Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in youth: a public health framework,1998,37,5,484-487,Potter Familial Transmission of Mood Disorders: Convergence and Divergence With Transmission of Suicidal Behavior,2004,43,10,1259-1266,Mann Commentary: When counseling parents on guns doesn't work: why don't they get it?,2000,39,10,1226-1228,Christoffel Violent behavior in children and youth: preventive intervention from a psychiatric perspective. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Preventive Psychiatry,1999,38,3,235-241, Suicide in adolescents with no apparent psychopathology,1993,32,3,494-500,Brent Compliance with recommendations to remove firearms in families participating in a clinical trial for adolescent depression,2000,39,10,1220-1226,Brent Age- and sex-related risk factors for adolescent suicide,1999,38,12,1497-1505,Brent Suicide and violence prevention: parent education in the emergency department,1999,38,3,250-255,Kruesi Links between pubertal timing and neighborhood contexts: implications for girls' violent behavior,2004,43,12,1460-1468,Earls Environmentally mediated risks for psychopathology: research strategies and findings,2005,44,1,3-18,Rutter Treatment for adolescents following a suicide attempt: results of a pilot trial,2005,44,2,113-120,Donaldson The Utility of Elementary School TOCA-R Scores in Identifying Later Criminal Court Violence Among Adolescent Females,2005,44,8,790-797,Kellam Inpatient psychiatric treatment of a young recidivist firesetter,1990,29,6,936-941,Kolko Children's descriptions of their firesetting incidents: characteristics and relationship to recidivism,1994,33,1,114-122,Kolko Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children After Road Traffic Accidents,2005,44,12,1276-1283,Vollrath Bullying and victimization behaviors in boys and girls at South korean primary schools,2006,45,1,69-77,Yang Health Problems in Children and Adolescents Before and After a Man-made Disaster,2006,45,1,94-103,Dirkzwager The National Center on Indigenous Hawaiian Behavioral Health Study of Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Native Hawaiian Adolescents,2006,45,1,26-36,McDermott A Risk-Taking "Set" in a Novel Task Among Adolescents With Serious Conduct and Substance Problems,2006,45,2,175-183,Lejuez Zero tolerance and searching for premeditated school shooters,2002,41,11,1271-1272,Rappaport Premeditated mass shootings in schools: threat assessment,2002,41,4,475-477,Twemlow Youth suicide risk and preventive interventions: a review of the past 10 years,2003,42,4,386-405,Gould Early adult outcomes of adolescents who deliberately poisoned themselves,2006,45,3,337-345,Harrington Poor response inhibition as a predictor of problem drinking and illicit drug use in adolescents at risk for alcoholism and other substance use disorders,2006,45,4,468-475,Fitzgerald Childhood Predictors of Male Criminality: A Prospective Population-Based Follow-up Study From Age 8 to Late Adolescence,2006,45,5,578-586,Kumpulainen Adolescent Suicidal Behavior: Associations With Preadolescent Physical Abuse and Selected Risk and Protective Factors,2007,46,7,859-866,Salzinger Mechanisms linking violence exposure to health risk behavior in adolescence: motivation to cope and sensation seeking,2006,45,6,673-680,Brady Development reliability and validity of the children's aggression scale-parent version,2002,41,3,245-252,Halperin Risk perception research and the black box warning for SSRIs in children,2006,45,7,765,Greenhill Fire interest and antisociality as risk factors in the severity and persistence of juvenile firesetting,2006,45,9,1077-1084,Del Bove Behavioral Alterations in Reward System Function: The Role of Childhood Maltreatment and Psychopathology,2006,45,9,1059-1067,Kaufman Antidepressants and Youth Suicide in New York City 1999-2002,2006,45,9,1054-1058,Marzuk Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Longitudinally in a Representative Sample of Hospitalized Injured Adolescents,2006,45,10,1188-1195,Grossman Assessing the meaning of suicidal risk behavior in adolescents: three exercises for clinicians,2006,45,6,745-748,Galvin Attitudes toward suicide and help-seeking in Hungarian adolescents,2005,44,7,628-629,Dervic Sexual abuse and suicidal behavior: a model constructed from a large community sample of adolescents,2003,42,11,1301-1309,Richardson Major depressive disorder in adolescents exposed to a friend's suicide,2003,42,11,1294-1300,Brent Personality predictors of outcome for adolescents hospitalized for suicidal ideation,2003,42,6,720-727,Inayatulla Suicide attempts and self-mutilative behavior in a juvenile correctional facility,2003,42,7,762-769,Esposito Correlates of suicide risk in juvenile detainees and adolescent inpatients,2003,42,2,234-240,Grilo Youth suicide and Hurricane Andrew,2003,42,2,131,Perez Suicidal behavior and violence in male adolescents: a school-based study,2003,42,1,41-48,Vermeiren A follow-up study of adolescent attempted suicide in Israel,2002,41,11,1342-1349,King Ten-year review of rating scales. iii: scales assessing suicidality cognitive style and self-esteem,2002,41,10,1150-1181,Winters An intervention trial to improve adherence to community treatment by adolescents after a suicide attempt,2002,41,4,435-442,Boergers Victimization and PTSD in a Danish national youth probability sample,2002,41,2,174-181,Elklit Psychiatric symptoms and their relationship to suicidal ideation in a high-risk adolescent community sample,2002,41,1,44-51,Clum Suicide attempts in an adolescent female twin sample,2001,40,11,1300-1307,Bucholz Randomized trial of group therapy for repeated deliberate self-harm in adolescents,2001,40,11,1246-1253,Moore Suicide attempts in the "Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families" program,2001,40,10,1197-1205,Leaf Psychosocial and risk behavior correlates of youth suicide attempts and suicidal ideation,2001,40,7,837-846,Gould Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with suicidal behavior,2001,40,7 Suppl,24S-51S, Suicidal children and adolescents with first emergency room presentations: predictors of six-month outcome,2001,40,5,580-587,Davidson Summary of the practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with suicidal behavior,2001,40,4,495-499, Violence exposure psychological trauma and suicide risk in a community sample of dangerously violent adolescents,2001,40,4,435-442,Singer Gender differences in suicide attempts from adolescence to young adulthood,2001,40,4,427-434,Lewinsohn Cognitive risk factors and suicide attempts among formerly hospitalized adolescents: a prospective naturalistic study,2001,40,1,91-99,Goldston Teenagers' attitudes about coping strategies and help-seeking behavior for suicidality,2004,43,9,1124-1133,Gould Inhalant use abuse and dependence among adolescent patients: commonly comorbid problems,2004,43,9,1080-1088,Sakai White matter hyperintensities and their associations with suicidality in psychiatrically hospitalized children and adolescents,2004,43,6,770-776,Noam Feasibility of dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal adolescent inpatients,2004,43,3,276-282,Miller Internet chat rooms and suicide,2004,43,3,246-247,Becker Multisystemic therapy effects on attempted suicide by youths presenting psychiatric emergencies,2004,43,2,183-190,Halliday-Boykins Reasons for deliberate self-harm: comparison of self-poisoners and self-cutters in a community sample of adolescents,2004,43,1,80-87,Evans The Columbia Suicide Screen: validity and reliability of a screen for youth suicide and depression,2004,43,1,71-79,Greenwald Russian roulette: a case of questions not asked?,1995,34,12,1682-1683,Denny Traumas and posttraumatic stress disorder in a community population of older adolescents,1995,34,10,1369-1380,Cohen Suicidal children grow up: Ego functions associated with suicide attempts,1995,34,10,1318-1325,Pfeffer Suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in a birth cohort of 16-year-old New Zealanders,1995,34,10,1308-1317,Fergusson Suicide among female adolescents: characteristics and comparison with males in the age group 13 to 22 years,1995,34,10,1297-1307,Aro Triple suicide pact,1995,34,9,1121-1122,Ryabik Self-esteem deficits and suicidal tendencies among adolescents,1995,34,7,919-928,Overholser Correlation of suicidal and violent behavior in different diagnostic categories in hospitalized adolescent patients,1995,34,7,912-918,Orbach Hospitalizing the suicidal adolescent: an empirical investigation of decision-making criteria,1995,34,7,902-911,Morrissey Asking about suicide in child abuse cases,1995,34,6,700; author reply 701,Krugman Adolescents' image of their suicide attempt,1995,34,5,623-628,Diekstra Childhood circumstances adolescent adjustment and suicide attempts in a New Zealand birth cohort,1995,34,5,612-622,Fergusson Early psychosocial risks for adolescent suicidal ideation and attempts,1995,34,5,599-611,Cohen Posttraumatic stress disorder in peers of adolescent suicide victims: predisposing factors and phenomenology,1995,34,2,209-215,Richardson Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among Mexican-origin and Anglo adolescents,1995,34,1,81-90,Roberts Sexual assaultive and suicidal behaviors among urban minority junior high school students,1995,34,1,73-80,Vaughan Childhood and adolescent depression: a review of the past 10 years. Part I,1996,35,11,1427-1439,Kaufman Acculturative stress depression and suicidal ideation among immigrant and second-generation Latino adolescents,1996,35,9,1183-1192,King Risk factors for serious suicide attempts among youths aged 13 through 24 years,1996,35,9,1174-1182,Beautrais Risk factors for presenting problems in child psychiatric emergencies,1996,35,9,1162-1173,King First-time suicide attempters repeat attempters and previous attempters on an adolescent inpatient psychiatry unit,1996,35,5,631-639,Goldston Depression family environment and adolescent suicidal behavior,1996,35,5,622-630,Hollis Predictive validity of the suicide probability scale among adolescents in group home treatment,1996,35,2,166-72; discussion 172-4,Larzelere Negative affect and cognitive biases in suicidal and nonsuicidal hospitalized adolescents,1996,35,2,158-165,Whisman State and trait anxiety in adolescent suicide attempters,1996,35,2,154-157,Plutchik Violent methods associated with high suicide mortality among the young,1996,35,2,144-153,Vuori Depressed adolescents with a history of sexual abuse: diagnostic comorbidity and suicidality,1996,35,1,34-41,King Precipitating factors and life events in serious suicide attempts among youths aged 13 through 24 years,1997,36,11,1543-1551,Beautrais Epidemiology of youth suicide in Israel,1997,36,11,1537-1542,Levav Suicidal ideation and behavior and noncompliance with the medical regimen among diabetic adolescents,1997,36,11,1528-1536,Smith Suicidal adolescents and ego defense mechanisms,1997,36,11,1520-1527,Pfeffer Adolescent physical abuse and suicide attempts,1997,36,6,799-808,Salzinger Affect regulation and suicide attempts in adolescent inpatients,1997,36,6,793-798,Donaldson Child sexual abuse and emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence: gender differences,1997,36,3,323-329,Diekstra Psychosocial characteristics of physically abused children and adolescents,1997,36,1,123-131,Kramer Suicidal adolescents after hospitalization: parent and family impacts on treatment follow-through,1997,36,1,85-93,King Adolescent suicidality in urban minorities and its relationship to conduct disorders depression and separation anxiety,1997,36,1,75-84,Wilson Child survivors of suicide: psychosocial characteristics,1997,36,1,65-74,Pfeffer Reasons for adolescent suicide attempts: associations with psychological functioning,1998,37,12,1287-1293,Boergers Suicidal thinking among adolescents with a history of attempted suicide,1998,37,12,1294-1300,Roberts Death concepts in suicidal adolescents,1998,37,12,1279-1286,Pfeffer Parent-victim agreement in adolescent suicide research,1998,37,11,1161-1166,Gould Psychiatric diagnoses of previous suicide attempters first-time attempters and repeat attempters on an adolescent inpatient psychiatry unit,1998,37,9,924-932,Goldston Psychopathology associated with suicidal ideation and attempts among children and adolescents,1998,37,9,915-923,Gould Incidence and predictors of suicidal behaviors in a longitudinal sample of young adolescents,1998,37,6,612-619,Garrison Randomized trial of a home-based family intervention for children who have deliberately poisoned themselves,1998,37,5,512-518,Byford Psychiatric contacts among youths aged 13 through 24 years who have made serious suicide attempts,1998,37,5,504-511,Beautrais Association between multiple suicide attempts and negative affects in adolescents,1998,37,5,488-494,Stein Suicide among children and younger and older adolescents in Norway: a comparative study,1998,37,5,473-481,Ekeberg Separation/divorce and child and adolescent completed suicide,1998,37,2,155-162,Gould Using the suicide risk screen to identify suicidal adolescents among potential high school dropouts,1999,38,12,1506-1514,Eggert Childhood abuse and neglect: specificity of effects on adolescent and young adult depression and suicidality,1999,38,12,1490-1496,Brown Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union to Israel,1999,38,11,1433-1441,Ponizovsky Do adolescents who take overdoses have specific psychological characteristics? A comparative study with psychiatric and community controls,1999,38,9,1125-1131,James Suicide in adolescents with disruptive disorders,1999,38,7,846-851,Brent Suicidal ideation and attempts: a longitudinal investigation of children of depressed and well mothers,1999,38,6,651-659,Klimes-Dougan Suicide-bereaved children and adolescents: a controlled longitudinal examination,1999,38,6,672-679,Cerel Suicide attempts among formerly hospitalized adolescents: a prospective naturalistic study of risk during the first 5 years after discharge,1999,38,6,660-671,Goldston Gay lesbian and bisexual youth risks for emotional physical and social problems: results from a community-based survey,1999,38,3,297-304,Lock Human figure drawings in the evaluation of severe adolescent suicidal behavior,2000,39,8,1024-1031,Pfeffer Parameters of suicidal crises vary as a function of previous suicide attempts in youth inpatients,2000,39,7,876-880,Rudd Young suicide attempters: a comparison between a clinical and an epidemiological sample,2000,39,7,868-875,Ekeberg Predictors of adolescent suicide attempts: a nationally representative longitudinal study of Norwegian adolescents,2000,39,5,603-610,Wichstrøm Suicide-bereaved children and adolescents: ii. parental and family functioning,2000,39,4,437-444,Cerel Parents' reactions to adolescents' suicide attempts,2000,39,4,429-436,Wagner Cultural identification and attempted suicide in Native Hawaiian adolescents,2000,39,3,360-367,Hishinuma "Faced with guilt": a suicide risk education tool,2000,39,3,273-274,Rose Reasons for adolescent suicide attempts,2000,39,1,13-14,Haliburn Impact of media on children and adolescents: a 10-year review of the research,2001,40,4,392-401,Villani Pathological preoccupation with video games,1990,29,1,49-50,Keepers A study of firesetting and animal cruelty in children: family influences and adolescent outcomes,2004,43,7,905-912,McCloskey A follow-up study of a multisite randomized controlled trial for children with sexual abuse-related PTSD symptoms,2006,45,12,1474-1484,Steer Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS): Safety results,2006,45,12,1440-1455,Rohde Bullying depression and suicidality in adolescents,2007,46,1,40-49,Gould Preventive Effects of Treatment of Disruptive Behavior Disorder in Middle Childhood on Substance Use and Delinquent Behavior,2007,46,1,33-39,Lochman Pubertal Stage and Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescents,2007,46,4,508-514,Patton Phenomenology and Correlates of Complicated Grief in Children and Adolescents,2007,46,4,493-499,Walker Case series: mental health needs and perspectives of rural children reared by parents who abuse methamphetamine,2007,46,4,500-507,Ostler Impact of methylphenidate delivery profiles on driving performance of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a pilot study,2004,43,3,269-275,Kovatchev Driving outcomes of young people with attentional difficulties in adolescence,2000,39,5,627-634,Fergusson Behavioral management leads to reduction in aggression in a child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit,2007,46,6,711-720,Scott Assessment of psychiatrically hospitalized suicidal adolescents: self-report instruments as predictors of suicidal thoughts and behavior,2007,46,3,387-395,King Filial dependency and recantation of child sexual abuse allegations,2007,46,2,162-170,Quas Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD in Children and Adolescents: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial,2007,46,8,1051-1061,Smith Inattentive and hyperactive behaviors and driving offenses in adolescence,1997,36,4,515-522,Langley Parental expressed emotion and adolescent self-injury,2007,46,9,1171-1178,Nock Predicting completed suicide,2007,46,9,1097,Werry Childhood Abuse Nonadherence and Medical Outcome in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients,2007,46,10,1280-1289,Briere Who gets care? Mental health service use following a school-based suicide prevention program,2007,46,10,1341-1348,Stein Polygenic risk and the course of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder from childhood to young adulthood: findings from a nationally-representative cohort,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moffitt Phasic versus tonic irritability: differential associations with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pine Psychopathology biopsychosocial factors crime characteristics and classification of 25 homicidal youths,1995,34,11,1483-1489,Myers Emotional impact of children's exposure to community violence: A preliminary study,1995,34,10,1362-1368,Turner PTSD symptoms in urban adolescent girls: compounded community trauma,1995,34,10,1353-1361,Horowitz No safe haven: A study of violence exposure in an urban community,1995,34,10,1343-1352,Schwab-Stone Environmental trauma and psychosis,1995,34,10,1258-1259,Masters Children traumatized by war,1995,34,9,1119-1120,Varon Physiological and cognitive correlates of child abuse,1995,34,8,1067-1075,Persinger Self- and other-directed aggression in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1995,34,4,434-444,Garrison The Munchausen by proxy controversy,1995,34,3,261-262,Carek Assessing community violence: The children's report of exposure to violence,1995,34,2,201-208,Cooley Autoerotic asphyxia: the development of a paraphilia,1994,33,7,970-974,Friedrich Personality disorder personality traits impulsive violence and completed suicide in adolescents,1994,33,8,1080-1086,Brent Suicidal children grow up: suicidal behavior and psychiatric disorders among relatives,1994,33,8,1087-1097,Pfeffer Is abuse a risk factor for suicide?,1994,33,8,1208-1209,Krugman Munchausen by proxy syndrome: A clinical fable for our times,1994,33,6,904-905,Schreier Reliability of sex abuse evaluations,1994,33,3,428-429,Horner A psychiatric population of prenatally cocaine-exposed children,1993,32,5,1003-1006,Sumner Child sexual abuse: immediate and long-term effects and intervention,1993,32,5,890-902,Green Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse experiences in a community sample of women,1993,32,5,911-919,Anderson Evaluation of risk factors in childhood sexual abuse,1993,32,5,934-939,Mennen Cross-gender behavior and gender conflict in sexually abused girls,1993,32,5,940-947,Gaines Child sexual abuse revisited by the U.S. Supreme Court,1993,32,5,971-974,Kermani From abuse to violence,1993,32,1,221,Behar Personality disorder tendency to impulsive violence and suicidal behavior in adolescents,1993,32,1,69-75,Brent Adult criminality among formerly hospitalized child psychiatric patients,1993,32,3,568-576,Kuperman Child sexual abuse of Asians compared with other populations,1992,31,5,880-886,DiClemente The failure of a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program,1992,31,5,887-892,Kaplan Debate: Effects of watching violence,1992,31,5,988,Kandler Debate: Effects of watching violence,1992,31,5,988,Nickman Debate: effects of watching violence,1992,31,5,988-989,Alessi From abuse to violence: psychophysiological consequences of maltreatment,1992,31,3,383-391,Lewis Family violence: impact on children,1992,31,2,181-189,Kashani Seven-year follow-up of child survivors of a bus-train collision,1996,35,3,365-373,Bleich Predicting child PTSD: the relationship between acute stress disorder and PTSD in injured children,2004,43,4,403-411,Winston Long-term associations of childhood suicide ideation,2007,46,11,1473-1481,Verhulst Crimes of Violence and Delinquency in Schizophrenic Children,1962,1,2,269-283,Kaufman Utility of TOCA-R scores during the elementary school years in identifying later violence among adolescent males,2004,43,1,88-96,Kellam Violent or assaultive youth: dimensional and categorical comparisons with mental health samples,1988,27,2,226-232,Lochman Male testosterone linked to high social dominance but low physical aggression in early adolescence,1996,35,10,1322-1330,Tremblay Meta-Analysis of Suicide-Related Behavior Events in Patients Treated With Atomoxetine,2008,47,2,209-218,Polzer Suicide ideation plan and attempt in the Mexican adolescent mental health survey,2008,47,1,41-52,Borges Suicide Attempt Characteristics Diagnoses and Future Attempts: Comparing Multiple Attempters to Single Attempters and Ideators,2008,47,1,32-40,Wilcox Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors Among Youths in Juvenile Detention,2008,47,3,291-300,Teplin Establishing Ongoing Early Identification Programs for Mental Health Problems in Our Schools: A Feasibility Study,2008,47,3,328-338,Jensen Sex and Race Differences in Mental Health Symptoms in Juvenile Justice: The MAYSI-2 National Meta-Analysis,2008,47,3,282-290,Banks Prevalence and Correlates of Dating Violence in a [USA] National Sample of Adolescents,2008,47,7,755-762,Resnick Replicated prediction of men's suicide attempt history from parent reports in late childhood,2008,47,7,834-5; author reply 835-6,Kerr Treatment Compliance in Adolescents After Attempted Suicide: A 2-Year Follow-up Study,2008,47,8,948-957,Wagner Diagnostic Prevalence Rates From Early to Mid-Adolescence Among Indigenous Adolescents: First Results From a Longitudinal Study,2008,47,8,890-900,Yu Pediatric emergency department suicidal patients: two-site evaluation of suicide ideators single attempters and repeat attempters,2008,47,8,958-966,Asarnow Joint Development of Bullying and Victimization in Adolescence: Relations to Delinquency and Self-Harm,2008,47,9,1030-1038,Maughan Social Support Buffers the Effects of Terrorism on Adolescent Depression: Findings From Sderot Israel,2008,47,9,1073-1076,Henrich Trajectories of Childhood Aggression and Inattention/Hyperactivity: Differential Effects on Substance Abuse in Adolescence,2008,47,10,1158-1165,Fitzgerald Social emotional and academic competence among children who have had contact with child protective services: prevalence and stability estimates,2007,46,6,757-765,Gallop Childhood Bullying Behaviors as a Risk for Suicide Attempts and Completed Suicides: A Population-Based Birth Cohort Study,2009,48,3,254-261,Gould Long-Term Impact of Family Arguments and Physical Violence on Adult Functioning at Age 30 Years: Findings From the Simmons Longitudinal Study,2009,48,3,290-298,Beardslee 12-Month and Lifetime Prevalence of Suicide Attempts Among Black Adolescents in the National Survey of American Life,2009,48,3,271-282,Joe Age Variability in the Association Between Heavy Episodic Drinking and Adolescent Suicide Attempts: Findings From a Large-Scale School-Based Screening Program,2009,48,3,262-270,Jacobs Longitudinal study of maternal depressive symptoms and child well-being,2001,40,12,1367-1374,Puura Child Stress Disorders Checklist: a measure of ASD and PTSD in children,2003,42,8,972-978,King Sensation seeking in psychiatrically disturbed youth: relationship to biochemical parameters and behavior problems,1994,33,1,123-129,Gabel School Neighborhood and Family Factors Are Associated With Children's Bullying Involvement: A Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study,2009,48,5,545-553,Moffitt Group therapy for repeated deliberate self-harm in adolescents: Failure of replication of a randomized trial,2009,48,6,662-670,Harrington Startle response in behaviorally inhibited adolescents with a lifetime occurrence of anxiety disorders,2009,48,6,610-617,Pine Relative Cost-Effectiveness of Treatments for Adolescent Depression: 36-Week Results From the TADS Randomized Trial,2009,48,7,711-720,Domino Binge Drinking Among Youths and Young Adults in the United States: 1979-2006,2009,48,7,692-702,Grucza New insights into the comorbidity between ADHD and major depression in adolescent and young adult females,2008,47,4,426-434,Spencer Prelude to a school shooting? Assessing threatening behaviors in childhood and adolescence,2008,47,8,847-852,Weisbrot Antidepressant management in the context of suicidal ideation,2007,46,9,1222-1225,Emslie Mental health and functional outcomes of maternal and adolescent reports of adolescent depressive symptoms,2007,46,9,1162-1170,Thomas Texas Children's Medication Algorithm Project: update from Texas Consensus Conference Panel on Medication Treatment of Childhood Major Depressive Disorder,2007,46,6,667-686,Birmaher Youth binge drinking: progress made and remaining challenges,2009,48,7,679-680,Clark Anticipating Problem Drinking Risk From Preschoolers' Antisocial Behavior: Evidence for a Common Delinquency-Related Diathesis Model,2009,48,8,820-827,Fitzgerald Depressive Symptoms and Clinical Status During the Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters Study,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein The Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters Study (TASA): Predictors of Suicidal Events in an Open Treatment Trial,2009,48,10,987-996,Goldstein Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention (CBT-SP): Treatment Model Feasibility and Acceptability,2009,48,10,1005-1013,Goldstein Histories of child maltreatment and psychiatric disorder in pregnant adolescents,2006,45,3,329-336,Romano Problems in validating allegations of sexual abuse. Part 2: Clinical evaluation,1987,26,6,916-921,Benedek Problems in validating allegations of sexual abuse. Part 1: Factors affecting perception and recall of events,1987,26,6,912-915,Benedek Effects of narcotic antagonists on self-injurious behavior: a single case study,1987,26,6,886-889,Mitchell Sexual abuse and psychopathology in hospitalized adolescents,1987,26,5,753-757,Fine Biopsychosocial characteristics of matched samples of delinquents and nondelinquents,1987,26,5,744-752,Lewis Heterogeneous diagnoses in attempted suicide,1987,26,4,596-597,Crumley Interactions between abused infants and strangers,1987,26,4,504-509,Wasserman Trazodone and violence,1987,26,3,453,Fras Sexually and physically abused children,1987,26,3,413-415,Livingston Sex ratio of juvenile suicide,1987,26,3,434-435,Barraclough Psychopharmacology of self-injurious behavior in the mentally retarded,1987,26,3,296-302,Farber Childhood sexual abuse in the lives of sexually aggressive offenders,1987,26,2,262-267,Prentky Developmental aspects of suicidal behavior in children. I,1987,26,2,186-192,Orbach Some aspects of cognitive functioning in suicidal children,1987,26,2,181-185,Orbach Heterogeneity of suicidal adolescents,1987,26,1,92-96,Khan Correlates of the medical lethality of suicide attempts in children and adolescents,1987,26,1,87-91,Brent Major depression with delusional features in a preschool-age child,1987,26,1,110-112,Kashani Validating child sexual abuse,1988,27,6,819,Simmons Evaluation of a suicide awareness curriculum for high school students,1988,27,6,705-711,Morgan Hopelessness depression and suicidal intent among adolescent suicide attempters,1988,27,6,700-704,Rotheram-Borus Suicidal behavior depression and conduct disorder in hospitalized adolescents,1988,27,6,696-699,Bleich Completed suicide in children and adolescents,1988,27,6,689-695,Hoberman Preventing teenage suicide: a critical review,1988,27,6,675-687,Fisher Allegations of sexual abuse: then and now,1988,27,5,664-666, Anatomically correct dolls: research vs. clinical practice,1988,27,5,662-663,Donovan Perspective. Guidelines for the clinical evaluation of child and adolescent sexual abuse. Position statement of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,1988,27,5,655-657, Post-traumatic stress disorder in sexually abused children,1988,27,5,650-654,McLeer Community treatment of violent youth: Seven years of experience with a class action suit,1988,27,5,600-604,Keith Characteristics and treatment of four homicidal adolescents,1988,27,5,595-599,Kemph Intrinsic and environmental characteristics of juvenile murderers,1988,27,5,582-587,Lewis Children who witness the sexual assaults of their mothers,1988,27,5,567-572,Pynoos Children's reactions to loss of parent through violence,1988,27,5,563-566,Payton Post-traumatic stress disorder in young children: a reaction to purported sexual abuse,1988,27,5,645-649,Brown Day treatment outcome with severely disturbed children,1988,27,4,479-482,Gabel Issue continued: anatomically correct dolls: should they be used as the basis for expert testimony?,1988,27,3,387-388,Yates Adolescent autoerotic deaths,1988,27,3,367-370,Garfinkel The psychological autopsy: methodological considerations for the study of adolescent suicide,1988,27,3,362-366,Brent Suicidal behavior in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1988,27,3,357-361,Pfeffer Suicidal behavior and ideation in a community sample of children: maternal and youth reports,1988,27,3,349-356,Velez Adaptations of cognitive therapy for depressed adolescents,1988,27,3,381-386,Rush Sexual abuse and psychopathology in hospitalized adolescents,1988,27,2,259-260,Rosenfeld The sex abuse controversy,1988,27,2,258-259,Hanson Anatomically correct dolls: should they be used as the basis for expert testimony?,1988,27,2,254-257,Yates What happens to early memories of trauma? A study of twenty children under age five at the time of documented traumatic events,1988,27,1,96-104,Terr Investigating psychopathological consequences of a disaster in children: a pilot study incorporating a structured diagnostic interview,1988,27,1,90-95,Earls Normal children at risk for suicidal behavior: a two-year follow-up study,1988,27,1,34-41,Pfeffer A national survey of school-based adolescent suicide prevention programs,1989,28,6,931-934,Shaffer Suicide awareness programs in the schools: effects of gender and personal experience,1989,28,6,925-930,Overholser An outbreak of suicide and suicidal behavior in a high school,1989,28,6,918-924,Brent Correlates of suicidal ideation in a community sample of children and adolescents,1989,28,6,912-917,Kashani The sex abuse controversy,1989,28,5,799-802, Resolved: child sex abuse is overdiagnosed,1989,28,5,789-797,Berliner Child sexual abuse: why the controversy?,1989,28,5,788,Terr Fluoxetine overdose in an adolescent,1989,28,4,587-588,Riddle Bias in sex abuse evaluation,1989,28,3,455-456,French Toward a theory of the genesis of violence: a follow-up study of delinquents,1989,28,3,431-436,Della Femina PTSD and sexually abused children,1989,28,2,298-299,Huessy More on sex abuse allegations,1989,28,2,298,Demb Children's memory and proximity to violence,1989,28,2,236-241,Pynoos False allegations of sexual abuse by children and adolescents,1989,28,2,230-235,Everson Psychiatric status of intrafamilial child sexual abuse victims,1989,28,2,225-229,Smith Cognitive and physiological responsiveness of abused children,1989,28,2,219-224,Hill Influence of verbal ability on the expression of aggression in physically abused children,1989,28,2,215-218,Green Serious Emotional Disturbance Among Youths Exposed to Hurricane Katrina 2 Years Postdisaster,2009,48,11,1069-1078,Fairbank Use of a horror film in psychotherapy,1990,29,6,942-945,Derdeyn Child psychiatry and legal liability: implications of recent case law,1990,29,6,958-962,Guyer Cognitive behavioral treatment for sexually abused children suffering post-traumatic stress: preliminary findings,1990,29,5,747-752,McLeer Specificity and sensitivity of sexually anatomically correct dolls in substantiating abuse: a pilot study,1990,29,5,743-746,Realmuto Sexualized doll play among young children: implications for the use of anatomical dolls in sexual abuse evaluations,1990,29,5,736-742,Everson Suicidality in affectively disordered adolescent inpatients,1990,29,4,586-593,Brent Depression episodic behavioral dyscontrol and polydipsia following right temporal lobe damage,1990,29,3,472-474,Steiner Psychosocial factors associated with urban adolescent female suicide attempts,1990,29,2,289-294,King Aggression and counter-aggression during child psychiatric hospitalization,1990,29,2,242-250,Garrison Violence and conduct disorder,1990,29,1,150-151,Jenkins Children and disaster: age gender and parental effects on PTSD symptoms,1991,30,6,945-951,Grace Malignant memories: PTSD in children and adults after a school shooting,1991,30,6,936-944,Schwarz Ritual abuse of children,1991,30,6,1023-1025,Shopper Does satanism exist?,1991,30,5,848-849,Matzner Suicide in Japan,1991,30,5,847-848,Pfeffer The U.S. Supreme Court on victimized children: the constitutional rights of the defendant versus the best interests of the child,1991,30,5,839-841,Kermani The impact of curriculum-based suicide prevention programs for teenagers: an 18-month follow-up,1991,30,5,811-815,Shaffer The 3-year longitudinal course of suicidality and predictive factors for subsequent suicidality in youths with major depressive disorder,1991,30,5,804-810,McCauley Adolescent suicidality: a clinical-developmental approach,1991,30,5,796-803,Noam Differentiating hypererotic states in the evaluation of sexual abuse,1991,30,5,791-795,Yates Growth hormone response patterns in sexually or physically abused boys,1991,30,5,784-790,Pease Physical and sexual abuse in childhood: relationship with post-traumatic stress disorder,1991,30,5,776-783,Kiser Fluoxetine and suicidal ideation,1991,30,4,695,Koizumi Sexualized doll play,1991,30,4,694-695,Sonnenschein Forensic issues,1991,30,4,692-693,Haller The CES-D as a screen for depression and other psychiatric disorders in adolescents,1991,30,4,636-641,Garrison Psychiatric diagnoses in minority female adolescent suicide attempters,1991,30,4,617-622,Rotheram-Borus Suicidal children grow up: demographic and clinical risk factors for adolescent suicide attempts,1991,30,4,609-616,Klerman Cognitive characteristics of adolescent suicide attempters,1991,30,4,604-608,Hart A longitudinal study of suicidal ideation in young adolescents,1991,30,4,597-603,Garrison The impact of curriculum-based suicide prevention programs for teenagers,1991,30,4,588-596,Underwood Gender identification and sex role attribution in sexually abused adolescent females,1991,30,2,266-271,Kaplan Depressive disorders in maltreated children,1991,30,2,257-265,Kaufman Aggression and anxiety: a new look at an old notion,1991,30,2,218-223,Kashani Reducing early childhood aggression: results of a primary prevention program,1991,30,2,208-217,Hawkins Self-harming behavior in incarcerated male delinquent adolescents,1991,30,2,202-207,Davis A follow-up of female delinquents: maternal contributions to the perpetuation of deviance,1991,30,2,197-201,Yeager Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,1991,30,2,179-186,Chappell The ritual abuse of children: clinical features and diagnostic reasoning,1991,30,2,272-276,Nurcombe The correlates of planning in adolescent suicide attempts,1991,30,1,95-99,Spirito Risks for suicidality in major depressive disorder,1991,30,1,86-94,Mitchell Debunking the myths of adolescence: findings from recent research,1992,31,6,1003-1014,Offer Sexually abused children at high risk for post-traumatic stress disorder,1992,31,5,875-879,McLeer Maltreatment in psychiatrically hospitalized dually diagnosed adolescent substance abusers,1992,31,5,868-874,Bukstein Psychiatric diagnoses of maltreated children: preliminary findings,1992,31,5,863-867,Famularo Psychobiological methodology,1992,31,4,752-755,Kaufman Acetaminophen overdose as a suicidal gesture: a survey of adolescents' knowledge of its potential for toxicity,1992,31,4,686-690,Moreno Suicidal children grow up: psychiatric treatment during follow-up period,1992,31,4,679-685,Pfeffer A binational school survey of depressive symptoms drug use and suicidal ideation,1992,31,4,669-678,Swanson Psychopathology in urban female minority adolescents with suicide attempts,1992,31,4,663-668,Kaslow Suicidal attempts among older adolescents: prevalence and co-occurrence with psychiatric disorders,1992,31,4,655-662,Lewinsohn Adolescent suicide: endpoint of long-term difficulties,1992,31,4,649-654,Aro Incidence of psychiatric disorder in offspring at high and low risk for depression,1992,31,4,640-648,Fendrich Psychiatric effects of exposure to suicide among the friends and acquaintances of adolescent suicide victims,1992,31,4,629-639,Harrington Ethical issues in forensic child and adolescent psychiatry,1992,31,3,403-407,Schetky Suicidality with clomipramine,1992,31,2,369-370,Harper Family functioning and suicidal behavior in adolescent inpatients with mood disorders,1993,32,6,1198-1206,King Bereavement or depression? The impact of the loss of a friend to suicide,1993,32,6,1189-1197,Brent Adolescent witnesses to a peer suicide,1993,32,6,1184-1188,Brent Precipitant stressors in adolescent suicide,1993,32,6,1178-1183,Aro Family therapy of extrafamilial sexual abuse,1993,32,5,967-970,Roesler Childhood sexual abuse in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: a pilot study,1993,32,5,962-966,Herzog Psychological distress problem behaviors and family functioning of sexually abused adolescent inpatients,1993,32,5,954-961,Singer Predictors of self-reported psychopathology in children abused repeatedly by a parent,1993,32,5,948-953,Lawson Clinical expertise and the assessment of child sexual abuse,1993,32,5,925-31; discussion 931-3,Horner Developmental differences in detection and disclosure of sexual abuse,1993,32,5,920-924,DeMaso False statements and the differential diagnosis of abuse allegations,1993,32,5,903-910,Bernet Adolescent suicide: music preference as an indicator of vulnerability,1993,32,3,530-535,Pearce Psychiatric risk factors for adolescent suicide: a case-control study,1993,32,3,521-529,Brent Clinical components of suicidal intent in adolescent overdose,1993,32,3,518-520,Kingsbury Psychiatric sequelae to the loss of an adolescent peer to suicide,1993,32,3,509-517,Brent Developmental psychopathology in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescent girls,1993,32,3,501-508,Noam Industrial disaster and mental health of children and their parents,1993,32,2,438-445,Breton The prevalence and consequences of exposure to violence among African-American youth,1993,32,2,424-430,Fitzpatrick Violent events reported by normal urban school-aged children: Characteristics and depression correlates,1993,32,2,419-423,Poznanski Adolescent psychiatric inpatients' risk of suicide attempt at 6-month follow-up,1993,32,1,95-105,Brent Are adolescent suicide attempters noncompliant with outpatient care?,1993,32,1,89-94,Trautman Alcohol consumption in relation to other predictors of suicidality among adolescent inpatient girls,1993,32,1,82-88,King Suicidal behaviors and childhood-onset depressive disorders: a longitudinal investigation,1993,32,1,8-20,Kovacs Friends of adolescent suicide attempters and completers,1993,32,1,76-81,Hazell Psychosocial characteristics of adolescents with a history of suicide attempt,1993,32,1,60-68,Lewinsohn The specificity of psychological characteristics of adolescent suicide attempters,1993,32,1,51-59,Diekstra Childhood depression and risk of suicide: a preliminary report of a longitudinal study,1993,32,1,21-27,Weissman Suicidal children grow up: rates and psychosocial risk factors for suicide attempts during follow-up,1993,32,1,106-113,Klerman Psychiatric sequelae after traumatic injury: the Pittsburgh Regatta accident,1990,29,1,70-75,Ryan Service Use by At-Risk Youths After School-Based Suicide Screening,2009,48,12,1193-1201,Gould More on autoerotic death,1989,28,1,137,Campbell How to take a weapons history: interviewing children at risk for violence at school,1998,37,10,1100-1102,Pittel Attachment-based family therapy for adolescents with suicidal ideation: a randomized controlled trial,2010,49,2,122-131,Brown Effect of exposure to suicidal behavior on suicide attempt in a high-risk sample of offspring of depressed parents,2010,49,2,114-121,Mann Suicidal ideation and attempt among adolescents reporting "unsure" sexual identity or heterosexual identity plus same-sex attraction or behavior: forgotten groups?,2010,49,2,104-113,Zhao Abstract thinking: assessing the risk of suicide through prospective studies,2010,49,2,87-88,Sassi Predicting depression social phobia and violence in early adulthood from childhood behavior problems,2004,43,3,307-315,Herrenkohl Multisystemic treatment of criminality and violence in adolescents,1999,38,3,242-249,Borduin Violence and related psychopathology,1999,38,3,232-234,Steiner Infant development and developmental risk: a review of the past 10 years,1997,36,2,165-178,Boris Ten-year research update review: child sexual abuse,2003,42,3,269-278,Putnam Major depression and drug disorders in adolescence: general and specific impairments in early adulthood,2001,40,12,1426-1433,Reinherz Adaptation of preventive interventions for a low-income culturally diverse community,2001,40,8,879-886,Beardslee Clinical and functional correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder in urban adolescent girls at a primary care clinic,2000,39,9,1104-1111,Lipschitz Children's adjustment in conflicted marriage and divorce: a decade review of research,2000,39,8,963-973,Kelly Mental health in pediatric settings: distribution of disorders and factors related to service use,2000,39,7,841-849,Leaf Microanalysis of adolescent suicide attempters and ideators during the acute suicidal episode,1997,36,11,1512-1519,Piacentini Posttraumatic stress disorder in children: a review of the past 10 years,1997,36,11,1503-1511,Pfefferbaum Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: psychiatric disorders in the first three months,1997,36,1,94-102,Sato Contagious self-mutilation,1995,34,4,402-403,Carlson Psychiatric confidentiality in child custody disputes,1994,33,2,158-168,Malmquist Suggestive linkage of the child behavior checklist juvenile bipolar disorder phenotype to 1p21 6p21 and 8q21,2010,49,4,378-387,Wong Effects of child maltreatment and inherited liability on antisocial development: an official records study,2010,49,4,321-332,Jonson-Reid Trajectories of behavioral adjustment following early placement in foster care: predicting stability and change over 8 years,2010,49,5,464-473,Litrownik Pathways of problem behaviors from childhood to adolescence,1993,32,2,388-396,Verhulst Rural-urban child psychopathology in a Northeastern U.S. state: 1986-1989,1993,32,2,378-387,Freeman Myths or truths of adolescence?,1993,32,5,1077-1078,Brand Testosterone and aggression in children,1993,32,6,1217-1222,Earls Precursors of hyperactivity and aggression,1993,32,6,1207-1216,Prior Genetic studies of affective disorders: should we be starting with childhood onset probands?,1993,32,6,1164-1171,Neuman How can epidemiology improve mental health services for children and adolescents?,1993,32,6,1106-14; discussion 1114-7,Leaf Emotional reactions of children to war stress in Croatia,1993,32,4,709-713,Zivcić Children exposed to disaster: II. Risk factors for the development of post-traumatic symptomatology,1994,33,1,94-105,Finch Children exposed to disaster: I. Epidemiology of post-traumatic symptoms and symptom profiles,1994,33,1,80-93,Finch Children of disaster in the second decade: a 17-year follow-up of Buffalo Creek survivors,1994,33,1,71-79,Kramer Clinical effects of buspirone on intractable self-injury in adults with mental retardation,1994,33,2,270-276,Singh Treatment with propranolol of severe self-injurious behavior in a blind deaf retarded adolescent,1994,33,2,265-269,Lang Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among youth with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,1994,33,2,240-246,Kovacs Major depression or uncomplicated bereavement? A follow-up of youth exposed to suicide,1994,33,2,231-239,Brent Suicidal children grow up: suicidal episodes and effects of treatment during follow-up,1994,33,2,225-230,Pfeffer Prediction of antisocial behavior in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder boys from aggression/defiance scores,1994,33,2,185-190,Lee Is sex abuse a diagnosis?,1994,33,3,427-428,Behar Caffeine effects on learning performance and anxiety in normal school-age children,1994,33,3,407-415,Crosby Urinary catecholamine excretion in sexually abused girls,1994,33,3,320-327,Putnam Psychiatric disorders in sexually abused children,1994,33,3,313-319,McLeer Post-traumatic stress disorder in physically abused adolescents,1994,33,3,305-312,Kaplan Psychiatric and medical health care policies in juvenile detention facilities,2007,46,12,1660-1667,Gardner Prevalence of DSM-IV Disorder in a Representative Healthy Birth Cohort at School Entry: Sociodemographic Risks and Social Adaptation,2010,49,7,686-698,Horwitz COMT Val158Met Genotype as a Risk Factor for Problem Behaviors in Youth,2010,49,8,841-849,Rettew Serotonin Transporter Gene Moderates the Development of Emotional Problems Among Children Following Bullying Victimization,2010,49,8,830-840,Williams Resolved: several weeks of depressive symptoms after exposure to a friend's suicide is "major depressive disorder",1994,33,4,582-587,Brent Maltreatment in psychiatrically hospitalized children and adolescents with developmental disabilities: prevalence and correlates,1994,33,4,567-576,Lubetsky Treatment outcome among children with externalizing disorder who terminate prematurely versus those who complete psychotherapy,1994,33,4,549-557,Kazdin Family structure and aggressive behavior in a population of urban elementary school children,1994,33,4,540-548,Kellam DSM-IV field trials for the disruptive behavior disorders: symptom utility estimates,1994,33,4,529-539,Greenhill A clinical follow-up of delinquent males: ignored vulnerabilities unmet needs and the perpetuation of violence,1994,33,4,518-528,Yeager Brief cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescent suicide attempters and their families,1994,33,4,508-517,Piacentini Perceived family functioning and adolescent suicidal behavior,1994,33,4,498-507,Overholser Psychosocial stressors more common in adolescent suicides with alcohol abuse compared with depressive adolescent suicides,1994,33,4,490-497,Aro Case study: sexual abuse of boys by females,1996,35,1,51-54,Putnam A treatment outcome study for sexually abused preschool children: initial findings,1996,35,1,42-50,Mannarino Risk factors for borderline pathology in children,1996,35,1,26-33,Paris Trends in a national sample of sexually abusive youths,1996,35,1,17-25,Ryan Effect of concentration problems on the malleability of children's aggressive and shy behaviors,1996,35,2,193-203,Rebok Relocation after a disaster: posttraumatic stress disorder in Armenia after the earthquake,1996,35,3,374-383,Goenjian Twenty-one-month follow-up study of school-age children exposed to Hurricane Andrew,1996,35,3,359-364,Shaw Humpty Dumpty,1996,35,3,273-278,Stone Gender differences but no racial group differences in self-reported psychiatric symptoms in adolescents,1996,35,4,500-508,Offer Inquiring about sexual abuse,1996,35,4,407-408,Singh Long-term impact of exposure to suicide: a three-year controlled follow-up,1996,35,5,646-653,Brent Fear of alien abduction,1996,35,5,555-557,Shopper Predictors of comorbid alcohol and substance abuse in depressed adolescents,1996,35,6,743-751,King Case study: paradoxical response to naltrexone treatment of self-injurious behavior,1995,34,2,238-242,Gagnon Two approaches to the measurement of adaptive style: comparison of normal psychosomatically ill and delinquent adolescents,1995,34,2,180-190,Steiner Traumas and other adverse life events in adolescents with alcohol abuse and dependence,1997,36,12,1744-1751,Clark A prospective study of hyperactive boys with conduct problems and normal boys: adolescent and adult criminality,1997,36,12,1726-1735,Satterfield Behavioral effects of hypoglycemia,1997,36,12,1651-1652,Budner Practice parameters for the forensic evaluation of children and adolescents who may have been physically or sexually abused. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,1997,36,10 Suppl,37S-56S,Bernet Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children adolescents and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,1997,36,10 Suppl,85S-121S,Dulcan Serotonin aggression and parental psychopathology in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,1997,36,10,1391-1398,Siever Case study: ego-dystonic anger attacks in mothers of young children,1997,36,10,1374-1377,Mammen ADHD and dangerous driving,1997,36,10,1325,Jerome Case study: trauma-related hallucinations,1997,36,11,1602-1605,Kaufman Forensic child and adolescent psychiatry: a review of the past 10 years,1997,36,11,1493-1502,Ash Munchausen by proxy,1997,36,11,1491-1492,Eberle Sudden (un)explained death,1997,36,11,1487-1488,Spencer Trends in serious emotional disturbance among youths exposed to hurricane katrina,2010,49,10,990-1000.e2,Fairbank Distinguishing suicide attempts from nonsuicidal self-harming behaviors,2009,48,10,1040-1041,Gould Distinguishing suicide attempts from nonsuicidal self-harming behaviors,2009,48,10,1039,Kutcher Distinguishing suicide attempts from nonsuicidal self-harming behaviors,2009,48,10,1039-1040,Nock Nessun Dorma ("None Shall Sleep")… At Least Not Before We Digest Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters (TASA),2009,48,10,977-978,Walter Treating comorbid anxiety and aggression in children,2007,46,9,1111-1118,Hunt Youth depression: thoughts on an octet- and a modest proposal,2010,49,2,89-91,Ryan Fostering foster care,2010,49,1,11-12,Henderson Violence exposure posttraumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms among recent immigrant schoolchildren,2002,41,9,1104-1110,Stein An innovative psychodynamically influenced approach to reduce school violence,2001,40,3,377-379,Twemlow Preventive intervention for maltreated preschool children: impact on children's behavior neuroendocrine activity and foster parent functioning,2000,39,11,1356-1364,Chamberlain Project back-on-track at 1 year: a delinquency treatment program for early-career juvenile offenders,2000,39,9,1127-1134,Myers Commentary: issues in training parents to manage children with behavior problems,2000,39,8,1004-1007,Barkley The victimization of children: recommendations for assessment and instrument development,2000,39,7,829-840,Finkelhor Children and adolescents who are sexually abusive of others,2000,39,7,809-810,Friedrich Developing child abuse prevention identification and treatment systems in Eastern Europe,2000,39,5,660-667,Chaffin Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents who are sexually abusive of others. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Working Group on Quality Issues,1999,38,12 Suppl,55S-76S,Shaw Child and adolescent abuse and neglect research: a review of the past 10 years. Part I: Physical and emotional abuse and neglect,1999,38,10,1214-1222,Kaplan The "achievement by proxy" spectrum: recognition and clinical response to pressured and high-achieving children and adolescents,1999,38,2,213-216,Drell Children and computers: risks and benefits,1998,37,5,559-560,Bremer Influence of sexual abuse on HIV-related attitudes and behaviors in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1997,36,3,316-322,Brown Domestic violence and children: prevalence and risk in five major U.S. cities,1997,36,1,116-122,Boruch Asking about suicide in child abuse cases,1995,34,6,700; author reply 701,Greenbaum Kindergarten children's genetic vulnerabilities interact with friends' aggression to promote children's own aggression,2007,46,8,1080-1087,Boivin A randomized controlled trial of integrated home-school behavioral treatment for ADHD predominantly inattentive type,2007,46,8,1041-1050,McBurnett Delinquent behavior and emerging substance use in the MTA at 36 months: prevalence course and treatment effects,2007,46,8,1028-1040,Gibbons Risk factors for conduct disorder and oppositional/defiant disorder: evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort,2010,49,11,1125-1133,Boden Adult Outcomes of Childhood Dysregulation: A 14-year Follow-up Study,2010,49,11,1105-1116.e1,Verhulst Neurobiology of the adolescent brain and behavior: implications for substance use disorders,2010,49,12,1189-1201,Casey Secondary prevention of childhood firesetting,1994,33,8,1194-1202,Ross Psychiatric morbidity violent crime and suicide among children and adolescents exposed to parental death,2010,49,5,514-523,Brent Enhancing access through TeenScreen,2009,48,11,1125-6; author reply 1126-7,Olfson Should screening for depression among children and adolescents be demedicalized?,2009,48,7,683-687,Wakefield Medicalize depression not sadness,2009,48,7,681-682,Brent Emotional intelligence is a protective factor for suicidal behavior,2009,48,4,422-430,Nock Data safety monitoring boards and other study methodologies that address subject safety in "high-risk" therapeutic trials in youths,2007,46,4,489-492,Kutcher Venlafaxine ER for the treatment of pediatric subjects with depression: results of two placebo-controlled trials,2007,46,4,479-488,Findling A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of escitalopram in the treatment of pediatric depression,2006,45,3,280-288,Findling Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of youth in juvenile detention and correctional facilities,2005,44,10,1085-1098,Penn Suicidality following black-box warning,2005,44,5,405,Wolf Is the party over? Cannabis and juvenile psychiatric disorder: the past 10 years,2004,43,10,1194-1205,Martin Screening for emergent risk and service needs among incarcerated youth: comparing MAYSI-2 and Voice DISC-IV,2004,43,5,629-639,McReynolds Contribution of parent report to voice DISC-IV diagnosis among incarcerated youths,2004,43,7,868-877,McReynolds Clinical presentation and course of depression in youth: does onset in childhood differ from onset in adolescence?,2004,43,1,63-70,Kaufman Paroxetine and the FDA,2004,43,2,128-130,Riddle Paroxetine and the FDA,2004,43,2,127,Connor A statewide screening of mental health symptoms among juvenile offenders in detention,2004,43,4,430-439,Cauffman British warnings on SSRIs questioned,2004,43,4,379-380,Brent Factors in the psychological adjustment of homeless adolescent males: the role of coping style,2003,42,7,778-785,Votta Rates and predictors of aftercare services among formerly hospitalized adolescents: a prospective naturalistic study,2003,42,1,49-56,Reboussin Group intervention for children bereaved by the suicide of a relative,2002,41,5,505-513,Jiang The voice DISC-IV with incarcerated male youths: prevalence of disorder,2002,41,3,314-321,Fisher Suicide attempt with cyproheptadine,2001,40,9,994-995,Yamada Self-mutilative behavior in adolescents who attempt suicide by overdose,2001,40,9,1062-1069,Boergers Multimethod assessment of suicidality in adolescent psychiatric inpatients: preliminary results,2001,40,9,1053-1061,Prinstein Ten-year research review of physical injuries,2001,40,10,1128-1145,Stoddard Epidemiology and natural course of eating disorders in young women from adolescence to young adulthood,2000,39,10,1284-1292,Lewinsohn Risk behavior in a community sample of children and adolescents,2000,39,7,881-887,Gould Sexual attitudes and associated psychiatric features among youths in a community sample,2000,39,8,1047-1054,Hoven The neglected link between eating disturbances and aggressive behavior in girls,1999,38,10,1277-1284,Thompson The Quebec Adolescent Refugee Project: psychopathology and family variables in a sample from 35 nations,1999,38,11,1426-1432,Tousignant Dystonia as a side effect of nonneuroleptics,1999,38,7,793-795,Harris Thirty-three cases of body dysmorphic disorder in children and adolescents,1999,38,4,453-459,Phillips Posttraumatic stress disorder in hospitalized adolescents: psychiatric comorbidity and clinical correlates,1999,38,4,385-392,Lipschitz Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with depressive disorders. AACAP,1998,37,10 Suppl,63S-83S, Case study: when restraints are the least restrictive alternative for managing aggression,1998,37,5,554-558,Myers Psychiatric and injury prevention approaches to youth suicide: questions answers and lethal means,1998,37,5,481-484,Christoffel Platelet serotonin transporter in depressed children and adolescents: 3H-paroxetine platelet binding before and after sertraline,1998,37,7,777-784,Sallee Familial aggregation of psychiatric disorders in a community sample of adolescents,1997,36,5,628-636,Brent Hospitalizing the suicidal adolescent: decision-making criteria of psychiatric residents,1997,36,6,769-776,Morrissey Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents: a one-year naturalistic follow-up study,1996,35,9,1145-1155,Mufson Psychotropic toxicity,1996,35,10,1261-1262,Rose Enhancing treatment adherence with a specialized emergency room program for adolescent suicide attempters,1996,35,5,654-663,Piacentini Substance abuse treatment of American Indian adolescents: comorbid symptomatology gender differences and treatment patterns,1996,35,12,1593-1601,Novins Adolescent psychopathology: IV. Specificity of psychosocial risk factors for depression and substance abuse in older adolescents,1995,34,9,1221-1229,Lewinsohn Frequency of phobic disorder in a community sample of young adolescents,1995,34,9,1202-1211,Garrison Recovery and relapse in adolescents with bipolar affective illness: a five-year naturalistic prospective follow-up,1995,34,6,724-731,Freeman Asking about suicide in child abuse cases,1995,34,6,700; author reply 701,Krugman Significance of touch for perceptions of parenting and psychological adjustment among adolescents,1995,34,2,160-167,Wood Adolescent psychopathology: III. The clinical consequences of comorbidity,1995,34,4,510-519,Lewinsohn Bipolar disorders in a community sample of older adolescents: prevalence phenomenology comorbidity and course,1995,34,4,454-463,Lewinsohn Fluvoxamine open-label treatment of adolescent inpatients with obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression,1994,33,3,342-348,Apter Youth homicide,1994,33,6,906-908,Livingston Clonazepam as an augmenting agent in the treatment of childhood-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder,1994,33,6,792-794,Swedo Major depression in community adolescents: age at onset episode duration and time to recurrence,1994,33,6,809-818,Lewinsohn Children of people with somatization disorder,1993,32,3,536-544,Livingston Malpractice litigation against child and adolescent psychiatry residency programs 1981-1991,1993,32,2,462-465,Pollard Determinants for hospitalization from an emergency mental health service,1993,32,1,114-122,Markowitz Platelet imipramine binding in depressed children and adolescents,1992,31,2,298-305,Arora Pitfalls of diagnosis in the early stages of Wilson's disease,1990,29,3,470-471,Crumley Acute psychosis in a patient with Epstein-Barr virus infection,1990,29,3,468-469,Todd Adolescent bipolar illness and personality disorder,1990,29,3,355-358,Kutcher Affective and psychotic psychopathology in hospitalized adolescents,1988,27,1,116-120,Apter Desipramine and imipramine overdose in a psychotic adolescent,1987,26,1,108-109,Kriechman Research on the treatment of sexually abused children: a review and recommendations,1995,34,11,1408-1423,Finkelhor Encopresis [corrected] secondary to sexual assault,1995,34,11,1404,Feehan A developmental psychopathology perspective on child abuse and neglect,1995,34,5,541-565,Cicchetti Testosterone and aggression,1995,34,5,535-536,Constantino Longitudinal patterns of heart rate and fighting behavior in 9- through 12-year-old boys,1995,34,3,371-377,Earls The development of patterns of stable transient and school-age onset aggressive behavior in young children,1995,34,3,348-358,Prior Functional dysphagia and sex abuse,1995,34,3,262-263,Masters Case study: sleep and aggressive behavior in a blind retarded adolescent. A concomitant schedule disorder?,1995,34,6,820-824,Sadeh Sleep and psychological characteristics of children on a psychiatric inpatient unit,1995,34,6,813-819,Sachs Environmental factors and bipolar disorder,1995,34,1,4-5,Peterson Mental health of adolescent mothers,1995,34,2,130-142,Trad Alien abduction in PTSD,1995,34,8,974-975,Takhar Aggression intrapsychic distress and drug use: antecedent and intervening processes,1995,34,8,1076-1084,Brook Child physical abuse and aggression: preliminary findings on the role of internalizing problems,1995,34,8,1060-1066,Kolko Beyond posttraumatic stress disorder: object relations and reality testing disturbances in physically and sexually abused adolescents,1995,34,8,1054-1059,Haviland Mother and teacher assessments of behavior problems in abused children,1995,34,8,1043-1053,Kinard Sexual behavior problems and psychopathology symptoms in sexually abused girls,1995,34,8,1033-1042,Gaines Traumatic loss in a one-year-old girl,1995,34,4,520-528,Chatoor Which boys will fare worse? Early predictors of the onset of conduct disorder in a six-year longitudinal study,1995,34,4,499-509,Green Memory and psychoanalysis: a new look at infantile amnesia and transference,1995,34,4,405-417,Lewis Psychiatric impairment and childhood victimization experiences in female child molesters,1994,33,7,954-961,Kaplan Stability and change in outcomes for sexually abused children,1994,33,7,945-953,O'Toole Psychiatric status of sexually abused children 12 months after disclosure of abuse,1994,33,7,939-944,Merry Aggression social acceptance and race as predictors of negative adolescent outcomes,1994,33,7,1026-1035,Lochman A multimodal approach to functional dysphagia,1994,33,7,1012-1016,Pumariega Salivary testosterone and cortisol in disruptive children: relationship to aggressive hyperactive and internalizing behaviors,1994,33,8,1174-1184,Kolko Selective mutism continued,1994,33,4,593-594,Wright Testosterone and conduct problems,1994,33,6,908,Weisz Home behaviors of children in three treatment settings: an outpatient clinic a day hospital and an inpatient hospital,1994,33,1,56-59,Zimet Medications for aggressiveness,1994,33,2,282-283,Bhatara Beta blocker inhibits tricyclic metabolism,1994,33,2,223-224,Gillette Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: psychiatric disorders at two years,1997,36,9,1278-1285,Lindgren Increased nocturnal activity and impaired sleep maintenance in abused children,1997,36,9,1236-1243,Teicher A treatment study for sexually abused preschool children: outcome during a one-year follow-up,1997,36,9,1228-1235,Mannarino Association of prenatal alcohol exposure with behavioral and learning problems in early adolescence,1997,36,9,1187-1194,Streissguth Relationship of childhood sexual abuse and eating disorders,1997,36,8,1107-1115,Wonderlich Symptomatology and adaptive functioning for children exposed to normative stressors dog attack and parental violence,1997,36,8,1089-1097,Emde Posttraumatic symptomatology in children and adolescents after an industrial fire,1997,36,8,1080-1088,Terry Comorbidity in ADHD: implications for research practice and DSM-V,1997,36,8,1065-1079,Jensen My father Frankenstein: a child's view of battering parents,1997,36,7,1005-1007,van Dalen Case study: allegations of abuse created in a single interview,1997,36,7,966-970,Bernet Relationship between sexual abuse gender and sexually inappropriate behaviors in seriously mentally ill youths,1997,36,7,959-965,Adams How suggestible are preschool children? Cognitive and social factors,1997,36,7,948-958,Ceci Relationship of perceived competencies perceived social support and gender to substance use in young adolescents,1997,36,7,933-940,O'Brien Psychosocial functioning of homeless children,1997,36,7,881-889,Grattan Plasma cortisol and aggression in boys with ADHD,1997,36,5,605-609,Sharma Gender differences in adolescent psychiatric outpatient substance use: associated behaviors and feelings,1997,36,4,486-494,Martin Practice parameters for the forensic evaluation of children and adolescents who may have been physically or sexually abused. AACAP Official Action. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,1997,36,3,423-442, Traumatic brain injury in a child psychiatry outpatient clinic: a controlled study,1997,36,3,404-411,Max Validity of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in an adolescent psychiatric population,1997,36,3,340-348,Handelsman Five years after child sexual abuse: persisting dysfunction and problems of prediction,1997,36,3,330-339,O'Toole Subtypes of aggression and their relevance to child psychiatry,1997,36,3,307-315,Stoff Cholesterol and aggression,1997,36,3,303-304,McGrath How can we improve the assessment of safety in child and adolescent psychopharmacology?,2003,42,6,634-641,Capasso Group psychotherapy for adolescent survivors of homicide victims: a pilot study,2001,40,11,1261-1267,Salloum Prepubertal suicide attempts,1994,33,6,908-909,Jacobsen Family and cognitive factors: modeling risk for aggression in children with ADHD,2006,45,3,355-363,Miller Common and specific genetic influences on aggressive and nonaggressive conduct disorder domains,2006,45,5,570-577,Rhee Testing effectiveness of a community-based aggression management program for children 7 to 11 years old and their families,2006,45,9,1085-1093,Duku The adoption of children from public care: a prospective study of outcome in adolescence,2006,45,7,877-883,Rushton Elevated childhood serotonergic function protects against adolescent aggression in disruptive boys,2006,45,7,833-840,Marks Effectiveness safety and pharmacokinetics of quetiapine in aggressive children with conduct disorder,2006,45,7,792-800,Findling Child-parent psychotherapy: 6-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial,2006,45,8,913-918,Van Horn Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among older youths in the foster care system,2005,44,1,88-95,Ollie Wild child,2005,44,1,1; author reply 1-2,French Cmap ADHD and comorbid aggression algorithm,2007,46,1,1; author reply 1-3,Sharp Palestinian youth of the Intifada: PTSD and future orientation,2005,44,11,1176-1183,Solomon Israeli youth in the Second Intifada: PTSD and future orientation,2005,44,11,1167-1175,Solomon Compulsive compliance in a young maltreated child,1998,37,5,462-463,Jacobsen Overt categorical aggression in referred children and adolescents,1998,37,1,66-73,Connor Factors that mediate treatment outcome of sexually abused preschool children: six- and 12-month follow-up,1998,37,1,44-51,Mannarino Viewing preferences symptoms of psychological trauma and violent behaviors among children who watch television,1998,37,10,1041-1048,Singer Posttraumatic stress disorder among female juvenile offenders,1998,37,11,1209-1216,Waterman A contextually relevant assessment of the impact of child maltreatment on the social competencies of low-income urban children,1998,37,11,1201-1208,Fantuzzo Factors contributing to the generational transmission of child maltreatment,1998,37,12,1334-1336,Green Psychopathology in non-clinically referred sexually abused children,1998,37,12,1326-1333,McLeer Callous-unemotional traits are related to combined deficits in recognizing afraid faces and body poses,2009,48,5,554-562,Muñoz Mental disorders among adolescents in juvenile detention and correctional facilities: posttraumatic stress disorder is overlooked,2009,48,3,340; author reply 340-1,Zametkin Maternal smoking in pregnancy and externalizing behavior in 18-month-old children: results from a population-based prospective study,2009,48,3,283-289,Borge When parenting becomes unthinkable: intervening with traumatized parents and their toddlers,2009,48,3,249-253,Schechter Supporting the mental health and psychosocial well-being of former child soldiers,2009,48,6,587-590,Wessells Genetic risk for conduct disorder symptom subtypes in an ADHD sample: specificity to aggressive symptoms,2009,48,7,757-764,Doyle An item response theory analysis of DSM-IV conduct disorder,2009,48,1,42-50,Hopfer Longitudinal outcome of youth oppositionality: irritable headstrong and hurtful behaviors have distinctive predictions,2009,48,4,404-412,Goodman Sierra Leone's former child soldiers: a longitudinal study of risk protective factors and mental health,2010,49,6,606-615,Brennan Behavior problems and placement change in a national child welfare sample: a prospective study,2010,49,1,70-80,Raghavan Childhood family problems and current psychiatric problems among young violent and property offenders,1996,35,10,1394-1401,Haapasalo Relationship between early abuse posttraumatic stress disorder and activity levels in prepubertal children,1996,35,10,1384-1393,Teicher Age of onset of sexual abuse: relationship to sexually inappropriate behaviors,1996,35,10,1375-1383,Adams Childhood sexual abuse and psychiatric disorder in young adulthood: II. Psychiatric outcomes of childhood sexual abuse,1996,35,10,1365-1374,Fergusson Childhood sexual abuse and psychiatric disorder in young adulthood: I. Prevalence of sexual abuse and factors associated with sexual abuse,1996,35,10,1355-1364,Fergusson Young adult drug use and delinquency: childhood antecedents and adolescent mediators,1996,35,12,1584-1592,Brook Child maltreatment: risk of adjustment problems and dating violence in adolescence,2001,40,3,282-289,Wolfe Factitious disorder by proxy,2001,40,1,4-5,Albrecht Victimization of children,2001,40,1,2,Storch Diatheses and stressors in borderline pathology of childhood: the role of neuropsychological risk and trauma,2001,40,1,100-105,Paris Evaluation of a preventive intervention for maltreated infants and toddlers in foster care,2001,40,2,214-221,Larrieu Violence exposure among school-age children in foster care: relationship to distress symptoms,2001,40,5,588-594,Burnam Aggression and psychiatric comorbidity in children with hypothalamic hamartomas and their unaffected siblings,2001,40,6,696-703,Zametkin Case series: amantadine open-label treatment of impulsive and aggressive behavior in hospitalized children with developmental disabilities,2001,40,6,654-657,Wright The juvenile-as-adult-criminal debate,2001,40,6,619-620,Koenen School violence,2001,40,9,992,Rappaport Sexually abused children with posttraumatic stress symptoms,2001,40,9,991-992,Rajesh Summary of the practice parameter for the prevention and management of aggressive behavior in child and adolescent psychiatric institutions with special reference to seclusion and restraint,2001,40,11,1356-1358,Kroeger Victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among homeless adolescents,2004,43,3,325-331,Whitbeck Dose-response effect of mother-infant clinical home visiting on aggressive behavior problems in kindergarten,2004,43,6,699-707,Lyons‐Ruth A multisite randomized controlled trial for children with sexual abuse-related PTSD symptoms,2004,43,4,393-402,Mannarino Childhood reactions to terrorism-induced trauma: a review of the past 10 years,2004,43,4,381-392,Fremont Childhood reactions to terrorism,2004,43,11,1320-1321,Measham Reducing aggressive behavior in boys with a social cognitive group treatment: results of a randomized controlled trial,2004,43,12,1478-1487,Emmelkamp Violence exposure posttraumatic stress and personality in juvenile delinquents,2002,41,3,322-329,Vermeiren Psychopharmacology and aggression. I: A meta-analysis of stimulant effects on overt/covert aggression-related behaviors in ADHD,2002,41,3,253-261,Connor Risk and protective factors as predictors of outcome in adolescents with psychiatric disorder and aggression,2002,41,1,36-43,Bowen Toward an empirical definition of pediatric PTSD: the phenomenology of PTSD symptoms in youth,2002,41,2,166-173,Weems Practice parameter for the prevention and management of aggressive behavior in child and adolescent psychiatric institutions with special reference to seclusion and restraint,2002,41,2 Suppl,4S-25S,Beitchman Citalopram treatment for impulsive aggression in children and adolescents: an open pilot study,2002,41,5,522-529,Lewis PTSD and TV viewing of World Trade Center,2002,41,5,494-495,Duggal Children's trauma and adjustment reactions to violent and nonviolent war experiences,2002,41,4,450-457,Allwood Influence of adult domestic violence on children's internalizing and externalizing problems: an environmentally informative twin study,2002,41,9,1095-1103,Moffitt Reduced aggression in two inpatient children with the treatment of their sleep disorder,2002,41,9,1025,Pakyurek Attachment disturbances in young children. II: Indiscriminate behavior and institutional care,2002,41,8,983-989,Zeanah Attachment disturbances in young children. I: The continuum of caretaking casualty,2002,41,8,972-982,Zeanah Improving the management of acute aggression in state residential and inpatient psychiatric facilities for youths,2002,41,8,897-905,Dosreis Bereavement intervention with incarcerated youths,2002,41,8,893-894,Rynearson Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder: a review of the past 10 years part II,2002,41,11,1275-1293,Burke Follow-up of a case of Munchausen by proxy syndrome,2002,41,12,1395-1396,Schreier Similar autonomic responsivity in boys with conduct disorder and their fathers,2007,46,4,535-544,Herpertz-Dahlmann The practical search,2007,46,3,418-422,Hamilton Consensus report on impulsive aggression as a symptom across diagnostic categories in child psychiatry: implications for medication studies,2007,46,3,309-322,Blair Implementing an evidence-based trauma treatment in a state system after September 11: the CATS project,2007,46,6,773-779,Kaplan Pharmacotherapy of aggression in a 9-year-old with ADHD,2007,46,5,653-658,Findling Risperidone augmentation for treatment-resistant aggression in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a placebo-controlled pilot study,2007,46,5,558-565,Lewis Fast track randomized controlled trial to prevent externalizing psychiatric disorders: findings from grades 3 to 9,2007,46,10,1250-1262, Correlates of comorbid psychopathology in children with ADHD,2003,42,2,193-200,Connor Treatment recommendations for the use of antipsychotics for aggressive youth (TRAAY). Part II,2003,42,2,145-161,Findling Treatment recommendations for the use of antipsychotics for aggressive youth (TRAAY). Part I: a review,2003,42,2,132-144,Van Orden Reliability validity and preliminary normative data for the Children's Aggression Scale-Teacher Version,2003,42,8,965-971,McKay Salivary cortisol personality and aggressive behavior in adolescent boys: a 5-year longitudinal study,2003,42,9,1101-1107,Giancola Association between early childhood aggression and internalizing behavior for sibling pairs,2003,42,9,1093-1100,Najman Hallucinations associated with initiation of guanfacine,2003,42,12,1387,Boreman Should relational aggression be included in DSM-V?,2008,47,1,86-93,Lahey Relationship of childhood sexual abuse and eating disturbance in children,2000,39,10,1277-1283,Thompson Explosive outbursts in children with Tourette's disorder,2000,39,10,1270-1276,Lesser Trazodone for symptoms of frontal lobe atrophy,2000,39,10,1209-1210,Myers Increased adrenal androgen functioning in children with oppositional defiant disorder: a comparison with psychiatric and normal controls,2000,39,11,1446-1451,Cohen-Kettenis Treating sexually abused children with posttraumatic stress symptoms: a randomized clinical trial,2000,39,11,1347-1355,Martin Factitious disorder by proxy in which the presenting problem is behavioral or psychiatric,2000,39,5,668-670,Schreier Aggressive behavior in clinically depressed adolescents,2000,39,5,611-618,Logan Munchausen by proxy,2000,39,5,543-544,Weintrob Attachment disorder behavior following early severe deprivation: extension and longitudinal follow-up. English and Romanian Adoptees Study Team,2000,39,6,703-712,Rutter Evaluating and reporting emotional abuse in children: parent-based action-based focus aids in clinical decision-making,2000,39,7,928-930,Bernet Behavioral and emotional problems in Chinese children of divorced parents,2000,39,7,896-903,Liu Gender-specific characteristics of 5-year-olds' play narratives and associations with behavior ratings,2000,39,8,1017-1023,Schmitz Success-based noncoercive treatment of oppositional behavior in children from violent homes,2000,39,8,995-1004,Atkinson A twin study of inattentive aggressive and anxious/depressed behaviors,2000,39,4,469-476,Heath Physical fighting in childhood as a risk factor for later mental health problems,2000,39,4,421-428,Green Summary of the practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents who are sexually abusive of others. American Adademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,2000,39,1,127-130, Posttraumatic stress in children exposed to family violence and single-event trauma,2000,39,1,108-115,Walker Sexual obsessions in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2000,39,2,141-142,Freeman Adolescent multiple personality disorder: a preliminary study of eleven cases,1990,29,3,359-366,Dell Multiple personality,1990,29,3,488,Heffron A review of the pharmacotherapy of aggression in children and adolescents,1990,29,2,269-277,Myers Parental substance abuse and suspected child abuse/maltreatment predict outcome in children's inpatient treatment,1990,29,6,919-924,Gabel Paranoid and aggressive behavior in two obsessive-compulsive adolescents treated with clomipramine,1991,30,6,999-1002,Johnson Aggressive behavior in youth: characteristics outcome and psychiatric diagnoses,1991,30,6,982-988,Gabel Buspirone for aggression,1991,30,6,1026,Ward Encopresis and sexual assault,1991,30,3,509-510,Boon Neuropsychological function in adolescent girls with conduct disorder,2008,47,4,416-425,Gardner Treating comorbid anxiety and aggression in children,2008,47,7,833; author reply 833-4,Nicol Sex differences in autonomic correlates of conduct problems and aggression,2008,47,7,788-796,Beauchaine Psychological risk factors for borderline pathology in school-age children,1999,38,2,206-212,Paris No safe haven. II: The effects of violence exposure on urban youth,1999,38,4,359-367,Schwab-Stone Deficient social problem-solving in boys with ODD/CD with ADHD and with both disorders,1999,38,3,311-321,Matthys Combining methylphenidate and clonidine: a clinically sound medication option,1999,38,5,614-9; discussion 619-22,Spencer Generational transmission of child maltreatment,1999,38,12,1469,Stanton Posttraumatic stress responses in bereaved children after the Oklahoma City bombing,1999,38,11,1372-1379,Moore Toward Evidence-Based Treatment: Child-Parent Psychotherapy with Preschoolers Exposed to Marital Violence,2005,44,12,1241-1248,Ippen Dissociable patterns of neural activity during response inhibition in depressed adolescents with and without suicidal behavior,2011,50,6,602-611.e3,Brent Sexual homicide by adolescents,1994,33,7,962-969,Myers Structure of DSM-III-R criteria for disruptive childhood behaviors: confirmatory factor models,1994,33,8,1145-55; discussion 155-7,Fergusson Role of the mother's touch in failure to thrive: a preliminary investigation,1994,33,8,1098-1105,Polan Hyperactivity and conduct problems as risk factors for adolescent development,1996,35,9,1213-1226,Heptinstall Factors that mediate treatment outcome of sexually abused preschool children,1996,35,10,1402-1410,Mannarino Can emotions and themes in children's play predict behavior problems?,1996,35,10,1331-1337,Emde Illogical thinking and thought disorder in maltreated children,2011,50,7,659-668,Rogosch Case study: neurological brain waves causing serious behavioral brainstorms,1998,37,10,1085-1090,Taylor Predictors of family functioning after traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents,1998,37,1,83-90,Lindgren Suicide Attempts and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in the Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents: Findings from the TORDIA Study,2011,50,8,772-781,Brent Nonsuicidal self-injury: A clear marker for suicide risk,2011,50,8,741-743,Wilkinson Preventing youth suicide: Time to ask how,2011,50,8,738-740,Brent Delayed sleep phase disorder after traumatic brain injury,1992,31,1,100-102,Patten Nonsuicidal self-injury in an American Indian reservation community: Results from the white mountain Apache surveillance system 2007-2008,2011,50,9,860-869,Cwik Catchers in the rye,1990,29,1,10-16,Schowalter Child psychopathic traits moderate relationships between parental affect and child aggression,2011,50,10,1054-1064,Chen Contagion of deliberate self-harm among adolescent inpatients,1998,37,2,211-217,Helenius Prevalence of PTSD in a community sample of older adolescents,1998,37,2,147-154,Garrison Premorbid prevalence of ADHD and development of secondary ADHD after closed head injury,1998,37,6,647-654,Gerring Attention-deficit hyperactivity symptomatology after traumatic brain injury: a prospective study,1998,37,8,841-847,Arndt Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents after severe traumatic brain injury: a controlled study,1998,37,8,832-840,Arndt Violence in the media,1999,38,10,1208,Villani Predicting posttraumatic stress after hospitalization for pediatric injury,2000,39,5,576-583,McHugo Practice parameter for child and adolescent forensic evaluations,2011,50,12,1299-1312, A randomized controlled trial of multisystemic therapy and a statutory therapeutic intervention for young offenders,2011,50,12,1220-1235.e2,Fonagy More on the DICA-IV,2001,40,2,130-132,McQuaid Clinical predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder after closed head injury in children,2002,41,2,157-165,Ernst Anxiety after severe pediatric closed head injury,2002,41,2,148-156,Slomine Conduct problems and symptoms of sleep disorders in children,2003,42,2,201-208,Chervin Extraversion as a risk factor,2003,42,2,130,Spirling Outpatient care of young people after emergency treatment of deliberate self-harm,2012,51,2,213-222.e1,Bridge Involvement in bullying and suicide-related behavior at 11 years: a prospective birth cohort study,2012,51,3,271-282.e3,Zanarini Moral development and psychopathological interference in conscience functioning among adolescents after trauma,1999,38,4,376-384,Stilwell Children's responses to a nuclear waste disaster: PTSD symptoms and outcome prediction,1999,38,4,368-375,Green Case series: PTSD symptoms in adolescent survivors of "ethnic cleansing." Results from a 1-year follow-up study,1999,38,6,775-781,McGlashan Mental health and social adjustment in young refugee children 3 1/2 years after their arrival in Sweden,1999,38,6,723-730,Broberg When the earth stops shaking: earthquake sequelae among children diagnosed for pre-earthquake psychopathology,1999,38,8,1016-1023,Guthrie The K-SADS and diagnosis of major depressive disorder,1999,38,9,1065-1069,Hamilton Criminal recidivism as a neurobehavioral syndrome,1999,38,9,1070-1071,French Psychosis associated with pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan,1999,38,12,1471-1472,Keck Impaired decision making in adolescent suicide attempters,2012,51,4,394-403,Brent Affectively charged: decision making in teenage suicide attempters,2012,51,4,350-352,King Abstract thinking - saving lives: can we predict and prevent adolescent suicide?,2012,51,4,339-340,Weder Strengths of children and adolescents in residential settings: prevalence and associations with psychopathology and discharge placement,2000,39,2,176-181,Lyons Mental Health and Childhood Adversities: A Longitudinal Study in Kabul Afghanistan,2011,50,4,349-363,Panter-Brick Parent-child agreement regarding children's acute stress: the role of parent acute stress reactions,2006,45,12,1485-1493,Winston Relational aggression in children with preschool-onset psychiatric disorders,2012,51,9,889-901,Belden Family functioning social impairment and symptoms among adolescents with bipolar disorder,2012,51,10,1085-1094,Axelson Developmental trajectories of physical and indirect aggression from late childhood to adolescence: sex differences and outcomes in emerging adulthood,2012,51,10,1037-1051,Vaillancourt The TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS): Design current status and selected findings,2012,51,10,1020-1036,Verhulst Neuroimaging correlates of novel psychiatric disorders after pediatric traumatic brain injury,2012,51,11,1208-1217,Hotz Findings from the Pittsburgh Youth Study: cognitive impulsivity and intelligence as predictors of the age-crime curve,2012,51,11,1136-1149,Stouthamer-Loeber Evidence of a distinct behavioral phenotype in young boys with fragile x syndrome and autism,2012,51,12,1324-1332,Bodfish Mentalization-based treatment for self-harm in adolescents: a randomized controlledtrial,2012,51,12,1304-1313.e3,Fonagy Harry Potter and butterbeer,2004,43,1,9-10,Welsh Characterization of adolescent prescription drug abuse and misuse using the Researched Abuse Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS®) system,2013,52,2,196-204.e2,Lowenstein Childhood gender nonconformity bullying victimization and depressive symptoms across adolescence and early adulthood: an 11-year longitudinal study,2013,52,2,143-152,Roberts Ending the silence on gun violence,2013,52,4,333-338,Brent Adolescent substance use in the multimodal treatment study of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (MTA) as a function of childhood ADHD random assignment to childhood treatments and subsequent medication,2013,52,3,250-263,Gibbons Striatum-based circuitry of adolescent depression and anhedonia,2013,52,6,628-641.e13,Castellanos Effects of exposure to rocket attacks on adolescent distress and violence: a 4-year longitudinal study,2013,52,6,619-627,Henrich Being bullied during childhood and the prospective pathways to self-harm in late adolescence,2013,52,6,608-618.e2,Lewis Behavioral and emotional problems among children of cocaine- and opiate-dependent parents,1999,38,4,421-428,Kirby Oppositionality and socioemotional competence: interacting risk factors in the development of childhood conduct disorder symptoms,2013,52,7,718-727,Oliver Childhood self-control and adult outcomes: Results from a 30-year longitudinal study,2013,52,7,709-717.e1,Boden Family intervention for adolescents with suicidal behavior: a randomized controlled trial and mediation analysis,2013,52,8,851-862,Dadds Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in a national sample of adolescents,2013,52,8,815-830.e14,Koenen Ending the silence on gun violence … or silencing the debate?,2013,52,10,1092-1093,McPhedran Clinical Evaluation of Juvenile Delinquents Facing Transfer to Adult Court,1987,26,6,922-925,Barnum Distinguishing Two Types of Adolescent Sex Offenders,2002,41,1,83-90,Seto School mental health resources and adolescent mental health service use,2013,52,5,501-510,Alegria Food insecurity and mental disorders in a national sample of U.S. adolescents,2012,51,12,1293-1303,Alegria Practice parameter on disaster preparedness,2013,52,11,1224-1238,Pfefferbaum A potential electroencephalography and cognitive biosignature for the child behavior checklist-dysregulation profile,2013,52,11,1173-1182,Piacentini Callous-unemotional traits proactive aggression and treatment outcomes of aggressive children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2013,52,12,1281-1293,Pliszka Protecting adolescents from self-harm: A critical review of intervention studies,2013,52,12,1260-1271,Brent What does risperidone add to parent training and stimulant for severe aggression in child attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?,2014,53,1,47-60.e1,Findling Genetic associations between the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and emotional lability in child and adolescent twins,2014,53,2,209-220.e4,Rijsdijk Developmental timing of housing mobility: Longitudinal effects on externalizing behaviors among at-risk youth,2014,53,2,199-208,Henry Perceived social support from family school and peers: relationship with emotional and behavioral problems among adolescents,1996,35,12,1657-1664,Garnefski Abnormal amygdala functional connectivity associated with emotional lability in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2014,53,3,351-361.e1,Hummer Increased structural connectivity in corpus callosum in adolescent males with conduct disorder,2014,53,4,466-475.e1,Yao Child abuse depression and methylation in genes involved with stress neural plasticity and brain circuitry,2014,53,4,417-424.e5,Kaufman School mobility and prospective pathways to psychotic-like symptoms in early adolescence: a prospective birth cohort study,2014,53,5,518-527.e1,Wolke Parental suicide attempt and offspring self-harm and suicidal thoughts: results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) birth cohort,2014,53,5,509-517.e2,Heron Growth in the Concurrent Use of Antipsychotics With Other Psychotropic Medications in Medicaid-Enrolled Children,2014,53,9,960-970.e2,Feudtner Crime and psychiatric disorders among youth in the US population: an analysis of the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement,2014,53,8,888-898.e2,McKee Replicated Prediction of Men's Suicide Attempt History from Parent Reports in Late Childhood,2008,47,7,835-836,Verhulst Social interaction patterns of high average and low sociometric status children,1987,26,1,28-32,Roopnarine Risperidone added to parent training and stimulant medication: effects on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder oppositional defiant disorder conduct disorder and peer aggression,2014,53,9,948-959.e1,Findling Perception of family conflict resolution and depressive symptomatology in adolescents,1988,27,1,42-48,Kashani More on Münchausen by proxy,1988,27,1,140,Drell Bipolar disorder in a six-year-old boy: a diagnosis by proxy,1988,27,1,133-137,Philips Separation anxiety disorder in childhood as a risk factor for future mental illness,2008,47,5,548-555,Joiner Anxiety sensitivity in African-American adolescents: evidence of symptom specificity of anxiety sensitivity components,2004,43,7,887-895,Lambert Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents with repeated suicidal and self-harming behavior: a randomized trial,2014,53,10,1082-1091,Miller Adolescent self-harm: new horizons?,2014,53,10,1048-1049,Apter Residential instability in adolescent inpatients,1989,28,2,176-181,Greenblatt Resolved: there is no special developmental consideration in adolescence mitigating against capital punishment for those who committed murder under eighteen years of age,1989,28,3,450-454,Schowalter Psychiatric outcome of burned children and adolescents,1989,28,4,589-595,Beardslee Child psychiatry in Japan,1989,28,4,488-492,McClure An abused psychotic preadolescent at risk for Huntington's disease,1989,28,4,612-617,Pfeffer Child psychopathology and environmental influences: discrete life events versus ongoing adversity,1991,30,2,303-309,Davis Anxiety inhibition and conduct disorder in children: I. Relations to social impairment,1991,30,2,187-191,Stouthamer-Loeber Lead intoxication psychosis in an adolescent,1987,26,2,274-276,McCracken Assaultive behavior in child psychiatric inpatients outpatients and nonpatients,1987,26,2,256-261,Pfeffer Cognitive development in inattentive hyperactive and aggressive children: two- to five-year follow-up,1987,26,2,219-221,Goldstein Victimization among preschoolers: role of attachment relationship history,1987,26,2,166-172,Troy Psychiatric diagnoses in adolescent sex offenders,1988,27,2,241-243,Kaplan Neuropsychological deficit and self-reported delinquency in an unselected birth cohort,1988,27,2,233-240,Moffitt Effects of dextroamphetamine and contingency management on a preschooler with ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder,1988,27,2,175-178,Speltz Longitudinal patterns of cortisol regulation differ in maltreated and nonmaltreated children,2014,53,11,1206-1215,Rogosch Developmental trajectories of irritability and bidirectional associations with maternal depression,2014,53,11,1191-1205.e4,Leibenluft How gay-straight alliance groups mitigate the relationship between gay-bias victimization and adolescent suicide attempts,2014,53,12,1271-1278.e1,Davis Web-Based Interventions for Youth Internalizing Problems: A Systematic Review,2014,53,12,1254-1270.e5,Gould Delinquency depression and psychosis among adolescents in foster care: what holds three heads together?,2014,53,12,1251-1253,Miklowitz Adolescent Initiation of Drug Use: Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure,2013,52,1,37-46,Day A Randomized Controlled Trial of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Sexually Exploited War-Affected Congolese Girls,2013,52,4,359-369,Shannon Dimensions of oppositionality in a Brazilian community sample: testing the "DSM-5" proposal and etiological links,2013,52,4,389,Goodman Conduct disorder and initiation of substance use: a prospective longitudinal study,2013,52,5,511,Hopfer Aberrant paralimbic gray matter in incarcerated male adolescents with psychopathic traits,2013,52,1,94,Calhoun Does childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder predict risk-taking and medical illnesses in adulthood?,2013,52,2,153,Castellanos Psychiatric disorders and violence: a study of delinquent youth after detention,2015,54,4,302-312.e5,Teplin Impact of parents' wartime military deployment and injury on young children's safety and mental health,2015,54,4,294-301,Anthony Pathways to suicide-related behavior in offspring of mothers with depression: the role of offspring psychopathology,2015,54,5,385-393,Collishaw Childhood behavior problems and academic outcomes in adolescence: longitudinal population-based study,2015,54,5,360-368.e2,Sayal The Child Behavior Checklist dysregulation profile in preschool children: a broad dysregulation syndrome,2015,54,7,595-602.e2,Dekovic Preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity and oppositional defiant problems as antecedents of school bullying,2015,54,7,571-579,Verhulst Adolescent eating disorders predict psychiatric high-risk behaviors and weight outcomes in young adulthood,2015,54,8,652-659,Horton Child maltreatment and neural systems underlying emotion regulation,2015,54,9,753-762,McLaughlin Web intervention for adolescents affected by disaster: population-based randomized controlled trial,2015,54,9,709-717,Resnick Ending the silence on gun violence ... or silencing the debate? Reply,2013,52,10,1093-1095,Brent Mental health assessments in juvenile justice: Report on the consensus conference,2003,42,7,752-761,Wasserman Effects of capitated mental health services on youth contact with the juvenile justice system,2002,41,12,1462-1469,Snowden The association between suicide screening practices and attempts requiring emergency care in juvenile justice facilities,2005,44,5,485-493,Gallagher Utah youth suicide study phase I: Government agency contact before death,2002,41,4,427-434,Keller Comparison of motor vehicle crashes traffic violations and license suspensions between autistic and non-autistic adolescent and young adult drivers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metzger Physical activity sadness and suicidality in bullied US adolescents,2015,54,10,808-815,Edwards Correlates and consequences of suicidal cognitions and behaviors in children ages 3 to 7 years,2015,54,11,926-937.e2,Luby Commercial sexual exploitation of children and the role of the child psychiatrist,2014,53,8,825-829,Ijadi-Maghsoodi Using implicit and explicit measures to predict nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescent inpatients,2016,55,1,62-68,Nock Child neglect and maltreatment and childhood-to-adulthood cognition and mental health in a prospective birth cohort,2016,55,1,33-40,Geoffroy Associations between peer victimization and suicidal ideation and suicide attempt during adolescence: results from a prospective population-based birth cohort,2016,55,2,99-105,Renaud Marital hostility hostile parenting and child aggression: associations from toddlerhood to school age,2016,55,3,235-242,Stover Here/in this issue and there/abstract thinking: wielding weapons: the intersection between firearms and child psychiatry,2016,55,3,153-154,Hong Self-harm and suicidality in children referred for gender dysphoria,2016,55,6,513-520,Wasserman Severely aggressive children receiving stimulant medication versus stimulant and risperidone: 12-month follow-up of the TOSCA Trial,2016,55,6,469-478,Kolko Childhood trauma and illicit drug use in adolescence: a population-based national comorbidity survey replication-adolescent supplement study,2016,55,8,701-708,McLaughlin Environmental determinants of aggression in adolescents: role of urban neighborhood greenspace,2016,55,7,591-601,Berhane Child affected by parental relationship distress,2016,55,7,571-579,Wamboldt Changes in mental health bullying behavior and service use among eight-year-old children over 24 years,2016,55,8,717-725.e2,Sourander Reduced default mode connectivity in adolescents with conduct disorder,2016,55,9,800-808.e1,Fairchild Correlates of mental illness and wellbeing in children: are they the same? Results from the UK Millennium Cohort Study,2016,55,9,771-783,Patalay Long-term outcomes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,55,10,841-850,Whiteford Functional adult outcomes 16 years after childhood diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: MTA results,2016,55,11,945-952.e2,Hechtman International comparisons of the youth self-report dysregulation profile: latent class analyses in 34 societies,2016,55,12,1046-1053,Althoff Trajectories of substance use disorder in youth after detention: a 12-year longitudinal study,2017,56,2,140-148,Teplin Child abuse neural structure and adolescent psychopathology: a longitudinal study,2017,56,4,321-328.e1,McLaughlin Managing suicide and violence risk while building resilience: practical applications in clinical school and community settings,2016,55,10 Suppl,S92,Hunt Neural biomarker and early temperament predict increased internalizing symptoms after a natural disaster,2017,56,5,410-416,Danielson Intergenerational transmission of maternal childhood maltreatment exposure: implications for fetal brain development,2017,56,5,373-382,Wadhwa Cognitive-behavioral family treatment for suicide attempt prevention: a randomized controlled trial,2017,56,6,506-514,Asarnow Autism and convictions for violent crimes: population-based cohort study in Sweden,2017,56,6,491-497.e2,Gumpert Public perception autism and the importance of violence subtypes,2017,56,6,462-463,Westphal Depression and violence in adolescence and young adults: findings from three longitudinal cohorts,2017,56,8,652-658.e1,Fazel Trauma exposure and externalizing disorders in adolescents: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement,2017,56,9,755-764.e3,McLaughlin National trends in substance use and use disorders among youth,2017,56,9,747-754.e3,Blanco Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among transgender youth in California: findings from a representative population-based sample of high school students,2017,56,9,739-746,Russell Teen suicide: fanning the flames of a public health crisis,2017,56,9,723-724,Havens Traumatic brain injury in adolescents: incidence and correlates,2017,56,10,895-897,Cox Effects of excessive alcohol use on antisocial behavior across adolescence and early adulthood,2017,56,10,857-865,Heron Suicide attempts in juvenile bipolar versus major depressive disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,56,10,825-831.e3,Baldessarini Amygdala resting connectivity mediates association between maternal aggression and adolescent major depression: a 7-year longitudinal study,2017,56,11,983-991.e3,Sheeber An evaluation of the specificity of executive function impairment in developmental psychopathology,2017,56,11,975-982.e3,Pine Predicting persistent limited and delayed problematic cannabis use in early adulthood: findings from a longitudinal study,2017,56,11,966-974.e4,Copeland Adult associations of childhood suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a prospective longitudinal analysis,2017,56,11,958-965.e4,Goldston Randomized clinical trial of online parent training for behavior problems after early brain injury,2017,56,11,930-939.e2,Kirkwood Traumatic stress interacts with bipolar disorder genetic risk to increase risk for suicide attempts,2017,56,12,1073-1080,Glowinski The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among adolescents: co-occurring PTSD depersonalization/derealization and other dissociation symptoms,2017,56,12,1062-1072,Graham-Bermann A two-week psychosocial intervention reduces future aggression and incarceration in clinically aggressive juvenile offenders,2017,56,12,1053-1061,Zinbarg Clinical implications from the Treatment of Severe Childhood Aggression (TOSCA) study: a re-analysis and integration of findings,2017,56,12,1026-1033,Kolko National trends in the prevalence of suicidal ideation and behavior among young adults and receipt of mental health care among suicidal young adults,2018,57,1,20-27.e2,Blanco Sexual risk behavior among youth with bipolar disorder: identifying demographic and clinical risk factors,2018,57,2,118-124,Goldstein Gun- and non-gun-related violence exposure and risk for subsequent gun carrying among male juvenile offenders,2018,57,4,274-279,Schubert Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among first-year college students: results from the WMH-ICS Project,2018,57,4,263-273.e1,Nock Data-driven subtyping of executive function-related behavioral problems in children,2018,57,4,252-262.e4,Bathelt What happens to children whose parents commit suicide?,2018,57,5,351-352,Romanowicz Autistic traits and suicidal thoughts plans and self-harm in late adolescence: population-based cohort study,2018,57,5,313-320.e6,Heron Recognizing the problem of suicidality in autism spectrum disorder,2018,57,5,302-303,Veenstra-VanderWeele Postdischarge suicide and death in South Korean children and adolescents hospitalized for a psychiatric illness,2018,57,7,508-514,Paik Dynamic gender presentations: understanding transition and "de-transition" among transgender youth,2018,57,7,451-453,Keuroghlian Helping children with traumatic reactions to parental suicide,2018,57,8,e619,Mannarino Revisiting the Werther effect in the 21st century: bullying and suicidality among adolescents who watched 13 Reasons Why,2018,57,8,610-613,Kieling Unique dispositional precursors to early-onset conduct problems and criminal offending in adulthood,2018,57,8,583-592.e3,Pardini Exploring the impact of 13 Reasons Why: looking for light amidst the heat,2018,57,8,547-549,Bridge Links between childhood traits and adult criminal behaviors,2018,57,8,542-543,Hopfer Evidence for Depressogenic Spontaneous Thoughts and Altered Resting-State Connectivity in Adolescents With a Maltreatment History,2018,57,9,687-695,Viding Child Abuse and Neglect,2018,57,9,637-644,Zeanah Spontaneous thoughts and brain connectivity: possible links between early maltreatment and later depression,2018,57,9,634-636,Cullen Rethinking lethality in youth suicide attempts: first suicide attempt outcomes in youth ages 10 to 24,2018,57,10,786-791,Bostwick Prevalence and characteristics of self-harm in adolescents: meta-analyses of community-based studies 1990-2015,2018,57,10,733-741,Gillies Youth suicide: the first suicide attempt,2018,57,10,730-732,Shain Using shared decision making to empower sexually exploited youth,2018,57,11,809-812,Sahl Pathways of association between childhood irritability and adolescent suicidality,2019,58,1,99-107.e3,Boivin Master clinician review: saving Holden Caulfield: suicide prevention in children and adolescents,2019,58,1,25-35,Brent Suicidal and self-harming preschoolers,2019,58,1,22-24,Oquendo Probing the irritability-suicidality nexus,2019,58,1,18-19,Stringaris Clinical and psychosocial characteristics of young children with suicidal ideation behaviors and nonsuicidal self-injurious behaviors,2019,58,1,117-127,Luby Early sexual trauma exposure and neural response inhibition in adolescence and young adults: trajectories of frontal theta oscillations during a go/no-go task,2019,58,2,242-255,Anokhin Amygdala functional connectivity during self-face processing in depressed adolescents with recent suicide attempt,2019,58,2,221-231,Forbes Changing conceptions of death as a function of depression status suicidal ideation and media exposure in early childhood,2019,58,3,339-349,Luby Characteristics and precipitating circumstances of suicide among incarcerated youth,2019,58,5,514-524.e1,Bridge A randomized-controlled trial: attachment-based family and non-directive supportive treatments for suicidal youth,2019,58,7,721-731,Gallop Prescription drug misuse: sources of controlled medications in adolescents,2019,58,7,670-680.e4,McCabe Shortened sleep duration causes sleepiness inattention and oppositionality in adolescents with ADHD: findings from a crossover sleep restriction/extension study,2019,58,4,433-442,Beebe Adolescent victimization and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: a genetically sensitive cohort study,2019,58,5,506-513,Moffitt Depression and suicide screening in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes: 5-years of implementation and outcomes,2019,58,6,628-632,Mara Young children and suicidal ideations: developmentally specific symptoms call for developmentally specific interventions (Editorial),2019,58,3,315-316,Gleason Cumulative prevalence of onset and recurrence of child maltreatment reports,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drake Longitudinal associations between sleep patterns and psychiatric symptom severity in high-risk and community comparison youth,2019,58,6,608-617,Goldstein A role of oxytocin receptor gene brain tissue expression quantitative trait locus rs237895 in the intergenerational transmission of the effects of maternal childhood maltreatment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wadhwa Predicting patterns of treatment response and outcome for suicidal and depressed adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kobak Children with early-onset disruptive behavior: parental mental disorders predict poor psychosocial functioning in adolescence,2019,58,8,806-817,Lichtenstein The distinctiveness of grief depression and posttraumatic stress: lessons from children after 9/11,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duarte Bullying victimization and suicide attempt among adolescents aged 12-15 years from 48 countries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haro Sources of nonmedical prescription drug misuse among US high school seniors: differences in motives and substance use behaviors,2019,58,7,681-691,Ford After April,2019,58,4,462-463,Chilton Efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy versus treatment as usual for acute-care inpatient adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saito Did bullying victimization decrease after nationwide school-based anti-bullying program? A time-trend study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sourander Investigating sex differences in emotion recognition learning and regulation among youths with conduct disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairchild Mental health promotion and disease prevention: it's about time,2019,58,5,474-477,Shatkin Association between the release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and suicide rates in the United States: an interrupted times series analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horowitz Editorial: Bullying and suicide risk: restructuring prevention identification and treatment to address a global mental health crisis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karnik Time-dependent effects of exposure to physical and sexual violence on psychopathology symptoms in late childhood: in search of sensitive periods in development,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiemeier Stigma and acceptance of Sierra Leone's child soldiers: a prospective longitudinal study of adult mental health and social functioning,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brennan Systematic review and meta-analysis: eye-tracking of attention to threat in child and adolescent anxiety,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lau Review: exteroceptive sensory abnormalities in childhood and adolescent anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a critical review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stein Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication and unintentional injuries in children and adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gibbons Editorial: How badly do we undercount chronic maltreatment and how much should clinicians care?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wildeman Behavior modification reduces psychotropic medication use in inpatient children with aggression: a retrospective cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Epidemiology needs to inform suicide prevention strategies,2019,58,9,919-920,Bostwick Effects of childhood and adult persistent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on risk of motor vehicle crashes: results from the Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hechtman Prospective prediction of first-onset of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent girls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kotov Altered neural processing of threat-related information in children and adolescents exposed to violence: a transdiagnostic mechanism contributing to the emergence of psychopathology,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLaughlin Homophobic bullying and suicidal behavior among US heterosexual youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Editorial: Reducing aggressive episodes in psychiatrically hospitalized children: does behavior modification work?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abright High viewership of videos about teenage suicide on YouTube,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Falcone Meta-analysis: exposure to early life stress and risk for depression in childhood and adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Humphreys Juvenile radicalization into violent extremism: investigative and research perspectives,2019,58,12,1142-1148,Borum A spoonful of injury prevention makes the ADHD medicine go down,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rockhill Five profiles of adolescents at elevated risk for suicide attempts: differences in mental health service use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,King Name no names: the role of the media in reporting mass shootings,2017,56,1,3-4,Sidhu Editorial: On collective ownership of the prevention of mass casualties perpetrated by youth,2020,59,1,27-29,Constantino The need to see and respond: the role of the child and adolescent psychiatrist in school threat assessment,2020,59,1,20-26,Weisbrot Stepped treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and aggressive behavior: a randomized controlled trial of adjunctive risperidone divalproex sodium or placebo after stimulant medication optimization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pliszka Editorial: Selective prevention in anti-bullying programs: could targeting personality be the answer?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowes Advancing research in child suicide: a call to action,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ayer Our house is on fire: child and adolescent psychiatrists in the era of the climate crisis,2020,59,5,580-582,Livingston The economic cost of child and adolescent bullying in Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Child maltreatment recurrence points to urgent need to improve systems for identification and prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Humphreys 13 Reasons Why: the evidence is in and cannot be ignored,2020,59,9,1016-1018,Bridge Youth suicide: an opportunity for prevention,2020,59,9,1019-1021,Ertl Preschool age predictors of adolescent borderline personality symptoms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luby Coloring outside the lines: making black and brown lives matter in the prevention of youth suicide [editorial],2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bath One-size does not fit all: making suicide prevention and interventions equitable for our increasingly diverse communities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meza Editorial: Household firearms child access prevention laws and adolescent suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridge Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal self-harming youths: emotion regulation mechanisms and mediators,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCauley Lowering the age limit in suicide risk screening: clinical differences and screening form predictive ability,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilcox Suicidality and self-harm in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and subsyndromal ADHD,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coghill Editorial: Disrupting pathways to self-harm in adolescence: machine learning as an opportunity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fortuna Systematic review and meta-analysis: depressive symptoms and risky behaviors among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cipriani Being trans-parent,2021,60,6,783,Chilton Two pathways to self-harm in adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siugzdaite Computerized interpretation bias training for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: a fast-fail study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Munafó Editorial: Dialectical behavioral therapy and the function of self-injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walkup Adaptive treatment for youth with substance use and depression: early depression response and short-term outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wells Adult psychiatric substance and functional outcomes of different definitions of early cannabis use,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shanahan Association between discrimination stress and suicidality in preadolescent children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gur Understanding irritability in relation to anger aggression and informant in a pediatric clinical population,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deveney Trajectories of suicidal thoughts and behaviors from preschool through late adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luby Black youth suicide: investigation of current trends and precipitating circumstances,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridge Suicide prevention in Asian-American youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yue Editorial: Black adolescent suicide in America: insights from a large epidemiological study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin The 7-year effectiveness of school-based alcohol use prevention from adolescence to early adulthood: a randomized controlled trial of universal selective and combined interventions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conrod Editorial: The enigma of suicide risk in childhood and its evolution across development,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridge Neuroendocrine stress response in females and males with conduct disorder and associations with early adversity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairchild Racial disparities in spatial and temporal youth suicide clusters,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gould Trajectories of treatment response and non-response in youth at high risk for suicide,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCauley Designing culturally and contextually sensitive protocols for suicide risk in global mental health: lessons from research with adolescents in Kenya,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisz Narrative review: impairing emotional outbursts: what they are and what we should do about them,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Findling National trends and disparities in bullying and suicidal behavior across demographic subgroups of US adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá Documenting opportunity for systematic identification and mitigation of risk for child maltreatment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jonson-Reid Editorial: Antibullying initiatives and suicideprevention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Charach Nonsuicidal self-injury and barriers to accessibility of dialectical behavior therapy among Black youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin The key role of schools in youth suicide prevention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Colpe Rising rates of adolescent firearm suicide and the clinician's role in addressing firearms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barnhorst Child and maternal mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal social inequalities in a Brazilian birth cohort,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bauer Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with major and persistent depressive disorders,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rockhill Impact of the Russian invasion on mental health of adolescents in Ukraine,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sourander Systematic review and meta-analysis: international prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempt in youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Meter Psychiatric characteristics of students who make threats toward others at school,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisbrot Longitudinal changes in cortical surface area associated with transition to psychosis in adolescents at clinical high-risk for the disease,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baeza When substance use is underreported: comparing self-reports and hair toxicology in an urban cohort of young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quednow Editorial: Modeling and fantasy rehearsal: from self-injury to self-efficacy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strayhorn The association between media exposure to nonsuicidal self-injury and emergency department visits for self-harm,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Self-harm in children and adolescents who presented at emergency units during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international retrospective cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hassanian-Moghaddam Systematic review and meta-analysis: early irritability as a transdiagnostic 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