Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Social and personal factors as predictors of earthquake preparation: The role of support provision network discussion negative affect age and education,2005,35,2,399-422,Gatz Driving Vengeance and Willful Violations: Clustering of Problem Driving Attitudes,2005,35,1,61-79,Hennessy That Could Be Me (or Not): Senseless Violence and the Role of Deservingness Victim Ethnicity Person Identification and Position Identification,2005,35,7,1361-1383,Lodewijkx Warding Off the Attacker: Self-Defense in Theory and in Practice,2005,35,2,366-382,Williams Is Television a Health and Safety Hazard? A Cross-Sectional Analysis of At-Risk Behavior on Primetime Television,2005,35,1,198-222,Geller Spirituality as a 1-Year Prospective Predictor of Violence Perpetration and Drug Use Among Youth at Continuation High Schools,2005,35,1,80-99,Sussman Injury Representations Coping Emotions and Functional Outcomes in Athletes With Sports-Related Injuries: A Test of Self-Regulation Theory,2005,35,11,2345-2374,Griffin The Psychological Impact of Domestic Violence on Spanish Women,2005,35,11,2310-2322,Matud Gender-Based Judgments of Traffic Violations: The Moderating Influence of Car Type,2005,35,8,1755-1773,Lawrence Effects of Television Violence on Memory for Violent and Nonviolent Advertising,2005,35,8,1680-1697,Pappa Effects of Warning and Information Labels on Attraction to Television Violence in Viewers of Different Ages,2006,36,9,2073-2078,Bushman Team Sports Players' Observed Aggresion as a Function of Gender Competitive Level and Sport Type,2006,36,8,1980-2000,Coulomb-Cabagno Coping With Football-Related Hooliganism: Healing Symptoms Versus Causes Prevention,2006,36,3,629-643,Piotrowski Effectiveness of a Media Campaign to Reduce Traffic Crashes Involving Young Drivers,2006,36,3,614-628,Dwyer Perceptions of Police Use of Deadly Force,2006,36,1,161-177,Perkins Causal Attributions of Ghanaian Industrial Workers for Accident Occurrence,2004,34,11,2324-2340,Salminen Attributions of Blame in Sexual Assault to Perpetrators and Victims of Both Genders,2004,34,10,2149-2165,Gerber The Effect of Pedestrian Clothing in 18000 Road-Crossing Episodes,2004,34,9,1878-1882,North Perceived Risk and Worry: The Effects of 9/11 on Willingness to Fly,2004,34,9,1846-1856,Bergstrom Temperature City Size and the Southern Subculture of Violence: Support for Social Escape/Avoidance (SEA) Theory,2004,34,8,1652-1674,Cohn The Roles of Risk Perception and Borderline and Antisocial Personality Characteristics in College Alcohol Use and Abuse,2004,34,7,1371-1394,Crawford An Examination of the Actor-Observer Effect in Young Drivers' Attributions for Their Own and Their Friends' Risky Driving,2004,34,4,806-824,Harre Changing Kinematics as a Means of Reducing Vulnerability to Physical Attack,2004,34,3,514-537,Garner Effects of Anti-Rape Video Content on Sexually Coercive and Noncoercive College Men's Attitudes and Alcohol Expectancies,2004,34,2,402-416,George Consumer Response to a Prosocial Marketing Initiative: The Case of Discount Stores and Gun Sales,2004,34,1,206-221,Creyer The Effects of Values on Worries Associated With Acute Disaster: A Naturally Occurring Quasi-Experiment,2004,34,1,85-107,Canty Effects of Victim and Defendant Race on Jurors' Decisions in Child Sexual Abuse Cases,2004,34,1,1-33,Bottoms Perceiving Violence: The Influence of Motivational Status and Environmental Setting,2003,33,9,1796-1817,Leather The Effect of a Swarm of Local Tornados on Tornado Preparedness: A Quasi-Comparable Cohort Investigation,2003,33,8,1716-1725,Rogers Immediate and Prolonged Effects of Videogame Violence,2003,33,8,1553-1563,Deselms The Role of Police Perceptions and Practices in the Development of "Public Disorder",2003,33,7,1480-1500,Drury Activating Effects of Resources Relative to Threat and Responsibility in Person-Relative-to-Event Theory of Coping With Threat: An Educational Application,2003,33,7,1437-1456,Mulilis Help Giving and Aggression From an Attributional Perspective: Why and When We Help or Retaliate,2003,33,5,1069-1087,Greitemeyer Imitation of Self-Aggressive Behavior: An Experimental Test of the Contagion Hypothesis,2003,33,5,1036-1057,Berman Alcohol and Acquaintance Rape in Australia: Testing the Presupposition Model of Attributions About Responsibility and Blame,2003,33,5,983-1008,Cameron Predicting Men's Rape Perceptions Based on the Belief That "No" Really Means "Yes",2003,33,4,683-692,Osman Deterrence and Incapacitation: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis of California's Three-Strikes Law,2003,33,1,110-144,Ramirez High Versus Low Aggressive Priming During Video-Game Training: Effects on Violent Action During Game Play Hostility Heart Rate and Blood Pressure,2002,32,12,2458-2474,Panee Attitudes Toward Prostitution and Acceptance of Rape Myths,2002,32,9,1790-1796,Cotton Risk Taking in Decision Making for Others Versus the Self,2002,32,9,1797-1824,Stone The Effects of Social Influence on Perceptual and Affective Reactions to Scenes of Sexual Violence,2002,32,3,443-462,Hobfoll When Is Believing "Seeing"? Hostile Attribution Bias as a Function of Self-Reported Aggression,2002,32,1,1-31,Norris Bright Cars and Outsiders: Evidence of Asymmetric Estimates in Vehicular Speeds,2001,31,12,2538-2544,Cherry Carding for the Purchase of Alcohol: I'm Tougher Than Other Clerks Are,2001,31,10,2184-2194,McCall Effects of violent versus nonviolent video games on children's arousal aggressive mood and positive mood,2001,31,10,2047-2071,Fleming Acquaintances Lovers and Friends: Rape Within Relationships,2001,31,8,1709-1726,Wilson Personal Responsibility for Tornado Preparedness: Commitment or Choice?,2001,31,8,1659-1688,Mulilis Risk Factors of Sexual Aggression and Victimization Among Homosexual Men,2001,31,7,1385-1408,Krahé Women's Attributions for Hypothetical Dating Violence: Effects of Partner Alcohol Use and Violence Severity,2001,31,7,1458-1473,Arias A Test of a Model of Consumers' Responses to Product-Manual Safety Information: A Replication and Extension,2001,31,6,1279-1299,Celuch The Bystander Dilemma and Child Abuse: Extending the Latane and Darley Model to Domestic Violence,2001,31,6,1158-1183,Hoefnagels Self-Determination Theory as a Framework for Understanding Road Rage,2001,31,5,889-904,Neighbors Reasoned Action and Irrational Motives: A Prediction of Drivers' Intention to Violate Traffic Laws,2001,31,4,720-739,Yagil Hierarchical Position Gender Accident Severity and Causal Attribution,2001,31,3,553-575,Kouabenan Adolescent Aggression: Models of Resiliency,2001,31,3,445-466,Foshee The effects of trait driving anger anonymity and aggressive stimuli on aggressive driving behavior,2001,31,2,431-443,Bell Thinking Drinking and Driving: Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action to DWI Prevention,2000,30,11,2217-2232,Gastil City Behavior and Precautionary Measures,2000,30,10,2158-2172,DEVLIN The Influence of Music on Driver Stress,2000,30,8,1709-1719,Hennessy Disaster Preparedness: Relationships Among Prior Experience Personal Characteristics and Distress,2000,30,7,1396-1420,Sattler Tornado Preparedness of Students Nonstudent Renters and Nonstudent Owners: Issues of PrE Theory,2000,30,6,1310-1329,Mulilis The Credibility of Newspapers and Fear of Crime,2000,30,5,921-934,Visser Promoting Safe Driving Behaviors: The Influence of Message Framing and Issue Involvement,2000,30,4,853-866,Millar Sexual Assault and Defendant/Victim Intoxication: Jurors' Perceptions of Guilt,2000,30,2,253-274,Wall Reactions to a Motor-Vehicle Accident in Relation to Mitigating Circumstances and the Gender and Moral Worth of the Driver,2000,30,1,77-95,Feather Psychological Reactions to the Drunk Driver: Associations With Intervention and Their Success,1999,29,11,2238-2249,Rabow Predicting Evacuation in Two Major Disasters: Risk Perception Social Influence and Access to Resources,1999,29,5,918-934,Norris Justifications of Aggressive Behavior in Contact and Semicontact Sports,1999,29,3,597-605,Mintah The Effect of Perceived Control on Risk Taking,1999,29,2,377-391,Horswill Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Gratuitous Media Violence on Provoked and Unprovoked Hostile Behavior,1999,29,1,145-165,Zillmann Associations Between Peer Drink Driving Peer Attitudes Toward Drink Driving and Personal Drink Driving,1998,28,5,423-436,Brown A Test of a Model of Consumers' Responses to Product Manual Safety Information,1998,28,5,377-394,Celuch Victim Impact Evidence in Capital Cases: Does the Victim's Character Matter?,1998,28,2,145-156,Greene The Role of Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in Capital Murder Sentencing,1998,28,2,124-144,Wiener Attributing Responsibility to Female Victims After Exposure to Sexually Violent Films,1997,27,24,2149-2171,Linz World Assumptions Following Disaster,1997,27,20,1785-1798,Solomon Correlates of Youths' Fears of Victimization,1997,27,18,1601-1616,Rohrbach Accurately Imagining Suicide: Imagine-Self Imagine-Person Observer Instructions,1997,27,17,1545-1556,Range An Examination of the Relationships Between Personality Attitudes and Cognitions Relevant to Alcohol-Impaired Driving Tendencies,1997,27,15,1367-1394,Jaccard The Role of Affect in Predicting Social Behaviors: The Case of Road Traffic Violations,1997,27,14,1258-1276,Stradling Children and Videogames: Leisure Activities Aggression Social Integration and School Performance,1997,27,13,1175-1194,Schie Why It Can't Happen to Me: The Base Rate Matters But Overestimating Skill Leads to Underestimating Risk,1997,27,9,760-780,Greening Judging Cumulative Risk,1997,27,6,500-524,Doyle Attributions About Acquaintance Rape: The Role of Alcohol and Individual Differences,1997,27,4,279-305,Stritzke Bad Rap for Rap: Bias in Reactions to Music Lyrics,1996,26,23,2135-2146,Fried The Role of Counterfactual Thinking and Causal Attribution in Accident-Related Judgments,1996,26,23,2100-2112,Williams Absolute and Relative Biases in Estimations of Personal Risk,1996,26,14,1213-1236,Weinstein Rape and Accident Counterfactuals: Who Might Have Done Otherwise and Would It Have Changed the Outcome?,1996,26,12,1042-1067,Branscombe Aggressive Experiences and Aggressiveness: Relationship to Ethnicity Gender and Age,1996,26,10,843-870,Harris Does Information That a Suicide Victim Was Psychiatrically Disturbed Reduce the Likelihood of Contagion?,1996,26,9,781-785,Range Mortal Kombat (tm): The Effects of Violent Videogame Play on Males' Hostility and Cardiovascular Responding,1996,26,8,717-730,Ballard Risk Marker Analysis of Husband-to-Wife Violence: A Continuum of Aggression,1996,26,4,313-337,Boney-McCoy Modifying Beliefs and Attitudes to Exceeding the Speed Limit: An Intervention Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior,1996,26,1,1-19,Stradling Perpetrator Personality and Judgments of Acquaintance Rape,1995,25,21,1900-1921,Alicke The Effects of Street Noise and Field Independency on Police Officers' Shooting Behavior,1995,25,19,1714-1725,Vrij Negative Threat Appeals and Earthquake Preparedness: A Person-Relative-to-Event (PrE) Model of Coping With Threat,1995,25,15,1319-1339,Mulilis Predicting Adolescent Drinking From Alcohol Expectancy Values: A Comparison of Additive Interactive and Nonlinear Models,1995,25,10,839-857,Grube The Effect of Social-Comparison Feedback on Aggressive Responses to Erotic and Aggressive Films,1995,25,9,818-837,Sinclair Facial Stereotypes of Battered Women and Battered Women Who Kill,1995,25,4,338-352,Yarmey Effects of Severity of Accident Intent and "Alcoholism is a Disease" Excuse on Judgments of a Drunk Driver,1994,24,23,2097-2109,Baldwin Automobile Driving as Seen by the Actor the Active Observer and the Passive Observer,1994,24,23,2057-2074,Herzog Traffic Citations in Relation to Gender,1994,24,21,1919-1926,Koehler Predicting Child Restraint Device Use: A Comparison of Two Models,1994,24,20,1837-1847,Richard Understanding Attributions of Blame in Stranger Rape and Date Rape Situations: An Examination of Gender Race Identification and Students' Social Perceptions of Rape Victims,1994,24,19,1719-1734,Bell Violence Conflict Trickery and Other Story Themes in TV Ads for Food for Children,1994,24,19,1685-1699,Rajecki Reexamining Personal and Situational Factors in Drunk Driving Interventions,1994,24,18,1627-1639,Rabow Decision Theory and the Sale of Alcohol,1994,24,18,1593-1611,McCall Parent and Teen Perceptions Regarding Parental Efforts at Controlling Teen Drunk Driving,1994,24,15,1387-1406,Jaccard Intimacy-Anger and Insecure Attachment as Precursors of Abuse in Intimate Relationships,1994,24,15,1367-1386,Dutton What Do People Think About the Risks of Driving? Implications for Traffic Safety Interventions,1994,24,11,994-1021,Guerin Bystander Responses to Public Episodes of Child Abuse,1994,24,9,824-847,Christy Avoidance Responses to Alternative Alcohol Warning Labels,1994,24,8,733-753,Mackinnon Responsibility Attributions for Drunken Behavior: The Role of Expectancy Violation,1994,24,2,115-135,Aramburu The Importance of Risk in Determining the Extent to Which Attitudes Affect Intentions to Wear Seat Belts,1994,24,1,1-11,Fishbein The Evaluative Factor of Risk Perception,1993,23,19,1594-1605,Mullet Blaming Drunk Victims: Is It Just World or Sex Role Violation?,1993,23,19,1574-1586,Richardson Attenuating the Attribution of Responsibility: The Lay Perception of Jealousy as a Motive for Wife Battery,1993,23,16,1337-1356,Delgado The Driving Appraisal Inventory: Psychometric Characteristics and Construct Validity,1993,23,15,1196-1213,Cohen Accuracy in Detecting Potential Underage Drinkers: The Role of Contextual Effects in Proofing,1993,23,11,875-890,McCall Bright Cars and Speeding Tickets,1993,23,1,79-83,Willis Handgun Ownership and the Religion Factor,1992,22,23,1871-1877,Little Effects of Severity of Accident History of Drunk Driving Intent and Remorse on Judgments of a Drunk Driver,1992,22,21,1641-1655,Taylor Traditional and Nontraditional Women's Attributions of Responsibility to Physically Resistive and Nonresistive Rape Victims,1992,22,18,1453-1463,Ryckman Adolescents' Perceptions of Lightning and Tornado Risks,1992,22,10,755-762,Greening Perceived Consensus in Estimates of the Prevalence of Driving Errors and Violations,1992,22,7,509-530,Stradling Product Owner Manuals: An Exploratory Study of Nonreaders Versus Readers,1992,22,6,492-507,Celuch Earthquake Preparedness: Predictors in a Community Survey,1992,22,6,451-470,Catalano Aggression as One Response to Conflict,1992,22,4,298-311,Richardson Hostage Events: Descriptive Profile and Analysis of Outcomes,1992,22,2,134-156,Friedland Informal Drunk Driving Intervention: Psychosocial Correlates Among Young Adult Women and Men1,1991,21,24,1988-2006,Rabow Support for the Use of Force in War: The Effect of Procedural Rule Violations and Group Membership,1991,21,22,1793-1809,Mann A Comparison of Anglo-American and Mexican-American Jurors' Judgments of Mothers Who Fail to Protect Their Children from Abuse,1991,21,20,1681-1698,Hosch Influence of Gun Ownership on Social Inferences About Women and Men,1991,21,19,1567-1589,Branscombe The Acquaintance Predicament of a Rape Victim,1991,21,18,1524-1544,Kanekar Are Written Reports of Suicide and Seeking Help Contagious? High Schoolers' Perceptions,1991,21,18,1517-1523,Pearson Gibson The Role of Psychological Reactance in Drinking Following Alcohol Prevention Messages,1991,21,13,1111-1124,Bensley Biases in the Assimilation of Technological Breakdowns: Do Accidents Make Us Safer?,1991,21,13,1058-1082,Plous A Note: Can Vehicle Speed Be Estimated Accurately?,1991,21,2,172-174,Leibowitz Judgment Processes Relevant to Drunk Driving,1991,21,2,89-118,Jaccard Natural Disasters and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Short-Term versus Long-Term Recovery in Two Disaster-Affected Communities,1990,20,21,1746-1765,Steinglass The Relation Between Perceived Risk and Preventive Action: A Within-Subject Analysis of Perceived Driving Risk and Intentions to Wear Seatbelts,1990,20,19,1541-1557,Fishbein Do Written Reports of Suicide Induce High-School Students to Believe that Suicidal Contagion Will Occur?,1990,20,13,1093-1102,Range Reasons for Living Following Success and Failure in Suicidal and Nonsuicidal College Students,1990,20,11,861-868,Goggin Behavioral Change in Earthquake Preparedness Due to Negative Threat Appeals: A Test of Protection Motivation Theory,1990,20,8,619-638,Mulilis Increasing Safety Belt Use: Effects of Modeling and Trip Length,1990,20,3,254-263,Howell Understanding Attributions of Victim Blame for Rape: Sex Violence and Foreseeability,1990,20,1,1-26,McCaul Heat and Violence in the Dallas Field Data: Linearity Curvilinearity and Heteroscedasticity,1989,19,17,1479-1482,Bell Understanding Seat-Belt Intentions and Behavior: A Decision-Making Approach,1989,19,15,1310-1325,Sutton An Evaluation of Arizona's July 1982 Drunk Driving Law: Effects on the City of Phoenix,1989,19,14,1212-1237,Reich Violent Men In Intimate Relationships: An Analysis of Risk Markers,1989,19,12,1034-1048,Hotaling Effects of Raising the Drinking Age to 21 Years in New York State on Self-Reported Consumption by College Students,1989,19,8,623-635,George Promoting Safety Belt Use on a University Campus: An Integration of Commitment and Incentive Strategies,1989,19,1,3-19,Geller The Official Torturer: A Learning Model for Obedience to the Authority of Violence,1988,18,13,1107-1120,Haritos-Fatouros Community Reactions to Attempted and Completed Child Suicide,1988,18,13,1085-1093,Range Achieving Higher Seat Belt Usage: The Role of Habit in Bridging the Attitude-Behavior Gap,1988,18,12,993-1016,Mittal Drinking and Driving: Perceptions and Evaluations as a Function of Level of Intoxication and Weather,1988,18,10,891-903,Turrisi The False Consensus Effect in Unfavorable (Suicide) and Favorable (Honor) Events,1988,18,7,597-605,Goggin Assignment of Responsibility and Penalties for an Impaired Driving Incident,1988,18,7,564-583,Jonah Effects of Playing Videogames on Children's Aggressive and Other Behaviors,1988,18,5,454-460,Schutte Heat and Violence: New Findings from Dallas Field Data 1980-1981,1988,18,2,129-138,Harries Victim and Observer Characteristics as Determinants of Responsibility Attributions to Victims of Rape,1988,18,1,50-58,Krahé The Attribution of Date Rape: Observer's Attitudes and Sexual Experiences and The Dating Situation,1987,17,10,875-895,Jenkins Ambient Temperature and Violent Crime,1986,16,9,786-801,Cotton Video Games and Aggression in Children,1986,16,8,726-744,Cooper Emotional Arousal and Helping Behavior in a Real-Life Emergency,1986,16,7,633-641,Amato Individual Differences in Risk Taking,1986,16,6,482-497,Streufert Preferences for Individual Video Games as a Function of Their Emotional Effects on Players,1986,16,1,3-15,Mehrabian A Self-Attribution-Reactance Model of Recovery from Injury in Type A Individuals,1985,15,5,330-344,Strube Causal and Moral Responsibility of Victims of Rape and Robbery,1985,15,4,622-637,Kanekar Psychosocial Factors in Child Safety Restraint Use,1985,15,3,269-284,Foss Determining Factors in Choice of Arcade Games and their Consequences upon Young Male Players,1985,15,2,124-139,Nelson The Catalytic Situation in the Violence Equation,1985,15,2,105-123,Toch Differences Between Rape Victims Who Report and Those Who Do Not Report to a Public Agency,1984,14,6,562-573,Norris Violence in College Students' Dating Relationships,1984,14,6,530-548,Sigelman The Preparedness and Reactions of Citizens to Warnings and Crisis Relocation for Nuclear Attack,1984,14,6,487-500,Nasar Attribution Processes in Violent Relationships: Perceptions of Violent Husbands and Their Wives,1983,13,6,515-527,Shields Weapons and Eye Contact as Instigators or Inhibitors of Aggressive Arousal in Police-Citizen Interaction,1982,12,5,398-407,Boyanowsky The portrayal of aggression on North American television,1982,12,5,360-380,Williams The Representation of Mortality Statistics and the Perceived Importance of Causes of Death,1982,12,3,169-181,Kristiansen Rape Myths Rape Definitions and Probability of Conviction,1981,11,3,212-230,Burt Bystander Response to Rape: Can A Victim Attract Help?,1980,10,6,510-527,Shotland Some Psychological and Social Attitude Correlates of Northern Ireland University Students' Contact with the Civil Disturbances,1980,10,3,272-282,Mercer Police Perceptions of Alcohol Intoxication,1980,10,2,166-174,Pagano Reporting and Nonreporting of Observed Crimes: Moral Judgments of the Act and Actor,1980,10,1,56-70,Himmelfarb Threat Knowledge and Support for a Collective Response to Urban Flooding,1979,9,5,413-425,Hansson The Capital Punishment Debate: Public Perceptions of Crime and Punishment,1979,9,4,350-376,Hamilton An Evaluation of the Jamaican Anticrime Program,1979,9,2,135-146,Diener Effects of Victim's Pain Cues Victim's Race and Level of Prior Instigation upon Physical Aggression,1979,9,2,103-114,Baron Behavioral and Physiological Consequences of Crowding in Humans,1979,9,1,27-46,Evans Attributions About Rape: Effects of Rapist Force Observer Sex and Sex Role Attitudes,1978,8,4,291-305,Krulewitz Incentives and Seat Belts: Changing a Resistant Behavior Through Extrinsic Motivation,1978,8,1,72-83,Elman The Effects of Suspect Race and Situation Hazard on Police Officer Shooting Behavior,1977,7,1,27-37,Inn Individual Differences Situational Constraints and Police Shooting Incidents,1977,7,1,19-26,Inn Situational Cues and Crime Reporting: Do Signs Make a Difference?,1977,7,1,1-18,Bickman Penalties for Rape as a Function of Victim Provocativeness Damage and Resistance,1976,6,4,360-368,Scroggs The Reduction of Human Aggression: A Field Study of the Influence of Incompatible Reactions,1976,6,3,260-274,Baron How Television News Viewers Deal with Facts that Contradict Their Beliefs: A Consistency and Attribution Analysis,1976,6,2,159-176,Zanna Environmental Influences on Aggression: The Effects of Darkness and Proximity of Victim,1976,6,2,126-133,Page Aggression and Heat: The Mediating Role of Negative Affect,1976,6,1,18-30,Bell The Social Instigation and Control of Physical Aggression,1973,3,4,354-361,Taylor Behavioral Changes Associated with the Menstrual Cycle: An Experimental Investigation,1973,3,4,335-344,Zimmerman Flirting with Death: Variables Affecting Risk Taking at Intersections,1973,3,4,303-324,Ebbesen Some Determinants of the Violation of Rules,1973,3,2,103-118,Walker Internal-External Control and Reaction to the My Lai Courts-Martial,1972,2,4,319-325,Hochreich Property Possession and Permanence: A Field Study in Human Territoriality,1972,2,3,275-282,Edney When Disaster Strikes,1971,1,2,187-203,Drabek Seat Belt Attitudes Habits and Behaviors: An Adaptive Amendment to the Fishbein Model,1983,13,5,406-421,Witenbraker Support for Gun Control: the Influence of Personal Sociotropic and Ideological Concerns,1983,13,5,392-405,Tyler Enlisting the influence of others: Alternative strategies for persuasive media campaigns,2006,36,2,269-296,Morton All Parents Are to Blame (Except This One): Global Versus Specific Attitudes Related to Parental Responsibility Laws,2006,36,11,2670-2684,Brank Determinants of Parents' Sideline-Rage Emotions and Behaviors at Youth Soccer Games,2008,38,6,1442-1462,Goldstein Rape Rumors: The Effects of Reporting or Denying Rumors of Sexual Assaults on Campus,2006,36,11,2766-2784,Maxwell A Meta-Analysis of Self-Attributions Following Three Types of Trauma: Sexual Victimization Illness and Injury,2007,37,3,515-538,Littleton Reducing Road Rage: An Application of the Dissonance-Attribution Model of Interpersonal Forgiveness,2006,36,10,2362-2378,Takaku Direct and Indirect Aggression: Relationships As Social Context,2006,36,10,2492-2508,Green Perceptions and Punishments of Workplace Aggression: The Role of Aggression Content Context and Perceiver Variables,2006,36,10,2509-2531,Brown Malingering Perceptions of Illness and Compensation Seeking in Whiplash Injury: A Comparison of Illness Beliefs Between Individuals in Simulated Compensation Scenarios and Litigation Claimants,2006,36,11,2619-2634,Easton "But Others Do It!": Do Misperceptions of Schoolmate Alcohol and Marijuana Use Predict Subsequent Drug Use Among Young Adolescents?,2007,37,4,740-758,Juvonen Reactions to Repeated Unpredictable Terror Attacks: Relationships Among Exposure Posttraumatic Distress Mood and Intensity of Coping,2007,37,4,862-886,Somer Hurricane Evacuation Expectations and Actual Behavior in Hurricane Lili,2007,37,4,887-903,Lindell Is a Stage Model a Useful Approach to Explain Car Drivers' Willingness to Use Public Transportation?,2007,37,8,1757-1783,Bamberg That Was a Great Commercial but What Were They Selling? Effects of Violence and Sex on Memory for Products in Television Commercials,2007,37,8,1784-1796,Bushman Listening to Reporters or Engineers? How Instance-Based Messages About Building Design Affect Earthquake Fatalism,2007,37,9,1956-1973,Sutton Perceptions of Sexual Assault: The Expression of Gender Differences and the Impact of Target Alcohol Consumption,2007,37,11,2620-2641,Schuller A Comparison of Batterers to Nonbatterers on Behavioral and Self-Reports Measures of Control,2007,37,11,2688-2705,Clements The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Braking Speed,2007,37,12,2764-2787,Werth Financial Debt and Suicide in Hong Kong SAR,2007,37,12,2788-2799,Law Anger Aggression and Risky Behavior on the Road: A Preliminary Study of Urban and Rural Differences,2008,38,1,22-36,Deffenbacher Evaluations and Aggression Directed at a Gay Male Target: The Role of Threat and Antigay Prejudice,2008,38,3,647-683,Bettencourt Perceptions of Children During a Police Interview: A Comparison of Alleged Victims and Suspects,2008,38,3,705-735,Quas Inequity in Hindu-Muslim Riots: A Test of Two Biases,2008,38,4,982-998,Ruback Measuring an Individual's Tendency to Take Risks: The Risk Propensity Scale,2008,38,6,1506-1520,Meertens Violence in Ideological and Non-Ideological Groups: A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data,2008,38,6,1521-1561,Mumford Territorial Markings As a Predictor of Driver Aggression and Road Rage,2008,38,6,1664-1688,Bell The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Role of External Factors on Heterosexual Men's Monogamy and Condom Use1,2008,38,1,97-134,Gillmore Cognitive and Psychosocial Consequences of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Among Middle-Aged Older and Oldest-Old Adults in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study (LHAS),2010,40,10,2463-2487,Galea Narcissism and Aggressive Driving: Is an Inflated View of the Self a Road Hazard?,2010,40,6,1423-1449,Flett Attitudes and Attributions Associated With Female and Male Partner Violence,2009,39,7,1481-1512,Murachver Juries Gender and Assault Weapons1,2009,39,4,945-972,Meyer A Test of Positive Illusions Versus Shared Reality Models of Relationship Satisfaction Among Gay Lesbian and Heterosexual Couples,2009,39,6,1417-1431,Gold The Devaluation of Relationships (not Individuals): The Case of Dyadic Relationship Stigmatization,2009,39,4,918-944,Conley Goals and Social Relationships: Windows Into the Motivation and Well‐Being of “Street Kids”1,2009,39,5,1057-1082,Lydon Predictors of Protest Among Anti‐Globalization Demonstrators1,2009,39,3,734-761,Cameron How Many Casualties Are Too Many? 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