Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Developing a model law restricting the transporting of passengers in the cargo areas of pickup trucks,2000,21,1,61-81,Winn Childhood injuries: the community approach to prevention,1981,2,3,235-246,Baker Firearms and the public health,1980,1,3,224-229,Dietz The epidemiology of U.S. firearm injuries,2003,24,3-4,380-385,Hemenway The public health approach to motor vehicles tobacco and alcohol with applications to firearms policy,2001,22,4,381-402,Hemenway "I didn't know the gun was loaded": an examination of two safety devices that can reduce the risk of unintentional firearm injuries,1999,20,4,427-440,Hargarten Handgun sales beer sales and youth homicide California 1972-1993,2001,22,2,182-197,Berk Estimating costs of traffic crashes and crime: tools for informed decision making,1992,13,4,451-471,Cohen Highway deaths: false PR on the effects of PR,1994,15,4,437-442,Robertson Federal funds and state motor vehicle deaths,1984,5,3,376-386,Robertson The Cigarette Safety Act,1982,3,2,226-228,McLoughlin Disaster epidemiology: challenges for public health action,1992,13,3,332-340,Noji The passage of Maryland's gun law: data and advocacy for injury prevention,1990,11,1,26-38,Teret The Million Mom March: engaging the public on gun policy,2003,24,3-4,355-379,Wallack Personal flotation device usage: do educational efforts have an impact?,1997,18,3,346-356,Trusty The fire-safe cigarette campaign,1985,6,3,340-348,McGuire Successful public policy change in California: firearms and youth resources,2005,26,2,206-226,Wallack Alcohol marketing and young people's drinking: A review of the research,2005,26,3,296-311,Gordon Litigating for Native American health: the liability of alcoholic beverage makers and distributors,2005,26,2,246-259,Teret Changing public policy on firearms: Success stories from around the world,2005,26,2,206-226,Cukier Regulation of alcohol marketing: A global view,2005,26,3,343-358,Casswell Alcohol advertising and youth: A measured approach,2005,26,3,312-325,Ostroff Flavored alcoholic beverages: An international marketing campaign that targets youth,2005,26,3,326-342,Mosher Trade treaties and alcohol advertising policy,2005,26,3,359-376,Gould Air bags and seat belts--untangling standard 208,1985,6,1,5-6,Teret Seat belt use among New York bar patrons,1986,7,4,470-479,Williams Driver use of and reaction to automatic seat belts in Ford and GM cars,1988,9,2,222-232,Wells Preparation and response in case of natural disasters: Cuban programs and experience,2006,27,1,13-21,Mas Bermejo Violence in a violent society,1998,19,3,289-302,Terris Why does Sweden have the lowest childhood injury mortality in the world? The roles of architecture and public pre-school services,2006,27,2,146-165,Ahmed Motor vehicle deaths: failed policy analysis and neglected policy,2006,27,2,182-189,Robertson Impact of war on the household environment and domestic activities: vital lessons from the civil war in Lebanon,2006,27,2,136-145,Acra It is speed that kills,2005,26,4,416-417,Kelley Controversies and speed cameras: lessons learnt internationally,2005,26,4,404-415,Ward Terrorism and dispelling the myth of a panic prone public,2006,27,3,219-45; discussion 246-9,Rubin Policy needs regarding the duty to protect in epidemiological research with high-risk populations,2006,27,3,293-308,Buchanan Legal measures in support of prevention in Switzerland,2006,27,4,355-365,Abelin How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use?,2006,27,4,389-404,Minsky Local stakeholders' perspectives on improving the urban environment to reduce child pedestrian injury: implementing effective public health interventions at the local level,2006,27,4,376-388,Gielen Legal aspects of prevention in Norway,2006,27,4,366-375,Tellnes Substance abuse and the uninsured worker in the United States,2007,28,1,102-117,Spicer Public opinion on alcohol policies in the United States: Results from a national survey,2000,21,3,303-327,Wagenaar Variations in teenage activities with and without a driver's license,2000,21,2,224-239,Ferguson Minamata disease: Catastrophic poisoning due to a failed public health response,2009,30,1,54-67,Tsuda A review of national television PSA campaigns for preventing alcohol-impaired driving 1987-1992,1995,16,1,59-80,DeJong MADD's position on alcohol advertising: A response to Marshall and Oleson,1995,16,2,231-238,Russell Characteristics of fatal crashes of 16-year-old drivers: implications for licensure policies,1995,16,3,347-360,Williams Long hours and fatigue: a survey of tractor-trailer drivers,1992,13,3,341-366,Braver Night driving restrictions for youthful drivers: a literature review and commentary,1997,18,3,334-345,Williams Preemption or Prevention? Lessons From Efforts to Control Firearms Alcohol and Tobacco,1998,19,1,36-50,Mosher Grassroots Advocacy for Gun Violence Prevention: A Status Report on Mobilizing a Movement,2003,24,3/4,332-354,Frattaroli Drinking and driving: toward a broader understanding of the role of mass media,1984,5,4,471-496,Wallack Contemporary perspectives for preventing alcohol problems: an empirically-derived model,1986,7,3,324-339,Holder Government regulation of alcohol advertising: protecting industry profits versus promoting the public health,1981,2,4,333-353,Mosher The control of product-related injuries in New Zealand,1985,6,1,100-115,Langley Effectiveness and role of driver education and training in a graduated licensing system,1998,19,1,51-67,Ferguson Factors associated with federal transportation funding for local pedestrian and bicycle programming and facilities,2009,30,1,S38-72,Cradock The relation of the perceived environment to fear physical activity and health in public housing developments: evidence from Chicago,2009,30,1,S286-308,Roman Sociodemographic family and environmental factors associated with active commuting to school among US adolescents,2009,30,Suppl 1,S203-S220,Huang Correlates of walking to school and implications for public policies: survey results from parents of elementary school children in Austin Texas,2009,30,1,S177-202,Lee A multinational injury surveillance system pilot project in Africa,2007,28,4,432-441,Olupot-Olupot Gun violence in Nigeria: a focus on ethno-religious conflict in Kano,2007,28,4,420-431,Mohammed Taming the tools of violence,2007,28,4,401-409,Marsh Armed violence: a health problem a public health approach,2007,28,4,389-400,Valenti High-impact medical journals and peace: a history of involvement,2007,28,3,341-355,Bloom Motorcycle helmets and rider safety: A legislative crisis,2009,30,2,226-242,Derrick Medication-associated diethylene glycol mass poisoning: A review and discussion on the origin of contamination,2009,30,2,127-143,Miller High school students' views of laws restricting teenage driving,1984,5,3,387-395,Williams Premature death in the United States: years of life lost and health priorities,1984,5,2,167-184,Perloff The transformation of alcohol treatment: access to care and the response to drinking-driving,1986,7,1,78-92,Weisner Research on drinking locations of alcohol-impaired drivers: implications for prevention policies,1985,6,4,510-525,O'Donnell Driving behavior of licensed and unlicensed teenagers,1985,6,3,379-393,Williams The neglect of injury prevention,1985,6,2,152-154, Prevention of child abuse: a public health agenda,1988,9,2,167-176,Cohn The impact of traumatic stressors in civilian occupational settings,2009,30,3,311-327,McFarlane Air bags and auto safety,1990,11,1,13-15,Claybrook Abduction of children of political dissidents in Argentina and the role of human genetics in their restitution,1992,13,3,291-305,Penchaszadeh Public health and working children in twentieth-century America: an historical overview,1993,14,3,348-354,Postol Healthy lifestyles: the perspective of epidemiology,1992,13,2,186-194,Terris Fatal crash involvement and laws against alcohol-impaired driving,1989,10,4,467-485,Zador Worker training and education,1988,9,3,342-345,Levenstein Hazard surveillance: a proposal,1988,9,3,335-338,Wegman Bring back the General Duty Clause,1988,9,3,331-334,Robbins Strengthening Occupational Safety and Health enforcement,1988,9,3,327-380,Punnett Surveillance of occupational illness and injury in the United States: current perspectives and future directions,1988,9,2,198-221,Baker Occupational safety and health legislative agenda 1989. Council on Occupational and Environmental Health National Association for Public Health Policy,1988,9,4,544-555, Factors supporting the growth of grass-roots coalitions for effective occupational health policies,1986,7,3,355-362,Mirer Adults' views of laws that limit teenagers' driving and access to alcohol,1986,7,2,190-197,Williams Toxic chemical information systems and right-to-know,1986,7,1,28-36,Cole Right-to-know: implications of New Jersey's law,1984,5,4,538-549,Koplin Integrated housing for the elderly,1983,4,1,64-68,Burgun A communitarian ethical model for public health interventions: an alternative to individual behavior change strategies,1982,3,2,150-163,Forster Effects of an increase in the legal minimum drinking age,1981,2,3,206-225,Wagenaar Injury control and product liability,1981,2,1,49-57,Teret Changing images of violence in Rap music lyrics: 1979-1997,2009,30,4,395-406,Herd The misuse of law as a barrier to injury prevention,1989,10,4,444-455,Christoffel A survey of community-based violence prevention and control efforts in Minnesota,1998,19,2,219-231,Gerberich Injury prevention,1991,12,1,23-25,Hemenway Violent crime and alcohol availability: relationships in an urban community,1998,19,3,303-318,Gorman How historical factors have affected the application of workers' compensation data to public health,2010,31,2,227-243,Dembe Differential perceptions of alcohol policy effectiveness,1993,14,4,413-436,Kaskutas Injury surveillance: should it be a concern to developing countries?,1993,14,3,355-359,Forjuoh In the pink: MADD and public health policy in the 1990s,1994,15,1,54-70,Marshall Enforcement of the legal minimum drinking age in the United States,1994,15,1,37-53,Wagenaar Firearm injuries in Nairobi Kenya: who pays the price?,2007,28,4,410-419,Anjango Preventive medicine and health promotion are overdue in the agricultural workplace,1996,17,3,275-305,Schenker 'Carers' of people with mental health problems: proposals in current public mental health policy in nine countries,2007,28,4,465-481,Crombie Why the United States lags in auto safety and lessons it can import,2010,31,3,369-377,Kelley Grassroots advocacy for gun violence prevention: a status report on mobilizing a movement,2003,24,3-4,332-354,Frattaroli Alcohol and the U.S.-Canada border: trade disputes and border traffic problems,1998,19,1,68-87,Room Written violence policies and risk of physical assault against Minnesota educators,2010,31,4,461-477,Ryan Prevention of violence against children: A framework for progress in low- and middle-income countries,2011,32,1,121-134,Hyder Alcohol-Related Problems and Public Hospitals: Defining a New Role in Prevention,1989,10,3,324-352,Mosher Personal Floatation Device Usage: Do Educational Efforts Have an Impact?,1997,18,3,346-356,Treser The Role of Law in Improving Public Health,2002,23,2,195-206,Gostin Progress towards a fire-safe cigarette,1995,16,4,433-439,McGuire Occupational health: a classic example of class conflict,1990,11,1,39-48,Kerr Examining gender equity in health policies in a low- (Peru) middle- (Colombia) and high- (Canada) income country in the Americas,2009,30,4,439-454,Rondon Opposing war in southwest Asia,2002,23,1,9-11, Creating an alternative framework for preventing rape: applying Haddon's injury prevention strategies,1995,16,1,13-28,Mantak The global expansion of alcohol marketing: illustrative case studies and recommendations for action,1999,20,1,56-80,Jernigan Policy options for prevention: the case of alcohol,1999,20,2,192-213,Wagenaar Population health in South Africa: Dynamics over the past two decades,2011,32,Suppl 1,S30-S36,Kahn Pro-drinking messages and message environments for young adults: the case of alcohol industry advertising in African American Latino and Native American communities,1998,19,4,447-472,Alaniz Removing landmines--one limb at a time?,1998,19,3,261-266,Day Preemption or prevention?: lessons from efforts to control firearms alcohol and tobacco,1998,19,1,36-50,Mosher The dimensions of health promotion applied to physical activity,1991,12,4,492-509,Powell Oregon's Toxic Household Products Law,2000,21,3,342-359,Henderson Local option policies and alcohol availability in North Carolina counties,2000,21,3,328-341,Zakocs Gun utopias? Firearm access and ownership in Israel and Switzerland,2012,33,1,46-58,Rosenbaum An invisible epidemic: Preventing unintentional injuries among children and youth - A priority for national Public Health Associations,2012,33,1,132-135,No Author(s) Listed Decision to evacuate a hospital during an emergency: The safe way or the leader's way?,2012,33,2,257-268,Laor Death certificate reporting needs to be fixed,2012,33,2,215-217,Robbins National trends and coding patterns in fall-related mortality among the elderly in the United States,2012,33,2,202-214,Layde Preventing illegal tobacco and alcohol sales to minors through electronic age-verification devices: a field effectiveness study,2003,24,3-4,251-268,Krevor Emotions fertility and the 1940s woman,2003,24,2,195-211,Epstein Politicizing science: the case of the Bush administration's influence on the lead advisory panel at the Centers for Disease Control,2003,24,2,105-129,Markowitz Barriers to physical activity in the Hispanic community,2003,24,1,41-58,Amesty Ending the death dance,2002,23,3,299-306,Falk Alcohol coverage in California newspapers: frequency prominence and framing,2002,23,2,172-190,Flora State laws mandating or promoting training programs for alcohol servers and establishment managers: an assessment of statutory and administrative procedures,2002,23,1,90-113,Wagenaar "And the band played on",1990,11,1,11-12,Christoffel A ban on handguns: they tried it and they liked it,1986,7,3,296-299,Christoffel Alcohol-problem prevention research policy: the need for a phases research model,1995,16,3,324-346,Voas Preventing violent conflict: A revised mandate for the public health professional?,2013,34,1,46-54,Whitaker Preventing illegal tobacco and alcohol sales to minors through electronic age-verification devices,2004,25,3-4,453-457,Capitman Comments on "Preventing illegal tobacco and alcohol sales to minors through electronic age-verification devises",2004,25,2,241-243,Mosher Public attitudes about underage drinking policies: results from a national survey,2004,25,1,58-77,Vaughan Cellphone bans and fatal motor vehicle crash rates in the United States,2013,34,2,197-212,Lim Managing moral hazard in motor vehicle accident insurance claims,2013,34,2,320-329,Birch Distracted driving - It is time for public health to step in,2013,34,2,193-196,Robbins Health protection in times of economic crisis: challenges and opportunities for Europe,2013,34,4,489-501,McDaid Child mortality in the Netherlands in the past decades: An overview of external causes and the role of public health policy,2014,35,1,43-59,L'Hoir Informal alcohol in Malawi: Stakeholder perceptions and policy recommendations,2014,35,1,119-131,Jernigan Changing life jacket wearing behavior: an evaluation of two approaches,2014,35,2,204-218,Mangione Evidence of underage targeting of alcohol advertising on television in the United States: Lessons from the Lockyer v. Reynolds decisions,2014,35,1,105-118,Ostroff Moving people safely in African cities,2014,35,2,246-248,Iyasu Prescription drug laws drug overdoses and drug sales in New York and Pennsylvania,2010,31,4,422-432,Paulozzi Alcohol control policy as a strategy of prevention,1980,1,1,41-49,de Lint The 1978-79 INCO workers' strike in the Sudbury basin and its impact on alcohol consumption and drinking patterns,1982,3,1,22-38,Giesbrecht Effects of pepper grenade explosions on non-combatant bystanders,2014,35,4,499-505,Koul Methanol poisoning outbreak in Libya: A need for policy reforms,2014,35,4,489-498,Taleb Health for all by the year 2000: alcohol and the Nordic countries,1989,10,4,499-517,Osterberg There's death on the block there's hope in Congress,1987,8,4,451-454,McGuire Suicide prevention strategies in Japan: A 15-year review (1998-2013),2014,36,1,52-66,Katsumata Will I stay or can I go? Assisted suicide in prison,2014,36,1,67-72,Handtke Public attitudes about different types of anti-bullying laws: Results from a national survey,2014,36,1,95-109,Puhl Mortality of intentional and unintentional pesticide poisonings in Germany from 1980 to 2010,2015,36,2,170-180,Moebus Health in All Policies? The case of policies to promote bicycle use in the Netherlands,2015,36,2,194-211,Wendel-Vos Regulating environments to reduce obesity,2004,25,3-1,391-407,Hayne Barriers to health and social services for street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2015,36,3,350-363,Kerr 'May issue' gun carrying laws and police discretion: some evidence from Massachusetts,2015,36,3,324-334,Hemenway Who takes paternity leave? A cohort study on prior social and health characteristics among fathers in Stockholm,2010,31,3,324-341,Hallqvist Health in all policies? The case of policies to promote bicycle use in the Netherlands,2015,36,3,375-379,Wendel-Vos Time for a regional alcohol policy - a literature review of the burden of normative alcohol use in the Caribbean,2015,36,4,469-483,Reid Social world of organ transplantation trafficking and policies,2016,37,2,190-199,Purkayastha Associations between informal care disease and risk factors: a Spanish country-wide population-based study,2016,37,2,173-189,Martínez-Sánchez Building codes: an often overlooked determinant of health,2016,37,2,136-148,Pauls Eviction and loss of income assistance among street-involved youth in Canada,2016,37,2,244-259,Kerr Sustainable development goals put violence prevention on the map,2016,37,2,260-262,Bowman A review of health literacy: definitions interpretations and implications for policy initiatives,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gafni Child sexual abuse: raising awareness and empathy is essential to promote new public health responses,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collin-Vézina Child toy safety: an interdisciplinary approach to unravel the microbiological hazard posed by soap bubbles,2015,36,4,390-407,Bertoncello Building codes and public health on both sides of the Atlantic,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Signorelli Lessons learnt from developing a Health Impact Assessment guide in Iran,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Public health aspects of the world's largest mass gathering: the 2013 Kumbh Mela in Allahabad India,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leaning Prohibition of e-cigarettes in the US: are prohibitions where alcohol is consumed related to lower alcohol consumption?,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cyders A case for studying country regimes in the public health model of violence,2016,37,Suppl 1,133-144,Gilligan The anthropology of violence: context consequences conflict resolution healing and peace-building in Central and Southern Africa,2016,37,Suppl 1,122-132,Janzen A culture gap in the United States: implications for policy on limiting access to firearms for suicidal persons,2016,37,Suppl 1,110-121,Keys Rigged or rigorous? Partnerships for research and evaluation of complex social problems: lessons from the field of violence against women and girls,2016,37,Suppl 1,95-109,Kiss Communities are not all created equal: strategies to prevent violence affecting youth in the United States,2016,37,Suppl 1,81-94,Davis Achieving population-level violence declines: implications of the international crime drop for prevention programming,2016,37,Suppl 1,66-80,Eisner THRIVES: using the best evidence to prevent violence against children,2016,37,Suppl 1,51-65,Mercy Healing invisible wounds and rebuilding livelihoods: emerging lessons for combining livelihood and psychosocial support in fragile and conflict-affected settings,2016,37,Suppl 1,32-50,Willman Transforming our world: implementing the 2030 Agenda through sustainable development goal indicators,2016,37,Suppl 1,13-31,Gilligan Violence health and the 2030 agenda: merging evidence and implementation,2016,37,Suppl 1,1-12,Lee State and local policies related to sexual orientation in the United States,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leichliter Researching LGB health and social policy: methodological issues and future directions,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis Peer-reviewed public health journals from Arabic-speaking countries: an updated snapshot,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aboul-Enein Minimum alcohol pricing policies in practice: a critical examination of implementation in Canada,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giesbrecht Health system productivity change in Zambia: a focus on the child health services,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Achoki Public health autonomous automobiles and the rush to market,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelley Harm reduction and e-cigarettes: distorting the approach,2016,37,4,403-410,Daube Political determinants and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: don't leave your integrity at the political gate,2017,38,3,387-393,Lee The campaign for a National Strategy for Gypsy site provision and the role of Public Health activism in the 1960-1970s,2017,38,4,429-444,Smith Workplace violence among female sex workers who use drugs in Vancouver Canada: does client-targeted policing increase safety?,2018,39,1,86-99,Hayashi Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): a new model for community health worker training and support,2018,39,2,203-216,Arora Road death trend in the United States: implied effects of prevention,2018,39,2,193-202,Robertson Public health actions to mitigate long-term consequences of child maltreatment,2018,39,3,294-303,Kleber Drug information misinformation and disinformation on social media: a content analysis study,2018,39,3,343-357,Al Khaja Strengthening non-communicable disease policy with lessons from Bhutan: linking gross national happiness and health policy action,2018,39,3,327-342,Li Should suicide prevention training be required for mental health practitioners? 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