Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Eye movements aid the control of locomotion,2003,3,11,677-684,Wann Driving in the future: temporal visuomotor adaptation and generalization,2001,1,2,88-98,Cunningham Shape and motion interactions at perceptual and attentional levels during processing of structure from motion stimuli,2008,8,16,17.1-14,Miskiewicz Spatial structure affects temporal judgments: evidence for a synchrony binding code,2008,8,7,12.1-12,Bonneh Driving around bends with manipulated eye-steering coordination,2008,8,11,10.1-11,Mars Does gaze influence steering around a bend?,2008,8,4,18.1-13,Wilkie Head and eye movements and the role of memory limitations in a visual search paradigm,2008,8,1,7.1-13,Hardiess Car drivers attend to different gaze targets when negotiating closed vs. open bends,2010,10,4,24.1-11,Kandil Quantifying and modeling the strength of motion illusions perceived in static patterns,2010,10,2,13.1-14,Walker Influence of saccadic adaptation on spatial localization: comparison of verbal and pointing reports,2007,7,5,16.1-13,Bruno Task and context determine where you look,2007,7,14,16.1-20,Hayhoe Investigating the mechanisms that may underlie the reduction in contrast sensitivity during dynamic accommodation,2010,10,5,5,Manahilov The effect of active selection in human path integration,2010,10,11,25,Crowell Visual accessibility of ramps and steps,2010,10,11,8,Yu Motor signals in visual localization,2010,10,6,2,Lappe Optimality of human movement under natural variations of visual-motor uncertainty,2007,7,5,13.1-18,Trommershäuser Vision affects how fast we hear sounds move,2007,7,12,6.1-7,Lopez-Moliner Actual and illusory differences in constant speed influence the perception of animacy similarly,2007,7,12,5.1-7,Szego Detection of biological and nonbiological motion,2007,7,12,4.1-16,Hiris Learning novel mappings from optic flow to the control of action,2008,8,11,12.1-12,Fajen Driving is smoother and more stable when using the tangent point,2009,9,1,11.1-11,Kandil The uncertainty associated with visual flow fields and their influence on postural sway: Weber's law suffices to explain the nonlinearity of vection,2010,10,14,4,Stevenson Visually guided pointing movements are driven by the salience map,2011,11,1,,Zehetleitner Perceptual compression of visual space during eye-head gaze shifts,2011,11,12,ePub,Richard Contrast and stimulus information effects in rapid learning of a visual task,2008,8,2,8.1-14,Abbey If I saw it it probably wasn't far from where I was looking,2008,8,2,7.1-10,Mamassian Task-demands can immediately reverse the effects of sensory-driven saliency in complex visual stimuli,2008,8,2,2.1-19,Einhäuser Reaching for visual cues to depth: the brain combines depth cues differently for motor control and perception,2005,5,2,103-115,Knill Binocular coordination of saccades at far and at near in children and in adults,2003,3,8,554-561,Yang Perception of plane orientation from self-generated and passively observed optic flow,2003,3,5,318-332,van Boxtel What you see is what you need,2003,3,1,86-94,Triesch Control of attention and gaze in complex environments,2006,6,12,1431-1450,Hayhoe Explaining the footsteps belly dancer Wenceslas and kickback illusions,2006,6,12,1396-1405,Anstis Eye movements reset visual perception,2012,12,13,11,Paradiso Emotion categorization does not depend on explicit face categorization,2013,13,2,13212,Seirafi Wait are you sad or angry? Large exposure time differences required for the categorization of facial expressions of emotion,2013,13,4,A-13,Du Sustained attention is not necessary for velocity adaptation,2013,13,8,ePub,Morgan A behavioral dynamics approach to obstacle detection and avoidance by patients with tunnel vision,2013,13,9,482,Woods A dynamical model of collective behavior in human crowds,2013,13,9,123,Warren Impaired response-conflict resolution in ageing when high salient distracters compete for response,2013,13,9,223,Mevorach Visually-guided collective behavior in human swarms,2013,13,9,481,Warren Why do drivers fail to see pedestrians and other vulnerable road users?,2013,13,9,1141,Sanocki Optic flow asymmetries bias high-speed steering along roads,2013,13,10,23,Merat What do fast response times tell us about attentional control?,2013,13,3,Art. No. 31,Leber Attention modulates generalization of visuomotor adaptation,2013,13,12,12,Song Prevalence effects in newly trained airport checkpoint screeners: Trained observers miss rare targets too,2013,13,3,33,Wolfe Follow the leader: Visual control of speed in pedestrian following,2014,14,2,ePub,Rhea Reliability and relative weighting of visual and nonvisual information for perceiving direction of self-motion during walking,2014,14,3,ePub,Saunders Gaze behavior when learning to link sequential action phases in a manual task,2014,14,4,ePub,Säfström Human vision is attuned to the diffuseness of natural light,2014,14,9,e15,Morgenstern Dynamic interactions between visual working memory and saccade target selection,2014,14,11,e9,Spencer Interindividual differences in preferred directions of perceptual and motor decisions,2014,14,12,ePub,Schütz Reducing backward masking through action game training,2010,10,14,ePub,Polat How is facial expression coded?,2015,15,1,e1,Calder How people achieve their amazing temporal precision in interception,2015,15,3,e8,Brenner The biomechanics of walking shape the use of visual information during locomotion over complex terrain,2015,15,3,e10,Fajen Encoding attentional states during visuomotor adaptation,2015,15,8,20,Song The impact of an acute social stress on the use of visual information in facial expression categorization,2015,15,12,1382,Daudelin-Peltier Happiness is in the mouth of the beholder and fear in the eyes,2015,15,12,e1378,Delicato Individual differences in antisocial and prosocial traits predict perception of dynamic expression,2015,15,12,1374,Campbell An individual differences approach to multiple-target search errors: Errors correlate with attentional deficits,2015,15,12,e1372,Adamo Through the looking (Google) glass: attentional costs in distracted visual search,2015,15,12,e1360,Lewis Aging effects on expectancy use in driving scenes as assessed by the ideal observer,2015,15,12,e1341,Shimozaki Tonic and phasic alertness training enhances executive function working memory and skill acquisition in older adults,2015,15,12,e1340,Degutis Behavioral dynamics of visually-guided heading alignment in pedestrian following,2015,15,12,e1331,Dachner Evaluation of a phantogram groundplane for the study of visually guided walking behavior,2015,15,12,1327,Smith Individual differences in perception and control of walking direction,2015,15,12,e1326,Poulain Persistent personal biases in walking,2015,15,12,e1325,Boeddeker The contributions of active and passive modes of control during walking over complex terrain,2015,15,12,e1324,Barton How do the biomechanics of walking constrain the visual control of stepping over obstacles?,2015,15,12,1323,Fajen Eye head and foot tracking during locomation over real-world complex terrain,2015,15,12,1322,Hayhoe Visual distraction in a patient with abnormal occipital gyration - an eye-tracking study,2015,15,12,e1267,Urgen Competition makes faces look more aggressive,2015,15,12,e1217,Thomas Human visual search performance for camouflaged targets,2015,15,12,e1164,Baddeley Does behavioral dissociation of real vs. pantomime movements only apply to visually guided action?,2015,15,12,1157,Karl Human cortical activity for visual processing is modulated by cued actions,2015,15,12,e1144,Monaco The rise and fall of hybrid visual and memory search,2015,15,12,1112,Horowitz Two eyes are identical to one: three-dimensional motor tracking of visual targets,2015,15,12,e1083,Bonnen Depth perception of augmented reality information in an automotive contact analog head-up display,2015,15,12,e1078,Bengler Claustrophobic fear and compression of visual space,2015,15,12,1074,Hunley Working memory deficits in dynamic sport athletes with a history of concussion revealed by a visual-auditory dual-task paradigm,2015,15,12,e1065,Roy Effects of perceptual load in visual search in immersive virtual reality,2015,15,12,e1064,Olk Response mapping interacts with perceptual thresholds and stimulus processing speed,2015,15,12,e985,Demeyere Learning visual search: increased retinotopic response to target vs. distractors in early visual cortex,2015,15,12,e962,Frank Visual perception of surface wetness,2015,15,12,e937,Sawayama The serial dependence of perceived emotional expression,2015,15,12,929,Whitney Expectancies about the frequency of a target-similar distractor impact target selection,2015,15,12,e903,Lee Ensemble summary statistics as a basis for visual categorization,2015,15,12,891,Utochkin Cost of dividing attention moderated by contrast level,2015,15,12,879,Ni A novel approach to measuring the useful field of view in simulated real-world environments using gaze contingent displays: the GC-UFOV,2015,15,12,878,Kramer Catching the mind's eye: the effect of internal distraction on visual attention,2015,15,12,877,Windsor Visual exploration and discrimination of emotional facial expressions in 3- 7- and 12-month-old infants,2015,15,12,e795,Baudouin Eye movements to tool images are predicted by frequency of physical experience with the tool,2015,15,12,792,Skiba Motor preparation and attentional benefits: dependencies on the number of possible saccade targets,2015,15,12,787,Kerzel Objects in the peripheral visual field influence gaze location in natural vision,2015,15,12,e783,Hayhoe The microgenesis of information acquisition in visual 'popout',2015,15,12,758,Flombaum Visual search in natural scenes: a double-dissociation paradigm for comparing observer models,2015,15,12,e755,Abrams Velocity of the Human Stadium or "Mexican" La Ola Wave: systematic variations due to type and direction,2015,15,12,e748,McBeath Increasing eye height makes slopes appear less steep,2015,15,12,e744,Bridgeman Audiovisual integration directing attention to the temporal dynamics of biological motion,2015,15,12,e714,Nam Neural circuitry of brightness induction: modeling and physiology,2015,15,12,e638,Zaidi Lost in the lights: the effects of glare on catching performance,2015,15,12,e597,Gray Human visual response gain increases with arousal,2015,15,12,e567,Ling Computational model of biological motion detection: a path toward view-invariant action understanding,2015,15,12,e497,Sandini Recognition of static and dynamic social actions in the visual periphery,2015,15,12,e494,de la Rosa Positive affect reduces visual crowding,2015,15,12,450,Familiar Action video game playing does not reduce inattentional blindness,2015,15,12,e441,Holder Visual perception and illusions in a driving simulator - little cars big signs,2015,15,12,e417,Inman Steering control using feedback from near road edges does not rely upon retinal flow,2015,15,12,e415,Billington Prospective steering control is influenced by retinal flow,2015,15,12,e414,Billington Neighbor influence on evacuation behavior in virtual and real environments,2015,15,12,409,Kinateder Information integration in sequential visual decision-making,2015,15,12,385,Fiser Fear conditioned visual information is prioritized for visual awareness,2015,15,12,e384,Van der Stigchel A computational account on the development of a preferred retinal locus,2015,15,12,e369,Mazyar Using experts' eye movements to influence scanning behaviour in novice drivers,2015,15,12,e367,Mackenzie Embodied salience for gaze analysis in ecologically valid environments,2015,15,12,366,Abbott Do high-level perceptual schemata influence the encoding of novel everyday scenes?,2015,15,12,355,Sanocki Can the gist of a natural scene be extracted in crowding?,2015,15,12,e344,Gong Sensory eye dominance varies within the visual field,2015,15,12,268,Blake Gun-embodiment biases on object perception are unaffected by prior experience,2015,15,12,250,Witt A computational model to study the dynamics of updating of remembered visual targets during rapid and slow eye movements,2015,15,12,e217,Crawford Bayesian ideal observer predicts weak forms of blindsight in normal observers,2015,15,12,e181,Lau Action videogame play improves visual motor control,2015,15,12,e42,Chen There is no attentional global effect: attentional shifts are independent of the saccade endpoint,2015,15,15,17,Van der Stigchel It's in the eyes: planning precise manual actions before execution,2016,16,1,18,Butz Adapting to time: duration channels do not mediate human time perception,2016,16,5,e4,Hibbard Neural decoding of architectural styles from scene-specific brain regions,2015,15,12,520,Nasar Accessory stimuli speed reaction times and reduce distraction in a target-distractor task,2016,16,7,11,Schubert Enhanced discriminability for nonbiological motion violating the two-thirds power law,2016,16,8,12,Salomon Out of the corner of the driver's eye: Peripheral processing of hazards in static traffic scenes,2016,16,2,11,Huestegge Dynamics of oculomotor direction discrimination,2016,16,13,4,Gegenfurtner When action conditions perception: evidence of cross-modal cue recruitment,2016,16,14,e6,Wallis The risk of pedestrian collisions with peripheral visual field loss,2016,16,15,e5,Peli Serial dependence in the perception of attractiveness,2016,16,15,e28,Whitney New rules for visual selection: isolating procedural attention,2017,17,2,18,Blaser What predicts the strength of simultaneous color contrast?,2017,17,2,13,Ratnasingam Disentangling vision and attention in multiple-object tracking: how crowding and collisions affect gaze anchoring and dual-task performance,2017,17,5,21,Vater Continuous flash suppression: manual action affects eye movements but not the reported percept,2018,18,3,e8,Einhäuser Effects of visual distractors on vergence eye movements,2018,18,6,2,Alvarez Steering bends and changing lanes: the impact of optic flow and road edges on two point steering control,2018,18,9,e14,Merat The effects of age and cognitive load on peripheral-detection performance,2019,19,1,e15,Bowers Motion perception as a model for perceptual aging,2019,19,4,e3,Billino Predicting road scenes from brief views of driving video,2019,19,5,e8,Reimer Visual crowding in driving,2020,20,6,e1,Whitney Icy road ahead-rapid adjustments of gaze-gait interactions during perturbed naturalistic walking,2021,21,8,11,Einhäuser During natural viewing neural processing of visual targets continues throughout saccades,2021,21,10,e7,Ries Fixational eye movements following concussion,2021,21,13,e11,Marchetti Decision-making from temporally accumulated conflicting evidence: the more the merrier,2023,23,1,e3,Xu Retinal changes associated with football-related concussions and head impacts,2023,23,11,e37,Merchant-Borna Extended reality--applications in vision science and beyond: Using a driving simulator to evaluate the effects of vision impairment and assistive technology,2023,23,15,e17,Bowers Extended reality--applications in vision science and beyond: recent developments in head-mounted eye tracking for the understanding of natural(istic) behavior,2023,23,15,e16,Diaz Age effects on predictive eye movements for action,2024,24,6,e8,Brenner Fork in the road: how self-efficacy related to walking across terrain influences gaze behavior and path choice,2024,24,7,e7,Marigold