Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A large scale study of the assessment of the social environment of middle and secondary schools: The validity and utility of teachers' ratings of school climate cultural pluralism and safety problems for understanding school effects and school improveme,2008,46,5,507-535,Felner Social status and aggressive and disruptive behavior in girls: individual group and classroom influences,2008,46,2,193-212,Estell Attachment and empathy as predictors of roles as defenders or outsiders in bullying interactions,2008,46,6,687-703,Nickerson The role of bystanders in students' perception of bullying and sense of safety,2008,46,6,617-638,Gini Teachers' views and beliefs about bullying: Influences on classroom management strategies and students' coping with peer victimization,2008,46,4,431-453,Kochenderfer-Ladd Teacher preference peer rejection and student aggression: A prospective study of transactional influence and independent contributions to emotional adjustment and grades,2008,46,6,661-685,Derosier Individual and classroom variables associated with relational aggression in elementary-school aged children: A multilevel analysis,2008,46,6,639-660,Subramanian Overt and Relational Aggression and Victimization: Multiple Perspectives within the School Setting,2007,45,5,523-547,Kupersmidt Norm-Narrowing and Self- and Other-Perceived Aggression in Early-Adolescent Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Cliques,2007,45,5,549-565,Malone Legal and ethical issues in conducting research on alcohol and drug use with children: a reaction to Havey and Dodd,1995,33,4,319-326,Hughes Effectiveness of school-based prevention and intervention programs for children and adolescents with emotional disturbance: A meta-analysis,2009,47,2,77-99,Newman Reducing disruptive behavior in an urban school cafeteria: An extension of the Good Behavior Game,2009,47,1,39-54,McCurdy Families and schools together: an experimental study of multi-family support groups for children at risk,2009,47,4,245-265,McDonald Behavior modification in schools: ethical issues and suggested guidelines,1978,16,1,25-33,Harris The association between high status positions and aggressive behavior in early adolescence,2009,47,6,395-426,Reese-Weber The relation of student behavior peer status race and gender to decisions about school discipline using CHAID decision trees and regression modeling,2010,48,2,135-161,Horner The impact of parents child care providers teachers and peers on early externalizing trajectories,2010,48,6,555-583,Essex Supportive school climate and student willingness to seek help for bullying and threats of violence,2010,48,6,533-553,Cornell Gender differences in the relative impact of physical and relational bullying on adolescent injury and weapon carrying,2010,48,6,511-532,Stein Relatedness with teachers and peers during early adolescence: An integrated variable-oriented and person-oriented approach,2010,48,6,483-510,Gest Predicting change in children's aggression and victimization using classroom-level descriptive norms of aggression and pro-social behavior,2009,47,4,267-289,Derosier Facial attractiveness as a moderator of the association between social and physical aggression and popularity in adolescents,2010,48,4,313-333,Underwood Relational aggression: not just a female issue,2008,46,6,611-616,Swearer School psychology: a public health perspective: I. Prevention populations and systems change,2003,41,1,23-38,Hoagwood School-Based Violence Prevention: Challenges and Lessons Learned from an Action Research Project,2001,39,2,161-175,Elias Adolescents' deliberate self-harm interpersonal stress and the moderating effects of self-regulation: A two-wave longitudinal analysis,2011,49,2,249-264,Stattin Identification of preschool children at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders: Development and validation of a universal screening system,2011,49,2,197-216,Kettler Delaware School Climate Survey-Student: Its factor structure concurrent validity and reliability,2011,49,2,157-174,Bear Bullying as strategic behavior: Relations with desired and acquired dominance in the peer group,2011,49,3,339-359,Goossens A factor analytic investigation of the BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Parent Form: Psychometric properties practical implications and future directions,2011,49,3,265-280,Dowdy The assessment of school engagement: Examining dimensionality and measurement invariance by gender and race/ethnicity,2011,49,4,465-480,Eccles Stability of peer victimization in early adolescence: Effects of timing and duration,2011,49,4,443-464,Malecki The impact of school connectedness on violent behavior transport risk-taking behavior and associated injuries in adolescence,2011,49,4,399-410,Sheehan Parental strategies and trajectories of peer victimization in 4 to 5 year olds,2011,49,4,385-398,Goossens The effect of family processes on school achievement as moderated by socioeconomic context,2011,49,5,597-612,Lee How effective are severe disciplinary policies? School policies and offending from adolescence into young adulthood,2011,49,5,555-572,Matjasko A systematic evaluation of token economies as a classroom management tool for students with challenging behavior,2011,49,5,529-554,Maggin Influence of school-level variables on aggression and associated attitudes of middle school students,2011,49,5,481-503,Henry Counterclockwork orange,1973,11,3,285-286,Valett Professional ethics and legal responsibilities,1975,13,4,359-376,Bersoff School psychology as a research science: Are we headed in the right direction?,2011,49,6,739-744,DuPaul Strategies and attributes of highly productive scholars and contributors to the school psychology literature: Recommendations for increasing scholarly productivity,2011,49,6,691-720,Martínez Publication criteria and recommended areas of improvement within school psychology journals as reported by editors journal board members and manuscript authors,2011,49,6,669-689,Martínez Journal article citation classics in school psychology: Analysis of the most cited articles in five school psychology journals,2011,49,6,649-667,Floyd An overview and analysis of journal operations journal publication patterns and journal impact in school psychology and related fields,2011,49,6,617-647,Mercer Teacher practices as predictors of children's classroom social preference,2012,50,1,95-111,Mikami Do girls and boys perceive themselves as equally engaged in school? The results of an international study from 12 countries,2012,50,1,77-94,Jimerson Teacher and observer views on student-teacher relationships: convergence across kindergarten and relations with student engagement,2012,50,1,61-76,Doumen Comments on "Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in school psychology:" Evidence-based interventions for grandiose bragging,2012,50,1,37-42,Kratochwill Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in school psychology: Science and scientific thinking as safeguards against human error,2012,50,1,7-36,Lilienfeld Exploring the associations between coping patterns for everyday stressors and mental health in young schoolchildren,2012,50,2,167-193,Ystgaard Reducing developmental risk for emotional/behavioral problems: A randomized controlled trial examining the Tools for Getting Along curriculum,2012,50,2,149-166,Garvan The impact of baseline trend control on visual analysis of single-case data,2012,50,3,403-419,Mercer Are boys better off with male and girls with female teachers? A multilevel investigation of measurement invariance and gender match in teacher-student relationship quality,2012,50,3,363-378,Koomen Association of pupil vandalism bullying and truancy with teachers' absence due to illness: A multilevel analysis,2012,50,3,347-361,Virtanen Preliminary evaluation of various training components on accuracy of Direct Behavior Ratings,2012,50,3,317-334,Chafouleas Patterns of adolescent bullying behaviors: Physical verbal exclusion rumor and cyber,2012,50,4,521-534,Luk Understanding the bullying dynamic among students in special and general education,2012,50,4,503-520,Swearer Children's relationship with teachers and bonds with school an investigation of patterns and correlates in middle childhood,2000,38,5,423-445,Greenberg A systematic evidence review of school-based group contingency interventions for students with challenging behavior,2012,50,5,625-654,Maggin Nonparametric statistical tests for single-case systematic and randomized ABAB…AB and alternating treatment intervention designs: New developments new directions,2012,50,5,599-624,Kratochwill Academic achievement of African American boys: A city-wide community-based investigation of risk and resilience,2012,50,5,559-579,Fantuzzo Examining competing models of the associations among peer victimization adjustment problems and school connectedness,2012,50,6,825-840,Loukas Peer and self-reports of victimization and bullying: Their differential association with internalizing problems and social adjustment,2012,50,6,759-774,Goossens Interpersonal behaviors and complementarity in interactions between teachers and kindergartners with a variety of externalizing and internalizing behaviors,2013,51,1,143-158,Koomen Children with co-occurring academic and behavior problems in first grade: Distal outcomes in twelfth grade,2013,51,1,117-128,Herman The upward spiral of adolescents' positive school experiences and happiness: Investigating reciprocal effects over time,2013,51,2,231-242,Gnambs A comparison of mean phase difference and generalized least squares for analyzing single-case data,2013,51,2,201-215,Manolov The role of children's on-task behavior in the prevention of aggressive behavior development and peer rejection: A randomized controlled study of the Good Behavior Game in Belgian elementary classrooms,2013,51,2,187-199,Onghena The effect of classroom structure on verbal and physical aggression among peers: A short-term longitudinal study,2013,51,2,159-174,van de Schoot Student- classroom- and school-level risk factors for victimization,2013,51,3,421-434,Salmivalli Direct behavior rating as a school-based behavior screener for elementary and middle grades,2013,51,3,367-385,Chafouleas Effect of retention in elementary grades on transition to middle school,2013,51,3,349-365,Hughes Grade retention: Historical perspectives and new research,2013,51,3,319-322,Christenson A cross-battery reference variable confirmatory factor analytic investigation of the CHC taxonomy,2013,51,4,535-555,Reynolds Examining the link between forms of bullying behaviors and perceptions of safety and belonging among secondary school students,2013,51,4,469-485,Bradshaw The relation of parenting child temperament and attachment security in early childhood to social competence at school entry,2013,51,5,643-658,Schreiber Mechanisms of change in adolescent life satisfaction: A longitudinal analysis,2013,51,5,587-598,Huebner A randomized controlled trial of the impact of a teacher classroom management program on the classroom behavior of children with and without behavior problems,2013,51,5,571-585,Hutchings Are We Missing the Forest Through the Trees? Considering the Social Context of School Violence,1998,36,1,29-44,Baker The efficacy of conjoint behavioral consultation on parents and children in the home setting: Results of a randomized controlled trial,2013,51,6,717-733,Chumney Children's intervention strategies in situations of victimization by bullying: Social cognitions of outsiders versus defenders,2013,51,6,669-682,Goossens School absenteeism and mental health among sexual minority youth and heterosexual youth,2014,52,1,37-47,Marshal Children's rights and school psychology: Children's right to participation,2014,52,1,3-12,Jimerson It has been said that "There are three degrees of falsehoods: Lies damn lies and statistics",2014,52,2,243-248,Lerman Evaluating single-case research data for systematic review: a commentary for the special issue,2014,52,2,237-241,Maggin An effect size measure and Bayesian analysis of single-case designs,2014,52,2,213-230,Horner From a single-level analysis to a multilevel analysis of single-case experimental designs,2014,52,2,191-211,Van den Noortgate Nonlinear Bayesian analysis for single case designs,2014,52,2,179-189,Rindskopf Using generalized additive (mixed) models to analyze single case designs,2014,52,2,149-178,Shadish Analysis and meta-analysis of single-case designs with a standardized mean difference statistic: A primer and applications,2014,52,2,123-147,Shadish Analysis and meta-analysis of single-case designs: An introduction,2014,52,2,109-122,Shadish Early adolescents' willingness to intervene: What roles do attributions affect coping and self-reported victimization play?,2014,52,3,279-293,Espelage Children's effortful control and academic achievement: do relational peer victimization and classroom participation operate as mediators?,2014,52,4,433-445,Valiente Single-case effect size calculation: Comparing regression and non-parametric approaches across previously published reading intervention data sets,2014,52,4,419-431,Begeny Distinguishing among disruptive behaviors to help predict high school graduation: does gender matter?,2014,52,4,407-418,Kistner Friendship quality social preference proximity prestige and self-perceived social competence: interactive influences on children's loneliness,2014,52,5,511-526,Cohen Teacher-child relationships and behavioral adjustment: Transactional links for preschool boys at risk,2014,52,5,495-510,Verschueren The KiVa antibullying curriculum and outcome: does fidelity matter?,2014,52,5,479-493,Voeten Predictors of school engagement among same-sex and heterosexual adoptive parents of kindergarteners,2014,52,5,463-478,Goldberg Promoting an equitable and supportive school climate in high schools: the role of school organizational health and staff burnout,2014,52,6,567-582,Bradshaw Navigating into through and beyond the middle grades: the role of middle grades attendance in staying on track for high school graduation,2014,52,6,549-565,Kieffer Analyzing profiles predictors and consequences of student engagement dispositions,2015,53,1,63-86,Masyn Does stereotype threat influence performance of girls in stereotyped domains? A meta-analysis,2015,53,1,25-44,Wicherts Academic placement after traumatic brain injury,1994,32,1,53-65,Donders Maximizing the potential of early childhood education to prevent externalizing behavior problems: a meta-analysis,2015,53,3,243-263,Duncan The research impact of school psychology faculty,2015,53,3,231-241,Watkins Ecodevelopmental predictors of early initiation of alcohol tobacco and drug use among Hispanic adolescents,2015,53,3,195-208,Prado A qualitative analysis of factors influencing middle school students' use of skills taught by a violence prevention curriculum,2015,53,3,179-194,Farrell The stability of elementary school contexts from kindergarten to third grade,2015,53,4,323-335,Aber Peer and self-reported victimization: do non-victimized students give victimization nominations to classmates who are self-reported victims?,2015,53,4,309-321,Veenstra Bullying victimization and the social and emotional maladjustment of bystanders: a propensity score analysis,2015,53,4,295-308,Nickerson High self-control protects the link between social support and positivity ratio for Israeli students exposed to contextual risk,2015,53,4,283-293,Ronen Longitudinal reciprocal effects of social skills and achievement from kindergarten to eighth grade,2015,53,4,265-281,Keith Children's behavioral regulation and literacy: the impact of the first grade classroom environment,2015,53,5,409-428,McClelland The effect of victims' responses to overt bullying on same-sex peer bystander reactions,2015,53,5,375-391,Bussey Effect of school belonging trajectories in grades 6-8 on achievement: gender and ethnic differences,2015,53,6,493-507,Hughes Life satisfaction and academic performance in early adolescents: evidence for reciprocal association,2015,53,6,479-491,Hills Promoting social-emotional competence: an evaluation of the elementary version of Second Step®,2015,53,6,463-477,Cook Measurement and structural relations of an authoritative school climate model: A multi-level latent variable investigation,2015,53,6,447-461,Cornell Evaluating the technical adequacy of DBR-SIS in tri-annual behavioral screening: a multisite investigation,2016,54,,39-57,Chafouleas Are school policies focused on sexual orientation and gender identity associated with less bullying? Teachers' perspectives,2016,54,,29-38,Russell Who intervenes against homophobic behavior? Attributes that distinguish active bystanders,2016,54,,17-28,Poteat Lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth: limited representation in school support personnel journals,2016,54,,9-16,Graybill Sexual orientation and gender identity in schools: a call for more research in school psychology-no more excuses,2016,54,,5-8,Espelage Promoting the science of school psychology,2016,54,,1-3,Demaray An exploratory investigation of teachers' intervention planning and perceived implementation barriers,2016,55,,1-26,Kratochwill The Single-Case Reporting guideline In BEhavioural interventions (SCRIBE) 2016 statement,2016,56,,133-142,Wilson Does psychotherapy work with school-aged youth? A meta-analytic examination of moderator variables that influence therapeutic outcomes,2016,56,,59-87,Ahn Teacher-student relationships and adolescent behavioral engagement and rule-breaking behavior: the moderating role of dopaminergic genes,2016,56,,13-25,Van den Noortgate Do extraversion and neuroticism moderate the association between bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms? A three-wave longitudinal study,2016,56,,1-11,Gamez-Guadix Effects of the Maytiv positive psychology school program on early adolescents' well-being engagement and achievement,2016,57,,73-92,Shoshani Reducing prejudice and promoting positive intergroup attitudes among elementary-school children in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,2016,57,,53-72,Berger A randomized controlled trial of strong minds: a school-based mental health program combining acceptance and commitment therapy and positive psychology,2016,57,,41-52,Hadzi-Pavlovic Adding to the education debt: depressive symptoms mediate the association between racial discrimination and academic performance in African Americans,2016,57,,29-40,Lambert Variations in students' perceived reasons for sources of and forms of in-school discrimination: a latent class analysis,2016,57,,1-14,Byrd Beyond behavior modification: benefits of social-emotional/self-regulation training for preschoolers with behavior problems,2016,58,,91-111,Graziano A cluster randomized controlled trial of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum,2016,58,,73-89,Calam The socializing effect of classroom aggression on the development of aggression and social rejection: a two-wave multilevel analysis,2016,58,,57-72,Krahé Psychometric defensibility of the Social Academic and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) teacher rating scale and multiple gating procedure within elementary and middle school samples,2016,58,,21-39,Kilgus Bullying and defending behavior: the role of explicit and implicit moral cognition,2016,59,,67-81,Gini She's supporting them; who's supporting her? Preschool center-level social-emotional supports and teacher well-being,2016,59,,55-66,Zinsser The combined effects of teacher-child and peer relationships on children's social-emotional adjustment,2016,59,,1-11,Murray Beyond intent to treat (ITT): a complier average causal effect (CACE) estimation primer,2017,60,,7-24,Peugh Introduction to bifactor polytomous item response theory analysis,2017,60,,41-63,Campbell An introduction to mixture item response theory models,2017,60,,25-40,De Ayala The academic rewards of socially-oriented happiness: interdependent happiness promotes academic engagement,2017,61,,19-31,Datu School personnel social support and nonsupport for bystanders of bullying: exploring student perspectives,2017,61,,1-17,Varjas Mindfulness-based interventions with youth: a comprehensive meta-analysis of group-design studies,2017,63,,77-103,Klingbeil A comparison of problem identification interviews conducted face-to-face and via videoconferencing using the consultation analysis record,2017,63,,63-76,Gresham Classroom relationship qualities and social-cognitive correlates of defending and passive bystanding in school bullying in Sweden: a multilevel analysis,2017,63,,49-62,Espelage The efficacy of conjoint behavioral consultation in the home setting: outcomes and mechanisms in rural communities,2017,62,,81-101,Sheridan Impact of Incredible Years® on teacher perceptions of parental involvement: a latent transition analysis,2017,62,,51-65,Herman Testing the feasibility of a briefer school-based preventive intervention with aggressive children: a hybrid intervention with face-to-face and internet components,2017,62,,33-50,Lochman Effectiveness evaluation of the Positive Family Support intervention: a three-tiered public health delivery model for middle schools,2017,62,,103-125,Fosco Social emotional and behavioral screening: a comparison of two measures and two methods across informants,2017,64,,93-108,Kettler School engagement trajectories in adolescence: the role of peer likeability and popularity,2017,64,,61-75,Bijttebier The role of teacher behavior in children's relational aggression development: a five-wave longitudinal study,2017,64,,17-27,Onghena Measuring home environments across cultures: invariance of the HOME scale across eight international sites from the MAL-ED study,2017,64,,109-127,Murray-Kolb Patterns of peer- and teacher-rated aggression victimization and prosocial behavior in an urban predominantly African American preadolescent sample: associations with peer-perceived characteristics,2017,65,,83-101,Bettencourt Teacher factors contributing to dosage of the KiVa anti-bullying program,2017,65,,102-115,Hubbard Defending victims: what does it take to intervene in bullying and how is it rewarded by peers?,2017,65,,1-10,Veenstra Getting "SMART" about implementing multi-tiered systems of support to promote school mental health,2018,66,,85-96,Piehler Mentor Support Provisions Scale: measure dimensionality measurement invariance and associations with adolescent school functioning,2018,67,,69-87,Hughes Associations between peer victimization perceived teacher unfairness and adolescents' adjustment and well-being,2018,67,,56-68,Holt Informant similarities twin studies and the assessment of externalizing behavior: a meta-analysis,2018,67,,31-55,Karabatsos Chronic absence eighth-grade achievement and high school attainment in the Chicago Longitudinal Study,2018,67,,163-178,Ou Harsh parenting and academic achievement in Chinese adolescents: potential mediating roles of effortful control and classroom engagement,2018,67,,16-30,Wang Trajectories of teacher-student warmth and conflict at the transition to middle school: effects on academic engagement and achievement,2018,67,,148-162,Hughes Investigating teacher and student effects of the Incredible Years Classroom Management Program in early elementary school,2018,67,,119-133,Rabiner Peer victimization and suicidal ideation: the role of gender and depression in a school-based sample,2018,67,,1-15,Demaray From victim to victimizer: hostility anger and depression as mediators of the bullying victimization-bullying perpetration association,2018,68,,73-83,Espelage Methods matter: a multi-trait multi-method analysis of student behavior,2018,68,,53-72,Fabiano Reductions in aggressive behavior within the context of a universal social emotional learning program: classroom- and student-level mechanisms,2018,68,,38-52,Downer Everyday discrimination negative emotions and academic achievement in Filipino secondary school students: cross-sectional and cross-lagged panel investigations,2018,68,,195-205,Datu Teacher-student relationship quality from kindergarten to sixth grade and students' school adjustment: a person-centered approach,2018,68,,177-194,Roorda Gender differences in response to a school-based mindfulness training intervention for early adolescents,2018,68,,163-176,Kang Evidence for the interpretation of Social Academic and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) scores: an argument-based approach to screener validation,2018,68,,129-141,Kilgus Examining the maintenance and generalization effects of repeated practice: a comparison of three interventions,2018,68,,1-18,Ardoin The moderation of culturally normative coping strategies on Taiwanese adolescent peer victimization and psychological distress,2018,70,,89-104,Ma Adjustment outcomes of victims of cyberbullying: the role of personal and contextual factors,2018,70,,74-88,Bradshaw School-related anxiety symptomatology in a community sample of primary-school-aged children on the autism spectrum,2018,70,,64-73,Simpson Geographically representative scholarship and internationalization in school and educational psychology: a bibliometric analysis of eight journals from 2002-2016,2018,70,,44-63,Begeny Teacher and child perceptions of relationship quality and ethnic minority children's behavioral adjustment in upper elementary school: a cross-lagged approach,2018,70,,27-43,Roorda Mediating effects of emotion regulation strategies in the relations between stressful life events and life satisfaction in a longitudinal sample of early adolescents,2018,70,,16-26,Ng Longitudinal trends and year-to-year fluctuations in student-teacher conflict and closeness: associations with aggressive behavior problems,2018,70,,1-15,Bierman A systematic review of the Second Step program,2018,71,,18-41,Moy Peer effects on low-income children's learning and development,2018,71,,1-17,Burchinal Using latent profile and transition analyses to understand patterns of informant ratings of child depressive symptoms,2018,69,,84-99,Duggan The assessment of bystander intervention in bullying: examining measurement invariance across gender,2018,69,,73-83,Nickerson Evaluation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: a large scale study of U.S. students in grades 3-11,2018,69,,56-72,Limber Family dysfunction and anxiety in adolescents: a moderated mediation model of self-esteem and perceived school stress,2018,69,,16-27,Tian Losing and gaining friends: does friendship instability compromise academic functioning in middle school?,2018,69,,143-153,Juvonen African American adolescents' gender and perceived school climate moderate how academic coping relates to achievement,2018,69,,127-142,Wang Does dose of early intervention matter for preschoolers with externalizing behavior problems? A pilot randomized trial comparing intensive summer programming to school consultation,2019,72,,112-133,Graziano Are students with disabilities suspended more frequently than otherwise similar students without disabilities?,2019,72,,1-13,Hillemeier Social emotional learning (SEL) practices in schools: effects on perceptions of bullying victimization,2019,73,,74-88,Nickerson Parent involvement and children's externalizing behavior: exploring longitudinal bidirectional effects across gender,2019,73,,21-40,Ogg Exploring multicultural classroom dynamics: a network analysis,2019,74,,90-105,Verkuyten Informant discrepancies in assessments of psychosocial functioning in school-based services and research: review and directions for future research,2019,74,,74-89,Cook Safe and supportive schools for LGBT youth: addressing educational inequities through inclusive policies and practices,2019,74,,29-43,Russell Teaching tolerance or acting tolerant? Evaluating skills- and contact-based prejudice reduction interventions among Palestinian-Israeli and Jewish-Israeli youth,2019,75,,8-26,Berger Bolstering trust and reducing discipline incidents at a diverse middle school: how self-affirmation affects behavioral conduct during the transition to adolescence,2019,75,,74-88,Cohen Bullying immigrant versus non-immigrant peers: moral disengagement and participant roles,2019,75,,119-133,Salmivalli Importance and feasibility of an adapted set of implementation strategies in schools,2019,76,,66-77,Cook Implementation science and school psychology: future needs for research and practice,2019,76,,62-65,Forman School absenteeism in the first decade of education and outcomes in adolescence,2019,76,,48-61,Pianta Interval likelihood ratios: applications for gated screening in schools,2019,76,,107-123,Klingbeil Are school psychologists' special education eligibility decisions reliable and unbiased? A multi-study experimental investigation,2019,77,,90-109,Houri Predicting the development of pro-bullying bystander behavior: a short-term longitudinal analysis,2019,77,,77-89,Wienke Totura A multilevel analysis of racial discipline disproportionality: a focus on student perceptions of academic engagement and disciplinary environment,2019,77,,152-167,Bradshaw Longitudinal associations between features of toxic masculinity and bystander willingness to intervene in bullying among middle school boys,2019,77,,139-151,Espelage Effects of a universal prevention program on externalizing behaviors: exploring the generalizability of findings across school and home settings,2019,77,,13-23,Lochman Daily social and affective lives of homeless youth: what is the role of teacher and peer social support?,2019,77,,110-123,Cleveland Evaluation of a multi-component and multi-agent intervention to improve classroom social relationships among early elementary school-age children,2019,77,,124-138,Mikami Randomized trial testing the integration of the Good Behavior Game and MyTeachingPartner™: the moderating role of distress among new teachers on student outcomes,2020,78,,75-95,Bradshaw Disability poverty and other risk factors associated with involvement in bullying behaviors,2020,78,,115-132,Smith Defending victims of cyberbullying: The role of self-efficacy and moral disengagement,2020,78,,1-12,Bussey Dimensions of empathy and bystander intervention in bullying in elementary school,2020,79,,31-42,Jenkins Membership experiences in gender-sexuality alliances (GSAs) predict increased hope and attenuate the effects of victimization,2020,79,,16-30,Rivers Experiences of adolescent witnesses to peer victimization: the bystander effect,2020,80,,1-14,Bauman Bystanders in bullying: Introduction to the special issue,2020,81,,47-50,Troop-Gordon Five direct behavior rating multi-item scales: sensitivity to the effects of classroom interventions,2020,81,,28-46,Volpe Teacher-student relationships and mental health help seeking behaviors among elementary and secondary students in Ontario Canada,2020,81,,1-10,Georgiades Parenting profiles of academic and racial socialization: associations with academic engagement and academic self-beliefs of African American adolescents,2020,82,,36-48,Cooper School-wide social emotional learning (SEL) and bullying victimization: moderating role of school climate in elementary middle and high schools,2020,82,,49-69,Ma Parent and peer social support compensation and internalizing problems in adolescence,2020,83,,25-49,Santuzzi Moral disengagement and verbal bullying in early adolescence: a three-year longitudinal study,2021,84,,63-73,Gini Methods for addressing publication bias in school psychology journals: a descriptive review of meta-analyses from 1980 to 2019,2021,84,,74-94,Floyd The relations between students' sense of school belonging perceptions of school kindness and character strength of kindness,2021,84,,95-108,Huang What works in anti-bullying programs? Analysis of effective intervention components,2021,85,,37-56,Farrington Deconstructing bullying roles: a longitudinal latent profile analysis of bullying participant behaviors for students in grades 4 through 12,2021,86,,32-48,Ryoo Associations among bullying role behaviors and academic performance over the course of an academic year for boys and girls,2021,86,,49-63,Santuzzi Catching sight of children with internalizing symptoms in upper elementary classrooms,2021,87,,1-17,Rudasill Tracking stress depression and anxiety across the final year of secondary school: a longitudinal study,2021,88,,18-30,Wuthrich A qualitative exploration of school racial diversity friendship choices and Black women's identity-based experiences in high school,2021,89,,34-50,Butler-Barnes Bullying types and roles in early adolescence: latent classes of perpetrators and victims,2021,89,,51-71,Rueger Reciprocal associations between teacher-student relations and students' externalizing behavior in elementary education? A within-dyad analysis,2022,90,,1-18,Hendrickx The relation between teacher and child race teacher perceptions of disruptive behavior and exclusionary discipline in preschool,2022,90,,33-42,Williford Associations between school-related factors and mental health among transgender and gender diverse youth,2022,90,,135-149,Xuan Examining the validity of the Early Identification System - Student Version for screening in an elementary school sample,2022,90,,114-134,Herman Determining journal article citation classics in school psychology: an updated bibliometric analysis using Google Scholar Scopus and Web of Science,2022,90,,94-113,Floyd The roles of school in supporting LGBTQ+ youth: a systematic review and ecological framework for understanding risk for suicide-related thoughts and behaviors,2022,91,,27-49,Marraccini Longitudinal associations of social-cognitive and moral correlates with defending in bullying,2022,91,,146-159,Gini Student-teacher relationship quality moderates longitudinal associations between child temperament and behavior problems,2022,91,,178-194,Lemelin Depressive and anxious symptoms and teacher-child dependency and conflict in early childhood,2022,91,,129-145,Hoglund Investigating strategies to increase general education teachers' adherence to evidence-based social-emotional behavior practices: a meta-analysis of the single-case literature,2022,91,,1-26,Cook Social support profiles associations with adolescents' psychological and academic functioning,2022,91,,160-177,Furlong Determining stakeholder priorities and core components for school-based identification of mental health difficulties: a Delphi study,2022,91,,209-227,Jones Integrating mindfulness and connection practices into preservice teacher education results in durable automatic race bias reductions,2022,91,,50-64,Enright Validation of the French version of the Moral Disengagement in Bullying Scale: testing Bandura's conceptual model,2022,91,,81-96,Galand Examining school ethnic-racial socialization in the link between race-related stress and academic well-being among African American and Latinx adolescents,2022,91,,97-111,Byrd Modeling the relationship between mentoring and depression symptoms among adolescent North Korean refugees,2022,92,,121-135,Emery Temporal stability of relational aggression profiles in adolescents,2022,92,,19-32,Fanti Victimized adolescents' aggression in cliques with different victimization norms: the healthy context paradox or the peer contagion hypothesis?,2022,92,,66-79,Li Children's behavioral and emotional problems and peer relationships across elementary school: associations with individual- and school-level parental education,2022,93,,119-137,van Lenthe Predicting out-of-school suspensions among youth in care in England: a national cohort study,2022,93,,63-78,Melkman Adolescent parent and provider perspectives on school-related influences of mental health in adolescents with suicide-related thoughts and behaviors,2022,93,,98-118,Tow A randomized controlled trial on the interconnected systems framework for school mental health and PBIS: focus on proximal variables and school discipline,2022,94,,49-65,Weist Academic achievement and relations to externalizing behavior: much ado about nothing?,2022,94,,1-14,Sullivan The science of school psychologists: developing a standard definition,2022,94,,A1-A12,Jimerson Can a school climate survey accurately and equitably measure school quality? Examining the multilevel structure and invariance of the Georgia School Climate Scale,2022,95,,1-24,Ashby Evaluation of the whole school restorative practices project: one-year impact on discipline incidents,2022,95,,58-71,Gregory Who is absent from school when? An optimal matching analysis of within-year variation in the timing of school absences,2022,95,,90-104,Keppens Longitudinal relationships between conduct problems depressive symptoms and school dropout,2023,96,,12-23,Temcheff I enjoy hurting my classmates: on the relation of boredom and sadism in schools,2023,96,,41-56,Westgate A roadmap to equitable school mental health screening,2023,96,,57-74,Dowdy Teachers' anti-Black biases in disciplinary decisions: the role of mindfulness,2023,96,,75-87,Helminen Engagement in a brief preventive parenting intervention during the transition to kindergarten: effects of parent stress and child behavior concerns,2023,96,,24-35,Stormshak Enhancing or reducing interethnic hierarchies? Teacher diversity approaches and ethnic majority and minority students' ethnic attitudes and discrimination experiences,2023,97,,101-122,Phalet Long-term consequences of bullying involvement in first grade,2023,97,,63-76,Bettencourt Mindfulness-based programs and school adjustment: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,97,,43-62,Heath Single-case intervention research design standards: additional proposed upgrades and future directions,2023,97,,192-216,Kratochwill Effects of identity disclosure on school victimization and long-term educational outcomes among lesbian gay bisexual transgender and intersex students in China,2023,98,,96-112,Suen Effects of the KiVa anti-bullying program on defending behavior: investigating individual-level mechanisms of change,2023,99,,e101226,Salmivalli Effectiveness and mechanisms of change of a mindfulness-based intervention on elementary school children: a cluster-randomized control trial,2023,99,,e101211,Garcia-Rubio Latent profile similarity of middle and high school youth risk and needs,2023,99,,e101216,French Social relationship provisions and loneliness in school: child- and classroom-level effects,2023,99,,e101218,Asher Teachers' racialized anger: Implications for discipline disparities,2023,99,,e101221,Halberstadt Can School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) improve adolescents' perceptions of school climate?,2023,99,,e101223,Kubiszewski The longitudinal associations among student externalizing behaviors teacher-student relationships and classroom engagement,2023,100,,e101242,Wang Formative behavioral assessment across eight constructs: dependability of direct behavior ratings and formative behavior rating measures,2023,101,,e101251,Volpe A longitudinal examination of school-related and mental health mediators linking emotion regulation to academic achievement,2023,101,,e101253,Malti Trajectories of defending behaviors: longitudinal association with normative and social adjustment and self-perceived popularity,2023,101,,e101252,Berger Changes in the network structure of well-being components in adolescents in the school context: a 2-year longitudinal study,2024,102,,e101255,Casas National patterns of vulnerable decision points in school discipline,2024,102,,e101259,McIntosh Considering between- and within-person relations in auto-regressive cross-lagged panel models for developmental data,2024,102,,e101258,Hoffman Mindfulness-based interventions for preadolescent children: a comprehensive meta-analysis,2024,102,,e101261,Houghton Kids these days and kids those days: investigating perceptions of children's social skills from 1988 to 2007,2024,103,,e101278,Anthony Adolescent suicide prevention: Gender differences in students' perceptions of the acceptability and intrusiveness of school-based screening programs,2006,44,4,271-285,Eckert Immigration stress and internalizing symptoms among Latinx and Asian American students: the roles of school climate and community violence,2024,104,,e101286,Lau Intersectionality and school racial climate to create schools as sites of fairness and liberation for Black girls,2024,104,,e101282,Proctor Teachers' stress and training in a school-based mindfulness program: implementation results from a cluster randomized controlled trial,2024,104,,e101288,Greenberg Promoting equitable and socially just school climates for minoritized and marginalized students,2024,104,,e101293,La Salle-Finley Do classroom relationships moderate the association between peer defending in school bullying and social-emotional adjustment?,2024,105,,e101315,Colpin