Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Malaysian government's road accident death reduction target for year 2010,2005,29,1,42-49,Radin Umar The risk of injury and vehicle damage severity in vehicle mismatched side impact crashes in British Columbia,2005,29,2,60-66,Desapriya Key components of a motorcycle traffic system: A study aong the Motorcycle Path in Malaysia,2005,29,1,50-56,Radin Umar Control of road accidents in Malysia,1989,13,1,25-30,Adnan Predictive models for road accidents at signalised intersections,1996,20,2,15-21,Affum Traffic systems and facilities for handicapped -- problems and improvements,1982,6,1,121-131,Akiyama Vehicle accessibility in Japan today and the outlook for the future,2001,25,1,42-50,Akiyama New media's impact on social life -- from resarch in the U.S.A. and France,1988,12,1,72-84,Akuto Aspects of speed in relation to traffic safety,1990,14,1,79-82,Allsop Advanced safety vehicles,1997,21,2,152-158,Aoki The IATSS symposium on traffic science 1980: Man and a high speed society,1981,5,1,49-51,Asai High school students and motorcycles -- Two schools of thought on traffic education,1983,7,1,106-114,Asai Drinking driving -- attitudes knowledge and behavior patterns of drivers,1989,13,2,7-14,Asai Car fatalities driver training and licensing in European countries: A comparative study,1999,23,1,6-15,Assailly Road accidents in Norway,2003,27,2,78-79,Assum Integrating simulators in motorcycle safety education,1999,23,1,26-35,Awane Shinjuku Family Town Project -- Problems and future traffic measures,1984,8,1,52-59,Azeyanagi A model for forcasting vehicle ownership in Saudi Arabia,1992,16,1,74-75,Bener Road traffic fatalities in Saudi Arabia,1991,15,1,35-38,Bener How to substitute short car trips by cycling and walking,1999,23,2,26-35,Bernhoft Traffic safety on motorways,1995,19,1,62-68,Berns Road risk production: A social analysis through mobility attitude reported behaviour and accident data,1996,20,2,53-59,Biecheler The Munich car traffic reduction concept,1995,19,2,20-25,Bieling Cellular mobile radio communications -- current status and future prospect,1987,11,1,14-51,Birade Pre-hospital emergency care in Sweden with special emphasis on care of traffic victims,2004,28,2,24-31,Bjornstig Injury events among bus and coach occupants: Non-crash injuries as important as crash injuries,2005,29,1,79-87,Falkmer National and local road safety policies in France -- conditions and perspectives,1990,14,2,16-24,Fleury A German example for integrated traffic and transport systems at Darnstadt University of Technology,2003,27,1,19-32,Boltze What will be the European traffic transportation 1992? The influence of single market consolidation,1989,13,2,64-68,Bonnafous Road accidents in South Africa: 1990-2003,2004,28,2,78-79,Botha TDM trends in Europe,1998,22,1,14-24,Bradshaw Institut fur Zweirdsicherheit: elements of its motorcycle safety work,1995,19,1,43-50,Brendicke Approaches to enhance motorcycle safety,1995,19,1,7-17,Breuer SAVE: System for detection of driver impairment and emergency handling,1998,22,2,37-42,Peters Road accidents in Great Britain since 1965,1987,11,1,92-93,Broughton Road accidents in Great Britain since 1975,1997,21,2,161-163,Broughton Conflicts between mobility safety and environmental preservation expressed as a hierarchy of social dilemmas,1992,16,2,124-128,Brown A down-to-earth view of proposals for a grand unification of traffic sciences (GUTS),1990,14,1,109-111,Brown Traffic safety in Germany after reunification,1994,18,1,76-79,Bruhning Road accidents in Poland,2005,29,1,102-105,Buttler Safety versus mobility,1992,16,2,149-156,Campbell Road accidents in Turkey,1996,20,1,166-167,Cengiz Road accidents in Singapore,1988,12,1,88-89,Cha Comprehansive evaluation of traditional techniques and proposal of a new method for identifying hazardous locations,1997,21,2,143-151,Chen American research in intelligent vehicle-hiway systems -- an overview,1991,15,1,49-55,Chen Road accidents in Korea,1988,12,2,78-79,Cho Ageing and driving -- decreasing mental and physical abilities and increasing compensatory abilities?,1996,20,2,43-52,Christ Road accidents in Spain,2003,27,2,80-81,Colas Pozuelo Road freight transport and the single European market,1992,16,1,53-59,Cooper Accidents on pedestrian crossings in Hong Kong,1993,17,1,33-42,Craddock Cognitive capacity and concurrent driving performance in older drivers,1996,20,1,38-45,Cushman Implications in the design and implementation of the Metro Manila LRT Network,1990,14,2,33-41,Dans The Channel Tunnel: reflections on transportation concepts and policies,1988,12,2,66-74,Davidson Traffic safety and driver education in San Juan Argentina,2000,24,1,60-68,de Cieza Cognitive style and driving skills in adulthood: Implications for licensing of older drivers,1999,23,1,42-57,Demick Alcohol related traffic safety legislation: Where do we stand today?,2002,26,2,76-83,Iwase The injury severity rate differences in passenger cars and pick up trucks related two vehicle involved motor vehicle crashes in British Columbia Canada,2004,28,2,42-47,Desapriya The risk of injury and vehicle damage severity in vehicle mismatched side impact crashes in British Colombia,2005,29,2,60-66,Desapriya Road accidents in People's Republic of China,1999,23,2,114-115,Dianpin Traffic control device comprehension: Differences between domestic and international drivers in the USA,2001,25,2,80-87,Dissanayake Driver age differences in day and night gap acceptance capabilities,2002,26,1,71-79,Dissanayake Comparison of severity affecting factors between young and older drivers involved in single vehicle crashes,2004,28,2,48-54,Dissanayake Stochastic pattern of traffic accidents in Bandung City,2002,26,2,85-91,Djauhari Safe Mobility for senior citizens,1996,20,1,29-37,Eberhard Spatial nested scales for road accidents in the periphery of Brussels,2005,29,1,66-78,Eckhardt Road accidents in Australia,1998,22,2,122-123,Edgar Road safety in Germany,2001,25,2,90-92,Elsner Interdisciplinary approach to transportation safety,1977,1,1,108-113,Emori Thoughts on the possibility of a grand unification of traffic science,1990,14,1,112-115,Evans A questionnaire-based survey on road vehicle travel habits of children with disabilities,2001,25,1,32-41,Falkmer The present conditions and characteristics of road traffic in China and the measures which have been adopted,1988,12,2,34-41,Fang Accident analysis methodology,1990,14,1,33-56,ISIRT Round Table Effects of speed,1990,14,1,57-82,ISIRT Round Table Behavioural change,1990,14,1,83-106,ISIRT Round Table Accident analysis methods and research prospects,1990,14,1,43-49,Fleury Road accidents in France,1990,14,2,68-69,Gourlet Managing risks and liabilities in the highways and transport sector,2000,24,2,28-33,Forman The economic control of urban transport demand,1991,15,1,27-32,Frybourg Investigating the adjustment factor for protected left turns from a shared lane,2004,28,1,95-100,Golias Circumstances in which people reduce car ownership -- a comparative analysis of three panel data sets,1988,12,2,60-65,Goodwin Driver training and licensing: Current situation in Sweden,1999,23,1,67-77,Gregersen Road accidents in Denmark,2000,24,1,78-80,Greibe The relationship between training practice and license requirements,1999,23,1,58-66,Groeger Motorcycle-propelled public transport and local policy development: The case of tricycles and habal-habal in Davao City Phillippines,2004,28,1,56-66,Guillen Road safety in Northern Ireland,2002,26,2,115-117,Gunay Traffic accident prevention and reduction: review of strategies,1996,20,2,6-14,Gunnarsson Studies in travel behaviour and mobility management need a special scientific discipline: Mobilistics,2000,24,1,69-75,Gunnarsson Road accidents in Canada,1991,15,1,66-67,Gutoskie Road safety in Canada,2001,25,1,74-76,Gutoskie Motorcycle braking -- a 'gap' between technology and rider?,1995,19,1,18-26,Hagstotz International Cooperation in traffic safety,1987,11,1,11-17,Haight The future of mobilit -- an optimistic view,1992,16,2,175-178,Haight Research on older drivers: a review,1996,20,1,91-101,Hakamies-Blomqvist Road safety in Israel,2001,25,2,93-95,Hakkert Safety and speed: A systems view of determinants and control measures,1990,14,1,59-65,Hale Policies for controlling air pollution from road traffic,1988,12,1,54-60,Hamanaka How can we make car dependent adults manage their car usage,1994,18,2,22-30,Harata Toward effective TDM through partnership in Japan,1998,22,1,40-47,Harata Experimental studies of deal-task performance in a driving simulator -- the relationship between task demands and subjects general performance,1992,16,1,35-41,Harms Motorcycle crash prediction models for non-signalized intersections,2003,27,2,58-65,Radin Umar How unsafe and how much safer (part 1),1989,13,1,17-24,Hauer How unsafe and how much safer (part 2),1990,14,2,7-15,Hauer Road freight transport policy in Japan with special reference to economic deregulation,1995,19,1,74-82,Hayashi Behavioural changes in the context of traffic safety,1990,14,1,85-88,Heinrich Road safety resarch in Germany,1994,18,2,15-20,Heinrich Fashion and transportation,1979,3,1,41-47,Hirano Driver feeling relative to vehicle handling,1988,12,1,45-53,Hiromatsu Restructuring of the Japanese National Railways into Japan Railways,1988,12,1,61-71,Hirooka Framework of tailormade driving support systems and neural network driver model,2004,28,1,108-114,Hirose Basic study on tailormade braking support system,2004,28,2,68-75,Hirose Speed regulation by in-car active accelerator pedal: Effects on speed and speed distribution,2002,26,2,60-66,Hjalmdahl Effects of driving style on headway preference and acceptance of an adaptive cruise control (ACC),1998,22,2,29-36,Brookhuis Road accidents in Hungary,2002,26,1,82-85,Hollo Some problems on traffic accidents analysis,1981,5,1,60-69,Horiuchi Use of studless tires and driver education in Japan,1989,13,1,7-16,Horiuchi The case studies of the traffic assessment using 'AVENUE',1994,18,2,76-79,Horiuchi OECD's international emphasis -- research on road traffic safety,1988,12,2,13-18,Horn Joint international traffic safety research: an important step forward,1994,18,1,40-49,Horn Fighting traffic congestion: An agenda for the future,1995,19,2,6-15,Horn Licensing and training of truck drivers: New and continuing challenges,1999,23,1,16-25,Horn Traffic safety and environment -- conflict or integration,2000,24,1,21-29,Horn Improvement of traffic safety by road-vehicle cooperative smart cruise systems,2000,24,2,34-42,Hosaka A profile of occupational therapists as driving instructors and evaluators for elderly drivers,1996,20,1,46-47,Hunt Key components of a motorcycle-traffic system: A study along the motorcycle path in Malaysia,2005,29,1,50-56,Radin Umar Road accidents in Taiwan,1996,20,2,116-117,Hwang Evaluation of legislation on seat belt use on rear seats: social persuasion as a new measure to promote seat belt use,1994,18,2,72-75,Hway-Liem Accident analysis methodology,1990,14,1,55-56,Hyden Conception of establishing educational institutions to train traffic specialists,1979,3,1,3-13,IATSS 004 Project Team Environmental influence on driving behavior,1982,6,1,3-13,IATSS 423 Project Team Roadscape -- The analysis of visual-perception mechanism,1983,7,1,3-14,IATSS 423 Project Team Safety in automobile-relying society,1983,7,1,15-23,IATSS 525 Project Team Safety in automobile-relying society,1985,9,1,3-10,IATSS 525 Project Team An ex post facto evaluation of Sukiya-bashi intersection -- A study of large scramble intersection part II,1982,6,1,14-27,IATSS 526 Project Team The substitution and complementary relationships between traffic and communication,1983,7,1,24-29,IATSS 633 Project Team Automobile traffic in an aging society,1985,9,1,33-41,IATSS 738 Project Team Living environment and design of "Woonerf" -- Tokyu Dwell Okegawa Village,1984,8,1,40-51,Tanaka Potential of regional goods transport collaboration toward sustainable urban development,1995,19,2,79-86,Ieda Traffic management system against major earthquakes,2000,24,2,6-17,Iida Mobility for all: Towards barrier-free environment in Yogyakarta Indonesia,2001,25,1,23-31,Ikaputra The effect of cellular phone use on driving performance,2001,25,2,6-14,Ishida The mobility of the blind in Japan -- to create a safe and comfortable society for blind people,1982,6,1,110-120,Ishii The role of National Police Agency in road traffic administration in Japan,1989,13,2,69-79,Ishikawa Visual distraction while driving: trends in research and standardization,2001,25,2,20-28,Atsumi The contribution of public interest research to transportation policy -- Seen in the activities of the Institute for Transport Policy Studies,2003,27,1,6-18,Itoh A chronology of the traffic history of Japan (1926-1975),1979,3,1,108-131,Iwabuchi One step further from 3-Nai Undo (The 3-No Movement),1983,7,1,89-97,Iwabuchi Child casualties before and after enactment of child restraint seats (CRS) legislation in Japan,2003,27,2,73-76,Iwase An investigation into fatal accidents and their prediction,1990,14,2,25-30,Jadaan Road transport priorities in adapting from planned to market economies,1993,17,2,74-83,Jenkens Effects of speed,1990,14,1,76-78,Johansson Transportation research contributions to society by university transportation centers,2003,27,1,33-41,Johns Research policy-making and intervention programming in injury prevention: A classic case of sub-optimisation,2003,27,1,58-65,Johnson The future of the automobile revisited -- observations on over capacity and technology in the 1990s,1988,12,2,53-59,Jones Road accidents in New Zealand,1996,20,1,168-169,Jones The relationship between rider and two-wheeled vehicle: a view to handling and safety,1995,19,1,37-42,Kageyama General evaluation of traffic accident countermeasures,1979,3,1,57-70,Kakumoto HMI aspects of the usability of Internet services with an in-car terminal on a driving simulator,2001,25,2,29-39,Kamp Pedestrian safety problems and implementation of countermeasures,1999,23,2,15-25,Kanellaidis Changes in speed and safety by automated speed enforcement systems,2002,26,2,38-44,Kang An investigation on fatal road accidents - Malaysia,1995,19,1,69-72,Karim Road accidents in Finland,2003,27,1,88-90,Katila An international comparative perspective on motorisation in urban China: Problems and prospects,2002,26,2,99-109,Kenworthy Is increasing automobile dependence inevitable in booming economies? Asian cities in an international context,1995,19,2,58-67,Kenworthy New drivers' assessment of risks and driving skills in Japan: the effects of sex age and learning environment,1994,18,1,16-22,Katila Driver training in Finland,1999,23,1,78-84,Katila Transport scenario of remote offshore islands of Bangladesh: Cases of Hatiya and Swandip,1999,23,1,102-114,Khondoker A comparative analysis of incident service time on urban freeways,2001,25,1,62-72,Kim An evaluation of congestion pricing policy in Seoul: a case study,1997,21,1,90-96,Oh An evaluation model of the level of emergency medical service in sparsley populated areas,2004,28,2,13-23,Kita Religion and changes in transportation,1986,10,1,24-30,Kitami Drugs and traffic safety -- some basic reflections,1988,12,1,24-32,Klebelsberg Road accidents in Australia,2004,28,1,116-118,Klemenjak Transportation engineering and urban transport in Czechoslovakia,1989,13,2,43-52,Klofac Automobile safety devices and drivers' offsetting behavior,1998,22,2,94-102,Kobayashi Driver behavior and accident characteristics of the elderly drivers in Japan,1984,8,1,83-91,Kobayashi Elderly drivers and their transport environment,1987,11,1,79-88,Kobayashi The Singapore Safety Driving Center (SSDC) -- an example of Japan - Singapore cooperation in driver training,1989,13,1,39-50,Kobayashi A follow-up study on fatality rates: a comparison between the number of accident fatalities occurring within and after a 24 hours period,1990,14,2,54-59,Kobayashi Road transport and risk,1994,18,1,6-15,Kobayashi Environmental countermeasures for safe traffic in the tunnels,1985,9,1,57-65,Kondo Tapping the potential of ITS for greater pedestrian safety,1998,22,2,54-55,Konheim The evolution of road safety and mobility,1992,16,2,129-148,Koornstra The nature and process of interdisciplinary research,1977,1,1,118-121,Koshi Effects of speed limit alterations on road safety,1981,5,1,6-15,Koshi Outline on the symposium on the future course of traffic safety developments,1984,8,1,14-17,Koshi Traffic flow phenomena in expressway tunnels,1985,9,1,50-56,Koshi Major tasks for the future of road transport in Japan,1989,13,1,70-78,Koshi Explanation of and countermeasures against traffic congestion,1989,13,2,53-63,Koshi Road transport problems in urban areas and future perspectives in Japan,1991,15,1,7-13,Koshi Present conditions and problems of road safety in the Federal Republic of Germany from the viewpoint of human sciences,1987,11,1,18-28,Krol Seat belt use among car users in Malaysia,2004,28,1,19-25,Radin Umar Travel demand management in Seoul Korea,1998,22,1,33-39,Kum Road accidents in Japan,1997,21,2,160-161,Kurauchi Report on the 11th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory,1990,14,2,60-62,Kuwahara Road accidents in Australia,1988,12,2,76-77,Lay Eye movements in actual and simulated curve negotiation tasks,1992,16,1,15-26,Laya Road accidents in Korea,1998,22,2,124-125,Lee The Kansas Universiity Transportation Center (KUTC): Its societal roles,2003,27,1,42-47,Lee Pedestrians safety in Korea: its characteristics and road safety measures,1994,18,1,23-30,Lee Road accidents in Singapore,1998,22,1,90-93,Lim Driver's license system improvement effect in Korea,1999,23,1,85-92,Lim Transportation cost analysis for sustainability,1995,19,2,68-78,Litman Road traffic accident trend in Hong Kong in the past decade,2004,28,2,80-82,Lo Road accidents and the Netherlands,1992,16,1,80-81,Lourens A procedure developed to prioritize roadway intersections for safety and traffic improvements,1998,22,2,67-78,Lu The differences of driving behavior among different driver age groups at signalized intersections,2000,24,2,75-84,Lu Towards a unified traffic science,1990,14,1,19-26,Mackay Sustainable vehicles for the 21st Century: beginning the transition to electric and hydrogen vehicles,1994,18,2,64-70,Mackenzie Road accidents in Bangladesh,2005,29,2,71-73,Maniruzzaman The effects of sex accident type and car characteristics among elderly drivers in Finland,1998,22,2,58-66,Mannan Bicycle development policy under mixed traffic environment of China,1999,23,2,62-69,Xu Sustainability assessment of speed regulation of urban traffic,2002,26,2,18-24,Chen Road accidents in Portugal,2000,24,2,100-101,Margarida Speed and car traffic regulation in urban areas: The case of Paris,2003,27,2,46-55,Massot A comparative study of the environmental impacts of transport policies in the Netherlands and Greece,1995,19,1,92-98,Matsoukis A comparative study on the implementation of transportation demand management: Florida and Japan,1995,19,2,36-46,Matsumoto Trends in fatal accidents in Japan,1994,18,1,31-39,Matsuura Demand management for urban road traffic in the United Kingdom -- towards a sustainable transport policy for urban areas,1991,15,1,14-26,Roberts Hazard perception and its relevance for driver licensing,1999,23,1,36-41,Horswill Development and evaluation of measures to reduce the accident risk of elderly road users,1996,20,1,83-90,Michalik On the multidisciplinary dynamics of trffic science,1987,11,1,31-40,Michon The need for a unification in traffic science,1990,14,1,12-16,Michon Road accidents in the Czech Republic,1999,23,1,132-134,Mikulik Effective traffic accident prevention through education and mandatory driver training,1996,20,2,110-114,Minja Report on the 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology,1990,14,2,63-66,Miura Some issues on visual information acquisition and attention in driving,1992,16,1,7-8,Miura Visual search in intersections -- an underlying mechanism,1992,16,1,42-50,Miura Pedestrian roads and their pavements,1982,6,1,49-59,Uchida The IATSS symposium on traffic science 1978 -- mobility for man and society,1979,3,1,22-40,Miyakawa An on-site study of guide sign effectiveness,1981,5,1,16-26,Kobayashi Urban space and mobility -- practicable solutions for better towns,1985,9,1,42-49,Miyakawa Pedestrian movement patterns and street furniture,1985,9,1,70-82,Miyazawa A pessimistic view,1992,16,2,172-174,Mohan Road accidents in India,1999,23,1,130-131,Mohan Mobility environment and safety in megacities: Dealing with a complex future,2000,24,1,39-46,Mohan State of art of urban transport in Hungary,1989,13,2,32-42,Monigl Symposium "The traffic dilemma",1979,3,1,14-21,Morita Road accidents in German Democratic Republic,1990,14,2,70-71,Muller Control and stability of single-track vehicles,1983,7,1,98-105,Nagae New experiment in driver's education,1985,9,1,83-91,Nagae Progress of TDM and the role of the social experiemnt in the transportation policy of a local major city: a case study of Utsunomiya City,1998,22,1,69-81,Nagai Are licensed drivers 'perfect drivers'? Getting a driver's license and driver training: current situation in Japan,1999,23,1,93-99,Nagatsuka Characteristics of today's youths as indicated by their inclinations for vehicles -- An interim report,1977,1,1,23-41,Suzumura Bosozoku (hot rodders' clan) and car-oriented youth,1981,5,1,3-5,Suzumura An analysis of accidents involving motorcycles and suggestions for drivers' education,1984,8,1,28-39,Nagayama Present conditions and problems of traffic safety education in Japan,1988,12,1,13-23,Nagayama International comparison of traffic behavior and perceptions of traffic,1989,13,1,61-69,Nagayama The effects of information and education on traffic accident decrease behavioral change and attitude change,1990,14,1,89-99,Nagayama Study on traffic safety measures for elderly pedestrians and cyclists: The difference in having a driver's license or not,1996,20,1,12-20,Nagayama Shortcomings in road accident data in developing countries identification and correction: A case study,2000,24,2,66-74,Naji Scientific theory and practical experience,1990,14,1,100-101,Nakagawa Rear lights and visual reaction: the process of close-up phenomenon between vehicles,1981,5,1,39-48,Suzumura Characteristics of visual reaction to dynamic environment -- the proper distance between cars,1982,6,1,28-36,Suzumura Holiday traffic activities and problems on planning procedure for recreational roads in Japan,1994,18,2,53-63,Nakamura A theory of sociability for coordinating townscape planning and design proceedures,1987,11,1,52-61,Nakamura Road accidents in metropolitan Dhaka Bangladesh,1999,23,2,90-98,Nannan Motor vehicle accidents in the United States,1988,12,1,86-87,Nash History of sidewalks and Japan -- a study on transition of the structural standard,1982,6,1,37-48,Niitani New issues in urban traffic planning,1991,15,1,56-61,Nijkamp Metropolitan transport networks: the case of Randstad Holland,1994,18,1,52-61,Nijkamp Telematics and transport: Towards a market orientation,1996,20,2,76-83,Nijkamp Traffic accidents in 1999 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,2001,25,1,77-79,Nilles Road accidents in Sweden,1996,20,2,118-119,Nilsson Road traffic accident analysis and safety program for the elderly considering birth cohort,1996,20,2,37-42,Nishida Stability controllability and safety,1995,19,1,27-36,Nishimi Basic research on rear-end collisions,1979,3,1,94-107,Nishimura An experimental study on the safety behavior of children in a dashing out situation -- effects of verbal instructions and traffic conditions on safety behavior,1991,15,1,39-46,Nishioka Traffic safety education for senior citizens in Japan,1995,19,1,52-61,Nishiyama Implications of visual perception and road traffic safety,1977,1,1,81-90,Noguchi In search of the 'optimum' speed: From the user's viewpoint,1990,14,1,66-75,Noguchi A review of the impact of medical care and technology in reducing traffic fatalities,2004,28,2,6-12,Noland Air traffic safety and airport runway capacity,1993,17,1,72-79,Noritake Towards process-oriented requirements for ITS safety assurance,1998,22,2,23-28,Noy Situational factors contributing to the expression of aggression on the roads,2004,28,1,101-107,Tay Towards financing and planning road safety audit operations in Nigeria,2000,24,2,85-96,Odeleye Speed policy in the Netherlands and speed management research at the SWOV,1996,20,2,30-36,Oei Intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) and road safety,2002,26,2,45-51,Polak Present status and approach of transport policy for the elderly in Japan,1984,8,1,92-101,Ohta TDM measures toward a sustainable mobility,1998,22,1,6-13,Ohta Human response under strong seismic activity,1983,7,1,58-70,Ohta A study of a large scramble intersection: An interdisciplinary approach to the Sukiya-bashi intersection,1977,1,1,42-71,Koshi Analysis of the safety of traffic from the structural standpoint,1977,1,1,72-80,Okada Discussion on accident analysis methodology,1990,14,1,50-54,Oppe Road accidents and safety policy in France,2000,24,2,98-99,Orfeuil TDM trends in the United States,1998,22,1,25-32,Orski Distance headway behavior between vehicles from the viewpoint of proxemics,1994,18,2,5-14,Ota Older drivers' safety in age-heterogeneous driving contexts,1996,20,1,6-11,Ota Selective visual degredation and the older driver,1996,20,1,57-66,Owens Elderly drivers and safety when using information technology systems,1996,20,1,102-110,Oxley The role of informatics in future freight transport,1992,16,1,60-72,Pabbe-Costes Investigating the characteristics of non-motorized public transport services: a case study of Yogyakarta Indonesia,1999,23,2,78-87,Pariksit A policy perspective for sustainable cities: non-motorized transport (NMT) in Asia,1999,23,2,51-61,Pendakur Adaptation evaluation: An adaptive cruise control system used by drivers with lower limb disabilities,2001,25,1,51-60,Peters International harmonization of safety regulations relating to the construction of road vehicles,1988,12,2,7-12,Phelps Cultural barriers to bicycle use in west African cities - the case of Bamako and Ouagadougou,1999,23,2,43-50,Pochet Evaluation traffic safety in Poland as compared with backgrounds of other countries,1989,13,1,31-38,Podkowicz The contribution of pavement skidding resistance to traffic accident prevention,1988,12,2,42-50,Powell The influence of driver's sex on driving behavior: an analysis of drivers who cause road accidents,1994,18,1,80-81,Putignano Road accidents in Italy,1997,21,1,110-111,Putignano Social costs of road accidents: Italian case study,1999,23,2,99-108,Putignano A decision-making model for a strategic approach towards bus transit planning and management: Bankok case study,1994,18,2,31-40,Quium Preliminary analysis of exclusive motorcycle lanes along the Federal Highway F02 Shah Alam Malaysia,1995,19,2,93-99,Radin Umar Updates of road safety status in Malaysia,2005,29,1,106-108,Radin Umar Effects of rickshaws and auto-rickshaws on the capacity of urban signalized intersections,2004,28,1,26-33,Rahman Improving circuity and traffic safety in urban roadway network: Using the multiple loop systems - conceptual formulation,1996,20,1,142-152,Raswant The extent of illegal overtaking in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia,2004,28,1,82-88,Ratrout Some implications of motion perception: evidence and theory for road accidents,1992,16,1,9-14,Reinhardt-Rutland Drivers' hazard and risk perception confidence in safe driving and choice of speed,1998,22,2,103-110,Renge Pros and Cons of Speed limits on German Motorways,1988,12,2,29-33,Retzko A scenerio of traffic and transport in German cities for the year 2010,1995,19,2,16-19,Retzko Road accidents in Brazil,2005,29,2,68-70,Ribeiro An approach to urban transportation planning: California's congestion management policy,1995,19,2,26-35,Rothblatt Controlling the consequences of mobility,1992,16,2,158-161,Rothengatter The effects of media messages police enforcement and road design measures on speed choice,1997,21,1,80-87,Rothengatter Behaviour change on the road: The unification of Platonian Draconian and Pentagonian measures,1990,14,1,102-105,Rothengatter Road accidents in the Netherlands,2002,26,2,112-114,van Schagen The impossibility of a unified traffic science,1990,14,1,27-31,Rumar Accident analysis methodology,1990,14,1,35-42,Sabey A survey of town planning and transportation in the German Democratic Republic,1987,11,1,69-78,Saits Bicycle safety: sustaining mobility and environment,1993,17,2,60-66,Salifu Urban pedestrian accidents in Ghana,1996,20,1,131-139,Salifu Introduction to driver training and licensing in Ghana,1997,21,1,104-105,Salifu Accident prediction models for unsignalised urban junctions in Ghana,2004,28,1,68-81,Salifu Road accidents in Finland,1992,16,2,184-185,Salusjarvi Road accidents in Switzerland,2003,27,1,86-87,Salvisberg Problems of visual elements and urban space,1979,3,1,48-56,Sato Assessing senior drivers' performances with critical driving incidents,1996,20,1,48-56,Schiff Transportation for the elderly: towards a user-friendly combination of private and public transport,1996,20,1,75-82,Trankle Road safety education at schools in Germany,1997,21,2,109-118,Schriever Impacts of progressive signal systems with low progression speed on traffic safety and the urban traffic flow,1996,20,2,92-99,Schuster The role of road transport in a broader environmental perspective,1992,15,2,17-40,Second ISIRT Round Table Regional views of road transport and environment,1992,15,2,41-68,Second ISIRT Round Table Analysis and identification of present and future environmental problems in road transport,1992,15,2,69-94,Second ISIRT Round Table Road traffic environment countermeasures,1992,15,2,95-140,Second ISIRT Round Table Safety plus mobility -- a goal impacted by technology and the political process,1988,12,1,7-12,Segel Improving road environments for the aging society,1996,20,1,21-28,Seo General trends of ITS in the world: Key technology to improve traffic safety,1998,22,2,7-22,Shibata A macroscopic risk assessment method for railway systems,1997,21,2,126-133,Shimaura Present condition and outlook of drivers education at driving schools,1985,9,1,92-101,Shimizu Marking for the elderly driver in Japan -- background experiment and analysis,1989,13,2,15-20,Shimizu Advanced vehicle control and safety systems,1997,21,2,40-48,Shladover Travel in Japan: its origins and history,1977,1,1,101-107,Sofue Distribution of eye-fixations driving -- effects of road characteristics and driving speed as assessed by two eye-movements registration devices,1992,16,1,27-34,Spijkers Mobility and accessibility for elderly and disabled people in Sweden,1992,16,2,80-97,Stahl Changing attitudes of speed-limit offenders using a multimedia program,2002,26,2,67-73,Brookhuis Motor traffic in snowy districts -- Studded tire problem,1983,7,1,71-80,Sugawara Application of an equilibrium model to short-term traffic policy evaluation,1981,5,1,81-90,Sugie The problems and improvement of traffic congestion in the Tokyo capital region,1988,12,1,35-44,Sugiyama Risk management in a large-scale new railway transport system project: Evaluation of Korean high-speed railway experience,2000,24,2,53-63,Suh Research into raising the maximum speed limit for light motor vehicles and motorcycles on national expressways,2002,26,2,25-37,Sumida Ergonomics of road transport,1997,21,2,49-57,Summala Road accidents in Indonesia,1999,23,2,110-113,Sutomo Traffic and communication: their relationship and prospects -- a report on the 7th IATSS Domestic Symposium,1983,7,1,30-37,Suzuki Results of a questionnaire survey on the concept concerning the relationships between man and space,1983,7,1,45-49,Suzuki Future aims of traffic control,1986,10,1,43-51,Takaba The influence of restructuring the goods movement system on transportation demand management (TDM),1998,22,1,59-68,Takada Safety considerations in designing automobile suspension,1988,12,2,191-128,Takeda Road accidents in Japan,1987,11,1,90-91,Takita Psychological studies in bosozoku -- An interim report,1977,1,1,3-22,Noguchi The development of the Real Time Integrated Traffic Information System (RITIS) for Indonesia,2001,25,2,66-79,Tamin Bangkok traffic,1993,17,1,14-23,Tanaboriboon Analysis of traffic accidents through hospital's trauma registry records: Case study of Khon Kaen Thailand,1999,23,1,115-124,Suriyawongpaisal Road accidents in Thailand: Changes over the past decade,2004,28,1,119-122,Tanaboriboon Traffic accidents in Thailand,2005,29,1,88-100,Tanaboriboon An advanced method of identifying hazardous locations,1996,20,2,22-29,Tarko Tin cans or assault vehicles? The role of crashworthiness and non-aggressiveness in vehicle safety design promotion and regulation,2002,26,2,92-98,Tay Personality and speeding: Some policy implications,2003,27,1,68-74,Tay Driver inattention: drivers' perception of risks and compensating behaviours,2004,28,1,89-94,Tay Development and structuring of inter-city buses in Japan,1994,18,2,41-52,Terada Countermeasures to limit the conflict between mobility safety and environment,1992,16,2,162-166,Texier Passenger transport,1992,16,2,17-48,Third ISIRT Round Table Freight transport,1992,16,2,49-78,Third ISIRT Round Table Quality of mobility,1992,16,2,79-104,Third ISIRT Round Table Impact of new information technologies,1992,16,2,105-122,Third ISIRT Round Table Conflicts between mobility safety and environment,1992,16,2,123-156,Third ISIRT Round Table Countermeasures to limit the conflict between mobility safety and environment,1992,16,2,157-170,Third ISIRT Round Table Road accidents in Switzerland,1992,16,2,182-183,Thoma Road accidents in Belgium,1992,16,1,78-79,Thomas Difficulties in studying spatial aspects of road safety the example of accidents at intersections,1993,17,2,67-72,Thomas A review of road safety research on children as pedestrians: How far can we go towards improving their safety?,1996,20,2,69-74,Tight Planning for non-motorized traffic: a prerequisite for sustainable transport system,1999,23,2,70-77,Tiwari Road and urban transportation in Bulgaria,1990,14,2,42-53,Todorov Road transport barriers encountered by people with travel difficulties in Japan,2001,25,1,12-22,Tokuda Motorcycle safety in the near future (editorial),1995,19,1,6-6,Tomita Issues and recent trends in vehicle safety communication systems,2005,29,1,7-15,Tsugawa On the methodology of the interdisciplinary approach,1977,1,1,114-117,Tsujimura Regional cultural characteristics and driving behavior -- indexing of a social speed,1981,5,1,27-38,Morita A note on the interdisciplinary study in transportation research,1981,5,1,52-59,Tsukio An experimental study on the acoustic guidance system for blind persons walking,1981,5,1,91-100,Inoue A report on the IATSS Symposium on Traffic Science 1982: Man and Space,1983,7,1,38-44,Tsukio Driving behavior and safety measures of the aged,1984,8,1,18-27,Suzumura Transportation on mainland Okinawa,1979,3,1,71-81,Uyema Road accident models for large metropolitan cities of India,2005,29,1,57-65,Valli Mobility transportation and development,1987,11,1,62-68,Van Gent Factors influencing the occurrence and outcome of car rear-end collisions: The problem of whiplash injury in the Netherlands,2000,24,2,43-52,van Kampen Managing road transport risks: sustainable safety in the Netherlands,2000,24,2,18-27,van Schagen Community cycling accessibility initiative - enhancing cycling to decrease auto dependency,1999,23,2,36-42,Vanek Dynamic speed adaptation in adverse conditions: A system proposal,2002,26,2,52-59,Varhelyi Road accidents in the Philippines,2000,24,1,81-83,Villoria Countermeasures for securing the wintertime traffic on the National Highway in regions subject to heavy snowfall,1983,7,1,81-88,Wada Highway safety issues in rural and urban environments: Verification of community perception,1998,22,2,79-85,Wadhwa Traffic safety for the aged in West Germany,1984,8,1,111-117,Warnke Grey relationship analysis on causes of road traffic accidents,1999,23,1,125-128,Wei Safety measures for elderly drivers: The situation in Germany,1996,20,1,67-74,Weinand The role of the bicycle in relation to the train,1989,13,2,23-31,Westra The low-cost short term public transportation improvements to reduce the traffic congestion in urban areas: Case study - Jakarta metropolitan area,1995,19,2,88-92,Widjajanti Palleted automated transportation - a view of developments at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1989,13,1,53-60,Wilson Influence of mobile phone use while driving: the experience in Taiwan,2001,25,2,15-19,Woo Impacts of lower speed limits in South Australia,2002,26,2,6-17,Woolley A report on the construction and opening of Kansi International Airport,1995,19,1,83-91,Yamaguchi The role of two wheeled vehicles in urban traffic -- the present situation and countermeasures of two wheeled vehicle traffic,1984,8,1,60-74,Yamakawa The role of possibilities for bicycle transportation in the post-motorization age,1994,18,1,62-75,Yamakawa Present state prospects and problems of bicycle transportation in Japan,1999,23,2,6-14,Yamakawa Toll road system and congestion pricing: a case of Japan Highway Public Corporation,1998,22,1,48-58,Yamauchi Report on national road accident analyses in the E.U. countries,1996,20,2,60-68,Golias Road accidents in Greece,1997,21,1,108-109,Golias A comparative analysis of the potential of international road accident data files,1998,22,2,111-120,Kanellaidis Safety-based capacity analysis for Chinese highways: A preliminary study,2004,28,1,47-55,Zhang Riding simulator in safe driving education -- a method to evaluate the effectiveness and the simulated fidelity of necessary functions using fuzzy relation,1993,17,1,54-71,Oguchi Subjective hazard assessment of geometric design elements in relation to accident causation,1998,22,2,86-93,Kanellaidis Cognitive and physical factors in changes to the automobile driving ability of elderly people and their mobility life: Questionnaire survey in various regions of Japan,2006,30,1,38-51,Akamatsu Publiic attitudes epidemiology and consequences of drinking and driving in British Columbia,2006,30,1,101-110,Desapriya Mobility devices for the elderly: "Silver vehicle" feasibility,2006,30,1,52-59,Kamata Applying a public participation approach to black spot identification processes,2006,30,1,73-85,Chadbunchachai A re-assessment of older drivers as a road safety risk,2006,30,1,27-37,Newstead Enhancing mobility of the elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa cities through improved public transportation,2006,30,1,60-66,Odufuwa B Some insights on roadway infrastructure design for safe elderly pedestrian travel,2006,30,1,21-26,Shankar Self-reported differences between crash-involved and non-crash-involved three-wheeler drivers in Sri Lanka,2006,30,1,68-72,Tay Trends and issues in safe driver assistance systems: Driver acceptance and assistance for elderly drivers,2006,30,2,6-18,Tsugawa Using the safe system approach to keep older drivers safely mobile,2006,30,2,97-109,Oxley Tsunami evacuation behavior analysis: One step of transportation disaster response,2006,30,2,83-96,Tanaboriboon Technological development of driving support systems based on human behavioral characteristics,2006,30,2,19-28,Doi The application of RTK-GPS and steer-by wire technology to the automatic driving of vehicles and an evaluation of driver behavior,2006,30,2,29-38,Hashimoto Stand-alone collision warning systems based on information from on-board sensors: Evaluating performance relative to system penetration rate,2006,30,2,39-47,Hasegawa Effects of nighttime nap and daytime sleep on heart rate and drowsiness in long-distance highway bus drivers,2006,30,2,78-82,Ikeda Drivers' Evaluations of the Active Accelerator Pedal in a Real Life Trial,2007,31,1,89-99,Adell Transportation and Safety in Japan: The Current State of Drive Video Recorders in Japan and the Outlook for the Future,2007,31,1,140-143,Arai Road Mortality in Europe: How Sensitive Is It to Demographic Structure and Population Dynamics?,2007,31,1,80-88,Eksler Development of an Infrastructure Coefficient By an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Its Relationship to Safety,2007,31,1,120-132,Cohen Road Accidents Profile in Taiwan,2007,31,1,138-139,Feng Physical Load Related to Highway Driving Among Disabled People,2007,31,1,100-109,Ikeda Trends of Road Accidents in Italy 1996-2005,2007,31,1,134-137,Putignano Estimation of left-turning vehicle maneuvers for the assessment of pedestrian safety at intersections,2012,36,1,66-74,Nakamura A Method for Assessing the Driving Ability of the Elderly and Thoughts on its systematization,2008,32,1,44-53,Yamamoto Decision Making Process of Traffic Calming Devices: A Comparative Study,2007,31,2,94-106,Rahman Creating a Risk-Based Network for HazMat Logistics by Route Prioritization with AHP: - Case Study: Gasoline Logistics in Rayong Thailand,2008,32,1,74-87,Sattayaprasert Motorization and Highway System Challenges in Taiwan,2007,31,2,34-41,Chang Motorization and Role of Mass Rapid Transit in East Asian Megacities,2007,31,2,6-16,Morichi Road Accidents in Great Britain Since 1985,2007,31,2,108-109,Broughton Road Safety in Greece,2007,31,2,110-111,Yannis The Compact City Approach: Environment Safety and Electric Vehicles,2008,32,1,54-59,Washino The Influence of Urban Land Use on Pedestrians Casualties - Case Study Area: Newcastle upon Tyne UK,2008,32,1,62-73,Bird Employment of ATMS Traffic Control Device Data to Assist in Identification of Crash-Prone Intersections,2008,32,1,32-43,Hwang Factors Associated With Safety of Passenger Cars,2007,31,2,84-93,Tanishita Eco-Transport Cities Utilizing ITS,2008,32,1,26-31,Morikawa Educational Methods to Change the Attitudes of Transport Planners Towards Environmentally Sustainable Transportation System in Developing Countries,2007,31,2,74-83,Nakamura Introducing the Organization of Transport Studies: Hellenic Institute of Transport: A New Era in Transport Research in Greece,2008,32,1,91-95,Tsioutras Creating More People-Friendly Urban Streets Through "Link and Place" Street Planning and Design,2008,32,1,14-25,Marshall Motorization in Indonesia and Its Impact to Traffic Accidents,2007,31,2,27-33,Soehodho Motorization Process and Management in Big Cities in China: Take Beijing as an Example,2007,31,2,42-47,Shi Passenger Car Travel Characteristics in Singapore: Analysis of Changes from 1990 to 2005,2007,31,2,48-55,Fwa Redesign of Transport Systems on Highways Streets and Avenues,2008,32,1,6-13,Oguchi Traffic Light Violation Among Motorists in Malaysia,2007,31,2,67-73,Kulanthayan Transportation and Safety in Japan: Dual Mode Vehicle (DMV) Overview,2007,31,2,114-119, A Cooperative Assistance System Between Vehicles for Elderly Drivers,2009,33,1,35-41,Tsugawa A Cross-country Comparison of Household Car Ownership: A Cohort Analysis,2009,33,2,21-38,Berri Adding a New Step With Spatial Autocorrelation to Improve the Four-Step Travel Demand Model With Feedback for a Developing City,2009,33,1,44-54,Zhang Adulterous Behavior Within the Car-Owner Couple: Some Analyses from French Panel Data on Car Rental and Car Sharing Within Households,2008,32,2,,Papon Analysis of Railway User Travel Behaviour Patterns of Different Age Groups,2009,33,1,6-17,Akiyama Considering Travel Time Reliability and Safety for Evaluation of Congestion Relief Schemes on Expressway Segments,2009,33,1,55-70,Nakamura Development of a Wide-View Visual Presentation System and Estimating Human Primary Visual Cortical Magnification by Using FMRI For Traffic Safety,2008,32,2,109-115,Wu Elderly Driving Behavior and Cognitive Functions: Analysis of License Renewal Course Data,2009,33,1,18-26,Horikawa From Speed Profile Data to Analysis of Behaviour: Classification by Pattern Recognition Techniques,2009,33,2,88-98,Laureshyn Identification of factors in road accidents through in-depth accident analysis,2008,32,2,58-67,Kanitpong Impacts of Group-Based Signal Control Policy on Driver Behavior and Intersection Safety,2008,32,2,81-94,Tang Installation Errors and Corrections in Tactile Ground Surface Indicators in Europe America Oceania and Asia,2008,32,2,68-80,Tokuda Inter-temporal Analysis of Household Car and Motorcycle Ownership Behaviors: The Case in the Nagaya Metropolitan Area of Japan 1981-2001,2009,33,2,39-53,Yamamoto Introduction of a Sectoral Approach to Transport Sector for Post-2012 Climate Regime: A Preliminary Analysis Using Marginal Abatement Cost Curves,2009,33,2,76-87,Fukuda Investigation on North American Traffic Calming Device Selection Practices,2009,33,2,105-119,Rahman Long-term and mid-term mobility decisions during the life course: Experiences with a Retrospective Survey,2008,32,2,16-33,Axhausen Measuring Uncertainty in Long-term Travel Demand Forecasting From Demographic Modelling: Case Study of the Paris and Montreal Metropolitan Areas,2009,33,2,9-20,Armoogum New Definitions of Kinetic Visual Acuity and Kinetic Visual Field and Their Aging Effects,2009,33,1,27-34,Wu Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) of Through Vehicles at Signalized Intersections in Dhaka Metropolitan City Bangladesh,2009,33,2,99-104,Islam Road Accidents in Australia,2008,32,2,122-125,Langford Road Accidents in India,2009,33,1,75-79,Dinesh Road Accidents in Korea,2008,32,2,118-121,Park Road Accidents in the Czech Republic,2009,33,1,72-74,Mikulik The Dynamics of Car Availability in EU Countries: A Comparison Based on the European Household Panel Survey,2008,32,2,44-55,Legros The Impact of Life-Course Events on Vehicle Ownership Dynamics: The Cases of France and Japan,2008,32,2,34-43,Yamamoto The Influence of Young and Male Motorist's Accidents: Factors on Motorcycle Injuries in Bali,2009,33,2,64-75,Wedagama The Optimal Duration for a Travel Survey: Empirical Observations,2009,33,2,54-61,Kitamura Quality of pedestrian flow and crosswalk width at signalized intersections,2010,34,1,35-41,Nakamura Evaluation of physical load of hand-rim wheelchair propulsion on barrier-free model courses,2010,34,1,48-54,Ikeda Improving truck safety: Potential of weigh-in-motion technology,2010,34,1,9-15,Jacob Field operational tests of Smartway in Japan,2010,34,1,31-34,Kanazawa ICT and road transportation safety in the United States: a case of "American exceptionalism",2010,34,1,1-8,L. Gifford Detailed analysis of distraction induced by in-vehicle verbal interactions on visual search performance,2010,34,1,42-47,Shinohara An investigation of factors contributing to major crash types in Japan based on naturalistic driving data,2010,34,1,22-30,Uchida Application of a driving simulator to the development of in-vehicle human-machine-interfaces,2010,34,1,16-21,Weir Motorcycle fatalities in Malaysia,2012,36,1,30-39,Várhelyi Do driver training programs reduce crashes and traffic violations? -- A critical examination of the literature,2011,34,2,63-71,Peck Education influence in traffic safety: A case study in Vietnam,2011,34,2,87-93,Viet Hung European advanced driver training programs: Reasons for optimism,2011,34,2,72-79,Washington Improving the effectiveness of road safety campaigns: Current and new practices,2011,34,2,80-86,Wegman Retrospect and prospect of "Traffic Safety Education" in Kagawa Prefecture,2011,34,2,94-102,Ihara Crash prediction model for two-lane rural highways in the Ashanti region of Ghana,2011,35,1,34-40,Ackaah Learning from traffic data collected before during and after a hurricane,2012,36,1,1-10,McNeil Meeting the management challenges of the Decade of Action for Road Safety,2012,35,2,48-55,Breen Fostering partnerships towards sustainable urban mobility from the national to local level: Matsuyama Japan and Yogyakarta Indonesia,2012,36,1,48-55,Nakamura Looking at sustainable urban mobility through a cross-assessment model within the framework of land-use and transport integration,2012,35,2,62-70,Doi The reconstruction of transportation and environmental infrastructure in rural areas,2012,36,1,24-29,Ichinose Developing sustainable transport for the next generation: The need for a multi-sector approach,2012,35,2,41-47,Jones Policy challenges of increasing automation in driving,2012,35,2,79-89,Khan Reconstruction of the Aceh Region following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster: A transportation perspective,2012,36,1,11-19,Matsumaru A preliminary proposal for urban and transportation planning in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake,2012,36,1,20-23,Morimoto Comparing the self-assessed and examiner-assessed driving skills of Japanese driving school students,2012,35,2,90-97,Nakai A new non-canonical Poisson regression model for the prediction of crashes on low-volume rural roads,2012,35,2,98-103,Polus Road traffic crashes and risk groups in India: Analysis interpretations and prevention strategies,2012,35,2,104-110,Ponnaluri Modeling road traffic fatalities in India: Smeed's law time invariance and regional specificity,2012,36,1,75-82,Ponnaluri Evaluating accessibility to Bangkok Metro Systems using multi-dimensional criteria across user groups,2012,36,1,56-65,Prasertsubpakij Social change and future transport policy in the Japanese context,2012,35,2,56-61,Sakakibara Self- and peer-assessments of ambulance drivers' driving performance,2012,36,1,40-47,Albertsson A methodology to increase driver trust in rear-obstacle warning systems with imperfect sensing results -- Proposal for a warning system using sensor reliability information,2012,35,2,71-78,Doi The link between traffic-related occurrence and annoyance,2012,35,2,111-119,Hyden Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London,2011,35,1,1-6,Browne Traffic risk behavior and perceptions of Thai motorcyclists: A case study,2011,35,1,30-33,Havanond Profile-speed data-based models to estimate operating speeds for urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit,2013,36,2,115-122,Kubota Quantifying the impact of road lighting on road safety -- A New Zealand Study,2013,36,2,139-145,Frith A real-time crash prediction model for the ramp vicinities of urban expressways,2013,37,1,68-79,Hossain Observations on the relationship between European standards for safety barrier impact severity and the degree of injury sustained,2013,37,1,21-29,Cardoso Off-road vehicle fatalities: A comparison of all-terrain vehicle and snowmobile accidents in Sweden,2013,37,1,12-15,Eriksson Short sleep duration sleep disorders and traffic accidents,2013,37,1,1-7,Komada The risk of whiplash-induced medical impairment in rear-end impacts for males and females in driver seat compared to front passenger seat,2013,37,1,8-11,Bjornstig Public private partnerships in transportation: Some insights from the European experience,2013,36,2,83-87,Medda A systematic framework for infrastructure development through public private partnerships,2013,36,2,88-97,Zhang Intelligent speed adaptation: Preliminary results of on-road study in Penang Malaysia,2013,36,2,106-114,Ghadiri Improving the efficiency of weigh in motion systems through optimized allocating truck checking oriented procedure,2013,36,2,123-128,Mahmoudabadi Mode choice models' ability to express intention to change travel behaviour considering non-compensatory rules and latent variables,2013,36,2,129-138,Morikawa Mental flexibility impairment in drivers with early Alzheimer's disease: A simulator-based study,2013,37,1,16-20,Marin-Lamellet Drivers' perceptions regarding speeding and driving on urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit,2013,37,1,30-38,Kubota Speed management strategies and drivers' attitudes in Thailand,2013,37,1,39-48,Kanitpong Efficacy of bus service reorganization utilizing a hub-and-spoke topology and DRT to meet community needs: A case study of Tokigawa town,2013,37,1,49-60,Kubota Modeling drivers' passing duration and distance in a virtual environment,2013,37,1,61-67,Farah Traffic conflict assessment for non-lane-based movements of motorcycles under congested conditions,2014,37,2,137-147,Nguyen Impacts of accident severity factors and loss values of crashes on expressways in Thailand,2014,37,2,130-136,Ratanavaraha Effectiveness of vehicle weight enforcement in a developing country using weigh-in-motion sorting system considering vehicle by-pass and enforcement capability,2014,37,2,124-129,Saifizul Characteristics of red light running violations in urban areas in Tabuk Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,2014,37,2,119-123,Al-Atawi Developing a chaotic pattern of dynamic Hazmat routing problem,2014,37,2,110-118,Mahmoudabadi Estimation method for traffic volume on residential streets,1980,4,1,74-78,Ishiguro Rear lights from the perspective of visual reaction. the close-up phenomenon of distance between vehicles at night,1980,4,1,17-29,Yoshida Social speed and its indexing,1980,4,1,3-16,Morita The aged in a society on wheels - toward a traffic science for the aged,1980,4,1,118-126,Kaneto An essay on space-semantics of landscape experience and traffic behaviour,1980,4,1,107-117,Nakamura The effect of driving experience on driver's visual attention: an analysis of objects looked at using the verbal report method,1980,4,1,95-106,Renge Man's control action and control strategy,1980,4,1,85-94,Oguchi Measures for energy savings in the transport sector,1980,4,1,42-50,Nakmura Formulation of a fuzzy behavior model in man-machine system,1978,2,1,86-97,Oguchi Role of visual perception in driving,1978,2,1,64-73,Nagayama Revised statistical report forms for traffic accidents and findings obtained from data in new survey categories,1978,2,1,127-141,Matsumoto Environmental problems and public involvement in highway planning,1978,2,1,98-107,Takeda Children as observed in traffic accidents,1978,2,1,119-126,Okamoto Various problems involved in bicycle traffic - a side view of traffic planning,1978,2,1,108-118,Yamakawa Measurement and management of performance of man-machine system,1978,2,1,74-85,Funatsu The relation between man-vehicle traffic flow and fuel consumption of automobiles,1977,1,1,91-100,Oguchi Driver behavior and opinions--an international cross cultural study,1980,4,1,34-41,Ikeda Nighttime seatbelt usage data collection: when and how long?,2015,38,2,149-156,Vasudevan Stationary tailgating in Gaborone Botswana: the influence of gender time of day type of vehicle and presence of traffic officer,2015,38,2,157-163,Monteiro Is 30 km/h a 'safe' speed? Injury severity of pedestrians struck by a vehicle and the relation to travel speed and age,2015,39,1,42-50,Kröyer Safety of children in cars: a review of biomechanical aspects and human body models,2015,38,2,92-102,Brolin Do in-car devices affect experienced users' driving performance?,2015,39,1,72-78,Brookhuis Fatal traffic accidents and forensic medicine,2014,38,1,71-76,Kibayashi The possibility of holistic safety education in Japan: from the perspective of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),2014,38,1,40-47,Kitamura A factor decomposition analysis of transportation energy consumption and related policy implications,2015,38,2,142-148,Jiang Evaluation of fatal school bus related crashes and near-term crash mitigation strategies,2015,38,2,135-141,Donoughe Why do three-wheelers carrying schoolchildren suffer very low fatal crashes?,2015,38,2,130-134,Mohan Walking to school in Scotland: do perceptions of neighbourhood quality matter?,2015,38,2,125-129,Waygood Mitigating barriers against accessible cities and transportation for child-rearing households,2015,38,2,116-124,Ohmori Safety in public spaces for children's play and learning,2015,38,2,103-115,Senda Safety of young children on motorized two-wheelers around the world: a review of the global epidemiological evidence,2015,38,2,83-91,Mohan Utilization of probe powered two-wheeler vehicles to realize a safe mobile society,2014,38,1,58-70,Sekine Role of connected mobility concept for twenty-first-century cities--Trial approach for conceptualization of connected mobility through case studies,2014,38,1,52-57,Nakamura What lessons can socioeconomic changes in Japan give to the transportation industry?,2014,38,1,48-51,Takeuchi Mobility perspective for a local city in Japan,2014,38,1,32-39,Koike Transport safety and traffic forecasting: an economist's perspective,2014,38,1,27-31,Button New prospects of transportation mobility,2014,38,1,22-26,Feng Education for older drivers in the future,2014,38,1,14-21,Keskinen The evolution of urban mobility: the interplay of academic and policy perspectives,2014,38,1,7-13,Jones The ideal form of transdisciplinary research as seen from the perspective of sustainability science considering the future development of IATSS,2014,38,1,2-6,Takeuchi Development of an onboard system to measure the on-road driving pattern for developing motorcycle driving cycle in Khon Kaen city Thailand,2015,39,1,79-85,Satiennam Coordination of horizontal and sag vertical curves on two-lane rural roads: driving simulator study,2015,39,1,51-57,Bella Determining optimal speed limits in traffic networks,2015,39,1,36-41,Hosseinlou Analyzing accidents and developing elderly driver-targeted measures based on accident and violation records,2015,39,1,26-35,Nishida Evidence-based and data-driven road safety management,2015,39,1,19-25,Berg Transportation statistics that can contribute to policies and social infrastructure development aimed at ensuring the healthy growth of cities and providing support for smooth economic activity,2015,39,1,9-18,Akimura The challenges of transportation/traffic statistics in Japan and directions for the future,2015,39,1,1-8,Kawasaki Urban traffic safety assessment: a case study of six Indian cities,2016,39,2,95-101,Mohan Overview of traffic safety aspects and design in road tunnels,2016,40,1,35-46,Bassan Corruption on the road: a case study of Russian traffic police,2016,40,1,19-25,Oleinik Achieving safe road traffic -- the experience in Japan,2016,39,2,110-116,Oguchi Comparison of fatal motor vehicle accidents at passive and active railway level crossings in Finland,2016,40,1,1-6,Laapotti Safety effectiveness of pavement design treatment at intersections: left turning vehicles and pedestrians on crosswalks,2016,40,1,47-55,Kojima Behavior of two-wheelers at limited priority uncontrolled T-intersections,2016,40,1,7-18,Patil The future of road safety: a worldwide perspective,2017,40,2,66-71,Wegman The impact of road improvements on road safety and related characteristics,2017,40,2,72-75,Gichaga Public transportation development and traffic accident prevention in Indonesia,2017,40,2,76-80,Soehodho Patterns of motorization development and next-generation mobility systems,2017,40,2,81-84,Ohta Beyond "Peak Car": a reflection on the evolution of public sentiment about the role of cars in cities,2017,40,2,85-87,Lee-Gosselin Safety impact of application of auxiliary lanes at downstream locations of Thai U-turns,2017,41,1,1-11,Brannolte Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theory,2017,41,1,12-21,Farah Determinants of long-duration commuting and long-duration commuters' perceptions and attitudes toward commuting time: evidence from Kunming China,2017,41,1,22-29,Zhao Modeling safety risk perception due to mobile phone distraction among four wheeler drivers,2017,41,1,30-37,Rajesh Effect of passing zone length on operation and safety of two-lane rural highways in Uganda,2017,41,1,38-46,Farah Analyzing the response to traffic accidents in Medellín Colombia with facility location models,2017,41,1,47-56,Castañeda Safety accessibility and sustainability: the importance of micro-scale outcomes to an equitable design of transport systems,2017,41,2,57-65,Tyler Access to urban transportation system for individuals with disabilities,2017,41,2,66-73,Sze A study on mobility improvement for intellectually disabled student commuters,2017,41,2,74-81,Nakamura Experimental observations on the optimal layout of orientation blocks for safe road crossing by the visually impaired,2017,41,2,82-88,Takahashi An exploratory study of the experiences of wheelchair users as aircraft passengers - implications for policy and practice,2017,41,2,89-93,Christie Comparative study on foreign drivers' characteristics using traffic violation and accident statistics in Japan,2017,41,2,94-105,Doi Impact of vehicle speeds and changes in mean speeds on per vehicle-kilometer traffic accident rates in Japan,2017,41,3,107-112,Van Wee Modelling loyalty and behavioural change intentions of busway passengers: a case study of Brisbane Australia,2017,41,3,113-122,Mateo-babiano Crash rates analysis in China using a spatial panel model,2017,41,3,123-128,Soro A Bayesian analysis of the impact of post-crash care on road mortality in Sub-Saharan African countries,2017,41,3,140-146,Soro Human-like motion planning model for driving in signalized intersections,2017,41,3,129-139,Iryo-Asano Demand variations and evacuation route flexibility in short-notice bus-based evacuation planning,2017,41,4,147-152,Kubota Application of proximal surrogate indicators for safety evaluation: a review of recent developments and research needs,2017,41,4,153-163,Ferreira Integration of a driving simulator and a traffic simulator case study: exploring drivers' behavior in response to variable message signs,2017,41,4,164-171,Jeihani Assessment of road safety management at institutional level in Malaysia: a case study,2017,41,4,172-181,Eusofe Switching from motorcycle taxi to walking: a case study of transit station access in Bangkok Thailand,2017,41,4,182-190,Kubota Proposed quick method for applying dynamic lane assignment at signalized intersections,2018,42,1,1-7,Ratrout Modeling wrong-way crashes and fatalities on arterials and freeways,2018,42,1,8-17,Ponnaluri Study on driver model for hybrid truck based on driving simulator experimental results,2018,42,1,18-23,Nagai Factors associated with crashes due to overcorrection or oversteering of vehicles,2018,42,1,24-29,Pulugurtha A framework for travel time variability analysis using urban traffic incident data,2018,42,1,30-38,Javid Solutions for urban traffic issues by ITS technologies,2018,42,2,49-60,Sakai Spatial econometric analysis of automobile and motorcycle traffic on Indonesian national roads and its socio-economic determinants: Is it local or beyond city boundaries?,2018,42,2,76-85,Wandani Modeling cyclists' facility choice and its application in bike lane usage forecasting,2018,42,2,86-95,Kojima Toward the mobility-oriented heterogeneous transport system based on new ICT environments - understanding from a viewpoint of the systems innovation theory,2018,42,2,40-48,Hasegawa A list of accident scenarios for three legs skewed intersections,2018,42,3,97-104,Leonardi Investigating the road safety management capacity: toward a lead agency reform,2018,42,3,105-120,Choupani Non-fatal spine injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes,2018,42,3,121-127,Mohd Faudzi A nationwide study of factors associated with household car ownership in China,2018,42,3,128-137,Polak Bicyclists' accident pattern in Northern Ghana,2018,42,3,138-142,Damsere-Derry Association of reduced visibility with crash outcomes,2018,42,3,143-151,Brimley Safety-oriented bicycling and traffic accident involvement,2018,42,3,152-162,Hoglund Traffic problems in Southeast Asia featuring the case of Cambodia's traffic accidents involving motorcycles,2018,42,4,163-170,Kitamura Empirical analysis of hazard perception and driving behaviors among high school and college students on motorcycles in Phnom Penh Cambodia,2018,42,4,171-179,Yoshida Traffic management project in Phnom Penh,2018,42,4,180-189,Matsuoka The need for building role models for motorcycle riders' education in the kingdom of Cambodia,2018,42,4,190-196,Yamaguchi A new approach to cross-sector cooperation in road safety through a comparison of policies in selected countries,2018,42,4,197-206,Doi Road characteristics and environment factors associated with motorcycle fatal crashes in Malaysia,2018,42,4,207-220,Várhelyi The public's understanding of the functionality and limitations of automatic braking in Japan,2018,42,4,221-229,Shimazaki Performance evaluation of the inside intersection median-turn lane markings on the mobility and safety performance of signalized intersections in the Philippines and Japan,2018,42,4,230-239,Nakamura Risk assessment based on driving behavior for preventing collisions with pedestrians when making across-traffic turns at intersections,2018,42,4,240-247,Shino Towards lane-level traffic monitoring in urban environment using precise probe vehicle data derived from three-dimensional map aided differential GNSS,2018,42,4,248-258,Gu Effectiveness of enforcement resources in the highway patrol in reducing fatality rates,2018,42,4,259-264,Ksaibati Factors with the greatest influence on drivers' judgment of roundabouts safety. An analysis based on web survey in Italy,2018,42,4,265-273,Leonardi Evaluating safety effectiveness of roundabouts in Abu Dhabi,2018,42,4,274-283,Dabbour Autonomous vehicle self-localization based on abstract map and multi-channel LiDAR in urban area,2019,43,1,1-13,Gu A vehicle type-based approach to model car following behaviors in simulation programs (case study: Car-motorcycle following behavior),2019,43,1,14-20,Amini Potential safety benefits of lane departure prevention technology,2019,43,1,21-26,Hudnall Micro-simulation modelling for traffic safety: a review and potential application to heterogeneous traffic environment,2019,43,1,27-36,Ferreira Crash risk factors associated with injury severity of teen drivers,2019,43,1,37-43,Pulugurtha Which factors lead to driving errors? A structural equation model analysis through a driving simulator experiment,2019,43,1,44-50,Papantoniou Extracting patterns from Twitter to promote biking,2019,43,1,51-59,Das Who uses smart card? Understanding public transport payment preference in developing contexts a case study of Manila's LRT-1,2019,43,1,60-68,Lu Analysis and prevention of traffic fatalities and injuries from the perspective of forensic medicine,2019,43,2,69-70,Kibayashi Prevention of head trauma and death in patients with head injuries: a forensic autopsy study,2019,43,2,71-74,Kibayashi An analysis of alcohol and drug intake in forensic autopsy cases of traffic fatalities,2019,43,2,75-78,Nakao Alcohol and traffic accidents in Japan,2019,43,2,79-83,Nishitani Trends of traffic fatalities and DNA analysis in traffic accident investigation,2019,43,2,84-89,Shimada Victim identification in large-scale disasters using dental findings,2019,43,2,90-96,Hajime Utsuno State of damage to and support for victims of motor vehicle accidents in Japan,2019,43,2,97-107,Tsujimura-Ito Hazard perception test development for Lithuanian drivers,2019,43,2,108-113,Lehtonen Clarifying multiple-mode decision making in conventional psychological models: a consideration of the influential mechanism of car use's characteristics on the behavioral use of public transportation,2019,43,2,114-121,Kubota The demand for public buses in sub-Saharan African cities: case studies from Maputo and Nairobi,2019,43,2,122-130,Nakamura Exploring factors contributing to injury severity at work zones considering adverse weather conditions,2019,43,3,131-138,Ahmed A video-based approach to promote safe driving among foreign visitors to Japan,2019,43,3,139-147,Doi Motorcyclists' beliefs of compliance with the Malaysian school zone speed limit (SZSL),2019,43,3,148-152,Abdul Hanan Determinants of certified motorcycle helmet use among postal delivery riders at rural areas in Peninsular Malaysia,2019,43,3,153-160,Yellappan Effectiveness of retro-reflective tape at the rear of heavy trucks to increase visibility and reduce rear-end collisions,2019,43,3,176-184,Nakatsuji A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety,2019,43,3,185-194,Papadimitriou Investigation of helmet use behavior of motorcyclists and effectiveness of enforcement campaign using CART approach,2019,43,3,195-203,Gazder MaaS trends and policy-level initiatives in the EU,2019,43,4,207-209,Sakai Mobility as a service policy planning deployments and trials in Taiwan,2019,43,4,210-218,Chen The shape of MaaS: the potential for MaaS Lite,2019,43,4,219-225,Chung Exploring the possibility of MaaS service in Thailand implications from the existing conditions and experts' opinions on "Who should be the MaaS provider in Bangkok?",2019,43,4,226-234,Narupiti Mobility as a service for road traffic safety in a high use of motorcycle environment,2019,43,4,235-241,Doi Trends in the development of autonomous vehicles and challenges for deployment in society,2019,43,4,242-243,Suganuma Deep learning-based image recognition for autonomous driving,2019,43,4,244-252,Fujiyoshi Automated driving recognition technologies for adverse weather conditions,2019,43,4,253-262,Suganuma Legal regulation of autonomous driving technology: current conditions and issues in Japan,2019,43,4,263-267,Imai Daily emotional demands on traffic crashes among taxi drivers: Fatigue and safety motivation as mediators,2019,43,4,268-276,Idris An exploratory investigation of the impact of ramp metering on driver acceleration behavior,2019,43,4,277-285,Tian Traffic safety culture of professional drivers in the State of Qatar,2019,43,4,286-296,Nakamura The evaluation of tactile ground surface indicator condition and effectiveness on the sidewalk in Yogyakarta City Indonesia,2020,44,1,1-7,Pembuain Examining the influence of network land use and demographic characteristics to estimate the number of bicycle-vehicle crashes on urban roads,2020,44,1,8-16,Pulugurtha A close examination of speed limit credibility and compliance on UK roads,2020,44,1,17-29,Carsten Evaluation of transportation alternatives for aging population in the era of self-driving vehicles,2020,44,1,30-35,Smith Determination and analysis of informal public transport stops,2020,44,1,36-54,Tiwari Pedestrian accessibility and safety around bus stops in Delhi,2020,44,1,55-66,Lassarre Traffic calming measures: an evaluation of four low-cost TCMs' effect on driving speed and lateral distance,2020,44,1,67-74,Haghighi Odds of work zone crash occurrence and getting involved in advance warning transition and activity areas by injury severity,2020,44,1,75-83,Pulugurtha Severity analysis of tree and utility pole crashes: applying fast and frugal heuristics,2020,44,2,85-93,Mitra Predicting downgrade crash frequency with the random-parameters negative binomial model: insights into the impacts of geometric variables on downgrade crashes in Wyoming,2020,44,2,94-102,Ksaibati Age effects on traffic sign comprehension,2020,44,2,103-110,Driessen Driving behavior in mixed traffic flow: a novel model for assessing bus movement considering the interaction with motorcyclists,2020,44,2,125-131,Hoang-Tung Using a surrogate safety approach to prioritize hazardous segments in a rural highway in a developing country,2020,44,2,132-141,Ferreira A review of behavioural issues contribution to motorcycle safety,2020,44,2,142-154,Kassim Factors affecting lane change crashes,2020,44,2,155-161,Shawky Car drivers' road safety performance: a benchmark across 32 countries,2020,44,3,166-179,Vanlaar Socio-cognitive factors in road safety monitoring - cross-national comparison of driving under the influence of alcohol drugs or medication,2020,44,3,180-187,Meesmann Impaired driving due to alcohol or drugs: international differences and determinants based on E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes first-wave results in 32 countries,2020,44,3,188-196,Goldenbeld The association between national culture road safety performance and support for policy measures,2020,44,3,197-211,Christie Age and road safety performance: focusing on elderly and young drivers,2020,44,3,212-219,Mayhew Vulnerable road users: cross-cultural perspectives on performance and attitudes,2020,44,3,220-229,Buttler Assessment of the effectiveness of connected vehicle weather and work zone warnings in improving truck driver safety,2020,44,3,230-237,Ahmed Effect of attitudes towards traffic safety and risk perceptions on pedestrian behaviours in Vietnam,2020,44,3,238-247,Stanton Extremely serious crashes on urban roadway networks: patterns and trends,2020,44,3,248-252,Das The Ws of Maas: understanding Mobility as a Service from a literature review,2020,44,3,253-263,Arias-Molinares The impact of the existence of the volunteer on handling the waiting time at unsignalized intersection in Yogyakarta Indonesia,2020,44,4,265-271,Munawar Driver behavior at Kuwait roundabouts and its performance evaluation,2020,44,4,272-284,Alkheder Comparing the efficiency of different computation intelligence techniques in predicting accident frequency,2020,44,4,285-292,Nadimi Attitude toward physical activity as a determinant of bus use intention: a case study in Asuke Japan,2020,44,4,293-299,Morikawa Automated vehicle collisions in California: applying Bayesian latent class model,2020,44,4,300-308,Tsapakis Challenges of localizing mobility SDGs in Indian cities [editorial],2021,45,1,1-2,Mohan Challenges of localizing sustainable development goals in small cities: research to action,2021,45,1,3-11,Tiwari Future of road safety and SDG 3.6 goals in six Indian cities,2021,45,1,12-18,Mohan Development of public transport systems in small cities: a roadmap for achieving sustainable development goal indicator 11.2,2021,45,1,31-38,Tiwari Reimagining safer school streets with children using the crosswalk program,2021,45,1,39-48,Varma Developing the logical cross-sectoral framework of local SDGs project targeting safety and sustainability,2021,45,1,49-59,Doi Inclusion of speed and weather measures in safety performance functions for rural roadways,2021,45,1,60-69,Fitzpatrick Developing a safer road user behaviour index,2021,45,1,70-78,Evdorides Using on-board video data for safety analysis - an analysis of right hook crashes involving large buses at signalized intersections,2021,45,1,79-86,Wu Exploring pedestrian surrogate safety measures by road geometry at midblock crosswalks: a perspective under mixed traffic conditions,2021,45,1,87-101,Pulugurtha Exploring ways to determine an alternative strategic road network in a metropolitan city: a multi-criteria analysis approach,2021,45,1,102-115,Tsigdinos Behavioral factors of motorcyclists in right-turn movements at unsignalized intersections: an insight from Yogyakarta Indonesia,2021,45,1,116-122,Munawar An optimization model to determine an appropriate budget for improving work zone safety,2021,45,1,123-130,Saha Measure of productivity loss due to road traffic accidents in Thailand,2021,45,1,131-136,Permpoonwiwat Normal and risky driving patterns identification in clear and rainy weather on freeway segments using vehicle kinematics trajectories and time series cluster analysis,2021,45,1,137-152,Ahmed Quantification of surrogate safety measure to predict severity of road crashes at median openings,2021,45,1,153-159,Mohanty Impacts of freeway speed limit on operation speed of adjacent arterial roads,2021,45,2,161-168,Kwigizile The 'safety in density' effect for cyclists and motor vehicles in Scandinavia: an observational study,2021,45,2,169-175,Laureshyn Safety of child passengers  who ride to school on a motorcycle: an observational study in two Argentine cities,2021,45,2,176-181,Poó Objective evaluation study on the shortest time interval from fire department departure to hospital arrival in emergency medical services using a global positioning system ― potential for time savings during ambulance running,2021,45,2,182-189,Moriya Evaluating the effectiveness of a smartphone speed limit advisory application: an on-road study in Port-Harcourt Nigeria,2021,45,2,190-197,Merat Investigating characteristics of cellphone distraction with significance tests and association rule mining,2021,45,2,198-209,Sun Assessing the effect of inattention-related error and anger in driving on road accidents among Iranian heavy vehicle drivers,2021,45,2,210-217,Naderi The effect of situation awareness on driving performance in young sleep-deprived drivers,2021,45,2,218-225,Wijayanto The development of safe riding guidelines for young riders - a case study of Phu Yen Vietnam,2021,45,2,226-233,Minh Evaluating the effects of external factors on pedestrian violations at signalized intersections (a case study of Mashhad Iran),2021,45,2,234-240,Ayati A mechanism to enhance bicycle conspicuity and visibility and increase detection distances: new insights into bicycle safety,2021,45,2,241-250,Abdur Factors associated with the red-light running behavior characteristics of motorcyclists,2021,45,2,251-257,Satiennam How do Dutch drivers perceive horizontal curves on freeway interchanges and which cues influence their speed choice?,2021,45,2,258-266,Farah The travel behaviour of ride-sourcing users and their perception of the usefulness of ride-sourcing based on the users' previous modes of transport: a case study in Bandung City Indonesia,2021,45,2,267-276,Joewono Using machine leaning techniques for evaluation of motorcycle injury severity,2021,45,3,277-285,Ksaibati Is vehicle ownership in urban india influenced by the availability of high quality dedicated public transit systems?,2021,45,3,286-292,Vasudevan Socio-economic costs of road crashes in middle-income countries: applying a hybrid approach to Kazakhstan,2021,45,3,293-302,Wijnen Modeling two-way stop-controlled intersection crashes with zero-inflated models on Louisiana rural two-lane highways,2021,45,3,303-309,Sun Applying interpretable machine learning to classify tree and utility pole related crash injury types,2021,45,3,310-316,Das Road accidents in Spain: are they persistent?,2021,45,3,317-325,Gil-Alana Investigation of safety attitude on passenger vehicle type choice: an integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) approach,2021,45,3,336-346,Mohammadi Safety performance functions for low-volume rural minor collector two-lane roadways,2021,45,3,347-356,Khodadadi Understanding the socioeconomic characteristics of paratransit drivers and their perceptions toward electric three-wheeled rickshaws in Delhi India,2021,45,3,357-370,Ranjan Evaluating delivery of cycling activity and training programmes for disabled people in the UK,2021,45,3,371-381,Fujiyama What predicts the number of attempts to pass the driving test? A case from Norwegian driving education model,2021,45,3,382-388,Şimşekoğlu New local design in the new normal: sustainable city for outbreak risk,2021,45,4,395-404,Doi Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence traffic fatalities in 2020? A presentation of first findings,2021,45,4,469-484,Wegman Effects of the autonomous vehicle crashes on public perception of the technology,2021,45,4,485-492,Hudnall Influence of segment length on the fitness of multivariate crash prediction models applied to a Brazilian multilane highway,2021,45,4,493-502,Ferreira Risk management assessment of mobile crowds: the case of the Black Nazarene procession in Manila Philippines,2021,45,4,503-512,Fillone The effect of motorcycle safety campaign on helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,45,4,513-520,Sullman Macroscopic analysis on the frequency and severity of pedestrian crashes on National Roads in Metro Manila Philippines,2021,45,4,521-529,Iryo-Asano Self-reported likely behaviour of rail passengers during an emergency evacuation-a case study of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia,2021,45,4,530-538,Dias Accounting for human-related unobserved heterogeneity in the safety performance of connected vehicles: an incorporation of Bayesian hierarchical negative binomial into simulated work zone warning application,2021,45,4,539-550,Ahmed Development of E-rickshaw driving cycle (ERDC) based on micro-trip segments using random selection and K-means clustering techniques,2021,45,4,551-560,Pawar Investigating fatal and injury crash patterns of teen drivers with unsupervised learning algorithms,2021,45,4,561-573,Sun Trip characteristics impact on the frequency of harsh events recorded via smartphone sensors,2021,45,4,574-583,Yannis Assessment of distracted pedestrian crossing behavior at midblock crosswalks,2021,45,4,584-593,Mohammed Defining suitable Safe System projects: the experience of the SaferAfrica project in five African countries,2021,45,4,594-601,Persia Review of traffic safety evaluation at T-intersections using surrogate safety measures in developing countries context,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kadali Sampling bias and weight factors for in-depth motorcycle crash data in Thailand,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kanitpong Road traffic conditions in Kenya: exploring the policies and traffic cultures from unstructured user-generated data using NLP,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matsushita Study of exit choice behaviour in metro station using partial immersive virtual reality,2022,46,2,290-296,Tiwari Factors influencing crash involvement during early years of owning a new vehicle,2022,46,2,297-305,Pulugurtha Modeling effects of driver safety attitudes on traffic violations in China using the theory of planned behavior,2022,46,1,63-72,Nakamura A multi-country survey for collecting and analyzing facts related to road traffic safety: legislation enforcement and education for safer drivers,2022,46,1,14-25,Mussone An analysis of motorcyclists' injury severities in work-zone crashes with unobserved heterogeneity,2022,46,2,281-289,Islam Pedestrian injury outcomes in the developing urban metropolis: econometric models for assessing risk factors,2022,46,2,269-280,Hoque Effectiveness evaluation on cross-sector collaborative education programs for traffic safety toward sustainable motorcycle culture in Vietnam,2022,46,2,258-268,Doi Safety evaluation of unsignalized and signalized restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersections in rural and suburban areas based on prior control type,2022,46,2,247-257,Pulugurtha Driver behaviour modelling of vehicles at signalized intersection with heterogeneous traffic,2022,46,2,236-246,Rao International analysis on social and personal determinants of traffic violations and accidents employing logistic regression with elastic net regularization,2022,46,1,36-45,Nakamura Mining of the association rules between driver electrodermal activity and speed variation in different road intersections,2022,46,2,200-213,Boer Traffic safety culture of drivers in Canada: implications for new traffic law implementation to enhance traffic safety,2022,46,1,82-92,Mehran Speed choice and speeding behavior on Indonesian highways: extending the theory of planned behavior,2022,46,2,193-199,Wijayanto International and intercultural differences in arguments used against road safety policy measures,2022,46,1,46-62,Christie Factors affecting severity of motorcycle accidents on Thailand's arterial roads: multiple correspondence analysis and ordered logistics regression approaches,2022,46,1,101-111,Jomnonkwao Modeling phone use prevalence and risk assessment among long-haul truck drivers in India,2022,46,1,112-121,Shankar A conceptual framework for road traffic safety considering differences in traffic culture through international comparison,2022,46,1,3-13,Morimoto Investigating the attitudes of Egyptian drivers toward traffic safety,2022,46,1,73-81,Nakamura Safe System in road safety public policy: a case study from Victoria Australia,2022,46,2,171-180,Oxley Study on influence of walking experience on traffic safety attitudes and values among foreign residents in Japan,2022,46,2,161-170,Doi A novel deep ensemble based approach to detect crashes using sequential traffic data,2022,46,1,122-129,Mohammadian Traffic climate scale: comparing samples from Turkey and Sweden,2022,46,1,130-137,Özkan An international comparative study on driving attitudes and behaviors based on questionnaire surveys,2022,46,1,26-35,Nakamura Contribution of traffic behavior surveys for monitoring safety performance indicators in Germany: case of mobile phone use while driving,2022,46,1,93-100,Gehlert An experimental study on errors regarding the driving behavior of young males caused by temporal urgency on open roads: a Bayesian estimation,2022,46,1,147-153,Renge Investigating performance of a novel safety measure for assessing potential rear-end collisions: an insight representing a scenario in developing nation,2022,46,1,138-146,Easa Characterizing future crashes on Indian roads using counterfactual simulations of pre-crash vehicle safety technologies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davidsson Evaluating the correlation between risky riding behaviour and self-reported crashes in India: minimizing unobserved heterogeneity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kathuria Modeling the accuracy of traffic crash prediction models,2022,46,3,345-352,Samimi Behavioral aspects of safety culture: identification of critical safety-related behaviors of motorcyclists in Indonesia's urban areas via the application of behavioral-based safety programs,2022,46,3,353-369,Itoh Validation of the Driver's Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) in a sample of professional drivers in Iran,2022,46,3,370-379,Sullman Using an integrated model of TPB and TAM to analyze the pandemic impacts on the intention to use bicycles in the post-COVID-19 period,2022,46,3,380-387,Priyanto Using logistic regression and point-biserial correlation an investigation of pedestrian violations and their opportunities to cross at signalized intersections,2022,46,3,388-397,Bargegol Cycling in sub-Saharan African cities: differences and similarities with developed world cities,2022,46,3,398-410,Monzon Exclusive motorcycle lanes: a systematic review,2022,46,3,411-426,Kathuria Strategic planning support for road safety measures based on accident data mining,2022,46,3,427-440,Meißner Assessing the color status and daylight chromaticity of road signs through machine learning approaches,2023,47,3,305-317,Fleyeh Crash severity analysis of single-vehicle rollover crashes in Namibia: a mixed logit approach,2023,47,3,318-324,Jones Using geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) for pedestrian crash severity modeling: exploring spatially varying relationships with natural and built environment factors,2023,47,3,325-334,Khan Paratransit service quality modeling reflecting users' perception-a case study in Dhaka Bangladesh,2023,47,3,335-348,Rahman Identification of road traffic crashes hotspots on an intercity expressway in India using geospatial techniques,2023,47,3,349-356,Tiwari Investigating two-wheelers risk factors for severe crashes using an interpretable machine learning approach and SHAP analysis,2023,47,3,357-371,Kashifi Impact analysis of road infrastructure and traffic control on severity of pedestrian-vehicle crashes at intersections and non-intersections using bias-reduced logistic regression,2023,47,2,233-239,Tanishita Multivariate analysis of following and filtering manoeuvres of motorized two wheelers in mixed traffic conditions,2023,47,2,121-133,Vedagiri Predicting child occupant crash injury severity in the United Arab Emirates using machine learning models for imbalanced dataset,2023,47,2,134-159,Abdulazeez Evaluating perceived safety of autonomous vehicle: the influence of privacy and cybersecurity to cognitive and emotional safety,2023,47,2,160-170,Prasetio The impact of perceived safety weather condition and convenience on motorcycle helmet use: the mediating role of traffic law enforcement and road safety education,2023,47,2,204-213,Akuh Exploring association of contributing factors to pedestrian fatal and severe injury crashes under dark-no-streetlight condition,2023,47,2,214-224,Sun Contribution to the analysis of driver behavioral deviations leading to road crashes at work,2023,47,2,225-232,Yamina Psychosocial work factors road traffic accidents and risky driving behaviours in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review,2023,47,2,240-250,Sarfo Day-to-night image translation via transfer learning to keep semantic information for driving simulator,2023,47,2,251-262,Kamijo Model of encroachment into opposite lanes in horizontal curves of rural roads,2023,47,2,277-285,Boroujerdian Safety evaluation of centerline rumble strips on rural two-lane undivided highways: application of intervention time series analysis,2023,47,2,286-298,Sun Association between daytime sleepiness and motor vehicle accidents among Japanese male taxi drivers,2023,47,2,299-304,Tanigawa Do mobile phone addiction boredom proneness and self-reported mindfulness predict pedestrian beliefs on distracted walking?,2023,47,3,372-381,Velaga Modelling crash severity outcomes for low speed urban roads using back propagation - artificial neural network (BP - ANN) - a case study in Indian context,2023,47,3,382-400,Bandyopadhyaya Pedestrian delay models for compliant & non-compliant behaviour at signalized midblock crosswalks under mixed traffic conditions,2023,47,3,401-415,Jain GIS-based identification and analysis of suitable evacuation areas and routes in flood-prone zones of Nakhon Si Thammarat municipality,2023,47,3,416-431,Fukuda How will Iranian behave in accepting autonomous vehicles? Studying moderating effect on autonomous vehicle acceptance model (AVAM),2023,47,4,433-446,Naderi Analysis of primary-party traffic accident rates per driver in Japan from 1995 to 2015: do older drivers cause more accidents?,2023,47,4,447-454,Ishikawa Estimating injury severity for motorized and non-motorized vehicle-involved crashes: insights from random-parameter ordered probit model with heterogeneity in means and variances,2023,47,4,455-467,Atombo TRAMON: an automated traffic monitoring system for high density mixed and lane-free traffic,2023,47,4,468-481,Tan A survey on public acceptance of automated vehicles across COVID-19 pandemic periods in China,2023,47,4,482-490,Li Development and evaluation of a Bayesian network model for preventing distracted driving,2023,47,4,491-498,Jeihani Perceptions towards autonomous vehicle acceptance: information mining from self-organizing maps and random forests,2023,47,4,499-513,Yannis Risk assessment of pedestrian red-light violation behavior using surrogate safety measures: influence of human road vehicle and environmental factors,2023,47,4,514-525,Das Receptiveness angle: a new surrogate safety measure for monitoring traffic safety,2023,47,4,526-534,Easa Empirical evaluation of change in crash risk due to lane marking reallocation: a case study in Kochi City Japan,2023,47,4,535-544,Nishiuchi Examining the effect of vehicle type on right-turn crossing conflicts of minor road traffic at unsignalized T-intersections,2023,47,4,545-556,Kadali Analysis of trip frequency choice of commute trips in the context of COVID-19 in India: a hybrid choice modelling approach with generalized ordered logit kernel,2023,47,4,557-565,Rahul Developing rear-end and side-swipe conflict prediction models for urban signalized intersections under disordered traffic conditions,2024,48,1,1-13,Vedagiri Capacity drop at the bus stop on multilane divided urban roads under mixed traffic conditions,2024,48,1,14-26,Mehar Prevalence of and intent behind motorcyclists' violations at railway crossings in Indonesia: modeling behavior and learning lessons from a developing country,2024,48,1,27-39,Widyanti An optimisation model to locate level crossings in railway lines at mines to minimise the total weighted-walked distance,2024,48,1,40-54,Santander-Mercado A comparative study of road traffic violation between Thai and Japanese teenagers,2024,48,1,55-67,Choocharukul A bibliometric analysis of motorcycle studies in Asia: From 1971 to 2022,2024,48,1,68-83,Maitra What is the purpose? Practitioners' perspectives of the Safe System approach to road safety in Australia,2024,48,1,84-99,Oxley An investigation into drivers' yielding behaviour at marked uncontrolled pedestrian crossings in Ghana,2024,48,1,100-107,Sogbe Estimating impact of pavement surface condition and geometrics design on two-wheeler run-off road crashes on horizontal curves,2024,48,1,108-119,Jain Parking areas that support comfort and safety in urban pedestrian environments,2024,48,2,121-128,Kishii History and prospects of traffic enforcement for traffic safety in Japan,2024,48,2,129-135,Morimoto Exploring the effect of mountainous terrain on weather-related crashes,2024,48,2,136-146,Pulugurtha Assessing distracted driving crash severities at New York City urban roads: a temporal analysis using random parameters logit model,2024,48,2,147-157,Aghabayk Interdisciplinary research on the dissemination and promotion of screening for sleep-related breathing disorders for traffic safety in Japan,2024,48,2,158-162,Tanigawa A review on following behavioral models: regular to connected autonomous vehicle heterogeneity,2024,48,2,163-179,Raihan An investigation of traffic speed distributions for uninterrupted flow at blackspot locations in a mixed traffic environment,2024,48,2,180-188,Kumar Contribution of the IATSS research projects to disseminating modern roundabouts in Japan,2024,48,2,189-199,Nakamura Assessing public perception of car automation in Iran: acceptance and willingness to pay for adaptive cruise control,2024,48,2,200-208,Sahebi Efforts for social implementation of disaster mitigation system using probe motorcycles,2024,48,2,209-223,Sekine Toward school route vision zero,2024,48,2,224-229,Kojima Impact of COVID-19 on road crashes in Thailand,2024,48,2,230-244,Kanitpong Calibration and development of safety performance functions for two-way stop-control intersections on rural two-lane highways in Louisiana,2024,48,2,245-253,Sun Research on safety measures with a focus on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of bicycle users from children to senior citizens,2024,48,2,254-260,Renge Exploring interacting effects of risk factors on run-off-road crash severity: an interpretable machine learning model joint with latent class clustering,2024,48,2,261-274,Aghabayk