Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author How will we get there from here? Placing transportation on the aging policy agenda,2000,11,2-3,201-210,Coughlin Private lives and public programs: an Australian longitudinal study of the elderly,2007,19,4,87-103,McCallum A qualitative exploration of self-regulation behaviors among older drivers,2008,20,3,323-339,D'Ambrosio Accident prevention among the elderly: moving from HFA Health Policy to social strategy,1991,3,4,93-114,Cwikel Commentary: irrational exuberance for the aging in place of vulnerable low-income older homeowners,2008,20,4,379-397,Golant Regulating older drivers: how are the states coping?,1997,9,4,71-87,Cobb Rural public transportation and the mobility of older persons: paradigms for policy,1997,9,3,67-86,Stunkel The extent and nature of alcohol-related problems in public senior housing,1997,9,1,51-68,Sheehan Financial exploitation of older persons: challenges and opportunities to identify prevent and address it in the United States,2006,18,2,47-68,Brown Issues of elder care and elder abuse in the Indian context,2003,15,2-3,125-142,Jamuna Nursing home consumer protection laws: too important to save for special occasions,2003,15,1,1-9,Freeman Community responsibility for the self-neglectful client,1991,3,1-2,111-126,Neugeboren Walking the tightrope: Developing a systems approach to balance safety and mobility for an aging society,2011,23,4,372-383,Coughlin U.S. policies to enhance older driver safety: A systematic review of the literature,2013,25,4,335-352,Dugan Local and Regional Governments and Age-Friendly Communities: A Case Study of the San Francisco Bay Area,2014,26,1-2,102-116,Lehning Aging with rising risk: have older households experienced faster growing risk exposure than younger ones since the 1990s?,2015,27,3,232-254,Weller Life-stage and mobility: an exploratory GPS study of mobility in multigenerational families Ahmedabad India,2015,27,4,348-363,D'Ambrosio Deploying an ecological model to stem the rising tide of firearm suicide in older age,2016,28,4,233-245,Kaplan Suicide among nursing home residents: development of recommendations for prevention using a nominal group technique,2020,32,2,157-171,Ibrahim A multi-level analyses of charges and cost of fall-related hospitalizations among older adults: individual hospital and geospatial variation,2022,34,2,515-536,Smith Aligning policy place and public value: planning age friendly cities in municipal organizations,2022,34,2,237-253,Tiwari Social isolation and safety issues among rural older adults living alone: perspectives of Meals on Wheels programs,2024,36,2,282-301,Henning-Smith Distance from home to motor vehicle crash location: implications for license restrictions among medically-at-risk older drivers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metzger Making Chile more pedestrian-friendly for older persons: expert perspectives,2023,35,4,486-508,Herrmann-Lunecke Transportation planning for older Americans: challenges federal policies and next steps,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Sexual assault in older-age adults: criminal justice response in New Zealand,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patterson Comparison of Asian countries and age groups in the attitudes toward active aging and impression of older adults,2023,35,4,422-439,Hsu Barriers to active aging in rural Ethiopia: a call for a paradigm shift to a rights-based approach,2023,35,4,440-462,Zelalem Influence of promoting an "age-friendly cities" strategy on psychological capital and social engagement based on the scenario method,2023,35,4,463-485,Chiang Time for good care and job quality: managing stress among older workers in the aged care sector,2023,35,2,179-196,Mallett Examining Housing Environments and Health Status of Older Adults with Physical Disabilities in South Korea,2021,33,6,725-739,Hong A population health perspective on disability and depression in elderly women and men,2005,17,2,7-24,Bould