Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship between fast bowling workload and injury in first-class cricketers: a pilot study,2004,7,2,232-236,Dennis Sport safety policies and practices in two rural Victorian communities,2004,7,2,226-231,Casey Do community (Australian) football players wear allocated protective equipment? Descriptive results from a randomised controlled trial,2004,7,2,216-220,Braham Impact energy attentuation of protective (Australian) football headgear against a yielding surface,2004,7,2,156-164,Hrysomallis What can injury research learn from other disciplines? What can sports learn from other sports?,2004,7,1,56-57,Gissane A pilot study of the attitudes of Australian Rules footballers towards protective headgear,2003,6,4,505-511,Zazryn Rugby headgear study,2003,6,3,355-358,Chalmers Incidence and risk factors for injury in non-elite Australian football,2004,7,3,384-391,Hamer Influence of injuries on team playing performance in Rugby League,2004,7,3,340-346,Gabbett The incidence of head/neck/orofacial injuries in non-elite Australian football,2004,7,4,451-453,Braham Training patterns and sports injuries in triathletes,2004,7,4,446-450,Howat Incidence of injury in elite junior Rugby Union: a prospective descriptive study,2004,7,4,438-445,Cross Acute injury and chronic disability resulting from surfboard riding,2004,7,4,429-437,Finch Mouthguard use in Australian football,1999,2,1,20-29,Banky Efficacy of thigh protectors in preventing thigh haematomas,2000,3,1,30-34,Mitchell The effects of wet suits on physiological and biomechanical indices during swimming,2000,3,1,1-8,de Lucas Long term retention of safe diving skills,2003,6,3,348-354,Blitvich Influence of the limited interchange rule on injury rates in sub-elite rugby league players,2005,8,1,111-115,Gabbett The fair sex? Foul play among female rugby players,2005,8,1,101-110,Comstock Unprotected eyes in squash: not seeing the risk of injury,2005,8,1,92-100,Finch The physiology of falling: assessment and prevention strategies for older people,2005,8,1,35-42,Sturnieks Methods for injury surveillance in international cricket,2005,8,1,1-14,Newman Golf injuries--common and potentially avoidable,2005,8,2,163-170,Fradkin Objectively-measured physical activity in New Zealand workers,2005,8,2,143-151,Schofield Incidence of injury in elite junior Rugby Union: a prospective descriptive study: Letter,2005,8,2,244; author reply 244-5,Broughton Playing conditions player preparation and rugby injury: a case-control study,2005,8,2,171-180,Simpson Defining a cricket injury,2005,8,3,357-8; author reply 358-9,Mitchell Promoting respect for the rules and injury prevention in ice hockey: evaluation of the fair-play program,2005,8,3,294-304,Brunelle Abstracts of the 2005 Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport 5th National Physical Activity Conference 4th National Sports Injury Prevention Conference. Melbourne Australia,2005,8,4 Suppl,11-244, Clustered data in sports research,2006,9,1-2,165-168,Hayen Incidence of injuries in the New Zealand national rugby league sevens tournament,2006,9,1-2,110-118,Gabbett Hospitalisation due to sports-related injuries among children and adolescents in New South Wales Australia: an analysis on socioeconomic and geographic differences,2005,8,4,433-440,Lam Prevalence of hot weather conditions related to sports participation guidelines: A South Australian investigation,2006,9,1-2,72-80,King Non-fatal sports and recreational violent injuries among children and teenagers United States 2001-2003,2006,9,6,479-489,Conn The public health impact of injury during sport and active recreation,2006,9,6,490-497,Cassell Re: A new framework for research leading to sports injury prevention,2006,9,1-2,10,Gabbe Incidence and risk factors for injury in non-elite netball,2006,9,1-2,119-124,Finch A new framework for research leading to sports injury prevention,2006,9,1-2,3-9,Finch Effect of an integrated functional stability program on injury rates in an international netball squad,2006,9,1-2,169-176,Elphinston Injury in rugby league,2006,9,1-2,46-56,Hoskins Does warming up prevent injury in sport? The evidence from randomised controlled trials?,2006,9,3,214-220,Fradkin Calling on exercise scientists to participate in broader efforts to prevent falls in older adults,2006,9,3,195-198,Sturnieks The effect of visors on head and facial injury in National Hockey League players,2006,9,3,238-242,Stevens Sport- or leisure-related injury hospital admissions: Do we need to get more out of being struck?,2006,9,6,498-505,Mitchell Is there an association between self-reported warm-up behaviour and golf related injury in female golfers?,2006,10,1,66-71,Fradkin Injuries to elite male cricketers in Australia over a 10-year period,2006,9,6,459-467,James The evolution of Australian football,1999,2,4,389-404,Norton The nature and circumstances of tackle injuries in rugby union,1999,2,2,153-162,Chalmers Does community-level Australian football support injury prevention research?,2003,6,2,231-236,Finch Australian football: injury profile at the community level,2002,5,2,149-160,Finch Athletic injury and minor life events: a prospective study,1999,2,2,117-124,Fawkner Characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian football,2006,10,2,96-104,Seward The role of insurance data in setting priorities for netball injury prevention strategies,2006,10,2,105-109,Otago Recent crosse designs increase ball velocity: Implications for injury in women's lacrosse,2006,9,4,299-303,Livingston The falls epidemic-A geriatrician's perspective,2006,9,4,350-351,Close Pediatric martial arts injuries presenting to Emergency Departments United States 1990-2003,2006,10,4,219-226,Smith Reducing the risk of heat-related decrements to physical activity in young people,2006,11,1,58-65,Naughton A systematic review of guidelines for the prevention of heat illness in community-based sports participants and officials,2006,10,1,11-26,Kumar A cost-outcome approach to pre and post-implementation of national sports injury prevention programmes,2007,10,6,436-446,Hume Priorities for reducing the burden of injuries in sport: The example of Australian football,2007,10,5,273-276,Finch A survey of injury knowledge and technical needs of junior Rugby Union coaches in Townsville (North Queensland),2007,11,2,167-173,Muller Heat-related injuries resulting in hospitalisation in Australian sport,2007,11,1,40-47,Driscoll Incidence of injury in junior rugby league players over four competitive seasons,2007,11,3,323-328,Gabbett Triathlon related musculoskeletal injuries: The status of injury prevention knowledge,2007,11,4,396-406,Forbes Training injuries in New Zealand amateur rugby league players,2007,11,6,562-565,Gabbett The incidence of heat casualties in sprint triathlon: The tale of two Melbourne race events,2008,11,1,52-57,Forbes The descriptive epidemiology of sports/leisure-related heat illness hospitalisations in New South Wales Australia,2008,11,1,48-51,Finch Drowning in a high-income developing country in the Middle East: Newspapers as an essential resource for injury surveillance,2009,12,1,164-170,Barss Evaluation of RugbySmart: A rugby union community injury prevention programme,2009,12,3,371-375,Hume Older people playing ball: What is the risk of falling and injury?,2009,12,1,177-183,Green The policies and practices of sports governing bodies in relation to assessing the safety of sports grounds,2009,12,1,171-176,Finch Epidemiological studies of injuries in rugby league: Suggestions for definitions data collection and reporting methods,2009,12,1,12-19,Gabbett Discordance in injury reporting between youth-athletes their parents and coaches,2009,12,6,633-636,Swaine A new look at horse-related sport and recreational injury in New Zealand,2009,12,3,376-382,Chalmers Preventing lower limb injuries: Is the latest evidence being translated into the football field?,2008,12,4,452-456,Finch Sport/leisure injury hospitalisation rates-Evidence for an excess burden in remote areas,2009,12,6,628-632,Finch Do mismatches between teams affect the risk of injury in the Rugby World Cup?,2010,13,1,36-38,Fuller Efficacy of injury prevention related coach education within netball and soccer,2010,13,1,32-35,Hume Epidemiology of injuries in competition taekwondo: A meta-analysis of observational studies,2009,12,6,614-621,Pollard Self-reported skill level and injury severity in skiers and snowboarders,2010,13,1,39-41,Hamel Riding with the sharks: Serious leisure cyclist's perceptions of sharing the road with motorists,2010,13,1,53-58,Brown Newspapers: Neither necessary nor sufficient for injury surveillance,2009,12,3,422-422,Hyder Exercise for falls prevention in older people: Assessing the knowledge of exercise science students,2010,13,1,59-64,Finch Mastery of fundamental movement skills among children in New South Wales: prevalence and sociodemographic distribution,2004,7,3,358-372,Okely Mastery of fundamental motor skills among New South Wales school students: prevalence and sociodemographic distribution,1999,2,2,93-105,McLellan Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport-The 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich November 2008,2009,12,3,340-351,Dvorak Searching for ski-lift injury: An uphill struggle?,2010,13,2,205-209,Chalmers The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (Level 1) to discriminate elite junior Australian football players,2010,13,3,329-331,Carlson Counting organised sport injury cases: Evidence of incomplete capture from routine hospital collections,2010,13,3,304-308,Mitchell Bone properties in child and adolescent male hockey and soccer players,2010,13,4,387-391,Sullivan Reduced humeral torsion predicts throwing-related injury in adolescent baseballers,2010,13,4,392-396,Adams Factors associated with increased propensity for hamstring injury in English Premier League soccer players,2010,13,4,397-402,Henderson Fundamental movement skills among Australian preschool children,2010,13,5,503-508,King Fielders and batters are injured too: A prospective cohort study of injuries in junior club cricket,2010,13,5,489-495,Dennis Heat stress in sport--fact and fiction,2008,11,1,3-5,Noakes Heat stress--a challenge for sports science in Australia,2008,11,1,1-2,Brotherhood Physiological limits to exercise performance in the heat,2008,11,1,66-71,Hargreaves Direct observation measurement of drowning risk exposure for surf beach bathers,2009,12,4,457-462,Morgan The effect of footwear and sports-surface on dynamic neurological screening for sport-related concussion,2010,13,4,382-386,Marshall Physical collisions and injury during professional rugby league skills training,2010,13,6,578-583,Gabbett Injury prevention during physical activity in the Australian Defence Force,2004,7,1,106-117,Cassell Injury surveillance during medical coverage of sporting events--development and testing of a standardised data collection form,1999,2,1,42-56,Finch Health promotion in sport: An analysis of peak sporting organisations' health policies,2010,13,6,566-567,King Measuring children's self-reported sport participation risk perception and injury history: Development and validation of a survey instrument,2011,14,1,22-26,Finch Understanding perceptions of injury risk associated with playing junior cricket,2011,14,2,115-120,Dennis Trends in hospitalised sport/leisure injuries in New South Wales Australia-Implications for the targetting of population-focussed preventive sports medicine efforts,2011,14,1,15-21,Mitchell Thermoregulatory responses of junior lifesavers wearing protective clothing,2008,11,6,542-548,Sinclair How do aerial freestyler skiers land on their feet? A situated analysis of athletes' activity related to new forms of acrobatic performance,2008,11,5,481-486,Hauw Coupling between punch efficacy and body stability for elite karate,2008,11,3,353-356,Cesari Author response to comments re "A systematic review of guidelines for the prevention of heat illness in community-based sports participants and officials",2007,10,4,268,Grimmer-Somers Influence of environmental and ground conditions on injury risk in rugby league,2007,10,4,211-218,Gabbett Determining the intra- and inter-observer reliability of screening tools used in sports injury research,2007,10,4,201-210,Finch A profile of sports science research (1983-2003),2007,10,4,193-200,Williams Research is needed on the use of cognitive enhancer drugs in sport,2011,14,1,2-3,Chiamulera Level of agreement between field-based data collectors in a large scale injury prevention randomised controlled trial,2011,14,2,121-125,Elliott Neck back and spine injuries in amateur rugby league: A review of nine years of Accident Compensation Corporation injury entitlement claims and costs,2011,14,2,126-129,Hume Looking for the evidence: a systematic review of prevention strategies addressing sport and recreational injury among children and youth,2004,7,1,58-73,Mackay A focus on children and adolescents in sport,2011,14,1,1,Kolt Injury prevention target groups in soccer: Injury characteristics and incidence rates in male junior and senior players,2011,14,3,199-203,Schmikli Incidence and severity of neck injury in Rugby Union: A systematic review,2011,14,5,383-389,Pollard Relationship between training load and injury in professional rugby league players,2011,14,3,204-209,Gabbett Gender differences in personal social and environmental influences on active travel to and from school for Australian adolescents,2010,13,6,597-601,Leslie Improving beach safety: The science of the surf research project stage 1: Collection of baseline data to inform a tailored intervention,2010,12,Suppl 2,e30,Brander Improving beach safety: The science of the surf research project. Stage 3--evaluation of the effectiveness of the "Don't get sucked in by the rip" campaign,2010,12,Suppl 2,e32,Brander Drowning prevention and aquatics education in Victorian schools--is it "just too hard"?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e31-e32,Wiebrecht Integrating be active into the community and neighbourhood house (CANH) sector,2010,12,Suppl 2,e74,Welsh The role of musculotendinous stiffness in hamstring injuries in professional footballers,2010,12,Suppl 2,e11-e12,Watsford Injury prevention in youth; Are we up for the task?: NSWSIC supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e19,Verhagen Physical activity prevalence in central Queensland over 7 Years (2002-2008): A multiple cross-sectional study,2010,12,Suppl 2,e61-e62,Vandelanotte Physical activity promotion and sports injury prevention: Two sides of the same coin?: Brisbane City Council supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e40,van Mechelen The development of guidelines for using synthetic surfaces in Australian football and cricket,2010,12,Suppl 2,e8,Twomey Associations between physical activity sedentary behaviour and risk of depression in socio-economically disadvantaged women,2010,12,Suppl 2,e33-e34,Teychenne Sport injury and risk management standards (SIRM),2010,12,Suppl 2,e97-e98,Tenabel Neighbourhood park attributes (attractiveness size and distance) associated with residents' leisure-time walking,2010,12,Suppl 2,e57,Giles-Corti Injury patterns of provincial cricket players in South Africa over a two season period,2010,12,Suppl 2,e89,Stretch Risk factors for injuries in young sportspersons,2010,12,Suppl 2,e19,Stephens Physical activity patterns among South Australian adults 1998-2007,2010,12,Suppl 2,e60-e61,Smith Non-contact ACL injuries: Association with clegg soil impact test values for sports fields soil moisture and prevailing weather,2010,12,Suppl 2,e9-e10,Smeathers The role of sport injury and injury risk perceptions on children's continued participation in organised sport,2010,12,Suppl 2,e20,Finch The effect of graded exercise on motor performance tasks used in the neurological assessment of sports related concussion,2010,12,Suppl 2,e42-e43,Schneiders Physical activity and ageing in Western Australia,2010,12,Suppl 2,e61,Giles-Corti Canada's report card on physical activity for children and youth,2010,12,Suppl 2,e72-e73,Quinney Working with the property development sector--Integrating active living principles into the planning and design process,2010,12,Suppl 2,e59-e60,Potoczky "Kids @ Beach"--caregiver supervision of children,2010,12,Suppl 2,e31,Finch A coordinated partnership approach to increasing physical activity in regional and rural populations,2010,12,Suppl 2,e74-e75,Perdue Creating active communities--The experience of 100 local governments in WA,2010,12,Suppl 2,e59,O'Brien Healthy spaces and places,2010,12,Suppl 2,e56-e57,Moroney Child drowning prevention and parental understanding of CPR,2010,12,Suppl 2,e30,Moran Can you protect the human body from injury in sport?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e98,Milburn Back injuries in young athletes,2010,12,Suppl 2,e21,Michell ACL complex injuries in young athletes,2010,12,Suppl 2,e5,Micheli How well do we monitor walking? Integrating information from different data sources to inform public health program,2010,12,Suppl 2,e77,Bauman On the field management of head and brain injury in amateur soccer league in Swaziland,2010,12,Suppl 2,e87-e88,McManus Physical activity in children: Capturing habitual intermittent activity accurately,2010,12,Suppl 2,e75,Hinckson A national survey of physical activity behaviour: Preliminary results from the mission-on evaluation in New Zealand,2010,12,Suppl 2,e62-e63,Maddison The conceptualisation design and development of the 10000 steps iPhone/iPod touch application,2010,12,Suppl 2,e25-e26,Vandelanotte The epidemiology and prevention of injuries in American Flag football: First-season injury-exploratory study results,2010,12,Suppl 2,e86-e87,Kaplan Differences in the kinematics of the baseball swing between hitters of varying skill,2010,12,Suppl 2,e12-e13,Watsford Are we accurately measuring physical activity in older adults?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e78-e79,Heesch A qualitative examination of injury prevention and management in competitive swimming,2010,12,Suppl 2,e32,Hardt Return-to-play decision making in New Zealand "Super" rugby,2010,12,Suppl 2,e88,Handcock Risk factors likely to account for the gender differences in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury rates,2010,12,Suppl 2,e97,Grayson Misperceptions of neighborhood walkability attributes: Prospective relationships with changes in walking and BMI,2010,12,Suppl 2,e57-e58,Bauman Hip and groin injuries in young AFL football players--pre-existing or a product of the change to the elite senior level?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e87,Gabbe Engineering the behaviour of sport surfaces: Asics supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e8,Fleming Sports injury prevention--No longer lost in translation: Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Supported,2010,12,Suppl 2,e89,Finch Nordic walking: Global trend set to make an impact on Australia's health and fitness,2010,12,Suppl 2,e3,Farnsworth Interpretation of step counts in population research,2010,12,Suppl 2,e76-e77,Ewald 7 year changes in physical activity and perceptions of the neighbourhood environment,2010,12,Suppl 2,e63-e64,Mummery Supportive environments for physical activity: A survey of local government in Queensland,2010,12,Suppl 2,e58,Cole Using pedometers and accelerometers to measure physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adults,2010,12,Suppl 2,e2,Cliff "It's a good idea but...": Exploring the use of health impact assessment in built environment decision-making,2010,12,Suppl 2,e60,Burke A local government resource to create supportive environments for physical activity and healthy eating,2010,12,Suppl 2,e58-e59,Cole Understanding and addressing the barriers to sport and recreation participation for disadvantaged communities in Victoria,2010,12,Suppl 2,e91-e92,Batras Perceptions of physical activity influences among young women with and without depressive symptoms,2010,12,Suppl 2,e33,Ball Sport participation and the drought: A case for synthetic turf grounds in the community,2010,12,Suppl 2,e9,Aylett The role of kinematic information in movement prediction and deception,2010,12,Suppl 2,e13,Abernethy The relationship between musculotendinous stiffness and injury in female soccer athletes,2010,12,Suppl 2,e11,Watsford Why having a national sport injury reporting system just is not enough: NSWSIC supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e54-e55,Hume Individual physical-environmental and socio-cultural factors associated with walking to school in Perth primary school children,2010,12,Suppl 2,e201,Giles-Corti How supportive are childcare services policies and practices to child physical activity?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e169-e170,Wolfenden Associations between adolescent BMI physical activity and nutrition behaviours and selected adolescent and parent behaviours,2010,12,Suppl 2,e228,Mummery Kids walking in their neighbourhood: Where are they allowed to roam?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e196,Giles-Corti Sports injury prevention: The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Brisbane City Council supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e162,van Mechelen Considerations for high quality relevant data collection in large scale injury prevention randomised control trials,2010,12,Suppl 2,e225,Finch Reasons for and against illicit drug use among elite Australian athletes,2010,12,Suppl 2,e218-e219,Swift Exercise and ageing benefits in different types of exercise,2010,12,Suppl 2,e162,Tarnopolsky Attributes of outdoor play areas in childcare centres associated with children's outdoor physical activity and sedentary behaviour,2010,12,Suppl 2,e170,Sugiyama Electronic game access may decrease or increase physical activity in children,2010,12,Suppl 2,e137,Straker Children's perceptions of the factors that influence lunchtime and after school physical activity,2010,12,Suppl 2,e136,Stanley Comparison of stability scores on college aged students using commercial balance programs,2010,12,Suppl 2,e114,Shim How parents support their daughters' physical activity: Perspectives from parent/daughter dyads,2010,12,Suppl 2,e199,Salmon TV watching: Feasibility of an intervention to decrease TV watching in children,2010,12,Suppl 2,e184,Tin Tin Health risk determinants among freshmen students of the University of Santo Tomas,2010,12,Suppl 2,e148,Reyes Initiator or consequence: The relationship between perceived use of doping by others and behaviour,2010,12,Suppl 2,e219,Petroczi Complete audit of Qatari athletic injuries and the challenges of instituting exercise in a Muslim country,2010,12,Suppl 2,e99-e100,Paoloni Baseline study of knowledge and awareness of anti-doping in the sporting community: Pilot survey results,2010,12,Suppl 2,e217,Bauman The hours before bedtime: Do screens keep young people awake?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e183,Olds Stages of change for dog walking behavior among Japanese adults,2010,12,Suppl 2,e156-e157,Oka Associations of perceived barriers to physical activity with adults' television viewing time,2010,12,Suppl 2,e205,Salmon Jockey helmet performance,2010,12,Suppl 2,e181,Mclntosh Biomechanics of concussion in sport--Differences between injury and non-injury cases,2010,12,Suppl 2,e179-e180,Mclntosh Drugs in sport: Informing athlete support personnel. The expanding role of the athlete support person under the 2009 World Anti Doping Code,2010,12,Suppl 2,e216,Mazanov Differences in socioeconomic position and children's physical activity--Unpacking the sources,2010,12,Suppl 2,e229,Ridley Different studies provide the biomechanical and neuromuscular evidence needed to design an effective intervention,2010,12,Suppl 2,e224,Doyle Do influences on Australian children's physical activity vary according to where they live?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e228-e229,Ridley Personal social and environmental influences on active travel to and from school for Australian adolescents,2010,12,Suppl 2,e197-e198,Leslie Childhood and adolescent predictors of maintaining physical activity into early adulthood,2010,12,Suppl 2,e229-e230,Jose The football hero: Factors that undermine gallantry,2010,12,Suppl 2,e109,Jones Physical activity in early childhood: Characteristics influences and interventions,2010,12,Suppl 2,e168-e169,Wolfenden Characterising preschool children's physical activity: The HAPPY study,2010,12,Suppl 2,e169,Salmon Associations between a mother's own activity levels and her self efficacy and intentions for her child's physical activity,2010,12,Suppl 2,e198,Ball Improving beach safety: The science of the surf research project stage 2: Development and process evaluation of the "Don't get sucked in by the rip" campaign,2010,12,Suppl 2,e98,Brander Development of a psychological profile of "at-risk" athletes for doping in sport,2010,12,Suppl 2,e174-e175,Gucciardi Why injury prevention has to be more that just ice packs and first aid kits: NSWSIC supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e179,Hume From the laboratory to public health research--Translating fundamental science into a practically relevant and fundable project,2010,12,Suppl 2,e224,Finch The design and conduct of large-scale prospective injury prevention trials--Lessons from the PAFIX randomised controlled trial,2010,12,Suppl 2,e223-e224,Finch Sports injury prevention in Australia: An overview of research and safety promotion efforts since 2003: Australian sports medicine federation fellows supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e209-e210,Finch The risk of injury associated with body checking in Canadian youth ice hockey: Queensland Government supported session. NSWSIC supported speaker,2010,12,Suppl 2,e208-e209,Hagel The prevalence and patterns of illicit drug use among elite Australian athletes,2010,12,Suppl 2,e218,Swift Associations of land-use diversity with walking for transport,2010,12,Suppl 2,e158-e159,Duncan Implementing field-based testing and training that complements laboratory-based evidence,2010,12,Suppl 2,e224-e225,Finch Where youth get information about doping substances: Implications for sports medicine practitioners,2010,12,Suppl 2,e217-e218,Dodge Understanding doping decisions in sport,2010,12,Suppl 2,e219-e220,Dickinson The pedometer-based community intervention "10000 Steps Ghent": Who used a pedometer and who increased their steps?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e159,De Bourdeaudhuij Urban-rural comparison of correlates of physical among women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods,2010,12,Suppl 2,e231,Ball The effect of dog acquisition and dog loss on recreational walking,2010,12,Suppl 2,e230-e231,Giles-Corti The role of physical activity is different for normal weight overweight and obese 14 year old adolescents,2010,12,Suppl 2,e137-e138,Bulsara A longitudinal study of associations between the local road environment and physical activity among youth,2010,12,Suppl 2,e200,Timperio Psychosocial interventions to promote physical activity in mid-aged adults: Do we need to tailor for age or gender?,2010,12,Suppl 2,e232,Brown The risk is that there is "no risk": A simple innovative intervention to increase children's activity,2010,12,Suppl 2,e171-e172,Bundy The impact of early maladaptive schema and avoidant coping in post injury rehabilitation,2010,12,Suppl 2,e109,Baranoff The incidence and profile of injuries sustained by junior cricket participants,2009,12,Suppl 1,S63,Finch Influence of caffeine on performance and sleep quality in team sport athletes,2009,12,Suppl 1,S70,Wallman Do hard playing fields increase the risk of injury in community level Australian football?,2009,12,Suppl 1,S64,Finch Measuring children's sport participation risk perceptions and injury history: Development and validation of a survey instrument,2009,12,Suppl 1,S53,Finch Mental toughness and recovery in athletes,2009,12,Suppl 1,S33,Tibbert The effects of caffeine on 2000 m rowing performance,2009,12,Suppl 1,S71,Skinner Throwing workload and injury risk in elite cricketers,2009,12,Suppl 1,S63-S64,Saw Elite netball injury surveillance: Implications for injury prevention,2009,12,Suppl 1,S63,Otago Short cuts potholes and dead-ends: The race against nature in injury management,2009,12,Suppl 1,S82-S83,Purdam The role of child supervision as a risk or protective factor for childhood injury in active play,2009,12,Suppl 1,S40,Finch Why don't children transfer from school-based sports programs to participate in community sports clubs?,2009,12,Suppl 1,S77-S78,Payne How adolescents use their time on holidays,2009,12,Suppl 1,S10,Olds Football players at the New Zealand 2008 Masters Games: a profile of training and injuries,2009,12,Suppl 1,S39,Schneiders Avoiding the risk of the obesity epidemic being replaced with an injury epidemic,2009,12,Suppl 1,S40-S41,Nethery Classification of physical activity in children using accelerometers,2009,12,Suppl 1,S8,Hinckson Ensuring uptake of sport injury interventions: Are we using behavioural and social sciences theories and models? A systematic review,2009,12,Suppl 1,S54,Finch Factors influencing Australian elite athletes' decisions to use performance enhancing drugs--Qualitative evidence,2009,12,Suppl 1,S82,Mazanov Anti-doping policy and practice: State of the social science,2009,12,Suppl 1,S80,Mazanov Hip groin and pubis injuries in AFL players--Can we decrease the incidence?,2009,12,Suppl 1,S64,Kermode The epidemiology of injuries in American Flag Football (AFF): Initial pilot study results,2009,12,Suppl 1,S39,Kaplan Can school travel plans change the way children commute?,2009,12,Suppl 1,S10,Hinckson The sport doctor-athlete relationship: Confidentiality and disclosure on doping matters,2009,12,Suppl 1,S81-S82,Hemphill Psychological stress and recovery in adolescent rugby union players during competitive seasons,2009,12,Suppl 1,S22,Naughton Coaches' and health professionals' perceptions of injury and injury risk factors in Australian age-group triathletes,2009,12,Suppl 1,S54,Gosling Perceptions of wellness over a competitive season in AFL football players,2009,12,Suppl 1,S21-S22,Gastin A pilot investigation of muscle activation patterns in individuals with exercise-related leg pain compared to uninjured individuals,2009,12,Suppl 1,S44-S45,Franettovich Globalising sports injury--An overview of international injury initiatives with potential application to sports injury,2009,12,Suppl 1,S42,Finch Using behavioural and health promotion theories to guide sports injury prevention and safety promotion,2009,12,Suppl 1,S53,Finch Walking experiences in an Australian university community: Qualitative perspectives with in a randomised controlled trial,2009,12,Suppl 1,S78-S79,Brown Transition in participation in sport and physical activity for rural adolescent girls,2009,12,Suppl 1,S35-S36,Payne Association between degree of urbanization physical activity and perceptions of the environment in Queensland adults,2009,12,Suppl 1,S71-S72,Schofield Development of a battery of tests to identify risk of injury to the lower extremity,2009,12,Suppl 1,S41,Smith Developing an instrument to assess the Sports Injury Risk Management Systems (SIRMS) of community sports clubs,2009,12,Suppl 1,S41,Finch Drugs in sport: A societal perspective,2009,12,Suppl 1,S81,Dickinson Educating the sportnet: Challenges of anti-doping for the athlete support team,2009,12,Suppl 1,S81,Connor Participation in sport and physical activity for rural adolescent girls: A socio-ecological approach,2009,12,Suppl 1,S35,Payne HABITAT: Is living in a disadvantaged area associated with mid aged residents' physical activity and use of recreational facilities?,2009,12,Suppl 1,S72,Burton Reviewing research into attitudes towards doping in sport: Time to take stock,2009,12,Suppl 1,S80-S81,McKenna Looking beyond parametric measures to understand children and families physical activity behaviours: An ethnographic approach,2009,12,Suppl 1,S77,Archbold Gender and age affect balance performance in primary school-aged children,2011,14,3,243-248,Steele Innovation and translation in sports medicine and sports science research,2011,14,2,93-94,Kolt Physical collisions and injury in professional rugby league match-play,2011,14,3,210-215,Gabbett Drowning in Australia is more than coastal drowning,2008,11,2,84-85,Blitvich Why Australia needs an effective national campaign to reduce coastal drowning,2008,11,2,81-83,Finch Feasibility study of a water safety data collection for beaches,2006,9,3,243-248,Williamson Psychosocial and demographic correlates of objectively measured physical activity in structured and unstructured after-school recreation sessions,2011,14,4,306-311,Welk Illicit drug knowledge and information-seeking behaviours among elite athletes,2011,14,4,278-282,Swift Risk management models in netball,2003,6,2,216-225,Brown The impact of adherence on sports injury prevention effect estimates in randomised controlled trials: Looking beyond the CONSORT statement,2011,14,4,287-292,Van Mechelen Injury risk factors in young soccer players detected by a multivariate survival model,2011,14,4,293-298,Venturelli Exercise and Sports Science Australia Position Statement on exercise and falls prevention in older people,2011,14,6,489-495,Lord What does sports injury research tell us?,2011,14,4,275,Kolt A survey of injuries sustained in the game of touch,1998,1,4,228-235,Neumann An investigation of shoulder forces in active shoulder tackles in rugby union football,2011,14,6,547-552,McIntosh The dynamic loading response of surfaces encountered in beach running,1998,1,1,1-11,Neal Distinguishing psychological characteristics of expert cricket batsmen,2012,15,1,74-79,Abernethy Injury prevention behaviour in community-level soccer players,2011,14,6,482-488,Chalmers Voices in the playground: A qualitative exploration of the barriers and facilitators of lunchtime play,2012,15,1,44-51,Dollman Injury risk associated with ground hardness in junior cricket,2012,15,2,110-115,Finch Neighborhood characteristics and TV viewing in youth: Nothing to do but watch TV?,2012,15,2,122-128,Timperio Comparison of injuries in elite senior and junior Australian football,1998,1,2,83-88,Wood Effects of exercise on bone density and falls risk factors in post-menopausal women with osteopenia: A randomised controlled trial,2012,15,2,102-109,Bennell Relationship between sports participation and the level of motor coordination in childhood: A longitudinal approach,2011,15,3,220-225,Lenoir Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: effect of fatigue and competitive level,2009,12,1,227-233,Impellizzeri Physiological demands of water polo goalkeeping,2009,12,1,244-250,Platanou Sustaining health promotion programs within sport and recreation organisations,2009,12,1,113-118,Payne Personal risk factors associated with injury among female recreational ice hockey players,2000,3,2,140-149,Rowe Risk reduction in diving spinal cord injury: teaching safe diving skills,2000,3,2,120-131,Blitvich Temporal patterns of injury during a rugby season,2000,3,2,97-109,Chalmers Alcohol-related aggression and antisocial behaviour in sportspeople/athletes,2012,15,4,292-297,Kolt How diverse was the leisure time physical activity of older Australians over the past decade?,2011,15,3,213-219,Dafna The epidemiology of injury for an elite junior Australian Football cohort,2012,15,3,207-212,Scase A population-based study of sport and recreation-related head injuries treated in a Canadian health region,2012,15,4,298-304,Rowe Ground hardness and injury in community level Australian football,2012,15,4,305-310,Elliott Normative data of vertical ground reaction forces during landing from a jump,1999,2,1,86-88,McNair The physical demands of Olympic yacht racing,1999,2,4,375-388,Legg Pregnant athletes: a summary review of the legal issues,2002,5,1,55-57,O'Reilly The risk of abdominal injury to women during sport,2002,5,1,46-54,Finch Prioritising health in anti-doping: What Australians think,2012,15,5,381-385,Mazanov The use of the dual-task paradigm in detecting gait performance deficits following a sports-related concussion: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,16,1,2-7,Schneiders Fear of re-injury in people who have returned to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery,2012,15,6,488-495,Webster Identifying risk factors for contact injury in professional rugby league players - Application of a frailty model for recurrent injury,2012,15,6,496-504,Gabbett The epidemiology of competition and training-based surf sport-related injury in Australia 2003-2011,2013,16,1,18-21,Mitchell Trends in physical activity behaviours and attitudes among South Australian youth between 1985 and 2004,2007,10,6,418-427,Dollman Epidemiology of football injuries in Asia: a prospective study in Qatar,2013,16,2,113-117,Eirale The relationship between ground conditions and injury: What level of evidence do we have?,2013,16,2,105-112,Twomey Injury risk is different in team and individual youth sport,2013,16,3,200-204,Seil Physiological profiles of Australian surf boat rowers,2001,4,2,188-195,Fell Cricket and science,2006,9,6,468-469,Mansingh Medicine and science in cricket,2006,9,6,470-471,Bartlett Re: A pilot randomised controlled trial of eccentric exercise to prevent hamstring injuries in community-level Australian Football,2006,9,6,506-7; author reply 507,Hoskins The influence of training with heavy rugby balls on selected spin pass variables in youth rugby union players,2008,11,2,209-213,Hooper Child family and environmental correlates of children's motor skill proficiency,2013,16,4,332-336,Salmon Life after the game - Injury profile of past elite Australian Football players,2013,16,4,302-306,Rosenberg The relationship between pre-season fitness testing and injury in elite junior Australian football players,2013,16,4,307-311,Scase Dental trauma prevention and knowledge concerning dental first-aid among Polish amateur boxers,2013,16,4,297-301,Emerich Is body mass index a risk factor for sport injury in adolescents?,2013,16,5,401-405,Emery Training and game loads and injury risk in elite Australian footballers,2013,16,6,499-503,Gabbett The risky side of sports participation,2013,16,2,87-88,Kolt The effects of travel on team performance in the Australian national netball competition,2004,7,1,118-122,Bishop Community level Australian Football: a profile of injuries,2004,7,1,96-105,Finch Tackling Rugby injury: lessons learned from the implementation of a five-year sports injury prevention program,2004,7,1,74-84,Chalmers The public health usefulness of the exercise recreation and sport survey (ERASS) surveillance system,2004,7,1,32-37,Bauman Physical activity interventions to prevent falls among older people: update of the evidence,2004,7,1 Suppl,43-51,Finch Quantification of tackling demands in professional Australian football using integrated wearable athlete tracking technology,2013,16,6,589-593,Spittle Monitoring of sport participation and injury risk in young athletes,2013,16,6,504-508,Seil The association between sports participation alcohol use and aggression and violence: A systematic review,2014,17,1,2-7,O'Brien Concussion in sport,2013,16,3,177,Kolt Psychosensorial assessment of skin damage caused by a sliding on artificial turf: The development and validation of a skin damage area and severity index,2014,17,1,18-22,van den Eijnde Physical activity leisure-time screen use and depression among children and young adolescents,2014,17,2,183-187,Patton Dance floor mechanical properties and dancer injuries in a touring professional ballet company,2014,17,1,29-33,Elliott Different injury pattern in goalkeepers compared to field players: A three-year epidemiological study of professional football,2014,17,1,34-38,Eirale Sport-related concussions in New Zealand: a review of 10 years of accident compensation corporation moderate to severe claims and costs,2014,17,3,250-255,Hume A systematic review on the effectiveness of school and community-based injury prevention programmes on risk behaviour and injury risk in 8-12 year old children,2014,17,2,165-172,Van Mechelen Influence of physical contact on neuromuscular fatigue and markers of muscle damage following small-sided games,2013,17,5,535-540,Gabbett Epidemiology of cycling for exercise recreation or sport in Australia and its contribution to health-enhancing physical activity,2013,17,5,485-490,Bauman Psychosocial stress as a predictor of injury in elite junior soccer: A latent growth curve analysis,2014,17,4,366-370,Lindwall Intention to use sport concussion guidelines among community-level coaches and sports trainers,2013,17,5,469-473,Finch Predicting attitude towards performance enhancing substance use: A comprehensive test of the Sport Drug Control Model with elite Australian athletes,2013,17,6,574-579,Jalleh Young children's motor skill performance: Relationships with activity types and parent perception of athletic competence,2013,17,6,607-610,Pate Outcomes utility and feasibility of single task and dual task intervention programs: Preliminary implications for post-concussion rehabilitation,2013,17,6,580-585,Guskiewicz Tracking postural stability of young concussion patients using dual-task interference,2013,18,1,2-7,Bergeron Differences in injury risk and characteristics between Dutch amateur and professional soccer players,2014,18,2,145-149,Backx Associations between sports participation and psychological difficulties during childhood: a two-year follow up,2014,18,3,304-309,Okely Time trends for injuries and illness and their relation to performance in the National Basketball Association,2014,18,3,278-282,Podlog The use of biomechanics across sports science and sports medicine,2014,17,4,345,Kolt Incidence and predictors of exertional hyperthermia after a 15-km road race in cool environmental conditions,2014,18,3,333-337,Hopman Personal social and environmental correlates of active transport to school among adolescents in Otago New Zealand,2014,18,4,432-437,Stevens Shinguards effective in preventing lower leg injuries in football: population-based trend analyses over 25 years,2014,18,5,518-522,Schoots High levels of coach intent to integrate a ACL injury prevention program into training does not translate to effective implementation,2014,18,4,400-406,Padua Acute motor neurocognitive and neurophysiological change following concussion injury in Australian amateur football. A prospective multimodal investigation,2014,18,5,500-506,Pearce The economic burden of time-loss injuries to youth players participating in week-long rugby union tournaments,2014,18,4,394-399,Van Mechelen The underreporting of self-reported symptoms following sports-related concussion,2014,18,5,507-511,Bellgowan Shoulder injuries in elite rugby union football matches: epidemiology and mechanisms,2014,18,5,529-533,McIntosh Bicycles gathering dust rather than raising dust - Prevalence and predictors of cycling among Australian schoolchildren,2014,18,5,540-544,Carver Fast bowling match workloads over 5-26 days and risk of injury in the following month,2014,18,1,26-30,Brukner The application of differential ratings of perceived exertion to Australian Football League matches,2014,18,6,704-708,Weston Anthropometric characteristics of Australian junior representative rugby league players,2014,17,5,546-551,Orr Sports-related brain injury in the general population: An epidemiological study,2014,17,6,591-596,McPherson Predictive factors for ankle syndesmosis injury in football players: A prospective study,2014,17,6,586-590,Rae When 'just doing it' is not enough: assessing the fidelity of player performance of an injury prevention exercise program,2014,18,3,272-277,Finch Changes in muscle activation following balance and technique training and a season of Australian football,2014,18,3,348-352,Lloyd Sports medicine and sports science contributions to football,2014,17,3,249,Kolt Match score affects activity profile and skill performance in professional Australian Football players,2014,17,3,326-331,Coutts The effects of binge drinking behaviour on recovery and performance after a rugby match,2014,17,2,244-248,Prentice Adductor squeeze test values and hip joint range of motion in Gaelic football athletes with longstanding groin pain,2014,17,2,155-159,Delahunt The relationship between the piriformis muscle low back pain lower limb injuries and motor control training among elite football players,2014,18,4,407-411,Hides Understanding mismatches in body size speed and power among adolescent rugby union players,2014,18,3,358-363,Gabbett Between match variation in professional rugby league competition,2014,17,4,404-407,Coutts Improving the diffusion of safety initiatives in community sport,2014,18,2,139-144,Donaldson Home advantage in Australian soccer,2014,17,1,119-123,Goumas Predicting playing status in junior Australian Football using physical and anthropometric parameters,2014,18,2,225-229,Woods Predicting higher selection in elite junior Australian Rules football: The influence of physical performance and anthropometric attributes,2014,18,5,601-606,Robertson Effects of heavy episodic drinking on physical performance in club level rugby union players,2014,18,3,268-271,Prentice Influence of an intensified competition on fatigue and match performance in junior rugby league players,2013,16,5,460-465,Gabbett Loading and performance of the support leg in kicking,2013,16,5,455-459,Ball Diminutions of acceleration and deceleration output during professional football match play,2013,16,6,556-561,Akenhead Association between post-game recovery protocols physical and perceived recovery and performance in elite Australian Football League players,2013,16,2,151-156,Norton Relationship between interchange usage and risk of hamstring injuries in the Australian Football League,2012,15,3,201-206,Seward Changes in bone turnover markers during the close season in elite football (soccer) players,2012,15,3,255-258,Weiler Influence of training years on upper-body strength and power changes during the competitive season for professional Australian rules football players,2012,15,4,374-378,Hrysomallis Physical demands of professional rugby league training and competition using microtechnology,2012,15,1,80-86,Gabbett A comparison of muscle damage soreness and performance following a simulated contact and non-contact team sport activity circuit,2011,14,5,441-446,Bishop Latest research in the football codes,2011,14,3,183,Kolt Rugby Union on-field position and its relationship to shoulder injury leading to anterior reconstruction for instability,2011,14,2,111-114,Sundaram Comparison of offensive agility techniques in Australian Rules football,2011,14,1,65-69,Burge Evaluation of team-doctor actions during football games in Japanese professional football,2009,12,6,611-613,Nagano The effect of neoprene shorts on leg proprioception in Australian football players,2008,11,3,345-352,Cameron Foot morphology and foot/ankle injury in indoor football,2007,10,5,311-319,Nicholson A complex fracture of the talus following a rugby union line-out,2006,9,1-2,185-189,Johnstone Assessment of player performance following return to sport after hamstring muscle strain injury,2006,9,1-2,87-90,Slavotinek A pilot randomised controlled trial of eccentric exercise to prevent hamstring injuries in community-level Australian Football,2006,9,1-2,103-109,Gabbe Comparison of in-shoe foot loading patterns on natural grass and synthetic turf,2006,9,6,433-440,Hewett Moving away from traditional foci may help us understand sporting performance and injuries,2006,9,4,275-276,Lloyd Why are older Australian football players at greater risk of hamstring injury?,2006,9,4,327-333,Finch Physiological and anthropometric characteristics of starters and non-starters and playing positions in elite Australian Rules Football: a case study,2005,8,3,333-345,Dawson Does a balance deficit persist in Australian Football players with previous lower limb ligament injury?,2005,8,1,85-91,McLaughlin Presentation and mechanisms of concussion in professional Rugby League Football,2004,7,3,400-404,Geffen Injury in junior Australian Rules footballers,2003,6,3,328-338,Williams Developing return-to-play guidelines following mild traumatic brain injury,2003,6,4,519-520,Stevenson The playing habits and other commitments of elite junior Australian football players,2002,5,3,266-273,Donohue Grade III acromioclavicular joint injury in Australian Rules Football,2002,5,2,143-148,Brown Video analysis of selected game activities in Australian Rules Football,2002,5,2,129-142,Dawson Return to Australian rules football after acute elbow dislocation: a report of three cases and review of the literature,2001,4,2,245-250,Verrall The AFL penetrometer study: work in progress,2001,4,2,220-232,Orchard A profile of Australian football injuries presenting to sports medicine clinics,2001,4,4,386-395,Gabbe Injuries in community-level Australian football: results from a club-based injury surveillance system,2014,18,6,651-655,Finch Motor competence and health related physical fitness in youth: a systematic review,2014,19,2,123-129,Cattuzzo When the going gets tough: mental toughness and its relationship with behavioural perseverance,2014,19,1,81-86,Gucciardi Shorter time to first injury in first year professional football players: a cross-club comparison in the Australian Football League,2014,19,1,18-23,Finch Retraction notice to "Different injury pattern in goalkeepers compared to field players: a three-year epidemiological study of professional football" Volume 17 Issue 1 January 2014 Pages 34-38,2015,18,1,119, Does parental accompaniment when walking or cycling moderate the association between physical neighbourhood environment and active transport among 10-12 year olds?,2015,19,2,149-153,Timperio Different methods of training load quantification and their relationship to injury and illness in elite Australian football,2015,19,1,24-28,Harvey Tragedy in sport,2015,18,2,121,Kolt On-field management and return-to-play in sports-related concussion in children: are children managed appropriately?,2015,19,3,194-199,Anderson Sleep patterns and injury occurrence in elite Australian footballers,2015,19,2,113-116,Dawson The psychological side of sport,2015,18,3,237,Kolt Factors influencing high school coaches' adoption of injury prevention programs,2015,19,4,299-304,Bovbjerg Incidence and characteristics of injuries in elite Australian junior rugby league players,2015,19,3,212-217,Orr Implementation of concussion guidelines in community Australian Football and Rugby League: the experiences and challenges faced by coaches and sports trainers,2015,19,4,305-310,Finch Epidemiology of injury in male adolescent Gaelic games,2015,19,5,384-388,O'Connor No association between surface shifts and time-loss overuse injury risk in male professional football,2015,19,3,218-221,Andersen Interventions preventing ankle sprains; previous injury and high-risk sport participation as predictors of compliance,2015,19,6,465-469,Van Mechelen Can the natural turf pitch be viewed as a risk factor for injury within Association Football?,2015,19,7,547-552,Vanrenterghem The impact of injury definition on injury surveillance in novice runners,2015,19,6,470-475,Verhagen Development and validation of a model of motor competence in children and adolescents,2015,19,7,568-572,Cordovil Sport concussion assessment tool - 3rd edition - normative reference values for professional ice hockey players,2015,19,8,636-641,Parkkari Measurement of energy expenditure of daily tasks among mothers of young children,2001,4,4,379-385,Brown Perceived physical competence towards physical activity and motivation and enjoyment in physical education as longitudinal predictors of adolescents' self-reported physical activity,2015,19,9,750-754,Timo Effects of one versus two bouts of moderate intensity physical activity on selective attention during a school morning in Dutch primary schoolchildren: A randomized controlled trial,2015,19,10,820-824,Chinapaw Initial symptom burden predicts duration of symptoms after concussion,2015,19,9,722-725,Meehan The diagnostic credibility of second impact syndrome: a systematic literature review,2016,19,10,789-794,Cook The within-match patterns of locomotor efficiency during professional soccer match play: implications for injury risk?,2015,19,10,810-815,Lovell Child and adolescent sports participant issues,2016,19,3,193,Waddington 95% prevalence of abnormality on hip MRI in elite academy level rugby union: a clinical and imaging study of hip disorders,2016,19,11,893-897,Gissane The incidence and characteristics of purposeful heading in male and female youth football (soccer) within Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer Patterns of time use among regional and rural adolescent girls: Associations with correlates of physical activity and health-related quality of life,2016,19,11,931-935,Casey The reliability and validity of video analysis for the assessment of the clinical signs of concussion in Australian football,2016,19,10,859-863,Makdissi Using video analysis for concussion surveillance in Australian football,2016,19,12,958-963,Makdissi Use of video to facilitate sideline concussion diagnosis and management decision-making,2016,19,11,898-902,Makdissi Methodological quality of the injury surveillance system used in international athletics championships,2016,19,12,984-989,Junge The delivery of injury prevention exercise programmes in professional youth soccer: Comparison to the FIFA 11,2016,20,1,26-31,Finch Is natural turf a risk factor in football?,2016,19,7,515,Waddington Prevalence knowledge and attitudes relating to β-alanine use among professional footballers,2016,20,1,12-16,Jenkins Female adolescent athletes' attitudes and perspectives on injury prevention programs,2016,20,2,146-151,Martínez The accuracy and reproducibility of video assessment in the pitch-side management of concussion in elite rugby,2016,20,3,246-249,Fuller High chronic training loads and exposure to bouts of maximal velocity running reduce injury risk in elite Gaelic football,2016,20,3,250-254,Gabbett Insights into children's independent mobility for transportation cycling: which socio-ecological factors matter?,2016,20,3,267-272,De Bourdeaudhuij Game injuries in relation to game schedules in the National Basketball Association,2016,20,3,230-235,Maak Interpreting change on the SCAT3 in professional ice hockey players,2016,20,5,424-431,Parkkari Measuring heterogeneity of reinjury risk assessments at the time of clearance to return to play: a feasibility study,2016,20,3,255-260,Steele Predicting balance improvements following STARS treatments in chronic ankle instability participants,2016,20,4,356-361,Wikstrom The acute:chonic workload ratio in relation to injury risk in professional soccer,2016,20,6,561-565,Gabbett Using video in concussion surveillance,2016,19,12,e957,Waddington The "Strengthen your ankle" program to prevent recurrent injuries: a randomized controlled trial aimed at long-term effectiveness,2016,20,6,549-554,van Mechelen Risky business: an example of what training load data can add to shared decision making in determining 'acceptable risk',2016,20,6,526-527,Drew Risk factors that predict severe injuries in university rugby sevens players,2017,20,7,648-652,Yeung Single-task and dual-task tandem gait test performance after concussion,2017,20,7,622-626,Osternig Asymmetry during preseason Functional Movement Screen testing is associated with injury during a junior Australian football season,2017,20,7,653-657,Chalmers Response to letter to the editor Re: Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Position Statement on exercise and spinal cord injury,2016,20,5,422-423,Theisen Rule modification in junior sport: does it create differences in player movement?,2017,20,10,937-942,Spittle Cannabis: exercise performance and sport. A systematic review,2017,20,9,825-829,Kennedy Epidemiology of injuries in Australian school level rugby union,2017,20,8,740-744,Brown Setting them up for lifetime activity: Play competence perceptions and physical activity in young children,2017,20,9,856-860,Salmon Injury risk and acute chronic workload ratio,2017,20,6,e525,Waddington Misunderstandings of concussion within a youth rugby population,2017,20,11,981-985,Kearney Self-reported balance status is not a reliable indicator of balance performance in adolescents at one-month post-concussion,2017,20,11,970-975,Sveistrup Identifying high risk loading conditions for in-season injury in elite Australian football players,2018,21,1,46-51,Lester Exercise-heat acclimation in young and older trained cyclists,2014,17,6,677-682,Caillaud Implicit versus explicit attitude to doping: which better predicts athletes' vigilance towards unintentional doping?,2018,21,3,238-244,Hagger The King-Devick Test and concussion diagnosis,2017,20,8,707,Waddington Interchange rotation factors and player characteristics influence physical and technical performance in professional Australian Rules football,2018,21,3,317-321,Dillon Compliance with the Australian national physical activity guidelines for children: relationship to overweight status,2007,10,3,156-163,McClure Injury related risk behavior--a study of Australian skydivers,2003,6,2,166-175,McClure Online news media reporting of football-related fatalities in Australia: a matter of life and death,2018,21,3,245-249,Finch Acute injuries in Finnish junior floorball league players,2018,21,3,268-273,Parkkari Using the capture-recapture method to estimate the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries among U.S. Army soldiers,2017,20,Suppl 4,S23-S27,Lovalekar Less efficient oculomotor performance is associated with increased incidence of head impacts in high school ice hockey,2018,21,1,4-9,Myer The association between harm avoidance personality traits and self-reported concussion history in South African rugby union players,2018,21,1,16-21,Patricios Sport concussion assessment tool-Third edition normative reference values for professional Rugby Union players,2018,21,4,347-351,Tucker Associations of age aerobic fitness and body mass index with injury in an operational Army brigade,2017,20,Suppl 4,S45-S50,Jones Heat stress incident prevalence and tennis matchplay performance at the Australian Open,2018,21,5,467-472,Duffield Shoulder injury in water polo: a systematic review of incidence and intrinsic risk factors,2018,21,4,368-377,Adams Self report balance status is not reliable post concussion,2017,20,11,963,Waddington Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries sustained by Naval Special Forces Operators and students,2017,20,Suppl 4,S51-S56,Lovalekar Factors associated with post-concussion syndrome in high school student-athletes,2018,21,5,447-452,Dompier Injuries and other adverse events associated with yoga practice: a systematic review of epidemiological studies,2018,21,2,147-154,Cramer Risk factors for injury associated with low moderate and high mileage road marching in a U.S. Army infantry brigade,2017,20,Suppl 4,S28-S33,Jones Impact of physical fitness and body composition on injury risk among active young adults: a study of Army trainees,2017,20,Suppl 4,S17-S22,Jones Video analysis of craniofacial soccer incidents: a prospective study,2012,15,1,14-18,Hallal Understanding some of the risks for soft tissue inury--a Malcolm Blight legacy?,2002,5,2,v-vii,Orchard Getting the sense knocked out of you,2014,17,5,451,Kolt SCAT3 changes from baseline and associations with X2 Patch measured head acceleration in amateur Australian football players,2018,21,5,442-446,McIntosh Lower limb injuries in men's elite Gaelic football: a prospective investigation among division one teams from 2008 to 2015,2018,21,2,155-159,Blake The validity of the heat tolerance test in prediction of recurrent exertional heat illness events,2018,21,6,549-552,Heled Non-sanctioning of illegal tackles in South African youth community rugby,2018,21,6,631-634,Lambert Modelling injury-burden in rugby sevens,2018,21,6,553-557,Fuller Mitigating the risk of musculoskeletal injury: a systematic review of the most effective injury prevention strategies for military personnel,2017,20,Suppl 4,S3-S10,Greeves Head impact exposure from match participation in women's rugby league over one season of domestic competition,2018,21,2,139-146,Hume Phases of match-play in professional Australian Football: descriptive analysis and reliability assessment,2018,21,6,635-639,Watsford Tramadol effects on physical performance and sustained attention during a 20-min indoor cycling time-trial: A randomised controlled trial,2018,21,7,654-660,Sanabria The association of novel polymorphisms with stress fracture injury in elite athletes: further insights from the SFEA cohort,2018,21,6,564-568,Greeves Military human performance optimization and injury prevention: strategies for the 21st century warfighter,2017,20,Suppl 4,S1-S2,Friedl How do professional Australian Football League (AFL) players utilise social media during periods of injury? A mixed methods analysis,2018,21,7,681-685,Young Eccentric hamstring strength deficit and poor hamstring-to-quadriceps ratio are risk factors for hamstring strain injury in football: a prospective study of 146 professional players,2018,21,8,789-793,Mok Sport Concussion Assessment Tool: interpreting day-of-injury scores in professional ice hockey players,2018,21,8,794-799,Parkkari Alcohol consumption masculinity and alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour in sportspeople,2018,21,4,335-341,Pinsky Statistical comments on "Does player time-in-game affect tackle technique in elite level rugby union?",2018,21,9,872,Farrokhi Alcohol masculinity violence and anti-social behaviour in sport (editorial),2018,21,4,333,Waddington Interrater reliability of the injury reporting of the injury surveillance system used in international athletics championships,2018,21,9,894-898,Timpka The incidence prevalence severity mechanism and body region of injury in elite junior Australian football players: a prospective cohort study over one season,2018,21,10,1013-1018,Newstead The King-Devick test is a valid and reliable tool for assessing sport-related concussion in Australian football: a prospective cohort study,2018,21,10,1004-1007,Dempsey The influence of age-policy changes on the relative age effect across the Australian Rules football talent pathway,2018,21,10,1106-1111,Pyne Heat and community sport guidelines,2018,21,6,543,Waddington Gross motor skills in toddlers: prevalence and socio-demographic differences,2018,21,12,1226-1231,Okely Injury risk-workload associations in NCAA American college football,2018,21,12,1215-1220,Williams The incidence and burden of time loss injury in Australian men's sub-elite football (soccer): a single season prospective cohort study,2019,22,1,42-47,Lovell A multi-year injury epidemiology analysis of an elite national junior tennis program,2019,22,1,11-15,Duffield The influence of match characteristics and experience on decision-making performance in AFL umpires,2019,22,1,112-116,Gastin Seasonal time-loss match injury rates and burden in South African under-16 rugby teams,2019,22,1,54-58,Van Mechelen Injuries among children and adults in alpine skiing and snowboarding,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heir Snowsport experience expertise lower limb injury and somatosensory ability,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickson Typologies of adolescent activity related health behaviours,2019,22,3,319-323,Timperio The King-Devick test is not sensitive to self-reported history of concussion but is affected by English language skill,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickson Incidence costs and temporal trends of sports injury-related hospitalisations in Australian children over a 10-year period: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2019,22,2,175-180,Mitchell Impact of listening to music while wearing a ski helmet on sound source localization,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zorowka Functional balance assessment in recreational college-aged individuals with a concussion history,2019,22,5,503-508,Guskiewicz Fight load index and body composition are most associated with combat fitness in female Marines,2019,22,4,494-499,Lovalekar Female rugby union injuries in New Zealand: a review of five years (2013-2017) of Accident Compensation Corporation moderate to severe claims and costs,2019,22,5,532-537,King Freeriding-only a need for thrill? Comparing different motives and behavioural aspects between slope skiers and freeride skiers,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kopp Objective clinical tests of dual-task dynamic postural control in youth athletes with concussion,2019,22,5,521-525,Iverson Determinants of intention to disclose concussion symptoms in a population of U.S. military cadets,2019,22,5,509-515,Marshall Intra-seasonal variation of injury patterns among German Bundesliga soccer players,2019,22,6,661-666,Leventer Match injuries in Sri Lankan junior cricket: a prospective longitudinal study,2019,22,6,647-652,Finch Longitudinal changes in domains of physical activity during childhood and adolescence: a systematic review,2019,22,6,695-701,Parrish Modelling the relationships between volume intensity and injury-risk in professional rugby league players,2019,22,6,653-660,King Match performance indicators and outcome in Australian Football,2019,22,4,379,Waddington Injury profiles in elite women's T20 cricket,2019,22,7,775-779,Warren Transmissibility of whole-body vibrations and injury risk in alpine skiing,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Supej National Rugby League match scheduling and rate of concussion,2019,22,7,780-783,Iverson Injury prevention strategies specific to pre-elite athletes competing in Olympic and professional sports - a systematic review,2019,22,8,887-901,Weissensteiner Prevalence of sports-related injuries in paralympic judo: an exploratory study,2019,22,8,902-906,Fagher An assessment of the utility and functionality of wearable head impact sensors in Australian Football,2019,22,7,784-789,McIntosh Using causal energy categories to report the distribution of injuries in an active population: an approach used by the U.S. Army,2019,22,9,997-1003,Jones Relationships between training volume intensity and injury-risk in professional rugby league players,2019,22,6,e623,Waddington The use of medication and alcohol in recreational downhill skiers: results of a survey including 816 subjects in Tyrol,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruedl Brief in-play cooling breaks reduce thermal strain during football in hot conditions,2019,22,8,912-917,Jay Incidence and impact of time loss and non-time-loss shoulder injury in elite South African cricketers: a one-season prospective cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gray Do riders who wear an air jacket in equestrian eventing have reduced injury risk in falls? A retrospective data analysis,2019,22,9,1010-1013,Hitchens The incidence prevalence nature severity and mechanisms of injury in elite female cricketers: a prospective cohort study,2019,22,9,1014-1020,Finch Mechanisms of traumatic injury to the shoulder girdle in the Australian Football League,2019,22,9,987-991,Hides A helmetless-tackling intervention in American football for decreasing head impact exposure: a randomized controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guskiewicz Epidemiology of elite sprint kayak injuries: a 3-year prospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finch Snowsport trauma and safety: understanding and reducing the likelihood of injury in snowsports,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenwald Feasibility of using a novel instrumented human head surrogate to measure helmet head and brain kinematics and intracranial pressure during multidirectional impact tests,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petrone Epidemiology of bone stress injuries in Australian high performance athletes: a retrospective cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drew Why exercise may be beneficial in concussion rehabilitation: a cellular perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neary Social cohesion and peer acceptance predict student-athletes' attitudes toward health-risk behaviors: a within- and between-group investigation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bray Australian netball injuries in 2016: an overview of insurance data,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naughton Guidelines for community-based injury surveillance in rugby union,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finch Individual social and neighbourhood correlates of cycling among children living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Timperio Quantifying cycling as a foundational movement skill in early childhood,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Issartel Using cooperative networks to analyse behaviour in professional Australian Football,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Watsford Proposed injury thresholds for concussion in equestrian sports,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilchrist Medical care in unlicensed combat sports: a need for standardised regulatory frameworks,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Channon Concussion incidence and time-loss in Australian football: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies Co-creation of a sport-specific anterior cruciate ligament injury risk reduction program for women: A concept mapping approach,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crossley Higher neck strength is associated with lower head acceleration during purposeful heading in soccer: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orr The prevalence of mental health problems in elite athletes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franck Symptoms after sport-related concussions alter gestural functions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Helmich We have the injury prevention exercise programme but how well do youth follow it?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hägglund Acute performance responses during repeated matches in combat sports: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kons The 11+ Kids warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young Iranian male high-level football (soccer) players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rössler General health complaints and sleep associated with new injury within an endurance sporting population: a prospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Sullivan Exercise-based injury prevention for community-level adolescent cricket pace bowlers: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dempsey Do riders who wear an air jacket in equestrian eventing have reduced injury risk in falls? A retrospective data analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hitchens Bowling loads and injury risk in male first class county cricket: is 'differential load' an alternative to the acute-to-chronic workload ratio?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ranson Profile and cost of sport and exercise-related hand and wrist injuries with emergency department presentation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Injury epidemiology in Australian male professional soccer,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duffield Evaluation of adolescent sport specialization and injury mechanism by sex: a secondary analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brooks Head injury and helmet usage trends for alpine skiers and snowboarders in western Canada during the decade 2008-9 to 2017-18,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickson Epidemiology of exertional heat illnesses in organised sports: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finch Injuries in England and Wales elite men's domestic cricket: a nine season review from 2010 to 2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ranson Patterns of head impact exposure in men's and women's collegiate club water polo,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Small Incidence and pattern of musculoskeletal injuries among women and men during Marine Corps training in sex-integrated units,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lovalekar The effect of physical fatigue on tackling technique in Rugby Union,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendricks Corrigendum to "Epidemiology of hospital-treated cricket injuries sustained by women from 2002-2003 to 2013-2014 in Victoria Australia. 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Sport. 22 (2019) 1213-1218]",2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finch Ten-year nationwide review of netball ankle and knee injuries in New Zealand,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brughelli Examining ski area padding for head and neck injury mitigation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shealy Proprioceptive abilities improve in expert skiers and snowboarders from early-season to mid-season,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickson Concussion knowledge attitudes and behaviour in equestrian athletes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hume Gradual-onset surfing-related injuries in New Zealand: a cross-sectional study,2020,ePub,ePub,eePub,Climstein Using machine learning to improve our understanding of injury risk and prediction in elite male youth football players,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lloyd Incidence and risk factors for race-day jockey falls over fourteen years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Legg Use and perception of breast protective equipment by female contact football players,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steele Ski boot canting adjustments affect kinematic kinetic and postural control measures associated with fall and injury risk,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tashman The NICA injury surveillance system: design methodology and preliminary data of a prospective longitudinal study of injuries in youth cross country mountain bike racing,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willick Changes in exertion-related symptoms in adults and youth who have sustained a sport-related concussion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emery A decade of head neck and facial cricket injury hospitalisations in Victoria Australia: From 2007/08 to 2016/17,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Plumb Injuries across a pre-professional ballet and contemporary dance tertiary training program: a retrospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moyle Did injury incidence in alpine ski racing change after equipment regulations? An evaluation based on the injury surveillance system of the Austrian Ski Federation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nachbauer Injuries according to the percentage of adult height in an elite soccer academy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monasterio In-competition injuries and performance success in combined events during major international athletics championships,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Junge The association between removing and reintroducing man-made jumps in terrain parks and severe alpine skiing and snowboarding injuries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamel Reliability of the sport concussion assessment tool 5 baseline testing: a 2-week test-retest study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parkkari Sport concussion assessment tool: baseline and clinical reference limits for concussion diagnosis and management in elite rugby union,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Falvey Do exercises for patellofemoral pain reflect common injury mechanisms? A systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bleakley Sports related heat injury in Victoria Australia: an analysis of 11 years of hospital admission and emergency department data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fortington Perceived barriers to implementation of injury prevention programs among collegiate women's soccer coaches,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snyder-Mackler Neurocognitive changes associated with concussion in elite cricket players are distinct from changes due to post-match with no head impact,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kountouris Diagnosed concussion is associated with increased risk for lower extremity injury in community rugby players,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swanik Training injury incidence in an amateur women's rugby union team in New Zealand over two consecutive seasons,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,King Epidemiology of skydiving-related deaths and injuries: a 10-years prospective study of 6.2 million jumps between 2010 and 2019 in France,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edouard Relationships between attitudes and norms with homophobic language use in male team sports,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeanes The financial and performance cost of injuries to teams in Australian professional soccer,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duffield Exertion-related symptoms in adults and youth who have sustained a sport-related concussion [editorial],2021,24,1,1,Waddington Human performance research for military operations in extreme cold environments,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedl Injury trends in alpine skiing and a snowboarding over the decade 2008-09 to 2017-18,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickson An observational study of skier compliance with posted "slow" signs and ski patrollers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harley Participation in pre-injury level sport one-year following sport-related concussion: a prospective matched cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iverson Tandem gait test performance in healthy physically active adults: clinical implications for concussion evaluation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lynall Gender differences in female and male Australian Football injuries - a prospective observational study of emergency department presentations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seward About some factors influencing safety mattress performances in head impact collisions: a pilot study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnoux Motor performance is not related to injury risk in growing elite-level male youth football players. a causal inference approach to injury risk assessment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shrier Sex differences in the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test in adolescents with acute sport-related concussion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leddy Exertional heat fatalities in Australian sport and recreation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bugeja Single season re-injury risk after concussion and lower extremity injury among male collision sport high school athletes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Comstock Sport and leisure activities in the heat: what safety resources exist?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Twomey "Is it fun and does it enhance my performance?" - Key implementation considerations for injury prevention programs in youth handball,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myklebust Early injury evaluation following concussion is associated with improved recovery time in children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orr Expansion of cognitive testing for off-field concussion screening in elite rugby players: a cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raftery Anxiety-related concussion perceptions of collegiate athletes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kontos Neurocognitive function and musculoskeletal injury risk in sports: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Groneberg Transitory kinesiophobia after sport-related concussion and its correlation with reaction time,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Evaluation of journal policies to increase promotion of transparency and openness in sport science research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McAuley Limitations of current alpine touring ski bindings,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Senner Higher parental stress is significantly related to longer clinical recovery times in concussed children: a mixed-methods study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caron Self-determined forms of motivation predict sport injury prevention and rehabilitation intentions,2012,15,5,398-406,Hagger Injury profiles of Australian football players across five women's and girls' competition levels,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Milne Boxing-related fatalities in Australia: a retrospective analysis of news media reports,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lystad Training in spikes and number of training hours correlate to injury incidence in youth athletics (track and field): a prospective 52-week study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobsson Epidemiology and moderators of injury in Gaelic football: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blake The association between Y-balance test scores injury and physical performance in elite adolescent Australian footballers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chalmers Analysis of more than 20000 injuries in European professional football by using a citizen science-based approach: an opportunity for epidemiological research?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Junge The association of padded headgear with concussion and injury risk in junior Australian football: a prospective cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Makdissi Epidemiology of injuries sustained in professional Australian netball: a three season cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saunders Match and training injury risk in semi-professional rugby union: a four-year study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Examining initial post-concussion dizziness and postural stability as predictors of time to symptom resolution,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Chronicity of sleep restriction during Army basic military training,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drain Interpreting change on the Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caswell Prolonged restricted training fixture congestion and player rotation: what the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about injury risk in professional collision sport,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kemp Causal effects workload and injury risk: the importance of specifying the research question,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steele Neck strength and concussion prevalence in football and rugby athletes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peek Injury incidence severity and burden in elite youth soccer players - a 3-year prospective study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Härtel Influence of concussion history and age of first concussion on visio-vestibular function,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arbogast Establishing the incidence and prevalence of injury and illness in Australian sailing athletes over a full year of training and competition to help determine prevention priorities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drew Availability and content of concussion guidelines in Australian combat sports,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lystad The knowledge and attitudes of field hockey athletes to injury injury reporting and injury prevention: A qualitative study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blake Caught on camera: a video assessment of suspected concussion and other injury events in women's rugby union,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emery The effect of helmet mass and aircraft acceleration on cervical spine loads during typical fast jet aircraft pilot head motions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spratford Video analysis of jockey fall characteristics in horse racing,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hitchens Winter breaks: how do they affect injuries in field hockey?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blake The reduction of sport-related fatal incidents is an ongoing task for sport physicians,2022,25,9,703-704,Meyer Epidemiology of injuries in amateur boxing: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lystad Repetitive soccer heading adversely impacts short-term learning among adult women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lipton The influence of match exposure on injury risk in elite men's rugby union,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kemp Fifteen minutes of high intensity running can impair performance on concussion testing; implications for on-field diagnosis in sport,2022,25,12,968-972,Batchelor Having an injury complaint during the four weeks before an international athletics ('track and field') championship more than doubles the risk of sustaining an injury during the respective championship: a cohort study on 1095 athletes during 7 international championships,2022,25,12,986-994,Timpka Comparison of injury profiles between elite Australian male and female cricket players,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kountouris Incidence of concussions and helmet use in equestrians,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kremenic Corrigendum to "Proposed injury thresholds for concussion in equestrian sports [Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Volume 23 Issue 3 March 2020 Pages 222-236]",2023,26,1,e77,Gilchrist Biomarkers for warfighter safety and performance in hot and cold environments,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Epstein Cricket injury in New Zealand: a study of injury insurance claims from 2008 to 2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchard "It's always the bare minimum" - a qualitative study of players' experiences of tackle coaching in women's rugby union,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Reactive postural responses predict risk for acute musculoskeletal injury in collegiate athletes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morris Early physical activity after concussion is associated with sleep quality but not dizziness among adolescent athletes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Computerized and functional reaction time in varsity-level female collegiate athletes with and without a concussion history,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmidt Changes in sport-related concussion and traumatic brain injury in New Zealand during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lystad The propensity of non-concussive and concussive head contacts during elite-level women's rugby league matches: a prospective analysis of over 14000 tackle events,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendricks The impact of concussion on subsequent injury risk in elite junior Australian football athletes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chalmers A systematic literature review of injury epidemiology and surveillance practices in elite adult female field-based team sport,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cahalan Acute and subacute clinical markers after sport-related concussion in rugby union players,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russo Insurance cost and injury characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in sub-elite football: a population analysis involving 3 years of Australian insurance data,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pappas Do non-contact injuries occur during high-speed running in elite football? Preliminary results from a novel GPS and video-based method,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Impellizzeri Incidence of concussion in men's Super League Championship and Academy rugby league matches between 2016 and 2022,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Comparison of physiological outcomes after dynamic exertion between athletes at return to sport from concussion and controls: Preliminary findings,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collins I won't let you down; why 20% of Men's and Women's Super League players underreported suspected concussions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendricks English and Welsh men's domestic cricket injury risk by activity and cricket type: a retrospective cohort study from 2010 to 2019,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Lost in transition: exploring injury risk in academy footballers shifting between the second and first teams,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larruskain Occurrence of injuries and illnesses in athletes with a physical impairment; a forty-week prospective cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verhagen Epidemiology and management of ankle sprain injuries over seven seasons in an elite professional ballet company,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mattiussi Concussion incidence and mechanisms differ between elite females and males in Australian football,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Makdissi Concussion in sport: It's time to drop the tobacco analogy,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malcolm Uncovering injuries in Brazilian elite women's football: a prospective cohort study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baroni Estimating the cost of sports injuries: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gallo The impact of wheelchair rugby classification lineup structure on possession outcome,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quinn Advancing concussion research - follow the yellow brick road [editorial],2024,27,4,211-212,Gardner Importance of methodological quality in head injury research + highlighted paper no. 3,2024,27,4,e213,Meyer Breaking barriers: Exploring female-specific health challenges affecting performance in an elite multisport training environment,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Jager Ankle sprain concussion and anterior cruciate ligament injuries are common and burdensome in sub-elite female Australian football players,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chalmers Counting the costs of sports injuries: the need for economic evidence,2024,27,5,e285,Docking Unintended consequences - a qualitative exploration of baseline testing in community rugby concussion management,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan Scuba diving-related fatalities in the Philippines from 2008 to 2022 as reported in online news media,2024,27,6,368-372,Ceniza A controlled early-exercise rehabilitation program commencing within 48 hours of a sports-related concussion improves recovery in UK student-athletes: a prospective cohort study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Belli