Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Correlates and consequences of workplace violence,1996,1,2,197-210,Budd Workplace safety performance: conscientiousness cognitive failure and their interaction.
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The moderating role of diversity climate in the team diversity-interpersonal aggression relationship,2013,18,4,449-457,Drach-Zahavy The influence of workplace injuries on work-family conflict: Job and financial insecurity as mechanisms,2013,18,4,371-383,Lawrence The distinct role of performing euthanasia on depression and suicide in veterinarians,2014,19,2,123-132,Tran Shrugging it off: does psychological detachment from work mediate the relationship between workplace aggression and work-family conflict?,2014,19,2,195-205,Demsky Workplace mistreatment climate and potential employee and organizational outcomes: a meta-analytic review from the target's perspective,2014,19,3,315-335,Spector Civility norms safety climate and safety outcomes: a preliminary investigation,2014,19,4,437-452,Morrow Intimate partner aggression and women's work outcomes,2014,19,4,399-412,Barling Sometimes it hurts when supervisors don't listen: the antecedents and consequences of safety voice among young workers,2014,20,1,72-81,Tucker Workplace bullying erodes job and personal resources: between- and within-person perspectives,2014,19,4,413-424,Tuckey A longitudinal investigation of workplace bullying basic need satisfaction and employee functioning,2014,20,1,105-116,Trépanier Coping styles moderate the relationships between exposure to community violence and work-related outcomes,2014,20,3,348-358,Cox Political skill: a proactive inhibitor of workplace aggression exposure and an active buffer of the aggression-strain relationship,2015,20,4,405-419,Spector Linking insomnia to workplace injuries: a moderated mediation model of supervisor safety priority and safety behavior,2015,21,1,91-104,Cigularov A multilevel examination of affective job insecurity climate on safety outcomes,2015,21,3,366-377,Probst Aggression-preventive supervisor behavior: implications for workplace climate and employee outcomes,2016,22,1,1-18,Yang Bullying at work personality and subjective well-being,2016,22,1,19-27,Plopa Bullying at work: cognitive appraisal of negative acts coping wellbeing and performance,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hewett Effective coping with supervisor conflict depends on control: implications for work strains,2018,23,4,537-552,Chang The cost of work-related stress to society: a systematic review,2018,23,1,1-17,Cox Preventing empathic distress and social stressors at work through nonviolent communication training: a field study with health professionals,2018,23,1,141-150,Dziobek Bus operators' responses to job strain: an experimental test of the job demand-control model,2017,22,4,518-527,Bocarejo Occupational stress and mental health symptoms: examining the moderating effect of work recovery strategies in firefighters,2017,,,,Britt Trends in measurement models and methods in understanding occupational health psychology,2017,22,3,337-340,Tetrick Sexual harassment: have we made any progress?,2017,22,3,286-298,Quick Incivility and employee performance citizenship and counterproductive behaviors: implications of the social context,2019,24,2,213-227,Johnson Emotional demands and alcohol use in corrections: a moderated mediation model,2019,24,4,438-449,Fritz Applying adaptation theory to understand experienced incivility processes: testing the repeated exposure hypothesis,2019,24,2,270-285,Matthews It hurts me too: Examining the relationship between male gender harassment and observers' well-being attitudes and behaviors,2018,23,3,303-319,Barling Customer mistreatment harms nightly sleep and next-morning recovery: job control and recovery self-efficacy as cross-level moderators,2019,24,2,256-269,Park Safety training transfer: the roles of coworkers supervisors safety professionals and felt responsibility,2019,24,1,92-107,Silva Prevention through job design: Identifying high-risk job characteristics associated with workplace bullying,2019,24,2,297-306,Chen The effects of sleep on workplace cognitive failure and safety,2019,24,4,411-422,Truxillo Witnessing workplace bullying and employee well-being: a two-wave field study,2019,24,2,286-296,Armitage When work-family conflict hits home: parental work-family conflict and child health,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spitzmueller A systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace mindfulness training randomized controlled trials,2019,24,1,108-126,Martin Why do individuals suffer during unemployment? 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