Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Anticipation of nursing home placement may be a precipitant of suicide among the elderly,1991,39,4,407-408,Centerwall Dementia and guns,1996,44,4,409-410,Mendez Sleep complaints in community-dwelling older persons: prevalence associated factors and reported causes,1998,46,2,161-168,Maggi Dependence in activities of daily living as a risk factor for fall injury events among older people living in the community,1995,43,3,275-278,Smith Alcohol use and falls,1993,41,3,346-347,Carlson Intense tai chi exercise training and fall occurrences in older transitionally frail adults: a randomized controlled trial,2003,51,12,1693-1701,Sattin Geriatric trauma: the continuing epidemic,2002,50,2,394-395,Sattin Associations of demographic functional and behavioral characteristics with activity-related fear of falling among older adults transitioning to frailty,2001,49,11,1456-1462,Sattin Home environmental hazards and the risk of fall injury events among community-dwelling older persons. study to assess falls among the elderly (safe) group,1998,46,6,669-676,Sattin Chronic medical conditions and risk of fall injury events at home in older adults,1997,45,6,739-743,Sattin Deaths from residential fires among older people United States 1984,1989,37,4,331-334,Sattin Fall injuries among the elderly. community-based surveillance,1988,36,11,1029-1035,Sattin Suicidal ideation among older primary care patients,1996,44,10,1205-1209,Hendrie Firearm presence in households of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias,1999,47,10,1183-1186,Spangenberg Association between visual attention and mobility in older adults,2004,52,11,1901-1906,McGwin Biomechanical properties of shoes and risk of falls in older adults,2004,52,11,1840-1846,Koepsell Epidemiology and short-term outcomes of injured medicare patients,2004,52,12,2023-2030,Clark Measuring the psychological outcomes of falling: a systematic review,2005,53,3,501-510,Jorstad Exercise leads to faster postural reflexes improved balance and mobility and fewer falls in older persons with chronic stroke,2005,53,3,416-423,Harris RE: 'Deaths caused by bed rails',1998,46,6,794,Plichta Stair negotiation in older people: a review,2000,48,5,567-580,Startzell Preventing falls in older people: outcome evaluation of a randomized controlled trial,2001,49,11,1448-1455,Stevens Preventing falls in older people: impact of an intervention to reduce environmental hazards in the home,2001,49,11,1442-1447,Stevens Fall and injury prevention in residential care--effects in residents with higher and lower levels of cognition,2003,51,5,627-635,Gustafson An analysis of an older driver evaluation program,2004,52,8,1326-1330,Kantor Fire fatalities in older people,1999,47,11,1307-1311,McGwin A persistent fire hazard for older adults: cooking-related clothing ignition,1997,45,10,1283-1285,Ryan The effect of hospitalization with medical illnesses on the suicide risk in the oldest old: a population-based register study,2005,53,5,771-776,Erlangsen Prediction of on-road driving performance in patients with early Alzheimer's disease,2005,53,1,94-98,Brown Clinician assessment of the driving competence of patients with dementia,2005,53,5,829-833,Curtin A comparative study of the use of four fall risk assessment tools on acute medical wards,2005,53,6,1034-1038,Stockdale A simple gait-stabilizing device reduces outdoor falls and nonserious injurious falls in fall-prone older people during the winter,2005,53,6,943-947,McKiernan The life cycle of bruises in older adults,2005,53,8,1339-1343,Mosqueda The effect of an individualized fall prevention program on fall risk and falls in older people: a randomized controlled trial,2005,53,8,1296-1304,Lord Atypical antipsychotic medications and risk of falls in residents of aged care facilities,2005,53,8,1290-1295,Cameron Reduction in fear of falling through intense Tai chi exercise training in older transitionally frail adults,2005,53,7,1168-1178,Sattin Development of a common outcome data set for fall injury prevention trials: the prevention of falls network Europe consensus,2005,53,9,1618-1622,Hauer Ethnic differences in the frequency and circumstances of falling in older community-dwelling women,2005,53,10,1774-1779,Landsittel Older driver safety: a report from the older drivers project,2004,52,1,143-149,Wang Should older people in residential care receive vitamin D to prevent falls? Results of a randomized trial,2005,53,11,1881-1888,Thomas The search to improve safe vehicular operation among older drivers: are we reaching our destination?,1998,46,5,652-653,Wallace Do older drivers with visual and cognitive impairments drive less?,1998,46,7,854-861,Stutts Visual risk factors for falls in older people,2001,49,5,508-515,Lord Performance-based measurements among elderly drivers and nondrivers,1988,36,9,813-819,Retchin Attitudes of physicians toward elderly drivers and driving policy,1993,41,7,722-724,Miller The aging driver. medicine policy and ethics,1988,36,12,1135-1142,Reuben A continuing medical education initiative for Canadian primary care physicians: the driving and dementia toolkit: a pre- and postevaluation of knowledge confidence gained and satisfaction,2003,51,10,1484-1489,Byszewski Consistency of physicians' legal standard and personal judgments of competency in patients with Alzheimer's disease,2000,48,8,911-918,Marson Driving cessation in older men with incident dementia,2000,48,8,928-930,Foley The relationship between cognitive/neuropsychological factors and car driving performance in older adults,2000,48,12,1664-1668,De Raedt Characteristics of an elderly driving population referred to a geriatric assessment center,1990,38,10,1145-1150,Carr Driving patterns and medical conditions in older women,1997,45,10,1214-1218,Songer Can a physician recognize an older driver with increased crash risk potential?,1996,44,10,1198-1204,Lundberg Dementia diagnostic guidelines: methodologies results and implementation costs,2000,48,10,1195-1203,Zhang A multidisciplinary approach in the evaluation of demented drivers referred to geriatric assessment centers,1991,39,11,1132-1136,Carr Cognitive impairment and mortality in older primary care patients,2001,49,7,934-940,Stump Self-reported driving cognitive status and physician awareness of cognitive impairment,2002,50,7,1265-1267,Masaki Monitoring falls in cohort studies of community-dwelling older people: effect of the recall interval,2005,53,12,2190-2194,Ganz Late-life anemia is associated with increased risk of recurrent falls,2005,53,12,2106-2111,Lips Atypical antipsychotic medications and risk of falls,2006,54,1,174-175,Sitoh Can high-risk older drivers be identified through performance-based measures in a department of motor vehicles setting?,2006,54,1,77-84,McGwin Who should decide driving competence?,2005,53,9,1637,Brauner Functional dental occlusion may prevent falls in elderly individuals with dementia,2005,53,9,1631-1632,Yoshida Association between Parkinson's disease and low bone density and falls in older men: the osteoporotic fractures in men study,2005,53,9,1559-1564,Cauley Falls documentation in nursing homes: agreement between the minimum data set and chart abstractions of medical and nursing documentation,2005,53,2,268-273,Hill-Westmoreland Self-efficacy and fear of falling: in search of complete theory,2006,54,2,381-382,Lach Characteristics and outcomes of serious traumatic injury in older adults,2002,50,2,215-222,Richmond Asymmetrical lower extremity power deficit as a risk factor for injurious falls in healthy older women,2006,54,3,551-553,Sipilä Genetic factors and susceptibility to falls in older women,2006,54,4,613-618,Pajala Cognitive function may be important for fall injury prevention trials,2006,54,5,865,Hausdorff An emergency medical services program to promote the health of older adults,2006,54,6,956-962,Lerner Health care for older persons in Switzerland: a country profile,2006,54,6,986-990,Schoenenberger A survey of poisoning on older people in Tehran,1996,44,5,615-616,Ghazi-Khansari Should we prescribe vitamin D and calcium to old persons to prevent falls and fractures?,2006,54,7,1155-1156,Cheng Limited validity of minimum data set items on sleep and hypnotic use in predicting falls and hip fracture in nursing home residents,2006,54,7,1150-1151,Martin Effect of cataract surgery on falls and mobility in independently living older adults,2006,54,7,1089-1094,McGwin Adding injury to insult: fracture risk after stroke in veterans,2006,54,7,1082-1088,Pieper Self-Reported Sleep and Nap Habits and Risk of Falls and Fractures in Older Women: The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures,2006,54,8,1177-1183,Cauley An 8-Year Prospective Study of the Relationship Between Cognitive Performance and Falling in Very Old Adults,2006,54,8,1169-1176,Anstey Suicide phenomena in nursing homes: a neglected issue in geriatric research and clinical management?,2006,54,8,1299-1300,Paolo Motor learning versus standard walking exercise in older adults with subclinical gait dysfunction: A randomized clinical trial,2013,61,11,1879-1886,Brach Accidental ingestion of a press-through package: an underestimated cause of serious iatrogenic disease in the elderly?,2006,54,9,1467-1468,Bosmans Translating evidence-based falls prevention into clinical practice in nursing facilities: results and lessons from a quality improvement collaborative,2006,54,9,1414-1418,Colón-Emeric Traumatic brain injury in older adults: epidemiology outcomes and future implications,2006,54,10,1590-1595,Thompson Reducing suicidal ideation in depressed older primary care patients,2006,54,10,1550-1556,Hunkeler Fall prevention in residential care: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2004,52,4,524-531,Robinson Characteristics of frail older adult drivers,2006,54,7,1125-1129,Carr Alcohol intake and its relationship with bone mineral density falls and fracture risk in older men,2006,54,11,1649-1657,Barrett-Connor Dynamic balance and stepping versus Tai Chi training to improve balance and stepping in at-risk older adults,2006,54,12,1825-1831,Chen What level of alcohol consumption is hazardous for older people? Functioning and mortality in U.S. and English national cohorts,2007,55,1,49-57,Wallace Improving vision to prevent falls in frail older people: a randomized trial,2007,55,2,175-181,Ivers Intervening to prevent falls and fractures in nursing homes: are we putting the cart before the horse?,2007,55,3,464-466,Magaziner Binocular visual-field loss increases the risk of future falls in older white women,2007,55,3,357-364,Gutierrez Multitasking: association between poorer performance and a history of recurrent falls,2007,55,4,570-576,Landsittel Kenosha county falls prevention study: a randomized controlled trial of an intermediate-intensity community-based multifactorial falls intervention,2007,55,4,489-498,Mahoney Interventions to reduce fear of falling in community-living older people: a systematic review,2007,55,4,603-615,van Eijk A randomized controlled trial of fall prevention programs and quality of life in older fallers,2007,55,4,499-506,Chen Withdrawal of fall-risk-increasing drugs in older persons: effect on tilt-table test outcomes,2007,55,5,734-739,van der Velde Resident-to-Resident Elder Mistreatment and Police Contact in Nursing Homes: Findings from a Population-Based Cohort,2007,55,6,840-845,Williams Injury in late life: Part I. Epidemiology,1982,30,3,183-190,Hogue Falls and ill-fitting clothing,1987,35,10,959,Stall Office-based evaluation of the older driver,2006,54,12,1943-1944,Freund Clinical utility of office-based cognitive predictors of fitness to drive in persons with dementia: A systematic review,2006,54,12,1809-1824,Wilson Predicting driving cessation over 5 years in older adults: Psychological well-being and cognitive competence are stronger predictors than physical health,2006,54,1,121-126,Anstey Sleep apnea and falls in older people,2007,55,7,1149-1150,Mitchell The Role of Cognitive Functioning and Distress in Suicidal Ideation in Older Adults,2007,55,7,1090-1094,Chen Rib fractures in the elderly: a marker of injury severity,2004,52,5,805-808,Miller Longitudinal driving performance in early-stage dementia of the Alzheimer type,2003,51,10,1342-1347,Carr Evaluating driving performance of cognitively impaired and healthy older adults: A pilot study comparing on-road testing and driving simulation,2002,50,7,1309-1310,Freund A traffic sign recognition test can discriminate between older drivers who have and have not had a motor vehicle crash,2001,49,4,466-469,MacGregor Characteristics of motor vehicle crashes of drivers with dementia of the Alzheimer type,2000,48,1,18-22,Carr Can hip protector use cost-effectively prevent fractures in community-dwelling geriatric patients?,2007,55,6,959-60; author reply 960,Drinka A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for the Prevention of Falls: The Central Sydney Tai Chi Trial,2007,55,8,1185-1191,Lord Can hip protector use cost-effectively prevent fractures in community-dwelling geriatric populations?,2006,54,11,1658-1665,Lachs Implementation and evaluation of a nursing home fall management program,2007,55,3,342-349,Brown Predictors of motor vehicle crashes in a dementia clinic population: the role of gender and arthritis,1995,43,12,1444-1445,Tallman Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes among older drivers in a rural community,1995,43,7,776-781,Foley Are older pedestrians allowed time to cross streets safely,1994,42,11,1219-1220,Murphy Medical conditions and motor vehicle collision injuries in older adults,1994,42,7,695-700,Koepsell Trains planes and automobiles,1994,42,6,684-685,Wallace The older pedestrian,1994,42,4,444-450,Rubenstein Driving in Alzheimer's disease,1992,40,11,1112-1116,Williamson A prospective community-based pilot study of risk factors for the investigation of elder mistreatment,1994,42,2,169-173,Lachs Hospital resources used to treat the injured elderly at North Carolina trauma centers,1993,41,8,847-852,Clancy Driving with cognitive impairment,1993,41,8,889-891,Barr Medical screening of older drivers as a traffic safety measure: A comparative Finnish-Swedish evaluation study,1996,44,6,650-653,Lundberg Medical screening of older drivers,1997,45,3,388-389,Bédard Traffic dangerous drugs are often found in fatally injured older male drivers,1997,45,8,1029-1031,Johansson Dementia and driving,1991,39,11,1137-1138,Reuben Quality indicators for falls and mobility problems in vulnerable elders,2007,55,Suppl 2,S327-34,Ganz The Relationship Between Glycemic Control and Falls in Older Adults,2007,55,12,2041-2044,Nelson Interventions for Preventing Falls in Acute- and Chronic-Care Hospitals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,2007,56,1,29 - 36,Schwendimann Long-Term Effects of Childhood Abuse on the Quality of Life and Health of Older People: Results from the Depression and Early Prevention of Suicide in General Practice Project,2007,56,2,262 - 271,Snowdon Use of the Automatic Clock Drawing Test to Rapidly Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults Drivers and the Physically Challenged,2007,55,2,310-311,Straus Accidents and the Aging,1957,5,8,713-720,Cameron Falls in elderly people,2008,56,2,364; author reply 364-5,Amir Dual task-related changes in gait performance in older adults: a new way of predicting recurrent falls?,2008,56,1,181-182,Beauchet Fall Injuries in Older Adults from an Unusual Source: Entering and Exiting a Vehicle,2008,56,4,609 - 614,Dellinger Effectiveness of Falls Clinics: An Evaluation of Outcomes and Client Adherence to Recommended Interventions,2008,56,4,600 - 608,Day Extent of Implementation of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Practices for Older Patients in Home Health Care,2008,56,4,737 - 743,Tinetti Napping and 24-hour sleep/wake patterns in healthy elderly and young adults,1992,40,8,779-786,Monk Reduced falls in the elderly: Tai chi or placebo or Hawthorne effect?,2008,56,4,776-777,Katz Prevention of Falls in Nursing Homes: Subgroup Analyses of a Randomized Fall Prevention Trial,2008,56,6,1092-1097,Lall Recurrent Falls and Dual Task-Related Decrease in Walking Speed: Is There a Relationship?,2008,56,7,1265-1269,Beauchet Falls self-efficacy and gait performance after gait and balance training in older people,2008,56,6,1154-1156,Piot-Ziegler Development Implementation and Evaluation of an Interprofessional Falls Prevention Program for Older Adults,2008,56,8,1549-1555,Kung Lack of Effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Fall-Prevention Program in Elderly People at Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2008,56,8,1390-1397,Hendriks Health Outcome Priorities Among Competing Cardiovascular Fall Injury and Medication-Related Symptom Outcomes,2008,56,8,1409-1416,McAvay Otago Home-Based Strength and Balance Retraining Improves Executive Functioning in Older Fallers: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2008,56,10,1821-1830,Liu-Ambrose The effect of age on driving skills,1992,40,6,567-573,Carr Risk Factors for Fracture Following a Fall Among Older People in Residential Care Facilities in Australia,2008,56,11,2020-2026,Cameron Five times sit to stand test is a predictor of recurrent falls in healthy community-living subjects aged 65 and older,2008,56,8,1575-1577,Perrin Effectiveness of a falls-and-fracture nurse coordinator to reduce falls: a randomized controlled trial of at-risk older adults,2008,56,8,1383-1389,Robertson Suicide in Older Adults in Long-Term Care: 1990 to 2005,2008,56,11,2107-2111,Tardiff Lack of Effect of Tai Chi Chuan in Preventing Falls in Elderly People Living at Home: A Randomized Clinical Trial,2008,57,1,70 - 75,Koes Type of fall and risk of hip and wrist fractures: the study of osteoporotic fractures. The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1993,41,11,1226-1234,Cummings Death certificate inaccuracy and underreporting of injury in elderly people,2008,56,12,2267-2272,Fisher Effective exercise for the prevention of falls: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2008,56,12,2234-2243,Lord Long-Term Effect on Mortality of a Home Intervention that Reduces Functional Difficulties in Older Adults: Results from a Randomized Trial,2009,57,3,476 - 481,Gitlin Inconsistency in Classification and Reporting of In-Hospital Falls,2009,57,3,517 - 523,Gray Causes of Therapeutic Errors in Older Adults: Evaluation of National Poison Center Data,2009,57,4,653 - 658,Klein-Schwartz Predicting injury from falls in older adults: comparison of voluntary step reaction times in injured and noninjured fallers--a prospective study,2009,57,4,743-745,Melzer Fear of moving outdoors and development of outdoor walking difficulty in older people,2009,57,4,634-640,Rantanen Effect of a risk-based multifactorial fall prevention program on the incidence of falls,2009,57,4,612-619,Kivela Age and sex significantly influence fall risk in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan,2009,57,5,930-932,Wada Taken by the wind: frail elder wind advisories?,2008,56,8,1584,Elon Resident-to-resident aggression in long-term care facilities: insights from focus groups of nursing home residents and staff,2008,56,8,1398-1408,Lachs What does "self-neglect" in older adults really cost?,2008,56,4,757,Lachs A multidomain approach for predicting older driver safety under in-traffic road conditions,2008,56,6,986-993,Wood An outpatient multifactorial falls prevention intervention does not reduce falls in high-risk elderly Danes,2009,57,6,971-977,Vind Loneliness in older Chinese adults: a risk factor for elder mistreatment,2007,55,11,1831-1835,Dong Quality indicators for screening and prevention in vulnerable elders,2007,55,Suppl 2,S417-S423,Gnanadesigan Quality indicators for the care of depression in vulnerable elders,2007,55,Suppl 2,S302-S311,Nakajima Quality indicators for the care of dementia in vulnerable elders,2007,55,Suppl 2,S293-S301,Feil Elder abuse: disparities between older people's disclosure of abuse evident signs of abuse and high risk of abuse,2007,55,8,1224-1230,Cohen Systematic review of driving risk and the efficacy of compensatory strategies in persons with dementia,2007,55,6,878-884,Wilson Prevalence and Characteristics of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Elderly Fallers Presenting to the Emergency Department without Focal Findings,2009,57,8,1470-1474,Lipsitz Unintentional Fall Injuries Associated with Walkers and Canes in Older Adults Treated in U.S. Emergency Departments,2009,57,8,1464-1469,Greenspan Risk factors for fear of falling: a cross-sectional population-based study,2009,57,7,1304-1306,Beauchet Suicide and aging,1970,18,2,152-158,Resnik Depression and suicide in the geriatric patient,1969,17,7,668-672,Wolff Senior abuse misconstrued as a myocardial infarction,2006,54,6,1017-1019,Niraj Sexual abuse and dementia in older people,2006,54,7,1154-1155,Burgess Type of fall and risk of hip and wrist fractures: the study of osteoporotic fractures,1994,42,7,797-798,Drinka Suicide by overdoses of medicines among the aged,1975,23,7,304-308,Benson Attempted suicide among the aged,1977,25,6,245-248,Goldstein Suicide pact in a depressed elderly couple: case report,1978,26,3,136-138,Mehta Unusual abdominal complications of a suicidal overdose of analgesic and psychotropic drugs in an elderly patient,1978,26,1,43-46,Mehta Family abuse of the elderly,1980,28,8,372-376,Steuer Suicide in the elderly: the limits of paternalism,1983,31,11,698-703,Cassel Poisoning in the elderly,1983,31,4,195-199,Klein-Schwartz Categories of family-mediated abuse and neglect of elderly persons,1984,32,5,362-369,O'Malley Suicide in late life. Review and commentary,1986,34,7,519-525,Blazer Driving in patients with dementia,1988,36,12,1087-1091,Lucas-Blaustein Troublesome and disruptive behaviors in dementia. Relationships to diagnosis and disease severity,1988,36,9,784-790,Drachman Elder abuse: ten years later,1988,36,8,758-762,Wolf Dangerous behavior in a demented patient. Preserving autonomy in a patient with diminished competence,1989,37,7,658-662,Cassel Murder-suicide in Alzheimer's disease,1989,37,2,167-168,Lecso Effects of a Multicomponent Cognitive Behavioral Group Intervention on Fear of Falling and Activity Avoidance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial,2009,57,11,2020-2028,van Eijk Blood Pressure and Brain Injury in Older Adults: Findings from a Community-Based Autopsy Study,2009,57,11,1975-1981,Larson The Vulnerable Elders-13 Survey Predicts 5-Year Functional Decline and Mortality Outcomes in Older Ambulatory Care Patients,2009,57,11,2070-2076,Elliott The On-Road Difficulties of Older Drivers and Their Relationship with Self-Reported Motor Vehicle Crashes,2009,57,11,2062-2069,Wood Injuries in an elderly inner-city population,1990,38,12,1326-1331,Holmes Availability of knowledgeable informants for a psychological autopsy study of suicides committed by elderly people,1990,38,11,1169-1175,Clark Completed suicide at age 50 and over,1990,38,6,640-644,Conwell Major depressive disorder in hospitalized medically ill patients: an examination of young and elderly male veterans,1991,39,9,881-890,Meador Multidimensional risk assessment versus age as criterion for retirement of airline pilots,1992,40,5,526-532,Morgenstern Suicide attempts in elderly psychiatric inpatients,1992,40,4,320-324,Conwell Autopsy data and their total evaluation,1975,23,1,14-21,Cherry The role of natural consequences in the changing death patterns,1974,22,4,176-179,Barnes Fractures in the aged with special reference to the femur,1973,21,5,193-199,Zisserman Interrelations of the aging process and accidents,1972,20,3,97-101,Rodstein Accident--or apparent accident,1972,20,2,75-83,Wehrmacher Prevention of falls in the elderly,1980,28,11,481-484,Overstall Fatal cerebral injury in the elderly,1978,26,11,489-497,Pearson Falls in the institutionalized elderly,1978,26,9,424-428,Kalchthaler Occult cardiac arrhythmias associated with falls and dizziness in the elderly: detection by Holter monitoring,1978,26,9,418-423,Gordon Driving performance in persons with mild senile dementia of the Alzheimer type,1993,41,7,747-752,Morris Footwear and balance in older men,1993,41,9,1011-1012,Grabiner Falls: an examination of three reporting methods in nursing homes,1993,41,6,662-666,Mulrow Correlates of cognitive function scores in elderly outpatients,1993,41,5,491-497,Mangione Are activity-based assessments of balance and gait in the elderly predictive of risk of falling and/or type of fall?,1993,41,5,479-487,Maki Iowa FICSIT trial: the feasibility of elderly wearing a hip joint protective garment to reduce hip fractures,1993,41,3,338-340,Wallace The Seattle FICSIT/MoveIt study: the effect of exercise on gait and balance in older adults,1993,41,3,321-325,Price Yale FICSIT: risk factor abatement strategy for fall prevention,1993,41,3,315-320,Tinetti Seniors' Program for Injury Control and Education,1993,41,3,309-314,Hornbrook Development of the common data base for the FICSIT trials,1993,41,3,297-308,Wolf Frailty and injuries in later life: the FICSIT trials,1993,41,3,283-296,Weiss Nocturia: a risk factor for falls in the elderly,1992,40,12,1217-1220,Moore Shoe sole thickness and hardness influence balance in older men,1992,40,11,1089-1094,Robbins Modeling recovery from stumbles: preliminary data on variable selection and classification efficacy,1992,40,9,910-913,Grabiner Dizziness in older people,1992,40,7,713-721,Baloh Alcohol as a risk factor for fall injury events among elderly persons living in the community,1992,40,7,658-661,Sattin The impact of falls in an inner-city elderly African-American population,1992,40,7,673-678,Grisso Alarm devices instead of restraints?,1992,40,2,191,Tideiksaar Physiological factors associated with falls in an elderly population,1991,39,12,1194-1200,Lord Postural responses and effector factors in persons with unexplained falls: results and methodologic issues,1991,39,3,229-234,Studenski Are restraints all bad?,1991,39,2,223,Read Falls in the elderly: reliability of a classification system,1991,39,2,197-202,Miller Falls and injuries in frail and vigorous community elderly persons,1991,39,1,46-52,Speechley Multiple stumbles: a risk factor for falls in community-dwelling elderly. A prospective study,1990,38,12,1321-1325,Mor The perils of pet therapy,1990,38,7,830-831,Burris Aging and postural control. A comparison of spontaneous- and induced-sway balance tests,1990,38,1,1-9,Maki Impaired vision and hip fracture. The Framingham Study,1989,37,6,495-500,Kiel The value of Holter monitoring in evaluating the elderly patient who falls,1989,37,5,430-434,Rubenstein Hospitalization of elderly people. A 3-year controlled trial,1989,37,2,117-122,Hendriksen The yield of a home visit in the assessment of geriatric patients,1989,37,1,17-24,Jackson Clinical determinants of biomechanics platform measures of balance in aged women,1988,36,11,996-1002,Shiavi Forgetting falls. The limited accuracy of recall of falls in the elderly,1988,36,7,613-616,Nevitt Falls and instability in the elderly,1988,36,3,266-278,Rubenstein Factors associated with serious injury during falls by ambulatory nursing home residents,1987,35,7,644-648,Tinetti Medications and diagnoses in relation to falls in a long-term care facility,1987,35,6,503-511,Myers The relationship of knee and ankle weakness to falls in nursing home residents: an isokinetic study,1987,35,1,13-20,Whipple Stressing the postural response. A quantitative method for testing balance,1986,34,12,845-850,Wolfson Relevance of readmission of elderly patients discharged from a geriatric unit,1986,34,1,5-11,Andrews Hip fracture caused by a companion animal,1985,33,10,733-734,Burris Visual perception dominance of fallers among community-dwelling older adults,1985,33,5,330-333,Swanson Predictors of falls among institutionalized women with Alzheimer's disease,1984,32,12,877-882,Brody Falls and mobility in late life: an ecological model,1984,32,11,858-861,Hogue An assessment form for falls,1984,32,7,538-539,Tideiksaar The drop attack: a common geriatric symptom,1983,31,10,617-620,Lipsitz Decrease in the incidence of patient falls in a geriatric hospital after educational programs,1983,31,3,187,Krishna A review of factors affecting the occurrence and outcome of hip fracture with special reference to psychosocial issues,1983,31,3,166-170,Nickens Falls among the elderly: a review of the methods and conclusions of epidemiologic studies,1982,30,6,367-371,Perry Papers prepared by the National Institute on Aging for the White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA). Injury in late life: II. Prevention,1982,30,4,276-280,Hogue Detrimental incidents including falls in an elderly institutional population,1981,29,7,322-324,Lang Fear in elderly people,1953,1,10,739-742,Williamson Some problems presented by head injuries in older people,1953,1,10,723-729,Evans Clinical use of the Bender visual motor test in psychologic assessment of the aged,1956,4,9,909-919,Lakin Geriatric aspects of fractures in the insane,1956,4,9,880-883,Leaphart Analysis of falls in old people,1958,6,7,522-525,Howell Effect of a Statewide Fall Prevention Program on Incidence of Femoral Fractures in Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities,2010,58,1,70-75,Becker Morbidity and mortality rates for internal fixation of femoral neck fractures,1963,11,,560-569,Weinberg Use of single-vision eyeglasses improves stepping precision and safety when elderly habitual multifocal wearers negotiate a raised surface,2008,56,1,178-180,Buckley Determinants of Early Reductions in Drinking in Older At-Risk Drinkers Participating in the Intervention Arm of a Trial to Reduce At-Risk Drinking in Primary Care,2010,58,2,227-233,Blow Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Fall Prevention Programs that Reduce Fall-Related Hip Fractures in Older Adults,2010,58,1,136-141,Frick Twenty-one-item fall risk index predicts falls in elderly community-dwelling Japanese,2009,57,12,2369-2371,Wada Characteristics and Outcomes of Injured Older Adults After Hospital Admission,2010,58,3,442-449,Richmond Relationship Between Fear of Falling and Outcomes of an Inpatient Geriatric Rehabilitation Population-Fear of the Fear of Falling,2010,58,4,664-673,Nikolaus Reduced sensitivity to change-a relevant limitation of the visual analogue scale to assess fear of falling?,2011,59,4,773,Denkinger Comment on article "a multifactorial approach to understanding fall risk in older people",2011,59,4,770,Connell Community characteristics associated with elder abuse,2000,48,5,513-518,Jogerst Physicians are less willing to treat suicidal ideation in older patients,2000,48,2,188-192,Arean Attitudes of older people toward suicide and assisted suicide: an analysis of Gallup Poll findings,1995,43,9,993-998,Conwell Translating a multifactorial fall prevention intervention into practice: a controlled evaluation of a fall prevention clinic,2010,58,2,357-363,LoGerfo Who Receives Outpatient Monitoring During High-Risk Depression Treatment Periods?,2010,58,5,908-913,Kim A Longitudinal Analysis of Total 3-Year Healthcare Costs for Older Adults Who Experience a Fall Requiring Medical Care,2010,58,5,853-860,LoGerfo Unmet physical activity need in old age,2010,58,4,707-712,Rantanen Frequency and pattern of emergency department visits by long-term care residents--a population-based study,2010,58,3,510-517,Bell Screening for abuse and neglect of people with dementia,2010,58,3,493-500,Mosqueda Predictors of lane-change errors in older drivers,2010,58,3,457-464,Bandeen-Roche Pragmatic cluster randomized trial of a policy to introduce low-low beds to hospital wards for the prevention of falls and fall injuries,2010,58,3,435-441,Haines Neuropsychological Predictors of Driving Errors in Older Adults,2010,58,6,1090-1096,Johnson The 4Cs (Crash History Family Concerns Clinical Condition and Cognitive Functions): A Screening Tool for the Evaluation of the At-Risk Driver,2010,58,6,1104-1108,Jones Measuring Falls Events in Acute Hospitals-A Comparison of Three Reporting Methods to Identify Missing Data in the Hospital Reporting System,2010,58,7,1347-1352,Haines A brief agitation rating scale (BARS) for nursing home elderly,1993,41,1,50-52,Anderson Training balance and strength in the elderly to improve function,1993,41,3,341-343,King The Boston FICSIT study: the effects of resistance training and nutritional supplementation on physical frailty in the oldest old,1993,41,3,333-337,Lipsitz The Atlanta FICSIT study: two exercise interventions to reduce frailty in elders,1993,41,3,329-332,Green Dementia as a risk factor for falls and fall injuries among nursing home residents,2003,51,9,1213-1218,Hebel Incidence of injury-causing falls among older adults by place of residence: a population-based study,1995,43,8,871-876,Honkanen Aggressive behaviors among the institutionalized elderly,1993,41,8,853-856,Thompson Poisoning in the elderly: characterization of exposures reported to a poison control center,1993,41,8,842-846,Zanga Vitamin D Treatment for the Prevention of Falls in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,2010,58,7,1299-1310,Kalyani Exercise with physically restrained nursing home residents: maximizing benefits of restraint reduction,1996,44,5,507-512,Ouslander Does physical activity improve sleep in impaired nursing home residents?,1995,43,10,1098-1102,Ouslander Wheelchairs as mobility restraints: predictors of wheelchair activity in nonambulatory nursing home residents,1995,43,4,384-388,Ouslander Individualized care alternatives used in the process of removing physical restraints in the nursing home,1994,42,3,321-325,Werner Safety assessment for the frail elderly: a comparison of restrained and unrestrained nursing home residents,1994,42,6,586-592,Ouslander Injurious falls in nonambulatory nursing home residents: a comparative study of circumstances incidence and risk factors,1996,44,3,273-278,Ray Effects of exercise training on frailty in community-dwelling older adults: results of a randomized controlled trial,2002,50,12,1921-1928,Brown Identifying nursing home residents at risk for falling,1998,46,5,551-555,Lipsitz Falls among nursing home residents: an examination of incident reports before and after restraint reduction programs,1994,42,9,960-964,Rose Postural control in older adults,1994,42,1,93-108,Alexander A descriptive study of physically aggressive behavior in dementia by direct observation,1994,42,2,192-197,Thompson Depression cognition and functional ability in patients with Alzheimer's disease,1994,42,2,186-191,Teri Suicide over 60: the San Diego study,1994,42,2,174-180,Rich Risk of falls after hospital discharge,1994,42,3,269-274,Mahoney Are older pedestrians allowed enough time to cross intersections safely?,1994,42,3,241-244,Rubenstein An epidemiologic study of fall-related fractures among institutionalized older people,1995,43,12,1336-1340,Kiel Unhealthy drinking patterns in older adults: prevalence and associated characteristics,2008,56,2,214-223,Blow Are recurrent fallers depressed?,2007,55,12,2097-2099,Somadder Lower extremity motor performance and body mass index in elderly people: the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging,2007,55,12,2023-2029,Maggi Sleep problems in elderly women caregivers depend on the level of depressive symptoms: results of the Caregiver--Study of Osteoporotic Fractures,2007,55,12,2003-2009,Cauley Psychometric properties of the activities-specific balance confidence scale and the survey of activities and fear of falling in older women,2008,56,2,328-333,Wyman Effect of Walking Distance on 8-Year Incident Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Men with and without Chronic Disease: The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study,2010,58,8,1447-1452,Abbott Driving Patterns of Older Adults: Results from the Second Injury Control and Risk Survey,2010,58,10,1931-1935,Lowenstein Reporting mistreatment of older adults: the role of physicians,1996,44,1,65-70,Rosenblatt Physical activity and older people: a walk a day keeps the doctor away,1996,44,2,207-208,Ettinger A walking program for nursing home residents: effects on walk endurance physical activity mobility and quality of life,1996,44,2,175-180,Ouslander Falls leading to femoral neck fractures in lucid older people,1996,44,2,156-160,Gustafson Predictors of change in walking velocity in older adults,1996,44,2,126-132,Hughes Increased baseline sway contributes to increased losses of balance in older people following triazolam,1996,44,3,300-304,Shiavi A case of death by physical restraint: new lessons from a photograph,1996,44,3,291-292,Miles Causes of increasing mortality in a nursing home population,1996,44,3,258-264,Lurie Case control study of agricultural injuries to older farmers in central Wisconsin,1996,44,4,475-476,Nordstrom Grandfather's gun: When should we intervene?,1996,44,4,467-469,Green Get up and move: a call to action for older men and women,1996,44,5,599-600,Blair Balance and strength training in older adults: intervention gains and Tai Chi maintenance,1996,44,5,498-506,Schmidt Reducing frailty and falls in older persons: an investigation of Tai Chi and computerized balance training. Atlanta FICSIT Group. Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques,1996,44,5,489-497,Wolf Sexual abuse by grandparents: two clinical cases,1996,44,6,741,Gonzalez Physical restraint use and falls in nursing home residents,1996,44,6,627-633,Capezuti Suicide in two patients with Alzheimer's disease,1995,43,2,187-189,Raskind Minimal trauma fractures in older nursing home residents: the interaction of functional status trauma and site of fracture,1995,43,2,156-159,Goodwin Drinking in the elderly,1993,41,4,464,Trabucchi Dementia with a seasonal onset secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning,1997,45,10,1281-1282,Vaitkevicius The relationship between gait changes and falls,1997,45,11,1406,Hausdorff Factors predicting fractures during falling impacts among home-dwelling older adults,1997,45,11,1302-1309,Luukinen GeriaSims: Falls Module,2008,56,1,130-131,Ruiz Improving fall prevention programs using evidence-based practice,2010,58,6,1195,Pozos The Optimum Follow-Up Period for Assessing Mortality Outcomes in Injured Older Adults,2010,58,10,1843-1849,Mullins Indoor and Outdoor Falls in Older Adults Are Different: The Maintenance of Balance Independent Living Intellect and Zest in the Elderly of Boston Study,2010,58,11,2135-2141,Lipsitz Foot Pain Plantar Pressures and Falls in Older People: A Prospective Study,2010,58,10,1936-1940,Lord The Modified Total Body Rotation Test: A Rapid Reliable Assessment of Physical Function in Older Adults,2010,58,10,1965-1969,Ouslander Trail-Walking Exercise and Fall Risk Factors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial,2010,58,10,1946-1951,Nagai Sexual Aggression Between Residents in Nursing Homes: Literature Synthesis of an Underrecognized Problem,2010,58,10,1970-1979,Lachs Does fall-related self-efficacy in hip-protector users affect quality of life and physical activity in nursing homes in Japan?,2010,58,9,1810-1812,Harada Effect of fall prevention on incidence of femoral fractures: a commentary,2010,58,9,1809; author reply 1809-10,Lucero Fear of falling after hip fracture: a systematic review of measurement instruments prevalence interventions and related factors,2010,58,9,1739-1748,van Balen A multifactorial approach to understanding fall risk in older people,2010,58,9,1679-1685,Lord Risk of injury associated with opioid use in older adults,2010,58,9,1664-1670,Huang Late-life mortality in older Jews exposed to the Nazi regime,2007,55,9,1380-1386,Ayalon Sleep disturbances and adverse driving events in a predominantly male cohort of active older drivers,2010,58,10,1878-1884,Marottoli Hearing impairment affects older people's ability to drive in the presence of distracters,2010,58,6,1097-1103,Wood Fall risk pilot study in a Department of Veterans Affairs primary care clinic,2007,55,8,1304-1305,Powers The middle of the road: results from the aging semantic differential with four cohorts of medical students,2007,55,8,1275-1280,Eleazer Frailty in older men: prevalence progression and relationship with mortality,2007,55,8,1216-1223,Barrett-Connor Change in arm position during one-leg balance test: a predictor of recurrent falls in community-dwelling older adults,2010,58,8,1598-1600,Beauchet Psychotropic medications and motor vehicle collisions in patients with dementia,2008,56,10,1968-1970,Juurlink Older drivers in Australia: trends in driving status and cognitive and visual impairment,2009,57,10,1868-1873,Anstey Awareness of functional difficulties in mild cognitive impairment: a multidomain assessment approach,2009,57,6,978-984,Ball Identifying older people at risk of abuse during routine screening practices,2003,51,1,24-31,Shugarman Driving competence: it's not a matter of age,2003,51,10,1499-1501,Owsley Vision and driving self-restriction in older adults,2003,51,10,1348-1355,Gildengorin Developing and Evaluating Complex Healthcare Interventions in Geriatrics: The Use of the Medical Research Council Framework Exemplified on a Complex Fall Prevention Intervention,2010,58,11,2212-2221,Reelick Driving simulation performance predicts future accidents among older drivers,1999,47,3,381-382,Taylor The driving habits of adults aged 60 years and older,1999,47,3,335-341,Rebok Reliability and validity of the visual analogue scale for fear of falling in older persons,2010,58,11,2228-2230,Scheffer Pain and self-injury ideation in elderly men and women receiving home care,2010,58,11,2160-2165,Conwell Cognitive training decreases motor vehicle collision involvement of older drivers,2010,58,11,2107-2113,McGwin Alzheimer's disease and driving: prediction and assessment of driving performance,1997,45,8,949-953,Fox Driving performance in older in-patients,1997,45,6,781-782,Püllen Driving cessation and increased depressive symptoms: prospective evidence from the New Haven EPESE. Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly,1997,45,2,202-206,Marottoli Compensatory driving strategy of older people may increase driving risk,1998,46,10,1325-1326,Cox Compensatory driving strategy of older people may increase driving risk,1998,46,8,1058-1059,Cox Development of a test battery to identify older drivers at risk for self-reported adverse driving events,1998,46,5,562-568,Marottoli A preliminary assessment of the medical and functional factors associated with vehicle crashes by older adults,1998,46,5,556-561,Owsley Should Alzheimer's disease patients be allowed to drive? A medical legal and ethical dilemna,1996,44,7,876-877,Freedman The "co-pilot" driver syndrome,1996,44,7,815-817,Shua-Haim Fairhill guidelines on ethics of the care of people with Alzheimer's disease: a clinical summary. Center for Biomedical Ethics Case Western Reserve University and the Alzheimer's Association,1995,43,12,1423-1429,Post Alcohol Use Trajectories in Two Cohorts of U.S. Women Aged 50 to 65 at Baseline,2010,58,12,2375-2380,Herting Correlates of Alcohol-Related Discussions Between Older Adults and Their Physicians,2010,58,12,2369-2374,Ettner Depressive Symptoms Chronic Diseases and Physical Disabilities as Predictors of Cognitive Functioning Trajectories in Older Americans,2010,58,12,2350-2357,Karlamangla A sampling of attitudes toward aging,1969,17,5,488-492,Zampella The aged offender: a review of the literature and two current studies from the New York State Division of Parole,1969,17,11,1064-1073,Hays A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Multifactorial Falls Prevention Intervention for Older Fallers Presenting to Emergency Departments,2010,58,12,2265-2274,Day Dual-task walk is a reliable predictor of falls in robust elderly adults,2011,59,1,163-164,Yamada Summary of the updated American Geriatrics Society / British Geriatrics Society clinical practice guideline for prevention of falls in older persons,2011,59,1,148-157, Influence of zolpidem and sleep inertia on balance and cognition during nighttime awakening: a randomized placebo-controlled trial,2011,59,1,73-81,Wright Environmental assessment and modification to prevent falls in older people,2011,59,1,26-33,Pighills Treatment of elderly and other adult patients for depression in primary care,2003,51,11,1554-1562,Fischer Advance directive completion rates and end-of-life preferences in Hawaii,2001,49,12,1708-1713,Braun Neighborhood Deprivation Individual Socioeconomic Status and Frailty in Older Adults,2009,57,10,1776-1780,Melzer Sleep–Wake Disturbances and Frailty in Community‐Living Older Persons,2009,57,11,2094-2100,Gill Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors in Patients with Vascular Dementia: Possible Response to Finasteride,2009,57,11,2161-2162,Na Isaac's Sign: Handkerchief Holding by Older Inpatients,2009,57,11,2171-2172,Mulley Assessing Quitter Effects: Disaggregating Current Nondrinkers,2009,57,11,2174-2175,Giesbrecht Hearing Acuity as a Predictor of Walking Difficulties in Older Women,2009,57,12,2282-2286,Kaprio Improving balance in community‐dwelling older people through a targeted mediolateral postural stability program,2009,57,12,2380-2382,Waddell Persistence of Traumatic Memories in World War II Prisoners of War,2009,57,12,2257-2262,Weaver The Persistence of Traumatic Memories in World War II Prisoners of War,2009,57,12,2346-2347,Rosen Treatment of Late‐Life Depression Alleviates Caregiver Burden,2010,58,1,23-29,Reynolds Personal Mastery and Lower Body Mobility in Community‐Dwelling Older Persons: The Invecchiare in Chianti Study,2010,58,1,98-103,Guralnik Parkinsonian signs and incident falls in older persons without parkinson's disease,2010,58,1,205-206,Bennett Comparing indexes of frailty: the cardiovascular health study and the study of osteoporotic fractures,2010,58,2,383-385,Filho Oral vitamin d replacement after hip fracture: a comparative review,2010,58,2,382-383,Cameron Cocaine abuse in older adults: an underscreened cohort,2010,58,2,391-392,Chait High incidence of hip fracture in spanish centenarians,2010,58,2,403-405,Banegas Homocysteine and Mobility in Older Adults,2010,58,3,545-550,Holtzer Increasing number of unintentional falls indicates urgent need for fall prevention programs,2010,58,3,603-604,Hanmer Prevention of Hip Fractures in Long‐Term Care: Relevance of Community‐Derived Data,2010,58,4,738-745,Gutmanis Misleading Findings on Cognitive Status Stereotype Older Drivers,2010,58,4,797-798,Meuser Comments on article on older drivers in Australia,2010,58,6,1213,O'neill Revision of a home safety assessment curriculum improves medical student reporting of safety problems,2010,58,7,1398-1399,Mintzer Hospitalization in Community‐Dwelling Persons with Alzheimer's Disease: Frequency and Causes,2010,58,8,1542-1548,Jones Greater Prevalence and Incidence of Dementia in Older Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,2010,58,9,1627-1633,Pyne Smoothing seams for safety,2010,58,8,1615-1616,Wang The era of aging children and elderly parents: something new in emotional epidemiology,2010,58,8,1622,Marengoni Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Indicators of Physical Health Status: Do They Still Exist Throughout Late Life?,2010,58,10,2009-2015,August Response to the big picture,2010,58,9,1806,Hayes Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dementia: A Lifelong Cost of War?,2010,58,9,1797-1798,Borson A Novel Emergency Medical Services–Based Program to Identify and Assist Older Adults in a Rural Community,2010,58,11,2205-2211,Shah Lower Frailty Incidence in Older Mexican Americans than in Older European Americans: The San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging,2010,58,11,2142-2148,Jung The Vulnerability of Middle‐Aged and Older Adults in a Multiethnic Low‐Income Area: Contributions of Age Ethnicity and Health Insurance,2010,58,12,2416-2422,Morales Circulating 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Frailty in Older Men: The Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study,2011,59,1,101-106,Cawthon Response letter to Drs. O'Callaghan and O'Neill Comments on article on older drivers in Australia,2010,58,6,1213-1214,Anstey Baseline and Follow‐Up Characteristics of Participants and Nonparticipants in a Randomized Clinical Trial of Multifactorial Fall Prevention in Denmark,2009,57,10,1844-1849,Vind Older People Contact More Obstacles When Wearing Multifocal Glasses and Performing a Secondary Visual Task,2009,57,10,1833-1838,Lord Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Disturbances in Community‐Dwelling Older Men,2008,56,7,1228-1235,Ensrud Community‐dwelling elderly fallers in japan are older more disabled and more depressed than nonfallers,2008,56,8,1570-1571,Otsuka Reliability of the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility in Frail Older Adults,2008,56,7,1213-1217,Andrew Multifactorial Fall‐Prevention Strategies: Time to Retreat or Advance,2008,56,8,1563-1565,Tinetti At the Tipping Point: Predicting Severe Mobility Difficulty in Vulnerable Older Women,2008,56,8,1417-1423,Simonsick We Have Much More to Learn About the Relationships Between Napping and Health in Older Adults,2008,56,9,1753-1755,Vitiello Frailty in Older Mexican‐American and European‐American Adults: Is There an Ethnic Disparity?,2008,56,9,1744-1749,Espinoza Association Between Sleep and Physical Function in Older Men: The Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Sleep Study,2008,56,9,1665-1673,Ensrud Seniors' perceptions of using hip protectors to reduce fracture risk,2008,56,9,1773-1774,Stevens "older" or "elderly"—are medical journals sensitive to the wishes of older people?,2008,56,10,1983-1984,O'neill Subsequent Fracture in Nursing Home Residents with a Hip Fracture: A Competing Risks Approach,2008,56,10,1887-1892,Kiel Relationship Between Frailty and Cognitive Decline in Older Mexican Americans,2008,56,10,1845-1852,Al Snih Does impaired cerebellar function contribute to risk of falls in seniors? A pilot study using functional magnetic resonance imaging,2008,56,11,2153-2155,Liu‐Ambrose Sex differences in the prevalence of frailty in a population aged 75 and older in spain,2008,56,12,2370-2371,Beland Preliminary Evidence for Subdimensions of Geriatric Frailty: The MacArthur Study of Successful Aging,2008,56,12,2292-2297,Sarkisian The Aggressive Behavior Scale: A New Scale to Measure Aggression Based on the Minimum Data Set,2008,56,12,2298-2303,Hirdes Role of Early Symptoms in Assessment of Syncope in Elderly People: Results from the Italian Group for the Study of Syncope in the Elderly,2009,57,1,18-23,Mussi Osteoporosis Risk in Frail Older Adults in Assisted Living,2009,57,1,76-81,Kenny Using the Osteoporosis Self‐Assessment Tool for Referring Older Men for Bone Densitometry: A Decision Analysis,2009,57,2,218-224,Charlson Homicides of frail older persons by their caregivers in japan,2009,57,1,173-174,Ohrui Vitamin d supplement intake in elderly fallers,2009,57,1,176-177,Kiehn Can cognitive enhancers reduce the risk of falls in people with dementia? An open‐label study with controls,2009,57,2,359-360,Wells A Comparison of Frailty Indexes for the Prediction of Falls Disability Fractures and Mortality in Older Men,2009,57,3,492-498,Cawthon Functional Limitations Socioeconomic Status and All‐Cause Mortality in Moderate Alcohol Drinkers,2009,57,6,955-962,Lindquist Loop Diuretic Use and Rates of Hip Bone Loss and Risk of Falls and Fractures in Older Women,2009,57,5,855-862,Blackwell Monitoring falls in cohort studies of community‐dwelling older women,2009,57,4,733-734,Sanders Prevalence and Risk Factors of Suspected Elder Abuse Subtypes in People Aged 75 and Older,2009,57,5,815-822,Garre‐Olmo The role of reinvestment in walking and falling in community‐dwelling older adults,2009,57,5,920-922,Abernethy An Outpatient Multifactorial Falls Prevention Intervention Does Not Reduce Falls in High‐Risk Elderly Danes,2009,57,6,971-977,Vind A Comment on the Debate Surrounding Single‐ and Multifactorial Falls Prevention Interventions,2009,57,9,1708-1709,Haines Intoxication with Trazodone Caused by Dirty Facsimile Machine,2009,57,9,1718-1719,Beijnen Mortality Risk Associated with Physical and Verbal Abuse in Women Aged 50 to 79,2009,57,10,1799-1809,Lacroix Visual Field Loss and Risk of Fractures in Older Women,2009,57,10,1825-1832,Gutierrez Age‐Based Testing for Driver's License Renewal: Potential Implications for Older Australians,2011,59,2,281-285,Browning An Educational Intervention for Providers to Promote Bone Health in High‐Risk Older Patients,2011,59,2,291-296,Lipsitz Evaluation of the Falls Telephone: An Automated System for Enduring Assessment of Falls,2011,59,2,340-344,Bloem Effects of a Month‐Long Napping Regimen in Older Individuals,2011,59,2,224-232,Campbell Volunteering Driving Status and Mortality in U.S. Retirees,2011,59,2,274-280,Steinman The fall telephone for falls assessment in frail older persons; feasibility reliability and validity,2011,59,2,372-373,Reelick Can improved obstacle avoidance performance explain the effectiveness of a multimodal falls prevention program for persons with osteoporosis?,2011,59,2,368-369,Weerdesteyn Falls fallacies and hypertension,1995,43,10,1169,Vogt Falls in community-dwelling older persons,1995,43,10,1146-1154,Tinetti Falls among older people: relationship to medication use and orthostatic hypotension,1995,43,10,1141-1145,Maki Silent suffering: a case study of elder abuse and neglect,1995,43,11,1303-1308,Conlin Increased fall rates in nursing home residents after relocation to a new facility,1995,43,11,1237-1242,Friedman Risk factors for serious injury during falls by older persons in the community,1995,43,11,1214-1221,Tinetti The contribution of predisposing and situational risk factors to serious fall injuries,1995,43,11,1207-1213,Tinetti The effect of a 12-month exercise trial on balance strength and falls in older women: a randomized controlled trial,1995,43,11,1198-1206,Williams Falls Handicap Inventory (FHI)--an instrument to measure handicaps associated with repeated falls,1995,43,6,723-724,Rai Posturography and balance problems in older people,1995,43,6,638-644,Baloh Injury prevention in Alzheimer's disease patients: true possibility or pipe-dream?,1995,43,7,831-833,Silliman Weight gain impacts morbidity and mortality in institutionalized older persons,1995,43,2,165-169,Keller Muscle strength and fall rates among residents of Japanese and American nursing homes: an International Cross-Cultural Study,1994,42,9,953-959,Nakajima Physiological factors associated with falls in older community-dwelling women,1994,42,10,1110-1117,Williams Predicting falls: the role of mobility and nonphysical factors,1994,42,3,297-302,Studenski Age 60 rule for retirement of airline pilots,1994,42,6,688,Stuck The crash of an 83-year-old civilian pilot in upstate New York,1994,42,6,670-671,Taff Flight simulator performance of younger and older aircraft pilots: effects of age and alcohol,1994,42,6,577-582,Taylor Fall frequency and characteristics and the risk of hip fractures,1994,42,7,774-778,Klineberg Older adults' perceptions of their health and functioning in relation to sleep disturbance falling and urinary incontinence.FICSIT Group,1994,42,7,757-762,Ory The epidemiology of adverse and unexpected events in the long-term care setting,1994,42,1,33-38,Gurwitz Altered cognitive functions in a population of elderly people hospitalized for fall-related fractures,1994,42,12,1305,Jabourian Type of fall and risk of hip and wrist fractures: the study of osteoporotic fractures,1994,42,8,909,Nevitt Comparison of static and dynamic posturography in young and older normal people,1994,42,4,405-412,Baloh Falls Incidence Risk Factors and Consequences in Chinese Older People: A Systematic Review,2011,59,3,536-543,Lord External hip protectors,1997,45,9,1158,Cameron Circumstances of falls resulting in hip fractures among older people,1997,45,9,1108-1112,Norton Psychotic symptoms and physically aggressive behavior in Alzheimer's disease,1997,45,9,1074-1079,Wilson Association of postprandial hypotension with incidence of falls syncope coronary events stroke and total mortality at 29-month follow-up in 499 older nursing home residents,1997,45,9,1051-1053,Aronow Deaths caused by bedrails,1997,45,7,797-802,Parker Physical restraint: not fit for woman man or beast,1997,45,6,773-775,Williams One-leg balance is an important predictor of injurious falls in older persons,1997,45,6,735-738,Rubenstein Correlates of kyphosis in older women. The Fracture Intervention Trial Research Group,1997,45,6,682-687,Harris Do we understand the true cost of hip fractures?,1997,45,3,382-383,Cooney Gait changes in older adults: predictors of falls or indicators of fear,1997,45,3,313-320,Maki The economic cost of hip fractures in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective study,1997,45,3,281-287,Magaziner Sexual violence post-traumatic stress disorder and dementia,1997,45,1,76-78,McCartney The effects of strength conditioning on older women's ability to perform daily tasks,1995,43,7,756-760,Roth Epidemiology of injury in people with Alzheimer's disease,1995,43,7,741-746,Wilson Alcohol abuse in elderly emergency department patients,1992,40,12,1236-1240,Magruder-Habib A case-control study of severe physical abuse of older adults,2011,59,3,417-422,Joseph The Effect of Sentinel Injury on Medicare Expenditures over Time,2011,59,3,406-416,Carter Hypertension orthostatic hypotension and the risk of falls in a community-dwelling elderly population: the maintenance of balance independent living intellect and zest in the elderly of Boston study,2011,59,3,383-389,Lipsitz Fracture risk in patients with Alzheimer's disease,1994,42,6,614-619,O'Fallon Development of a physical performance and mobility examination,1994,42,7,743-749,Nevitt Unmet activity of daily living needs: elder mistreatment and ethics in geriatric research,2006,54,10,1622-1623,Liao Interventions from home-based geriatric assessments of adult protective service clients suffering elder mistreatment,2005,53,9,1538-1542,Heath Elder abuse in the community: prevalence and consequences,1998,46,7,885-888,Bouter Is Timed Up and Go Better Than Gait Speed in Predicting Health Function and Falls in Older Adults?,2011,59,5,887-892,Studenski Sleep Optimizes Motor Skill in Older Adults,2011,59,4,603-609,Stickgold Prevalence and risk factors of suspected elder abuse subtypes in people aged 75 and older,2009,57,5,815-822,Garre-Olmo Bruising as a marker of physical elder 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Data from the Healthy Living as You Age Study,2013,61,8,1296-1302,Moore Intervention to prevent falls in elderly adults living in a residential home,2013,61,8,1426-1427,Toppila Low-intensity whole-body vibration training to reduce fall risk in active elderly residents of a retirement village,2013,61,8,1424-1426,Metcalf Multitarget Stepping Program in Combination with a Standardized Multicomponent Exercise Program Can Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2013,61,10,1669-1675,Yamada Health services use of older veterans treated and released from Veterans Affairs Medical Center emergency departments,2013,61,9,1515-1521,Hastings Preventing trip-related falls by community-dwelling adults: A prospective study,2013,61,9,1629-1631,Grabiner Effects of medication reviews performed by a physician on treatment with fracture-preventing and fall-risk-increasing drugs in older adults with hip fracture-a randomized controlled study,2013,61,9,1464-1472,Sjöberg Association between treatment or usual care region and hospitalization for fall-related traumatic brain injury in the Connecticut Collaboration for Fall Prevention,2013,61,10,1763-1767,Allore Severe behavioral health manifestations in nursing homes: associations with service availability?,2020,68,11,2643-2649,Simning Implementing an evidence-based fall prevention program in an outpatient clinical setting,2013,61,12,2142-2149,Harmer Long-stay nursing facility resident transfers: who gets admitted to the hospital?,2020,68,9,2082-2089,Stump Vitamin D and Physical Performance in Older Men and Women Visiting the Emergency Department Because of a Fall: Data from the Improving Medication Prescribing to reduce Risk Of FALLs (IMPROveFALL) Study,2013,61,11,1948-1952,van Beeck Mild hyponatremia is associated with impaired cognition and falls in community-dwelling older persons,2013,61,10,1838-1839,Schofield Ambulatory assisted living fallers at greatest risk for head injury,2013,61,10,1817-1819,Ratcliffe Cumulative incidence of functional decline after minor injuries in previously independent older Canadian individuals in the emergency department,2013,61,10,1661-1668,Emond Frequent falling and motor vehicle collision involvement of older drivers,2014,62,1,123-129,McGwin CONNECT for better fall prevention in nursing homes: Results from a pilot intervention study,2013,61,12,2150-2159,McConnell Longitudinal Associations Between Walking Frequency and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults: Results from the VoisiNuAge Study,2013,61,12,2072-2078,Gauvin Use of international classification of diseases ninth revision clinical modification codes to identify inpatient fall-related injuries,2013,61,12,2186-2191,Shorr Recommendations abstracted from the American Geriatrics Society Consensus Statement on Vitamin D for Prevention of Falls and Their Consequences,2014,62,1,147-152, Sleep disturbances and risk of falls in older community-dwelling men: the Outcomes of Sleep Disorders in Older Men (MrOS Sleep) Study,2014,62,2,299-305,Marshall Predicting on-road assessment pass and fail outcomes in older drivers with cognitive impairment using a battery of computerized sensory-motor and cognitive tests,2013,61,12,2192-2198,Jones Circumstances and contributing causes of fall deaths among persons aged 65 and older: United States 2010,2014,62,3,470-475,Stevens A collaborative national model to assess competencies for medical students residents and other healthcare practitioners in gait and falls risk evaluation,2014,62,6,1155-1160,Atkinson Association between performance on timed up and go subtasks and mild cognitive impairment: further insights into the links between cognitive and motor function,2014,62,4,673-678,Bennett Age differences in the severity and outcome of burns,1980,28,3,118-123,Linn Life-space mobility declines associated with incident falls and fractures,2014,62,5,919-923,Sawyer Effectiveness of an evidence-based multidisciplinary falls prevention program in reducing falls in high-risk older people,2014,62,4,778-779,Formosa Burns in older patients,1981,29,2,74-76,Slater The timed "Up & Go": a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons,1991,39,2,142-148,Richardson Firearms and cognitive impairment: a looming danger,2013,61,Suppl,S77-S77,Patel Emergency department and outpatient treatment of acute injuries in older adults in the United States: 2009-2010,2014,62,7,1317-1323,Betz "Is there a gun in the home?" Assessing the risks of gun ownership in older adults,2014,62,6,1142-1146,Pinholt Effect of repeated application of low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on gait speed in older adults with a history of falls,2014,62,6,1185-1186,Giusti Demographic characteristics of elderly drug overdose patients admitted to a hospital emergency department,1980,28,12,544-546,Hughes Contribution of noncommunicable diseases to medical admissions of elderly adults in africa: a prospective cross-sectional study in Nigeria Sudan and Tanzania,2014,62,8,1460-1466,Walker The Mini-Mental State Examination clinical factors and motor vehicle crash risk,2014,62,8,1419-1426,Yusuf Recruitment of older drivers from primary care clinics for on-road fitness-to-drive testing: results of a pilot study,2014,62,7,1388-1390,Lowenstein Movement velocity is a sensitive risk factor of falls in high-functioning older adults,2014,62,8,1595-1596,Iwata Functional benefits of tai chi training in senior housing facilities,2014,62,8,1484-1489,Lipsitz Effect of Part Dcoverage restrictions for antidepressants antipsychotics and cholinesterase inhibitors on related nursing home resident outcomes,2014,62,9,1666-1674,O'Malley The interaction of age performance and hypnotics in the sleep of insomniacs,1981,29,11,508-512,Bonnet Analysis of the 1980 heat wave in Memphis,1981,29,8,337-342,Williams Physician sex is a predictor of reporting drivers with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia to transportation authorities,2014,62,1,201-203,Herrmann Association between anthropometric factors and falls in community-dwelling older adults during a simulated slip while walking,2014,62,9,1808-1810,Pai High prevalence of falls fear of falling and impaired balance in older adults with pain in the United States: findings from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study,2014,62,10,1844-1852,Lamb Hypoxia during sleep and the risk of falls and fractures in older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Sleep Study,2014,62,10,1853-1859,Cauley Type 2 respiratory failure and falls in elderly adults: beware of the thyroid!,2014,62,10,2026-2027,Vargas Who is at Risk of Recurrent Falls in "The Adventures of Tintin"? (Tome I),2014,62,10,1986-1987,Beauchet Improving vitamin D levels in hospitalized individuals at risk of falls,2014,62,10,1984-1986,Rowland Using the memory impairment screen over the telephone to determine fall risk in community-dwelling older adults,2014,62,10,1983-1984,Albert Carbon monoxide and man's best friend,1989,37,7,665-666,Cath The value of age and severity as predictors of costs in geriatric head trauma patients,1989,37,7,625-630,Saywell Tying down the elderly. A review of the literature on physical restraint,1989,37,1,65-74,Strumpf Is cognitive function a concern in independent elderly adults discharged home from the emergency department in Canada after a minor injury?,2014,62,11,2130-2135,Emond Automobile driving in older adults: factors affecting driving restriction in men and women,2014,62,11,2071-2078,Laumon Effect of fall-related concerns on physical mental and social function in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study,2014,62,12,2333-2338,Rixt Zijlstra Implementation and assessment of a fall screening program in primary care practices,2014,62,12,2408-2414,Landis Health outcomes associated with polypharmacy in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review,2014,62,12,2261-2272,Fried Self-reported walking difficulty predicts late-life mortality in Finnish war veterans: results from the Veteran 1992 Project survey,2014,63,1,118-123,Laatikainen The Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale for older adults: development and validation,2014,63,1,130-135,Newman The need for uniform quality reporting across post-acute care rehabilitation settings: an examination of accidental falls,2015,63,1,195-197,Chan Cessation of driving is rare in older drivers seen in the emergency department after a motor vehicle collision: a prospective cohort study,2015,63,1,183-185,Betz Effects of tai chi ball on balance and physical function in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus,2015,63,1,176-177,Xiao Comparative study of four physical performance measures as predictors of death incident disability and falls in unselected older persons: the Insufficienza Cardiaca negli Anziani Residenti a Dicomano Study,2015,63,1,136-141,Marchionni Comparison of anticholinergic risk scales and associations with adverse health outcomes in older people,2015,63,1,85-90,Hilmer Effect of a falls quality improvement program on serious fall-related injuries,2015,63,1,63-70,Ganz Testing the initial efficacy of a mailed screening and brief feedback intervention to reduce at-risk drinking in middle-aged and older adults: the Comorbidity Alcohol Risk Evaluation Study,2015,63,2,321-326,Moore Characteristics and effectiveness of fall prevention programs in nursing homes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2015,63,2,211-221,Milisen Ethnic differences in rates and causes of falls in an urban community-dwelling older population in South Africa,2015,63,2,403-404,Kalula Comparison of effects of resistance and multicomponent training on falls prevention in institutionalized elderly women,2015,63,2,396-397,Sousa Functional performance as a predictor of injurious falls in older adults,2015,63,2,315-320,Jette Risk of major morbidity and death in older adults with suicidal intent: a cross-sectional analysis from the National Poison Data System 2000-2009,2015,63,3,501-507,Cobaugh The role of intervening illnesses and injuries in prolonging the disabling process,2015,63,3,447-452,Allore Reliability and validity of the Persian version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International,2015,63,3,596-598,Hassankhani Examining the effect of the relationship between falls and mild cognitive impairment on mobility and executive functions in community-dwelling older adults,2015,63,3,590-593,Liu-Ambrose Managing older adults with ground-level falls admitted to a trauma service: the effect of frailty,2015,63,4,745-749,Rhee Body of water involved in older adult drowning deaths in the United States,2015,63,4,813-815,Lu Validity of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in the prediction of driving test outcome,2015,63,5,988-992,Kapust Nature and extent of external-cause deaths of nursing home residents in Victoria Australia,2015,63,5,954-962,Bugeja Mobility device use in older adults and incidence of falls and worry about falling: findings from the 2011-2012 National Health and Aging Trends Study,2015,63,5,853-859,Lacroix An independent association between urinary incontinence and falls in chronic benzodiazepine users,2015,63,5,1035-1037,Tannenbaum Decline in activities of daily living after a visit to a Canadian emergency department for minor injuries in independent older adults: are frail older adults with cognitive impairment at greater risk?,2015,63,5,860-868,Emond Risk of injury in older adults using gastrointestinal antispasmodic and anticholinergic medications,2015,63,6,1197-1202,Spence Assessing upper extremity motion: an innovative method to identify frailty,2015,63,6,1181-1186,Najafi Decline in fast gait speed as a predictor of disability in older adults,2015,63,6,1129-1136,Elbaz Longitudinal analysis of physical performance functional status physical activity and mood in relation to executive function in older adults who fall,2015,63,6,1112-1120,Liu-Ambrose Effects of a multimodal exercise program on physical function falls and injuries in older women: a 2-year community-based randomized controlled trial,2015,63,7,1306-1313,Kannus Preinjury Physical Function and Frailty in Injured Older Adults: Self- Versus Proxy Responses,2015,63,7,1443-1447,Dietrich Driving errors in persons with dementia,2015,63,7,1373-1380,Carr Do centenarians have higher levels of depression? Findings from the Georgia Centenarian Study,2012,60,2,238-242,Martin Use of medications with anticholinergic activity and self-reported injurious falls in older community-dwelling adults,2015,63,8,1561-1569,Kenny Relationship between physical frailty and low-grade inflammation in late-life depression,2015,63,8,1652-1657,Comijs Increasing trend of fatal falls in older adults in the United States 1992 to 2005: coding practice or reporting quality?,2015,63,9,1913-1917,Mielenz Poor balance as a noncognitive predictor of incident dementia,2015,63,8,1701-1702,Chiu Meta-analysis of multifactorial interventions to prevent falls of older adults in care facilities,2015,63,9,1972-1973,Cherubini The promise of smartphone fall detection solutions for falls in older adults,2015,63,9,1969-1970,Poku Mortality and readmission after cervical fracture from a fall in older adults: comparison with hip fracture using national medicare data,2015,63,10,2036-2042,Harris Adapted tango improves mobility motor-cognitive function and gait but not cognition in older adults in independent living,2015,63,10,2105-2113,Hackney Acupuncture for gait disturbance in Parkinson's disease: immediate effects of acupuncture treatment,2015,63,10,2189-2190,Kuriyama Clinical utility of the trail-making tests as a predictor of driving performance in older adults,2015,63,11,2358-2364,Carr Predicting on-road driving performance and safety in cognitively impaired older adults,2015,63,11,2365-2369,Scialfa No direct survival effect of light to moderate alcohol drinking in community-dwelling older adults,2015,63,12,2526-2533,Pandolfi Real-world accuracy and use of a wearable fall detection device by older adults,2015,63,11,2415-2416,Demiris Evaluation of an automated falls detection device in nursing home residents,2016,64,2,365-368,Lipsitz Driving cessation and health outcomes in older adults,2016,64,2,332-341,Jones More-detailed description of fatal falls would lead to significant decrease in mortality,2016,64,1,244,Bloch Characteristics of older people who fall cannot get up and call emergency services for help,2016,64,1,217-218,Lewin Characteristics of United States emergency department visits for traumatic amputations in the elderly adult from 2010 to 2013,2016,64,1,181-185,Pitts Falls and parkinson's disease: evidence from video recordings of actual fall events,2016,64,1,96-101,Laing Effects of a high-intensity functional exercise program on dependence in activities of daily living and balance in older adults with dementia,2016,64,1,55-64,Lundin-Olsson Comorbidity in drivers with Parkinson's disease,2016,64,2,342-346,Akinwuntan Exercise and fall prevention: narrowing the research-to-practice gap and enhancing integration of clinical and community practice,2016,64,2,425-431,Harmer Effect of multimodal exercise program on physical function falls and injuries in older women,2016,64,2,458,Ulger Gait cost of using a mobility aid in older adults with Alzheimer's disease,2016,64,2,437-438,Montero-Odasso Influence of barefoot minimalist and standard footwear conditions on gait and balance in healthy older adults,2016,64,2,435-437,Zech Health problems precede traumatic brain injury in older adults,2016,64,4,844-848,Larson Older adult openness to physician questioning about firearms,2015,63,10,2214-2215,Betz Managing Agitation and Aggression in Congregate Living Settings: Efficacy and Implementation Challenges,2016,64,3,489-491,Schnelle Care-delivery interventions to manage agitation and aggression in dementia nursing home and assisted living residents: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,64,3,477-488,Fink Hearing impairment and physical function and falls in the atherosclerosis risk in communities hearing pilot study,2016,64,4,906-908,Pompeii Falls in elderly adults-an analysis of injuries and sociodemographic conditions,2016,64,4,891-893,Pinheiro Head trauma from falling increases subsequent emergency department visits more than other fall-related injuries in older adults,2016,64,4,870-874,Caterino Clinician effectiveness in assessing fitness to drive of medically at-risk older adults,2016,64,4,849-854,Carr Motor vehicle crashes and dementia: a population-based study,2016,64,5,1039-1045,Meuleners Depressive symptoms and orthostatic hypotension are risk factors for unexplained falls in community-living older people,2016,64,5,1073-1078,Lord Potentially unsafe activities and living conditions of older adults with dementia,2016,64,6,1223-1232,Roth Fatigued but not frail: perceived fatigability as a marker of impending decline in mobility-intact older adults,2016,64,6,1287-1292,Simonsick Comparison of frailty phenotypes for prediction of mortality incident falls and hip fracture in older women,2016,64,9,1858-1862,Lacroix Discussions about driving between older adults and primary care providers,2016,64,6,1318-1323,Betz Relationship between perceived risk of falling and adoption of precautions to reduce fall risk,2016,64,6,1313-1317,Casteel Prevalence and incidence of frailty in community-dwelling older people: Beijing Longitudinal Study of Aging II,2016,64,6,1281-1286,Zhao Opioid analgesics and the risk of fractures in older adults with arthritis,2011,59,3,430-438,Azrael Etiology of syncope and unexplained falls in elderly adults with dementia: Syncope and Dementia (SYD) Study,2016,64,8,1567-1573,Mussi An interprofessional approach to reducing the risk of falls through enhanced collaborative practice,2016,64,8,1701-1707,Eckstrom The abuse intervention model: a pragmatic approach to intervention for elder mistreatment,2016,64,9,1879-1883,Mosqueda Use and interpretation of propensity scores in aging research: a guide for clinical researchers,2016,64,10,2065-2073,Pieper Variation in the presence of simple home modifications of older Americans: findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study,2016,64,10,2081-2087,Dosa Evaluating exercise prescription and instructional methods used in tai chi studies aimed at improving balance in older adults: a systematic review,2016,64,10,2074-2080,Wu Screening for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in older adults in the emergency department,2016,64,10,e72-e77,Segal Hypertension treatment and concern about falling: baseline data from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial,2016,64,11,2302-2306,Wadley Home-based exercise supported by general practitioner practices: ineffective in a sample of chronically ill mobility-limited older adults (the HOMEfit randomized controlled trial),2016,64,11,2270-2279,Platen A novel approach to proactive primary care-based case finding and multidisciplinary management of falls syncope and dizziness in a one-stop service: preliminary results,2016,64,11,2368-2373,Hill Fall risk assessment predicts fall-related injury hip fracture and head injury in older adults,2016,64,11,2242-2250,Johansson Effect of geriatric-specific trauma triage criteria on outcomes in injured older adults: a statewide retrospective cohort study,2016,64,10,1944-1951,Shah Problem drinking and depression in older adults with multiple chronic health conditions,2016,65,1,146-152,Mowbray Narratives of self-neglect: patterns of traumatic personal experiences and maladaptive behaviors in cognitively intact older adults,2016,64,11,e195-e200,Lachs Comparison of a virtual older driver assessment with an on-road driving test,2016,64,12,e253-e258,Anstey Trends in hospitalization of older adults with traumatic brain injury,2016,64,10,e99-e100,Ohsfeldt Barriers to mental health care for an ethnically and racially diverse sample of older adults,2016,64,10,2138-2143,Sorkin Fear of falling in older Mexican Americans: a longitudinal study of incidence and predictive factors,2016,64,12,2560-2565,Al Snih Person-centered fall risk awareness perspectives: clinical correlates and fall risk,2016,64,12,2528-2532,Verghese An occupational therapy fall reduction home visit program for community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong after an emergency department visit for a fall,2016,65,2,364-372,Wong Neighborhood disadvantage and life-space mobility are associated with incident falls in community-dwelling older adults,2016,64,11,2218-2225,Sawyer Slow gait speed and risk of long-term nursing home residence in older women adjusting for competing risk of mortality: results from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures,2016,64,12,2522-2527,Ensrud Effects of tai chi on cognition and fall risk in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial,2016,65,4,721-727,Lord Spinal fractures in older adult patients admitted after low-level falls: 10-year incidence and outcomes,2016,65,5,909-915,Singer Effects of a safe transportation educational program for older drivers on driving exposure and community participation: a randomized controlled trial,2016,65,3,540-549,Boufous Driving cessation: what older former drivers tell us,2001,49,4,431-435,Dellinger Balance and mobility in community-dwelling older adults: effect of daytime sleepiness,2016,65,5,1019-1025,Brach Pathway from delirium to death: potential in-hospital mediators of excess mortality,2016,65,5,1026-1033,Jones A population-based study examining injury in older adults with and without dementia,2017,65,3,520-525,Meuleners Central nervous system medication burden and serious falls in older nursing home residents,2017,65,6,1183-1189,Hanlon Oral health and incident depressive symptoms: JAGES Project Longitudinal Study in Older Japanese,2017,65,5,1079-1084,Kondo Study of individualization and bias in nursing home fall prevention practices,2017,65,4,815-821,Burd Predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms and association with fear of falling after hip fracture,2017,65,6,1251-1257,Lenze Biology of falls: preliminary cohort study suggesting a possible role for oxidative stress,2017,65,6,1306-1309,Verghese Cognitive ability in late life and onset of physical frailty: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936,2017,65,6,1289-1295,Deary Falls and frailty in prostate cancer survivors: current past and never users of androgen deprivation therapy,2017,65,7,1414-1419,Dieckmann Implementing a pain self-management protocol in home care: a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial,2017,65,8,1667-1675,Reid Impaired orthostatic blood pressure recovery is associated with unexplained and injurious falls,2017,65,3,474-482,Finucane Orthostatic hypotension and falls,2017,65,3,470-471,Lipsitz Home- and community-based occupational therapy improves functioning in frail older people: a systematic review,2017,65,8,1863-1869,De Coninck Decreasing fall risk: intensive cognitive training and blood pressure control,2017,65,5,906-908,Wolfson Physical abuse of elderly adults: victim characteristics and determinants of revictimization,2017,65,7,1420-1426,Avila The physical and cognitive performance test for residents in assisted living facilities,2017,65,7,1543-1548,Bowen Systematic review of the prevalence of medication errors resulting in hospitalization and death of nursing home residents,2017,65,2,433-442,Ibrahim High-risk medications in hospitalized elderly adults: are we making it easy to do the wrong thing?,2017,65,3,603-607,Leipzig Effects of home-based tai chi and lower extremity training and self-practice on falls and functional outcomes in older fallers from the emergency department--a randomized controlled trial,2016,64,3,518-525,Hwang Fall-related hospitalizations in nursing home residents co-prescribed a cholinesterase inhibitor and beta-blocker,2020,68,11,2516-2524,Straus Opioids and other central nervous system-active polypharmacy in older adults in the United States,2017,65,9,2052-2056,Kales Using chief complaint in addition to diagnosis codes to identify falls in the emergency department,2017,65,9,E135-E140,Shah Polypharmacy and Gait Performance in Community-dwelling Older Adults,2017,65,9,2082-2087,Verghese Tai chi for risk of falls. A meta-analysis,2017,65,9,2037-2043,Lomas-Vega A pilot randomized controlled trial of the effects of chair yoga on pain and physical function among community-dwelling older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis,2017,65,3,592-597,Ouslander Disparities in treatment of older adults with suicide risk in the emergency department,2017,65,10,2272-2277,Segal Associations between falls and driving outcomes in older adults: systematic review and metaanalysis,2017,65,12,2596-2602,Li Prevalence and correlates of elder abuse in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro,2017,65,12,2634-2638,Andreoli The depressed patient: social antecedents of psychopathologic changes in the elderly,1981,29,1,14-18,Solomon Global sensory impairment predicts morbidity and mortality in older U.S. adults,2017,65,12,2587-2595,Dale The Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders Intervention: falls risk factor assessment and management patient engagement and nurse co-management,2017,65,12,2733-2739,Charpentier Can physical activity prevent falls in older adults with poor physical performance?,2017,65,11,2457-2458,Judge Reply to: Comment on tai chi for risk of falls. A meta-analysis,2017,65,12,2748-2749,Lomas-Vega Comment on tai chi for risk of falls. A meta-analysis,2017,65,12,2746-2748,Lord Deaths from resident-to-resident aggression in Australian nursing homes,2017,65,12,2603-2609,Bugeja Prospective validation of a screening tool to identify older adults in need of a driving evaluation,2018,66,2,357-363,Carr Falls in cognitively impaired older adults: implications for risk assessment and prevention,2018,66,2,367-375,Speechley Lumbopelvic pain and threats to walking ability in well-functioning older adults: findings from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,2018,66,4,714-720,Studenski Frailty versus Stopping Elderly Accidents Deaths and Injuries Initiative Fall Risk Score: ability to predict future falls,2018,66,3,577-583,Bruce 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36) versus gait speed as predictor of preclinical mobility disability in older women: the women's health initiative,2018,66,4,706-713,Stefanick Social causes of rational suicide in older adults,2018,66,5,853-855,Dzeng Rational suicide in elderly adults: a clinician's perspective,2018,66,5,998-1001,Balasubramaniam Using the Hendrich II inpatient fall risk screen to predict outpatient falls after emergency department visits,2018,66,4,760-765,Shah Medical costs of fatal and nonfatal falls in older adults,2018,66,4,693-698,Atherly Elder abuse and chronic pain: cross-sectional and longitudinal results from the Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect Initiative,2018,66,6,1165-1171,Othman Syncope hypotension and falls in the treatment of hypertension: results from the randomized clinical systolic blood pressure intervention trial,2018,66,4,679-686,Shorr Underreporting of fall injuries of older adults: implications for wellness visit fall risk screening,2018,66,6,1195-1200,Alexander Cognitive decline and older driver crash risk,2018,66,6,1075-1081,Ebel Frequent 911 fall calls in older adults: opportunity for injury prevention strategies,2018,66,9,1737-1743,Quatman Reply to rational suicide in older adults: not by default an ageist concept,2018,66,8,1648-1649,Dzeng Rational suicide in older adults: not an ageist concept by default,2018,66,8,1648,Hartmann Long-term weight trajectory and risk of hip fracture falls impaired physical function and death,2018,66,10,1972-1979,Cawthon Low-dose trazodone benzodiazepines and fall-related injuries in nursing homes: a matched-cohort study,2018,66,10,1963-1971,Herrmann The case for mobility assessment in hospitalized older adults: American Geriatrics Society white paper executive summary,2019,67,1,11-16,Wald Development and validation of a fall prevention knowledge test,2019,67,1,133-138,Lipsitz Rehabilitation services use of older adults according to fall-risk screening guidelines,2019,67,1,100-107,Patel Central nervous system medication burden and risk of recurrent serious falls and hip fractures in veterans affairs nursing home residents,2019,67,1,74-80,Shorr Relationship of neuropsychiatric symptoms with falls in Alzheimer's disease - does exercise modify the risk?,2018,66,12,2377-2381,Pitkälä Likelihood of sustaining an injury in the setting of multiple falls,2019,67,1,119-123,Gill Economic evaluations of falls prevention programs for older adults: a systematic review,2018,66,11,2197-2204,Polinder What is a falls risk factor? Factors associated with falls per time or per step in individuals with glaucoma,2019,67,1,87-92,West Association between sarcopenic obesity and falls in a multiethnic cohort of postmenopausal women,2018,66,12,2314-2320,Stefanick Prevalence of falls and fall-related outcomes in older adults with self-reported vision impairment,2019,67,2,239-245,Hassan Multimorbidity and mental health-related quality of life and risk of completed suicide,2019,67,3,511-519,Mukamal Risk of mortality in individuals with hip fracture and traumatic brain injury,2019,67,1,124-127,Magaziner Risk factors for injurious falls in older adults: the role of sex and length of follow-up,2019,67,2,246-253,Fratiglioni Protein intake and risk of falls: a prospective analysis in older adults,2019,67,2,329-335,Rodriguez-Artalejo Willingness to change medications linked to increased fall risk: a comparison between age groups,2019,67,3,527-533,Marcum Symptom burden among community-dwelling older adults in the United States,2019,67,2,223-231,Guralnik Hypertension treatment and control and risk of falls in older women,2019,67,4,726-733,Lacroix Reply to: The interplay between experiences of abuse physical activity and falls in older adults,2019,67,5,1097-1098,Campo-Arias The interplay between experiences of abuse physical activity and falls in older adults,2019,67,5,1097,Subedi Polypharmacy gait performance and falls in community-dwelling older adults. Results from the Gait and Brain Study,2019,67,6,1182-1188,Speechley Vitamin D and falls in older African American women: the PODA Randomized Clinical Trial,2019,67,5,1043-1049,Islam Use of the MMSE in the prediction of driving fitness: relevance of specific subtests,2019,67,4,790-793,Hollis Incidence of lower-extremity fractures in US nursing homes,2019,67,6,1253-1257,Berry Self-reported hearing loss and nonfatal fall-related injury in a nationally representative sample,2019,67,7,1410-1416,Heitz Fall ascertainment and development of a risk prediction model using electronic medical records,2019,67,7,1417-1422,Perrin Older patients with low-energy falls presenting to the emergency department: characteristics and outcomes,2019,67,7,1527-1529,Nickel Adverse effects of pharmacologic treatments of major depression in older adults,2019,67,8,1571-1581,Steffens Follow-up of a virtual-group-exercise at home program to reduce fall risks,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tomita Effect of vitamin K2 on postural sway in older people who fall: a randomized controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cvoro Impact of social network on the risk and consequences of injurious falls in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sergi Evaluation of tailored falls education on older adults' behavior following hospitalization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulsara Measuring effects of nondrug interventions on behaviors: music & memory pilot study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Rate or rhythm control in older atrial fibrillation patients: risk of fall-related injuries and syncope,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gislason Post-discharge mortality of older adults with traumatic brain injury or other trauma,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dischinger Binge drinking among older adults in the United States 2015 to 2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moore Driving fitness in different forms of dementia: an update,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Falkenstein Life course violence: child maltreatment IPV and elder abuse phenotypes in a US Chinese population,2019,67,S3,S486-S492,Dong Comorbidity profiles identified in older primary care patients who attempt suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conwell Can hearing aids delay time to diagnosis of dementia depression or falls in older adults?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alexander Subclinical cardiovascular disease and fall risk in older adults: results from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study,2019,67,9,1795-1802,Matsushita Falls subclinical cardiovascular disease and a nonagenarian's sage advice,2019,67,9,1774-1776,Kitzman Availability of evidence-based community falls prevention programs: considerations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cameron Reply to: Availability of evidence-based community falls prevention programs: considerations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Atanelov Predictors of hip fracture despite treatment with bisphosphonates among frail older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiel GAPcare: the Geriatric Acute and Post-Acute Fall Prevention intervention in the emergency department: preliminary data,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Merchant High prevalence of fall-related medication use in older veterans at risk for falls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Colón-Emeric Identification of older adult fall occurrence by brief emergency department triage screen,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Mapping associations between gait decline and fall risk in mild cognitive impairment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Camicioli Gray matter regions associated with functional mobility in community-dwelling older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Redfern The risk of head injuries associated with antipsychotic use among persons with Alzheimer's disease,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiihonen Clinical predictors of intracranial bleeding in older adults who have fallen: a cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Worster Interprofessional education of emergency department team on falls in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Use of fall risk-increasing drugs around a fall-related injury in older adults: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phelan Can hearing aids delay time to diagnosis of dementia depression or falls in older adults? Reader comment.,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berry Can hearing aids delay time to diagnosis of dementia depression or falls in older adults? Reply to comment.,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mahmoudi The relationship of loneliness to end-of-life experience in older Americans: a cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Langa Intracranial hemorrhage in older adults: implications for fall risk assessment and prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ouslander Prevalence and severity of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in older adults with low-energy falls,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nickel Multinational investigation of fracture risk with antidepressant use by class drug and indication,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tamblyn Depression symptoms and cognitive test performance in older American Indians: the Strong Heart Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Impact of STEADI-Rx: a community pharmacy-based fall prevention intervention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ray Firearms dementia and the clinician: development of a safety counseling protocol,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lapidus Characterizing the impact of fear of falling on activity and falls in older adults with glaucoma,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,West Action seniors! Cost-effectiveness analysis of a secondary falls prevention strategy among community-dwelling older fallers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu-Ambrose Recovery from severe disability that develops progressively versus catastrophically: incidence risk factors and intervening events,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill "Safety in dementia": development of an online caregiver tool for firearm driving and home safety,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Azrael Putative cut-points in sarcopenia components and incident adverse health outcomes: an SDOC analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cawthon Relationship between fear of falling fear-related activity restriction frailty and sarcopenia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morley Serious falls in middle-aged veterans: development and validation of a predictive risk model,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill Comparing strategies for identifying falls in older adult emergency department visits using EHR data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shah Disability prevention program improves life-space and falls efficacy: a randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gitlin Dementia and falls management in underserved populations: the cognition and mobility care management program,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weintraub Effect of a multifactorial fall injury prevention intervention on patient well-being: the STRIDE Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Travison The cost of a fall among older adults requiring emergency services,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulger Long-term effects of driving skill training on safe driving in older adults with mild cognitive impairment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shimada Assisted walking program on walking ability in in-hospital geriatric patients: a randomized trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ambrosi Accelerometer-measured sedentary patterns are associated with incident falls in older women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lacroix FGF23 frailty and falls in SPRINT,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wright The effects of gait speed and psychomotor speed on risk for depression and anxiety in older adults with medical 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