Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk and Protective Factors for Psychological Adjustment Among Low-Income African American Children,2010,31,4,423-444,Kaslow Adolescent-to-Parent Abuse,2004,25,8,1072-1095,Cottrell Gender Distrust and Intimate Unions Among Low-Income Hispanic and African American Women,2010,31,4,475-498,Cherlin Verbal Physical and Injurious Aggression Among Intimate Couples Over Time,2002,23,4,523-550,Salari Setting the Clock Forward or Back?,2002,23,1,91-120,Wright The Family as a Site for Gendered Ethnic Identity Work Among Asian Indian Immigrants,2010,31,6,778-807,Mehrotra Abused Husbands,2002,23,1,26-52,Migliaccio Love as a battlefield: attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence,2008,29,1,125-150,Dutton Patterns of Single Mothers' Work and Welfare Use,2007,28,8,1083-1112,Neblett Maybe I Do,2004,25,4,496-519,Stanley The Differential Effects of Intimate Terrorism and Situational Couple Violence,2005,26,3,322-349,Leone The Reliability and Validity of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) in a Female Incarcerated Population,2002,23,3,441-457,Ji Violent Family Heritage the Transition to Adulthood and Later Partner Violence,2003,24,1,74-98,Lackey Poverty Duration Maternal Psychological Resources and Adolescent Socioemotional Outcomes,2007,28,8,1113-1134,Goosby Implications of Wife Abuse and Battering for Self-Esteem Depression and Anxiety as Revealed by the Second Palestinian National Survey on Violence Against Women,2000,21,4,435-463,Haj-Yahia Mothers' Economic Hardship and Behavior Problems in Their Early Adolescents,2009,30,4,511-531,Burrell Religious Beliefs Sociopolitical Ideology and Attitudes Toward Corporal Punishment,2009,30,3,320-340,Ellison Parental Substance Abuse and Child Well-Being,2009,30,3,341-370,Osborne Couples' Reasons for Cohabitation,2009,30,2,233-258,Rhoades Nonviolent Aspects of Interparental Conflict and Dating Violence Among Adolescents,2009,30,3,295-319,Tschann Intergenerational Transmission of Abuse of Incarcerated Fathers,2009,30,3,371-390,Ball Beyond Surviving,2009,30,3,391-412,Hunter Parental Knowledge and Its Sources,2009,30,10,1356-1378,Bumpus Divorce and suicide: a time series analysis 1933-1970,1981,2,1,77-90,Stack An Exploratory Study of the Nature of Family Resilience in Families Affected by Parental Alcohol Abuse,2009,30,12,1606-1623,Coyle Head Start Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children,2010,31,1,90-112,Gorvine Adolescents With Two Nonresident Biological Parents: Living Arrangements Parental Involvement and Well-Being,2010,31,1,3-30,King Economic Pressure and Marital Conflict in Retirement-Aged Couples,2010,31,2,164-188,Dew Children’s Home Environments in Great Britain and the United States,2010,31,5,559-584,Campbell Father Residence and Adolescent Problem Behavior: Are Youth Always Better Off in Two-Parent Families?,2010,31,5,585-605,King Parental Concerns About After-School Time: Antecedents and Correlates Among Dual-Earner Parents,2010,31,5,606-625,Chait Barnett How Children and Their Caregivers Adjust After Intimate Partner Femicide,2008,29,1,100-124,McFarlane What Is Family Diversity? Objective and Interpretive Approaches,2008,29,11,1407-1425,Harris Dowry and Spousal Physical Violence Against Women in Bangladesh,2010,31,6,830-856,Persson Ethnic Perspectives on Sibling Abuse in the United States,2010,31,6,808-829,Malley-Morrison Poverty Race and Parental Involvement During the Transition to Elementary School,2010,31,7,859-883,Cooper Friendly and Antagonistic Contact Between Former Spouses After Divorce,2005,26,8,1131-1163,Kalmijn Marriage and Health in the Transition to Adulthood: Evidence for African Americans in the Add Health Study,2010,31,8,1106-1143,Mullan Harris Mothers’ Versus Fathers’ Alcohol Abuse and Attachment in Adult Daughters of Alcoholics,2010,31,11,1555-1570,Kelley Integrating Black Consciousness and Critical Race Feminism Into Family Studies Research,2007,28,4,452-473,Few Separation as an Important Risk Factor for Suicide: A Systematic Review,2010,31,12,1689-1716,Kolves Physical Violence Between Siblings A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,2005,26,8,1103-1130,Edwards How Teenage Fathers Matter for Children: Evidence From the ECLS-B,2011,32,1,3-30,Mollborn ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Effects on Maltreatment-Related Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs,2011,32,1,55-74,Knox Crime Race and the Transition to Marriage,2011,32,1,99-126,King Marital Adjustment Parental Functioning and Emotional Sharing in War Veterans,2011,32,1,127-147,Solomon Housing Dependence and Intimate Relationships in the Lives of Low-Income Puerto Rican Mothers,2011,32,3,369-393,Lawson Clark High School Relationship and Marriage Education: A Comparison of Mandated and Self-Selected Treatment,2011,32,3,394-419,Halpern-Meekin The Association Between Perceptions of Social Support and Maternal Mental Health: A Cumulative Perspective,2011,32,2,181-208,Meadows Gender Norms and Retaliatory Violence Against Spouses and Acquaintances,2008,29,5,692-703,Felson A Critical Analysis of Western Perspectives on Families of Arab Descent,2010,31,2,211-233,Allen Marital Quality in Black and White Marriages,2005,26,4,431-441,Broman Understanding Gender and Domestic Violence From a Sample of Married Women in Urban Thailand,2011,32,6,791-819,Xiaohe Xu Perceived Mattering to the Family and Physical Violence Within the Family by Adolescents,2011,32,8,1007-1029,Gelles Experiences in the Face of Disasters: Children Teachers Older Adults and Families,2011,32,10,1277-1284,Henderson The Utility of Vulnerability and Social Capital Theories in Studying the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Elderly,2011,32,10,1285-1302,Durant The Impact of Child-Related Stressors on the Psychological Functioning of Lower-Income Mothers After Hurricane Katrina,2011,32,10,1303-1324,Rhodes Exploring the Support Role of Special Education Teachers After Hurricane Ike: Children With Significant Disabilities,2011,32,10,1325-1345,Stough Displaced Older Adults' Reactions to and Coping With the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,2011,32,10,1346-1370,Roberto Disaster Hits Home: A Model of Displaced Family Adjustment After Hurricane Katrina,2011,32,10,1371-1396,Peek Stress and Support in Family Relationships After Hurricane Katrina,2011,32,10,1397-1418,Reczek Mediators of the Relationship Between Stable Nonresident Households and Toddler Outcomes,2011,32,11,1543-1568,Lee Growing up without siblings and adult sociability behaviors,2011,32,9,1178-1204,Trent Premarital abuse a social psychological perspective,1982,3,1,79-90,Christopher The efficacy of a spouse abuse model in accounting for courtship violence,1987,8,3,291-305,DeMarris The revised Conflict Tactics Scales (cts2) development and preliminary psychometric data,1996,17,3,283-316,Straus Are there religious variations in domestic violence?,1999,20,1,87-113,Anderson Intimate partner violence and coparenting across the transition to parenthood,2012,33,2,115-135,Feinberg Physical health effects of intimate partner abuse,2012,33,11,1520-1539,Sillito Resilience and vulnerability in the midst of sociopolitical violence in Northern Ireland one family's experience of a paramilitary style assault,2012,33,1,99-111,Coulter Spousal disagreement in the reporting of physical violence against wives in southern Egypt,2012,33,11,1540-1563,Yount The mediated and moderated effects of family support on child maltreatment,2012,33,7,920-941,Brooks-Gunn Trajectories of marital conflict across the life course predictors and interactions with marital happiness trajectories,2012,33,3,341-368,Dush Union type and depressive symptoms among Mexican adults,2011,32,12,1597-1621,Kroeger Spirituality and common dyadic coping: protective factors from psychological aggression in Latino immigrant couples,2013,34,3,323-346,Falconier The impact of lifelong exposure to IPV on adult children and their aging parents,2013,35,4,439-461,Band-Winterstein To love and look after: exploring the pathways linking family relationship quality to maternal health in India,2013,34,5,607-630,Allendorf Processing battered women,1981,2,4,415-438,Ferraro Covenant marriage and the sanctification of gendered marital roles,2009,30,2,147-178,Wright Correlates and consequences of father nurturance in an African American college sample,2013,36,7,880-901,Lindsey Premarital Abuse: A Social Psychological Perspective,1982,3,1,79-91,Christopher Childhood family structure and romantic relationships during the transition to adulthood,2014,35,1,97-124,Tillman Violence in the context of dating and sex,1986,6,1,45-59,Lane Recourse seeking and intervention in the context of intimate partner violence in Vietnam a qualitative study,2014,37,8,1151-1173,Yount Unpacking the Effect of Parental Monitoring on Early Adolescent Problem Behavior: Mediation by Parental Knowledge and Moderation by Parent-Youth Warmth,2014,35,13,1800-1823,Feinberg The gender division of labor and the reproduction of female disadvantage: toward an integrated theory,1988,9,1,108-131,Chafetz Family Violence and Aggression and Their Associations with Psychosocial Functioning in Jamaican Adolescents,2013,34,6,745-767,Moore Raising Teenagers in Hostile Environments: How Race Class and Gender Matter for Mothers' Protective Carework,2013,34,6,719-744,Elliott Bullying and internalizing problems: gender differences and the buffering role of parental communication,2015,36,5,543-566,King Gender relationship breakdown and suicide risk a review of research in Western countries,2014,37,16,2239-2264,Scourfield Patterns of vulnerabilities and resources in U.S. military families,2017,38,15,2128-2149,Karney Parenting in adolescence and young adult intimate partner violence,2016,37,4,443-465,Giordano Preventing shaken baby syndrome: evaluation of a multiple-setting program,2017,38,16,2346-2367,Stolz Associations among adolescents' cyber-specific beliefs and information management strategies,2018,39,3,602-621,Metzger Does type and severity of violence affect the help-seeking behaviors of victims of intimate partner violence in Nigeria?,2017,38,14,2026-2046,Tenkorang Familial effects on intimate partner violence perpetration across adolescence and young adulthood,2017,39,7,1933-1961,Giordano Cohabitation and intimate partner violence during emerging adulthood: high constraints and low commitment,2018,39,4,1030-1055,Giordano Does relation between women's justification of wife beating and intimate partner violence differ in context of husband's controlling attitudes in Nigeria?,2020,41,1,85-108,Sunmola Finding the "golden moments": strategies of perseverance among parents and siblings of persons with severe mental illness and violent tendencies,2019,40,17,2658-2683,Sporer Family troubles troubling families and family practices,2019,40,16,2225-2238,Morgan The trouble with fathers: the impact of time and gendered-thinking on working relationships between fathers and social workers in child protection practice in England,2019,40,16,2288-2309,Brandon Neighborhood qualities and parenting among mothers with young children: variation by relationship status,2019,40,15,2076-2096,Riina "But all kids yell at their parents don't they?" Social norms about child-to-parent abuse in Australia,2019,40,11,1486-1508,Purcell Cooperative compromising conflictual and uninvolved coparenting among teenaged parents,2019,40,11,1534-1560,Oshri Forgotten fathers: postpartum depression in men,2019,40,8,1001-1017,Whiting Racial differences in parental involvement and physical and psychological maltreatment: processes related to regard for parents,2019,40,6,739-763,McKinney Parent and child depression: moderated mediation by gender and harsh parenting in emerging adults,2019,40,5,594-612,McKinney Depression masculine norm adherence and fathering behavior,2019,40,1,48-84,Shafer Polygyny and intimate partner violence in Mozambique,2020,41,3,338-358,Agadjanian Relationship satisfaction across the transition to parenthood: the impact of conflict behavior,2020,41,3,383-411,Pollmann-Schult Two-dimension assessment of marital functioning across adulthood: the Quality of Relationships Inventory,2020,41,5,692-707,Uchino Relationship quality in the context of cyber dating abuse: the role of attachment,2020,41,6,739-758,Fincham Relationship between parenting style alexithymia and aggression in emerging adults,2020,41,6,853-874,Janik McErlean Intensive mothers cautionary tale fathers: adult children's perceptions of parental influence on health,2020,41,3,312-337,Reczek The intersection of childhood maltreatment and marriage: implications for adult's health,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald The role of gender in the perception of different forms of psychological violence in young couples,2021,,,0192513X21996390,Perles 'Hitting to teach is one thing but to hurt is a different thing isn't it?': understanding cycles of intergenerational violence within families,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liebenberg Home but left alone: time at home and child abuse and neglect during COVID-19,2023,44,2,338-362,Schneider Out-of-wedlock adolescent motherhood and intimate partner violence in Kenya,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muchiri The racialization of Latino families,2023,44,10,2547-2566,Baca Zinn Parenting stress during COVID-19 lockdown: correlates with family and child factors,2023,44,10,2567-2588,Wang "Praying does not stop his fist from hitting my face": religion and intimate partner violence from the perspective of survivors and service providers,2023,44,9,2504-2524,Gezinski Facilitators and barriers of mother engagement in a home-based parenting program following concerns of child maltreatment,2023,44,8,1984-2008,Giallo Familial predictors of alcohol and drug use-related problems among middle-aged and older adults,2023,44,7,1838-1858,Maggs Marital quality as a mechanism linking childhood abuse to mental health,2023,44,6,1488-1507,Fitzgerald The role of food and food behaviors in intimate partner violence,2023,44,6,1572-1596,Barocas Mothers' post-separation experiences of male partner abuse: an exploratory study,2023,44,5,1276-1300,Guggisberg Firefighters and spouses: hostility satisfaction and conflict,2023,44,4,1074-1092,Wagner Bullying victimization among Ukrainian college students: the role of family communication and satisfaction corporal punishment and child abuse,2023,44,4,1129-1148,Graham-Bermann Association between parental divorce and anger aggression and hostility in adolescents: results of a national Lebanese study,2023,44,3,587-609,Salameh Intergenerational attitudes toward child maltreatment: a mixed methods study of parents and their late adolescents following a Canadian two-generation preschool program,2023,44,3,785-804,Benzies Actual and perceived parental knowledge and child delinquency: does the sex of the parent the sex of the child and the child's age make a difference?,2023,44,3,805-824,Walters Internalizing symptoms in children being reared by grandparents in rural Appalachia: risk and protective factors,2023,44,2,386-408,Keller Sexual identity in lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer or questioning emerging adults: the role of parental rejection and sexuality specific family support,2023,44,2,409-428,Neppl Understanding physical and emotional sibling violence: perspectives from group facilitators of parent intervention groups for child maltreatment,2023,44,2,475-497,Shadik Help-seeking behaviors of male survivors of intimate partner violence in Kenya,2023,44,1,187-202,Tenkorang Adverse childhood experiences family social capital and externalizing behavior problems: an analysis across multiple ecological levels,2022,43,12,3168-3193,Kysar-Moon Adverse childhood experiences intimate partner violence and communication quality in a college-aged sample,2022,43,9,2420-2437,Baller Do relative status of women and marriage characteristics matter for the intimate partner violence?,2022,43,8,2063-2086,Kayaoglu Adverse childhood experiences in parents and their effects on adult children,2022,43,7,1691-1704,Giosan Transitioning from victim to perpetrator: testing direct and mediation effects,2022,43,7,1805-1825,Boateng Intimate partner violence among Korean immigrant 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