Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Drugs and guns among inner-city high school students,1994,24,4,303-321,Sheley A three year outcome evaluation of a theory based drink driving education program,1996,26,3,295-312,Siskind Adolescent drinking and driving: etiology and interpretation,1995,25,1,41-59,Simons-Morton Role rehearsal and efficacy: two 15-month evaluations of a ninth-grade alcohol education program,1992,22,1,55-67,Newman Structural equation modeling of drinking motives in male DUI offenders,2002,32,1,69-79,Woldt Evaluation of a Dutch educational "Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)" prevention program for driving schools,1995,25,4,379-393,Kayser Predictors of driving while intoxicated (DWI) among American Indians in the Northwest,1993,23,4,317-324,James Evaluation of an educational intervention upon knowledge attitudes and behavior concerning drinking/drugged driving,1992,22,1,87-100,Kooler Calculating DWI/DWAI recidivism with limited data: using state driver license file for drinking and driving research,1991,21,4,285-292,Williford Friends don't let friends ...or do they? Developmental and gender differences in intervening in friends' ATOD use,2004,34,4,351-371,Flanagan Gender differences in predicting high-risk drinking among undergraduate students,2005,35,1,79-94,Wilke Alcohol expectancies in relation to personality and aggression among juvenile delinquents in Northern Russia,2005,35,2,111-130,Koposov University students' knowledge of alcoholic drinks and their perception of alcohol-related harm,2005,35,2,95-109,Hasking Evaluation of a local designated driver and responsible server program to prevent drinking and driving,1997,27,4,321-333,Simons-Morton Effects on high school students of teaching a cross-age alcohol prevention program,2005,35,3,201-216,Ringwalt Perceptions of drinking among Hispanic college students: how qualitative research can inform the development of collegiate alcohol abuse prevention programs,2005,35,4,291-304,Quintero The impact of schools self-administering substance abuse surveys: an evaluation,2005,35,4,255-266,Hartmann Heavy alcohol use compared to alcohol and marijuana use: do college students experience a difference in substance use problems?,2006,36,1,91-103,Shillington Alcohol-related incident guardianship and undergraduate college parties: enhancing the social norms marketing approach,2006,36,1,73-90,Gilbertson The effects of fatal vision goggles on drinking and driving intentions in college students,2006,36,1,59-72,Hennessy Substance abuse suicidality and self-esteem in South African adolescents,2004,34,1,1-17,Lombard Exploring racial and ethnic differences in recreational drug use among gay and bisexual men in New York city and Los Angeles,2006,36,2,105-123,Grov Evaluation of a measure of incidental legal risk behaviors in college students who use alcohol,2006,36,2,125-139,Leffingwell Alcohol abuse as a rite of passage: the effect of beliefs about alcohol and the college experience on undergraduates' drinking behaviors,2006,36,3,193-212,Crawford Individual interventions to prevent drunk driving: types efficacy and a theoretical perspective,2000,30,3,281-289,Shore Influencing alcohol control policies and practices at community festivals,2006,36,1,15-32,Wagenaar Results of a two-year longitudinal study of beverage-specific alcohol use among adolescents,2007,37,2,107-122,Werch Barroom aggression in Hoboken New Jersey: don't blame the bouncers!,2007,37,4,429-445,Roberts Does the impact of anti-drinking and driving Public Service Announcements differ based on message type and viewer characteristics?,2008,38,2,109-129,Santa Think they're drunk? Alcohol servers and the identification of intoxication,2003,33,2,177-186,Reiling Differences in drinking behavior and access to alcohol between Native American and white adolescents,2008,38,3,273-284,Grube Role of family resources and paternal history of substance use problems in psychosocial adjustment among school-aged children,2008,38,3,253-271,Rahav Protective behavioral strategies and negative alcohol-related consequences in college students,2008,38,3,211-224,Araas Attempts to dissuade drinkers from driving: the effect of driver characteristics,1986,16,4,341-348,McGrath An evaluation of a controlled drinking program for drinking drivers,1985,15,3,205-215,Damron Evaluating an educational program for the prevention of impaired driving among grade 11 students,1985,15,1,57-71,Albert Drinking sex and violence on television: the cultural indicators perspective,1987,17,3,245-260,Signorielli Teaching adolescents about alcohol and driving: a two year follow-up,1987,17,4,327-344,Wodarski Information on blood alcohol concentration: evaluation of two alcohol nomograms,1988,18,1,81-92,Werch Effects of a preventive alcohol education program after three years,1988,18,1,23-31,Okwumabua The dual participants: a high risk drinking driver target group,1988,18,3,201-210,Kline The impact of a hospital based educational program on adolescent attitudes toward drinking and driving,1991,21,4,349-359,Dearing Sexual abuse and drinking and drug use: implications for prevention,1993,23,2,183-200,Ellis Six-month follow-up results of a preventive alcohol education intervention,1984,14,2,97-104,Newman The influence of religiosity and spirituality on drinking behaviors: differences between students attending two southern universities,2009,39,1,95-112,Black The association between parent communication and college freshmen's alcohol use,2009,39,2,113-131,Boyle Emotional intelligence: a moderator of perceived alcohol peer norms and alcohol use,2008,38,1,71-83,Johnson Project Northland in Croatia: results and lessons learned,2008,38,1,55-70,West Where do underage college students get alcohol?,2008,38,1,15-26,Toomey Arrack drinking patterns among Muslim Hindu Santal and Oraon communities in the Rasulpur union of Bangladesh: a cross-cultural perspective,2008,38,4,405-424,Uddin Attendance problems and disciplinary procedures in Nebraska schools,2002,32,2,149-165,Scott Risk protection and vulnerability to adolescent drug use: latent-variable models of three age groups,1994,24,1,49-82,Newcomb Adolescent protective behavior to reduce drug and alcohol use alcohol-related harm and interpersonal violence,2009,39,3,289-301,Sheehan Trafficking in meth: an analysis of the differences between male and female dealers,2005,35,1,59-77,Senjo Factors impacting the assessment of maternal culpability in cases of alleged fetal abuse,2003,33,3,275-288,McCoy Native American drinking: a neglected subject of study and research,1991,21,1,65-72,Young Extracurricular activities: are they an effective strategy against drug consumption?,1993,23,1,97-104,Carlini-Cotrim Gender differences and similarities in patterns of drug use and attitudes of high school students,1993,23,1,105-116,Pascale Identifying the best scenario for using schematic organizers as integration tools for alcohol-related information,1993,23,1,1-30,Dansereau Structural equation model tests of patterns of family interaction peer alcohol use and intrapersonal predictors of adolescent alcohol use and misuse,1993,23,3,273-316,Shope Drug use in a small midwestern community and relationships to selected characteristics,1993,23,3,247-258,Thomas College students' views of excessive drinking and the university's role,1993,23,3,237-245,Posavac Substance use and abuse among deviant and non-deviant adolescents in Israel,1993,23,3,223-236,Rahav Can educational programs affect teenage drinking? A multivariate perspective,1994,24,2,139-149,Kline Alcohol policies and free to be foolish: an analysis of college students,1994,24,4,369-383,Reis Messages discriminated from the media about illicit drugs,1994,24,4,351-361,Patterson Harm reduction: an emerging new paradigm for drug education,1994,24,4,281-290,Duncan A substance use profile of delinquent and homeless youths,1994,24,3,219-231,Forst Drug and alcohol use by Canadian university athletes: a national survey,1996,26,3,275-287,Gauvin Drug education and the college athlete: evaluation of a decision-making model,1996,26,2,159-181,Tricker Evaluation of the All Stars Program: student and teacher factors that influence mediators of substance use,2001,31,4,385-397,Giles Preliminary evaluation of a resiliency-based preschool substance abuse and violence prevention project,1998,28,3,235-255,Hunt Young adult's immediate reaction to a personal alcohol overdose,2004,34,3,235-245,Reis Interventions by students in friends' alcohol tobacco and drug use,1997,27,3,213-222,Smart Alcohol and other substance use among deaf and hard of hearing youth,2010,40,2,99-124,Berman Effects of beverage-specific alcohol consumption on drinking behaviors among urban youth,2010,40,3,265-280,Komro Risky alcohol use peer and family relationships and legal involvement in adolescents with antisocial problems,2010,40,3,245-264,Ybrandt Boater training drinking and boating and other unsafe boating practices,2000,30,4,467-482,Howland Relationship of alcohol consumption and recreational boating in Beaufort County North Carolina,1995,25,2,149-157,Wang Environmental predictors of drinking and drinking-related problems in young adults,1997,27,1,67-82,Murray Results of a pilot program for training bar staff in preventing aggression,2000,30,2,171-191,Braun Twelfth grade follow-up of the effectiveness of a middle school-based substance abuse prevention program,1998,28,3,185-197,Copeland Effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program,1996,26,4,323-337,Copeland A covariance structure model test of antecedents of adolescent alcohol misuse and a prevention effort,1989,19,4,337-361,Campanelli Factors in marijuana cessation among high-risk youth,1999,29,4,337-357,Sussman Preventing alcohol abuse: an examination of the "Downward Spiral" game and educational videos,1999,29,4,323-335,Dansereau Alcohol and drug use of inter-city versus rural school age children,1999,29,3,279-291,Williams Social skills competence and drug refusal efficacy as predictors of adolescent alcohol use,1999,29,3,251-278,Botvin Modified stages of acquisition of gateway drug use: a primary prevention application of the stages of change model,1999,29,3,189-203,Young A comparison of memory for and attitudes about alcohol cigarette and other product advertisements in college students,1999,29,2,175-185,Freeman Effectiveness of student assistance programs in Nebraska schools,1999,29,2,165-174,Scott Correction of normative misperceptions: an alcohol abuse prevention program,1999,29,2,115-138,Steffian Attitudes of Israeli Jewish and Arab high school students toward alcohol control measures,1999,29,1,41-52,Weiss A tobacco and alcohol use profile of San Francisco's Chinese community,1998,28,4,377-393,Thridandam Self-efficacy for refusal mediated by outcome expectancies in the prediction of alcohol-dependence amongst young adults,1998,28,4,347-359,Connor The use of alcohol by Miami's adolescent public school students 1992: peers risk-taking and availability as central forces,1998,28,3,211-233,Yarnold Student perceptions of the danger of drug use: a factor analysis,1992,22,2,147-153,Crundall Two-year follow-up of a social-cognitive intervention to prevent substance use,1992,22,2,101-114,Snow Drugs in the womb: college student perceptions of maternal v. fetal rights,1992,22,1,15-24,Vener Religion and drug use,1992,22,1,1-8,Hawks Risk factors for drug use in rural adolescents,1992,22,4,313-328,Farrell Youth's recreation and drug sensations: is there a relationship?,1992,22,4,293-301,Cato Tools for drug and alcohol education: using decision worksheets in personal problem solving,1992,22,3,261-271,Knight Perception of alcoholism among Jewish Moslem and Christian teachers in Israel,1992,22,3,253-260,Weiss An investigation of cognitive style and alcohol/work-related problems among Naval personnel,1992,22,3,241-251,Hartmann Drug abuse and eating disorders: prevention implications,1992,22,3,223-240,Watts Campus attitudes toward alcohol and drugs in a deep southern university,1992,22,3,203-213,Brown Personal and social drinking motives family drinking history and problems associated with drinking in two university samples,1992,22,3,195-202,Carman The effects of specialized training in alcohol information for counseling students,1991,21,1,85-94,Tricker Physical fitness effects on substance abuse risk factors and use patterns,1991,21,1,73-84,Reynolds Correlates of drinking and drug use by higher education faculty and staff: implications for prevention,1991,21,1,43-64,Garrison Expectations alienation and drinking motives among college men and women,1991,21,1,27-33,Carman A comparison of drug involvement between runaways and school youths,1991,21,1,13-25,Fors Nonritual alcohol drinking practices among high school students from the Kibbutz movement in Israel: implications for prevention,1991,21,3,247-254,Weiss Sources of drug information among adolescent students,1991,21,2,95-106,Kingery Predictors of alcohol abuse behaviors of undergraduates,1991,21,2,159-166,Smith Young adults' knowledge of the strength of different alcoholic beverages,1991,21,2,149-157,Young Alcohol use and attitudes: a comparison of college athletes and nonathletes,1991,21,2,107-117,Overman Antecedents of rural adolescent alcohol use: a risk factor approach,1991,21,4,361-377,Vicary Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use in a survey of rural elementary school students: the New Hampshire study,1991,21,4,333-347,Youells Are drinkers interested in inexpensive approaches to reduce their alcohol use?,1990,20,1,67-75,Werch Caffeine consumption expectancies of caffeine-enhanced performance and caffeinism symptoms among university students,1990,20,4,319-328,Bradley College students' definitions of social and problem drinking,1990,20,3,227-234,Engwall News coverage of alcohol and other drugs in U.S. college newspapers,2000,30,4,453-465,DeJong Interactive multimedia preventive alcohol education: a technology application in higher education,2000,30,4,399-421,Reis Reducing alcohol use in college students: a controlled trial of two brief interventions,2000,30,3,361-372,Miller Characteristics of alcohol consumption correlates of alcohol misuse among Korean American adolescents,2000,30,3,343-359,Nakashima Evaluation of a family-based substance abuse prevention program targeted for the middle school years,2000,30,2,213-228,Abbey Moral reasoning and consistency of belief and behavior: decisions about substance abuse,2001,31,4,367-384,Abide Substance use on school property among students attending alternative high schools in the United States,2001,31,4,329-342,Brener Religiousness as a predictor of alcohol use in high school students,2001,31,3,289-303,Bauer Negative consequences of alcohol use among college students: victims or victimizers?,2001,31,3,271-287,Yu Personal value of alcohol use as a predictor of intention to decrease post-college alcohol use,2001,31,3,263-269,Slater Some factors involved in alcohol consumption of first-year undergraduates,2001,31,3,249-262,Wapner Effects of a stage-based alcohol preventive intervention for inner-city youth,2001,31,2,123-138,DiClemente Empathy and drug use behaviors among African-American adolescents,2011,41,3,289-308,Belgrave Drinking plans and drinking outcomes: Examining young adults' weekend drinking behavior,2011,41,3,253-270,Shillington Development and correlates of alcohol use from ages 13-20,2011,41,3,235-252,Gau Jocks gender race and adolescent problem drinking,2003,33,4,445-462,Hoffman Adolescent and adult alcohol attitudes in a high alcohol consumption community,2003,33,4,399-413,De Haan Addressing group dynamics in a brief motivational intervention for college student drinkers,2003,33,3,289-306,Brown Heavy episodic drinking and college entrance,2003,33,3,259-274,Fromme It's a rave new world: estimating the prevalence and perceived harm of ecstasy and other drug use among club rave attendees,2003,33,2,187-196,Yacoubian Risk protection and substance use in adolescents: a multi-site model,2003,33,1,91-105,Turner Attitudinal and normative predictors of alcohol use by older adolescents and young adults,2003,33,1,71-90,Kuther Correlates of ecstasy use among students surveyed through the 1997 College Alcohol Study,2003,33,1,61-69,Yacoubian Attitude and peer influences on adolescent substance use: the moderating effect of age sex and substance,2003,33,1,1-23,Musher-Eizenman How beliefs about substance use differ by socio-demographic characteristics individual experiences and neighborhood environments among urban adolescents,2002,32,4,319-342,Buka The reliability of environmental measures of the college alcohol environment,2002,32,4,287-301,Shillington Effects of a social norm feedback campaign on the drinking norms and behavior of Division I student-athletes,2002,32,3,227-244,Thombs Impact of perceived second-hand consequences related to alcohol use on college students' drinking behavior intent: a test of feasibility,2002,32,3,179-193,Trockel Alcohol misuse among college athletes: self-medication for psychiatric symptoms?,2002,32,1,41-52,Pumariega Constructing a consensus-based prevention outcome measurement instrument,2001,31,2,139-152,Wang A qualitative exploratory study of substance abuse prevention outcomes in a heterogeneous prevention system,1999,29,3,217-233,Clapp A review of social host policies focused on underage drinking parties: suggestions for future research,2012,42,1,99-117,Wyrick Starting to drink: the experiences of Australian lower secondary students with alcohol,2012,42,1,87-98,Midford An evaluation of immediate outcomes and fidelity of a drug abuse prevention program in continuation high schools: project towards no drug abuse (TND),2012,42,1,33-57,Sun Differences in drinking expectancies and motives for regular education and special education high school students with emotional/behavioral disorders,2012,42,1,13-32,Catanzaro Does self-esteem moderate the associations between protective behavioral strategies and negative outcomes associated with alcohol consumption?,2012,42,2,211-227,Zeigler-Hill Structuring a multi-site evaluation for youth mentoring programs to prevent teen alcohol and drug use,2004,34,2,197-212,Bellamy Using "Bud World Party" attendance to predict adolescent alcohol use and beliefs about drinking,2004,34,2,179-195,Thomsen Feasibility study for collecting alcohol and other drug use data among secondary school students: a web-based survey approach,2004,34,4,373-383,McCabe Integrating mailed personalized feedback and alcohol screening events: a feasibility study,2004,34,4,327-334,Correia The impact of a culturally enhanced drug prevention program on drug and alcohol refusal efficacy among urban African American girls,2004,34,3,267-279,Belgrave College student binge drinking and the "prevention paradox": implications for prevention and harm reduction,2004,34,3,247-265,Nelson Project northland in Croatia: a community-based adolescent alcohol prevention intervention,2004,34,2,167-178,Abatemarco A general causal model to guide alcohol tobacco and illicit drug prevention: assessing the research evidence,2004,34,2,121-153,Holder Comparison of web and mail surveys in collecting illicit drug use data: a randomized experiment,2004,34,1,61-72,McCabe Toward an ecstasy and other club drug (EOCD) prevention intervention for rave attendees,2004,34,1,41-59,Miller The influence of parental and peer drinking behaviors on underage drinking and driving by young men,2012,42,3,347-359,Welte Social anxiety among young adult drinkers: the role of perceived norms and drinking motives,2012,42,3,293-313,Lau-Barraco A short-term evaluation of Project DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education): Preliminary Indications of Effectiveness,1987,17,4,279-294,Dejong The Effects of School-Based Substance Abuse Education: A Meta-Analysis,1988,18,3,243-264,Bangert-Drowns Impact Evaluation of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE),1992,22,4,283-291,Becker Adolescents' beliefs about marijuana use: a comparison of regular users past users and never/occasional users,2005,35,2,131-146,Stephan "Alcohol and drunkenness"--a newly developed curricular unit as a model for drug-education science oriented curricular programs,1985,15,3,263-271,Weiss Substance abuse and teacher stress,1985,15,2,139-155,Fimian Does drug and alcohol use lead to failure to graduate from high school?,1985,15,4,353-364,Friedman Single and multiple patterns of adolescent substance use: longitudinal comparisons of four ethnic groups,1985,15,4,311-326,Newcomb Can personality account for differences in drinking between college athletes and non-athletes? Explaining the role of sensation seeking risk-taking and impulsivity,2013,43,1,81-95,Mallett An evaluation of the 4-H Health Rocks program: implications for program improvement,2013,43,1,49-63,Navarro Predictive models of alcohol use based on attitudes and individual values,2013,43,1,19-31,García del Castillo Rodríguez Frequency and sequence of drug use: a longitudinal study from early adolescence to young adulthood,1986,16,2,101-120,Newcomb Behavioral intention as an indicator of drug and alcohol use,1986,16,4,305-326,Wolford Drugged driving: increased traffic risks involving licit and illicit substances,2013,43,2,183-201,Pilkinton Perception vs. reality: an investigation of the misperceptions concerning the extent of peer novel drug use,2013,43,2,97-120,Miller Relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol problems in young adults,1987,17,3,261-276,Gorman An impact evaluation of a rural youth drug education program,1987,17,3,213-231,McClendon Lifestyle differences between young adult cocaine users and their nonuser peers,1987,17,2,89-111,Newcomb Factors associated with the drug use of fifth through eighth grade students,1987,17,2,149-161,Ried Sociocultural correlates of substance use among medical students,1988,18,2,97-108,Rixey What mothers know about their adolescents' alcohol/drug use and problems and how mothers react to finding out about it,1988,18,2,155-167,Friedman Social-cognitive skill development with sixth graders and its initial impact on substance use,1988,18,1,55-70,Grady Reasons for discontinuing hashish use in a group of Central European athletes,1988,18,1,49-53,Duncan Children's changing attitudes regarding alcohol: a cross-sectional study,1988,18,1,1-11,Rooney "Alcohol and drunkenness"--an innovative curriculum for the Kibbutz Movement in Israel: a model for adapting general prevention programs to special populations,1988,18,4,267-274,Weiss Trend analyses of four large-scale surveys of high school drug use 1977-1986,1988,18,3,221-233,Pascale Alcohol use and psychosocial outcome of two preventive classroom programs with seventh and tenth graders,1988,18,3,171-184,Pokorny Early onset of drinking as a predictor of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in college,1989,19,3,225-230,Gonzalez The incidence of anabolic steroid use among competitive bodybuilders,1989,19,4,313-325,Tricker Bad luck or bad decisions: college students' perceptions of the reasons for and consequences of their alcohol overdose,2007,37,1,71-81,Reis Youth acquisition of alcohol and drinking contexts: an in-depth look,2013,43,4,385-403,Moore Alcohol consumption and negative sex-related consequences among college women: the moderating role of alcohol protective behavioral strategies,2013,43,4,365-383,Nicholson Perceptions and practices of student binge drinking: an observational study of residential college students,2013,43,4,301-319,Clinkinbeard Randomized controlled evaluation of the too good for drugs prevention program: impact on adolescents at different risk levels for drug use,2013,43,3,277-300,Hall Alcohol outlet density drinking contexts and intimate partner violence: a review of environmental risk factors,2015,44,1-2,19-33,Todd Psychosocial correlates of AUDIT-C hazardous drinking risk status: implications for screening and brief intervention in college settings,2015,45,1,17-36,Lewis Message formats numeracy risk perceptions of alcohol-attributable cancer and intentions for binge drinking among college students,2015,45,1,37-55,Chen PTSD symptoms mediate academic stress and drinking to cope in college students,2015,45,2,96-112,Klanecky Discrepant patterns of heavy drinking marijuana use and smoking and intimate partner violence: results from the California Community Health Study of Couples,2015,45,2,73-95,Todd Let's get involved! The impact of service learning on drinking perceptions alcohol use and protective behaviors in college students,2017,47,1-2,21-35,Flynn Understanding student drinking patterns: does shame proneness matter?,2016,46,3-4,82-95,Pössel Examining the impact of alcohol and other drug education exposure on student alcohol consumption,2017,47,1-2,3-20,Barry Media and education effect on impaired driving associated with alcohol service,2019,ePub,ePub,47237919859658,Holder Exposure to violence and posttreatment substance use among patients with opioid use disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kopak Alcohol availability use and harms among adolescents in three Mexican cities,2020,49,1-2,55-68,Ringwalt Evaluation of a community-based harm reduction intervention aimed at adjudicated college students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Sullivan Reducing underage drinking through visible home visits by law enforcement: an efficacy case study over 29 months,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holder Establishing motivational profiles to drink among college students: converging patterns using multiple theories of alcohol use,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schlauch Effects of a brief safe drinking intervention on depressive and anxiety symptomatology: examining potential side effects of deviance regulation theory interventions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dvorak