Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Safer storage of firearms at home and risk of suicide: a study of protective factors in a nationally representative sample,2004,58,10,841-848,Rogers Is perceived failure in school performance a trigger of physical injury? A case-crossover study of children in Stockholm County,2004,58,5,407-411,Laflamme Bicycle helmet campaigns and head injuries among children. Does poverty matter?,2003,57,9,668-672,Farley Socioeconomic differences in road traffic injuries during childhood and youth: a closer look at different kinds of road user,2001,55,12,858-862,Laflamme What are the most effective ways of improving population health through transport interventions? Evidence from systematic reviews,2003,57,5,327-333,Morrison Evaluation of the health effects of a neighbourhood traffic calming scheme,2004,58,10,837-840,Morrison Longitudinal study of the inception of perimenopause in relation to lifetime history of sexual or physical violence,2004,58,11,938-943,Krieger Post-disaster health effects: strategies for investigation and data collection: experiences from the Enschede firework disaster,2004,58,12,982-987,van Stiphout Injury prevention: a glossary of terms,2005,59,3,182-185,Hagel Person time and place predictors of seat belt use in Athens Greece,1998,52,8,534-535,Petridou Association between childhood community safety interventions and hospital injury records: a multilevel study,2003,57,9,724-729,Sellstrom How willing are parents to improve pedestrian safety in their community?,2003,57,12,951-955,Guyer Traffic ticket fixing and driving behaviours in a large French working population,2004,58,7,562-568,Chiron Epidemiology and implications of ocular trauma admitted to hospital in Scotland,1996,50,4,436-441,Desai Major incidents in Britain over the past 28 years: the case for the centralised reporting of major incidents,1998,52,6,392-398,Mackway-Jones Midlife suicide risk partner's psychiatric illness spouse and child bereavement by suicide or other modes of death: a gender specific study,2005,59,5,407-412,Agerbo Suicide risk after spousal suicide or psychiatric admission: effects of assortative mating on heritable traits compared with environmental explanations,2005,59,5,347-348,Voracek Predisposing factors leading to child trauma. an analysis of specific versus non-specific causes in motor vehicle and drowning fatalities,1978,32,3,190-193,Pearn Effect of psychiatric illness and labour market status on suicide: a healthy worker effect?,2005,59,7,598-602,Agerbo Uncovering neighbourhood influences on intimate partner violence using concept mapping,2005,59,7,603-608,Gielen Measuring paternal discrepancy and its public health consequences,2005,59,9,749-754,Hughes Record linkage of domestic assault victims between an emergency department and the police,2005,59,10,909-910,Boyle Intimate partner violence among Canadian women with activity limitations,2005,59,10,834-839,Cohen Violence against women,2005,59,10,818-821,Krantz Block observations of neighbourhood physical disorder are associated with neighbourhood crime firearm injuries and deaths and teen births,2005,59,10,904-908,Wei Effects of subsidising bus travel on the occurrence of road traffic casualties,1987,41,1,50-54,Nicholl The benefit of seat belt legislation in the United Kingdom,1989,43,3,218-222,McCarthy Diversity and change in suicide seasonality over 125 years,2005,59,11,967-972,Eich Putting public health evidence into practice: increasing the prevalence of working smoke alarms in disadvantaged inner city housing,2004,58,4,280-285,DiGuiseppi Smoke alarm ownership and house fire death rates in children,1998,52,11,760-761,DiGuiseppi Youth smoking risk and community patterns of alcohol availability and control: a national multilevel study,2005,59,12,1065-1071,Weitzman Multilevel analysis of associations between socioeconomic status and injury among Canadian adolescents,2005,59,12,1072-1077,Craig Socioeconomic determinants of health related quality of life in childhood and adolescence: results from a European study,2006,60,2,130-135,von Rüden Utility of indices of gun availability in the community,2006,60,1,44-49,Buka Acceptability of domestic violence against women in the European Union: a multilevel analysis,2006,60,2,123-129,Gracia Injury mortality among ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands,2006,60,3,249-255,van Beeck Increasing child pedestrian and cyclist visibility: cluster randomised controlled trial,2006,60,4,311-315,Coupland Neighbourhoods and health: a GIS approach to measuring community resource accessibility,2006,60,5,389-395,Pearce Risk of fatal and non-fatal occupational injury in foreign workers in Spain,2006,60,5,424-426,Benavides Mortality in relation to the functional capacities of people with disabilities living at home,1982,36,3,220-223,Warren Motor vehicle accidents (1973-6) in a cohort of Montreal drivers,1982,36,2,140-145,Liddell The accuracy of officially reported suicide statistics for purposes of epidemiological research,1982,36,1,43-48,Sainsbury Accidental poisoning in young children,1982,36,1,31-34,Basavaraj Disability factors among residents of old people's homes,1981,35,3,205-207,Twining Prognosis of falls in old people at home,1981,35,3,200-204,Wild Exact significance levels for Hewitt's test for seasonality,1980,34,2,147-149,Walter A mathematical model of a heroin epidemic: implications for control policies,1979,33,4,299-304,Mackintosh Factors in child burn and scald accidents in Bradford 1969-73,1979,33,4,270-273,Learmonth Bed usage and disease specific mortality within ICD chapters,1978,32,1,38-40,West An outbreak of illness among schoolchildren in London: toxic poisoning not mass hysteria,1994,48,1,41-45,Murray Disability in young adults: the role of injuries,1993,47,5,349-354,Power Mortality of frail elderly people living at home in relation to housing conditions,1993,47,4,298-302,Kuroda On the influence of data source in aggregated data studies: a comparative study of suicide information based on death certificates and judicial files,1993,47,1,73-75,van de Voorde Contagious suicide in prisons and police cells,1993,47,1,69-72,Cox The epidemiology of burns in rural Ethiopia,1993,47,1,19-22,Courtright Standard assessment scales for elderly people. recommendations of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the British Geriatrics Society,1992,46,6,628-629,Dickinson Adding years to life: effect of avoidable mortality on life expectancy at birth,1992,46,4,394-395,Benavides Blood alcohol levels in suicide cases,1992,46,3,256-260,Hayward Some epidemiological observations on medicinal and non-medicinal poisoning in preschool children,1992,46,3,207-210,Ferguson The epidemiology of fatigue: more questions than answers,1992,46,2,92-97,Lewis Measuring the frequency of "severe" accidental injury in childhood,1992,46,1,26-32,Jarvis Association of age and social class with suicide among men in Great Britain,1991,45,3,195-202,Kreitman Hypothermia and mortality and morbidity. an epidemiological analysis,1991,45,1,19-23,Bourke Reliability of routine hospital data on poisoning as measures of deliberate self poisoning in adolescents,1990,44,4,313-315,Hawton Incidence of fractures in a geographically defined population,1990,44,3,241-245,Cook Head injuries in accident and emergency departments. How different are children from adults?,1990,44,2,147-151,MacMillan Epidemiological surveillance of suicides and attempted suicides in Aquitaine south-west France using an original computer network of sentinel general practitioners,1989,43,3,290-292,Garros Mortality among children and young persons in Sweden in relation to childhood socioeconomic group,1989,43,3,280-284,Vågerö Epidemiological aspects of suicide among the young in selected European countries,1988,42,3,279-285,van de Voorde Variation in demand for accident and emergency departments in England from 1974 to 1985,1988,42,3,274-278,Nicholl Improvements in general health among the elderly: a factor in the rising incidence of hip fractures?,1988,42,2,200-203,Finsen Absence of psychosocial bias in the under-reporting of unintentional childhood injuries,1988,42,1,76-82,Langley Repetition of accidents in young children,1986,40,2,170-173,Jones Seasonal variation in carbon monoxide poisoning in urban Korea,1985,39,1,79-81,Kim Suicide unemployment and domestic gas detoxification in Britain,1984,38,1,1-6,Kreitman Hearing difficulty and its psychological implications for the elderly,1984,38,1,75-78,Jones Epidemiology of accidental home poisoning in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia),1983,37,4,291-295,Mahdi Admission to hospital for road trauma in patients with diabetes mellitus,1983,37,3,232-237,de Klerk Family type and accidents in preschool children,1983,37,2,100-104,Taylor Time trends in motorcycle accidents in Britain,1983,37,1,66-69,Woodward Emotional health problems are the most important cause of disability in adults of working age: a study in the four counties of the old Oxford region,1997,51,6,672-675,Stewart-Brown Estimating the incidence of hip fractures in East Germany from hospital discharge statistics,1997,51,5,576-577,Bergmann Fatal methadone and heroin overdoses: time trends in England and Wales,1997,51,4,435-437,Neeleman Suicide in the 12 months after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care Scotland 1968-92,1997,51,4,430-434,Geddes Secular trends in proximal femoral fracture Oxford record linkage study area and England 1968-86,1997,51,4,424-429,Goldacre A confidential enquiry into emergency hospital admissions on the Isle of Wight UK,1997,51,4,386-390,Denman-Johnson Use of paracetamol for suicide and non-fatal poisoning in the UK and France: are restrictions on availability justified?,1997,51,2,175-179,Simkin The Harstad injury prevention study: community based prevention of fall-fractures in the elderly evaluated by means of a hospital based injury recording system in Norway,1996,50,5,551-558,Ytterstad Suicide from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in England,1996,50,4,474,Ellis Risk factors falls and fracture of the distal forearm in Manchester UK,1996,50,3,288-292,O'neill A case-control study of childhood pedestrian injuries in Perth Western Australia,1996,50,3,280-287,Stevenson Discounting the future: influence of the economic model,1996,50,3,239-244,West Child pedestrian injury rates: the importance of "exposure to risk" relating to socioeconomic and ethnic differences in Auckland New Zealand,1996,50,2,162-165,Norton Research on injury prevention: Time for an international agenda?,1996,50,2,127-130,Stone The relationship between outdoor temperature and the frequency of falls among the elderly in Finland,1996,50,1,107,Luukinen Suicide from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in England,1996,50,1,30-32,Gunnell Epidemiology and patterns of hospital use after parasuicide in the south west of England,1996,50,1,24-29,Brooks Fall frequency and incidence of distal forearm fracture in the UK,1995,49,6,597-598,Reeve Medically treated suicide attempts: a four year monitoring study of the epidemiology in The Netherlands,1995,49,3,285-289,Kerkhof Risk factors for childhood burns: a case-control study of Ghanaian children,1995,49,2,189-193,Smith Child pedestrian deaths: sensitivity to traffic volume--evidence from the USA,1995,49,2,186-188,Roberts Physical fitness of 9 year olds in England: related factors,1995,49,2,180-185,Kikuchi Hazardous chemicals: psychological dimensions of the health sequelae of a community exposure in Texas,1994,48,6,560-568,Morris School injuries in Athens: socioeconomic and family risk factors,1994,48,5,490-491,Trichopoulos Remembering fractures: fracture registration and proband recall in southern Sweden,1994,48,5,489-490,Johnell Falls among the elderly: distinguishing indoor and outdoor risk factors in Canada,1994,48,5,488-489,Robitaille Effect of the moon on general practitioner's on call work load,1994,48,3,323-324,Macdonald Mental health and "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland: implications of civil unrest for health and wellbeing,2003,57,7,474-475,Kelleher Increased mortality related to heavy alcohol intake pattern,2003,57,5,379-384,Poikolainen Cross sectional survey of perpetrators victims and witnesses of violence in Bogota Colombia,2003,57,5,355-360,Ramirez Play areas for children,2003,57,5,315,Macintyre Landmine related injuries in children of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-2000: comparisons with adults,2003,57,4,264-265,Black Media coverage as a risk factor in suicide,2003,57,4,238-240,Stack "No ball games": children's views of their urban environments,2003,57,4,234,Morrow What characterises a useful concept of causation in epidemiology?,2003,57,2,86-88,Olsen Impact of childhood and adulthood socioeconomic position on cause specific mortality: the Oslo Mortality Study,2003,57,1,40-45,Claussen Health impact assessment of housing improvements: incorporating research evidence,2003,57,1,11-16,Douglas A glossary for research in occupational health,2003,57,1,7-10,Checkoway Descriptive epidemiology of body mass index of an urban adult population in western India,2002,56,11,876-880,Shukla Suicide and political regime in New South Wales and Australia during the 20th century,2002,56,10,766-772,Taylor Mortality and political climate: how suicide rates have risen during periods of Conservative government 1901-2000,2002,56,10,723-725,Shaw Socioeconomic differences in road traffic injuries,2002,56,9,719,Hyder Social aetiology of violent deaths in Swedish children and youth,2002,56,9,688-692,Hjern A glossary for health inequalities,2002,56,9,647-652,Subramanian So simple and so meaningful: An approach to mental health after violence,2002,56,9,642,Miranda Depression and falls among community dwelling elderly people: a search for common risk factors,2002,56,8,631-636,Biderman Development and validation of an instrument to measure perceived neighbourhood quality in Taiwan,2002,56,7,492-496,Yang Fracture rates lower in rural than urban communities: the Geelong Osteoporosis Study,2002,56,6,466-470,Sanders Bunk versus conventional beds: a comparative assessment of fall injury risk,2002,56,6,413-417,Trichopoulos Influence of driver nationality on the risk of causing vehicle collisions in Spain,2002,56,5,394-398,Lardelli Claret Impact of hot temperatures on death in London: a time series approach,2002,56,5,367-372,Haines Sexual assault among North Carolina women: prevalence and health risk factors,2002,56,4,265-271,Martin Violence against women: a global public health issue!,2002,56,4,242-243,Krantz Suicide in doctors,2002,56,3,237,Verberne Collecting information on marital status: a methodological note,2002,56,3,175-176,Barrett How to measure the burden of mortality?,2002,56,2,128-131,Bonneux Stress and suicide in the Nurses' Health Study,2002,56,2,95-98,Feskanich Suicide after a stroke: a population study,2001,55,12,863-866,Teasdale Does sending a home safety questionnaire increase recruitment to an injury prevention trial? A randomised controlled trial,2001,55,11,845-846,Watson Risk of injury and the consumption of different types of beverage: Is there an association?,2001,55,11,789-790,Stewart-Brown A glossary for social epidemiology,2001,55,10,693-700,Krieger Setting up a specific surveillance system of community health during mass gatherings,2001,55,9,683-684,Hanslik Economic evaluation of a community based exercise programme to prevent falls,2001,55,8,600-606,Scuffham Violence: a challenge for public health and for all,2001,55,8,597-599,Concha-Eastman Women's strategic responses to violence in Nicaragua,2001,55,8,547-555,Winkvist Mortality in England and Wales attributable to current alcohol consumption,2001,55,6,383-388,McPherson Suicide in doctors: a study of risk according to gender seniority and specialty in medical practitioners in England and Wales 1979-1995,2001,55,5,296-300,Simkin Health and housing: a lasting relationship,2001,55,5,291,Shaw Neighbourhood level and individual level SES effects on child problem behaviour: a multilevel analysis,2001,55,4,246-250,Kalff Glossaries in public health: older people,2001,55,4,223-226,Bowling Marital status and suicide: some common methodological problems,2000,54,11,878,Yip Family violence employment status welfare benefits and alcohol drinking in the United States: what is the relation?,2001,55,3,172-178,Lee The discount rate in the economic evaluation of prevention: a thought experiment,2001,55,2,123-125,Bonneux Ethnic density and deliberate self harm; a small area study in south east London,2001,55,2,85-90,Wessely Fatigue in the Danish general population: influence of sociodemographic factors and disease,2000,54,11,827-833,Watt Earthquake in Colombia: the tragedy of the coffee growing region. health impact and lessons for the health sector,2000,54,10,761-765,Restrepo What is the "golden standard" for assessing population-based interventions?--problems of dilution bias,2000,54,8,617-622,Lindholm Soft tissue injury resulting from falling predicts a future major falling injury in the home dwelling elderly,2000,54,7,557-558,Honkanen Marital status and suicide in the National Longitudinal Mortality Study,2000,54,4,254-261,Kposowa Severity of fall injuries on sand or grass in playgrounds,2000,54,6,475-477,Robitaille Factors explaining the geographical differences in Disability Free Life Expectancy in Spain,2000,54,6,451-455,Gutiérrez-Fisac Weather and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome: the effect of wind,2000,54,5,333-339,Schluter A sustainable programme to prevent falls and near falls in community dwelling older people: results of a randomised trial,2000,54,3,227-232,Peel Excess mortality from avoidable and non-avoidable causes in men of low socioeconomic status: a prospective study in Korea,2000,54,3,166-172,Song Non-fatal head injury among Scottish young people: the importance of assault,2000,54,1,77-78,Stone Suicide and unemployment in Italy 1982-1994,1999,53,11,694-701,Preti Deprivation and excess winter mortality,1999,53,12,807,Lawlor Deprivation and excess winter mortality,1999,53,8,499-502,Shah Relation between high temperature and mortality,1999,53,9,591,Crombie Reduction in drug related suicide in Scotland 1990-1996: an artefactual explanation,1999,53,7,436-437,Squires Suicide religion and socioeconomic conditions. an ecological study in 26 countries 1990,1999,53,4,204-210,Lewis How many lives is equity worth? A proposal for equity adjusted years of life saved,1998,52,12,808-811,Lindholm "Late presenters" after paracetamol self poisoning,1998,52,11,762-763,Bradley Poverty time and place: variation in excess mortality across selected US populations 1980-1990,1999,53,6,325-334,Geronimus Gains in life expectancy after elimination of major causes of death: revised estimates taking into account the effect of competing causes,1999,53,1,32-37,Kunst Violence: developing a policy agenda,1999,53,1,2-3,Stanistreet Reproductive factors and fatal hip fractures. A Norwegian prospective study of 63000 women,1998,52,10,645-650,Heuch Comparative total mortality in 25 years in Italian and Greek middle aged rural men,1998,52,10,638-644,Dontas Avoidable mortality in Europe 1955-1994: a plea for prevention,1998,52,10,624-630,Simonato What's not in a name. the accuracy of using names to ascribe religious and geographical origin in a British population,1998,52,5,336-337,Martineau Approaches to the denominator in practice-based epidemiology: a critical overview,1998,52,Suppl 1,13S-19S,Schlaud Detecting measurement confounding in epidemiological research: construct validity in scaling risk behaviours: based on a population sample in Minnesota USA,1998,52,3,195-199,Dean Relation between attempted suicide and suicide rates among young people in Europe,1998,52,3,191-194,Crepet Differences in self reported morbidity by educational level: a comparison of 11 western European countries,1998,52,4,219-227,Kunst Socioeconomic differentials in mortality among men within Great Britain: time trends and contributory causes,1998,52,4,214-218,Davey Smith Paracetamol in suicide and non-accidental overdose--are restrictions justified?,1997,51,6,731-732,Hobson Development of a modified Winchester disability scale--the elderly at risk rating scale,1997,51,5,558-563,Donald Public health implications of ageing,1997,51,5,469-471,Ebrahim Social paediatrics,2005,59,2,106-108,Colomer Environmental risks in the developing world: exposure indicators for evaluating interventions programmes and policies,2005,59,1,15-22,Ezzati Ecological perspectives in health research,2005,59,1,6-14,McLaren Qualia years (qy) [corrected]--not years--should be the unit of measurement of QALYs DALYs life expectancy and life,2004,58,12,1054-1055,Dimoliatis Fear of racism and health,2004,58,12,1017-1018,Karlsen Health proverbs,2004,58,12,1010,Choi The Gatehouse Project: can a multilevel school intervention affect emotional wellbeing and health risk behaviours?,2004,58,12,997-1003,Carlin Relation between increased numbers of safe playing areas and decreased vehicle related child mortality rates in Japan from 1970 to 1985: a trend analysis,2004,58,12,976-981,Nakahara A glossary of terms for navigating the field of social network analysis,2004,58,12,971-975,Hawe Does rear seat belt use vary according to socioeconomic status?,2004,58,11,929-930,Heywood Environmental perceptions and walking in English adults,2004,58,11,924-928,Foster Measures of health inequalities: part 2,2004,58,11,900-903,Regidor What community? what lifestyle?,2004,58,11,886,Castiel Measures of health inequalities: part 1,2004,58,10,858-861,Regidor Neighbourhoods and self rated health: a comparison of public sector employees in London and Helsinki,2004,58,9,772-778,Stafford Intervening in communities: challenges for public health,2004,58,9,729-730,Roberts Inter-rater agreement in defining chemical incidents at the National Poisons Information Service London,2004,58,8,718-722,Abubakar Unintentional and violent injuries among pre-school children of teenage mothers in Sweden: a national cohort study,2004,58,8,680-685,Ekeus Two information dissemination approaches for public health decision makers: encyclopaedia and fire alarm,2004,58,8,634,Choi A glossary for evidence based public health,2004,58,7,538-545,Hawe Unreported cases of domestic violence against women: towards an epidemiology of social silence tolerance and inhibition,2004,58,7,536-537,Gracia Ethnicity and epidemiological research: not so black and white,2004,58,6,528-9; aut,Lee Comparison between the abuse assessment screen and the revised conflict tactics scales for measuring physical violence during pregnancy,2004,58,6,523-527,Moraes Glossary of terms relating to ethnicity and race: for reflection and debate,2004,58,6,441-445,Bhopal Socioeconomic differentials in mortality among older people,2004,58,6,438-440,Bowling Childhood abuse and risk of smoking onset,2004,58,5,402-406,Harlow Patterns of intimate partner violence against women in Europe: prevalence and associated risk factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Podana Physical activity among elderly people in a city population: the influence of neighbourhood level violence and self perceived safety,2006,60,7,626-632,Claussen How do women in Spain deal with an abusive relationship?,2006,60,8,706-711,Plazaola-Castano Intimate partner violence against women in Spain,2006,60,8,652-653,Vives-Cases Incidence and costs of unintentional falls in older people in the United Kingdom,2003,57,9,740-744,Scuffham Social context and depression after a disaster: the role of income inequality,2006,60,9,766-770,Ahern Psychiatric illness socioeconomic status and marital status in people committing suicide: a matched case-sibling-control study,2006,60,9,776-781,Qin Work related violence and threats and the risk of depression and stress disorders,2006,60,9,771-775,Agerbo Attempted suicide psychological health and exposure to harassment among Japanese homosexual bisexual or other men questioning their sexual orientation recruited via the internet,2006,60,11,962-967,Operario Ecological association between suicide rates and indices of deprivation in the north west region of England: the importance of the size of the administrative unit,2006,60,11,956-961,Rezaeian Examining the effect of residential change on intimate partner violence risk,2006,60,11,923-927,Waltermaurer Unemployment and suicide. Evidence for a causal association?,2003,57,8,594-600,Atkinson Correlation between incidences of hospitalised accidental burns and deprivation scores: an ecological study,2006,60,12,1099,Saadat The geography of despair among 15-44-year-old men in England and Wales: putting suicide on the map,2006,60,12,1040-1047,Gunnell Assessing post-disaster consequences for health at the population level: experience from the AZF factory explosion in Toulouse,2007,61,2,103-107,Guinard Association between childhood fatal injuries and socioeconomic position at individual and area levels: a multilevel study,2007,61,2,135-140,Subramanian Charcoal burning suicides in Hong Kong and urban Taiwan: an illustration of the impact of a novel suicide method on overall regional rates,2007,61,3,248-253,Li School culture as an influencing factor on youth substance use,2007,61,6,485-490,Bisset Long-term impact of celebrity suicide on suicidal ideation: results from a population-based study,2007,61,6,540-546,Yip Prevalence and concordance of interpersonal violence reports from intimate partners: Findings from the Pacific Islands Families Study,2007,61,7,625-630,Feehan Suicide among male veterans: a prospective population-based study,2007,61,7,619-624,Newsom Portrayal of health-related behaviours in popular UK television soap operas,2007,61,7,575-577,Adams Is low folate a risk factor for depression? A meta-analysis and exploration of heterogeneity,2007,61,7,631-637,Gilbody Reducing socioeconomic inequalities in road traffic injuries: time for a policy agenda,2001,55,12,853-854,Borrell Systematic reviews of health effects of social interventions: 2. Best available evidence: how low should you go?,2005,59,10,886-892,Petticrew Systematic reviews of health effects of social interventions: 1. Finding the evidence: how far should you go?,2005,59,9,804-808,Petticrew Does young adult suicide cluster geographically in Scotland?,2007,61,8,731-736,Exeter Violence: a glossary,2007,61,8,676-680,Rutherford Epidemiological disaster research: the necessity to include representative samples of the involved disaster workers. Experience from the epidemiological study air disaster Amsterdam-Esada,2006,60,10,887-889,Twisk Participative risk communication in an industrial village in Sardinia,2007,61,2,122-127,Mereu Violence: A priority for public health? 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A systematic review of evidence from countries with well-developed welfare systems,2010,64,12,1106-1114,Whitehead Contribution of drinking patterns to differences in rates of alcohol related problems between three urban populations,2004,58,3,238-242,Room Neighbourhoods and homicide mortality: an analysis of race/ethnic differences,2004,58,3,223-230,Bond Huie Strong evidence that the economic crisis caused a rise in suicides in Europe: the need for social protection,2013,67,4,298,Marmot Total and cause specific mortality among participants and non-participants of population based health surveys: a comprehensive follow up of 54 372 Finnish men and women,2005,59,4,310-315,Jousilahti Risk modifying effect of social capital on measures of heavy alcohol consumption alcohol abuse harms and secondhand effects: national survey findings,2005,59,4,303-309,Weitzman Suicide mortality and economic crisis in Greece: men's Achilles' heel,2013,67,6,e1,Kondilis Why residents of Dutch deprived neighbourhoods are less likely to be heavy drinkers: the role of individual and contextual characteristics,2013,67,7,587-594,Wingen Common mental disorders and mortality in the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study: comparing the General Health Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,2013,67,7,558-563,Batty A time series approach for evaluating intra-city heat-related mortality,2013,67,8,707-712,Rocklöv Predisposing factors leading to child trauma: analysis of specific versus nonspecific causes in motor-vehicle and drowning fatalities,1978,32,3,190-193,Pearn Health impacts of free bus travel for young people: evaluation of a natural experiment in London,2013,67,8,641-647,Petticrew A conditional model for estimating the increase in suicides associated with the 2008-2010 economic recession in England,2013,67,9,779-787,Saurina Sports facilities in Madrid explain the relationship between neighbourhood economic context and physical inactivity in older people but not in younger adults: a case study,2013,67,9,788-794,Regidor Road traffic accidents in Greece: have we benefited from the financial crisis?,2013,67,10,894,Micha Societal characteristics and health in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: a multilevel analysis,2007,61,11,990-996,Marmot Alcohol-related mortality in deprived UK cities: worrying trends in young women challenge recent national downward trends,2013,67,10,805-812,Walsh The Greek financial crisis and homicide rates: another reason to worry,2013,67,12,1073,Micha Economic conditions and health behaviours during the 'Great Recession',2013,67,12,1038-1046,Nandi Association of C-reactive protein with metabolic syndrome and depressive symptoms in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing,2013,67,10,e2,Au Validation of standardization methodology to minimize measurement bias due to systematic accelerometer wear-time variation in preschoolers adolescents and adults,2013,67,10,e2,Katapally Increase in state suicide rates in the USA during economic recession,2013,67,Suppl 1,A32,Gunnell Is active commuting good for our health?,2013,67,Suppl 1,A23-A24,Cummins Modelled health impacts of the London cycle hire scheme,2013,67,Suppl 1,A12-A13,Goodman Persistent long-standing illness and non-drinking over time: Implications for the use of lifetime abstainers as a control group,2014,68,1,71-77,Cable Predictors of help-seeking behaviour among women exposed to violence in Nigeria: A multilevel analysis to evaluate the impact of contextual and individual factors,2014,68,3,211-217,Slopen Does economic environment influence the strength of the positive association between suicide and unemployment?,2013,67,12,1074-1075,Faludi Age of first drinking and adult alcohol problems: Systematic review of prospective cohort studies,2014,68,3,268-274,McCambridge Suicide rates among working-age adults in South Korea before and after the 2008 economic crisis,2014,68,3,246-252,Caine Rising alcohol consumption and a high prevalence of problem drinking in black men and women in Cape Town: the CRIBSA study,2014,68,5,446-452,Lombard The association between hospitalisation for childhood head injury and academic performance: Evidence from a population e-cohort study,2014,68,5,466-470,Lyons The epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome,1982,36,1,17-21,Sibert Does a geographical context of deprivation affect differences in injury mortality? A multilevel analysis in South Korean adults residing in metropolitan cities,2014,68,5,457-465,Khang Age-related trajectories of physical functioning in work and retirement: the role of sociodemographic factors lifestyle and disease,2014,68,6,503-509,Vahtera Climate change effects on human health: projections of temperature-related mortality for the UK during the 2020s 2050s and 2080s,2014,68,7,641-648,Hajat Well London Phase-1: results among adults of a cluster-randomised trial of a community engagement approach to improving health behaviours and mental well-being in deprived inner-city neighbourhoods,2014,68,7,606-614,Petticrew Does legislation to prevent alcohol sales to drunk individuals work? Measuring the propensity for night-time sales to drunks in a UK city,2014,68,5,453-456,Hughes Mobility decline in old age: the combined effect of mobility-related fatigue and socioeconomic position,2014,68,6,510-515,Vass Socioeconomic disadvantage and disease-specific mortality in Asia: systematic review with meta-analysis of population-based cohort studies,2014,68,4,375-383,Woodward Living alone and psychological well-being in mid-life: does partnership history matter?,2014,68,5,403-410,Demey A prediction algorithm for first onset of major depression in the general population: development and validation,2014,68,5,418-424,Sareen Postwar environment and long-term mental health problems in former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the WAYS study,2014,68,5,425-430,Ovuga Dear health minister: tend the garden but make sure you fence the crocodiles,2014,68,4,295-296,MacDougall Adolescent mental health and subsequent parenting: a longitudinal birth cohort study,2014,68,5,396-402,Richards Adverse effects of public health interventions: a conceptual framework,2014,68,3,288-290,Lorenc Changes in household transport and recreational physical activity and television viewing time across the transition to retirement: longitudinal evidence from the EPIC-Norfolk cohort,2014,68,8,747-753,Ogilvie Extreme temperatures and paediatric emergency department admissions,2014,68,4,304-311,Tong The interactive effects of housing and neighbourhood quality on psychological well-being,2014,68,2,171-175,Evans Do changes in socioeconomic factors lead to changes in mental health? Findings from three waves of a population based panel study,2014,68,3,253-260,Imlach Gunasekara Socioeconomic inequalities in all-cause mortality in the Czech Republic Russia Poland and Lithuania in the 2000s: findings from the HAPIEE Study,2014,68,4,297-303,Pikhart Socioeconomic and behavioural risk factors for adverse winter health and social outcomes in economically developed countries: a systematic review of quantitative observational studies,2013,67,12,1061-1067,White Old age mortality and macroeconomic cycles,2014,68,1,44-50,Westendorp Initial non-participation and loss to follow-up in a Danish youth cohort: implications for relative risk estimates,2014,68,2,137-144,Andersen Income inequality among American states and the incidence of major depression,2014,68,2,110-115,Kawachi Intelligence in early adulthood and mortality from natural and unnatural causes in middle-aged Danish men,2014,68,2,130-136,Avlund Job strain and depressive symptoms in men and women: a prospective study of the working population in Sweden,2014,68,1,78-82,Gustafsson Glossary for the implementation of Health in All Policies (HiAP),2013,67,12,1068-1072,Muntaner Systematic differences among never occasional and moderate alcohol users in southern China and its use in alcohol research: a cross-sectional study,2013,67,12,1054-1060,Jiang Meta-analysis of prevalence,2013,67,11,974-978,Vos Social determinants of mental health: a Finnish nationwide follow-up study on mental disorders,2013,67,12,1025-1031,Gissler Time series analysis of maternal mortality in Africa from 1990 to 2005,2013,67,12,992-998,DerSarkissian Sawdust in carpentry workshops in rural areas of developing countries,2013,67,11,973,Del Brutto The effect of childhood socioeconomic position on alcohol-related disorders later in life: a Swedish national cohort study,2013,67,11,932-938,Hjern On the association of cell phone exposure with childhood behaviour,2013,67,11,979,Olsen Reply to 'On the association of cell phone exposure with childhood behaviour' by Sudan et al,2013,67,11,980,Vermeulen Parental use of antidepressant medication and family type in the risk for incident psychiatric morbidity in offspring,2013,67,8,703-705,Martikainen Impact of income inequality on life expectancy in a highly unequal developing country: the case of Brazil,2013,67,8,661-666,Barreto Putting the 'epi' into epigenetics research in psychiatry,2013,67,7,610-616,Koenen Differences on the effect of heat waves on mortality by sociodemographic and urban landscape characteristics,2013,67,6,519-525,Borrell Maternal cell phone and cordless phone use during pregnancy and behaviour problems in 5-year-old children,2013,67,5,432-438,Vermeulen Misclassification of the mediator matters when estimating indirect effects,2013,67,5,458-466,Blakely Evaluation of the UNREST questionnaire for testing the social resistance framework,2013,67,7,618-624,Kawachi Are health inequalities really not the smallest in the Nordic welfare states? A comparison of mortality inequality in 37 countries,2013,67,5,412-418,Popham Socioeconomic development and girl child survival in rural North India: solution or problem?,2013,67,5,419-426,Dwivedi Industry influence in evidence production,2013,67,7,537-538,Bourgeois Geographical disparities in child mortality in the rural areas of Iran: 16-years trend,2013,67,4,346-349,Moradi-Lakeh Trajectories of socioeconomic inequalities in health behaviours and academic achievement across childhood and adolescence,2013,67,4,358-364,Lawlor Does transition into parenthood lead to changes in mental health? Findings from three waves of a population based panel study,2013,67,4,339-345,McKenzie Was the Great Depression a cause or correlate of significant mortality declines? An epidemiological response to Granados,2013,67,5,467,McKee What can epidemiology contribute to comparative effectiveness research?,2013,67,3,206-207,Chubak On the usefulness of ontologies in epidemiology research and practice,2013,67,5,385-388,Ferreira A glossary of theories for understanding policymaking,2013,67,2,198-202,Katikireddi Urban neighbourhood unemployment history and depressive symptoms over time among late middle age and older adults,2013,67,2,153-158,Karlamangla Quality appraisal in systematic reviews of public health interventions: an empirical study on the impact of choice of tool on meta-analysis,2013,67,1,98-104,Rehfuess Home environments of infants: relations with child development through age 3,2013,67,1,14-20,Verhulst Impact of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on functional disability among older people: a longitudinal comparison of disability prevalence among Japanese municipalities,2014,68,6,530-533,Kakizaki IQ in late adolescence/early adulthood risk factors in middle age and later all-cause mortality in men: the Vietnam Experience Study,2008,62,6,522-531,Deary Intelligence across childhood in relation to illegal drug use in adulthood: 1970 British Cohort Study,2012,66,9,767-774,Batty Cognitive ability in adolescence and mortality in middle age: a prospective life course study,2009,63,9,697-702,Allebeck Childhood IQ in relation to risk factors for premature mortality in middle-aged persons: the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study,2007,61,3,241-247,Macintyre Mental ability across childhood in relation to risk factors for premature mortality in adult life: the 1970 British Cohort Study,2007,61,11,997-1003,Batty Association between offspring intelligence and parental mortality: a population-based cohort study of one million Swedish men and their parents,2008,62,8,722-727,Batty Childhood IQ and life course socioeconomic position in relation to alcohol induced hangovers in adulthood: the Aberdeen children of the 1950s study,2006,60,10,872-874,Macintyre Social inequality in motorcycle helmet use: when a reduction in inequality is not necessarily good news,2014,68,7,630-634,Lu Association of paternal IQ in early adulthood with offspring mortality and hospital admissions for injuries: a cohort study of 503 492 Swedish children,2014,68,7,679-682,Rasmussen Adverse experiences in childhood adulthood neighbourhood disadvantage and health behaviours,2014,68,8,741-746,Subramanian Mortality on match days of the German national soccer team: a time series analysis from 1995 to 2009,2014,68,9,869-873,Medenwald Maternal exposure to hurricane destruction and fetal mortality,2014,68,8,760-766,Link Traumatic brain injury: considering collaborative strategies for early detection and interventional research,2014,69,3,290-292,Charleswell Impact of unemployment variations on suicide mortality in Western European countries (2000-2010),2014,69,2,103-109,Rey Health service 'input' and mortality 'output' in developed countries,1978,32,3,200-205,Cochrane Suicide in adults released from prison in Queensland Australia: a cohort study,2014,68,10,993-998,Pirkis Greece's economic crisis and suicide rates: overview and outlook,2014,68,12,1204-1205,Vlachadis Adolescent drinking onset and its adult consequences among men: a population based study from India,2014,68,10,922-927,Greenfield Increasing smoke alarm operability through theory-based health education: a randomised trial,2014,68,12,1168-1174,Gielen Explaining the excess mortality in Scotland compared with England: pooling of 18 cohort studies,2014,69,1,20-27,Batty The stagnation of the Mexican male life expectancy in the first decade of the 21st century: the impact of homicides and diabetes mellitus,2014,69,1,28-34,Canudas-Romo Characteristics of small areas with high rates of hospital-treated self-harm: deprived fragmented and urban or just close to hospital? A national registry study,2014,69,2,162-167,Perry The Great Recession unemployment and suicide,2014,69,2,110-116,Norström Confounding variables in studying the effects of maternal alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy,1989,43,2,153-161,Zubrick A matter of life and death: population mortality and football results,2003,57,6,429-432,Kirkup Exposure to genocide and risk of suicide in Rwanda: a population-based case-control study,2014,69,2,117-122,Freeman Suicide among first-generation and second-generation immigrants in Sweden: association with labour market marginalisation and morbidity,2014,69,5,467-473,Mittendorfer-Rutz Childhood adversities predict strongly the use of psychotropic drugs in adulthood: a population-based cohort study of 24 284 Finns,2014,69,4,354-360,Koskenvuo Impact of unemployment variations on suicide mortality in Western European countries (2000-2010): authors' reply,2015,69,8,819-820,Rey Carbon monoxide poisoning and risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,2015,69,6,557-562,Kao Promoting walking to school: results of a quasi-experimental trial,2007,61,9,818-823,Mutrie Socioeconomic marginalisation in the structural production of vulnerability to violence among people who use illicit drugs,2015,69,7,686-692,Wood Tackling the wider social determinants of health and health inequalities: evidence from systematic reviews,2010,64,4,284-291,Wright Does an increase of low income families affect child health inequalities? A Swedish case study,2003,57,8,584-588,Bremberg Childhood housing conditions and later mortality in the Boyd Orr cohort,2001,55,1,10-15,Gunnell Income distribution public services expenditures and all cause mortality in US states,2005,59,9,768-774,Dunn Reducing socioeconomic inequalities in road traffic injuries: time for a policy agenda,2001,55,12,853-854,Plasencia Psychological distress and risk of long-term disability: population-based longitudinal study,2012,66,7,586-592,Lewis Mortality inequalities by parental education among children and young adults in Finland 1990-2004,2010,64,2,136-141,Martikainen The impact of pornography on gender-based violence sexual health and well-being: what do we know?,2015,70,1,3-5,Lim The impact of neighbourhood violence and social cohesion on smoking behaviours among a cohort of smokers in Mexico,2015,69,11,1083-1090,Thrasher Do macroeconomic contractions induce or 'harvest' suicides? A test of competing hypotheses,2015,69,11,1071-1076,Catalano Childhood abuse is associated with increased hair cortisol levels among urban pregnant women,2015,69,12,1169-1174,Wright The effect of reduced street lighting on road casualties and crime in England and Wales: controlled interrupted time series analysis,2015,69,11,1118-1124,Wilkinson Associations between individual socioeconomic position neighbourhood disadvantage and transport mode: baseline results from the HABITAT multilevel study,2015,69,12,1217-1223,Giles-Corti IQ and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality among Swedish men and women: the importance of socioeconomic position,2015,69,9,858-864,Hemmingsson Does neighbourhood deprivation cause poor health? Within-individual analysis of movers in a prospective cohort study,2015,69,9,899-904,Jokela Brief interventions to prevent recurrence and alcohol-related problems in young adults admitted to the emergency ward following an alcohol-related event: a systematic review,2015,69,9,912-917,Haller Social inequalities in childcare quality and their effects on children's development at school entry: findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children,2015,69,9,841-848,Sawyer How to avoid haste and waste in occupational environmental and public health research,2015,69,9,823-825,Shaw Neighbourhood racial/ethnic composition and segregation and trajectories of cognitive decline among US older adults,2015,69,10,978-984,Miles Occupational position work stress and depressive symptoms: a pathway analysis of longitudinal SHARE data,2015,69,5,447-452,Hoven Political party affiliation political ideology and mortality,2015,69,5,423-431,Kawachi Socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality in 15 European cities,2015,69,5,432-441,Borrell Dynamics of health behaviours and socioeconomic differences in mortality in the USA,2015,69,5,416-422,Elliott Criminal justice system contact and mortality among offenders with mental illness in British Columbia: an assessment of mediation,2015,69,5,460-466,Rempel Trends in inequalities in premature mortality: a study of 3.2 million deaths in 13 European countries,2015,69,3,207-17; discussion 205-6,Borrell Employment situation and risk of death among middle-aged Japanese women,2015,69,10,1012-1017,Iso The influence of chronic health problems and work-related factors on loss of paid employment among older workers,2015,69,11,1058-1065,van der Beek Tackling risky alcohol consumption in sport: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention with community football clubs,2015,69,10,993-999,Kingsland Childhood and adolescence risk factors and development of depressive symptoms: the 32-year prospective Young Finns follow-up study,2015,69,11,1109-1117,Elovainio Contextual socioeconomic factors associated with childhood mortality in Nigeria: a multilevel analysis,2015,69,11,1102-1108,Uthman Increasing active travel: results of a quasi-experimental study of an intervention to encourage walking and cycling,2015,69,12,1184-1190,Keall Pinpointing the sources of the Asian mortality advantage in the USA,2015,69,10,1006-1011,Firebaugh Mental health trajectories from childhood to young adulthood affect the educational and employment status of young adults: results from the TRAILS study,2015,69,6,588-593,Verhulst Access to green space physical activity and mental health: a twin study,2015,69,6,523-529,Turkheimer Low IQ has become less important as a risk factor for early disability pension. A longitudinal population-based study across two decades among Swedish men,2015,69,6,563-567,Rasmussen Preventing non-communicable diseases through structural changes in urban environments,2015,69,6,509-511,Diez-Roux The impact of intervening in green space in Dutch deprived neighbourhoods on physical activity and general health: results from the quasi-experimental URBAN40 study,2015,70,2,147-154,Kunst Violence and mental illness: what is the true story?,2015,70,3,223-225,Gupta Trends and socioeconomic disparities in preadolescent's health in the UK: evidence from two birth cohorts 32 years apart,2015,70,2,140-146,Viner A time series analysis of alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments in Queensland following the increase in alcopops tax,2015,70,2,181-186,Lawrence Maternal mental health and risk of child protection involvement: mental health diagnoses associated with increased risk,2015,69,12,1175-1183,Stanley A framework for the evidence base to support Health Impact Assessment,2002,56,2,132-138,Mindell Spatial spillover effects of a community action programme targeting on-licensed premises on violent assaults: evidence from a natural experiment,2015,70,3,226-230,Trolldal Sociodemographic risk factors of alcohol drinking in Hong Kong adolescents,2015,70,4,374-379,Lam Women brothel workers and occupational health risks,2003,57,10,809-815,Cwikel Evictions and suicide: a follow-up study of almost 22 000 Swedish households in the wake of the global financial crisis,2015,70,4,409-413,Rojas 'First do no harm': are disability assessments associated with adverse trends in mental health? A longitudinal ecological study,2015,70,4,339-345,Barr Trends in violence in England and Wales 2010-2014,2015,70,6,616-621,Sivarajasingam Systematic review of risk prediction models for falls after stroke,2016,70,5,513-519,Horgan Is regular drinking in later life an indicator of good health? Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing,2016,70,8,764-770,Pikhart Usual alcohol consumption and suicide mortality among the Korean elderly in rural communities: Kangwha Cohort Study,2016,70,8,778-783,Lee The impact of SASA! a community mobilisation intervention on women's experiences of intimate partner violence: secondary findings from a cluster randomised trial in Kampala Uganda,2016,70,8,818-825,Devries Self-reported suicide ideation and attempts and medical care for intentional self-harm in lesbians gays and bisexuals in Sweden,2016,70,9,895-901,Björkenstam Fukushima mental health and suicide,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yasumura Physical emotional and sexual adolescent abuse victimisation in South Africa: prevalence incidence perpetrators and locations,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meinck An observational study of type timing and severity of childhood maltreatment and preterm birth,2016,70,6,589-595,Kubzansky Carbon monoxide poisoning and risk for venous thromboembolism,2016,71,9,944,Hampson Impact of persistent and adolescent-limited antisocial behaviour on adult health outcomes,2016,70,10,1004-1010,Buka Public health lessons for refugee reception: the example of Sidi Bulgayz,2016,70,10,947-949,Álvarez-Dardet Effects of deregulation of the driving licence application process on road safety in Korea: an interrupted time-series analysis,2016,70,12,1178-1183,Oh School and seasonality in youth suicide: evidence from Japan,2016,70,11,1122-1127,Matsubayashi Effects of new urban motorway infrastructure on road traffic accidents in the local area: a retrospective longitudinal study in Scotland,2016,70,11,1088-1095,Ogilvie Antidepressant use and violent crimes among young people: a longitudinal examination of the Finnish 1987 birth cohort,2016,71,1,12-18,Gissler Presence of minor and major mental health impairment in adolescence and death from suicide and unintentional injuries/accidents in men: a national longitudinal cohort study,2016,71,1,19-24,Fadum Systematic review and meta-analysis of effects of community-delivered positive youth development interventions on violence outcomes,2016,70,12,1171-1177,Thomas Mexico's epidemic of violence and its public health significance on average length of life,2016,71,2,188-193,Beltrán-Sánchez Recent cohort effects in suicide in Scotland: a legacy of the 1980s?,2016,71,2,194-200,McCartney Testing the impact of local alcohol licencing policies on reported crime rates in England,2016,71,2,137-145,Campbell Short-term and long-term effects of GDP on traffic deaths in 18 OECD countries 1960-2011,2016,71,2,146-153,Norström Increase in avoidable hospital admissions after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2016,71,3,248-252,Fushimi Impact of a child stimulation intervention on early child development in rural Peru: a cluster randomised trial using a reciprocal control design,2016,71,3,217-224,Gil How do individual-level sociodemographics and neighbourhood-level characteristics influence residential location behaviour in the context of the food and built environment? Findings from 25 years of follow-up in the CARDIA Study,2016,71,3,261-268,Reis Unintentional injury in England: an analysis of the emergency care data set pilot in Oxfordshire from 2012 to 2014,2016,71,3,289-295,Kirkwood Trends in educational inequalities in premature mortality in Belgium between the 1990s and the 2000s: the contribution of specific causes of deaths,2016,71,4,371-380,Devleesschauwer Demographic factors workplace factors and active transportation use in the USA: a secondary analysis of 2009 NHTS data,2016,71,5,480-486,Jakicic Do differences in religious affiliation explain high levels of excess mortality in the UK?,2017,71,5,493-498,O'Reilly Twenty miles per hour speed limits: a sustainable solution to public health problems in Wales,2017,71,7,699-706,Jones Central gender theoretical concepts in health research: the state of the art,2014,68,2,185-190,Gustafsson The relationship between early childhood head injury and later life criminal behaviour: a longitudinal cohort study,2017,71,8,800-805,Buka Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an analysis of general practice database records for patients with long-term conditions,2017,71,8,729-735,McCambridge The intervention effect of local alcohol licensing policies on hospital admission and crime: a natural experiment using a novel Bayesian synthetic time-series method,2017,71,9,912-918,Brennan Smoking and suicide: biological and social evidence and causal mechanisms,2017,71,9,839-840,Turner Mortality and causes of death among homeless in Finland: a 10-year follow-up study,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gissler Self-reported vision impairment and incident prefrailty and frailty in English community-dwelling older adults: findings from a 4-year follow-up study,2017,71,11,1053-1058,Wannamethee Four-year mortality by some socioeconomic indicators: the Oslo study,1980,34,1,48-52,Lund-Larsen Operationalisation and validation of the Stopping Elderly Accidents Deaths and Injuries (STEADI) fall risk algorithm in a nationally representative sample,2017,71,12,1191-1197,Bruce A shared data approach more accurately represents the rates and patterns of violence with injury assaults,2017,71,12,1218-1224,Bellis Educational inequalities in falls mortality among older adults: population-based multiple cause of death data from Sweden,2018,72,1,68-70,Englund Can a documentary increase help-seeking intentions in men? A randomised controlled trial,2018,72,1,92-98,Pirkis Families First Home Visiting programme reduces population-level child health and social inequities,2018,72,1,47-53,Brownell Association between psychosocial work conditions and latent alcohol consumption trajectories among men and women over a 16-year period in a national Canadian sample,2018,72,2,113-120,Mustard Associations of neighbourhood crime with adverse pregnancy outcomes among women in Chicago: analysis of electronic health records from 2009 to 2013,2018,72,3,230-236,Kershaw Call for a new epidemiological approach to disaster response,2018,72,4,267-268,Tsubokura Public transport policy social engagement and mental health in older age: a quasi-experimental evaluation of free bus passes in England,2018,72,5,361-368,van Lenthe Do active modes of transport cause lower body mass index? Findings from the HABITAT longitudinal study,2018,72,4,294-301,Giles-Corti Disparities in injury morbidity among young adults in the USA: individual and contextual determinants,2018,72,6,458-464,Schmidt How many people have been bitten by dogs? A cross-sectional survey of prevalence incidence and factors associated with dog bites in a UK community,2018,72,4,331-336,Westgarth Prevalence of medical workplace violence and the shortage of secondary and tertiary interventions among healthcare workers in China,2018,72,6,516-518,Hall Intimate partner violence against low-income women in Mexico City and associations with work-related disruptions: a latent class analysis using cross-sectional data,2018,72,7,605-610,Gupta Intimate partner violence against young women: prevalence and associated factors in Europe,2018,72,7,611-616,Vives-Cases Prospective associations between sport participation and psychological adjustment in adolescents,2018,72,7,575-581,Morizot Systemic inflammation and suicide risk: cohort study of 419 527 Korean men and women,2018,72,7,572-574,Batty Association between psychological distress and mortality: the case of Israel,2018,72,8,726-732,Haklai Seatbelt use is associated with lower risk of high-grade hepatic injury in motor vehicle crashes in a national sample,2018,72,8,746-751,Bjurlin Mental health challenges and experiences in displaced populations following Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Harvey: the need for more comprehensive interventions in temporary shelters,2018,72,10,867-870,Taioli Years of life lost due to encounters with law enforcement in the USA 2015-2016,2018,72,8,715-718,Coates Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and mortality risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,72,9,856-863,Roerecke Emergency hospital admissions associated with a non-randomised housing intervention meeting national housing quality standards: a longitudinal data linkage study,2018,72,10,896-903,Rodgers Cause-specific mortality by partnership status: simultaneous analysis using longitudinal data from England and Wales,2018,72,9,838-844,Franke Increasing income-based inequality in suicide mortality among working-age women and men Sweden 1990-2007: is there a point of trend 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