Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injunctive social norms of adults regarding teen dating violence,2004,34,6,468-479,Taylor High school students' attitudes about firearms policies,2003,33,6,471-478,Vittes Community and dating violence among adolescents: perpetration and victimization,1997,21,5,291-302,Malik Fighting as a marker for multiple problem behaviors in adolescents,1995,16,3,209-215,Koepsell Youth in detention and handguns,1993,14,5,350-355,Farrow A descriptive study of trauma alcohol and alcoholism in young adults,1992,13,8,663-667,Copass Trends and subgroup differences in transportation-related injury risk and safety behaviors among high school students 1991-1997,2001,28,3,228-234,Sacks Incidence and costs of accidents among attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder patients,2004,35,4,346-347,Swensen Adults' approval and adolescents' alcohol use,2004,35,4,345-346,Foley Kl Prevalence of and factors associated with adolescent physical fighting while under the influence of alcohol or drugs,2004,35,4,346-347,Ryan Recent research findings on aggressive and violent behavior in youth: Implications for clinical assessment and intervention,2004,35,4,260-277,Rappaport Students who carry weapons to high school: comparison with other weapon-carriers,1999,24,5,340-348,Dahlberg Relationship between substance use and self-reported injuries among adolescents,1997,21,4,221-224,Rasile Risks among inner-city young teens: The prevalence of sexual activity violence drugs and smoking,1993,14,4,282-288,Vanderschmidt Exposure to violence among inner-city youth,1993,14,3,214-219,Scott Health risk behaviors and associated risk and protective factors among Brazilian adolescents in Santos Brazil,2001,28,4,295-302,Blum Adolescent suicide and household access to firearms in Colorado: results of a case-control study,2000,26,3,157-163,Marine Episodic and persistent gun-carrying among urban African-American adolescents,2003,32,5,356-364,Zimmerman The health of young people in a global context,2004,35,5,402-418,Blum Youth violence perpetration: What protects? What predicts? Findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health,2004,35,5,424-433,Borowsky Internet-initiated sex crimes against minors: Implications for prevention based on findings from a national study,2004,35,5,424-433,Wolak Youth violence: opportunities for intervention,2004,35,5,347-349,Irwin Reducing risk increasing protective factors: Findings from the Caribbean Youth Health Survey,2004,35,6,493-500,Blum Bullying and peer victimization: Position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,2005,36,1,88-91,Eisenberg Social environmental factors and preteen health-related behaviors,2005,36,1,36-47,Adelmann Attention deficit disorder and hospitalization owing to intra- and interpersonal violence among children and young adolescents,2005,36,1,19-24,Lam Drug selling among high school students: Related risk behaviors and psychosocial characteristics,2005,36,1,71,Steinman Assessment of trauma symptoms among adolescent assault victims,2005,36,1,70,Harris Adolescent help-seeking for dating violence: Prevalence sociodemographic correlates and sources of help,2005,36,1,25-31,Foshee Psychological health and bullying behavior among adolescent prisoners: a study of young and juvenile offenders,2005,36,3,236-243,Ireland Youth risk behavior survey: Bangkok Thailand,2005,36,3,227-235,Ruangkanchanasetr Potential for violence against teenage retail workers in the United States,2005,36,3,267,Gallagher Young drivers' health attitudes and intentions to drink and drive,2000,27,2,94-101,Greening Alcohol use beliefs and behaviors among high school students,1999,24,1,48-58,Feldman Suicidal behavior in the family and adolescent risk behavior,2005,36,4,352,Cerel Driving difficulties among male adolescents,2001,29,5,312-313,Tuite Learning to drive,2004,34,1,1,Litt Incidence and costs of accidents among attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder patients,2004,35,4,346.e1-3469,Swensen Prevalence of and factors associated with adolescent physical fighting while under the influence of alcohol or drugs,2004,35,4,346.e11-34600000000006,Ryan Psychosocial correlates of U.S. adolescents who report a history of forced sexual intercourse,2005,36,5,372-379,Wang Sexual intercourse precedes partner violence in adolescent romantic relationships,2005,36,5,386-392,Halpern Intimate partner abuse and the reproductive health of sexually active female adolescents,2005,36,5,380-385,Auinger Does office-based counseling of adolescents and young adults improve self-reported safety habits? A randomized controlled effectiveness trial,2005,36,6,523-528,Leverence Driving in America: a convergence of public policy and science,2005,36,6,452-453,Irwin Emotional distress alcohol use and peer violence among Mexican-American and European-American adolescents,2005,37,1,11-18,Tschann Heavy episodic drinking and sensation seeking in adolescents as predictors of harmful driving and celebrating behaviors: implications for prevention,2005,37,1,37-43,van Beurden High school off-campus lunch policies and adolescent motor vehicle crash risks,2005,36,1,5-8,Runyan Saturated in beer: awareness of beer advertising in late childhood and adolescence,2005,37,1,29-36,Ellickson Pathways to adolescent alcohol use: family environment peer influence and parental expectations,2005,37,1,19-28,Nash Low-income neighborhood barriers and resources for adolescents' physical activity,2005,36,3,253-259,Romero Adolescent firearm violence: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,2005,37,2,171-174,Borowsky Preventive counseling at adolescent ambulatory visits,2005,37,2,87-93,Auinger Ipecac syrup abuse morbidity and mortality: isn't it time to repeal its over-the-counter status?,2005,37,3,256-260,Silber Factors relating to adolescent suicidal behavior: a cross-sectional Malaysian school survey,2005,37,4,337.e11-33700000000006,Lee Weapon violence in adolescence: Parent and school connectedness as protective factors,2005,37,4,306-312,Brookmeyer Health values locus of control and cues to action as predictors of adolescent safety belt use,1991,12,3,256-262,Riccio-Howe Aggressive behaviors in early adolescence and subsequent suicidality among urban youths,2005,37,6,517,Stueve Suicidality and correlates among rural adolescents of China,2005,37,6,443-451,Zhao The intention of adolescents to carry a knife or a gun: a study of low-income African-American adolescents,2004,34,1,72-78,Lane Domestic violence single parenthood and fathers in the setting of teenage pregnancy,2006,38,3,201-207,Quinlivan Adverse childhood experiences and the association with ever using alcohol and initiating alcohol use during adolescence,2006,38,4,444.e1-4410,Felitti How does alcohol advertising influence underage drinking? The role of desirability identification and skepticism,2006,38,4,376-384,Grube Psychiatric symptoms and substance use disorders in a nationally representative sample of American adolescents involved with foster care,2006,38,4,351-358,Pilowsky HIV and violence prevention among Latino teen parents in South Texas,2006,38,2,127,Lesser Intimate partner violence and pregnancy. Narratives of pregnant and parenting teens,2006,38,2,123-124,Miller The role of dating violence in condom use at last sex among adolescent and young adult females,2006,38,2,122,Davidson Mostly heterosexual and heterosexual young adult females. Comparisons of sexual violence victimization history and sexual risk behaviors in a community-based urban cohort,2006,38,2,121,Roberts Depressive symptomatology as a predictor of exposure to intimate partner violence among U.S. female adolescents and young adults,2006,38,2,107-108,Lehrer The impact of gender-role nonconforming behavior bullying and social support on suicidality among gay male youth,2006,38,5,621-623,Friedman Child sexual abuse in Henan province China: associations with sadness suicidality and risk behaviors among adolescent girls,2006,38,5,544-549,Dunne Is it worth the RRISK? Evaluation of the RRISK (Reduce Risk Increase Student Knowledge) program for adolescents in rural Australia,2006,38,5,495-503,van Beurden Risk factors for violence and violence-related injuries among 14- to 18-year-old Finns,2006,38,5,617-620,Mattila The co-occurrence of substance use and high-risk behaviors,2006,38,5,609-611,Baskin-Sommers Victimization and health among indigent young women in the transition to adulthood: a portrait of need,2006,38,5,536-543,Wenzel The impact of community risks and resources on adolescent risky behavior and health care expenditures,2006,38,5,486-494,Vogel Underage driving as an indicator of risky behavior in children and adolescents,2006,38,5,612-616,Gorman Deaths in juvenile justice residential facilities,2006,38,6,662-668,Gallagher Body dissatisfaction as a predictor of self-reported suicide attempts in adolescents: A Spanish community prospective study,2006,38,6,684-688,Rodríguez-Cano Preadolescents' report of exposure to violence: Association with friends' and own substance use,2006,38,6,669-674,Augustyn Factors associated with depressive symptoms in Nigerian adolescents,2006,39,1,105-110,Adewuya Sexual exploitation of very young Hmong girls,2006,39,1,111-118,Levitt Patterns of traffic offenses from adolescent licensure into early young adulthood,2006,39,1,35-42,Shope Attitudes about intimate partner violence screening among an ethnically diverse sample of young women,2006,39,1,119.e1-1198,Davidson Exposure to violence and mental health among Chinese American urban adolescents,2006,39,1,73-79,Ozer The mental health impact of 9/11 on inner-city high school students 20 miles north of Ground Zero,2006,39,1,57-65,Silver Parental monitoring negotiated unsupervised time and parental trust: the role of perceived parenting practices in adolescent health risk behaviors,2003,33,2,60-70,Borawski Psychological symptoms and nonfatal unintentional injuries among Chinese adolescents: a prospective study,2005,37,6,460-466,Smith The Association between Bullying Dynamics and Psychological Distress,2006,39,2,277-282,Wolf Developmental trajectories of family management and risk for violent behavior in adolescence,2006,39,2,206-213,Herrenkohl Adolescents' drinking habits predict later occurrence of traumatic brain injury: 35-year follow-up of the northern Finland 1966 birth cohort,2006,39,2,275 - e1-7,Luukinen Asian/Pacific Islander youth violence prevention center: interpersonal violence and deviant behaviors among youth in Hawai'i,2006,39,2,276 e1-11,Nishimura Prevalence and comorbidity of mental disorders among American Indian children in the Northern Midwest,2006,39,3,427-434,Whitbeck Risk and protective factors for nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and methamphetamine among adolescents,2006,39,3,374-380,Herman-Stahl The health status of young adults in the United States,2006,39,3,305-317,Irwin Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors,2006,39,3,337-345,Leffert Parental awareness of adolescent risk involvement: implications of overestimates and underestimates,2006,39,3,353-361,Stanton Racial and ethnic disparities in work-related injuries among teenagers,2006,39,3,422-426,Anderson Heavy episodic drinking predictors of harmful and sensation seeking in adolescents as driving and celebrating behaviors: implications for prevention,2005,37,1,37-43,van Beurden Relationship of binge drinking and other health-compromising behaviors among urban adolescents in China,2006,39,4,495-500,Zhang Lifetime community violence exposure and health risk behavior among young adults in college,2006,39,4,610-613,Brady A peer approach to high risk youth,1997,20,4,259-260,Hritz The Association between Self-Reported Lifetime History of Forced Sexual Intercourse and Recent Health-Risk Behaviors: Findings from the 2003 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2006,39,5,752.e1-7527,Brener Alcohol Use and Health-Related Quality of Life among Youth in Taiwan,2006,39,5,752.e9-752.e16,Chen Changes in adolescents' reasons for drinking in Switzerland and associations with alcohol use from 1994 to 2002,2006,39,5,705-711,Kuntsche Suicidality among Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Youth: The Role of Protective Factors,2006,39,5,662-668,Resnick Impact of a School-Based Dating Violence Prevention Program among Latino Teens: Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial,2006,39,5,694-704,Shelley Predicting adolescent profiles of risk: looking beyond demographics,2002,31,4,343-353,Zweig Suicidality in a venue-based sample of young men who have sex with men,2002,31,4,305-310,Remafedi Impact of an empowerment-based parent education program on the reduction of youth suicide risk factors,2002,31,3,277-285,Toumbourou Emergency management of the adolescent suicide attempter: a review of the literature,2002,30,5,312-325,Davidson Adolescent and young adult mortality by cause: age gender and country 1955 to 1994,2002,30,1,29-34,Slap Prevalence of health-related behaviors among alternative high school students as compared with students attending regular high schools,2001,29,5,337-343,Kann Relationship of sexual orientation to substance use suicidal ideation suicide attempts and other factors in a population of homeless adolescents,2001,29,1,31-36,Noell Smoking and suicidality among adolescent psychiatric patients,2004,34,3,250-253,Timonen Suicide high-risk behaviors and coping style in homeless adolescent males' adjustment,2004,34,3,237-243,Votta Body piercing and high-risk behavior in adolescents,2004,34,3,224-229,Ryan The co-morbidity of violence-related behaviors with health-risk behaviors in a population of high school students,1995,16,3,216-225,Grunbaum Identifying depressed and suicidal adolescents in a teen health clinic,1995,16,1,64-70,McGrath Violence and mental health problems among urban high school students,1996,18,5,320-324,Fisher Protecting against hopelessness and suicidality in sexually abused American Indian adolescents,1997,21,6,400-406,Blum Epidemiologic study of sleep quality and troubles in French secondary school adolescents,1997,21,5,343-350,Bailly Double suicide attempt among adolescents,1997,21,2,128-130,Zivi Adolescent knowledge values and coping strategies: implications for health in sub-Saharan Africa,1997,21,1,33-38,Balmer Association between violent behaviors and substance use among Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white high school students,1998,23,3,153-159,Grunbaum A 5-year follow-up study of suicide attempts among French adolescents,1998,22,5,424-430,Laurent Integrative research review of risk behaviors among adolescents in rural suburban and urban areas,1999,24,4,230-243,Spencer Self-reported abuse history and adolescent problem behaviors. i. antisocial and suicidal behaviors,1999,24,3,163-172,Bensley Intentional injuries among the young: presentation to emergency rooms hospitalization and death in Israel,2000,27,6,434-442,Avitzour Prevalence of health risk behaviors among Asian American/Pacific Islander high school students,2000,27,5,322-330,Kann Common mental disorders suicidality and use of health care services during late adolescence in Finland,2000,26,1,2-3,Hintikka Hostility among adolescents in Switzerland? Multivariate relations between excessive media use and forms of violence,2004,34,3,230-236,Kuntsche Childhood sexual abuse and early menarche: the direction of their relationship and its implications,2005,36,5,393-400,Zabin Television viewing and forms of bullying among adolescents from eight countries,2006,39,6,908-915,Overpeck Risk-taking among adolescents who say they can get a handgun,2006,39,6,929-932,Vittes Evaluating risk-taking behaviors of youth in military families,2006,39,6,927-928,Hutchinson Reliability of the 2005 middle school Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2006,39,6,856-860,Zullig The effect of childhood physical and sexual abuse on adolescent weapon carrying,2007,40,6,551-558,Leeb Music videos pro wrestling and acceptance of date rape among middle school males and females: an exploratory analysis,2007,40,2,185-187,Halpern Development of a screening tool to identify adolescents engaged in multiple problem behaviors: the Adolescent Risk Behavior Screen (ARBS),2007,40,2,180.e19-1.8E+21,Rosenberg Prospective associations between delinquency and suicidal behaviors in a nationally representative sample,2007,40,3,232-237,Thompson The effectiveness of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in public middle schools: a controlled trial,2007,40,3,266-274,Rivara Forgone health care among U.S. adolescents: associations between risk characteristics and confidentiality concern,2007,40,3,218-226,Lehrer Violence and substance use as risk factors for depressive symptoms among adolescents in an urban emergency department,2007,40,3,276-279,Maio Bullying and victimization and internalizing symptoms among low-income Black and Hispanic students,2007,40,4,372-375,Tortolero Social and school connectedness in early secondary school as predictors of late teenage substance use mental health and academic outcomes,2007,40,4,357.e9-357000000018,Carlin Association of traffic behavior with personality and platelet monoamine oxidase activity in school children,2007,40,4,311-317,Eensoo Dating violence and domestic violence,2007,40,4,295-297,Matud Soccer injuries in female youth players,2007,40,4,369-371,Schiff Variables associated with weapon-carrying among young adolescents in southern California,2007,40,5,470-473,Rudatsikira Risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use: findings from a study in selected Central American countries,2007,40,5,448-455,Kliewer Call to action against femicide: illuminating a shadow pandemic as a global public health emergency,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne-Beasley Early adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising and its relationship to underage drinking,2007,40,6,527-534,Ellickson Aggregating indices of risk and protection for adolescent behavior problems: the Communities That Care Youth Survey,2007,40,6,506-513,Feinberg Adolescent injury deaths and hospitalization in Canada: magnitude and temporal trends (1979-2003),2007,41,1,84-92,Mao Reactions to a concept for physician intervention in adolescent alcohol use,2007,41,1,35-41,Yoast Alcohol use and abuse by adolescents: the impact of living in a border community,2004,34,1,88-93,O'Rourke Trends in injury mortality among young people in the European Union: a report from the EURORISC working group,2000,27,2,130-135,Stone Adolescent motor vehicle crashes: the relationship between behavioral factors and self-reported injury,2000,27,2,84-93,Jelalian Factors correlated with violent video game use by adolescent boys and girls,2007,41,1,77-83,Beresin Aggression in adolescent dating relationships: prevalence justification and health consequences,2007,40,4,298-304,O'Leary Delinquent accounts: does delinquency account for suicidal behavior?,2007,40,3,204-205,Brent Gender early alcohol use and suicide ideation and attempts: findings from the 2005 youth risk behavior survey,2007,41,2,175-181,Swahn Is commercial alcohol availability related to adolescent alcohol sources and alcohol use? Findings from a multi-level study,2007,41,2,168-174,Grube Examining trajectories of adolescent risk factors as predictors of subsequent high-risk driving behavior,2003,32,3,214-224,Shope Developmental relationships between adolescent substance use and risky sexual behavior in young adulthood,2002,31,4,354-362,Hawkins Teenage smoking and substance use as predictors of severe alcohol problems in late adolescence and in young adulthood,2004,35,3,245-254,Hakko Scope of HIV risk and co-occurring psychosocial health problems among young adults: violence victimization and substance use,2005,36,5,401-409,Ellickson Youth's perception of alcohol-related driving risk,1995,16,1,5,Geuna Adolescent bullying involvement and perceived family peer and school relations: commonalities and differences across race/ethnicity,2007,41,3,283-293,Nansel Road rage victimization among adolescents,2007,41,3,277-282,Stoduto Adolescent occupational injuries and workplace risks: an analysis of Oregon workers' compensation data 1990-1997,2007,41,3,248-255,Horwitz Health-Related Quality of Life and Behaviors Risky to Health among Adults Aged 18-24 Years in Secondary or Higher Education-United States 2003-2005,2007,41,4,389-397,Hertz The association between weapon carrying and the use of violence among adolescents living in and around public housing,1995,17,6,376-380,Cadenhead Adolescent victims of sexual assault,1995,17,6,372-375,Speck Violence prevention in middle schools: A pilot evaluation,1995,17,6,360-371,Orpinas Evaluation of a community-based youth violence prevention project,1995,17,6,353-359,Spivak Students' perceptions of violence in the public schools: the MetLife survey,1995,17,6,345-352,Everett The associations between immigrant status and risk-behavior patterns in Latino adolescents,1995,17,2,99-105,Brindis Factors affecting pediatric residents' intentions to screen for high risk behaviors,1995,17,2,106-112,Binns A longitudinal study of the role of sociodemographic factors and childhood aggression on adolescent injury and "close calls",1995,17,6,381-388,Cobb Screening for problem drinking among college freshmen,1994,15,4,303-310,Greene Exposure to violence and victimization and fighting behavior by urban black adolescents,1994,15,4,311-318,Cadenhead Adolescents' knowledge and attitudes about and experience with violence,1994,15,5,400-406,Spivak Utilization of a school-based clinic for identification and treatment of adolescent sexual abuse,1993,14,3,196-201,McGurk Patterns of teen exposure to a community-based violence prevention project,1992,13,8,668-675,Spivak Adolescence: the crossroads of violence,1992,13,5,418-419,Bergeret Prevalence of physical and sexual assault in pregnant adolescents,1992,13,6,466-469,Berenson Violence and its relationship to substance use in adolescent pregnancy,1992,13,6,470-474,Berenson A comparison of inner-city and upper-middle class youths' exposure to violence,1992,13,4,275-280,Heald Corporal punishment in schools. a position paper of the society for adolescent medicine,1992,13,3,240-246, Physical and sexual abuse as predictors of substance use and suicide among pregnant teenagers,1992,13,2,128-132,Bayatpour Alcohol availability and motor vehicle fatalities,1996,19,5,325-330,Rickert Alcohol availability and motor vehicle fatalities,1997,21,2,74-75,Tonkin Problems in conceptualizing adolescent risk behaviors: International comparisons,1997,21,2,116-127,Tursz Prevalence and predictors of internet bullying,2007,41,6,S14-21,Guerra Electronic bullying among middle school students,2007,41,6,S22-30,Limber The co-occurrence of Internet harassment and unwanted sexual solicitation victimization and perpetration: associations with psychosocial indicators,2007,41,6,S31-41,Espelage Examining the overlap in internet harassment and school bullying: implications for school intervention,2007,41,6,S42-50,Diener-West Does online harassment constitute bullying? An exploration of online harassment by known peers and online-only contacts,2007,41,6,S51-8,Wolak Students' perspectives on cyber bullying,2007,41,6,S59-60,Limber Education policy implications from the Expert Panel on Electronic Media and Youth Violence,2007,41,6,S61-3,Worthen Electronic media violence and adolescents: an emerging public health problem,2007,41,6,S1-5,Hertz The impact of electronic media violence: scientific theory and research,2007,41,6,S6-13,Huesmann Surf and turf wars online--growing implications of Internet gang violence,2007,41,6,S66-8,King Association of Traffic Behavior With Personality and Platelet Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Schoolchildren,2007,40,4,311-317,Eensoo Adolescent Injury Deaths and Hospitalizations in Canada: Magnitude and Temporal Trends (1979 - 2003),2007,41,1,84-92,Mao Aggression and environmental risk among low-income African-American youth,1997,21,3,172-178,Fitzpatrick Developmental risk factors for youth violence,2000,26,3,176-186,Herrenkohl School effects on young people's drug use: a systematic review of intervention and observational studies,2008,42,3,209-220,Fletcher Socioeconomic disparities in the prevalence of work-related injuries among adolescents in the United States,2008,42,1,50-57,Myers Antibullying Legislation: A Public Health Perspective,2008,42,1,11-20,Srabstein Receptivity to alcohol marketing predicts initiation of alcohol use,2008,42,1,28-35,Henriksen Paternal alcoholism and youth substance abuse: the indirect effects of negative affect conduct problems and risk taking,2008,42,2,198-200,Hesselbrock Unrealistic fatalism in U.S. youth ages 14 to 22: prevalence and characteristics,2008,42,2,154-160,Romer Family structure and adolescent sexual behavior in a poor area of Sao Paulo Brazil,2008,42,2,177-183,Borges A midcourse review of the Healthy People 2010: 21 critical health objectives for adolescents and young adults,2008,42,4,329-334,Irwin Gender differences in dating aggression among multi-ethnic high school students,2008,42,5,473-479,Smith Slep Childhood abuse as a risk factor for adolescent pregnancy in El Salvador,2008,42,6,580-586,Pallitto What accounts for demographic differences in trajectories of adolescent dating violence? An examination of intrapersonal and contextual mediators,2008,42,6,596-604,Foshee Video games and adolescents' intentions to take risks in traffic,2008,43,1,87-90,Van den Bulck Health access and status of adolescents and young adults using youth employment and training programs in an urban environment,2008,43,1,30-37,Tandon Child abuse and smoking among young women: the importance of severity accumulation and timing,2008,43,1,55-63,Frazier Estimating alcohol and drug involvement in hospitalized adolescents with assault injuries,2008,43,2,165-171,Snowden Examining ethnic gender and developmental differences in the way children report being a victim of "bullying" on self-report measures,2008,43,2,106-114,Bradshaw What is bullying?,2008,43,2,101-102,Aalsma The changing risk profile of the American adolescent smoker: implications for prevention programs and tobacco interventions,2006,39,1,120.e1-1210,Klein Adolescent risk taking neighborhood social capital and health,2008,43,3,246-252,Boyce Internet referrals for adolescent violence prevention: an innovative mechanism for inner-city emergency departments,2008,43,3,309-312,Maio Violence involvement substance use and sexual activity among Mexican-American and European-American adolescents,2008,43,3,285-295,Tschann The relationship between Spanish language use and substance use behaviors among Latino youth: a social network approach,2008,43,4,372-379,Elliott Longitudinal associations between community violence exposure and suicidality,2008,43,4,380-386,Ialongo Energy drinks race and problem behaviors among college students,2008,43,5,490-497,Miller Long-term effects of the strong African American families program on youths' conduct problems,2008,43,5,474-481,Kogan Measuring neighborhood connection and the association with violence in young adolescents,2008,43,5,482-489,Sieving Investigating the longer-term health consequences of work-related injuries among youth,2008,43,5,466-473,Breslin Gun suicide by young people in California: descriptive epidemiology and gun ownership,2008,43,6,619-622,Wintemute Are there detrimental effects of witnessing school violence in early adolescence?,2008,43,6,600-608,Pascal Can media effects counteract legislation reforms? The case of adolescent firearm suicides in the wake of the Austrian firearm legislation,2009,44,1,90-93,Voracek Alcohol-related risk behaviors and sports participation among adolescents: an analysis of 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data,2009,44,1,87-89,Thompson Patterns of risky behaviors associated with methamphetamine use among young Thai adults: a latent class analysis,2009,44,2,169-175,Celentano From adolescent connections to social capital: predictors of civic engagement in young adulthood,2009,44,2,161-168,Borowsky Effects of growth in family conflict in adolescence on adult depressive symptoms: mediating and moderating effects of stress and school bonding,2009,44,2,146-152,Herrenkohl Does participation in organized sports predict future physical activity for adolescents from diverse economic backgrounds?,2009,44,3,268-274,Wall Childhood and contemporaneous correlates of adolescent leisure time physical inactivity: a longitudinal study,2009,44,3,260-267,Reeder Childhood motor skill proficiency as a predictor of adolescent physical activity,2009,44,3,252-259,van Beurden Nonmedical use of prescription medications: an emerging risk behavior among rural adolescents,2009,44,4,407-409,Levine Spirituality and depressive symptoms in a school-based sample of adolescents: a longitudinal examination of mediated and moderated effects,2009,44,4,380-386,Little Like parent like child: inter-generational transmission of partner violence in Cebu the Philippines,2009,44,4,363-371,Hindin Attitudes and beliefs about adolescent work and workplace safety among parents of working adolescents,2009,44,4,349-355,Schulman Adolescent alcohol use suicidal ideation and suicide attempts,2009,44,4,335-341,Jacobs Decision-making authority and substance abuse treatment for adolescents: A survey of state laws,2009,44,4,323-334,Wickizer Mental disorders in self-cutting adolescents,2009,44,5,464-467,Kylma Gender differences in socioemotional factors during adolescence and effects of a violence prevention program,2009,44,5,468-477,Garaigordobil Adolescent preventive services: Rates and disparities in preventive health topics covered during routine medical care in a California sample,2009,44,6,536-545,Ozer Transitions in suicide risk in a nationally representative sample of adolescents,2009,44,5,458-463,Thompson Psychopathology in adolescents presenting for laparoscopic banding,2008,43,6,623-625,Browne Adolescent exploratory behavior--what do trainees know?,2008,43,5,520-522,Kumar Longitudinal associations between problem alcohol use and violent victimization in a national sample of adolescents,2008,42,1,21-27,Thompson Social-ecological correlates of active commuting to school among high school students,2008,42,5,486-495,Wong Outcome of cognitive behavioral therapy in adolescents after natural disaster,2008,42,5,466-472,Shooshtary Co-occurrence of problem behaviors in South Korean adolescents: findings from Korea Youth Panel Survey,2007,40,2,195-197,Khang Trends in youth reports of sexual solicitations harassment and unwanted exposure to pornography on the Internet,2007,40,2,116-126,Wolak Is the Internet the source?,2007,40,2,104-105,Rickert Alcohol-related visits to the emergency department by injured adolescents: a national perspective,2009,45,1,84-90,Mello Rates and correlates of violent behaviors among adolescents treated in an urban emergency department,2009,45,1,77-83,Blow Body-image dissatisfaction as a predictor of suicidal ideation among Korean boys and girls in different stages of adolescence: a two-year longitudinal study,2009,45,1,47-54,Kim Trends in adolescent and young adult health in the United States,2009,45,1,8-24,Irwin A randomized trial of screening for relationship violence in young women,2009,45,2,163-170,Rickert How might schools influence young people's drug use? Development of theory from qualitative case-study research,2009,45,2,126-132,Fletcher Risky behaviors in late adolescence: co-occurrence predictors and consequences,2009,45,3,253-261,Moore Impact of sexual harassment victimization by peers on subsequent adolescent victimization and adjustment: a longitudinal study,2009,45,3,246-252,Hughes Challenges in replicating interventions,2007,40,6,514-520,Zimmerman Brief intervention for substance use among at-risk adolescents: a pilot study,2007,40,2,188-191,Sussman Links between pubertal timing peer influences and externalizing behaviors among urban students followed through middle school,2007,40,2,181.e7-1810000013,Graber Risk and protective factors associated with the transition to a first sexual relationship with an older partner,2007,40,2,135-143,Ryan A retrospective examination of the relationship between body mass index and polysomnographic measures of sleep in adolescents,2007,40,1,89-91,Landis Adolescent predictors of emerging adult sexual patterns,2006,39,6,926.e1-9210,Halpern Depressive symptoms among adolescents in Sri Lanka: prevalence and behavioral correlates,2006,39,1,144-146,Torabi Does excessive alcohol use in teenagers affect their everyday prospective memory?,2006,39,1,138-140,Heffernan Understanding prosocial behavior: the impact of empathy and gender among African American adolescents,2006,39,1,135-137,McMahon A comparison of Web and print media for physical activity promotion among adolescent girls,2006,39,1,96-104,Campbell A provincial study of opportunities for school-based physical activity in secondary schools,2006,39,1,80-86,Adlaf Parent program component analysis in a drug abuse prevention trial,2006,39,1,66-72,Riggs Body mass index and body weight perception as risk factors for internalizing and externalizing problem behavior among adolescents,2006,39,1,27-34,Engels The health status of youth in juvenile detention facilities,2006,38,6,776-782,Golzari Stigma starts early: gender differences in teen willingness to use mental health services,2006,38,6,754.e1-7548,Chandra An ecologically based examination of barriers to physical activity in students from grade seven through first-year university,2006,38,6,704-711,Gyurcsik Coping style and distress in newly incarcerated male adolescents,2006,38,6,656-661,Brown The relationship between sleeping problems and aggression anger and impulsivity in a population of juvenile and young offenders,2006,38,6,649-655,Ireland Sleeplessness and aggression in youth,2006,38,6,641-642,Dahl Use of a children questionnaire of health-related quality of life (KIDSCREEN) as a measure of needs for health care services,2006,38,5,511-518,Gosch Teasing and BMI,2006,38,5,484; author reply 484-5,Hensley Religion/spirituality and adolescent health outcomes: a review,2006,38,4,472-480,Drotar Factors associated with early adolescent initiation into injection drug use: implications for intervention programs,2006,38,4,462-464,Strathdee Increased risk of "club" drug use among gay and bisexual high school students in British Columbia,2006,38,4,458-461,Martin High caffeine intake in adolescents: associations with difficulty sleeping and feeling tired in the morning,2006,38,4,451-453,Overpeck The mediating role of adolescent self-efficacy in the relationship between parental practices and adolescent alcohol use,2006,38,4,448-450,Moore High school students' misuse of over-the-counter drugs: a population-based study in an urban county,2006,38,4,445-447,Steinman A systematic review of associations among religiosity/spirituality and adolescent health attitudes and behaviors,2006,38,4,433-442,Rew Herbal products and their association with substance use in adolescents,2006,38,4,395-400,Klein Drug testing of adolescents in general medical clinics in school and at home: physician attitudes and practices,2006,38,4,336-342,Knight To test or not to test: screening for substance use in adolescents,2006,38,4,329-331,Irwin Self-esteem and adolescent sexual behaviors attitudes and intentions: a systematic review,2006,38,3,310-319,Buhi Adolescent sexual behavior and attitudes: A costs and benefits approach,2006,38,1,35-43,Henry Predictors of drug use among South African adolescents,2006,38,1,26-34,Brook Are our teenagers safe ... from us?,2006,38,1,1-4,Simpson Injury trends for adolescents with early childhood lead exposure,2006,39,4,604-606,Bhattacharya Large arterial elasticity varies as a function of gender and racism-related vigilance in black youth,2006,39,4,562-569,Clark Sport participation and physical activity in adolescent females across a four-year period,2006,39,4,523-529,Pate Are drug experimenters better adjusted than abstainers and users?: a longitudinal study of adolescent marijuana use,2006,39,4,488-494,Ellickson Escalation and initiation of younger adolescents' substance use: the impact of perceived peer use,2006,39,4,481-487,D'Amico Time trends and demographic differences in youth exposure to alcohol advertising on television,2006,39,4,473-480,Ringel Self-esteem in adolescent females,2006,39,4,501-507,Franko Do good things come to those who drink? A longitudinal investigation of drinking expectancies and hazardous alcohol use in female college athletes,2006,39,2,229-236,Wang Evaluation of an intervention program for anxious adolescent boys who are bullied at school,2009,45,4,376-382,Berry School bullying among adolescents in the United States: physical verbal relational and cyber,2009,45,4,368-375,Nansel Time trends trajectories and demographic predictors of bullying: a prospective study in Korean adolescents,2009,45,4,360-367,Boyce Income inequality and school bullying: multilevel study of adolescents in 37 countries,2009,45,4,351-359,Craig Bullying: we need to increase our efforts and broaden our focus,2009,45,4,323-325,Michaud Problems of alcohol and other drug use and abuse in adolescents,1991,12,8,606-613,Adger Adolescents at risk: new directions,1991,12,8,638-643,Mechanic Not fear nor quarantine but science: preparation for a decade of research to advance knowledge about causes and control of violence in youths,1991,12,8,619-629,Earls Risk behavior in adolescence: a psychosocial framework for understanding and action,1991,12,8,597-605,Jessor Etiologies of adolescents at risk,1991,12,8,591-596,Kagan Licit and illicit drug patterns and problems among Kibbutz young adults,1991,12,6,421-426,Isralowitz Unwanted sexual experiences among middle and high school youth,1991,12,4,319-325,Erickson Depression in inner city adolescents attending an adolescent medicine clinic,1991,12,4,316-318,Johnson Risk factors for injury during adolescence,1991,12,3,263-268,Slap The pediatrician's concept of the normal adolescent,1991,12,1,6-10,Offer Substance abuse among sexually abused adolescents and their families,1992,13,8,658-662,Hernandez Corporal punishment,1992,13,8,639,Maurer Physician attitudes toward confidentiality of treatment for adolescents: findings from the Upper Midwest Regional Physicians Survey,1992,13,7,616-622,Blum Prepubertal initiation of sexual experiences and older first partner predict promiscuous sexual behavior of delinquent adolescent males--unrecognized child abuse?,1992,13,7,600-605,Davis Problem drinking among college freshmen,1992,13,6,487-492,Greene Self-reported anger in black high school adolescents,1992,13,6,461-465,Jones The outcome of attempted suicide in adolescence,1992,13,5,415-417,Kotila A tentative epidemiologic approach to suicide prevention in adolescence,1992,13,5,409-414,Jeanneret Suicide prevention in adolescence: an overview of current trends,1992,13,5,406-408,Ladame Adolescent suicide attempters: do physicians recognize them?,1992,13,4,286-292,Slap Substance use in a school-based clinic population: use of the randomized response technique to estimate prevalence,1992,13,4,281-285,Fisher Child abuse and mental health among adolescents in dependent care,1992,13,2,121-127,Zollinger Validity of self-reported weight and stature of American Indian youth,1992,13,2,118-120,Story Reliability of adolescents' reports of height and weight,1992,13,2,114-117,Fortenberry Patterns of intimate partner violence victimization from adolescence to young adulthood in a nationally representative sample,2009,45,5,508-516,Halpern Impact of asking sensitive questions about violence to children and adolescents,2009,45,5,499-507,Diener-West Descriptive epidemiology of chronic childhood adversity in Mexican adolescents,2009,45,5,483-489,Borges Youth at the threshold of the 21st century: the demographic situation,1993,14,8,638-44 703-10,Ferguson Social changes among youth: the United States experience,1993,14,8,632-7 697-702,Petersen Resilience: some conceptual considerations,1993,14,8,626-31 690-6,Rutter Risk factors and youth: the role of family and community,1993,14,8,619-25 683-9,Florenzano Urzúa A conceptual framework for understanding "problems" in adolescence and youth,1993,14,8,613-8 673-82,Serrano Discovery and invention in the history of adolescence,1993,14,8,605-12 664-72,Kett Alcohol expectancies problem drinking and adverse health consequences,1993,14,6,446-452,Greene Working with the "personal fable",1993,14,5,349,Stevens-Simon A study of the sexual behavior of teenagers in south Brazil,1993,14,4,336-339,Wagner Substance use among youth seen at a community-based health clinic,1993,14,4,289-294,Kipke A comparison of methods for alcohol and marijuana anticipatory guidance with adolescents,1993,14,3,225-230,Graham Acquaintance rape and the high school student,1993,14,3,220-224,Peck Gender differences in violence exposure among university students attending campus health clinics in the United States and Canada,2009,45,6,587-594,Brown Disordered eating behaviors: what about boys?,2009,44,2,111-117,Michaud Restoring Healthy Developmental Trajectories for Sexually Exploited Young Runaway Girls: Fostering Protective Factors and Reducing Risk Behaviors,2010,46,2,180-188,Saewyc Adolescent and Young Adult Crash Risk: Sensation Seeking Substance Use Propensity and Substance Use Behaviors,2010,46,1,90-92,Romer Adolescent Motor Vehicle Crash Risk: What's Needed to Understand and Reduce the Risk?,2010,46,1,1-2,Shope Longitudinal effects of hostility depression and bullying on adolescent smoking initiation,2011,48,6,591-596,Mouttapa Impact of School-Based Health Center Use on Academic Outcomes,2010,46,3,251-257,Walker Social and Emotional Impairment in Children and Adolescents with ADHD and the Impact on Quality of Life,2010,46,3,209-217,Barkley Prevalence of partner violence in same-sex romantic and sexual relationships in a national sample of adolescents,2004,35,2,124-131,Halpern Personal and social contextual correlates of adolescent dating violence,2003,33,1,9-17,Howard Dating violence among gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents: results from a community survey,2002,31,6,469-474,Freed Dating violence: a comparison of rural suburban and urban teens,2000,27,5,302-305,Bryant Violence prevention and young adolescents' participation in community youth service,1999,24,1,28-37,Bass Adolescents and firearms: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,1998,23,2,117-118,Borowsky Adolescents' exposure to community and school violence: prevalence and behavioral correlates,1997,20,5,368-376,O'Keefe Adolescents as witnesses to violence,1996,19,2,83-85,Brown Characteristics of students who bring weapons to school,1997,20,4,261-270,Flewelling Adults' approval and adolescents' alcohol use,2004,35,4,345.e17-3.45E+19,Altman Adolescent sexual victimization use of alcohol and other substances and other health risk behaviors,2004,35,4,321-328,Altman Coping with sports injuries: an examination of the adolescent athlete,2002,31,5,391-393,Sinal Social skills and attitudes associated with substance use behaviors among young adolescents,2002,30,6,448-454,DuRant Reliability of the Problem Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers (POSIT) in adolescent medical practice,2001,29,2,125-130,Goodman Evaluation of a peaceful conflict resolution and violence prevention curriculum for sixth-grade students,2001,28,5,386-393,Barkin Adolescent males involved in pregnancy: associations of forced sexual contact and risk behaviors,1998,23,6,364-369,Emans Factors associated with aggressive and delinquent behaviors among patients attending an adolescent medicine clinic,1997,21,5,303-308,Goodman Comparison of two violence prevention curricula for middle school adolescents,1996,19,2,111-117,Linder Guidelines for adolescent health research: a position paper of the society for adolescent medicine,1995,17,5,270-276,DuRant Adolescent health research as we proceed into the twenty-first century,1995,17,3,199-203,DuRant Stability of the relationships between anabolic steroid use and multiple substance use among adolescents,1994,15,2,111-116,Ashworth How do we improve the quality of research in adolescent health? A program for reviewing new investigators' research proposals,1991,12,6,419-420,DuRant Evaluation of comprehensive violence prevention education: effects on student behavior,1996,19,2,104-110,Hausman Predictive model of weapon carrying among urban high school students: results and validation,1998,22,4,312-319,Valentine Youth action strategies in violence prevention,1999,25,1,7-13,Carroll Ten years after: examination of adolescent screening questions that predict future violence-related injury,1999,24,6,395-402,Sege The effect of school suspensions and arrests on subsequent adolescent antisocial behavior in Australia and the United States,2006,39,5,736-744,Herrenkohl Protection against antisocial behavior in children exposed to physically abusive discipline,2005,36,6,457-465,Huang Peer activity in the evenings and participation in aggressive and problem behaviors,2005,37,6,517,Overpeck Violence perpetration across peer and partner relationships: Co-occurrence and longitudinal patterns among adolescents,2004,34,1,64-71,Tschann Psychosocial and environmental correlates of violence perpetration among African-American urban youth,2000,27,3,202-209,Li Common themes from the extremes: using two methodologies to examine adolescents' perceptions of anti-violence public service announcements,2000,26,3,164-175,Borzekowski Low literacy and violence among adolescents in a summer sports program,1999,24,6,403-411,Auinger The precursors of young fatherhood and its effect on delinquency of teenage males,1998,22,1,56-65,Stouthamer-Loeber Homeless youth and their exposure to and involvement in violence while living on the streets,1997,20,5,360-367,Unger Concurrent risk factors for adolescent violence,1996,19,2,94-103,Ellickson An exploration of the demographic and social correlates of criminal behavior among adolescent males,1996,19,1,17-24,Cox Searching for resilience among African-American youth exposed to community violence: theoretical issues,1996,18,4,254-262,Howard Violence among adolescents: don't overlook the girls,1995,17,6,333,Litt Sexual Orientation and Bullying Among Adolescents in the Growing Up Today Study,2010,46,4,366-371,Goodman The Causal Impact of Childhood-Limited Maltreatment and Adolescent Maltreatment on Early Adult Adjustment,2010,46,4,359-365,Smith Correlates and predictors of violent behavior among adolescent drinkers,2004,34,6,480-492,Swahn The role of repeat victimization in adolescent delinquent behaviors and recidivism,2003,32,4,272-280,Chen Gender differences in juvenile violence: a report from ADD Health,2003,32,3,234-240,Blum The relationship among violence victimization witnessing violence and youth distress,2002,31,6,455-462,Rachuba Characteristics of males who father babies born to adolescents versus older adult women in Taiwan,2001,28,6,509-512,Chou From early to late adolescence: alcohol use and anger relationships,2001,28,6,450-457,Dwyer Media violence,2000,27,2 Suppl,30-34,Cantor Protective correlates of stages in adolescent substance use: a Swiss National Study,2000,26,6,420-427,Ireland Self-reported characterization of seventh-grade students' fights,1998,23,2,103-109,Chang Ethnic differences in childhood and adolescent sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy,1997,21,1,3-10,Kenney Adolescent and adult mothers' perceptions of hazardous situations for their children,1996,18,3,227-231,Cohn An epidemiological view of adolescent health in Latin America,1993,14,8,595-604 655-63,Silber Changes in suicide rates by hanging and/or suffocation and firearms among young persons aged 10-24 years in the United States: 1992-2006,2010,46,5,503-505,Bridge Longitudinal outcomes of an alcohol abuse prevention program for urban adolescents,2010,46,5,451-457,Schinke Assessing youth risk behavior in a clinical trial setting: lessons from the infant health and development program,2010,46,5,429-436,Buka Patterns and consequences of inadequate sleep in college students: substance use and motor vehicle accidents,2010,46,6,610-612,Taylor Lower lateral orbitofrontal cortex density associated with more frequent exposure to television and movie violence in male adolescents,2010,46,6,607-609,Grafman Community violence and health risk factors among adolescents on Chicago's southside: does gender matter?,2010,46,6,600-602,Voisin Family factors associated with suicide attempts among Chinese adolescent students: a national cross-sectional survey,2010,46,6,592-599,Tao Poly-victimization and risk of posttraumatic depressive and substance use disorders and involvement in delinquency in a national sample of adolescents,2010,46,6,545-552,Connor Timing and chronicity of family poverty and development of unhealthy behaviors in children: a longitudinal study,2010,46,6,538-544,Najman Mothers' and adolescents' beliefs about risk compensation following HPV vaccination,2009,44,5,446-451,Wardle Bullying victimization among underweight and overweight U.S. youth: differential associations for boys and girls,2010,47,1,99-101,Wang Health-risk behaviors in young adolescents in the child welfare system,2010,47,1,26-34,Zhang Sexual behavior among adolescents in Uppsala Sweden,1993,14,6,468-474,Klanger Crack cocaine use and high-risk behaviors among sexually active black adolescents,1993,14,4,295-300,Fullilove Cause-specific mortality among Israeli adolescents in the 1980s,1994,15,2,186-191,Barell Predictors of high-risk behavior in unmarried American women: adolescent environment as risk factor,1994,15,2,126-132,Seidman Puberty as a biological and social event: implications for research on pharmacology,1994,15,8,663-671,Graber Sexual behavior of American adolescents: results from a U.S. national survey,1994,15,2,117-125,Morrison Health risk behavioral survey from 39 juvenile correctional facilities in the United States,1995,17,6,334-344,Morris Mental health of adolescents in Tehran Iran,2007,41,6,571-576,Richter Sex differences in exercise behavior during adolescence: is biological maturation a confounding factor?,2008,42,5,480-485,Malina Adolescent travel patterns: pilot data indicating distance from home varies by time of day and day of week,2008,42,4,418-420,Liu Nonfatal overdose among a cohort of street-involved youth,2008,42,3,303-306,Kerr Adolescents and Driving: A Position Paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine,2010,47,2,212-214,Abraham Violence Exposure in Multiple Interpersonal Domains: Cumulative and Differential Effects,2010,47,2,198-205,Margolin Use of Social Networking Sites in Online Sex Crimes Against Minors: An Examination of National Incidence and Means of Utilization,2010,47,2,183-190,Jones A Content Analysis of Displayed Alcohol References on a Social Networking Web Site,2010,47,2,168-175,Christakis Self-graffiti? Self-image? Self-destruction?: tattoos and adolescents,1994,15,3,198,Litt Prevalence and correlates of psychopathology in pregnant adolescents,1996,18,1,35-43,Wiemann Childhood sexual abuse and coercive sex among school-based adolescents in a midwestern state,1996,18,3,211-217,DiClemente Schools sites for research: land of opportunity--and dilemma,1996,18,3,165,Kapphahn Do school-based health centers improve adolescents' access to health care health status and risk-taking behavior?,1996,18,5,335-343,Brown Sports participation in an urban high school: academic and psychologic correlates,1996,18,5,329-334,Fisher Research in school settings,1996,18,5,309-311,Fisher Driver education: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,1997,21,6,416-418,Greydanus Assaultive violence in the community: psychological responses of adolescent victims and their parents,1997,21,6,356-365,Sanders-Phillips School-Based Prevention of Depression: A 2-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial of the BeyondBlue Schools Research Initiative,2010,47,3,297-304,Sawyer Adolescent-parent communication in self-harm,1997,21,4,267-275,Blizzard The authority and responsibility of school officials in responding to cyberbullying,2007,41,6 Suppl 1,S64-5,Willard Awareness and knowledge of the U.S. child labor laws among a national sample of working adolescents and their parents,2010,47,4,414-417,Schulman Heterogeneity in adolescent depressive symptom trajectories: implications for young adults' risky lifestyle,2010,47,4,407-413,Wickrama Initiation of methamphetamine use among young Thai drug users: a qualitative study,2008,42,1,36-42,Celentano Mystery shopping and alcohol sales: do supermarkets and liquor stores sell alcohol to underage customers?,2007,41,3,302-308,van Hoof Alcohol use sexual activity and perceived risk in high school athletes and non-athletes,2007,41,3,294-301,Fromme Health outcomes related to early adolescent depression,2007,41,3,256-262,Keenan-Miller Impact of a positive youth development program in urban after-school settings on the prevention of adolescent substance use,2007,41,3,239-247,Genovese Youth in sub-Saharan Africa,2007,41,3,230-238,Blum The role of afterschool settings in positive youth development,2007,41,3,219-220,Smith Reducing weapon-carrying among urban American Indian young people,2010,47,1,43-50,Bearinger Maintaining routine despite ongoing exposure to terrorism: a healthy strategy for adolescents?,2006,39,2,199-205,Schiff Caught in the Crossfire: the effects of a peer-based intervention program for violently injured youth,2004,34,3,177-183,Jain Planning youth violence prevention efforts: decision-making across community sectors,2002,30,5,346-354,Cooper Psychometric properties of CAP,2002,30,3,148-149,Blinn-Pike Poor adolescent expectant mothers: can we assess their potential for child abuse?,2001,29,4,271-278,Lock Women's vulnerability to sexual assault from adolescence to young adulthood,2000,27,6,419-424,White Adolescents with learning disabilities: risk and protective factors associated with emotional well-being: findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health,2000,27,5,340-348,Blum Violence of French adolescents toward their parents: characteristics and contexts,1999,25,1,21-26,Laurent Incarcerated adolescents in Washington state. Health services and utilization,1998,22,5,363-367,Farrow Improving detection of violence among pregnant adolescents,1997,21,1,18-24,Covington Homelessness and adolescents,1997,20,5,335,Litt Prisons or prevention? Which really costs more?,1996,19,2,81,Litt Inspiring healthy adolescent choices: a rationale for and guide to strength promotion in primary care,2007,41,6,525-535,Garcia High school student responses to different question formats assessing race/ethnicity,2007,41,5,488-494,Brener Online requests for sexual pictures from youth: risk factors and incident characteristics,2007,41,2,196-203,Wolak Prevalence and frequency of Internet harassment instigation: implications for adolescent health,2007,41,2,189-195,Mitchell Defining virginity and abstinence: adolescents' interpretations of sexual behaviors,2007,41,2,182-188,Grube Preventing Substance Use Among Early Asian-American Adolescent Girls: Initial Evaluation of a Web-based Mother-Daughter Program,2010,47,5,529-532,Cole Lack of assertion peer victimization and risk for depression in girls: testing a diathesis-stress model,2010,47,5,526-528,Hipwell Does Psychological Distress Increase the Risk for Motor Vehicle Crashes in Young People? Findings From the DRIVE Study,2010,47,5,488-495,Patton The Effectiveness of the Motion Picture Association of America's Rating System in Screening Explicit Violence and Sex in Top-ranked Movies From 1950 to 2006,2010,47,5,440-447,Romer Reducing antisocial behavior and promoting healthy outcomes for incarcerated adolescents,2010,47,5,425-426,Jenson Are motion picture ratings reliable and valid?,2010,47,5,423-424,Gentile Driver education,1998,23,3,127,Shrader The influence of parental occupation and the pupils' educational level on lifestyle behaviors among adolescents in Belgium,2004,34,4,330-338,Vereecken Effects of self-esteem and academic performance on adolescent decision-making: an examination of early sexual intercourse and illegal substance use,2010,47,6,582-590,Wheeler The Effect of Early Maltreatment Victimization and Partner Violence on HIV Risk Behavior Among Homeless Young Adults,2010,47,6,575-581,Tyler A trajectory analysis of alcohol and marijuana use among latino adolescents in san francisco california,2010,47,6,564-574,Hubbard How Adolescents Use SMS (Short Message Service) to Micro-Coordinate Contact With Youth Mental Health Outreach Services,2011,48,1,113-115,Furber The utility of keg registration laws: A cross-sectional study,2011,48,1,106-108,Ringwalt Scaling up Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions Through Existing Government Systems? A Detailed Process Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention in Mwanza Region in the Northwest of Tanzania,2011,48,1,79-86,Renju Sensation seeking risk behaviors and alcohol consumption among Mexican origin youth,2011,48,1,65-72,Swann Role modeling risk and resilience in California adolescents,2011,48,1,36-43,Grant Victims of bullying among students with a disability or chronic illness and their peers: A cross-national study between Ireland and France,2011,48,5,461-466,Gabhainn Self-reported Violence-related Outcomes for Adolescents Within Eight Weeks Of Emergency Department Treatment For Assault Injury,2011,48,2,S86-S87,Wiebe Do high-risk urban youth also have older friends?,2011,48,5,467-472,Perry Adolescent alcohol intoxication in the Dutch hospital departments of pediatrics: a 2-year comparison study,2011,48,2,212-214,van Dalen Effects of a school-based prevention program on European adolescents' patterns of alcohol use,2011,48,2,182-188,Galanti Relationship between adolescent risk preferences on a laboratory task and behavioral measures of risk-taking,2011,48,2,151-158,Ernst The neglected role of adolescent emotional well-being in national educational achievement: bridging the gap between education and mental health policies,2011,48,2,135-142,Romer Youth internet victimization in a broader victimization context,2011,48,2,128-134,Wolak Online communication among adolescents: an integrated model of its attraction opportunities and risks,2011,48,2,121-127,Peter Online aggression: a reflection of in-person victimization or a unique phenomenon?,2011,48,2,119-120,Hertz The adolescence of the web-from turbulence to enlightenment,2011,48,2,117-118,Gray The Acceptability Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Population-based Intervention to Promote Youth Health: An Exploratory Study in Goa India,2011,48,5,453-460,Andrews Health-risk behaviors and protective factors among adolescents with mobility impairments and learning and emotional disabilities,2001,28,6,481-490,Blum Disordered eating and unhealthy weight loss practices: which adolescents are at highest risk?,2010,47,1,102-105,Hedberg Perceived overweight BMI and risk for suicide attempts: findings from the 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2009,45,3,292-295,Swahn The health and health behaviors of young men who have sex with men,2007,40,4,342-350,Kipke Trends in adolescent contraceptive use unprotected and poorly protected sex 1991-2003,2006,38,6,734-739,Anderson Suicidality in adolescents being treated with antidepressant medications and the black box label: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,2005,36,1,92-93,Rickert Is the medication bottle for pediatric and adolescent depression half-full or half-empty?,2005,37,6,431-433,Brent Defining and understanding healthy lifestyles choices for adolescents,2004,35,1,26-33,Hacker Truth and consequences: ethics confidentiality and disclosure in adolescent longitudinal prevention research,2003,33,5,385-394,Boekeloo Steroid use among adolescents: findings from Project EAT,2002,30,4,243-252,Wall Characteristics of vegetarian adolescents in a multiethnic urban population,2001,29,6,406-416,Perry Gender differences in health and risk behaviors among bisexual and homosexual adolescents,1998,23,3,181-188,Blum Premenstrual symptoms. Prevalence and severity in an adolescent sample,1998,22,5,403-408,Grossman The University of Minnesota Youth and AIDS Projects' Adolescent Early Intervention Program: a model to link HIV-seropositive youth with care,1998,23,2 Suppl,115-121,Remafedi Mental health screening by self-report questionnaire among community adolescents in southern Brazil,1997,20,3,232-237,Feijó Covariations of eating behaviors with other health-related behaviors among adolescents,1997,20,6,450-458,Blum Characteristics of users and nonusers of health clinics in inner-city junior high schools,1996,18,5,344-348,Vaughan Chronic illness and emotional distress in adolescence,1996,19,2,153-156,Surís Identifying adolescent drug users: results of a national survey on adolescent health in Switzerland,1995,16,3,240-247,Michaud Hospitalization in a pediatric ward of adolescent suicide attempters admitted to general hospitals,1994,15,5,416-422,Gasquet Beliefs and behavioral intentions regarding human immunodeficiency virus testing among New York City runaways,1992,13,7,576-581,Rotheram-Borus A risk profile comparison of homeless youth involved in prostitution and homeless youth not involved,1991,12,7,545-548,MacKenzie HEADSS a psychosocial risk assessment instrument: implications for designing effective intervention programs for runaway youth,1991,12,7,539-544,Cohen Risk profile of homeless pregnant adolescents and youth,1991,12,7,534-538,MacKenzie Gay and lesbian homeless/street youth: special issues and concerns,1991,12,7,515-518,Kruks Emergency medical services and the adolescent patient,1991,12,2,95-100,Seidel Internet-administered adolescent health questionnaires compared with a paper version in a randomized study,2005,36,1,70.e1-70.e6,Raat Anxiety and/or Depression in 10-15-Year-Olds Investigated by Child Welfare in Canada,2011,48,5,493-498,Tonmyr Self-injury in adolescents with eating disorders: correlates and provider bias,2011,48,3,310-313,Peebles Sex while intoxicated: a meta-analysis comparing heterosexual and sexual minority youth,2011,48,3,306-309,Marshal Sexual risk behaviors among teens at an urban emergency department: relationship with violent behaviors and substance use,2011,48,3,303-305,Chermack Risk Factors for Work-related Fatigue in Students With School-Year Employment,2011,48,3,289-294,Laberge Do Schools Influence Student Risk-taking Behaviors and Emotional Health Symptoms?,2011,48,3,259-267,Ameratunga Internalizing problems: a potential pathway from childhood maltreatment to adolescent smoking,2011,48,3,247-252,Litrownik Protecting and promoting: an integrative conceptual model for healthy development of adolescents,2011,48,3,220-228,Noam Relationship of alcohol expectancies to problem drinking among college women,1995,16,3,191-199,Greene Correlates of aggressive and violent behaviors among public high school adolescents,1995,16,1,26-34,Garrison The relationship between aggressive behavior and puberty in normal adolescents: a longitudinal study,1994,15,4,319-326,von Eye Adolescent dimenhydrinate abuse: resurgence of an old problem,1997,21,1,47-49,Koren Association between a history of childhood sexual abuse and subsequent adolescent psychoactive substance use disorder in a sample of HIV seropositive men,1997,20,6,414-419,Holmes The association of sexual risk behaviors and problem drug behaviors in high school students,1997,20,5,377-383,Emans The effectiveness of selected risk factors in mediating gender differences in drinking and it problems,1995,17,2,91-98,Thomas Concerns and risk behaviors and the association between them among high-school students in Jerusalem,1995,17,1,51-57,Palti Adolescents in mid-sized and rural communities: foregone care perceived barriers and risk factors,2004,35,4,303-309,Elliott Health status and risk behavior of adolescents in the north of Madrid Spain,2000,27,5,351-360,Hernandez Emergency department utilization by adolescents,1994,15,6,485-490,Barr Cyber and traditional bullying: differential association with depression,2011,48,4,415-417,Nansel The "ins" and "outs" of Provider-Parent Communication: Perspectives From Adolescent Primary Care Providers on Challenges to Forging Alliances to Reduce Adolescent Risk,2011,48,4,404-409,Kong How do adolescents view health? Implications for state health policy,2011,48,4,398-403,Ott Examining gender differences in risk factors for suicide attempts made 1 and 7 years later in a nationally representative sample,2011,48,4,391-397,Thompson Development and psychometric properties of a violence screening tool for primary care,2011,48,4,358-365,Sigel Revisiting the Issue of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory's Internal Consistency in Adolescent Samples,2011,48,4,351-357,Skowronski Risk and protective factors distinguishing profiles of adolescent peer and dating violence perpetration,2011,48,4,344-350,Foshee Self-report study of impulsive and delinquent behavior in college students,1994,15,4,295-302,Pfefferbaum Gender differences in rural adolescent drinking patterns,1994,15,5,359-365,Kelleher Does perceived parental rejection make adolescents sad and mad? The association of perceived parental rejection with adolescent depression and aggression,2005,36,6,466-474,Engels Do negative life experiences predict the health-care-seeking of adolescents? A study of 10th-year students in Oslo Norway,2005,37,2,128-134,Haavet The relationship between physical maltreatment and substance use among adolescents: a survey of 95788 adolescents in Hong Kong,2005,37,2,110-119,Kim Externalizing behaviors as predictors of substance initiation trajectories among rural adolescents,2005,37,6,493-501,Spoth Video games and real-life aggression: review of the literature,2001,29,4,244-257,Bensley Experience of violence among teenage mothers in Alaska,1998,22,5,383-388,Gessner Family and personal characteristics of aggressive Nigerian boys: differences from and similarities with Western findings,1998,23,5,311-317,Grantham-McGregor Fighting and weapon-carrying among seventh-grade students in Massachusetts and Louisiana,1998,23,2,94-102,Chang Sexual violence and reproductive health among youth in Port-au-Prince Haiti,2009,44,5,508-510,Gomez The associations between aggressive behaviors and internet addiction and online activities in adolescents,2009,44,6,598-605,Liu Severity manifestations and consequences of violence among pregnant adolescents,2001,28,1,55-61,Covington A feminist theoretical approach to understanding health of adolescent females,2001,28,6,443-449,Slater The Adolescent Health Review: a brief multidimensional screening instrument,2001,29,2,131-139,Harrison Treatment of chronic nightmares in adjudicated adolescent girls in a residential facility,2001,29,2,94-100,Tandberg Navigating between cultures: the role of culture in youth violence,2004,34,3,169-176,Reznik Attachment style childhood adversity and behavioral risk among young men who have sex with men,2004,34,5,402-413,Clatts Biochemoterrorism and adolescents,2002,30,1,1-2,Litt History of family dysfunction and perpetration of dating violence by adolescent boys: a longitudinal study,2002,30,5,375-383,Vitaro Partner violence among homeless young adults: measurement issues and associations,2002,30,5,355-363,Boris The effects of terrorism on teens' perceptions of dying: the new world is riskier than ever,2002,30,5,308-311,Halpern-Felsher Supporting adolescents in times of national crisis: potential roles for adolescent health care providers,2002,30,5,302-307,Schonfeld Adolescent health and terrorism--the role of the adolescent medicine specialist,2002,30,5,300-301,McFee Separation of church and "state",2002,31,1,1,Litt An assessment of the effect of data collection setting on the prevalence of health risk behaviors among adolescents,2002,31,4,327-335,Brener Health issues for adolescents in the justice system,2002,31,6 Suppl,321-333,Soler The mass media and American adolescents' health,2002,31,6 Suppl,153-170,Brown Parenting style and adolescent's reaction to conflict: is there a relationship?,2002,31,6,463-468,Dudley Adolescent exposure to extremely violent movies,2002,31,6,449-454,Sargent Adolescent violent behavior and ego development,2002,31,6,446-448,DiNapoli Corporal punishment in schools: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine,2003,32,5,385-393,Greydanus Adolescents' responses to sexual abuse evaluation including the use of video colposcopy,2003,33,1,18-24,Mears Assessment of factors affecting the validity of self-reported health-risk behavior among adolescents: evidence from the scientific literature,2003,33,6,436-457,Brener Fighting among Jerusalem adolescents: personal and school-related factors,2000,27,3,218-223,Palti Sexual coercion among youth and young adults in Lima Peru,2000,27,5,361-367,Cáceres The challenge of the evolving media environment,2000,27,2 Suppl,69-72,Walsh Youth and digital media: a policy research agenda,2000,27,2 Suppl,61-68,Montgomery Lawyer for children left out left alone and left behind: the personal odyssey of an adolescent health advocate,2008,42,4,422-428,English Association between trauma exposure and smoking in a population-based sample of young adults,2008,42,3,266-274,Beckham Demographic characteristics in adult paternity for first births to adolescents under 15 years of age,1999,24,4,251-258,Chabra Self-reported abuse history and adolescent problem behaviors. II. Alcohol and drug use,1999,24,3,173-180,Bensley Adolescents' pregnancy intentions: relations to life situations and caretaking behaviors prenatally and 2 years postpartum,1999,24,5,313-320,East Prevention of high-risk behaviors in adolescent women,1999,25,2,109-119,Petersen Gender differences in correlates of depressive symptoms in adolescents,1999,25,2,98-108,Hayward Parent-youth concordance regarding violence exposure: relationship to youth psychosocial functioning,1999,25,6,396-406,Cross Relationship between number of sexual intercourse partners and selected health risk behaviors among public high school adolescents,1999,25,5,328-335,Valois Questioning adolescent patients about sexual abuse,1999,25,5,313-314,Diaz The role of mental health factors behavioral factors and past experiences in the prediction of rapid repeat pregnancy in adolescence,2009,44,1,25-32,Taylor The mass media and American adolescents' health,2002,31,6 Suppl 1,153-170,Brown Youth and digital media: a policy research agenda,2000,27,2 Suppl 1,61-68,Montgomery Factors associated with assault-related firearm injuries in male adolescents,2000,27,3,195-201,McLaughlin The effects of nonshared environments on adolescent depression: findings from a sample of monozygotic twins,2011,48,6,572-578,Beaver Depressive symptoms and patterns of drug use among street youth,2011,48,6,585-590,Kerr Cyberbullying let the computer help,2010,47,2,209; author reply 209-10,Liang Nonfatal injuries in adolescents: United States 1988,1996,19,3,166-170,Fraser Use of health services by urban youth: a school-based survey to assess differences by grade level gender and risk behavior,1996,19,4,258-266,Roghmann Embedded anti-alcohol messages on commercial television: what teenagers perceive,1996,19,5,345-352,Borzekowski Gender differences in sleep patterns for early adolescents,1999,24,1,16-20,Lee Nondrinking adolescents' intentions to drink as adults: This might be an indication of following rules,2011,49,1,108,Blanchette Nondrinking adolescents' intentions to drink as adults: This might be an indication of following rules,2011,49,1,108-109,Zamboanga Alcohol Expectancies Among Adolescent Nondrinkers: They May Not Be Drinking Now But They're "thinkin bout it",2011,49,1,105-107,Zamboanga Effects of a national information campaign on compliance with age restrictions for alcohol sales,2011,49,1,97-98,van Hoof Examining the link between neighborhood context and parental messages to their adolescent children about violence,2011,49,1,58-63,Cheng Individual and structural vulnerability among female youth who exchange sex for survival,2011,49,1,36-41,Miller Development of a researcher codebook for use in evaluating social networking site profiles,2011,49,1,29-35,Moreno Sierra Leone's Child Soldiers: War Exposures and Mental Health Problems by Gender,2011,49,1,21-28,Williamson Parents: An under-realized resource for protecting working adolescents,2011,49,1,5-6,Castillo Toward a new agenda for rehabilitation and reintegration processes for child soldiers,2011,49,1,3-4,Derluyn Longitudinal health endangering behavior risk among resilient and nonresilient early adolescents,1998,23,5,297-302,Ingersoll Other substance use among high school students who use tobacco,1998,23,5,289-296,Kann Drug trafficking and drug use among urban African-American adolescents: a causal analysis,1998,23,5,280-288,Stanton Teens at work: a statewide study of jobs hazards and injuries,1998,22,1,19-25,Cohen The proportion of U.S. Parents who talk with their adolescent children about dating abuse,2011,49,2,216-218,Rothman Disaster and youth violence: The experience of school-attending youth in New Orleans,2011,49,2,213-215,Clum Positive childhood experiences and positive adult functioning: Prosocial continuity and the role of adolescent substance use,2011,49,2,180-186,Mason Reduced ratings of physical and relational aggression for youths with a strong cultural identity: Evidence from the Naskapi people,2011,49,2,155-159,Burack Health of adolescents and young adults: Trends in achieving the 21 critical national health objectives by 2010,2011,49,2,124-132,Brindis Suicidality and depression disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth: a meta-analytic review,2011,49,2,115-123,Brent Risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use in Washington state the United States and Victoria Australia: a longitudinal study,2011,49,3,312-320,Patton Peer relational victimization and somatic complaints during adolescence,2011,49,3,294-299,Nixon Sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence and the risk of early pregnancy among women ages 18-22,2011,49,3,287-293,Deardorff Adverse adolescent relationship histories and young adult health: Cumulative effects of loneliness low parental support relationship instability intimate partner violence and loss,2011,49,3,278-286,Duncan Toward a Conceptual Model Linking Community Violence Exposure to HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents: Directions for Research,2011,49,3,230-236,Jenkins Alcohol and drug use in teenagers with diabetes mellitus,1991,12,1,11-14,Schwartz Alcohol use as a potential mediator of forced sexual intercourse and suicidality among African American Caucasian and Hispanic high school girls,2011,49,4,437-439,Temple The decision to access patient information from a social media site: What would you do?,2011,49,4,414-420,Merrick The influence of school demographic factors and perceived student discrimination on delinquency trajectory in adolescence,2011,49,4,407-413,Le Association of socioeconomic status problem behaviors and disordered eating in Mexican adolescents: Results of the Mexican national health and nutrition survey 2006,2011,49,4,400-406,Palma-Coca Linkages between gender equity and intimate partner violence among urban Brazilian youth,2011,49,4,393-399,Moracco Adolescents' cortisol reactivity and subjective distress in response to family conflict: The moderating role of internalizing symptoms,2011,49,4,386-392,Margolin Does competence mediate the associations between puberty and internalizing or externalizing problems in adolescent girls?,2011,49,4,350-356,Negriff Synthetic cannabinoid use: A case series of adolescents,2011,49,4,347-349,Castellanos Forging partnerships with parents while delivering adolescent confidential health services: a clinical paradox,2011,49,4,335-336,Tebb Co-occurrence of health-risk behaviors among adolescents in the United States,1998,22,3,209-213,Brener Adolescents' insight in heavy drinking,1998,22,5,409-416,Kelleher Optimism and the socioeconomic status gradient in adolescent adiposity,2011,49,5,553-555,Goodman A test of the theory of planned behavior to explain physical activity in a large population sample of adolescents from alberta Canada,2011,49,5,547-549,Plotnikoff An examination of the validity of retrospective measures of suicide attempts in youth,2011,49,5,532-537,Abbott Dream recall and its relationship to sleep perceived stress and creativity among adolescents,2011,49,5,525-531,Brand Does delivering preventive services in primary care reduce adolescent risky behavior?,2011,49,5,476-482,Ozer Clinical preventive services for adolescents: Facing the challenge of proving "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure",2011,49,5,450-452,Sanci Self-reported violence-related outcomes for adolescents within eight weeks of emergency department treatment for assault injury,2011,49,4,440-442,Wiebe Adolescent emotional response to music and its relationship to risk-taking behaviors,1998,23,1,49-54,Friedman Is it only rock 'n' roll? The chicken-and-the-egg dilemma,1998,23,1,1-2,Strasburger The University of Alabama Teenage Access Project: a model for prevention referrals and linkages to testing for high-risk young women,1998,23,2 Suppl,107-114,Johnson Innovations in preventive mental health care services for adolescents,2008,42,5,519-525,Brindis Pubertal timing and substance use: the effects of gender parental monitoring and deviant peers,2008,42,6,555-563,Hampson Body art (body piercing and tattooing) among undergraduate university students: "then and now",2008,42,2,201-203,Chiffriller Do friendships change behaviors or do behaviors change friendships? Examining paths of influence in young adolescents' alcohol use,2000,26,1,27-35,Perry Parental underestimates of adolescent risk behavior: a randomized controlled trial of a parental monitoring intervention,2000,26,1,18-26,Zhou Victimization experiences of adolescents in Malaysia,2011,49,6,627-634,Dunne Finding shelter: two-year housing trajectories among homeless youth,2011,49,6,615-620,Comulada The effect of passengers and risk-taking friends on risky driving and crashes/near crashes among novice teenagers,2011,49,6,587-593,Ouimet Adolescents' risky driving in context,2011,49,6,557-558,Steinberg Patterns of initiation of sex and drug-related activities among urban low-income African-American adolescents,2001,28,1,46-54,Stanton Adolescents' and adults' understanding of probability expressions,2001,28,1,30-35,Halpern-Felsher Disordered neighborhood environments and risk-taking propensity in late childhood through adolescence,2012,50,1,100-102,Reynolds Trajectories of alcohol and cigarette use among sexual minority and heterosexual girls,2012,50,1,97-99,Hipwell Under-detection of psychiatric disorders during prenatal care: a survey of adolescents in Sao Paulo Brazil,2012,50,1,93-96,Laranjeira Positive Youth Healthy Adults: Does Positive Well-being in Adolescence Predict Better Perceived Health and Fewer Risky Health Behaviors in Young Adulthood?,2012,50,1,66-73,McDade Bullying perpetration and subsequent sexual violence perpetration among middle school students,2012,50,1,60-65,Basile Longitudinal trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and binge drinking among adolescent girls: the role of sexual victimization,2012,50,1,54-59,Resnick Neighborhood environment and body mass index trajectories from adolescence to adulthood,2012,50,1,30-37,Needham The complex associations between neighborhoods and adolescent health,2012,50,1,3-4,Ruel Short-term sexual health effects of relationships with significantly older females on adolescent boys,2012,50,2,195-197,Kelly Trends in youth internet victimization: findings from three youth internet safety surveys 2000-2010,2012,50,2,179-186,Jones The effectiveness of mandatory-random student drug testing: a cluster randomized trial,2012,50,2,172-178,Goesling Living arrangements and external causes of deaths in early adulthood,2012,50,2,164-171,Martikainen Developmental trajectories of substance use from early adolescence to young adulthood: gender and racial/ethnic differences,2012,50,2,154-163,Chen Dimensional structure and measurement invariance of the youth self-report across gender and age,2012,50,2,148-153,Fonseca-Pedrero Does the direction of effects in the association between depressive symptoms and health-risk behaviors differ by behavior? A longitudinal study across the high school years,2012,50,2,140-147,Willoughby Resource Consumption of a Diffusion Model for Prevention Programs: The PROSPER Delivery System,2012,50,3,256-263,Feinberg Is depression contagious? A test of alternative peer socialization mechanisms of depressive symptoms in adolescent peer networks,2012,50,3,250-255,Burk Do help-seeking intentions during early adolescence vary for adolescents experiencing different levels of depressive symptoms?,2012,50,3,236-242,Sawyer Retaliatory attitudes and violent behaviors among assault-injured youth,2012,50,3,215-220,Cheng The assault-injured youth: what we know how we use it,2012,50,3,213-214,Fein The relationship between sexual behavior and nonsexual risk behaviors among unmarried youth in three Asian cities,2012,50,3 Suppl,S75-82,Zabin Adolescents' and young adults' perception of homosexuality and related factors in three asian cities,2012,50,3 Suppl,S52-60,Zabin Association between childhood sexual abuse and adverse psychological outcomes among youth in Taipei,2012,50,3 Suppl,S45-51,Zabin The relationship between external contact and unmarried adolescents' and young adults' traditional beliefs in three East Asian cities: a cross-sectional analysis,2012,50,3 Suppl,S4-S11,Zabin Youth at risk: suicidal thoughts and attempts in Vietnam China and Taiwan,2012,50,3 Suppl,S37-44,Emerson Media's Contribution to Sexual Knowledge Attitudes and Behaviors for Adolescents and Young Adults in Three Asian Cities,2012,50,3 Suppl,S26-36,Zabin Gender differences in adolescent premarital sexual permissiveness in three Asian cities: effects of gender-role attitudes,2012,50,3 Suppl,S18-25,Zabin How does traditional Confucian culture influence adolescents' sexual behavior in three Asian cities?,2012,50,3 Suppl,S12-7,Zabin Introduction to the three-city study of Asian adolescents and young adults: Hanoi Shanghai and Taipei,2012,50,3 Suppl,S1-3,Bishai Sociodemographic correlates of virginity in seventh-grade black and Latino students,1999,24,5,304-312,Jenkins Patterns of sexual partnerships among adolescent females,1999,24,5,300-303,Orr Service utilization among homeless and runaway youth in Los Angeles California: rates and reasons,1999,24,6,449-458,Unger Alternative methods in the investigation of adolescents' sexual life,1999,25,1,84-90,Michaud Trauma-related hospitalizations among urban adolescents in New Zealand: priorities for prevention,1999,25,1,75-83,Smith High school athletic participation sexual behavior and adolescent pregnancy: a regional study,1999,25,3,207-216,Barnes Risky sexual behaviors among adolescents with alcohol use disorders,1999,25,3,179-181,Bailey Drinking perceptions and drinking behaviors among urban black adolescents,1999,25,4,264-275,Strunin Body modification and substance use in adolescents: is there a link?,2003,32,1,44-49,Knight The relationship between employment and substance use among students aged 12 to 17,2003,32,1,5-15,Wu Drugs and adolescent girls,2003,32,1,1-2,Litt Impact of victimization on risk of suicide among lesbian gay and bisexual high school students in San Francisco,2012,50,4,418-420,Shields Benefits of universal intervention effects on a youth protective shield 10 years after baseline,2012,50,4,414-417,Spoth Patterns and correlates of parental and formal sexual and reproductive health communication for adolescent women in the United States 2002-2008,2012,50,4,410-413,Trussell The influence of socioeconomic status on cannabis use among French adolescents,2012,50,4,395-402,Legleye Characteristics of African American adolescent females who perceive their current boyfriends have concurrent sexual partners,2012,50,4,377-382,DiClemente Testing three explanations of the emergence of weapon carrying in peer context: the roles of aggression victimization and the social network,2012,50,4,371-376,Veenstra The consequences of juvenile detention reform for mental health and sexually transmitted infection screening among detained youth,2012,50,4,365-370,Aalsma A family intervention to reduce sexual risk behavior substance use and delinquency among newly homeless youth,2012,50,4,358-364,Rotheram-Borus The impact of role models on health outcomes for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,2012,50,4,353-357,Bird Just one click: a content analysis of advertisements on teen web sites,2012,50,4,339-345,Tiggemann Coaching Boys into Men: Preliminary Success of a Sexual Violence Prevention Program,2011,48,2,S85-S86,Miller Decreasing violence among high risk Latino youth,2011,48,2 Suppl,S80,Lesser Implementation of Violence Risk Screening and Treatment in a High School Setting,2011,48,2 Suppl,S85,Sigel Adolescent attitudes and awareness of rape crisis services,2011,48,2 Suppl,S84-S85,Stark Powerlessness Explaining the Relationships Between Dating Violence (Victimization and Aggression) and Depressions in Urban Adolescent Girls,2011,48,2 Suppl,S92,Cerulli Self-Reported Violence-Related Outcomes for Adolescents Within Eight Weeks Of Emergency Department Treatment for Assault Injury,2011,48,2 Suppl,S86-S87,Wiebe Are Young Adolescents' Social and Emotional Skills Protective Against Involvement in Bullying and Violence?,2010,46,2 Suppl 1,S64-S65,Sieving El Joven Noble Concepts are Correlated with Violence-Related Attitudes and Behaviors,2010,46,2 Suppl 1,S62,Lesser Exposure to Community Violence Male Privilege Depression and Familismo are Correlates of Substance Use Among High-Risk Latino Youth,2010,46,2 Suppl 1,S61-S62,Lesser Partner Violence Reproductive Control and Pregnancy Experiences Among Adolescent Female Users of Family Planning Clinics,2010,46,2 Suppl 1,S32-S33,Miller Quantifying the Influence of Violence Exposure on Adolescent Risk Behaviours in Western Canada,2010,46,2 Suppl 1,S65,Saewyc Suicidal ideation and self-harm behavior in a community sample of preadolescent youth: a case-control study,2012,50,5,524-526,Romer Cyber and Bias-based Harassment: Associations With Academic Substance Use and Mental Health Problems,2012,50,5,521-523,Russell Beyond age at first sex: patterns of emerging sexual behavior in adolescence and young adulthood,2012,50,5,456-463,Halpern Romantic relationship characteristics and alcohol use: longitudinal associations with dual method contraception use,2012,50,5,450-455,Catalano Racial differences in the consequences of childhood maltreatment for adolescent and young adult depression heavy drinking and violence,2012,50,5,443-449,Stouthamer-Loeber Male adolescents' attitudes toward wife beating: a multi-country study in South Asia,2012,50,5,437-442,Dalal Addressing the critical health problem of adolescent substance use through health care research and public policy,2012,50,5,431-436,Richter Interrupting intimate partner violence in developing countries,2012,50,5,427-428,Chandra-Mouli The relationship between smoking drinking and adolescents' self-perceived health and frequency of hospitalization: analyses from the 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse,2002,30,3,175-183,Richter Efficacy of a dating violence prevention program on attitudes justifying aggression,1997,21,1,11-17,O'Leary Substance use sexual intercourse and condom nonuse among depressed adolescents and young adults: scientific views,2012,50,6,654,Das Hospitalization for underage drinkers in the United States,2012,50,6,648-650,Kim Uncorrected distance visual impairment among adolescents in the United States,2012,50,6,645-647,Zhang Factors associated with adolescents' propensity to drive with multiple passengers and to engage in risky driving behaviors,2012,50,6,634-640,Winston Engaging parents in the family check-up in middle school: longitudinal effects on family conflict and problem behavior through the high school transition,2012,50,6,627-633,Dishion Developmental Trajectories of Peer Victimization: Off-line and Online Experiences During Adolescence,2012,50,6,607-613,Peter Validity and reliability of the rapid assessment for adolescent preventive services adolescent health risk assessment,2012,50,6,595-599,Salerno Peer passengers: how do they affect teen crashes?,2012,50,6,588-594,Kallan Mental distress and subsequent use of psychotropic drugs among adolescents-a prospective register linkage study,2012,50,6,578-587,Furu Prevalence and correlates of mental health problems and treatment among adolescents seen in primary care,2012,50,6,559-564,Blow Mental health disorders and long-term opioid use among adolescents and young adults with chronic pain,2012,50,6,553-558,Katon Attentional bias and disinhibition toward gaming cues are related to problem gaming in male adolescents,2012,50,6,541-546,Peter LGB-affirming school climates and sexual health outcomes among U.S. high school students 2015-2017: differences by sex and sexual identity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feaster Exposure to Fire Setting Behavior on YouTube,2012,51,1,99-100,Mackay Bullying among adolescents in a sub-Saharan middle-income setting,2012,51,1,96-98,Suris Bullying and suicidal behaviors among urban high school youth,2012,51,1,93-95,Azrael Trends of sexual and violent content by gender in top-grossing U.S. Films 1950-2006,2012,51,1,73-79,Romer Use of a standardized patient paradigm to enhance proficiency in risk assessment for adolescent depression and suicide,2012,51,1,66-72,Glowinski Longitudinal predictors of cyber and traditional bullying perpetration in Australian secondary school students,2012,51,1,59-65,Herrenkohl Defining and measuring cyberbullying within the larger context of bullying victimization,2012,51,1,53-58,Ybarra Racial/Ethnic differences in trajectories of aggression in a longitudinal sample of high-risk urban youth,2012,51,1,45-52,Komro The relationship between sexual abuse and risky sexual behavior among adolescent boys: a meta-analysis,2012,51,1,18-24,Saewyc Nonmedical use of prescription medications among adolescents in the United States: a systematic review,2012,51,1,6-17,Havens Continued knowledge development for understanding bullying and school victimization,2012,51,1,3-5,Williams What about the boys? The importance of including boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health research,2012,51,1,1-2,Saewyc Pediatric primary care providers and adolescent depression: a qualitative study of barriers to treatment and the effect of the black box warning,2007,40,5,433-439,Katon The utility of the AUDIT in screening for drinking game involvement among female college students,2007,40,4,359-361,Horton Fetal serotonin signaling: setting pathways for early childhood development and behavior,2012,51,2 Suppl,S9-S16,Oberlander Infusing developmental neuroscience into school-based preventive interventions: implications and future directions,2012,51,2 Suppl,S41-S47,Greenberg Adolescent risk taking under stressed and nonstressed conditions: conservative calculating and impulsive types,2012,51,2 Suppl,S34-S40,Dariotis Maternal stress in pregnancy: considerations for fetal development,2012,51,2 Suppl,S3-S8,Dipietro Can traumatic stress alter the brain? Understanding the implications of early trauma on brain development and learning,2012,51,2 Suppl,S23-S28,Carrion Cognitive flexibility and theory of mind outcomes among foster children: preschool follow-up results of a randomized clinical trial,2012,51,2 Suppl,S17-22,Dozier Stress and the brain: how experiences and exposures across the life span shape health development and learning in adolescence,2012,51,2 Suppl,S1-S2,Blum Sexually transmitted infections sexual risk behavior and intimate partner violence among African American adolescent females with a male sex partner recently released from incarceration,2012,51,2,156-163,DiClemente Body art among minority high school athletes: prevalence interest and satisfaction; parental knowledge and consent,2006,39,6,933-935,Risser A cluster analysis of physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns in middle school girls,2012,51,3,292-298,Lytle Access to private and confidential health care among secondary school students in New Zealand,2012,51,3,285-291,Robinson Sustainability of the communities that care prevention system by coalitions participating in the community youth development study,2012,51,3,259-264,Hawkins Cash Cars and Condoms: Economic Factors in Disadvantaged Adolescent Women's Condom Use,2012,51,3,233-241,DiClemente Text messaging and adolescents: clues to promoting sexual rights,2012,51,3,203-204,Hensel Perceived access to community facilities social motivation and physical activity among New Zealand youth,2006,39,5,770-773,Ameratunga Helpful or harmful? An examination of viewers' responses to nonsuicidal self-injury videos on YouTube,2012,51,4,380-385,Heath The longitudinal impact of exposure to violence on cortisol reactivity in adolescents,2012,51,4,366-372,Susman Caregiver and adolescent mental health in Ethiopian Kunama refugees participating in an emergency education program,2012,51,4,357-365,Betancourt Assessing the effects of families for safe dates a family-based teen dating abuse prevention program,2012,51,4,349-356,Foshee Experience of low mood and suicidal behaviors among adolescents in Vietnam: findings from two national population-based surveys,2012,51,4,339-348,Nguyen Consequences of sex education on teen and young adult sexual behaviors and outcomes,2012,51,4,332-338,Lindberg Associations between community attachments and adolescent substance use in nationally representative samples,2012,51,4,325-331,Schulenberg Cross-lagged effects between intimate partner violence victimization and suicidality from adolescence into adulthood,2012,51,5,510-516,Swahn Violent peers network centrality and intimate partner violence perpetration by young men,2012,51,5,503-509,Ramirez The relative odds of involvement in seven crash configurations by driver age and sex,2012,51,5,484-490,Bingham Trajectories of psychosocial problems in adolescents predicted by findings from early well-child assessments,2012,51,5,475-483,Verhulst A teacher-delivered intervention for adolescents exposed to ongoing and intense traumatic war-related stress: a quasi-randomized controlled study,2012,51,5,453-461,Berger Motivational subtypes of nonmedical use of prescription medications: results from a national study,2012,51,5,445-452,McCabe "Coaching boys into men": a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a dating violence prevention program,2012,51,5,431-438,Decker Children who run away from home: risks for suicidal behavior and substance misuse,2012,51,5,415-421,Meltzer The immediate and lasting effects of adolescent homelessness on suicidal ideation and behavior,2012,51,5,407-408,Marshall Sport and physical activity participation and substance use among adolescents,2005,36,6,486-493,Moore Preventive child health care findings on early childhood predict peer-group social status in early adolescence,2012,51,6,637-642,Verhulst The role of daily activities in youths' stress physiology,2012,51,6,623-628,Klein A cross-sectional and longitudinal study of travel by walking before and after school among eighth-grade girls,2012,51,6,608-614,Evenson Effects of a natural community intervention intensifying alcohol law enforcement combined with a restrictive alcohol policy on adolescent alcohol use,2012,51,6,580-587,Kuntsche Moderators of treatment effectiveness for war-affected youth with depression in northern Uganda,2012,51,6,544-550,Brennan "Just talk to me": communicating with college students about depression disclosures on facebook,2013,52,1,122-127,Moreno Risky messages in alcohol advertising 2003-2007: results from content analysis,2013,52,1,116-121,Jernigan Temporal associations of popularity and alcohol use among middle school students,2013,52,1,108-115,D'Amico Heart rate and antisocial behavior: mediation and moderation by affiliation with bullies. The TRAILS Study,2013,52,1,102-107,Verhulst High school students in a health career promotion program report fewer acts of aggression and violence,2013,52,1,96-101,Lesser Forced intercourse individual and family context and risky sexual behavior among adolescent girls,2013,52,1,89-95,Smolkowski The association of obesity and school absenteeism attributed to illness or injury among adolescents in the United States 2009,2013,52,1,64-69,Blanck Why is work intensity associated with heavy alcohol use among adolescents?,2004,34,1,79-87,Paschall Initiation of sexual intercourse among middle school adolescents: the influence of psychosocial factors,2004,34,3,200-208,Middlestadt The impact of family and peer protective factors on girls' violence perpetration and victimization,2013,52,3,365-371,Sieving Are hookups replacing romantic relationships? A longitudinal study of first-year female college students,2013,52,5,657-659,Carey Toward an understanding of risk and protective factors for violence among adolescent boys and men: a longitudinal analysis,2013,52,4,493-498,Cottler Coping stress and social support associations with internalizing and externalizing behavior among urban adolescents and young adults: revelations from a cluster analysis,2013,52,5,627-633,Tandon Nonsuicidal self-injury as a gateway to suicide in young adults,2013,52,4,486-492,Whitlock Leftover prescription opioids and nonmedical use among high school seniors: a multi-cohort national study,2013,52,4,480-485,McCabe Siblings Are Special: Initial Test of a New Approach for Preventing Youth Behavior Problems,2013,53,2,166-173,Feinberg Patient Health Questionnaire-9 as an Effective Tool for Screening of Depression Among Indian Adolescents,2013,52,5,546-551,Basu Reducing Sexual Risk Behavior in Adolescent Girls: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial,2013,52,3,314-321,Carey Sexting substance use and sexual risk behavior in young adults,2013,52,3,307-313,Snipes Adolescent Time Use Clusters: A Systematic Review,2013,52,3,259-270,Li Socioeconomic changes and adolescent psychopathology in a Brazilian birth cohort study,2012,51,6 Suppl,S5-S10,Hallal Socioeconomic trajectories from birth to adolescence and risk factors for noncommunicable disease: prospective analyses,2012,51,6 Suppl,S32-7,Hallal Pilot randomized trial of bupropion for adolescent methamphetamine abuse/dependence,2013,52,4,502-505,Shoptaw Estimating population size and demographic characteristics of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth in middle school,2013,52,2,248-250,Glassman Childhood abuse and age at menarche,2013,52,2,241-247,Wright Unnatural causes of death and suicide among former adolescent psychiatric patients,2013,52,2,207-211,Hong Health and School Outcomes During Children's Transition Into Adolescence,2013,52,2,186-194,Bevans Previous use of alcohol cigarettes and marijuana and subsequent abuse of prescription opioids in young adults,2013,52,2,158-163,Fiellin Traumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder in youth: recent research findings on clinical impact assessment and treatment,2013,52,2,137-143,Rappaport Physical Activity in Adolescents: Examining Influence of the Best Friend Dyad,2013,52,6,752-756,Gabbard Older Versus Newer Media and the Well-being of United States Youth: Results From a National Longitudinal Panel,2013,52,5,613-619,Romer Mental Health Problems in Teens Investigated by U.S. Child Welfare Agencies,2013,52,5,634-640,Stein The effect on teenage risky driving of feedback from a safety monitoring system: a randomized controlled trial,2013,53,1,21-26,Ouimet A longitudinal study of youth assets neighborhood conditions and youth sexual behaviors,2013,52,6,779-785,Bensyl Challenges faced by former child soldiers in the aftermath of war in Uganda,2013,52,6,757-764,Derluyn Middle and high school drug testing and student illicit drug use: a national study 1998-2011,2013,52,6,707-715,Terry-McElrath Joint consideration of distal and proximal predictors of premature mortality among serious juvenile offenders,2013,52,6,689-696,Chassin Qualitative study of barriers to concussive symptom reporting in high school athletics,2013,52,3,330-335.e3,Rivara Sexting: a terrifying health risk … or the new normal for young adults?,2013,52,3,257-258,Levine Association of child marriage with suicidal thoughts and attempts among adolescent girls in Ethiopia,2013,52,5,654-656,Gage Body piercing practices and attitudes among urban adolescents,2005,36,4,352.e17-3.52E+19,Gold Exposure to community violence and upper respiratory illness in older adolescents,2005,36,4,313-319,Wilson Prevalence and patterns of polysubstance use in a nationally representative sample of 10th graders in the United States,2013,52,6,716-723,Simons-Morton Effectiveness of a brief parent-directed teen driver safety intervention (Checkpoints) delivered by driver education instructors,2013,53,1,27-33,Shope Identification and characterization of adolescents' sexual boundaries,2013,53,1,85-90,Halpern-Felsher Social demographic and health outcomes in the 10 years following adolescent depression,2013,52,5,533-538,Colman Sexual partner accumulation from adolescence through early adulthood: the role of family peer and school social norms,2013,53,1,91-7.e1-2,Coley Recommendations for promoting the health and well-being of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender adolescents: a position paper of the society for adolescent health and medicine,2013,52,4,506-510, Early puberty and childhood social and behavioral adjustment,2013,53,1,118-124,Patton Weightism racism classism and sexism: shared forms of harassment in adolescents,2013,53,1,47-53,Eisenberg Role of young women's depression and stress symptoms in their weekly use and nonuse of contraceptive methods,2013,53,2,241-248,Trussell Exploration of awareness knowledge and perceptions of traumatic brain injury among American youth athletes and their parents,2013,53,1,34-39,Sarmiento A theater intervention to prevent teen dating violence for Mexican-American middle school students,2013,53,1,62-67,Belknap Fears of violence during morning travel to school,2013,53,1,54-61,Wiebe Frequency of alcohol use in adolescence as a marker for subsequent sexual risk behavior in adulthood,2013,53,2,215-221,Haberstick Sexting: young women's and men's views on its nature and origins,2013,52,6,697-701,Sanci Effects of the Youth Empowerment Seminar on impulsive behavior in adolescents,2013,53,1,139-141,London Driving after drinking among young adults of different race/ethnicities in the United States: unique risk factors in early adolescence?,2013,52,5,584-591,Maldonado-Molina Testing the feasibility of therapeutic identification of depression in young people in British general practice,2013,52,5,539-545,Iliffe Hookup sex versus romantic relationship sex in college: why do we care and what do we do?,2013,52,5,515-516,Calzo Adolescence lost: the realities of child marriage,2013,52,5,513-514,Erulkar Why adolescent depression is a global health priority and what we should do about it,2013,52,5,511-512,Patel Predictors of continuation and cessation of nonsuicidal self-injury,2013,53,1,40-46,Page Sense of Community Unfairness and Psychosomatic Symptoms: A Multilevel Analysis of Italian Schools,2013,53,1,142-145,Santinello Youths' health-related social problems: concerns often overlooked during the medical visit,2013,53,2,265-271,Woods The impact of a middle school program to reduce aggression victimization and sexual violence,2013,53,2,180-186,Espelage Impact of early adolescent anxiety disorders on self-esteem development from adolescence to young adulthood,2013,53,2,287-292,Kasen Dating violence perpetration and victimization among U.S. adolescents: prevalence patterns and associations with health complaints and substance use,2013,53,2,194-201,Haynie Sleep impulse control and sensation-seeking predict delinquent behavior in adolescents emerging adults and adults,2013,53,2,293-299,Gaultney From family to friends: does witnessing interparental violence affect young adults' relationships with friends?,2013,53,2,187-193,Hindin The effect of school status and academic skills on the reporting of premarital sexual behavior: evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Malawi,2013,53,2,228-234,Soler-Hampejsek A sex risk reduction text-message program for young adult females discharged from the emergency department,2013,53,3,387-393,Akers Longitudinal relationships between college education and patterns of heavy drinking: a comparison between Caucasians and African Americans,2013,53,3,356-362,Chen The health status of street children and youth in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the literature,2013,53,3,314-321.e12,Auerswald Who dies? Disparities in mortality risk among juvenile offenders,2013,52,6,668-669,Herrenkohl Comorbid alcohol and cannabis use disorders among high-risk youth at intake into residential care,2013,53,3,350-355,Mason A self-defense program reduces the incidence of sexual assault in Kenyan adolescent girls,2013,53,3,374-380,Sinclair Types of Alcohol Use Experience From Childhood Through Adolescence,2013,53,4,453-459,Donovan Cross-lagged associations between substance use-related media exposure and alcohol use during middle school,2013,53,4,460-464,D'Amico Adolescent alcohol use reflects community-level alcohol consumption irrespective of parental drinking,2013,53,3,368-373,Holstein Impact of social network characteristics on shelter use among street youth in San Francisco,2013,53,3,381-386,Muth Rounding the next curve on the road toward reducing teen drivers' crash risk,2013,53,1,3-5,McCartt Cohesive trusting communities buoy at-risk youth throughout adolescence,2013,53,1,1-2,East The Relationship Between Self-Determined Motivation and Physical Activity in Adolescent Boys,2013,53,3,420-422,Lonsdale A case-control study of risk and protective factors for incarceration among urban youth,2013,53,4,471-477,Komro Precipitating circumstances of suicide among youth aged 10-17 years by sex: data from the national violent death reporting system 16 States 2005-2008,2013,53,1 Suppl,S51-3,Karch Acutely suicidal adolescents who engage in bullying behavior: 1-year trajectories,2013,53,1 Suppl,S43-S50,King Suicidal thinking and behavior among youth involved in verbal and social bullying: risk and protective factors,2013,53,1 Suppl,S4-S12,Borowsky Suicidal Adolescents' Experiences With Bullying Perpetration and Victimization during High School as Risk Factors for Later Depression and Suicidality,2013,53,1 Suppl,S37-S42,Gould Potential suicide ideation and its association with observing bullying at school,2013,53,1 Suppl,S32-S36,Rivers Suicidal ideation and school bullying experiences after controlling for depression and delinquency,2013,53,1 Suppl,S27-31,Espelage Inclusive anti-bullying policies and reduced risk of suicide attempts in lesbian and gay youth,2013,53,1 Suppl,S21-6,Keyes Psychological physical and academic correlates of cyberbullying and traditional bullying,2013,53,1 Suppl,S13-20,Limber Bullying and suicide: a public health approach,2013,53,1 Suppl,S1-3,Hertz Timing and Circumstances of First Sex Among Female and Male Youth From Select Urban Areas of Nigeria Kenya and Senegal,2013,53,5,609-616,Speizer Child physical and sexual abuse and cigarette smoking in adolescence and adulthood,2013,53,4,533-538,Herrenkohl Psychosocial Pathways to Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk Among Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care: Evidence From a Longitudinal Cohort Study,2013,53,4,478-485,Simoni Longitudinal associations from neurobehavioral disinhibition to adolescent risky sexual behavior in boys: Direct and mediated effects through moderate alcohol consumption,2013,53,4,465-470,Riggs Peer sexual harassment and deliberate self-injury: Longitudinal cross-lag investigations in Canada and Sweden,2013,53,6,717-722,Tilton-Weaver Effects of positive action on the emotional health of urban youth: A cluster-randomized trial,2013,53,6,706-711,Flay Are crimes by online predators different from crimes by sex offenders who know youth in-person?,2013,53,6,736-741,Wolak Mexican-origin youths' trajectories of depressive symptoms: The role of familism values,2013,53,5,648-654,Umaña-Taylor Serious fighting-related injuries produce a significant reduction in intelligence,2013,53,4,520-525,Beaver Effects of PROSPER on the influence potential of prosocial versus antisocial youth in adolescent friendship networks,2013,53,2,174-179,Feinberg A longitudinal examination of psychological behavioral academic and relationship consequences of dating abuse victimization among a primarily rural sample of adolescents,2013,53,6,723-729,Ennett Trajectory of suicidal ideation in relation to perceived overweight from adolescence to young adulthood in a representative United States sample,2013,53,6,712-716,Seo Compulsive cell phone use and history of motor vehicle crash,2013,53,4,512-519,Ebel The influence of sexual partner on condom use among urban adolescents,2013,53,6,742-748,Komro Health insurance coverage predicts lower childbearing among near-poor adolescents,2013,53,6,749-755,Graefe Parent abuse by adolescents with first-episode psychosis in Egypt,2013,53,6,730-735,Fawzi Screening by the patient health questionnaire-9 items for Indian adolescents with depression,2013,53,3,426,Kawada New guidelines for management of concussion in sport: Special concern for youth,2013,53,3,311-313,Gomez A research agenda for adolescent-centered primary care in the United States,2013,53,3,307-310,Kelleher Reduction of adolescent alcohol use through family-school intervention: A randomized trial,2013,53,6,778-784,Toumbourou A Review of Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Developing Countries: An Update,2013,53,5,562-572,Mmari Adolescents with greater mental toughness show higher sleep efficiency more deep sleep and fewer awakenings after sleep onset,2014,54,1,109-113,Clough Contextual Amplification or Attenuation of the Impact of Pubertal Timing on Mexican-Origin Boys' Mental Health Symptoms,2013,53,6,692-698,Deardorff Suicide Among Young People in the Americas,2014,54,3,262-268,Sanhueza Substance Use and Sexual Intercourse Onsets in Adolescence: A Genetically Informative Discordant Twin Design,2014,54,1,114-116,Madden Peer influences: The impact of online and offline friendship networks on adolescent smoking and alcohol use,2014,54,5,508-514,Soto The effects of acute sleep restriction on adolescents' pedestrian safety in a virtual environment,2013,53,6,785-790,Schwebel State-level education standards for substance use prevention programs in schools: a systematic content analysis,2014,54,4,467-473,Bruckner Teachers' assessments of children's mental problems with respect to adolescents' subsequent self-reported mental health,2014,54,1,81-87,Koivumaa-Honkanen Does "it get better" for depressed sexual minority youth in young adulthood?,2013,53,5,671-673,Danner Suicidal thoughts and attempts among U.S. high school students: Trends and associated health-risk behaviors 1991-2011,2014,54,1,100-108,Brener Depressive symptoms in adolescence: A poor indicator of increases in body mass index,2014,54,1,94-99,Larsen A population-based examination of maltreatment history among adolescent mothers in California,2013,53,6,794-797,Putnam-Hornstein Peer influence on marijuana use in different types of friendships,2014,54,1,67-73,Tucker Cyberbullying among adolescents: implications for empirical research,2013,53,4,431-432,Patchin Alcohol consumption and psychological distress in adolescents: A multi-country study,2014,54,2,228-234,Gilmour Binge drinking trajectories across adolescence: For early maturing youth extra-curricular activities are protective,2014,54,1,61-66,Modecki The long-term effects of maternal depression: Early childhood physical health as a pathway to offspring depression,2014,54,1,88-93,Najman Advances in understanding intergenerational transmission of parenting practices and the role of safe stable and nurturing relationships: Comments on a promising approach practical application and some cautions,2013,53,4 Suppl,S42-3,Litrownik Safe stable nurturing relationships break the intergenerational cycle of abuse: A prospective nationally representative cohort of children in the United Kingdom,2013,53,4 Suppl,S4-S10,Moffitt The complex etiology and lasting consequences of child maltreatment,2013,53,4 Suppl,S39-41,Rickert Safe stable nurturing relationships as a moderator of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: A meta-analysis,2013,53,4 Suppl,S32-8,Merrick Breaking the cycle of maltreatment: the role of safe stable and nurturing relationships,2013,53,4 Suppl,S25-31,Henry Tests of the mitigating effects of caring and supportive relationships in the study of abusive disciplining over two generations,2013,53,4 Suppl,S18-24,Herrenkohl Disrupting intergenerational continuity in harsh and abusive parenting: The importance of a nurturing relationship with a romantic partner,2013,53,4 Suppl,S11-S17,Conger Examining the role of safe stable and nurturing relationships in the intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment-introduction to the special issue,2013,53,4 Suppl,S1-3,Leeb Evaluation of a community-based youth violence project,1995,17,6,353-359,Prothrow-Stith Prevalence of and risk factors for substance use among perinatally human immunodeficiency virus-infected and perinatally exposed but uninfected youth,2014,54,3,341-349,Kacanek Do risky friends change the efficacy of a primary care brief intervention for adolescent alcohol use?,2014,54,4,449-453,Knight Preventing adolescent alcohol use: effects of a two-year quasi-experimental community intervention intensifying formal and informal control,2014,54,3,326-332,Kuntsche Resilience factors in the association between depressive symptoms and suicidality,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haynie The relationship between violence syndemics and sexual risk behaviors among African American adolescents: implications for future research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Voisin 20 years of the evidence base on what works to prevent child marriage: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malhotra A Systematic Review of School-Based Smoking Prevention Trials with Long-Term Follow-Up,2005,36,3,162-169,Ebel Child sexual abuse revisited: A population-based cross-sectional study among Swiss adolescents,2014,54,3,304-311.e1,Landolt Time trends of physical activity among Brazilian adolescents over a 7-year period,2014,54,2,209-213,Bastos Psychological health and bullying behavior among adolescent prisoners: a study of young and juvenile offenders,2005,36,3,267.e1-267.e6,Gallagher Psychological health and bullying behavior among adolescent prisoners: a study of young and juvenile offenders,2005,36,3,236-243,Ireland Family and relationship influences on parenting behaviors of young parents,2014,54,2,197-203,Lewis A systematic review of interventions for preventing adolescent intimate partner violence,2014,54,1,3-13,Mathews Routes of administration of cannabis used for nonmedical purposes and associations with patterns of drug use,2014,54,2,235-240,Gmel Sexual orientation and sexual and reproductive health among adolescent young women in the United States,2014,54,2,160-168,Patterson The association between school-to-work programs and school performance,2014,54,2,221-227,Zierold Well-being and suicidal ideation of secondary school students from military families,2014,54,6,672-677,Benbenishty Pathway from child sexual and physical abuse to risky sex among emerging adults: The role of trauma-related intrusions and alcohol problems,2014,54,4,442-448,Latzman Impulsivity sensation-seeking and part-time job status in relation to substance use and gambling in adolescents,2014,54,4,460-466,Potenza Youth violence and connectedness in adolescence: What are the implications for later sexually transmitted infections?,2014,54,3,312-318.e1,Barrios Puberty in context: toward a more nuanced understanding of early maturation,2013,53,6,677-678,Natsuaki Sibling Influence on Mexican-Origin Adolescents' Deviant and Sexual Risk Behaviors: The Role of Sibling Modeling,2014,54,5,587-592,Updegraff Energy drinks and alcohol: Links to alcohol behaviors and consequences across 56 days,2014,54,4,454-459,Maggs Socioeconomic and Clinical Characteristics Associated With Repeat Suicide Attempts Among Young People,2014,54,5,550-557,Chen Short-term mediating factors of a school-based intervention to prevent youth substance use in Europe,2014,54,5,565-573,Scatigna Prevalence of diagnosed depression in adolescents with history of concussion,2014,54,5,582-586,Richardson Involving fathers in teaching youth about farm tractor seatbelt safety: A randomized control study,2014,54,3,255-261,Stoneman Developmental trends in sleep duration in adolescence and young adulthood: Evidence from a national United States sample,2014,54,6,691-697,Ozer Social networking and depression: An emerging issue in behavioral physiology and psychiatric research,2014,54,6,745-746,Pantic How does support from peers compare with support from adults as students transition to secondary school?,2014,54,5,543-549,Cross Child abuse as a predictor of gendered sexual orientation disparities in body mass index trajectories among U.S. youth From the Growing Up Today Study,2014,54,6,730-738,Austin Multiple types of harassment: Associations with emotional well-being and unhealthy behaviors in adolescents,2014,54,6,724-729,Eisenberg Perception of neighborhood crime and drugs increases cardio-metabolic risk in Chilean adolescents,2014,54,6,718-723,Delva The Health and Well-Being of Transgender High School Students: Results From the New Zealand Adolescent Health Survey (Youth'12),2014,55,1,93-99,Denny Behavioral and psychosocial effects of two middle school sexual health education programs at tenth-grade follow-up,2014,54,2,151-159,Tortolero Safe sext: Adolescents' use of technology to communicate about sexual health with dating partners,2014,54,5,612-614,Prinstein Macro-level age norms for the timing of sexual initiation and adolescents' early sexual initiation in 17 European countries,2014,55,1,114-121,Godeau Dealing with the consequences of war: Resources of formerly recruited and non-recruited youth in Northern Uganda,2014,55,1,134-140,Derluyn Developmental trajectories of substance use among sexual minority girls: Associations with sexual victimization and sexual health risk,2014,55,1,100-106,Burnette Traumatic brain injury among newly admitted adolescents in the New York City jail system,2014,54,5,615-617,Venters Referral and Follow-Up After Mental Health Screening in Commercially Insured Adolescents,2014,55,1,17-23,Olfson Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy Sexually Transmitted Infections and Associated Sexual Risk Behaviors: A Systematic Review,2014,54,5,499-507,Moore What does it take? How federal initiatives can support the implementation of evidence-based programs to improve outcomes for adolescents,2014,54,3 Suppl,S92-6,Metz Strong smart and bold strategies for improving attendance and retention in an after-school intervention,2014,54,3 Suppl,S64-9,Markoe Hayes Planning for a group-randomized trial with American Indian youth,2014,54,3 Suppl,S59-S63,Kaufman Emergency department utilization among American Indian adolescents who made a suicide attempt: A screening opportunity,2014,54,3,357-359,Ballard Understanding concussion reporting using a model based on the theory of planned behavior,2014,54,3,269-274.e2,Viswanath Youth suicide: New angles on an old problem,2014,54,3,245-246,Patton Youth injury on farms: a complex problem,2014,54,3,243-244,Hard Acceptability language and structure of text message-based behavioral interventions for high-risk adolescent females: A qualitative study,2014,55,1,33-40,Mello Adolescent neurodevelopment,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S7-S13,Spear Evidence-based interventions in low- and middle-income countries: The tigress awakens,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S5-S6,Reddy The new imperative: reducing adolescent-related violence by building resilient adolescents,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S43-S45,Ward Emerging issues in adolescent health and the positions and priorities of the world health organization,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S4,Bustreo Implications of science for illicit drug use policies for adolescents in low- and middle-income countries,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S33-S35,Medina-Mora Biological contributions to addictions in adolescents and adults: Prevention treatment and policy implications,2013,52,2 Suppl 2,S22-32,Potenza Increasing use of nonmedical analgesics among younger cohorts in the United States: a birth cohort effect,2013,52,1,35-41,Heard The effects of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate on driving behaviors in young adults with ADHD assessed with the Manchester driving behavior questionnaire,2012,51,6,601-607,Reimer Opioid use among adolescent patients treated for headache,2014,55,1,128-133,Koch Differences in adolescent relationship abuse perpetration and gender-inequitable attitudes by sport among male high school athletes,2014,54,6,742-744,Decker Self-Reported Adolescent Behavioral Adjustment: Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure,2014,55,2,167-174,Minnes The lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse and sexual assault assessed in late adolescence,2014,55,3,329-333,Finkelhor Explaining racial/ethnic differences in adolescent substance abuse treatment completion in the United States: a decomposition analysis,2014,54,6,646-653,Lê Cook Online Social Networking in Adolescence: Patterns of Use in Six European Countries and Links With Psychosocial Functioning,2014,55,1,141-147,Richardson Outcomes and resource utilization associated with underage drinking at a Level I trauma center,2014,55,2,195-200,Mack Self-medication among adolescents aged 18 years: the 1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study,2014,55,2,175-181,Assuncao Differentiating youth who are bullied from other victims of peer-aggression: the importance of differential power and repetition,2014,55,2,293-300,Espelage The racial and ethnic gap in substance use treatment: implications for U.S. healthcare reform,2014,54,6,627-628,Hadland The impact of state medical marijuana legislation on adolescent marijuana use,2014,55,2,160-166,McConnell The impact of Michigan's text messaging restriction on motor vehicle crashes,2014,54,5 Suppl,S68-S74,Bingham Keep your eyes on the road: young driver crash risk increases according to duration of distraction,2014,54,5 Suppl,S61-S67,Simons-Morton Adolescence attention allocation and driving safety,2014,54,5 Suppl,S6-S15,Winston Distracted driver behaviors and distracting conditions among adolescent drivers: findings from a naturalistic driving study,2014,54,5 Suppl,S50-S60,Foss Peer passenger influences on male adolescent drivers' visual scanning behavior during simulated driving,2014,54,5 Suppl,S42-S49,Ouimet Social norms and risk perception: predictors of distracted driving behavior among novice adolescent drivers,2014,54,5 Suppl,S32-S41,Shope Driver distraction: a perennial but preventable public health threat to adolescents,2014,54,5 Suppl,S3-S5,Bingham Neural responses to exclusion predict susceptibility to social influence,2014,54,5 Suppl,S22-31,Ouimet Young driver distraction: state of the evidence and directions for behavior change programs,2014,54,5 Suppl,S16-S21,Chapman Current knowledge on adolescent driver distraction,2014,54,5 Suppl,S1-S2,Bingham Cyberbullying and psychological and behavioral health problems,2014,54,5,618-619,Calvete A new window into adolescents' worlds: the impact of online social interaction on risk behavior,2014,54,5,497-498,Dolcini Predictors of Co-Occurring Risk Behavior Trajectories Among Economically Disadvantaged African-American Youth: Contextual and Individual Factors,2014,55,3,380-387,Dymnicki Bullying as a longitudinal predictor of adolescent dating violence,2014,55,3,439-444,Foshee School violence and bullying among sexual minority high school students 2009-2011,2014,55,3,432-438,Kinchen Life Course Adiposity and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms Among Hong Kong Adolescents,2014,55,3,408-414,Leung Adolescent and young adult health in the United States in the past decade: little improvement and young adults remain worse off than adolescents,2014,55,1,3-16,Brindis Mothers' Attitudes Toward Adolescent Confidential Services: Development and Validation of Scales for Use in English- and Spanish-speaking Populations,2014,55,3,341-346,Pollack Young adolescents' sexual and romantic reference displays on facebook,2014,55,4,535-541,van den Eijnden Employment among schoolchildren and its associations with adult substance use psychological well-being and academic achievement,2014,55,4,542-548,Hancox Early socioeconomic adversity and young adult physical illness: the role of body mass index and depressive symptoms,2014,55,4,556-563,Oshri Dating violence and interpersonal victimization among a national sample of Latino youth,2014,55,4,564-570,Cuevas The role of neighborhood income inequality in adolescent aggression and violence,2014,55,4,571-579,Molnar TeenDrivingPlan effectiveness: the effect of quantity and diversity of supervised practice on teens' driving performance,2014,55,5,620-626,Durbin School sport participation during adolescence and mental health in early adulthood,2014,55,5,640-644,O'Loughlin Adolescent predictors of young adult cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among Australian youth,2014,55,4,580-587,Hemphill Differences by sexual minority status in relationship abuse and sexual and reproductive health among adolescent females,2014,55,5,652-658,Miller Screening for mental health problems: does it work?,2014,55,1,1-2,Gardner Clinical conversations about health: the impact of confidentiality in preventive adolescent care,2014,55,5,672-677,Rickert Gatekeeper training and access to mental health care at universities and colleges,2014,55,5,612-619,Eisenberg Understanding the importance of heterogeneity when analyzing medical marijuana laws,2014,55,4,592,Sabet Adolescents' aggression to parents: longitudinal links with parents' physical aggression,2014,55,5,645-651,Margolin Association between abuse history and adolescent pregnancy: a meta-analysis,2014,55,2,151-159,Shouldice A statewide assessment of youth sports- and recreation-related injuries using emergency department administrative records,2014,55,5,627-632,Slavova Self-harm among Hispanic adolescents: investigating the role of culture-related stressors,2014,55,5,633-639,Cervantes Child marriage and its associations with controlling behaviors and spousal violence against adolescent and young women in Pakistan,2014,55,6,804-809,Nasrullah Celebrating progress in adolescent health and optimism for the future,2014,55,3,458-462,Ford Inaccuracy of Federal Highway Administration's licensed driver data: implications on young driver trends,2014,55,3,452-454,Curry There is no help out there and if there is it's really hard to find": a qualitative study of the health concerns and health care access of Latino "DREAMers",2014,55,3,323-328,Brindis Testosterone and its effects on human male adolescent mood and behavior: a systematic review,2014,55,3,315-322,Duke Sexual abuse and assault in children and teens: time to prioritize prevention,2014,55,3,312-313,Leventhal Social contexts of substance use among U.S. high school seniors: a multicohort national study,2014,55,6,842-844,McCabe Bullying prevalence across contexts: a meta-analysis measuring cyber and traditional bullying,2014,55,5,602-611,Guerra Follow-up of a healthy lifestyle education program (the Educació en Alimentació Study): 2 years after cessation of intervention,2014,55,6,782-789,Tarro The effect of direct and indirect exposure to violence on youth survival expectations,2014,55,6,817-822,Warner Detecting specialization in interpersonal violence versus suicidal behavior,2014,55,6,810-816,Zimmerman Adolescent Women's Daily Academic Behaviors Sexual Behaviors and Sexually Related Emotions,2014,55,6,845-847,Hensel Alcohol and marijuana use in middle school: comparing solitary and social-only users,2014,55,6,744-749,D'Amico A systematic review of self-medication practices among adolescents,2014,55,4,467-483,Shehnaz "Sexting" and its relation to sexual activity and sexual risk behavior in a national survey of adolescents,2014,55,6,757-764,Ybarra Mental health disorders in young urban sexual minority men,2014,56,1,52-58,Garofalo Could sleep exert a relevant role on sexual problems in young men recruited to military service?,2014,55,6,848-849,Tufik The association of alcohol outlet density with illegal underage adolescent purchasing of alcohol,2014,56,2,146-152,Livingston Blue blocker glasses as a countermeasure for alerting effects of evening light-emitting diode screen exposure in male teenagers,2014,56,1,113-119,Jenni Pediatric to Adult Transition: A Quality Improvement Model for Primary Care,2014,56,1,73-78,McManus Shared longitudinal predictors of physical peer and dating violence,2014,56,1,106-112,Foshee Parents are the key to improving teen driving safety,2014,55,5,600-601,Ehsani Improving the identification of mental health need on college campuses,2014,55,5,598-599,Raghavan The Effectiveness of a Web-Based Resource in Improving Postconcussion Management in High Schools,2014,56,1,91-97,Gioia The Role of Social Support and Social Context on the Incidence of Attempted Suicide Among Adolescents Living in Extremely Impoverished Communities,2014,56,1,59-65,Cockerham Parent-adolescent drug use discussions: studying content and affective processes,2014,55,6,721-722,Chassin Respondent-Driven Sampling for an Adolescent Health Study in Vulnerable Urban Settings: A Multi-Country Study,2014,55,6 Suppl,S6-S12,Decker Prevalence and Health Impact of Intimate Partner Violence and Non-partner Sexual Violence Among Female Adolescents Aged 15-19 Years in Vulnerable Urban Environments: A Multi-Country Study,2014,55,6 Suppl,S58-67,Decker Distressed communities as a breeding ground for noncommunicable conditions,2014,55,6 Suppl,S4-S5,Blum Predictors of substance use among vulnerable adolescents in five cities: findings from the well-being of adolescents in vulnerable environments study,2014,55,6 Suppl,S39-47,Sonenstein The association between social support and mental health among vulnerable adolescents in five cities: findings from the study of the well-being of adolescents in vulnerable environments,2014,55,6 Suppl,S31-8,Sonenstein Social capital and vulnerable urban youth in five global cities,2014,55,6 Suppl,S21-30,Blum A global study on the influence of neighborhood contextual factors on adolescent health,2014,55,6 Suppl,S13-20,Blum Introducing the well-being of adolescents in vulnerable environments study: methods and findings,2014,55,6 Suppl,S1-3,Sonenstein Creating an enabling environment for adolescent sexual and reproductive health: a framework and promising approaches,2015,56,1 Suppl,S7-S14,Amin Ensuring youth's right to participation and promotion of youth leadership in the development of sexual and reproductive health policies and programs,2015,56,1 Suppl,S51-S57,Svanemyr Addressing intimate partner violence and sexual violence among adolescents: emerging evidence of effectiveness,2015,56,1 Suppl,S42-S50,Amin Effective strategies to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and to increase demand and community support,2015,56,1 Suppl,S22-S41,Chandra-Mouli Sexuality education: emerging trends in evidence and practice,2015,56,1 Suppl,S15-S21,Haberland Twenty years after international conference on population and development: where are we with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights?,2015,56,1 Suppl,S1-6,Temmerman Role of social support in adolescent suicidal ideation and suicide attempts,2015,56,3,286-292,Esposito-Smythers Integrating mental health into adolescent annual visits: impact of previsit comprehensive screening on within-visit processes,2015,56,3,267-273,Olson Physiological indicators of pathologic video game use in adolescence,2015,56,3,307-313,Coyne Does it get better? A longitudinal analysis of psychological distress and victimization in lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning youth,2015,56,3,280-285,Birkett Prevalence of teen dating violence and co-occurring risk factors among middle school youth in high-risk urban communities,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S5-S13,Valle Implementing a targeted teen dating abuse prevention program: challenges and successes experienced by expect respect facilitators,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S40-S46,Ball Testing two approaches to revictimization prevention among adolescent girls in the child welfare system,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S33-S39,DePrince Building a culture of health: promoting healthy relationships and reducing teen dating violence,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S3-S4,Schubert A latent transition model of the effects of a teen dating violence prevention initiative,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S27-32,Gibbs Effectiveness of "Shifting Boundaries" teen dating violence prevention program for subgroups of middle school students,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S20-S26,Stein Evaluation of the Start Strong initiative: preventing teen dating violence and promoting healthy relationships among middle school students,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S14-9,Gibbs Interventions to prevent and reduce teen dating violence,2015,56,2 Suppl 2,S1-S2,Miller Health care providers' comfort with and barriers to care of transgender youth,2015,56,2,251-253,Halpern-Felsher Daily concordance between parent and adolescent sleep habits,2015,56,2,244-250,Krull Influence of family and school-level factors on age of sexual initiation,2015,56,2,231-237,Warner Adolescents' media exposure may increase their cyberbullying behavior: a longitudinal study,2015,56,2,203-208,Konijn Childhood abuse and early menarche among Peruvian women,2015,56,2,197-202,Williams Gender-based violence against adolescent and young adult women in low- and middle-income countries,2015,56,2,188-196,Decker The mediating role of deviant peers on the link between depressed mood and harmful drinking,2015,56,2,153-159,Heron The overlap between cyberbullying and traditional bullying,2015,56,5,483-488,Bradshaw Transitions in body and behavior: a meta-analytic study on the relationship between pubertal development and adolescent sexual behavior,2015,56,6,586-598,van Aken Trajectories of cultural stressors and effects on mental health and substance use among Hispanic immigrant adolescents,2015,56,4,433-439,Romero Alcohol sales to underage buyers in the Netherlands in 2011 and 2013,2015,56,4,468-470,van Hoof Unintended messages in online advertising to youth: illicit drug imagery in a Canadian sports marketing campaign,2015,56,4,429-432,Knäuper Gang membership between ages 5 and 17 years in the United States,2015,56,4,414-419,Pyrooz The authors reply,2015,56,3,361,Eisenberg Do NOT close the gate on gatekeeper training at universities and colleges,2015,56,3,360,Reid Prevention of illicit drug use through a school-based program: results of a longitudinal cluster-randomized controlled trial,2015,56,3,314-322,Huang Stress moderates the relationship between problematic internet use by parents and problematic internet use by adolescents,2015,56,3,300-306,Lam Preventing drug use among sexual-minority youths: findings from a tailored web-based intervention,2015,56,5,571-573,Schinke Health-Risk Behaviors in Teens Investigated by U.S. Child Welfare Agencies,2015,56,5,508-514,Stein Susceptibility or Vulnerability? The Role of Basal Cortisol in Psychopathology,2015,56,5,475-476,Adam Arab adolescents: health gender and social context,2015,57,3,252-262,Bott Data dilemmas and difficult decisions: on dealing with inconsistencies in self-reports,2015,56,4,365-366,O'Loughlin Selection of branded alcoholic beverages by underage drinkers,2015,56,5,564-570,Naimi Alcohol mixed with energy drink use among U.S. 12th-grade students: prevalence correlates and associations with unsafe driving,2015,56,5,557-563,Schulenberg Parental separation parental alcoholism and timing of first sexual intercourse,2015,56,5,550-556,Bucholz Social and cultural environment factors influencing physical activity among African-American adolescents,2015,56,5,536-542,Baskin Discrimination racial identity and cytokine levels among African-American adolescents,2015,56,5,496-501,Chen Cyberbullying and bullying must be studied within a broader peer victimization framework,2015,56,5,473-474,Jones The protective effects of intimate partner relationships on depressive symptomatology among adult parents maltreated as children,2015,57,2,150-156,Henry Child and adolescent suicide attempts suicidal behavior and adverse childhood experiences in South Africa: a prospective study,2015,57,1,52-59,Sherr High school sports involvement diminishes the association between childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior,2015,57,1,107-112,Iacono Incapacitated and forcible rape of college women: prevalence across the first year,2015,56,6,678-680,Carey Effects of a workplace intervention on sleep in employees' children,2015,56,6,672-677,McHale Mood disturbance in adolescents screened by the mood disorder questionnaire predicts poorer social adjustment,2015,56,6,652-657,Yeh Underage college students' alcohol displays on facebook and real-time alcohol behaviors,2015,56,6,646-651,Moreno Alcohol use at the cusp of adolescence: a prospective national birth cohort study of prevalence and risk factors,2015,56,6,639-645,Schulenberg Chasing the bean: prescription drug smoking among socially active youth,2015,56,6,632-638,Kelly Elucidating the mechanisms linking early pubertal timing sexual activity and substance use for maltreated versus nonmaltreated adolescents,2015,56,6,625-631,Negriff Masculine discrepancy stress teen dating violence and sexual violence perpetration among adolescent boys,2015,56,6,619-624,Reidy Key elements for and indicators of a successful transition: an international Delphi study,2015,56,6,612-618,Suris The youth readiness intervention for war-affected youth,2015,56,6,606-611,Akinsulure-Smith College sexual assault: a call for trauma-informed prevention,2015,56,6,584-585,McCauley Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use among teens and young adults,2015,57,2,192-197,Johansen It's more than just "sext"-a brief discussion on sexting activity among teens,2015,57,1,128-129,Eugene Cardiorespiratory fitness may help in protecting against depression among middle school adolescents,2015,57,1,60-65,Ruggero Adolescent socioeconomic and school-based social status smoking and drinking,2015,57,1,37-45,Sweeting Cyberbullying: review of an old problem gone viral,2015,57,1,10-18,Starcevic Longitudinal associations between cybervictimization and mental health among U.S. adolescents,2015,57,3,305-312,Rose Adolescents' perceptions of risks and benefits of conventional cigarettes e-cigarettes and marijuana: a qualitative analysis,2015,57,2,179-185,Halpern-Felsher Effectiveness of parent-focused interventions to increase teen driver safety: a critical review,2015,57,Suppl 1,S6-S14,Peek-Asa The effect of secondary task engagement on adolescents' driving performance and crash risk,2015,57,1 Suppl,S36-S43,McGehee Young drivers and their passengers: a systematic review of epidemiological studies on crash risk,2015,57,Suppl 1,S24-S35.e6,Ouimet A review of hazard anticipation training programs for young drivers,2015,57,Suppl 1,S15-S23,Williams Adolescent drivers: fine-tuning our understanding,2015,57,Suppl 1,S1-S5,Foss Impulsive personality parental monitoring and alcohol outcomes from adolescence through young adulthood,2015,57,3,320-326,Thompson Baseline physiologic and psychosocial characteristics of transgender youth seeking care for gender dysphoria,2015,57,4,374-380,Schrager Mental illness drives hospitalizations for detained California youth,2015,57,5,455-461,Huffman Diffusion of intervention effects: the impact of a family-based substance use prevention program on friends of participants,2015,57,4,433-440,Gest Tracking adolescents with global positioning system-enabled cell phones to study contextual exposures and alcohol and marijuana use: a pilot study,2015,57,2,245-247,Wiebe Adolescents' use of medical marijuana: a secondary analysis of monitoring the future data,2015,57,2,241-244,McCabe Family economic hardship corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor polymorphisms and depressive symptoms in rural African-American youths,2015,57,2,235-240,Chen The effectiveness of Cyberprogram 2.0 on conflict resolution strategies and self-esteem,2015,57,2,229-234,Garaigordobil Perceived and police-reported neighborhood crime: linkages to adolescent activity behaviors and weight status,2015,57,2,222-228,Wall Predicting young adult degree attainment by late adolescent marijuana use,2015,57,2,205-211,Maggs Trends among U.S. high school seniors in recent marijuana use and associations with other substances: 1976-2013,2015,57,2,198-204,Lanza More than poverty: the effect of child abuse and neglect on teen pregnancy risk,2015,57,2,164-168,Jonson-Reid Promoting quality intimate partner relationships among adults with a history of child maltreatment,2015,57,2,135-136,Kim Teen dating violence victimization and patterns of substance use among high school students,2015,57,4,441-447,Bradshaw Psychosocial well-being of adolescents before and after a 1-year telephone-based adiposity prevention study for families,2015,57,3,351-354,Herget Early childhood maltreatment and girls' sexual behavior: the mediating role of pubertal timing,2015,57,3,342-347,Mendle Factors associated with early sexual experience among American Indian and Alaska Native youth,2015,57,3,334-341,Markham Time for an Adolescent Health Surveillance System in Saudi Arabia: Findings From "Jeeluna",2015,57,3,263-269,Tamim Adolescent and young adult health in the Arab Region: where we are and what we must do,2015,57,3,249-251,Albuhairan Out-of-school time and adolescent substance use,2015,57,5,523-529,Vandell An internationally comparative study of immigration and adolescent emotional and behavioral problems: effects of generation and gender,2015,57,6,587-594,Molcho Firearm access documentation in high risk clinical situations: missed opportunities,2014,54,2,S27-S27,Sigel Firearm access detection during routine health care appointments,2014,54,2,S42-S43,Sigel Differential impacts of an intimate partner violence prevention program based on child marriage status in rural Côte d'Ivoire,2015,57,5,553-558,Xuan Licit and illicit substance use by adolescent e-cigarette users compared with conventional cigarette smokers dual users and nonusers,2015,57,5,562-564,Sigfusdottir Income inequality or performance gap? A multilevel study of school violence in 52 countries,2015,57,5,545-552,Contreras Health issues for adolescents in the justice system,2002,31,6,321-333,Soler HPV Vaccination Practices Among Juvenile Justice Facilities in the United States,2010,46,5,495-498,Rich A rights-based sexuality education curriculum for adolescents: 1-year outcomes from a cluster-randomized trial,2015,57,4,399-406,Chou Ecological momentary assessment of the association between exposure to alcohol advertising and early adolescents' beliefs about alcohol,2015,58,1,85-91,D'Amico Structural determinants of youth bullying and fighting in 79 countries,2015,57,6,643-650,Pickett Predictors of sustained prescription opioid use after admission for trauma in adolescents,2015,58,1,92-97,Ranney Incidence and course of adolescent deliberate self-harm in Victoria Australia and Washington State,2015,57,5,537-544,Patton Perceived Discrimination and Heavy Episodic Drinking Among African-American Youth: Differences by Age and Reason for Discrimination,2015,57,5,530-536,Madkour Prevalence of sexual experience and initiation of sexual intercourse among adolescents Rakai District Uganda 1994-2011,2015,57,5,496-505,Nalugoda Psychologists and the transition from pediatrics to adult health care,2015,57,5,468-474,Gray Childhood Adversities and Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood: The Role of Mental Health Problems in Adolescence,2015,57,5,462-467,Reijneveld The cause and consequence of mental health problems among at-risk youth,2015,57,5,453-454,Coker Adolescent suicide rates between 1990 and 2009: analysis of age group 15-19 years worldwide,2015,58,1,69-77,Kolves Self-rated health across race ethnicity and immigration status for US adolescents and young adults,2015,58,1,47-56,McNeely Cyberbullying prevalence among US middle and high school-aged adolescents: a systematic review and quality assessment,2015,58,2,125-133,Moreno Trajectories of functioning into emerging adulthood following treatment for adolescent depression,2015,58,3,253-259,Henry The impact of intergenerational cultural dissonance on alcohol use among Vietnamese and Cambodian adolescents in the United States,2015,58,2,174-180,Johnson Polyvictimization and youth violence exposure across contexts,2015,58,2,208-214,Hamby Associations between active commuting to school body fat and mental well-being: population-based cross-sectional study in China,2015,57,6,679-685,Tao Time-varying risk factors and sexual aggression perpetration among male college students,2015,57,6,637-642,Thompson Relationship context and intimate partner violence from adolescence to young adulthood,2015,57,6,631-636,Giordano Age and intimate partner violence: an analysis of global trends among women experiencing victimization in 30 developing countries,2015,57,6,624-630,Peterman An Analysis of Adolescent Content in South Africa's Contraception Policy Using a Human Rights Framework,2015,57,6,617-623,Chandra-Mouli Adrenarche and the emotional and behavioral problems of late childhood,2015,57,6,608-616,Patton Internationally comparative research on minority and immigrant adolescents' social emotional and behavioral development,2015,57,6,571-573,Brenick In search of teen dating violence typologies,2015,58,2,202-207,Ball Secret Society 123: understanding the language of self-harm on Instagram,2016,58,1,78-84,Moreno School-based protective factors related to suicide for lesbian gay and bisexual adolescents,2016,58,1,63-68,Shapiro Adolescent mental health literacy: young people's knowledge of depression and social anxiety disorder,2016,58,1,57-62,Coles Adolescent sexual well-being in the 21st century,2016,58,1,1-2,Fortenberry The longitudinal effects of peer victimization on physical health from adolescence to young adulthood,2015,58,3,330-336,Leadbeater Mediators of psychological well-being in adolescent boys,2015,58,2,230-236,Morgan Not just academics: paths of longitudinal effects from parent involvement to substance abuse in emerging adulthood,2016,58,4,433-439,Englund Obsessive-compulsive symptoms as a risk factor for suicidality in U.S. college students,2016,58,4,481-484,Fava Impact of parental notification on Illinois minors seeking abortion,2016,58,3,290-294,Patel Predicting high-school students' bystander behavior in simulated dating violence situations,2016,58,3,345-351,McDonald Adolescent susceptibility to peer influence in sexual situations,2016,58,3,323-329,Prinstein Protective effects of adolescent-adult connection on male youth in urban environments,2016,58,2,237-240,Wiebe Intimate partner violence and sex among young men who have sex with men,2016,58,2,215-222,Halkitis International trends in adolescent screen-time behaviors from 2002 to 2010,2016,58,4,417-425,Borraccino What's keeping teenagers up? Prebedtime behaviors and actigraphy-assessed sleep over school and vacation,2016,58,4,426-432,Trinder Adolescent reproductive knowledge attitudes and beliefs and future fatherhood,2016,58,5,497-503,Coley Bullying victimization among school-aged immigrant youth in the United States,2016,58,3,337-344,Vaughn Rap music use perceived peer behavior and sexual initiation among ethnic minority youth,2016,58,3,317-322,Markham Sexual behaviors and partner characteristics by sexual identity among adolescent girls,2016,58,3,310-316,Rosario Penalty for delay of game? Sobering results in treating adolescent depression,2016,58,3,249-250,Brent Trends in emergency department visits for nonfatal violence-related injuries among adolescents in the United States 2009-2013,2016,58,5,573-575,Bell Feelings of safety at school socioemotional functioning and classroom engagement,2016,58,5,543-550,Fitzpatrick A public health perspective on school dropout and adult outcomes: a prospective study of risk and protective factors from age 5 to 27 years,2016,58,6,652-658,Dodge Evaluating college students' displayed alcohol references on Facebook and Twitter,2016,58,5,527-532,Moreno Neurocognitive correlates of young drivers' performance in a driving simulator,2016,58,4,467-473,Bishai Differences in mental health symptoms across lesbian gay bisexual and questioning youth in primary care settings,2016,59,1,38-43,Herres Exposure to violence and virologic and immunological outcomes among youth with perinatal HIV in the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study,2016,59,1,30-37,Kacanek Developmental outcomes of using physical violence against dates and peers,2016,58,6,665-671,Ennett Association between active travel and depression: some clarifications needed,2016,58,5,e584,Larouche The authors reply to "Association between active travel and depression: some clarifications needed",2016,58,5,584-585,Tao Using inclusive language in articles published in Journal of Adolescent Health,2016,58,5,583,Riley Inclusive language-the editors' reply,2016,58,5,583-584,Irwin Impact of a mobile e-health intervention on binge drinking in young people: the Digital-Alcohol Risk Alertness Notifying Network for Adolescents and Young Adults Project,2016,58,5,520-526,Bebbington Helmet laws helmet use and bicycle ridership,2016,59,3,338-344,Kraemer Common and costly hospitalizations among insured young adults since the Affordable Care Act,2016,59,1,61-67,Ford Longitudinal associations of homophobic name-calling victimization with psychological distress and alcohol use during adolescence,2016,59,1,110-115,Espelage Alcohol and tobacco sales to underage buyers in Dutch supermarkets: can the use of age verification systems increase seller's compliance?,2016,58,6,672-678,Schelleman-Offermans Developmental hazards among young alcohol intoxicated patients,2016,59,1,87-95,Reis Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder during adolescence in the primary care setting: a concise review,2016,59,2,135-143,Hilty Youth and caregiver perspectives on barriers to gender-affirming health care for transgender youth,2016,59,3,254-261,Breland Psychological abuse mental health and acceptance of dating violence among adolescents,2016,59,2,197-202,Stuart Facilitators and barriers of drop-in center use among homeless youth,2016,59,2,144-153,Tucker Age varying links between violence exposure and behavioral mental and physical health,2016,59,2,189-196,Lanza Research priorities for eight areas of adolescent health in low- and middle-income countries,2016,59,1,50-60,Ross Social epidemiology of depression and anxiety by gender identity,2016,59,2,203-208,Austin A depression prevention intervention for adolescents in the emergency department,2016,59,4,401-410,Walton Pathological internet use is on the rise among European adolescents,2016,59,2,236-239,Wasserman Black-white disparity in young adults' disease risk: an investigation of variation in the vulnerability of black young adults to early and later adversity,2016,59,2,209-214,O'Neal The impact of the Teen Outreach Program on sexual intentions and behaviors,2016,59,3,283-290,Wang Examination of the divergence in trends for adolescent marijuana use and marijuana-specific risk factors in Washington state,2016,59,3,269-275,Fleming Challenging the stigma of mental illness among college students,2016,59,3,325-331,Corrigan Unclear suicide prevention effects insufficient large-scale testing of suicide prevention programs,2016,59,1,128,Cramer The authors reply to: Unclear suicide prevention effects insufficient large-scale testing of suicide prevention programs,2016,59,1,128-129,Kolves The public health implications of violence exposures: violence and immunological factors among perinatally HIV-infected youth,2016,59,1,3-4,Voisin Growing up with the right to marry: sexual attraction substance use and well-being of Dutch adolescents,2016,59,3,276-282,Kuyper A behaviorally specific empirical alternative to bullying: aggravated peer victimization,2016,59,5,496-501,Hamby Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal risk among emerging adults,2016,59,4,411-415,Willoughby Sexual function in 16- to 21-year-olds in Britain,2016,59,4,422-428,Lewis The association between sexual health and physical mental and social health in adolescent women,2016,59,4,416-421,Fortenberry Marijuana legalization and parents' attitudes use and parenting in Washington State,2016,59,4,450-456,Kosterman Longitudinal associations between cyberbullying involvement and adolescent mental health,2016,59,5,502-509,Clark Negative experiences on Facebook and depressive symptoms among young adults,2016,59,5,510-516,Buka The mental health of transgender youth: advances in understanding,2016,59,5,489-495,Johnson Substance use and sexual risk behavior in sexual minority hispanic adolescents,2016,59,5,599-601,Prado Interventions to prevent child marriage among young people in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the published and gray literature,2016,59,3 Suppl,S16-21,Hindin The changing landscape of adolescent marijuana use risk,2016,59,3,246-247,Vaughn Testing longitudinal relationships between binge drinking marijuana use and depressive symptoms and moderation by sex,2016,59,6,681-687,Hussey Sexual orientation differences in complementary health approaches among young adults in the united states,2016,59,5,562-569,Wight Characterization of young adult emergency department users: evidence to guide policy,2016,59,6,654-661,Wang The association between familial homelessness aggression and victimization among children,2016,59,6,688-695,Elliott Intimate partner violence perpetration among adolescent males in disadvantaged neighborhoods globally,2016,59,6,696-702,Decker Interventions to prevent unintentional injuries among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,59,4S,S76-S87,Bhutta Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: an overview of systematic reviews,2016,59,4S,S61-S75,Bhutta Interventions for adolescent mental health: an overview of systematic reviews,2016,59,4S,S49-S60,Patel Adolescent health and well-being: background and methodology for review of potential interventions,2016,59,4S,S4-S10,Bhutta Evidence and evidence gaps in adolescent health,2016,59,4S,S1-S3,Patton International youth justice systems: promoting youth development and alternative approaches: a position paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine,2016,59,4,482-486, From advocacy to action in global adolescent health,2016,59,4,375-377,Patton Expanding adolescent depression prevention through simple communication technologies,2016,59,4,373-374,Suffoletto Data mining of web-based documents on social networking sites that included suicide-related words among korean adolescents,2016,59,6,668-673,Seo Families matter: social support and mental health trajectories among lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,2016,59,6,674-680,Birkett Risk factors for substance misuse and adolescents' symptoms of depression,2016,60,1,50-56,Feinberg The prospective association between sleep and initiation of substance use in young adolescents,2016,60,2,154-160,Jackson Do we need more measures of bullying?,2016,59,5,487-488,Bauman Pathways from family disadvantage via abusive parenting and caregiver mental health to adolescent health risks in south africa,2016,60,1,57-64,Sherr An alternative technique for youth risk surveillance outside of the school system,2016,60,1,72-78,Miller Childhood sexual abuse and early timing of puberty,2016,60,1,65-71,Noll Intergenerational continuity in cannabis use: the role of parent's early onset and lifetime disorder on child's early onset,2016,60,1,87-92,Henry Adolescent suicidal ingestion: national trends over a decade,2016,60,2,191-195,Hendrickson The inter-relationship of adolescent unhappiness and parental mental distress,2016,60,2,196-203,Sacker Victimization suicidal ideation and alcohol use from age 13 to 15 years: support for the self-medication model,2016,60,4,380-387,Renaud Does keeping adolescent girls in school protect against sexual violence? Quasi-experimental evidence from East and Southern Africa,2016,60,2,184-190,Peterman Documentation of gender identity in an adolescent and young adult clinic,2016,60,3,350-352,Vance Use of foul language among Chinese adolescents: developmental change and relations with psychosocial competences,2016,60,3,313-319,Shek Declining well-being in young Swedes born in 1990 versus 1974,2016,60,3,306-312,Lissner Mental health disparities among Canadian transgender youth,2017,60,1,44-49,Saewyc Nonmedical prescription stimulant use among girls 10-18 years of age: associations with other risky behavior,2016,60,3,328-332,Cottler The associations between e-cigarettes and binge drinking marijuana use and energy drinks mixed with alcohol,2016,60,3,320-327,Leatherdale Puberty experiences of low-income girls in the United States: a systematic review of qualitative literature from 2000 to 2014,2016,60,4,363-379,Sommer A review of effective youth engagement strategies for mental health and substance use interventions,2017,60,5,487-512,Dunne Research in the integration of behavioral health for adolescents and young adults in primary care settings: a systematic review,2017,60,3,261-269,McCarty Social disparities in the relationship between depression and unintended pregnancy during adolescence and young adulthood,2017,60,6,688-697,Harris Revictimization after adolescent dating violence in a matched national sample of youth,2017,60,2,176-183,Rothman The role of sleep on the pathway to substance abuse in teens,2017,60,2,129-130,Conroy Alcohol consumption early-onset drinking and health-related consequences in adolescents presenting at emergency departments in England,2017,60,4,438-446,Drummond Relationship between predictors of incident deliberate self-harm and suicide attempts among adolescents,2017,60,5,612-618,Liu Association between substance use diagnoses and psychiatric disorders in an adolescent and young adult clinic-based population,2017,60,6,648-652,Knight Deviant peers as a mediator of pubertal timing-substance use associations: the moderating role of parental knowledge,2017,61,1,53-60,Marceau The opioid pandemic and American high school athletes,2017,60,3,239,Brennan Measuring unmet needs for anticipatory guidance among adolescents at school-based health centers,2017,60,6,720-726,Fairbrother Cannabis use polysubstance use and psychosis spectrum symptoms in a community-based sample of U.S. youth,2017,60,6,653-659,Gur Friends' alcohol-related social networking site activity predicts escalations in adolescent drinking: mediation by peer norms,2017,60,6,641-647,Hussong Impairment of social function in young females with recent-onset anorexia nervosa and recovered individuals,2017,60,1,23-32,Bulik Suicidal ideation and alcohol use: understanding developmental trajectories,2017,60,4,357,Rivers Prevalence of adolescent gender experiences and gender expression in Germany,2017,61,1,83-90,Ravens-Sieberer Teen dating violence victimization trauma symptoms and revictimization in early adulthood,2017,61,1,115-119,Jouriles The effects of requiring parental consent for research on adolescents' risk behaviors: a meta-analysis,2017,61,1,45-52,Croff Bullying victimization and suicide ideation and behavior among adolescents in Europe: a 10-country study,2017,61,2,179-186,Wasserman Physicians talking about sex sexuality and protection with adolescents,2017,61,1,6-23,Fortenberry Educational attainment at age 10-11 years predicts health risk behaviors and injury risk during adolescence,2017,61,2,212-218,Fletcher The role of public health in combatting synthetic cannabinoid use in adolescents,2017,60,5,483-486,Wen Trajectories of mental health-related service use among adolescents with histories of early externalizing problems,2017,61,2,198-204,Rowley Preference for solitude social isolation suicidal ideation and self-harm in adolescents,2017,61,2,187-191,Okazaki School district variation in parental influence on underage drinking behaviors,2017,61,3,355-362,Liu Intergenerational associations in sexual onset: mediating influences of parental and peer sexual teasing and youth substance use,2017,61,3,342-347,Capaldi Using hospitalization and mortality data to identify areas at risk for adolescent suicide,2017,61,2,192-197,Chen Variable school start times and middle school student's sleep health and academic performance,2017,61,2,205-211,Wang The road to tolerance and understanding,2017,60,6,631-633,Coyne-Beasley The psychosocial needs of adolescent males following interpersonal assault,2017,61,2,262-265,Fein The impact of drinking age laws on perpetration of sexual assault crimes in Canada 2009-2013,2017,61,1,24-31,Wells Young adult health and well-being: a position statement of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine,2017,60,6,758-759, Social media and substance use: what should we be recommending to teens and their parents?,2017,60,6,629-630,Ramo Bullying social support and psychological distress: findings from RELACHS cohorts of East London's White British and Bangladeshi adolescents,2017,61,3,317-328,Stansfeld Contextualizing the role of alcohol in sexual violence,2017,61,1,1-2,Behnken Access to a loaded gun without adult permission and school-based bullying,2017,61,3,329-334,Rivara Risk factors for youth e-cigarette "vape trick" behavior,2017,61,5,599-605,Nonnemaker Intelligence is associated with voluntary disclosure in child sexual abuse victims,2017,61,3,335-341,Cho Sexting and the definition issue,2017,61,5,544-554,Suris Longitudinal latent cognitive profiles and psychosocial well-being in early adolescence,2017,61,4,493-500,Sacker Clinical and psychosocial factors associated with suicidal ideation in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes,2017,61,4,471-477,Corathers Sleep efficiency modulates associations between family stress and adolescent depressive symptoms and negative affect,2017,61,4,501-507,Fuligni Parental influences on heavy episodic drinking development in the transition to early adulthood,2017,61,2,147-154,Clum The Role of Parents and Families in Preventing Young Adult Alcohol Use,2017,61,2,127-128,Kogan Risk and protective factors in the lives of transgender/gender nonconforming adolescents,2017,61,4,521-526,Eisenberg The use of medication by adolescents and young adults,2017,61,3,396-399, Cultivating connectedness and equity: a call to action for the global adolescent health community,2017,61,3,392-395,Coyne-Beasley Prospective Associations of 12th-Grade Drinking Intensity and Age 19/20 Driving-Related Consequences,2017,61,3,389-391,Patrick Out on campus: meeting the mental health needs of sexual and gender minority college students,2017,61,3,271-272,Bouris Child and adolescent mortality across Malaysia's epidemiological transition: a systematic analysis of Global Burden of Disease Data,2017,61,4,424-433,Patton Cessation of injecting and preceding drug use patterns among a prospective cohort of street-involved youth,2017,61,5,612-618,Kerr Health concerns of transgender and gender nonconforming youth and their parents upon presentation to a transgender clinic,2017,61,5,642-648,Britto Body mass index z-scores and weight status predict conduct disorder symptoms in adolescents,2017,61,5,657-660,Ohannessian Marching to a different drummer: a cross-cultural comparison of young adolescents who challenge gender norms,2017,61,4S,S48-S54,Tolman "Boys should have the courage to ask a girl out": gender norms in early adolescent romantic relationships,2017,61,4S,S42-S47,Currie "A boy would be friends with boys … and a girl … with girls": gender norms in early adolescent friendships in Egypt and Belgium,2017,61,4S,S30-S34,Michielsen Learning to be gendered: gender socialization in early adolescence among urban poor in Delhi India and Shanghai China,2017,61,4S,S24-S29,Acharya Exploration of gender norms and socialization among early adolescents: the use of qualitative methods for the Global Early Adolescent Study,2017,61,4S,S12-S18,Blum Why we must invest in early adolescence: early intervention lasting impact,2017,61,4S,S10-S11,Lane A global perspective on gender roles and identity,2017,61,4S,S1-S2,Saewyc Transgender youth substance use disparities: results from a population-based sample,2017,61,6,729-735,Russell Digital self-harm among adolescents,2017,61,6,761-766,Patchin Youth's daily activities and situational triggers of gunshot assault in urban environments,2017,61,6,779-785,Wiebe Testing the question-behavior effect of self-administered surveys measuring youth drug use,2017,61,6,743-746,Hawkins Health-risk behavior profiles and reciprocal relations with depressive symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood,2017,61,6,773-778,Bornstein Consistency and variation in school-level youth sports traumatic brain injury policy content,2018,62,3,255-264,Ramirez Bidirectional associations between adolescents' sexual behaviors and psychological well-being,2018,62,1,63-71,Raat Computer-facilitated screening and brief advice to reduce adolescents' heavy episodic drinking: a study in two countries,2018,62,1,118-120,Knight Sextortion of minors: characteristics and dynamics,2018,62,1,72-79,Wolak Physiologic response to gender-affirming hormones among transgender youth,2018,62,4,397-401,Clark School disciplinary style and adolescent health,2018,62,2,136-142,Dudovitz African-American males in Chicago: pathways from early childhood intervention to reduced violence,2018,62,1,80-86,Englund Prevalence and correlates of youth homelessness in the United States,2018,62,1,14-21,Matjasko Sex- and age-dependent differences in autonomic nervous system functioning in adolescents,2018,62,2,184-190,Franzen Reducing physical violence toward primary school students with disabilities,2018,62,3,303-310,Kuper Alcohol misuse and injury outcomes in young people aged 10-24,2018,62,4,450-456,Orton Can adolescent drivers' motor vehicle crash risk be reduced by pre-licensure intervention?,2018,62,3,341-348,Elliott Sexual identity adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviors,2018,62,2,198-204,Clements-Nolle The effects of gender- and sexuality-based harassment on lesbian gay bisexual and transgender substance use disparities,2018,62,6,688-700,Russell Parents who allow early adolescents to drink,2018,62,2,245-247,Maggs Assessing the association between depression and savings for Kenyan youth using a validated child depression inventory measure,2018,62,Suppl 1,S21-S28,Kagotho The association between natural environments and depressive symptoms in adolescents living in the United States,2018,62,4,488-495,Kubzansky Racial/ethnic discrimination and mental health in Mexican-origin youths and their parents: testing the "linked lives" hypothesis,2018,62,4,480-487,Alegria The safe use of medication by adolescents living on campus,2018,62,3,356,Zhou Stakeholder perceptions of cyberbullying cases: application of the uniform definition of bullying,2018,62,4,444-449,Selkie Using school disciplinary context to understand adolescent health behaviors,2018,62,2,126-127,Green A systematic review of adolescent girl program implementation in low- and middle-income countries: evidence gaps and insights,2018,63,1,18-31,Haberland Young driver compliance with graduated driver licensing restrictions before and after implementation of a decal provision,2018,62,5,612-617,Elliott Are concussion laws making youth athletes safer?,2018,62,3,249-250,Glang Precollege sexual violence perpetration and associated risk and protective factors among male college freshmen in Georgia,2018,62,3S,S51-S57,Swahn The role of hypermasculinity token resistance rape myth and assertive sexual consent communication among college men,2018,62,3S,S44-S50,Shafer How collegiate fraternity and sorority involvement relates to substance use during young adulthood and substance use disorders in early midlife: a national longitudinal study,2018,62,3S,S35-S43,McCabe Addressing gender socialization and masculinity norms among adolescent boys: policy and programmatic implications,2018,62,3S,S3-S5,Chandra-Mouli Using time-varying effect modeling to examine age-varying gender differences in coping throughout adolescence and emerging adulthood,2018,62,3S,S27-S34,Ohannessian Cellphone legislation and self-reported behaviors among subgroups of adolescent U.S. drivers,2018,62,5,618-625,Zhu Social and individual influences on tractor operating practices of young adult agricultural workers,2018,62,5,605-611,Rohlman Patterns of partner and nonpartner violence among high-risk youth,2018,62,5,598-604,Zimmerman Impacts of immigration actions and news and the psychological distress of U.S. Latino parents raising adolescents,2018,62,5,525-531,Roche The use of sexually explicit material and its relationship to adolescent sexual activity,2018,62,5,563-569,Stulhofer The stability of intimate partner violence perpetration from adolescence to emerging adulthood in sexual minorities,2018,62,6,747-749,Stuart Sexual violence on campus: differences across gender and sexual minority status,2018,62,6,701-707,Hébert Health care coverage and access among children adolescents and young adults 2010-2016: implications for future health reforms,2018,62,6,667-673,Call Firearm storage practices in households of adolescents with and without mental illness,2017,61,5,583-590,Grossman Chosen name use is linked to reduced depressive symptoms suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior among transgender youth,2018,63,4,503-505,Russell Impact of marijuana legalization in Colorado on adolescent emergency and urgent care visits,2018,63,2,239-241,Mistry Gendered mechanisms underlie the relation between pubertal timing and adult depressive symptoms,2018,62,6,722-728,Beltz Estimated prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities in U.S. adolescents with depression by race/ethnicity 2011-2012,2018,62,6,716-721,Weller Translating research to practice for sexual minority youth affected by intimate partner violence,2018,62,6,647-648,Plichta Addressing research gaps in sexual and gender minority adolescents' substance use and misuse,2018,62,6,645-646,Mereish Making connections between parenting practices and adolescent substance use,2018,62,6,643-644,Burdzovic Andreas The prevalence of unwanted online sexual exposure and solicitation among youth: a meta-analysis,2018,63,2,133-141,Smith Increasing delivery of preventive services to adolescents and young adults: does the preventive visit help?,2018,63,2,166-171,Brindis Risk of traumatic brain injury among children adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Taiwan,2018,63,2,233-238,Liou Crash risk and risky driving behavior among adolescents during learner and independent driving periods,2018,63,5,568-574,Dingus Building competencies to prevent youth substance use in Kazakhstan: mixed methods findings from a pilot family-focused multimedia trial,2018,63,3,301-312,Ismayilova Investigating longitudinal associations between sexual assault substance use and delinquency among female adolescents: results from a nationally representative sample,2018,63,3,320-326,Kilpatrick Links between childhood exposure to violent contexts and risky adolescent health behaviors,2018,63,1,94-101,Brooks-Gunn Medical marijuana availability price and product variety and adolescents' marijuana use,2018,63,1,88-93,Zhu Impacts of marijuana commercialization on adolescents' marijuana beliefs use and co-use with other substances,2018,63,1,5-6,Lipperman-Kreda Trends in the misuse of tranquilizers sedatives and sleeping pills by adolescents in Spain 2004-2014,2018,63,6,709-716,Palacios-Ceña Adolescent sexual orientation and developmental transition in emerging adulthood: disparities in school work residence and transportation,2018,63,5,649-651,Simons-Morton Sexual minority justice-involved youth: a hidden population in need of integrated mental health substance use and sexual health services,2018,63,4,421-428,Marshall Intimate relationships and sexual behavior in young women with depression,2018,63,4,429-434,Shrier Texting/emailing while driving among high school students in 35 states United States 2015,2018,63,6,701-708,Zhu The urgent need for research and interventions to address family-based stigma and discrimination against lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer youth,2018,63,4,383-393,Hirsch Racism and its harmful effects on nondominant racial-ethnic youth and youth-serving providers: a call to action for organizational change: the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine,2018,63,2,257-261,Coyne-Beasley Identifying missed clinical opportunities in delivery of overdose prevention and naloxone prescription to adolescents using opioids,2018,63,2,245-248,Adger Intergenerational continuity in substance abuse: does offspring's friendship network make a difference?,2018,63,2,205-212,Henry Elucidating the impact of adolescent marijuana use,2018,63,2,129-130,Johnson The maturation of research on psychosocial outcomes among adolescents receiving bariatric surgery,2018,63,2,127-128,Sysko Suicidal behaviors in college students: frequency sex differences and mental health correlates including sluggish cognitive tempo,2018,63,2,181-188,Becker Alcohol prescription drug misuse sexual violence and dating violence among high school youth,2018,63,5,601-607,Basile "Sex pics?": longitudinal predictors of sexting among adolescents,2018,63,5,608-614,Gámez-Guadix A silver lining: the role of ethnic diversity on co-occurring trajectories of weight status and peer victimization across early adolescence,2018,63,5,554-560,Lanza Physical activity and mental disorder among adolescents in the United States,2018,63,5,628-635,He Factors impacting implementation of evidence-based strategies to create safe and supportive schools for sexual and gender minority students,2018,63,5,643-648,Green Emerging trends in cannabis administration among adolescent cannabis users,2019,64,4,487-493,Gabrielli Minority stress factors associated with depression and anxiety among transgender and gender-nonconforming youth,2019,64,4,467-471,Hidalgo A longitudinal investigation of associations between marijuana displays on Facebook and self-reported behaviors among college students,2018,63,3,313-319,Lowry The healthcare needs and rights of youth experiencing homelessness,2018,63,3,372-375, Marijuana legalization and adolescent health,2018,63,3,367,Mistry Marijuana-related visits were too broadly defined to draw meaningful conclusions,2018,63,3,366,Hart Marijuana legalization and adolescent health,2018,63,3,365,Braillon Mental health disparities among college students of color,2018,63,3,348-356,Eisenberg Skills-building programs to reduce child marriage in Bangladesh: a randomized controlled trial,2018,63,3,293-300,Amin Social dimensions of sexual consent among cisgender heterosexual college students: insights from ethnographic research,2019,64,1,26-35,Hirsch The protective effects of school connectedness on substance use and physical activity,2018,63,6,724-731,Faulkner Patterns of social media use and their relationship to health risks among young adults,2019,64,2,158-164,Johnson Longitudinal change in parent-adolescent communication about sexuality,2018,63,6,753-758,Padilla-Walker Reciprocal associations between adolescent girls' chronic interpersonal stress and nonsuicidal self-injury: a multi-wave prospective investigation,2018,63,6,694-700,Nock Contemporary patterns of marijuana use and attitudes among high school seniors: 2010-2016,2018,63,4,394-400,Lanza Adolescents and perceived riskiness of marijuana: why care?,2018,63,4,377-378,Hadland Negative consequences associated with witnessing severe violent events: the role of control-related beliefs,2018,63,6,739-744,Lambert Evaluation of a tool to identify child sex trafficking victims in multiple healthcare settings,2018,63,6,745-752,Self-Brown Prevalence of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in transgender individuals with eating disorders: a national study,2019,64,4,461-466,Joiner Effect of childhood poverty and trauma on adult depressive symptoms among young men in peri-urban South African settlements,2019,64,1,79-85,Jewkes Adolescent drivers experiential learning and the driver licensing process: new findings emerging questions and continuing policy needs,2018,63,5,521-522,Foss Gender identity sexual orientation mental health and bullying as predictors of partner violence in a representative sample of youth,2019,64,1,86-92,Walls Sexual minority bullying and mental health from early childhood through adolescence,2019,64,2,172-178,Mittleman Extreme weight loss behaviors in racially diverse urban adolescents,2019,64,2,276-278,Kelly-Weeder Parent and adolescent attitudes towards preventive care and confidentiality,2019,64,2,235-241,Catallozzi Lifetime prevalence of self-reported concussion among adolescents involved in competitive sports: a national U.S. study,2019,64,2,272-275,Schulenberg Racial discrimination and acute physiological responses among black young adults: the role of racial identity,2019,64,2,179-185,Volpe Longitudinal heterogeneity in handgun-carrying behavior among urban American youth: intervention priorities at different life stages,2019,64,4,502-508,Wiebe Suicide attempt admissions from a single children's hospital before and after the introduction of Netflix series 13 Reasons Why,2018,63,6,688-693,Bard The prescription drug problem we are missing: risks associated with the misuse of tranquilizers and sedatives,2018,63,6,665-666,Ford Why we should worry about "13 Reasons Why",2018,63,6,663-664,Ford Can high schools be an effective setting to promote healthy lifestyles? Effects of a multiple behavior change intervention in adolescents,2019,64,4,478-486,Sevil Efficacy of a family-based intervention on parent-adolescent discrepancies in positive parenting and substance use among Hispanic youth,2019,64,4,494-501,Prado Intergenerational associations between parental incarceration and children's sexual risk taking in young adulthood,2019,64,3,398-404,Deardorff Prevalence of key forms of violence against adolescents in the Arab Region: a systematic review,2019,64,1,8-19,Bott Adolescent care-orientation and positive development in young adulthood,2019,64,1,63-69,Toumbourou Not playing around: gaming disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11),2019,64,1,5-7,Potenza Adverse childhood experiences and psychological distress in juvenile offenders: the protective influence of resilience and youth assets,2019,64,1,49-55,Clements-Nolle Adverse childhood experiences and resilience: implications for marginalized and vulnerable young people,2019,64,1,3-4,Harpin Perspectives on adolescence and young adulthood,2019,64,1,139,Coyne-Beasley Disclosure of adolescent substance use in primary care: comparison of routine clinical screening and anonymous research interviews,2019,64,4,541-543,O'Grady Measuring discomfort in health research relative to everyday events and routine care: an application to sexual and gender minority youth,2019,64,5,594-601,Fisher Mechanisms and frequency of violent injuries among victims and perpetrators of bullying,2019,64,5,664-670,Elliott Gender differences in depression literacy and stigma after a randomized controlled evaluation of a universal depression education program,2019,64,4,472-477,Schweizer Gender attitudes sexual risk intimate partner violence and coercive sex among adolescent gang members,2019,64,5,648-656,Dickson-Gómez Sexual minority youth report high-intensity binge drinking: the critical role of school victimization,2019,64,2,186-193,Russell Racial discrimination in the United States: a national health crisis that demands a national health solution,2019,64,2,147-148,Causadias Sexual orientation disparities: starting in childhood and observable in adolescence?,2019,64,2,145-146,Baams Contributions of mainstream sexual media exposure to sexual attitudes perceived peer norms and sexual behavior: a meta-analysis,2019,64,4,430-436,Coyne What's unique about lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth and young adult suicides? Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System,2019,64,5,602-607,Ream Patterns of co-occurring modes of marijuana use among Colorado high school students,2019,64,6,807-809,Johnson A different perspective but consistent results: another look at "13 Reasons Why",2019,64,3,415-416,Bard Reports of adolescent psychiatric outpatients on the impact of the TV series "13 reasons why": a qualitative study,2019,64,3,414-415,Niederkrotenthaler Temporal and geographic patterns of social media posts about an emerging suicide game,2019,65,1,94-100,Sumner The impact of age of transfer on outcomes in the transition from pediatric to adult health systems: a systematic review of reviews,2019,64,6,709-720,Viner A descriptive analysis of school and school shooter characteristics and the severity of school shootings in the United States 1999-2018,2019,64,6,797-799,Rossheim Gender inequality and sex differences in physical fighting physical activity and injury among adolescents across 36 countries,2019,64,5,657-663,Elgar Racial socioeconomic and attitudinal disparities in trajectories of young women's willingness to refuse unwanted sex,2019,64,6,746-752,Weitzman Waterpipe or hookah-related poisoning events among U.S. adolescents and young adults,2019,64,6,800-803,Rostron Impact of experiential training with standardized patients on screening and diagnosis of adolescent depression in primary care,2019,65,1,57-62,Fallucco Employment and marijuana use among Washington State adolescents before and after legalization of retail marijuana,2019,65,1,39-45,Miller Mild traumatic brain injury and psychopathology in adolescence: evidence from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods,2019,65,1,79-85,Connolly Proposing a conceptual framework to address social norms that influence adolescent sexual and reproductive health,2019,64,4S,S7-S9,Heise Measuring social norms related to child marriage among adult decision-makers of young girls in Phalombe and Thyolo Malawi,2019,64,4S,S37-S44,Steinhaus Measuring adverse child experiences among young adolescents globally: relationships with depressive symptoms and violence perpetration,2019,65,1,86-93,Blum Intergenerational trauma: the relationship between residential schools and the child welfare system among young people who use drugs in Vancouver Canada,2019,65,2,248-254,Hayashi Understanding the nature of media effects from onscreen exposure to alcohol sex and their combination,2019,65,1,51-56,Hennessy Increased violence involvement and other behavioral and mental health factors among youth with firearm access,2019,65,1,63-71,Mattson Depressive symptoms predict characteristics of online social networks,2019,65,1,101-106,Negriff Teen crash risk and insufficient sleep,2019,64,5,671,Gurubhagavatula Crash risk and risky driving behavior among adolescents during learner and independent driving periods,2019,64,5,671-672,Gershon Positive youth development programs in low- and middle-income countries: a conceptual framework and systematic review of efficacy,2019,65,1,15-31,Patton Gender and race informed pathways from childhood sexual abuse to sexually transmitted infections: a moderated mediation analysis using nationally representative data,2019,65,2,267-273,Fix The moderating role of cortisol reactivity on the link between maltreatment and body mass index trajectory across adolescence,2019,65,2,239-247,Gordis Adolescent mental health problems in Hong Kong: a critical review on prevalence psychosocial correlates and prevention,2019,64,Suppl 6,S73-S85,Tse Adolescent reactive and proactive aggression and bullying in Hong Kong: prevalence psychosocial correlates and prevention,2019,64,Suppl 6,S65-S72,Fung Self-harm and suicide among children and adolescents in Hong Kong: a review of prevalence risk factors and prevention strategies,2019,64,Suppl 6,S59-S64,Siu Adolescent sexual risk behavior in Hong Kong: prevalence protective factors and sex education programs,2019,64,Suppl 6,S52-S58,Lin Adolescent internet addiction in Hong Kong: prevalence psychosocial correlates and prevention,2019,64,Suppl 6,S34-S43,Chung Adolescent drug abuse in Hong Kong: prevalence psychosocial correlates and prevention,2019,64,6S,S28-S33,Cheung "UNHAPPY" environment for adolescent development in Hong Kong,2019,64,Suppl 6,S1-S4,Siu "24%" figure appropriately qualified in article if not on Twitter. Also have faith in the National Violent Death Reporting System,2019,64,6,811,Ream Estimate of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth suicide is inflated,2019,64,6,810,Blosnich Screening and Counseling for Alcohol Use in Adolescents With Chronic Medical Conditions in the Ambulatory Setting,2019,64,6,804-806,Weitzman School shootings in the U.S.: what is the state of evidence?,2019,64,6,683-684,Rowhani-Rahbar Suicide risk assessment and management training practices in pediatric residency programs: a nationwide needs assessment survey,2019,65,2,280-288,Bernert Taking stock of dietary supplements' harmful effects on children adolescents and young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Austin Adolescent sexual initiation: a cross-classified multilevel analysis of peer group- school- and neighborhood-level influences,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Austin A matched cohort study of the association between childhood sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daigneault Race-related traumatic events online and mental health among adolescents of color,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tynes Type of firearm used in suicides: findings from 13 states in the National Violent Death Reporting System 2005-2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barber Only yes means yes: sexual coercion in rural adolescent relationships,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ott Promoting gender egalitarian norms and practices among boys in rural India: the relative effect of intervening in early and late adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Santhya The importance of social media content for teens' risks for self-harm,2019,65,1,9-10,George Moving from knowledge to practice in addressing adolescent depression in the primary care setting,2019,65,1,7-8,Sarvet Unpacking the socioeconomic dynamics of marijuana policy change: why does it matter?,2019,65,1,5-6,Barry Reduced road traffic injuries for young people: a preliminary investment analysis,2019,65,1S,S34-S43,Sheehan The links between sexual abuse severity running away and parental connectedness among youth at a hospital-based child advocacy center,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saewyc Trends in substance use prevention program participation among adolescents in the U.S.,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delva Male abortion beneficiaries: exploring the long-term educational and economic associations of abortion among men who report teen pregnancy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Everett Adolescent sexting involvement over 4 years and associations with sexual activity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Temple Effects of household income change on children's problem behavior: findings from a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Trends in mood and anxiety symptoms and suicide-related outcomes among U.S. undergraduates 2007-2018: evidence from two national surveys,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joiner Effects of parent-child relationships on child marriage of girls in Ethiopia India Peru and Vietnam: evidence from a prospective cohort,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raj Stigma gender affirmation and primary healthcare use among Black transgender youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper Association of cyberbullying involvement with subsequent substance use among adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riggs Incident substance use disorder following anxiety disorder in privately insured youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olfson How clinicians caring for youth can address the opioid-related overdose crisis,2019,65,2,177-180,Hadland A call to reorient pediatric residency education to address the emerging threat of suicide,2019,65,2,173-174,Cooper Policy systems and environmental approaches to a healthy school environment,2019,65,2,169-170,Kubik Acceptability of adolescent social and behavioral health screening in the emergency department,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goyal Fulfilling the promise of adolescence: realizing opportunity for all youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brindis An exploratory study of sexting behaviors among heterosexual and sexual minority early adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ponnet Sounding the alarm: perinatally HIV-infected youth more likely to attempt suicide than their uninfected cohort peers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dolezal Peer alcohol use differentially amplifies genetic and environmental effects on different developmental trajectories of adolescent alcohol use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boivin Early menarche and internalizing and externalizing in adulthood: explaining the persistence of effects,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mendle Police stops among at-risk youth: repercussions for mental health,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaughn Bullying victimization school environment and suicide ideation and plan: focusing on youth in low- and middle-income countries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chun Trends in alcohol use behaviors by sexual identity and behavior among high school students 2007-2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner A decline in propensity toward risk behaviors among U.S. adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grucza Adolescents are not just smaller adults: consideration of growth plates and pubertal stage when addressing bone mineral density in adolescents with anorexia nervosa,2019,65,4,435-437,Peebles Family school and peer support are associated with rates of violence victimization and self-harm among gender minority and cisgender youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reno Point-of-sale marketing in recreational marijuana dispensaries around California schools,2020,61,1,72-78,Zhu Changes in victimization risk and disparities for heterosexual and sexual minority youth: trends from 2009 to 2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Poteat An uphill battle to keep american youths from harmful dietary supplements,2019,65,5,707-708,Austin The good the bad and the ugly: not all supplements are equal,2019,65,5,707,Balestrino The good the bad and the ugly: not all supplements are equal,2019,65,5,706,Mister Racing toward positive youth-police interactions,2019,65,5,579-580,Piquero Cyberbullying: building the research in context,2019,65,5,575-576,Waasdorp Countering the troubling increase in mental health symptoms among U.S. college students,2019,65,5,573-574,Eisenberg The risk of psychiatric morbidity following teenage induced abortion and childbirth-a longitudinal study from Finland,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gissler Life events predicting the first onset of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior-a prospective multicenter study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keeley Diverging trends in the relationship between binge drinking and depressive symptoms among adolescents in the U.S. from 1991 through 2018,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keyes Does adolescent alcohol harm minimization policy exposure reduce adult alcohol problems? A cross-national comparison,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toumbourou Adolescent depression curriculum impact on pediatric residents' knowledge and confidence to diagnose and manage depression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klein Exposure to cannabis marketing in social and traditional media and past-year use among adolescents in states with legal retail cannabis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jernigan More bored today than yesterday? National trends in adolescent boredom from 2008 to 2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caldwell Electronic and combustible cigarette use in adolescence: links with adjustment delinquency and other substance use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maggs Untangling influences in the longitudinal relationship between depressive symptoms and drinking frequency in high school,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morgenstern Barriers to the implementation of state concussion laws within high schools,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention to prevent intimate partner violence among young people: cluster randomized controlled trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jewkes Bidirectional association between bullying perpetration and internalizing problems among youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins It is time to teach safe sexting,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patchin Escalating safety concerns are not changing adolescent e-cigarette use patterns: the possible role of adolescent mental health,2020,66,1,3-5,Halpern-Felsher Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria and Tanzania: an exploration into target reference groups order and affiliation of authorship,2020,66,1S,S3-S8,Darmstadt An exploratory study of transactional sexting among high school students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ponnet Preventing firearm violence in youth through evidence-informed strategies,2020,66,2,260-264, Prevalence and health characteristics of prescription opioid use misuse and use disorders among U.S. adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maxwell How are transgender and gender nonconforming youth affected by the news? A qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ahrens The impact of sociosexualization and sexual identity development on the sexual well-being of youth formerly in the foster care system,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fortenberry Variation in state laws on access to civil protection orders for adolescents experiencing intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kernic Availability of confidential services for teens declined after the 2011-2013 changes to publicly funded family planning programs in Texas,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,White An investigation of the LGBTQ+ youth suicide disparity using National Violent Death Reporting System narrative data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ream Initiation age cumulative prevalence and longitudinal patterns of handgun carrying among rural adolescents: a multistate study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oesterle The acceptability and effectiveness of an online intervention for youth with parents with a mental illness and/or substance use issue,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foster Erratum: Attitudinal Acceptance of Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults,2020,66,3,378, Fostering healthy mental emotional and behavioral development in children and youth: a national agenda,2020,66,3,265-267,Catalano Prebedtime screen use in adolescents: a survey of habits barriers and perceived acceptability of potential interventions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Sleep disturbance predicts depression symptoms in early adolescence: initial findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buysse The mental health of young Canadian mothers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jack Longitudinal trajectories of physical intimate partner violence among adolescent girls in rural South Africa: findings from HPTN 068,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maman Cannabis use and internalizing/externalizing symptoms in youth: a Canadian population-based study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patten Social support exposure to parental intimate partner violence and relationship abuse among marginalized youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Treatment delivery preferences associated with type of mental disorder and perceived treatment barriers among Mexican university students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Medina-Mora Using social indicators to describe neighborhood-level disparities in adolescent health in Baltimore city circa 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Castillo-Salgado Using the Integrated Behavioral Model to determine sport-related concussion reporting intentions among collegiate athletes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rulison It is time we start asking: handgun carrying among youth in rural contexts,2020,66,4,383-384,Culyba Association between first depressive episode in the same year as sexual debut and teenage pregnancy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Perinatal depressive symptom trajectories among adolescent women in New York City,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thorpe Psychological functioning in transgender adolescents before and after gender-affirmative care compared with cisgender general population peers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bos Medication treatment and health care use among adolescents with opioid use disorder in Ohio,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradley Adolescent firearm homicides in Chicago 2013-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheehan Unmet needs in sex education-what adolescents aim to understand about sexuality of the other sex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leeners Associations of sociodemographic factors and psychiatric disorders with type of school-based mental health services received by youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alegria Mental health management among older youth in foster care: service utilization and preparedness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Courtney Firearm violence exposure and suicidal ideation among young adults experiencing homelessness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bender Tired teens: sleep disturbances and heightened vulnerability for mental health difficulties,2020,66,5,520-521,Palmer Treatment for adolescent depression: national patterns temporal trends and factors related to service use across settings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu Effects of recreational marijuana legalization on college students: a longitudinal study of attitudes intentions and use behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moreno Identifying distinct subgroups of lesbian gay and bisexual youth for suicide risk: a latent profile analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hubach "It'd be great to have the options there": a mixed-methods study of gender identity questions on clinic forms in a primary care setting,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gordon Sexual assault and co-occurrence of mental health outcomes among cisgender female cisgender male and gender minority U.S. college students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parr Supporting adolescents and young adults exposed to or experiencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Improving adolescent health: translating health behaviour in school-aged children evidence into policy,2020,66,Suppl 6,S9-S11,Godeau Adolescents' intense and problematic social media use and their well-being in 29 countries,2020,66,Suppl 6,S89-S99,Craig How are adolescents sleeping? Adolescent sleep patterns and sociodemographic differences in 24 European and North American countries,2020,66,Suppl 6,S81-S88,Elgar Patterns of health-related gender inequalities-a cluster analysis of 45 countries,2020,66,Suppl 6,S29-S39,Heinz Intersectionality and adolescent mental well-being: a cross-nationally comparative analysis of the interplay between immigration background socioeconomic status and gender,2020,66,Suppl 6,S12-S20,Molcho Social media use and cyber-bullying: a cross-national analysis of young people in 42 countries,2020,66,Suppl 6,S100-S108,Pickett National-level wealth inequality and socioeconomic inequality in adolescent mental well-being: a time series analysis of 17 countries,2020,66,Suppl 6,S21-S28,Deforche New findings from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey: social media social determinants and mental health,2020,66,Suppl 6,S1-S2,Nagata Athlete concussion reporting: it is time to think bigger,2020,66,6,643-644,Baugh Coronavirus disease 2019 takes adolescent suicide prevention to less charted territory,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berk Teen dating violence and suicide risk among bisexual adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Norris Substance use and mental health in homeschooled adolescents in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ford Mutual influences on bullying perpetration and substance use among adolescents in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins Adverse childhood experiences and mental health conditions among adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bomysoad Changes in sleep duration and timing during the middle-to-high school transition,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dinges Differentiating adolescent suicide attempters and ideators: a classification tree analysis of risk behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,West Is mental health competence in childhood associated with health risk behaviors in adolescence? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viner "I'm kinda stuck at home with unsupportive parents right now": LGBTQ youths' experiences with CoViD-19 and the importance of online support,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McInroy Youth soccer parents' attitudes and perceptions about concussions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Connaughton Cultural funds of knowledge about fatal injury risk reduction among adolescents and young adults in a Latino community,2020,66,2,S143-S144,Oscós-Sánchez Australian young women's perceptions of dating and dating violence,2020,66,2,S144,Iyer Adolescent relationship abuse gender equitable attitudes and sexual health among minority young women,2020,66,2,S145-S146,Miller A mixed-methods study of school day activities triggers for violent assault and location-specific opportunities to confer student safety,2020,66,2,S146,Culyba Factors contributing to delay in driving licensure among U.S. high school students and young adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romano Associations between social media and suicidal behaviors during a youth suicide cluster in Ohio,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,David-Ferdon Statewide trends of trauma history suicidality and mental health among youth entering the juvenile justice system,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson Electronic and school bullying victimization by race/ethnicity and sexual minority status in a nationally representative adolescent sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson National and subnational trends in mortality and causes of death in Chinese children and adolescents aged 5-19 years from 1953 to 2016,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Head neck and traumatic brain injury among children involved in sports: results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eckner Childhood socioeconomic status and depressive symptom trajectories in the transition to adulthood in the United States and Canada,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reijneveld Depression and suicide risk at the cross-section of sexual orientation and gender identity for youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kattari Development and validation of the sexual and reproductive empowerment scale for adolescents and young adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brindis Electronic vapor product use and violence victimization among a nationally representative sample of adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Amplifying improvements in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brener Active shooter drills in the United States: a national study of youth experiences and perceptions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Review of foreign body ingestion and esophageal food impaction management in adolescents,2014,55,2,260-266,Ford Country-level meritocratic beliefs moderate the social gradient in adolescent mental health: a multilevel study in 30 European countries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finkenauer Racial/ethnic differences in the relationship between stressful life events and quality of life in adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elliott The effect of social support on mental health in Chinese adolescents during the outbreak of CoViD-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Boys mentoring gender norms and reproductive health-potential for transformation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Plourde Frequency of text messaging and adolescents' mental health symptoms across 4 years of high school,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,George Needs of youth posting about nonsuicidal self-injury: a time sensitive analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis Social media use and depressive symptoms among United States adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Odgers The impact of relationship stressors on trust and prorelationship behavior within adolescent romantic relationships: a systems approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellen Coping with stress through texting: an experimental study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reich Adolescent well-being: a definition and conceptual framework,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Timing and delivery of fertility preservation information to transgender adolescents young adults and their parents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dowshen Are substance use and bullying perpetration two sides of the same coin?,2020,67,3,311-312,Hirschtritt Hoodies up sahm! Preventing adversity because of racism for the next generation,2020,67,3,321-322,Trent Psychosocial characteristics of transgender youth seeking gender-affirming medical treatment: baseline findings from the Trans Youth Care Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tishelman Impacts of a cash plus intervention on gender attitudes among Tanzanian adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palermo Frequent alcohol intoxication and high alcohol tolerance during adolescence as predictors of mortality: a birth cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niemela Racial identity masculinities and violence exposure: perspectives from male adolescents in marginalized neighborhoods,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Rebound of severe alcoholic intoxications in adolescents and young adults after CoViD-19 lockdown,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carrozzi Social media and mental health among early adolescents in Sweden: a longitudinal study with 2-year follow-up (KUPOL Study),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galanti In-person contacts and their relationship with alcohol consumption among young adults with hazardous drinking during a pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ram Safety protocols for adolescent substance use research in clinical settings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weitzman The Youth Aware of Mental Health intervention: impact on help seeking mental health knowledge and stigma in U.S.. adolescents,2020,67,1,101-107,Trivedi Parent views on school-based depression screening: findings from a national survey,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clark Prevalence of trading sex among high school students in Minnesota: demographics relevant adverse experiences and health-related statuses,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMorris Adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviors among youth: the buffering influence of family communication and school connectedness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans The psychological impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on teenagers in China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tao Comparison of gender minority stress and resilience among transmasculine transfeminine and nonbinary adolescents and young adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garofalo 24-hour movement behaviors and internalizing and externalizing behaviors among youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Janssen Adolescent driver testing during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ehsani Gender expression peer victimization and disordered weight-control behaviors among U.S. high school students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Austin Mortality after adolescent firearm injury: effect of trauma center designation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nance The role of social support in machismo and acceptance of violence among adolescents in Europe. Lights4Violence baseline results,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vives-Cases "This could mean death for my child": parent perspectives on laws banning gender-affirming care for transgender adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Who are we missing? The impact of requiring parental or guardian consent on research with lesbian gay bisexual trans two-spirit queer/questioning youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crooks Profiles and predictors of dating violence among sexual and gender minority adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin-Storey The mediating effect of school climate on adolescent mental health: findings from a randomized controlled trial of a school-wide intervention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Quantity content and context matter: associations among social technology use and sleep habits in early adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klerman Adolescent and parent perspectives on confidentiality after adolescent relationship abuse disclosure,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Taking action to prevent violence against adolescents in the time of COVID-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiang Job insecurity and symptoms of anxiety and depression among U.S. young adults during COVID-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsai Elucidating the role of behavior in social media use and depression,2020,67,6,e873,Viswanathan The effects of two community-based participatory action research programs on violence outside of and in school among adolescents and young adults in a Latino community,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lesser A systematic review of youth and teen mental health first aid: improving adolescent mental health,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ho Recreational marijuana legalization and adolescent use of marijuana tobacco and alcohol,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coley Impact of bathroom discrimination on mental health among transgender and nonbinary youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Investigating neurocognitive functioning in youths with externalizing disorders from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gur Primary care for transgender adolescents and young adults in Rhode Island: an analysis of the All Payers Claims Database,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raifman A co-twin control study of the association between bullying victimization and self-harm and suicide attempt in adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lichtenstein Characteristics of emergency department visits by homeless young adults in the US,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palmer Why we need primary youth violence prevention through community-based participatory research,2021,68,2,231-232,Vaca Suicide attempts in association with traditional and electronic bullying among heterosexual and sexual minority U.S. high school students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Opioid use disorder stigma discrimination and policy attitudes in a national sample of U.S. young adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aalsma Parents who first allowed adolescents to drink alcohol in a family context during spring 2020 CoViD-19 emergency shutdowns,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Black youth's experiences with feelings of worthlessness parent relationships and suicide: findings from a national probability survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodwill Parenting and home environment in childhood and adolescence and alcohol use disorder in adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boden Perceptions of support among transgender and gender-expansive adolescents and their parents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hale Screening pediatric medical patients for suicide risk: is depression screening enough?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horowitz The national prevalence of adolescent dating violence in Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Exner-Cortens Changes in young adults' alcohol and marijuana use norms and motives from before to during the COVID-19 Pandemic,2021,68,4,658-665,Fleming The association between same-sex marriage legalization and youth deaths by suicide: a multimethod counterfactual analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Genç Illicit substance use disparities among lesbian gay and bisexual high school students in the U.S. in 2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barengo A population-based examination of suicide and child protection system involvement,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Putnam-Hornstein Unpacking racial/ethnic disparities in emotional distress among adolescents during witnessed police stops,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaughn U.S. trends in adolescent substance use and conduct problems and their relation to trends in unstructured in-person socializing with peers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grucza Campus suicide prevention as a moral imperative in pandemic times,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cramer Cannabis legalization and adolescent cannabis use: explanation of paradoxical findings,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cannon Associations between adolescent mental health and health-related behaviors in 2005 and 2015: a population cross-cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gage A groundbreaking systematic review but that alone is not enough to change the course of programming on child marriage prevention,2021,68,5,833-835,Chandra-Mouli Nonverbal response cards reduce socially desirable reporting of violence among adolescents in rural Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial,2021,68,5,914-921,Harling Sexual health experiences among high school students with disabilities,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horner-Johnson Predictors and patterns of physical activity from transportation among United States youth 2007-2016,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Østbye Increases in frequent vaping of cannabis among high school seniors in the United States 2018-2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palamar Screening for suicide risk in hospital admissions: what are the next questions?,2021,68,6,1036-1037,Gardner Concepts of resilience in adolescent mental health research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Priebe Adolescent mental health problems and adult human capital: findings from the South African Birth to Twenty Plus Cohort at 28 years of age,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richter Family stress and rural African-American adolescents' depressive symptoms,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kogan Association of delaying school start time with sleep-wake behaviors among adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erickson World Health Organization recommends comprehensive school health services and provides a menu of interventions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saewyc Feasibility of a web-accessible game-based intervention aimed at improving help seeking and coping among sexual and gender minority youth: results from a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espelage Spatial clustering of adolescent bereavement in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,69,1,140-143,Runkle Unequal gender norms are related to symptoms of depression among young adolescents: a cross-sectional cross-cultural study,2021,69,Suppl 1,S47-S55,Blum Understanding the relationship between adverse childhood experiences peer-violence perpetration and gender norms among very young adolescents in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study,2021,69,Suppl 1,S56-S63,Blum The intersection of power and gender: examining the relationship of empowerment and gender-unequal norms among young adolescents in Kinshasa DRC,2021,69,Suppl 1,S64-S71,Pulerwitz Timing of social transition for transgender and gender diverse youth K-12 harassment and adult mental health outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keuroghlian Text collage from "Transmedia collage: histories of violence and futures of health on Chicago's South Side.",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilliam Supporting sexual minority youth: protective factors of adverse health outcomes and implications for public health,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espelage Adolescent relationship abuse: challenges in confidentiality disclosure and protection,2021,69,2,181-182,English The health outcomes of direct and witnessed interactions with the police: do race and ethnicity matter?,2021,69,2,183-184,Posick Istanbul Convention: commitment to preventing gender-based violence,2021,69,2,354-355,Kanbur The importance of restricting youth access to marijuana in the age of legalization: lessons learned from tobacco control efforts and CoViD-19 restrictions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richter Preventing adolescent and young adult suicide: do states with greater mental health treatment capacity have lower suicide rates?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wickizer Correlates of suicide ideation and resilience among native- and foreign-born adolescents in the United States,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stark Disparities in perpetrators locations and reports of victimization for sexual and gender minority adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baams The measurement of mental health problems among adolescents and young adults throughout the world,2021,69,3,361-362,Irwin Early adolescent substance use before and during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey in the ABCD Study Cohort,2021,69,3,390-397,Sowell Mental health-related emergency department visits in adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicentric retrospective study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gravel Trends in adolescent cannabis-related hospitalizations by state legalization laws 2008-2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Let's Tok about sex,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morain Sexual communication and sexual consent self-efficacy among college students: implications for sexually transmitted infection prevention,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Are the bystanders okay? Exploring the impact of bystander behavior for self-directed violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ybarra "These laws will be devastating": provider perspectives on legislation banning gender-affirming care for transgender adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Operario Prevalence of depression among adolescents in the U.S. from 2009 to 2019: analysis of trends by sex race/ethnicity and income,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daly Police stops and adolescent substance use: findings from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Independent and cumulative effects of recent maltreatment on suicidal ideation and thoughts of self-harm in a national sample of youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner Contextualizing cannabis legalization outcomes,2021,69,6,869-870,Johnson A clear message: child marriage is a significant global problem requiring a collaborative contextual and evidence-based response [editorial],2021,69,6,871-872,Irwin Current trends in child marriage [editorial],2021,69,6,894-895,Guthold Context matters-one size does not fit all when designing interventions to prevent child marriage [editorial],2021,69,6S,S1-S3,Chandra-Mouli Young leaders' experiences and recommendations to strategically tackle child early and forced marriage [editorial],2021,69,6S,S11-S12,Eyleen What are the drivers of child marriage? A conceptual framework to guide policies and programs,2021,69,6S,S13-S22,Amin Drivers of marriage and health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia,2021,69,6S,S31-S38,Austrian The child marriage learning partners consortium: connecting data and evidence for action [editorial],2021,69,6S,S4-S5,Raj What influences girls' age at marriage in Burkina Faso and Tanzania? Exploring the contribution of individual household and community level factors,2021,69,6S,S46-S56,Erulkar Education child marriage and work outcomes among young people in rural Malawi,2021,69,6S,S57-S64,Soler-Hampejsek Tracking progress and sharing learning: data and evidence dissemination as a critical contribution to ending child marriage [editorial],2021,69,6S,S6-S7,Cappa Effects of gender role beliefs on social connectivity and marital safety: findings from a cross-sectional study among married adolescent girls in India,2021,69,6S,S65-S73,Raj Child marriage in the United States: prevalence and implications [editorial],2021,69,6S,S8-S10,Reiss Youth gun and weapon carrying and suicide rates for those aged 24 years and younger 2005-2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boxer Kratom use among U.S. adolescents: analyses of the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cottler School health predictors of the school-to-prison pipeline: substance use and developmental risk and resilience factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Investigating protective factors associated with mental health outcomes in sexual minority youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tabler Are youth sexting rates still on the rise? A meta-analytic update,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Temple Transforming the future of adolescent health: opportunities from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weiss Using substances to cope with the CoViD-19 pandemic: U.S. national data at age 19 years,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairlie Association of gender-affirming hormone therapy with depression thoughts of suicide and attempted suicide among transgender and nonbinary youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Emergency department use in adolescents and young adults: the role of the well-care visit,2022,70,1,1-2,Wong Crisis response and suicidal patterns in U.S. youth before and during CoViD-19: a latent class analysis,2022,70,1,48-56,Runkle Adolescent mental health connectedness and mode of school instruction during COVID-19,2022,70,1,57-63,Barrios What youth think about participating in research about exposure to self-directed violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ybarra The association between daily concealment and affect among sexual and gender minority adolescents: the moderating role of family and peer support,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mereish Perceived risk of harm mediates the effects of primary care alcohol use screening and brief advice in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knight Perceived discrimination coping styles and internalizing symptoms among a community sample of Hispanic and Somali adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogers Who is couch-surfing and who is on the streets? Disparities among racial and sexual minority youth in experiences of homelessness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Milburn The pandemic's toll on young adolescents: prevention and intervention targets to preserve their mental health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sowell Passenger presence and the relative risk of teen driver death,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelley-Baker Adverse childhood experiences and perceived unfair police treatment: differences by race and ethnicity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Association between LGBTQ student nondiscrimination laws in selected states and school district support for gay-straight alliances,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robin Communication and interpretation of sexual consent and refusal in adolescents and young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheeder A network approach to examining co-occurring victimization and perpetration in dating abuse among a nationally representative sample of US adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuevas Substance use disorder visits among adolescents at children's hospitals during COVID-19,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Recommendations for promoting the health and well-being of sexual and gender-diverse adolescents through supportive families and affirming support networks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub, Rising rates of adolescent depression in the United States: challenges and opportunities in the 2020s,2022,70,3,354-355,Wilson The opportunity to end child marriage throughout the world [Editorial],2022,70,3,356-358,Irwin Singularity and diversity in child early and forced marriage and unions [Editorial],2022,70,3S,S1-S4,Moletsane An exploration of social norms that restrict girls' sexuality and facilitate child marriage in Bangladesh to inform policies and programs,2022,70,3S,S17-S21,Naved Gender norms control over girls' sexuality and child marriage: a Honduran case study,2022,70,3S,S22-S27,Murphy-Graham Premarital conception as a driver of child marriage and early union in selected countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific,2022,70,3S,S43-S46,Harvey Building a global movement to respond to child marriage,2022,70,3S,S5-S6,Nthamburi Child grooms: understanding the drivers of child marriage for boys,2022,70,3S,S54-S56,Acharya Child marriage in relation to the Syrian conflict: Jordanian and Syrian adolescents' perspectives,2022,70,3S,S57-S63,Langer Investigating incidence correlates and consequences of child marriage among Syrian refugees residing in the south of Lebanon: a cross-sectional study,2022,70,3S,S64-S71,Abirafeh Recollections of how the child marriage field has evolved,2022,70,3S,S7-S8,Kimball Child marriage or statutory rape? A comparison of law and practice across the United States,2022,70,3S,S72-S77,Koski Marriage without meaningful consent and compromised agency in married life: evidence from married girls in Jharkhand India,2022,70,3S,S78-S85,Jejeebhoy Mapping the field of child marriage: evidence gaps and future directions from a large-scale systematic scoping review 2000-2019,2022,70,3S,S9-S16,Greene A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evolution of adolescent and young adult cannabis consumption before and after legalization,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bélanger Rapid evidence review of digital cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents with depression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beil Daily associations between adolescent sleep and socioemotional experiences during an ongoing stressor,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oosterhoff Is delayed driving licensure associated with emerging adult health education and employment?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaca Agents of change for mental health: a survey of young people's aspirations for participation across five low- and middle-income countries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Singh Misleading news coverage of research findings poses a risk to youth mental health and safety,2022,70,4,528-530,Richter Increases in student knowledge and protective behaviors following enhanced supports for sexual health education in a large urban school district,2022,70,4,588-597,Young Peers' private tutoring and adolescent depressive symptoms: quasi-experimental evidence from secondary schools in South Korea,2022,70,4,658-665,Kim Real-world crash circumstances among newly licensed adolescent drivers with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metzger The impact of monetary poverty alleviation programs on children's and adolescents' mental health: a systematic review and meta-analysis across low- middle- and high-income countries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowes Achieving transportation equity: how can we support young people's autonomy and health in a rapidly changing society?,2022,70,5,701-702,McDonald Changes in driving behaviors after concussion in adolescents,2021,69,1,108-113,Arbogast Violent media in childhood and seriously violent behavior in adolescence and young adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ybarra At the intersections: examining trends in experiences of violence mental health status and suicidal risk behaviors among US high school students using intersectionality National Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2015-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Global estimated prevalence of physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence against ever-partnered women by age 2018,2022,70,6,846-847,Garcia-Moreno The short-term impact of a combination intervention on depressive symptoms among school-going adolescent girls in southwestern Uganda: the Suubi4Her Cluster Randomized Trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neilands Youth insight about social media effects on well/ill-being and self-modulating efforts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Selkie Availability and components of national adolescent health programs by World Bank Income Group,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guthold Impact of child sexual abuse on socioeconomic attainment in adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green Adolescent-adult social networks and experiences of violence among black youth in neighborhoods with high levels of community violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Effectiveness of a text message intervention to reduce texting while driving among targeted young adults: a randomized controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delgado Scientific misinformation and gender affirming care: tools for providers on the front lines,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuper Problem solving as an active ingredient in indicated prevention and treatment of youth depression and anxiety: an integrative review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chorpita Same but different? Comparing attitudes regarding gender gender diversity and sexual diversity among early adolescents in South Africa and Belgium,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Michielsen Gender differences in bullying reflect societal gender inequality: a multilevel study with adolescents in 46 countries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elgar Toward a demand-driven collaborative data agenda for adolescent mental health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verhulst Cascades from early adolescent impulsivity to late adolescent antisocial personality disorder and alcohol use disorder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romer Translation and adaptation of the Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale: a qualitative study in Belize,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kohrt Violence perpetration in early adolescence: a study of four urban communities worldwide,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blum Trends in deaths by suicide 2014-2019 among lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer questioning and other gender/sexual minority (LGBTQ+) youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ream Exploring place-based differences in suicide and suicide-related outcomes among North Carolina adolescents and young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Runkle The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent mental health and substance use,2022,71,3,277-284,Baumler Child and adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the Three-Wave Longitudinal COPSY Study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ravens-Sieberer Adolescent US poison center exposure calls during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Trends in passenger seat belt use among high school students-United States 1991-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Disparities in adolescent reported drowning prevention strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quan Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth alcohol consumption: longitudinal changes from pre-to intra-pandemic drinking in the COMPASS Study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mackillop Violence exposure among adolescent boys and young men in Colombia with a lifetime history of transactional sex,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Villaveces The association of adolescent gender performance and adult intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deardorff Years of life lost to unintentional drug overdose rapidly rising in the adolescent population 2016-2020,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teater Pediatric subspecialist alcohol screening rates and concerns about alcohol and cannabis use among their adolescent patients,2022,71,4S,S34-S40,Weitzman Youth-reported school connection and experiences of a middle school-based screening brief intervention and referral to treatment initiative: preliminary results from a program evaluation,2022,71,4S,S49-S56,McCarty Rates patterns and predictors of follow-up care for adolescents at risk for substance use disorder in a school-based health center SBIRT program,2022,71,4S,S57-S64,Wilson Screening and brief intervention with low-income youth in community-based settings,2022,71,4S,S65-S72,Reif Payment and financing for substance use screening and brief intervention for adolescents and adults in health school and community settings,2022,71,4S,S73-S82,Horgan The association between John Henryism and depression and suicidal ideation among African-American and Caribbean Black adolescents in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mezuk Sexual orientation among gender diverse youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coulter Increased parent support for comprehensive sexuality education over 15 years,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sieving Comparing substance use and school-based stressors among Black and Latinx transgender youth and peers with shared minoritized identities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boyer Commercial sexual exploitation outcomes in a community sample of youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell You can't manage what you do not measure - why adolescent mental health monitoring matters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayes State firearm legislation and youth/young adult handgun carrying in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Bringing a wider lens to adolescent mental health: aligning measurement frameworks with multisectoral actions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Strategies to improve measurement of sexual orientation and gender identity among youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popkin The importance of mental health measurement to improve global adolescent health,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guthold Core principles of international research: lessons from the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whiteford Measuring the prevalence of mental disorders in adolescents in Kenya Indonesia and Vietnam: study protocol for the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emerson Trends and disparities in suicidality among heterosexual and sexual minority/two-spirit indigenous adolescents in Canada,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saewyc Short-term effects of recreational cannabis legalization on youth cannabis initiation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bornstein Detecting depression and anxiety among adolescents in South Africa: validity of the isiXhosa Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tomlinson Freedom to play learn live and thrive: a youth-serving professional call to action to address firearm violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne-Beasley Physical inactivity and the role of bullying among gender minority youth participating in the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garofalo Strengthening the measurement of adolescents' mental health at the population level,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blum The need for new models to measure the impact of prevention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daelmans Taking stock of the downstream effects of COVID-19 on youth substance use risk,2022,71,6,655-657,Richter Exposure to violence and victimization: reflections on 25 years of research from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health,2022,71,6S,S14-S23,Turanovic Twenty-five years of national-level research on adolescent and young adult mental health in the United States,2022,71,6S,S40-S46,Crosnoe An illustrative review of substance use-specific insights from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health,2022,71,6S,S6-S13,Naumann Sport and physical activity among transgender gender diverse and questioning adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisenberg Parenting practices and adolescent internalizing symptoms in the United States 1991-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá Prevalence and correlates of unmet mental health services need in adolescents with major depressive episode in 2019: an analysis of National Survey on Drug Use and Health Data,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox "What do you consider use?" Perspectives of Black youth on cannabis use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson A nationally representative study of sexual orientation and high-risk drinking from adolescence to young adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simons-Morton In the presence of parents: parental heterosexism and momentary negative affect and substance craving among sexual minority youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mereish Emerging adult perceptions of cannabis consumption post-legalization: considering age and sex differences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris-Lane Exploring the impact of racism on Black youth: a multidimensional examination of discriminatory experiences across place and time,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riley Adolescent cannabis use during a period of rapid policy change: evidence from the PATH Study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Importance of place in examining risk for suicide among youth,2023,72,1,5-6,Bridge Perceived gender transition progress gender congruence and mental health symptoms among transgender adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thoma Differential exposure to adverse childhood experiences among Florida high school students: the intersection of race ethnicity and gender,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meldrum School handgun carrying among youth growing up in rural communities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Briney Incidence and correlates of emergency department visits for deliberate self-harm among Asian American youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yan Decision support needs for transgender and gender-diverse youth and families: a patient-centered needs assessment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaughn Risk factors associated with driving after marijuana use among US college students during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Winstanley The role of school and community involvement in the psychosocial health outcomes of Black and Latinx LGBTQ youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heath Differential associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines with mental wellbeing and mental illness among Chinese adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chi Association between head impact exposure psychological needs and indicators of mental health among U.S. high school tackle football players,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seo Sexual health and relationship abuse interventions in pediatric primary care: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Circumstances contributing to suicide among U.S. Adolescents aged 10-19 years with and without a known mental health condition: National Violent Death Reporting System 2013-2018,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xu Reflections of a pediatric survivor of traumatic brain injury: 42 years later,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Rates of positive suicide screens in the emergency department and outpatient clinics at a tertiary care children's hospital,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goggin Association of obesity suicide behaviors and psychosocial wellness among adolescents in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Gender minority youth experiencing homelessness and corresponding health disparities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gonzales Adolescent feelings on COVID-19 distance learning support: associations with mental health social-emotional health substance use and delinquency,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Violent injury as a predictor of subsequent assault-related emergency department visits among adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goyal Adolescent loneliness in 70 countries across Africa America and Asia: a comparison of prevalence and correlates,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iso Classmates' discrimination experiences and adolescent depressive symptoms: evidence from random assignment of students to classrooms in South Korea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim COVID-19 stress religious affiliation and mental health outcomes among adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson A latent transition model of the effects of a youth-led sexual violence prevention initiative on victimization and perpetration trajectories over time,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Banyard Association between co-occurring anxiety and depression with drug overdose encounters in the emergency department among adolescents and young adults in the era of COVID-19,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cepeda Absence of age verification for online purchases of cannabidiol and delta-8: implications for youth access,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Egan Inclusive national educational policies as protective factors for LGBTI youth adjustment: an European cross-national study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ioverno Feasibility and acceptability of the social media-brief alcohol screening and intervention for college students intervention,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairlie I-CARE: feasibility acceptability and appropriateness of a digital health intervention for youth experiencing mental health boarding,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig Suicide attempts in children aged 10-14 years during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steiger Adolescent predictors of deliberate self-harm thoughts and behavior among young adults: a longitudinal cross-national study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toumbourou Examining longitudinal associations between future orientation and multiple forms of youth violence perpetration,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Bullying victimization and suicidal behavior among adolescents in 28 countries and territories: a moderated mediation model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osafo Sport safety for adolescents: linking biomechanics of repetitive head impacts with health and wellbeing,2023,72,4,485-486,Arbogast Trends in depressive symptoms and suicidality of South Korean adolescents: comparison of expected and observed prevalence during the COVID-19 Pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Associations among gender-affirming hormonal interventions social support and transgender adolescents' mental health,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Urine drug test results among adolescents and young adults in an outpatient office-based opioid treatment program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nahata A longitudinal study of income inequality and mental health among Canadian secondary school students: results from the Cannabis Obesity Mental Health Physical Activity Alcohol Smoking and Sedentary Behavior Study (2016-2019),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veugelers Proxies of emotion dysregulation and teen dating violence perpetration: a latent profile analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espelage Changes in young Latino adults' depressive and anxious symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and related stressors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deardorff Family structure and adolescent mental health service utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burrell Associations between gender nonconformity school environments family conflict and emotional and behavioral health among children ages 10-11,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garavan Effects of campus sexual assault prevention programs on attitudes and behaviors among American college students: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson High internalized transphobia and low gender identity pride are associated with depression symptoms among transgender and gender-diverse youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hidalgo The indirect effect of #Tamojunto2.0 program on bullying through reduction of alcohol use initiation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanchez Correlates of suicide among middle and high school students in Ghana,2023,72,5S,S59-S63,Joe Youth commentary on adolescent interventions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sitima Pre-post mixed methods study of a parent and teen support intervention to prevent violence against adolescents in the Philippines,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Madrid Significant increase in deliberate self-poisonings among adolescents during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunault Promoting sexual consent principles in the sexual and reproductive health care of adolescents and young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub, Amplifying the voices and experiences of Black Indigenous and other people of color transgender and gender diverse youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vance "Let's not talk about it": parents' reasons for not discussing alcohol use with emerging adult children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,LaBrie Associations between bullying and condition severity among youth with chronic health conditions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adesman Longitudinal associations of suicide risk and protective factors among secondary school students in Hong Kong: a network perspective,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwok Traditional bullying and cyberbullying victimization independently predict changes in problematic internet gaming in a longitudinal sample,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resch Emergency care utilization for mental and sexual health concerns among adolescents following sexual assault: a retrospective cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monuteaux Adverse childhood experiences and risk patterns of alcohol and cannabis co-use: a longitudinal study of Puerto Rican youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canino Barriers pediatric PCP's identify to providing gender-affirming care for adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richardson An urgent need for school-based diversion programs for adolescent substance use: a statewide survey of school personnel,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schuster Factors associated with suicide in four West African countries among adolescent students: an analysis using the global school-based student health survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bass Severity and transition of suicidal behaviors in childhood: sex racial and ethnic differences in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miranda Alcohol social media marketing in Hong Kong: a content analysis of facebook posts,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Characterizing adolescent disclosures of suicidal thoughts and behavior to parents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burke Youth mental health outcomes up to two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection long-COVID or long-pandemic syndrome: a retrospective cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bilu Temporal trends in bullying victimization among adolescents aged 12-15 years from 29 countries: a global perspective,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haro Longitudinal investigation of bidirectional relations between childhood trauma and emotion-driven impulsivity in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weiss Bans on gender-affirming healthcare: the adolescent medicine provider's dilemma,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sequeira Population-based repeated cross-sectional study of hospitalizations for comorbid physical and psychiatric disorders in young adults in Ontario Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guttmann Actigraphic sleep variability is associated with lower positive mood in adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hale Substance use sexual agreements and sexual risk behaviors among adolescent sexual minority males (aged 13-17) in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cain Disparities in depression and anxiety that impact self-identified sexual minority people affect a broader group of same-gender attracted young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silvers Declines in adolescent substance use after the COVID-19 pandemic onset: the role of initiation in grades 7 and 9,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patrick Violence against adolescent girls during the COVID-19 pandemic: quantitative evidence from rural and urban communities in Maharashtra India,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinert Adolescents and abortion restrictions: disproportionate burdens and critical warnings,2023,73,2,221-223,Ralph Clinical psychosocial risk factors for sex trafficking involvement among adolescent girls,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldberg Sexual identity fluidity and depressive symptoms: findings from a national longitudinal study of sexual minority adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Injunctive norms and driving under the influence and riding with an impaired driver among young adults in Washington State,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larimer Effectiveness of youth risk prevention programs when virtually adapted,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ott Adolescent providers' experiences of harassment related to delivering gender-affirming care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gamarel Translating evidence-based substance use prevention interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean: the key role of cultural adaptation,2023,73,3,401-402,Montero-Zamora The indivisibility of parental and child mental health and why poverty matters,2023,73,3,470-477,Treanor Examining sexual and dating violence by gender identity among high school students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lanier Learning with a supervisor who has traffic offences and young driver crashes: the DRIVE Study 13-year follow-up,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williamson Longitudinal relationships between help-seeking intentions and depressive symptoms in adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nishida The social determinants of emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents experiencing early puberty,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whittle Barriers to seeking medical care among youth victims of sexual violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman Unpacking the impact of early adverse childhood experiences on early onset of sexual intercourse among an urban birth cohort of early adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vasilenko Parents of gender diverse youth: support sought received and still needed,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Katz-Wise Social support for rural gender diverse youth compared to cisgender peers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kristjánsson Inequality's on tap: a longitudinal study of area-level income inequality and alcohol consumption among Canadian adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pabayo Associations between parental drinking and alcohol use among their adolescent children: findings from a national survey of United States parent-child dyads,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Esser Suicidality by sexual identity and correlates among American Indian and Alaska Native high school students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beach School racial composition as a moderator of the effect of discrimination on mental health and substance use among American Indian adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Komro What counteracts problematic social media use in adolescence? A cross-national observational study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van den Eijnden Associations between verbal and physical abuse in the home and mental health indicators among heterosexual and lesbian gay bisexual and questioning high school students in the US-Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey 2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dittus Social media and online dating safety practices by adolescent sexual and gender diverse men: mixed-methods findings from the SMART Study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mustanski Does implementation matter? Associations between implementation of Maine's anti- bullying law and bullying victimization among high school youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramirez "What's something you've heard about sex but are unsure if it's true?": assessing middle and high school students' sex education questions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wetzel Mixed-methods examination of adolescent-reported barriers to accessing mental health services,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schleider Female genital mutilation and sexual risk behaviors of adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years: evidence from Sierra Leone,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mchenga Risk assessment of maladaptive behaviors in adolescents: nutrition screen time prenatal exposure childhood adversities - adolescent brain cognitive development study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manza Racial and gender disparities in suicide and mental health care utilization in a pediatric primary care setting,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yolken Beyond education dollars: does social safety net spending affect high school graduation rates?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Acevedo-Polakovich Sleep and daily affect and risk for major depression: day-to-day and prospective associations in late adolescence and early adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zinbarg Evaluation of a Low-Intensity Online Intervention (LiON) for reducing distress and mental health symptoms in young people,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan The influence of the great recession on adolescent major depressive episodes and treatment in the United States: an interrupted time series analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olfson Factors associated with indirect exposure to and knowledge of fentanyl among youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanhope Violence discrimination and high levels of symptoms of depression among adolescent men who have sex with men and transgender women in Brazil,2023,73,6S,S19-S25,Dourado Adolescents' cannabis knowledge and risk perception: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kanbur Assessing readiness for transition from pediatric to adult gender affirming care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Examination of brief parent-based interventions to reduce drinking outcomes on a nationally representative sample of teenagers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mallett Racial discrimination and interpersonal violence in Asian American adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baumler The protective factor of parental involvement in loneliness among adolescents who have experienced bullying and suicidal behavior,2023,73,6,e1165,Dewanti Interpersonal violence and gender inequality in adolescents: a systematic analysis of Global Burden of Disease data from 1990 to 2019,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patton Patterns of alcohol marijuana and tobacco use among U.S. adolescents and young adults by disability status: 2015-2019,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Villanti Differences in the prevalence of adolescent sexual identity: results of expanding survey response options,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisenberg Global trends in the prevalence of alcohol consumption among school-going adolescents aged 12-15 years,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koyanagi Adolescent hazardous drinking and socioeconomic status in France: insights into the alcohol harm paradox,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Legleye Associations between cannabis use and mental distress in young people: a longitudinal study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pape Sexual orientation identity change developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms and childhood abuse from adolescence to young adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rahman Comparison of paper-and-pencil versus tablet administration of the 2021 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li The asymmetric effects of the transitions into and out of bullying victimization on depressive symptoms: the protective role of parental education,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim National trends in the prevalence of screen time and its association with biopsychosocial risk factors among Korean adolescents 2008-2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koyanagi Empowerment transformation training reduces rape among girls and young women in South Sudan and the Kakuma Refugee Camp,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Underage alcohol use by intersectional identity among alternative high school students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xie The role of social networks on depression and anxiety among a sample of urban American Indian/Alaska Native emerging adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,D'Amico The developmental timing but not magnitude of adolescent risk-taking propensity is consistent across social environmental and psychological factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Somerville Self-efficacy to refuse sex mediates the relationship between dating violence victimization and sexual risk behavior,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Markham Empowerment self-defense prevents rape: a response to Kettrey et al.'s meta-analysis,2024,74,1,208-209,Hollander Racial discrimination school racial composition and anxiety symptoms in American Indian adolescents,2024,74,1,1-2,White Value of rigorous review and evaluation to support implementation of effective sexual violence prevention programming,2024,74,1,e210,Coker Associations of adolescent school social networks gender norms and adolescent-to-young adult changes in male gender expression with young adult substance use,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pollack Digital disconnection: a qualitative study of youth and young adult perspectives on cyberbullying and the adoption of auto-detection or software tools,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishna Interpersonal violence among adolescents: have young men been left behind?,2024,74,2,216-217,Diaz Declining teenage drinking: a global phenomenon?,2024,74,3,395-396,Livingston Adolescent health risk behavior: the road ahead,2024,74,3,397-399,Keating Psychological distress and suicidality among transgender young adults in the United States,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer Adolescent suicidal behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in australia: analysis of acute harms assessed via ambulance data,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lubman Temporal patterns in youth suicide deaths 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