Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The bicycle as a 'risk factor',1988,22,2,92-93,Clarke Air travel and circadian rhythm,1973,7,2,122-131,Mills A survey of suicidal behaviour in the Mid-Essex area in 1972,1976,10,4,381-392,Collier Health hazards of volcanic eruptions,1983,17,3,180-182,Baxter Self-poisoning patients discharged from accident and emergency: risk factors and outcome,1991,25,3,218-222,Owens Interpreting the signs of sexual abuse of children,1991,25,2,84-86,Hull Estimates of industrial and other risks,1978,12,3,210-218,Pochin Risks at work from medication,1978,12,3,219-229,Edwards Causes of ill health among a random sample of old and very old people: possibilities for prevention,1988,22,2,105-107,Arie Poisoning as a social phenomenon. The Milroy lecture 1987,1987,21,4,282-286,Goulding Fractured femurs falls and bone disorders,1982,16,1,45-49,Cook The health of health care workers. The Ernestine Henry lecture 1990,1990,24,3,189-195,Harrington Diana Princess of Wales 1.7.1961-31.8.1997,1997,31,5,477,Kerr Sleep apnoea and related conditions. Summary of a report of a working party of the Royal College of Physicians,1993,27,4,363-364, Monitoring the health effects of unemployment,1983,17,2,99-105,Farrow The great insanity,1995,29,5,448-449,Cohen Who's to blame--mothers Munchausen or medicine?,1994,28,4,332-337,Meadow Physical signs of sexual abuse in children,1997,31,5,580-581,Hobbs The early repetition of deliberate self harm,1997,31,4,468,Cohen The early repetition of deliberate self harm,1997,31,2,171-172,House Alcohol and the young. Summary of a report of a joint working party of the Royal College of Physicians and the British Paediatric Association,1995,29,6,470-474, Clearing the killing fields,1995,29,4,358-360,O'Brien Doctors and rugby union football: a research and development project,1995,29,2,167-168,Kaufman Use of standardised assessment scales in elderly hip fracture patients,1996,30,4,335-343,Shepherd Three journeys to high altitude: medicine Tibetan thangkas and Sepu Kangri,1999,33,1,78-84,Clarke Contamination in countryside and home,1971,5,4,374-378,Goulding The medical bequest of disaster at sea: Commodore Anson's circumnavigation 1740-44,1998,32,6,572-579,Watt The healthy city,1998,32,6,568-571,Taggart Predicting outcome after head injury,1975,9,3,231-237,Jennett No harm done?,1999,33,2,193,Crawford Alcohol and the young. What problem? Whose problem?,1999,33,2,175-179,Winstock The poisons and narcotics of the Amazonian Indians,1999,33,4,368-376,Prance The trauma of the urban experience,1988,22,1,45-47,Segal Fractured neck of femur. Prevention and management. Summary and recommendations of a report of the Royal College of Physicians,1989,23,1,8-12, Self-harm patients not admitted to hospital,1990,24,4,281-283,Owens