Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sleep does not enhance motor sequence learning,2008,34,4,834-842,Jones The role of short-term memory capacity and task experience for overconfidence in judgment under uncertainty,2008,34,5,1027-1042,Hansson Affective and deliberative processes in risky choice: Age differences in risk taking in the Columbia Card Task,2009,35,3,709-730,Figner Relation availability was not confounded with familiarity or plausibility in Gagné and Shoben (1997): Comment on Wisniewski and Murphy (2005),2006,32,6,1431-7; discussion 1438-42,Gagné Hidden covariation detection produces faster not slower social judgments,2006,32,3,636-641,Barker Specificity effects in training and transfer of speeded responses,2006,32,3,534-546,Healy Individual skill differences and large-scale environmental learning,2006,32,3,506-515,Fields The intention superiority effect in motor skill learning,2006,32,3,491-505,Badets Context switch effects on acquisition and extinction in human predictive learning,2006,32,3,461-474,Rosas Time as a guide to cause,2006,32,3,451-460,Lagnado Recognition is used as one cue among others in judgment and decision making,2006,32,1,150-162,Richter Scene and position specificity in visual memory for objects,2006,32,1,58-69,Hollingworth Dissociating the effects of automatic activation and explicit expectancy on reaction times in a simple associative learning task,2006,32,5,955-965,Destrebecqz Speakers gaze at objects while preparing intentionally inaccurate labels for them,2006,32,4,943-948,Oppenheimer Working memory capacity and the top-down control of visual search: Exploring the boundaries of "executive attention",2006,32,4,749-777,Kane How causal knowledge affects classification: A generative theory of categorization,2006,32,4,659-683,Kim Signs as pictures and signs as words: effect of language knowledge on memory for new vocabulary,1982,8,6,619-625,Siple Effect of distraction on reading versus listening,1982,8,6,613-618,Margolin Temporal judgments and contextual change,1982,8,6,530-544,Block Retrieval processes in continuous recognition,1982,8,6,497-512,Hockley Can automatic picture processing influence word judgments?,1982,8,5,418-434,Lupker Spontaneous imagery scanning in mental extrapolation,1982,8,2,142-147,Pinker Pictorial detail and recall in adults and children,1982,8,2,139-141,Ritchey Effect of task demands on dual coding of pictorial stimuli,1982,8,1,73-80,Babbitt Hypermnesia: the role of repeated testing,1982,8,1,66-72,Payne Retrieval from semantic memory at different times of day,1983,9,4,718-724,Tilley The relationship between contextual facilitation and depth of processing,1983,9,4,697-712,Smith Strategies for multiattribute binary choice,1983,9,4,676-696,Dosher Intuitive physics: the straight-down belief and its origin,1983,9,4,636-649,McCloskey Mechanisms of hypnotic and nonhypnotic forgetting,1983,9,4,626-635,Mackinnon Affective discrimination of stimuli that are not recognized: effects of shadowing masking and cerebral laterality,1983,9,3,544-555,Seamon Probing Proctor's priming principle: the effect of simultaneous and sequential presentation on same-different judgments,1983,9,3,511-523,Krueger Scene perception: a failure to find a benefit from prior expectancy or familiarity,1983,9,3,411-429,Biederman Directional scanning of remembered visual patterns,1983,9,3,398-410,Pinker Presentation- and test-trial effects on acquisition and retention of distance and location,1983,9,2,334-345,Hagman Recall versus recognition: a methodological note,1983,9,2,346-349,Hall Backward masking the suffix effect and preperceptual storage,1983,9,2,312-327,Massaro Mental images of concealed objects: new evidence,1983,9,2,212-221,Kerr Recognition memory for pictures as a function of poststimulus interval: an empirical clarification of existing literature,1983,9,2,256-262,Proctor Schematic information attention and memory for places,1983,9,2,263-268,Salmaso Imagery in the congenitally blind: how visual are visual images?,1983,9,2,269-282,Zimler Effects of suggestibility and hypnosis on accurate and distorted retrieval from memory,1983,9,2,283-293,Sheehan Perceptual enhancement: persistent effects of an experience,1983,9,1,21-38,Jacoby Naive physics: the curvilinear impetus principle and its role in interactions with moving objects,1983,9,1,146-156,McCloskey The mental representation of knowledge acquired from maps,1984,10,4,723-732,Ratcliff Building spatial representations through primary and secondary learning,1984,10,4,716-722,Presson Effects of repetition on short-term retention of order information,1984,10,4,575-597,Healy Emotional mood states and memory: elaborative encoding semantic processing and cognitive effort,1984,10,3,470-482,Thomas Critical importance of exposure duration for affective discrimination of stimuli that are not recognized,1984,10,3,465-469,Seamon Mental comparison of size and magnitude: size congruity effects,1984,10,3,442-453,Poltrock Perceptual and conceptual masking of pictures,1984,10,3,435-441,Loftus What is rotated in mental rotation?,1984,10,3,421-434,Norman Visual memory as measured by classification and comparison tasks,1984,10,3,395-420,Kroll Given versus induced category representations: use of prototype and exemplar information in classification,1984,10,3,333-352,Medin Odor recognition: familiarity identifiability and encoding consistency,1984,10,2,316-325,Cain Global and local control of choice behavior by cyclically varying outcome probabilities,1984,10,2,258-270,Estes Induction of category distributions: a framework for classification learning,1984,10,2,234-257,Holyoak Memory as a function of attention level of processing and automatization,1984,10,2,181-197,Fisk Processing category terms in context: instantiation and the structure of semantic categories,1984,10,1,95-103,Whitney Representation of linear orders,1984,10,1,61-71,Taylor Cognitive arithmetic: comparison of operations,1984,10,1,46-60,Miller The information that amnesic patients do not forget,1984,10,1,164-178,Graf A retrieval account of the long-term modality effect,1984,10,1,16-31,Glenberg Intact retention in acute alcohol amnesia,1984,10,1,156-163,Delisi Conceptual masking: the effects of subsequent visual events on memory for pictures,1984,10,1,115-125,Intraub Choice similarity and the context theory of classification,1984,10,1,104-114,Nosofsky Automatic category search and its transfer,1984,10,1,1-15,Fisk Retrieval strategies in recall of natural categories and categorized lists,1986,12,4,550-561,Gronlund The unattended speech effect: perception or memory?,1986,12,4,525-529,Salamé Voice-specific information and the 20-second delayed-suffix effect,1986,12,4,509-516,Duchek Identification of typographically transformed words: instance-based skill acquisition,1986,12,4,479-488,Masson Processing changes across reading encounters,1986,12,4,467-478,Snyder The role of visual similarity in picture categorization,1986,12,1,147-154,Snodgrass Automatic activation of episodic information in a semantic memory task,1986,12,1,108-115,Ratcliff How flexible is picture rehearsal? Discussion of Watkins' comment,1985,11,4,825-828,Proctor Strategies of picture rehearsal: a comment on Proctor's (1983) article,1985,11,4,821-824,Watkins Judgments of natural and anomalous trajectories in the presence and absence of motion,1985,11,4,795-803,Anderson Transformations of visual memory induced by implied motions of pattern elements,1985,11,4,780-794,Freyd Hemisphere differences in the mood state-dependent effect for recognition of emotional faces,1985,11,4,752-763,Safer The role of semantic information in episodic retrieval,1985,11,4,742-751,Dell Grammatical priming of inflected nouns by the gender of possessive adjectives,1985,11,4,692-701,Turvey Discontinuity in cognitive skill,1985,11,4,655-674,KOLERS Ideals central tendency and frequency of instantiation as determinants of graded structure in categories,1985,11,4,629-654,Barsalou Picture recognition improves with subsequent verbal information,1985,11,3,588-595,Macleod Some effects of color on naming and recognition of objects,1985,11,3,579-587,Ostergaard Decision making under uncertainty: a comparison of simple scalability fixed-sample and sequential-sampling models,1985,11,3,538-564,Busemeyer Order-relevant and order-irrelevant decision rules in multiletter matching,1985,11,3,519-537,Proctor Implicit and explicit memory for new associations in normal and amnesic subjects,1985,11,3,501-518,Graf Ebbinghaus's contribution to the measurement of retention: savings during relearning,1985,11,3,472-479,Nelson Nonsense syllables: comprehending the "almost incomprehensible variation",1985,11,3,455-460,Jenkins Levels of association theory,1985,11,3,450-454,Estes Priming across modalities and priming across category levels: extending the domain of preserved function in amnesia,1985,11,2,386-396,Graf Emotional mood states and retrieval in episodic memory,1985,11,2,363-370,Thomas Associative storage and retrieval processes in person memory,1985,11,2,316-345,Srull Levels of processing and picture memory: the physical superiority effect,1985,11,2,284-298,Intraub Reminding as a basis for temporal judgments,1985,11,2,262-271,Winograd Effects of stimulus omission and stimulus change on dishabituation of the skin conductance response,1985,11,2,206-216,Siddle Context effects in symbolic magnitude comparisons,1985,11,2,299-315,Shoben Prior knowledge and memory: the influence of natural category size as a function of intention and distraction,1985,11,1,94-105,Nelson Category differentiation in object recognition: typicality constraints on the basic category advantage,1985,11,1,70-84,Brownell Independence of recognition memory and priming effects: a neuropsychological analysis,1985,11,1,37-44,Graf Do alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome patients acquire affective reactions?,1985,11,1,22-36,Kim The lag effect and differential organization theory: nine failures to replicate,1985,11,1,185-191,Toppino A test of the differences between anticipation and study-test methods of paired-associate learning,1985,11,1,165-184,Izawa Semantic activation of noun concepts in context,1985,11,1,126-135,Whitney Cognitive maps as orienting schemata,1987,13,4,615-628,Sholl Exploring environments by hand or foot: time-based heuristics for encoding distance in movement space,1987,13,4,606-614,Collins Coding of spatial location information: an automatic process?,1987,13,4,595-605,Naveh-Benjamin Repetition priming is not purely episodic in origin,1987,13,4,573-581,Feldman Inhibition through incremental fragment cuing with primed items,1987,13,4,569-572,Peynircioğlu Implicit and explicit memory in young and older adults,1987,13,4,531-541,Singh A neuropsychological study of fact memory and source amnesia,1987,13,3,464-473,Squire Effects of cuing on short-term retention of order information,1987,13,3,413-425,Healy Application of a cognitive-distance model to learning in a simulated travel task,1987,13,3,380-386,Estes Reference frames in mental rotation,1987,13,3,368-379,Palmer Retrieval constraints on associative elaborations,1987,13,2,301-309,Marks Cognitive impenetrability of memory for orientation,1987,13,2,269-277,Bartlett Remembering left-right orientation of pictures,1987,13,1,27-35,Gernsbacher Effects of level of processing and rehearsal on frequency judgments,1987,13,1,151-163,Maki On the relation between perceptual priming and recognition memory,1988,14,3,477-483,Watkins Picture memory: recognizing added and deleted details,1988,14,3,468-476,Pezdek The mnemonic value of perceptual identification,1988,14,2,248-255,Nairne Frames and images: sequential effects in mental rotation,1988,14,1,93-111,Norman Perceptual units in the acquisition of visual categories,1988,14,1,75-84,Hock Training and Stroop-like interference: evidence for a continuum of automaticity,1988,14,1,126-135,Macleod Flexibility in scanning described images,1988,14,1,121-125,Bersted Mental extrapolation and representational momentum for complex implied motions,1988,14,1,112-120,Finke Effects of age and a divided attention task presented during encoding and retrieval on memory,1989,15,6,1185-1191,Park Access to knowledge of spatial structure at novel points of observation,1989,15,6,1157-1165,Rieser Direct versus indirect tests of memory for source: judgments of modality,1989,15,6,1101-1108,Jacoby On learning complex procedural knowledge,1989,15,6,1061-1069,Stadler On the development of procedural knowledge,1989,15,6,1047-1060,Willingham Recognition memory and the mere exposure effect,1989,15,5,968-976,Brooks Prior knowledge: the effects of natural category size on memory for implicitly encoded concepts,1989,15,5,957-967,Nelson A componential model for mental addition,1989,15,5,898-919,Little Orientation specificity in spatial memory: what makes a path different from a map of the path?,1989,15,5,887-897,Presson Time course of item and associative information: implications for global memory models,1989,15,5,846-858,Ratcliff Categorizing objects in isolation and in scenes: what a superordinate is good for,1989,15,4,572-586,Murphy Base-rate effects in category learning: a comparison of parallel network and memory storage-retrieval models,1989,15,4,556-571,Campbell Effects of adult age and working memory on reasoning and spatial abilities,1989,15,3,507-516,Salthouse A bias interpretation of facilitation in perceptual identification,1989,15,3,378-387,Ratcliff Rules and exemplars in categorization identification and recognition,1989,15,2,282-304,Clark Episodic effects on picture identification: implications for theories of concept learning and theories of memory,1989,15,2,275-281,Jacoby Immediate serial recall of mixed-modality lists,1989,15,2,266-274,Greene Misled subjects may know more than their performance implies,1989,15,2,246-255,Zaragoza Contingent dissociation between recognition and fragment completion: the method of triangulation,1989,15,2,228-240,Tulving Subjective hierarchies in spatial memory,1989,15,2,211-227,McNamara Identification of disoriented objects: effects of context of prior presentation,1989,15,2,200-210,Jolicoeur Sensory-perceptual qualities of images,1989,15,2,188-199,Intons-Peterson Wide-angle memories of close-up scenes,1989,15,2,179-187,Richardson Illusory conjunctions of forms objects and scenes during rapid serial visual search,1989,15,1,98-109,Intraub How many memory systems? Evidence from aging,1989,15,1,31-49,Mitchell Bizarre imagery interference and distinctiveness,1989,15,1,137-146,Einstein Frequency judgements: the problem of defining a perceptual event,1989,15,1,126-136,Peterson The relation between horizontality and rod-and-frame and vestibular navigational performance,1989,15,1,110-125,Sholl Further evidence of the intricacy of memory span,1990,16,6,1134-1141,Brooks Mental representation of three-dimensional objects in visual problem solving and recognition,1990,16,6,1097-1106,Cooper Learning-forgetting independence unidimensional memory models and feature models: comment on Bogartz (1990),1990,16,5,916-926,Loftus Consciousness of attention and expectancy as reflected in event-related potentials and reaction times,1990,16,5,902-915,Sommer Component mechanisms underlying the processing of hierarchically organized patterns: inferences from patients with unilateral cortical lesions,1990,16,3,471-483,Robertson Do different metamemory judgments tap the same underlying aspects of memory?,1990,16,3,464-467,Nelson An analysis of memory-based theories of automaticity,1990,16,2,291-304,Strayer Perceptual identification fragment completion and free recall: concepts and data,1990,16,2,282-290,Hunt Elaborative inferencing as an active or passive process,1990,16,2,250-257,O'Brien Causality and the allocation of attention during comprehension,1990,16,2,233-240,Fletcher Reports of elapsed time: bounding and rounding processes in estimation,1990,16,2,196-213,Huttenlocher Encoding context and retrieval conditions as determinants of the effects of natural category size,1990,16,1,31-41,Nelson Regression analyses of repeated measures data in cognitive research,1990,16,1,149-157,Myers Implicit and explicit memory for visual patterns,1990,16,1,127-137,Treisman On the conditions necessary for obtaining argument structure complexity effects,1991,17,6,1188-1192,Clifton Costs and benefits of target activation and distractor inhibition in selective attention,1991,17,6,1136-1145,Neumann On the nature of interactions between the past and the present,1991,17,6,1124-1135,Melara Transfer of composed knowledge in a multistep serial task,1991,17,5,997-1016,Frensch Effects of verbal labeling and exposure duration on implicit memory for visual patterns,1991,17,5,954-962,Musen Mental models and the fan effect,1991,17,5,940-953,Radvansky Aging and memory for new associations: direct versus indirect measures,1991,17,4,779-792,Howard Learning from feedback: exactingness and incentives,1991,17,4,734-752,Hogarth Dissociative effects of generation on item and order retention,1991,17,4,702-709,Nairne Eye fixations and memory for emotional events,1991,17,4,693-701,Loftus Inhibitory mechanisms of attention in identification and localization tasks: time course and disruption,1991,17,4,681-692,Brehaut Mechanisms underlying priming on perceptual tests,1991,17,3,526-541,Weldon Transfer of processing in repetition priming: some inappropriate findings,1991,17,3,514-525,Brown Perceptual interference improves explicit memory but does not enhance data-driven processing,1991,17,3,507-513,Hirshman Imagined haptic exploration in judgments of object properties,1991,17,2,314-322,Klatzky Representational momentum and event course anticipation in the perception of implied periodical motions,1991,17,2,302-313,d'Ydewalle Contribution of perceptual fluency to recognition judgments,1991,17,2,210-223,Elliott Long-term repetition effects for motoric and perceptual procedures,1991,17,1,137-151,Healy Forgetting and the mirror effect in recognition memory: concentering of underlying distributions,1991,17,1,81-93,Glanzer Implicit memory for possible and impossible objects: constraints on the construction of structural descriptions,1991,17,1,3-19,Peterson Age and inhibition,1991,17,1,163-169,Hasher Does organization improve priming?,1991,17,1,103-114,Hashtroudi Improving recall by recoding interfering material at the time of retrieval,1992,18,6,1310-1320,Bower Aging and memory for expected and unexpected objects in real-world settings,1992,18,6,1298-1309,Mantyla Direct and indirect measures of memory for modality in young and older adults,1992,18,6,1284-1297,Light Memory with and without awareness: performance and electrophysiological evidence of savings,1992,18,6,1270-1283,Moscovitch Direct comparison of two implicit memory tests: word fragment and word stem completion,1992,18,6,1251-1269,Roediger Spreading activation versus compound cue accounts of priming: mediated priming revisited,1992,18,6,1155-1172,Ratcliff Serial pattern learning by event observation,1992,18,5,1029-1039,Howard Persistence of negative priming: II. Evidence for episodic trace retrieval,1992,18,5,993-1000,Neill Individual differences in working memory and comprehension: a test of four hypotheses,1992,18,5,972-992,Cantor The remembering of auditory event durations,1992,18,5,938-956,Boltz Short-term memory for the timing of auditory and visual signals,1992,18,5,931-937,Elliott Shapes of reaction-time distributions and shapes of learning curves: a test of the instance theory of automaticity,1992,18,5,883-914,Logan Evaluating hypnotic memory enhancement (hypermnesia and reminiscence) using multitrial forced recall,1992,18,5,1139-1147,Whitehouse Relational properties and memory-based category construction,1992,18,5,1125-1138,Wattenmaker Mental animation: inferring motion from static displays of mechanical systems,1992,18,5,1084-1102,Hegarty Cue familiarity but not target retrievability enhances feeling-of-knowing judgments,1992,18,5,1074-1083,Schwartz Time course of movement planning: selection of handgrips for object manipulation,1992,18,5,1058-1073,Rosenbaum Framing and conflict: aspiration level contingency the status quo and current theories of risky choice,1992,18,5,1040-1057,Schneider The picture superiority effect in categorization: visual or semantic?,1992,18,5,1019-1028,Rumiati Effects of probability mode on preference reversal,1992,18,4,855-864,González-Vallejo Reasoning with conditionals containing negated constituents,1992,18,4,835-854,Oaksford Differential effects of voluntary expectancies on reaction times and event-related potentials: evidence for automatic and controlled expectancies,1992,18,4,810-822,Sommer Persistence of stimulus-response compatibility effects with extended practice,1992,18,4,801-809,Proctor Conscious knowledge and changes in performance in sequence learning: evidence against dissociation,1992,18,4,785-800,Amorim Comprehension strategies in the development of a mental model,1992,18,4,777-784,O'Brien Subjective memorability and the mirror effect,1992,18,4,681-690,Wixted Unexceptional spatial memory in an exceptional memorist,1992,18,3,654-657,Biederman Familiarity effects in visual comparison tasks and their implications for studying human intelligence,1992,18,3,577-594,Tetewsky Spatial and temporal contributions to the structure of spatial memory,1992,18,3,555-564,McNamara Identification of objects in scenes: the role of scene background in object naming,1992,18,3,531-543,Pollatsek Identifying objects across saccades: effects of extrafoveal preview and flanker object context,1992,18,3,521-530,Henderson Intact and long-lasting repetition priming in amnesia,1992,18,3,509-520,Squire Form-specific visual priming in the right cerebral hemisphere,1992,18,3,492-508,Kosslyn A method for judging measures of stochastic dependence: further comments on the current controversy,1992,18,2,413-420,Ostergaard Remembering pictures: pleasure and arousal in memory,1992,18,2,379-390,Greenwald Priming and recognition of transformed three-dimensional objects: effects of size and reflection,1992,18,1,43-57,Ballesteros Influence of short-term memory codes on visual image processing: evidence from image transformation tasks,1992,18,1,157-165,Brandimonte Retention and disruption of motion information in visual short-term memory,1992,18,1,151-156,Magnussen Acquiring bimanual skills: contrasting forms of information feedback for interlimb decoupling,1993,19,6,1328-1344,Swinnen Sequential and coordinative complexity: age-based processing limitations in figural transformations,1993,19,6,1297-1320,Mayr Implicit and explicit memory for novel visual objects: structure and function,1993,19,5,995-1009,Schacter Reduced feedback frequency enhances generalized motor program learning but not parameterization learning,1993,19,5,1134-1150,Wulf Cognitive neuropsychology is more than single-case studies,1993,19,3,710-7; discussion 718-34,Rafal Memory biases in left versus right implied motion,1993,19,2,471-484,Kelly The influence of memory on perception: It's not what things look like it's what you call them,2009,35,6,1557-1562,Müsseler Exaggerated risk: Prospect theory and probability weighting in risky choice,2009,35,6,1487-1505,Ayton Working memory enhances visual perception: Evidence from signal detection analysis,2010,36,2,441-456,Humphreys Neuropsychological evidence for visual- and motor-based affordance: Effects of reference frame and object-hand congruence,2010,36,3,659-670,Humphreys Role of elaborative and perceptual integrative processes in perceptual-motor performance,1994,20,3,739-749,Balota Do ability-performance relationships differentiate age and practice effects in visual search?,1994,20,3,710-738,Fisk Effects of level of processing on implicit and explicit tasks,1994,20,3,671-679,Thapar Transsaccadic integration of biological motion,1994,20,3,649-670,Verfaillie "Remembering" words not presented in lists: relevance to the current recovered/false memory controversy,1996,22,3,811-3; discussion 814-6,Freyd No enemies in the neighborhood: absence of inhibitory neighborhood effects in lexical decision and semantic categorization,1996,22,3,696-713,Forster A syntactic complexity effect with visual patterns: evidence for the syntactic nature of the memory representation,1996,22,3,654-669,Chechile Speed versus accuracy instructions study time and the mirror effect,1993,19,3,638-652,Kim Knowing that you don't know: metamemory and discourse processing,1997,23,6,1378-1393,Klin Response selection and response execution in task switching: evidence from a go-signal paradigm,2007,33,6,1062-1075,Koch Spinning in the scanner: Neural correlates of virtual reorientation,2010,36,5,1097-1107,Sutton Attention is required for acquisition but not expression of new response biases,2010,36,6,1554-1560,Proctor Cue-independent task-specific representations in task switching: evidence from backward inhibition,2007,33,5,892-899,Altmann Response-time tests of logical-rule models of categorization,2011,37,1,1-27,Little The world is not flat: Can people reorient using slope?,2011,37,2,354-367,Shipley Balancing cognitive demands: Control adjustments in the stop-signal paradigm,2011,37,2,392-404,Bissett Making sense of surprise: An investigation of the factors influencing surprise judgments,2011,37,1,176-186,Maguire Unskilled but aware: Reinterpreting overconfidence in low-performing students,2011,37,2,502-506,Miller Bogus concerns about the false prototype enhancement effect,2011,37,2,368-377,Homa Individual differences in susceptibility to inattentional blindness,2011,37,3,785-791,Strayer People's hypercorrection of high-confidence errors: Did they know it all along?,2011,37,2,437-448,Metcalfe Serial position effects in implicit and explicit tests of memory,1994,20,6,1370-1378,Shimamura The shielding function of task sets and its relaxation during task switching,2011,37,6,1540-1546,Dreisbach How modality specific is the iambic-trochaic law? Evidence from vision,2011,37,5,1199-1208,Peña Neurobiological and memory models of risky decision making in adolescents versus young adults,2011,37,5,1125-1142,Mills Cultural differences in strategic behavior: A study in computational estimation,2011,37,5,1294-1301,Imbo Clarifying the advantage of small samples: As it relates to statistical Wisdom and Cahan's (2010) normative intuitions,2011,37,4,1039-1043,Fiedler Memory inhibition aging and the executive deficit hypothesis,2012,38,1,178-186,Ortega Can the focus of attention accommodate multiple separate items?,2011,37,6,1484-1502,Gilchrist Communicating environmental risks: Clarifying the severity effect in interpretations of verbal probability expressions,2011,37,6,1571-1578,Harris On the plasticity of the survival processing effect,2011,37,6,1553-1562,Kroneisen Effect of grouping of evidence types on learning about interactions between observed and unobserved causes,2011,37,6,1432-1448,Rottman Independent influences of verbalization and race on the configural and featural processing of faces: A behavioral and eye movement study,2012,38,1,61-77,Nakabayashi Dynamic search and working memory in social recall,2012,38,1,218-228,Hills Dividing attention lowers children's but increases adults' false memories,2012,38,1,204-210,Howe Familiarity and personal experience as mediators of recall when planning for future contingencies,2012,38,1,240-245,Delton What limits working memory capacity? Evidence for modality-specific sources to the simultaneous storage of visual and auditory arrays,2011,37,6,1329-1341,Marois Reasoning about other people's beliefs: Bilinguals have an advantage,2012,38,1,211-217,Rubio-Fernández What factors underlie associative and categorical memory illusions? The roles of backward associative strength and interitem connectivity,2012,38,1,229-239,Howe Broken expectations: Violation of expectancies not novelty captures auditory attention,2012,38,1,164-177,Jones The Rumsfeld effect: The unknown unknown,2012,38,2,340-355,Hampton Shared cognitive processes underlying past and future thinking: The impact of imagery and concurrent task demands on event specificity,2012,38,2,356-365,Dewhurst Position-item associations play a role in the acquisition of order knowledge in an implicit serial reaction time task,2012,38,2,440-456,Keisler Drifting from slow to "d'oh!": Working memory capacity and mind wandering predict extreme reaction times and executive control errors,2011,38,3,525-549,Kane Logic feels so good-I like it! Evidence for intuitive detection of logicality in syllogistic reasoning,2011,38,3,596-616,Handley Individual differences in working memory capacity predict action monitoring and the error-related negativity,2012,38,3,757-763,Strayer Cognitive Control: A Role for Implicit Learning?,2012,38,5,1243-1258,Deroost Everyday Attention Failures: An Individual Differences Investigation,2012,38,6,1765-1772,Brewer Working-Memory Load and Temporal Myopia in Dynamic Decision Making,2012,38,6,1640-1658,Otto On the Prevalence of Directly Retrieved Autobiographical Memories,2012,38,5,1296-1308,Brown How Should Witnesses Regulate the Accuracy of Their Identification Decisions: One Step Forward Two Steps Back?,2012,38,6,1810-1818,Weber The Informational Constraints of Behavioral Distraction by Unexpected Sounds: The Role of Event Information,2012,38,5,1461-1468,Parmentier Effects of Emotional Valence and Arousal on Recollective and Nonrecollective Recall,2013,39,3,663-677,Brainerd Interference Within the Focus of Attention: Working Memory Tasks Reflect More Than Temporary Maintenance,2013,39,1,277-289,Engle Excessive Response-Repetition Costs Under Task Switching: How Response Inhibition Amplifies Response Conflict,2013,39,1,126-139,Hübner Visual Statistical Learning Based on the Perceptual and Semantic Information of Objects,2013,39,1,196-207,Otsuka Deconfounding Distance Effects in Judgments of Moral Obligation,2013,39,1,237-252,Waldmann The longer we have to forget the more we remember: the ironic effect of postcue duration in item-based directed forgetting,2013,39,3,691-699,Bancroft Metacognitive awareness and adaptive recognition biases,2013,39,3,678-690,Selmeczy Naïve point estimation,2013,39,3,782-800,Lindskog Experimentally evoking nonbelieved memories for childhood events,2013,39,3,717-730,Smeets Correction to Smith Hood and Gilchrist (2010),2012,38,5,1424,Gilchrist Contextual match and cue-independence of retrieval-induced forgetting: testing the prediction of the model by Norman Newman and Detre (2007),2013,39,3,953-958,Mazzoni More attention to attention? An eye-tracking investigation of selection of perceptual attributes during a task switch,2013,39,4,1142-1151,Monsell How do observer's responses affect visual long-term memory?,2013,39,4,1097-1105,Makovski How many is a zillion? Sources of number distortion,2013,39,4,1257-1264,Rips Discounting of delayed rewards is not hyperbolic,2013,39,4,1274-1279,Luhmann Conducting the train of thought: working memory capacity goal neglect and mind wandering in an executive-control task,2009,35,1,196-204,Kane Attention modulation by proportion congruency: the asymmetrical list shifting effect,2013,39,5,1552-1562,Abrahamse The SDT model of belief bias: complexity time and cognitive ability mediate the effects of believability,2013,39,5,1393-1402,Handley Cognitive control of involuntary distraction by deviant sounds,2013,39,5,1635-1641,Parmentier Active and passive spatial learning in human navigation: acquisition of survey knowledge,2013,39,5,1520-1537,Warren Why are people bad at detecting randomness? A statistical argument,2013,39,5,1473-1490,Williams Opposite effects of working memory on subjective visibility and priming,2013,39,6,1959-1965,Verguts Exogenous social identity cues differentially affect the dynamic tracking of individual target faces,2013,39,6,1982-1989,Gabbert Egocentric coding of space for incidentally learned attention: effects of scene context and task instructions,2014,40,1,233-250,Swallow "A Long Time Ago in a Context Far Far Away": Retrospective Time Estimates and Internal Context Change,2014,40,1,86-93,Sahakyan Distracted by your mind? Individual differences in distractibility predict mind wandering,2014,40,1,251-260,Forster Dual-retrieval models and neurocognitive impairment,2014,40,1,41-65,Brainerd Context-sensitive adjustment of cognitive control in dual-task performance,2014,40,2,399-416,Fischer The effects of spatial contextual familiarity on remembered scenes episodic memories and imagined future events,2014,40,2,459-475,Moscovitch Correction to Pfister Schroeder and Kunde (2013),2013,39,6,1913,Kunde Restless mind restless body,2014,40,3,660-668,Cheyne Attentional control and asymmetric associative priming,2014,40,3,844-856,Hutchison Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking,2014,40,4,1142-1152,Schwartz Sample size bias in judgments of perceptual averages,2014,40,5,1321-1331,Price Task switching versus cue switching: using transition cuing to disentangle sequential effects in task-switching performance,2007,33,2,370-378,Logan On the origins of the task mixing cost in the cuing task-switching paradigm,2005,31,6,1477-1491,Rubin The impact of disablers on predictive inference,2014,40,6,1638-1655,Cummins Conjunction illusions and conjunction fallacies in episodic memory,2014,40,6,1610-1623,Reyna Pre-Exposure of Repeated Search Configurations Facilitates Subsequent Contextual Cuing of Visual Search,2014,41,2,348-362,Shanks Reasoning about intentions: counterexamples to reasons for actions,2014,41,1,55-76,Byrne Components of attention modulated by temporal expectation,2014,41,1,178-192,Bundesen Divided attention can enhance early-phase memory encoding: the attentional boost effect and study trial duration,2014,41,4,1223-1228,Spataro Summary knowledge of results for skill acquisition: support for the guidance hypothesis,1989,15,2,352-359,Schmidt Mistakes as stepping stones: effects of errors on episodic memory among younger and older adults,2014,41,3,841-850,Cyr Sell in May and Go Away? Learning and Risk Taking in Nonmonotonic Decision Problems,2014,41,1,193-208,Hertwig Active and passive spatial learning in human navigation: acquisition of graph knowledge,2014,41,4,1162-1178,Warren Fast and careless or careful and slow? Apparent holistic processing in mental rotation is explained by speed-accuracy trade-offs,2014,41,4,1140-1151,Zimmer Flexible conflict management: conflict avoidance and conflict adjustment in reactive cognitive control,2014,41,4,975-988,Kiesel Event Structure and Cognitive Control,2015,41,5,1374-1387,Radvansky Deductive updating is not Bayesian,2015,41,4,949-956,Markovits Truthiness and falsiness of trivia claims depend on judgmental contexts,2015,41,5,1337-1348,Garry Central and peripheral vision loss differentially affects contextual cueing in visual search,2015,41,5,1485-1496,Geringswald Correction to Mattan et al. (2014),2015,41,4,1117, Misremembering what you see or hear: dissociable effects of modality on short- and long-term false recognition,2015,41,5,1316-1325,Reuter-Lorenz The role of response bias in perceptual learning,2015,41,5,1456-1470,Moore Visual Memory for Objects Following Foveal Vision Loss,2015,41,5,1471-1484,Geringswald Learned states of preparatory attentional control,2015,41,6,1790-1805,Yantis The continued influence of implied and explicitly stated misinformation in news reports,2015,42,1,62-74,Zaragoza Shaping Relations: Exploiting Relational Features for Visuospatial Priming,2015,42,1,127-139,Spivey Red" matters when naming "car": the cascading activation of nontarget properties,2015,42,3,475-488,Roux When intensions do not map onto extensions: individual differences in conceptualization,2015,42,4,505-523,Hampton When enough is not enough: information overload and metacognitive decisions to stop studying information,2015,42,6,914-924,Castel To risk or not to risk: anxiety and the calibration between risk perception and danger mitigation,2015,42,6,985-995,Notebaert Listening natively across perceptual domains?,2016,42,7,1127-1139,Peña Logic brightens my day: evidence for implicit sensitivity to logical validity,2016,42,9,1448-1457,Handley Are you sure the library is that way? Metacognitive monitoring of spatial judgments,2016,42,7,1034-1049,Stevens Searching for the best cause: roles of mechanism beliefs autocorrelation and exploitation,2016,42,8,1233-1256,Rottman Modality probability and mental models,2016,42,10,1606-1620,Knauff Satisficing in split-second decision making is characterized by strategic cue discounting,2016,42,12,1937-1956,Egner The development of scope insensitivity in sharing behavior,2016,42,12,1972-1981,Slovic Out of place out of mind: schema-driven false memory effects for object-location bindings,2016,43,3,404-421,Howe Attentional capture by deviant sounds: a noncontingent form of auditory distraction?,2016,43,4,622-634,Vachon Is conflict adaptation due to active regulation or passive carry-over? Evidence from eye movements,2016,43,3,385-393,Hubbard Conflict and bias in heuristic judgment,2016,43,2,319-325,Bhatia Conjunction faces alter confidence-accuracy relations for old faces,2016,43,6,837-850,Reinitz Incidental learning of trust: examining the role of emotion and visuomotor fluency,2016,42,11,1759-1773,Tipper Object selection costs in visual working memory: a diffusion model analysis of the focus of attention,2016,42,11,1673-1693,Sewell Dependent measure and time constraints modulate the competition between conflicting feature-based and rule-based generalization processes,2016,43,4,515-527,Cobos Multiple views of space: continuous visual flow enhances small-scale spatial learning,2017,43,6,851-861,Newcombe Kill or die: moral judgment alters linguistic coding of causality,2017,43,8,1173-1182,Pinker Rule-based reasoning is fast and belief-based reasoning can be slow: challenging current explanations of belief-bias and base-rate neglect,2017,43,7,1154-1170,Thompson The role of familiarity in correcting inaccurate information,2017,43,12,1948-1961,Ecker The testing effect under divided attention,2017,43,12,1934-1947,Mulligan Pseudocontingencies and choice behavior in probabilistic environments with context-dependent outcomes,2018,44,1,50-67,Rummel Attending globally or locally: incidental learning of optimal visual attention allocation,2018,44,3,387-398,Beck Should we stop thinking about inhibition? Searching for individual and age differences in inhibition ability,2018,44,4,501-526,Oberauer Effect monitoring in dual-task performance,2018,44,4,553-571,Kunde Putting bandits into context: how function learning supports decision making,2018,44,6,927-943,Speekenbrink Mechanisms underlying effects of approach-avoidance training on stimulus evaluation,2018,44,8,1224-1241,Eder Winners and losers: reward and punishment produce biases in temporal selection,2019,45,5,822-833,Most Post-conflict speeding: evidence of sequential effects in motivational conflicts,2019,45,3,452-469,Deutsch Bias to (and away from) the extreme: comparing two models of categorical perception effects,2019,45,7,1166-1176,Goldstone What do people typically do between list items? The nature of attention-based mnemonic activities depends on task context,2019,45,5,779-794,Cowan Are cognitive control processes reliable?,2019,45,5,765-778,Blais Belief bias is response bias: evidence from a two-step signal detection model,2019,45,2,320-332,Hayes Dual-task costs in working memory: an adversarial collaboration,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Logie How does aging impact decision making? The contribution of cognitive decline and strategic compensation revealed in a cognitive architecture,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pachur "A cruel king" is not the same as "a king who is cruel": modifier position affects how words are encoded and retrieved from memory,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karimi Learning about time: knowledge of formal timing symbols is related to individual differences in temporal precision,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamamouche When is forewarned forearmed? 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