Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk factor for accidental injuries within senior citizens' homes: analysis of the Canadian Survey on Ageing and Independence,2005,31,2,49-57,Hirdes Knowledge and self-efficacy of community health nurses concerning interactions of prescription medicines with over-the-counter agents and alcohol,2002,28,9,30-39,Neafsey Teach the elderly to prevent falls,1986,12,8,27-33,Craven Visual spatial abilities and fall risk: an assessment tool for individuals with dementia,2005,31,9,45-51,Olsson Urban older adults and the forfeiture of a driver's license,1999,25,12,12-18,Johnson Disaster planning: are gerontological nurses prepared?,2005,31,11,21-27,Lach Fall prevention in a Swiss acute care hospital setting. Reducing multiple falls,2006,32,3,13-22,Schwendimann The Falls Risk Awareness Questionnaire: development and validation for use with older adults,2006,32,8,43-50,Wiens Falls prevention training for community health workers: strategies and actions for independent living (SAIL),2006,32,10,48-56,Scott Transportation mobility and older drivers,2003,29,4,34-41,Johnson Elder abuse neglect and mistreatment,1994,20,5,43,Weiler Disaster evacuation: an exploratory study of older men and women in Georgia and North Carolina,2007,33,12,46-54,Cobb Policy recommendations on the prevention of violence in long-term care facilities,2008,34,3,10-14,Tappen Surviving the storms: Emergency preparedness in Texas nursing facilities and assisted living facilities,2008,34,8,9-16,Castro Physical and psychosocial correlates of fear of falling: among older adults in assisted living facilities,2008,34,12,27-35,Sharaf Legal issues in gerontological nursing. Part 1: Abuse and neglect of older adults,2006,32,1,10-12,Alford Instruments for Measuring Fall Risk in Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Facilities,2009,35,10,46-55,Kehinde Cry for help: suicide in the aged,1976,2,3,28-32,Friedeman Stop abuse of the elderly,1980,6,4,191,Brock Aged abuse,1981,7,6,333-336,Ferguson Abuse and neglect among the elderly,1981,7,2,77-85,Anderson Assessing the abused elderly,1982,8,4,208-212,Falcioni Abuse of the elderly,1983,9,2,97-101,Phillips Teaching the investigation of elder abuse,1984,10,12,21-25,Galbraith Assessing elder abuse: a study,1984,10,12,16-20,Fulmer Collecting data on abuse of the elderly,1984,10,12,11-15,Floyd Helping the rural elderly,1984,10,3,105-109,Barber Suicide in older adults,1985,11,8,40,Whall Assessing suicidal intent,1987,13,8,36,Whall Shedding light on elder abuse,1989,15,10,20-24,Mowbray Yielding to age: when the elderly can no longer drive,1990,16,11,12-15,Gillins The suicidal patient in long-term care institutions,1990,16,2,15-18,Osgood Elder mistreatment assessment as a part of everyday practice,1992,18,3,42-45,Fulmer A survey of incident reports,1975,1,4,23-26,Gould Color vision defects in the elderly,1980,6,7,383-384,Andreasen Community and home assessment,1980,6,6,319-327,Stokes A survey of accidental falls in a small home for the aged,1978,4,6,15-17,Feist Unintentional injury among the aged,1978,4,3,37-41,Price Near falls incidence. A study of older adults in the community,1993,19,12,23-28,Ryan Geriatric falls: prevention strategies for the staff,1993,19,9,26-32,Brady Pilot study results. Falls among institutionalized elderly,1993,19,5,13-20,Roberts Falls in the nursing home: preventable or inevitable?,1992,18,11,43-48,Ginter Iatrogenesis in the elderly. Contributors to falls,1991,17,9,19-23,Ross Safety or autonomy. An ethical issue for clinical gerontological nurses,1991,17,3,6-11,Hogstel The alternatives to restraints,1991,17,2,18-22,Brower Why do they fall? Monitoring risk factors in nursing homes,1990,16,6,20-25,Frank Frequent fallers. Leading groups to identify psychological factors,1990,16,4,15-19,Miller Trauma in the elderly,1987,13,11,28-31,Bobb Home health hazard assessment,1987,13,10,25-28,Tynan Nursing process in injury prevention,1987,13,7,36-40,Levy The patient who falls--and falls again: defining the aged at risk,1985,11,11,15-18,Morse Which client is a high risk?,1985,11,5,28-30,Adams Is your patient about to fall?,1985,11,4,37-41,Lund Home safe home,1983,9,3,175-9 192,Park Patient falls are not patient accidents,1983,9,3,165-173,Barbieri Interventions for safety,1983,9,3,159-62 173 182,Kustaborder Falls and their causes,1983,9,3,143-9 156,Louis Fall Risk in Community-Dwelling Elderly Cancer Survivors,2010,36,2,52-60,von Eye Assault of long-term care personnel,2003,29,3,28-35,Reynolds Violence against caregivers in nursing homes. Expected tolerated and accepted,1999,25,4,12-22,Gates Natural disasters and the vulnerability of the elderly,1994,20,2,41,Weiler Where are we headed? Facing the challenge of elderly trauma,1994,20,12,5-11,Keough Smart carpet,2010,36,7,8-12,Aud Caring for Older Adults with Dementia when Disaster Strikes,2010,36,8,13-17,Adelman Older women: victims of rape,1993,19,5,7-12,Tyra The older adult and fear of crime,1997,23,10,25-31,Benson Fall Risk Assessment in Geriatric-Psychiatric Inpatients to Lower Events (FRAGILE),2011,37,2,22-30,Haller Three essentials for successful fall management: communication policies and procedures and teamwork,2007,33,8,42-48,Wright Assaultive behavior in Alzheimer's disease: identifying immediate antecedents during bathing,2004,30,9,22-29,Holditch-Davis Decreasing assault occurrence on a psychogeriatric ward: an agitation management model,2004,30,5,30-37,Savage Development of instruments to assess assaultive behavior in nursing homes,2003,29,8,37-45,Gates Elder abuse and neglect assessment,2003,29,1,8-9,Fulmer An evaluation of an educational program on the management of assaultive behaviors,1999,25,4,6-11,Wilkinson Reporting elder mistreatment,1997,23,7,24-32,Capezuti A literature review: assessment and intervention in elder abuse,1994,20,7,25-32,All Prevent elder abuse--using a family systems approach,1989,15,3,21-26,Hamilton Driving over 65: proceed with caution,2002,28,8,22-26,McGregor Disruptive behavior in late stage dementia: using natural environments to decrease distress,1995,21,10,56-57,Whall When caring leaves bruises: the effects of staff education on resident aggression,1995,21,11,7-16,Hagen Gait training and falls in the elderly,1995,21,6,10-17,Galindo-Ciocon Acute health status and its relationship to falls in the nursing home,1995,21,7,41-49,Kuehn Research considerations: guardianship and the vulnerable elderly,1994,20,5,10-16,Thomas Risk for abuse/neglect: documentation of assessment data and diagnoses,1994,20,8,37-45,Frost Physical aggressive resident behavior during hygienic care,1997,23,5,24-39,Farrell Miller Reducing aggressive behavior during bathing cognitively impaired nursing home residents,1997,23,5,16-23,Stewart Differentiating aggressive and resistive behaviors in long-term care,1997,23,4,21-28,Gibson Does gender make a difference in the risk of falls? A Japanese study,1997,23,1,41-48,Shimamoto Wandering: a proposed definition,1995,21,9,35-41,Thomas Health status and fall-related factors among older Korean women: implications for nurses,2007,33,10,12-20,Shin Conflict resolution styles: a comparison of assisted living and nursing home facilities,2006,32,1,39-45,Small Caring for residents with dementia and aggressive behavior: impact of life history knowledge,2007,33,2,24-30,Egan Use of music to decrease aggressive behaviors in people with dementia,1998,24,7,10-17,Clark Assaultive behavior in geriatric patients,1996,22,11,30-38,Chou Decreasing aggressive agitated or disruptive behavior: perticipation in a behavior management unit,2002,28,6,22-31,DeYoung Relationship between assault frequency and length of hospitalization in older patients with dementia--determining the maximum benefit of inpatient treatment,2007,33,4,13-20,Savage Elder abuse and neglect assessment,2003,29,6,4-5,Fulmer Comfort and pain relief in dementia: awakening a new beneficence,2000,26,9,32-40,Miller Environmental interventions in assaultive behavior,1990,16,3,29-33,Negley Improving documentation of aggressive behavior in nursing home residents,1992,18,2,21-24,Robinson Disruptive behavior in elderly nursing home residents: a survey of nursing staff,1992,18,10,13-17,Whall Caregiver distress. Related to disruptive behaviors on special care units versus traditional long-term care units,1999,25,3,11-19,Richardson Elder abuse revisited,1999,25,7,10-18,Hogstel The Burden of Falling on the Quality of Life of Adults with Medicare Supplement Insurance,2011,37,8,36-47,Ozminkowski Elder abuse and financial exploitation: unlawful and just plain awful!,2010,36,12,3-5,Fitzwater Recurrent Falls Among Community-Dwelling Older Koreans,2011,37,9,28-40,Yoo Bring violence out of the closet,1996,22,8,5-6,Hall Wandering,1996,22,11,5-10,Kaas A case control study of falls in the hospital setting,1998,24,12,7-15,Ash Domains of health-related quality of life in elderly women with osteoporosis,1998,24,11,7-13,Guyatt Leisure and the older black woman,1991,17,1,30-34,Chin-Sang Thermal stress and the aged,1983,9,1,13-15,Kolanowski A Pilot Study Testing a Fall Prevention Intervention for Older Adults: Determining the Feasibility of a Five-Sensor Motion Detection System,2012,38,1,13-16,Maddens Blunt Thoracic Injury in Older Adults: Application of Haddon's Phase-Factor Matrix Model,2011,38,2,14-27,Miaskowski Activities of daily living. Old-fashioned or still useful?,1999,25,5,22-29,Bennett Pot holders are not for everyone,1976,2,4,21-23,Herblan Nighttime Activity in Individuals with Dementia: Understanding the Problem and Identifying Solutions,2012,38,5,8-11,Rowe Struggle between survival and death: the life experience of Taiwanese older adults with suicidal ideation,2012,38,5,37-44,Huang Work-related injury and the older adult,2012,38,9,9-12,Thomas Grief reactions in the elderly following death of a spouse: the role of crisis intervention and nursing,1977,3,6,17-20,Fell The impact of health-related quality of life on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among Korean older adults,2012,38,11,48-59,Kwon In-home fall risk assessment and detection sensor system,2013,39,7,18-22,Skubic Patterns and problems associated with transitions after hip fracture in older adults,2013,39,9,43-52,Popejoy Examining the lived experience of nursing home quality improvement: The case of a multifacility falls reduction project,2013,39,9,24-30,Mueller Automated fall detection with quality improvement "rewind" to reduce falls in hospital rooms,2014,40,1,13-17,Skubic Do sitters prevent falls?: A review of the literature,2014,40,5,24-33; quiz 34-5,Lang Reducing the risks to the institutionalized elderly: Part I. Depersonalization negative relocation effects and medical care deficiencies. Part II. Fire food poisoning decubitus ulcer and drug abuse,1981,7,7,401-407,Brown Disruptive behaviors,1988,14,2,8-13,Bernier Calming aggressive reactions--a preventive program,1989,15,2,22-27,Mentes Managing aggressive elderly in long-term care,1989,15,2,28-33,Winger The relationship between exposure to dementia-related aggressive behavior and occupational stress among Japanese care workers,2014,41,4,38-46,Hirata Nursing home disaster planning and response: a policy perspective,2014,40,12,16-24,Zork Implementation of a home-based interactive training system for fall prevention: requirements and challenges,2014,41,1,14-19,Gövercin CircleRides: developing an older adult transportation application and evaluating feedback,2015,41,5,34-47,Heinz Assessing the mental health of rural older adults in public housing facilities: a comparison of screening tools,2006,32,9,26-33,Fisher Older adults engaging in online dating: what gerontological nurses should know,2015,41,10,25-35,Wion Driving expert eldercare forward-on and off the road,2016,42,5,47-48,Counsell Efficacy of ba duan jin in improving balance: a study in chinese community-dwelling older adults,2016,42,5,38-46,Gao Person-centered primary care strategies for assessment of and intervention for aggressive behaviors in dementia,2017,43,2,9-17,Wharton Bullying in senior living facilities: perspectives of long-term care staff,2017,43,7,34-41,Andresen Activity monitoring and heart rate variability as indicators of fall risk: proof-of-concept for application of wearable sensors in the acute care setting,2017,43,7,53-62,Najafi Suicide ideation in older adults recovering from acute conditions in a clinical recovery facility,2017,43,9,31-37,Santos The opioid epidemic and persistent pain management in older adults,2016,42,12,3-4,Herr Assessment of fall characteristics from depth sensor videos,2017,43,7,13-19,Rantz A tailor-made exercise program for improving balance and mobility in older adults with type 2 diabetes,2018,44,2,41-48,Ng Evidence-based practice guideline: fall prevention for older adults,2017,43,11,15-21,Kruschke Interdisciplinary collaboration in medication-related falls prevention in older adults,2018,44,4,11-15,Huang Resident-to-resident mistreatment: evaluation of a staff training program in the reduction of falls and injuries,2018,44,6,15-23,Kong Technology innovations for better fall risk management in home care,2018,44,7,15-20,Alhuwail Fall prevention among community-dwelling older adults: current guidelines and older adult responses,2018,44,9,21-29,Lach Evidence-based practice guideline: secondary prevention of late-life suicide,2018,44,11,20-32,Butcher A comprehensive assessment of risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older adults,2018,44,10,40-48,Kim Older adults' perceptions of their fall risk and prevention strategies after transitioning from hospital to home,2019,45,1,23-30,Titler Predictors of emergency department use among community-dwelling older adults,2019,45,5,31-38,Ho Promoting safe driving for older adults: an updated guide from the American Geriatrics Society and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,2019,45,9,51-52,Linnebur Feasibility of motivational interviewing to engage older inpatients in fall prevention: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2019,45,9,19-29,Eckstrom Using mobile technology to assess balance during a sit-to-stand maneuver among older adults with fall risk: a pilot study,2019,45,10,18-23,Gray-Miceli Assessing fall risk appraisal through combined physiological and perceived fall risk measures using innovative technology,2020,46,4,41-47,Thiamwong Age-friendly cities during a global pandemic,2020,46,12,7-13,Young Household physical activity and risk for future falls in community-dwelling older adults,2021,47,6,13-18,Kassahun-Yimer Fear of falling and related factors in older adults with spinal diseases,2021,47,8,29-35,Tak Accidental fall death in McLean County: examining variables in community-dwelling older adults,2022,48,6,26-32,Shropshire Levels of accelerometer-based physical activity in older adults with a mismatch between physiological fall risk and fear of falling,2023,49,6,41-49,Eckstrom Stepping On fall prevention program reduces falls in older adults: an observational prospective study,2023,49,8,43-50,Lilienthal Adult cannabis use: an exploratory case study,2023,49,8,19-26,Zucker Extreme weather: implications for older adults,2023,49,11,3-5,Young Walking to prevent fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review,2024,50,1,15-21,Iriarte Technology use barriers and future needs among community-dwelling older adults,2024,50,2,26-31,Sullivan AGS' response to the World Falls Guidelines,2024,50,3,51-52,Fick Preliminary analysis of fall concern among family caregivers of older adults discharged from the hospital: a psychometric evaluation of the Carers' Fall Concern Instrument,2024,50,5,14-18,Etherton-Beer Clinical implications of treating depressed older adults with SSRIs: Possible risk of hyponatremia,2010,36,4,22-29,Smith Someone to talk to: The nurse and the depressed or suicidal older patient,2010,36,5,15-18,Plawecki Exemplars from an acute care geriatric psychiatry unit,1996,22,4,13-27,Martin Evidence-based protocol elderly suicide--secondary prevention,2003,29,6,6-17,Holkup Successful aging with HIV: a brief overview for nursing,2009,35,9,19-25; quiz 26-27,Vance Suicidal ideation hardiness and successful aging with HIV: considerations for nursing,2009,35,5,27-33,Vance