Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Developing Health-Based Pre-Planning Clearance Goals for Airport Remediation Following Chemical Terrorist Attack: Introduction and Key Assessment Considerations,2011,17,1,2-56,Watson Developing Health-Based Pre-Planning Clearance Goals for Airport Remediation Following a Chemical Terrorist Attack: Decision Criteria for Multipathway Exposure Routes,2011,17,1,57-121,Watson Commentary on Watson et al.'s Articles on Airport Remediation Following a Chemical Terrorist Attack,2011,17,1,122-123,Callahan Comments on Airport Remediation Following a Chemical Terrorist Attack Articles,2011,17,1,124,Doull Societal Risk Perception in Present Day Russia,2009,15,2,388-400,Mullet Group decisions for the emergency response process: a case of a high-speed railway accident in China,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu Quantitative ecological risk assessment of industrial accidents: the case of oil ship transportation in the coastal tropical area of northeastern Brazil,2013,19,6,1457-1476,Droguett The shift-work accident rate is more related to the shift type than to shift rotation,2013,19,6,1586-1594,Skene Environmental risk assessment of dams by using multi-criteria decision-making methods: A case study of the Polrood Dam Guilan Province Iran,2014,20,1,69-85,Ali In pursuit of safety: One-hundred years of toxicological risk assessment,2014,20,1,3-28,Rodricks Evaluation of industrial-accidents management performance in China,2014,20,2,537-558,Wei Subsistence Exposure Scenarios for Tribal Applications,2012,18,4,810-831,Harding Factors causing victims of wildland fires in Spain (1980-2010),2015,21,1,67-80,Cardil Content analysis of printed news media related to drowning incidents in Turkey,2014,21,4,1050-1061,Işik Objective and perceived risk estimates of travel modes in the Norwegian public,2013,19,6,1664-1681,Rundmo Exposure assessment of tractor-related tasks presenting potential overturn hazards on catfish farms in Mississippi USA,2013,19,4,959-971,Myers Risk factors associated with hand tractor related injuries among rice farmers in Thailand,2022,28,1,43-57,Kongtip The Effects of Environmental Risk Factors on City Life Cycle: A Link Analysis,2015,21,5,1379-1394,Isikli