Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The swing of the pendulum: the detraditionalisation of the regulation of sexuality and intimacy in Belgium (1973-2003),2003,31,2,131-151,Stevens The Craft of Robbers of Cash-in-transit Vans: Crime Facilitators and the Entrepreneurial Approach,2001,29,3,277-291,Gill 'Beyond the "Thorny Question"': Feminism Foucault and the Desexualixation of Rape,1991,19,1,83-100,Bell 'Criminal 'organisations' in Greece and public policy: from non-real to hyper-real?',2003,31,1,69-87,Lambropoulou Human trade and the criminalization of irregular migration,2005,33,1,1-15,Lee