Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Empowering school students in developing strategies to increase bicycle helmet wearing,1992,7,4,555-566,Stevenson Behavioral and social sciences theories and models: are they used in unintentional injury prevention research?,2005,,,,Gielen How useful are home safety behaviours for predicting childhood injury? A cohort study,2005,,,,Watson Injury prevention training: is it effective,1998,13,1,47-56,Marsh Accidental injury: a neglected area within Primary Care Groups and Trusts?,2003,18,3,380-388,Coupland Crutches confetti or useful tools? Professionals' views on and use of health education leaflets,1993,8,2,205-215,Smith Tackling children's road safety through edutainment: an evaluation of effectiveness,2003,18,4,493-505,Zeedyk Development and evaluation of a mass media Theory of Planned Behaviour intervention to reduce speeding,2005,20,1,36-50,Stead The Citizenship Safety Project: a pilot study,2005,21,1,87-96,Frederick Quality of research on community partnerships: developing the evidence base,2005,21,2,175-180,El Ansari Young adolescents' intention to use seat belts: the role of attitudinal and normative beliefs,1994,9,2,215-223,Thuen Older people's views of advice about falls prevention: a qualitative study,2006,21,4,508-517,Yardley Student-school bonding and adolescent problem behavior,1999,14,1,99-107,Saylor Descriptors and accounts of alcohol consumption: methodological issues piloted with female undergraduate drinkers in Scotland,2006,22,1,27-36,Gill Understanding pedestrians' road crossing decisions: an application of the theory of planned behaviour,1998,13,4,481-489,Evans Social deprivation and the prevention of unintentional injury in childhood: a systematic review,2002,17,2,221-237,Dowswell Psychosocial correlates of health-compromising behaviors among adolescents,1997,12,1,37-52,Resnick Sport activity in adolescence: associations with health perceptions and experimental behaviours,1999,14,2,225-233,Michaud Awareness of child sexual abuse prevention education among parents of Grade 3 elementary school pupils in Fuxin City China,2005,20,5,540-547,Chen Follow-up study of a school-based scalds prevention programme,2004,19,4,430-439,Harre Predicting adolescent pedestrians' road-crossing intentions: An application and extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour,2003,18,3,267-277,Evans Is optimistic bias influenced by control or delay?,2001,16,5,533-540,Clarke School policies and binge drinking behaviours of school-aged children in Wales a multilevel analysis,2007,23,2,259-271,Anderson 'Binge drinking? It's good it's harmless fun': a discourse analysis of accounts of female undergraduate drinking in Scotland,2007,22,6,895-906,Gill Storage of household firearms: an examination of the attitudes and beliefs of married women with children,2007,23,4,592-602,Johnson Psychosocial and environmental factors associated with cycling for transport among a working population,2008,23,4,697-708,De Bourdeaudhuij Young people and mental health: novel methods for systematic review of research on barriers and facilitators,2008,23,5,770-790,Shepherd The recent dramatic decline in road mortality in France: how drivers' attitudes towards road traffic safety changed between 2001 and 2004 in the GAZEL cohort,2008,23,5,848-858,Salmi Does targeting injury prevention towards families in disadvantaged areas reduce inequalities in safety practices?,2009,24,1,32-41,Watson Home and child safety on reality television,2009,24,1,49-53,Manganello A review of similarities between domain-specific determinants of four health behaviors among adolescents,2009,24,2,198-223,Peters Youths carrying a weapon or using a weapon in a fight: what makes the difference?,2009,24,2,270-279,Michaud There's alcohol in my soap: portrayal and effects of alcohol use in a popular television series,2009,24,3,421-429,van Hoof Social and emotional training in Swedish schools for the promotion of mental health: an effectiveness study of 5 years of intervention,2008,23,6,931-940,Bremberg A process evaluation of an injury prevention school-based programme for adolescents,2009,24,3,507-519,Sheehan Factors associated with children being driven to school: implications for walk to school programs,2008,23,2,325-334,Merom Understanding the role of self-identity in habitual risky behaviours: Pedestrian road-crossing decisions across the lifespan,2009,24,4,674-685,Cooke Policies related to active transport to and from school: a multisite case study,2008,23,6,963-975,Brownson Bystanding an abused child: testing the applicability of the stages of change construct,2007,22,1,128-138,Kremers Investigating Hispanic adolescent involvement with alcohol: a focus group interview approach,1993,8,2,151-158,Beck Prevention of home related injuries of pre-school children: safety measures taken by mothers,1993,8,2,217-231,Wortel Scales for assessing perceptions of health hazard susceptibility,1993,8,2,181-192,Weinstein Outcome evaluation of a multi-component violence-prevention program for middle schools: the Students for Peace project,2000,15,1,45-58,Murray Individual social environmental and physical environmental barriers to achieving 10 000 steps per day among older women,2010,25,3,478-488,McAuley Discotheques and the risk of hearing loss among youth: risky listening behavior and its psychosocial correlates,2010,25,5,737-747,Brug School functioning and violent behavior among young adolescents: a contextual analysis,2003,18,3,389-403,Perry Lay beliefs about the preventability of major health conditions,1999,14,3,315-325,Bauman Indigenous Austalians and physical activity: using a social-ecological model to review the literature,2010,25,3,498-509,Nelson Evaluating the impact of conflict resolution on urban children's violence-related attitudes and behaviors in New Haven Connecticut through a community-academic partnership,2010,25,5,757-768,Groce How young Europeans sleep,1993,8,1,69-80,Kannas Background conceptualization and design of a community-wide research program on adolescent alcohol use: Project Northland,1993,8,1,125-136,Wagenaar 'You think you know? ... 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