Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Public interest report no. 28: fires in boarding homes for the elderly,1979,10,4,401-404,Butler African-American grandmothers as health educators in the family,2005,60,4,343-356,Watson The asphalt identikit: old age and the driver's license,1990,30,1,1-14,Eisenhandler Precautionary street crossing by elderly pedestrians,1991,32,1,65-80,Harrell Experimental intercomparisons of younger and older driver perceptions,1993,36,3,239-253,Nelson The safety of older pedestrians at signal-controlled crossings,1996,42,1,65-79,Harrell Information-seeking triggered by age,1991,33,4,269-277,Moody Age and workers' perceptions of workplace safety: a comparative study,2009,68,2,171-184,Salminen Self-injurious behavior and environmental change in the institutionalized elderly,1973,4,2,133-145,Kastenbaum Aging and suicide? Maturation or cohort effect?,1980,11,4,297-305,Wenz Trends in violent death among the elderly,1982,14,3,167-175,Wilbanks Mellowing with age: factors influencing the nonwhite suicide rate,1981,13,4,265-284,Seiden Response of the elderly to disaster: an age-stratified analysis,1983,16,4,283-296,Bolin Methods of suicide by age: sex and race differences among the young and old,1986,22,2,123-139,McIntosh The effect of disaster on the health and well-being of older women,1986,21,1,27-38,Logue Older people in disaster: a comparison of black and white victims,1988,26,1,29-43,Bolin A case-comparison analysis of elder abuse and neglect,1989,28,3,207-225,Pillemer Elder maltreatment items subgroups and types: policy and practice implications,1989,28,3,191-205,Hall Older motorist yielding to pedestrians: are older drivers inattentive and unwilling to stop?,1993,36,2,115-127,Harrell Safety on the streets: cohort changes in fear,1980,10,4,373-384,Cutler Visual field dependence in elderly fallers and non-fallers,1990,31,4,267-277,Lord Attitudes and behavior of elderly pedestrians,1983,17,1,25-28,Mathey Suicide homicide and age dependency ratios,1973,4,2,127-132,Lester Loneliness and depression among elderly nursing home patients,2000,51,2,137-141,Lester Wisdom and intelligence: the nature and function of knowledge in the later years,1982,15,4,315-321,Clayton Achievement domain and life expectancies in Japanese civilization,1997,44,2,103-114,Simonton The effects of health environmental and socio-psychological variables on fear of crime and its consequences among urban black elderly individuals,1994,38,2,99-115,Bazargan Changes in track and field performance with chronological aging,1994,38,2,171-180,Fung Aging and generational patterns of alcohol consumption among Mexican Americans Cuban Americans and mainland Puerto Ricans,1994,39,2,97-103,Markides Six ages of man as determined by athletic performance,1994,38,3,237-277,Pirow Reasons for living and coping abilities among older adults,1996,43,1,1-5,Range Participation in leisure activities by older adults after a stressful life event: the loss of a spouse,1996,42,2,123-142,Patterson Elder abuse by adult children: an applied ecological framework for understanding contextual risk factors and the intergenerational character of quality of life,2000,50,4,329-359,Schiamberg Bringing the law to the gerontological stage: a different look at movies and old age,2006,62,3,237-254,Doron The effects of transportation and distance on voluntary association participation among the aged,1974,5,1,81-94,Cutler The accuracy of older and younger Australians' understanding of mental health and aging,1993,36,2,129-138,Peterson Safety and security of older persons in Tehran Iran: a sociological appraisal of elder abuse,2010,71,2,139-152,Sheykhi Recent versus remote: flashbulb memory for 9/11 and self-selected events from the reminiscence bump,2010,70,4,275-297,Cherry The impact of parental separation/divorce on grandparent-grandchild relationships,1999,48,3,191-216,Smith Age differences in the nature and origin of individual differences in memory: a behavior genetic analysis,1998,47,3,217-239,McGue Grandparental impact in young adults' relationships with their closest grandparents: the role of relationship strength and emotional closeness,1998,46,4,267-286,Brussoni Expectations and outcomes after hip fracture among the elderly,1992,34,4,339-350,Borkan The impact of stressful life events and social support on drinking among older adults: a general population survey,1992,35,2,99-123,Jennison Racism and the older voter? Arizona's rejection of a paid holiday to honor Martin Luther King,1991,32,3,199-209,Kastenbaum Days beyond recall: subsistence homesteading in the rural south circa 1920,1975,6,1,1-5,Wershow Toward a metatheoretical model of cognitive development,1976,7,3,247-253,Arlin Concrete and formal operational thought processes in young adulthood and old age,1976,7,3,237-245,Clayton The female life course: life situations and perception of control,1982,14,3,195-204,Steitz Aging the use of time and social change,1982,14,3,177-187,Ward Evidence for cohort or generational differences in the drinking behavior of older adults,1982,14,1,31-44,Hingson Decision-making in old age: cautiousness and rigidity,1981,13,2,89-98,Calhoun Leisure activities of retired persons in the United States: comparisons with retired persons in the People's Republic of China,1990,31,1,45-55,Carp Hobbies of retired people in the People's Republic of China: a preliminary study,1990,31,1,31-44,Hu Deference and dominance in old age: an exploration in social theory,1982,15,4,247-262,Barker Interbehavioral perspectives on aging,1983,16,2,95-123,Herrick The elderly offender: relative frequency and pattern of offenses,1985,20,4,269-281,Wilbanks The effects of aging on the verbal control of motor behavior,1974,5,2,141-156,Katz Cognitive functioning and the probability of falls among seniors in Havana Cuba,2011,73,2,175-194,Hyder Appraisal of clinical psychosocial and environmental health of elderly in Saudi Arabia: a household survey,2000,50,1,43-60,Al-Shammari Life satisfaction among the very old: a survey on a cognitively intact sample aged 90 years or above,2001,52,1,71-90,Winblad Adulthood predictors of health promoting behavior in later aging,2004,58,4,289-313,Suzuki Depressive symptoms negate the beneficial effects of physical activity on mortality risk,2013,76,2,165-179,Lee The social epidemiology of alcohol use by urban older adults,1986,21,1,49-59,Hingson Adult age differences in visual search,1985,21,3,187-196,Mason Spatial development across the life span,1985,21,3,175-185,Akiyama Outdoor recreation participation across the lifespan: abandonment continuity or liberation?,1987,24,2,87-100,McGuire The age grading of physical activity among children,1987,24,2,101-111,Ostrow Outdoor recreation in two European countries,1987,25,2,129-146,Rubenstein Successful operant conditioning procedures with an institutionalized aggressive geriatric patient,1988,26,1,71-79,Vaccaro Risky-choice behavior: a life-span analysis,1988,27,1,25-33,Holliday The Oedipus Cycle: developmental mythology Greek tragedy and the sociology of knowledge,1988,27,1,1-10,Datan Religiousness religious doubt and death anxiety,2014,78,3,203-227,Henrie Risk factors related to cognitive functioning: a cross-national comparison of U.S. and Korean older adults,2014,79,1,81-101,Dugan Increases in generative concern among older adults following reminders of mortality,2014,79,1,1-21,Weise Effects of health and income on control orientation and life satisfaction among aged public housing residents,1981,12,3,215-220,Mancini Synergy between molecular and contextual views of coping among four ethnic groups of older adults,2010,70,4,319-343,Magai Education gender and the compression of morbidity,1994,39,3,233-46,Leigh Age identification in the framework of successful aging: a study of older Finnish people,2003,56,3,173-195,Suutama Falls depression and other hospitalization risk factors for adults in residential care facilities,2016,83,1,44-62,Gimm Betrayal trauma in youth and negative communication during a stressful task: the mediating role of emotion dysregulation,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scotti Reconsidering the "asphalt identikit": a qualitative analysis of driving identities in British older adults in west london,2016,84,4,403-414,Plastow Age differences in the effects of mortality salience on the correspondence bias,2016,84,4,329-342,Pyszczynski Relationship between subjectively evaluated health and fear of death among elderly in three cultural contexts,2017,84,4,343-365,Hofer Reliability and validity of the Short Falls Efficacy Scale International in English Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia in Malaysia,2018,87,4,415-428,Morgan Suicide risk factors among older adults: exploring thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in relation to personality and self-esteem,2018,ePub,ePub,91415018757214,Segal Depression poverty and abuse experience in suicide ideation among older Koreans,2019,88,1,46-59,Atteraya Functionality and risk of falls in elders followed in a day care center in Brazil,2018,87,3,309-322,Pinheiro The context of caution: an examination of age social context and sex on measures of inhibitory control and risky decision-making,2019,ePub,ePub,91415019836100,Cowell Elder mistreatment in an Italian population: prevalence and correlates,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Badenes-Ribera Don't risk it. 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