Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Impaired alertness and performance driving home from the night shift: a driving simulator study,2005,14,1,17-20,Kecklund Subjective sleepiness and accident risk avoiding the ecological fallacy,2006,15,2,142-148,Ingre Frequent lapses of responsiveness during an extended visuomotor tracking task in non-sleep-deprived subjects,2006,15,3,291-300,Peiris Age gender and early morning highway accidents,2001,10,2,105-110,Kecklund Arousal thresholds to different smoke alarm signals in older sleepers,2006,15,Suppl 1,245-245,Thomas Train driving efficiency and safety: examining the cost of fatigue,2007,16,1,1-11,Dorrian Subjective sleepiness simulated driving performance and blink duration: examining individual differences,2006,15,1,47-53,Ingre Task-dependent differences in subjective fatigue scores,2005,14,4,393-400,Richter Effect of cognitive arousal on sleep latency somatic and cortical arousal following partial sleep deprivation,2004,13,4,295-304,De Valck Abnormal sleep duration and motor vehicle crash risk,2004,13,2,177-178,Gander Age performance and sleep deprivation,2004,13,2,105-110,Sagaspe Sleep-wake rhythm in an irregular shift system,2003,12,2,103-112,Sallinen The impact of a nap opportunity during the night shift on the performance and alertness of 12-h shift workers,2002,11,3,219-227,Herbison The effect of an irregular shift system on sleepiness at work in train drivers and railway traffic controllers,2002,11,2,141-151,Sallinen Slow-release caffeine as a countermeasure to driver sleepiness induced by partial sleep deprivation,2001,10,3,203-209,De Valck The multiple sleep latency test and Epworth sleepiness scale in the assessment of daytime sleepiness,2000,9,4,399-401,Chervin Consensus statement: fatigue and accidents in transport operations,2000,9,4,395,Akerstedt Simulated driving performance following prolonged wakefulness and alcohol consumption: separate and combined contributions to impairment,2000,9,3,233-241,Munt Morningness/eveningness and the need for sleep,1999,8,4,291-295,Taillard Sleepiness snoring and driving habits,1996,5,1,51-54,Welsh Sleepiness and driving: the experience of UK car drivers,1996,5,4,229-237,Maycock Sleepiness and driving: the experience of heavy goods vehicle drivers in the UK,1997,6,4,238-244,Maycock Sleep complaints are not corroborated by objective sleep measures in post-traumatic stress disorder: a 1-year prospective study in survivors of motor vehicle crashes,2003,12,1,35-41,Koren Driver sleepiness and individual differences in preferences for countermeasures,2008,17,1,16-22,Kecklund Driving in Europe: the need of a common policy for drivers with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome,2008,17,3,281 - 284,Rodenstein The effects of sleep debt and monotonous work on sleepiness and performance during a 12-h dayshift,2004,13,4,285-294,Muller Subjective fatigue and subjective sleepiness: two independent consequences of sleep disorders?,2005,14,3,245-253,Kayumov Electrodermal activity during total sleep deprivation and its relationship with other activation and performance measures,2002,11,2,105-112,Miro The effect of sleep loss on next day effort,2003,12,2,113-124,Engle-Friedman The dynamics of neurobehavioural recovery following sleep loss,2007,16,1,33-41,Jones Simple reaction time duration of driving and sleep deprivation in young versus old automobile drivers,1999,8,1,9-14,Taillard Relationships between affect vigilance and sleepiness following sleep deprivation,2008,17,1,34-41,Buysse Daytime variation in performance and tiredness/sleepiness ratings in patients with insomnia narcolepsy sleep apnea and normal controls,2004,13,4,373-383,Schneider Sleepiness and performance of professional drivers in a truck simulator--comparisons between day and night driving,1996,5,1,12-15,Kecklund Patterns of performance degradation and restoration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep dose-response study,2003,12,1,1-12,Belenky The ability to self-monitor performance when fatigued,2000,9,2,137-144,Lamond Does sleep fragmentation impact recuperation? A review and reanalysis,1999,8,4,237-245,Belenky Posturographic sleepiness monitoring,2007,16,3,259-261,Wallin Extended workshifts and excessive fatigue,1995,4,S2,51-56,Rosa Fatigue-related impairment in the speed accuracy and variability of psychomotor performance: comparison with blood alcohol levels,2005,14,1,21-27,Collie Quantifying the performance impairment associated with fatigue,1999,8,4,255-262,Lamond Qualitative similarities in cognitive impairment associated with 24 h of sustained wakefulness and a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%,2003,12,4,265-274,Collie Performance and alertness effects of caffeine dextroamphetamine and modafinil during sleep deprivation,2005,14,3,255-266,Killgore Scheduled napping as a countermeasure to sleepiness in air traffic controllers,2009,18,1,11-19,Gander How does the pitch and pattern of a signal affect auditory arousal thresholds?,2009,18,2,196 - 203,Thomas Driver sleepiness,1995,4,S2,23-29,Horne Sleep extension versus nap or coffee within the context of 'sleep debt',2008,17,4,432-436,Horne Effects of long working hours and the night shift on severe sleepiness among workers with 12-hour shift systems for 5 to 7 consecutive days in the automobile factories of Korea,2008,17,4,385-394,Kim Medico-legal assessment of disability in narcolepsy: an interobserver reliability study,2008,17,1,111-119,Cicognani Comparing the neurocognitive effects of 40 h sustained wakefulness in patients with untreated OSA and healthy controls,2008,17,3,322-330,Marshall Adverse childhood experiences associated with sleep in primary insomnia,2007,16,3,285-296,Bader Highway driving performance and cognitive functioning the morning after bedtime and middle-of-the-night use of gaboxadol zopiclone and zolpidem,2009,18,4,387-396,Vermeeren Sleep disturbances as a predictor of occupational injuries among public sector workers,2010,19,1 Pt 2,207-213,Sallinen Daytime sleepiness psychomotor performance waking EEG spectra and evoked potentials in women with 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older adults,2011,20,1 Pt 1,21-27,Rodriguez-Artalejo Sleepiness and performance in narcolepsy,1996,5,2,128-134,Bruck Under reporting of sleepiness and driving impairment in patients with sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome,1997,6,4,272-275,Engleman Comparison of sustained attention assessed by auditory and visual psychomotor vigilance tasks prior to and during sleep deprivation,2011,20,2,348-355,Czeisler Identification of problems in functioning of people with sleep disorders in a clinical setting using the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Checklist,2011,20,3,445-453,Braun Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep the sleep EEG and cognitive performance,2007,16,3,253-258,Adam The effects of one night of sleep deprivation on known-risk and ambiguous-risk decisions,2007,16,3,245-252,Orff Sleep deprivation impairs contextual fear conditioning and attenuates subsequent behavioural endocrine and neuronal responses,2011,20,2,259-266,Koolhaas Caffeine protects against increased risk-taking propensity during severe sleep deprivation,2011,20,3,395-403,Kamimori Reaction of sleepiness indicators to partial sleep deprivation time of day and time on task in a driving simulator--the DROWSI project,2010,19,2,298-309,Ingre Effects of a combination of napping and bright light pulses on shift workers' sleepiness at the wheel: a pilot study,2009,18,4,472-479,Philip Slow eye movement detection can prevent sleep-related accidents effectively in a simulated driving task,2011,20,3,416-424,Uchiyama Temporal profile of prolonged night-time driving performance: Breaks from driving temporarily reduce time-on-task fatigue but not sleepiness,2011,20,3,404-415,Redman Prolonged nocturnal driving can be as dangerous as severe alcohol-impaired driving,2011,20,4,585-588,Sagaspe Comparison of subjective and objective assessments of sleep in healthy older subjects without sleep complaints,2009,18,2,254-263,Wang Disagreement between subjective and actigraphic measures of sleep duration in a population‐based study of elderly persons,2008,17,3,295-302,Tiemeier Association of cardiac autonomic function measures with severity of sleep‐disordered breathing in a community‐based sample,2008,17,3,251-262,Redline Effects of dextroamphetamine caffeine and modafinil on psychomotor vigilance test performance after 44 h of continuous wakefulness,2008,17,3,309-321,Balkin Daytime sleepiness and neural cardiac modulation in sleep‐related breathing disorders,2008,17,3,263-270,Parati Executive functions and cognitive subprocesses in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea,2008,17,3,271-280,Kirsch Determinants of subjective sleepiness in suspected obstructive sleep apnoea,2008,17,4,437-443,Koutsourelakis Yawning and subjective sleepiness in the elderly,2008,17,3,303-308,Zilli Sleep loss affects vigilance: effects of chronic insomnia and sleep therapy,2008,17,3,335-343,Van Der Werf Chronic sleep reduction functioning at school and school achievement in preadolescents,2008,17,4,395-405,Meijer Are patients with chronic fatigue syndrome just ‘tired’ or also ‘sleepy’?,2008,17,4,427-431,Neu Interaction of chronic sleep restriction and circadian system in humans,2008,17,4,406-411,Dinges The relation between common sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems among 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds in the context of known risk factors for psychopathology,2009,18,1,49-59,Wade Letter to the Editor re: Pressman et al. Alcohol‐induced sleepwalking or confusional arousal as a defense to criminal behavior: a review of scientific evidence methods and forensic considerations. J. Sleep Res. (2007) 16 198‐212,2008,17,4,470-472,Fenwick No scientific evidence that alcohol causes sleepwalking,2008,17,4,473-474,Schenck Insomnia and long sleep duration are risk factors for later work disability. The Hordaland Health Study,2009,18,1,122-128,Pallesen 24 hours of sleep deprivation in the rat increases sleepiness and decreases vigilance: introduction of the rat‐psychomotor vigilance task,2008,17,4,376-384,Christie Interrater reliability for sleep scoring according to the Rechtschaffen and Kales and the new AASM standard,2009,18,1,74-84,Danker‐hopfe Fragmentation of the rest‐activity rhythm correlates with age‐related cognitive deficits,2009,18,1,129-135,Van someren Benefits of napping in healthy adults: impact of nap length time of day age and experience with napping,2009,18,2,272-281,Cote The effect of 40 h constant wakefulness on task‐switching efficiency,2009,18,2,167-172,Ulrich Error correction maintains post‐error adjustments after one night of total sleep deprivation,2009,18,2,159-166,Hsieh Sleep duration and mortality: a systematic review and meta‐analysis,2009,18,2,148-158,Gallicchio CNS arousal and neurobehavioral performance in a short‐term sleep restriction paradigm,2009,18,3,291-303,Cote A hard day’s night: a longitudinal study on the relationships among job demands and job control sleep quality and fatigue,2009,18,3,374-383,Taris The impact of sleep duration and subject intelligence on declarative and motor memory performance: how much is enough?,2009,18,3,304-312,Tucker Linking impulsivity to dysfunctional thought control and insomnia: a structural equation model,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,3-11,Gay No persisting effect of partial sleep curtailment on cognitive performance and declarative memory recall in adolescents,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,71-79,Riemann Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep in children,2009,18,4,422-426,Gregory From sleep duration to mortality: implications of meta‐analysis and future directions,2009,18,2,145-147,Grandner Factor structure of the Athens Insomnia Scale and its associations with demographic characteristics and depression in adolescents,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,12-18,King Usual sleep duration and cognitive function in older adults in Spain,2009,18,4,427-435,Faubel Self‐reported sleep duration and cognitive functioning in the general population,2009,18,4,436-446,Sallinen Bargaining and trust: the effects of 36‐h total sleep deprivation on socially interactive decisions,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,54-63,Anderson The incidence and temporal patterning of insomnia: a pilot study,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,31-35,Gehrman The effects of sleep and sleep deprivation on task‐switching performance,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,64-70,Sdoia The effects of sleep deprivation in humans: topographical electroencephalogram changes in non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep versus REM sleep,2010,19,2,260-268,Curcio Sleep classification according to AASM and Rechtschaffen and Kales: effects on sleep scoring parameters of children and adolescents,2010,19,1p2,238-247,Bruni Effect of sleep deprivation on multi‐unit discharge activity of basal forebrain,2010,19,2,269-279,Kostin Sleep deprivation impairs spatial working memory and reduces hippocampal AMPA receptor phosphorylation,2010,19,2,280-288,Hagewoud Sleep history affects task acquisition during subsequent sleep restriction and recovery,2010,19,2,289-297,Wesensten Habitual ‘short sleep’: six hours is ‘safe’,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,119-120,Horne Sleep restriction for the duration of a work week impairs multitasking performance,2010,19,3,444-454,Sallinen Insomnia: more questions need answers,2010,19,1‐Part‐I,1-2,Lavie Relationships of sleep duration with sociodemographic and health‐related factors psychiatric disorders and sleep disturbances in a community sample of Korean adults,2010,19,4,567-577,Chang Sleep variety: physiology psychology and epidemiology,2010,19,3,381-383,Dijk Effects of long work hours and poor sleep characteristics on workplace injury among full-time male employees of small- and medium-scale businesses,2011,20,4,576-584,Nakata Prevalence of insomnia among Chinese adults in Hong Kong: a population‐based study,2011,20,1‐Part‐I,117-126,Wong Sleep quantity quality and 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a non‐contact biomotion sensor,2011,20,2,356-366,De chazal Sleep onset and cardiovascular activity in primary insomnia,2011,20,2,318-325,De zambotti Psychomotor slowness is associated with self‐reported sleep duration among the general population,2011,20,2,288-297,Sallinen Sudden early‐morning awakening impairs immediate tactical planning in a changing ‘emergency’ scenario,2011,20,2,275-278,Horne Risk-taking and other effects of sleep loss on brain function and behaviour,2011,20,3,375-376,Dijk Sleep disorders and work performance: Findings from the 2008 National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America poll,2011,20,3,487-494,Rosekind Slow eye movement detection can prevent sleep‐related accidents effectively in a simulated driving task,2011,20,3,416-424,Uchiyama Event‐related activity and phase locking during a psychomotor vigilance task over the course of sleep deprivation,2011,20,3,377-385,Hoedlmoser Caffeine protects against increased risk‐taking propensity during severe sleep 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deprivation,2014,23,6,673-680,Kuriyama Is sleep-related verbal memory consolidation impaired in sleepwalkers?,2014,24,2,197-205,Arnulf Psychomotor vigilance performance predicted by Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores in an operational setting with the United States Navy,2014,24,2,174-180,Matsangas Mental health problems in adolescents with delayed sleep phase: results from a large population-based study in Norway,2014,24,1,11-18,Pallesen Can a mathematical model predict an individual's trait-like response to both total and partial sleep loss?,2015,24,3,262-269,Lu Exploding head syndrome is common in college students,2015,24,4,447-449,Sharpless Are qualitative and quantitative sleep problems associated with delinquency when controlling for psychopathic features and parental supervision?,2015,24,5,543-548,Aronen Sleep deprivation impairs inhibitory control during wakefulness in adult sleepwalkers,2015,24,6,658-665,Zadra A new likelihood ratio metric for the psychomotor vigilance test and its sensitivity to sleep loss,2015,24,6,702-713,Dinges Sleep deprivation selectively disrupts top-down adaptation to cognitive conflict in the Stroop test,2015,24,6,666-672,Notebaert Do repeated rumble strip hits improve driver alertness?,2015,25,2,241-247,Anund Which diagnostic findings in disorders with excessive daytime sleepiness are really helpful? A retrospective study,2016,25,3,307-313,Khatami Improved vigilance after sodium oxybate treatment in narcolepsy: a comparison between in-field and in-laboratory measurements,2016,25,4,486-496,Baumann Terror and bliss? Commonalities and distinctions between sleep paralysis lucid dreaming and their associations with waking life experiences,2016,26,1,38-47,Denis An experimental study of adolescent sleep restriction during a simulated school week: changes in phase sleep staging performance and sleepiness,2016,26,2,227-235,Carskadon Sleep duration and falls: a systemic review and meta-analysis of observational studies,2017,26,3,293-301,Wu Sleep complaints associated with wish to die after a suicide crisis-an exploratory study,2017,26,6,726-731,Courtet Is there a common motor dysregulation in sleepwalking and REM sleep behaviour disorder?,2017,26,5,614-622,Arnulf Total sleep time as a predictor of suicidal behaviour,2017,26,6,732-738,Joiner The impact of diurnal sleep on the consolidation of a complex gross motor adaptation task,2015,24,1,100-109,Hoedlmoser Memory encoding is impaired after multiple nights of partial sleep restriction,2018,27,1,138-145,Chee Predictors of insomnia symptoms and nightmares among individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder: an ecological momentary assessment study,2018,27,1,64-72,Schmidt Dynamics of cerebral responses to sustained attention performance during one night of sleep deprivation,2018,27,2,184-196,Yin Highway driving safety the day after using sleep medication: the direction of lapses and excursions out-of-lane in drowsy drivers,2018,27,3,e12622,Roth Effects of a short midday nap on habitual nappers' alertness mood and mental performance across cognitive domains,2019,28,3,e12638,You The ability to self-monitor cognitive performance during 60 h total sleep deprivation and following 2 nights recovery sleep,2018,27,4,e12633,Sletten The effect of daylight versus darkness on driver sleepiness: a driving simulator study,2018,27,3,e12642,Anund Disturbed sleep and activity in toddlers with early signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),2018,27,5,e12686,Bilenberg How sleep problems contribute to simulator sickness: preliminary results 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afternoon,2019,28,4,e12847,Bocca Sleep deprivation increases threat beliefs in human fear conditioning,2019,ePub,ePub,e12873,Beckers Young drivers who continue to drive while sleepy: what are the associated sleep- and driving-related factors?,2019,ePub,ePub,e12900,Watling Community violence concerns and adolescent sleep: physiological regulation and race as moderators,2019,ePub,ePub,e12897,Buckhalt Adrenergic reactions during N3 sleep arousals in sleepwalking and sleep terrors: the chicken or the egg?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnulf The prevalence of excessive sleepiness is higher in shift workers than in patients with obstructive sleep apnea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paiva Sleep disturbances and disability following work-related injury and illness: examining longitudinal relationships across three follow-up waves,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Insomnia symptoms and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: understanding temporal relations and mechanisms,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Latina Effects of bright light and an afternoon nap on task performance depend on the cognitive domain,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li The acute effects of sleep restriction therapy for insomnia on circadian timing and vigilance,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espie The relationship between onset of workplace violence and onset of sleep disturbances in the Swedish working population,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Magnusson Hanson The association between bullying-victimisation and sleep disturbances in adolescence: evidence from a twin study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gregory Sexual harassment and assault predict sleep disturbances and is partly mediated by nightmares: findings from a national survey of all university students in Norway,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Puigvert Simulated driving performance in healthy adults after night-time administration of 20 mg tasimelteon,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kay European guideline and expert statements on the management of narcolepsy in adults and children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Partinen Self-rated sleep quality predicts 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physical activity across levels of sleep quality in Swedish university students: a cross-sectional study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Côté Nightmare distress is related to traumatic childhood experiences critical life events and emotional appraisal of a dream rather than to its content,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietrowsky Emotion regulation mediates the effects of sleep on stress and aggression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henry A brief assessment of eye blink drowsiness immediately prior to or following driving detects drowsiness related driving impairment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Effects of short naps during simulated night shifts on alertness and cognitive performance in young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sakai Effect of homeostatic pressure on daytime vigilance performance: evidence from behaviour and resting-state EEG,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ma Associations between sleep complaints suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults in Greece,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Papadakis Longitudinal associations between insomnia cannabis use and stress among US veterans,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pedersen Subjective awareness of sleepiness while driving in younger and older adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lenné Maternal psychological control and adolescent adjustment: sleep as a moderator,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erath Reaction time in psychomotor vigilance task is related to hypoxic load in males with sleep apnea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnardóttir Longitudinal relations between interpartner aggression and internalizing symptoms among couples: the moderating role of sleep,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Skin temperature as a predictor of on-the-road driving performance in people with central disorders of hypersomnolence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vermeeren Sleepless on the road: are mothers of infants with insomnia at risk for impaired driving?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Irwin Estimating vigilance from the pre-work shift sleep using an under-mattress sleep sensor,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Catcheside Nightmare frequency is a risk factor for suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Partinen Disruptions to sleep and circadian rhythms are associated with poorer athlete mental health in female but not male elite Australian Rules footballers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rajaratnam Chronic short sleep duration lengthens reaction time but the deficit is not associated with motor preparation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carlsen Development of sleepiness in professional truck drivers: real-road testing for driver drowsiness and attention warning (DDAW) system evaluation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anund Do sleep changes mediate the anti-depressive and anti-suicidal response of intravenous ketamine in treatment-resistant depression?,2022,31,1,e13400,McIntyre Posttraumatic stress disorder and insomnia in US military veterans: prevalence correlates and psychiatric and functional burden,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietrzak Trends in hypnotic drug use in depression 2007-2017: A Swedish population-based 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