Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Constructions of local culture and impacts on domestic violence in an Australian rural community,2009,25,2,175-184,Wendt The gendered dimensions of bushfire in changing rural landscapes in Australia,2010,26,4,332-342,Eriksen Farm place and identity construction among Irish farm youth who migrate,2015,37,,20-28,McGrath How people move to rural areas: insights in the residential search process from a diary approach,2015,38,,77-88,Bijker Relationships and responses: policing anti-social behaviour in rural Scotland,2015,39,,287-295,Wooff Lost and hound: the more-than-human networks of rural policing,2015,39,,278-286,Yarwood Police and crime in rural and small Swedish municipalities,2015,39,,271-277,Lindström Exploring the relationship between crime and place in the countryside,2015,39,,262-270,Mawby Safety in the global south: criminal victimization in Brazilian rural areas,2015,39,,247-261,Scorzafave Measuring violent victimization: rural suburban and urban police notification and emergency room treatment,2015,39,,239-246,Pridemore The dark side of the rural idyll: stories of illegal/illicit economic activity in the UK countryside,2015,39,,219-228,Somerville Does burglary affect property prices in a nonmetropolitan municipality?,2015,39,,210-218,Ceccato The radicalisation of rural resistance: how hunting counter-publics in the Nordic countries contribute to illegal hunting,2015,39,,199-209,Peterson Defining environmental crime: the perspective of farmers,2015,39,,188-198,Barclay New directions in feminist understandings of rural crime,2015,39,,180-187,DeKeseredy Strange and stranger ruralities: Social constructions of rural crime in Australia,2015,39,,171-179,Scott The social organisation of the rural and crime in the United States: Conceptual considerations,2015,39,,160-170,Donnermeyer Rural crime and community safety,2015,39,,157-159,Ceccato The multifaceted notion of home: Exploring the meaning of home among elderly people living in the Faroe Islands,2015,39,,22-31,Róin What is smart rural development?,2015,40,,90-101,Naldi Exploring the role and importance of post-disaster events in rural communities,2015,41,,82-94,Sanders 'Put the wet stuff on the hot stuff': the legacy and drivers of conflict surrounding wildfire suppression,2015,41,,72-81,Carroll Domestic violence (DV) service provision and the architecture of rural life: an Australian case study,2015,39,,229-238,Carrington Depictions of youth homicide: films set in rural environments,2016,47,,1-9,Cesaroni Uncovering obstacles: the exercise of symbolic power in the complex arena of intergenerational family farm transfer,2017,54,,60-75,McDonagh Empowered by stigma? Pioneer organic farmers' stigma management strategies,2019,65,,152-160,Lähdesmäki Do social networking sites build and maintain social capital online in rural communities?,2019,66,,1-10,Tiwari The multi-scalar organization of aging-related services in US rural places,2019,68,,219-229,Brown Exploring the gradient: the economic benefits of 'nearby' schools on rural communities,2019,68,,251-263,Sipple The contributions of socioeconomic and opioid supply factors to U.S. drug mortality rates: urban-rural and within-rural differences,2019,68,,319-335,Monnat Methodological fallacies and perceptions of rural disparity: how rural proofing addresses real versus abstract needs,2019,68,,336-343,Shortall The paradox of mobility for older people in the rural-urban fringe,2019,70,,9-18,Peacock "It's the people that keep me here": exploring the role of community attachment in increasing length of residency,2019,70,,19-25,Kanakis Filling a void? The role of social enterprise in addressing social isolation and loneliness in rural communities,2019,70,,225-236,Baker A comparative study of community perceptions regarding the role of roads as a poverty alleviation strategy in rural areas,2019,71,,73-84,Sewell Attitudes towards asylum seekers: understanding differences between rural and urban areas,2019,71,,104-113,Crawley "If they're allowed to wear a veil we should be allowed to wear caps": cultural diversity and everyday racism in a rural school in Sweden,2019,72,,85-91,Johansson Journeys to school in rural places: engaging with the troubles through assemblages,2019,72,,286-292,Gristy Cultivating disaster resilience in rural Oklahoma: community disenfranchisement and relational aspects of social capital,2020,73,,105-113,Gray When it goes wrong … learning from challenged (and revived) community initiatives,2020,74,,1-9,Meijer Mapping the research domains on work in agriculture. A bibliometric review from Scopus database,2021,81,,305-314,Malanski Developing rural insights for building age-friendly communities,2021,81,,336-344,Skinner Definitions measures and uses of rurality: a systematic review of the empirical and quantitative literature,2021,82,,351-365,Nguyen Authoritarian populism and emancipatory politics in the rural United States,2021,82,,500-504,Edelman Agrarian origins of authoritarian populism in the United States: what can we learn from 20th-century struggles in California and the Midwest?,2021,82,,518-530,Roman-Alcalá Those who go without: an ethnographic analysis of the lived experiences of rural mental health and healthcare infrastructure,2021,83,,37-49,Magnus Smile photo! alcohol consumption and technology use by young people in a Spanish rural area,2021,85,,13-21,Romo-Avilés Rural gym spaces and masculine physical cultures in an 'age of change': rurality masculinity inequalities and harm in 'the gym',2021,86,,106-116,Turnock What farmers want from mental health and wellbeing-focused websites and online interventions,2021,86,,298-308,Dollman Do rural school closures lead to local population decline?,2021,87,,226-235,Lykke Sørensen Rural volunteer fire services and the sustainability of older voluntarism in ageing rural communities,2021,88,,289-297,Skinner The school bus: an opportunity for improving rural mobility,2021,88,,337-345,Stanley Women's empowerment extended families and male migration in Nepal: insights from mixed methods analysis,2022,90,,13-25,Pereira Interventions to reduce loneliness and social isolation in rural settings: a mixed-methods review,2022,90,,76-92,Williams Protracted dependence and unstable relations: agrarian questions in the H-2A visa program,2022,93,,43-54,Walia Post-disaster recovery plan for a rural settler's community affected by the Fundão dam tailings in Brazil,2022,93,,55-66,Soares Fortes Salafist violence and artisanal mining: Evidence from Burkina Faso,2023,100,,e103029,Brugger Migration and the right to survival: an empirical study of three fishing communities in Senegal,2023,99,,71-78,Uwazuruike Economies ethics and emotions: Farmer distress within the moral economy of agribusiness,2014,34,,304-312,Bryant Foundations of Rural Resiliency: America during the COVID-19 Pandemic,2022,96,,305-315,Ngo Medical assistance in dying in rural communities: A review of Canadian policies and guidelines,2022,95,,223-231,Manduca-Barone Farm stress and the production of rural sacrifice zones,2023,97,,70-80,Heaberlin