Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Principal component analysis of the College Date Rape Attitude Survey (CDRAS): An instrument for the evaluation of date rape prevention programs,2005,13,2,79-93,Lanier Conceptualizing and testing an interaction-based unit of analysis for the study of conflict escalation,2005,13,2,37-47,Winstok Frontal lobe deficits and alcohol abuse: Possible interactions in predicting domestic violence,2005,13,2,49-63,Halpern Over-representation of people of color as intimate partner violence perpetrators: The case for examining multiple points-of-contact,2006,13,1,21-42,McCloskey Patterns in sexual assault violence as a function of victim perpetrator degree of relatedness,2005,13,1,43-60,Stermac Pregnant and Parenting Battered Women Speak Out about their Relationships and Challenges,2008,17,3,318,Bell Does Forced Sexual Contact Have Criminogenic Effects? An Empirical Test of Derailment Theory,2003,8,4,41-66,Austin An Uphill Climb: The Challenge of Collaboration in Response to Family Violence in a Rural Area,2003,8,4,17-39,Sudderth Violence in Low-Income Neighborhoods in the United States: Do We Care?,2003,8,4,1-15,Lott Addressing Family Violence Within Juvenile Courts: Promising Practices to Improve Intervention Outcomes,2003,8,3,273-307,Buel Fetal Homicide: Emerging Statutory and Judicial Regulation of Third-Party Assaults Against the Fetus,2003,8,3,205-231,Maahs Children with Disabilities: Abuse Neglect and the Child Welfare System,2003,8,1-2,173-203,Bruhn Beit Noam: Residential program for violent men,2003,7,1-2,207-236,Rosenberg Treating the lesbian batterer: Theoretical and clinical considerations--A contemporary psychoanalytic perspective,2003,7,1-2,159-205,Coleman Stopping wife abuse via physical aggression couples treatment,2003,7,1-2,135-157,Heyman The victimization of school-age children,1998,2,1,87-106,Hughes The victimization of young children,1998,2,1,67-86,Haynes-Seman Cumulative risk and protection models of child maltreatment,1998,2,1,7-30,Masten Women with children in violent relationships: The choice of leaving may bring the consequence of custodial challenge,1999,2,2,239-251,Butts Stahly Multiple risks for children exposed to parental violence: Family factors psychological maltreatment and trauma,1999,2,2,207-237,Rossman Child abuse and divorce: Competing priorities and agendas and practical suggestions,1999,2,2,165-194,Coulborn-Faller Legal and ethical issues in the treatment of multiply victimized children,1998,2,1,297-316,Sonkin Correlates of multiple forms of victimization in religion-related child abuse cases,1998,2,1,273-295,Goodman The effects of multiple abuse in interpersonal relationships: An attachment perspective,1998,2,1,189-205,Cole-Detke Some of the Effects of Terrorism on Refugees,2004,9,3-4,411-420,Kinzie Recent Trends in the Response to Child Victimization,2003,8,1-2,133-171,Palusci The Pedophile and the Pious: Towards a New Understanding of Sexually Offending and Non-Offending Roman Catholic Priests,2003,8,1-2,115-131,McGlone Religion-Related Child Physical Abuse: Characteristics and Psychological Outcomes,2003,8,1-2,87-114,Filipas No Safe Place: Assessing Spatial Patterns of Child Maltreatment Victimization,2003,8,1-2,63-85,Paulsen Children as Victims of War and Terrorism,2003,8,1-2,41-62,Myers-Walls Voices from the group: Domestic violence offenders' experience of intervention,2003,7,1-2,305-317,Rosenberg Legal and ethical issues in the court-mandated treatment of batterers,2003,7,1-2,279-303,Rosenbaum Treatment of partner aggressive women,2003,7,1-2,257-277,Rosenbaum Integrating spirituality and domestic violence treatment: Treatment of Aboriginal men,2003,7,1-2,237-256,Kiyoshk Observations on the Impact on Kenyans of the August 7 1998 Bombing of the United States Embassy in Nairobi,2004,9,1-2,233-240,Thielman Short- and Long-Term Effects on the Victims of Terror in Sri Lanka,2004,9,1-2,215-228,Somasundaram Psychological Effects of Terrorist Attacks in Algeria,2004,9,1-2,201-212,Khaled The Long-Term Effects of Terrorism in France,2004,9,1-2,193-200,Brunet Northern Ireland: The Psychological Impact of "The Troubles",2004,9,1-2,175-184,Campbell Short and Long-Term Effects of Terrorist Attacks in Spain,2004,9,1-2,157-170,Pérez-Rodríguez Somatization and Terrorism,2004,9,1-2,143-155,North Exploring the Myths of Coping with a National Trauma: A Longitudinal Study of Responses to the September 11th Terrorist Attacks,2004,9,1-2,129-141,Silver Psychological Impact of the September 11 2001 Terrorist Attacks: Summary of Empirical Findings in Adults,2004,9,1-2,97-108,Schlenger Tactical and Strategic Terrorism,2004,9,1-2,71-78,Picco Aum Shinrikyo: The Threshold Crossed,2004,9,1-2,57-66,Lifton Terrorism as a Strategy of Psychological Warfare,2004,9,1-2,33-43,Ganor The Origins and Nature of Terrorism: Foundations and Issues,2004,9,1-2,19-31,Marsella The Trauma of Terrorism: Contextual Considerations,2004,9,1-2,1-17,Sills Pupil Physical Abuse by Teachers: A Child-Rearing Practice or a Cultural Dilemma?,2003,8,4,143-159,Shumba Development of an Abuse Screening Tool for Women with Disabilities,2003,8,4,123-141,Curry Characteristics of Male Batterers in Treatment: An Example of a Localized Program Evaluation Concerning Attrition,2003,8,4,67-95,McCloskey Treating assaultive men from an attachment perspective,2003,7,1-2,105-133,Dutton Cultural Issues in Terrorism and in Response to Terrorism,2004,9,3-4,399-410,Nader The Theater of Terror: The Psychology of Terrorism and the Mass Media,2004,9,3-4,379-390,Weimann Terrorism's Toll on Civil Liberties,2004,9,3-4,365-377,Strossen The Immediate Psychological Consequences of Terror Attacks in Children,2004,9,3-4,323-334,Galili-Weisstub Psychological Impact of Terrorism on Children and Families in the United States,2004,9,3-4,305-317,Schiff Traumatic Loss Complicated Grief and Terrorism,2004,9,1-2,277-288,Prigerson International Findings on the Impact of Terrorism,2004,9,1-2,265-276,Engdahl Terror and Trauma in Bali: Australia's Mental Health Disaster Response,2004,9,1-2,245-256,Raphael Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of abusive behavior,2003,7,1-2,75-103,Waltz Treatment of Assaultiveness,2003,7,1-2,7-28,Dutton An investigation of base rates of anti-gay hate crimes using the unmatched-count technique,2003,6,2,137-150,Rayburn Community violence exposure and associated behavior problems among children and adolescents in residential treatment,2003,6,2,111-135,Cameron A multidimensional approach to the assessment of trauma impact recovery and resiliency: Initial psychometric findings,2003,6,2,87-109,Koenen Child maltreatment family characteristics and adult adjustment: Mediating and moderating processes,2003,6,2,61-86,McCabe Women's use of violence within intimate relationships,2003,6,2,37-59,McCloskey The assessment of court-mandated perpetrators of domestic violence,2003,6,2,3-36,Sonkin Motivation-adaptative skills-trauma resolution (MASTR) therapy for adolescents with conduct problems: An open trial,2002,6,1,237-261,Greenwald Neurobiological disturbances in youth with childhood trauma and in youth with conduct disorder,2002,6,1,149-174,Lipschitz An examination of the relationships between violence exposure posttraumatic stress symptomatology and delinquent activity: An "ecopathological" model of delinquent behavior among incarcerated adolescents,2002,6,1,127-147,Wood Violence exposure and PTSD among delinquent girls,2002,6,1,109-126,Wood Chaos and trauma in the lives of adolescent females with antisocial behavior and delinquency,2002,6,1,79-108,Chamberlain Assessment of PTSD and trauma exposure in adolescents,2002,6,1,59-77,Newman Traumatic victimization in childhood and persistent problems with oppositional-defiance,2002,6,1,25-58,Ford The role of trauma in conduct disorder,2002,6,1,5-23,Greenwald Toward Empirically Based Standards for Abuser Intervention: The Maryland Model,2002,5,2,249-286,Murphy Developing guidelines for domestic violence offender programs: What can we learn from related fields and current research?,2002,5,2,235-248,Saunders An ecological analysis of batterer intervention program standards,2002,5,2,221-233,Tolman Completion and recidivism among court- and self-referred batterers in a psychoeducational group treatment program: Implications for intervention and public policy,2002,5,2,199-220,Rosenbaum Standards for batterer programs: A formative evaluation of the Illinois Protocol,2002,5,2,181-197,Bennett Standards for batterer treatment programs: How can research inform our decisions?,2002,5,2,165-180,Holtzworth-Munroe Cojoint therapy for partners who engage in physically aggressive behavior: Rationale and research,2002,5,2,145-164,O'Leary Safety planning based on lethality assessment for partners of batterers in intervention programs,2002,5,2,129-143,Campbell Adopting a Stages of Change approach for individuals who are violent with their intimate partners,2002,5,2,105-127,Short Female perpetrators of partner aggression: Relevant issues and treatment,2002,5,2,73-104,Dowd Group intervention programs for batterers,2002,5,2,57-71,Rosenbaum Batterers' treatment: Observations from the trenches,2002,5,2,45-56,La Violette Are current state standards for domestic violence perpetrator treatment adequately informed by research? A question of questions,2002,5,2,21-44,Maiuro Standards for programs for men who batter? Not yet,2002,5,2,11-20,Gelles Domestic violence offenders: Treatment and intervention standards,2002,5,2,1-9,Rosenbaum Controversies in shaken baby/shaken impact syndrome,2001,5,1,367-388,Reece Preventing shaken baby syndrome,2001,5,1,349-365,Showers Ethical challenges in the care of the shaken baby,2001,5,1,341-347,Leuthner Prosecuting the shaken infant case,2001,5,1,275-339,Holmgren Legal considerations in shaken baby cases,2001,5,1,263-274,Plum Law enforcement investigative issues concerning shaken baby syndrome,2001,5,1,237-262,Vendola The medical social worker child advocacy and the shaken baby,2001,5,1,225-236,Hudlett Pathological findings in fatal shaken impact syndrome,2001,5,1,199-224,Jentzen Neurologic sequelae of shaken baby syndrome,2001,5,1,79-99,Reichert Biomechanics of abusive head trauma,2001,5,1,55-78,Spivack Who are the perpetrators and why do they do it?,2001,5,1,41-54,Davies The epidemiology clinical characteristics and public health implications of shaken baby syndrome,2001,5,1,19-40,Palusci Human subject issues in batterer program evaluation,2000,4,1,273-297,Gondolf Community collaboration to develop research programs in partner violence,2000,4,1,239-272,Hamberger Strategies for evaluating dating violence prevention programs,2000,4,1,217-238,Wekerle Evaluating interventions for children exposed to family violence,2000,4,1,191-215,Graham-Bermann Linking research to practice: Challenges and opportunities,2000,4,1,115-137,Daro What are the lessons of the police arrest studies?,2000,4,1,83-114,Maxwell Research synthesis in family violence: The art of reviewing research,2000,4,1,55-82,Boney-McCoy Assessing family violence interventions: Linking programs to research-based strategies,2000,4,1,29-53,Chalk Collaborating on family safety: Challenges for children's and women's advocates,2000,3,1,345-358,Edleson A differentiated legal approach to the effects of spousal abuse on children: A Canadian context,2000,3,1,301-328,Bala Innovative approaches to child custody and domestic violence in New Zealand: The effects of law reform on the discourses of battering,2000,3,1,269-299,Robertson The role of attitudes and awareness in anti-violence education,2000,3,1,221-238,Hilton Child protection workers and battered women's advocates working together to end violence against women and children,2000,3,1,207-219,Echlin Assessment and intervention for PTSD in children exposed to violence,2000,3,1,161-184,Kerig Evaluation of the London (Ontario) Community Group Treatment Programme for Children Who Have Witnessed Woman Abuse,2000,3,1,127-146,Marshall The relevance of narrative research with children who witness war and children who witness woman abuse,2000,3,1,107-125,Berman Posttraumatic response and children exposed to parental violence,2000,3,1,85-106,Ho The neglected variable of physiology in domestic violence,2000,3,1,69-84,Fantuzzo Witnessing parental violence as a traumatic experience shaping the abusive personality,2000,3,1,59-67,Dutton Consider the children: Research informing interventions for children exposed to domestic violence,2000,3,1,37-57,Pepler Trauma and parenting in battered women: An addition to an ecological model of parenting,2000,3,1,25-35,Graham-Bermann Making the invisible victims of violence against women visible through university/community partnerships,2000,3,1,9-23,Fantuzzo Family Violence: Current Issues Interventions and Research ,1997,1,1,1-25,Geffner Therapist Awareness of Appropriate Intervention in Treatment of Domestic Violence: A Review,1997,1,1,27-40,Harway Therapist Ethical Responsiblities for Spousal Abuse Cases,1997,1,1,41-56,Hansen A Biopsychosocial Model for Understanding Relationship Aggression,1997,1,1,57-79,Rosenbaum Research Concerning Wife Abuse: Implications for Physician Training,1997,1,1,81-96,Hamberger Battered Women: A Historical Research Review and Some Common Myths,1997,1,1,97-116,Pagelow Female Offenders in Domestic Violence: A Look at Action in Their Context,1997,1,1,117-129,Hamberger Risk Factors for the Occurrence of Child Abuse and Neglect,1997,1,1,149-187,Sedlak Child homicide in the city of Los Angeles: an epidemiologic examination of a decade of deaths,1997,1,1,189-205,Peterson Physical Abuse and Childhood Disability: Risk and Treatment Factors,1997,1,1,207-224,Ammerman Sibling Child Sexual Abuse: Research Review and Clinical Implications,1997,1,1,263-275,Alpert On Opening Pandora's Box: Developing Violence Education Curricula for Health Care Educators and Providers,1997,1,2,1-10,Hamberger Teaching Violence Prevention: A Critical Role for Medical Education,1997,1,2,11-31,LaCerva The Family Peace Project: A Model for Training Health Care Professionals to Identify Treat and Prevent Partner Violence,1997,1,2,55-81,Ambuel A School-Based Primary Violence Prevention Program,1997,1,2,84-97,Israel Preventing Firearm Violence,1997,1,2,99-111,Goldberg Domestic Violence: Curricular Issues in Family Medicine,1997,1,2,113-129,Wang Educational Methods in Teaching About Violence,1997,1,2,131-152,Riley The Tarasoff Warning and the Duty to Protect: Implications for Family Medicine,1997,1,2,153-168,Searight Curricular Models for Training Medical Students and Physicians to Detect and Address Child Abuse,1997,1,2,169-177,Lazoritz Nonviolent Childhood Discipline,1997,1,2,179-206,McCormick PTSD Severity and Cognitive Reactions to Trauma Among a College Sample -- An Exploratory Study,2006,13,2,23-36,Chard Relationships among Women's Use of Aggression Their Victimization and Substance Use Problems: A Test of the Moderating Effects of Race/Ethnicity,2009,18,6,646-666,Swan A Comparison of Women Who Were Mandated and Nonmandated to the “Responsible Choices for Women” Group,2009,18,7,770-793,Tutty A Danish Model for Treating Victims of Rape and Sexual Assault: The Multidisciplinary Public Approach,2009,18,8,886-905,Elklit An Exploratory Study of Women as Dominant Aggressors of Physical Violence in Their Intimate Relationships,2009,18,7,718-738,Hamberger Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Immigrant African Women Survivors of Partner Abuse: Listening to Women's Own Voices,2009,18,8,817-838,Panchanadeswaran Childhood Emotional Abuse and the Attachment System Across the Life Cycle: What Theory and Research Tell Us,2010,19,1,5-51,Riggs College Women's Likelihood to Report Unwanted Sexual Experiences to Campus Agencies: Trends and Correlates,2009,18,8,839-858,Gidycz Family Functioning Moderating the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Memory Specificity,2009,18,8,859-871,Nash Fear as a Mediator for the Relationship Between Child Sexual Abuse and Victimization of Relationship Violence,2009,18,8,872-885,Ulloa Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: Within-Group Heterogeneity Related Psychopathology and a Review of Current Treatment with Recommendations for the Future,2009,18,7,752-769,Dutton Motivations and Justifications for Partner Aggression in a Sample of African American College Women,2009,18,7,698-717,Swan Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Affirmative Outreach and Advocacy,2009,18,8,795-816,Duke The Effect of Childhood Emotional Maltreatment on the Emerging Attachment System and Later Intimate Relationships,2010,19,1,1-4,Reyome What Will Happen if I Punch Him? Expected Consequences of Female Violence Against Male Dating Partners,2009,18,7,739-751,Leisring Cortisol Response Following Exposure Treatment for PTSD in Rape Victims,2010,19,4,349-356,Astin Future Directions in Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Research,2006,13,3,229-244,Stith Psychiatric and Cognitive Functioning in Adolescent Inpatients with Histories of Dating Violence Victimization,2010,19,5,565-583,Esposito-Smythers Changing Public Attitudes as a Prevention Strategy to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence,2006,13,3,13-39,Manganello Domestic Violence Screening in Medical and Mental Health Care Settings -- Overcoming Barriers to Screening Identifying and Helping Partner Violence Victims,2006,13,3,61-99,Phelan Why I Hit Him: Women's Reasons for Intimate Partner Violence,2009,18,7,672-697,Swan What Do Medical Providers Need to Successfully Intervene with Intimate Partner Violence?,2006,13,3,101-120,Sugg Introduction -- Perspectives on the Treatment of Intimate Violence,2003,7,1,1-6,Dutton Persistence in Domestic Violence Treatment and Self-Esteem Locus of Control Risk of Alcoholism Level of Abuse and Beliefs About Abuse,2006,13,1,1-18,Romans Strengthening Connections Between Mothers and Children -- Art Therapy in a Domestic Violence Shelter,2006,13,1,87-108,Buschel Childhood physical maltreatment and aggression among Chinese young adults: the roles of resilience and self-esteem,2020,29,9,1072-1091,Chen Relationship between body habitus and aggression subtypes among healthy young adults from the American Midwest,2020,29,9,1059-1071,Fite Preventing Intimate Partner Violence -- A Community Capacity Approach,2006,13,3,203-227,Bowen Impact of Coordinated Response to Intimate Partner Violence on Offender Accountability,2006,13,1,109-129,Barbee “Sorry We Have to Take You In:” Black Battered Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence,2008,15,3,95,West Can We Prevent the Hitting? Recommendations for Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Between Young Adults,2006,13,3,121-178,O'Leary Social Workers and Battered Women: The Need to Study Client Violence in the Domestic Violence Field,2009,18,1,46,Newhill Clinical Implications for the Assessment and Treatment of Antisocial and Psychopathic Domestic Violence Perpetrators,2006,13,1,59-85,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Gender Differences in Partner Violence in Context: Deconstructing Johnson's (2001) Control-Based Typology of Violent Couples,2009,18,6,604-622,Babcock Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Recidivism,2009,18,6,623-645,Henning Introduction to Part I of the Special Issue on Female Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence,2009,18,6,547-551,Geffner Introduction to Part II of the Special Issue on Female Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence,2009,18,7,667-671,Geffner The Psychology of Women's Partner Violence: Characteristics and Cautions,2009,18,6,587-603,Graham-Kevan Why the Overwhelming Evidence on Partner Physical Violence by Women Has Not Been Perceived and Is Often Denied,2009,18,6,552-571,Straus Women's Use of Intimate Partner Violence against Men: Prevalence Implications and Consequences,2009,18,6,572-586,Douglas A Mind-Body Approach to Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment: Program Overview and Preliminary Outcomes,2009,18,1,17-45,Nakamura An Underserved Population and Untapped Resource: A Preliminary Study of Collegiate Sorority Response to Dating Violence,2008,17,3,336-351,Anderson Applying Motivational Interviewing in a Domestic Violence Shelter: A Pilot Study Evaluating the Training of Shelter Staff,2008,17,3,296-317,Rasmussen Batterer Program Directors' Views on Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence,2009,18,3,248-260,Dalton Child Support Enforcement and Father Involvement Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence,2008,17,1,42-58,Pate Critical Issues in Researching Domestic Violence Among People of Color with Disabilities,2009,18,2,200-219,Lightfoot Domestic Violence and Individuals with Disabilities: Reflections on Research and Practice,2009,18,2,153-161,Baladerian Domestic Violence and People of Color with Disabilities: An Overview,2009,18,2,129-132,Lightfoot Factors Predicting Dating Violence Perpetration Among Male and Female College Students,2008,17,2,227-244,Stith Family of Origin Violence Predictors of IPV by Two Types of Male Offenders,2008,17,2,156-174,Henning Family Violence and Health Among Elderly in Croatia,2009,18,3,261-279,Ajduković Intimate Partner Violence Against Women with Disabilities: Implications for Disability Service System Case Management Practice,2009,18,2,182-199,Slayter Non-Violent Survival Strategies in the Face of Intimate Partner Violence and Economic Discrimination,2008,15,3,123-153,Davis People of Color with Disabilities: Intersectionality as a Framework for Analyzing Intimate Partner Violence in Social Historical and Political Contexts,2009,18,2,162-181,Cramer Future Directions in Mandated Standards for Domestic Violence Offenders,2001,5,2,287-293,Geffner Predictors of Violence and Lethality Among Latina Immigrants: Implications for Assessment and Treatment,2009,18,1,1-16,Zarza PTSD Symptoms in College Students Exposed to Interparental Violence: Are they Comparable to those that Result from Child Physical and Sexual Abuse?,2008,17,3,263-278,Marmion Reading and Phonological Awareness Skills in Children Exposed to Domestic Violence,2008,17,4,415-438,Blackburn Social Workers' Intervention Preferences in Cases of Parental Violence Toward Intellectually Disabled Children,2008,16,4,439-455,Enosh The Intersection of Disability Diversity and Domestic Violence: Results of National Focus Groups,2009,18,2,133-152,Lightfoot The Use of Mental Health Services Among Victims of Partner Violence on College Campuses,2008,16,4,376-390,Prospero Using the Theory of Gender and Power to Examine Experiences of Partner Violence Sexual Negotiation and Risk of HIV/AIDS Among Economically Disadvantaged Women in Southern India,2008,15,3,155-178,Panchanadeswaran Why Do Police Arrest Victims of Domestic Violence? The Need for Comprehensive Training and Investigative Protocols,2008,15,3,53-73,O'Dell Youth Exposure to Community Violence: Association with Aggression Victimization and Risk Behaviors,2008,17,2,141-155,Murray What's Going on Out There? -- A Survey of Batterer Intervention Programs,2007,15,1,59-74,Dalton Child Welfare Practice with Families Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence,2007,14,4,1-18,Jones Air Force Commanders' Disciplinary Decisions on Spouse Abuse Cases,2007,15,1,75-91,Sayegh Custody and Visitation Trends in the United States in Domestic Violence Cases,2000,3,1,329,Lemon Aligning with the Battered Woman to Protect Both Mother and Child -- Direct Practice and Policy Implications,2000,3,1,253,Friend Adolescent dating violence research and violence prevention: An opportunity to support health outcomes,2010,19,6,681-698,Wekerle Implementing dating violence prevention programs with flexibility fidelity and sensitivity to diversity: Lessons learned from Expect Respect,2010,19,6,661-680,Kerig Childhood sexual abuse and adulthood parenting: The mediating role of intimate partner violence,2010,19,3,323-346,Barrett Male veteran interpersonal partner violence (IPV) and associated problems,2010,19,4,414-423,Schaffer Research on intimate partner violence: A developmental process analysis of the contribution of childhood emotional abuse to relationship violence,2010,19,2,180-203,Yates Solutions to the research-practice gap in domestic violence: A modified Delphi study with domestic violence coalition leaders,2010,19,4,424-449,Smith The effect of childhood emotional maltreatment on the health and functioning of later intimate relationships,2010,19,2,135-137,Reyome The utility of motivational interviewing in domestic violence shelters: A qualitative exploration,2010,19,3,300-322,Rasmussen The protective functions of social support and coping for women experiencing intimate partner abuse,2009,18,5,443-458,Babcock Machiavellianism mindfulness and cyberbullying among Chinese junior high school students: the mediating role of empathy,2020,29,9,1047-1058,An 'A thin line between love and hate'? Black men as victims and perpetrators of dating violence,2008,16,3,238-257,West Intimate partner violence during the transition from prison to the community: Perspectives of incarcerated African American men,2008,16,3,258-276,Oliver African American women's responses to intimate partner violence: An examination of cultural context,2008,16,3,277-295,Gary Do you see what I see? The influence of gender stereotypes on student and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) perceptions of violent same-sex and opposite-sex relationships,2008,17,4,478-505,Cormier Domestic violence in the African American community,2008,16,3,229-237,Oliver Evaluating domestic violence interventions for black women,2008,16,3,330-353,Hampton Factors that predict attrition from a state-sponsored rural batterer treatment program,2008,17,4,453-477,Tollefson Helping child victims of family violence through school personnel: An evaluation of a training program,2008,16,2,144-163,Young Innocence lost: A gender-based study of parricide offender victim and incident characteristics in a national sample 1976-2003,2008,16,2,202-227,Krienert Latina immigrant victims of interpersonal violence in New Jersey: A needs assessment study,2008,16,1,22-39,Zarza Measuring myths about domestic violence: Development and initial validation of the Domestic Violence Myth Acceptance Scale,2008,16,1,1-21,Peters The impact of societal systems on black male violence,2008,16,3,311-329,Powell Therapist perceptions of intimate partner violence: A replication of Harway and Hansen's study after more than a decade,2008,17,1,80-102,McCloskey Twenty-five years of change in working with partner abusers--Part I: Observations from the trenches about community and system-level changes,2008,16,4,355-375,Hamberger Twenty-five years of change in working with partner abusers—Part II: Observations from the trenches about changes in understanding of abusers and abuser treatment,2008,17,1,1-22,Hamberger Public Health Communication Theory and Strategies for Interpersonal Violence Prevention,2006,13,3-4,41-60,Wray The Who What When Where and How of Partner Violence Prevention Research,2006,13,3-4,179-201,Hamby Adolescent Dating Violence in Context: Introduction and Overview,2010,19,5,465,Kerig Adolescent Girls' and Boys' Experiences of Psychologically Physically and Sexually Aggressive Behaviors in Their Dating Relationships: Co-Occurrence and Emotional Reaction,2010,19,5,517,Byers Examination of Sex and Race Differences in Longitudinal Predictors of the Initiation of Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration,2010,19,5,492,Foshee Peer Education and Leadership in Dating Violence Prevention: Strengths and Challenges,2010,19,6,641,Weisz Relational Dynamics as Sources of Risk and Resilience in Adolescent Dating Violence: Introduction and Overview,2010,19,6,585,Kerig Relational Dynamics Associated with Adolescent Dating Violence: The Roles of Rejection Sensitivity and Relational Insecurity,2010,19,6,587,Kerig The Ecology of Adolescent Dating Aggression: Attitudes Relationships Media Use and Socio-Demographic Risk Factors,2010,19,5,469,Craig Emerging Issues for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence,2000,3,1,1,Jaffe Mothers and Children Together -- A Family Group Treatment Approach,2000,3,1,185,Lehmann Development of a Brief Motivational Enhancement Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence in Alcohol Treatment Settings,2011,20,2,103-127,Murphy An examination of the association between difficulties with emotion regulation and dating violence perpetration,2011,20,8,870-885,Stuart The role of PTSD and length of shelter stay in battered women's severity of re-abuse after leaving shelter,2012,21,7,776-791,Johnson Gender differences in the relations among patriarchal beliefs parenting and teen relationship violence in Mexican adolescents,2012,21,7,721-738,Ulloa Age and gender differences in teen relationship violence,2012,21,3,351-364,Ulloa Attachment mediates the childhood maltreatment-daily hassles link in low-income suicidal African American women,2012,21,7,739-757,Kaslow Childhood domestic violence exposure among a community sample of adult perpetrators: what mediates the connection?,2012,21,2,171-187,Neighbors Relationships between past trauma exposures and PTSD among survivors of intimate partner violence,2012,21,5,540-554,Samuelson Testing posttraumatic stress as a mediator of childhood trauma and adult intimate partner violence victimization,2012,21,7,792-811,Campbell Types of aggressive relationships in adolescent dating violence,2012,21,5,516-539,Martsolf Addressing children's exposure to violence across settings: linking innovative science and practice,2013,22,1,1-5,Mulford Dating violence perpetration: the predictive roles of maternally versus paternally perpetrated childhood abuse and subsequent dating violence attitudes and behaviors,2013,22,1,6-25,Gidycz Early predictors of urban adolescents' community violence exposure,2013,22,1,26-44,Lambert Predictors of treatment engagement for young children exposed to violence,2013,22,1,87-108,Schewe Safe from the Start: evaluating interventions for children exposed to violence,2013,22,1,67-86,Schewe The relationship between a family-focused preventive intervention parenting practices and exposure to violence during the transition to adolescence: testing a mediational model,2013,22,1,45-66,Henry Correlates of readiness to change in victims of intimate partner violence,2013,22,2,127-144,Johnson Males' reactions to participating in research on dating violence victimization and childhood abuse,2013,22,4,348-364,Stuart The blameworthy victim: domestic violence myths and the criminalization of victimhood,2013,22,4,329-347,Payne Fostering social competence in preschool children exposed to intimate partner violence: Evaluating the preschool Kids' Club intervention,2013,22,4,425-445,Graham-Bermann Attachment style and early maladaptive schemas as mediators of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and intimate partner violence,2013,22,4,408-424,Jackson Intimate partner violence among West African immigrants,2013,22,1,109-129,Akinsulure-Smith Addressing sexual assault within social systems: system justification as a barrier to college prevention efforts,2013,22,5,493-509,Gray Social status and the desire to resort to violence: using the example of Uganda's former child soldiers,2013,22,5,559-575,Elbert MEGA♪: An ecological risk assessment tool of risk and protective factors for assessing sexually abusive children and adolescents,2010,19,7,734-756,Miccio-Fonseca Dual marginality: the impact of auditory status and sexual orientation on abuse in a college sample of women and men,2013,22,6,577-589,Porter Emotional maltreatment reports in children: The influence of state statutes and co-occurring maltreatment,2013,22,6,626-643,Huang Exploring gender differences in the association between childhood physical abuse and thyroid disorders,2013,22,6,590-610,Fuller-Thomson America's child soldiers: Toward a research agenda for studying gang-involved youth in the United States,2013,22,7,773-795,Kerig Impact of peer support on PTSD hope and functional impairment: A mixed-methods study of child soldiers in Nepal,2013,22,7,714-734,Kohrt Ethnic identity family cohesion and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in maltreated youth,2013,22,10,1085-1095,Kearney Addiction in maternity: Prevalence of mental illness substance use and trauma,2013,22,10,1070-1084,Torchalla Sticks and stones may break my bones but words relate to adult physiology? Child abuse experience and women's sympathetic nervous system response while self-reporting trauma,2013,22,10,1117-1136,Laurent Rape: A trauma of paralyzing dehumanization,2013,22,10,1051-1069,Moor Authenticity as a mediator of the relation between child maltreatment and negative outcomes for college women,2013,22,10,1096-1116,Theran Addressing post-traumatic stress and aggression by means of narrative exposure: A randomized controlled trial with ex-combatants in the Eastern DRC,2013,22,8,916-934,Elbert Reintegration of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone: the role of caregivers and their awareness of the violence adolescents experienced during the war,2013,22,8,803-828,Borisova War and tsunami PTSD responses in Sri Lankan children: primacy of reexperiencing and arousal compared to avoidance-numbing,2013,22,8,896-915,Soysa Gender disparities in the mental health of urban survivors of trauma,2013,22,9,950-963,Ghafoori Association of depressive symptomatology and elder mistreatment in a U.S. Chinese population: findings from a community-based participatory research study,2014,23,1,81-98,Simon Elder Mistreatment among Asians and Asian Americans: New directions toward prevention intervention and policy,2014,23,1,1-4,Lightfoot Elder mistreatment among Chinese and Korean immigrants: The roles of sociocultural contexts on perceptions and help-seeking behaviors,2014,23,1,20-44,Pérez-Stable Perception and help-seeking intention of intimate partner violence in later life: an international perspective,2014,23,1,45-66,Lee Self-reported abuse and mistreatment among Japanese elders receiving respite care,2014,23,1,67-80,Shibusawa The culture-embedded social problem of elder mistreatment: A review of international literature on Asian elders,2014,23,1,5-19,Lightfoot Childhood abuse types and physical health at the age of 24: testing health risk behaviors and psychological distress as mediators,2014,23,4,400-413,Palic Cognitive control in the face of fear: reduced cognitive-emotional flexibility in women with a history of child abuse,2014,23,5,454-472,Minzenberg Does bullying victimization suppress IQ? The effects of bullying victimization on IQ in Iraqi and African American adolescents: a traumatology perspective,2014,23,5,431-453,Ashby Maltreatment during childhood in a community-dwelling sample of men,2014,23,5,552-566,Bowman Mediators of posttraumatic mental health in sexual assault survivors,2014,23,3,301-317,Toner Missed opportunities: newspaper reports of domestic violence,2014,23,4,383-399,DePrince Multilevel investigation into the community context of child maltreatment,2014,23,3,229-248,Maguire-Jack Physical abuse among Asian families in the Canadian child welfare system,2014,23,5,532-551,Fallon Sleep deprivation and dating aggression perpetration in female college students: the moderating roles of trait aggression victimization by partner and alcohol use,2014,23,4,351-368,Keller Social-cognitive moderators of the relationship between peer victimization and suicidal ideation among psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents,2014,23,3,268-285,Esposito-Smythers Witnessing domestic violence as a child and adulthood emotionality: do adults "feel" the consequences of exposure to partner abuse later in the life course?,2014,23,3,318-331,Payne Childhood maltreatment increases the risk of intimate partner violence via PTSD and anger personality traits in individuals consulting for sexual problems,2014,23,9,982-998,Hébert HIV risk among pregnant teenagers with a history of interpersonal violence,2014,23,7,740-750,Phipps Using multiple informants to assess child maltreatment: concordance between case file and youth self-report,2014,23,7,751-771,Gabrielli Impact of abuse history on adolescent African-American women's current HIV/STD-associated behaviors and psychosocial mediators of HIV/STD risk,2014,23,2,151-167,DiClemente African American and white women's experience of sexual assault and services for sexual assault,2014,23,9,901-916,Weist An interactional perspective on coping with intimate partner violence: counterattack call for help or give in and obey him?,2014,23,9,881-900,Bjørkly Attachment anxiety depressive symptoms and adolescent dating violence perpetration: a longitudinal mediation analysis,2014,23,6,652-669,Ulloa Childhood physical abuse and sociopathy: is this link magnified among firstborn children?,2014,23,9,963-981,King Childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence in a clinical sample of men: the mediating roles of adult attachment and anger management,2014,23,7,683-704,Shaver Differences in sexual behaviors and teen dating violence among black hispanic and white female adolescents,2014,23,10,1072-1089,Wilson Disinhibition as a mechanism in sexual victimization: a prospective study,2014,23,8,869-880,Scarpa Male and female observers' evaluations of a bullying case as a function of degree of harm type of bullying and academic level,2014,23,10,1038-1056,Pickel Patterns in blame attributions in maltreated youth: association with psychopathology and interpersonal functioning,2014,23,6,567-588,Sharma-Patel Posttraumatic stress symptoms aggression and substance use coping among young adults,2014,23,10,1020-1037,Haden Relational and social aggression and reflective processing in a university sample,2014,23,6,670-681,Kolbert Resilience to childhood abuse and neglect in college students,2014,23,10,1001-1019,Rosén Sex differences in response to victimization by an intimate partner: more stigmatization and less help-seeking among males,2014,23,7,705-724,Vaillancourt Trauma healing: a mixed methods study of personal and community-based healing,2014,23,6,611-632,Dube Verbal sexual coercion experiences sexual risk and substance use in women,2014,23,7,725-739,Norris Violent experiences questionnaire predictors of low base-rate aggressive acts,2014,23,8,804-822,King Women's reporting of physical assaults to police in a national sample: a brief report,2014,23,8,854-868,Ullman Intimate partner violence and drinking among victims of adult sexual assault,2015,24,2,117-130,Ullman Psychophysiological reactivity to abuse-related stimuli in sexually revictimized women,2012,21,7,758-775,Scarpa Emotional and cognitive processing in sexual assault survivors' narratives,2012,21,2,149-170,Chaplin Health outcomes by closeness of sexual abuse perpetrator: a test of betrayal trauma theory,2012,21,2,133-148,Felitti Body modification sites and abuse history,2012,21,1,19-30,Lester Trauma affect regulation psychoeducation group and milieu intervention outcomes in juvenile detention facilities,2012,21,4,365-384,Ford Predicting prosocial behavior toward sex-trafficked persons: the roles of empathy belief in a just world and attitudes toward prostitution,2015,24,8,932-954,Karakurt Ritual abuse-torture within families/groups,2008,16,4,419-438,Sarson A brief report on predicting self-harm: is it gender or abuse that matters?,2015,24,2,203-214,Becker-Blease How childhood maltreatment impacts aggression from perspectives of social comparison and resilience framework theory,2020,29,9,1113-1124,Xiang Social cognition as mediator of romantic breakup adjustment in young adults who experienced childhood maltreatment,2020,29,9,1125-1142,Daigneault Adverse effects of childhood emotional maltreatment on child behavioral outcomes,2016,25,2,127-144,Shaffer The relation between compulsive sexual behaviors and aggression in a substance-dependent population,2016,25,1,110-124,Stuart Dating violence and African immigrant youth,2016,25,1,18-32,Gillum Intimate partner violence in African immigrant communities in the United States: reflections from the IDVAAC African Women's Round Table on Domestic Violence,2016,25,1,50-62,Gillum The interface between spirituality and violence in the lives of immigrant African women: implications for help seeking and service provision,2016,25,1,33-49,Panchanadeswaran African immigrant women and intimate partner violence: a systematic review,2016,25,1,4-17,West Exploring the science of conducting surveys for studying men's sexual assault perpetration behaviors,2016,25,1,88-109,Dinitto Health outcomes and attitudes toward female genital cutting in a community-based sample of West African immigrant women from high-prevalence countries in New York City,2016,25,1,63-83,Akinsulure-Smith Predictor variables of PTSD symptoms in school victimization: a retrospective study with college students,2015,24,10,1067-1085,Williams Understanding sexual revictimization of women through metaphors: a qualitative research,2015,24,8,914-931,Toren Exposure to armed conflict and prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms among young adults in Kashmir India,2015,24,7,740-752,Bhat Symptoms among partners family and friends of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: associations with social support behaviors gender and relationship status,2015,24,8,876-896,Guay Evaluation of a trauma-informed school intervention with girls in a residential facility school: student perceptions of school environment,2015,24,10,1086-1105,Somers Homelessness is traumatic: abuse victimization and trauma histories of homeless men,2015,24,9,1022-1043,Deck The scope of client aggression toward social workers in Israel,2015,24,9,971-985,Enosh The impact of criminalization of stalking on Italian students: adherence to stalking myths,2015,24,10,1106-1122,Spitzberg Sexual exploitation in children: nature prevalence and distinguishing characteristics reported in young adulthood,2015,24,6,603-622,Ireland Social construction of intimate partner violence: a brief report on quantitative grammatical analysis,2015,24,10,1123-1133,Lehmann Cumulative contribution of child maltreatment to emotional experience and regulatory intent in intimate adult interactions,2015,24,6,636-655,Waldinger Predicting bidirectional intimate partner violence: demographic and historical factors that influence initiating threats or use of violence by IPV victims,2015,24,9,1002-1021,Wilke Internalized homophobia and intimate partner violence in young adult women's same-sex relationships,2015,24,6,656-673,Pepper Victimization and polyvictimization among Spanish adolescent outpatients,2015,24,9,1044-1066,Guilera Evaluating the relationship between childhood abuse and neglect interpersonal hostile-dominance and aggression in psychiatric hospitals,2015,24,9,986-1001,Daffern Child personality moderates associations between parenting and relational and physical aggression,2015,24,7,845-862,Tackett Taking stock of behavioral measures of adolescent dating violence,2015,24,6,674-692,Niolon Cyber bullying among teenagers in Israel: an examination of cyber bullying traditional bullying and socioemotional functioning,2015,24,6,707-720,Olenik-Shemesh Composite trauma and mental health diagnosis as predictors of lifetime nonsuicidal self-injury history in an adult online sample,2015,24,6,623-635,Bradley Effects of abusive parenting caretaker arrests and deviant behavior on dating violence among homeless young adults,2015,24,10,1134-1150,Tyler Maternal dysphoria maternal attitudes toward parenting and childhood externalizing behavior as predictors of physical aggression,2015,24,7,825-844,Walters Comprehension of sexual consent as a key factor in the perpetration of sexual aggression among college men,2015,24,8,897-913,Swan Childhood and offense-related trauma in young people imprisoned in England and Wales for murder and other acts of serious violence: a descriptive study,2015,24,8,955-969,Hollin Implicit coping styles as a predictor of aggression,2015,24,7,809-824,Gottdiener The link between psychological abuse victimization and physical health in college students,2015,24,6,693-706,Witte Childhood maltreatment and PTSD: spiritual well-being and intimate partner violence as mediators,2015,24,5,501-519,Kaslow Respectable disreputable or rightful? Young Nicaraguan women's discourses on femininity intimate partner violence and sexual abuse: a grounded theory situational analysis,2016,25,3,315-332,Ohman Examining the long-term effects of a domestic violence training for educators,2016,25,7,671-685,Young Is physical abuse neglect or a combination of both more predictive of delinquent behavior in a high-risk population?,2016,25,2,145-163,Platt Sexual coercion trauma and sex work in justice-involved women with substance use disorders,2016,25,3,254-268,Jason A focus on neglect: comparing the characteristics of children and parents in cases of neglect abuse and non-CAN (child abuse and neglect) in Israeli rulings on termination of parental rights,2016,25,7,721-740,Ben-David A preliminary investigation of the relationship between emotion dysregulation and partner violence perpetration among individuals with PTSD and alcohol dependence,2016,25,3,305-314,Schumacher Relationship characteristics associated with teen dating violence perpetration,2016,25,9,936-954,Foshee Effects of prenatal and postbirth intimate partner violence on preschool-age children's dissociative symptoms,2016,25,7,741-752,Levendosky Friendships lost: the social consequences of violent victimization,2017,26,2,116-136,Ménard Silenced by betrayal: the path from childhood trauma to diminished sexual communication in adulthood,2017,26,1,3-17,Freyd Shame and dissociation in survivors of high and low betrayal trauma,2017,26,1,34-49,Luoma Experience of a lifetime: study abroad trauma and institutional betrayal,2017,26,1,50-68,Freyd Blaming the victim: university student attitudes toward bullying,2017,26,1,69-87,Richards Campus responses to dating violence and sexual assault: information from university representatives,2017,26,1,88-102,Sabina Cyberbullying involvement of adolescents with low vision compared to typical adolescents as related to perceived social support,2017,26,2,105-115,Olenik-Shemesh No ordinary life: complex narratives of trauma and resilience in under-resourced communities,2017,26,2,137-154,Smith "When I'd dealt with my issues I was ready to give back": peer leader's perspectives of support groups for women abused by intimate partners,2017,26,2,155-174,Tutty Brain function associated with cooccurring trauma and depression symptoms in college students,2017,26,2,175-190,Nooner Nonchildhood sexual abuse in Mexican American and Mexican college students,2017,26,2,191-210,Rogers Child maltreatment in Vietnam: prevalence and cross-cultural comparison,2017,26,3,211-230,Alink Longitudinal linkages between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and violent behaviors among Chinese adolescents following the Wenchuan earthquake,2017,26,3,231-243,Zhou Exploring critical incidents and postexposure management in a volunteer fire service,2017,26,3,244-257,Brazil Pathogenic beliefs mediate the relationship between perceived negative parenting and psychopathology symptoms,2017,26,3,258-275,Silberschatz Encouraging bystanders to promote positive parenting and prevent child maltreatment in retail settings: results of an exploratory qualitative study,2017,26,3,276-296,Zuckerman Applying the lifestyle routine activities theory to understand physical and nonphysical peer victimization,2017,26,3,297-315,Espelage A mediation model of sexual assault among Latter-Day Saints,2017,26,3,316-333,Galliher Predictors of child maltreatment potential in a national sample of mothers of young children,2017,26,4,335-353,Renk Relation between aggression exposure during youth and later resting skin conductance levels,2017,26,4,354-371,Gordis Field trial of a complicated grief psychosocial program for adolescents in Occupied Palestine,2017,26,4,372-390,Abdallah Survivor insight: a study of family friend and community response to interpersonal violence,2017,26,4,391-410,Todahl Gender differences in victimization and the relation to personality disorders in forensic psychiatry,2017,26,4,411-429,Vogel Emotional abuse in childhood and attachment anxiety in adult romantic relationships as predictors of personality disorders,2017,26,4,430-443,Neumann Examining the prevalence and predictors of injury from adolescent dating violence,2017,26,5,445-461,Swahn Tolerance and perception of abuse in youth dating relationships,2017,26,5,462-474,Lana The importance of cognitive dissonance in understanding and treating victims of intimate partner violence,2017,26,5,475-492,Nicholson Victimized children's adjustment difficulties: the role of parenting styles and parents' childhood peer victimization status,2017,26,5,493-506,Wright Motives to report stalking cases to the police: a comparison between a large city and a small town in Italy,2017,26,5,507-524,Varetto Inconsistencies in the reporting of perceived trauma severity among acute physical injury survivors,2017,26,5,525-542,deRoon-Cassini Predictors of treatment completion and recidivism among intimate partner violence offenders,2017,26,5,543-557,Bresler The anomaly among sexually abusive youth: the juvenile sex trafficker,2017,26,5,558-572,Miccio-Fonseca Associations of emotional abuse types with suicide ideation among dating couples,2017,26,9,1042-1054,Stuart Emotion regulation difficulties moderate the association between heavy episodic drinking and dating violence perpetration among college men,2016,25,9,921-935,Davis The role of hostile attributions in the associations between child maltreatment and reactive and proactive aggression,2016,25,10,1043-1057,Fite Child abuse--suicide resilience link in African American women: interpersonal psychological mediators,2017,26,10,1055-1071,Kaslow Resilience in holocaust survivors: a study of defense mechanisms in holocaust narratives,2017,26,10,1072-1089,Perry Investigating the potentially protective effects of neighborhood processes in intimate partner violence,2017,26,10,1090-1103,Maguire-Jack Factors contributing to posttraumatic growth in Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans,2017,26,10,1104-1116,Hawker Insult then injury: interpersonal and institutional betrayal linked to health and dissociation,2017,26,10,1117-1131,Freyd Dissociative experiences and trauma exposure among newly arrived and settled young war refugees,2017,26,10,1132-1149,Bengtsson Validation and standardization of the Dutch trauma symptom checklist for young children in a normative and clinical sample,2018,27,1,1-14,Schuengel The prevalence and consequences of intimate partner violence intrusion in the workplace,2018,27,1,15-34,Blodgett Improving interaction competencies with children--a pilot feasibility study to reduce school corporal punishment,2018,27,1,35-53,Hermenau Disclosure on campus: students' decisions to tell others about unwanted sexual experiences intimate partner violence and stalking,2018,27,1,54-75,Walsh Workplace violence toward hospital staff and volunteers: a survey of an Italian sample,2018,27,1,76-95,Magnavita How patient-perpetrated workplace violence leads to turnover intention among nurses: the mediating mechanism of occupational stress and burnout,2018,27,1,96-118,Laeeque Troubled or traumatized youth? The relations between psychopathy violence exposure posttraumatic stress disorder and antisocial behavior among juvenile offenders,2018,27,2,164-178,Tsang The relation between the two factors of psychopathy and intimate partner aggression,2018,27,2,119-130,Babcock Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between child maltreatment and non-suicidal self-injury,2018,27,3,323-331,Kim A multimodal study of childhood trauma and distress tolerance in young adulthood,2018,27,7,795-810,Dick Treatment use among college women following a campus shooting,2019,28,3,261-280,Orcutt Psychosocial variables associated with verbal abuse as a form of intimate partner violence against women in a Spanish sample,2018,27,3,237-255,Gil-Lacruz Intimate partner violence among transitional-aged women with and without disabilities: implications for social work practice,2018,27,3,275-290,Leisey A national survey of trauma training in psychology internships,2018,27,3,309-322,Cook Aggression in children with reactive attachment disorder: a sign of deficits in emotional regulatory processes?,2018,27,4,347-366,Vasquez Adolescent female aggression: functions and etiology,2018,27,4,367-385,Haden Workplace bullying and burnout: the moderating effects of social support,2018,27,4,386-408,Rossiter Does bullying affect work-to-private-life interference? Testing the mediating role of resilience,2018,27,4,409-424,Arnetz Academic and extracurricular predictors of peer victimization: evidence of similarities across diverse racial and ethnic categories,2018,27,4,425-443,Lehman White female bystanders' responses to a Black woman at risk for sexual assault: associations with attitudes about sexism and racial injustice,2018,27,4,444-459,Katz Secondary traumatic stress in social science researchers of trauma-exposed populations,2018,27,5,475-486,Sprang Dispositional mindfulness posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and academic burnout in Chinese adolescents following a tornado: the role of mediation through regulatory emotional self-efficacy,2018,27,5,487-504,Xu Foster parents' knowledge of child trauma: an exploratory study,2018,27,5,505-522,Bowman Weight-related abuse: impact of perpetrator-victim relationship on binge eating and internalizing symptoms,2018,27,5,541-554,Salwen Help-seeking behaviors in non-offending caregivers of abused children in the Philippines,2018,27,5,555-573,Kangas "Breaking her spirit" through objectification fragmentation and consumption: a conceptual framework for understanding domestic sex trafficking,2018,27,6,598-611,Herrington Ambiguous agency as a diagnostic of power: efforts of child welfare providers to promote responsible agency among youth involved in sex trades,2018,27,6,577-597,Postmus Cumulative adversity as a correlate of posttraumatic growth: the effects of multiple traumas discrimination and sexual harassment,2018,27,6,612-630,Saunders Treatment adherence among war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a concept analysis,2018,27,6,674-688,Ebadi Healing from moral injury: a qualitative evaluation of the impact of Killing Treatment for combat veterans,2018,27,6,645-673,Maguen When home is where the harm is: family betrayal and posttraumatic outcomes in young adulthood,2018,27,7,720-743,Freyd Posttraumatic overmodulation callous-unemotional traits and offending among justice-involved youth,2018,27,7,744-758,Kerig Exploring the relationship between child maltreatment intimate partner violence victimization and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors,2018,27,7,759-776,Lafontaine Adolescents in secure accommodation in Scotland: exposure and impact of traumatic events,2018,27,7,777-794,Mitchell Moderating role of perceived social support between perceived parenting styles and relational aggression in adolescents,2018,27,8,831-845,Mahmood The role of functions of aggression in associations between behavioral inhibition and activation and mental health outcomes,2018,27,8,811-830,Fite Prevalence and predictors of psychological violence against male victims in intimate relationships in Canada,2018,27,8,846-866,Dim Top ten questions male sexual abuse survivors want to know from health care research,2018,27,8,867-882,Cook Prevalence of types of perpetration: gender and patterns of intimate partner violence within a prison sample in Singapore,2018,27,8,883-901,Brown Aggression psychopathology and intimate partner violence perpetration: does gender matter?,2018,27,8,902-921,Clements Prediction of posttraumatic stress disorder from peritraumatic dissociation and distress among men and women victims of violent crimes,2018,27,9,923-941,Guay Impact of cyber aggression and cyber victimization on mental health and well-being of Pakistani young adults: the moderating role of gender,2018,27,9,942-958,Musharraf From posttrauma to gender and back: a gender motivation theory-explanation of gender differences in trauma exposure symptoms diagnosis and implications,2018,27,9,959-982,Winstok Child victimization and poly-victimization in a community sample of adolescents in northern Chile,2018,27,9,983-1002,Pereda Taxonomy of psychological and social disturbances in survivors of group psychological abuse,2018,27,9,1003-1021,Rodríguez-Carballeira Physical abuse victimization and violence in the transition to adulthood: the mediating role of alcohol and drug use,2018,27,9,1022-1040,Savage The role of peers in the linkages between harsh parenting and mental health outcomes among adolescents from families at-risk,2018,27,10,1060-1074,Fitzgerald Relationship between childhood trauma and sleep disturbances: the role of perceived stress as a mediator,2018,27,10,1075-1089,Cardoso Psychometric properties of bully fighting and victimization scales among clinically referred youth,2018,27,10,1110-1124,Boyd Survivors' advice to service providers: how to best serve survivors of sexual assault,2018,27,10,1125-1144,DePrince A single-arm meta-analysis of cognitive processing therapy in addressing trauma-related negative cognitions,2018,27,10,1145-1153,Surís Understanding intimate partner sexual assaults: findings from sexual assault kits,2019,28,1,8-24,Flannery Intimate partner (sexual) violence: Danish research and policy,2019,28,1,25-46,Bertelsen The responses of health systems to marital sexual violence - a perspective from southern India,2019,28,1,47-67,Chattopadhyay A "wife's duty" and social suffering: sexual assault in marital relationships in Vietnam,2019,28,1,68-84,Kwiatkowski "She didn't want to…and I'd obviously insist": Canadian university men's normalization of their sexual violence against intimate partners,2019,28,1,85-105,Barata Narrating rape: an ethnographic case-study of non-consensual sexual debut in Tanzania,2019,28,1,106-125,Kenny Partners as possession: a qualitative exploration of intimate partner sexual violence in Freetown Sierra Leone,2019,28,2,127-145,Schneider Gender relationships and sexual violence in the lives of women from Chuuk Micronesia,2019,28,2,146-165,Smith Intimate partner violence perpetrated by police officers: is it self-control or the desire-to-be-in-control that matters more?,2019,28,2,166-185,Melander Aboriginal women's experiences with intimate partner sexual violence and the dangerous lives they live as a result of victimization,2019,28,2,186-204,Guggisberg Psychopathology and coping in survivors of intimate partner violence: associations with race and abuse severity,2019,28,2,205-221,Clements Understanding pathways within intimate partner violence: economic abuse economic hardship and mental health,2019,28,2,222-242,Schrag Domestic abuse and forgiveness among military spouses,2019,28,2,243-260,Solomon Trauma-informed care for infant and early childhood abuse,2019,28,4,389-406,Fredrickson Implementing trauma-informed care in primary medical settings: evidence-based rationale and approaches,2019,28,4,425-444,Hamberger Trauma-informed police responses to rape victims,2019,28,4,463-480,Rich The Greensboro Child Response Initiative: a trauma-informed mental health-law enforcement model for children exposed to violence,2019,28,5,526-544,Graves A systemic framework for trauma-informed schooling: complex but necessary!,2019,28,5,545-565,Howard Traumatic brain injury in victims of domestic violence,2019,28,6,655-659,Lifshitz Traumatic brain injury within domestic relationships: complications consequences and contributing factors,2019,28,6,660-676,Hellewell Exploring correlates of probable traumatic brain injury among intimate partner violence survivors,2019,28,6,677-694,Hunnicutt Correlates of brain injuries in women subjected to intimate partner violence: identifying the dangers and raising awareness,2019,28,6,695-713,Valera The effect of intimate partner violence and probable traumatic brain injury on mental health outcomes for Black women,2019,28,6,714-731,Campbell Forensic nursing examination to screen for traumatic brain injury following intimate partner violence,2019,28,6,732-743,Handmaker Provider perceptions and domestic violence (DV) survivor experiences of traumatic and anoxic-hypoxic brain injury: implications for DV advocacy service provision,2019,28,6,744-763,Nemeth Exploring the use of neurofeedback therapy in mitigating symptoms of traumatic brain injury in survivors of intimate partner violence,2019,28,6,764-783,Brown Rethinking traumatic brain injury from intimate partner violence: a theoretical model of the cycle of transmission,2019,28,7,785-806,Schminkey Intimate partner violence (IPV) and neurological outcomes: a review for practitioners,2019,28,7,807-825,Monahan Involving police departments in early awareness of concussion symptoms during domestic violence calls,2019,28,7,826-837,Handmaker Restoring more than smiles in broken homes: dental and oral biomarkers of brain injury in domestic violence,2019,28,7,838-847,Ellis Battered Woman Syndrome Questionnaire (BWSQ) subscales: development reliability and validity,2019,28,7,848-869,Kennedy The prevalence and co-occurrence of the forms of violence against women,2019,28,7,870-887,Rosenbaum Who speaks first? Analyzing response waves in a large-scale campus climate survey,2019,28,7,888-901,DeKeseredy Effect of childhood emotional abuse on aggressive behavior: a moderated mediation model,2019,28,8,929-942,Wang Involvement in bullying among left-behind children in provincial Chinese cities: the role of perceived emotional support,2019,28,8,943-957,Liu Sexual violence on public transportation: a threat to women's mobility in Bangladesh,2019,28,8,1017-1019,Mazumder Unwanted sexual experiences in university settings: survivors' perspectives on effective prevention and intervention strategies,2019,28,9,1021-1037,Campbell Walking the walk or just talk? A global examination of men's intentions to take violence preventative action,2019,28,9,1038-1056,Tolman Intimate partner violence victimization among heterosexual gay lesbian and bisexual college students: the role of pro-abuse peer support,2019,28,9,1057-1068,DeKeseredy Testing target congruence theory on emotional abuse victimization experienced by heterosexual and LGBQ college students,2019,28,9,1069-1090,Zavala A comparison of sexual aggression risk factors between the United States and the Philippines,2019,28,9,1091-1109,Klanecky Gender differences in the association of intimate partner violence and relationship values among college students,2019,28,9,1110-1129,Weston Patterns of adolescent aggression and victimization: sex differences and correlates,2019,28,9,1130-1150,Foshee The moms' empowerment program addresses traumatic stress in mothers with preschool-age children experiencing intimate partner violence,2019,28,10,1151-1172,Graham-Bermann Sex differences in correlates of risk and resilience associated with military sexual trauma,2019,28,10,1199-1215,Sareen A cognitive model of the familial transmission of depression,2019,28,10,1232-1249,Liu The role of coping resources in the relationship between mistreatment and job burnout: evidence across two healthcare settings,2019,28,10,1250-1268,Livne Examining pathways of childhood maltreatment and emotional dysregulation using self-compassion,2019,28,10,1269-1285,Orcutt Childhood maltreatment on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Scale versus the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) in a perinatal sample,2020,29,1,38-56,Lieberman Attributions of conflict: impact on the relation between parental physical maltreatment and emotion regulation difficulties,2020,29,1,57-72,Coleman Perceived interparental conflict and depressive symptomatology in emerging adults: the mediating role of aggressive attitudes,2020,29,1,73-91,Alves Childhood emotional maltreatment and aggression: the mediator role of the early maladaptive schema domains and difficulties in emotion regulation,2020,29,1,92-110,Kahya History of childhood maltreatment: associations with aggression and college outcomes,2020,29,1,111-128,Welsh Victimization from peer aggression and/or bullying: prevalence overlap and psychosocial characteristics,2020,29,2,131-147,Bjorkqvist Exposure to online game violence and cyberbullying among Chinese adolescents: normative beliefs about aggression as a mediator and trait aggressiveness as a moderator,2020,29,2,148-166,Chu Past experiences of getting bullied and assaulted and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a severe traumatic event in adulthood: a study of World Trade Center (WTC) responders,2020,29,2,167-185,Luft The utility of a psycho-social approach for understanding and addressing male youth violence: the interface between traumatic experiences and masculinity,2020,29,2,186-205,Walsh The relationship between resting heart rate variability hostility and in vivo aggression among young adults,2020,29,2,206-222,McCloskey Breaking the cycle of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: the effects of student gender and caring relationships with teachers,2020,29,2,223-241,Keith Can adult care diminish the effects of friends' assaultive behaviors on bullying perpetration among African American youth?,2020,29,2,242-258,Voisin From basic human values to interpersonal violence: a mental illness sample,2020,29,3,259-271,Rossi The Responsible Choices for Men IPV offender program: outcomes and a comparison of court-mandated to non-court-mandated men,2020,29,3,292-313,Tutty The impact of verbal violence on body investment and self-worth among college students,2020,29,3,314-331,Karni-Vizer The effect of gender on negative emotional experiences accompanying use of Muslims' and Jews' verbal aggression in heterosexual intimate-partner relationships,2020,29,3,332-347,Sowan-Basheer Factors related to intimate partner violence and survivors' help-seeking among college students in South Korea,2020,29,3,365-382,Cho Rape medical advocates experiences with vicarious trauma burnout and self-care,2020,29,4,421-441,Long Work engagement in the face of terrorism: the moderating role of trait resilience,2020,29,4,461-478,Shahzad The combined moderating effects of coworker support and occupational coping self-efficacy on the relationship between mistreatment by patients and burnout,2020,29,4,479-497,Goussinsky Beyond PTSD: Black male fragility in the context of trauma,2020,29,5,517-536,Singletary Voice of the indirect victims: qualitative analysis of the impact of terrorism on Turkish young adults,2020,29,5,537-556,Karanci Exploring the association between hostile attribution bias and intimate partner violence in college students: romantic relationships and friends with benefits,2020,29,5,557-576,Weston Violence exposure and psychopathology as potential correlates and risk factors of relational aggression among diverse college students,2020,29,5,577-593,Allwood A model of aggressive behavior: early adversity impulsivity and response inhibition,2020,29,5,594-610,Carver Explosive matters: does venting anger reduce or increase aggression? Differences in anger venting effects in violent offenders,2020,29,5,611-627,Arntz Provoked aggression: an interplay between self-control training mindfulness induction and provocation sensitivity,2020,29,5,628-642,Lawrence A mixed-methods approach to identifying sexual assault concerns on a university campus,2020,29,6,643-660,Shah All involved in the recovery: disclosure and social reactions following sexual victimization,2020,29,6,661-679,Hébert Predicting PTSD and depression following sexual assault: the role of perceived life threat post-traumatic cognitions victim-perpetrator relationship and social support,2020,29,6,680-698,Weathers Shame proneness negative cognitions and posttraumatic stress among women with a history of sexual trauma,2020,29,6,699-713,Feldner Self- and other-directed violence as outcomes of deployment-based military sexual assault,2020,29,6,714-724,Elbogen Interactions with offenders post-assault and their impacts on recovery: a qualitative study of sexual assault survivors and support providers,2020,29,6,725-747,Ullman Can participation in belly dancing improve body image and self-esteem in women who have experienced sexual harassment?,2020,29,6,748-765,Walter Untold stories of women living in violence: lived realities of why women stay: a case study of Ngombe and Kanyama compounds in Lusaka,2020,29,7,767-784,Sichimba Differentials and predictors of IPV against Nigerian women in rural and urban areas,2020,29,7,785-807,Dim Education gender residence and attitude toward intimate partner violence: an empirical study,2020,29,7,808-825,Wang Integrating a social norms perspective to address community violence against Sri Lankan women and girls: a call for research and practice,2020,29,7,826-834,Cislaghi "Give me proof": a covert but coercive form of non-partner sexual violence contributing to teen pregnancy in Haiti and opportunities for biopsychosocial intervention,2020,29,7,835-855,Sutton Black Muslim women's domestic violence help-seeking strategies: types motivations and outcomes,2020,29,7,856-875,Oyewuwo-Gassikia Campaigns against intimate partner violence toward women in Portugal: types of prevention and target audiences,2020,29,7,876-895,Martín Deny attack and reverse victim and offender (DARVO): what is the influence on perceived perpetrator and victim credibility?,2020,29,8,897-916,Freyd Social norms: are sexually aggressive men more likely to misperceive other men's sexual desires and behavior?,2020,29,8,917-935,Masters Female psychopathy and aggression: a study with incarcerated women and Rorschach Aggression Scores,2020,29,8,936-952,Gacono Misperceptions and motivations of the female terrorist: a psychological perspective,2020,29,8,953-968,Capezza Sadism and cyber aggression: moral identity as a possible moderator,2020,29,8,969-983,Shahnawaz Technology-facilitated sexual violence: prevalence risk and resiliency in undergraduate students,2020,29,8,984-999,Snaychuk Self-compassion and predictors of criminal conduct in adolescent offenders,2020,29,8,1020-1033,Gómez Community violence exposure and academic performance: examining the roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms and sleep quantity and quality among college students,2020,29,10,1161-1175,Allwood Validation of a scale of post-traumatic stress traits in the Mexican youth exposed to social violence,2020,29,10,1176-1188,Chávez-Valdez Emotional intelligence and aggression among university students of Pakistan: a correlational study,2020,29,10,1189-1203,Saleem Investigating the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and resilience: a study of undergraduate students in Turkey,2020,29,10,1204-1221,Sevi 'We have lost our lives already': loss and coping among Sri Lankan women,2020,29,10,1222-1243,Wickrama 'I went through hell': strategies for kidnapping and victims' experiences in Nigeria,2020,29,10,1244-1256,Tade Boko Haram terrorism and human security in Nigeria: matters arising,2020,29,10,1257-1278,Ugwuoke Four case studies examining male victims of intimate partner abuse,2021,30,1,3-24,Dear Perceived executive functioning among female survivors of intimate partner violence,2021,30,1,25-42,Pérez-García Shyness and loneliness in Chinese young adults: roles of aggression and gender,2021,30,1,43-53,Sun Childhood maltreatment and adolescents' externalizing problems: mentalization and aggression justification as mediators,2021,30,1,54-69,Barkauskiene PTSD symptoms suicidal ideation and suicide risk in university students: the role of distress tolerance,2021,30,1,82-100,Vujanovic Two schools one rural county: exploring adverse childhood experiences among school-aged youth,2021,30,1,101-117,Keesler RETRACTED: Child soldiers as adults: the Mozambique case study,2021,30,1,138,The editors Anger and aggression among maltreated youth: mediating pathways,2021,30,2,139-153,McWey Peer and dating aggression among early adolescent boys and girls admitted to a secure inpatient psychiatric unit: links with maltreatment,2021,30,2,154-174,Connolly Violent video game effects on aggressive behavior among children: the role of aggressive motivation and trait-aggressiveness in China,2021,30,2,175-192,Zhang Examining the association between stuttering and psychopathic personality traits nonviolent crime and violent crime,2021,30,2,193-206,Beaver The code of honor as a predictor of anger and aggression,2021,30,2,226-242,Zhuo The ACE Questionnaire and lifetime physical aggression,2021,30,2,243-260,King Measurement invariance of the Reactive and Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) across self- and other-reports,2021,30,2,261-277,Wang Trauma assessment in juvenile justice: are we asking the right questions in the right ways?,2021,30,3,324-346,Zelechoski Poly-victimization among adolescents adjudicated for illegal sexual behavior: a latent class analysis,2021,30,3,347-367,Alexander On the outside looking in: rural girls trauma and involvement in the criminal justice system,2021,30,3,368-388,Williams Assessing the correlation between parental incarceration and relational aggression: factor structure of the Diverse Adolescent Relational Aggression Scale (DARAS),2021,30,4,491-508,Horton Future orientation and adverse outcomes of peer victimization among African American adolescents,2021,30,4,528-546,Voisin Cumulative childhood maltreatment and executive functioning in adulthood,2021,30,4,547-563,Heller Internalized messages: the role of sexual violence normalization on meaning-making after campus sexual violence,2021,30,5,565-585,Munro-Kramer Consequences of sexual violence among college students: investigating the role of PTSD symptoms rumination and institutional betrayal,2021,30,5,586-604,Hannan Social risk factors for interpersonal violence victimization among college students: findings from a mixed-gender sample,2021,30,5,605-624,Mennicke Gendered sexual violence: betrayal trauma dissociation and PTSD in diverse college students,2021,30,5,625-640,Gómez Perceptions of sexual trauma severity in men and women,2021,30,5,641-661,Lauricella Dating and sexual violence victimization among lesbian gay bisexual and questioning youth: considering the importance of gender and sexual orientation,2021,30,5,662-678,Semprevivo Sexual orientation victimization and depression among lesbian gay and bisexual youths in Hong Kong: the mediating role of social support,2021,30,5,679-693,Chen Adult sexual assault severity among transgender people of color: the impact of double marginalization,2021,30,5,694-706,Staples Gender differences in the impact of adolescent maltreatment victimization on subsequent sexual intimate partner violence perpetration,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Concordance of children's adverse childhood experiences amongst child caregiver and caseworker,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lombardi Psychological experiences of the Guatemalan civil war and postwar violence on a Kaqchikel community:an exploratory qualitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dass-Brailsford The sex-role of university students and their attitudes toward violence against women in the name of honor,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aslan Pathways linking childhood maltreatment to impulsivity: the mediating role of affect balance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brownridge Coping action patterns in trauma and other autobiographic narratives in Holocaust survivors: a mixed-methods study,2021,30,10,1307-1326,Perry Torture experiences and mental health problems among refugees: the impact of repatriation to North Korea on mental disorders,2021,30,10,1327-1346,Kim Prison and post-release experiences of innocent inmates,2021,30,10,1347-1365,Pate The posttraumatic stress disorder factorial structure: findings from a multicultural sample,2021,30,10,1366-1380,Derivois A question of disparity: changing our response to trauma survivors within systems of care,2021,30,10,1381-1396,Olson Community insights on domestic violence among African Americans,2021,30,6,714-730,Jenkins African American survivors of intimate partner violence: lived experience and future directions for research,2021,30,6,731-748,Gillum Widening the lens: expanding the research on intimate partner violence in Black communities,2021,30,6,749-760,West Domestic violence through a Caribbean lens: historical context theories risks and consequences,2021,30,6,761-780,Lacey Physical intimate partner violence justification and female genital mutilation in Kenya: evidence from the demographic and health survey,2021,30,6,781-791,Konkor Understanding intimate partner violence among immigrant and refugee women: a grounded theory analysis,2021,30,6,792-810,Sabri The syndemic interaction of intimate partner violence sexually transmitted infections and HIV infection among African American women: best practices and strategies,2021,30,6,811-827,Sharps Social support as a moderator between syndemics and posttraumatic stress among women experiencing adversity,2021,30,6,828-843,Howell Mothers' ways of knowing: an exploratory study of abused mothers' perceptions of their adolescent sons' reactions to partner abuse,2021,30,7,845-860,Aymer Adult family adversities and bullying among urban African American adolescents,2021,30,7,861-876,Voisin Black bodies at the dangerous intersection of gender violence and mass criminalization,2021,30,7,877-888,Richie Differences in emotional responses to race-based trauma among Black and White Americans,2021,30,7,889-906,Carter Culturally-differentiated batterer intervention programs for immigrant male batterers (IMB): an integrative review,2021,30,7,907-930,Williams Evaluative outcomes of Connecticut's batterer intervention for high risk offenders,2021,30,7,931-949,Cox Exploring Black clergy perspectives on religious/spiritual related domestic violence: first steps in facing those who wield the sword abusively,2021,30,7,950-971,Davis Cultural beliefs related to intimate partner violence help-seeking among African College Women,2021,30,7,972-989,Sears Childhood maltreatment and affective symptoms and severity of drug addiction among Chinese male drug users: variable-centered and person-centered approaches,2021,30,8,1007-1027,Li How is childhood abuse associated with moral disgust? The mediating role of social support and gratitude----based on the theory of mind,2021,30,8,1028-1040,Xiang Qualitative evaluation of teacher trauma knowledge and response in schools,2021,30,8,1041-1057,Berger Prevalence of teen dating violence involvement and associations with internalizing problems and substance use in Germany,2021,30,8,1058-1081,Kliem Dealing with trauma in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: trauma informed care treatment and forensic implications,2021,30,8,1082-1092,Faccini An exploratory review of the associations between adverse experiences and autism,2021,30,8,1093-1112,Dodds Aggression toward healthcare workers: the effect of indirect victimization on burnout dimension,2021,30,8,1113-1123,Ferretti A longitudinal study of the well-being of Canadian women abused by intimate partners: a healing journey,2021,30,9,1125-1147,Tutty Examining the association between intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation among women living with HIV in a low- and middle-income country,2021,30,9,1148-1166,El-Bassel Themes and techniques in cycles of change in the psychotherapy treatment of women who experienced violence: an exploratory study,2021,30,9,1167-1186,Habigzang Unmet interpersonal needs contribute to accepting attitudes towards intimate partner violence,2021,30,9,1187-1202,Smith The influence of informal support on battered women's use of formal services,2021,30,9,1203-1219,Shin Examining changes in abusive attitudes and behaviors of intimate partner violence perpetrators through a community-based prevention program,2021,30,9,1220-1240,Wong Recruiting domestically violent fathers and families for research: what does it take?,2021,30,9,1241-1259,Scott Emotional response to terrorism before and after the Pulse Nightclub shooting,2021,30,10,1261-1274,Turner Adapting positively to trauma: associations of posttraumatic growth wisdom and virtues in survivors of civil war,2021,30,10,1292-1306,Worthington Battered women charged with homicide: expert consultation evaluation and testimony,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mechanic Impact of political violence on people in Istanbul: the role of resilience in posttraumatic stress and psychological health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zara Victimization and poly-victimization in a national representative sample of children and youth: the case of Chile,2022,31,1,3-21,Barocas Internal family systems (IFS) therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among survivors of multiple childhood trauma: a pilot effectiveness study,2022,31,1,22-43,Hodgdon A multi-site study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Portugal,2022,31,1,55-64,Knox Physical verbal and relational aggression: the role of anger management strategies,2022,31,1,65-82,Kyranides Effects of same-sex avatar versus opposite-sex avatar violent video games on aggressive behavior among Chinese children,2022,31,1,83-101,Zhang Developmental cascades of hostile attribution bias aggressive behavior and peer victimization in preadolescence,2022,31,1,102-120,Yao Longitudinal associations between cyberbullying victimization mindfulness depression and anxiety: a mediation analysis,2022,31,1,121-132,Liu Portuguese cyber victims' self-esteem and gender in young adulthood,2022,31,1,133-147,Brito Differences in mental health and bullying victimization experiences between youth of different sexualities: a Bayesian perspective,2022,31,2,149-166,Andreou Childhood adulthood and cumulative interpersonal violence as determinants of suicide risk among university students,2022,31,2,167-183,Ibrahim Class teachers' bullying-related self-efficacy and their students' bullying victimization bullying perpetration and combined victimization and perpetration,2022,31,2,184-203,Bilz Unique factor structures of the adolescent dissociative experiences scale and posttraumatic cognitions inventory and their relation to PTSD symptom clusters in maltreated youth,2022,31,2,219-234,Kearney Does spirituality moderate the relationship between child maltreatment and adult men and women's social anxiety depression and loneliness,2022,31,2,235-253,Fitzgerald Relational health with peers as a buffer between childhood maltreatment and trauma symptoms among college women: brief report,2022,31,2,254-263,Theran Intolerance of uncertainty and DSM-5 PTSD symptom severity among trauma exposed Latina college women,2022,31,3,304-321,Arbona Trauma exposure and mental health outcomes among male truck drivers from Zambia Zimbabwe Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo: a cross-sectional study,2022,31,3,339-355,Michalopoulos Exploring rape myth acceptance and psychopathy as predictors of sexual coercion,2022,31,4,425-443,Bouffard From DARVO to distress: college women's contact with their perpetrators after sexual assault,2022,31,4,459-477,Freyd Why I didn't report: reasons for not reporting sexual violence as stated on Twitter,2022,31,4,478-496,Reich A rose by any other name: unacknowledged sexual coercion among Latinx undergraduates,2022,31,4,497-518,Maryn Rape resistance: a critical piece of all women's empowerment and holistic rape prevention,2022,31,4,519-539,Ullman Helping friends and strangers in risky situations: outcomes of bystander interventions for sexual assault and dating violence,2022,31,4,540-561,Witte Effective empowerment-based training is one approach identified in CDC's STOP-SV technical package as part of comprehensive multi-sector prevention of sexual violence: a response to Ullman(2020),2022,31,4,562-567,Basile Intimate partner violence: the relationship between risk factors and symptom severity,2022,31,5,569-588,Shapiro A mixed methods approach exploring risk factors associated with cyber dating victimization and resilience in adolescents and emerging adults,2022,31,5,589-608,Hébert The effect of early exposure to violence on acceptance of violence and dating violence perpetration in university students: the moderating role of pro-violence messages,2022,31,5,609-627,Macy Main and moderating influence of Five-Factor Model traits on the association between intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms,2022,31,5,628-645,Levendosky Intimate partner violence existential well-being and Africultural coping in African American women,2022,31,5,660-676,Kaslow Why do female domestic violence victims remain in or leave abusive relationships? A qualitative study,2022,31,5,677-694,Browne Suicidality among youth exposed to complex trauma,2022,31,6,715-733,Wamser-Nanney A critique of the Youth Needs and Progress Scale and its applicability to individuals ages 18 to 25 with sexually abusive behavior,2022,31,6,734-752,Lee Rasmussen Beyond prediction: moderating effects of risk factors demographic variables and type of offense on youth recidivism in Spain,2022,31,6,753-768,Villanueva Massive open online courses as strategies to address violence through the training of health and the intersectoral professionals in Brazil,2022,31,6,769-778,Polidoro Linking cyberbullying to job strain: roles of ego depletion and self-efficacy,2022,31,6,798-815,Zhang Response to Basile's (2022) commentary on "Rape resistance: a critical piece of all women's empowerment and holistic rape prevention",2022,31,6,828-834,Ullman Do attitudes toward violence affect violent behavior?,2022,31,7,835-850,Nunes Undergraduates' noncompliance with COVID-19 regulations is associated with lifetime sexual harassment perpetration and sexist beliefs,2022,31,7,851-872,Freyd An exploratory analysis of components of revenge experiences,2022,31,7,873-887,Kassinove Gender differences in callous unemotional trait profiles in an undergraduate sample,2022,31,7,888-909,Orcutt Resilience as a mediator between adverse childhood experiences and aggression perpetration in forensic inpatients: an exploratory study,2022,31,7,910-925,Dudeck Factor structure and distinctiveness of the Violent Behavior Vignette Questionnaire,2022,31,7,926-941,Nunes Bidirectional links between sibling aggression and victimization,2022,31,7,962-980,Fite Creating safe spaces for those who have lived through intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,LaPlante Does power at home protect women from violence? A comparative analysis between urban and rural Colombian women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Camargo Exploring gender differences in fear of domestic violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lysova Campus sexual violence gender and mental health in diverse undergraduate/graduate students,2022,31,8,981-995,Gómez Examination of a culturally specific sexual assault intervention for African American female survivors,2022,31,8,996-1013,Ayeni Recovery from sexual victimization: toward developing a recovery capital framework,2022,31,8,1014-1032,Gueta A decade of trauma-informed care: an organizational case study,2022,31,8,1033-1051,Galletta The Trauma Resilient Communities (TRC) model: a theoretical framework for disrupting structural violence and healing communities,2022,31,8,1052-1070,McCorkle Instances of school shootings are down now what: a review of trauma frameworks for public school use,2022,31,8,1071-1089,Alexander The impact of maltreatment history and the presence of individual familial and communal protective factors on college adjustment,2022,31,8,1090-1107,Rosén Cognitive coping reduces posttraumatic stress symptoms especially in the context of self-blame,2022,31,8,1108-1127,Park Exploring the effects of perpetrator victim and participant gender on perceptions related to sexual assault,2022,31,9,1129-1147,Miller-Perrin Technology-facilitated sexual violence victimization during the COVID-19 pandemic: behaviors and attitudes,2022,31,9,1148-1167,Caridade Gender relations and social reintegration of rape survivors in South Kivu: an analysis of favorable and unfavorable factors for reintegration,2022,31,9,1168-1186,Gavray The roles of emotion regulation alcohol consumption and women's condom request style in men's coercive condom use resistance intentions,2022,31,9,1187-1205,George Investigating the relations between sexual victimization substance misuse and exposure to community violence,2022,31,9,1206-1223,Howell Increased risk for sexual violence victimization on drinking days involving pregaming,2022,31,9,1224-1240,Clapp Requiem for a dream: a lifestyle and routine activities victimological analysis to explore the sexual victimization of illicit drug users,2022,31,9,1241-1261,Beauregard Childhood maltreatment is associated with adult psychopathology through decreased dispositional mindfulness,2022,31,10,1263-1278,Fitzgerald The impact of child abuse posttraumatic cognitions Machiavellianism and emotional suppression on interpersonal sensitivity and psychiatric comorbidity: a latent profile analysis,2022,31,10,1299-1317,Chung Design considerations for group interventions for adolescent victims of interpersonal violence in Chile,2022,31,10,1318-1336,Taylor Victimization and polyvictimization in children and adolescents in a violent city at northern border of Mexico,2022,31,10,1337-1358,Peña Cárdenas Youth adjudicated for sex offenses followed into adulthood and found on a state sex offender registry,2022,31,10,1359-1378,Lee Rasmussen Black college students' perceptions and conceptualizations of intimate partner violence,2023,32,6,803-820,Jones Intimate partner violence screening for women in the Veterans Health Administration: temporal trends from the early years of implementation 2014-2020,2023,32,7-8,960-978,Gerber Evaluation of a pilot intimate partner violence screening program in a Veterans Health Administration: HIV clinic,2023,32,7-8,979-988,Dichter Intimate partner violence screening for veterans accessing homelessness services,2023,32,7-8,989-1004,Holliday Clinical response to positive screens for intimate partner violence in the Veterans Health Administration:: findings from review of medical records,2023,32,7-8,1005-1021,Dichter Experience of intimate partner violence and associated psychiatric neurobehavioral and functional burden in male and female veterans: implications for treatment,2023,32,7-8,1022-1040,Iverson High-risk encounters: primary care experiences of women living with intimate partner violence and implications for the patient centered medical home,2023,32,7-8,1041-1054,Dichter Mindfulness treatments for domestic violence: a review,2023,32,7-8,1055-1075,Wupperman Tailoring the implementation strategy of strength at home: an initial examination of clinician and hospital outcomes,2023,32,7-8,1076-1087,Taft Safe not soft: trauma- and violence-informed practice with perpetrators as a means of increasing safety,2023,32,7-8,1088-1107,Scott A two-year examination of intimate partner violence and associated mental and physical health among sexual minority and heterosexual women veterans,2023,32,7-8,1124-1141,Shipherd Relative effects of intimate partner violence subtypes on opioid misuse,2023,32,7-8,1142-1151,Yalch Intimate partner violence and the COVID-19 pandemic: the Veterans Health Administration: intimate partner violence assistance program response,2023,32,7-8,1152-1169,Buckholdt Intimate partner violence programs for veterans: future directions for research and clinical practice,2023,32,7-8,1170-1179,Buckholdt The importance of context: describing the who where and how of technology-facilitated sexual harassment,2023,32,9,1181-1197,Mazmanian Moral disengagement herd mentality moral identity and empathy in cyberbullying roles,2023,32,9,1198-1220,Li Bullying cyberbullying and sexual harassment aggression in Spanish adolescents: common and differential risk factors,2023,32,9,1221-1236,Del Rey Chronic sleep reduction and cyberbullying among adolescents: the roles of low self-control and family cohesion,2023,32,9,1237-1253,Zhao The impact of cyberbullying victimization on psychosocial behaviors among college students during the Covid-19 pandemic: the indirect effect of a sense of purpose in life,2023,32,9,1254-1270,Lee Characteristics and impacts of sexual violence and stalking victimization by the same perpetrator using a nationally representative sample,2023,32,9,1271-1284,Basile Exploring the impact of coaches' emotional abuse on intercollegiate student-athletes' experiences,2023,32,9,1285-1303,Dorsch Does exposure to interpersonal trauma influence the relationship between shame and posttraumatic stress symptoms?,2023,32,9,1304-1320,Seah The importance of perception and personality on the association between childhood neglect and adult social competence,2023,32,10,1337-1352,Berzenski Effects of Head Start enrollment duration for children with adverse childhood experiences,2023,32,10,1353-1373,Lee Faculty bystanders: capturing university faculty's willingness to engage in prosocial behavior,2023,32,10,1374-1392,Elias-Lambert Social identity as a factor in bystander responses to bias-based verbal aggression among college students,2023,32,10,1393-1411,Byers Social norms impact the likelihood of stalking perpetration among college students,2023,32,10,1412-1427,Marsil Rape myth acceptance and sexual aggression among college men: examining perceived peer approval as a moderating risk factor,2023,32,10,1428-1446,Berkowitz Gender differences in insecure attachment styles egalitarian gender roles and attitudes toward dating violence among college students: a moderated mediation model,2023,32,10,1447-1468,Çelik Initial test of a model of men's sexual harassment perpetration: examining indirect effects of social dominance orientation through social norms and gender role discrepancy stress,2023,32,10,1469-1489,Dardis Do self-esteem and trait aggressiveness moderate the longitudinal effect of environmental risk on bullying behavior in Chinese adolescents?,2023,32,11,1493-1510,Fan Factors associated with peer victimization among Brazilian low-income adolescents,2023,32,11,1511-1530,Handegård Rumination and rejection sensitivity elevate victimized adolescents' loneliness: a three-wave longitudinal study,2023,32,11,1531-1547,Chen A latent class analysis of campus sexual violence experiences based on its forms and consequences,2023,32,11,1548-1567,Hébert Independent and combined effects of workplace harassment among child welfare workers,2023,32,11,1568-1588,Wilke Battered body battered self: a cross-sectional study of the embodiment-related impairments of female victims of intimate partner violence,2023,32,11,1589-1603,Marmeleira Understanding the link between childhood emotional abuse and eating behaviors: the mediating role of self-criticism,2023,32,11,1604-1621,Alpay Perpetration of violence in dating relationships among Israeli college students: gender differences personal and interpersonal risk factors,2023,32,12,1625-1646,Michael Sexual education experiences and curriculum recommendations from survivors of sexual violence: a mixed method study,2023,32,12,1647-1665,Benuto Predicting the criminal record of Spanish stranger rapists from their crime scene behaviours,2023,32,12,1666-1685,Almond Perpetrating economic abuse across the globe: results from the U.N. multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific,2023,32,12,1686-1704,Postmus Those who commit violent crimes can be traumatised by their offences: a systematic review of offence-specific post-traumatic stress disorder,2023,32,12,1705-1725,Darjee Developmental timing of trauma exposure relative to puberty and violent behavior in adulthood,2023,32,12,1726-1743,Marshall The role of trauma and mental health in violent extremism: the perceptions of countering violent extremism (CVE) practitioners and why we can't get it wrong,2023,32,12,1744-1762,Adams Differential associations between perceived containment and the forms of proactive and reactive functions of aggression among elementary school-age youth,2023,32,12,1763-1778,Fite Typologies of Spanish youth with school refusal behavior and their relationship with aggression,2023,32,12,1779-1797,García-Fernández Dysregulation and parenting of emerging adults,2023,32,12,1798-1812,McKinney Child maltreatment and perceptions related to parenthood and children's development among non-parents,2023,32,12,1813-1830,Wamser The Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire: translation and preliminary validation in a Danish population sample,2023,32,12,1831-1846,Gudex Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of The International Trauma Questionnaire,2023,32,12,1847-1865,Gündoğmuş Psychometric testing of Chinese version of ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tools-retrospective version: a study based on college students,2023,32,12,1866-1881,Chen Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity and Emotion Regulation in Acute-Care Psychiatric Inpatients: Associations With Suicidality,2017,26,9,1024-1041,Martin Pathways from childhood trauma to adolescent violence and delinquency,2002,6,1,xxv-xxxi,Garbarino Identification and follow-up by primary care doctors of children with PTSD after terrorist attacks,2005,10,1-2,553-564,Vardi How schools respond to traumatic events: Debriefing interventions and beyond,2006,12,1-2,57-81,Williams Correlates of victimization in a juvenile justice population,2008,17,1,103-117,Croysdale Deliberate self-harm and state dissociation: An experimental investigation,2008,17,4,520-532,Bracken Emotional abuse and psychosis: A recent review of the literature,2013,22,9,1032-1049,Neal Family environment as a moderator of the association between conduct disorder and suicidality,2015,24,2,150-168,Mehlenbeck Interpersonal Trauma Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in Women Seeking Shelter from Intimate Partner Violence,2016,25,8,812-830,Smith White Psychologists and African Americans' Historical Trauma: Implications for Practice,2016,25,4,351-370,Danzer An exploratory study of "no-crime" homicide cases among female exonerees,2023,32,1-2,107-124,Pate Maternal Filicide: A Review of Psychological and External Demographic Risk Factors,2023,32,1-2,34-52,Frederique