Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Problems in the Evaluation of Treatment Programs for Drunk Drivers - Goals and Outcomes,1992,22,1,155-167,Fitzpatrick A guide to cost-benefit analysis of drunk-driving policies,1998,28,3,795-812,Kenkel Heavy Drinking and Polydrug Use among College Students,2008,38,2,445-466,Arria "Bad" neighborhoods fast food "sleazy" businesses and drug dealers: relations between the location of licit and illicit businesses in the urban environment,2004,34,1,51-76,Ford Racial/ethnic differences in the relationship between neighborhood disadvantage and adolescent substance use,2013,43,1,69-84,Fagan Longitudinal relationships between self-management skills and substance use in an urban sample of predominantly minority adolescents,2013,43,1,103-118,Griffin Self-control and substance use among college students,2013,43,1,56-68,Ford From crime to recovery the reframing of British drugs policy?,2013,43,1,39-55,Duke Does capital at home matter more than capital at school? The case of adolescent alcohol and marijuana use,2013,43,1,85-102,Parcel A cross-national comparison of risk and protective factors for adolescent drug use and delinquency in the United States and the Netherlands,2012,42,4,337-357,Hawkins Pressured into deception: using general strain theory as a framework for testing the validity of self-reported drug use of respondents in jail,2012,42,4,373-395,Jackson Linking noncompliant behaviors and programmatic responses the use of graduated sanctions in a felony-level drug court,2012,42,4,396-419,Daigle The potential of social science theory for the evaluation and improvement of drug courts,2012,42,4,320-336,DeVall Family factors and mediators of substance use among African American adolescents,2012,42,4,358-372,Nguyen Step by step: a situational analysis of drug business disputes,2012,42,3,279-297,Taylor Assessing the impact of drug use and drug selling on violent offending in a panel of delinquent youth,2012,42,3,298-316,Phillips Is the government keeping the peace or acting like our parents? rationales for the legal prohibitions of GHB and MDMA,2012,42,3,247-262,Griffin Women's "storylines" of methamphetamine initiation in the Midwest,2012,42,3,226-246,Carbone-López Crime and place proximity and the location of methamphetamine laboratories,2012,42,2,178-196,Wells Beyond crime and drug use do adult drug courts produce other psychosocial benefits?,2012,42,2,156-177,Rempel Educational paths and substance use from adolescence into early adulthood,2012,42,2,104-126,Abbott Prescription drug misuse a test of three competing criminological theories,2012,42,1,4-27,Ford Mental model of the drug market intervention,2012,42,1,59-81,McGarrell Marijuana price gradients implications for exports and export-generated tax revenue for California after legalization,2012,42,1,28-45,Caulkins "There's what's on paper and then there's what happens out on the sidewalk": cannabis users knowledge and opinions of Canadian drug laws,2011,41,1,95-115,Asbridge "To numb out and start to feel nothing": experiences of stress among crack-cocaine using women in a midwestern city,2011,41,1,1-24,Carlson "What else should i do?" Cultural influences on the drug trade of migrants in Germany,2007,37,3,673-697,Bucerius "You're always training the dog": strategic interventions to reconfigure drug markets,2007,37,4,867-891,Curtis A cross-national comparison of adolescent alcohol and drug use behaviors: U. S. Hispanics and youth in the Dominican Republic,2008,38,1,149-170,Zayas A new trick for an old dog: applying developmental trajectories to inform drug use progression,2010,40,4,755-782,Akers A pilot study of reunification following drug abuse treatment: recovering the mother role,2006,36,4,877-902,Carlson A typology of drug-related offending among young homeless injection drug users,2009,39,4,777-802,Lankenau Accounting for variation in the perceived effects of adolescent substance use: steps towards a variable reinforcement model,2009,39,3,443-475,Brezina Adolescent social relationships and the treatment process: findings from quantitative and qualitative analyses,2003,33,4,865-896,Juvonen Adolescents' and young adults' perspectives on a continuum of care in a three year drug treatment program,2003,33,4,801-832,Duroy Age of sexual initiation psychiatric symptoms and sexual risk behavior among ecstasy and LSD users in Porto Alegre Brazil: a preliminary analysis,2011,41,2,217-231,Pechansky Alcohol tobacco and marijuana use within a religious affiliated university,2008,38,3,799-819,McBride An evaluation of the Chester County (PA) drug court program,2001,31,1,177-206,Brewster An exploratory study of socio-cultural factors contributing to prescription drug misuse among college students,2006,36,4,903-931,Quintero Assessing the "gateway hypothesis" among middle and high school students in Tennessee,2008,38,2,467-492,Choo Barcelona's safer injection facility-EVA: a harm reduction program lacking official support,2003,33,3,689-711,Anoro Black beauties gorilla pills footballs and hillbilly heroin: some reflections on prescription drug abuse and diversion research over the past 40 years,2009,39,1,101-114,Inciardi California's incarcerated drug offender population yesterday today and tomorrow: evaluating the war on drugs and Proposition 36,2004,34,1,95-120,Auerhahn Changes in substance use during the transition to adulthood: a comparison of college students and their noncollege age peers,2005,35,2,281-306,White Combining different substances in the dance scene: enhancing pleasure managing risk and timing effects,2009,39,3,495-522,Hunt Community characteristics and methamphetamine use: a social disorganization perspective,2009,39,3,547-576,Whaley Conduct disorder as a risk factor for violent victimization and offending among regular illicit drug users,2011,41,1,25-43,Torok Construction and contestation of criminal identities: the case of the "cocaleros" in the Colombian western Amazon,2005,35,1,57-82,Ramírez Controlled drinking as a treatment goal in Germany,2002,32,2,667-688,Koerkel Crack cocaine use in Hamburg's open drug scene,2002,32,2,423-430,Thane Crack use sites and HIV risk in El Salvador,2007,37,2,445-473,Dickson-Gómez Cross-national differences in drugs and violence among adolescents: preliminary findings of the DAVI study,2006,36,3,597-617,Adlaf Deconstructing the concept of "special populations",2002,32,3,825-835,Casanova Differences in mortality among heroin cocaine and methamphetamine users: a hierarchical Bayesian approach,2010,40,1,121-140,Hser Drug abusing women in the community: the impact of drug court involvement on recidivism,2009,39,4,803-827,Shaffer Drug reform principles and policy debates: harm reduction prospects for cannabis in Canada,2003,33,2,465-495,Erickson Drug risk: a cross-sectional exploration of the influence of family-of-origin and current situational circumstances,2010,40,2,353-378,Sterk Drug use and HIV risk among middle-class young people in Guatemala City,2013,43,1,20-38,Fortin Drug use and treatment initiation patterns: differences by birth-cohorts,2001,31,4,1039-1062,Joshi Drug use/abuse prevalence etiology prevention and treatment in Hispanic adolescents: a cultural perspective,2008,38,1,5-36,Prado Early sexual abuse street adversity and drug use among female homeless and runaway adolescents in the midwest,2004,34,1,1-21,Tyler Effectiveness of an adapted evidence-based woman-focused intervention for sex workers and non-sex workers: the Women's Health CoOp in South Africa,2011,41,2,233-252,Wechsberg Emerging adults' substance use and risky behaviors in club settings,2005,35,2,357-378,Voas Estimating the prevalence and frequency of adolescent drug use: do the models fit the measures?,2010,40,4,871-899,Hoffmann Evaluation of longitudinal intervention effects: an example of latent growth mixture models for ordinal drug-use outcomes,2010,40,1,27-43,Flay Evaluation of the Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project: Jacksonville FL and Tacoma WA,2006,36,1,97-118,Mitchell Factors associated with criminal severity among adolescents entering substance abuse treatment,2004,34,2,293-318,Gordon Factors that influence women's disclosures of substance use during pregnancy: a qualitative study of ten midwives and ten pregnant women,2007,37,2,357-375,Ricciardelli Gender differences in the rehospitalization of substance abusers among homeless military veterans,2004,34,4,723-750,Benda Gender differences in treatment outcomes over a three-year period: a path model analysis,2004,34,2,419-440,Hser Getting huge getting ripped: a qualitative exploration of recreational steroid use,2008,38,4,1187-1205,Petrocelli Heavy drinking and polydrug use among college students,2008,38,2,445-465,Arria Illegal armed groups and local politics in Colombia,2005,35,1,107-130,Rubio Illicit drug markets among New Orleans evacuees before and soon after hurricane Katrina,2007,37,4,981-1006,Johnson Institutionalization of drug abuse research in academia: one professor's view,2009,39,1,15-20,McCoy Integrating cultural variables into drug abuse prevention and treatment with racial/ethnic minorities,2002,32,3,783-810,Castro Intergenerational roots of early onset substance use,2006,36,1,1-28,Krohn Investigating stability and change in substance use and criminal activity using a synthesized longitudinal modeling approach,2010,40,1,63-91,Piquero Leaving no stone unturned: exploring responses to and consequences of failed crack-for-car transactions,2011,41,1,151-173,Copes Limited rationality and the limits of supply reduction,2003,33,2,433-464,Caulkins Making a difference: the impact of traditional male role models on drug sale activity and violence involving black urban youth,2009,39,3,715-739,Parker Marijuana and alcohol use during early adolescence: gender differences among American Indian/First Nations youth,2008,38,4,1139-1160,Walls Meeting the treatment needs of multiply diagnosed consumers,2002,32,3,811-823,Rechberger Methamphetamine use and violence,2006,36,1,77-96,Sommers Mexican American youth and adult prison gangs in a changing heroin market,2005,35,4,843-867,Valdez Motivational interviewing and relapse prevention for DWI: a pilot study,2002,32,4,1051-1070,Stein Neighborhood crime victimization drug use and drug sales: results from the "Fighting Back" evaluation,2006,36,2,393-416,Ford Nonmedical prescription drug use and delinquency: an analysis with a national sample,2008,38,2,493-516,Ford Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and analgesics: associations with social and academic behaviors among college students,2008,38,4,1045-1060,Arria Outcomes following prison and jail-based treatment among women residing in metro and non-metro communities following release,2011,41,2,197-215,Walker Overview of the evaluation of "Fighting Back",2006,36,2,249-262,Winick Patterns of illicit methamphetamine production ("cooking") and associated risks in the rural South: an ethnographic exploration,2006,36,4,853-876,Leukefeld Poly-drug use among ecstasy users: separate synergistic and indiscriminate patterns,2008,38,2,517-541,Sterk Predictors of trauma and PTSD among heroin users: a prospective longitudinal investigation,2008,38,2,585-599,Teesson Prescription drug use health services utilization and health problems in rural Appalachian Kentucky,2005,35,3,631-643,Walker Profiling violent incidents in a drug treatment sample: a tripartite model approach,2009,39,3,741-758,Erickson Projecting and monitoring the life course of the marijuana/blunts generation,2004,34,2,361-388,Johnson Protecting Alabama students from alcohol and drugs: a multi-level modeling approach,2006,36,3,687-718,Lo Providers' perceptions of gender-specific drug treatment,2006,36,3,667-686,Fendrich Race self-control and drug problems among jail inmates,2005,35,4,645-663,Li Reflections on 40 years of drug abuse prevention research,2009,39,1,179-195,Hawkins Reflections on 40 years of drug abuse research: changes in the epidemiology of drug abuse,2009,39,1,41-55,Clayton Reflections on 40 years of ethnographic drug abuse research: implications for the future,2009,39,1,57-70,Singer Reflections on drug policy,2009,39,1,71-88,Leukefeld Reflections on the early history of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): implications for today,2009,39,1,5-14,Dupont Reflections on the meaning of drug epidemics,2009,39,1,29-39,Chitwood Reflections on the past 40 years of behavioral pharmacology research on problems of drug abuse,2009,39,1,133-151,Balster Relationship of alcohol use to delinquency and illicit drug use in adolescents: gender age and racial/ethnic differences,2002,32,1,153-178,Welte Research note: patterns of alcohol-related mortality in Russia,2006,36,1,229-248,Pridemore Research note: the security of urine drug testing,2009,39,4,1015-1028,Johnston Research on upper level drug trafficking: a review,2007,37,4,827-844,Desroches Rolling beyond raves: ecstasy use outside the rave setting,2004,34,4,831-860,Sterk Social estrangement: factors associated with alcohol or drug dependency among homeless street-involved young adults,2009,39,4,905-929,Rew State methamphetamine precursor policies and changes in small toxic lab methamphetamine production,2011,41,2,253-281,Vanderwaal Street youth relational strain and drug use,2009,39,3,523-545,Gallupe Street-level drug market activity in Sydney's primary heroin markets: organization adulteration practices pricing marketing and violence,2006,36,3,719-753,Maher Substance use trajectories from early adolescence to emerging adulthood: a comparison of smoking binge drinking and marijuana use,2005,35,2,307-332,Tucker Substance use drug treatment and crime: an examination of intra-individual variation in a drug court population,2008,38,2,601-630,Gottfredson The ambiguity of violence secrecy and trust among Colombian drug entrepreneurs,2005,35,1,201-228,Zaitch The deconstruction of a drug crisis: media coverage of drug issues during the 1996 presidential campaign,2009,39,4,871-891,Orcutt The deterrence hypothesis reexamined: sports participation and substance use among young adults,2003,33,1,193-221,Turner The impact of drug enforcement on crime: an investigation of the opportunity cost of police resources,2001,31,4,989-1006,Rasmussen The influence of health strain on the initiation and frequency of substance use in a national sample of adolescents,2011,41,1,69-93,Gibson The long and winding road to desistance from crime for drug-involved offenders: the long-term influence of TC treatment on re-arrest,2011,41,2,179-196,Paternoster The relationship between interviewer characteristics and physical and sexual abuse disclosures among substance users: a multilevel analysis,2001,31,4,867-888,Dailey The roles of family peer school and attitudinal factors in cannabis use across immigrant generations of youth,2012,42,1,46-58,Mann The tripartite conceptual framework in adolescence and adulthood: evidence from a national sample,2001,31,4,905-939,Menard The variation in arrestees' disclosure of recent drug use across locations drugs and demographic characteristics,2005,35,4,917-940,Johnson Toward the operationalization of drug market stability: an illustration using arrestee data from crack cocaine markets in four urban communities,2003,33,1,73-98,Brownstein Trends in alcohol use cocaine use and crime: 1989-1998,2004,34,2,333-359,Maxwell Understanding random effects in group-based trajectory modeling: an application of Moffitt's developmental taxonomy,2010,40,1,195-220,Saunders Varieties of substance use and visible drug problems: individual and neighborhood factors,2006,36,2,377-392,Ford Violent offenders in drug court,2001,31,1,107-128,Saum Violent victimization and the routine activities/lifestyle of active drug users,2008,38,4,1105-1137,Koo Vulnerability social networks sites and selling as predictors of drug use among urban African American and Puerto Rican emerging adults,2005,35,2,379-408,Schensul What's love got to do with it? Substance use and social integration for young people categorized by same-sex experience and attractions,2007,37,2,229-255,Rossow Women's early recovery: managing the dilemma of substance abuse and intimate partner relationships,2008,38,4,957-979,Bell Speaking with ethnographers: the challenges of researching drug dealers and offenders,2013,43,2,176-197,Copes "A friend with weed is a friend indeed": understanding the relationship between friendship identity and market relations among marijuana users,2013,43,3,289-313,Belackova Alcohol and violence in a nonmetropolitan college town alcohol outlet density outlet type and assault,2013,43,3,357-373,Pridemore Drug generations in the 2000s: an analysis of arrestee data,2013,43,3,335-356,Brownstein College undergraduate ritalin abusers in southwestern California: Protective and risk factors,2006,36,4,999-1014,Shillington Methamphetamine use and violent behavior: User perceptions and predictors,2013,43,4,468-482,Herbeck Moral panics and morality policy: The impact of media political ideology drug use and manufacturing on methamphetamine legislation in the United States,2013,43,4,517-534,Omori Patterns and correlates of adult American Indian substance use,2013,43,4,497-516,Mosher Perceived drug use functions and risk reduction practices among high-risk nonmedical users of prescription drugs,2013,43,4,483-496,Lankenau The harms of cocaine trafficking: Applying a new framework for assessment,2013,43,4,407-436,Paoli Public drinking and violence: Not just an alcohol problem,1992,22,3,679-697,Homel The drugs/violence nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework,1985,15,4,493-506,Goldstein Relationship of Alcohol Use to Delinquency and Illicit Drug Use in Adolescents: Gender Age and Racial/Ethnic Differences,2002,32,1,107-128,Welte "Smartness" "Toughness" and "Autonomy": Drug Use in the Context of Gang Female Delinquency,1996,26,1,261-277,Brotherton Cross-Lagged Relationships Among Adolescent Problem Drug Use Delinquent Behavior and Emotional Distress,2000,30,2,283-303,Ellickson "It's never a sure deal": drug trafficking violence and coping strategies in a Peruvian cocaine enclave (2003-2007),2014,44,2,180-196,Dun Bentham's sanction typology and restrictive deterrence a study of young suburban middle-class drug dealers,2014,44,2,212-230,Allen Risk factors for delinquency and illicit drug use from adolescence to young adulthood,1986,16,1,67-90,Davies Ethics of drug giving and drug taking,1988,18,2,195-200,Jonsen Pressure to change drinking behavior: an exploratory analysis of US general population subgroups,2014,44,4,457-465,Greenfield The moderating effects of peer and parental support on the relationship between vicarious victimization and substance use,2014,44,4,362-380,Fagan Postmortem presence of drugs and method of violent suicide,2015,45,3,249-262,Rogers Predictors of psychiatric hospitalization in ex-prisoners with substance use problems a data-linkage study,2015,45,2,202-213,Bradvik Recent overdose experiences in a community sample of military veterans who use opioids,2017,47,3,479-491,Britton Age cohort variation in drinking among people with physical impairments: politically-oriented coping in the wake of the great recession,2017,47,3,467-478,Rospenda "Just a habit": driving under the influence of cannabis as ordinary convenient and controllable experiences according to drivers in a remedial program,2019,49,3,531-544,Mann Wine night 'bro-dinners' and jungle juice: disaggregating practices of undergraduate binge drinking,2019,49,4,643-667,Wall Characterizing symptoms of cannabis use disorder in a sample of college students,2020,50,4,524-537,Pellegrino "He was drugged up on something..." portrayals of drugs and violence on crime scene investigation (CSI) as system justification,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sohoni Impact of group cohesion among drinking groups at nightclubs on risk from alcohol and other drug use,2019,49,4,668-679,Johnson Perceived normalization of drug trafficking and adolescent substance use on the US-Mexico border,2022,52,3,421-433,Bell Spiking versus speculation? 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