Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Professional identity in the global sports entertainment industry,2010,46,1,27-44,Kelly Firearm suicide in Queensland,2010,46,1,83-98,Tait Narratives of mitigation,2010,46,3,219-237,Jeffries Psychosocial influences on children’s identification with sports teams,2010,46,3,299-315,Spaaij Where ‘angels’ and ‘wusses’ fear to tread: sexual coercion in adolescent dating relationships,2001,37,1,27-43,Jackson US hate crime legislation: a legal model to avoid in Australia,2002,38,1,25-48,Morgan Amor fati?,2008,44,2,167-184,Powell The symbolic burden of homelessness,2011,47,1,71-87,Farrugia Adolescent experiences of 'family meals' in Australia,2011,47,3,243-260,Fozdar Youth Worx,2011,47,2,181-197,Hopkins Utilization of social science research,2011,47,2,144-162,McGee Face,2011,47,3,279-295,Xiaoying Qi Hyper-real religions,2011,47,3,227-242,Possamai Road rage: drivers' understandings and experiences,2002,38,3,275-290,Lupton Leviathan calling: Some notes on sociological anti-statism and its consequences,2012,48,4,397-409,Gay Bourdieu the boom and cashed-up Bogans,2013,49,2-3,256-271,Previte Masculinised jobs feminised jobs and men's 'gender capital' experiences: Understanding occupational segregation in Australia,2013,49,2-3,291-308,Huppatz Woman battering as a social problem: the denial of injury,1987,23,1,36-46,Hatty Psy-knowledge history and the sociology of law,2008,44,2,115-131,McCallum Drone casino mimesis: telewarfare and civil militarization,2016,52,3,500-521,Pugliese Automated mobilities: from weaponized drones to killer bots,2019,55,1,20-36,Elliott Indigenous young people disadvantage and the violence of settler colonial education policy and curriculum,2019,55,1,54-71,Brown Towards an understanding of loneliness among Australian men: gender cultures embodied expression and the social bases of belonging,2019,55,1,124-143,Jaworski Whose riot? Collective memory of an iconic event in a local music scene,2019,55,1,144-160,Green 'Communicide': the destruction of a vibrant public housing community in inner Sydney through a forced displacement,2019,55,2,270-289,Morris Media discourses of intimate partner violence in Queensland newspapers,2019,55,3,571-586,Jeffries Asylum seekers in the global context of xenophobia: introduction to the special issue,2020,56,1,3-8,Poynting The melancholic torturer: how Australia became a nation that tortures refugees,2020,56,1,9-22,Macken Crimmigration imprisonment and racist violence: narratives of people seeking asylum in Great Britain,2020,56,1,36-52,Bhatia 'Being together really helped': Australian transgender and non-binary people and their animal companions living through violence and marginalisation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riggs Addressing the silence: utilising salon workers to respond to family violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCann The development of bioethics and the issue of euthanasia: Regulating de-regulating or re-regulating?,1998,34,2,123-134,Lewins Murder followed by suicide in Australia 1973-1992: A research note,2000,36,1,1-11,Barnes The big dry: The link between rural masculinities and poor health outcomes for farming men,2008,44,2,133-147,Alston Religion and attitudes concerning euthanasia: Australia in the 1990s,2009,45,1,31-54,Sikora Teaching classical sociological theory in Hong Kong SAR China,2013,49,4,426-440,Barbalet Suicide statistics and the coroner: A comparative study of death investigations,2015,51,3,553-565,Carpenter The moral and political economy of suicide prevention,2022,58,1,113-129,Fitzpatrick Women's Emancipation and Suicide in Australia: A Replication,1992,28,1,89-104,Hassan Temporal Variations in Suicide Occurrence in Australia: A Research Note,1994,30,2,194-202,Hassan Micro-macro linkages in sociological analysis: Theory method and substance,1995,31,2,74-92,Jones