Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Youth Gangs in Nicaragua: Gang Membership as Structured Individualization,2004,7,4,417-432,Maclure Tensions and Troubles in Young People's Talk about Safety and Danger in a Violent Neighbourhood,2007,10,1,117-137,Parkes Teenagers under the knife: a decivilising process,2010,13,4,439,Clement Multi-Domain Risk and Protective Factor Predictors of Violent Behavior among At-risk Youth,2011,14,4,413-429,Nurius Coping strategies of street-involved youth: exploring contexts of resilience,2012,15,6,744-760,Stewart Optimistic bias about dating/relationship violence among teens,2012,15,5,645-655,Coleman Young people and violent territorial conflict: exclusion culture and the search for identity,2013,16,4,474-490,Bannister Gang youth substance use and drug normalization,2012,15,8,978-994,Sanders Bullying and Agency: Definition Intervention and Ethics,2013,16,4,491-502,Sercombe UK young adults' safety awareness online -- is it a "girl thing"?,2013,16,3,404-419,Pedersen Considerations on the involvement of young people as co-inquirers in abuse and neglect research,2013,16,2,272-285,Tucker Absent but present: a critical analysis of the representation of sexuality in recent youth policy in the UK,2013,16,2,191-205,Moore Doing masculinity in narratives about reporting violent crime: young male victims talk about contacting and encountering the police,2013,16,2,172-190,Burcar "I've Had a Pretty Tough Life but That's Not Why I Do This": Narratives of Autonomy and Control among Alcohol and Drug Service-Engaged Early Teenagers,2013,16,2,206-221,Mallett Adolescent drinking and adolescent stress: a domain-specific relationship in Northern Irish schoolchildren,2013,16,2,237-256,Cole Negative Cultural Capital and Homeless Young People,2013,16,3,358-374,Barker Breaking the silence: parentally suicide-bereaved youths' self-disclosure on the internet and the social responses of others related to stigma,2017,20,8,1077-1092,Hagström Adolescents' perceptions of the "substance use-violence nexus': a South African perspective,2016,19,9,1290-1301,Savahl 'Going viral' and 'Going country': the expressive and instrumental activities of street gangs on social media,2017,20,6,677-696,Densley Hot times hot places. Youths' risk perceptions and risk management in Chicago and Rotterdam,2017,20,6,763-779,Chaskin Disconnection reconnection and autonomy: four young South African men's experience of attempting suicide,2017,20,7,781-797,Bantjes Transgender youth in small towns: perceptions of community size climate and support,2017,20,7,822-840,Paceley 'It is ok to be drunk but not too drunk': party socialising drinking ideals and learning trajectories in Swedish adolescent discourse on alcohol use,2017,20,7,841-854,Ander Why we should think some more. A response to 'When you're boxing you don't think so much': pugilism transitional masculinities and criminal desistance among young Danish gang members,2017,20,8,1093-1107,Jump Perceived popularity of adolescents who use weapons in violence and adolescents who only carry weapons,2017,20,10,1295-1312,Wallace Social identity and alcohol in young adolescence: the perceived difference between youthful and adult drinking,2017,20,10,1380-1395,Sandberg Queer youth intoxication and queer drinking spaces,2019,22,3,380-400,Hunt Psychosocial determinants of suicide attempts among black South African adolescents: A qualitative analysis,2012,15,2,177-189,James Talking smack and the telephone game: Conceptualizing cyberbullying with middle and high school youth,2014,17,3,397-414,Weber Young people's explanations for youth suicide in New Zealand: a thematic analysis,2019,22,4,520-532,Gibson Navigating between two the worlds of school and 'being on the land': Arctic Indigenous young people structural violence cultural continuity and selfhood,2022,25,2,170-192,Kral 'FOB' 'plastic' and polycultural capital: experiences of social labelling of Pasifika young peoples in South-east Queensland Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Durham 'When I came to university that's when the real shift came': alcohol and belonging in English higher education,2024,27,7,1006-1022,Holmes