Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Work-related accidents and occupational diseases in veterinarians and their staff,2005,,,,Nienhaus Effects of working permanent night shifts and two shifts on cognitive and psychomotor performance,2005,78,2,109-116,Petru Prevention of injuries at work: the role of the occupational physician,2005,,,1-16,Porru Visual function in professional truck drivers,1998,71,5,357-362,Mantyjarvi Factors associated with changes in perceived strain at work among fire-fighters: a 3-year follow-up study,2005,79,5,419-426,Lusa Excess mortality related to the August 2003 heat wave in France,2006,80,1,16-24,Pavillon Economic activities and occupations at high risk for workplace bullying: results from a large-scale cross-sectional survey in the general working population in France,2006,80,4,346-353,Niedhammer Contributions of occupational hazards and human factors in occupational injuries and their associations with job age and type of injuries in railway workers,2007,80,6,517-525,Gauchard The impact of major heat waves on all-cause and cause-specific mortality in France from 1971 to 2003,2007,80,7,615-626,Pavillon A 2-year cohort study on the impact of an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) on depression and suicidal thoughts in male Japanese workers,2007,81,2,151-157,Nakao Effect of different vibration frequencies on heart rate variability and driving fatigue in healthy drivers,2004,77,3,205-212,Wang The prevalence of PTSD major depression and anxiety symptoms among high-risk public transportation workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matthews Mortality among New York State highway maintenance workers: 1958-1980,1995,67,4,225-235,Hwang Effectiveness of an educational program to promote pesticide safety among pesticide handlers of South India,2008,81,6,787-795,Pradhan Occupational stress and depression in Korean employees,2008,82,1,47-57,Kim Prevalence of workplace bullying and risk groups: a representative population study,2009,82,3,417-426,Ortega Deaths from pesticide poisoning in South Korea: trends over 10 years,2009,82,3,365-371,Cha Differences in hand and foot psychomotor speed among 18 pairs of monozygotic twins discordant for lifelong vehicular driving,1997,70,4,277-281,Gibbons Assessment of various rest periods in respect of time variant fatigue-processes during simulated automobile driving,1978,41,4,253-266,Rohmert Specificity of the links between workplace harassment and PTSD: primary results using court decisions a pilot study in France,2009,82,5,663-668,Jehel Prevalence of workplace bullying and risk groups: a representative population study,2009,82,6,795,Ortega Locomotor diseases among male long-haul truck drivers and other professional drivers,2008,81,7,821-827,Tuchsen Stress monitoring of ambulance personnel during work and leisure time,2006,80,1,51-59,Barnekow-Bergkvist Pressure pain thresholds and musculoskeletal morbidity in automobile manufacturing workers,2006,79,2,128-134,Punnett VI. Medical effects of aircraft noise: general practice survey,1977,40,3,191-196,Knipschild IV. Extra-auditory effects in long-term exposure to aircraft and traffic noise,1977,40,3,177-184,Ettema II. Extra-auditory effects in short-term exposure to aircraft and traffic noise,1977,40,3,165-173,Ettema I. Health effects of exposure to noise particularly aircraft noise,1977,40,3,163-164,Ettema VIII. Medical effects of aircraft noise: review and literature,1977,40,3,201-204,Knipschild Less than 24 hour pseudo-periodicity in work schedules of train drivers in relation to their sleep,1978,41,3,179-188,Parrot Epidemiological survey of shipyard workers exposed to hand-arm vibration,1980,46,3,251-266,Bovenzi Occupational health studies on airport transport workers. I. Results of ergonomic time and motion studies,1980,47,2,129-141,Rutenfranz Aircraft noise and birth weight,1981,48,2,131-136,Knipschild Reduction of nightwork by re-designing of shift-rotas,1983,51,4,371-379,Knauth Traffic noise and hypertension: an epidemiological study on the role of subjective reactions,1983,51,3,223-229,Neus Coronary heart disease risk factors in bus and truck drivers. A controlled cohort study,1983,52,4,353-360,Hartvig Road traffic noise annoyance in Amsterdam,1985,56,4,285-297,Knipschild Non-auditory effects of noise in industry. V. A field study in a shipyard,1987,59,1,55-62,Verbeek Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. IV. Rhythms in performance and alertness,1988,60,6,405-411,Condon Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. III. Rhythms in physiological functions,1988,60,6,395-403,Colquhoun Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. II. Sleep duration and subjective ratings of sleep quality,1988,60,5,331-339,Colquhoun Commuting--a further stress factor for working people: evidence from the European Community. I. A review,1988,60,5,371-376,Costa Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. VI. A sea trial of an alternative watchkeeping system for the merchant marine,1988,61,1-2,51-57,Colquhoun Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. V. Effects of time zone crossings,1988,61,1-2,39-49,Colquhoun Commuting--a further stress factor for working people: evidence from the European Community. II. An empirical study,1988,60,5,377-385,Costa Work at sea: a study of sleep and of circadian rhythms in physiological and psychological functions in watchkeepers on merchant vessels. I. Watchkeeping on board ships: a methodological approach,1988,60,5,321-329,Colquhoun Hearing threshold of Cairo traffic policemen,1989,61,8,543-545,Faris Acute circulatory effects of military low-altitude flight noise,1990,62,5,365-372,Ising Annoyance and health risk caused by military low-altitude flight noise,1990,62,5,357-363,Poustka European Community Council resolution regarding an action programme on safety and health at work,1979,42,3-4,375-379,Recht Permissible levels for occupational exposure; basic concepts,1979,42,3-4,269-281,Zielhuis Calculation of a safety factor in setting health based permissible levels for occupational exposure. II. Comparison of extrapolated and published permissible levels,1979,42,3-4,203-215,Zielhuis The use of a safety factor in setting health based permissible levels for occupational exposure. I. A proposal,1979,42,3-4,191-201,Zielhuis Effects of aircraft noise on hearing and auditory pathway function of school-age children,1993,65,2,107-111,Chen A field study on the immediate effects of exposure to low-altitude flights on heart rate and arrhythmia in patients with cardiac diseases,1993,65,4,263-268,Brenner Noise performance efficiency and safety,1990,62,1,1-5,Smith Hazards of contact lenses used by workers,1990,62,2,105-108,Loriot Occupational accidents and alcohol,1984,53,4,321-329,Lings Fatal intoxication by 12-dichloroethane--a case report,1984,54,2,111-113,Takano Decline of blood and alveolar toluene concentration following two accidental human poisonings,1983,53,2,157-165,Apostoli More accidents due to daylight saving time? A comparative study on the distribution of accidents at different times of day prior to and following the introduction of Central European Summer Time (CEST),1982,49,3-4,315-323,Weber Occupational injuries: factors associated with frequency and severity,1982,50,3,209-218,Kriebel Changes in physical performance among construction workers during extended workweeks with 12-hour workdays,2010,83,1,1-8,Schibye Work-related fatigue: the specific case of highly educated women in the Netherlands,2010,83,3,309-321,Koppes Assaults against nurses of general and psychiatric hospitals in Taiwan,2010,83,7,823-832,Guo Reproducibility and validity of the stair-climb test for fire fighters,2010,83,7,725-731,Frings-Dresen Relationships of job age and life conditions with the causes and severity of occupational injuries in construction workers,2004,77,1,60-66,Gauchard Assessment of the risk of heat disorders encountered during work in hot conditions,2002,75,3,153-162,Holmer Unemployment and suicidal behaviour in perspective,1999,72,Suppl,S43-S45,van Heeringen The health impacts of heat waves in five regions of New South Wales Australia: a case-only analysis,2010,83,7,833-842,Dear Integrated preventive care coverage effectiveness in high-risk worksites in Mexico,2010,83,7,813-821,Rocha Road traffic noise around schools: a risk for pupil's performance?,1993,65,3,205-207,García Association between blood polychlorinated biphenyl concentration and serum triglyceride level in chronic "Yusho" (polychlorinated biphenyl poisoning) patients,1993,65,4,221-225,Tokunaga Factors affecting long-term sick leave in an industrial population,1994,66,4,279-282,Eyal The relations between work demands and health complaints in lorry drivers. A model tested by means of LISREL,1994,66,3,179-184,van der Beek Validity of a diary estimating exposure to tasks activities and postures of the trunk,1994,66,3,173-178,van der Beek Associations between psychological distress workplace accidents workplace failures and workplace successes,2010,83,8,923-933,Hilton The practice of occupational and environmental health in Belgium,1996,68,3,137-140,Lison Fatal work-related injuries in the U.S. chemical industry 1984-89,1996,68,6,425-428,Suruda An international registry for toxic inhalation and pulmonary edema: notes from work in progress,1996,68,6,380-386,Guidotti Work stress worries and pain interact synergistically with modelled traffic noise on cross-sectional associations with self-reported sleep problems,2011,84,2,211-224,Persson Hearing status after an industrial explosion: experience of the AZF explosion 21 September 2001 France,2008,81,4,409-414,Lang Occupation-specific screening for future sickness absence: criterion validity of the trucker strain monitor (TSM),2005,78,1,27-34,Frings-Dresen Benzene exposure in car mechanics and road tanker drivers,1998,71,4,277-283,Touron Heart rate metabolic and hormonal responses to maximal psycho-emotional and physical stress in motor car racing drivers,1987,59,6,579-604,Schwaberger Sister chromatid exchanges in human peripheral blood lymphocytes after ingestion of high doses of arsenicals,1996,68,5,342-344,Leonard Irregularity of working hours in railway workers and types of complaints,1994,65,6,367-371,Foret Hand-arm symptoms related to impact and nonimpact hand-held power tools,1997,69,4,282-288,Hagberg Arseniasis prevalence and mortality in a multiethnic endemic township in Guizhou China,2009,82,4,499-508,Golka Is there an increased risk of knee osteoarthritis among farmers? A population-based case-control study,2004,77,5,345-350,Holmberg Occupational health in Argentina,2000,73,5,285-289,Werner Occupational health in Australia,1998,71,6,363-371,Phoon Occupational health in Singapore,1998,71,5,295-301,Jeyaratnam Occupational toxicant inhalation injury: the World Trade Center (WTC) experience,2008,81,4,479-485,Herbert What is return to work? An investigation into the quantification of return to work,2011,84,6,675-682,Collie Cause-specific mortality in professional flight crew and air traffic control officers: Findings from two UK population-based cohorts of over 20000 subjects,2012,85,3,283-293,de Stavola The association between psychosocial work environment attitudes towards older workers (ageism) and planned retirement,2011,85,4,437-445,Rugulies The acute effects of experimental short-term evening and night shifts on human circadian rhythm: the oral temperature heart rate serum cortisol and urinary catecholamines levels,1992,63,6,409-418,Kurokawa Effects of noise on mental performance with regard to subjective noise sensitivity,1992,64,4,293-301,Rylander Lead exposure in indoor firing ranges,1992,64,4,219-221,Nilsson Human factors in firefighting: ergonomic- cardiopulmonary- and psychogenic stress-related issues,1992,64,1,1-12,Guidotti Vibration perception thresholds in workers exposed to vibration,1992,64,5,377-382,Virokannas Mandatory exercise and heart disease risk in fire fighters. A longitudinal study,1991,63,1,51-55,Green Activation behavior in a compensatory tracking task in relation to performance (author's transl),1976,36,3,183-195,Scheuch Phase shift in temperature rhythm after transmeridian flight as related to pre-flight phase angle,1979,42,3-4,149-157,Colquhoun Health effects of traffic noise,1980,47,2,179-190,Ising Blood biochemical and cellular changes during decompression and simulated extravehicular activity,1990,62,5,391-396,Waligora High pesticide exposure events and central nervous system function among pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study,2012,85,5,505-515,Lynch Assessment of physical and psychological strain during the climbing up of high broadcasting masts using physiological parameters,1982,50,3,237-244,Massmann Comparison of renal function and psychomotor performance in workers exposed to elemental mercury,1982,50,1,77-93,Bernard The New York City fire epidemic as a toxic phenomenon,1982,50,1,33-51,Wallace Carbon monoxide exposure and information processing during perceptual-motor performance,1983,51,4,355-363,Horvath Policemen's physical fitness in relation to the frequency of leisure-time physical exercise,1984,54,4,295-302,Louhevaara Effects of acute exposure of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone on psychomotor performance,1984,54,2,91-109,Putz-Anderson Adjustment of the oral temperature rhythm to a fixed watchkeeping system on board ship,1984,54,2,173-180,Condon Effects of low carbon monoxide concentrations on flicker fusion frequency and on subjective feelings (author's transl),1975,36,2,87-103,Weber Which subgroups of fire fighters are more prone to work-related diminished health requirements?,2012,85,7,775-782,Frings-Dresen Organizational factors associated with work-related sleep problems in a nationally representative sample of Korean workers,2013,86,2,211-222,Nakata Pesticide use and fatal injury among farmers in the Agricultural Health Study,2013,86,2,177-187,Sandler Working in permanent hypoxia for fire protection-impact on health,2003,76,2,87-102,Nowak Heat waves in Madrid 1986-1997: effects on the health of the elderly,2002,75,3,163-170,Otero Workdays in-between workdays and the weekend: a diary study on effort and recovery,2007,80,7,599-613,Taris Working conditions adverse events and mental health problems in a sample of 949 German teachers,2007,80,5,442-449,Wirsching The impact of bystanding to workplace bullying on symptoms of depression among women and men in industry in Sweden: an empirical and theoretical longitudinal study,2013,86,6,709-716,Emdad Prevalence and occupational predictors of psychological distress in the offshore petroleum industry: a prospective study,2013,86,8,875-885,Matthiesen Workplace bullying and sleep difficulties: a 2-year follow-up study,2014,87,3,285-294,Hansen Comment on "Can observations of workplace bullying really make you depressed? 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A response to Emdad et al,2013,86,6,717-721,Einarsen Prevalence and associated factors of depressive symptoms among Chinese male correctional officers,2014,87,4,387-395,Liu Impairing effects of noise in high and low noise sensitive persons working on different mental tasks,2009,82,6,779-785,Griefahn Motor nerve conduction velocity in volunteers ingesting inorganic lead for 49 days,1976,38,2,141-143,Verberk Biochemical response of male volunteers ingesting inorganic lead for 49 days,1976,38,2,129-139,Verberk Acute inhalation-intoxication by combustion of polyvinylchloride,1976,38,2,121-127,Colardyn An exploration of workplace social capital as an antecedent of occupational safety and health climate and outcomes in the Chinese education sector,2014,87,5,515-526,Leka A longitudinal electromyographic study of six men occupationally exposed to organophosphorus compounds,1977,38,4,221-229,Roberts The change in the amount of immunoglobulins as a response to stress experienced by soldiers on a peacekeeping mission,2014,87,6,615-622,Kvietkauskaite Medical risks in older pilots: A systematic review on incapacitation and age,2014,87,6,567-578,Nowak The association between heart rate variability reaction time and indicators of workplace fatigue in wildland firefighters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bredin Heart rate response to alarm tones in firefighters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ebersole Mortality gradient across the labour market core-periphery structure: a 13-year mortality follow-up study in north-eastern France,2013,87,7,725-733,Falissard IX. 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An analysis of register-based outcomes using pooled survey data from 24538 employees,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burr Workplace bullying mental distress and sickness absence: the protective role of social support,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielsen Can work-unit social capital buffer the association between workplace violence and long-term sickness absence? 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