa A general outline of the ITSU master plan for the Tsumani Warning System in the Pacific,1988,1,3,295-302,Dohler The reduction of windstorm hazard through the IDNDR,1988,1,3,235-243,Davenport Tsunami risk analysis for China,1988,1,2,181-195,Zhou Breach erosion of earthfill dams (BEED) model,1988,1,2,161-180,Collins Volcanic tremor-source mechanisms and correlation with eruptive activity,1988,1,2,125-144,Schick Hazardous earth processes in parts of Bauchi State Nigeria: Their causes and environmental implications,1988,1,2,155-160,Orazulike Slump debris flows in the Akovolwo Mountains area of Benue State Nigeria,1988,1,2,145-154,Okagbue The limits of self-similarity,1988,1,2,113-123,Lomnitz Seismic hazard analysis for the Philippines,1988,1,1,27-44,Su The connection of geodynamics with seismicity patterns,1988,1,1,5-13,Scheidegger Seismic parameters controlling far-field tsunami amplitudes: A review,1988,1,1,67-96,Okal Atmospheric pressure changes due to volcanic eruptions and possible water level fluctuations,1988,1,1,15-26,Murty Rip current-related fatalities in India: a new predictive risk scale for forecasting rip currents,2014,70,1,313-335,Prasad The emerging vulnerable population of the urbanisation resulting from post-disaster recovery of the Wenchuan earthquake,2014,75,3,2103-2118,Yang Human instability related to drowning risk in surf zones for novice beachgoers or weak swimmers,2016,83,1,761-766,Hanes The occurrence laws of campus stampede accidents in China and its prevention and control measures,2017,87,2,659-673,Zhang Estimation of river flood damages in Jakarta Indonesia,2017,86,3,1059-1079,Wijayanti Cut slope stability assessment along ghat road section of Kolli hills India,2017,86,3,1081-1104,Anbazhagan The perceptions of social responsibility for community resilience to flooding: the impact of past experience age gender and ethnicity,2017,86,3,1105-1126,Achour Three-dimensional flood routing of a dam break based on a high-precision digital model of a dense urban area,2017,86,3,1147-1174,Wang Closed circuit television (CCTV) earthquake behaviour coding methodology: analysis of Christchurch Public Hospital video data from the 22 February Christchurch earthquake event,2017,86,3,1175-1192,Johnston Seismic vulnerability assessment using association rule learning: application to the city of Constantine Algeria,2017,86,3,1223-1245,Guettiche Building damage assessment after the Riviera del Brenta tornado northeast Italy,2017,86,3,1247-1273,Zanini Early alert and community involvement: approach for disaster risk reduction in Rwanda,2017,86,2,505-517,Nahayo Complete flood frequency analysis in Abiod watershed Biskra (Algeria),2017,86,2,519-534,Benameur Supervised classification of civil air patrol (CAP),2017,86,2,535-556,Cervone An index of Brazil's vulnerability to expected increases in natural flash flooding and landslide disasters in the context of climate change,2017,86,2,557-582,Debortoli Insurance as a tool for hazard risk management? An evaluation of the literature,2017,86,2,583-599,Savitt Automatic detection of wet-snow avalanche seismic signals,2017,86,2,601-618,Hammer Community disruptions and business costs for distant tsunami evacuations using maximum versus scenario-based zones,2017,86,2,619-643,Shoaf Estimation of seismic hazard in Odisha by remote sensing and GIS techniques,2017,86,2,695-709,Dhar Determination of threshold energy for the development of seismic energy anomaly model through integrated geotectonic and geoinformatics approach,2017,86,2,711-740,Sivakumar Multi-variate residential flood loss estimation model for Jakarta: an approach based on a combination of statistical techniques,2017,86,2,779-804,Wahab A resilience loss assessment framework for evaluating flood-control dam safety upgrades,2017,86,2,805-819,Kim Damage to grass dikes due to wave overtopping,2017,86,2,849-875,Verhagen Identification and classification of storm surge events at Red Dog Dock Alaska 2004-2014,2017,86,2,877-900,Wicks In the aftermath of the October 2015 Alexandria Flood: challenges of an Arab city to deal with extreme rainfall storms,2017,86,2,901-917,Bhattacharya Assessment of reduced-complexity landscape evolution model suitability to adequately simulate flood events in complex flow conditions,2017,86,1,1-29,Zellou Disaster prevention disaster preparedness and local community resilience within the context of disaster risk management in Cameroon,2017,86,1,57-88,Kusakabe Estimation of flood quantiles at gauged and ungauged sites of the four major rivers of Punjab Pakistan,2017,86,1,107-123,Hussain An empirical method to estimate fatalities caused by earthquakes: the case of the Ahar-Varzaghan earthquakes (Iran),2017,86,1,125-149,Bastami Robustness of road systems to extreme flooding: using elements of GIS travel demand and network science,2017,86,1,151-164,Kermanshah Experimental research on the effect of slope morphology on bank collapse in mountain reservoir,2017,86,1,165-181,Liao Modeling disruptions causing domino effects in urban guided transport systems faced by flood hazards,2017,86,1,183-201,Gonzva Analysis of ice disasters on ultra-high-voltage direct-current transmission lines,2017,86,1,203-217,Yang Household-level disaster-induced losses and rural-urban migration: experience from world's one of the most disaster-affected countries,2017,86,1,315-326,Ishtiaque The contribution of satellite SAR-derived displacement measurements in landslide risk management practices,2017,86,1,327-351,Casagli Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology experimental validation and case studies off the US East Coast,2017,86,1,353-391,Kirby Disaster risk perception in urban contexts and for people with disabilities: case study on the city of Iquique (Chile),2017,86,1,411-436,Castro A GIS-based multi-criteria analysis model for earthquake vulnerability assessment using Choquet integral and game theory,2017,87,3,1377-1398,Moshiri Highway congestion during evacuation: examining the household's choice of number of vehicles to evacuate,2017,87,3,1399-1411,Peacock Reduction of future disaster damages by learning from disaster experiences,2017,87,3,1435-1452,Managi Use of sacrificial embankments to minimize bridge damage from scour during extreme flow events,2017,87,3,1469-1487,Rizzo Near-field probabilistic seismic hazard analysis with characteristic earthquake effects,2017,87,3,1607-1633,Yaghmaei-Sabegh Simulation of primary school-aged children's earthquake evacuation in rural town,2017,87,3,1783-1806,Zhang Landfire hazard assessment in the Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion with the long-term MODIS active fire data,2017,87,3,1807-1825,Adab Residents' satisfaction to post-Wenchuan earthquake recovery and reconstruction,2017,87,3,1847-1858,Gao Assessment and mapping of earthquake-induced landslides in Tigzirt City Algeria,2017,87,3,1859-1879,Djerbal A review of bridge scour: mechanism estimation monitoring and countermeasures,2017,87,3,1881-1906,Wang The effective use of communication tools during a long-term campus emergency,2017,88,1,21-38,Hildebrand Enhancing the effectiveness of flood road gauges with color coding,2017,88,1,55-70,Wang The impact of extreme rainfall and flash floods on the flood risk management process and geomorphological changes in small Carpathian catchments: a case study of the Kasiniczanka river (Outer Carpathians Poland),2017,88,1,95-120,Bryndal An integrated relative risk assessment model for urban disaster loss in view of disaster system theory,2017,88,1,165-190,Qie Homeowner purchase of insurance for hurricane-induced wind and flood damage,2017,88,1,221-245,Trainor Seismic damage to schools subjected to Nepal earthquakes 2015,2017,88,1,247-284,Chen Preparing for flooding in England and Wales: the role of risk perception and the social context in driving individual action,2017,88,1,367-387,Lo Determinants of flood risk mitigation strategies at household level: a case of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province Pakistan,2017,88,1,415-430,Ullah Decisions under duress: factors influencing emergency management decision making during Superstorm Sandy,2017,88,1,453-471,Montz Hydraulic hazard exposure of humans swept away in a whitewater river,2017,88,1,473-502,Strom Evaluation of the risk and the evacuation policy in the case of a tsunami in the city of Iquique Chile,2017,88,1,503-532,Gazmuri Perceptions behavioral expectations and implementation timing for response actions in a hurricane emergency,2017,88,1,533-558,Lindell Base flood estimates compared and linked to engineering modifications of the Missouri River,2017,88,1,559-574,Luo Methodology of natural risk assessment in Russia,2017,88,Suppl,17-41,Osipov Dangerous ice phenomena on the lowland rivers of European Russia,2017,88,Suppl,171-188,Agafonova Debris flow hazards for mountain regions of Russia: regional features and key events,2017,88,Suppl,199-235,Perov Large-scale assessment of avalanche and debris flow hazards in the Sakhalin region Russian Federation,2017,88,Suppl,237-251,Kazakova Changes in the US hurricane disaster landscape: the relationship between risk and exposure,2017,88,2,659-682,Ashley Flash flood vulnerability assessment for small catchments with a material flow approach,2017,88,2,699-719,Xu A fast intensity simulator for tropical cyclone risk analysis,2017,88,2,779-796,Emanuel Psychological sequels of flood on residents of southeast Caspian region,2017,88,2,965-975,Seyedin Characteristics of tropical cyclones generated in South China Sea and their landfalls over China and Vietnam,2017,88,2,1043-1057,Li A quantitative approach for the evaluation of rockfall risk on buildings,2017,88,2,1059-1086,Biagi Community resilience to tsunamis along the Southeastern Pacific: a multivariate approach incorporating physical environmental and social indicators,2017,88,2,1087-1111,Villagra Vulnerabilities to flood hazards among rural households in India,2017,88,2,1133-1153,Kächele Tsunami hazards in the Catalan Coast a low-intensity seismic activity area,2017,88,3,1273-1295,Gironella Snow avalanches striking water basins: behaviour of the avalanche's centre of mass and front,2017,88,3,1297-1323,Brocchini Meteotsunamis in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and their possible link to El Niño Southern Oscillation,2017,88,3,1325-1346,Olabarrieta Modeling debris flow initiation and run-out in recently burned areas using data-driven methods,2017,88,3,1373-1407,Zêzere The assessment of traffic accident risk based on grey relational analysis and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method,2017,88,3,1409-1422,Liu Quantifying impacts of forecast uncertainties on predicted storm surges,2017,88,3,1423-1449,Resio A method for tsunami risk assessment: a case study for Kamakura Japan,2017,88,3,1451-1472,Jonkman The smoke is rising but where is the fire? Exploring effective online map design for wildfire warnings,2017,88,3,1473-1501,Boruff Optimistic bias and the consistency of hurricane track forecasts,2017,88,3,1523-1543,Sherman-Morris The effects of natural structure on estimated tropical cyclone surge extremes,2017,88,3,1609-1637,Resio Application of radar wind profiler data in analyzing the process of torrential rains in Urumqi Xinjiang China,2017,88,3,1677-1690,Geng The lived experience of preparing for earthquakes in households: a phenomenological psychological study,2017,88,3,1825-1844,Nakagawa Assessment of the plume dispersion due to chemical attack on April 4 2017 in Syria,2017,88,3,1893-1901,Bhaganagar Using remote sensing information to estimate snow hazard and extreme snow load in China,2017,89,1,1-17,Hong Mapping heatwave vulnerability in Korea,2017,89,1,35-55,Deo Crisis information distribution on Twitter: a content analysis of tweets during Hurricane Sandy,2017,89,1,161-181,Zhuang An approach for estimating the largest probable tsunami from far-field subduction zone earthquakes,2017,89,1,233-253,Kalligeris Landslide susceptibility mapping using precipitation data Mazandaran Province north of Iran,2017,89,1,255-273,Amiri Tsunamis recorded in tide gauges at Costa Rica Pacific coast and their numerical modeling,2017,89,1,295-311,Chacón-Barrantes Disaster education for landslide risk reduction: an experience in a public school in Rio de Janeiro State Brazil,2017,89,1,351-365,Mendonca Community vulnerability to hazards: introducing local expert knowledge into the equation,2017,89,1,367-386,Martín Social capital as a shield against anxiety among displaced residents from Fukushima,2017,89,1,405-421,Aldrich Meteorological analysis of the tornado in Ciudad Acuña Coahuila State Mexico on May 25 2015,2017,89,1,423-439,León-Cruz Tornado disaster impacts and management: learning from the 2016 tornado catastrophe in Jiangsu Province China,2017,89,1,457-471,Jia Awareness of tsunami natural warning signs and intended evacuation behaviors in Java Indonesia,2017,89,1,473-496,Hall Devising 'policy packages' for seismic retrofitting of residences,2017,89,1,497-519,Negev Understanding the challenges for the governance of China's "sponge cities" initiative to sustainably manage urban stormwater and flooding,2017,89,1,521-529,Jiang A geo-ontology-based approach to decision-making in emergency management of meteorological disasters,2017,89,2,531-554,Fang The applicability of Standardized Precipitation Index: drought characterization for early warning system and weather index insurance in West Africa,2017,89,2,555-583,Okpara Historical tsunami records and potential tsunami scenarios near Haikou coastal region,2017,89,2,625-645,Zhao Regional disaster risk evaluation of China based on the universal risk model,2017,89,2,647-660,Chen Assessment of coastal communities' vulnerability to floods using indicator-based approach: a case study of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Ghana,2017,89,2,661-689,Yankson Assessment of coastal communities' vulnerability to floods using indicator-based approach: a case study of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Ghana (Erratum),2017,89,2,691,Yankson Relationships between typhoons climate and crime rates in Taiwan,2017,89,2,871-897,Yu Simulating storm surge waves for structural vulnerability estimation and flood hazard mapping,2017,89,2,939-962,Lin Spectral analysis of climate cycles to predict rainfall induced landslides in the western Mediterranean (Majorca Spain),2017,89,3,985-1007,Herrera An investigation of disaster education in elementary and secondary schools: evidence from China,2017,89,3,1009-1029,Zhu Simulation-based optimization of emergency evacuation strategy in ultra-high-rise buildings,2017,89,3,1167-1184,Zhang A spatial analysis of integrated risk: vulnerability of ecosystem services provisioning to different hazards in the Czech Republic,2017,89,3,1185-1204,Pártl Children in disasters: the role of household preparedness,2017,89,3,1239-1254,Ronan Characterizing flood hazard risk in data-scarce areas using a remote sensing and GIS-based flood hazard index,2017,89,3,1369-1387,Wang Evaluation of community leaders' perception regarding Alerta Rio the warning system for landslides caused by heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro,2017,89,3,1343-1368,Bandeira Flash flood hazard affected Ras Gharib city Red Sea Egypt: a proposed flash flood channel,2017,89,3,1389-1400,Elnazer A review of game theory applications in natural disaster management research,2017,89,3,1461-1483,Zhuang The catastrophic landside in Maoxian County Sichuan SW China on June 24 2017,2017,89,3,1485-1493,Wang A subaqueous hazard map for earthquake-triggered landslides in Lake Zurich Switzerland,2018,90,1,51-78,Kremer Quantifying the impact of human activities on geological hazards in mountainous areas: evidence from Shennongjia China,2018,90,1,137-155,Zou Risk prediction of rural public security environmental carrying capacity based on the risk entropy,2018,90,1,157-171,Huang Construction of collaborative mapping engine for dynamic disaster and emergency response,2018,90,1,217-236,Peng Comparison of machine-learning techniques for landslide susceptibility mapping using two-level random sampling (2LRS) in Alakir catchment area Antalya Turkey,2018,90,1,237-263,Ada Defining the acceptable level of risk for civil protection purposes: a behavioral perspective on the decision process,2018,90,1,293-324,Bucci Study on location allocation of earthquake emergency service depot based on hybrid multi-attribute decision making,2018,90,1,337-348,Liu Pedaling disaster: citizen bicyclists in disaster response--innovative solution or unnecessary effort?,2018,90,1,365-389,Kirkpatrick Implementation of Sugeno: ANFIS for forecasting the seismic moment of large earthquakes over Indo-Himalayan region,2018,90,1,391-405,Chaudhuri Analysis of flash flood disaster characteristics in China from 2011 to 2015,2018,90,1,407-420,Li School vulnerability to disaster: examination of school closure demographic and exposure factors in Hurricane Ike's wind swath,2018,90,2,513-535,Esnard Rip current literacy of beachgoers at Miami Beach Florida,2018,90,2,601-621,Leatherman Modeling of damage-related earthquake losses in a moderate seismic-prone country and cost-benefit evaluation of retrofit investments: application to France,2018,90,2,639-662,Guéguen A conceptual model of avalanche hazard,2018,90,2,663-691,Haegeli Research on the loss of group residential buildings under fierce winds,2018,90,2,705-733,Li Dynamic simulation of a mountain disaster chain: landslides barrier lakes and outburst floods,2018,90,2,757-775,Liu Seismic vulnerability of air traffic control towers,2018,90,2,803-822,Vafaei Stochastic earthquake interevent time modeling from exponentiated Weibull distributions,2018,90,2,823-842,Pasari Deriving the rainfall threshold for shallow landslide early warning during tropical cyclones: a case study in northern Philippines,2018,90,2,921-941,Kumar Revised MeTHuVA method for assessment of tsunami human vulnerability of Bakirkoy district Istanbul,2018,90,2,943-974,Tufekci Improvements in the integration of remote sensing and rock slope modelling,2018,90,2,975-1004,Stead A new approach to minimize the loss of life after natural hazards by using Android operating system,2018,90,2,1005-1016,Avuçlu Surge-type glaciers in Karakoram Mountain and possible catastrophes alongside a portion of the Karakoram Highway,2018,90,2,1017-1020,Zhang The earthquake in Jiuzhaigou County of Northern Sichuan China on August 8 2017,2018,90,2,1021-1030,Wang Severity scale for tornadoes,2018,90,3,1051-1086,Wirasinghe Learning from experience: emergency response in schools,2018,90,3,1237-1257,Tuffin Crowdsourcing photograph locations for debris flow hot spot mapping,2018,90,3,1259-1276,Chu Effects of providing measures against earthquakes: experimental studies on the perceived risks of disasters and disaster preparedness intentions in Japan,2018,90,3,1329-1348,Nakayachi A methodology to estimate seismic vulnerability of health facilities. Case study: Mexico City Mexico,2018,90,3,1349-1375,Morán-Rodríguez The role of social capital personal networks and emergency responders in post-disaster recovery and resilience: a study of rural communities in Indiana,2018,90,3,1377-1406,Ukkusuri How does information affect fire risk reduction behaviors? Mediating effects of cognitive processes and subjective knowledge,2018,90,3,1461-1483,Liu Correction to: Beat-the-wave evacuation mapping for tsunami hazards in Seaside Oregon USA,2018,90,3,1509-1512,Wood Preparedness for natural hazards: testing an expanded education- and engagement-enhanced social cognitive model,2018,91,1,19-35,Ronan Describing the severity of avalanche terrain numerically using the observed terrain selection practices of professional guides,2018,91,1,89-115,Haegeli Participatory action research: working beyond disaster toward prevention,2018,91,1,117-131,Raza Probabilistic modelling of forces of hail,2018,91,1,133-153,Ruan Probabilistic flood risk analysis considering morphological dynamics and dike failure,2018,91,1,287-307,Fielding Forest fire spread simulation algorithm based on cellular automata,2018,91,1,309-319,Wu A model for the representation of emergency cases,2018,91,1,337-351,Zhang The relevance of flood hazards and impacts in Turkey: what can be learned from different disaster loss databases?,2018,91,1,375-408,Thieken Sources of uncertainty in a probabilistic flood risk model,2018,91,2,431-446,Winter Prospects for seasonal forecasting of iceberg distributions in the North Atlantic,2018,91,2,447-471,Marsh Application of a flood inundation model to analyze the potential impacts of a flood control plan in Mundeni Aru river basin Sri Lanka,2018,91,2,491-513,Yoshimoto Hydrodynamic modeling of flash flood in mountain watersheds based on high-performance GPU computing,2018,91,2,567-586,Hu Assessing typhoon damages to Taiwan in the recent decade: return period analysis and loss prediction,2018,91,2,759-783,Lee Online communication behavior at the onset of a catastrophe: an exploratory study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China,2018,91,2,785-802,Lu Maximum scour depth around bridge pier in gravel bed streams,2018,91,2,819-836,Ahmad Recent innovations in hazard and risk analysis (editorial),2018,91,Suppl,1-5,Pastor A hurricane surge risk assessment framework using the joint probability method and surge response functions,2018,91,Suppl,7-28,Irish A new rating system approach for risk analysis of rock slopes,2018,91,Suppl,75-102,Goorchi Spatially distributed rainfall information and its potential for regional landslide early warning systems,2018,91,Suppl,103-127,Glade Hazard regionalization of debris-flow disasters along highways in China,2018,91,Suppl,129-147,Zhang Considering large earthquake clustering in seismic risk analysis,2018,91,Suppl,149-172,Mignan A case study of flood risk transfer effect caused by land development in flood-prone lowlands,2018,91,3,863-878,Yang Heat wave risk assessment and mapping in urban areas: case study for a midsized Central European city Novi Sad (Serbia),2018,91,3,891-911,Nagy Effects of hurricane Odile on the infrastructure of Baja California Sur Mexico,2018,91,3,963-981,Murià-Vila An innovative micro-scale approach for vulnerability and flood risk assessment with the application to property-level protection adoptions,2018,91,3,1039-1057,Rehan The impact of behavior on the risk of injury and death during an earthquake: a simulation-based study,2018,91,3,1059-1074,Aharonson-Daniel Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning and its relationship with climate change in Muli Sichuan province China,2018,91,3,1097-1112,Li Safety assessment for seawall based on constrained maximum entropy projection pursuit model,2018,91,3,1165-1178,Lan Sustainable livelihoods and effectiveness of disaster responses: a case study of tropical cyclone Pam in Vanuatu,2018,91,3,1203-1221,Dé Hazardous area map: an approach of sustainable urban planning and industrial development--a review,2018,91,3,1385-1405,Ganguly Correction to: Landslide susceptibility mapping of the Sera River Basin using logistic regression model,2018,91,3,1423,Kawasaki Correction to: The catastrophic landside in Maoxian County Sichuan SW China on June 24 2017,2018,91,3,1425,Wang Modeling and analysis of mining subsidence disaster chains based on stochastic Petri nets,2018,92,1,19-41,Zhang A critical review of potential tsunamigenic sources as first step towards the tsunami hazard assessment for the Napoli Gulf (Southern Italy) highly populated area,2018,92,1,43-76,Alberico Hazard assessment of volcanic ballistic impacts at Mt Chihshin Tatun Volcano Group northern Taiwan,2018,92,1,77-92,Konstantinou An improved cyclonic wind distribution for computation of storm surges,2018,92,1,93-112,Rao Assessment of world disaster severity processed by Gaussian blur based on large historical data: casualties as an evaluating indicator,2018,92,1,173-187,Zhang Women's empowerment following disaster: a longitudinal study of social change,2018,92,1,205-224,Moreno Statistical analysis of large accidents in China's coal mines in 2016,2018,92,1,311-325,Wang Simplified formulae for designing coastal forest against tsunami run-up: one-dimensional approach,2018,92,1,327-346,Tanaka Liquefaction potential mapping in Dholera region of western India,2018,92,1,479-495,Thokchom Back analysis of ground vibrations which cause cracks in buildings in residential areas Karakuyu (Dinar Afyonkarahisar Turkey),2018,92,1,497-509,Ozcelik A system to detect potential fires using a thermographic camera,2018,92,1,511-523,Lee Spatiotemporal changes in conterminous US wildfire exposure from 1940 to 2010,2018,92,1,543-565,Strader The effects of small particles on soil seismic liquefaction resistance: current findings and future challenges,2018,92,1,567-579,Huang A review of advances in China's flash flood early-warning system,2018,92,2,619-634,Guo A comprehensive flash flood defense system in China: overview achievements and outlook,2018,92,2,727-740,Li Reconstruction and post-event analysis of a flash flood in a small ungauged basin: a case study in Slovak territory,2018,92,2,741-760,Mitková Evaluating climate change adaptation efforts on the US 50 states' hazard mitigation plans,2018,92,2,783-804,Zhang Synoptic analysis of dust storm over Arabian Peninsula: a case study on February 28 2009,2018,92,2,805-827,Özdemir The hazard exposure of the Maltese Islands,2018,92,2,829-855,Main Spatial-temporal patterns of cloud-to-ground lightning over the northwest Iberian Peninsula during the period 2010-2015,2018,92,2,857-884,Royé Earthquake dynamics in the Central India Tectonic Zone,2018,92,2,885-905,Mandal Coupling sentiment and human mobility in natural disasters: a Twitter-based study of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake,2018,92,2,907-925,Taylor Individual transportation decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty,2018,92,2,927-942,Strawderman A semi-probabilistic procedure for developing societal risk function,2018,92,2,943-969,Wenzel Determination of seismic wave attenuation in Delhi India towards quantification of regional seismic hazard,2018,92,2,1039-1064,Kumar Multi-hazard model for developing countries,2018,92,2,1081-1095,Barrantes A model for assessing iceberg hazard,2018,92,2,1113-1136,Bigg ShakeMap-based prediction of earthquake-induced mass movements in Switzerland calibrated on historical observations,2018,92,2,1211-1235,Fäh Early warning system for detection of urban pluvial flooding hazard levels in an ungauged basin,2018,92,2,1237-1265,Acosta-Coll Landscape features and potential heat hazard threat: a spatial-temporal analysis of two urban universities,2018,92,3,1267-1286,Wibowo The mapping of storm surge-prone areas and characterizing surge-producing cyclones in Leyte Gulf Philippines,2018,92,3,1305-1320,Rodrigo Damage to buildings and structures due to recent devastating wind hazards in East Asia,2018,92,3,1321-1353,Gao Assessment of the hurricane-induced power outages from a demographic socioeconomic and transportation perspective,2018,92,3,1489-1508,Ozguven Seismic hazard and risk assessment based on Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes: thirteen principal urban agglomerations of India,2018,92,3,1509-1522,Parvez Integration of GIS AHP and TOPSIS for earthquake hazard analysis,2018,92,3,1523-1546,Nyimbili Potential damage and losses in a repeat of the 1910 Adra (Southern Spain) earthquake,2018,92,3,1547-1571,Navarro Rethinking flood risk communication,2018,92,3,1665-1686,Hardy Advanced casualty estimation based on tsunami evacuation intended behavior: case study at Yuigahama Beach Kamakura Japan,2018,92,3,1763-1788,Esteban Spatial distribution patterns of global natural disasters based on biclustering,2018,92,3,1809-1820,Yang Investigation into the tempo-spatial distribution of recent fire hazards in China,2018,92,3,1889-1907,Chen Modelling effects of an asphalt road at a dike crest on dike cover erosion onset during wave overtopping,2018,93,1,1-30,Bomers Flood hazards: household vulnerability and resilience in disaster-prone districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province Pakistan,2018,93,1,147-165,Abid Effects of private car ownership economic growth and medical services on healthcare expenditure in China: a dynamic panel data analysis,2018,93,1,167-188,Qu Comparison and evaluation of landslide susceptibility maps obtained from weight of evidence logistic regression and artificial neural network models,2018,93,1,249-274,Polykretis Population and building vulnerability assessment by possible worst-case tsunami scenarios in Salinas Ecuador,2018,93,1,275-297,Martín Subtropical/polar jet influence on Plains and Southeast tornado outbreaks,2018,93,1,373-392,Kelnosky Seismic performance of tunnel structures: a case study,2018,93,1,453-468,Vanuvamalai A resilience optimization model for transportation networks under disasters,2018,93,1,469-489,Hu The likelihood of having a household emergency plan: understanding factors in the US context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rivera Disaster preparedness of local governments in Panay Island Philippines,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dariagan A scientometric analysis of ICT-assisted disaster management,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sood An NGO disaster relief network for small and medium-scale natural hazards in China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Su A preliminary studies to assess public knowledge of beach safety in east coast Malaysia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohammed Isa A heuristic approach to global landslide susceptibility mapping,2017,87,1,145-164,Stanley Development urban planning and political decisions. a triad that built territories at risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lara Coastal drowning in Costa Rica: incident analysis and comparisons between Costa Rican nationals and foreigners,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gutierrez The anatomy of natural disasters on online media: hurricanes and wildfires,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olynk Widmar "A shovel or a shopping cart": lessons from ten years of disaster response by a student-led volunteer group,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Forest fire risk estimation in a typical temperate forest in Northeastern China using the Canadian forest fire weather index: case study in autumn 2019 and 2020,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Wildfire impacts on education and healthcare: Paradise California after the Camp Fire,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamideh Individual hurricane evacuation intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights for risk communication and emergency management policies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Botzen Natural hazards and climate change are not drivers of disasters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ismail-Zadeh A Bayesian BWM and VIKOR-based model for assessing hospital preparedness in the face of disasters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gul A universal severity classification for natural disasters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wirasinghe A source and ground motion study of earthquakes in and near Delhi (the National Capital Region) India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Singh Critical gaps and implications of risk communication in the global agreements-SFDRR SDGs and UNFCCC: 3 select case studies from urban areas of tropics in South Asia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishra Digital twin-driven intelligence disaster prevention and mitigation for infrastructure: advances challenges and opportunities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,He Disaster preparedness and resilience at household level in Yangon Myanmar,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kraas Testing the public's response to receiving severe flood warnings using simulated cell broadcast,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Methodology and challenges of fire following earthquake analysis: an urban community study considering water and transportation networks,2021,109,1,1-31,Elhami Khorasani Does post-disaster aid promote community resilience? Evidence from federal disaster programs,2021,109,1,63-88,Davlasheridze Buildings damages after Elazığ Turkey Earthquake on January 24 2020,2021,109,1,161-200,Korkmaz Aggravation of debris flow disaster by extreme climate and engineering: a case study of the Tongzilin Gully Southwestern Sichuan Province China,2021,109,1,237-253,Ni Lightning fatalities in Estonia 1880-1940,2021,109,1,255-272,Sepp Research on the collapsibility of loess after water immersion,2021,109,1,303-328,Meng Effects of sea surface warming and sea-level rise on tropical cyclone and inundation modeling at Shanghai coast,2021,109,1,755-784,Yin Integrating international linguistic minorities in emergency planning at institutions of higher education,2021,109,1,845-869,Abukhalaf The six capacities of community resilience: evidence from three small Texas communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey,2021,109,1,1097-1118,Wang Flash flood susceptibility prediction mapping for a road network using hybrid machine learning models,2021,109,1,1247-1270,Luu Zonation and scaling of tropical cyclone hazards based on spatial clustering for coastal China,2021,109,1,1271-1295,Zhang Potential of mosques to serve as evacuation shelters for foreign Muslims during disasters: a case study in Gunma Japan,2021,109,2,1407-1423,Kotani Spatiotemporal flood risk assessment of underground space considering flood intensity and escape route,2021,109,2,1539-1555,Kim Investigating the drivers of the unprecedented Chernobyl Power Plant Wildfire in April 2020 and its effects on 137Cs dispersal,2021,109,2,1877-1897,Newman-Thacker Floods in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and lessons for French flood risk governance,2021,109,2,1959-1980,Merad Emotional distress related to hazards and earthquake risk perception,2021,109,3,2077-2094,Armaş Human-made disasters and economic impact for a developing economy: evidence from Brazil,2021,109,3,2313-2341,Ribeiro Hindcast of pluvial fluvial and coastal flood damage in Houston Texas during Hurricane Harvey (2017) using SFINCS,2021,109,3,2343-2362,Aarninkhof Inelastic displacement demand of RC buildings subjected to earthquakes generated by intermediate-depth Vrancea seismic source,2021,109,3,2509-2534,Olteanu An urban system perspective on urban flood resilience using SEM: evidence from Nanjing city China,2021,109,3,2575-2599,Wang Integration of Eco-DRR and hybrid defense system on mitigation of natural disasters (Tsunami and Coastal Flooding): a review,2022,110,1,1-28,Tanaka Near-epicenter weather conditions several hours before strong earthquakes (Ms ≥ 6),2022,110,1,57-68,Li Does exploring the characteristics of emergency supplies really matter for disaster response operations?,2022,110,1,175-189,Regan Full-scale experimental investigations on the response of a flooded passenger vehicle under subcritical conditions,2022,110,1,325-348,Shah Technique of local probabilistic tsunami zonation for near-field seismic sources applied to the Bechevinskaya Cove (the Kamchatka Peninsula),2022,110,1,373-406,Chubarov A simulation study on risks of pedestrian evacuation from flooded staircases of different slopes in the underground space,2022,110,1,519-543,Zhang Uneven experiences of urban flooding: examining the 2010 Nashville flood,2022,110,1,629-653,King A coupled high-resolution hydrodynamic and cellular automata-based evacuation route planning model for pedestrians in flooding scenarios,2022,110,1,607-628,Wang Integrated smart robot with earthquake early warning system for automated inspection and emergency response,2022,110,1,765-786,Lin Indicators of community preparedness for fast-onset disasters: a systematic literature review and case study,2022,110,1,787-821,Kusumastuti Bagging-based machine learning algorithms for landslide susceptibility modeling,2022,110,2,823-846,Wang MODIS-FIRMS and ground-truthing-based wildfire likelihood mapping of Sikkim Himalaya using machine learning algorithms,2022,110,2,899-935,Banerjee Impact analysis of highways in China under future extreme precipitation,2022,110,2,1097-1113,Yang A new model for the quantitative assessment of earthquake casualties based on the correction of anti-lethal level,2022,110,2,1199-1226,Chaoxu Landslide risk assessment considering socionatural factors: methodology and application to Cubatão municipality São Paulo Brazil,2022,110,2,1273-1304,Peixoto Landslide susceptible areas identification using IDW and Ordinary Kriging interpolation techniques from hard soil depth at middle western Central Java Indonesia,2022,110,2,1405-1416,Yanto The role of emergency medical teams in disaster response: a summary of the literature,2022,110,3,1417-1426,Södergård Study on the improvement of disaster resistance against tsunamis at Taiwan's Keelung Port,2022,110,3,1507-1526,Wang Problems related to single gully debris flow assessment models,2022,110,3,1527-1544,Liu Understanding the cause and effect relationship of debris slides in Papum Pare district Arunachal Himalaya India,2022,110,3,1735-1760,Das Can the visualization of rip currents prevent drowning accidents? Consideration of the effect of optimism bias,2022,110,3,2017-2033,Shimada A framework for risk-based assessment of urban floods in coastal cities,2022,110,3,2035-2057,Kumar Individual willingness to prepare for disasters in a geological hazard risk area: an empirical study based on the protection motivation theory,2022,110,3,2087-2111,Yu Dynamic selection of emergency plans of geological disaster based on case-based reasoning and prospect theory,2022,110,3,2249-2275,Shi Numerical modelling of rheological properties of landslide debris,2022,110,3,2303-2327,Ray Speaking of the devil: a systematic literature review on community preparedness for earthquakes,2021,108,3,2393-2419,Samah Correction to: Speaking of the devil: a systematic literature review on community preparedness for earthquakes,2021,108,3,2421,Samah Development of flood mitigation strategies toward sustainable development,2021,108,3,2543-2567,Abdi-Dehkordi An early warning system for wave-driven coastal flooding at Imperial Beach CA,2021,108,3,2591-2612,Guza Development of a GIS-based alert system to mitigate flash flood impacts in Asyut governorate Egypt,2021,108,3,2739-2763,Mohamed The application of cascading consequences for emergency management operations,2021,108,3,2919-2938,Frazier Assessment of landslide susceptibility and risk factors in China,2021,108,3,3045-3059,Wang Cost-benefit analysis of flood mitigation measures: a case study employing high-performance hydraulic and damage modelling,2021,108,3,3061-3084,Molinari Evaluation of the Seismic Alert System of Mexico (SASMEX) during the June 23 2020 Oaxaca Earthquake (Mw 7.4),2021,108,3,3085-3098,Suárez Identifying rainfall threshold of flash flood using entropy decision approach and hydrological model method,2021,108,2,1427-1448,Gao On the swimming strategies to escape a rip current: a mathematical approach,2021,108,2,1449-1467,Withers Seismic risk management through insurance and its sensitivity to uncertainty in the hazard model,2021,108,2,1629-1657,Tubaldi Increased motor vehicle crashes following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake Japan: an interrupted time series analysis of property damage crashes,2021,108,2,1877-1899,Maruyama Failures of structures during the January 24 2020 Sivrice (Elazığ) Earthquake in Turkey,2021,108,2,1943-1969,Bayrak Seismic risk evaluation of highway tunnel groups,2021,108,2,2101-2121,Chamorro Impact of droughts on child mortality: a case study in Southern African countries,2021,108,2,2211-2224,Renzaho Mass evacuation microsimulation modeling considering traffic disruptions,2021,108,1,323-346,Habib Assessing the real costs of natural hazard-induced disasters: a case study from Australia's Northern Territory,2021,108,1,479-498,Russell-Smith Community resilience and resident's disaster preparedness: evidence from China's earthquake-stricken areas,2021,108,1,567-591,Deng Numerical study of rip currents interlaced with multichannel sandbars,2021,108,1,593-605,Zhang Disaster preparedness perceived community resilience and place of rural villages in northwest China,2021,108,1,907-923,Sim High-resolution assessment of urban disaster resilience: a case study of Futian District Shenzhen China,2021,108,1,1001-1024,Li Research on subway shield tunnel induced by local water immersion of collapsible loess,2021,108,1,1197-1219,Weng Modeling wildfire drivers in Chinese tropical forest ecosystems using global logistic regression and geographically weighted logistic regression,2021,108,1,1317-1345,Tigabu Social media information sharing for natural disaster response,2021,107,3,2077-2104,Fulton Integrated natural disasters urban resilience evaluation: the case of China,2021,107,3,2105-2122,Li A survey-based analysis of the public's willingness for disaster relief in China,2021,107,3,2205-2225,Ahmed Construction and verification of a rainstorm death risk index based on grid data fusion: a case study of the Beijing rainstorm on July 21 2012,2021,107,3,2293-2318,Wu Estimating impacts of recurring flooding on roadway networks: a Norfolk Virginia case study,2021,107,3,2363-2387,Chen Tornado-resisting design speeds of nuclear power plants in China,2021,107,2,1251-1271,Liu Discriminant analysis as an efficient method for landslide susceptibility assessment in cities with the scarcity of predisposition data,2021,107,2,1427-1442,Eiras Disability and natural hazard emergency preparedness in an Australian sample,2021,107,2,1489-1499,Every Automated landslide detection model to delineate the extent of existing landslides,2021,107,2,1639-1656,Alimohammadlou Cause and damage analysis of 2010 flood disaster in district Muzaffar Garh Pakistan,2021,107,2,1681-1692,Mahmood Deformation and fracture at floor area and the correlation with main roof breakage in deep longwall mining,2021,107,2,1731-1755,Zhang Temporal evolution in social vulnerability to natural hazards in Chile,2021,107,2,1757-1784,Repetto New Zealand's tsunami death toll rises,2021,107,2,1925-1934,Goff Assessing the impact of geo-targeted warning messages on residents' evacuation decisions before a hurricane using agent-based modeling,2021,107,1,123-146,Wang The relationship of human activities and rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Central China,2021,107,1,147-169,Sun Risk warning technology for the whole process of overhead transmission line trip caused by wildfire,2021,107,1,195-212,Liu Evaluating rural Pacific Northwest towns for wildfire evacuation vulnerability,2021,107,1,911-935,Fang Risk analysis of tripping accidents of power grid caused by typical natural hazards based on FTA-BN model,2021,106,3,1771-1795,Zhang Extreme waves induced by cyclone Nargis at Myanmar coast: numerical modeling versus satellite observations,2021,106,3,1797-1818,Esteban Correction to: Extreme waves induced by cyclone Nargis at Myanmar coast: numerical modeling versus satellite observations,2021,106,3,1819,Esteban A comparative analysis of large-scale flood disasters,2021,106,3,1839-1865,Nakasu Quantified landslide hazard assessment based on finite element slope stability analysis for Uttarkashi-Gangnani Highway in Indian Himalayas,2021,106,3,1895-1914,Sarkar Evaluation of emergency rescue ability based on RS-IPA: evidence from coal mining firms,2021,106,3,1915-1929,Li Would you like to know more? The effect of personalized wildfire risk information and social comparisons on information-seeking behavior in the wildland-urban interface,2021,106,3,2139-2161,Brenkert-Smith Do hazard mitigation plans represent the resilience priorities of residents in vulnerable Texas coastal counties?,2021,106,3,2337-2352,Horney Analysis and assessment of slope instability along international mountainous road in North Africa,2021,106,3,2479-2517,Ogila A combined structural and seasonal approach to assess wildfire susceptibility and hazard in summertime,2021,106,3,2545-2573,Oliveira Susceptibility assessment for rainfall-induced landslides using a revised logistic regression method,2021,106,1,97-117,Zhang Flood exposure and social vulnerability in the United States,2021,106,1,435-457,Sampson Impact of downstream lakes on dam break wave attenuation,2021,106,1,595-612,Motamedi Hazard assessment and mitigation of non-seismically fatal landslides in China,2021,106,1,785-804,Peng Risk perception in Unión Juárez Chiapas Mexico,2021,106,1,855-879,Novelo-Casanova Long- and short-term volcanic hazard assessment of El Chichón Volcano (Mexico) through Bayesian inference,2021,106,1,1011-1035,Alatorre-Ibargüengoitia Semi-structured interviews on disaster and emergency preparedness for people with disabilities in two states in Mexico,2021,106,1,1037-1064,Perez Flood map production and evaluation of flood risks in situations of insufficient flow data,2021,105,3,2381-2408,Beden The evaluation of public awareness and community preparedness parameter in GIS-based spatial tsunami human vulnerability assessment (MeTHuVA),2021,105,3,2639-2658,Yalciner Extreme storm surges and waves and vulnerability of coastal bridges in New York City metropolitan region: an assessment based on Hurricane Sandy,2021,105,3,2697-2734,Shields An ice jam flood hazard assessment of a lowland river and its terminus inland delta,2021,105,3,2799-2817,Luo Attention to misleading and contentious tweets in the case of Hurricane Harvey,2021,105,3,2883-2906,Cheong Disaster risk reduction activities as learning,2021,105,3,3099-3118,Kitagawa GIS-based forest fire susceptibility modeling in Pauri Garhwal India: a comparative assessment of frequency ratio analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy modeling techniques,2021,105,2,1189-1230,Tiwari Multi-objective emergency scheduling for geological disasters,2021,105,2,1323-1358,Fang Individual and community behavioral responses to natural disasters,2021,105,2,1541-1569,Berrebi "Natural disasters don't kill people governments kill people:" Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico-recreancy and 'risk society',2021,105,2,1603-1621,Straub Social integration matters: factors influencing natural hazard risk preparedness--a survey of Swiss households,2021,105,2,1861-1890,Buchecker A novel agent-based model for tsunami evacuation simulation and risk assessment,2021,105,2,2045-2071,Wang Correction to: A novel agent-based model for tsunami evacuation simulation and risk assessment,2021,105,2,2073-2074,Wang Rip current hazard assessment on a sandy beach in Liguria NW Mediterranean,2021,105,1,137-156,Ferrari Correction to: Rip current hazard assessment on a sandy beach in Liguria NW Mediterranean,2021,105,1,157,Ferrari Multicriteria seismic hazard assessment in Puerto Vallarta metropolitan area Mexico,2021,105,1,253-275,Flores Empirical seismic fragility models for Nepalese school buildings,2021,105,1,339-362,Sextos A review of emergency response in disasters: present and future perspectives,2021,105,1,1109-1138,Feng Review on visualization technology in simulation training system for major natural disasters,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li History and goals of Canadian debris flow research a review,2002,26,1,67-80,VanDine Flood resilience in paired US-Mexico border cities: a study of binational risk perceptions,2022,112,2,1247-1271,Freimund On mitigation of earthquake and landslide hazards in the eastern Himalayan region,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gupta A comparison of 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