Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mountain bike injury,1997,45,3,192-193,Johnson Injuries involving off-road cycling,1997,44,5,481-485,Rebolledo All-terrain vehicle accidents in a rural family practice,1987,25,6,614-615,Kellerman Horseback riding injuries among children and young adults,1994,39,2,148-152,Nelson Intimate partner violence against women: do victims cost health plans more?,1999,48,6,439-443,Saltzman Why the elderly fall in residential care facilities and suggested remedies,2004,53,1,41-52,Kallin Legislative strategies to address firearm violence and injury,1996,42,1,15-17,Culross Firearm injury risk among primary care patients,1995,41,2,158-162,Goldberg Manufactured housing plant injuries in a rural family practice,1990,31,3,273-276,Kellerman Injuries in amateur ice hockey: a two-year analysis,1977,4,2,225-227,Daffner Personal protective equipment use by in-line roller skaters,1994,38,5,486-488,Jacques Bicycle safety knowledge and behavior in school age children,1990,30,6,677-680,Kimmel Does a hip protector reduce the risk of hip fracture in frail elderly patients?,2001,50,3,259,Markova Ergogenic supplements and health risk behaviors,2001,50,8,696-699,Stephens Derivation and validation of a decision rule for predicting seat belt utilization,1989,28,3,289-292,Bolton Effect of a brief physician intervention on seat belt use,1987,24,6,630-632,Kelly Disaster medical response: maximizing your effectiveness,2006,55,2,113-115,Campos-Outcalt Accidental injuries to children and youths in rural Florida,1982,15,2,357-8 363,Schulkind Antidepressant drugs increase suicide risk in children,2006,55,6,488, Does every allusion to possible suicide require the same response?,2006,55,7,605-612,Bruce Routine screening for postpartum depression,2001,50,2,117-122,Yawn Genetic and congenital defect conditions that mimic child abuse,1995,41,4,377-383,Wardinsky Post-traumatic stress disorder in a child following an automobile accident,1993,36,2,223-225,Peterson Prevalence of lifetime sexual victimization among female patients,1992,35,5,511-516,Broadhead The burden of obstructive sleep apnea and associated excessive sleepiness,2008,57,8 Suppl,S3-8,Pagel Clinical inquiries. Which drugs are safest for moderate to severe depression in adolescents?,2008,57,5,327-329,Crawford Primary care of patients with serious mental illness: your chance to make a difference,2008,57,8,515-525,Valenstein Clinical inquiries. Should you restrict your cardiac patient from driving?,2007,56,5,381-382,Hamilton Editorial: Driven to distraction,2007,56,1,3,Susman Evaluation and management of suicidal behavior,1974,1,1,20-23,Ripley Evaluation of suicide risk in adolescents,1975,2,5,339-341,McIntire Management of the multiproblem seductive patient,1976,3,4,433-436,Mayer The physician and the older suicidal patient,1977,5,6,1028-1029,Miller Adverse behavioral effects of benzodiazepines,1977,5,6,963-966,Zisook Evaluation and management of suicidal behavior,1977,4,3,461-464,Ripley The immediate management of suicide attempts in children and adolescents: psychologic aspects,1977,4,1,77-80,Duncan Problems in family practice: the suicidal patient,1978,7,6,1207-1213,Rockwell Suicide assessment: a clinical model,1978,6,6,1221-1227,Golden Practical psychiatry in medicine. Part 7. Suicidal behavior and other psychiatric emergencies,1978,6,2,415-432, The physician's duty to report the battered child syndrome,1979,9,3,429-440,Savage Management of childhood sexual abuse,1980,11,7,1057-1064,Orr The suicidal patient: recognition prediction and intervention,1980,11,3,455-458,Adams Diagnosis and treatment of childhood depression and self-destructive behavior,1980,11,1,51-58,Cohen-Sandler Poisoning in childhood and adolescence: a study of 111 cases admitted to a military hospital,1980,11,1,27-31,Wardinsky Physicians' knowledge of automobile safety seats,1982,15,4,796-798,Maguire Assessment and treatment of family violence,1982,14,4,713-718,Kirkland Child abuse and neglect,1982,14,3,571-575,Miller Teaching family practice residents to identify and treat battered women,1983,17,4,708 712 715 passim,Mandel Evaluation treatment and follow-up of child abuse,1983,17,3,387-90 395-6 400-3,Yates Intrapsychic symptom dimensions of adolescent suicide attempters,1983,16,4,731-734,Tishler The patient exhibiting episodic violent behavior,1983,16,3,605-609,Wood Maternal and infant characteristics in abuse: a case control study,1983,16,2,289-293,Boyle Self-poisoning: outcome and complications in the community hospital,1986,23,3,223-225,Bouknight Problem-solving techniques in occupational medicine,1985,21,3,195-199,Shusterman Attitudes experience and knowledge of family physicians regarding child sexual abuse,1987,25,5,516-519,Horner Childhood depression: an overlooked problem in family practice,1987,25,5,451-457,Davis Elder abuse,1987,25,5,436 438,Kerzin Childhood and adolescent depression,1987,25,5,433-434,Green Tricyclic antidepressant overdose,1987,25,3,231-4 6,Steiner Priorities in adolescent health care: the teenager's viewpoint,1987,25,2,159-162,Malus Elder abuse and utilization of support services for elderly patients,1987,24,6,581-587,Trilling A preventive approach to the suicidal patient,1988,26,2,185-189,Pary Neonatal rib fracture: birth trauma or child abuse?,1989,29,5,561-563,Rizzolo A school-based program to increase seatbelt use,1989,29,5,517-520,Morrow Fever of unknown origin for six years: Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1989,28,4,391-395,Casto Child sexual abuse and the skin,1990,31,4,356,Marley Suspected child sexual abuse,1990,30,5,523-4 527-8 529-32,Goldberg Duty to warn: when should confidentiality be breached?,1990,30,2,179-184,Swanson Experiences of family members after a suicide,1991,33,4,375-380,Van Dongen Prozac and suicide,1991,33,3,312,Dewan Caring for victims of childhood sexual abuse,1992,35,5,501-502,Hendricks-Matthews A practice based study of trauma in a rural community,1980,10,6,1039-1043,Perry The victim of submersion,1979,9,2,335-336,Josephson Accidents as a symptom of alcohol abuse,1979,8,6,1143-1146,Moessner Shooting the dinosaur,1993,37,4,399,Robin Self-reported medical problems of adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1993,36,6,633-638,Lechner Identifying and treating wife abuse,1993,36,2,185-191,Lent Patients presenting to family physicians after a fall: a report from the Ambulatory Sentinel Practice Network,1992,35,1,43-48,Shepherd Characteristics and predictors of falls in elderly patients,1992,34,5,577-581,McGaghie A critical review of adult health maintenance: Part 4. Prevention of metabolic behavioral and miscellaneous conditions,1986,23,1,29-39,Frame Severe cerebral injury and brain death: management of the patient's family,1985,21,5,341-3 347-8,Bale Falls among the elderly living in high-rise apartments,1982,14,6,1069-1073,Perry Childhood accidents in a rural community: a five-year study,1982,14,4,705-708,Walker Workers' compensation file as a potential source for community diagnosis,1982,14,1,85-88,Perry Injury prevention in children,1981,13,1,123-124,Paulson Gun control editorial should have stuck to the evidence,2011,60,3,120,Meisner Sports medicine: the times they are a-changin',1991,33,6,573-574,McKeag Lifestyles and health risks of collegiate athletes,1991,33,6,585-590,Nattiv Determining suicide risk (hint: a screen is not enough),2010,59,5,256-260,Fiedorowicz Pseudocyesis in an adolescent incest survivor,1993,36,1,97 101-3,Hendricks-Matthews Screening and brief intervention for alcohol disorders,1993,37,3,231-234,Fleming The value of laboratory tests for the screening and recognition of alcohol abuse in primary care patients,1993,37,3,268-276,Hoeksema Wilderness medicine,1994,38,1,10,Kizer Hand-arm vibration syndrome,1994,38,2,180-185,Taylor Cement burn,1995,41,6,601-602,Nguyen Correlates of depression in primary care,1995,41,6,551-558,Barry A short survey for assessing health and social problems of adolescents. Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project (The COOP),1994,38,5,489-494,Nelson Jewish holiday hazards,1996,42,1,84,Solomon Is a history of trauma associated with a reduced likelihood of cervical cancer screening?,2002,51,10,827-831,Farley Domestic violence: screening made practical,2003,52,7,537-543,Punukollu Vaccines and bioterrorism: smallpox and anthrax,2003,52,1 Suppl,S56-61,Kimmel On the front lines: family physicians' preparedness for bioterrorism,2002,51,9,745-750,Chen Primary violence prevention. Taking a deeper look,2000,49,10,904-906,Candib Approaches to prevention in an HMO setting,1979,9,1,71-82,Thompson Panic attacks and panic disorder,1996,43,3,275-282,Katerndahl Conduct disorder and antisocial personality in adult primary care patients,1997,45,2,151-158,Copeland Striae in adolescents mistaken for physical abuse,1997,45,1,84-85,Barzilai Physician advice for problem alcohol drinkers,1997,45,1,17-18,Van Meter Domestic violence among family practice patients in midsized and rural communities,1997,44,4,391-400,Elliott Alcohol is not a dichotomous variable,1997,44,2,147-149,Vinson AIDS and suicide,1995,41,5,493-496,Kirchner Benzodiazepines for insomnia in community-dwelling elderly: a review of benefit and risk,1995,41,5,473-481,Grad Risk factors for hip fractures,1995,41,2,187-188,Schwartz Disqualifying criteria in a preparticipation sports evaluation,1995,41,1,42-50,Rifat The incidence of severe trauma in small rural hospitals,1987,25,6,595-600,Smith Alcohol screening,1994,39,1,78-79,Schwartz Opportunities for alcohol screening and counseling in primary care,1994,39,1,26-32,Kreuter Screening men for partner violence in a primary care setting. A new strategy for detecting domestic violence,1998,46,6,493-498,Fleming Domestic violence research,1998,47,3,235-236,Lawler Factors affecting patient-physician communication for abused Latina and Asian immigrant women,1998,47,4,309-311,Rodriguez History of abuse among women with GI complaints,1996,43,1,29,French The factors associated with disclosure of intimate partner abuse to clinicians,2001,50,4,338-344,Rodriguez Interventions that help victims of domestic violence. A qualitative analysis of physicians' experiences,2000,49,10,889-895,Gerbert Routine single-item screening to identify abusive relationships in women,2000,49,11,1017-1022,Nelson Screening for family violence: overcoming the barriers,2000,49,2,137-138,Elliott Should children be in the room when the mother is screened for partner violence?,2000,49,2,130-136,Zink The association of parental alcoholism and rigidity with chronic illness and abuse among women,1992,35,1,54-60,Radomsky HIV-risk practices among homeless and low-income housed mothers,1999,48,11,859-867,Goldberg Gun control editorial should have stuck to the evidence,2011,60,3,120,Johnstone Gun control is not clinically relevant,2011,60,4,180-181,Soto Gun control is not clinically relevant,2011,60,4,181,Butterfield Magnets,1996,43,3,307,Richards Seasonal incidence of insect stings: autumn 'yellow jacket delirium',1996,43,3,271-273,Bischof Do adolescents want to hear preventive counseling messages in outpatient settings?,1996,43,4,375-381,Steiner Did too much Wii cause your patient's injury?,2011,60,7,404-409,Coughlin Incest and the family physician,1978,6,1,87-90,Boekelheide Screening for problem drinking: does a single question work?,1998,46,4,328-335,Vinson Total health needs of the rape victim,1975,2,3,225-229,Kaufman Runaways: a growing social and family problem,1975,2,4,255-258,Deisher The post-suicide family and the family physician,1976,3,3,263-267,Collins The effect of labeling on perceived ability to recover from acute illnesses and injuries,2000,49,5,437-440,Hamm A thorough yet efficient exam identifies most problems in school athletes,2003,52,2,127-134,Mainous Diabetes and alcohol use: Detecting at-risk drinking,2011,60,12,E1-6,Ramsey Aerosol-induced frostbite injury,1999,48,9,666-667,Moser Exercise as an effective treatment option for major depression in older adults,2000,49,2,109-110,Miser Sports concussion: A return-to-play guide,2012,61,6,323-328,Lear Was caution the best advice?,2007,56,2,112-3; author reply 113,Parchman Piercing among adolescents: body art as risk marker,2007,56,2,126-130,Jeannin The physical effects of lightning injury,1989,29,3,267-272,Epperly Preventing phenytoin intoxication: safer use of a familiar anticonvulsant,2004,53,3,197-202,Glick PURLs: Time to routinely screen for intimate partner violence?,2013,62,2,90-92,Kottenstette Victims of military sexual trauma--you see them too,2013,62,3,120-125,Karnik Unusual shoulder injury from a motorcycle crash,2013,62,5,255-257,Macvane Ten years' experience in a British casualty department staffed by general practitioners,1977,4,2,249-253,McGuinness Should you screen--or not? The latest recommendations,2008,57,7,469-472,Campos-Outcalt Pit viper snakebite in the United States,1978,6,2,269-279,Clement Psychosocial factors seen as problems by family practice residents and their spouses,1978,6,3,581-589,Nelson Patterns of rape and approaches to care,1978,6,3,521-529,Pepiton-Rockwell Practical psychiatry in medicine. Part 9. Alcoholism,1978,6,3,685-6 688 691 passim,Imboden Patient education and multiphasic screening: it can change behavior,1978,6,3,599-607,Rodnick The family physician and sports medicine,1979,8,2,383-387,Hartmann Repeated trauma as the presenting symptom of a pathological grief reaction,1980,10,2,327-328,Ruane Differential characteristics of adolescent smokers and non-smokers,1980,10,3,437-440,Allen Psychological trauma in children and youth in competitive sports,1980,10,4,737-739,Smilkstein Adverse reactions to maple leaf smoking,1981,12,5,931-932,Gift The changing profile of the American family,1981,13,1,61-69,Spanier Brown spider bites,1991,32,2,128,Bradley Intimate partner violence: screen others besides heterosexual women,2014,63,4,180,McMillan-Persaud The dynamics of incest: presentation of one family in acute crisis,1978,7,2,363-367,Cadoret Experience of family practice residents as athletic team physicians,1978,7,3,519-525,Parker Acetaminophen poisoning,1978,7,5,953-956,Linder Child abuse: an approach for early diagnosis,1979,9,5,801-806,Wilcox Current pain perspectives: assessing suicide risk in patients with chronic pain and depression,2014,63,6 Suppl,S6-S11,Cheatle Carbon monoxide poisoning,1981,13,3,441-443,Caulfield Recurrent childhood poisoning as a family problem,1981,13,3,337-340,Rogers The sequence of panic symptoms,1988,26,1,49-52,Katerndahl Multi-drug theophylline overdose,1989,28,5,575-577,Schwartz Office counseling of rape victims,1989,28,6,657-660,Michels Human and animal bite infections,1989,28,6,713-718,Brook The dangerous patient,1989,29,1,74-78,Lande Update on concussion: here's what the experts say,2010,59,8,428-433,Ferullo Concussion sequelae,1990,31,6,588 668,Soman Drowning episodes: prevention and resuscitation tips,2015,64,2,E1-E6,Engel Sport-related concussion: how best to help young athletes,2016,65,8,538-546,Harris Recreational cannabinoid use: the hazards behind the "high",2016,65,11,770-779,Metts What family physicians can do to combat bullying,2017,66,2,82-89,McClowry It's time to screen for bullying,2017,66,2,66,Hickner Screen for bullying--but know what to do next,2017,66,4,e203,Magnusson Cervical artery dissection related to chiropractic manipulation: one institution's experience,2017,66,9,556-562,Kennell Sperm and acid phosphatase examination of the rape patient: medicolegal aspects,1982,15,1,170-171,Smally Hemophilia,1982,14,4,661-2 664 passim,Brueschke Confusion recurs 2 weeks after fall,2017,66,10,635-637,Adams Treat gun violence like the public health crisis it is,2017,66,11,653,Campos-Outcalt We need to treat gun violence like an epidemic,2018,67,4,198,Hickner Gun addiction,2018,67,7,405,Feeman Beat the heat: identification and tx of heat-related illness,2018,67,8,468-472,Kinkade It's time to start asking all patients about intimate partner violence,2019,68,3,152;154;156;161A,Schumacher Suicide screening: how to recognize and treat at-risk adults,2019,68,9,505-510,Williamson Is the incidence of depressive disorders increased following cerebral concussion?,2021,70,1,e4-e6,Kern Recognizing and intervening in child sex trafficking,2021,70,1,29-34,Kivlahan Moving patients beyond injury and back to work [editorial],2021,70,6,e263,Hickner How to identify balance disorders and reduce fall risk,2022,71,1,20-30,Gill Easing dementia caregiver burden addressing interpersonal violence,2022,71,1,E1-E8,Dunn Getting a jump on recovery from sports-related concussion,2022,71,3,135-137,Stem Intimate partner violence: opening the door to a safer future,2022,71,7,309-313,Freedy How does gender-affirming hormone therapy affect QOL in transgender patients?,2022,71,10,442-444,Kelsberg How should we treat major depression combined with anxiety? Commentary,2007,56,4,306-308,Lo Suicide blamed on failure to diagnose bipolar disorder,2011,60,2,e103,Susman Two uncomfortable stories of dying,1993,37,6,539-540,Curtis Physicians' role in managing emotionally distressed patients already in psychotherapy,1990,31,4,381-386; discussion 386-388,Brown A model for psychosocial issues in HIV disease,1991,33,1,82-86,Wadland A new suicide,2001,50,6,e551,Bhalerao Does lipid lowering increase nonillness mortality?,2001,50,4,e297,Odell Suicide risk not increased with SSRI antidepressants,2003,52,8,587-588,Ham Physicians' role in managing emotionally distressed patients already in psychotherapy,1990,31,4,381-386,Brown