Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The physician's role in preventing small arms injury,2002,18,4,389-393,Hargarten Guns health and the exploitation of natural resources,2002,18,4,407-410,Wiwa More guns more deaths,2002,18,4,367-379,Cukier Small arms physicians and politics,2002,18,4,360-366,Arya Aiming for Prevention: international medical conference on small arms gun violence and injury,2002,18,4,355-359,Rawson Towards collation and modelling of the global cost of armed violence on civilians,2005,21,1,19-27,Coupland The responsibility to protect and the root causes of conflicts,2005,21,1,44-47,von Horn Wounds caused by firearms in El Salvador 2003-2004: epidemiological issues,2005,21,3,191-198,Paniagua Operationalizing non-lethality: a Northern Ireland perspective,2001,17,3,260-271,Burrows The relationship between human security demand for arms and disarmament in the horn of Africa,2002,18,4,400-406,Gebrewold The effects of war on the Colombian population,2002,18,4,394-399,Arboleda International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) International Medical Conference on Small Arms Gun Violence and Injury: A call for action to reduce small arms deaths and injuries,2002,18,1,79-80, International law and law enforcement firearms,2004,20,1,55-69,Jussila The failure of international action against terrorism,2006,22,1,26-37,Suter Impact of proliferation of small arms and light weapons in south Asia,2006,22,3,199-206,Gorea Health implications of small arms and light weapons in eastern Uganda,2006,22,3,207-219,Pinto Intergroup atrocities in war: a neuroscientific perspective,2006,22,3,230-244,Taylor Skin injuries caused by new riot control agent used against civilians on the West Bank,2006,22,4,283-291,Hay Increase in violent deaths of Iraqi journalists since the 2003 invasion,2007,23,2,145-6; discussion 147-8,Wilson South Asian medical students call for the prevention of small arms violence,2008,24,1,68-70,Giri Implementing a hospital based injury surveillance system in Africa: lessons learned,2008,24,4,260-272,Mohammed Implementing a hospital based injury surveillance system: a case study in Nigeria,2008,24,4,273-279,Mohammed Engaging health professionals in advocacy against gun violence,2008,24,4,285-295,Pinto Relevance and application of TEACH-VIP: perspective from a developing nation--India,2008,24,4,296-305,Malhotra An armed violence prevention and reduction agenda,2008,24,4,255-259,Muggah Implementing a hospital based injury surveillance system in Zambia: a preliminary report,2008,24,4,280-284,Mtonga War terrorism and the public's health,2008,24,Suppl 1,S13-25,Sidel The crucible of Iraq--causes and consequences,2008,24,2,115-129,Sharma The management of risk in foreign and defence policy: the precautionary principle and decisions on war,2008,24,1,42-58,Patterson Prevalence of mental disorders and torture among Bhutanese refugees in Nepal: a systemic review and its policy implications,2008,24,1,5-15,Singh Proliferation dangers associated with nuclear medicine: getting weapons-grade uranium out of radiopharmaceutical production,2007,23,4,267-281,Williams Is military action ever justified? A physician defends the 'Responsibility to Protect',2007,23,3,172-188,Arya Mossadegh and the people of Iran,2006,22,2,166-172,Taghipour In defiance of nuclear deterrence: anti-nuclear New Zealand after two decades,2006,22,2,132-144,Reitzig Terror breeds terrorists,2006,22,1,13-25,de Zulueta Winning the war on terror: psychology as a strategic framework,2006,22,1,38-46,Beecroft Towards a common global ethic: a rational approach to terrorism,2006,22,1,47-55,Poteliakhoff The global war on terror: four years on,2006,22,1,4-12,Rogers A commitment to peace: a doctor's tale. A short selected history of the Medical Association for Prevention of War,2006,22,Suppl 1,S1-55,Poteliakhoff Effect of security threats on primary care access in Logar province Afghanistan,2008,24,1,59-64,Morikawa Global health and human security,2008,24,1,1-4,Piachaud Human violence: a treatable epidemic. 1998,2009,25,4,310-319,de Zulueta Preventing violence preventing war,1997,13,1,57-62,Ashford The psychosocial effects of landmines in Jaffna,2003,19,3,223-234,Somasundaram The science of human security: a response from political science,2008,24,1,16-22; discussion 23-4,Roberts The science of human security,2007,23,1,3-9,Coupland The psychosocial effects of landmines in Cambodia,1998,14,3,219-236,Somasundaram Helping health professionals deal with violence,1998,14,1,29-45,Cardwell Human violence: a treatable epidemic,1998,14,1,46-55,de Zulueta Crime is a public health problem,1998,14,1,24-28,Middleton The psychological social and economic consequences of blinding soldiers,1997,13,4,327-332,Gillow Armed conflicts health and health services in Africa. An epidemiological framework of reference,1997,13,3,219-228,Loretti Violence and alienation: an issue of public mental health,1996,12,1,14-22,Curle Self-reported health complaints in a primary care population living under stressful conditions in the Gaza Strip Palestine,2010,26,1,68-79,Lionis Enhancing the protection of civilians from armed conflict: precautionary lessons,2010,26,1,24-47,Moyes Internally Displaced Peoples in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Impacts of Long-term Displacement on Health and Well-being,2005,21,3,199-215,Kett On the barbaric nature of boxing: thoughts following the panorama debate on banning boxing after yet another death,1996,12,1,62-63,Moutoussis Medicine population and war,1996,12,1,23-34,Parsons Blinding laser weapons,1996,12,2,107-113,Peters Civilian eye casualties in east Jerusalem and the occupied territories,1996,12,2,138-148,Jaouni Cluster munitions: a threat to health and human rights,2010,26,2,101-107,Parikh Chronological bibliography of studies relating to human exposures to ionising radiation in the course of nuclear weapons development 1940-1990,1997,13,Suppl 1,v-viii 1-56,Roff Acoustic anti-personnel weapons: an inhumane future?,1997,13,4,314-326,Arkin Biological weapons: an increasing threat,1997,13,4,301-313,Barnaby Iraqi children's rights: building a system under fire,2009,25,2,148-165,AlObaidi The role of sub-lethal weapons in human rights abuse,2001,17,3,221-233,Wright The roles of the health sector and health workers before during and after violent conflict,2010,26,1,4-23,Arya Rethinking the space for health and conflict?,2010,26,1,1-3,Kett A medical appeal for a nuclear-weapons-free world; speaking out against violence,2009,25,2,170-173,Loretz 7th National Conference of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development,2005,21,3,250-251,McCoy 'Peace through Health': 16th World Congress of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War,2005,21,1,55-57,Piachaud Humanitarian intervention after the Iraq crisis,2005,21,1,35-43,Davis Against the militarisation of Europe,2004,20,2,166-168,Käss Harm and healing--militarism and peace,2004,20,2,107-108,Piachaud Conference round-up 2003: historians and war,2004,20,1,81-84,Willis A framework for the assessment of non-lethal weapons,2004,20,1,35-54,Rappert Proliferation of biological weapons: challenges and responses,2004,20,1,4-18,Millett Bioterrorism: how should doctors respond to the threat of biological weapons?,2003,19,4,331-334,Nathanson Bioterrorism in the United States: a balanced assessment of risk and response,2003,19,4,318-325,Sidel Prevention of terrorism: a physician's perspective,2003,19,3,249-251,Renoldner Perspectives and implications for the proliferation of non-lethal weapons in the context of contemporary conflict security interests and arms control,2001,17,3,272-285,Lewer Future police operations and non-lethal weapons,2001,17,3,248-259,Jussila The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Review Conference: success is in the eye of the beholder,2010,26,3,190-194,Loretz Mortality crime and access to basic needs before and after the Haiti earthquake: a random survey of Port-au-Prince households,2010,26,4,281-297,Shannon The use of depleted uranium ammunition under contemporary international law: Is there a need for a treaty-based ban on DU weapons?,2010,26,4,268-280,Borrmann The radiological hazards of plutonium,1997,13,3,195-206; discussion 207-8,Barnaby Public mental health. III: Hatred and reconciliation,1997,13,1,37-47,Curle Public mental health. II: The psychological dimension,1997,13,1,26-36,Curle Understanding violence,1997,13,1,1-2,Obholzer Co-operation or catastrophe,2006,22,3,189-191,Piachaud What are we capable of? The motivations of perpetrators in South Africa during the Apartheid era,2005,21,1,3-18,Bayntun Make war history,2005,21,4,271-273,Holdstock A matter of time and place: violent conflict and civilian physical health,2009,25,3,246-253,van Bergen Call for a global response 2010: new Internet resource and forthcoming conference to examine the links between violent conflict and health,2009,25,3,193-196,Nielsen From Goya to Afghanistan--an essay on the ratio and ethics of medical war pictures,2010,26,2,124-144,van Bergen The revolution in military affairs debate and non-lethal weapons,2001,17,3,207-220,Quille 'Non-lethal' weapons and international law: three perspectives on the future,2001,17,3,194-206,Fidler An overview of the future of non-lethal weapons,2001,17,3,180-193,Alexander Psychosocial response to disaster: the attacks on the Stark and the Cole,2002,18,1,44-58,Kootte The day we need to remember,2003,19,1,53-55,Ajjuri 'War on terrorism' and deep culture,2003,19,1,39-44,Barbara Teramo Declaration,2003,19,4,337-339, Inter-group aggression: the multi-individual organism and the survival instinct,2000,16,4,473,Moutoussis Inter-group aggression: the multi-individual organism and the survival instinct,2000,16,4,471-472,Poteliakhoff Healing the social wounds of war,2000,16,4,370-382,Last Learning from Kosovo: the future of humanitarian intervention,2000,16,3,314-325,Kerac Inter-group aggression: the multi-individual organism and the survival instinct,2000,16,2,231-235,Hughes-Jones The primary solution of global poor health and poverty,2008,24,2,107-114,Tegegne Recent medical evidence for torture and human rights abuse in Sierra Leone: a report for the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture,1999,15,3,255-270,Lawson Royal Society of Medicine: the roots of violence in children and young people,1999,15,4,420-422,James Emotional and behavioural problems and trauma exposure of school-age Palestinian children in Gaza: some preliminary findings,1999,15,4,368-78; discussion 391-3,Allodi Children and war,1999,15,4,315-327,Barnett Human Violence: A Treatable Epidemic,2009,25,4,310-319 AB-,de Zulueta A medical appeal for a nuclear-weapons-free world; speaking out against violence,2009,25,2,170-173 AB-,Loretz Aiming for prevention – public health strategies to reduce firearm violence: aiming for abolition – the non-proliferation treaty preparatory committee,2008,24,4,328-331 AB-,Loretz An armed violence prevention and reduction agenda,2008,24,4,255-259 AB-,Muggah The roles of the health sector and health workers before during and after violent conflict,2010,26,1,4,Arya Global action to prevent war: A programme for government and Grassroots efforts to stop war genocide and other forms of deadly conflict,2000,16,1,108,Dean The radio: A tool for violence prevention in Jos Nigeria,2011,27,1,5-8,Onazi Puff the magic dragon: how our understanding of fallout residual and induced radiation evolved over fifty years of nuclear weapons testing,1998,14,2,106-119,Roff An agent-vector-host-environment model for controlling small arms and light weapons,2011,27,2,111-127,Pinto Evaluation of medical supplies essential for the care of survivors of sex- and gender-based violence in post-conflict Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2011,27,2,91-110,Glass Spies vaccines and violence: Fake health campaigns and the neutrality of health,2011,27,2,73-76,Kett The plutonium problem: the Royal Society sits on the fence,1998,14,3,197-207,Barnaby Wounds weapons and the doctor,2000,16,1,134-136,Holdstock Signs of hope,2000,16,1,1-4,Holdstock Civilians and war: a review and historical overview of the involvement of non-combatant populations in conflict situations,2001,17,1,6-16,Meddings Iraqi community members' knowledge attitude and practice of emergency medical care: assessing civilian emergency medicine in an area of conflict,2011,27,3,151-164,Hung Detecting the health risks of radiation,1999,15,2,138-148,Stewart Mortality and morbidity of members of the British Nuclear Tests Veterans Association and the New Zealand Nuclear Tests Veterans Association and their families,1999,15,Suppl 1,i-ix 1-51,Roff The trauma of being a refugee,1999,15,4,394-403,Spouse Traumatized refugee children: a challenge for mental rehabilitation,1999,15,4,342-351,Levin The right to survival and development,1999,15,4,328-335,Gustafsson Sexual and gender based violence against men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: effects on survivors their families and the community,2011,27,4,227-246,Burnham Impact of sexual violence on children in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2011,27,4,211-225,VanRooyen Confronting violence protecting health,2011,27,4,187-190,Rushton The nuclear issue: where do we go from here?,2003,19,1,4-16,Rotblat 11 September 2001--and after,2002,18,1,1-4,Holdstock Mental health survey among landmine survivors in Siem Reap province Cambodia,2012,28,2,161-181,Brooks Listening to those called terrorists; the case for a public forum within the United Nations,2012,28,2,141-145,Sidel Terrorism civil war one-sided violence and global burden of disease,2012,28,3,199-218,Khan Psychosocial healing and post-conflict social reconstruction in the former Yugoslavia,2004,20,2,136-150,Gutlove Social contexts of trauma and healing,2004,20,2,120-135,Ajduković Environmental pollution by depleted uranium in Iraq with special reference to Mosul and possible effects on cancer and birth defect rates,2013,29,1,7-25,Fathi Injured and disabled casualties of the Northern Ireland conflict: Issues in immediate and long-term treatment care and support,2013,29,3,244-266,Breen-Smyth Political violence collective functioning and health: A review of the literature,2013,29,3,169-197,Sousa Predicting the unthinkable: health impact assessment and violent conflict,2014,30,2,81-90,Birch Treating substance abuse as a consequence of conflict and displacement: a call for a more inclusive global mental health,2014,30,3,182-189,Lai Nuclear-enmeshed Australia: an obstacle to nuclear weapons eradication,2014,30,Suppl 1,s71-S80,Ruff From nuclear weapons acquisition to nuclear disarmament - the Swedish case,2014,30,Suppl 1,s46-s63,Jonter Forgoing the nuclear option: states that could build nuclear weapons but chose not to do so,2014,30,Suppl 1,s27-s34,van der Meer The Middle East as a weapons of mass destruction-free zone,2014,30,Suppl 1,s18-26,Dhanapala Shell Shock and the Kloppe: war neuroses amongst British and Belgian troops during and after the First World War,2014,30,4,252-275,Reid IPPNW Congress in Astana charts course to nuclear-weapons-free world,2015,31,1,21-27,Loretz The case for a public forum within the United Nations to listen to those who use armed violence to address their grievances,2015,31,1,28-32,Poteliakhoff Dangers associated with civil nuclear power programmes: weaponization and nuclear waste,2015,ePub,ePub,1-23,Boulton Hidden victims: a call to action on sexual violence against men in conflict,2015,ePub,ePub,1-8,Apperley Adverse health consequences of the Vietnam War,2015,31,3-4,162-170,Sidel Chemical control - regulation of incapacitating chemical agent weapons riot control agents and their means of delivery,2016,32,1,82-84,Wright Treatment of persistent pain from torture: review and commentary,2016,33,1,60-81,Amris Reinventing the political role of health professionals in conflict prevention & reconciliation: the Sudanese model,2016,32,2,153-164,Salih Victor's justice: atrocities in postwar Nigeria,2016,32,3,228-246,Omaka The securitization of health in the context of the war on terror. National security and global health: the conflict of imperatives,2017,33,1,32-40,Chung Health and security: ethical principles for counter-terror policy and practice in protection crises and beyond,2017,33,1,18-31,Eckenwiler The Palestinian-Israeli conflict: a disease for which root causes must be acknowledged and treated,2017,33,3,184-187,Arya Healing under fire - medical peace work in the field,2017,33,2,131-140,Chan Boegli Renewing the call for public health advocacy against nuclear weapons,2017,33,2,110-124,Arya Political violence and mental health of Bedouin children in the West Bank Palestine: a cross-sectional study,2017,33,3,188-206,Shute The nuclear weapons ban treaty and the non-proliferation regime,2018,34,2,74-94,Egeland Levels of combatant control and the patterns of non-incumbant/insurgent violence experienced by civilians living in Sunni-Arab communities in Iraq (2004-2009),2018,34,2,95-120,Burke The impact of support programmes for survivors of sexual violence: micro-level evidence from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,2018,34,3,201-223,ØStby Violence against health-care workers in a conflict affected city,2019,35,1,65-79,Lafta Consequences matter: why nuclear weapons had to be banned,2018,34,4,238-246,Loretz Teaching about the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons to three generations,2018,34,4,263-268,Ashford Austria and its efforts towards the prohibition of nuclear weapons,2018,34,4,258-262,Renoldner Latin America: non-nuclear weapon states at the forefront of nuclear disarmament,2018,34,4,295-300,Umaña Swedish physicians against nuclear weapons,2018,34,4,339-341,Lind Can Japan be a bridge-builder between deterrence-dependent states and nuclear weapon ban treaty proponents?,2018,34,4,289-294,Tomonaga The influence of NVMP's medical-humanitarian arguments on Dutch nuclear weapons politics: the Netherlands can make a difference in reaching a nuclear weapons-free world,2018,34,4,313-323,Buijs A scoping review of the wider and long-term impacts of attacks on healthcare in conflict zones,2019,35,1,43-64,Afzal My Journey before and after the birth of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,2018,34,4,247-252,Kibet Multi-trauma injuries and level of preparedness in transit refugee camps: a case in Idomeni Greece,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Riza Urgent appeal for a nuclear-weapons-free world! Connecting the medical-humanitarian and political perspective. Peace Palace The Hague,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Bergen 2017 saw 122 countries - but none of the nuclear-weapons states - support the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons. Why is nuclear disarmament so difficult and what should be the next steps for those aiming for prohibition?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paxton Patterns of fatal injuries among Iraqi protesters who were admitted to the Forensic Department Directorate of Health Dhi Qar in 2019 (Editorial),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hashim International security: what nuclear weapon states have not learnt in 75 years (Editorial),2020,36,3,203-205,van Bergen Mapping the role of health professionals in peace promotion within an urban complex emergency: the case of Chegutu Zimbabwe,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shoko January 22nd 2021: Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters into force,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Bergen Motivations for sexual violence in armed conflicts: voices from combatants in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mukwege Caught in crossfire: health care workers' experiences of violence in Syria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kauhanen Rethinking 'Bacha Bazi' a culture of child sexual abuse in Afghanistan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hashim The UK Prevent programme - a wolf in Safeguarding clothing or an opportunity to reduce social violence?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutchins Impacts of violence on the mental health of Afro-descendant survivors in Colombia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fandiño-Losada The use of chemical weapons: unhealed scars from contemporary mass atrocities [editorial],2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jaff Domestic violence in time of unrest a sample from Iraq,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lafta Gun violence in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: a public health crisis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jaff A man never cries: barriers to holistic care for male survivors of sexual violence in eastern DRC,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alexandre Baffling dilemma of workplace violence in healthcare: will there be an end?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahmed No global health without peace: from Afghanistan to Ukraine violence casts long shadows in the 21st century,2022,38,2,83-86,van Bergen The nature and consequences of a nuclear war: lessons for prevention from Ukraine 2022,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boulton The political economy of child servitude in Liberia West Africa,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Syria's fragile mental health services in the midst of conflict and violence: call for action,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shoib Don't listen to the Naysayers: momentum for nuclear weapons divestment is growing,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orgel Mental health of recently arrived male refugees in Germany reporting sexual violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaesmer Flood crisis in Pakistan: a mass destruction to economy and fragile health care systems,2022,0,0,1-5,Nadeem Vulnerability factors in conflict-related mental health,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brasholt Suicide and suicidality in Iraq: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lafta Mental health Narrative Community-Based Group Therapy in violence-displaced Afro-Colombians: a randomized controlled trial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fandiño-Losada Conflict prevention as part of disaster preparedness: joining the dots,2023,39,1,1-3,van Bergen One-year outcomes of two community-based mental health interventions for Afro-Colombian survivors of the armed conflict and displacement,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fandiño-Losada Armed conflict exposure and mental health: examining the role of imperceptible violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Padilla-Medina What are the roles for health professionals in addressing the rising threat of the use of nuclear weapons? With particular reference to the activities of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War 1951-1963,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burnett Change the mindset on nuclear weapons: health experts use their professions to prevent global health threats [editorial],2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sakakibara Violence against Iraqi doctors: a sample from the Baghdad City,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khalil Sexual and nonsexual violence and mental health among male refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo residing in Kampala Uganda: a population-based survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Serwadda First IPPNW African Congress calls for peace and to create a world free from the threats of nuclear annihilation and armed violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khadka How storytelling through the use of avatars could help Fukushima evacuees express themselves: digital archive for people in the diaspora,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sasaki Assessment of factors leading to resilience among adults in violence-affected area of Kashmir: an exploratory study employing content analysis and best-worst method,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fayaz Crisis in crisis: Boko Haram violence orphaned children and the precariousness in human survival in Northeast Nigeria,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salihu Explosive violence in Somalia: a threat to health and development,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahmed