Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author 'Getting Around Town': A Preliminary Investigation of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Intent to Change Driving Behaviors Among Older Adults,2007,26,4,385-398,Tuokko Identifying communities of concern for older adults using spatial analysis: focusing on accessibility to health social and daily services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Toward a Screening Tool for Housing Accessibility Problems,2009,28,1,59-80,Carlsson Drug and Alcohol Use Among Homeless Older Adults,2009,28,2,235-255,Dietz Mobility in Old Age,2009,28,4,411-418,Kaiser Does Cognitive Ability Explain Inaccuracy in Older Adults’ Self-Reported Medication Adherence?,2009,28,5,560-581,McDonald-Miszczak Alcohol Use Risk Levels Among Older Patients Screened in Emergency Departments in Southern California,2009,28,5,649-660,Woodruff Agitation and falls in institutionalized elderly persons,1990,9,1,106-117,Werner Working Memory Cues and Wayfinding in Older Women,2009,28,6,743-767,West Reconsidering Successful Aging,2009,28,6,702-722,Dillaway Older Adults’ Responses to Hurricane Katrina,2010,29,1,48-69,Roberto Transportation Difficulty of Black and White Rural Older Adults,2010,29,1,70-88,Nan Sook Park Comparison of Anxiolytic Effects of Acute Exercise in Older Versus Younger Adults,2010,29,2,251-260,Youngstedt Correlates of Depressive Symptoms Among Hispanic Older Adults Living in Public Housing,2010,29,2,180-195,Herrera Assessment of Lighting in Independent Living Facilities and Residents’ Perceptions,2010,29,3,381-390,Hegde Older adults' perceptions of a church-based social marketing initiative to prevent falls through balance and strength classes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goss Using an IADL Assessment to Identify Older Adults Who Need a Behind-the-Wheel Driving Evaluation,2010,29,4,494-506,Trujillo The Effects of a Physical Activity Program on Sleep-and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Persons With Arthritis,2010,29,4,395-414,Callahan A Web-Based Approach for Helping Communities Become More "Aging Friendly",2010,29,4,415-433,Lehning Active Living Among Older Residents of a Rural Naturally Occurring Retirement Community,2010,29,5,531-553,Grant-Savela Older Adults Are Less Likely to Identify Depression Without Sadness,2010,29,5,603-621,Gum When Self-Presentation Trumps Access: Why Older Adults With Low Vision Go Without Low-Vision Services,2010,29,5,579-602,Laliberte Rudman Would Older Adults Turn to Community Support Services for Help to Maintain Their Independence?,2010,29,5,554-578,Hutchison Gender Variations in the Levels of Social Support and Risk of Elder Mistreatment in a Chinese Community Population,2010,29,6,720-739,Simon Social Ties and Depression: An Intersectional Examination of Black and White Community-Dwelling Older Adults,2010,29,6,667-696,Mair “We Take Care of the Older Person Who Takes Care of Us?” Professionals Working with Older Persons in a Shared War Reality,2010,29,6,772-792,Band-Winterstein Psychosocial Factors Associated With Acceptance of Old Age Home Placement: A Study of Elderly Chinese in Hong Kong,2004,23,4,487-504,Tang Comparing the Safety Culture of Nursing Homes and Hospitals,2011,30,1,22-43,Wagner Effects of exposure to aggressive behavior on job satisfaction of health care staff,1992,11,2,160-172,Dougherty Physician Attitudes Regarding Alcohol Use Screening in Older Adult Patients,2011,30,2,226-240,Vacha-Haase Assessing Self-Efficacy for Safe and Independent Living: A Cross-Sectional Study in Vulnerable Older Adults,2011,30,3,390-402,Dyer Identifying Living Arrangements That Heighten Risk for Loneliness in Later Life: Evidence From the U.S. National Social Life Health and Aging Project,2011,30,4,524-534,Greenfield Safe & Independent: Enriching Lives Through Service-Learning,2011,30,4,505-512,Marken The effect of therapeutic horseback riding on balance in community-dwelling older adults a pilot study,2012,34,1,118-126,Homnick Understanding fall meaning and context in marketing balance classes to older adults,2013,32,1,96-119,DiGuiseppi Elder abuse in assisted living,2013,32,2,248-267,Castle Do age-friendly characteristics influence the expectation to age in place? A comparison of low-income and higher income Detroit elders,2013,34,2,158-180,Dunkle In-hospital mortality and unintentional falls among older adults in the United States,2013,32,8,923-935,Phillips Older adults' driving reduction and cessation: Perspectives of adult children,2013,32,8,975-996,Kostyniuk Feasibility and utility of experience sampling to assess alcohol consumption among older adults,2014,35,1,106-120,Resnick Mental representation for action in the elderly: implications for movement efficiency and injury risk,2013,34,3,NP202-12,Gabbard Examining the Validity and Reliability of the ABC-6 in Underserved Older Adults,2013,34,6,761-778,Ellis The influence of driving status on transportation challenges experienced by older adults,2013,34,4,501-517,Weeks A pilot study using global positioning systems (GPS) devices and surveys to ascertain older adults' travel patterns,2013,34,3,NP190-201,Yen Autonomy choice patient-centered care and hip protectors: the experience of residents and staff in long-term care,2014,33,6,690-709,McKay A qualitative exploration of factors associated with walking and physical activity in community-dwelling older Latino adults,2014,35,6,664-677,Marquez Assessing communities' age-friendliness: how congruent are subjective versus objective assessments?,2014,35,5,549-565,Menec How case characteristics differ across four types of elder maltreatment: implications for tailoring interventions to increase victim safety,2014,33,8,982-997,Hafemeister State Long-Term Care Ombudsmen's Perceptions of Their Program's Disaster Preparedness Roles and Readiness,2013,32,8,952-974,Borders Understanding service utilization in cases of elder abuse to inform best practices,2014,35,10,1036-1057,Lachs Aging in community: mobilizing a new paradigm of older adults as a core social resource,2015,34,2,219-243,Black The relationship between subjective falls-risk assessment tools and functional health-related and body composition characteristics,2015,36,2,156-172,Berry DriveSafe and DriveAware assessment tools are a measure of driving-related function and predicts self-reported restriction for older drivers,2015,35,6,583-600,Bundy Older adults' perceptions of fall detection devices,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Demiris Views and expectations of community-dwelling Thai elderly in reporting falls to their primary care physicians: a mixed-methods study,2015,36,4,480-498,Ross Driving cessation anno 2010 which older drivers give up their license and why? Evidence from Denmark,2016,35,1,18-38,Siren Age-associated alcohol and driver risk differences in older adult DUI offenders,2015,36,4,499-507,Malek-Ahmadi Older adults' opinions on fall prevention in relation to physical activity level,2018,37,1,58-78,Hellström Arthritis depression and falls among community-dwelling older adults: evidence from the Health and Retirement Study,2018,37,9,1133-1149,Burr Resident aggression and abuse in assisted living,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Castle Pilot study for implementing an osteoporosis education and exercise program in an assisted living facility and senior community,2018,37,6,745-762,Nanduri Home-delivered meals and risk of self-reported falls: results from a randomized trial,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas A naturalistic study of driving behavior in older adults and preclinical Alzheimer disease,2019,38,2,277-289,Carr Accessing faith-based organizations using public transportation,2017,ePub,ePub,733464816687220,Esnard Falls risks and prevention behaviors among community-dwelling homebound and non-homebound older adults,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones An exploratory survey of older women's post-fall decisions,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman Poor sleep and risk of falls in community-dwelling older adults,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slattum Assisting frail seniors with toileting in a home bathroom: approaches used by home care providers,2019,38,5,717-749,Callaghan Examination of the psychometric properties of the geriatric fear of falling measure among community-dwelling older adults in the United States,2019,38,6,791-804,Edwards Intervention to prevent falls: community-based clinics,2019,38,7,999-1010,Murphy Community-dwelling older adults' adherence to environmental fall prevention recommendations,2019,38,6,755-774,Copolillo Transportation and aging: an updated research agenda for advancing safe mobility,2017,ePub,ePub,733464817739154,Bedard The social context of driving cessation: understanding the effects of cessation on the life satisfaction of older 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of self-reported driving while intoxicated among older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,733464819854005,Eby Resident-to-resident aggression in long-term care: analysis of structured and unstructured data from the National Violent Death Reporting System 2003-2016,2019,ePub,ePub,733464819863926,DeBois Fall prevention program characteristics and experiences of older adults and program providers in Canada: a thematic content analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaasalainen Preliminary outcomes from a community-based elder abuse risk and evaluation tool,2019,38,10,1445-1471,Heffernan Adapting the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index© for use in long-term care: a mixed-methods approach,2019,38,10,1472-1491,Yaffe Use of falls risk increasing drugs in residents at high and low falls risk in aged care services,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ilomäki Older drivers and their future mobility: views and involvement of their adult children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Connor Shaking confidence in technology: effects of an earthquake-induced nuclear disaster on technology adoption in middle-aged and older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Charness Pilot outcomes of a multicomponent fall risk program integrated into daily lives of community-dwelling older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roth Physical activity and falls among a national cohort of older veterans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alexander Access to showers and change rooms at work associated with active commuting among older workers: findings from a national population survey,2020,39,2,214-220,Smith Psychosocial and behavioral correlates of internalized homonegativity in midlife and older gay and bisexual men,2020,39,5,527-535,Jacobs Older adults' perspectives on fall risk: linking results to the ICF,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bornman Relationship between lower limb muscle strength and future falls among community-dwelling older adults with no history of falls: a prospective 1-year study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Abreu Exploring risk of elder abuse revictimization: development of a model to inform community response interventions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lachs Population-level incidence and use-related factors of comfort and orthopedic accessories among older vehicle occupants in NSW Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keay Process models to understand resident-to-resident aggression among residents with dementia in long-term care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burnes Older driver crash involvement and fatalities by age and sex 2000-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhu The intersecting influence of age and performance stereotypes on physical and psychological aspects of stair navigation in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baker The association of persistent low back pain with older adult falls and collisions: a longitudinal analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crowe Relation between depression symptoms and suicide risk in adults and older adults: a brief report,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fiske Poor appetite and eating difficulties can predict the long-term risk of falling: a longitudinal study in middle-aged and older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin Perceptions of the neighborhood built environment for walking behavior in older adults living in close proximity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Michael Older adults' motivations for participating in a "tune-up" of their driving skills: a multi-stakeholder analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Letts A feasibility study of multi-component fall prevention for homebound older adults facilitated by lay coaches and using a tablet-based gamified exercise application,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Identifying interventions and their efficacy as used by a community agency managing and responding to elder abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Storey A statewide approach to falls prevention: widespread implementation of A Matter of Balance in North Carolina 2014-2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller The influence of hearing impairment on driving avoidance among a large cohort of older drivers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kostyniuk Can fall risk screening and fall prevention advice in hospital settings motivate 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concerning disaster preparedness for home- and community-based service providers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peterson How does driving anxiety relate to the health and quality of life of older drivers?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Examining patterns of driving avoidance behaviors among older people using latent class analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,West Is it a macho thing? Older adults' perceptions of gender differences in fall prevention class participation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lanovaz Driving social distancing protective and coping behaviors of older adults before and during COVID-19,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roe Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adult driving in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Betz Factors of functional disability in the social participation of older adults living alone with fall experience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tak Optimizing post-acute care patient safety: a scoping review of multifactorial fall prevention interventions for older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leland Factors associated with driving status among Brazilian older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borgatto Characterizing elder abuse in the UK: a description of cases reported to a national helpline,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Storey Associations between changes in depression/anxiety symptoms and fall worry among community-dwelling older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marti Gender-specific association between nighttime sleep duration and falls among community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults in China,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Driving residential location and employment outcomes among older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wachs Filial caregiving and Chinese adults' depressive symptoms: do early-life parent-child relationships matter?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kong Falls across health care settings: findings from a geriatric screening program,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lach Home-based care and mental health during a disaster: a qualitative analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bell Older adults' frequency of going outside during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with physical distancing health status and fall risk factors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dinitto Racial differences in the relationship between pain and suicide desire in older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mingo Recurrent falls over three years among older adults age 70+: associations with physical and mental health status exercise and hospital 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