Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Interpersonal violence aggression and antisocial behaviours in the adolescents,1999,66,4,589-602,Pratt Jatropha curcas - poisoning,2005,72,1,75-76,Kulkarni Parental awareness regarding childhood injuries,2004,71,2,125-128,Jyothi Accidental deaths at home in pediatric patients,1990,57,4,459-460,Vidyasagar Reactions of Indian adolescents to the 9/11 terrorist attacks,2005,72,3,217-221,Ray Spoke-wheel injuries,1987,54,2,251-256,Sankhala Adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder/learning disability and their proneness to accidents,2006,73,4,299-303,Brook Suicidal behaviors in adolescents,2006,73,9,783-788,Sidhartha Suicide among children and adolescents in South Delhi (1991-2000),2004,71,8,701-703,Lalwani Poisoning in children: Indian scenario,1998,65,3,365-370,Kumar Life on streets,2007,74,3,283-286,Tiwari Accidental deaths among children,1969,36,255,103-111,Saha Profile of childhood poisoning patients at a tertiary care centre in north India,2008,75,8,791-794,Kabra Opium as a fatal substance,2008,75,11,1125-1128,Ali Association between bullying victimization and physical fighting among Filipino adolescents: Results from the Global School-Based Health Survey,2008,75,12,1243-1247,Rudatsikira Post obstructive pulmonary edema in a child who attempted suicidal hanging,2008,75,10,1075-1077,Sinha The battered child,1968,35,246,365,Chandra Recognition of the entity "the battered child syndrome" in India,1972,39,289,58-62,Paul Suicide among children in Bangalore,1975,42,329,149-157,Sathyavathi Child-battering and the social order,1977,44,355,212-214,Amacher Poisoning,1991,58,4,431-438,Kissoon Environmental emergencies: burns major trauma and near drowning,1991,58,3,321-328,Kissoon Burns and scalds,1950,17,67,137-145,Ghose Diaphragmatic hernia following blunt trauma in a child,1970,37,275,620-622,Kumar Accidental poisoning in children,1967,34,228,17-22,Khanna Accidental poisoning in children in Jaipur (Rajasthan),1974,41,316,174-178,Saxena Closed pediatric head injury. A study of 100 cases,1971,38,285,385-388,Pendse Accidental kerosene poisoning in infants and children,1978,45,367,265-273,Santhanakrishnan A study of accidental poisoning in children in West Bengal,1977,44,356,278-283,Barat Accidents and poisoning in children with reference to data from India and Canada,1976,43,344,259-264,Chandra Dewali and fireworks safety: the role of the pediatricians,1989,56,5,572-573,Vidyasagar Poisoning in children,1987,54,5,769-773,Ramesh Experiences with accidental poisoning in children,1951,18,71,106-110,Sarma The young delinquent,1952,19,74,64-69,Mukherji Recreation and child health,1955,22,89,5-9,Kumar Accidental poisoning in childhood,1959,26,,220-226,Mukherji Fish egg poisoning: An unusual cause of respiratory paralysis,2010,77,4,462,Subramanian Head injuries in children resulting from the fall of television,2010,77,4,459-460,Suresh Post obstructive pulmonary edema following accidental strangulation,2010,77,5,584,Saha Multiple risks and early language development,2010,77,4,391-395,Malhi Nasopharyngeal bleeding due to leech bites in a 9-monthold infant,2010,77,5,573-574,Jafari Rouhi Acute iron poisoning,1967,34,233,218-219,Chandra Accidental poisoning in children with particular reference to castor beans,1966,33,223,237-240,Ingle Acute dapsone poisoning in a child,1967,34,237,367-371,Saxena Acute salt poisoning due to different oral rehydration solution (ORS) packet sizes,2010,77,6,679-680,Quereshi A social study of delinquent children,1968,35,246,331-333,Jain Accidental Inorganic Mercury Chloride Poisoning in a 2-Year Old Child,2010,77,10,1153-1155,Verma Reproductive health/family planning and the health of infants girls and women,1997,64,6,739-744,Sadik Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome following single wasp sting,2007,74,12,1111-1112,Srinivasan Burden Differentials and Causes of Child Deaths in India,2010,77,11,1312-1321,Lahariya Causes of Child Deaths in India 1985-2008: A Systematic Review of Literature,2010,77,11,1303-1311,Lahariya Stroke following a bicycle injury,2007,74,9,856-858,Gupta Mushroom poisoning,2007,74,9,847-852,Deveci Bullying Among School Children: Prevalence and Association with Common Symptoms in Childhood,2011,78,3,307-310,Kulkarni Clinical Profile of Somatoform Disorders in Children,2011,78,3,283-286,Gupta Epidemiology of Childhood Injuries in Rural Puducherry South India,2011,78,7,821-825,Mahalakshmy Prevalence of Peer Bullying in High School Students in Turkey and the Roles of Socio-Cultural and Demographic Factors in the Bullying Cycle,2011,78,8,987-992,Yazgan Mental health status of runaway adolescents,2004,71,5,405-409,Sharma Eating disorders,1998,65,4,487-494,Pratt Emergency management of the acutely poisoned child/adolescent,1990,57,2,223-234,Surpure Heat stroke--a probable cause of multiple fetal anomalies,1995,62,4,493-495,Mittal Effect of Parental Training in Managing the Behavioral Problems of Early Childhood,2011,78,8,973-978,Srivastava Gut prolapse into the perineum in a case of sexual assault,2009,76,6,653-654,Budhiraja Strangulation injury a fatal form of child abuse,2001,68,6,571-572,Singhi Nutritional neglect and physical abuse in children of alcoholics,2001,68,9,843-845,Rao Media violence,1999,66,4,603-612,Strasburger Medical evaluation of child abuse,1999,66,4,577-587,Patel No Guns at Children: Not Even a Toy One!,2011,78,12,1556-1557,Hon Sudden cardiac death in the young athlete,1999,66,1,1-5,Goble Agonal physiology and blood gas tensions,1972,39,295,259-263,Aldrich Poisoning in childhood,1972,39,292,158-164,Santhanakrishnan Fatal hepatitis due to phenylbutazone in a child,1973,40,307,293-294,Singh Paracetamol poisoning in children,1998,65,3,393-400,Lall Indian red scorpion envenoming,1998,65,3,383-391,Bawaskar Accidental pediatric poisoning--a preventable medical emergency,1998,65,3,363-364,Lall Pediatric head injury,1998,65,4,503-512,Tulipan Poisoning in children,1975,42,332,281-286,Purushothaman Head injury in children,1975,42,333,291-297,Devadiga Congenital indifference to pain,1998,65,5,755-757,Biswal Sports related mild traumatic brain injury in adolescents,2000,67,5,317-321,Patel Endosulfan Poisoning Resulting from Skin Exposure,2012,79,8,1104,Jindal Button battery ingestion,2005,72,2,173-174,Banerjee An analysis of 500 cases of head injury in children,1976,43,342,191-197,Ghooi Amitraz Poisoning,2013,80,4,349-350,Varma Unusual foreign bodies in nasopharynx and bronchus,2002,69,3,273-274,Gulia Incidence and Etiology of Acute Kidney Injury in Southern India,2013,80,3,183-189,Krishnamurthy Injury Prevention and Care : An Important Public Health Agenda for Health Survival and Safety of Children,2013,80,Suppl 1,S100-S108,Gururaj Childhood physical activity sports and exercise and noncommunicable disease: a special focus on India,2013,80,Suppl 1,S63-S70,Vaz Near fatal case of amlodipine poisoning in an infant,2013,80,6,513-515,Nimbalkar Common childhood poisonings and their outcome in a tertiary care center in Delhi,2013,80,6,516-518,Brata Ghosh Pediatric trauma--social awareness and rehabilitation measures,2006,73,11,1044,Pandey Domperidone disaster: need for a single formulation?,2013,80,7,615,Sanklecha Unusual presentation of sand aspiration in a 14-mo-old child,2013,80,9,786-788,Arun Babu Hepatomyoencephalopathy due to Cassia occidentalis poisoning,2013,80,12,1063-1064,Kumar Unusual tracheobronchial foreign bodies,2004,71,4,373-374,Shivakumar Correlates of sex initiation among school going adolescents in Pune India,2013,80,10,814-820,Sahay Psychological intervention for a child exposed to murder,2014,81,5,509-510,Srinath The abuse of rest,1966,33,225,360-362,Chandra Iragapyrin toxicity,1967,34,229,39-41,Ramakumar Internet Use and Risk Taking Behaviors Among Adolescents,2013,81,9,949,Kasi Karate related injury: Are we prepared?,2014,81,8,838-839,Nandi Straddle injuries in female children and adolescents: 10-year accident and management analysis,2014,81,8,766-769,Saxena Baygon (Propoxur) poisoning leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),2014,81,7,730-731,Kumar Suicidal behavior in anxiety disorders among adolescents in a rural community population in India,2013,80,Suppl 2,S175-S180,Russell Camphor poisoning: A rare but preventable cause of status epilepticus,2013,81,9,956,Marwah Neem oil poisoning as a cause of toxic encephalopathy in an infant,2014,81,9,955,Kumar Aggression in schools: psychosocial outcomes of bullying among Indian adolescents,2014,81,11,1171-1176,Malhi Accidental poisoning in childhood,1979,46,373,61-65,Bhandari Myocarditis from scorpion bite among children with review of the literature,1978,45,371,381-385,Madan Scorpion evenomation and the role of lytic cocktail in its management,1981,48,395,757-761,Srinivasan Dapsone-induced psychosis,1988,55,1,153-154,Bhatia Bullying in Indian school going adolescents,2014,81,11,1143-1144,Mehta Acute cyproheptadine poisoning,1989,56,4,521-523,Vikram Kumar Child abuse and neglect in India,2014,82,8,707-714,Seth Stress and coping among adolescents in selected schools in the capital city of India,2015,82,9,809-816,Sagar Sleep habits and sleep problems in healthy preschoolers,2015,82,7,606-611,Malhi Infantile status epilepticus and no evident history of exposure - can it still be organophosphate poisoning?,2015,82,12,1177-1178,Dubey Adolescents living with HIV in India - the clock is ticking,2012,79,12,1642-1647,Mothi Uttarakhand disaster 2013: a report on psychosocial adversities experienced by children and adolescents,2015,83,4,316-321,Math Imaging of abusive trauma,2016,83,6,578-588,Shekdar Evaluation of children with injuries around the knee,2016,83,8,844-851,Parikh Association of breakfast intake with psychiatric distress and violent behaviors in Iranian children and adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV study,2016,83,9,922-929,Motlagh Prevalence of sleep disorders among primary school children,2016,83,11,1232-1236,Dhyani Profile and risk factor analysis of unintentional injuries in children,2016,83,10,1114-1120,Bhamkar Child abuse in Northern Sri Lanka,2016,84,2,128-133,Sathiadas Sulfonylurea poisoning in a healthy toddler,2016,84,2,147-149,Singhi Incidence and impact of unintentional childhood injuries: a community based study in rural South India,2016,84,3,206-210,Rose Cyberbullying among Greek high school adolescents,2016,84,5,364-368,Gkiomisi Jatropha curcas-poisoning,2005,72,1,75-76,Kulkarni Intolerance and violence against doctors,2017,84,10,768-773,Singh Aggressive behavior in young children co-detained with imprisoned mothers,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarkar Effect of personal and school factors on juvenile delinquency,2018,85,7,569,Rathinabalan Health and welfare of women and child survival: a key to nation building,2018,85,7,523-527,Singh Accidental mechanical asphyxia from a window-blind cord,2018,85,12,1138,Yamamoto Carbon monoxide poisoning in a neonate,2019,86,8,754,Hussain Lightning injury in children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ratageri Dental trauma in children: a quick overview on management,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tewari Evaluation of Childhood Vaccine Refusal and Hesitancy Intentions in Turkey,2019,86,1,38-43,Orhon A qualitative exploration to understand the sexual behavior and needs of young adults: a study among college students of Pune India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yadav Ammonium dichromate poisoning,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumar Intentional self harm in children with autism,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malhi Clinical spectrum and outcome of poisoning,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiwari Acute kidney injury and encephalopathy in a child: diethylene glycol poisoning,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumar School bullying and association with somatic complaints in victimized children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malhi A curious case of attempted hanging in a 7-year-old girl,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Geeta School bullying: cause or consequence?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sagar School bullying and association with somatic complaints in 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Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome and dicarboxylic aciduria after quack prescriptions [letter],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,John Enrofloxacin poisoning: a rare occurrence in children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Angurana Acute mercury poisoning in young children: when to treat?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chandelia Acute thyroid hormone exposure in children: a national retrospective study using health data routinely collected by the French poison control centers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Labadie Pediatric depression and psychopharmacology,1999,66,4,613-620,Sitholey Eating disorders,1998,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pratt Mental health status of runaway adolescents,2004,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma Post obstructive pulmonary edema in a child who attempted suicidal hanging,2008,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kabra Pediatric depression and psychopharmacology,1999,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sitholey Poisoning in children: Indian scenario,1998,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garg Suicidal behaviors in adolescents,2006,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sidhartha Suicide among children and adolescents in South Delhi (1991-2000),2004,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lalwani Emergency management of the acutely poisoned child/adolescent,1990,ePub,ePub,ePub,Surpure