Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The gender structure of adolescent peer influence on drinking,2006,47,1,47-61,Gaughan A changed America? The effects of September 11th on depressive symptoms and alcohol consumption,2005,46,3,260-273,Johnson Neighborhood disorder psychophysiological distress and health,2005,46,2,170-186,Hill The relationship between lead and crime,2004,45,2,214-229,Stretesky Stressful neighborhoods and depression: a prospective study of the impact of neighborhood disorder,2003,44,1,34-44,Latkin Individual and contextual risks of death among race and ethnic groups in the United States,2002,43,3,359-381,Bond Huie Violent behavior: a measure of emotional upset?,2002,43,2,189-206,Williams The impact of childhood abuse and neglect on adult mental health: a prospective study,2001,42,2,184-201,Widom Abuse support and depression among homeless and runaway adolescents,2000,41,4,408-420,Whitbeck You don't bring me anything but down: adolescent romance and depression,2000,41,4,369-391,Udry Fighting among America's youth: a risk and protective factors approach,1997,38,2,131-148,Fitzpatrick Family cohesion as a buffer against the effects of problem-drinking fathers on psychological distress deviant behavior and heavy drinking in adolescents,1995,36,4,377-385,Barnes Social support and social structure: a descriptive epidemiology,1994,35,3,193-212,Turner Distress suicidal thoughts and social support among homeless adults,1994,35,2,134-142,Schutt Social structure life stress and depressive symptoms in a high school-aged population,1992,33,2,97-113,Gore Gender differences in symptoms of depression among adolescents,1992,33,2,77-96,Avison The impact of natural disaster on the health of older adults: a multiwave prospective study,1988,29,1,65-78,Norris Gender aggression and mental health intervention during early adolescence,1988,29,1,53-64,Kaplan The effect of religious commitment on suicide: a cross-national analysis,1983,24,4,362-374,Stack Parasuicide gender and gender deviance,1983,24,4,350-361,Harry Trends in the relationship between sex and attempted suicide,1983,24,2,98-110,Kessler Life change and rape impact,1980,21,3,248-260,Ruch The responsible victim: nurses' perceptions of victims of rape,1980,21,1,22-33,Alexander Suicide and the relational system: a case study in a mental hospital,1976,17,4,318-327,Coser Sex and age patterns in self-injury,1976,17,2,145-154,Jarvis Mystery gas: An analysis of mass hysteria,1974,15,1,44-50,Stahl Sex marital status and suicide,1972,13,2,204-213,Gove Suicide and pseudocide: a reanalysis of Maris's data,1972,13,1,99-109,Hamblin Public intoxication: the arrest records and alcohol levels of emergency service patients,1971,12,3,259-264,Wechsler Public conceptions and attitudes about suicide,1971,12,3,200-207,Ginsburg Accidents and social deviance,1970,11,1,4-15,Suchman An evacuation of 400 mental patients: implications for continuity and change,1969,10,3,218-224,Doob Cultural contingencies of alcoholism: variations between and within nineteenth-century urban ethnic groups in alcohol-related death rates,1968,9,2,99-113,Room A San Francisco Bay Area "speed" scene,1968,9,2,164-174,Carey Heads and freaks: patterns and meanings of drug use among hippies,1968,9,2,156-164,Davis An exposure-coping model of accident liability among children,1967,8,2,96-106,Mellinger Income inequality race and child well-being: An aggregate analysis in the 50 United States,2004,45,3,249-264,McLeod The social antecedents of anger proneness in young adulthood,2007,48,1,68-83,Turner Supportive parenting moderates the effect of discrimination upon anger hostile view of relationships and violence among African American boys,2006,47,4,373-389,Stewart Stepfather families and the emotional well-being of adolescents,2007,48,1,33-49,Sweeney Academic and health-related trajectories in adolescence: the intersection of gender and athletics,2002,43,3,317-335,Crosnoe Violence and the costs of caring for a family member with severe mental illness,2007,48,3,318-333,Thompson Growing up fast: Stress exposure and subjective "weathering" in emerging adulthood,2008,49,2,162-177,Brooks-Gunn Epidemiological sociology and the social shaping of population health,2008,49,4,367-384,Link The "dark side" of the strength of weak ties: the diffusion of suicidal thoughts,2009,50,3,261-276,Baller The effects of dwelling density on mental disorders in Filipino men,1970,11,4,288-294,Gordon Suicides in mental hospitals: a study of the effects of personnel and patient turnover,1968,9,3,255-266,Kahne Imbalanced Sex Ratios Men's Sexual Behavior and Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infection in China,2010,51,4,376-390,South Deviance as therapy: the paradox of the self-destructive female,1971,12,2,113-124,Maris Life change and illness: illness behavior of males in the recovery period of a natural disaster,1978,19,3,335-342,Melick The medicalization of criminal behavior among mental patients,1979,20,3,228-237,Steadman Dangerousness stress and mental health evaluations,1979,20,2,178-187,Levinson Critically reassessing the accuracy of public perceptions of the dangerousness of the mentally ill,1981,22,3,310-316,Steadman Alcohol abusers and non-users: a discriminant analysis of differences between two subgroups of batterers,1982,23,3,260-271,Eberle Contact with the mentally ill and perceptions of how dangerous they are,1986,27,4,289-302,Link Preventive health behavior: a model for research on community health campaigns,1967,8,3,197-209,Suchman The neighborhood context of adolescent mental health,1996,37,4,293-310,Aneshensel Predicting continued use of marijuana among adolescents: the relative influence of drug-specific and social context factors,1992,33,1,51-65,Flewelling A time-series test of the quarantine theory of involuntary commitment,1996,37,4,381-387,McConnell Race and Psychological Distress,2010,51,4,458-477,Stein The quality of adolescent friendships: long-term effects?,1998,39,1,55-71,Cernkovich Childhood family violence and adult recurrent depression,1994,35,1,13-27,Kessler Drinking behavior among teen-agers: a comparison of institutionalized and non-institutionalized youth,1967,8,1,46-54,Mackay History culture and subjective experience: an exploration of the social bases of drug-induced experiences,1967,8,3,163-176,Becker Drinking interaction and identification: notes on socialization into Skid Row,1967,8,4,272-285,Bahr Drinking among Negroes. Inferences from the drinking patterns of selected Negro male collegians,1968,9,2,114-120,Maddox Self-efficacy and health behavior among older adults,1993,34,2,89-104,Diehr High school educational success and subsequent substance use: a panel analysis following adolescents into young adulthood,1994,35,1,45-62,O'malley Victimization in Early Life and Mental Health in Adulthood,2010,51,1,48-63,Hill Linking occupational conditions to physical health through marital social and intrapersonal processes,1997,38,4,363-375,Conger Barrios and burbs: residential context and health-risk behaviors among Angeleno adolescents,2007,48,3,283-300,Cerdá Collective efficacy family attachment and urban adolescent suicide attempts,2010,51,3,307-324,Brooks-Gunn Hard times and vulnerable people: initial effects of plant closing on autoworkers' mental health,1990,31,2,123-140,Hamilton The social context of mental illness and violence,1995,36,2,122-137,Hiday School and neighborhood characteristics associated with school rates of alcohol cigarette and marijuana use,1997,38,1,55-71,Flewelling Part-time work and hurried adolescence: the links among work intensity social activities health behaviors and substance use,2001,42,4,425-449,Bachman Religious-ethnic differences in alcohol consumption,1970,11,1,21-29,Thum Disability Identity and Attitudes Toward Cure in a Sample of Disabled Activists,2004,45,4,453-464,Hahn Conformity and Change: Community Effects on Female Genital Cutting in Kenya,2005,46,2,121-140,Hayford Crowding in context: an examination of the differential responses of men and women to high-density living environments,2008,49,3,254-268,Regoeczi Testosterone and men's depression: the role of social behavior,1999,40,2,130-140,Booth The Role of Adversity and Stress in Psychopathology: Some Evidence and Its Implications for Theory and Research,2000,41,1,1-19,Dohrenwend Underemployment and Depression: Longitudinal Relationships,2000,41,4,421-436,Ham-Rowbottom The Formation of a Socioeconomic Health Disparity: The Case of Cocaine Use during the 1980s and 1990s,2008,49,3,352-366,Miech Alcohol Use Trajectories and Problem Drinking Over the Course of Adolescence: A Study of North American Indigenous Youth and Their Caretakers,2011,52,2,228-245,Whitbeck Minority stress and mental health in gay men,1995,36,1,38-56,Meyer Education and racial-ethnic differences in types of exercise in the United States,2011,52,2,197-211,Krueger Psychosocial predictors of illness behavior and failure in stressful training,1972,13,4,393-397,Biersner Alcohol power and inhibition: a factor analytic evaluation of McClelland's hypothesis with a construct validation of the factors,1972,13,4,337-346,Cutter The attribution of "dangerousness" in mental health evaluations,1974,15,4,328-335,Levinson Athletic participation and sexual behavior in adolescents: the different worlds of boys and girls,1998,39,2,108-123,Barnes Sexual risk behavior among youth: modeling the influence of prosocial activities and socioeconomic factors,1998,39,3,237-253,Newcomb Social network characteristics associated with risky behaviors among runaway and homeless youth,1999,40,1,63-78,Ennett Employee exposure to coworker substance use and negative consequences: the moderating effects of work group membership,1999,40,3,307-322,Bennett Civil war social integration and mental health in Croatia,1999,40,4,323-343,Kunovich Crowding and health,1976,17,3,204-220,Booth Drinking Socioemotional Functioning and Academic Progress in Secondary School,2012,53,2,150-164,Crosnoe Neighborhood processes self-efficacy and adolescent mental health,2012,53,2,183-198,Leventhal Community destruction and traumatic stress in post-tsunami indonesia,2012,53,4,498-514,Frankenberg As fathers and felons explaining the effects of current and recent incarceration on major depression,2012,53,4,465-481,Wildeman Adolescent mental health behavior problems and academic achievement,2012,53,4,482-497,McLeod Public attitudes toward the use of psychiatric medications for children,2004,45,1,53-67,Takeuchi Early life course pathways of adult depression and chronic pain,2013,54,1,75-91,Goosby Community disorder victimization exposure and mental health in a national sample of youth,2013,54,2,258-275,Finkelhor Do family dinners reduce the risk for early adolescent substance use? A propensity score analysis,2013,54,3,335-352,Hoffmann Mothers' union histories and the mental and physical health of adolescents born to unmarried mothers,2013,54,3,278-295,Williams A Global Measure of Perceived Stress,1983,24,4,385-396,Mermelstein Gender traumatic events and mental health disorders in a rural Asian setting,2013,54,4,444-461,Scott Caught in a bad romance: adolescent romantic relationships and mental health,2014,55,1,56-72,Soller Intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms during adolescence and young adulthood,2014,55,1,39-55,Giordano Sex roles and alcohol consumption: a research note,1980,21,1,43-48,Parker Occupational stress and variation in cigarette coffee and alcohol consumption,1981,22,2,155-165,Vickers The mortality penalty of incarceration: evidence from a population-based case-control study of working-age males,2014,55,2,215-233,Pridemore Risk and selection processes between the general and the specialty mental health sectors,1991,32,1,49-64,Davies Children's cognitive performance and selective attention following recent community violence,2015,56,1,19-36,Raver Suicidal disclosures among friends: using social network data to understand suicide contagion,2015,56,1,131-148,Abrutyn Gendered contexts: variation in suicidal ideation by female and male youth across U.S. states,2015,56,1,114-130,Boardman Self-rated health and mortality: a review of twenty-seven community studies,1997,38,1,21-37,Idler "Fundamental causes" of social inequalities in mortality: a test of the theory,2004,45,3,265-285,Link Social conditions as fundamental causes of health inequalities: theory evidence and policy implications,2010,51,1 Suppl,S28-S40,Link Adolescent survival expectations: variations by race ethnicity and nativity,2015,56,4,478-494,Warner Marital histories and heavy alcohol use among older adults,2016,57,1,77-96,Umberson Peer influence on aggressive behavior smoking and sexual behavior: a study of randomly-assigned college roommates,2016,57,3,297-318,Guo Crisis or chronic strain? Gender and age differences in sickness absence following early spousal loss,2017,58,1,54-69,Vignes College-going and trajectories of drinking from adolescence into adulthood,2017,58,2,252-269,Crosnoe Social disadvantage severe child abuse and biological profiles in adulthood,2017,58,3,371-386,Ryff A global perspective on religious participation and suicide,2017,58,3,322-339,Hsieh On the weak mortality returns of the prison boom: comparing infant mortality and homicide in the incarceration ledger,2018,59,1,3-19,Light Intergenerational association of maternal obesity and child peer victimization in the United States,2019,60,1,69-83,Wang Weathering drugs and whack-a-mole: fundamental and proximate causes of widening educational inequity in U.S. life expectancy by sex and race 1990-2015,2019,60,2,222-239,Geronimus Cumulative effects of bullying and racial discrimination on adolescent health in Australia,2019,60,3,344-361,Priest Pharmaceutical side effects and mental health paradoxes among racial-ethnic minorities,2020,ePub,ePub,22146519899115,Schnittker Legal violence health and access to care: Latina immigrants in rural and urban Kansas,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menjívar Understanding the barriers of violence victims' health care use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hullenaar Neighborhood disorder and distress in real time: evidence from a smartphone-based study of older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,York Cornwell Family status and health behaviors: social control as a dimension of social integration,1987,28,3,306,Umberson Examining the association between racialized economic threat and White suicide in the United States 2000-2016,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rambotti The roles of adolescent occupational expectations and preparation in adult suicide and drug poisoning deaths within a shifting labor market,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muller Health suicidal thoughts and the life course: how worsening health emerges as a determinant of suicide ideation in early adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fenelon Extreme violence and weight-related outcomes in Mexican adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quintana-Navarrete Black mothers' concern for their children as a measure of vicarious racism-related vigilance and allostatic load,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chae Lifetimes of vulnerability: childhood adversity poor adult health and the criminal legal system,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henderson Institutional failures as structural determinants of suicide: the opioid epidemic and the Great Recession in the United States,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simon The Impact of Early Life War Exposure on Mental Health among Older Adults in Northern and Central Vietnam,2021,62,4,526-544,Korinek The Mental "Weight" of Discrimination: The Relationship between Perceived Interpersonal Weight Discrimination and Suicidality in the United States,2023,64,4,610-625,Frisco